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Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040016-3 S 18 September-12-46 (Date) 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A PAPER: CENTRAL INTL+'LLIG: NC:1,0 GROUP INTERNAL DISTRIBUTION CONS:: GNEE DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE Executive to the Director Assistant Executive Director Chief, Interdepartmental Staff Advisory Council Legislative Liaison Branch Secretary, NIA ASSISTANT DIRECTOR, OFFICE OF SPECIAL OPERATIONS ASSISTANT DIRECTOR, OFFICE OF COLLECTION AND DISSEMINATION ASSISTANT DIRECTOR, OFFICE OF RESEARCH AND EVALUATION Central Records Section Administrative Files AUTHENTICATION: Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040016-3 Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040016-3 Eli ?'?;f 1,01 1',M" 'O St' ITS, C i i` xl. ' o y NAVAL I ,.''11 LI G TJC t.tb J ct : bh t i i a0. v3a7n ' i. ,2G Roforesico; Letter, Chili of Naval Intelligonce? rsub jest as riove, file A.3/0054, da? ad 3 Deoombor 5.946 1. The policy of roplaccrlent tin d rotat-touu of ',z".+ { +al a.r. jj; Lvy n 'fi oar on duty i th C lir as ou-G3iuoc1 in paragraphs 2, 3 snit 4 of reference to concnurred in, or. t1 w hawk ;hra roplaor caont acid rotation vd ll be lai nuad to wvold r cuffs lose and to PQ rinit coni.1nTi by' of opor!t~;imns r;i1;h_ n (1G? vr3 the tt re C1 ction in of fioioucy. 2. i Ur..,In.a :~,o7J;, requested in p tra raph 6 of roforuoo will be cropoued as soon r u, (torn. ination of indj rjdual cf'fioiency o ui be made in eat yit on s 3. I ;:111 lie at least. al 'x moa the bci'ore initial ~.~tC ] V~.CI.1.O.I. r011ILaszt:ions rccuented by .pawagraphs 'l ind ;1 of referee car, be :Tcto.r ii.ntic? :ecar: en~~a cion for the i oupa vril1 be rA do to reach your offi.oe by approxi.. .tw.te;ly 15 Jr WL,,19? Iiwroarter, udditional? nnaizw.tiona viiibo c..; oirot=:r -waces par at. it fjisht ahaen.a;4 Vroia duiy for iadac:rid,nation is "stao?zvin.{., a oarofus ay phase d program will be vorkec~ out in ctsrc nc uo in. sure aga.usxt icrwered tff~iaiezitay due to aabacuoo of ran excetsel,?e Wunder of opera.&: aG p urs nn at ezy pz.e tLae. 4. '`atr? F-rcphs S. 10 and U. if' re.fc renco are concr rred In. r. In aowxaction t'li Ula paragraph 12 of raZercanoe, the deter, inin~, .a.-.. for in calm or porn c uQe1 abroad x.ll neoessa ily be eecurity rprpczi.z a :st;a, It in beliovad at this time that relativ 1y few uorinatlo.ns for Niavy rr>rt!c or rater t;i l be ::--uciri fr this outegory, and probably none prier. a `,s-Daa G. In ,o.nnectior with paragraph 13 of rafercenco, the natnberu of ranks and rates iradivated in paragraph G of memor idtun dated 11 Ccztobar 1946, e tuna ted only. `' numbers fly be considerably *ffec;ted by 'various fact owp,, partiota0.rarly the proportion: of female permonnol -who y be employed by CIG, and f'u ur'o ,;ovorz :at policy oover3ng the status of females in ease or erne genoyy or var. It will, abe at least 8evoral months before a rens onab?y final esti> ate can be arrived at. 7, As ro-c=mmded in paragraph 14 of reference It--he scary contact in oonneotion with this problem vdll be rnad? 1r +J1 Coatral Ronordss (2) Exceutlvc Registry Seorsattari at t.- Return to ICAPS, "3tsa;ybaak" Chrono Suspense (1 Apr 47) HOYT S. VA 7T r" EFG, Lieuferwr.t GL:._: U Director of Central Ir twliic ate Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R0001000.40016-3 Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100049016-3 25X1A S E C R E T 19 September 19116 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE GROUP WAR PLANS FOR CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE' GROUP Memorandum by the Secretary Pursuant to a request by the Chief of Naval Intelligence, the enclosed paper is circulated herewith for discussion at the next meeting of the Intelligence Advisory Board. Secretary. Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040016-3 Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040016-3 25X1A E N C L 0 S U R E WAR PLANS FOR CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE GROUP' Memorandum by the Chief of Naval Intelligence 'T'HP PROBLFM 1. To insure that war plans of the War and Navy Departments include provision for the Central Intelligence Group. FACTS AND DISCUSSION 2. The Navy Department is now eeengaaged in the preparation of war plans which include plans for the mobilization of personnel. It is presumed. that the War Department is similarly engaged. So far as is known no such plans are being prepared by the Central Intelligence Group. The war plans of the War and Navy Departments should take note of the regular and l?eserve off:i_c.ers assigned mobilization billets in the Central Intelligence Group and should include every-foreseeable requirement regarding she procuring and training of Army and Navy personnel. CONCLUSION 3. It is concluded. that the War and Navy Departments shoi:ld. be informed regarding the personnel requirements of the Central Intelligence Group for full mobilization or war as follows: a. The military personnel to be retained by C.I.G. b. Planned expansion,. if any, that requires assignment of additional regular personnel or the procurement and training of reserve personnel. 25X1A RECOMMENDATIONS ~E. a. That the Central Intelligence Group make a study their requirements for full mobilization of war. S:PCRET d For Release 2001/03/30 C~A_RDP81-00728R000109O~g0o1 ~Pe Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100Q40016-3 S E C R E T 25X1A b. That such study include the personnel requirements of the Central Intelligence Group from the War and Navy Departments as follows: (1) Regular officers to be retained by C . I .G . (2) Regular officers to be assigned to C.I.G. (in addition to (1) above). (3) Reserve officers to be retained by C.I.G. (?I.) Reserve officers to be assigned to C.I.G. additon to (3) above). (J) Training requirements for (4) above. Retired officers to be retained by C.I.G. Retired officers to be assigned to C.I.G. (in addition to (6) above). (8) Training requirements for (7) above. (9) Enlisted personnel requirements, including training for same. 25X1A ADDroved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-007-28R000100040016-3 SECRET - 2 - Enclosure 25X1A BRIEF ON WAR PLANS FOR CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE GROUP SECRET Admiral Inglis has recommended in that the Central Intelligence Group make a study of its requirements for mobilization and that such a study include military personnel requirements of the Central Intelligence Group from the War and Navy Departments. As a general principle , Ifirmly believe that the personnel requirements of the Central Intelligence Group should be as fully mo- bilized in peace as in war. On that basis, therefore, I propose to furnish the War and Navy Departments an estimate of C.I.G. personnel requirements based on present planning and taking into account the probable number of Reserve officers assigned to C.I.G. I think it should be clear, however, that at our present stage of organization, any such estimates should be considered tenta- tive and subject to substantial revision as the organization develops. SECREI Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040016-3 Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040016-3 Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040016-3 CENTRALyINTELLIGENCE GROUP DISPOSITION FORM FROM TO DATE 7 September 1946 ` l~ f ! FROM To DATE DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE CHIEF, CENTRAL REPORTS STAFF DEPUTY DIRECTOR, C.I.G. W. Euro e-Africa Branch ASSISTANT TO THE DIRECTOR E. Europe-USSR Branch X SECRETARY, N.I.A. _ Middle East-India ; c Far East-Pacific Branch CHIEF OF OPERATIONAL SERVICES Western Hemisphere Branch X Acting Chief, Interdepartmental Coordinatin '& Plannin Staff _ CHIEF, CENTRAL PLANNING STAFF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER Policy & Review Branch Personnel Branch Information Branch Budget 6 Fiscal Branch Intelligence Branch Administrative Services Branch _ Security Branch Central Records Suppor t Branch Security Branch REFERENCES: ENCLOSURES: Memo dated ACTION DIRECT REPLY 6 Sept. 146 from Chief Naval Intelligence to RECOMMENDATIO N COMMENT D of CI re "War Plans for CIG" and Paper SIGNATURE FILE prepared by ONI on same attached. INFORMATION NOTE RETURN MAIL PREPARATION OF REPLY 1, The organization of CIG is just beginning to reach a tentative final form. It's personnel requirements will be unsettled for several months due to: a. Current lack of knowledge of eventual responsibility for certain specific tasks* b. Lack of determination at this time as to centralized operational requirements in various fields* o. Insufficient operational experience on which to base reasonably firm personnel needs. 2. The nature of this type of an activity precludes initial determination of requirements for various types of purely armed services individuals. A considerable portion of both directive and subordinate positions can undoubtedly be filled by well qualified civilians. Whether a portion or all of such civilians would be required to be absorbed into the armed services in any future national emergency cannot at this time be determined. 3.. This problem should be postponed for at 1 we can give it more intelligent study. (Continue "Remarks" on back, if necessary) 'DONALD EDGAR which 25X1A Acting Chief, Interdepartmental Coordinating & Planning Staff TOP SECRET `SECRET CONFIDENTIAL RESTRICTED (216-5) i 1 ,EGRET CONFIDENTIAL RESTRICTED Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040016-3 Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040016-3 25X1A S F C R E T COPY NO. 19 September 194.6 2.. CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE GR')UP WAR PLANS FOR CENTRAL INTEL'LIGEME GROUP Memorandum by the Secretary Pursuant to a request by the Chief of Naval Intelligence, the enclosed paper is circulated herewith for discussion at the next meeting of the Intelligence Advisory Board. JAMES S. LAY, JR . , Secretary. Approved For Release 2001/03/30 CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040016-3 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040016-3 S 1 C R E T E N CL O S U R E WAR PLANS FOR CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE GROUP Memorandum by the Chief of Naval Intelligence THE PR OBLFM 1. To insure that war plans of the War and Navy Departments include provision for the Central Intelligence Group. FACTS AND DIS^USSION 2. The Navy Department is now en,'; aged in the preparation of war plans which include plans for the mobilization of personnel. It is presumed. that the War Department is similarly engaged. So far as is known no such plans are being prepared by the Central Intelligence Group. The war plans of the War and Navy Departments should take note of the regular and reserve officers assigned mobilization billets in the Central Intelligence Group and should include everyforeseeable requirement regarding the procuring and training of Army and Navy personnel. CONCLUSION 3. It is concluded that the War and Navy Departments should. be informed regarding the personnel requirements of the Central Intelligence Group for full mobilization or war as, follows; a. The military Personnel to be retained by C.I.G. b. Planned expansion, if any, that requires assignment of additional regular personnel or the procurement and 'training of reserve personnel. RECOMMENDATIONS ~I. a. That the Central Intelligence Group make a study of their requirements for full mobilization of war. SECRET or Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-1RDP81-00728R0001.00040016-3 ~~nclcs~are Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040016-3 S E C R E T 25X1A b. That such study include the personnel requiremients o' the Central Intelligence Group from the War and Navy Departments as follows: (1) Regular officers to be retained by C . T G (2) Regular officers to be assigned to C.T.G. (in addition to (1) above). (3) Reserve officers to be retained by C.T.G. (11) t}eseive officers to be ass-;-ned to C.T.G. (in additon to (3) above) . (5) Training requi?:r'enient s for (4) above. (6) Retired officers to be retained by C.I.G: ('~) Retired officers to be assigned to C.T.G. (in addition to (6) above). (8) Training requirements for (7) above. (9) Enlisted personnel requirements, including training for same. 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040016-3 SECRET - 2 - Enclosure Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040016-3 S E C R E T 18 September 1 16 COPY NO. CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE GE UP WAR PLANS FOR CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE GROUP Memorandum by the Secretary Pursuant to a request by the Chief of Naval Intelligence., the enclosed paper is circulated herewith for discussion at the next meeting of the Intelligence Advisory Board. JAMES S. LAY, Jr. Secretary, N.I.A. 25X1A SECRET Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040016-3 Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040016-3 25X1A SECRET EN C L 0 S U R E WAR PLANS FOR CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE GROUP Memorandum by the Chief of Naval Intelligence THE PI BLEIM 1. To insure that war plans of the War and Navy Departments include 25X1A provision for the Central Intelligence Group. FACTS AND DISCUSSION 2. The Navy Department is now engaged in the preparation of war plans vhich include plans for the mobilization of personnel. It is presumed that the P:ar Department is similarly engaged. So far as is knovin no such plans are being, prepared for the Central Intelligence Group. The war plans of the War and Navy Departments should take note of the regular and roserve officers assigned mobilization billets in the Central Intelligence Group and should include every foreseeable requirement regarding the procuring and training of Army and Navy personnel. CONCLUSION 3? It is concluded that the War and Navy Departments should be informed regarding the personnel requirements of the Central Intelligence Group for full mobilization or war as follows : a. The military personnel to be retained by C.I.G. b. Planned expansion, if any, that requires assignment of additional regular personnel or the procurement and training of reserve personnel. RECOMMENDATIONS 4. a. That the Central Intelligence Group make a study of their requirements for full mobilization or war. -2- ENCLOSURE Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040016-3 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040016-3 srcRBT b. That such study include the personnel requirements of the Central Intelligence Group from the War and Navy Departments as follows: (1) Regular officers to be retained by C.I.G. (2) Regular officers to be assi&med to C.Z.G. (in addition to (1) above). (3) Reserve officers to be retained by C.I.G. (I1) Reserve officers to be assigned to C.I.G. (in addition to (3) above). (5) Training requirements for (It) above. (6) Retired officers to be retained by C.I.G. (7) Retired officers to be assigned to C.I.G. (in addition to (6) above). (8) Training requirements for (7) above. (9) unlisted personnel requirements, including training for same, Ekclosure Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040016-3