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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/08: CIA-RDP80T01355A000100060001-1 Imagery analysis report 68th Army, Shenyang Military Region, China Top Secret Top Secret w 25X1 IAR-0071 /80 JUNE 1980 25X1 copy 16 7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/08: CIA-RDP80T01355A000100060001-1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/08: CIA-RDP80T01355A000100060001-1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/08: CIA-RDP80T01355A000100060001-1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/08: CIA-RDP80T01355A000100060001-1 68TH ARMY, SHENYANG MILITARY REGION, CHINA 25X1 25X1 1. 1 This report discusses the 68th Army of the People's Liberation Army in the Shenyang 25X1 Military Region, China. It describes the physical and functional changes to facilities observed on imagery acquired during calendar year 1979. It also presents an analysis of the installations considered to be organic to the 68th Army. Interim National Basic Reference Graphics published in 1978 by CIA/OIA on the 68th Army were used as the point of reference for analyzing functional associations of the facilities. 2. (U) This report contains one location map, four organizational charts, seven annotated photo- graphs, and one table. 3. ~ The 68th Army' is one of six armies of the Shenyang Military Region (MR) in northeast- 25X1 ern China (Figure 1). It was formed in November 1947 from the 6th Column, which consisted of the 16th, 17th, and 18th Brigades in Hebei Province. During the revolution, the 68th Army took part in several battles in Shanxi Province. It remained in Shanxi until 1950, when it returned to Hebei. During the Korean conflict, the Army, near Yangdok, was under heavy attack by the United Nations Command Forces. After the Korean war, the 68th Army again returned to northern China. 4 I The 68th Army is currently quartered in 20 installations dispersed along the northeastern border of Jilin Province from the area surrounding the provincial capital of Jilin to the small town of Tumen on the North Korean border. The major orientation of the Army is east to west, with the threat 25X1 25X1 25X1 orientation toward both the North Korean border and the Soviet border. The topography of the region is hilly to mountainous with peaks of the Lung-kang-shan Mountains ranging between 2,000 and 6,000 feet above sea level. Several large- and medium-sized rivers flow through the area. Most of the installations associated with this army are near major railroad towns along the Changchun-Tumen rail line. Three major airfields also serve the area: Jilin/Ertaizi Airfield Jiaohe Airfield 25X1 and Yanji Airfield South 25X1 5. Similar to most armies in China, the 68th Army consists of an army headquarters, army- 25X1 level support units, and three infantry divisions. The Army headquarters and its subordinate units, at Jilin, are housed in three installations; the 202nd Infantry Division, also at Jilin, is quartered in six installations: the 203rd Infantry Division, centered around Jiaohe, is housed in five installations: and the 204th Infantry Division, at Yanji, is housed in six installations (Figure 2). 6. Coverage of most of the targets associated with this army was sparse but adequate durin 25X1 the 1979 calendar year. There were frames covering 15 targets and eight passes from 25X1 covering 24 targets. Three targets were imaged on Imagery of the Xinzhan Army Barracks AL- 25X1 I, Jiaohe Army Barracks North AL-2, and Jiaohe Army Barracks East, all in the 203rd Infantry Division, wereF_~or less or cloud covered; consequently, these targets were not adequately monitored in 1979. 25X1 68th Army Headquarters and Army-Level Support Units 7. The 68th Army headquarters and its subordinate units (Figure 3) consist of a headquar- 25X1 ters facility, a motor transport battalion, a probable antiaircraft artillery (AAA) regiment, an artillery regiment, and a possible engineer battalion (Table 1). 8. ( The headquarters facility, the motor transport battalion, and the probable AAA regi- 25X1 ment are at Jilin Headquarters Army and Barracks AL-1 on the southwestern edge of Jilin city. The headquarters and the motor transport unit have not undergone any significant changes since publication of the interim National Basic Reference Graphics (NBRGs).' On imagery of October 1979, an AAA unit with twelve 37MM antiaircraft (AA) guns and nine ZPUs was newly identified immediately west of the motor transport unit (Figure 4). This new unit partially fulfills the requirement for an army-level AAA regiment to be located at or near the army headquarters facility. Usually such a regiment has twenty-four 57MM AA guns, eighteen 37mm AA guns, and six ZPU-4. No 57MM guns have been identified, as yet, while three more than the usual complement of six ZPUs were seen; however, more than adequate vehicle/equipment storage space is available. 9. The artillery regiment for the 68th Army headquarters is still housed at Shuanghezhen 25X1 Army Barracks AL-1, about 25 nautical miles (nm) southwest of Jilin. This installation houses the artillery regiment headquarters and three gun or gun/howitzer battalions. Sufficient field artillery was identified at this installation during 1979, to indicate that the three battalions were still present. The interim NBRG' -1- Top Secret IAR-0071/80 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/08: CIA-RDP80T01355A000100060001-1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/08: CIA-RDP80T01355A000100060001-1 Top Secret RUFF NINGS!4 .y "Ha-mi SINKIANG INNER KANSU C ang-tu A I Hsi-1- Yin-ch'url' Iank uu, KANSU I Ch'eng-tup SZECHWAN S14AN,SI T'ai-yu H"tH Ha aerh SHENYANG MILITARY REGION ...r_.i '1a-efh in ~' ~Harbini K~ IN Cbi-I U Ch's 9-cTf ~h'ih-fang .~td1KIs;hen y Can SHENSI is-yang "" pang-e~i HON Hsiang-fan{ ti HOP E H j FIGURE 1. LOCATION OF SHENYANG MILITARY REGION AND 68TH ARMY, CHINA reported that one area of the installation houses a multiple rocket launcher (MRL) battalion; however, the last identification of MRLs was on when eight possible MRLs were observed. It is not likely that MRLs are still stationed here, but it is more likely that they are housed at Jilin Army Barracks Southwest AL-3, 22 nm to the northeast. A full MRL battalion has been seen periodically at Jilin Army Barracks Southwest AL-3 since September 1977. This battalion may be the same unit formerly housed at Shuanghezhen Army Barracks AL-1. 10. The interim NBRG3 indicates that Jilin Army Barracks Southwest AL-3 houses an engineer battalion (ponton bridge). However, engineer equipment was only reported at this barracks on E when one probable TPP was identified, and, on when nine confirmed KMM were seen. Although adequate vehicle storage space is available, this facility may no longer house a ponton bridge unit. As of late 1979, the previously identified KMM and TPP may possibly he associated with the independent unit at Jilin Ponton Bridge Regiment and Barracks AL-4 4 nm north of Jilin. Several barracks and vehicle storage buildings were newly completed in the former training area in the western portion of Jilin Southwest AL-3. 11. The AAA unit at Dafengman Defensive Area is reported by DIA as being attached to the 68th Army headquarters.' However, this unit is probably an independent AAA unit deployed for the protection of the large dam and hydroelectric powerplant on the Sungari River, 5 nm southeast of Jilin. The arrangement of the guns into eight AAA sites, four on each side of the river, also seems to indicate that this is its main function. 202nd Infantry Division 12. The 202nd Infantry Division (Figure 5) is housed in six installations clustered around Jilin. It consists of an infantry division headquarters, an artillery regiment, a motor transport battalion, and three infantry regiments. The location of a tank regiment and an AAA battalion normally associated with a People's Liberation Army infantry division has not been identified. Evidence of an engineer battalion usually associated with an infantry division has not been observed. 13. The infantry division headquarters, Jilin Headquarters Infantry Division and Barracks AL-2, is adjacent to the 68th Army headquarters in southwestern Jilin. The only change since the publica- tion of the interim NBRG3 has been the addition of nine quarters buildings along the eastern edge of the facility. No significant order-of-battle (OB) has been observed at this installation. 9 x1 25X1 2525X1 -2- Top Secret IAR-0071/80 25X1 68th Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/08: CIA-RDP80T01355A000100060001-1 Platoon Battalion Regiment Brigade Division Corps Army Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/08: CIA-RDP80T01355A000100060001-1 Top Secret RUFF Multiple-rocket launcher PONTON BRIDGE 18 TPP/LPP 2 BMK 90/150 18 100mm FG 12122mm How FIGURE 3. POSTULATED STRUCTURE OF THE 681h ARMY HEADQUARTERS LISTING PRIMARY UNITS CONFIRMED BY PHOTINT -4- Top Secret Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/08: CIA-RDP80T01355A000100060001-1 14. ~ The artillery regiment for the 202nd Infantry Division is still housed at Jilin Southwest- ern Army Barracks AL-9, situated on the southwestern edge of the city. Equipment for part of a gun battalion and part of two howitzer battalions and a mortar battalion was seen in 1979. Twelve new barracks have been added to the facility since the date of the interim NBRG.3 15. The motor transport battalion for the 202nd Infantry Division is probably housed at Xingshanling Army Barracks AL-1 (Figure 6), approximately 20 nm southwest of Jilin. Between 25 and 50 cargo trucks have been seen at this facility. The only change at this installation has been the completion of a large administration building. No interim NBRG has been prepared on this installation. 16. 0 The three infantry regiments associated with this division are at Jilin Army Barracks AL-6 and Jilin Army Barracks Northwest AL-1, both on the western edge of Jilin, and at Xiyang Army Barracks AL-1, 15 nm southwest of Jilin. There has been extensive construction at Jilin Army Barracks AL-6 since the publication of the interim NBRG, increasing the housing capacity of the installation significantly (Figure 7). Of the four areas contained in this facility, two of those housing infantry battal- ions have been completely rebuilt and have approximately doubled in size. The size of the third battalion area remains unchanged. Two vehicle storage buildings have also been added in the headquarters area of the infantry regiment at Jilin AL-6. The remaining two infantry regiments attached to this division have not changed significantly since the interim NBRGs. 17. (TSR The location of a tank regiment for this division has not been identified on imagery. However, on elements of a tank battalion were seen in a field exercise at Chundenghe Armor Training Area, 14 nm south-southwest of Jilin. This training area was imaged only twice during 1979, before the normal field training period began. This armor is probably housed elsewhere since there are no facilities for the storage of vehicles or enough housing available for troops at Chundenghe Training Area. 18. The location of the AAA battalion for the 202nd Infantry Division has also not been identified on imagery. Elements of an AAA battalion were seen on at Wulajie AAA Barracks Area Southeast, 10 nm north of Jilin; however, none has been observed there since that date. The size of this installation and the lack of sufficient storage indicate that this facility is probably not military associated. PONTON BRIDGE 1 202 203 1177 204 Unid 1 ? 117 * Not observed on imagery ** Not confirmed from imagery The organization listed is based on PHO TINT and shows the presupposed 08 for those units. 25X1 25X1 IAR-0071/80 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/08: CIA-RDP80T01355A000100060001-1 Top Secret RUFF 25X1 203rd Infantry Division 19. Units of the 203rd Infantry Division (Figure 8) are housed in five installations centered 25X1 around Jiaohe, about 50 nm east of Jilin. The division consists of a headquarters, a possible engineer battalion, an artillery regiment, a tank/assault gun regiment, three infantry regiments, and a possible AAA battalion. 20. (TSR) The infantry division headquarters, Jiaohe Headquarters Division and Army Barracks AL-1, is in the center of Jiaohe. In 1979, the installation was covered only once on imagery of better than Since the publication of the interim NBRG,3 several new barracks and vehicle storage 25X1 buildings have been built. Elements of the engineer battalion reportedly housed at this installation have not been seen since however, adequate vehicle storage space is available. The artillery regiment for the 203rd Division-consisting of a gun, a howitzer, and a 25X1 25X1 mortar battalion-is housed at Jiaohe Army Barracks North AL-2. Although the mortar battalion was not observed during 1979, it was probably in the covered storage structure. An MRL battalion normally seen with an artillery regiment has not been observed with the 203rd Division. The tank/assault gun regiment is probably still housed at Jiaohe AL-2. Only four armored vehicles were seen at this installation on imagery of the date of the only coverage during 1979. Vehicle storage sufficient to house the 25X1 regiment exists at this facility. 22. (TSR) Of the three facilities housing the infantry regiments associated with this division, only one, Jiaohe Army Barracks South AL-3, is in Jiaohe. Dunhua Army Barracks AL-1 is about 50 nm to the southeast and Xinzhan Army Barracks AL-1 is about 15 nm to the north. Dunhua Army Barracks is the only facility imaged more than once in 1979. Extensive construction was in progress at this facility which appears to have almost doubled in size (Figure 9). In 1979, Xinzhan Army Barracks was covered once, on The interim NBRG3 for the infantry regiment at Xinzhan Army Barracks delineates an 25X1 area for the headquarters unit and all three infantry battalions (Figure 10). However, NPIC believes that this area is 40 percent civilian and that only one infantry battalion and the headquarters unit are housed in the remaining area. The other battalions are probably housed in two nearby areas, one approximately 1 nm north and the other 2 nm southeast. At Jiaohe Army Barracks South AL-3, no significant changes were observed on imagery of 25X1 23. The AAA battalion for this division is possibly housed at Jiaohe Army Barracks East, 25X1 but no equipment has been seen here since Although adequate vehicle/equipment 25X1 storage space is present, no indications of military activity were discernible. -5- Top Secret IAR-0071 /80 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/08: CIA-RDP80T01355A000100060001-1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/08: CIA-RDP80T01355A000100060001-1 ^ Battalion Ff~ Regiment Brigade Division EnCorps M Army ? Infantry Antiaircraft artillery 0 Artillery Multiple-rocket FIR L 24 122mm How 18 85/100mm FG * * ^ 407 The organization listed is based On PHO TINT and shows the presupposed 0B for those units. 604 805 606 * Not observed on imagery **Not confirmed from imagery 604,605,606 * MG 6 ZPU-4 18 ZPU-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/08: CIA-RDP80T01355A000100060001-1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/08: CIA-RDP80T01355A000100060001-1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/08: CIA-RDP80T01355A000100060001-1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/08: CIA-RDP80T01355A000100060001-1 Top Secret R U F F 204th Infantry Division 24. The 204th Infantry Division (Figure 11) is housed in six installations centered around 25X1 Yanji, near the North Korean border, and about 150 nm east of Jilin. It consists of an infantry division headquarters, an artillery regiment, an engineer (ponton bridge) battalion, an AAA battalion, and three infantry regiments. The location for a tank regiment, which is usually associated with an Army division, has not been identified. 25. (TSR) The artillery regiment for this division is housed at Erdaokou Army Barracks, approxi- mately 6 nm north of the small town of Erdaokou and about 20 nm west of Yanji. Evidence of the mortar battalion and two gun/howitzer battalions was seen in 1979. No significant structural changes have occurred in the facility since the date of the interim NBRG. 26. The engineer battalion for the 204th Division is housed at Yanji Army Barracks North- 25X1 northeast AL-2 where ponton bridge equipment has been observed periodically since May 1976. A full complement of 18 LPP/TPPs, however, has not been seen, but sufficient vehicle storage space is available. 27. (TSR) The AAA battalion associated with this division is housed in an area immediately adja- cent to and west of the engineer battalion at Yanji Army Barracks North-northeast AL-2 (Figure 12). Only 37MM AA guns and ZPUs have been observed in this area since May 1976. Fifteen 37MM guns and nine ZPUs were identified on imagery of 25X1 28. (TSR) The three infantry regiments associated with this division are housed at Helung Army Barracks AL-1, approximately 15 nm southwest of Yanji, Yanji-Hsien Army Barracks (formerly Lung- ching-tsun Army Barracks West AL-1), about 15 nm west-southwest of Yanji, and Tumen Army Barracks Northeast AL-l, about 10 nm east of Yanji on the North Korean border. No significant changes have been observed at the Tumen Army Barracks and Helung Army Barracks since the latest NBRGs.' The three areas housing the infantry battalions at Yanji-Hsien Army Barracks have been enlarged and reconstructed (Figure 13). Previously, all three battalion areas were similar in size and shape; each consisted of five barracks and one messhall. The dining areas of each of the messhalls and several barracks have been razed in each area and new barracks have been built, doubling the size of each area. One of the battalion areas may possibly include a larger area than is delineated by the interim NBRG' as several probable barracks are beyond the southwest corner of the easternmost area. The fourth area, housing the headquarters unit, has remained unchanged. 29. (TSR) Although the location of the tank regiment probably attached to this division has not been identified on imagery, 21 medium tanks were seen on at Sandaowan Military Tent 25X1 Camp, 15 nm northwest of Yanji. The camp does not include any permanent buildings and has been completely abandoned. IMAGERY ANALYST'S SUMMARY/COMMENTS 30. 0 Armor is almost completely absent from the 68th Army. Of the three installations reported to house possible tank regiments, the only armored vehicles identified in 1979 were at Jiaohe Army Barracks North AL-2 in the 203rd Infantry Division. The other two targets where tank units have been seen appear to have only been temporary training areas. 31. 0 Five different installations have housed AAA units attached to the 68th Army. Two of these installations (Wulajieh AAA Barracks Area Southeast in the 202nd Division and Jiaohe Army Barracks East in the 203rd Division) do not appear to be military related and AAA equipment has not been observed there for several years. The Dafengman Defensive Area near the 68th Army headquarters contains a probable independent AAA unit mainly for the protection of the adjacent dam and hydroelec- tric powerplant. The only two facilities where AAA units have definitely been associated with the 68th Army units are Jilin Headquarters Army and Barracks Area AL-I and Yanji Army Barracks North- northeast AL-2 in the 204th Division. 32. (TSR) The artillery and infantry regiments appear to be basically complete and present at the specified installations. Complete complements of the artillery, however, were not always observed at all of the facilities, but more than adequate covered storage was available at most installations. The facilities at many of the infantry regiments were expanded during the period of this report. 33. 0 Engineer units (ponton bridge battalions) are subordinated3 to each of the three infan- try divisions and to the army headquarters unit. Only at Yanji Army Barracks North-northeast AL-2, however, were elements of a ponton bridge battalion seen in 1979. 34. The units in Table I followed by an "X" are the ones believed by NPIC to be currrently attached to the 68th Army. Those with no mark are not considered organic to the army. All units listed are main force units. -8- Top Secret IAR-0071/80 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/08: CIA-RDP80T01355A000100060001-1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/08: CIA-RDP80T01355A000100060001-1 Battalion LJ Regiment n Brigade F"IlDivision EnCorps r n Army 0 RL IHQI I- 12122mm How 18 85/100mm FG 12 120/160mm Mortar Motor transport Infantry Tank Antiaircraft artillery Engineer Artillery Multiple-rocket launcher 607 08 609 III 483 I_ 408 O The organization listed is based on PHO TINT and shows the presupposed OB for those units. * Not observed on imagery **Not confirmed from imagery HQI IHQ 78 Type 59 Tank FIGURE B. POSTULATED STRUCTURE OF THE 203NO INFANTRY DIVISION LISTING PRIMARY UNITS CONFIRMED BY PHOTINT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/08: CIA-RDP80T01355A000100060001-1 6 ZPU? 4 18 ZPU-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/08: CIA-RDP80T01355A000100060001-1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/08: CIA-RDP80T01355A000100060001-1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/08: CIA-RDP80T01355A000100060001-1 Battalion ?Infantry Ft Regiment Brigade FmIlDivision FnCorps rn Army C Antiaircraft artillery D-D Rl Artillery Multiple-rocket launcher 12 22mm How 18 85/100mm FG 12 120/160mm Mortar 610,611,612 (HQI * RL 6 2PU4 18 2PU2 m 18 TPPILPP Pontons 2 BMK 9/150 Power boat 09 1837mmAAGun FIGURE 11. POSTULATED STRUCTURE OF THE 204TH INFANTRY DIVISION LISTING PRIMARY UNITS CONFIRMED BY PHOTINT HQ 610 611 612 The organization listed is based on PHO TINT and shows the presupposed OB for those units. Not observed on imagery ** Not confirmed from imagery 409 ^ 484 Hi HQ Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/08: CIA-RDP80T01355A000100060001-1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/08: CIA-RDP80T01355A000100060001-1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/08: CIA-RDP80T01355A000100060001-1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/08: CIA-RDP80T01355A000100060001-1 Top Secret R U F F I Table 1. Units Associated with the 68th Army 68th Army Headquarters Unit (This table in its entirety is classified TOP SECRET RUF~ Units Believed Latest OB Numerical Designator Type Unit (by NPIC) to and Date be Organic 68TH ARMY HEADQUARTERS AND ARMY LEVEL SUPPORT UNITS 1 Jilin Hq Army and 43-49-19N 0068 Inf Army Hq X 1 CT, 1 bus B ks Area AL-1 126-29141 E 0006 MT Unit X 22 CT 0219 AAA Regt X 12 37mm AA, 9 ZPU, 18 37mm AAA, 24 57MM 6C~ 9 ZPU-4/2 43-28-59 N 12-122MM gun, 12-152MM 126-08-01 E How, 21-MRL, 18 100MM FG 0048 Ptn Bn 2 powerboat, 9KMM, 18 Unid MRL Bn X TPP 43142-06N 24 57MM AA, 18 37MM 126-41-25E AA 6 ZPU-4 202ND INFANTRY DIVISION 5 Jilin Hq Inf Div and 43-49-21N Bks A L-2 126-29-42E 6 Chun-teng-ho **Armor 43-39-35N 80 type 59, 14 APC Training Area 126-26-15E 637MMAA,5ARV 18 37MM AA, 24 57MM AA 9 ZPUs 43-49-14N X 19 How, 5 FG, 12FA 24 122MM How, 18 126-28-29E 42 CT MRL, 1885MM 100 MM FG 9 Xingshanling Army Bks 43-34-37N A L-1 126-18-47E 10 Jilin Army Bks AL-6 43-48-32N 43-36-19N 126-17-13E 43-56-47N 126-27-31 E 203RD INFANTRY DIVISION 13 JiaoheHgInfDiv and 43-43-36N 0203 Inf Div Hq Army Bks AL-1 127-20-50E 0049 Ptn Bn 2 powerboats, 18 TPP 14 Jiaohe Army Bks N AL-2 43-44-42N 0408 Tk Regt 4 poss AV 14M-1967, 80 type-59 0483 Arty Regt 12 How, 11 FA 12 122MM How, 12 160MM Mort 21 MRL 1885/100MM 0141 AAA Bn None discernible 18 37MM AAA, 24 57MM 127-22-02E AAA 9 ZPU-2 0607 Inf Regt X 12 FA, 19 CT 127-20-25E 0608 Inf Regt None discernible 204TH INFANTRY DIVISION 19 Yanji Hq Inf Div and 42-53-20N Army Bks Cent AL-1 129-30-OOE 20 Sandaowan Mil Tent Camp 43-04-45N 42-54-54N 129-30-49E 0039 Ptn Bn X 2 powerboats, 7 ptn 0211 AAA Regt X sects 15 37 MM AAA, 23 Yanji-Xian Army Bks (formerly Lung-ching- tsun Army Bks W AL-1) APC ARV AV CT 42-48-31 N 129-04-18E 42-45-42N 129-2341 E 42-58-12N 129-51-07E 42-33-32N 129-00-45E Armored Personnel Carrier Armored Recovery Vehicle Armored Vehicle Cargo Truck ABBREVIATIONS USED IN TABLE 1 DEF Defensive HOW Howitzer FA Field Artillery MORT Mortar FG Field Gun MRL Multiple Rocket Launcher - 13 - Top Secret 80 type 59 Tk, 14 APC 6 37MM AAA, 5 ARV 2 Powerboats, 18 TPP 18 37MM AAA, 24 57MM AAA 9 ZPU 12 122MM How, 12 160MM mortar 21 MRL, 18 85MM FG, 18 100MM FG MT Motor Transport PTN Ponton TK Tank Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/08: CIA-RDP80T01355A000100060001-1 may have moved to Jilin Army Bks SW AL-3 16 18 MRL seen here periodically since (1 KMM and 9 TPP) Prob independent/Unit for defense of dam and powerplant prob only Extensive construction since NBRG; housing capacity has increased significantly since Armor training facilities present, but tank Regt has never been seen; mortar not seen in 1979 field gun No AAA reported here since NBRG does not include 2 separate Bn areas Extensive construction noted; facility is almost doubled in size 21 med tanks were seen here, one time only, on Camp has now been completely Interim NBRG shows only ptn. Full ptn btn never seen new AAA regt is adjacent to ptn Extensive construction has occurred. The three bn areas have approximately doubled in size IAR-0071 /80 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 2oA] 25X1 25X1 25X1 Orly 1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 I l Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/08: CIA-RDP80T01355A000100060001-1 Top Secret RUFF (TSR) All applicable KEYHOLE imagery acquired through preparation of this report. 3. CIA/OIA. IS 78-10128J, Imagery Analysis Memorandum: Unit Analysis of the 68th Army, Shenyang Military Region, China, 26 May 78 (TOP SECRET[= 4. DIA. DDB-1100-201-79-SI, SI-271322/79, Combined Ground Order-of-Battle (GOB) China (CH) (U), Aug 79 (TOP SECRET RELATED DOCUMENT DIA. DDB-1100-209-79, Tables of Organization and Equipment (TOE), People's Republic of China (PRCA) (U), Sep 79 (SECRET) 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 LOA-1 - 14- Top Secret IAR-0071/80 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/08: CIA-RDP80T01355A000100060001-1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/08: CIA-RDP80T01355A000100060001-1 Top Secret Top Secret Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/08: CIA-RDP80T01355A000100060001-1