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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
November 28, 1951
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PDF icon CIA-RDP81-00261R000600040017-8.pdf527.17 KB
01 r 2001/09/01 : C -mph, -00261 ROmbbMol 7-8 F1 E : '-'IY MFORMATION CONFIDENTIAL -_ # It 1A Wt "*auto mtowd"Imma "W" " t " O E,,* ftwl io`n`,. ? s m, at t . lotmu" a its LNitv. z 15 s 11 =fir 4L= = it activitift Id the 1'.{f *m WiNadtw &'i _~?L_t -_ l~3Elit R#1t /~ Ai} of 143 701.2 /4 'goprd 'd For Release 2001/09/Ql: ij% DP81-0026'1 (Q Dp i /DD/A, chrono HEY 1 sfl .___. _. DATE ___111_ :.__.. 0297 I L Approved For Release 2001/09/0 8000600040017-8 Rif M CONFIDENTIAL Deputy Director (Administration) 17 November 1951 ctor of Supplies and Services on of supplies and, Services Office 1. This organization is headed by a Director and three Deputy Directors. The work of the Deputies divides itself materially between Plans, Intelligence, and Administration, Under this level Chiefs. The general worth of theAdministrative staff divides it- ally into "things", "money"$ and "people". of the Director of Services and Supplies is direct the performance of purchasing and services and to coordinate this funct.,cniag of these divisions throughout both the overt and covert sides of the Agency. e funds used to provide the financial a support of these overt functions is taken care of by and 25X1A odere, the Coaptroiler. 4. The procurement of personnel to staff these overt and 25X1A covert sides of the Agency -is taken care of by and his Deputy, Mr. Meloon. %. It in hoped by the Deputy Director (Administrations Walter Raid Wolf, that the three facets of Administration, namely, le", "things", and "coney", will be brought closer and closer mo;ey as possible. Each of these facets of Administration is staffed with personnel ranging in age of service from ten years to the most recent acquisitions such as myse 6. It in hoped, in combining the fu notions of Administrative Services and Procurement, that f' will be able to utilize the existing cadre to the fullest possible extent in order to benefit from the experience of these old-time CIA workers. However, Procurement I find that the Table of Organization is wholly adequate, both in number of positions and in amount on the budget approved for the Tiacal Year 1952s to handle the doubling of work, particularly on the covert side. Therefore, I propose that several technicians be employed in Procurement and Inspection that the Agency will be self-contained and have its own people to answer technical questions, rather than to continue to draw Approved For Release 2001/09/01 : CIA-R MWOENTIAL Approved For Release 2001/09/ Day .rester (A &`b61 R000600040017-8 CONFIDENTIAL 17 Mwevill"r mom the military and other rre a t 14e as vz u . . ,. k - ---i .wire wtia.a )halm s could at any time be it lived in a of aster v ve used to be sore 4s U ofl' d'. we bovoge more and t I ftnd the damud on Imo,. , e . ia. tY f C, Serve* of Services and . Uea into e in have ,stafted the possibilities of seaeolid tin g the eA keaistantt Dime ter equal in anthora s ith the title of ..r r of of r' s a-ad a this ire with tech steals , le qualified to fw%j . s s to technical gaestie s. I 06UMU that MwbW 10 good teetm1ciau can tier this t force am out atly Imer0a" the ifo a t , at the t&sea tUrA out quality in the placing Of contracts. w ~-. ,. w -_, - - -_-- - ___ 4esaa t we pre for the, Fiscal year 19$2 fro a tzm . The personnel are sa l Uuwd*q"t*j both in and in qua . t y e , I r'.* that re aeert u:iatix wvwmt. feis; eer doe ImAl i to be able to properly *ata in mania the various lair s at. I woold higUY wi sT, "views. . has bom ass. d a*caase the to or. Jews : ar a n. .. ttmebed find a draft of the combined organization' proposed for the Director of S lice and esarviceo. COIFFIDE TIAL Approved For Release 2001/09/01 CIA-RDP8 61 R000600040017-8 L Approved For Release 2001/09/01 4'000600040017-8 C 1 I E T!AL Deputy Dire Slot No. 1 Administration) 7 November 1951 Director of Supplies and Services Slot No. 2 Combining the administrative suppo of both niatrative Services and Procurement in one location, Quarters) Slot o.. 3 84 in a. laid installations +. 4 The determination of this latter concept will be left to you, to be equal in authority e~aa- Chief, Administrative Services to Mr. Garrison, Chief, Procurement Office. These slots for Chiefs of Taxis- portation, (a); Real. tate and G traction, (b); Building Main..- tenance and Utilities, c); Records s' nt and i Distribution, (d); and whine bcords, (e), have no Ested changes at this time., slot No. 6 Printing and production to be read Reproduction Division to Mid competition with the G.P.O. oz. ba, These slots have Chiefs of Plant 6c Services Branch, (a) j Photography branch, (b); and Printing Branch (c I have no suggested changes at this time. Slot No. 7 1 propose a rev'isi Office as follows: N'V