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Approved For Release 2009/07/21 : CIA-RDP80T00246AO07500560002-6 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Denied Iq Approved For Release 2009/07/21 : CIA-RDP80T00246AO07500560002-6 Approved For Release 2009/07/21 : CIA-RDP80T00246AO07500560002-6 CORY OF THE MAGNETIC BOUNDAF( LAYEI by V. N. Zigulev (Communicated by Academician L. N. Sedov, October 14) 1958) Doklady,~Akademii Nauk SSSR, volume 124, No. 5 (1959) PP. 1001-1004 In this work, examples are cited which illustrate the phenomenon that-a moving plasma is shielded from an external magnetic field and from the electric currents that flow in it; the thickness of the shielding layer, called a magnetic boundary layer, has the order for motions at large magnetic Reynolds numbers. 1) If we introduce the vector potential of the magnetic field W ( H = curl W then the equations of magneto-hydrodynamics can be put in the form aw at d/v W =0 V x carl W = -grad + -~,~ 7' W div(~V~ = 0 ~~ _ _ + H aHa + . ~t a xa 4~ ~ axe axe p T dS _ r a v a + a ar + ~' S ) s ) dt ?~ axe aXx arc 47r where is the velocity vector with components V x 3) ; grad _ E + C at ; E is the electric field strength; J is the magnetic.viscosity, which,in the general case is a function of the temperature T and the pressure ; / is the density of the medium; N Z 2 i s the is the magnetic field strength; viscous stress tensor; ,$ is the entropy of unit mass; k is the coefficient of thermal. conductivity; is the vector current density. The first equation of the system as written resembles the equation of hydrodynamics in Lamb's form. The electrodynamical part of the equations of magneto-hydrodynamics in their customary form Russian title: TEOP 1 MArHNTHOro TrorPAH v1 KHorO c.AoP Author: E.H. )K N rY1-EB Approved For Release 2009/07/21 : CIA-RDP80T00246AO07500560002-6 Approved For Release 2009/07/21 : CIA-RDP80T00246AO07500560002-6 and let the plate be immersed in a H x can be obtained from the first equation of the system if one applies to it the curl operation and sets 7~ = C o ns t in the flow. 2) Let there exist a semi-infinite3 plate (coinciding with the half-plane X H , x > O ) along which there flows an electric current in the direction Oz , conducting fluid at rest, the current in the plate being.: insulated from the -MiiiA_ It is easy to see that there is p1g 1 introduced in the fluid a,magnetic field denoted by the vector /7 , parallel to the plane )C~y . We now bring the fluid into motion at velocity LI in the direction Ox , and we consider regions of the flow, sufficiently removed from the edge of the plate in the direction of the y,- axis, so that the corresponding magnetic Reynolds number Re l,rL-will be a large quantity; then, on the basis of the preservation of vector lines in a medium of infinite conductivity, and on the strength of the requirement Rem > j , the magnetic field vanishes in the main flow and persists only in. the layer adjacent to the surface of the plate and having a thickness of order LZV Re?, . We call this layer the magnetic boundary layer of the first kind. If we consider again the problem of a semi-infinite plate in a stream of conducting fluid for the case /ee >> 1 , where this time a current flows on the plate in the direction of the X -axis with a constant linear '(along 00 ) intensity (the plate is insulated fromthe outer flow with the exception of the leading edge, and regions removed from the beginning of the plate), then, on the basis of the properties of the preservation of vector ?ines (2) , the electric current in the fluid is localized in a layer.adjacent to the plate and having a thickness of order L~ Re We call this layer a magnetic boundary layer of the second kind. 3) Carrying out, in the equations of paragraph 1), estimates similar to those ng. 2. made concerning the ordinary boundary layer (see, for example., 1)) for the magnetic boundary layer of the first kind, we obtain the. following equations: Approved For Release 2009/07/21: CIA-RDP80T00246AO07500560002-6 Approved For Release 2009/07/21 : CIA-RDP80T00246AO07500560002-6 aw + u aw +v a`./ _ aZw a t a x a~ ~" C9 C)U au au a i aw a=w _ ';VV air/ a , au at +~~` ax +%ov a - ax + 47r (a aX a ax a y) + a a Z a ~^ = o ~ f'T~at + a- + v a 5) -- ~a" (k aT 1 + 4 a W where k' is the 2 - component of the vector /4 is the coefficient of the ordinary viscosity. / Analogously, the equations of the magnetic boundary layer of the second kind take the form: aH+uOH vaN+H C au + av 1 _ aZH at aY- 044 +VOU au +/V au _ - a t ax ai 2 t at ax a a ( a ) 4vr ka ) In arriving at the equations for magnetic boundary layers of the first and second kinds, terms have been retained, in the equations of paragraph 1) whose order relative to those omitted. is As is clear from the equations of magnetic boundary layers, the pressure across them can change by many times (since. the quantity H~ = cohst across the layer), something which markedly distinguishes the boundary layers under considera- tion from the ordinary ones. This circumstance, existing as a consequence of the electro-magnetic field forces, can be applied in questions of thermally insulated bodies: it is sufficient to make iAyr _o > 4, ('see, f?r example, the two articles (2)), since near the plate there appe rs a zone of cavitation, i.e., a zone, where In the case of an incompressible fluid, the equations of the steady magnetic boundary layer of the first kind take the form: M-/ ; W) Cgs D 95 D(x; y) D( ) ax 3 while the equations for the'steady boundary layer of the second kind are: Approved For Release 2009/07/21 : CIA-RDP80T00246AO07500560002-6 Approved For Release 2009/07/21 : CIA-RDP80T00246AO07500560002-6 D(HIVi) _ __ D( s % ~l __ ~ 2 ~, a3 o (x1 y) ~" ay. D (x; y) ax + '~ ~~3 where is the stream function, ) the kinematic viscosity coefficient. 4), For the equations of the magnetic boundary layer of the first kind for an incompressible fluid, there exists the following class of similar solutions: q1 A -T Y z f (r) 14 i/2 ,/Z X a _ d pm 0 where c 1A, Y lkrn o are certain constants. The functions f and satisfy the system of ordinary differential equations: (a+~~~,,= Irf"-(a+Y).~'z 4~'q~u= dZ~~w f,a Here d = (S-z)~/4- ~B =Y (d+-Z)0/4 In the case where const For the equations of the magnetic boundary layer of the second kind for an incompressible fluid, the analogous class of similar solutions takes the form: Vz 6z 1/Z. f (~) and h (~) satisfy the equations: ~'h f'-,B h 'f = y J 2 + w c Here o( = (e-2)/4 is an arbitrary constant; if ~m = cohst =ate/ 5) In the classes of solutions mentioned in paragraph 4+) solutions are to be_found for problems of the flow over semi-infinite plates in the presence of a magnetic boundary layer of both the first and second kinds, if the X - component of the magnetic field 14, = co m s ~ = /-~ along the plate. In the case of the magnetic boundary layer of the first kind, the problem comes down to the solution of the system of equations: ~c c = -'/2 ;l~6 = i'='/Z S = o ff,"=z0)1C? with the following boundary conditions: a)=O= 144 b) Approved For Release 2009/07/21 : CIA-RDP80T00246AO07500560002-6 Approved For Release 2009/07/21 : CIA-RDP80T00246AO07500560002-6 If &)4-41p that is, if the processes associated with the influence of the ordinary viscosity are nono-eXistent, then conditions a) are replaced by: O In the case of-the magnetic tfiugdary layer of the second kind, the problem canes down to the solution of the Blasius equation oC l iii and the integral ti(p)= C, + C'Z expJ,~ z f flt) The boundary conditions take the form: a) i?-0. f,..._c'_O i y=o~vn z b) I ~ z R S_ _0 If eJ