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STAT TAT IEMOR,Q0gL"eO r Re 2005/07/22: CIA R# P8fl P5ROSO 300070024-9 did mention the 6% in a Congressional briefing- Could you have someone give'us a brief rundown on this? Seems possible that the DCI but wouldn't he have been talking about total f" energy consumption? Is there an unclassified :record of what he said? We'd appreciate'a' Approved For Release 2005/07/22 CIA-RDP80B01495R000300070024-9 STAT Approved For Release 2005/07/22 : CIA-RDP80BO1495R000300070024-9 Approved For Release 2005/07/22 : CIA-RDP80BO1495R000300070024-9 Approved For Release /07 : CI/+-RDR80B04495R000300070024-9 William P. Cheshire Editorial Director TELEPHONE (919) 82E3-2511 P.O. DOX 12000 T V 2619 WESTERN BOULEVARD RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27605 October 14, 1974 The Central Intelligence Agency Administrative Offices McLean, Virginia Gentlemen: We invite your attention to the attached copy of an editorial (no. 3111) telecast by this station on 10/10/74 at 6:20PM and on 10/11/74 at 6:55AM. We hereby offer our facilities to you for response to any statements contained therein to which you may wish to present an opposing view. We will be glad to hear from you in this connection. Sincerely, L W~ ~.I am P. Cheshire WPC/br Enclosure Approved For Release 2005/07/22 : CIA-RDP80BO1495R000300070024-9 An Editorial Expression of the Voice of Free Enterprise # 3111-10/10/74 It's a curious thing. A year ago, various "experts" were assuring Congress and the public that the Arabs,,rquld be safely ignored while we rushed to the side of Israel, because the A'? boil we used amounted to barely a drop in the oce.a-n` Testifying last./year at the height of the Arlie-Israeli war, the head _.of --the.... U.__S._ ..Central. Intelligence Agency assured Congress that Arab oil accounted for only about 5 or 6 percent of what we used. Newsweek rnagazin in a widely noted cover article last September,.--]aUt the Arab contribution How things. have cha`P g :-- + has elapsed, and the new word from on high is that Arab oil prices are to blame for inflation.n order to survive, we are told, 0anerica may have to declare war against the whole Middle East, minus Israel; which has no oil. It's nonsense. Now, to recognize that it's nonsense is not to argue for slinging ourselves at the feet of King Faisal. It's to argue for keeping our wits,, so as not to be taken in by clever propaganda. Take alarmist reports that the price of oil has quadrupled. There's some justification .for complaint. Mideast oil is priced too 5h_igh. But for years, the oil companies got Mideast oil at a steal. It was possible to ship,oil halfway around the world from the Persian Gulf and still sell it for less than oil from Texas. So when it's said that the price has quadrupled, one needs to keep in mind the old skinflint price of $2 a barrel. Because they've raised prices, the oil producers are prospering. But the question should not be whether they are prospering. (It's scarcely sporting of us to wish they weren't.) The question should be whether we are getting gouged and whether the gouging is so horrendous that we should seriously contemplate World War III. The answer is no; we should contemplate no such thing-. To toy with the notion that we should -- and to toy with it at the very highest level -- is dangerous to the point of recklessness. Yet top American officials are reported in Newsweek and elsewhere to have under consideration wild schemes ranging from assassinating oil sheiks- to sending airborne troops to the Persian Gulf. This station's editorials are solely the responsibility of the owners and are voiced by our Editorial Director, William P. Cheshire, after an editorial board has agreed upon their contents. -,plpF V"rFbOReleasfat2O?6 OJ7$2QhicOPOOBO4495R6fl0,y, Inc. (Operator of WRAL-TV, WRAL-FM, and Tobacco Radio Network, inc,J Approved For Re ase 2005/07/22 : CIA-RDP80BO1495R000300070024-9 It verges on insanity. Exactly what we don't need is scene hare-brain, Tong war. What we do need is a policy that makes friends among the oil producers -- the kind of policy we have followed, somewhat jerkily, for the past several months. In terms of getting oil at a negotiated price, no other policy makes sense. Viewpoint # 3111 ............................................October 10, "?V IEAppravegd-iForRelease-2CMO : ilAwRIDPOSBOT495RO 3800 24L~9? VOECEU EY W21-LIAM P. CHESHIRE, EDIT: AL :TOR OF THIS COMPANY. DISSENTING OPINION IS `WELCOVE. WHEN tier. fl 4(i, PLEASE STATE CLEARLY a ND ADDRESS, AND INDICATE YOUR WILLING`., ES FOR YOUR EY. RE&StON TO LLE USED Approved For Release 2005/07/22 : CIA-RDP80B0M95R000300070024-9 +J.. C ~ 4 2070/a C ' ^7 2 v our t-Tonorabie Dante B. Fascell, Chairman Subcommittee on inter-Aiaericaa: Affaira Committee on Foreign Aff:.irs I-louse of Representatives Waehington, D. C. 20515 Dear Mir. Chairman: In response to your letter of 20 Se te..."aer 197r co..cer.:ir.' the transcript of 11 October 1973 hearing before the Subcoi_r~aittce oi-l Inter..American Affairs, I respectfully rewest thaw lie m.las iiica ion. of the transcript be maintained. As you noted at the beginning of the hearing, the ::-le< `ing with the Subcommittee was the result of a pa for arrangement and .gr em nt with you and Chairman Morgan. Among the matter s of agr C .iient was the fact that the meeting would be in executive iab:s a on and ~Juvn the clear understanding on my part that the matters fii~cassecl e6i csin would not be released for publication. As you knew, I want to cooperate with the Foreign Ai airs Committee to the maximum extent, but that cooperation is use 16c olasFd on some areas of mutual understanding? in that spirit i \vc'-1d hope that the COi-ximittoe will appreciate that most of my briefings W.-ill !-lave to remain classified despite disclosures OA aiformation :road !nose ilearings or speculation that, may appear :la the prose with respect to the material covered. ' Si:nCerviy, W. E. Colby ~i ector Approved For Release 2005/07/22 : CIA-RDP80B01495R000300070024-9 Distribution: Approved For Release 2005/07/22 : CIA-RDP80B01495R000300070024-9 MEMORANDUM FOR: Me~,.rs. Pry/Wa,1 I have a vague recollection that the 6% figure referred to in the attached editorial represented the Arab-imports component of our total energy consumption, not of our oil con- sumption. The DCI may well have testified to that effect. Shoul,, for the back- ground on this? es & No Yise its right ex to reply, but if Colby has been misquoted and if there's some public record to demonstrate it (Congressional Record?), the TV station might be so informed. (DATE) FORM MAY FORM USED. AUGN 54 to l WHICH REPLACES Approved For Release 2005/07/22 : CIA-RDP80B01495R000300070024-9 UNCLASSIFIED when blank pPp pyalRaW egOg5WP22retGMuRi 90WQ OQ RET when filled in form is detached from controlled document. CONTROL AND COVER SHEET FOR TOP SECRET DOCUMENT DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION REGISTRY Source .DO- CIA Control No. Trip?0s792 Doc. No. -- Date Document Received Doc. Date Copy No. / Logged By Number of Pages 4 Number of Attachments ATTENTION: This form will be placed on top of and attached to each Top Secret document received by the Central Intelligence Agency or classi- fied Top Secret within the CIA and will remain attached to the document until such time as it is downgraded, destroyed, or transmitted outside of CIA. 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