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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/04: CIA-RDP82-00038R002000180003-9 _ SECRET 50X1-HUM /...? ??? AO ,a NM. Orr 50X1-HUM - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/04: CIA-RDP82-00038R002000180003-9 _ _ Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/04: CIA-RDP82-00038R002000180003-9 CCE-DCT 50X1-HUM A. 'Pur-40.04*_ ..44, Specifications . . . , .. _ . .. .,.. ........ -1. Arthori.- ;...---:,,4*,..4 ? ,,,,.:-.,-:',,,-:-..., 2. Mpro.r.4.4 xit*iii s._;.,,a,.:4i.:4-'4, * . 3. TitS7irs!k, .:0-4.-0-.-4-i...i .4. i. ? B. Gener41:a46:-'1*41,3.0- . . _ _,-- ? ? Page ? Or ? ? ? 0000000 ra-sii ? r 4. ? ? ? ? ? ? 0- ? 7 7 8 8 9 10 23 25 25 27 31 32 32 SFr-RFT 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/04: CIA-RDP82-00038R002000180003-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/04: CIA-RDP82-00038R002000180003-9 50X1 -HUM CCf?DCT A- PURPOSE AND SPECIFICATIONS Anchor _Gear The anchor gear serves for dropping and hoisting the ahr'hor from the submarine in the surface condition. The anchor gear is actuated by an electrical anchor and warping capstan provided with an emergency hand drive. ? The capstan can be controlled both from the deck the compartment. The anchor gear specifications are: and from number of anchors, pc 1 anchor weights kg . 1000 calibre of anchor chain, mm anchor chain length (of all 7 links), m 176 weight of anchor chain, kg 368C maximum permissible anchoring depth, m . .. .. 6C anchor hoisting speed (by capstan), m/min :0 ?anchor hoisting time (by capstan), min ca.16 2-;eir_ig.,2100xLIILLZ_Jis., The mooring fittings serve for laying up the submarine at mooring space. The fittings are actuated both by the forward and after capstans. : : Sastc. specifications of the mooring fittings are as fol- 1 PC (both forward and 4 ? ? ..... ? or s- 19.5 _100 SECRET 50X1 -HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/04: CIA-RDP82-00038R002000180003-9 Sanitized Copy Ap?roved for Release 2011/04/04: CIA-RDP82-00038R002000180003-9 _ 50X1 -HUM rope heave-in rate: by forward capstan, m/min by after capstan, m/min 1:922ins..alE atrlit The towing gear serves for securing and releasing the to:Jin cable during submarine towage. The maximum weight of the assemblies ?of the above-mentioned, gears and fittings to be handled during repairs does not exceed 1116 kg, the maximum dimensions do not exceed 900 mm in cia. and the height does not exceed 2681 mm. B. GENERAL AND DETAILED DESCRIPTION 1. Anchor Gear (See Appendix 1) The anchor gar consists of: bower anchor 9, anchor 4 , electrical anchor and warping capstan, chain locker, st-_-pper 5, guide rollers 3 and 7 and bitter end release l0 A,1 bower anchor with turning flukes and a shortened shank is _oLatet in the starboard chain hawse,rfear frames 1 and 5. The anchor is secured to the anchor chain through swivel- E. The bitter end of the anchor chain is secured to the hook Ie bitter end release in the locker. It is released fro= th- c,r.rd compartment by means of hand drive 11 installed on the. tcmed bulkhead. When the anchor is droppec or hoisted, the cnain movement is directed by guide roller 7 and fair-lead rol- 3 and finally stopped by screw stopper 5. The screw stopper is controlled by a drive comprising hinge shafts 2 and 16, bevel drives 6 and 1 and hand drive 13. Twin bevel drive 1 actuates screw stopper 5 both from the compartment and from the superstructure deck. The wheels of the bevel drives are lubricated periodically ..-ith-grease and the shafts of the bevel drives are lubricated means of screw-cap lubricators. - 7::4 H4 "A t7 SECRET 50X1 -HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/04 : CIA-RDP82-00038R002000180003-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/04: CIA-RDP82-00038R002000180003-9 50X1-HUM SFCPFT Between the screw stopper and the locker the chain a trough to the anchor and warping capstan chain crd:: the center line between frames 9 and 10, anchor and warping capstan consists of drive 12 in the pressure hull and head 15 mounted in the superstructurct. The capstan is provided with a special indicator of zne of the veered-out chain and with band brake drivAb 1. when the anchor is droppedeit goes to the bottom under i S cwr, weight with the electric motor switthed off and with the :nain move:nent being controlled by nleans of the band brake. 'nut the anchor may be also veered to the bottom with the nelp of the electric drive. The anchor is hoisted by means of the capstan and the electric motor or with the help of the emergency hand drive. through :ounted The on ra ou e 2. :leo:Inv Fittings line (:,e Appendix 2) The mooring of the submarine is ensured by four reels 22 with ,:.,coring ropes. The reels are m ? deck: two reels in on thehefarw ne supel-structure .1. aordenter un. part in the vicinity of frames 15 - 21; a_n_di:t.70:.,r,_es in the after t,er part in the vicinity of frames the .105 rt a. _e mooring, the rope 's -directed fotitt , -pairs o - f - warping guides 20 mounted along the sides: two rS-.. in the : forward part - Pa - :------ -- `B.L of the superstructure in e vicinitY'.._:;___-_,,,*,,---,?;?4?,_ .,?,_ ri10*s--- ,L--4iid-23 two pairs in the after part of the: sti_ - , etu: r,----4.)9 , . H,-- riity of frames 104 - 116. . _ . The warping guides are."*--e., :AO:, and secured for sea. also retractable_ inside- the-:$4 x7.:*-.4.f., While:mooring ,the ro_p_e_isii -?:_-p1A,,,,,,, _ _ - ---,--,..----,-_-__ 6.- __,___. _ .. ...?,_ - sea position. .-,-?---,?-.-?,,. . . , . . . _ .. . The bollards are insta11 two - in the vicini, n the Vicinity Of Part of th Superstrucl SECRET 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/04: CIA-RDP82-00038R002000180003-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/04: CIA-RDP82-00038R002000180003-9 50X1-HUM SFCPFT While mooring, the ropes are heaved in by tne capstan 23 or by after warping capstan 18 installed part in the vicinity of frames 106-107. When the warping ends are removed from the capstan. hes in the superstructure deck are protected :;1; cover_ f:n both sides in the conning tower sail provisicn for four collapsible cleats 19 designed to secure the Ea: Ec.ft. fenders, boat or a motor boat. The cleats are arranges aE. two in the forward part of the superstructure in ne vnity of frames 44 - 46 and two in the after Dart of the s?.i- perstructure in the vicinity of frames 67-70. 4r- 3. Towing Gear (See Appendix 3) Forward Towing Gear The forwarA towing gear is located at the end of the bow superstructure and consists of towing hook 27, towing strop 28 for connectirog 7he towing cable with the hook, pneumatic mecha- nism 29 for casting off the towing cable with compressed air and drive 32 for manually casting off the towing cable. In the secured for sea position the towing strop attach- ed to the deck by means of special lugs 30 and tightened by tension adjusting gear 31 mounted it the vicinity of frames 11 - 13. Before towing, the cable cast from another ship is secured to the thimble of the towing strop. When towing...I-the towing cable together with its strop is cast off the hcox either by the pneumatic mechanism or by hand. b) After Towin Gear The after towing gear is installed in the vicinity of mes 142 - 143. It is designed for turning the iu towing it in narrow places. The gear consists of the t and of towing igear hook 24(Se In the secured qPrPPT 50X1-HUM - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/04: CIA-RDP82-00038R002000180003-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/04: CIA-RDP82-00038R002000180003-9 fe"- ??1?? Screw Stopper (See Appendix 4) The screw stcper takes the load off the thengproiections of the turning grips anc.nor installed on the axles of the brake block engage the chain links. The cto-,7,1!r is controlled by means of the screw from the compartment and from the deck. The stopper consists of block (body) 361 two grips a7, shaft 39 with left-hand .and right-hand threads and of sliding nuts 40. Steel cast block (body) 36 has a groove to guide the chain bushes to secure the axles of the turning grips and supporting lugs for securing to the base. Steel cast grips 37 have the shape of double-arm levers easily turned about pins 38. The ].onEer ends of the grips terminate in forks for con- nection with the trunnions of the sliding nuts screwed or: shaft 39. hen is turned in either direction,the longer ends 2ri:s _ arc, Lsplaced, thus making the projections of the snorter en Ls ther engage or disengage from the chain links. Fciv the stopper sliding nuts are lubricated *ith grease an the grip pin is lubricated,with the help of pressure lubricator 41. Sore../ Stopper Hand Drive (See Ar,De:Idix 5) The hana drive of the screw stopper is invtalled on the ceiling of the forward compartment. It consists of steel cast body 47s brass shaft 48 with indicator nut 52 and handle S The misalignment of the rod is limited by a-bead-and union nut screwed on the upper end of the body - ? in the body is ensured by gland 49. When the rod is turned, indicator nut dinaaced and in the extreme -p0-40,0411 disengaged positions ofthe,At9 _ , - The rod is lubricated: The sealin -the rod SECRET Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/04: CIA-RDP82-00038R002000180003-9 50X1 -HUM 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/04: CIA-RDP82-00038R002000180003-9 cPCPPT Bitter End Release (See Appendix 6) The bitter end release consists of slin hook SS turns around pin 58 secured in bracket 57, sto7,7,er E,1 with nut 62, threaded shaft 63 and actuating shaft 65. Slip hook 59 is fixed with stopper 61 which turns fr around in 60. When the shaft is turned, the nut screwed on it pulls end of the stopper, connected with it, making the stopper and release the hook end. The tightened anchor chain makes Look turn arDund pin 58 and release the chain. Shaft 63 is mounted in the bush of sleeve 64 and its outlet tro7. the locker is sealed with a gland packing. The nand drive installed in the compartment is connected with haft 63 through actuating shaft 65. The hand drive consists of: steel cast sleeve 67, shaft 66 :,utiet from the pressure hull is sealed with gland pack-,ine sealed in the position when the chain is on the :ncr and Warping Capstan -?1:-,chor ac warping capstan 65nsists of two major units: head. The head is mounted on a special base plate 5_7erstructure and consists of a body, planetary clutch 4..r brake, hollow shaft with chain drum, warping end - through the hollow shaft, detachable:L.WaFPxng. en the drive for the veered-out chain: length - The nead is connected with the capstan '-drilips'AIOSA-1gh an-- elastit.: clutch mounted on the shaft of The drive is secured through the--base__ plate in the compartment. It consists of an -e14-d? - brake, emergency hand drive, two-tta ei!? _ - tion gear and of the yeeredr.aut'tchain-1-1-engt1P- _ 12 a) Electromagnetic,Disd",..e - (See Appendix 7) ? _ - _ _ _ The electromagnet c;- . SECRET 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/04: CIA-RDP82-00038R002000180003-9 '.? - 50X1 -HUM 50X1- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/04: CIA-RDP82-00038R002000180003-9 SECRET of the drive when the eLe,?zr.: ing the drive after the eestrc The brake is mountesi in Is secured to the housin2 of o's s7j.:7-7,7et e-npt-,,rv consists of driven half-cilitch 7 7 , case wn friction material "Ferrc:]0", fo,-ec. lever an -t net 79. The driven half-clutch mounted on the shaft of the reduction gear is couled with the driving half-cl...ton the pins provided with rubber shock-absorbing rnThe:. Th half- clutch carries bevel gear wheel 75 of the emergency .hand drive. The brake case is hinged to the pins-of leve 33is oermanently pressed to the end face of the driven half-clutch by eight springs 65 installed in the seats of the case. The springs are compressed by the adjusting bolts screwed into the body. Lever 83 is easily turned around pins 81 secured to the body ? - 44 Is 4, rm. 4- 44. Att ??-? I"; 1.1 '..ML in ?.? 17IL+- 1ft ft lirelPlo? .ML ? ml.,dt, do, 4.4 *a 414 vs..., a %-?? ... 4 4 44 4 L. CC A. Lo, z1 tir. "%ft. 10.. ? V." magnet. As soon as tne electric motor is started, the current flow- ing through tne electromagnet winding connected in parallel with the electric motor builds up magnetic field which pulls the electromagnet core into the body. Since the electromagnet core is lever 83 around in 81 pushing case 84 off the driven half- clutch, thus releasing the drive. As soon as the electric motor is switched off, the7rTen flaw in t circ-uit vanishes and the magnetic field vanishes he pulled upwards, it will turn thus releasinp the core of the electromagnet. Case actuated by springs 85 and under the weight of net armature is pressed with its knurled sxcle-a . - face of the driven half-clutch, thus brekalig-T When the anchor is hoisted in case of-emergencY of the hand drive, the drive is released Xtenu4 the longer end of lever 83 upwards and locid, With rod 82. SECRET Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/04: CIA-RDP82-00038R002000180003-9 50X1-HUM HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/04 : CIA-RDP82-00038R002000180003-9 b) t.,,,ergency hand Drive (See Appendix 7) The emergency hand drive serves for noistin7 case of emergency. The drive is mounted within the frame of the electro7:.agne 7 It consiSts of chain wheel EC 4.4 a ratchet 76, bush 72 and shaft 72 with a bevel wheel. The hand drive is engaged by shifting bush 7 toger wtb shaft 72 and the smaller bevel wheel till it engages bevel wheel 75. The extreme bositions of the shaft corresponding to the engaged and disengaged positions of the hand drive are fixe Ly the screws driven into the body and the holes in bush 73. when the emergency hand drive is used, the reverse movement of the capstan drive is made impossible by the ratchet device includinz ratcnet 76 mounted on the shaft and pawl loaded with srrin7 7E secured to b,..:sh 73. E51;,h 7a is fixed in place by a key. The frir,tion surfaces of the hand drive are lubricated by 77.eans 0? tnt: screw-car, lubricator, _anetary Fleduction Gear (5ee ::.rpendix 8) The planetary reduction g,ear---irs of a two-stage coaxial type' Iwo spur Fear wheels. :-e inner cavity of steel forged body 102 has two gear ri.mA _nter:Ial teeth forming one piece with the body and diaph r- --essec zc .-;ody is provided with two steel cast covers .haft 9.7 is mounted in the guide bushes of cover 94, an the z.cdy of carrier 98; it is sealed with a rubber cu The snaft carries central gear 96 engaging three sate of the reduction gear first stage. Satellites 101 together with the ball bearin on them are mounted on pins S9 secured to body: of the first stage carrier. The shank of the first stage carrier mounts central fixed in place with a key and engaging three Aatel the reduction gear second stage. 14 SECRET Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/04: CIA-RDP82-00038R002000180003-9 50X1 -HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/04: CIA-RDP82-00038R002000180003-9 CFCPPT The satellites are mounted on r;ins 91 housed in cover and body 92 of the second stage carrier. The shank o-r The seccn_: stage carrier is connected with the shaft of the c.:.-st.h heac warping end through a flexible coupling. When the central gears are turned, the engapinp satellites run on the fixed gear rims with internal teeth and bull the car- riers, thus reducing the number of revolutions. The gear wheels and the bearing bushes of the reduction gear are lubricated with the oil fillea directly into the reduction gear body. The oil level is checked with indicator 105. d) Forward Canstan Head (See Appendix 9) The housing of the capstan head consists of steel cast - . base 130 and welded pedestal 119. SuppOrt-ingblu$1.1109A6Si _ , . . to guide warping end shaft 126 is pressed -intbth*,-;:./1 base 110. The protruding cylindrical part of the: non-ferrous alloy and serves as*On'i drum 111 of the planetary clutch.' The second support for the drum -,o located in the middle portion of tie the pedestal mounts bearing body 121-ifprhir drum 120. searing body 121 houses a band:';:slto of the chain drum when the capstaik6 When the capstan is used to -rotate. stopper should be pressed and-dur,m1 should be released.. The capstan head mounts_l out chain length indicator::: The chain drum xs-provx troughs taking away the mu _ - The planetary, cl_ut head and consists- _,_ - - and on -*runnier* 50X1-HUM SECRET Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/04: CIA-RDP82-00038R002000180003-9 50X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/04: CIA-RDP82-00038R002000180003-9 voery, satellite is mounted cn 2 and body i.16 of ::he splxne-connected with hollow shaft - tatinginthe bush of brake drum an: titt!OrY154rtHof shaft 118 carries pulley the band stopper' andh.47:# dtu= 12" inside hollowHthaft'fi 41-provision is made for the 7 . - bushes- designed fortheghOb'Of 'warping end 123 and shaft 12S. - . _ Warping end 123 is connected with shaft 126 via a key and its - misalignment is limizedby -Shaft 122 screwed into the seat =n the end face of shaft 126. The gear wheels cf the planetary clutch are lubricated by applying grease directly through the detachable hatches in the pedestal diaphragm an.: through the holes in 'drum cover 111. All other friction surfaces are lubricated by means of a screw-cap lubricator. The --access to the lubricators is ensured through tl-e slots specially provided for this purpose. The band brake serveS for vtoPPi4g4, br drum Ill when rc 50X1-HUM anchor is being hoisted sl?ng don he moVePerrt of. th _ chain when the anchor .is dropped4 (angle of cOfitact :a ,vel drive sleeve 130. The running-in mounted on the headAiO connected with the beve rod. The upper end designed to cont end passes throu in handwheel The veere tical s partment,- SECRET Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/04 : CIA-RDP82-00038R002000180003-9 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/04: CIA-RDP82-00038R002000180003-9 PreSsure shaft..carries spur gear wheel 128 engagng the gear wheel nounted on the hollow shaft of the chain rum through the idler gear wneels. The forwar4 caPstan may be used to Perform the following operations: to drop The anchor under its own weight; to drop and hoist the anchor by meansof ? to hoist the anchor by an electric motor; to bowse the subm?nel to the pier while mooring. To drop the anchor under its own weightsit is sufficient to release the screw stopper and release the band brake. The chain is pulled out of the locker by the weight of the dropping anchor. In this case the chain drum does not interfere with the drop- ping of the chain since the satellites run freely around the fixed central 2ear wheel of the planetary clutch pulling the 2rake drum. The fixed position of the central gear of the clutch as well as of the whole. Ar4ve is ensured by the electro- a disc zrake. rate at which the chain is veered out is controlled by ,,ow.:n; :own brake drum 111 with the band brake. 2_ or hoist the anchor by means of the electric motor ci,.nt to release the scre'Cz stopper with the band _rap:c th pressed position and switch on the electric motor. on the direction of rotation of the electric motor r will be either hoisted or dropped. case te arping end shaft is rotating i ic noist the anchor by hand,it is necessary crive with the band brake in the pressed poSitxon the disc electromagnetic brake and press off' the 5=4404, with the help of the chain on wheel 80 (See Ap While mooring, screw stopper 5 (See-A anchor chain remains pressed, the band b the electric motor is switched on in the 're rotation. In this case warping end s lites and the brake drum are rotat# chain drum 120 and the anchor c SECRET 50X1 -HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/04: CIA-RDP82-00038R002000180003-9 50X1 -HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/04: CIA-RDP82-00038R002000180003-9 50X1 -HUM hists of two main units: eac in bead is mounted inthe superstructure on the boss to the pressure hull. The drive is secured to the base installed on the in the compartment. It consists of an electric motor and of worm self.-braking reduction gear interconnected through an elastic coupling and mounted on one base frame. a) Worm Reduction Gear (See Appendix 10) The worm reduction gear consists of steel cast body 142 split in the horizontal plane, worm 145 and worm wheel 141. The worm is mounted in the body in two sleeves 144 and 146 on roller bearings. The end of the worm shaft protruding from the body is sealed in sleeve 146 with a gland. The worm wheel consists of a steel hub z.nd a bronze rim. Wheel lul is mounted in the body on the bronze bushes. The worm pair and the lower support of the wheel are lubrica- ted with oil filled directly inside the reduction gear body. The upper support is lubricated with grease by means of a screw-cap lubricator. The oil level in the reduction gear body is checked by means of oil level indicator 143. For filling and draining the oil the body is provided with plugs. The hand drive of the capstan is made-in the shape of a de- tachable chain wheel with a closed chain. It is installed for the ,ime when it is supposed to be used on the end of the elect- ric motor shaft. b) After Capstan Head (See Appendix 11) b The welded pedestal of welded base 155A; body -154 fitie C SECRET Sanitized Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/04: CIA-RDP82-00038R002000180003-9 50X1-HUM 50X1 - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/04 : CIA-RDP82-00038R002000180003-9 cPrKIP 50X1-HUM ne body of bearing151 accommodates the pressed-in bushes designed to guide the upper end of shaft 153 and the hubs of war- ping end 150 which is keyed to the shaft and fixed in olace by threaded shaft 157. The warping end shaft is protected from misalignment by the bead and limiting ring 152. The supporting bushes are lubriC'e..ted by means of the screw-cap lubricators. Control ler Drives (See Appendix 12) The drives of the forward and after capstan controllers are similar in design. The controllers are mounted on the frames installed on the ceiling -J IN*, means of shock absorbers. Twin bevel drive 165 allows control of the controllers both from the compartment and from the upper deck. Deck socket 167 is connected with the bevel drive through elastic clutch 164 and hinged actuating shaft 162. The shafts are lubricated with grease by means of the screw- C 7; engagement of the bevel gear wheels is lubricated with grease periodically packed into the body of the bevel drive when its cover is removed. S u port (See Appendix 13) for Warping Ends For securing the warping ends removed from the capstans in -T:e forward and after parts of the superstructure provision is for supports 172 of tubular cross-section with guide zushes 173 and nuts 171 for locking the warping ,ends. The supports are installed on the pressurellUllin the super- structure. The warping ends are secured for sea by the threaded shafts installed on them. When the warping ends are installed on -the capstan, the su ports are used for the covers taken off the end_ faces of -t capstan shafts. Mooring Ro (See Appendix 14) The mooring rope reel Is aetuall discs 178 and SECRET Sanitized Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/04: CIA-RDP82-00038R002000180003-9 HUM Sanitized Copy Ap?roved for Release 2011/04/04: CIA-RDP82-00038R002000180003-9 CPC*1)=T 50X1-HUM ings 179. Locking lever. 183 keeps the reel from s7;ontianes rotation. The bearings are lubricated by means of ricators 180. Telescopic Bollard (See Appendix 15) The telescopic bollard consists of two tubes 1E7 moving one inside the other. The direction of mr-vnt tube 187 with a blind flange on top is ensured by bushes 189 press-fitted inside outer tube 188. Screw 190 sliding along the longitudinal slot of th tube keeps the inner tube from turning and when the inner is raised, the screw enters a lateral slot and serves as port for tne inner tube in the upward position. (c, rpi zg Guide Appendix 16) Steel cast body 197 of the warping guide is provided three lugs. Two of them bolted to the base hinges serve as an ax1e for the guide and the third is designed for securing ide with rod 196 in the working position for mooring. After the roc is extracted, the guide is secured under tne CeCP= for sea. The upper part of the warping guide body is provided with col1epsib1e trunnion 198 freely rotating on axle 199 and fixed w_tn rcd 194. Rods 194 and 196 are secured to the body with zazIes 195. Collapsible Cleat (See Appendix 17) Collapsible cleat 203 is easily turned around bolt 207 but in the working position it is fixed with rod 204. The rod and bolt are attached to two shoes 205 welded to the skin. The cleat collapses under the deck and is secured for sea rod 204 to stopper plate 208. SECRET Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/04 : CIA-RDP82-00038R002000180003-9 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/04 : CIA-RDP82-00038R002000180003-9 The towing cable as attached to hook 217 freely turning around axle 216 secured. to bracket 212. The end of the hook is engaged by shaped lever 215 mounted on axle 214 in the same brcke.t. The other end 9f shaped lever 215 is stopped by the lug on reIease lever 213 hinged to bracket 212. The ear on the release lever serves for the connection of the fork of the pneumatic mechanism cable. The pneumatic mechanism as well as bracket 212 are bolted to the bow extremity framing. Pneumatic Mechanism (See Appendix 19) The pneumatic mechanism consists of case 222,-piston-223 and --nion nut 221. 'hen the compressed air is supplied under the pistonIthe rod is .-isplaced to the. left pulling cable 225 and releasing lever 213, ts releasing le%;e215- that engages hook 217 (See.Appendix 18). The tightened towing cable opens hook 217 (See Appendix 18) ,Ircs: releases the end of the cable. A: the moment when the towing cable is released, the air from thepneumatic mechanism is relieved through the holes in the case specially provided for this purpose. The rod is lubricated zy means of a screw-cap lubricator. lension Adjusting Ge ( Appendix 20) One end of the towing strop is attached to the other to a special tension adjusting-gear-xns:talle _ _ - It consists of base 232 tension fork -2 _ and rod 234. To attach the free thimble of the towing stro with a rod. After. that ? release of. the en:si SECRET Saniti7ed Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/04 : CIA-RDP82-00038R002000180003-9 50X1-HLA Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/04: CIA-RDP82-00038R002000180003-9 car -De 50X1 -HUM t1i4'-_-skin of theouter hull in 2G is mounted on pin 243 in se towing clamp Pins 247 and 248 in the bracket :ever 239 ard handle 242. carry collapsible hock 23E, The lever and the handle are interconnected with spring 240, When the submarine towed, the thimble of the towing cable ze attached to hook 238 locked with the lug of lever 239. The-position of the lever is fixed'by the lug on handle 242. While releasing the towing cable,the handle is turned around 245 with the help of hand release rope 24l, thus pulling lever 239. The tightened towing cable makes hook 238 collapse and re- ase the cable. _n t.-.e secured for-sea position the release re are kept in 1-110 after Z2 hook together with the SFrPFT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/04: CIA-RDP82-00038R002000180003-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/04: CIA-RDP82-00038R002000180003-9 50X1- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/04: CIA-RDP82-00038R002000180003-9 -7-, -"6 SFr-RFT GE1,ERAL CARE 1. During service the an fittings should be in Durpose _ally as good re it is necessary specified in Subsectxo towing gears and the moor- ready for-use. For o inspect and. test them periodi- d "F" of the given instructions. B. PREPARATION FOR US Initial 110=111111111I ? :n the initial position mccrang fittings are a)Ancho 2. The anchor is hots 3. The screw stop ' anchor and towing gears and the _ ,positions: 4. The band b the hand brake ?o e capstan is pressed while shaft is released. ,capstan controller is in the the controller is cut off. capstan is disengaged. release is sealed. ition, rom-the capstans and secu- ol_es in the super- _ :covers' Screwed to the - , SECRET ???? Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/04: CIA-RDP82-00038R002000180003-9 50X1-HUM HUM Sanitized Copy Ap roved for Release 2011/04/04: CIA-RDP82-00038R002000180003-9 C collapsible warpinF guides are collapsible cleats are under the de Gear - The towing cable is attached to the 0-#t4per is ready for release. 14. The valve in the air supply line nisat is in: the CLOSED (3AICPUTO) position. Preparation far Use the 7ne1 a)Anchor Gear 15. Inspect the anchor paying special attention tc joints of the flukes with the anchor shank (because 7- rock may cause fluke wedging). 16. Inspect the anchor cea-r. from outside to sure it is in good operating condition and that there are no 0:--4ec-:=, obstructing the movement, of the chain or near the car)stan. 17. Inspect the bitter end release and make sure that 1 case of necessity the chain can be quickly and easily releaset k)Mooring Fittings 1E. Remove the covers protecting the holes in the super- structure deck from the capstan shafts. Take the warping ends from the supports on which they are secured for seat install them on the capstan shafts and fix Screw the removed covers on the warping end supports. 19. Examine the mooring fittings from outside to make sure that they are in good operating condition and that there are no objects obstructing the movement of the ropes or near the cap- stans. 20. Prepare the mooring ropes and examine them. Set the bollards, collapsible warping guides in the opera ing position and fix them. t her: SECRET Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/04 : CIA-RDP82-00038R002000180003-9 50X1 -HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/04: CIA-RDP82-00038R002000180003-9 50X1-HUM c)To1nT 2: . Check g Gear the towinr hook with the tcw1:-.:7 it is locked and check the release assemblies. Release the end of the towing strop attached ? _"1-ARTIN:3, MAINTENANCE DURING USE AND STOPPING a)Dropping the Anchor Under Its Own Weight 22. Check if the screw stopper and the band brake are if the power supply to the controller is cut off and if the ..-and stopper of the chain drum shaft is released. Check the functioning of the electromagnetic brake by mar.:.;a1- 17 liftinp and lowering the longer end of lever 83 two or 2=. Release the screw stopper. 24. Sradually release the band brake for the necessary amcl.n: and chec;-: The rate at which the anchor chain is paid out. A.-ust tre rate by smooth_y pressing (without jerks) the band brake: it shul.:j not exceed 1 - 1.5 m/sec. 2. :heck he length of the veered-out chain by the marks the chain or by means of the indicator installed in the com- partment (see the diagram of marks on he anchor chain shown Appendix N0.1). 26. After the anchor is dropped, press the band brake and then :he screw stopper. i.ote: When the submarine manoeuvres_with the dropped anchor (to moor alongside)1. the anchor chain is paid out additionally with the help of a band brake. r b)Dropping the A Electric Moto 27. Check if the band stopper- is released and if the screw stopper and the band brake are pressed. 4? sure that the controller drive is zeroposition . check the fMneticInn 7 of the electromagnetic-brakeaccordingtoXte 22 of the giVfl Section, SECRET Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/04: CIA-RDP82-00038R002000180003-9 50X1 -HUM Sanitized Cop Approved for Release 2011/04/04 CIA-RDP82-00038R002000180003-9 50X1-HUM e of the controller drive to i:AWAY.IMWMEE0,, pay out the chain for : e necesSary length Eandthen--Shift the handle of the drive tr: -triejz*OgOilti-:.*g4:44.4'Put. off thepower supply from the .contp011er'andAiress,the:"sdrew stopper. N o .t e ::-Start-and stop the electric motor in accordance with the Maintenance Instructions for the electric drive. c)Hoisting the Ancho 30. Inspect the anchor gear to make sure that it is in oo- operating condition and there are no objects obstructing the mo- vement of the chain or near the capstan. 31. Check if the band brake is pressed. Make sure that the controller drive is in the zero position. Check the functioning of the electromagnetic brake (as directed in Item 22 of this Section) and of the screw stopper (by releasing and pressing the st7:-.ner). Cut in the power supply to the controller. 32. Prepare the hose for flushing the anchor and the chain. 33. Release the screw stopper. 3-. Start The capstan and tighten up the anchor chain at low, steed of the electric motor (with the controller in position I). e 3.Gradually shift the handle of the controller drive to ,_he extreme :HEAVE IN (3EE:1.115AM) position and pay out the anchor crh washing the slime off the chain with the water strea4t, f tne hose. Do.not let the submarine have the way on till the: anchor has cleared the bottom. e s : 1. At the moment when the anchor clears the tomythe electric motor May be stopped in, energized condition for not more than2- - - 2. With the controller in the 1nTerm tionythe electric motor can opera nuously for not more than ,3. 36 As the anchor approaches the to the zero position. After that 'hoist_ SECRET Sanitized CODV Approved for Release 2011/04/04 CIA-RDP82-00038R002000180003-9 'VW 50X1-HUN Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/04: CIA-RDP82-00038R002000180003-9 1 r- r- 50X1-HUM over the ccntro ler to the 1st Operating position fcr a ,-ricrt -,P ri 0-' OC time. - - 4" ...-- Before the anchor is pulled into the hawse w-sn =,. . & :, ? ? ....?;1-h water and then pullthe anchor into the I zwit-rhing on _ - the capstan for a short period cf time ar.--j see -7:Ps freely enter their seats fitting closely t1-1,. -go^ on r t e : If the washing of the anchor requires much tine,:.: is necessary to press the screw stopper and after washing pull theanchor into the hawse as instruot- ed Items 36 and 37 of this Section. press the screw stopper and cut off the power supply from - c)iicisting the Anchor with ?:-.F,,hd Drive :3. the -er.uirements specified in items 30 - 32 of ec. do not cut in the power supply to the control- to see if the band brake is pressed and if the to the controller is cut off. Check the functioning E-C.7 stopper by releasing and pressing. the stopper. the emergency hand .drive. Make the disc electromag- release and lock lever 83 with rod 82. l'ase the screw stopper and hoist the anchor by turn- wneel of the hand drive and wash the chain with ream from the hose. the ahohor approaches the hawserwash it and _pull into paying special attention to.the fact tha free: ,.-11.-er their seats and fit closely the hawse. ?resr the screw stopper, engagethe disc etic 5rake and disengage the hand e)Bit:ter EndR E. "...-hen it is impossible urgent to let the submarine nearest to the stopper provide_ order not to loose the whole crro T Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/04: CIA-RDP82-00038R002000180003-9 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/04: CIA-RDP82-00038R002000180003-9 SFCRF Tuation.-does not permit breaking the near,sr *1-474 release the screw stopr,er and the eCChairibitter end from the hook by turning te - , 01Hehd release, having broken the seal. 't..-tAle.Submarine hert.le!sUblearime is to be moored by means drive ,do AS :1.4611oWs,; ? Check to see if the screw stopper is pressed-and releasf the band brake. Press the band stopper of the warping enc. 4.8. Make sure that th!?) controller drive is in the zero 7,osi- tion. Cut in the power supply to the controller and make th,-, capstan mechanism run idle. 49. Pass the end of the mooring cable through the correspoM ing warping guide to the moo_ring bitts and secure it to t-;2m. 50. Pass the mooring cable through the warping end (at least three turns). 51. Switch on the capstan by shifting the controller handle from the zero position to the third position in the direction of PAY AWAY or HEAVE IN (depending on the direction in which the tzarping end should be turned) to pull the submarine to the pier, liote: With the controller in the third position,the capstan may be used con,inuously for not more than 10 min. 52. After the submarine is moored, stop the capstan and secure the cable to the bitts. Cut Off the power supply from - the controller, apply the band brake of-the.01aPt417..clut release the band stopper of the' chain drumi- remove the._warpin _ - - _ - end, take it to the superstructure andsecure it for setti-. _ -7 ? the support. Put a cover on the capstan superstructure deck. by of When the submarine is to be moored with t means of the electric drive/proceed as follow 53. Perform all the operations liite SECRET Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/04: CIA-RDP82-00038R002000180003-9 50X1-HUN Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/04: CIA-RDP82-00038R002000180003-9 , submarine. is ooreds-stop the capstan and ilt:1-OfftleAiSower supply from the controller. e---14-40421-g and secure it superstructure. for sea the cover onthe capstan shaft. en the submarine is to be moored through the after canstan by means of the emergency hAnd-drivelido the following: Put the chain wheel together with the chain onto the shaft of the electric motorand run the capstan mechanism. 57. Perform the operations listed in Items 49, SO of this Section and turn the capstan in the required direction by means of the hand drive. in the 58. After the submarine is moored, secure the cable to the bitts, remove the chain wheel and the warping end. Secure the wheel and the warping end for sea. Put the cover onto the capstan shaft to protect the hole in the surerstructure deck. g)Towing the Submarine 59. Attach the end of the towing cable cast from the tug- boat to the thimble of the towing strop connected with the hook. O. After towing, cast off the cable bysuOtilying:air:tO:the pneumatic mechanism. At first opportunity offeredtset7-the::tow- ing gear in the initial position. 50X1 -HUM D. MAI!.TEliANCE DURIUG LONG PERIOD OF STANDSTI General El. During long period of standstill Should be processed and prepared for stowage. Items 89 and 90 of the given Instructions. 62. Once every fortnight check The condition- - lies and the preservation coating on them detected, recondition the coating 63. Once a month check the functionin required in Section II-C of the oresen 64. Once a year open the mechani to and reprocess their 'major., ASS SECRET Sanitized Coov Approved for Release 2011/04/04: CIA-RDP82-00038R002000180003-9 50X1-HU Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/04 : CIA-RDP82-00038R002000180003-9 ere'rft-4 e,troubles and defects and their 1:fiaA! below: P-.41).e vlbra caP- an:operation Off-center operalectric - Adjust t. ters of elec:_ motor and reduc- motor and tion gear gear Water leakage Loose or worn- through glands Tighten the c7lahds out gland packing if the leaka?e does not cease, replace the gland packinz F. PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE INSPECTIONS AND REPAIRS a)Daily Inspections E. Inspect the drives and mechanisms from outside and clean Check the oil level in the housings of the planetary and reduction gears and the lubricatIon of the gear drive of the canstan head. 67. :urn the screw stopper, the band stopper and the band 6.Run the warping end idle with the help of the electric Check the position of the bitter .trid relese drive and ccncition of the seal. ,4eekiv inspections and After Each Cruise Perform all the operations of the daily inspection and in ac.'7.:Ltion to that do the following: SECRET 50X1-HUM Sanitized Com Approved for Release 2011/04/04: CIA-RDP82-00038R002000180003-9 50X1-HUN Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/04: CIA-RDP82-00038R002000180003-9 C 50X1-HUM edk- the condition of all the - -soreWS-- Work out all the difficult -to -t-..;rn znAX-e-'-'el-It.liedetedted,defects. Clean and_ lubricate all The exposed ives, rives inside and outside the pressure hull. - - - , =?urF...s 72. Add -g.reaSeto:the housings of the wor:a ant reduction gearS*fcrce-the. screw-cap lubricators throupn. 73. Clean and-lubricate-the swivels. Pay cut and then 7L-: in 5-10 m of the anchor chain to check the function inc of veered.out chain length- indicator. c)Monthly Inspection Perform all the operations of the weekly inszection anc: in addition to that do the following: 74. Check the condition of the glands in the pressure huil if necessary,tighten them. 75. Check the functioning of the pneumatic mechanism of the Towing gear. 76. Use the grease fitting to lubricate the bitter end release drive. 77. Check the attachment of the base plates and the drives capstans. a 4 ? d)Three-Month Ins pections i-erform all the operations of the monthly inspection and audition to that do the following: 7. Check the condition of the anchor chain, the attachment spacers and swivels. Make sure hat the Screw and stoppers and the band brake,are rating _co , the clamp :;ant on. 79. Open the bevel drives - them with grease. 80. Clean the hinges old lubricant and lubrica 81. Change the grease-' worm reduction gears- e) D o 82. work out ef? SECRET Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/04: CIA-RDP82-00038R002000180003-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/04: CIA-RDP82-00038R002000180003-9 C 50X1 -HUM condition of the bitter end release e C44 '"e" and check the grease supply. heck the readings of the veered-out length ---- 86. Make measurements of the chain links in the laces mostly subjected to wear. To ensure uniform wear of the cnaln, it is good practice- to interchange the running and tter tions of the chain and every chain length. 86. Examine The locker; if necessary, restore its _L.? coating or lining. f)Inspection During Maintenanc Perform all the operations of the three-month inspection and in addition to that do the following: 87. Open and wash all the bearings of the drive, planetary and worm reduction gears, actuating shafts (of the screw stop- 7:er, band brake, veered-out length indicator, band stopper controller drive) with kerosene and then lubricate them with fresh grease. aa. ash tle housing and the gears of the reduction gears.- I.vernaul the emergency hand drive. . :;ISASSEMBLY zJ REASSEMBLY a (within the scope of preventive maintenance inspections and repairs) a)General S. Complete disassembly of the forward and after capstanS.:, shod be carried out outside the submarine. For this purpose tne heads and the drives should be removed from their instal- lation places and delivered to the place where they will be :11sassemb1ed. The holes in the bosses on the pressure hull snould 5e plugged. Separate units of the anchor and towing gears and the mooring fittings may be disassembled aboard Shi 90. Prior to complete disassembly of the gears and sepa rate unitspthe mating parts and especially spacers should marked. SECRET Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/04: CIA-RDP82-00038R002000180003-9 50X1 -HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/04 CIA-RDP82-00038R002000180003-9 ',al disassembly of the capstan units for processing Ceasing their parts installed in difficult-to-get-a-: uld be performed aboard ship. sembly ?92 For complete disassembly of the forward and after capstans remove the heads and the drives and deliver them to zne place where they will be disassembled. 93. 24,10 remove the heads of the forward and after capstans, remove the detachable plates from the upper deck, uncouple the union clutches connecting the heads with the drives, disconnect the heads from the base plates, disconnect the shafts of the veered-out chain length indicator drives and of the forward capstan band brake drive, stop the heads and use the crane or tackles to take them off their installation places and deliver to the place where they will be disassembled. 94. While taking the head out of the forward capstan to avoid damage of the warping end shaft,see to it that the head removed gradually without misalignment till the warping end aft is completely out of the gland sleeve body. /iote: Prior to the removal of the capstan head,it is good practice to disconnect the gland sleeve body from the boss on the pressure hull and after that remove the head together with the sleeve. 95. Use the Appendices for Instructions to disassemble all the units of the capstan, anchor and towing gears and the moor- ing fittings. 96. Install plugs with sealing gaskets on all bosses welded to the pressure hull from which separate assemblies of the capstan and anchor gear have been removed for an inspection or c)Reassembly 97. The reassembly of the gears is carried out in the order reverse to the disassembly. All the dismantled units should be installed in their due places. 98. After all the gear units to be mounted on the bosses are installed, test the joints 1-,=r compartment. SECRET Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/04: CIA-RDP82-00038R002000180003-9 50X1 -HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/04 : CIA-RDP82-00038R002000180003-9 SFrPPT SS. After the anchor ant ting are reassembled and instal:et tneir functioning as instructed j the initial nnsition as instructed ? ?.? .? ?oa r. TNACT7VA7":01.-; AND ACTIVATIC:. Inacrivat.lon Aboard ShIZD Clear all the exposed, frictibn E17: old lubricant, wibe them with clean as: rs.grease. ? F1 .--- the screw-cap lubricators - ..:-.,ricate the rears as directed in Items tacns. 2. Activation Aboard Ship -'I Clean parts and units from old 11;bricaht C. Iriszect and clean the screw-cat lubricator:: from old lubricant. the screw-cap lubricators with ty lubricate all the friction parts and joints. unslushing the gears ..set them in the aLL check their operation,as instructed in Sec._ ::-C tnese instructions. ki:FERE.1;a: DATA 50X1 -HUM 13E. Use grease, grade AMC-1,to lubricate all the Tarts nstalled outside the pressure hull and to fill the outboard crease fittings. Use gun grease to lubricate the parts installed inside the pressure hull. 108. Fill ,the housings of the planetary and worm reducti zears - of the capstans with diesel oil. SECRET Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/04: CIA-RDP82-00038R002000180003-9 50X1 -HUN 50X1 -HUM ? ??' ? Yif Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/04: CIA-RDP82-00038R002000180003-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/04: CIA-RDP82-00038R002000180003-9 CFCRPT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/04: CIA-RDP82-00038R002000180003-9 50X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/04: CIA-RDP82-00038R002000180003-9 SFC-12F 50X1-HUM Ar... ...? .--7P-- ? I -... _ ? - \ ":" " / ' " ? -a---r. A I" t-,..- c... . ..... 7 ..... : 1???? C. ? ? . . ? ????.... ,..e. 6 ?1, - . ? , IANCHCR CH.AlN ri,,k 10 Ts/ t . are Ihk to i^..o 'Nth* *nor Ito d - Soctiort 8 So-ot i on 7 $o o t I Point the Iini.(s marik secti=t3 ? Set1ior7s SECRET Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/04: CIA-RDP82-00038R002000180003-9 50X1 HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/04: CIA-RDP82-00038R002000180003-9 SECRET 50X1 -HUM -, ? 4 i"::'. .____ . -- . 1 r -- ? , . i i 1 --......," ? , ----_, 1-'.. . 1 , , . N , .,......... # { .i ............:, .... /...... .... -? # .V...... ---'-'-"-- ---- "..-...."---.7.-7._ -7:............'. - ." '- I .....4 , ..,. ? ? ?----, ...--,- ---7-7....------z-77---:-._ - -- _.:-.L-1.---_-?-? --; ???,,...?- .,......__ ; , #....-or....-?-*....,..,? _. , .. ...,... .............. =-''''' ;#...:.,--# ..........,?.4.,...,.._ .......;,- 1., ,,,. 1.---, v/ , . ? .-?,.....,..-?.? rf ;j t;; 17 ! - ?,....,4i . - 1" i /1 ,,, ? ., i? : (.., f?V \ '',:. t- ?.:, : , , 1 I i k. ..1 i '?'?, 1 ' ? ' ; .- , : ? ..=.7.----4, 1 ; .;1:; 11' I '.. --?-?- H. u.10 I , I 1 ' ? - ????? - ?.????- ' , - 4??' -- - ' t -r SECRET - #.4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/04: CIA-RDP82-00038R002000180003-9 .;??? ? : 50X1- HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/04: CIA-RDP82-00038R002000180003-9 SECRET 50X1 -HUM 111. 7 Trr ; .1.41r.. Sr, r .40 171 7 ? 1/4, ri ??????????? 5 eo '15 7:171 - LAYOUT OF MCORING FITTIN SECRET 50X1 -HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/04: CIA-RDP82-00038R002000180003-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/04: CIA-RDP82-00038R002000180003-9 , CP(^1;tT 50X1 -HUM , i; ...77.77., ..-......,-. , . ...,...?.... 2 1,-- .. a .......???????????-?.?-?????? ..............*- ?,,........t...-...? , i.,........... .. ,! 105 i8 r- r SFCRFT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/04: CIA-RDP82-00038R002000180003-9 50X1- ? Z..: ? ? ? ? UM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/04: CIA-RDP82-00038R002000180003-9 SECRFT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/04: CIA-RDP82-00038R002000180003-9 50X1 50X1 -HUM a AP tfil*P.-4; g.W.BIA:110abi041/ tg.0, z-t4tv tlt'Ukgit'MTfrkdWKAIiS a'.45 afi-AT,Yer;litiifil!giagArioksi iW.;!-,41%f:',t/41.1 ;.I-; f Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/04: CIA-RDP82-00038R002000180003-9 ave,k1.17,1, ' 10, 4rr - ' y. ' if 114 .d ',..+-14.4:5..1:4 ? gtt,r- ? Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/04: CIA-RDP82-00038R002000180003-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/04: CIA-RDP82-00038R002000180003-9 50X1-HUM ;41 ifY't Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/04: CIA-RDP82-00038R002000180003-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/04: CIA-RDP82-00038R002000180003-9 SECRET 50X1-HUM iR CHAIN SCREW STOPPER SECRET Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/04: CIA-RDP82-00038R002000180003-9 ? 50X1- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/04: CIA-RDP82-00038R002000180003-9 MP. M VP AIMS 50X1 -HUM SECRET Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/04: CIA-RDP82-00038R002000180003-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/04: CIA-RDP82-00038R002000180003-9 50X1 -HUM AP P END X 5 SCREW STOPPER HAND DIME SECRET Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/04: CIA-RDP82-00038R002000180003-9 50X1-HUM Nos Description 57 Bracket Hoo 59 Hook 60 to. or .in 61 Stopet 6 Nut 61 Threaded shaft 6 cove doting s a a Shaft 67 Sleeve 68 . Nadir, _ 10,41, 111.:,4,' ? V 121===111111111111= t1Cli 47 I ?4%\. 11 I, BITTER END RELEASE :at 'AY 62 V\111H-1.X09 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/04: CIA-RDP82-00038R002000180003-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/04: CIA-RDP82-00038R002000180003-9 SECRET 50X1 -HUM SECRET Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/04: CIA-RDP82-00038R002000180003-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/04: CIA-RDP82-00038R002000180003-9 50X1 -HUM ?????.mm.1.1. ?????????1110 enallaT mmmm. moom cominm. 0.4. .1111.. .01M. 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