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Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 P~LAI~ ~Z~S~A~Ci~ ~'UP1~T~El~ k~Y TI~~ Ali~~~xV~'~ ~'Ol~ POLAR FZ]~u {' ' CE3 0~~ KT~ ~'ub~.~.sh~.n~ HnusE; W~ser~.a~nd Ver~.ag~ Ho~.zmind~x~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 ~~~~~+~a ~~i, C~~ r~ '~ ~~S ~r~~~ ~'ra11S~.F~'~~,On M~ C~robewah~.~ Pxo~essor vx~ Leon~.d 3 ~a~ ~ Sreit~'u~~ ,, ~. ~hr~ Se~.sm~,ca.ty off' the Arc~~~.~ 32G ~. ~~ma, Gott:~r~.ed wa~,s~: F.~pexi.ences w~.th ~qua.pmen~ ox~ an Expcd~.t~.an to ~ X28 a Green~.an Karl Schenkr ~~,d~.o Propagation as an lRr Weather ~,x~~laration 33~ 19 Aa.d, in Po Heinrich Schatz; ~ TI'l,Ca Gataatrophe of the ~~Coburgu in the Tee o~~' ShaM~ ., Naven~b~r 19~~~ 336 29 non on ~.~ 19 Hans Ra.chtex~: ~'he Stex'eoseapa.r Pic- ' ~ ~.ar Research 338 ~~' tore in Fa ~'r~.t~ Mat~~~ick: ~.'he ~'rob~,em o~ ~3i- 341 ~~~ po:~ar ~ichene Hein~~ M.t~.~.er~ ~h~, Nlauntain Rc~~-on 3~~ 49 at Pet~~~rna ~~ , l~OS smar~nt On the ~'~hn `Wind in ~nla~ad 3~"I ~~ Sp~.tsb erg~n .and Gree John Georgi ~ Measuring instrument ~'or D~.recfi~ So~.a.r N,adiat~.on for Use by -ditions 3~~ 7a ,. a ~~ , ~? W, A,~.tntanns .Northern C~nad~ i~'e o~ `~'c,morr~ow 3~~ "~~ Source a~ ~- He el~, ~.e "~'a~re~"?We,~precht ~' libi~iax~-r ~s~ar ~ -~.n Vienna ~.~~~~1~~~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 Qr~,,~~1.~~~?~ '1'ra~~~~a~~Ar~ Mar~~~,n ~li~.~~r~; ~,'o Jamo~ ~~~rk Baas on ~h~ Uc;caa~ar~ ?~' his ~a0th ~a,x~hM clay an ~.~ Ap~,~ ~9~0 36c~ ~? Andpx~a h~ Ox~v~n: ~xp~di~iana off' ~h~: Nargk ~'a1,a~~.ra~~.~u~,~ clur~n~ ~h~ ~'aax 1;~~0 363 9~~ Ctrl^h~~r~d vch~.nc~.~~; Me~eoxc~~,o~y a.~n ~Eh+~ Po:~ax Axea 36~ 99 loo l~osaac, 1:ni~~~rna~ional. Camr~i~.sa~.or~ ~'ax1 k~ex~i.~;1.aGa.a1. Mor~~holagy 366 1.02 ~'s~.~z Mat~t,i ck; po~~~t nn tha VT1; In~ernat~iorlal 1~o~~ani.sts ~ Mee~-in~; ha1.d at Stockholm in 1.90 366 1.03 Hanaw~'a~ter Koaack; '~h~; _Cou~se of Exw plara~tion and the Si,at~ off' Ou~rent J~nowl.ed~e abov,~t ~tha An~;arc~ta.c 367 l0~ I+x~.~t~ Loewy; I'ro~x~~s of 'the French An~tarc~tic ~xpedi.~Lion up ~o ~th~ P~'E~~n~r 37~~ 1.1.E I~ianawl'e~e~ Kosack, 'the "Atlas a~ Pax~~Ls off' the An~tarcta.c Coast~~ 3i3 1.20 Jon ~y~ha~^s~oxas R~cass~,c~n off' ~c~;~.and Glaciers in the Years l~3Ow19~7 37~ l2~ C. ~ru~erM ,Thy; lntexest o~ Sump Ca1.M lectors ~.n the Fo:lar ~egic~ns ,~"rb 1.26 k~xich ~Wustmann: Just Knud ~ui~stad g~ Years 01~d, 376 1.27. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 Cri~~.~~a~. ~'rans~a~iAn ..~.~~ Mar~~.n Mi~.~.er; TA ~~nes ~l~x~ ~~~ on the gccasion ?~ k~i~ ~~~~a ~~,r~h~. ? day ox, ~,~ April, ~.9~0 3~aC 8? And?~~~ K. ~x~vin; ~~ped~.~,ians off' ~h~ Norsk ~Po~.arin~La.~u~~?~ dux~n~ the Year ~9~0 3~3 91~ t~erh~~rd Sahind~.er; Me~t,eoxalogy ~,n ~h~ Pour Area ~~a 99 l~~ ~'oser; ~ni,crna~iona~. ~Corrm7~.ssa.or~ i'ox Pera.~la~;ia~, ~Nlorpholo~y ~b6 lQ2 I'r~.~~ Nattick; ~po~~~t are ~hE V:C~:~ ~nternat~.onal 13o~anis~s' Mee~~.n~ held a~ Stockholm in 195n ~6~ l0~ H~ns~1'eter ~osack; '~h~t Course o~ fix- l~lora~ion and the S~ata of ~%urrent Knowledge ak~ou.t ~th~ An~~rc~ie X67 10,E ~~'ri~2 ~~oewe; Progress off' 'the French Antarc~,~.c k~xped~.~ian up ~o ~h~ Present X73 ll~ I~~,ns~~'eter Kos~ckc 'the "A~~.as of P~r~Ls a~' the An~arc~ic Coast'+ 373 l~0 ~'orr ~y'~l~orsaons c~;ss3.ran off' Iceland CrlaeiE";rs in the Years l~~Q~lq~."l 3wr~ l~l~ C, Kruger mhe lr~~eres~~ a~ Stamp Col?~ l~ctor~ :Ln ~h,e PoJ.ar ~egic~ns .~76 126 Erich ~Wustmann: Just Knud ~u~,gstad ~8 Fears Old. ,~"~~ l2'~ __ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 Ku.r~~ 1~~Y~e; ]~r~,~~ Na~Bs Nor~~h Pala' ~~~~.an~; ~"~~~ ~~~ Gc~n axa~~ ~ ~,~m~ F~cpad~. ~~.an ~ X81 137 Gaophys~.ca~, T~~ms 3~1 13~ Nax~~h~x"~ Luxo~a~ ~a~ a.4o T r,~~.and ~ ~ ~ ~.~.0 5p~.t~sb ar~ar~ ~ g 2 ~.~~. Gx~ec~nl and ~ 83 ~,1a 2 l~ax~~l',h~x~n Ass. 3 ~3 ll~'2 1:,akarG~dar ~ a~ ~~~~ ,~~. a5~6t ~h~' Ax"C~1C WYt~1.:I.n~ and ~ea].a.r~~ ~.n ~~~ ~'~'~ -~ou~t Pa~.sx~ 1'~Ze~a,ona: 3~5 lZ~~ G~nex~a~. l~~~ls l ' ~ g~ l ~ ~ 1'~~:~cd,a.~a,nns Wha3~in~ X87 ~iblia~;rapY~y 3 ~~ ~ v~.ows ~3aalc e ~ 396 .~~ ons Gom.rnuna.ca ti Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 _ _ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 FQ-LAI~ ~~~~A~~~i ~. .~ ~'ubl,is~,~ad by the l~rch~.v?s ~'or ~a~ar hs~earahi ~iia1,~ Wi~r~~;~M minenstr~ 2~, phony 2~Q2~. ~'o~ta1 checking Account o;f' tl~? Archives: l~lamburg ~,~~U~, ~'or the GeY~~ln l~emacra~~ic hepub~,a,c, k~asta~. Ghec~:~ng Account ~er7.in 13Ca~~.lr? belonging ~~o Mr, Ernst G~xtt~?it, Lberswal,dds {'ri.ah~Mtuhsam ~trasse 3G. ~a.reetor; l7r~ Niax GrGtetirahZ., Deput~r Uirectort ~tudien~ rat Burt kuthe~ Lditar; Stu~ienrat Kure l~ut~i~+ published by Weserland Verl.ags ~Holzrr~inden vo7.u.me ~1/19~0 Number. J./2 20~~ Year l slued January 19~~, UI~TTUARY FOB, PrG~'essor Dr. Leonid ~3re~;t~'uss '.1'he dean a~' Berman polar research, k'x'G~essgr Dr's Le:orlid, l~reit~uss, died. at dad ~'yrmant an 20 Ju~.y 1850, H~.s h~~d been a long and successi'u~. li~'e ar~d yet he le~'t us toy soon. xn :Ur. ~3reit~uss th.E Archives f'or ~'alar research are ~.osirtg one of their a~.clest and most valuable ca~,~.abaratoxs~ lluring the organ~.zata.on a~' the ~lrchi~res he was ga.ven d~.rectiar~ a~' .the J~er~.in sect~.an, In the course a~' h7.s activ~:tY tka,ere h~; was able to enM large the speca.ali~ed ~.~.brary a~' the Arch~.~ves cons~.de~^ab~.~r arld was ab~.E to cantinue Chavanne' w bib~.~.o~;raphy, ~ahich ~.ncludes po1.~r ~.~,teratu~~ up to 1~7~~ r~he card index camp~led b~ him in phis work hae been 'the basis ~'ar a~.~. b~ib~.~.ogra~h~.c pu,b~.~.cat~.Gnw ~ivb Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 ~~ The baArd off' dixec~oxs of ~kae Aralniv'es ~~,~,~, tie end o~ ~~~~ ~.~,~ an hc,noxaxy member a.n xacagr~i~^on o~ f'ox Po~,ax Reseaxch mach h~,m ~1~ ese ~,abaxs ruffered an irxep~.aaea~b~p ~.asN by Merman ~,a1ax xasearch has a h~,s uni~ixa.ng di~.a.gence and his h~.s decease ~ May' Gexman youth fake dGi and s~F,z~.ve on in 11is spixi~t~ benefic:~a~. woxk as a mo Gro ~ticwah~, ~:h 1949 Number if ? Wage 293 - ~ '~o ~'xafessax, k'oo~no~e; To1ar ~~ssear occas^an of his ~O~h ann~,vexsaa~y' in polar ~~ L. 1~reitfus,~ on the ~th bixa;hda~T, 191~~9, 37 pa~;eu. Pubiished~ by xaseaxch and h~.s ~~ ~ ~ a rch Kic~:1, ~J^lhe~.ma.~~,enst~xasse 24 ~ Prase ~1rchlv'es fox l a~.a,x hesea ~ 2eQ0 ~.M. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 _. _ . _ _ __ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 ~ro~'essor ~r~ ~! Tan~s~ I~arnbur~ ;Cn v~,ew of tha fact t~rat since the be~~.nnin~ off' tha.s ear~ah ua.ke rese~~xrh hats becom? incroasa,r~~~1y'~ c?rr~;ury irr:~trurnerr rah. ~ roni~e~t:n?l; thar~ts to tha ~~erf'ectin~ off' seisr~a~raphsy our lcnow- si ~ ,~ off' the se~.5r1rie be~ra,v~,or a~' areas SucYl a,5 the a?o~.~tir regions ],edge ~, ~.dera,b~ evF,n though thE,se re~~,ons are ~.nsuf f'~.c9.er~~ ha ~~ grown cons y ~~ irect observations, Thus it was soon discovered, tl.y acc,e s~,ible i~o d ,, ~, :. ~ ~:~.rst ?La derr>anstrate, ~hat~ 1'or e~~am~,~.c, the a,s the ~~uthor way ~h~, ,~ n I~ortherr~ Ocean or thF Ska,tldik (Narwe{~'iarr bot?~ort~ off' ~~he Europa va.a and Greeri~,c~nd ~'xom Tcea.arrd ?r,o S~aitsber~Eri aea] between ,Scanda.na seisrn~.c act~.vity ~.rr ~.ts cerrtral region ~~1~~~.'~ ray reveaa.s a ~.a.veJ.y ~~ ~ ~ arctic itself, and that even the region be traced a.nto LhE vexy y ~ ?nsl~iold Sea C~,aptev Seal between thc; Tain~'x~ Benins,ula o~ the Nox do ' bex~ian ;~slarids has noteworthy ea,r~tYrc~u,a,ke~~. and the Nc;w Sa. rr~rehcnsive representation of 'the seises ~'he most recent; co i~ ~~ ~~. ? :. earth. b B. Gu~;enberg and. C ~ ~ ~ Richter (l9 ~~) ma,c.~ ~y of the ~' ~, ;:, ,; urther comple?~ea the picture, so that these two auth,orw now re~ f t,inuaus arctic ea,rtb:y,ua,ke belt in the; ~.a.~;ht of recent fer ?~o_a con observatians~ and that th~.~ belt ex?~ends as a corr~ t 7.itex ature and. ti r; ~' 'Lhe seism~.c zone. in the Nox~?~hern A?~~.ant~.c ~'rc~m xce~ 1 ta.nuata.on o ~~ r the Eux~a ea,n pax~~ off' the Arc?~ic Ocean, .the. Greerr~.and Land cc.~o,~s p ? n northward past ~'r~.d~ jaf-T7ansen ~,~and a~.~. the way Sea and Spa.tsber~ye re inn off' .the ~~raa, Bela and the New 5iberia.n ~:slands? ?~o the ~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 ,,Q ~, s fi,x~ ~~, on o~ rho ~u~~k~ s e ~' '~~h~, s xQ w has alorr~ ~~~ Ad~~e ouch ~~ ~,eyl~~~ ~~,on ~h? o~,~~th~.u~~? obs?x~rs.~tvx, ~ ~~~ nd T,v~.~~u~ on the asst ~,nd sou~~~we~ lea ~ee~.~rrd, Soox?sby Sound a s~~,a ~.n ~wec~?ra ~,nd ~,sk.~,~.e~~ui,x or~.et oi' ~xf~erril,~.nd ~~~,;pGC~:~V?~y, U~ o_. T use~ul~ apart ;~xona rrraxe x~r-,o?l.e ~.x%~cot~land hev~ been e s~ec~.a~~.~ ' ~,errse ~u:akes. W? rnua'~ rnen~~,on ;fin s~i~a~t~,oris :1.n the e~~~e of a.n -~,2) at ,.. ? on was s,c~~~,vc temporara,ly (~,9~~, a,ss~,n~~ th~:~~ a ~exmarr s ~at~. .shed d re~aults .f'xorr< this st~~ta,Un pub/ ~ dven~t Aay on Sp:~. ~,sbe r ~,e n ~ ~n a a basa~a f'ox his own ~.nves~ r C, l~alnk:a ortGE scxved the s,ufi,~iax a ~~ ~ ~ r t ~ ear' ~hw d?~i~aa.lGd exFa7.ana'~lon of Sla~,~~sba~~,en ~ t~.~~1~,a.on. ~:n a more ls, A. aa.Eber:; cor~~as,~~ea i?~s sels~~.c quake s rtincl ~Lc-: c'~o na. c ~~hc, riomer ' ~~ .an block system. xn add9.ta.on ~~o cha,x~~ctc;r to ~h~t,t~ of tl1e SoLith Gcxm w ~, s a -,'~a. ch e el ~to ~Lhe: ~a rts, sh ~l~hc above an ea,r'~h~,u~.kc~ obsc;r~v~rtory . ~ ~ . . , ~' don ~L?he weat coa~~t of C~ecrils,rrd, b~?o:l.or:ra~cal st~:l~~ion on ~a.sko 1,,,~an ? ~ rvs.~~inn~a me,de, w~.'th extens~.vc d ~, G, Jarboe xe,ported on a.ts obse ~,n ~, l2. [See ` r, ~.ad f'rem October.. 1g07 '~o May 9' ~,n~~er~rup~l~~.ons, .~n, ~,hE pe tr~.bu~~~.on:r to r,eophysica), Vol 'er~lc~ndt s Y3e~.'~x,~~,~ux.,~..r~ki-~-~=~M Oor~ C~ ...... ~~ 1~ and Volv.me ~~V (191~.1F) J , lgl2), Volume ~J:1.~. (.lql ) url~e K~ ( r li ~~; Lle or not a~ aa.l sei srrlics,l.:l.y ~'he r~.m of ?~~e ~.rct~.c ~.,~ very ~ Greenland or in Northee,stern Siber~., dis'Lur~~c,cl a.n North Arnera.ca and , , , the l~.mited obeex~vat~.onal f aca.l~. ~~es. ss f'ax as we can ~~ell from ~ E mouth rs have bec;n known t,o occur a,t th On ~I;he Canad~.an r~.rli ~',reruo he xe r~.on . ~ the Y3eauf`ort ~~ea as w~el~.~ as in t ~ of ~~he Mackcn~a~.e and ~n mots on the ~ ? ncl ~s,f'f~.n Y3ay? 1~rea5 of weak tre off' ~~he Davis ,,~,rai.t a ~er re ~~.ona. .,, .,~ ~ Greena.and. correspond to the latt ~~ ne~.~;hbora.n~;, c,oas ~ o ,.?s o~ creak shocks om Crreenland's east There ~.~re oces,s~.ons,l repot L r s that of :~celand wh~.ch l~,es ~us'~ coast ~.n the same lat~.tu~de ~ SouthM ~,~; and f,s often. badly shaken up ~.n ~.ts own across Den7r~ark Stra Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 wait ~~~c~ r~ortl~oast cox~ners~ ~s can bea ~a~;harc~d ~'rr~m ~~~~ ~~xAat~,~o by Guk,en'hcrg and ~,~.ck~t?~, ~~hr~ro .l.s An iriiport?w,r~t~cante~~ in ~a~e ~iber~.an~,~J.askan ~Gxatlait~.ana1 reg~,on l~?~~c~oan ~,s~,a r~nr~ Noxtl~ ~,rner~,ca, a~aar~; .from a dew o~;her quake ceri~~are, ~'l~i;a con~c~z~ ~,s loc~~~,ed outsido the ~~.aut~.an and ,~~.ask~an zone bel,on~;in~ ~ro the carthc~l~alce belt ringing the ~'a,ci~'.i.c a~~ ap~~rax.m- ately 6~ degrees nar~th, 1~2 wQa~~ off' Greenw~.ch, not i'ar ~ror-~ the 13ei^in 5t,raa.~~ ~Iers the; obsarvs,~~a.ons o:~ ~Lha s~~r~~t~,on at Co~,~.a;e near ~~a~,rb~~nks in ~~.aa,ca wh~.ch h~~s baen in opexatio~n since 193~i wi;~.:1 be especially use:Cu]. in eJ.ari~'ying the sit,ua~~ior~, Con,~d.derable pragre~~ in' 'the ev~,lu~~tion o~ the 5eism:i.c activi~~y o:C a 2^e~;tan was rnrldo w~ien Gu~;enbe~~ and R.~chl;er .succeeded (19~; and ~.ater) in adopting a de:~in~,~;c unx~~ o:~ nieasuremPnt i'ar the "I~Iragnitude" ('tMagnitude", M) o~ a quake as whale, which at the same time per~7rits an estimate off' the energy released by itd This obv~.ously goes :far beyond the cuatamary imf,ensity-estimates using an emz~irical ma~ni.~~ude scale based on da.rectJ.y Visible e~'~'ects Acrording to the cl~~ssi~'ication adopted, b"fir the above; named au~~haa^s and their de~~rmina~.ions a:~~. over the r~ioxa under dis? cu;:7u~ion we are c~eal~ng exclusive~.y with car~hr~uakes havx.ng their cantors near the surface (depth o;~ can ors na greater than ~0 lzilo? , metez^s) ~ 'hero were no indications o~ ,genua.nc deep c~ual~os w~.th centers s,t depths. beyond 30a l~ilorn~te,rs (down to appraximate~.y 7n0 ki~.ometers) or o:~ quakws with an inte~nediate depth of center at '70 to EGG kilometers, ~'he determ~.nat~.orl off' the 'magnitude" off' an Declassified in itized Co A roved for Release 2012J04/23 : CIA-R Part - San' ~ py pp DP82-000398000200170017-4 _ __ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 ?axthquakQ anc~ ~h~ amoux~~ off' on?r~y ra;~a~ad ~~? ~.~ d?p~r~ds ~,n and ~ ah?nsly~ a '~,lca~~,on upon comp/?~. ~~17?orstlcal cvnaidara~~.ons d o~n~r pp ad aeon o~ thA ~las~~J.c saxth~~v~a as wa~.l as upon orapl~cl- of ~hA r ~, rr~ia,natloras s,ncl deriva,~~~,ons basod on the solsrrlomo~~r~,c roes- ca~, ~,ete trat~.ons a~~ ~.ncl~.v~.c~ual qualcos, '~hc~se, as w? kxiow, pc~r~ll~,~ rQ:l~,abla conclusl.ons about the w~~ve ~rou~~s s,craxcla.n~ to t,~pa, sanpll.~uc,~e and ~' d ~'hu,, ~,t has b?en ~o1~nd that on tha scale which has boon so p?r~.o , wolf de~Lermin~:a in this mal1~ior the n~o at important ec~rtlaquake5 ax~m~ ,fined for i.n~l;ensity ~'~ust b4 ~1ssa.~n?d ~, ma~;n~l,tuc~e of approxima~~e~.y pN~i, It was ~;urthor fi'o~znd t11at all quakes o~~ a magnitude cl.aas equal 'Lo or treater than ~,~ are seismieal:ly p?r~ccptible e've~^y- where on earth, while quakes which do not reist~~r at distances rr;a~ter than 1000 kiJ.omete~rs have a m~~~;n ~Lucle smaller than ~, 3, T'ne ~; teat L~.sbon cuake o:~ l~t~~_ may .perhaps be ~ivecl a ma~,n~.tude ICI of ~, ~ ~ ~ The amount off' energy involved then rosults From an easily t ~ 9, able relationship between energy' 1J ~ in er ;s) amd magnitude M manage wh~~.ch :for the bane being fig th.eoretieally and empiricaa.].y valid la,; Ir = 12 ~ 1,~ 1'~, 'his relationship, however, furnished the value of lob ~ at best to an accuracy of one unit, since lob involves 7,o~aLry~.th~ns to the bass 10 the value of 1~J itself, as found in this manner is therefore at best cle?L?ermined to powers of ten, In al~plyin~ this to trie earthqua!~es o:~ the ~,rc?~ic the fn:~J.owin~; i'acts further char4~c~~eri~irl~; its seismicity should be iven in conclusion, 'they are based on the veiy com~~lete ~'oundata.ons of the above-cited work by Gutenberg and 1~ichter, Of the 2q StroY~ er ualces o.~' magnitude chases ~r~ater than or equal to 6,0 observed q ' n the ears from 1g0c~ to l~)l~~ north off' (~~ duress north latitude ~. ~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 s~~~.~, ended goad reg~stra~~.on~~ a~ d~,~~ncps and wh~,cl~ ~,n ~?nara~, Y~ ~ '~Ihli 1:i '1Cexl~~ede' ih~p* a~~+ll6~ 111ei~~ ~~OM 1'l~ Isk~dN o~ ~.O,gQp lc~.~,ame~ers ~ro~~ __ ~~.oned arctic ear~liqualce bea.t~ Q~e v~ be~.anged 'to 'the abov? men ualc~ s (2]. I~ ~br~axy ~.9 26, M ~ ~' 9 ) th? thr?e most s lgn~. ~'~.cs, nt q gone a ~' the Chukot~lt~ Y'~n~.n~u~.a on ~r~ng or~~.~;irlated ~.n th? rrargi.na~. tYi ~.?2 d?grees west) ~ another (20 November S~~raa.t (~`~ dEgrees nor ~ "' e Tees north., ~Q3/U~ do~reee west) ? 1y33, Ni~7.3) a,n Dad: ~'a.n k3ay (~~ d ~ uak? (22 JaY~uary 1910, M ~ 7.1) we dead. 1:n the case a~' the tha.rd q ? , im~titely 2001 ki~,ometers north a:~ ~celand~ with an ep~.cente~ ap~ro~c ~, ' e coordinates at the t7.me to be The author campt~~~ed its gea~;ra,Yha. ~~ ,, de gees west, in roti~nd i'igures ~ ~Sei~tra~e 68 de ~;re e s north a,nd ~.? !, , t-K1. Mitteilgt! (Shor't Notices) p? 2~0 ur Ge aphy~, Vole X, ..1910, ea a~` tha:s qualce and i'ts imrrteda.ate ~f' ~) o 'Wha.le the ora.l;~.nata.ng ar ain radiates more or less important surroundings aga~.n and ag ,t .the region into the main seian~-c ~ron~ sYioclcs, thus ~,nrarpo~ata.n~, ? n off' Sa~'f'in Say in the above-~.ndic~~,ted o:fi the Arct~.c, the regio . seism~.cally very da.sturbed a~'ter the major' area turned out to be ,~ ~ ~, a to 191~~ . And the i mportan?t~~ quake in quake a ~' 1933, cex rain ~' ? ~ ar 192 ina.tiated s, period off' more 13.vely' Ser7~ng Strs,~.t~ a~ 21 T'ebru y ~ rn7ation o~ o ld experience, At any rata a seismic s,ctivity in _con~' two more c~ual~es o:~' magnitude M = 6 to the same momth there Sollowe ' enters and by the f'irgt o~ May off' 6~ having ~Ghe same or neaxby ep~.c ~ taken place ~ So f'ar' f'9.~~een quakes that year another quake ,had e certaixlty to have had epicenters equal to hc+,ve been Found w~.~h som a c~le ~ dive off' these (M ~ ~ ~3 to or less than 10 degrees From th p ~ ? a,s clase as ~ ~0 3 degrees to the pole. g) showed areas off' or~.g~.n ' S pf the abdvewcited ~~hre~ most im~ ~'he ...energy qua.nt~.t~.o ~.owir~ ~r~,lues, bo,scd nn the gi~ren o~~~,nt: qu~k;e s should have the ~o~. g asats 4 r~o5~~ r.i Y.A~ ~r~ r 7 ~~fi r i.y t'w~y, i.~i ry~ 7q'~yS,Y >! '~'~~~^i r dfe ~ ~ YIh1 7:~1~ i f ~r ~~~~'~n~~~ ~~ ~"14'r ~~'S~u ~r~~~S:~~~~i~ ~iY'~~ ~ ~' ~'~~+r~~K ~ry~~;. E ~f~t~g~~' d ! . x7i.,'ui i ~ ~ hd~ 6P~~~ ~~ a.IGJi $..A, dehP~D~ ~~~ ~3 ~,V ~Y Y ~3v ~%,x.d~ v~vV~r~Pi.aY ;n';t~~?!Fr~~k Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 x~~~a~~~ra~h~.~~' b~~wAen ~~~ ~n~~~Y. ~ end ~na~n;~,~u~~ M; ~ax~hquako v~' ~~, ~~obxuar ~~28 (~ar~.n~ ~~x~a~,~~ ~! ~ ~a.9) 6 ~ 1a~~~ ax~~; ?a~~hqualca Y o:~ ~~ ~~nu~_ ~~ZQ (nor~~h off' ~~eland~ M ~ 7.~,) 6 ~ ~.(~~~' er~~ and ~'' c 3 k3a~'~'~.n ~3a m ~ ?:;~) 1~ x ~O~L~ ~hq ~e~r~~ac~ual~e o.~ 2U Nov~mb?~ ~.~~. ( Y~ ~x~~~. ~'ar eo~~~l~~~r~~.sc~x~ 1e~ us ~~~ke the he~vy~ c~t~~~ke of ~Q ~~comber 1.9Q~ ~a cah~ch Mcs~J~na dnd l~e~;~.4 d.~. Cal~bra~a fe~.l v.c~~,m; ~.~, ~~c~a~ o7j~~~,a~s.'trd a~~ a small de~a~h, W~.i~li a ma~ni~ude N ~ ~.5 :G~ rr~y havo ,~ ~'' c~evelo~.ed an ener~,~, off' dbo~~~l, 32 ~ 1~~2~1, er~ss ~,n ~exms af' s~.~~ es.sa.ly !'ive ~~.mes ~ha~~ off' ~kie c~ualce of ?January 19x.0 north o:f xcelande xn us~,n~ ~Lkle above xe1a~:~on be~wcen "enex~y't and "-~~~;na.~tiudcl' we mus~~ cex~~a ~n1y noi~ i'ar~;e~ ~}~~1~ i~ :~nval,~es a callsider~ablc i'ac~or of uncer~~an~y. ~~Ze enLr~y of an a~~orn bor~b z.s assumed to be o~ ~~kle order of J.(~`~~' ergs. L' 1TLB~t"1'U~~ Gu~tenbex~, B? s,nd P~.ch~ter' C? ~+'e SeiSm~.c~.~y of ~lze Earth and Associa~~ed ~'henomens,~ Bra.nce~an, New Je~~sey, 199? S~.eber~~ A?, "Erdl7eben~eo~rapha.e tt (Es.rthcLuake Geography) ? Sec~~].on V1 0~' the N_ andboak off' Geoph~rs by k3. Gu~enber~, Volume :CVO Berl~.n, 1932, '~an~s~ ~', 'Die sea.sm~.schen Verhs.l~~~~~.sse des ~~uro~a~.sch~n I~a~dmeeres ul~d seinei^ Umrandun~, (Ths ueisrrd.c ~ondi~.i.dns c~ the European Nax?~~hern Sea and ids BmQ, M. ~ 1l~.nE;~n d. Geo~ra~7h? ~tesellscki. in Ha ~tnbu~^~ (Na~t~.ces of ~~he Geo~raphioal Soc~.ety a:E ~~ambur~) Va~.ume ~u~"1~.C:1:1, ~ 3~l ~'~'. ~ 1921. 'the suppleraen~ hereto 1n the Cen~ralbla~~~ fur M~.nera:l.~ a~a.e, e~~c. (Ce,n~~ral ~aurne,l off' M~.ne~ala~y e~~c? ), x,922, number ~~y ~~~ ~ ~~~ ~':~ ? In s.dd~.~tia.an; Erdbeben im Cr~ba.et~der NardensN~.a1t~~ iC Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 ~' Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 (~~x~ ~1~eluaka ~ ~,n ~~he l~~q~,on off' the IVoxc~~nal~~.o~d ~eA ), ~?r~,~~~d ~ ~ ~e~.~tx~ge zur GeQ}ahys~.lc, Volume x1~~:~, P ~~~ ~'~'., ~.;~2t. PQS~;~,CRT~'T T.n a ~rea~ise by Th. StACIc on ~t'~le 1~epth R~].,s?~iox~shi~~~s of t17e ura ?~ean Northern S?a" ~.n Deu~~sclae I~ydro f.~rch~; chi n I~ dro rra hic Jaurns,l) Valum? ?~~:, p 93 ,f'~', l~~p, which (Germrl y ~ p appeared after the cam}aletian of tha.s survey ~;he ~Qisma.c canda.ttions h~~vE been revealed in an especia~.:l.y intc~rest~a.ng :1:l.~rh~~. A digest of extensive ne:w sounding n~,~i~erial sk~otirs that 1;}1~; bot~~om a~' t11;Ls art o:f the SCc~ has a much mare camplex rela.e~' than haS hitherta p been shown on maps, Ds~eCia~-~.y the region a~' :~celand in ?the direction of Jan Mayen a,nd beyond ~thiS a.s:Land shows markced ur1~ ~~, dula~~i i'or~no;tians w}iiclr znS,y be caz1n~cted, even ~.~' no~~ without e'~M h lion with a large part a~' the quatianwhich agrees w~.th the probably greater geological age. ~,n a pa~~er on tt~'opag~'aphy and ced~.ments of the Arc~~a.r ~.sin~t ('the JaurnC~.l off' Geology, ChicS,ga, Vol ~7, 1~1~~, p ~l2 f~'.) K. n. emery conversely derives, with a f'a~.r degree cif certainly, an ~,rregular Submar~.ne ta~agr. aphy ~'ar .the relatively unknown A~ct~.c basin ;from e course a~' the abaveM~escr~.bed se~,sr~~.c ~on~ ~.n the region c~oas~d th by ~, t. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 ~, ~~N~E~ Wl'1'~ ~+C~I,~~F~N~+~~1~1' oN 11N ~~~~~I~T,T~;faN ~ ~rl~~aN~~.NI~ ~~~ ~r r ('rvtt~r~~ed Ws~ss ~ ~eY~~~cn/Wesex' r:l.n ~~he war t~~ez~d was- s,n ~.n~'a,n~..~e amount off' pl~nrl~.n~ and ;~u ut the ntost suitabl? ec~uapn~nt ~'or 'tho arctic wea~~her ~th~.nlc~n~ abo ,, ~ ~~, s that were then bea.ng sent outo 1t was, a~'ter sezv:j.ce e~.p.~d~.li4n orl~,letel new terratory .f'ox' us Gerrl~,ns, A great deal off' ally c ~ Y r~ ctical e~ex~7.erzce was gathered From thE~ e~~~eda.tions off` the war p ~~ 'n order th~a,t dll th .s should. no?t ~:s.l~. a.n~to oblivion we wall yeaxsv 1 ake un a~t~,enl~Jt to set down a i'ew de~Lails about .the ~quip7tl~nt here ~~ .~ ~' ~tecYlni ue oa' 'thc Narthea5't Gre~.rl].and Expedition and. tYle w~rl Ler a.ng q ,; , ~~ ~ s rna,tcrial re~'er~ to a winker spent a~~ a faxed of lyu ~/lea . lJn1. ' not traveling., 1 will sacn~7ly describe how we ests,blished ~' locatx.on, ' ~~ ;; not that the arrr~n~;ements were ideal iri every case ~ ' oux Delve , . ~ ma have had. crl~~~.rely d~.~"f'~rent ex~~eriences~ Fre- '' Oi,hex ex~~~d~.t~.ons y ;~ treason it would be a, good ~tr~inE~ ~.~' the wintering ~~ c~.sely for tha ~` '' es.rs were methods oa' 'the remaining arr,t~.c undert~,k~.n~;s of the wary ,_ Fff ft above a:11 those of the Air 1~'ox~ce ~ We were J:'or- to be dew~cr~.bed, ;;i ,r off' the e}~peclition, Hex~mar~n ~,].~L'ter, was tunate ~.n shat the lea,de '~~ well ac uainted with the way off' line o~ the. Noa~we;~'iar~ tr~,pper5 on ~. '~ ;px,tsbergen, Finis~ied and co~.;l.apsab~.e huts wex~r-: ori~~a.r~.lly to be taken. ~s, xhis turned out to be i~~~possable in lyll2 ar~d we along as sheltex took along tongue-a.nd~~;raove light boards, ~'~.nished t~~ere~oxe sa beams and posts and built our quarters out there wa.radow s a.nd al Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 cav6red with r~r~ecl ca.rc~bo~rd ~~cl ~1~rawn w~.th ~ravel~ ~e ~~~~.~ clo~hh covc~~~~,ng ~;}~~~ we ~~~~l~,~d on the ou~sid~ mad h~v? boon ~ luxur~~? The. Narwe~~~,ar~s ab~.in~~c~ abso~,u~te protect~,an ~'ronr the wind. by na~,1~.r~g ro~a~':I,ng paper an ty~~a au~s~.de off' the walls a,nd cardho~rd an .the ~.ns.~,dca? Tn add~.t?~,can to a ch~.rnn~y we ~.ns?ha~,~,cad vdn~l~~.;l~t~,on sYaa~'t5~ an ~~he rao~`s that cau~.d ~be c~.ase~d by ~'la,~s- ~dec~u~~te ven?1;~.1,atioal ~.s ~ll~e a,lpX~a, and orriega a~' ~~. tin;y,~ ovsr~heatec~ arctic hut? Each off' our shelters had but one morn ~'pr 1iva.r~ and slee~;ya.nl- T?t was he~~?ted by~ a stove standing; i~1 the mj.dd~.e, T'or good heata.n~; a.t was a,dvisab~.e ~to run ?the stovE~~~ipe through the roan/ ~'or the ~;reat~ e ~?t po:~~aibl.e dis?ta~?rce ? Tn order to be warm the livi~ag quarters had to be s-raal. One had a base off' ~ x ~ raet,ers, tl'iE other off' about 7 x ~ meters? Above all they had 'to have a low ceila.ng -- as l~igh as a man str~ndir~g and. no more; ; a:n my~ book, Dos arktische ..... J (The ,~rc~c 'Yectir), wes~erma,nn, Er~uschwei~, 1.~~9, T have described the really practical ins.i.de aa~rangement of one but and ~:' the w~,n?tering; space on 'the ship of the exped:i.tion, with plans incl~u- ded? A cans~tant, he~ivy preci~~:~it~.tion co~llectcd an the outside walls oT' our quarter?s an board sh9.p and on land? "~'h7.s wds e~pecia].1~~ disa~reca,ble because our' cots .stood against thE: auts.i.de walls- The only really dry ~iterrts were 'the shP~.ves a,nd boards loc~~tecl in 'the m~.d~~.le o~ the roam w~,thrnut direct contact with the au~tside wall, Tt goes without saying that 'the humidity was increased by cooking, by melting ice, arld by our washing ourselves and our clothes ? Each but had a vestibule as a cold lock; it also served as stoz^a.ge space ~'ar provis~.ons, coal., foals, skis, sleds, etc? We Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 saci~ ~'oune~ out ~Gh~~ a vest~~i~~,~ evu~c~~?~ be b~.~; @no~~h ! Dti~TLn~ ~ ~, , A h~u~s nc~~VAr a'?~~~,~, o w~x~m,a~ the co~,des^~aa~t off. the w~~~tQx ~h Y ~ ~ s~~;ht 1~hey cAO~sd ofd' ~o such an extan~~ that we l~~ci to usc~ ~~~ dined slee~a.n~ baba ~ A'~ alb, o~~Y~~,~r t~.rnes o~ the dear ~ths head off' the stave w~~ su,i.'~'icient 'and wa s:1r~~t 1~nder ahe~ts axed wcac~l,en ba.~nke~~~ Frorn s~ar~.n~ on~iax~d the hu1~ evF.n bec~cna ~,ns~~t'z~era~~~.~r trot b?cause it was d~.~~~'icu:~~~ to ven~,ilate ahem adcc~~~ate~.y~ T'or a~.mos?~ ha~.i' s year the; doulal.c~ windows wexe cavered with icc~ insa.de c~nd au?r~s:~.de, e,s we~.1 ~~s between ' 1~11e banes, so tha'~ no :Li~h~~ csrne ~.nto the hut. A curt~~,,n hun; on the inside off' 'the daor betwE~:n the ves~~ibu~.e and ~l,he 1~.vin~; quarters, ~n ~~~~a.te o~' th].s f'ros?~ was de~~asa.~~ed a'~ .the enti~~r~ae;~~rcd so much air esca~aed. x.ntca the ves?ti~ bule while openln~; the daor t,h~~~t ~'rosi~ deposits fo~~ned an 'the supt~lies staz^ed i~herd. 'nle outs~.de ~wGc1.1.s were ~aro~ected by ~tael~- in rovision boxea all araur~d ?~hierrl, when the ttfphns~~ ~chinoolcs) ~P o;F' s~prin~ suddenly r~~c,l~r,cd the snow we ~ounc~ it very necessary to ~aroM vide some means a~' a:~lowin~ the me;l~~,ed watex to run o~'~' sa .that the su~~lies sho~ul.c~ not s~~oil or the w~titer penetrate the hut. 13ri~ ~htJ.y btirnin~, lcerasene .larr~~as have us li~lnt arld a1.so ~'uz~n7.s1?~ed coti- s~,dcrab~.e heat. Sara ;;mall travel.in~; huts off' -the Ds,nish s,nd Norwe~~.,~,n trap;~~ers had s~.mple torl~uewa,nd~~roove bos,rdWwalls a,nd wore. cavc;~ed wi?~h roo~in~ ~aper~ None off' ~~hese huts larked ~~ vestibule; the sle~pin~ quarters wh`t.ch were heated by a t9..ny ~a.~r1~lE] shove h~~d a base of x 2 rneters~ ~,Che so-called ~tx~appers t stat~.ons were samewhat ~.a~^~er and very o~'ten were seen~.ca~.ly p:~~ced in very attractive lac~~,tian5, ~~ a v~x~y ~.m}~artant psycholo~,~c~~. cansx,deratian th~.t ~rts.kes lire in the arct~.c more tolerable. For s~.rn9.~ar ~^e~sans Borne s~~at~.ans had f~ ~~a a ~ ~ ~ s ~ i; l ~ ~fJ ~L~IA i n~ ~ ~~7,f 1 Ip FAO f` q4~d Is~~r ~ I'I~'f~,i 6f' i ~;P y~ ~~~. ~ '/ n i 1,~~t~F 1~i ~1 aq~ Htf ~L.h rd~}~l j, ~Ai.~'i I b ~ ~ ~i !~ 11 ! ~ t~ 11~ S y l~ Il{ {m~~ ~}'~a{It~a~~a~ U~ll I,~! 1 ) ~ ?i I ~ i s ~ ~ ~i"} ~ ~ r ri .t ~ i ~ 1 ~4 y ~. a"~ ~l 1'~ ~Iri A~. ~i !t ~ ~~1 i rMl~t ~ir,;F~ 1~i 5r r. t ~. r 9r I y~. i~ ~ a ~1~ r 4~'~'~~~~.,,`;,;4 ~., ~~ of",. ~,,.. at,~~' +i'., ~ ~,;'.,,,~;~+,~~~ ~,~ ~~.~.~`h~'~.hJs~~, ~t~'?{_ Declassified itized Copv Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 ~ ~~~ ~ w~,~d~aw ~A ~d~~~ ~o~h li~h~ grid ~ ~a~d v~,ew~ ~~ch ~ w~n~Aw~ use as ~ha ~qox Af ~l~e hu~~ must; r~a'h~ural..~~~' fae~ sough so ~h~'~ you r~ thA s~~h as soon as .the ice melts ?~'~' the ~?~nps. Tf you can annoy u'G intc the d~lrlwness of ,the ~A~.s,r r~,~ht you at leas' soo the~i step o ., the co~ti~'o~9t,l.r~~ r~.dday ~,~.~ht off' tl~e sung ~ s~.ca hr ~ Wish ov~rnment stat~.on a~ T~1;1s,~o rude an ea}?ecia~.~.y T a ~ last?1nr irr~ ression on ~~s. It cons~.s'~ed of a lame house with a s~Gron~; Ca ~ ., hoams and wa~.:~s off' ~'at,nd in ~~he arrow, bu~L were ~rotLC'~ed by na~~xow and ~.ow coaa. shedsthat surrounded the house on tt~re~; sides and had hinged roofs. Tire crossMs~ection of these bunkers may have arnaunted to a sc7u~~re 1 ~~0 1?a meters on a sa.de, Tn the ira~~cr for the ~.arr~e commultia~. room w~~s` surrounded on ~thrc;c sides ~y the k~.tc11ez1, ' ~ wo,rksho and ~Lhe narrow s:~eEpin' cabins where eack1 man rada.o x oo~i~, 1~ ' winter had his own ~.itt].e realm ',Che fourt:~. 'sa.de of ps,ss~.n~ the the car~~tlunal roam was talcerr u~~ by a huC;e double window with a ma~;ni:C'iceri~t ~riew, xn Front of the door of ~~he ha~use there ws,s a windbreak with doors to the right acrd to the le:~~~. 7.'h~us thex^e was a~.ways an exa,t that wou~.d not blow shut, no matter what the ' ection of the wind r~i~ht be, and a very ~.zrrpor~~ant .~roblern was d~.r ? ~ , a rar.,tica~. manner, `C'here were su~k,p~.ies stored in the sod. red .Ln P r the mi.. ~ht .~abJ.ed roof. ~'oi~.e;t faci~~.tie~ were lakin~; at~~ic. undo ~ y ~ ?~ ~ ..tt ~ s w~.th out louts. ~~ fit in ;the srio~r or a 1~~ o~.e in ~1!re ~.n 1~,~.1a o dust a ' np-cover rya., have servr.;d as a substitute ~ :l~erha~s the otnriivaro~as ~... Y sled doffs arxd'~lar fakes were ~Lhe sanitary po~,ice ,just as t11e famous sty^eet dogs of Canstant~.riop~:e. in ~Lhe a~.d c~ys. ~n s.mall~r s~l;atians it was.. a tried and true custom to surround Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 ~l~e ~.~v~ng xoo~~ w~~h s~axe xoprns and va~t,;~bu~~ an ~hxo~ s~de~ w1~~nM ~ s~a~b~.a ~ ~ha~ way yAU ol~~a~,r~ clry wa~l~,s ~n tY~c~ ~?i.v~,n~ ~v~x ~ o ?L ~krc w~~.1-kn?wn 9me.~xy preca.~~~~? ?~~r~n anc~ ~.Tl th.~i.9 ~uax?~exs, w~~hou c;lsan and ~u~^A~a~,n axx^an~~rrlen~~ Ths waxmss~ way you ca~1 have d ame to know was ~~h~ o ~.d I~c~rwega.an s~l~a~t~.oYl l~ra~~nc~s a,t hu ~ ~h~~ ~ ~. c Oa F; Such on the Gu~.,~' of Goc~tha,ab ~ ~~ hats wa:L;l.s m~a.de o~ sod ' ~~ anltila~ on ~~hs :inside and sh,raw bl~nks~ Sanahes rnadQ oi' .sod wx ~h p1. ~ were a1.so very Tao~,u~.ar i~or cov~~;ra,.n~~ the w~~1~.s ai' the ~~~ut at its base Oux provi.sa.ons werE so packed tha~~ a corfg7lete mox1~~-11y ration i'or the er~t~irE ex~aeda.t.~.on could bE ~+,ken Frain a ~~;rol~~a oi' boxes. is ritade hauselreepirr~' e~a,sier. We had can even rrtore rart~c;tical arM ~h ent on nur, second ~ri~a in tYra~t, ~~wo or three boxes contaa~ned ran~~,em ,. e ~ntirc i'or~d su~,~~~l~r t'or one md,n i'or ,~0 days (or,' 1'or 10 zne7i. f'ar ~h three days} ~ T~ris arithmcta,e made it easy to keep hawse ~~E,gard~ less a.~ the rwnber ai' risen in the ma.r~ camp or the side cam~~s. ~~vc~ry~thing waa canned and certain rrleat products were covered with wa.x. such sup}~~.y boxes can be s~roa^ed in the a~~en w:Lthout worxy, but th:>.s is a luxury that the avera~~e Noa~aegian winter occupant cannot a~:~'oi^d. He ~u~~s paper bags a.n h~,: c:~oset ~.~.ke any'. European xaausewa.i'e, uses tirx cans and burlap sacks and ke~;~rs i':lotiu~ a.n barx~eJ~s. Our diet canta~.ned rrtuch meat and fa'~ and d.~.d r~ at otherwise d~.~'~'er i'rarn an ample European die~~. instead off' pot~7.toes we had dried ~;aW ta~tae sticky wh~.ch in use were allowed to swe:~l up in water and tested delic~.ous. Canned goods had been replaced by dried vegetables wl~~enev~r possible, in order to save weight ~~.s ~ra.th the potatoes. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 ca,n~ canta~.rrad chio~a.y ~~t ar~d ~~usa~Ae, ~xu'~.~; anc~ ~'~u~~ ~`h? ~ utter w?re e~trema~.~' pvpu;~c~r~ ~'o~'' ~~?~.ps ~~hax~ was ~ti~~cpa~ it o ~emm~.caY1 acrd dried an~.ans to rr~~ke tY~e ~'~,at a srna~~. c~uantT _Y' . ~' ~ .. ~ ~~ ste~'u:~., A~,sA del~ych^a L?ad breed ~h~~~ c~~ ~'rae~e a~~, perru~~d.caz, a~ol a Ls. ' e ~.~ conta~.ns na watery 0therw~.se we baked brad ~,~ wg~n~s sa.nc ~~ dell wh~.ch was a ~rea~~ oQnvena.ence ~ Vary' ~,~,i~t~.a a~.caho~l 0.~,111o,a t ~'~ ~~ ~ ~ but a seat daal a:~' tobacco, ju;~t as the o:Ld wa,a ~,alcen afar ~;, ~ ^ , ri~acs. Ou~^ rnee,~~ su~~~~;;~,~.es were su}~~~,~~,crrtented by arctic rec~pc. p~ e c ;fresh or preaea^ved frozen rr~e.~t a~' nius~ o~c, pol:~z~ bear, seal., snaw 'e ~tnd snow hen. We avoided tl~e liver off' ~~he pol~~.r bear, its har rrn~'ulness has recently been ascribEo~d to an excesa~.ve vit~~r~in A ha ~. ~ DecausE off' the d~~n~;er of ~~~^~.chinoai.s .~o:lar bear meat cant;eriL . ~ ~ ~"te,r thorough caolcin~; or rot~s~in~;. (Q11 es~aec~.al.Ly was e~~ den only a u,rt~.me ex~ed~.t.ion a general trichinosis epidemic, arlather German w ~ ti ` . ~ a~~in r of raw po~.ar bear meat, almost resulted in a caused bJ ~,hc e ~ ? ~ ' r olar animals cs.rr~~.ng trichinosis see the Polar ca ~~,atrophe ~ ~ o p Rerord, Volume 19~p V, p ~~~~ xn ?~he provisions off' trappers we repeatedly not~.ce;d a lot of ied ve eta.~~les and dried Fruits, a. lot of co~'~'~,e, spices, rrtustard dr g owder ar~d sharp s~~u,ces ~'or ~7~.lcing game palatable ~ ~e learned quite p ,, s ?corn the tea ~pcrs on abtc~inin~; fresh f.'ood e.nc~ vitamins.. a iew track ~' ~ ~'hese include sauex~krs,ut and harne~brewed beFr, herrit7.~;, cadwlivcr oil eggs that have been Frozen and ar.~e dro~~~aed. into a pan wh~.~.e T ds5 anions ~tiha~t axe also f'razen,- lemons, paprikd~-pas~re, hard as ~,~. , "~.akes .ar~.ic as we~.l as dried parsleyand leek .that aye an.~on i , g , e d to s adl~ up wale r ~ ~~~e~~~~~a~`~:-~~~n~~ allow ' ~~e~~~~l~~w~~ You, should off' course also take ~~~~~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 a~on~ w~n~ter a~~le~ and c~~ryxo~s, bud ~h~s ~~nc~ o~ ~'x?sh ~'oad~~u~'~ eanno~t send. be:~r~~ ~rower~~ ~4lul'bprriAS ar~d crat~b?xr~.?s flay an ~,m~ar~~.n~~ ~a~~r~ w~,th the Narwa~~,ans~ Ors my lash eed~~~,An in l 9~1~ ~: tocal~ a~.an~; dee~~;~razen ~'rc~~,?ts .and vee~trables~ since the exM ~eda.t~.on ~'a~.led noth~,n~; can ba sa~,d a1F' tha.s a ~,tar~l~~t ~ ~~ might, neverthr~~,QSS~ havQ b?en pass~,bJ.Q to s~torQ the ~acka~es ~hs,t were wr~~,~r~ed In al~~cr~num ~o~Il ba~ween ehun~cs a~' ;tce on August and Se~tembc~r drys, a,t ~~c~~~ci~aers,tux~as off' U do~rees Centa.~ra,de, ~a,zld thus kQep them ~'ro~en~ At some; s~tationa we Found small hotbeds, There they had tr~.~: d to raise same ve~le table s ~ The tra}~~ers by ~ no n~san5 rejected v1,ta,rnin ~are~~~ral;ianrs, es~~eca.ally when they da.d not have any Fresh 'meat, We, too, took. vi~ta.r~in p~.lls. Our equi~araezi~~ w~:rs rnost incorrrpl~~te,with re~;dx~d' to clothin~_ .and shoes ~ Pal,~,r clothing may corisa.st oi' t?urv a,nd sealskin or a.f ro~tt~anM~adder~ cl.o~~hE~s end f''elt t~oa~s on the Rusa~.~,n pal,~~ern. Unfortunately no experir~ien~ts were made with the latter in our. cae;e, We Found out that i~' you are not taki.n~; any traps during, thr winter heavy ~~uropean woolen clothes ~w~.th windproa~' outer garments are su:~'~'icient. We scan learned that it is best not to take ob'i' the wir~dproo~ outer pants at al:~- ~t is ~, tr~ar. tan~t to have ~thei~ cla5e ~t~' ~h~tly at the ankles sa that na snow can het rota the ~"aot~~ea,r~ '.leis is best done by having; an e'1as~tic on the trauser~le~-which is pulled over c~.ase~~'ittin~ ski~le~~;~.n~s ~ Anoraks have ~a be lease- :~'ttin~ sa than you. can t~rovc cas~.ly, have; enough a~a.r and dons t per shire ~ They must be land enough ~tn protect the abdamen, The sleeves shau.~.d extend same distance rota the ~~;oves ~ r~h~is is never Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 the case w~,th an ~no~^ak bou~h~ ~,r~ a s~o~^~~.n~ ~~rooc~s s~orQ ~ ~he~~-~ ~.~.n~d ~.e~a~hex caps as used by p~,lot~ or m?tArcyc~.~.s'ts war? Found. ~o t~? ?acceller~t ~~rotec'tion foz~ 'the head ~:n Gxpen~,and wa also learned haw ~aleasan?~ ~.~ ~,s ~`or the s;,~.n off, your ~'~Ge ~.f ,you sew ~ strap of 1'ur on the J.ns~.de off' tie riin a~' L?ha anorak har~d~ ~aroferaba~.y of doh f'ur~ The ha~.r of th1.s fur has al~rtost tho ss,ma ei'fec~t as a well fa. k,t~,n face pr~tect~~^ wh:tch should be knit (stretchable) and mint have hoa.cs for eyes and nrouth~ ~',he Geriaan ,~~ui~l~.tary Face E~r,otector that na one knew haw to wear ws.s absolute r~ronsens~; ~ 1:n the fall and :i.n thc; s~~ra.n~ 'we wore lj.~;h~t woolen ea~~~s ~ F'or ;laves we used li~;h~t woolen m ' hens s,nd over them .waterproof sk L ~;lave,g w~.~th 1e~a~'tiher in- sects on the p~lr~rs. Gloves with separate index f'~iri~crs would have been rice far sl7ootin~ end warlci,n~;, a.f' thy' rtu~t~tens had had an index f'in~e;r ; But even next to the sk~.ri re~ul.ar ,;J.r~VES w7.th separate fingers are t~:~o cold. I~'ur-lined ;loves bought a.n a spvr~~ta.n~ ~~oads stare az~e a?l~most always ~to skirrc~~y, especially aver the th~l.~rrib, which m,~kes .t ar~ly ~tao es.sy to het beau~t~.f'ul cases of ~'rostbit~;, The doves natu~^ally always ~o~~ Bret whenever the tejrtpera.~~ure was not too low, and we bec~~.rrre used to ha,vin~; Gin er~tra, pair af' dry mittens wit~i us f'ai^ cr~an~~.n~ ~ ~'he mo ~t waterproof' att~ter ~;lavea a,re naturally af' sed.lsl~irr type worn by the tra}~Z~ers We learned, moreover, ths,t it was very impartan~t to keep clothint dry if' ~,~~ was to :keep us wa,rm~ ~now~covered outer ~e,r-~ rrtents are best left in the cold vestibule and shaken out right t~~ere so that they cans t begin to thaw.. one same go~:s fb~^ sleeping bads that havw been penetrated b~~ snow.. Unless a s].eep9.n~ bad is m~~.de of coarse sailr~lo~;h it simply must hs,ve a cover spa that 3.t stays dry, ~~ far fur~:Lincd c~.ath~.n~ wo had p~.lo~tt s su.L~ts exclus~.ve~,y Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 shssp~~?~rrsd ~ackats and parts; rra~~~i^a~.~y~ ~h;~n~s n~d~ off' pupa wAO1 w~rQ vs~~y scaa^cs dur~,n~ ?~hs war, Ona rust not havr~ ar ?xa~gsrat~ad :~.dss, of, ~~he cold ~o b? ~'nund in 1~hs ~.rc~tic, ss~ec~.ally ou,ts~.ds ~.ts cont;~nc~ntal parts W~.th us the tarn}~~erature nover wen~E below a !~Q dsG~ress Csnt~.~ra.da, T~~ wasn~ t even as cold as in soma parts off' Russ:~a, Tt is rrlurh mots im~ort~zn~~ to protPC~E yourself agains~k, the wind than a~~a;i,nst the cold. The cold only becomes dan~;eraus when ~.i; a.s con~lected with w~ nc~ or ws.th we ~tne s s or when you do~?i I ,~ keep roving ()ur ~'oot~~ear was car~~}~letely ~.nadequa~r;e. We had only leather boots w}zJ.ch becaane hs,rd at temperatures below-20 degrees Centi rode ~' and chat'ede T}1e so~called African laced boats may have been made of sailcloth but also had th1,n ler~~~her soles, Not until Greenland did we :see tr~,velin~ bo~~;s made off' sailclot}1 and crepe sobs and came to know the Am~;rican arcta.cs with rubber soles and sheep lin.in , Other German expeda.tian~~.ry parta.es made their owra shoes from muchM quilted sail.c~.oth or s}~eepskin which n~~,turally wore through very quickly. Tn the ttlcarrd.kst~ yozz had the feel~.ng of going barefoot, because of the t}yin soles; you Felt the sla.ghtest unevenness of the ground and the soft stoclcing gave the arch of the :C'oot no su ort. pp Thus Itl{arniks~t s,re on~.y ~'ar people whose feet cio ria~~ su~'fer from the usual ailrrtents of c~.va.li7ation ; We also learned that sacks and m7.tttns should preferably be made of. raw wool (s~~ill ronta~.nin g natural. oi~,s) or at least of dry waal, so that they will. be water repellent. Our s~.eeping bags were hea:f,'y but waterproof' s,nd ws,rm, They W l6 ~, Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 had an vu~s~,d~ ao~rer o~ saa,~e~oth, wr~ra shpep..l~n?d An the ~.ns~de and had a c~.o,seM,~~,t~~.n~ mead end, Kn~~~asaelcs and pack bvaxd~ are. Jnd~.spsns~abla avan ~.n the ~rc~~~c, ice a~e~ are en1~ needed ~'vr c~.i1~~ ~~.n~ around an a ~1ac~,er, 4Je could use skJs only ~n f'a~11 and ~,n th? s~arl.r~~ ~ As ?arly as .ate :'all thr~ sur~ac? of ~~h~ snow beea~~ae hard as br~elc and so a.r~^vf'u7.ar br~cau~se off' the "eastru~;.~" that sl~~,s were au?~ o~ the c~ues?~ion~ B~.nda,n ,5 h~~va.n~ r~, steel spiral a~ the heel should b? the roost prac~.cal. For c~.imU~.~n~ the s:~apes that were covered w,~th hard ~~nd smooth srnw in the wi,nterti,me ~.ce clea?t5 ~li~ht ?~wo-?toca?thed ~].acz.er titans) were a.ndispensable, ~: sha:~~. here i'ore~,o ~~kle ir~ex~iaus~k~ibl.e subject of tents, tetltin~ eq,u~.la~rten~~, snow ~;ohrrlss, aled~ and dogs, especially sx.nce x have discussed these items in rrry~ book. But I would l~.ke to n~ent~.an that you s vnply cannot. have eno~i,~h .tools ~'or jobs us7.n~~ iron and wa~ad, ;specially if technical ~.ns?~a;lJ.atinns axe involved. But even sailing doves and sail needles were in cons?~an~~ use with us, We stored ouz^ sup~:~la.es ~.n such a ~'ashivn that ~we would not Jose all our vital goods if a hu~~ caught Fire ~ We ~~herefore set up depots all over ~~he area. When our si~~utation became r~.sl~y we also placed some: sJeep~.n~ bads in the open, whic}a turned out to be a wa.se mane upon the lass oi' our hut. Gasoline and kerosene barrels ware always stored ~.n the neighborhood o~ ?the beacl~~ 'phis ws,s done not rl~erely ~'or precaut~.onary reasons, but because they ware the heaviest ~. rll ~ off' our en~~~.re ee~uJ.~,nlent, On other trips we ?~ook a~.on~ only l~,qu~.d i'ue~.s in s~~~all canisters sa that they could. be ~,r~.risported with ease across ~aun~~ry, but the more canisters there were, ?thc mare seals there were that could ~.eak, the more has i'orm-~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 a~~,on and dan~or off' flxo~ aspocla~~~,y ~~ rho ~~old on boaxd shi~p~ you rnus~ ~';~~uxa ora u,sin~ 2~ ~or~s off' c;oaf. far ,~':lxs pc~r~^ w~.rr~~x~ Aa ~,on~ as '~h~~x~ ~s ~~rau~h xoam In ?~ho bold ~.~ ~, 5 best t~o fi~ke it along all ps.cked ~.n caconu~M~'~,br~ bs,~s~ Oux rnos?~ ~,mpox~an~ conc~,uslan was 1~ha?L a~'?~c;~~~ alb, ~?~ is ~~as~~.? b1,c; ~a r4~o~~ alan~ with ~'?w, bud tts~~u,l su:~ppla.es~ On our secand ~ri~a wo ?taak s,1on~ nuch less equa,pmen~ Pharr an ~:he ~:'~,rs~;, ':Che ~'~.ra~ ~irrre yau, hear abau?~ ,pri.m~~-~.ve Norwe~j.an w~.r~~,e~^~.n~; n~e?Lhads you c?~n~ ?t qu,:I,?l;e unders?~and ~~ow k~rumaxl bea.n~s can eaas?L? in ?~he arc~,:~c 3.n a, ~~a.ny hu?~ made of baards and roo~'a.n~; pa,~~er, and dxes~.ed In woad. sacks whose salES hs,ve beer/ cu~E ~?ram o~.cl au~~olr;aba.l,c~ ~;i.res ~ When we ~;o?t back t'rorn Greenland w~e could urrders~;and a.~, ~'or we, ?Loa, had l~~zrne:d w~.~th how li.~~~1~ you ca.t1 ~,e~ ~tilon~;, Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 I~A~xQ P~O~AQA~:~QN Aa ~N A~~ ~N 1'Q~~~ W~A~'N'E~ ~~~LQI~T~QN Kax~ ~c~~rik, Qber~ko ch~;n/Wt~tt~ ~~' we /oak a~ thF3 eG~u~.~ament and ~~euouxcas o~ preceri~ day c and axcta.c e~,~eda.ta.on wo wf.~;~. na'~~ coi~s:l.derab].e dif'f'erences antaxc?ti n ., ~a.san to f'arm~ryQars ~ ~~ scf,ent~.f'ia cxper3.?t't~.ons thE:rnM ~.n COIn~ ax se:i.v?a f la.z~liiahed the ir~a~;tu.s to ~'urthe~~ deve~.opment v ~ ~,p~~ax~~~,~;u~, a1on~ a mulf;ituda af' sciont~.fic and techn~.cs~~. ].a.rles~ On ~%he o~.her hand such und~:~~~ts.k3.n~s took a~.onE, ec~ui~~nexlt and :i,nst,rumc~ni;s to m~~ke perf azrr>ancE ~Les't5 under un:~avorable condi't.ons~ given obser~ v~.tiar~al rne?thc>ds .and ~;heorie~, for exan~pJ.e, as'trophysa.cal .and lea` h sicr~l. probJ.cnla, ha.d to have thcix correctness subjected to pxaof' pY in the poln.x~ x~~i.or~s. My present ar~;ic~.e wx.l~. dead. with a pxob7,cm th~~.t ~.s st~.J.~. in ~' ?~ ' tis,:t starer and 'that ntany~ have a~.rr.:ady ?tackl.ed in vein. A ~tw ina. '~asitive rESU:i,t cannot be c:~~aec?ted until. sca.encc occu,p:~eai.tse~.~' seriau,s].y with i~; anc~ Cc3,rries ou?t ]. one; arld Choi^ou~h obsexva,?tianal sera.er on a broad, interns,ta.ona,1 scale , :~o~ar e~~p~.ars.tion wi~.~. hay?e be ai' the utmost ~.r~lpar~?t~~,nca, s:i..nce prea~.se].y' i.n 'tihc palar ' ~th~: ex~tre~~r~e condi't ions and d.istux~bances o:~ 'the u~?per s.tmas~ re~~.ons .crE ~:~,nd the ianosphe~~e a].J.aw us to erect man9.f'a~.d a.ncl inM ph ~'oi^rrtative discaveri,.er~ ~ en a.i~ thy: ear~.y' c~.~'r a~' x~a~lio the estab~.ishment of.' a v re~.ationship bs:tween reception ~,nd wes,~;h,ez^ Condit~ans was a'Lterrrpw No successful :irnvestig~tian cou~.d be ba,s~;d on the ~.deas then ~,ed, ' ue about thE, proces~fes in'va~.ved in thy, propa~cztian of the ~.rt vog Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 ~1ad~c~ ~ F'v~~~ o~x-kr~o~a~.~d~s o~ ~hA Q~Q GtxOi~a~n?'~~xC Wave ~ uSQd ~n ~' ~~'~~~tQd '~0 thQ ~.OWQ-~'~, ~a~Qx~ 0~ thQ cou~~so of tha wpath~ox was ~ea~ tho n~cessaxy basso pxt,nci,ples for a atr~~osphere end bore, too, d wea'Lho~' ~d a connection off' xad~,o iaxopa~at~on an cor~u~or~ v;~ew~poin~ a~ ass have bx~ou~Y~t es~,eci,al~.y' ~xe~~,t ~~r?~ we~~e lack~,n~. The ~.ast 1~ ysa he ora,ta.Qn o~ shortwav?s was s,dded t 08a '1.n this ~'~.~'~~, ~0 thQ Q~~ 1 , ~x a o~;ri~ent o~ ultrashar,.~ and cen~.a.mei,ex di.~covery and ~uxth~~x~ devil roceC~~es were ea'~alorecl and x~~uM waveP ~ Tn metear~al,o~ty' wdather p ..he stx~atosphcre by n~ean~> off' rc~ua.ar lar~,Y observed ri~Yat up a.n~La ~ , ~ have based my' observat:~on~> and balloon s,nd a~.~^~>1.ar~e ascents Eca.a~.M ,;, ~ status o~ ~r~Y~a.s ~~,nd other related sp canc:l.u ea.ons on the prrd se n t~ ~ ' to d ~~ , ~vs,tians o:~ x~ada.o pxopa~s.ta.on are; ]a.ma. ~ i2~ed f'iel.ds, 7ne ob,~es Yle usual . ns to the medium wave rari~e o~ t ~'or very speca.a~l rea5o , ~ ~ ~ band. b~~ac,dc~s,.~n ' turba.Yices i,n propa~s,~ti.on are ~luit~; ~verl i.n this range da.s ~ ., ~ ~ idea- . , ~ ~'' ~ broadcas~Li.ng statians are oUse~vc.d a naticeablP , ~:~ spEC.~f a.c, ~~sive day's perceptib~.e di!'~'e~"c~t~ces in tical times ora scvc;ral succe.~ r,~j.tion to ' ~ off' r~;cept~.on axe o~at,ainedw In ad the s tren~tYi s rid qua,].a. ty . x, ~'adin~, shor~t~peri.od fluctuations are slog vai~i.ati.ons a.n valu~rae o ices ax'e ~r ~wauality' ~"a~o sets these da.sturbar also obsez~ved. In ha.~,Y ~ ~ ~aww ., ~ . d b autoiY~atic volume control, x~, to sane extent el.~ma.nate Y needs a e vaL^iati.ons in ~'ie].d streri~~~ e~. ever, the ampla.tud.e o~ th ,almost continuously' in sY~ort wave recep~ certain ~'i-~urE has ha~Z~ex~ trnl ~'ai.~-s, and the transmitter ti?on), tl'icn the autamat~.c vo~.ur~e con t . ina~xd~.ble ? l~ we obsea~ve the r~uala. y becon1es weaker or completely' ~ e and ' .,n~mitters ~'or a loner pera.od a~' ta.m a~' rece~,ption o~ certa~-n tra n deM ' 'lit curves w~tY~, weatY~er cond~.tions we ca relate these aud~.b~. ~' Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 __ _ __ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 ~~+rm;ir~a rou~~h funo~t~ona~ r~la~ ~ane~~~,~ae wh~,ch, howavc~r, are by na meax~~ ~'~na~ and carp gxh~.b~,~~ can~~,darable ~.aoa~ anama~ic~~ ~ hav~~ fax a~~ arapa.e~ been ab:1.~- to ascc~r~a~.n ~n ~tha observat;I,on of ~t,hq ~udWe~'~,~'llnl~" (~~ad;lo 5au~thwea~t, off' dad?n-laden, ~'re~,bur~~ and Itoba,en~) ghat va~,- ume ~rlrx~casc~d canq~.derab~.y with t~~~e a~aproaah of a cold ~'ron~r, frar~ the waa~;~ On the ath?r hand, ex~ctly~ the oppos~.te ha~I~,pen~,d ~.n 1'hE; receiption of Derl~n and ~~;~.ps~~ (be~'are the chary~e ~n wave~.er~~tha) .~1. ~c~od rECept~on of thea? tx~s,nsn~l.~tters rtieant the bu~~.cl~,n~ up and c~n.ta.nued preaence of h..i~h pressure for us, whiJ.e detez~a,aration of rece~,t~.on hera~.ded the ap~,roach of a 3.aw by as r?any s,s Four days in advance. On the strength off' ~hhese radio observa,t~.ons x wars abJ.e 'to an~pl.ify cans~.derab].y the announcer~en~ts of the. da~.ly wecither ser~r~.ce .and correc~~ and prove a treat dea;~ ahe~~d of time n:L~ da.sturba,rices a.n racla.o prapaga~tion c~~n be a~L~tr~ibu~~~ed pra.~ m~xri.l.y to a.anospherie phc;namena. By ior~aspher~e we mca~.n today the sayer of the u~,per atrr~asphere that ex~Lend front 1a0 to I~00 ki],ametea~s in a~t~.tude and are chard,etez~i~ed bT,r var~~.a~~s .i.or~.~at~.on ms.xima, Go9.n~, upwards these ~.onosphE,re sayers are des~,~nG~ted as the D, ~~, ~~'~., and F~ Layers. A~.~, ~.ayers owl the~.r c~,~i.stence ma~.r~1.y to rada.? at~.an in various sham, ul.trav.i.o~,et waveJ,.erl~;th rs,nE;es as ~we~.1~ as a corpuscu~.s;r radiation. ~3oth types rada.ate from the sun, a~,d bath. show easily seps,rs,b~.e effects in ~th~; terx~estrial idnosphere. Whi:l.e the ultraviolet radiation shawl 3.ts ma~cim,um ini,ensitly at s~a.ch paints. in ~h~ atrnoaph~;re where i~t imz7in~,es as vertically as pos~~~.b1.e, the roxpusculs,r radiation is diverted a,t great alt9.tudes to~rards the two pastes by ~r~h~: ms,~natic field of the earth and displays its greatest e~'i'ec~t~.verzess there ~ 'phis is c:~early exhib~.ted in .the ph~nomenan Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 a~' ~plar au~x~ara,s~ '19~~,s fact, wh~,ah ~s so ~mparta,nt ~br po~,mz' x~M sc~~rch3 makes ~.~ ox~x?mE~y d~.f~'~,eul~~ to a;~1~a~Y ltnaw~,?d~e aaqu~,red ~n luw ~~r~d ~I~~deJle ~.r~t~.tud?s to the polax re~;~ons~ Let us 7.aak at the ~.n~'~.uenca wh~.ch ~t~~e ~,onoapher:~c layers h~~veAn electx~o~la~;net~.c waves in thF~ range ~'rar~i long wave-~ to ul~t,ra~ sY~z~t waves, In rad~,a prapa~ation we must ~':tti^s?~ off` ~~1 d~,s?~~,n~uish bc, twee n ~Lha ~ round >]?~~ ?~.dent.;f'i.ed ~~a. nth s~n~:~l'1 have ~~ f. re S~aGeS~ 'the cy'clone`a and an?L?ic~'clon~,s ?tha?~ e~z'r~Ylri. ~"t~h?iJ a.n?~o ?the tra?tos There and whichs de~enc~?iia~ on tk~cir e~'~'ect, ..are known as s ,~ r ' ~ ~ r act~.an c~nte,rs, crtan~,e the .r t~oa'itian very ~lawl;y' anc~ ~,ua.d~~.n~; o s,re dom~.Ilant over a cert~~,a.n re~,~.an ~'ax? sevr.ral da~~~ or even wee~s~ ~'he c17ax?i~;es ~.n the Wee,ther ne~~,r the ~:Y;raund Marc ~u~ided tn~' 'them, arr~ ?th.s can be clear~.y seen even ors charts ox' tl7e mean ~~a.'t.tu,r~e o~ the ~UU or 22~ r~.ll?ibar sur~'ace. ahala?ld we no't~ assuir~ tha'~ even ~' an centr~rs tkL:~t chata~e slowl;~ are ~u.~.ded bar centers l~~i.n, the actg. ? ?h~r altitudes? ~'he s,scents rrtad~; 'ta date arE lnsuf'.f.'a.cient a?r, J~,t area rin this ueatian~ l~prc, hnwev~~r, iorlo~5~'~l~ere research Carnes a.n answa . ~ ~ ur rescue, In electru~na~,n~;?t:i.c Wr~;a_so~.?11e~~.:r-?~ ar~er~~?t~.n~ an wave to o len ~ the between lU and lUU meters it f'~~~r~shcs us a means not c7n~.~' ? deterrn~.n:~,n~ ?the state of :i.an3,zs.t~.nn- off' all ~.a~ers a'~ al:L t7.me,5 a.~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 c~t~,n ~ ~~hA h?;l,~h~ c~' the ~nc~;~,vidtil~~~ 1,~~~x~ alaava b1a'~ ~,~.~30 a~ ~nd~ ~~ the ~.~Q ~,n'L o~ o~bscr~~t~,on t~~u.~ ~'~.nd ~~. ~~ po~~i,la~.e, h;~ rac~~~ns off' '~~~ wc~~tk~ar 5p~~v~.a?s ,.. .~ nas7hex~.c ~nQasuxc~n>ents, to aa~~ry~ cu,t ~ 'pxo~;~~x ov~~.u~ta.on off' ~.? ~ .. , , ~ , lta.'~u,~~ wea~Gher ch~xt:, u~a to s~taout ~a.()0 cozlt~liua ~a,c~n a~' Lhe:lr ~ 1c1.;l.arrle to rs , the ;~r~:~1.1 ntaJnber~ o:f' apc~ra~~:i.n~ at~~'F~a.~ans does not `gyp 1JE~ sure, a ~~.~~ '~~~~ drawing; p:f ianos~ahere cl~~:t.r~s i'or ~l,l~ese ~~url:~ases~ ye L ~.~c, rr ~ '~ ~U a.ono,a~~herE, st~~tions, Five off' t~lr:rn TJuxo~ ,Chen are ont,Y ~~bou ,,, . on 'the cnt'~.:ee earth ~'rle so~-Gal.~.f,d. ra~~~.o wc,:~th~;r 'p~~tin, a.n oT~er~.~ t tan ,short wad dos~n agaa.n and we were able to warm ourse~,ves a little ~.n the s~~ip, Saon it started all ov~;r aga~.n; only .more vio~.ent;.Ly than. before ~ We had to ~;a on deck aga,in~ Where we nota.ced to our terror teat our boat was already near the Mile oi' boxes and the ice -was bend~.ng under ~.ts weight. We had. already been pushed close to 'tike litt~,e but that ire had erected. ear~.ier nes.x a sma~.1. iceberg, It seemed to be sa~'er there in the protection of the iceberg. So we threw most of t~~e th:i.ngs into the hut, Some of ahem had. already sunl~, others we pu~.led w>-th conk .derab~.e di~'~'icu~.ty of the ever mope violently nla~ring floe s ~ ~'a.re d a.nd ~'ro zen throu~7i we returned to the ship ` b }~` y ' ~` t ` ~ ~ f t off ~;~ ~~' ~ ~ ~~'~ '~' ~ ~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 ~" Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 d~x~n~ a ~u~.~.~ A ren?w?d squeeze thon bQ~an~ The r~vats flew out o,~' the ~.at?s w~.tl~ s~ bl~ no~,sQ, the ship ~ s sides ~.iQn'~ ~,nwaxd u~ad?x tl~c~ pressu;K'e ~~nd thex~Q ws,~ a h~~i~.sh xaclca~~ ~udden~.y the ship ~;L~,d acxosa the ~.ce ~ie~.d towards oux hurF, and zaushed a wsri~, off' "ACA J.n i'xont a~' ~.?~s~~?~'. ~~ xal7~,aed s,~aal.nst the weak wooden wa:l~., . th4 s~~rucr~uxe collapsed s,nd we hua^~^i.?d ou?~ ?~o save a ~aual~ con- ?~a~l.n:i.n~ ~,mpoxtant notes 'Then the bat~~om gave way and b~twaen ice blocks xear~.n~ up the water ~ur~lc3d t}~rou~h. wk~ile some o~ pur mates on the side of the ship succeeded in ~;ettin~? back into it 2 climbed the iceberg with a caar~anion. W? ~uat managed ~to ~~;~~ to the top; behind us the boxes floated in the w:j.~~er. ~97en thc: berg bxolce a~ps.rt in the m:~d~~lo and we stumbled across the fl~~ting debris ~ As ~.~' by a miracle we ~o~~ back to the sh].p over a deta~ur. Alain there was a sl?~ort lull. ~u~~ soon' a~'terward the most intense s~uee~e up to that poa.nt set in. More and mare ice walls ? fled up on the starboard side. Savcral la~'~e l~7 ?eces had alw ready b~.en hushed onto the deeksail ?L?hat was sa~;~;i.n~; orr that side Si~ddenl;~' the ship bean to re~~,r up and ti~.t. ~~e cargo on deck started to slide, ~~he barrels and boxes ro~.~.~d to Dort and we sou~h~ to cover i'ram the roJ.lin~ cs,r~o behind the masts. The sh~.p was sharply tilted ?~o one s7.de, the bow reared up and we climbed, to the sup~rs~truc~ure on the baw where most ai' our ~~eaple ware staying. The commander is~~ued orders vary cs.l.mly but they couldn ~ t be under stood evcr"~where because a~ the noise. We G~.ambercd, back to the xailin~ with him. He shouted to us to ~e~~ out an the ics arrd to assemble where it was calmer. Somebody threw a tin kettle ?L?o me wh~.lP we were ~uml~in~ a~'f; later' we ~bund out ?~hat `.t contained Qat~.n~ utens~.~.s, In the meantime cur ses,rchli~ht wen~~ out s,nd we -were in the da;rlc. With ~'lashli~hts we stumb~.ed over the w~.~.r.~.;~ .~ ,: r. ,, 1. ,:..,, .,. .,- :: i.' :i .. ... . r, ... .,, i.q lil ..:..... ,. r.; r ~.:I '.... ~ i., .. ,.~ .t. i~d 11 1, .J '.v+ v~, ,,,,. I :.,. ,. .,. ~ , u;,; .:. ~ I ;., ~ i~ ~.. J... ..... ,.5. U, :..,.. mf, :.,... , a.a.,..ia .._.. .r. ,.,...,,I ! ! ,.....n..1. grid ~te:rr!~~prs,~l,e b~. am~.ne d w~~ s extended La ~.J.chen~, tp es~;,~,b:l?ish a wha~.e: 5erJ.ea ax' va~~a.ou5 r~u ~,~.e ~z way abJ.e u d J.n the nog?~~h bu'~ c;au~.d a~.sa bo ty~~es; s~~ec~.es wh~.ch arc ~o ~ s . ~,Jr a~' ~ou'~h ,~mer~.ca s,t a ~'ew ~~~l~,ces; spec~.e ~' o and ~.n the e xt~^e me w ~ ~,~~, w Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 a~' ~~ual r~~,~~I~~,~,bu?t~o7~ wh~oh ~1g? oco~~ ~,n ~dp~r ~e~~r~nd; ~~~cio~ T~rh~oh can b~ ~'ourid ~.~ ~~ro No~~~th~ ~,n Car~t~~~~:1. Amc~r~.a~G ~,r~d ;I,n the Andes; ~~ eis-~ wh~.a>~ ~~~sp aacur ire ZJew ~~~al,carad ~,r~d Austa~a~.:~,a; ~'ina;>e~.y t~io~p whAS~ c~;I.scc~va~~y ~.n ~~h.c An~L~~ct~.c ~,s '~;i~d .fin w~.th pc~ur~onco in ~o~zth Amox~~,c~~ anc~ New ~ea~and~ ~'ho ~rab~,era Carr be sarnnwl~~~t e,~~,or~dod b;,r ~o.in~ b~;Irond ~~hQ s~c;c;~.e:s he~vin~; sin~u~,~I;anc,ouy noz~thern ar~d southern a~^oas off' d~~,s- tx~a.bution, to 4genera :ln rt}~I~.c;l~ orlc c~ seve~ra:l s~aeca.ss hc,u~~ a nc~~- tl~~,c'~^n araa e,rid o~hEr cJ.osel,y re~.a~aed ones a southern ~,lrera,M I~erca, tao, casc;s of re~,ca?tan~; da.scovera.es cnn be obsex~vcd, .~L'ox^ cxam~a~c~, ~~enera wha.eh extend :t'ro;ci the North ~~o ~Sou~th A~,'r;ic;r~ or ,l~ Sau~~h Amex^a.c~a, aa~ both cx~L? the same ta.rne, or ~:'3.na~.J.y thole tiall~.ch ex.l~c~rid Front the nc~x~~~he either s.c~ross the lftount;~~,n5 0~ sau~th~?eas~~ Asia. ~to J~v~, ,Ausi;r~a,~.ia end New ~ca~.~a~nd, ox^ ~.cr~c~sa ~;h~: Anc~,es to ~~hr: An~~arc~? ~Lic~ '~~~~~ae d~.scovcaries off' bi~~~oa.r~r s~~GCies ~.~.nkin~; the: northern acid 5r~u~~he~^n r~a~~Gaa, Wh1C}l r~rour c:u,c~.llaive~.?y at a~.~;itudes 7.n trove r~ical and subtro~~ica~. mount~~. i..ns where the co:Ld ~.ara~. c~.~i.nla~te a~.J.ows these; I~oJ.ar i7.chc:ns 'Lo thrive, are nc~verthel.esa too wide~.y spearated to be px~,lairir,cl by ~~~~~e,~en~t~Mda;~, distributz.on ~'ac~.~.it~.es. Bu~~ they can be inter~x~eted as :Cina~. traces o:E the ~~~a.tl~ s off' m~.ra~~ion o:f thPSe Ia~.~~nts .gin Former ~eo:~o~icC~1. cx^~,s. W~ ire ~~emp~Led ~~o th~.nl, off` the ~lacid~. pEriods a~' the d~~.l.uvial ate when The adv~~.nc~n~ ice ,~~itis~ied ~~he ~~o~.a,r ~:'~.ors, be~'orr, it ~'ax^ '~o~~ra.rds the pr~~ua~~or a.nd whin the motu~t~~in rar~:,e,s cra 7sin~ the equatrr had much mare ex~l~nfaive cook. summit x~e~ions reaching down tea much 1,o~~er a:Ltitudes. 'T'his assum~~~~icarL of an ice~a~e m~.~rs,tion cez~ta~.n~.y a~p~,ies to some bi~ ~ao~.ar ~ia.nts~ ~~"or othexs~.~~ is ~nr~rabab~.e, especis,:7.~.~ ~'or sl.7ec~,es Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 wh~c],x;y ~~hc; G;~a.:natc 1;r~er~e was 5fi',l:l.l so J:'s~vo:r~~?~bJ,r ?th~r~L clec.lduous fi'ores~~~; cnu.7.d ~'lou~^:i.c~11? A~ ~~.l~s~~ ~fimo ~Y~~,~~e; aJ.so :a~ta.l:l. ~dx.5?~Fd the }~o~~sib.:~~.ty ofi' rcu.~~.ra?~~.on t'or our ~aL~o~.-~r ~,:l.ar~l;s v~.~~. ~hc: Corclt:l.~.s~r~is and 7,hc ~lln?l.axc?~LC ~~o I~Ic~w ~c~~,1.~,ncl ~~us~~~~~~~.~.a, ~:n~~L~~~~Gec:; o~ a rl:~i;l'e;z:~ei~i~l.~y d.r~cc~tc~d rna.~? -r~a,~raiort v~.a ~~ou.'Ll~err~ ~~sia ~-~ li~~s?L ~rad~.es W...~us~~r~;~~.ia ~-~ ~,n'~~ s-,~ ara?~a.r;s,, ?La Sough .~~ner~ic~:~ ar~E nor l~:no~wxY :k'o~^ l.ich~;r~s? 1n :l..aol::~n~ :C'o~~ 'Lhe c~.:i.ssorrci.n~l ~7.or?~, ofi' ~~he b~.i,~o~.r..,r~ l~.chcns we canria~~ F;o ~'u,r~rhar bGlclc ~.n ~~rllc, ~'o~~ ~,ccordLn~ ~a ~~ho invcs~,i~;,~a.?L~.ons ofi' ,S~tfi'f'on t,l~e ~j,rctic ~'~.ord d;.d not do~tre~.al~ un~~il ~Lhc ~a~c ~'er?Li.:~r;~. ~u~~a,n~ bhp er;r~.:7.Er c~~ochs ofi' ~;eo~.o~ic h~.s?~oa~y fi,h~ c~.:i.mdb~ a~.~. ov'cr ~~l'~p os.r~Lh was so uni~'orm ?~,h~~~ ?~he fi'~.ors,s ofi' ~. ndividual re~:~ons har-~ c~.y di.f.'~'erocl arse 1:'rom the o~r~hE~r, wo:~o rlla:rac?l,ora.s~~i.ca~.~.;y ?~ro}~~.oa~,~ sub~r. opa.cal and alsa ~t~ra~~er~~~e from ~,h~ ula~c~x Crel~acoous onw~~rd? No't un~~~.~. ~~he ~xea~~ rrar~unfi~~,9.n ranges were :G'ortn~d ~,n ?~he '~ort9.ary da.d the cl:i.ma~~e became r5haz~p~.y r~~.J:~'eren~~.a~t~~d, ,~~oss~.bl.l a~.so because ofi' ~~he new~.~wox~.en~w,d w:i.rlcl s,nd ocean curx~cn~s, ~e ~'orm~ ~.t~.orl ofi' ;1,andM~acked ice began in ~;hc po~.~.r re~;a.ons and ?~he ~'~.oxa devc~.o;~+.~.nor mi~;r~.t ta.ans havrd tal~ez~ ~~a.ace .M ~~r~e J.ic11e~1s spread rl~uch ~~aa s],ow1y. Ma,r~y ,arctic s~~eci.e5 have: hs,rd:ly en~.ar~ed thei~^ area in s~:~ite o:E an ~.mprovernent in c?ridi~h~ic?ZS~ '~~~ f'a,c~t ~th~,t the ,~r~ater ~~~rt oi' ,~h~ li.chen ~:1.ara oi' An~l;ar~c~~^ca, corlsis~ts oJN' c;ndemic slac~c~.es, ~.. e d, ~~;ypes occ;ur~.n ~tlrere exc:l.usive^~~~, iric~i.cc~t~;5 tlic, ~~re~,:t~l ale af' ~tha'~ :~'1arr~ arad the ^m~:~robabi:l.i.ty off' ~.m~;1~.~;~^at:l.ans subaec~ue;rrt to t;he a.ceN~~fe. The c~~,~; is siinil~.~r 1'ar the subs/^ct~.r, re~a.or~ a;C the 1~er~Nuelen xs~,4~a1ds ~rh.c~~ because off' itr re~rno~l,erless 'ram .and sho~as a hibh percent.~.~~e off' enM c~emic spec^es ~~1~.d genera, Unr~aubt~;dJ.y the nunzb~;r off' bipo~,ar :lichens in ~nt~i^c;t~.ca, eras ~;re~~zter b~~'axrye the onset a~' tk~P a.ce- ale than it is today; on1.y .those which acc;ic~enta~.J.y ~'aund ~ ~'avor- ab~.e hidewau~G esc;tiped dest~uct~.an and saved themsc~~.vcs ~'or the present day. ~n ;enerai ~we ntay asswne that t17.e tame off' rni~;r~,t^an is ~es5 x~emate ~'ar species having bipo~.ar distr~~butiorr than ~o~^ bipolar Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 ~L~n~a succood~d ~,n t~Q ~a~^~i~~~ar~ ~;1,ch ovc~' ~ 1on~o~ p~~r hod A~ ~encx~ w~ ~cc~,es ~n ~ba north and ~ou~ 7 bu'~ st~~~. C.LO~~~FJ`"~e~a~pc~ ,~ -gas wg~'? ~hou~ht off' bclon~;~,n~ ' ~;n r~~.nY cs,sss such ' nv'os~~~a~a.ans unco'~'~~~?d s~~a1~ unt~.~ ~eccln~ and. mo~'? ~r~gc~.se ~ c~,as~ ~~ ~~cc~c~, a sepa~at~on in~~a sQVe~na~. . ~~,,xl?a,~'.can`~ ~~~'~~or~nces ~,ha`~ ~o but ~~ ~~ ~ subs~L~,tu~,~.ve ox v~,car'~ous spec.~es sp~c~es ~ ~.~~hcse ax'? known. ~ ~ ~ c ua~. aa~.~ s . ~ .. f. or ono enothe~' ~.n xe~a,ana, off, ~ 1. s .1~cs tl~c~y sub a ~,~. Lute ru~.e tale n ~~jrlber of l~~.an'~ s}ae c ~e s ~t;l,c conda~ ~a.ans ~ ~.s a ~~a~xeral c;1~.rna ~' ~~xner~.~~ conside,r~ed co,slna~~ol~.tR~,n has br~cn ~.rtr,~,uc~,n~, ~~Yie :l.a.chen,a) ~o ? ~~ xt hs,s been shown rao~~e and on~ti~.nua:ll.y xeduced a,n re;c~:n'~ ~La.ms~ ~. ~~~ 't,th C ~u?~~Ls ab~.e ~to cope s~rau~.~~i,nc~aua. ~ w Moro th~7,~~ ~thsi"E ~u~~'~ ~a.re no p~. a . ~ o~.d a~.~.~ma'~F and ~~,~t the sane ta.l7~e ~~ ~x~o~;i.c~ti:l., a ,~;e~~1~ae;r~:.~tE; ~~,nd a c , ,: ~ ~ ~ ~. Let a.'t be Gmph~~,si~~ed tha ~ tl~e grow an a~.,]. sorts o~ ~ub~~ra t~a. over ~~ . , . ~ ~ n off' sorrt~ spoca.os off' :lichen a11. rr~~ps showz.n~; the; ~~st,~~.buta.a - sin ~os~.- ~ tt~,c~irt~ ted ~rac~,l, ~ia,~. aara~~~.no~~~#~;~,~. an expa~~~S.~.an off' '~hc a,:~x~~~he ~.n ~, ~, ., .. ~~zi '~11e a.r s~ima baa r-;;~ o Zlax c;, ~,a o ~ ~~hc: ' O.I. '~~'1G ~,~p V'~ r'~i;~.o11 a 7.5 ~11~~)~1i;1,."r1.7 ~"d ? os'a,~`i.na.'?. r.,o~~ea:l.ar1 a ~ cc~nca~)~.nn~ e~~ec~.alJ.;~ bGCause afi ac~.ont~a.~~~~ x~e~~,c'~ ~~}aa ~rde~c,n~,r ? ~,~Lic~n unq~u;o~~a.a,lab].f cf~.~~~.n~; be't'Urc;en tho p:l.~,n~~ML~aQc~x'a}~l~~.c;~,1. ra~~ ? ~ ,~,.~ ~ r~ ~,~.~.a~I`da~r loalarLd~ ~..I ~u, 1~,~.e'~7, ;~r~ ~au~ha~ ~'G A~,~.~. Mala~~.a Au~~x' ^ cf ~~ r even 9.n~ .spa axe ~, ;~a~nex' ~.~,nr~,bx ~.d~,e ~,~~aamen'L? w:t.th ,alga ~~~~be~^~, ., r ~ . ' ~.an 2,nd ~.~. '~ha Juan ~"e~'n~,~~dez~ :I~a^quo~~,,~, l~.wa~. ;Cxom ;,c~u~ka Amex'ica ~ ~, .. Accax'd~.n~ ~a ~,he ~.~.~ea~ r'ese~~~lckles ;~3anin xs~.ands 'r,a ~ ~,e ~ Asa.a ~ ~,~n~ ~ , Pa,c?.~~.a :t.s ~,n ar~.~in~.~. ora~~n wh~.ch h b~ S~z.~..l.~s howe'vax', the Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 . ~ ~,~,x s ~,r~~~~ ~~1~~ fi~u~~~ax':1,~~~ ~~~ ~Ls ~n~~~'~c~r~ ~'~n, ,~~ ~ux~~~~ ~ ch~n~~t~ ~. a~.~x' ?, : ~ha`~ '~h~ ~xgka~.~n A~ ?~k~s bhp Wta c~,~ ssq~ .l/hGr~~~~ a~ ? s ? ~s k~~v~ bap~l c~.~~x'E~~~, ~~p, an~~Gn~ s~~.v~d ~ k~~~~y d~ ~ ~1 ~.~.chan~~ Is ~y n.u p~~h(~~ k1C~ L~ q~ . ~ ~L1?,~ Ara'~arC ~:~.C ~nck ~~: '~hC h~,~ ~:>.oxa ~r~c~, v~~~~a`~~.pn p~ . ~ ~,so d~ y'c?~ wa 'uxa~a51~ iak'~~ mca~~~L :~m~aox`~~,11~ bas ,.F ~ ~ ~ .na rr~' the h~.sah ~~nax.i,G~t~ '~ t~Q no'Lk1'~.r~~:; ~~o~~~~ ukac~ ~,~,c.,kae ~,na~ti~ ns~, ~~ ~~ o;l' ?t;ha t~~'x~.c~l`~ ~~a~d ~~~t.~s~xa~.'~~,r~ ~lEaLa,;~n x'~.i~~,~s~ o~ '~h~ 11~a~~~~.~:~~4L?~y ,~ e ~-~f''ka'~'~ ir~o ~ Cx'~ ~ ~, _' rs~ ' ' ~a.~t~ ~. .1,~lta~aCk~ ~~lp:, ~ r~~~~~~1 ~ a :wh ~~~ ;a ux~~r:t. s c:~, ina.s,la`L' /~aw p~~l~c'; s ,~.. nLL' .cra~a~~ ~z~~~.i.~ah a,nd l~li,s~~"'~za.a.~~t~ ~r ?' f1I,elrl'~~~ U:~' ~E;1'1 ~~~?J.1'1q~~r ~a ~" a ~aurl~~,~b,l.rl ~ ' ~ aak~ va~.titiala,l~ m~ti~Lra;~~~.a:t. gram 't;hc, a ~ L ~c~ a~a;~ ~aa, ve a:' e;c o~~~']:~~ ux a~a~,1i ~ aaa ~~~,nb a~~r~a~. ~f~ l~ k)atlr;a (~~~ Loa~:i.a) ~,r~d .,.. r L':i.C wh~a.Ck'1 kl~;,~ b~:c;rx ~v~?1:~a~t~Lc,, Y ;~~tj sholalc~ bs 111E~r~Er 4aska.n~ a:l.~. (p~~~a~ura) ~ A ~'a~als a E.a~.:~..C(1~1.11~ 't~h~' irr>.um omk~hw~~a.s on ?t;h~, o' ~:~.p~d'~.~k~z.oai~ to ia~.~~co max ~' moun'L~~a.t~s r'i~ka~ ~~~ ~.a~k7.ab ~~L~.i~~; '~hEr avow ~~ ec: ., ., ~ , :l.a.cl~~n~ t ~~h d~,t~a a~a ~~kaE~ ~,oc;~~~a.~~n7 0~ ~ ~c,a.x ~ ~t;~le ~;oaa~Lh 1'~lc, ~1;a~,e~~he~ ~:i. ~ ~ .~~'aE: a ~ C ~~ I1C~, 13~z~ d w~a;s doraa in madC:l. f,;~sk1:Lac'~ by gCCU~"~'c~t'1CC~ ~~X1.;~ J ~e~'~.~.n ~.93r 4 ~~ ~p? end deg' I~~~~~i ~~ J~3x,.~.OG~~~~"~~ ? ~ar~d l~xd An~~,x'c~~a.C ' ' ~a ~,nCk ~4~a^ ~~~,ra: ~rl ~, ~ ~c~N..N..wr. -.-~y-'~`"" .~.~... UaClr,C~ ~~,~1CE't~'~ ~~.~~ ~~ Ear E~di?ti~.an ~~ ~o~;~n~'? .~ 2 7 . ~.nr~a~.s Nl~.st;o~a.~a. ~a~ana.c~a~. ~.an~ d~.stribu~,~.~an~ ~ca~~. b a. ...~...........~....,..,.........w....... ' o1.~~x~ Pkay~o~,ep~xaphia~ ` ' ~ ~ (~9~Q~ p1a? ~'~'~"~~~ Sueaa.c,a 3 ~ ~ n ; vam wach~enc ~'x,... ~b..~.,.~ fur ~~~',.~o. ~x~ ~ o h Y1y~ ij' rMMIMM~M~~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 Q~ ~;~aa uoat,~~~ Q~' ~lao ~~.~~,~'~ a~ ~c~~~~,;~an~~h~ ~~~d ~~' ~~. '' o~^ c~~n~ ~ l~r~r~a~, ~ d ~ ~1~rrl~c~~r~~1?~~i,~ ~~ ~ ~~~~) ~ ~l~o ~~~xr~~~,a?;~~~,~ o~ ) .v ?, , tit~~,~ ~~ ~ra~~c~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~.~~hsr~~ . (~~ ~te~n~nan~ ~',a~.l~~.~nd Larne, ~. ~~ ~ ~ ~ A~~~,~;,,G ...,.M?~..,..,,.......~..~...~., ;i:~1,~t1~~~ ~Q11d~1~(1~ J~?~~COVC~x;~ ~op~~~~~a ~~ (~~~~~~)i ~a~ ~,"',~ a 0 Y ~ . ~ ; on Na~'c~ ~o~77on ~u~,~a1'~~,u, ~,a,.,~?,o~.~_ x,,r tike?~'~ea,^ a ~ ~kad o p~ ~,o, l~a`~ r na~~~ o ICJ.,. 1~1.~0, ]V o o ~U (~~~E~) ~ ~o~ ~1~. -V~.der~~lt~ 3y ~Ia I~larG~~a,cl~~ '~'~~ ~ ; ' I~ d~;~a,t~~n~~ dcr ~{'~,ecll~~on G'~~ ~~e k'aa.a~r,~~~b~~G~, Ia a.e a ......_..r........., r, si..na.f~.e~~,nc;e u~' ~~rie l.a.r~laer~~ a ox rL~ir~ r~o:~ax re~~.or~~) (lhe ~; ;f'olax~~'oxaclnun~;, 'Vr~a,r :I.~C, a~l~G ~,nr~ua~. (~.~~.9), ~~?l0~ ~Z'lae :~a.cher;a off' tih ~~wb~~~~,e1i F'Ua.~x~~'ul^~cl?lun~, va~.a ~:~;, ??..,..,?rw..,,...?...........?., r }3r. ;fix e;r rn~;r~~a~. wir~ve;;~a.~M~~~ ,grl~ ar rl nex~ oc~,~ux~oti~, `w .. ~ ~ ~ ~ ^ ~ w '~1"1'Gri ~ ,AC~a ~q~a111.Ca I'~enna.Ca ~~7 (~%~~~~) ~ d~,7~c;m_..~ a.o~ ~~ ~no.l. ~ p1r.. a.M~w~ .c la~r .nn;sl7~.~~~~ o:C ~;Ine ~;~c~J~~ ~' ti'~e~':Cert k{ ~ On ~~~e ~'lora'I :Lnte~ry e 1 n...w....w..u..u.....r..~..?..w.w~r~.w.++rr..r.+n.wr.+..r.r......w+. ~~e~;~.an;~ r N.r.yrr~..~.r. ~3ea~~ef.'te .~otan, Gen~;r~,1.~~L~~~;~L, ~ec~f~a.on l~, 5~ (~-~3~), ~3~~~C~O ~'~a.1.le ~~.; t'~^ameval ~ti~l x x~~,.. ~,ns. A~a~r. J~e~ti~t~c~l'~o ,Akan, dr 9 ,,,,,,.,,..,.,?.... ~W~~.se , ~ cr~.J.rr, Ma~~h r N~~~~ r ~~~~. ~' ear 1.9I~~~~~~' ~ ~1~~~ A 6 (~;~~~'~~ ~ ~I~e cx~~ea~~~.an ar~d,~ss:in~~ o:~' cor~~~.nenti5 and oceans. ~ .ww...YI~M..w.'MYM.wM.Y.~++r~IrNw.r.w.r..,rr...M MsFwi+rwr.Iw~w.w.YMrnr1 n..xdr~"^f'w....Yw.~...1...~r' .~.MM.... Y.~..Y..+ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 __ _ _ _ - Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 II u D;r ~ llp.~n~ ~~u~,1.cz 1'~~u~ ~`~c~~'~Gxan~nax~do~~ ? r~or~ a~' ~'c~saina ~~ ~~ul~~~,dn ~'pcazcna ~~ '~~ae moun'~al.n ~c~, ~~ ur7'~ .~.:1.~1.~'~ ~e:l.an~;ccl vo ~~hc co~rcx:>nn~ 10,1~rrQ square lt~.~,amc,~c~~, '1;'l1e mau1~'Gaa.n, ~~e~1.c~n ~, xnma ~~ la~~x"~ a~ ~~'9:nl~a.sh ~Ga~al~l~,ndo nar~hca~~~e ~~ ~~ - ds ~1r~r~~~~ws,7'd ~~a ~~Y~e sha;res off' ~l~X~s ~''L~3~a ca~~~ off' 'Er'ic ~r>~tirei c,a~.~cn ... ~ ~ ~~Ylc ~axmc'r ~' .r1n .sra,~l`~uw~ a ,an bouYxclaxy ~.x~c~%~o Ucean and ca;.~ tward, ~,o n~' nox~hcrrl ~~~'opc ;1.~ be~.ozx~,S to bda:~h~.n 1~he ~ranrewnxk ~ ~ ~aed ea~~+rn pax'' is ~L1~>,a Ga,~.erlon .az~ cl'la~.n ra. x+'ennasa'a~n~~a~ wY~aac~ w ~~~s~~cxn ki'ennoaral~d~.a, wl~a~c;x>, a.n~ a.n the Nl.dd~,o rind Up~~er ~a.~.ux'a.arl. ~~, -. ar1~ a~:' S~reder>,, xepre;~e~~~~5 a .rack G ~,uclc s ~~, ,n1.~~ nd ~ Ka ;1,a, ~~.~d ~l p ~' ~.aw ~orma'~iv~; ~:axc;e, a;; sc;c,n .from slab o ?l~~.e~.d, rrys'h,ati~ a.ne aria 7?.r~~arlloz"ph:~.a x'~ ~.5 rnadc up a~' v~~~>.e 1"~a1~~:>~c ~ ? ~'~ rr a' ss cr,~s't,na.c~ ?.? r;xc :~.~~ ,:~ ,~~ ~, ~~1~ ~;, ~ra wh~.cY1 qua^xound~ ~-ha i~~.a~7,r~M wj,~t11 ~;xourul znaxa,:i,riGS, swr~r~~la ~ and ~noa, ~' "1~ Yeas are avex't~;~c~ c1~va~1~ ~ orr a~ l3U i7i~~~x ~ studdad 11,~~,lce ~naz ~ and wl~.~.c, ,~ ~d ? ~ ~~0 1.esa khan ~.~ ms~;r.x~s ~ :C~I, ~s cx~`" 'Y'l~e mc~;t~n x~:l.~~,~;~- ~nox~;;~' a~t~ou,n~L~7 , ~ ~ ~~ ~ x~,,s:~on may U~ ~~hou~,h~ a1:" a~ ~ ~,on; ~Lxau~;hw:l.a.ke; ~.s,ltie5 ~ ~11~.,~ dc.p y 1;h~ " '~o~hn: ., .:,, ~~ c;la.n~; ii:~~.ed by a C1ulf' oJ~. tiao a co~~~~~irn~~,~~.~an oi: ~~r~a L;r~,at s,~ tt ? ~rransv~~r, s~ axck~ a~' ~~he ~a~tx:i.Sc.~ka '~Yie;~' axo sep~~xdted by ul~~; ? ~ ~ lead~.n~~ ~a ~l?,hE m~~tiz~~t,a~a,n xe;~;~.on off' Un ~l~~.s ~.o~r~,s,nd s~~.,~ .arxa~aYlic var~.c'~y~ wc; :C~.nd an;11y .. arno wY~a,ch sYLa~as ~~z~~~,~~ pYry~~~.a~e ~~ ~ pe ~s ~ ~? ~~a~med mar~s,a.no~r.~~vcz~c;d ~;xani~LO h~.~.locaks occ;asiana.l. wc;r~k, ~cn~~y ~ ? ~Lhe ~n ~1~;,~.an off' a ~'la'~ cal~n'~~";Y~ ;fin ~Ll~o wl~.i.ch ~,n rla wdy' cle s'~xay ~ .;~ .. ~ :l.~lces th~;~e ~~~.se acca~a.ot1aJ. ,~~ec;pax' nor~t~l1 c~nd sau'~h a~, ~llosa 7.eve~. 17 ', e domina~~~n~; ?~he ca~t~r~~~xys .dc ~s wa,:lw:Ls, ~~"hc :Ela~~ 11oxa~zori~a~. L:~.n 'd ' ~.~s w. ~ ' P ~ t;h a ~' ~,~,?~~.and Y~y ~~ho da~l~ s:~~.ho~xc'~~e a~' h:a.. l~:~ch ~ta~ fxamad Y7y' ~., ~~. ~,~ ?~a 20 rr~~'~~x ~ . A n~r~heas'~ ~ho~~e h~.~.:lr,cl~s ri.sa a'~ an an~~o `~ ~xn ~~h~ ~~,~ ~ and 7 wand ~.evo7 ... ~l~e ltia.:l.~l. caur~'Lr' o~ ~ o~~;~sma ~aw~].~d~ ~lra ~ ~ ;"' ,, .~icu~.a~c~c~, ~na~.ss and ~;xar~~.~~e~ '~'ha he~.~;h~,~, ~.s a].sa s~,~ua?~ad a.n un~~x ~~ ~~, 0 me~exs ~.n ~h~ ~te;~~~a r~. Se oas~l;wa~d a.n f wYl~ch lravt~ an a~.~.L ~ud~ off' ~ ~~ ma~,oxs ~ '~'laa main e~.~va~~.an ~s ~0~7 '4 ~~llo ~h~~ar~~ ~o an ~J.~r~~ud~ a~ Z~90 ~~~,ns risa s~.ng~y ~,nd ha.va xound~ ava~ and nar~~a~`s. 'o'ho ~.s~.,~,n~, maun and ~Lhe~.x vcx~~a~s 'the ~huor~~ ~ ~' ~:~1;ondocY shapas ~~hs,-~ ara ~xnu~od axa Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 ~~~Qn~ ~~z~a ~~ha h:l~,~y eoun~~y ~an~ d~~~~~d~ ~Aw~~~~ ~~k~o ~a~~ ~r~d ntax~~k~ ~~o ~ha w~,dpy ~~wariapw~~~~,~d v~~~~~y~ a~' ~~kza ~~~;+~~rlo ~rld tx~ ~'a~~L~A1`t;~4k~, qr~ ~;1`aa otllaz~ aa.d~ a~' `~k~p ~,a~~~a~' ~~haxo ~~~, ~~.x~~; ~~~ ~~.~,~ ~~~~ Ax', ~~~~'a1~cx~~dMuu~~ a~~ad ~~a~~ mo~~d~ ~r~d sm~~.~ dca~~aw~ha~ad k1:~.1,~~ ~L'i~1a~; ~~ncx~at~aa ~.aa e~.vva~~an ~~r~d p~s~ Av~x^ ~,n~o ~Lha u~~,and 1.?v~;:l. a:~ ~~his muun~a:~t~aus coun~~x~y. l~~aba~e~ and ~tu~,~~cav~~rs ~~redan~~.n~~;p, kau~t ,~ands`~ona~s, p~;x~do~~.~t2~ rnc;ters ~ '.l~h~r~ 111ounta:i.n desc~:nds sharp:~;y ~~awax~d,a ~r~hc, e~:>,t ley same 3~c) z~ncte~s to ~. ~.a,l~e;w~,i.~.;l.ed J.o~w:l.~.a~d ~~,:I.on?~ ~~he Former ~~'i.nrix.Shwi~uSaian l~nxda~^. 't'he rr~ou.n~L~~a.n coun'~~ry ~~.~a .~'ax~ns ~, rao~' taw~~a~ds the. north -ro a de,pressian ruY~~in~; ;'ram c~autik~e~,st to i~orth~rards whi..ch is used by the road to ~hE l~rc~t .c ncer~n, ~~'ram hEre ~ Zast rise reads '~o the v iaLen~:lry `~.ndented and ~~orn~u~a caast~~1. mar~nta~.n coun~~ry of ~etw,ama. I~~re we ~'.~.nd a, campliW cited ~,~.texizxa~ion a~' rocks. IJ~e~~; ~o c~a:r'k ~;arnet~~ne~.ss ar>,d ~;xay ~ne~.ss~~r~,nite, wh~.cl~~ prcdom ,na~I;e, we ~'x.nd ve~.ns off' arnpl~tilaal~.~~.c s:ls,te, quar~ite and diabase caix~aa.nin~ ~d~.ena-and zinc b:~end~:~ '1'l~le pasa.tion a.~ ~~he ~,atter ~.s eas~.~.y reco~n~.zab~.e because af' their ~.~n~.ted al]i~.ity t~ res~.s'~? R~,va.ne~:~ikc depressions which tale 'heir Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 ~~,~oe axe a~ noun x41~,61~ enax t~ ~la~e~s ~~x xe~,ndeex~s~ w~?tlZ ~ ma~c~ ~h , YrRl,t~li w~~?~~~rM~~~.~.ad cxa~~~,~~,o~~ b~ ~ rl~ ~ daineM~o~~~~d ~~ jelds al~te~~r~~a ~~ r11~. s ~tb?~~~ any tx~nsl.~~:l.or~l~. ~ ox ~ ~ G-xds and ?~rau~~~~ 7.:~1~a lake ~ ~ ., , ~ ~ ~~ cad j bi~~'8 Ga~~~ ~t~'41dX1 w~,~l~l ~.fe~+ uC1~l'~' a~~c~ri?erll.~' and ~~ea~l`~ txi~, Ocear~~ 'l'h:~s caas`~1~i.rre wh~.c>~a ~`~.x~c~x ac~~~I~~an~zz~L,~ Q~' ~til~a ~xc~~unr~ mo~~a,l~~nc~ waxo woxx~ aw~;~ by ~'~.raw~n~ w~,~t~ox ar~~ b;~ ~~h~ w~.nc~~ ~o ~l'~~~~ ora~.y~ oxxu~~~.c b~.r~clcs x~,7?, .nod bch~,nc~~ `~'h~ mox~ ~aa~c~y componc~n'~~ were b~,awn ~o~e'~1'lc;r ~n~-a ~'~.y'~.nr; ;~~,nd ~'~~:~~~~ n~ax ~va~~.o ~aLti~h o;~ I '~I~c lr~xa ~nc~ ~.n ~t;l1c~ ~'~'~,sc~ita ~a~.~.c;y n~~x ~:~~~uo~s'~~x~.~ '1'l~e CO~a~'~~?~,~1G ~. ~ ac~aai7>,~ar>.a,~c~, by ~ bxa4~d bGac~~ slab wl~~,.c~>, a~f~~i a~ low '~~idG. Qtl ~.~~ ~~x~~xc; ~~x:i~a~ ~.~ k~,:lo~n~'Gr~x~ ~'xam 'GI1~ sl~oxe, ~~he: II .I?I~u Ta].~inaa (I?IeaYa,:~~a~,:r~'1~), 4~aa7io;~~ can~'t~.,~?>,~~.~ ~w~~l~cc~ by ~t,1~~ ~~or~li off' ~~}~c bx~a'~exa. '1'~~i~; I~e~~~rl~o ~~a ~n'E ~.s cor~t~iea'Led wz,~l,h 't11~ ~{ ~.sckl~r k'en.naul.a, by a ~~axrow n~;ck ca~.~.r:~~ 'the M~,a~ti'~kaa~~ao~~lca , '~'I~a.e ~~~?~.nw su1~ ~.~ ~, c~xr;,~,~"Y~ ~'~~,~ u~.b;I.~~,anci w~.'Ll~ e:lcv~~~,t~.oz1;~ u~~ .~Q X50 me~~z^~, wk~,~.ch a.5 bua.~.~ uI~ a~' 1>or. .~~rrl'~r~.1. ~;~r pl~.cec~ :la;y~;iryw of ~anc~~t,ax~o, ~l ~'C'Gd C~QYfICa '~0',~J a.t, Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 ~Y~ '1'~l~ ~UY~i~ W~~~ ~''.,,~ A~~ ~~~~N, Mux~aho~'~ ~~ac~x~' off' ~~h~ Y~'~h~~ curxan~L o:l.o~a ~Q ~YZa ~~,a~~o a~~ ~ha M~' ~1 ~ ~~~''J.G~?n'~l~' 1~,I,~Y~ rnoun`~a~,n~ p~.c~~~x~a ~~nd ~x- ~.aaw~,x d a;Y.d? a~ s ~~ ~'r~~ s~;x~am wY~osa ~rop~ul~~.on l~.c~a ~n ~hQ ~~,f~:ln~ ~~1~? ~aY~n as a n . ^ ~s.l~.~cl :~'ohn walk., wYia.ch Falls ~.cra,~s ~o ~~he lec~- ;~al~n Claud covE~ ~ c ' '~lra enar~Y off' ma~ion ~,~ ~~k~~x'rnodynam~ca~.ly ward ,~.d~ (].) ~ :fin ~}~a.s i n ~~'~ ~ ~ (~ ~r ,. dux acb~ d :Flow off' ~~,1ccn From ~,he mo~s~~~xx~a~r~-~:~.' a~~ ~, c~,owziward ^ ~ ~~' ~ accelcra~?~.otz ~ ~ land; ,~~ ~,~,q~a~.d p~.r~~-~.c~.~~ aro ~~vaa.lab~.c;~ a.no~ eaaa.n(~ ,~~ ' n ~Lhe v~.s~.blr for~ln o~ obsc;ux~:i.n~ c~.oud dxop~.o~s or yrh~'~her who Lher ~. ' "a.b1.c du'o' n~~ s~re,~.lcs a:~ ~.'u:c~?~Yier subd~.vi.clod prac~.p:t,'~a'~ion a-~ .L11~va.a ~~ ,~. ~'~ rrlor'e ax' :dew a caaY~se ~a.c'~cip~.~a.~a.an ~aar~~i.cl~; a are: pax~~a.clr.,~. aance ~~ u'~cd ~~Y~rLi~ .a ~~he case w~.bh cloud el.emen~~s ,rid rnore laoself d.a.s~ra.b ~G~~ s j'a ~~e~ ' fe~~'c;c~a,vew a,~^e rro~t ~b a1.1 a~^ hax'd~.y v,i]ib~.h3, 'Ll~~~ nra~.sburo?~:- -~ c~ a ~'ohn c~.aud cover occas~.ari~,J.~.y z~eacx~e;a much ~'ar'GY'~ex' down ne~a bhan ~.s .ndica~ed b,~ ~Lk~ic undorc7ide a:~ ~~~~e c~.o~ads ~ '~l~te :~':l.aw can ' ^~ ~ rma~^e be accr~.oxa~~od d.a~wn~~a:rd, ovc~rr when ~,1~. ~.~.quir~ wa'~o~' hay ~ u~, Mlle used u b; e~r~pox'a~~~.ox~, as :I.an~, as ~~he S~tra~Gi.Ca.ca'~a,an r;and~.- becr~ p ~' ' x'aC~'aw. rl'1t~.S a.5 ~~'foCi~~C~ pX'~" ~~ Boris warlc ~~o~rarc~s c>, dr,~?~~~'p ~lrc earn crd~ux'e canda.~~.ans a~' ~~he s~.ope~ Wh.~,ch ~,n ex~ mo,r.L1,5r' by p e~,crma.~~ae -the 'Lernpex'a'~~u'e o;~' rho a,ir maasos claw c~ran~;e heap ~o d .. -~xai'ourh ~l~~e~x' he~.~~ exchange in rawrad.a~~.an and ~~a ~Yrc, slope ~, ' ~ ?~ '.a~~ion, '~'hoso re~.a~~~.ons arc much ~.eSS c~.eax in an ~.nd:LV'idrxal dada r- ~' uch more d~'~:a.cuJ.~~ '~o de~errti~.ne~ since the ava~.l~ Casa C ~J.c , a and m ' n an ,s~,o es deper~ds :C~.rs'~ o;~" aL~. on 'rho sxpoTura a.~' ~,b~.e rada.a~a.a la seccn.d~, on bYYe clearness off' 'the sY~j', ~.~-e. c~.auda.neaa the s~.apei ~'~ and haze; deve~.opme;n~~ and ~,h~,~'d~.y~ s .nce w~.~Yr 'the al-~err~.~~.an a~' Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 _ _ __ _. _ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 d~~~r ~,n~ ~~,~~h'L end `~hQ c?n~~~n~~;y, cl~~~ir~~ ~~~~~ ~;~~~~ud~ ~~~d d~G~,~.n.~~~,or~ ~,~ ~~ au~~~c~- Ica ~]~~ ~a~'~~~o~~ d~~. end ~~~x~~ v~~~s~~ia~~,can off' ~~~ an~`~acarQ~o~;~.e~~ ~li~rr~~~~~i,e~ N~var~`~Yr~~.~~~ ~caQ h~vc `~wp 2ona~ ?n od~~~~ ~~rk~c~~~a `i~ki~ a~ov~. rnsn~:},an~d Gomp~.a.c,~~~an a;in' ~l~s ~axo~~:~em :1,~ ~,~rnJ.`~~d lair ~h? ~'~a~ ~~~~ `~l~o d~~ grid n~.~ri~ ~X~~a c~~. ~i~he Nun, al~a~a ~ aa~`~~,:l.r~ cQn~~~~,ricy~~ ~]'1"~~~e ~~a `Lh~ `~x~al~~,c~~, i~r}~Ic~xa ~a~t~~~ x^c,~~a,~.n n~l~l~~~a~c~a~a~~~c~~+~ a~~~i~~, r~~~ ~.n~ cl,~~~ auk, :l;n ~,cld~.'r~ .art ~~ac,x~c? ;~~.x~c `Lha ~ao~.~,r xe~:l.anF,;~ wl~c~,x~c~~ ~~ ~h? ~itne a a~: `the o~.~~;~~ ~a~.~'~~aG,a ~k~he n:~~;h~~ ~:~.z~G a.~ rn;l.~~a.r>>~ a?x~ ~~e c~,ac~ a~' `Lhe ,~w~n,~lex^ ;ac~a.~'l;.l.ce, 'wh,i.1.c; c;ar~v~;rti,~:Z,~' a.n ~~hc; c~,;~a off' ~~~`~a ~1i.r~'iac;r ac,:l?~~i;~.ce ~r~la~; d~,y r~x~c ~.7 rlt~~~~.n~;, an ~lae wl~;c~a.c~ Cc>nd'i~a,01'la ~?,r.~c mucl~~ ,5~~~i~y'l.cx ~'aa~ ~lal'~e l~a?.a.x re~:;~an,a ~~ha1'~ a'ax' ~Lhlc ~~ral~a.c~, ~a.nce ~~11~ ~c;cc~ncl car'.da.~-~.on, Lhe c:l.ear~ric;~~;; a~' the ,sky, ~.s xeJ.~a,`~a,v~r;;1.y ~im~1.e anc} ~.uca.c~ a.n vista off' ~~laG ~.a~~~ water-va,~~ax can`Lexat~~, '.L'lia.;; pax^r~;~- l~c~lxcl~;~ c11zr~..rr;,; ~l~rie co~.dcx~ lta~ year, ~to ?Ll~~ }acat and hwt~ici~.ty c~ancli.'l;~.on~ c~:t tl~~~~ Cl~la}~~;z? u:~' ~~hc o~~kicr .~.~~~~.'truc~E~. '~'l~~c~ f'~,~5~~ aan~ d~.t~.ar;,, ~trl;.e ex~~asur. c; a~ ~~~he ~,l.apc,, ~.~ ~ mor~a}~taJ.a~;;i.ca:~ ~ea~;r~~~l;~.cal, e~.e;nent wh~.ck,~. ~~; equ~,~.~.y vax~~~.c~;atcrl evrra~~l~cz?e+ an ac~x~~Ll~~ Gant~~~a~;~E s~ii,p:~e reJ..,a,~tian~ha.l~~; care; cncc~~uxltcax~ec~ an1.~,r~ ~a .~th~.r~~ minute c~~~a.c.~~s ~.n ~~:1.~.. rrlourti~~,?,inauS re~iar;.~,, ~.ric;c; ire G~.dd~.t:iai~ ~ta ~~he cam;~a~s d~~~;c,t~.on tia~hicl~l ~~he ;~~.a1aa ~'ac~~~;, ~.'1;; ~.n,c;7.:i,na~~ior~~ ~,~.art~ i~ta an~~^c; caux~aa~ ~.~~ 1.er~th end ,the phy~ica~. cand~.ta.oz~ o:C ~.ts ~ ur~'~~cc~ Eire :i.nclude:d ~.rl ~}~~~.,~ canccS~t, ~~ .,~ a ~~~aad 'thing th~~t Spa.tsber~,er~ and G~x~e;c;nl.and a,re 9.n `rahe ~~~,me ~.atitltde, ire c1.aSe to each ether a,nd yet l~r~.ve ~, very di.~;~c;r~en'~ raaunt~,9.rlous cl~~,r~,ctex~~ and th~~;, ~,n adda.~~.ar~, in ~}~rr~c; t~,~o a.reas `the ;; fahn h~~S bean best ob~erve;d r~r~d ir~vEStigateda Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 ___ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 ~~hn o~ S ~~~ber~en ~.n its su~~m?~ ec~ndl,~Gion was d~,~~ ~ha p nvs~t~. a~er~ ~~ a?ro~.o~~.cally ~xom ship. eovsxpd by Rio l~~xges?11 wl~o ~. ~ loon ascents ~.n the y~axs, X906, 190 1~oard by k~.~ts and p~,1ot,~bal he gti~.l dossr, ~ ~ dss~,g~~~s ~hs~s w~.nds :and 19.0 (2). To be sum, r n~.oc~l wind~~~~ But' even 1~Iargastel~. ~ou~nd as ~bh~, but sps~ks a~ onts era confined to ~ ~'ew hundred m~teacs out 'that.. these a;tx cuxx d that the kitep would only rise 'to their upper above the gxoun d an fuxthex noted 'that these w~a.nds b1.aw with groat ~'e" boundaxy~ H~ C ss Ba Uanss~ Tn~.et (Dtanen~ata, South gular~.ty in K~.n~s Bay, ra Ys t Sind at) ~meersnbuxg Bay and above all 'Wide ~3ay. It was xnle ( g a found that the t~,mpsrature decrease in the wind layer is also ne; 1 adiabata.c~ wh~.~,e the humidity occassiana~.ly rapid .and approximate y rcent. chess ~.oca~. land winds appeax most increases to 100 pe hQn there is ~aix w~athe~ at .sea;. however, they may noticeab~.y w on fo days. In the ~.ong and wide ~~oxd ~us~ning coase camp~.~tsly g~Y W3. de Ba tk~is wind b1,o~ws , w~.~hou~ regard to naxth and south, the ~ Y~ a south w~.nd of ma~i.umum intensity which reaches the time a~ day as ven ~,0 meters per second (2~ ~u7.y 190b) end increases from the 7, e mouth off' the. ford towards the int~xiar. a ni ht those ~.nca1 winds always b~.ow dram the sand, Bvsn t g ve as~utel attx~ibutps them to ~emperat~ure di~'ferences kier~esell ry Y nd and sea in which th? sea is .ways warmer .than the between ~.a ~'hi~ cona~.us~on must na~tura~.l~ be drawn maxe conc~.sely i~n ~. ands a arrive at a v~.id ~heaxy of the~~ winds, as follows Up ord,rr t to altitudes of BOO and 800 meters the atmosphere above the see,.. out has hi her tempexatuxes .than pxeva~.~. at the same a1ti~ through g a a~' the mauntai~n .'ranges ~ramin~ the ~'~ords. ~'~ fade on the .apes ~: } i ona~. c~.rcusns~anoe of these winds a~;~paaring only iri fords add~.t~. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 __ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 that-'arc ap~n mots air l?~~ ~c~aards ~Lbe nartk~ gad ~i~vrefora slo ~ downwards ~.n nurfi~herTy d~rect~ons ~nd~,c~~~s that we ar ~ dea~,ang with graV.ltational wands wl~~.vh or~g~ns,te ~n the cont~nuous~, a erata,vs Y ~ G ~m.~,ss~v~a radia~;;~Qn and ~e heat exchan e with ~ g ha subs Cratum that ~.s ~artaa,'~ly coverQd w~,~11 snow and g1ac~,ar ~,ce~ we mu st fur~hax cUnc~.ude; Araund the swnm?r sa~.s~~.cs, P?s~~.b~. as lox J'' gas the midn~,ght gun is ghan~.ng, there 3,a a tame in Sp~,~sbergen when trla maun~taa.n and vaa.ley wands are not upset b y the after a n t~,an of maxaw mum and m~.nimum solar a~.t~,tudei Moreover ire the f~ards whose slopes ~aoa~at to thE; naxth anc~ ~rl~ach therefara x'ece~.ve onl vet Y y weak rad~.a`taon far a few hour;, tl1ere i.s aJ.w~,ys a rr~au,nta~.r~ or land wand.. The reverse ~.s to b e erected in t~~ care Q f va~.~,eys acid fords whose slopQS ,~o~.nt to the saut~h and w} ' 1er~e ~.nsolat~an stran~w ly prNdomina,tds~ Eiere tk~ere w~~.~.1. be found ~, r ?? ~ Qti~{~.er~t~ thmugh not so marked, va~.ley ar gee, wand, as long ae no as ' g C~.t~l or' permanont sr~aw caner anhab~.te the conversaun of the preci,arn.~,nant i n5alati.an Arita haghertemperatures. A carsfti~l check of ' ~ th~.~ hypat~ies~.s wau~.d greatly advance our knawlf~dge a~' local wands with relatav e.1.y sart'iple lamit~,ng condati.ans~ A first test a~' theca adaas as passable with the a3.d of the ward ob~ervata.ar~~ made by the ~`~edash eta ' tz.an at Ca~,.e Thardsen durb ang the anternat~.onal polar year ~.$8 $ ~~ ~ ~.~) ? To be sure, the sta~ t~~.n~~ was not (an the: open s~r~ 'but sera ~ ss Exam Advent Bay an the north s~aa~e a~' the broad a.ce?.f~arc~g ~0 meters above. ~e sur~'ace a~" the f~ord~ an a pe.nsula tend~.rl ` ~ \a~Jar ~ ~.4., ds the south Arad ha,v~,ng moder.~ ately ~.nc~.ined slape~ w~.~th eau~hhex~ e o r surad Cape Thardsen is ' d0 k~.lc~,eters from the crest coast of Bpa.tsber~;en and ~a.nce ~t 3.s hard to eat~.mate to what extent tae w stet of the Gu~,f Btream a.s ~., .~ ';: ~ a ~~ . Declassified in Part -Sanitized Co A roved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017 4 ,,, ~ ' Y p , Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 nvt~,c~~b~,~ ~ n thv ~ntAr~.vr of the ~',~c~~d ~t mi~h~ b~~ pAt~~~,blo to obta~,n b~t~?,~r d~te,~ Nav~rfi-h~1a~s ~~ta~t w~,ndp~s~~~,u~n~~,~~ fox ~-kic~ narthst~ Doctor (aoz~Ya~.n?d NNw N ~d NNE) sx~d the ~vutlxa~n ~~v- tvr ~~~.~u~ro~ fox 55E, ~~ SSW) s~.early~ rapraopr~t tho cffac~ ac ~ y?~,r~,y function s ~.8~2 3opt~ Oct Novr DCO~ NNW N'NE ~~8~ NNW NNE SS'E F'eb Max Apr. Niay June Ju~.y Aug ~p ~9 20 6 6 a ~ 6 0 ~~ 43 i~ ~'he ma.dn~.~ht sun is v~.sible :ram the midr~,e o~ Apr.t~. until. the midd~,o of Augu,st~ ~3ecau~~ af, tl~.e iae and ~riow co~v~er in these ~.atitL~de~ its e~'fecti~roriess is sha.~'ted even ~'~~rthar tawarc~s ~.~ter in the year than the affect off' the highast so~.~r ~..tituda in our ~.atitudes. Evan far the de~e~.opmdnt of plant fife the three summer months da windy Pram nor~~harly~ d3.rect~.ona become less .important than others, and at this time the pradominanca of southex~a ~. wa~r~d~ becarnes equa~.~.~ marl~,sd~com~~red tc~ the other man~tha, 'phis ' ~ ?~ a.s wa.th Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 out doubt conc~us~.vc ev~,dance t~aat ~n c1aa~ s~m~~~ weather va~,~.ay' care era winds on ~hn slopes w~,th ~outhErn expasura cc~xraspond ~~o the ~,oca~. m~aunta~,n or .and w~.nds a~ the ~ jaxd,s .that. po~~ noxthwax~dp '~l~e ~orm~r w~,1-~, ~owevsr~ hardly be ~o we~.l~da~ined ar~d stxbng s~,nce ~ny? nozz~.c ox~ jet ?ffect is lack~n~ and s~.x~ac~ occ?~ss~.ar~a1 ~,nter~ rup~L~,an~ mv,st decxeas~ t~ae~.r f?rGe and ste~,c~.nsss The ~'loc~. w~.nds~~ noted by ~iergesell were x?cogni~ad ~~ b?~.n f ohrlpt a w'~.rac~e by G. RemP~,, .and A. Wd~n~x in the yea~~ 1911/x.2 ~ ~ ~,n Advent ~Ay (~~7. They estaba.~.sh~~d th~,s by poin~;~.ng out a sera.es of phenomena connected w~.th theee winds that are a~.so aasac~.di~cad wi~~h thy; Alp~.ne fahn~. 4~~e gap still remained; that is thn question of just how they originate. ~~nis dap 1 should like to close by means of my fohn theory and in cax~ jlu~ction with the comprehensive s of view which A~ ~chniausa develo ed for ?tne or~.gin of fohn~ point P like currents on the occasion n~f the festival, calloqui.um at the _celebrat~.an of the. ,~Uth ~.nn3.versmry of the ~ugspitze Obsex~ratax3r of 3G September l~~G at Garmisch. xn this connection l should like to show using .thee entirely d~.fferent Greenland fohn, whs,t this ~pw i proach can do with proper app],3.catic~n~ x daresay- treat in ?the xarest of cases is the fohn-Like wind of the fjords of Sp~.tsbergen produced by currents descend~.x~g ~.n a humi~~unstabl.e manner in tha upper and uppermost strata ~ sick. Wj.th almost al.l of the currents given by Hergesel.l, G. ~empp and A, Wagner a dry unstable dsscent oh the gently fa~.l.ing slopes ~.s suff~.ciont. ~?~ originatee in that that canst~~nt ou~raxd radiat~.an from the more ar Less sndw and ice~covercd slopes is ~.n a state of heat exchange with the ~d~acent atmospheric l~rer~ whose terapera~ tore than s:~.nJ,s noticeab~,y bel.aw that of the a,~.r ~`~iether from the Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 s~,ope ar~d 'thus c~~at~s d:~~?unstab~,e ce~r~d~,ti?xts ~~ t~~e d~,xect~,on a~ ..the blspp a~x a~.o~~ tY~e flow lino, Ths p~~ld~mir~ntly ~~.?ax weather wl~~.ah i~ ~rind~,ess an tho open spa aZ,~e s~e~cs ~'p~ ~his~ ~n l~.ne with this xea~on~.r~g these winds shou~,~l k~e des~.~natQd s,s un~,ntexrupted m,aunt~a~n w~nde b1ow~~,z~g w~.~~x~out diuxna~, up~eta but not as Mahn w~.nds. T~ia considerat~c~n3 presented above were tca show that ~hex~~ can ~nci must ex~.~t such w~.nd~ in ~ mounta~,naus rr~g~an at such high la~~.tudesa a~ the time of th4 rn~.dn~.~ht sun. ~lourltai.ri w~.nd and a genui,np val~.ey fohn can be c~.ear~.y d~.s~ tinguished as fa~.rwweather and ~'ou~.wweather wind even phy~~.c~1.ly az~d gentically, Trla farmet~ moves dowz~waxd at modexmte valoc~.ties a~.orig with dz^yMunstable phanomex~a produced ~:n heat~exchaanga with the xadiatixl~g sa.ape~ arad a small. ~.nrl~.nation and great ~.ength of th.c~ dope nod ~avoz?ab~.y. ThQ ~.a.tte~~ atta~.ns h~.gh dawnwa~~d ve~.ow c~.t~.es w~,th ~.a.rgP accelexatian~ predam~.nantly' through.. a humidw ur~stab~.e .dowr>.f~.ow of a~.r f~.~.led witr~ c].aud and pr~acxp~,tati~an ~art~.~ C~.eSe In th~.s Case, canvereelya a urge ,~nc~.inat:~on of the slope ire. the shanest poss~.ble slaps ~.ength fo~~ an equal, da,ffexenca ~.n e~. evata.on ~ ~.s a f avaxable cond. Lion. ~n ~,.ine wa.th this different~.at~.an a~.a? cases having come to my attention from th.a data of Greenland expedi~tians are to be thought of an explained as gen~~~ine va~.~.ey fohna. '~h~ fi~~st campx~e~En~s~.ve materi~1. camp from ~1. ~tadc (6} end a was ca~.lected by the Greeraldnd cagaed~.tion of the Ges~~e~achaft ~'~ ~rdkuzxde G .. (eographJ.c, ~oG~.ety) of ~er~.in, under the d~,xection 41 of .rich von Drygalsk~.y between ~. Au~.st 1882 and ~$ July 193 at '~? . d a f the ~a~a~ak statian (70 2~ N ~ ~p~ION w'~. Th3.s was s~,tuat~d ozi Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 the inr~ermo~t avve of ~A Umar~r~k ~+'~~rd on ~Y~~ ~~x~~~ F'~o~^d~ a~ e~ k terrace 26 meters a~vve mean sea ~~va~ ~.n ~~ irnmediat~ vicin~ rQ a of ~~ 1a~r a Kar~~~k doe ~trea~~ Cn?~ g~aciexa and a~ the ~aat ~.ty ~ of ~ ~brupt~y rising ~1:iff ~1~0 me~e~s hi~h~ to tie Qast~ Stade ~ur~a~.sx>,es ~ very g,rapla~.a and- deta~.l8d de~cx~.pt~an of a fohn invasion an ~ Marcx~ ~.89~, at a o~ clack' ...far thq ~,dpr~~~.ficaw n of a~.~. an~lane anstanc~:e of ~`ohn. ~~rom Haan c~~ the pr~vi~us do g da th a pxessure drvpp~d s~-ead~.y a~~ a cr~n ~.dQx~ab~.e r~~~, ~h~ ~~mM Y eratu,re way w 20 d~agreQS, th.s ~~+~.a~ivc h~u~~.c~.by~ way ha.gh. ~s~, p tae path to the th~rr~anieter but which was al~aut :~2q meta~^s away ~e author suddenly noticed the rushing of a strong gush of wand t~aat made the snow swirl. up and dra~re forward on ~~hn height of. tie ~unatak; it.was still quiEt down belo~r~ but closer arrd c7.aser camt~ ~tha gust, it could be heard rusr~~,ng dawn the slopes of the va`l~,e~'~ and sudder~t~.y at brake loose over the statiar~, ~aharo ~.t produced a sensible, certai.r~.y Hat negligible ~.se in the temperatures th,~a a;~pax~ataonapsychrometex, showed M ~,~ degrees. far ~ few ~aoments all was quiet aga3.n, th:e~a a new gus~L came dawn the mou.ntain~ this time of such a strength that it was hard~,y passible to stand up?~ right, ~efc~re the eyes of the author the mercury z.oamed from ?~~.2 degxees to the freeing point wathir~ a few sect-nds~ while the rele~tave h~ur~idity s9.mu~.ta~neously dropped fx~am 7O to ~q percent. ''hero fo~.la~red dusts of sometimes greater, sometimes smsrl.~.er a.nten~ ~i~Y~ .always of .short duratia~~ somat~.mes las~ir~g fox' but a fear sew coeds.+. ~t ~iaist tae aix~ temperature asc~.lla,ted a f~~rr degrees about the freezing_pain~~ but aro~.d: noon it held fa~.rly` steadily at ~ ~. degred, while ~~he x~e~.ative hum~.dity even sank samewh~t be~.~w ~q peroent~ ~'he weather was dec~,dedly murky, ~a?clouds from tho a~1 ,.~;, ,, ~~ ,~ '~,' ',x~~r~~?' ~, ~Declassified~in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04123 : CIA-RDP82-00039 ~~ ~ ~ ~ r' ?,,~ ~ y~y~ .I 8000200170017-4 ,,~~ ., Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 com ~.~,te1y'a on the l~i~h~s~ ~vaks ~two~,au~ds a~mast co~rerpd t~-v sky. p le than was na prac~.~s,~~taon~ TJ~a were vcaass~.an~~y v~,s~.b ~ way sim~.~.~r w~.th a~.1~ appear~nc~s of GYI~,r~C~iQr of thc~ WBF~'~hor times ra~.n drops w?rv absvrved~~~ tha-fphn a,t ~Cara~ak, howev?x a a ~e roces~ can be ,ambiguously seen ~.~ '~hv dynam~.a~~ a~ the p o n thvv 3.s used. ~s the strar~gly ~~~~g th~.s deaara.pt~~an if my ~ h ~' x~ the h?ights shaves, a cyclanv apprpachvs pressure and the ~~J wind a ~ of Greenland from the west Pram the d3.rec~-ion pf the west caps ~ Alan w~.th the increas~,ng~.y step pressure grada.en~ Baffin ay. g r much stxon~~r on the ~,n].and ~. ce ~r~i~.ch in tuxn the ~.nd bvcamea the dri~~ng off' the /Wise snaw which is a~,~ tremendous~.y incraases in the rs,vitation~l,.wind dirvctad..towards the randy ccnsid,erable g e~lavaed~na~r masses are blown out beyond the steep aaast~ Zarg a l ciex .ends ~.nd the pre~cip~,Ges of the nunataks onto edge of thy, g ~ inner ortiar~s ?~ the f jvrds ~ at first at great a~.titudes m In the p ' dawn Chia" snaw drags the. air a~.arig with it anCl while the drapp~.ng snaw finally .melts and evaporates the air heats ups fa.~~st slv~r~.y' din to the wetwadiabat~,c cur~-'e for snaw (melt~.ng ~ evapor~ accar g heat ~ 6~~ calaries)e ~n general this w~.l taka p1~Ge mare a~,ian . ari with the air already therea sca that. 'the descent ~akas s~. owly th sce in a h~mid~unst~bla manner until the snaw particles are ss~ pl eva arat~ad. 'then the .air f~.a~rs ~'arthc~r dawn due to sentia~.~.~r p but heats u dry~adiabaticz~.ly by ~. degred, per 1Q0 meters inerta.a, p t ~ alt~,tude~ Q~casinnall~r s3.ngle ~,ce particles chaanged of lass a ndro s et through to the bottom and evidence fc~r this a.nta rai p g ~. a ~etez~sen (7) ..Page... ~~~~ eras do~,bted by ha.m un~u.st~.~ found by He g s l~et~xseri~ ~ work a~..so` aant~~:n~ three charts o~ pressure f~,ab~.y~ d~.str3..butian ~h~,ch batter suppax~ our thaory tb.an that and w~.nd Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 _ _ _ _. __ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 xa assd by him, F~.gux~ la ~N~ f?hn at Uparnivik anc~ ~~ ~oh~ at p p J ~k~ab sh avn on ~'~ ~' eb rusty ~~ ~~ with ~ ~~~~.~ne of ~ s s .~h~n 73 ~ m~.llime~sxt~ pr?~suxe ~~ the cer~~er shave the west cvas~; v~ s?uthp ern GxAenland anc~ e~~end~,n~ 'ram ~1als~sinboxg to Cape ~'aa~ve~.; ~~~. uxe "~ ~ fOhr- ~'~ ,~,n~'1,aga5alik arl ~ FAbxuaxy _l~Ql with a ~.pW 1 of less ~h~n 76Q mi~limetexa soar ~enmaxk 'Strait; and .Figure. 3 ~ Eta ~~ Sohn at Jakobshavn on 2'~ Juna x,912 with a 1Q~r a~ ~.ess than ~~,~ mill~.meters at th? center batween Greenland and Law bradar~ Petersen endeavors to e~cplain thew inc~.dences off' Sohn w~howing large temperature :increase and laarge decrease in humidity in tha manner a~' A~.pa.ne foxinsy namely by air currents that hava crossed the ent~.re inland ice~aap. Indeed: Petersen does nat canes sa.dor that such a cra sling a~' the inland icy; by the current cannot cantxra.bute to ~,he heat~.n~ up off' ~~hn an the leeward s~.de, na matter how much precipitation has separated out ari the windward side Fax ~,n :~~.owing dawn on the leeward side tkiis current carries along much driftMsnaw~ and. only ~~ie q~~antity, density snd hari~anta~. velow city a~ this dxi~'t~snaw above tha ~jards determines the ea~tent ar~d ixlten~ity, lastly a~.sv the duratian~- of tl~~e fohn produced b~ ~,t~ The peculiarity a~' the Sohn in the coastal reg~.ons n~ Gree~1.and ~ha~; are. e~,ase to s~.apes consist precise~,y oi' the. fact that ~a~ its appnaranc~ no condensation shave or no prr~cipitatiar~ ~"axma~ lion need to hav4 preceded. xr~ nature thane cand~.tiarrs m~ a1.sa be ~u~.~i~.~.er~.o .~1~. than is necessary and. su~'~ic~.ent is that there exist large laasewsna~r masses in the ~~.,nge areas o~ the inz.and ire- csp and that ?~hey are ~i.alently and rr~ssive~.y Set in matio~ by w~.nds a~' staxm intensity bin~rin~ awa~r dram the ~.a~ndw Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 ~oltiaws that ~e Sohn in Greo~~and From ~h~.s v~.ewpo~nt ~.~ ~9 man~.~'estat~ons ~~ the out~x paxt~ mu~~, became ?ver weaken ~n ~ are not part~,~.lY x~~ed by g~,ac~,c~r~ o~ the ~~Ar~~~ as 1on~ a~ ~h~y d ~.ce ~ Trls~e cyan be noth~.n~ hexa ~a ax pro~eCt~ons o~ .the ~~,an n k~k~ris" of the ~1.pa~ ~n ~h~.s oonnc~G~~c~~ carrespor~d to tho ~~mme~'~ w~?tes ~ nxt a.s po s~abl~e ~o obadxve a 1~Ie ~~~ade' (~~ Page ~~~' ~ furs repeated~.y at l~axa~aka wl'~~le thane maxlred xi,se an air. ta~lpexa 0 ? ~.~ at ~kerasak wh~,ch ae si.~uated ~ as hardly are ~,ndacation of n rr~here the ~'t~hn s,ppears almost al' kalometers c7.osex 'Lo the saa~ e wa?~h sma~.le~' ~,ntensaty tkr~n at Kara- ways ~,ater ands as a - ~ ail ~.~ shou~,d be men~aohed than an tempe~~~? aal,rr page ~~3 ~ ~ ~'an y and. an the and. and ~. ce above the ~,uxe measurements ~.n ~k~e moun?taz.ns ma.nantly adaabatac~ often even supex? stataan Made na~ted predo ? adasntsa an the ease off' ~~run as weal as adaabat~c temperatuxe gr ? no~~,ataan to what extend hay measura~ athor land wands. There a.s no ~ ' x~ement off' str~.c~ sanurltaneaty, whack rnus menu satas~'aed the ~~ec~ua. i.lw ecause of the lavc~.y temperature instab. a~ s olu~ely b e observed b aty prevaalang with ~'~hn~ rr ab-~e~'vat~ons were also ~'urna~hed by the ~ccel.l.ent Cahn ? ~ the, Puste~~'a.g stata.on an ~,he southern.. nanmaxk ;~,ped~.ta.an l>0~/08 ~~- lle~"axd arld Mo~ke~ ford an sla e o~ 1~anrrlarkswN'ionvmenta between Ike ~ p Q ~ Peter ~~reuchen and Al~xed Wegener hexe naxtheast Green~.axrd ~l ~ bottom off' the va~.ley ~rorn ~. Novem~~' made observata.ons at the and as often as passable X77 tames) an th,e 1q0"~ to ~l ~ ay 1q~8, u to an elevataon a~' ~Ga metexsr slope a~' the Maraument p ral remaxizs appaar on page- ~~ls rr-~e The ~'ollang gene cl, wath. ~'ahn degexve ~ ~' ramar~rso tarnperatu~ce candataans assaG~.ate to ascents a,t `the ma3.n stata.an~ so at Pu,s~ As an the case o~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 a~ad a m~rk~~~-~ncrg~~? in the ~r~mpe~atux~ tex~v~~ thax~~ a~~? appe o~ the ~,nvexsion~ ~ux~~,n~ the most ehax`~ ~rad~,ant w.. ox waakon~n~ ~~ a ~.~ was unfaa~tunately ~nposs~,b1~ to make actex~ist~~ Sohn phenomc~n spa Q laeoaus~ the ~.ntensa'~, dx~vin~ snow axly ahsexyations ora the A a . ux~ta~in slope ~poss~?b~e' , espQa~a~1y in the made cl~.mbin~ ~ha mo d.~ld sucaQpd in obta~?na.ng a ~~r obser'vaw dark months. F~owavox', w? ~~ at 't~.mes a~' typ~.caa. fohr~ coxiditions. At bons in ~lovember and M~ as not~.cEaba.e we~.l in advance of the rise ~n ~ustervig the f ~hn~ w ' naa.sE on the rid~ss of the .mountains. '~empex'ature by a loud ru.sh~.n~ ' ~ the rase in temperature came the wand, which ~amultancousl?y w~.~,h ' re in the vallay lying at right an~las to the was whirling a,n natu ' d, ~,n tha tapering-off thx.ngs f~.x^st ca~.med d~.x~ection of the w~.n as eneraa.a.y main~~aincd~ unchanged down taelow wki~.le t11e tempera~,ure w ~ 3.~. a sudden sharp drop occurred" far several hours, unt Brous ~,nd~.viduaa. abservata.ons that Here are a few of ~~he num +~ vanber 190'7. 0n the accasaon of speak far my cancept~.on~ 27 No ? e f 'ard at midday between l~. arad 1? o ? clack the a walk across i,h ~ ha.t b an. extremely strong gust of wand that observer a.s suddenly y ,he round and so stirs up the snow that it ~.s impas~ throws h:um tat ~ far as ~. dm ~ probably decamet~r~ ~ A e A'~ noon '~a s~.ba.e to see as a sudden rise o~ about 12 dehrees; at tcmperatuxe recorder shows carre~ ond~.r~g r~.so an temperature ~ar~ounting ~a~narkswHavn the p ,? ' d not occur utzta.l seine 6 hours latex~.r' to about ~ de~~'oes) da. ' v 'v~.n maisturc~ ~.nstabilit~r do'urn to the ~, insta.~,ce ~n al ~ aseda.' ' r'w~.nd-proteoted'r vr~lley; ~.~ floor of .the na~xraw~ supp ~ rnan f~.ne erlawf ~.a.a., na wa.nd~ m1~e ab~ ,~anua~' 190E~~ In the mo ~a ~rs,t~~.on an thG mounta~,n but ~.s forced to rerVgr attempts. an nbser' of 'wa.nc~ that..threw. him aver. Gaon tl"iere return by va:olex~t gust; Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 __ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 txon staxm w~.tk~ douse sn~w~a~,~ and 'with gus~~ o~~ de~rr~~.ops a ~ ~ orn a~?~ sides ~ 'ohs snow ~.~ dxivg down '~ha moun~ wind ccaming ~~' ~oQ w~.~h such ~'oxce that ib ~,s haxr~ ta?~.ns ~'xom a~~ s~.des (N and ~a ) ch our bxaatki~ the xaada.ngs At ~~he ~ng'iish shack beoQm~ to cad y ? . e w'~.nd snvex~. t~~nes drags you o~'~ the boxes saxv? di~~~. out ~ s ~r~c e th awa ~ Rela~~~.ve ~~~~m~.dity ~.s 74 percent ~,ng m steps and b~.o~s them Y 00 ~~ extent at ~.l~00~ 7$ percent at 2~.OQa at 0~ ~ P on 2$ Ja~aua~,r ~.~0$R With ~.ow ~~ura~.da.t~.es off' 6~~ S~.m,~~. s,x:~y nd b0 ercen~ there a.s agaa.n continuaus~ strong dr.v~.ng snow ~a a ~ . d sk . ~'~~ ?~hE ~~ime off' the 8 0 ~ ca.ock xeada.ng wa.t~a a s~.ighta.y clou y Y o~,uh~el im ass~.b~.e to stared up. the w~.nd da.rect~.on changes it ~.s abs Y ~ tans th~co h a~.~., the points af.' ~~he epmpass ~ ~ ? 'ram cantinuous].y and r tom lete~ qu~.et down bel.aw; then there is a t~.me 'to tame a.t ~.s p Y ?he mounta~.n;a and ?~he gusts ~~ w7.nd of?ten beM m~,ghty rumbJ.~.ng a.n t ' n dawn the gorges and carrya.n~ a].ang s~aa~d gtin w~.th the ~.nd ruah~. g r it a.s ~.m ossa.b~.e to open your eyes out ~~ the open. ar~d snow ,~o that ~ ?' e of w~.nd on the moun?~aa.ns sounds 1a.~Ce roars and how~.s.'" ... ~e no a. s ~,ina~.~.y i?~ sho~~.d be poa.nted out that va~.u.ab~.a and a,nM t~.ve mc~ter~.al cor-s~.st~.ng a~' simu.~.taneous rega.strata.ons of s~,ruc ? ~; and re~,ative humid~.ty i~ avai~.able dram 'the Germa~~ temperatur ~~ ed~.tian a~' ,~.~'rcd Wegener of ~.930/~:~ ~~ (ll) m 'these Greena.and p ? the WeS~ ~tat~.an (w~.ntPrhouse) on the edge off' were ~a~hered a?L ' ~ at an a~.titude a~ 9~0 meters, at Kamar~ajuk at the the ~,n~.and ~Ge arro~rest art o~ the ;Gard at sea~.ev~~. but. a dew ~,nnermost and n p rom the ~a~,nterllouse and at C~manak, a sma:~~ a.s~.and a.n ka.lometer?ti ~' rd r k~.J.ometers W' o~ Kamar~:~juk~ Six remaxkab~.e the outex ~~o a ~~ aes a:~' ~'ohn ax^~ recorded ~.n the curves. ~n~`ortunately rem ~.nstan 6G ~. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 o m~,s~~n~ and thexe are no othax w~r-d cardln~~ o~ wand ve~,aa~,~y ax ~, cages tl~e ~bhn ?~~ac~ a~ ~amaxn~;ak ~~ c,~~a ~i~ren. In a~,mas~ ~ opt com ,1?te~y absent at Umanak ox at mast vexy ~~~~~, gut ~~ ~s ~~~_.. ~ 98 sva~.uat~,on b~ one Q~ ~hq expvdi~~.an~ s ne~~,~~~.b7.s~ A mor? pxec~ to the px~.nc~.~a1 es vu~lin?d above m~.~h~ be paxt:~c~,pan~s aacaxdi~n~ valuables th a very graphic d,escrlpta.on-by a~ ~ Georg. T shall clo,~e w~. at a~ 1~ ~ Stado (see above) but can'ta;~ns much w~~~,ch re5embl es th n ' nland a.cc a~s usually st?,paxated dram the see by a 'the ~. seal st~~~,p where the aa.r ~;empcratur~; in the summa can tacky cos a dew kilometers ~arorn the ice and ~with~ exceed :~~ degrees centl~r~ds, a ~.nd from the a.n~.and i c~ ? But in the out the s1:~~k~test trace a~nw notice wa.~ps a~ dog a~~ the edges of the everi~.ng it ~s po~sa.l~7.s to d an hour ~.atex^ t~1e J'ohn' ~,nvading the v;~.~ cl~.f ~s high above ~ ari ht c~.wcade~l~~ike gusts threatens to break up the ley with m~.g ~9 ?~ ~ ~3ut wlla~~ looked like dog was real~.~' driv~.ng snow brought w.~ sp-~ b the ~,nland~~.ce wand out over the coastal mo~~ntains..," Y ~'he t~.me interval. set hy' Georgi at about one hour appraxw ual-~ that ~'aund frr~m a calculation according to my ~.mate~.~' eq ' ~' dull al:~owance is n~~de far tl~e ini~i~. phase and theory ~l) ~ ~ he t:~me re aired ~'ar the ~.a~r to became reasanabl~' stati~anar~"~ t ~, ~o s smarm ~' ~ Ubnr ~a~ e,.,,,,~,e~., des , ~~ohn~ d3~ ~ 9 (Un the ascent off' the ~~ ohn rota ~~1.leys) ~e~orts a~ the _. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 ce ~n the US ~an~~ Nv~ ~~~ ~~~ K~s~~.ng~n O~~an Waa~h~x Ss~':i. l~~oa ~~ 9~~~8 ~'or~ahun dux ~'x~~.en Atma a,~h~"xc ~b~~ dam o~E ~hc~ Fx~~ A~mor~ph~rc abc~vo ohs Axc~ ~o1a~ ~' (~xploxa~~on r~ a Aux Fhys~.~ dor ~xe~.an A~~~naaph~xe (Con ~1C Ocaan) ~k~e;j.~ ~ of ~h~ ~'xee A~mo~phexo) ~~ yb?98~ ~~x~~]au~ion~ ?~o ~,he Phy~~.ca ache S'~ud~.~n ~.n axk~t~sc}~ 50~,, ~Axeo:~o~~~- 19oG, ,~axolo ~. ,..~.~.. ?~ ~rc~~c ~ummex) d~.t?~o ~' ~ 2~I~2G1 ~ 1~~.1~ aal ~~~~a,d~es ~,n ~-he ~ C Thoxdaon S i~ ~t~,~ber~.,,~,z,:?~ .. ~M Ob~erva?~a.c~ne ~aa.~as au a ..~~... ~ ~ .orat:i.an ~.n~~rr~a~~.~a, ~ ~a.,ons e~ion Susdoa.,se ~ ~ ~ ^exva~i.or~s made a?~ Capc: Thordesn~ Sp~.tabex~en axes (Ob ' ]~x7ed~.?~a.on- ~n'tP~rl~~~a.onal ]+,'~cplora~~:~oz1 0~ by ~h c Sw edx.5~i ~ ~~e ian5 188 2..1883) Sto ckhalm 189]? ~ Volume ~ ~Jne Polax ~ p 2'~~w27G1 ~,, J~~.e ~lydxad amp,,, des k~$hn~ ~d (~~) Kempp ~ G - , and Wainer s ?~,,,.,.W,r..,,~....-...~ ~ glen ~Jinds~~~.n ~ a,~~be~, (~'he Hydxadynamics o~ die ~.ok .~.. ~ ,,,, r,,,,,..,.,.. ~. ?.... ~'ohn and ~L?he "~~ocal W~.nds'~ a,n Spi?~sber?Len) Puba.3.caM ?~he ~~,ans o~ ~rhe German Observatory ~;bel?to~~hafen Sp~.~sber~c~n' Number ? ~ Bx~aunschwel~ 1917.1 tuber ~,u~'t~.~,wi.~.en (On ,Aa.r Ava~.a~nches) Ctiepar~~s W~a~hex S~x~r~.~e in the US Ganef .Nov ~.'~ o~ ?~he German rl ~n an deg W~stku~~~e~~~ (G) Stade~ ~1~ ~bex nexscheyr~un ..,.~.....~,. ~' Veranderun dcx ~Lu~'~te~atux and ~'euch~ Gram. an d~ and ~. e .~w ' On ~'ohn Phenomena asp tkie Wes?~ Co~s?~ t~~. k~m~.~ der: I~~he ( Ga^eenland and the V~xia?~~.on o~ fir Terapexa~ure o~ Nox?~hex~ um~.di?~~ with A~:ti~.`~udd) Gree~.and pedi~~.on a~ the and H ,~ ? ~ h~.c ~ocie~y x.891?-1893' Perkin 1897, Volume Ber1~.n Gear p ~~' Pa~~.2 pp ,~01~~33`~. wGB~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 __ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 (~) (9) era'rux~n ur~d ~'vl~~ in Orb~and pe~~r~an ~ ~1. ~x~,,,,. r?m, ho~? T ~~ e~ and th? ~bY~n in GxsQ~+~d) ('~' trem?~.Y Nigh Tamp?ratux I' Q~~r~~,) ~1 ~ ~~ ~ ~a 29b, ~. ~3~ Metac~x. ~~ltsahxa,~t (Metaor~ ~ ~ exatuxsn and Fvhn ~ Or~n~? ~v~ ~a~~e~ a R.~xtx?m hok~e '~ ern r?e and tha ~'ohn ~,n G;~esn~.and) .and , (~x~xeme~.~' M~.gh Tamp?ratu to Oq ti93~ e~aox", ~louxn~.) ~2, 299 ~ ~ Meteor. le~.~,eche~~t {M zu 'dvm `vo~~etehend~n ~r~? 1, van Petereen~ ~~~ $? kunn ,,,,~,~? mA7~k;; an the Preaed~.ng Art~.c'le by fir. Harrcl Dr+ Ho~~ap~e~ (~ ~,~ Meteor. Journal.) a~ ~ 300"" ol.~a ~e~.) Metaa~~~x ~a~.tschrif ~~ p 301, 193? and W tier and l~.im,,~~e~dber e (Wcathex Ko s sman17 ~ F ? e {~ er r ~,2 z~1.9~~ ~.n The ~e~~ erg ~n the Climate on ~r~ ~ e;~db g) p rl~;~ex F'reibw~"g pro ~,gll.$. S chwar2wal.d ~ ed:~t~d by K p M ~ A. Mete~ol~.giech~ aahtus? (ZO) prand~ W ~ a and Wegener ~ ,.~.. tervi (Meteorologa.c~ Observations at the.... der Sta~~ian P~s?~,~,.. ...~,. ~~ s edit~.ozien tii Gronl.ands ~uster'v~.g ~tatian) I~~,ramark Lk p Vol,. l:I No4 6, Copenhagen 19~.~. Nordostl~'y'st ~.906~1908, a . ~Gr ebna.ase der 1~ utsGheri Gr~Sn].a~?nd ,~~"' ~ ~~ u. 1.830 '3l. (Scient~.~~c .Results o~ Lion Al.~'red Wegenax, 9 ,,,.,. ~.. -~" ied~.tion under Al.~red Wegenex i~ 1.929 ~.e German Greenland l: Lea. z~, 1939, pP~ I~OMI~. and 1~3,0~3~,) VolumA xVM~' ~ ~ en cur glaz~.a~.en Anti ~ o (~arnarl~s (~,~) Georgi ~ J. ~3e7nerkun tics clone) Ann. d. Meteax~ (,trials c~~ on the Gl.ac:i~. An J' $ Se tPmber, -~ ~avemb~er). M etearol ogy) ~ ? ~~ ~ ~ ~'~~' ( p Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 __ _ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 NUR, xN-~TRI~T ~'QR ~TR~C~' S~ x~ N ~o~ ~s~ ~~ ~~~zT~a~~ -- ~x4 ~T~ahn ~ear~i~ ~Ismbuxg At ?the meting of the Geophysical and Meteoralog~.cal ~5oc~.sw ties at i~amt~urg of 21 to ~~ actol~ex 19,~~ tha au~hox was able ~a demonstrate a new t~,~pe of pyrheliomater, In genera. phrheliametsxs are cornp~.icated laboratary instruments involv~,ng thexmo scats and the extensive use of electrlca~. measur~.ng in5trwnen~s, ~~or this reason ?they are generally ,rest~i.cted to~ especially equipped rada.ation obi servatories~ In their. case the rt~diat~.on to be measured ~n~~rs a jarMlike ca1.orimeter vessel in ordar to pxevent reflection losses' and at the bottom of this vessel the radi.a?tion-is converted in~,o heat by means of a blacl~ absorptian layer. Nowadays the princip~.e first intraduced by nut Angsta~~m in 1~~9 of compensata.ng and measuring the heat of rad~.at~.an by an equiva~.ent amount of ele ctri~ cal heat, is generel1.ly accepted, 13ut even the oldest and at the carne time simplest instrument of this type sta.~.l in use today re?~ quires. an amm~t~r .far. measuring the compensating thexmo?electric current, in addit3.on to the rad~.ata.on measuring ~av~?ae' as we~.~. as a hig~'i~.y sensitive mirxow ga1.vanometex~ to detErmine the tempexature eque"1.ity of the two ~.amina heated by rad~.atian and by cuxrent~ L~s~?,1y, a bat?~exy is needed. if in the .course of an explox~at~.on tr~.p dust one o:E these items should be damaged all further mean uxernents are either impossible or a~f~.ictad with a creeping errax that gnat be detexrai.ned~ Actir~ometer5 in curx~nt use are simpM Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 __ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 n ~o ba s~ra~ but ax'o ~us~ as cons~xuc~aon and app~~~~t~? a ~,ex ~n vc~~~~~a?lsss~ wh~~? th? c~1.~bxa~ t~ve t? transporta~~,or-. N? sane n ter oo~d be ok~scl~ed on the assump~ t~.on v~ an ~r~gstrom pyxhn~,~ome alibxataan of act~no- ,. ~ undamaged ~~,~,vanomQ~exs~ the c t~lon of fxom ~ sfo~e da~aaxtura ~~ after xgtuxn mater ~,s possab~.e only b thor the wlntpx~n~ you nevex kna'w whe txi.. '~h~.s means shat While tc p _ ~lo~~dad e a ~ suf f ~x' a ~a~.t even wh~7~e be~.ng ~,nstrum~t dad no u~ 3.~ was poss~.ble gat chango ~a cal3.brat~.onw ~l~ wl?>.i ch would s?mewl ~ t~.es to be ~~ ~ abtainad under gxeat daf f~.cul far a~.1 mcasuxamen~~ chan a in ca" eless subse~,uently~ afts~~ the ~ rendered completely us an,d ra?turn was d~.scavereds s~m~ librataon val1e between depaxtuxe of when such a change accuxrede ply from a.gnorance ~ editi.ons the author has ~s part~.c~.pan~ a.n several p s~.tuattion wh~.c ~.s naturally not so suffexed a great dead. ~"xam tY~~.s the the marQ regrettable s~,nce on strongly fit at hams.. This. was at ICel~and e~aedataans of Professor o cce,saon o F the t~ra N arthwe ax~t~.~, ? t~:e total solar ~ad~,at~.on and p Fr Dannmey?x ~.n 1926 and 19~~ s of narma].a.z~ed falters were to be com~ regaons selected by mean ~ dell robably - ?~um cell ref erred to Davos ~, P ? arcd, by the use ?~' a calm. actions p ~w'?i.t~erland ??~, wath numeac~us observ standaxda~ed at Davos,... easurements in -v~.alet. Nevertheless, the first m a.n the near. ultra d w~.~h other cL~.w n worn' an~eresta.ng and could be: caxnpare chi s r egad calibxataon value and. the un~ mates ~.n spade p~' the difference a-n Dut the antehded evaluation of cex~taanty s,~,s .ng dur~.ng the. tr:~p s ' olo acally hopef ally ant3.ci.pated f one the meteoralagacs~1.1y and b~. g rad~.ataon xeglons had to rema~.n fragM dif f exences between ?the ~o me~ntary~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 __ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 t m?teoxo~.ag~oa:l-sx~~.o~a~~ax~ ~~x~p off' tin German Qn the ~ir~ g ~~?taa~`~~ CAVe~"a.~; the Wat~~'8 ~,rgl~.t~d Nava. Ob ser~vatary in ~.?28 an th a ~,r~~t~umant was ?~r~ad ~al~.Qw~ng tb~.s x e~1 and .and Gres and; a nc~w nvwl ddve~.oped ~'~alax~nnter~' p~ Nloll? mishap This was .the y aus in~txu~sn~h, s1~Qp_ a~ i~ipp and Konen Garo~yn~ki mada at ~h? ~~n n~~txumsnt proved' to ~ ? s'~ab~. a beyond at Usl~t a ~'he xe,d~,ation i .~ th4 maahtime gained comp].~te accept? ~,~ ?x~ectat~ons and has In is ~rat^on of salax' and sky rad~~.ation ante espocia.l.y for the xeg r amh,a~, suri'acQ a~ the eaxth; '~.?~ also waxl~ed a,nc~,dent upon the hox~.~ ' in x.929 and 19~G/3~. in Gxeenlands Fax mare dis? we~.l at a11~ Mmes thq '~xicks played by the ind~.spansab~.e sensitive agreeah~.a wexe ha s the senait~.ve pa~?n'~ suspens^on suf? painter.ga~.vanameter~ pex p Y~umit gat inside vx electrical. chaxge~ o~ ~he ~ered Exam a bolt or ~' ex mods ~,he pa^nter st~.ck ox execu~~e hard-rubber ~xont p~.ate eith r ~ own. ,. A~tex those obstacles had been overcome. osc~.llation~ a~ ~,ts and a on retua^n dram the midst of the wz.th great angua,sh ~.t was ~o a p os itablc~ climate of a cave in the glacier snow ~ ce, that in the ~.nh p 'o^nt Inside ~ha gal,vanametax had oxidized and ~~.eld a solde~~.ng ~ ion . ed the cal~b~^atlon at an unknown t~xne ~.n an unknown may have cl g ~? ~. these possibilities are well kno~m they must have amountb 5~.ncs al .., the e edition mc~nber charged with thPSs a paralyz~.ng effect an ~ Zf future expeditions were to as for a radiation measurements. main results y tln~ a~ns~~ex ~roul.d have ~o be; metex assur.~ng ce ? sucr~ thing unless a large apparatus such a s a cam?~ There ~.s na ~ ? ? standard elsmeht ~'or checking gal~vanomete~'s is pensatax ~~.~,h a wauJ,d be impossible for reason; of weigh?~ taken along and tha.s and expense Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 __ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 ~foxts d~xocted towards a socox~d ~r~tsx? ,~ po x~4~.on off' th c~ ~ nd ~~ comp~et~Qn a~ A. We~ono~'~ ~ nata,ona~. Po~ax 'sax x.93 ~~~~ a ~? ut~~~rtunate~.y not x?~1~.2ed .. was to pro~x~m an the ,inland a,ce on'~ of tho ~ra t~rnonts which, a~~ t1~at be devoted to the a,mpxovem ~~t;1,on~ da ted ~ ~~ha conda.ta.ans o~ an oacped. tame wQxe not yot walla p ~' the west and Tea ~Cc,nt?x' Stata.on here the shelters and supp~.a.es o v luable brio of apearat~ons~ ~t has sa.ncs wore to be used as a ~ tic vela a hyc~o~en~~oneratax wtith an s,u'~oma been pQSSa.b1? to da A d x~,da.nsonde ba~.~..aons that has already' fa.~,~:I~~ va~,ve far pa,lot an olar xe~a,ans ~ ~ pxessure theodol.a.to for ~px~a~ven a.tse~.f ~,n ~h~. p nt fox the balloons and an ~,ppxapria'~e a.ns~rume opta,cal~! ~' ~ol~.aw~n~, t9nt~ Other a.nstxuments primax'~Y the eva~.ua~a.an o.f wa.nd da.sp~.acem t~,~ans but also useful a.n ~en~raa. weather desa.gned for ~utuxe exped~. obtaina.n~ the true wand, ~xom that felt sexva.ce are a converter far ' cad. wa.nd~recorder far houx~.y means and on board, a sma11. mechan~. a ~oxcow~.oa~ca.ng m~etearolo~;ica1. s~,andard ea.~ht wand da.x~ecta.ons ~ , u~,d u ~. ' n of an expada.ta-on sa.~p~.cx ~ th~.s c,o c~. o ck maka,n~ ~~h e s p~' ~ ~ nometer a,ntexcannecta.n~ several a.nstxu? be a 5ynchran~za.n~ chx'a a be used w~i,thout she~.ter and having mental, a ~exmohygra~xaph t ma.~.~~.mete~s~ thus g9.rring greater resa~.w a tame srale a~ 1 hour 1 th o;~ wxa.tin~ tapes a collapsa.l~l~ weather ution nth a normal ~,eng inters for better venta.~la~,a.on of the sl~e~.ter w~.th streaml.~.ne~, sh he de osita.on a~' dri~'twsnow. A them anterior and, a xeduct~.on a~ ~ p `' ].a.n wa.thout the co~.dMsensita..ve raAssw ~' tnt~~ per and psychrometex s ~ ~' ~kcs os~a.b~.e accurate measurerncnts of the air `,~ mann" c~,ackwork m p y, ~ v n unde~? conda.tlons of .the most a.ntense ure .:and huma.d~.t~' e ~ ~, temperas ~~ ~ ~ a ~~cona.ca~, rain and. snow ~au~e" on radiat~.on, sa~.ar .and reflecta. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 on the anemometer past above thv ~,or~e of dx~.v'~g that can b e rah s ed n u~,shing between snowfall. and dr~.f~i~g show snow pQrm~,ts d~,st~. g d not auecasded ~,n dv~.ng with ?~hs .Wag?n?r ped~~- sameth~ng we ha nta~vn a xa~k~er p~.m~1,e a~rrar~gaman~ by tlan~ ~'~n~1~.y we sY~oul.d me k ail.- around the hox~~on can ba pk~ota~. means of ~i.ch tk~a ent;~xe ~ ~' ? ~ use. .fie ~a~.ca9 fox. examp:~e~ At t~.mAs graphed on m~ni.abure f aa.m, n weathex changes a v~e~ of thn s~Cy may' be v'exy of ~,nterest~. g ten minutes ax every ma.nute~ as required, cheaply obta:tned every to ca furs ~~. the ahang~.ng ~. and farmata.ons ~ ~~ was in oxder p d to be especially usef~1. for the photography o~ the aurora. hope ' , streamers often appearing simultaneaus~.y all aver thr~ bareal~.~ been ' ~ x1t was to k~avs~taken a~,ong by the Wegener ~xM slcy~ ~h~.s ~,natrume ? tom let~d in times Final~:y the most di~~i~ pedita.on, bu?~ was not p ameter was tackled arid, as is tp ba hoped cult problem of the radi solved ~'to the first apP~x~.mat7.on~~o 'the new instrument which wag ?tested during the 5iumner of ~0 b more than X00 radiation measurements contaa.ns a "~neasw l9~ y rr ~ o er rotected against external influences by an ux~.ng ba dy of c pp p liter '~harrno~ bvtt~.c~ and b~.aGkened by a speca.a~. ord~,nary nne.~half ss an the irradiated facx.r~ side, It is cax~efull.y reproduca.ble prate d so that its half~~~.ue dime amounts to ~~ m~.nutes, a.nsulate , ~' ne d~a.~?1-hake there is ir~scrted a therrno~~element whose Into a a. derin 'oint is embe~d~ed in a 1~ac'ge copper block whose second sol g ~ or tam erature can be measured t~rer~noelectrica~,ly;~by an ordinary, p wd therrnome'ter. 'z'l~e heat~.ng of the measuring body by ca~.~.brat ' ' dent' radiation. ~,s mcnsurec~ by a suff~.cientl~' sensitive the ~,nc~. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 _ _ __ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 ven only one ca~.i~bx~a~ed ~he~~p~ oms`~er~ ~y mare o~ ?~wo ax 4 d~ ga1~an va~~ome~ex p~~' dagre? ae~n~~~gra the de~~ ?c~~on o~ the gal. e~hex meter axe a~ ~Y ~~?~ wh eked px xade`~e~n~ned s,~~er ~4P can b? the r~ or on h~.gh mo~'~a~,ne~ ~~.and tae, ?~` ~,~ ~hv dese in a ~en~ on ~ha na~~.an o~ the k~ea~'~.oe~ o~ s as~ac~.~.l~ the de~e~n;~ Fur'~e~ de~a~l ~ on mea~urem~n~,s wh~,cl1 can a~. eo surfing body' dux~.ng rad~.a?~~. ~,he mea found ~.n a more d??~a~.l ed out in the ~~.ala~ s'~'? ~'a be be carx~ed en~ia~. chaz'ac'be~.s~~.~ o~ the ' cmtion soar to a1~Pear. ~ ess pub1~. ?~urQ eC~ual~.~a~~an '~~~'es end ~s ~,h.a~ a complei~4 ?~empaxa new ~ns~~n . nd ~~s ma''~a11:~c snv~.rarunen?~ be~~wcen .the measur~.ng body' a place d ~n ark by the above,.men?tione the Thexmas bv~,tle, ;~axa~e P wit~~~.n ,,, ,? ~~,, e~;~ec~s Exam tha outside an block ~'ux~hexmare, a,,,,c~,den copper, the ou?~er parts o~ ~;he irl s~rumen lied ~empora~uxa change$ of max ~ away ~ 'thus ~ve~ ti.an ~w.nd etc, are ~eP expo ,ed ~~o solax radix ~ ual x igoxw end ' ?~akes place undcx exact~.y _ eq, ~ ~.nrl.iv~.dual mc~a,~ur~m xe aired by the ga?l" ' ' a~? conditions ~ Tl~e ~,ime q ausl.y defined 7.na.t~. exo '~a a fixed 'scale division omctex indicator to clnmb exam ~ van ,.n a~ p,8 degree centigrade is mea ~? xe xesen~ing possibly a hea~a. g P ClaCk~ ed by a s?~apwa~~ch ax an orda.nary' ur ~,~, ~'ar a smal~.ex exped~,t~.aa. is A quest9.ori which is import ? rest success t11~.s sur~uner and cos~t~ the specimen used w~t~ g the vsar- ion was assembled. a1.mr~st ~en~,ing the se~and and ~~?na~. xep~ ~,~~ made in a shop it can't b e sin l~e~?handsd by the authax, even ~' a~,vanametex~ abd 'the most expens~.~Te part ~s the g too expensive. d is the ~.aop ~a~.~a,~ometex mach by e s eci ~.l y to b e xe com~nende ~ ~ to P to shack In Bpi ens wh~,c~~ has sml ~~ns~.?~i~~rity Gar1 Ze~.ss y ~ ' nis alvanometer ri~ sensiti~~y'~ ~~'~ 'the'n ~~ g o~ ~,ts high mess ~ox? a~.~. parts o~ ~hexrnae~.cc~ric mean wild. b~ used_ s~.m~al~~eously' Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 __ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 n the. ovurss a,~ an ex,~sd~~~or~a ~o~ ~x~m~aa~a~ ~Qx tli? '41rA~1t~n'~~ C~u~ (~ i ~~~ above end balcn~ tl~e _~p~1 ox a~ t~i~ to~apaxr~~u~'e at va~~,ous Yip ~ lea snow fax ~ayr~r~pmv~~~ ~ P~'~'ome'~c~x~ ~xpu~d Ax '~q ~ia,1''~~C~ G~' ~ ~ ~ 11so1ar~,m~tar~~i ~'o~ ~~iys~.o~.p~ca~. m~a~urement~ mea~uremen~s with attire and pthax th~.n~~ ba~~,d~r~ so that nx~ such as sk~,n ~c~m~e~ y hpu~.d nat 'a~,1, be cr~a~~~?d to the ~~ad~om~atc;r~ pans~s ~ ~d~t to ra. a~. ~ orrun W'e ~bal~.eva that ~~ha.s new radiometers wha,ch arrruscd great ntc~rest with racl~.at~.on experts (who even gacri~'i,ced a naon races i ' d discussion) at 'tk~e geop~~ysicists ~ and mGteorala~:j.sts ~ for a c~etal~.e ' can be very va~,uable to future expedit~.ons becauue of ~~s- meatl.n~, .,. ~ d ru ed cons~tx~ucti.on and tha ease o~ chec~c~.ng ~.'~~+ caM c],ca~ cut an ~~ ~' m ~,nstruanez1taJ. constants ar~d using an ard,in~iry 1.~.brat~.an sot ely ~ rv r ' s true a~ the other inaidenta~.ly .mentioned`:. tkiermameter~ ~.l~e same a. ' ons or a.~~ rcv~:ments of met~oraJ.a~~.ca~ ex~~ai~a.an new c,an~tr~~ct~. P ' the can~idezacP a.n the intexna~.ly d~t~lrmined. ec~uipmcnt, Wa.tka all a,f this raew r~.diameter thea^e natura~.~.y axises the de~ ca~.~.bratian Wire to make it passib~.e ~?r th,e a~~thar, with the he7.p o~ meteor r9.ca1 ar arairation s aa^ others interested in the Arct~.c, to make alai ~ ve measurements where the standard purhe~.iameters ac~ , camparati are ~.n a erat9.on' x n or, der to det~rmin e the magni~ ceptcd today p fade o~ poas~.b~.e d~oiati.ar~s~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 __ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 N~J~1'i~~~~I ~~NA]~A ?~ ~QUR~~ ~~ Q~~ _TOMQi~OW Px~f?~sc~~ Axe ~'~,~r W~ ~,tmanr~~ M~~.ch G~n~c_~: w~.11 enter a new p?riQd of hex ecnnomie anc~ histc-x~~ dAV~lopmc~nt duxa.ng ~hs~ coking wt~eks of k~it~~r c~ld~ ~,~v and sno~r when the ~.~st sec~a,ons ?~ a r~a,lromd ~.a~,ns fxc~m seven ~`,s~.ar~dsa a srna,1~~. sett~.emQn~- and fur~co~.l8~ting statx,an Qn the S~t, ~awrance~ .~ tha c?nter a~' a `npw, hugs mining xeg~.on ~,n ~~bx~dar and North? exn Quebec ~QO mia,?5 to the noxtr-~ wi].1 by completQd~ phis wi~.l make the transportation of .ran oxes produc~;d thexe vasa.er and cheaper. llur9ng the first half of tae twentieth centur3r Ganac~ su,cceed~;d i,n r~.sa.ng fram an agrar~.a,n cauntxy hava.ng ona?sided moY~aw poly cu~.t~.vation to an industrial natian axed the rank of th.e third largest commercial nation in the woxld~ ~'ha socand half of our cantury w'i.ll pr~abably be characteri7 ed for the Domina.an by the .planned extension of.' its economy to thy; hithE,rta unap~:xled North. seven million square k;t~lom~~ters~ i. e. 70 percent of the area under Canadian savereignty~ are still ~.mo st without hump beings and caver~;d with ice and snow for mast of they year. Only ono mil:7,ion square kilam.pters or l0 percent of the surface are being; exp~.aited, and in the last tern yeaz~s scientists, engineers and government afi'ic3.als'have been extremely acta.v~e in discovering high-;Meld d~;pasits of go1.d, s~.lver~ uranium,.. coppery zinc, ir~>rl, caala tel~.urium, cadmium, seleziium and p~tra~.eum iz~ the nort~ie~?n regiar~s of the Qanadian Provinces as well as in the ~ukan and tha I~arthwest ~'erz~itaries~ Only a few high?grade ores were miri~:d a.n lind.ted quantities and flown south fnr processing, ~p to now the unfavorable trartsportatian s3.tuatian and the climate have ;~r~ever~ted Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 __ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 N~t~~~~~~ ~,~~~~ ^~ ~ou~cc~~ ~~~ 1~~~~~ u~ ~oM~~~ow 1'rcafa~~v~ Dr. ~'~ ~. W. l~,t~ri~'cn~ Munch Canada w~,l.~. ?n~er a r~ew period Qf her ~cp~o~n~c and ~,~.;~tc-xic devQ~.aprnent dux,i,rl~ ~~hc~ cnml~a~ weeps of b~~;tQr cc,~.da ~,ca and snow whc~r~ t;he fast sc~c~i.ans of a ra~.l.znad l;i ne from 5t~vara x s7.ar~d~a a sr~~~,:1, sc~tt:~amant and fur~co~lect~.n~ st~~~,~n on tha ~'~~ Lawxanae~ i;o ~~ha ccnbE~r off' a nc~a ~ huge m~.n~.n~ reg~.on ;fin, ~,abr~ador and NorthM errs Quel~ec~ BOO m~.~.e~ ~~o ~~hc; nor~~Y~, w~.~.~, ba c~~mpletodo Tr~~.s w~~~. ma~;c~ ~~ho ~~ranspor~tat~oz~ of 3.x~c~n ores prodiaccd there va9l.er and cr~vapcr. l~ura.n~ tl~e 1'~.r~-t ha1.f' of tkle twanti.eth cEn~,uz~r Lanac~a su.eeeed~;d :i.ra r~.s~,n~; From ~n a~rai^~.an aoun~~~~y~ raav~.n~~ on?Msidad monoM po:Ly ct~J. ~t;~.vat~ian ~,u an indus'~x~ia~. nata.on aYid tYl e rank of the t~?~~.rdwlax~~~s~~ conu~ex~c~.a~. nat~.on in tYie waz~~.d. '~hE sGCOnd half' a~' our can~;ury wJ.:1.~. prababl.y be chaxac~;exi.7~ed foz~ ~~hn Uomin~.on by the plat~r~ed ex~;ans~..car~ a~' ~.i~~ ecanomy to ~~h~ ha.tl7cz~~o unopened North. Seven m7.].lian squaro k~.~.am~-teas, ~..e. 7p percent of tha ar~;a uncier Canad~.an ,c~vexei~nty~ axe sti.:l.l a~.mast w~.tYiaut human bc~~.n~:~ anc~. cov~;rc;d with :tce and snow :far most of the year. Oca1y onn m~.:1.:1.:i.on ~~quaxe k~.~.arneters ar ~.4 percent o:~' ~~he gt~r~'ace are be3.n~ ex~J.a9.~t~~ad~ and ~.n tk~e :Lash tern yeaxs sc3.enti.~ts, en~~.neer~ and. ~over~iment of:C~.c~.a~.s have been extz~eme~.y ac~,~.ve ~.n discov~rin~ ~a:i.~h-yl.e1.d dcpos~.t~ a~' ~o~.cl, s~.~.ver~ uran~.usn, coppet~~ ~inc~ .ran, coal., te~.~.uri~u~a, cadmium, se~.cn:Lum and petra~.eum iii the nor~th~:rr~ re~~.on~ti off' t~h~ Canad~.an Prnvinccs as we~.~. as ~.n thn Yukon and the Nor~,hwgs~ 'Tex~r~.t,ox~i.es. On~.y a ~'ew h~.~h~~rade oxes w~:x~e m~.ned ~.n ~.:~mi~~ed qu~.n~;~.t~.cs and f~.a~~m sc~u~h ~'or prac~ssa.n~. Up to now the un~'avorab~.e trarespar~;at~.on s3.tuatl.oil and the c~,~.mate have prevented ?r~r Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 a mere ~,n~anr~ive ~~~te~x~tiora ?~' the N?~~~~ ih~p ~a~aacl~.ar~ a~aY~am~a lifA~ In tl~A ~,i~l1t ofi' present structural. ehar~,~es in the wand eaanamy C~iada must adjust hersalf to the ~faat that in a faw years s}ae w~.~.~. na ~.on~er bra able to ?x~,st on th.e Qxport of hox a xicu~,~ur. ~7. and indu,str~,al products ~ Slae wi~.l havQ ~a usa alas expoxb pxof~.ts of the next few yoars to perfoct her awn econam~.c stxuctu~ ~'Q ~ 1n this spec~.al attsr~tian w~.ll have to ba aid to thQ o p , pen~.n~ ap of the northern rations sa rich ixa mineral rasouress for th~a creati,o n of ~, highly skilled heavy inclu stag and as a basis far a h~,~hl divsrsi? y fled ~'inished..prad.ucts industry. The airy ~.s to makeCanada lax' el ~ y indepEndent o~ imports :from Grsat ~ritair~ and US in order to raduce the number of st~rtin~ points far possible ecaxaomic ~r' a.sss as much as passible. The only sezzous abstacle~ in this ath hav p e really only been a lack of interest anti,/ now as well as a sharta~e in means a~ transparta~~a.an and labar supply, lr-terest i~, increasa.n~ to the cams extent that the rQw lativ~ely abavewnoxrrtal s}acre in exports a#' this count numberin ~Y ~ l~ million in}aab~.tants iW ora the waned The sharta e ~ in labor farces is na longer a serious problem since Canada h au had favor ab1,e results with the $()~)aOpC ~p~s taken in since t~ ~e end of the waz~ and since an unpredictable number of }3ritane ~~renchm ~ en end, othar ~urapeans arH, waiting to find a new ha~ne in Canada~~ Tkae solution a~' the tran;;portatian prablen~ is mare di~'i'icuJ.t how v~~A w ~~~~. ~ ~~ ever. The construction of roads and raa.lroa,d lines whi ,~~ c~a a~^e ;~~~ absolutely necessar~r far the real a ~" pening~.up of an aria demands fir a~~cial means which sr~aw na rrtr~.rms ur~.til much later ~evertk,. zles~ ?8 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 _ _. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 A marQ ~n~anaiva ~,~~te~r~l;~,or~ v~' ~~A Nart~~ ~n'~o ~anadi,ar~ a~az~Am~c ~,~.~q ~ ~n tMe l~~ht oi' pros?n~ ~tructuraa. changes in tha wor~.d economy Ga~iads mush adjust hArse~,f to thn faa~, ~ha~ ~,n a few yearn s~~e w~,1~, nu l,an~er ba ab~.e to oac~.st an the' ax ort p of her a~ri,eu~,turw a1, and ~.ndu,stria~, p~oduats, She wi11 have to use ?tkae exp~x~ ~raf~.~;s of tY~e next few years 1;a per~'~;ct her own economic s~t ruc~,ure~ ].n this speca.a~. atteritic~n w~.l~. h~~vca to be a~.d .t A a the apenin~ up of tho northern re~ians sa ricpi in mineral. resources for ~tha crea?t~,an a~' ~, hz.~hly s1~~.1~,ed heavy industry and as a basks ~'or a h,7, h1 ~ , ~ ~' da.vex?sa.? i'ied :Cini,shr;dMprr~cluct,s indust;ry~ The ai.m ~.s to mr~k~; C;~n ado laz~ge~.y independent; off' imparts from, Gr?at ~3ra.?te,ix~ and US in ardor ~ raduc~, the number of starting points far possibl.~ econar~. c cra.ses as much as possibla~ 'x'he on~.y ; exd.ous abstaca.cs in ?this p nth have r?a].ly only... been a ~.ack p:f in?tcr~;st un~i1 now as wel ~. as a sharta~e in means a~' transportation and ~.abar suppl. ~, xr-terest a.~; inrreasa,n~ to the same extent that the rew latively above?naxrr,a~, share in e;acpor?ts of this taunt ry numb eri,n~; ~.~ miJ.~,ion in~;abt.tants is on the wane4 ~'hP s har take in lobar ~'oxces is no lon~;Pr a serious problem since Canad a hau had ~'avar.. ab~.e resu~.?ts with the 8(~O,OUO ~ t S ?taker~ in p s~.nc~, trae cnd of the w~,r and si.nc~; an unpredici;able number at' I3rt. ~,an,,, Wren chmen and, other ~'uropeans are wai.~9,ng to find a new ho me in Canada, The salu~tian off' the tr~spartation prabl.em is more dif ~'~. cud. t, how? ever.. The co "t;ruC?tian off' ros~,ds grad r~.t.lraad lines wh~.cxa are absa~,ute~.y nccessar~-~ far the read. a enin ? p ~ up of an arcs demands ~'in? ar~oia~..means wht.ch show na retu.rns ux,.tt.~. muc rt ~.ater, Nc~verthe~.~;,ss 7~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 _ _ _ _ __ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 r~mc~nt al,o~~ wig ~~?~ P~ov~,ne~~ Gvvarnm~ra~~ ~.as ~a Dom~.n~on Gvver an do~,l~,rs ~o make- p?ss~,b~,? ~ e eonstxue~ m~e ava~,~.ab1e ~. ~~ b,~~1i hr~a autobahn) Exam Sty Jahns (New t~.on of an eastw~aest supArY~~.~ Y ( vex ax~.tiah ~o~,~b~.a) ~ as well as tl~e con? ~'ounc~.and) to Vancou plc-x~ xaacls ~x?m ~c~nc~ n~o~n ~u Capps~p stxuction a~' ra~,~.roads a~ m Pravidance and Norman ~ ~n tk~e viai~nity via Watex~aY~e ~ ~'ox't ~mi~~hs ~, ew an on ~~ake Athabas~-a to ~a~t;~ Gt~u~eh~,~.1 o~ Great ~3ear Lakes ~xom ~h P Y m Maosanee to tYae iron~are region ~.n Naxtkae~`n on ~iudson ~aY and Era nd rai.lx~aads prepaxo the way for new sett~.e- Q,uebec. 'These aroadS a east a~ the type that exist on trade and taur~.sts, as menu, at ~. a be tha case in A~.aska and the Yukon. The a~.moat ha:~ been ~aund t './.road from F'r~.rx;e George in Bz~itish Co~.umba.a via Daw?~ comp~.eted ray {' rbanks ,~.aska, shou~.d, bE very important as son in tb e Yukon to ~ ~i ~ va].uab~. a comp. am ent 'to the Alaska Hi~lnway~ a ;rvair of ~thc northern.. xE~yans favors the The hu~ewater rESE of over /ants f'or supplying cux7~ent to 'fie means Car~atruct~.on p p meta~.lur : cad. p~,ants as we~.~. as the sett~e~ of trar~spartat~.an, tht, ~ 7n the uran~.um mines near ~l.dorado, the m~.nin~ settlements ments~ M o and :~awscan ].n the ~ukax~, an Great dear fake and in Ye~.law~? of ay ' ~ in the Northwest ~'err~.tarias they hive .been respans~.ble ~a~' knife an be9.n1s. W~rm~h, ~.i~h~~ heat [ a~.c~ m~kin~ l~.fe bearable far. hurl ~ a~ch3.n~;s 3.s ~'ux-nishsd by clectx~.ca.ty. Tx1e coal and.: paver ~'ar m ' d~.sCavered u ~a now in ~h~ south. of ~h~ ~'ro;~a.nces depas~.ts P swick A~,berta and British Columbia have only laca~. isn~ a f. New ~r~an , ~'~le Canad~.an ~am~.nion Government is .therefore vit~1.ly portance. x abtainin ~"white" cad. and in the explp~.tation of a.nterest~d i ~ ~ the rich a~. wellt~ ~.n A~.berta and the yukon~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 __. _ _ __ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 on as ~,ha nee?~sary power p~.ar~ts axa arrm~l6tod ~~~ As so ss~,n off' ~ha oral off' the Nox~~l~ can bs crone mQta~,~,u,xg~,oa~, proca g , he~.x further peaces?ing ~,nto ~in~8h?d right on ~.ooation and t an ta~~e ~,aca in the pxovincial~ citi?s~ on the ~~,xge products c p ~.oaat~.on favo~ab~.y placed ,~dr trarsportaW ~.akas or at any o~hax wQ~1~h off' the Canadian Nvrth h~~t~ nat tion~ An estimate o~ the d,e b the geologists oh~r~ed wish ?~his even a~,pxo~cimata~,y baen ma ~' veto meet a~ the Canad~.an ecanamy in hax~nony tawk~ An organic de p . ent re uirements must take account o:~' the va7.ue of wx.th its perman q rtllern rc ianr ~ there is na daubt wha~eVex" that mining Ghe na g undeve~.a ed Narth o~ Ganada wa.11 loan be tho thixd-stx~ang.. in the P ?nce and there is a goad passibility that es~L pillar o~ hex exists ~~ll be the most vial source of life wtith,in a dECade mx,n~.ng an im ox~?tant basis fox' the manu~' ac taxing fur the country ar>,d ioxm p industry off' Canada ar~d thy: U~? ~ aix~ Manes arc the on~.y means a~' communa.- ~o b~: suxe, tod~ y ~ ' ~ most mi.Yla.ng settlements of the N~arth,~ bath with each cata.on o d w3.t~'i the autsid,e~ They bring ~aod, newspapers, mediw other an sand mail. lout in I,,abradax a bega.nn3.ng hae been made c~.ne, clo?fhe ? ~ North a~' Canada to human use systemata.ca~,~.y, ;from to open. up th ?, view of transportation as we~.l~ ~'hus we w~,].l soon the. po~.nt of conomic cases ~,n these regia~.s~ but: of the. no longer speak, of e s off' Canadian economic l~.~o~ '~~ohno~.og~' will can" very' carn,e~stone ? loneliness and, wil;dernessa at First to the extent goer cl~.mate, the six billion, dollars made mailable by' indus? made poss~,ble by t ~a~ei~n cauntr~.e~ and the gaverrament. ~~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 _. _ _ _ _ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 TI~~ ~'~AY~~~W~Y~ {'C~iT 1~~~TxONn TN VT~INA 19~~~~9~0 ~x~ Qs)car ~~~~~~~ Vienna.. The "~'ayex~W~;~pxecht ~ac~.b~.t~on" which opened, in V^e~,na on 17 ~ecembax ~.9~~ and wk~~,ch enjoyed the special, suppoxt o~ ~~edexa~. ~xE,s~,dpnt Dr, R~;nnex and F'edexa~. M~.n~.stc~x for education ~^~ ~luxdeas was na~t merely to commemoxate th.e discovexy o~ ~ranx~~J~oseph hand grid the rEturra of the Austrawi~ungar9.an North ,Po11a {' edition o~ 7~ years ago, but also sexved to paxtxay the ?~ota~. accomplisYunent of Austz~.a ^n '~la.e ~ie~,d off' axct~ic expl.ara~~ion. This explaxatian began as eax~.y as ~.~b~/70 w~,th the paxi~~.cipa~Gion of payex ~.r~ Koldeweys's Greenland~'xped~,ta.on; a,t ir~~udes the two p~^a~.im~.nary exped~.t~.ons off' l$7~. and X872 us~,n~; the ship "lsbj~rn~' and the main expedition of 1$72 ?to 187, parti~c3.p~t~.on ~.n the two internatior~~l. po~.ar years ~.$$2 f 83 and 1932/33 s and ~'ina~.~.y the ~pitsbexgerl ex-~ peditian~ a~' ~.$~~. arld l$92~ The greatest accomplishment, haw even remains the discovery of ~'r~ z~Jaseph sand, not s~,mply as a success in itsel:~~ but because an the accaWion off' th~,s und,~rta~? ing "scient~.i'~.c research instead a~' records and adventure" as? qumed its ra.ght~ul, pl~Ge Mw as Knud Rasmussen put ~.t, The inc~n?~ive: for this e~ibi?~ion came 'ram the Vienne ~Wa~r Arcb.i~res ssnce they are cus~oda.ar,s off' weyprech~~ s campl~;te sca.enw t~.~'ia legacy, off' impartar~t contributions ?~a payers s biography and oi' the xecords of ~.$$~/$3. The Museum a~' ~thnalagy ~urr,ished thq a~hibitian rooms, added num~raus mom~ntas off' the expedition and the Museum of Na~uxa~. Hista~r rounded out the shag by the ~'irs~; ex~? h~.b~.t ever Shawn a~' pale fauna, ~.ara and rooks ai" the arctic Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 __ _ _ _. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 ns whexe Austrians did ra5oaxch~ ~ nabawo~'bhy ~ea~ux? of xeg~,o new eo;lo ~.ca~, map o~ bhe Ax~~t3~o~ The e~'~art bhi~ section ~~ a ~ ~ towaxd ~~he xna~E~~ pQ~s~.ba,e complQtene~s way a~.dpd by a aoopax'- ~~ of bhe r~mair~i,r~g ~~ exll~.b~.to~s~ ~o whop ~ numbex waxe ab~,v?x~e Gexman ~ ~.ar~d ar~d l~v~ngaxy~ Over 3~0 added scmte ~xom Belgium, ;Ya ~ on ob ccbs wexe assamb~.ed, cornp~.ement?d by some 300 ex~ exh~.b~.t~. ~ hibibs ~,n natural h~,stor~'. Tl~e second Warld Wax x~csul.ted an ~.amentable gaps in a~.~. overn~mc;ntal and pxivabe cu~.;~ect~.ons; bhe Fa;yerwWeyprechb ~xh~.bi~ g on hacl to suf~'e~c especa.a~.1.~' ~xom phis cause. The memerl~;os a~ bhe t9, ' edita.on axe nob too numerous to begin wibh, since bhe. 187 ~/ l~ exp ~, e ~-,Adtna.ral Tegettha~`~'"~ had to be legit behind. exped~.~~.on vessel, bh ~.n the eternal ~,ce~ The axhiba?bian begins ~ribh eontribubior>"s to r'The Li~'e off' a er?'. Here one Nees ha.s repaxt cards ~'xom bhe m~.~.iw Julius von P y tax academ~~ with bhe b~:sb maxi in geagraphya his patent a~" no~ bi~.ib w~~~ich gave him the extraorda.naxy' pxival~.ege o~ including flee 3'': n~tionaa. ;~la in his coat o~ arms., bhe grant o~ a general ? s pen g lion ialle~ring his retiranent :from active service, and a whole shaww ease filled witl~d S'ayex~ s ~ra~?~ ~e alpine cartagraphero P~yp~r cax~ '.ed out f9.xs~~Ma~cents ~.n the Soubh Tyxo~ Alps and was ~e 'first ra o made ma s ab al~itur~es above 3OU0 mebers~ These maps! publicized b p in ~eterm.anns GeeEG ra hisck~e M9.bteilun (~ebexm.ann? s Geographical Mw+wi~4 ~ullebins } smoathGd thy; road inba the great, wide world ~'ar this enter ri~3~ng young o~`~'3.c~r. He reee3.vad Koldeway's inva.tatian .and p w~.s hence~'orth a~.ded in his sc~.enti~fic e~'~orbs by the Jar r~in~.ster' Huhn. The compass an e~h.~,b3.tion which ~aycr used on his sledgew Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 tx~,ps on T'xar-~~Jose~ph Lard demonstrates tha px~mltigenass a~' the ~,nstxuments then ~n usa, as does Weypx~ohtr s te~.~saope~ The repz^o- ductions off' the Prsr~kl~,n ~ax~?s (the ox~,~~x~als.-axe ~,n ~~1g~,uan) show Payer. as a ma~a~fioant paint~c~x off' the polar wo~c~,d~ numerous enc~,l drawi,n s g~.vs ela~,ucnt t~s?~imony to the art~.st~.c talent w~iich p ~ in those years replacrrd the photography which was not yet ~n gor~cral uNC~~P r The Greenland, Ex ed~.tion 18b9-70 and xsb xn ~'urn~.sh re~er~ etlcc~ patine;s ~`or Payerr : activ~.ty as topogxapher of the Koldeway ~~ edit~.on a dance at the ~.].lustration of the -';~sb~~rnro calls fay^th p ~ a comparj.son aj' the sma~.~. sa~.lbcats of .thaw days w9.th ?~Yle i,cebreak~:rs of present?day. polar undextak3,ngs A small room ~,s devoted to the expsda.ta~on ves~,e]. - r'Adm~.ral 'I'egettho~'~'t', to the e~ped9.t~.on~ s equipmc;nt and to paa.ntings by Payer ~~aa s~.eds 'ram Greenland and ~'rc~m ~'ranzwJoseph Land ha~rE beery preserved Paye~cr s made~.s a~ ~,~.~eboats and sleds show how thoroughly the exp~.arers went to works A~'ter leaving the sh~.p the e edit~.an covered I~~O kilometers f,'rom ~~ranz-Joseph Land to Navaya ~eml~a, part~.y ~.n ?~ho smaJ.l beats ~aa.th omergEncy oa~.ls, p~x?~.y by s~.~d,s on wh~.ch the small baste were pulled. Th~.s daubtlcss~.y most heroic part a~ ~Ghe Austr~.ah North Po~,ar trip the va.s~,tar sees ~.mM mortali~ed in Payerr s giant pa~.nting entitled rrNo turn~.ng back~rr ,, Then .there are the sh.~.p's chranameter, the hunting; ri~.es "3e~.ling~ hausen~ Where wexe only island gaups ar i.ndivid,ua~l. islands arh~,l~ no arse sighted a eantinu.ous coast. when the hl~ntang grounds,. south o!' ~l'ierra del Guego wire e~hauGated, variaus eom~~ani?s sent cxlaloratary boats iota A~'rican and Austra~.ian wa?taers ~ Tn thc~ caurse off' :his Enderby Land and Kernp Land, the I3e~.leny Tslands~ the 5abri~aa Coast,Macquarie and thca island. groups southeast of New GeaJ.and wEre discovered,. ~GsJ.ands such as kayal. Gampany and, ~nerald wexe sighted but these have nat :been ~aund main since then An American seal.e~^, Morrell.! allegedly sailed westward in an ?iceM~'~~ce sEa scuth off' Enderby Land wha..ch meant t~~at ?~his Land as well as Kemp Land also had to be islands, The fact that tha.s report wau fal.si~'ied was not full revealc~d~ until 1q,~0. Since tx~e new discaver~.es die, not cantai.n any seals exploration by these ~~rapping vessels ceased ca~~~~~letely. Sc9.enti~'ic explar~,tiarl b ega~n around l$3~. ' l+Jxtensive sea voyages demanded accurate magnetic values :Cornavigation... The lung~te~m variations had been know~~ ~'ar a long t~,rr~e9 but thane were na s?tatians that had made fang observational series.. A. V. C~umboldt .suggested abservatians and Found tha ~r~.ta.sh admiral?~y r~;ceptive a~' the. idea. But /;'nonce and. the United Stater also put in an appearance. The magnetic 1'~orth Pole was reached in l$~l; in order to lacato th,e ~auth ~al.e thr~~ expeditions ?were sent out 'ram 1$38 to l$I~~ ~ ~~"hose d~.d not reach the magnetia po~.e but made extensive sightings a~' land ~.n the Australian quadrant ~rhicl~i ~~,08~. Declassified ... n Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 x.~ Ja~r~~~ R?ss was espec~~~~~ ~~vor~d add up to ~ ~ax~4 ~,ar~d~comp~~ sough discovered Sough v~l,ctar~,a -Land by ~,uok~ ~Ie penetra'raad flax ~ !,~ OC'Q meters ~,n ha~,aht~ an aet~.ve vo~.cano ~w~.th mountaa,ns exeeed~,n~ barx'~,6~ which latex ?~ook I~~s nine and (~xeb~,s ~ and the grea'~ ice o~.nt for.' tl~e mash su,ccessf u~, eXpQditions became the start~.ng p done in the gxr~d manner BxpiaraM !~~'ter' thQSS e,q~ed~,?~~.ons ears. ~,'hpre were occasional. advances ~ ~~iort reseed for al.mogt f~.fty y ~ ?~ad to the ~.ca ~ . ~Uux'1,n~ th~.s tame mo s ~- wi.th out sh~,p esp o c~. a~,1y ac ,ap otional activa.ty on behalf of south pa~,ar eX? thc~~'e was strong prom . later d~.rector off' the German Nava], Ob~ p~.orata,.on. Von Neumayer'~ n Petermann,Markham and others taok up the: cause servatorya also nformatian without ha~r~i.ng .any pr'actica~. and assembled scienti~'ic ~ 'n wa.th .the ~7orth Pale were ?~oa pronY~,nent. success. Questions .deaf. ~ the in?tcresting exper~.ment off' attempting In 1$46 Harms Ka~.ter mrld.e n antarctic continent by comparison w~.th to prove the ex.~.stencE al ~ sis off' availaUlc data ~~h~.s p~'oved to be Gou~-h Amex~.ca, an the ba ~ in its resua.ts, as can b~ shown in wrong ~.n deta~.~.s but succes~f~]- rc,trospect. r, im etus agar-n cara,e from pr'ac;ti cad. ~ economic the actual p crease in the whale her~?s in the North 1'oJ.ar quart,exs ~ Wa,th .the de of wha~.e in the Antarctic Ocean became imM Pas~,n the occurrence ~~ eaonnaissance voyages went south in 1$73? portent .and thE, ~,~,rst r ' is did net have much success b~~t a.n ~,~q8 the The :Cirs~, e~cpedit~.or 1 and it was :t'c~und ?that the ice Ue~.t at this ~~OSS Sea was opened up This Furnished the most ~; avo rab~.e en~ pa~.n~ :t.s net ~.mperietrable. decades right up to the present time. trance gate throughout the dest contr:~butions. :Cn 14$~~$3 science at f~.rst made only ma . PY pp Declassified in Part -Sanitized Co A roved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 __ _ _. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 are ~nterz~~~igna~ P?~ax ~~ar was a~rv?d upon ~,~ the c;aursa of wh~,c~~ metaox?~.o~~.ca~ and ~~c~xr?s~Lria~ magnetism vbserva?~ivns wore to be carried out from fixed stations accat~d~,r~~ to a f~.a~ed ~a~.an~ from about ;~BbQ on mateca:~ology was stil,~'f~,cient;l.y deva~.oped t~,at prognoses wer? atte~~pt~d, but without knpwl.?dge of arc~~lc candit~.ons these rerr~aa.nud unru~,~.ab~.e~ ~~ere, too, .the North ~'o1e at f~,rst ~~c~ok pr~M cadence and no station wc~s set up in the svut~i po~.ar r?gions~ On South Georg~.a and are ~'a.exra deb, Fuego on~,f did Germs,n and ~'x~anch scientists make observ~~tionsy but ~~l~e res~~.~ts aro inado~uat~s fax drawing cvnc~.usions about the antarctic c~.imate~ Cmv of the ..new whaling expedita,ons had the luck to encvuntex favaraUle icE conditions and first: stepped ashore on t}in ar~tarc~~ic eantinerlt, ~nnnediately the voices demanding a stay through the winter inultip~.~.ed and as early as .1898 and ~.8qq two. exped:it.ons were: ender way who accorn~~l~,sh~d what was thought to be impossiblee It was a daxring undertak~.ng, 7~obody knew wha~~ turn temperature and light cor~dit].ans wau].d take and some w.~ld nations about the psyw cl~ologica~. effect a.f the south po~.ar winter made the rounds. Urge expedit9.on wintered an board, fra~en into the pack ice and drift9.ng in the southern Pacific, ~'he other ~"or ?the First time bui~,t a fixed station house a71d carried out regular sled trips, ~~ith ~~hat the; cl~rse was lifted and when the second inter national Pa:lar Year was set forlgU~./U~ ~~hree large. expedition, starterd out whicr~ in addit~.on to observations were simultaneously c~7arged with a geographic and oceanographic progrsra, ~'hese ware the Gaussa the viscovex~y a~~d the ..Antarctic 1~'xped9.?~ions~ '~he~ .had ~'` mutua~.ly arranged ?~heir scientific progrdm and brought home ouch Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 ss~.n took decadesR They also th o~ mata~~a7. that ~,ts prose ~ a weal ~.orers off' 1a~c~x ? omen bc~,n~e; many notable poles' ?xA served to test h eaxl~er exp8da. ~~.ons ~ The maz~n xe. t~.mc~s wer? al,ao mcmbexg ?~ t1~e teas ~.n sauth po~.or exp)?orat~on was sulfa con?~x~b~~ta.n~ to ps'o~ lce extends at laa5t to lat~.~ .scovex~' ~~hat the ~~ss Shel,~ t~~a d~ . ~ t~~ttes an ~,d,eal path to the Pole ? de 82 de~xees south and con;~t~. to ~,tsel~~ e p~ ?tlle subse~usn'~ yeaxs was Less The most ~.mportan?~ ~.ssu t ~ After an Interr~atlonal Una.on a sca.entlf ~.c onv than one of spox ~ 0 a ' ns had been f'our-dsd ~.n 19 ~ the exploxat~.on a ~' the Po~.ar ~~c.~~o , for several expeda.- ' oal of reacha.a~~ ?~ha ear?~h' s poles s wa.th the cha.e~ ~ ~.mmed~.atel~' ~o~.~.ow;~ng with -the ex?" tions stared out ~,n the year tc~n da.d the South Polef ixst ~. Shack7.e pla.c~.t purpose of reaah~.n~ . a h~. h :ind aut that the way lay acras~ ~ nod succeed, but he d~.d ~ d robably be found on an a.ce taa.n wall and that the pole wou~. p maun ~~,?~ the sPCand seGt~,on' dial succee ~.ateau same 3,OU0 meters h~.~h. p .... urely srient~.f~.c resul?~~ Tha ~.n reach~:n~ the ms,~netiG pa~.e a p R. Scott wexe the first to reach x eda.?~ian of bald Amundson and e ~' ~ion~s so pn this occasion Scott and f~.ve camp the po~.e itself . ~ the re?~urn marchb In addition thQ tragically ~. o~?~ they. r l~.Ves on ~ whi ch . ame a wealth a~: sc~.er~tific result Scott ~~peda.t~.an brought... h n ast succe~sfu~. expe~t~?0n'~ Amundse marks it as one o:~ them 1 bow . to .the pale that' the mountain wal had not9.ced an h~.s march h ;~axther u and the less Shah xce extended muc tween the polar platen ~, as sumed ~ Stra~.~ht a cro a s, on the to the east than ws.s prEVa.aus y o the ?Weddell Sea also ex?~ends fax t A?~~.ant~.c s~.de of Antaxc~~.c~, table-like ~.ceb ergs ,are camraon such as .the sau~h and here toe, th~re~ ic~~sheeta The geograph3.cal problem can only stem ~rc~m an Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 ___ _. _ _. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 ~ax6 axass off' dec~,din~ whc~th?~ Ants~xc?~~.ca does not consist o~ two ~.ax a ax~~s separated by a s?a ~assa~?~ Polar geo~xaphexs sucx~ ~ F n as Rick~tho~on and Naxdenslc~,old, else Mr~xl~ham' pres~.dent afi the London Gso~xaph~.c~:aoc~,?ty' ha1.d ~ this va.aw~~ -Such an ~,cewcov?red ou.1.d bo ~.m ortan~ in thv de~er~~.na'~;~on off" ocean curd?nts ocean bay w P and the redict3.can a~' ic? candit;~ons which in tua~n ~,s a~ great p ' xactical naviga~~i?n~ This problem as.~l~.ed Forth a wha~.e value for p off' ex editions, Frith W? truce and W, ~'ilchnsz^ as we11 as sexier p Shackleton from the Atlantic side, and R. Syrd especiaa.~.y fxom the boss Baxl~.e~' s~.da~ Only T'ilchner succaoded in res,criiri~ the sauth- ern coast of the Weddell Sea, but a natuxa~. catastrophe and. a dl.~? 'erence o~ a in~.on with.. his cspta:~n p~~evented him :fxom f'urthex ~ p ursuin his discave~cy, A a.arge portion o~ the barrier broke p ~ lopse and began drl.fti.ng with the station house an board, anc~ C~~ taro Vahse1. demanded ah ~.mmedia~e xe~urn of the vesse~.a But' p the latter ;~'xo7o Fast and made a dangerous dri~ta.ng voyage. Thia was repeated years la~Ger by Shac}cletan whon ~~he vessel "L+"+ndurance" was crushed and sank fiat until the Ronne expedition off' 1.9~7/~S was a complete mapping o~ the sautxlexrl boundary a~' the Weddell Sea accc~mp~.~.shed, wit~- the except~.an a~ a sm~1.1 gap in the eastr The paroblem o~ ~~he sea arm :i.s net het comp~.e~~e:Ly sa~,ved even i~' the prabab~.lity off' such a strait ~.s ~rery slight. x~ tkaere ~rer~ once ;fit would be aavered with ~,ce dawn to the bat~m, and a water exchaxagt~ between the Atlantic and the l~aci~ic certa~.nly doesn~ t oxist there In addition to these exped~:tians a dew ethers were a~.so act~.ve which. a~.so br~~ught home partly gea~raphic~. partly geophy- sica7. resu~.ts, sr~ch as the oxpedit~.an by Mswsoh ahd '~h~rcat. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 ._ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 World Wax wh~.ol~ temporax~~,~.y ~nterruptad exploxation A~'tex thq rat~.on was resumed with new methodsf Aga~.n prac~ s?uth polar explo ons ~'ur~~.shad the ~.mp?tu~ when new wha1.~ t~ca~. econom~.c cons~,d?rati d Ca ~~~.n ~axsan who 1~~d been ~~r~ve~.1~g Ong areas 1~s,d to be noun ~ p waters s~.nce ~.~93 had Shawn vn h~.s first around ~.n south polar 'nterested in mattexs econom~.c~ He bxaugh~ trips that he was also ~. ' rst ,ant ~oss~.~.s dram the Antarctic; ha commanded t~ho home the ~i p 01 0~ e. edition and was the ~irs'~ to estab~ ship o~ the Swedish 19 / xA anant wha~.i.ng station on South Georgia, Gry~tviken, which :fish a perm i$ the Centex o~ south polar sett~.ement. ~igh'~ a~tPr the ~,oday undertook the pene'trat~.an a~' the boss Ssa with a Word War he .. ~ ' and ,Five wha~.e~boats, .and once aga~.n the Ross wha~.:Lng mother ~h:~p Sea becamo important as an entrance gate o eratin out of the South .Shetland Arch~,pelaga the whalers p g ~urnis~aed a goad ~backborre for ex~~larata.on tra-ps. A whaa.ing stall ' set u an Deco tion xsland'ww the southernmost set'~.ement ~,:~on p p on earth ~-w a:L'~'ered an excellent harbor at the sale t~.~e? Here the first attempts wera made to test tl~e nor methods, wring the War1.d ~Jax the a~.rp~.ane had been ~~c~~nically ~ec~~ed and soon prayed its worth in polar explosat~.on as we~.l. per a~.r lie 3.t is pn ssib~.e to photograph w~.thin a dew hours areas y p ' h woua.d have ~al~en ~ar~.~r expeditions years. ~o cavex. its wh~.c use ~.n exploar~at~ian brought a xeva~.u~~ian in expedit~.an techni~ u~;s which rude possib:Le the great advance ~.n our know~.edge a:~ ~. the south po~.ar reg~.ons ~ Tha first ~.~,gh'~s as yet did not yield much. Nav~.ga~ ,~ ~.ana~. dy.~'~'~.ault~es (magnet~.c and gyro compasses were use~.ess due t. ~~~ 00170017-4 ~ ~~ ~ , ~ ~ ~f ~ ~~'~~~~; Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04123 : CIA-RDP82-00039R0002~ ~~~' Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 oles in~uf~~CiAnt knvw~.r~~~? ?~' tlaa a ~~ neaxri~ss of the p ~a ,. t ~1lumins~tivn~ insu~'~~,cient ?xpex~, wes,thex~ d~.f~~,cu1'~ est~,ma~t~,vr~ o n .. all th~.s xeaua.ted in tha f~.rst c~ria? in altitudA determinatio ax rr 1.'~s~r wh~.ch hmd to bs refu?~ed by tat f~.i~hts br~n~~n~ home x~.ch xesu, aids wsr? rrd~.saava~r?d~~ ~,hsra ara pl'y'" exped~.t~ons~ Where: sea... stx mounta~.r~s_wara supposed to bA~ deep tQaus 2~Ogq metars h'l~h~ what al erxore far indiv'~dua]. ob jvctg of up bays were found and posit~.on grit ~ ~'he anly reliable objects are ?to 1~0 kilametersare no x ~' lace on 'two or more flights and ona.y those fou~~d at the sa~~le p ese shoti~ld be entered on large scale maps th ' volves two poss3.bilities~ ~e works 'Sl1e use of aa.rplanes a.n rdr s h G~podit~.ons which had the with fixed stationsa such as ~y' st of the Ross Sea as far as` the pale taslc 1;o reveal the rega.on ea ' th ~ o er.ates Pram shipboard, as was the case wy or .the .other wha.cl p prom 1924 to 1937 and wi~~ the Mawson tha N?r~jegian exped.~ta.ons ~ ~s have also been succegsful~y used ~'ar expeda.~~a.ons, ~a.rplan va?~ionso ]:t was found possible to map large ice and whale obser . f the ~,frican quadrant and of Maxie Byrd parts of ~hE coastla.no 0 and the missing coastal stretches with the excep~ Land by .1931 ~ dine by 193 !~n aerial ~'ea'~ ti.on of the west. antarc?~ic coal as accomplished by the :Eilswnrth expedition not..: fret duplticated w fire western Antarctic ?was crossed .from of 1~3~/3~ when the en Wha7.es. Due ~,o weather cond:i.tions s~v~ Dundee /eland to the ~aY o~ were,neaessary du.~~.ng the flighty and era/ ~.ntermed~.ate landangs ' thout acc~,den~~+ Aftex ..the development these were carra.ed .out wa. akin ser~.es aer~.al phata~raphs there of instrumen~e capable of m g ' c ~x edition of lg3g/39 whose ch~.ef fol~.cwed thn Gez~~an Ax'itarcta. , p ' urge b mans of ~,er~,al photographs task wad tha ca,rtograph~.c s ~' y Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 ' An~axctic~~ Tray p?r~~~.tted maps on a scs~la ?~' a ~ax~e sect~,Gn of ~oh~'~a'~ Ma~~~,~) wh~.~e tl~~ ~^~su1t~ o~ a~ ~.:,a, ooa and ~ ~ boa, oao ~ hale ~hava nod ~~~ been pub~~.shed~ tha A~?d~t~on as s. w W x to a ~.~xg~ extant pxpvented ~uxi~hex~ The secand Word a d was in th8 sauth pols~x xeg~.ons for explaxa~~.an. ~n 191~~/~~. ~fx racanna~.ss~nce ~1~.~ht~ any ~,e~dad xesults thv th~.~'d t~.mma, .but the ~ a /star dats~ The other ~eaphYsa,w that were superseded ~.n pmrt a ' t~,on are far moxe i,mportan"t. Duri.n~ the cal resu~tg a~ the oxpEd:~. methods wore again develo~~ed that bene~'~.tted Second Wax~.d War, new research. kadax makes i't pass~.ble to make continuous scienti~'ic .~ ~ ~ nc1 and "to dxaw a pro~'i,le off' the xoute covered soundings o~ ~~e grou ? n n constant altitudes Land areas h~.dden under ~;ce while rnaintal i ~ ' usl b ma~rletameters, which cannot be can be recorded contanuo Y y 'r rock com oeition can b~ determined. done. se~.sm:tcally, and thei p r n.~s robably walkie~talkies ~~ Through the use of duple~c inatrume ~p ? osition bear~.n~;s may be taken and soundings off' 'the more exact p . ~ ~ make rediations off' radio reception posse-b~e? Heav~.s~.de~layex p chnical. hotogramrnetric methods such as the try.-metrogon Nets to p o.~ measuremen~~ and the swa.veling camera permit photow system ' width o:f 3~4 k"ilameters. These are all ad? graphs hav~.ng a strap. t the suxveya.ng off' laxge areas with limited vantages whack perms mans. The c~stwar ex~adition, made use. o~ these new methods. p edit~.on was spec~.~'ica~.ly an exper~.mental exw The fourth Byrd exp s to test vaxi,ous materials for ~-he~.r polar usew pedit~.an wh~.ch ~a Barriers anr~ subrnaxirres in the pack ice, heavy' fulness. aarplane n of their landing gear, protect~.v~ clothing, planes and the.. testa ~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 _ __ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 .The final chapter in pxesent developments'was written.. by ' the Finn's ~a,nne exped:~tion wr~.icl~ Succeeded ~,n detex~nining the west and south caast of the Wed,de:Ll sea, What now remains to be done is an unlocking of the eastern .A.ntarc~tic fxom the coasts right to the pole which could technically be accomplished by a few crossMcoun~ try fl~.ghts ~ A~.so needed is a crassMcountxy survey flight from Prince ~eent L' uitpold Land to the ~lor~ick mountains ~.n oxder to q deterr~.ne-the couxse of the ~ue~n Maud Mange to~aard ~e east and north,.. A ~rea~ deal of geaph~sica~, research is yet ?~o be done and gr~ologica~. research leaves a great deal to be desired, A survey..... a~' the pxesent state of mapping i5 shown an ?the attached maps xt also shows the reliability of the data of our polar survey maps. ~e usefulness of heavy cater,~~llax txactvrs ~.n ~,ce and snow -N a~.1 thaw wexe the v~,tal considarat~,ons~ A1on~ w~.th this there wexa axteng~.ve sclehti~~c ~.nvast~.~atians, e~pecial~y of the tropa~ pause anr~ the ~.AnASphcre~ a~~tempts at x~ad~.o communication acr?ss the ma~net~,c~po7.e area and many other ~thi~as ~ xt ~.s hardl,y surer pris~.n~ that extensive mapp~.n~ o~~exat~,ons were a1sa carxied on, fox example in 'the hinterland of South V:l.ctor~,a ~and~ on the nortl~~ coast ai' western Antareta.ea, in Wilkesland and on the coast of the ,~fr~,can quadrant 'the ma~ax geographic event is probably the da.sw covert' of high peaks of more than 6000 meters in the western ~nt- arctic which are ~.~~00 meters higher than the highest praviaus~.y known peaks, They cane eampare favoxab~.y w~.tla the maunta:~ns o;E ather parts of the earth.. t, ~~;~ ~, Thy methods off` explaxation de~reloped with equal intensity in the caurs~ of t~.me~ Tl~e data sf the ear~,~r days of pc~~.ar e~w Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 btained by moans off' tY~e dl~tar~ce-me~ex L~o~ ~ p~.oxation wex? o wince landings were' iea9ib~s only in chx on Qr118 ~ 8r &~ld ~ ~~tan~ o these measu;rementg From shipboard axe nQ'~ exceptional cases ~ndin on the ?xper~.ence of tJ~e Galata~.ne entixea.y x8~~~~18 o D?p ~ ar lesa acauxate~ ~acact xaute mapping distanra esti7ra teas axe maze o~.ar r~ a,ans on1.y an cross?~our~t~'y' ~ouxin~y's ~ was poss~.b~.e ~.n the p ~ d?texm~,ned From camp to camp ~ '~xianguM where posit~lon .could be va~.lable on~.y fox the Mcl~Iuxdo Sound. axea~ ~.at:lon measurements axe a d b Scott and Shack~.eton sank too deeply ~,nto the The pona.c,s use y axe suscept~,btie to climata~ Tractors wexe used snow and were m ex~ eda.tions, but gave up in terr~.tory r~icl~ ~.n cre- on the Byrd A o too heavy ~.~ new snow, and the expediM vasses~ They are a1s coudw ~o~ fuels- nn crassMcauntry trips ta.ons had ~a depend. an p k e hone 3.nstxuments and rad~.a d~.rection duple~c (walkie tat i) p ~overr themselvese given mare accurate a series f'~.nd:~ng have p ra hs regaxdl.ess of the method used, as :long as they survey phatog p . astronamyoal control po~.nts ~ As already are tied to at least two ' 'vidual observat~.ans from airplanes are a.naccurate, since seated ~.nd~. ' that case posi.tians can only be g~.ven approximatP,ly~ a.n An~~arcta.ca State of E?c~.,a a~~'0~'-? ~ Pha~a] 1, rl'~rrestria~. tra,angulation~ Ver~~' h~.gh accuracy v s dram sled tr~.ps ? ~~xe~,uent astranama.eal 2 ~ ~~c~ute sur ey Alt~.tude determ~.nat~.ans c~1ie~'ly barometric poa,nt~ o Coastal surveys 'ram ~h~.pboard. ~'os3.t~:an a~' thy; sh~,ps icall det~rm~.neda Coastal m~pp~.ng by baarings~ as ~ronam y Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 _ _ _ _ - _ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 A1~~,~udas es~~~mr~~~ac~ 3,n many cases 4~ ~'a~r1y dome ne~tw~rk a~ ~.nc~~ri.dtilaa. f~i~h~s~ Pos~.~~,on ax*len~a~~on by airp~,ah~ pwsl,i;~~ons ~ ~er~.ee o,f' aexal survey pho~o~raphs w~~~ch overlap ~.n many cases S~exbgr~,~h~a a7.~~.~ude m?asuromen~s or ~.en~;~h~ofMshadow m~a~uramen~s~ ~~ ~e~l,ons~ wa,~h a~ 1Qas~~ bwo recG7~zal.ssance ar mappaxi~; fl~.~h~s~ Ava.~,labil~.~y of aera.al pha~o~raph survey ser~.es ea.~her nod known ox nod ys~ publi,shed~ ~1,~itlxdea es~~,ma~~ed from a1~3.~,ude of plane d. ~e~ians covered by only one fl:L~h~ ar s~~h~ed by plane. ~osit~.ana]. errors of several. kilometers, al~~,tude errors of hundreds of meters are possibly. Unexplored ~err~.~ory, Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 ~, ';: Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 P~OOR~ Q~' ~.'H~ 1~~~~0~ ANr~A~O'~'~C ~~~'~;~~aT~~a~i .~ ~'Q~ ~ ~ N~' ~nrewe~+r~r* ~" re ~^e~or~~~'L~,ve o~ rho ~~~~~~a~~,an ~avaxnrnen'~ ~ have p~,xM As p '~~,oa ~t~d an thta a~~tarctao vQy ale aj' the t~ Ca~nanc~ara~- Ohareo~~'~ oa~n~ Max you e~~ ~~11e ;~'o7,lowa,n~; sl~ou~,d be reported. manded by Oa~a~aax~ s,bout ?~he praxess off' th,e trap: 'l~he task o:~ the e~:p~:d~,taan was ~~o La~ec~~ a wanter~,n~ stataon r - ' s wl~ach nu one h,~d yet ~'oo~ upon sa.nce 1.~~i.0 on the coast o;C Adelac ~,,nd undertake acaenta~'ac work an ~;oan~ and retuxnar~ as weld. as and to ' e sta anp~ there. '1'hF~ "Comms,rt~la~~t Chaxco,~", a wooden vessel o~ wha.l ;Y ~, 00 Bl~'1' w:~thout spec~~.al re:i,n~~oi^ccmen~~ a~;a~~-ns~ a.ce J,e~'?~ llobar?~ on 3 December ~.~~~9 ca:t:~ryan~; the expeda~;aon members, the eeluapment ~~' 22 ~. ~ ~~ ~~ and 30 da~s? The pack ace was re~.ched at lataw the w~.nl,e~ ~.n~; par y d~nree sou~~h ar~d after almoa~; t~ar~e weeks' efforts we s~~cw tude ~ ~ ,~ l9 '0 an br~ealcan~~; through the seconc~~ southern ceedcd on 18 Janu~.ry ~ ash, and to reach the apcn coastal waters which ace belt near the co ace b the clescc-ndan~ wands b~.a~wan~ down ~~^om ~l;he are lcept~ free of y ' dace with .x'eat a,ntensity~ Aa'ter recar~naassance on, Cap de :l.a ~.nlan ~ eCOUVC;rte and Cap de Max~~rerae which are small rocky promontox~aes D ' ~e ru tin.. the wa1.l where the ar~.and are breaks o:~nf' towards the a.n ~ r p .. the wanteran~; party was landed on Cap de Mar~er~.e ~b6 degrees sea., ~, degrees 20 m~.nutes east). ~~re~~uently the land 30 m~.nu?~es south ~~ ~. ' a erataons had to be a.nterrupted because of the preve,a.~,in~ s'tarmy ~~ p '' + ' nds althou ,h there wens acra,sa.ana~. wanc.~.ess and sunny ha~.:~'~days. S5L w~. , ~' ~~ ~ ~?ran~ rnel~~an~; a~' snow a~~.d.-ace could be observeds `fhe At these L~.mcs a s ~ ~ salts of ten. menu the:a.r ~. coder as Andre L~.o~ardn ~.and~.n~; secta.an can ' e taanal.l complete and wea~h;~ a fatal af' 300 tonsn ~qua.pment ~s exc p J ,t ~ 9.l:l.ar tractors proved espec~.ally va7:l~abl.e an the I~~easel .type ca~~rp ~f'hr~ first year's task of the land:~n~ party as to land~.n~ operat~.an~. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 '~~,~~~Ane ~u~ ~~~,Qn~~~~~~ ~ ~~~'t~n~"~?~ o~ ~h~ ~ ~ s,~cv~ all ~h~ ~~c~ca ~~?x~t~Cane T1n~ ~~mman" b~ ~~,cal word` ~~ alsa ~,A ba un ,, . , as~a~c~,al~~ r~Q tQ?xolo~-~ ~~,? ~~~? ~an~ d Ux ~~.'tsd Pcain~, G~t~~,o-~;~,~ w1~ Ohaxoa.~ s,~,~? v~~ e fox dan't land~n~? ~n ~t~itti~ ~'rcnch ~..~ n mr~d~ ~ha an~?'y ~~~v~raus ?' 1,~,e' ~ cxped.~~~? wk~exs 'the Maw~ca~ ~~~" va, ~ a~ 1~~,na.sa~1 .~ ~ n _ ~~~a caas~~ snd Oax ~ ~n ~sle?t ~ac~. ~ ma~ede on ohs x?l~xn ~n ~.9~~~~,2) waa ~'aund un ~ ~ ~ ~. ,. ~ ~ q~a.n~s~~a.n~~ huh ~ + . rua~s~n~ fox Ssv~x~ d~,~,,lan ?~ could be: exo~'sd a~ hex c ~ta k~abax~ 'Ghc ~,ce b~l sd w~.~h ~x~p 1~a a~;ert~ sE;s,~alane h~l~ .? ~ n;~aa.ssancs a "S~~nsan Y da ~. ~,n a.c~ xecQ de ~h ~ ~ ~ ~ scents, aceana~xa~~~ic ,~?. ~,na 'tbe 'tx,~p rad~.asonds a off' a~xM~u,x~'en~s succssse dux ' onos~hs~'e an~~ the or~.~,~.n nc;n~ts and s't1~c~.~.es o~ the ~' s ghi~ ~s 'to a~~ msasu~'e~ bx~~.~;f s~ta;1 tin ~~oba~~ ~,h ca~''~^tied ou~4 ~"a1].ow:~i~ a a~car wrr'e ., ~ ar1d ~ta con?ta.nue 'to Madan, a~.n ~o 'tY~c~ e~.~c, a~ ~,hc ~?cE deliE Lend vanes oi~.ce a~ d an,~ Txorn ~Ms,d.a~;ascax ~ ,land and Ks~?~us~.en ~s~.an ~ ohs w~n?~~xM v ~a Ksa~^d xs f ~ ? xov~.sa.on endo~'~.9~0a,nordax top '~c~ be xEV~.si~ec~ a'k, 'thy ~ele a.s erso~ to xs;l.a.~ve a ~a~'~ ?~ ~'~~~ p ~n~~ a?t~,'t~.On and ~ 'the ~t ~ 7 00 me'tex h7. ~h m0un" ~G ~'~~~,~;~ 111~T1't~?OS1Gd tha ~,~r8 x~ sh?1~1d ,~ ~,Zr:;d ~~,s'takablY as an ac card ~s~.and has been x sco~~n ou7.d be seen ~ a~.n on ~ . .~~ he ~,ava w"~'th,7.n ~,he cxa~ter c the x'e~.'leC~~on o~ ~ vo~?r~a? from 'the sae ND". ..., ~~~'~~ ~~~~ rte, ~ -~i~~. ~~~~ ,.... ~~~?~ ,~ .. ~, 0~~ ~~1~ ~7~~~C~'~0 COAST (~~~ ~~,' ~'AkZ1S ~,osack' ~,~a.dshu?t k~ans~~'e?tex ~ Caas`t appeaxed ~ ~'ax'ts o~ ~,~1e An,tax C?t~. ~ a ?~ ~'~~5 ~~~,5 ~~X1S fin' ~ bhp ca~~to~xa~h~.c ~esu~. ~.n Os~.o wl~.~.ch con'~a~na Oa ~,a~n ~e ~~ HaXLse~ ~h0 ~*~~ ~ ~d~,~tor ~.s ~ eae ~,~ ex~ed~?~a.on. o~ x.93 a~.ax s ma~?~ ~ An,~~axc?~~.ca and ~,he e4u~h ~ b~ ha,s ~.93~ a~~las ~~ ~. s ~.,x e add 1~'o J ~`~'~ ?' `~' ~ ,' Declassified in Part -Sanitized Co A roved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 ,. PY pp Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 u es a~' '1~~~'~ wa~tln a d~.scl~sa~,on a~ '~11e a~;~as can~a~ns e~,~ht ~ ~;o ba e~l~e~~e~1. Tl~c~x~e ~a~'~o~' na a in~~ rncth~~d and Mahe e,c~.urac~ the r r ~ ' ~ ~ ~' ark' wa,~~h m~;~~rn~.~'~.cQn~~; x~Gncl~.t~.an a~ ~.~ panaram~,c aera,~~ v~.ew~ ~ ~.n p ` to ~~ r:,ov~.r ~I~l~~c~ e~xit~.xe cac~sta7. ' rlscs,~~es' and ~.~ map ~? 51~cet .~ ~.an westE~rn enc:l cry ~FJhe west ice (Ka~-~a~r ,~tr~~tch fx~orn ~nElc~xk~y Le,nc~ to the ~,,2~0 OUO? ~'wa slncae~las 1a.c~ bctwee~ w~.1.~le;lm a:~ ~,ara,d) on a sca;l.e a~ ~ ' , ~,'ar L1~.~~~a~a~w~Iolm ,~r~~ ~:2~~~ 0?U and l~~ndc~l~~a;y. Land. and ~~ew ~wab~.ic, ~ The xe;c3uC'~a.an a~' the a~~'ia~. phatoM Pzy~.ncess ~Za~;n1~1~.1.d Land 1?~04~Oa0o oba.a. ue~ p~,ci~ures ~,aken by tl~e expcd~.~ A.xaphs (~~~he r~~apu are }aas~;d, an ~ ' ~ ' ~ Ltit~~,vermFSSUn~1N ' pert b~ the S ch~a e a.l, e: r a.~ ehc ,,,.........,....~~~~-.,,.........,...~..? '~ I ~y~,M,..MMyM.p. Vy`+WM~ ,~,iMw. ta,an) was k~s,ncll,c a.n . ~ . a.n ar. ~I~, by T~. ~.~lu~cke o f G e a~,(~. Sw~.s~ ~1era.al Suxvc:y Gay) and p AaG~ ~an`~aur ~.~a1e:s, b~.ue i.n a.r.e~caverr?,c~ off' Oatir~ ~ 'Che mapa slicaw c Optnal.~n~;.... .,, ~ r' ~ c caa.stl~.nc is ~.ncl~.cated by end black in ~.cE]~~.rec~ areaa ? ~h arras ,blue h.nG . ~ ~ far shc:~.~; ~.re coact} sa.n~;lF~ thre~c s~Yabo~.,~: bluc, doub~.F. ~.a.n~ r a ~urc~ r '~ ' a rocky caastb Numc.rau> alta.tucYc. ~a.~, :~'ar a.cc~ caa ~~, and b:I.~,c1L .fox ' '~ ~ e reJ.a.E.~. Sarno off' ~,he c~uestiar~.ab~.c ~~.ve an ~mpress,~.ve pasture o.f. ~h ~`, ~~ u Ersed~;d by more x'eccntrcasESrch.- n ex~ reprc~s~~n~l?,ata.ans have bc. ~n s p ' ~c,~wsx'c~ V~~: ~3ay who,e ~,nn.c,r parta.ans were arnpl.e is the renda.t:~an of :f.s d. b the 1)47 ~~r~. ~;xped~.ta.an~ ~.nather more; ~,Y~arnu~"h~Y ey~a~.ax e ~' ~ S caresbY ' ~' waa accurate~.y' surve~'ed b;, ~Y,he wa.ll;-.arn Ste~'ansan lay wha.c,b ~ . e cantr~.but:'t.on ., e~.~;ss the maps consta.~,ute a v~,:l.uabl exp~~da.~~,a.ano wevErth ~' the e,ntar cti c ca nt:>.nc; nt ~ to our knaw~.ed~e a r~eGtS ~.~ the 1a,ce to d~,~cuss a.nda.v~.dua~. m~,p '~ha.s a.a not p . ~ y e cact ~'~;pz'esentat~.an ai' the Vest~~'ald aeta~.lQ On sheet ~..~ they e a.s an a u ?~o now? '~h~ caa,stal stretch ~.s about wh~,ch vcr~' ~.a.ttle Ural known. p O~,s ?' erk~ w~,th the: Amcr~ l~arra.er (~a~,reg~,an: :~'rc~m Sande~'~ard Bad to Gape ~~ ' ~ ~y~.~~d than be:~or~~ and the c~.a.~~~ ~~ ~vax~v ~3arx'~.rs.) was :mare ~'a.xm"~~ ed accux?~?r,el;~ fax' the r rl ~~cl~ob~,rtsan Lancl have _b~en mapp h~ndexb~' .Gana s.n ~'~,rst t~;mc~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 , es cad' text w~t11 a ~,scu~,~,an o~ bhp atlas c~nta~ns a~,~,ht pad ~u~'a~j i;o bo ~x~~ect~d. TY~ere ~o1~.ow' the rnapp~.~,~' mo~l~e~c~ anc~ thc~ act a~ rt ara,th m~~n.~.~~,cc~n'l; x~enc~~,t~on o~ 7,(~ panora~~~,c aera,a.1, v~a,ews, ~ p~ ~ ~ r ~ ,~~~~ ;~ to 12 cover ~:,l~e e~zi~~~,re oaa~t 'J.anc,~scapes~ an~~ ~.~ map,. Shay extern enc. o~ 'r~he west Tee ~I~a~ger ~~~;x~t~~ch fx~arn ~n~lerb;~ hand ~~o the w ~ 0 OQQ. two shee~l;~ 1~e be~w~en ~x Laricl) on a s tale o~ ~, ~ ~ w~~.~~-~~~` 00o an~~ ab:~r~ ~'ox L~,tzowMNalm ~3ay 1.2~Q~ ~~t~dGrlay Land anc~ New 5w ~ ~~a.a~. ha~i~aM ~Op OOQo r~hG refjuC'~~On a~ tl~e a~~ p 1'rinces5 ~'~a~;~'~l~.c~ hand ~. ~ ~ cda.,? .~ r F;r1 an obl.a.~,ue p~,ctures ~h,aken by the exp ~xaphs (~,hc, rt~aps ~.S G laa~ c ~,rt b ~ ~l,he SC'~7,E x~~srhe, ~u~~v,.?~'m~'s u~~~ ~. tion) was hand~.od a.n p~ ~ ~- ~ Qeo~rra,t".alt Co. } and. a.n ps,r.,~l~ by ~. Llu~ck~~ a ,~.,~.~.... AoG ~ (5w9.s~ Aer~.a,1. Survey ea~~e;d mapa slaw canta~' ~.~.nes, Qpr~.1'a. ~,,., ? ~~ O la ~ ~ hE~ ,_..."~." ., ~ ~ c;aastl.~,ne :~s ~.nclica~~ed by .:and b~,ack ;gin ic~wl.rec areaa. ~hE~ , areas ar she1.~ ~,ce co~st~ sa.n~;~.F.; blue 1,~.ne ~ti,~F~e ~yraba~.s: b~.ue dov.b1.F~ 1.~.n~ f oc caasto Nume~z'ou,~ alt~.'~udc~ ~~.~;ures , ~~ x, a.ce carat, and b~.aclc :~'ar a r ~' ~0 C uesta.oi~ab~.e ic~,urc a:l' the re~.~.e~. ,carne o~ the q ~~,ive an ~.mpres~,~.ve p seded by more recen'~ rcasesx"ch.. An e~c- repres~~ntat~ons have bean super dwax~d U~1~ day whose a,nr~c;r part~.ons were ample .~s the rendita.orl off' L s b the 11.7 ~'y'rcJ. ~;xpcd~.t~.on~ anothFr ~, more .~horau~h~,y e~plar~ed. ~' ruxve ed by the w~.l~,~.arn Scoresby: c;~:anson day wh~.c,h was accvxately ~ y St s const~.tute a vs,:Luable cantra.but:~on expedi'~a.an.n Neverthe~.~;ss the map off' the antarct~.c cor~t~.nento to our knaw~.ed~e r , ~s ~.nd~.v~.dua~. m~,~ sheets ~.n `l'ha.s ~.s nat the p~.ace to d~.~~ua c;t re x~esenta~,~.on a~' the ~est~'ald ~taa~. Un sheet L1, there a.s an era ~ ~.G 9 7 ~ ~ T 1ma~wn up to naw. 'the cga5ta~. atretc .Oasis about wh~.ch very' .~a.ttle Eras " the Amery ~3arr;>rer ~Na~-~e~idn~ Sdnde~'~ard day to Capp $~ei?kt~ wa.th ~rnm "~.xed than be~are, and the c~.~.~~'s a~ Nvaru ~3arx~ira} was more ;~~.rm.~,y ~ ave been ms,pped acc;urate~.y ~'or ~~h~ '~ derl~~ Land anr.~ Mc~abertson Lane7. h Ln J' f:ir5~ time Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 __ _ _ .. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 +~~' spec~~,~, ~ntc~~e~t ~~ tl~e fact ?that ~~ tha wps~, 'the ~~,la~ ad~ a~a~~ the Germ~r~ ex~a~,?ra?t~ans ~r~ New Swa,U~,a anc~ ~ the wc~s~- Ka~,eer w~,~,h~~am ~~ ;Gat~~ Wh~,~,e thaa~c~ ~,s ~~~~,~,~, ~ j''Ap a~' ,~'~G le~.~,o~? a w~aen uheet l1, and. Ka~.~E~x~ W~,lYaelni ~~ ~a~ad (Cape Fenck} mc~,E~rs bet that, leas no?~ been covc:rec~, by s,ccura~o rn~~,ps~ Sh~;et ~, ac~~o~.n,~a c~a.xec?t~y the map a f' New Swaba,a an the o r.,a~.e o~ ~. ~ l~ a00~ OUO; f'ar th ~ ~ reasar~ a campc~xisan ~.s very a.x~~lder~stin~f~ Wh~,~.e the woril,tat Massa.' up to ?the advsnrc past is ava~,~.aU~,e an a.scal.e of ].;~U0~000 oY~ Grul~cz^'s mapr ?the w~,cteraF; Mass~.~' wh~.ch ad~a n,s s,t some: c~,istance to tl~e: east a.s en~:,ereca or. ~~ansen ~ s maps New. Sti~rab9,a as a corrlp~.e?~~e area a,s avaa,l~~blc only on the l,tl ~QO QQO map Urha.ch is only.:.a ~tempoz~ary, evalu.at~.on~ Gruber~~ ~~ ~ carz~ections s~u,:f:'ted the advance pos?i?, towards the went by abau?t 5 de~;ree;~~ ~l'a what etc-xlt tha.s sha.Ft aFF~cts the mountaa.n ranges Farther west can bc; c~eterrna.ned on~.y approxa.ma?l,e~,y, sa,nce a lake sha.F?t o:~ the frontal mauntaa,ns (~'asaa~'~) cannot Yae ha~~mona.rer~: wa.th ~r~he pos~.ta.on of the, coastla,ne~ ~:n any' case a.t a.s noteworthy that the 5~a?^ l~andane of the Nar~re~ian map lie s.t about the saute ~.e.ta.tude s.s the ~'ayer Crroup? only Far?l,hexy east ~~ere as a.n New. ~waba.a ire ar. e c~eala.n wa.txi a plateau c~x'op a.n Front off' wha,ch there are outly'an~ mo~n- ' tk~ere the Wah~.tat Massa,x', here the I'~~;na.pa~ the ~rat?tna.pane and ta~~n5 the ~,omnae s ~' ~ e~,l} ~ A special ~~rab~.c;m a.s the ;r~presentata.an of the c~~aatline+ OM .~,hc, Crex^man map i?t nuns :~a~.r~.y cl~,rect~.y eastward from. ~,he b~.~ she~.~.' ', e ton sue For some ;1.~ degreea e,t b~ de~r~es ~,~ ma.nu~,es Knuth la~tit~xde? ac ~ F5 alsa a she~.F ice caaat? but is sa.tuated deca.ded.~.y Farther south ~t ("j0 degrees 2~ minu?1~~es) ~ ~Fhere ~s a cor~sa.c~.erab~.e diFFerence between Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 __ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 ~~i~ ~YJQ C41~~~i en1i~^~a~ w~~Ch ~~~ I~11F~~p~.c~ II~'~~'r~'~~,c~,ll 1Tl~l~ eV?~~ a~z~ b~ ~e~~~~.r~~a ~1~e caa~~~ ~Lur~~1 ~c~~a?~~^~.~ ~ha sau~~~? '~h~a ~~~~a~a~anM ~~.1~,I.or~ is ~~ my ap~an Gax~~ac;~~, ~~~nrra ~Gk~e ~'a~~~a~l o:~ ~~hc ~~~ ea~~~ca~ia.~,~,an a.s a.ncl~,c~,~rrd ?n.~,y b~ 1a.r~~~NY~.ad~,n~;~ ~'11e ~.91~~ Ord exM pcd~.~a.a~a ~e~aox~ad ?~ moxe ~ou~l~~x?7.~" poa~"~~.c~n tal' ~hc~ e~ps,s~ fa~1~~h~~ .~,a tha easy, so ~~ha~ the abov~~?men~~.or>.a~. v~~,w ~c~em~ ~us~~.;~~,ed? In any care ~.~ hav beea7 es~sla~.~.eh,ed ~ha~L? the; Ewa ~'e~;~.an~ be~.on~ 'Lo a ~.ar.'~;c na~Jura:l. u~ i.~; she~,1:' a.ce on ~~1?~~~ cr~~,s~ whv~c; "LranM si~~"~.on ~a ~.n~.and ~.cc is paa~'~.;y~ de~a.ned? 'the iae cavex' s~.a~~aly ra.~ae ~~o C~UO ~~o '70Q rn~:~~ers and mex1~,~;eu a.n~o ou~t~yi.n~' moun~;~~~,ns (1a.~Eerz~~,1y' advance moun~~~a~.na) which show ~,oca:l, ~,~.aca.at~ion and. ar'e Elie z'ema~.zls n~' a ~;rea~ p].a~~sau which f.'ax'me,rl.y ex~~cnded much ~ar~~ht/r nar"lah and way bralcen up info ~.nc~.v"i,dua~. l~F~aks aYlci cY~a~.ns ~~hrauG;h ~ei/~~ona.r, ~JS'OC;~'u: ~S i~rd iC~ ~~'05i4n? Declassified in Part -Sanitized Co A roved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 PY pp __ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 ~~c~~~x?N a~ ~c~~~ ~~~cx~~ ~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~930?~19I~7 Jon ~~ho rsso~n~ R~~'k~ ~v~k n ~ax~ show~,ng numar~Gr~ v~l.uasA wn~,~a und~~'anoda of C~~b~a ~ rsccssa.an off' var~.oux xc~~n~ ~~aa~ers~a ~~s~ o~ s~~~~o~. COY c~,s~recm~nt with ord. ~.na~. is duw s ~o lle alb 1~t o~ r~s~~~ic ca,J - .... ~~ GAJOI~U~ x. ~ ~ V? VA~'NAJOKU~~ (C~N'J~NU~1~D) ~. o Kai. dad. o n ....~ ~ ,rr ~}ur ~~ ~,~~rl~~Ox 20 Mprsar~ok~,l. ~~ ~ ur 3 ? ~eyk~ar~'~ ar Z? ' ~urs~ 'a`rk ur ~? ~ ara~a ~ 3 ~ 4? Ska~~a~el~.s~i~ku1~. Sv~.n~~e~.].s~iikul~. N ,. ~~, SNAE~"F.~~SJ~KU~,~, ~..~. 5 or ].. Hyrnangs~okv~~. ~? Varkas~rvrku~l (~'~1.l~~kvl~1.) k~a1.h~.s ~? J~ b? G~.~u~'urs~r~Qku:l.~ ,~~ Nor urkann 7. S~~.g~r~bku~~. r , rr ~. ~~.~g~.~.s~o~1~ ~ ~ Ho1,ax j aku:~. ~o~.atanda'oku~~. ~? N J q. Kvaarjoku~.l ~x~ ? E~'JAFJAb~AJ~K~JL~ ~, ? Crag joku~.~. 2? Seg. jav~allajok~.1.. ~V ? ~~.LSJnKiJx~ ~,~ Sb~.haam~~bk~l W ~'ak~.ho~`u ~. V~'.CN~AJOKUL~ ~,~ a.lz~a,~:~arsr~n~ ~f la. Urei ~ ~rrierkur~ol~u~.~ ~.~.. ~e~.:l. f~~ oku~.~. 1.2 ~ 13rakar~iiku~.l ~3 ? rya rnu j ~~ ~,~. ? Eyvands~ungna~okul~. rr 1~. He~,n~berg~~ok~..l S ~,b, .~'~.aa~okul.~. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 V. V~,TNAJ4KU~"~~ (CQNT~NU~'S~ ) 17. ~IA~f~~.s~ ~ku~, W .~ ~ . Nar'~ ux}~.nr~ ~,6. ~io~f~~~da~.~~oku.1.~. .. ~ ~ W QF~JQ~U~L ~ ~ Nor 0 vQ~~ur~oku~~. Vx ~ ~l ~. 13~.a~na.pu~oku~.~, (NW ~lac~i,~ex) 2, N~u~haga~akul~. IV. +' xNGAhGJ~L~~ ~ ~ Mula~aku~,~. ~. Lo~i mundar~okull ~~:. ~,'NGJ~KUI~L 1.. Fv:~~kv~.~l 2~ H~~a~~~.ls~oku~ W Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 ~~~~~~~~;~~ a~ s~~ ~, o,~dc~~a,;N ~~k o~ ~~ ~r~ C, Kru~ox~ ~evc~run~;an ' r ~'oll,aws dove~,opmf~nts ~,n ~,~e ~o~ax re~~ons ~ l1e pY~~l~te~,~c wQx~ c,atest ~.ntGrest~ Tie An~~.o-Saxon wox~~.~ es~ o ~ tl~e ~ sac ~h w~.~~h ~,he far ~s~^cs't,ed in the ma~,~, serv~.co opcr~,'~~,n~ con~a.r~uou~a.y' ox pecial:ly ~~ ;fin e north f~ncl Mouth po~.ar reFr~,ons,~ ~:n 1J;~$ t~ar~,sYr 3.nterm~t'~cnt~.y ~.n th Ms.~.l c1 e~a.vGxy to ~a ~.e:na.and o'bta~.n~:d ~,'t~s own sfi,amps ~"or a.~.s ma,a.~. rc ,, ' ? ' , ~l~lic; h?~rida ofi' t~~e Nox~wc~e~;zan ~'os~~a;l. Serv~.ce~ I~oth~.nf' Spa.tsbex^~1,c,r~ a,~ asp , ~ ~~, a.uat~.on a.n '~hc ar,~a.r re~1iona oi' }~u,ssa.a~ ~n ~,~ known about raaa,a. ox ~,~ n adian Arctic thez^E are ori1.3~~ s~.x pc's'L ofl:a.cES~ and ~tllase tf~e er1~~a.x~E Gan arc'r,~?c art o:L' I~ludson Pays ~~udson Strai?k~ and. I~a~;Cin a,re ~.n ~~he ea~~~ern P stations Porgy Ch~mo, Fort ~;srrri.son~ DLU~w ~s~~and. ~l'lrey are the ~osta~. a~,ixtun r (l;skamo name) andPand ln~.c'ia~ das k~arbour~ Lake ~iarbour~ Pant, 6 r eras r, ~opEgned on ~.~ Sep~,Ember ~.9~~~ The pa at o~~ a.ce a,n purtd.as ~larbou a:~'~,c;r bea.n~, c~.osEd ;Cox' severa]. yearn book erati~~~lec~ Antaru~~ic Mail lle~.i~, by the ~nC~:I.ishrnaa~ A _...._....,....,~.....,.~~..,...-~.- P' ' ., rr~mb~:.r off' '~,he l~oya~. Sritis~~ Phi~.atea.~,c Saciety off' 1)x^ a J . H. a.ra.~ ~ :, ~ ^ed in lgl~8. l~r~ Pira.e, 1~9msel~' acqua~.ni~ecl witl~i ~,hr, Landon., ctipp~ax ' .~. with th,e stamps ar cancel~.ations occasa.on~ Antaretic~ deals especa.aa y ed.i.tions. As early as 19U~ the ~ngl~.shM a~.a.y is cued by south poJ.ar exp ,. ~ .~,h o~,sx exped~.tic~n used stamps w~.th the overp~'~.n't man Sllaclc~.e ion s sau p ^ ~ nd" of.'~'icisl:Ly issued by IVF~w l,ea~.a~~d~s Post 4:('~:ice u K~,n~ ~~dwax d V~,T Ls. ' boons Br~.ti5h ~,'~mpix~e Stamps l~ew ~ee,~.snd.) Department (c~~ Stan~.ey Ga. ~ ed~.tionused. flew Zealand stamps w~.t11 the ~;ven Scott's ~.amou.~ ~,.q~. exp n n ~, I.~~~ the stamps of the J3ritish ~'alk~.and overpra.nt "Va.ctora.a Land . T ~ ur ores, the c~vex^pr~.nt .Graham ~and~ ~s:tand were ~;a.ven~ for postal. p p . ~ ne s and South Shet~.andsy reapect~.ve~.y~ South Geor~a.a~ 5au~h Ork y Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 ?c~ ~'ox ~~~a ~~~? A~~s~txa~,~.s,n ~xp~c~~~~.pr~~ ~ti~~~x~~,~~ ~~~p~ w~x~ u~ ~~~.a _ ~'r am ~ ~~ ?~wa he ac~~~t ax ~~x s a ~' ~h~ s ?x~ N~a~ ~o b~ sere '~ Aus~~' ~ha d ~~ Ha~~xd x~~,~d? was ~deM'1~~.~~~ad b~ pad~.~~.an ~M?~~~,uax~e ~slan ~7 N~~,''~UNl~L- ANT~~~1xC ~,~5~l~C~I acaM~.~,nr da~~d cexlc~l7~a~~.an "~Ua`~~~~A ~~ , ~,; ~n ~,he ~ anua~y ~,~~~. ~3?~,c n F~~w ~~.~'~a]~T`~~oN ~~~~~ii ~ ~~ No Maur ~ ~~,am s anr:~. c~cell,a'~a.c~na used on uc~u?~h ~.a'~s1~.s?~ xepax~'~s an c~~?l,aa.~, on ,~ ~ p paJ.c.r e~pecl~~.'l~~onsa ane off' En~;~,~~ar~c~:' a ~,,ea~i~.r1~1 '~ha.7.a~Lc~.~,~'ts~ Nor ~ U ~ a. Y~ o G~ nn~, - , ,. , s an e~c~s~.:1.F;n?~ cal,le c~,~.on o ~ ~' a~.k~.and ~,o whom. we owe 'these el~~~a~ ha recen?~ly' awardF~cY a pr, a.~e a?~ ?LhF: ~'MAT~~ a,n :islands s'Lamps wha.ch way rnent a~ df; va~,uab~.e eon?~rabv.'~aion~ ?t,o ?Lhc~ develop YiaS~.p ~ (.1x' a,n'~ has ma ' ~, .or :i.n 'the sou?~h polar re~a.or~' ~ pos?~a~. h~a~ Y ~ K~1UTJ r~U~;C~S~.l~ 98 Y~~s }~~^a.cYi Wust~m~r~~ :dad ScY~anda~ti ~ r~ ' fe ~.s dediaa?r~cd to you?~h~ ~0 1,he s`~,a'k~e~ ~tieG~ar ~ w ~u~,~s~(~ad u ~~ ~~ ~ , is one o:L' No~waY ~ s moe'~~ si~na.~ ~o sca.en,ce;, and -~.. ~;o '~~he Ls,pp~,. ~' . o~.dc;st ~appolo~~.s`~ of ~,lne pxesen?L ddy~. :~ican~ mena ?~he ~ r ~~, ~,~, ~~ ~ wen?~ ~~a ~'ror~~ d . st,ad was. born on L;Yn~ee:~d on ~ p ~u~,~; a ~? h i. lner s chaa:l.s ?rhea"e ~ be came a ~eachex a.~ ~,he a~;e o~ deny e,~,'~,rvnd.c,d the ?~ er~?~ d.ay, ~'~~ shor?L ~.n~Ler7hup~ionsd and s~~a~'ed gin, ?~he ca.~,y~ ~o ?~he pies ' ac?~~~,?vit~y as a sem~.r~ar,~ ?~eache:r~ hou h he was kep~:~ busy enough ~w~-~~h h~.s ~~.~ ~; ~~ ?' ~~hc; church anc~ edtitic~~~.an departmen?~ he s'~a?~e counselor and c,h~.c..C ~n 1 mash d La aloty a~ an ear~.y s~a~;e~ YYe no?~ on y ~u.~~n~d ?~o museum work an p~ wo~~k u~t~ alb, ~.ts da.alec?~s~ Ha.s ~'~.~^e~ ~;rea~ tired ?~he ~~pp lan~ua~,e, b ~ ~~ `~l~p B~.b~.e and ?L?he O~,cl, and. New as a transla'tox' was,ha.s ~rea?~m n s there, e~~er~ds ~ se~9.es a~ gC~ pub~.a.ca?~~.on ~1es?~ssl~en~U. ~'rorn :~88~. ?~o ~.~~7 I/ 4 ~~ Y 2 U 1~ +1 t~ ~ 1s I ~4F~) Y~.~j l~~ytfi~~~lyd'?ti~ ~1 ~~r'a.0~1d~17~'a ~a~s~i'~ ~'{n~a~~~.~'~T7 4.Afix~~~~,ll ~ Va~~~?. ~ rv ~1?, ~ 4:t' f r ~~,~,) ~ r ~~.,,~ 1 ~tlb 4GS'S.,~J,; ,~,ila,~ ..d+, ,.;~urA cai~o G rt_ r.. ~.a, i~ Ilr1,tV~,~' ti 7.1, i ~J i..t-..di Pi'a Af.~Y e ~ ;,t3( t,l l~i.~ ~,.. ~, }. ( l~i 4. . , it 7 ,r ~~ i. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 e~t;e ~:1~~ new~pa',~~;x a~~~c~,eay Qn Sapp ,~oa.ax~~ anc~ ~.~n~u~.s~~.c ~ p a'~l~ex ~~~na~ pape~~ ~'o;~~owed, Amo~~ h~~ ~xe~~Q~~ r~esearcha many ' ~ i he h~.mse~~' ~ransla~ec~ ~.n~o Gay^ma~~~ mush tae numbex~eds woxks ~ wha.LY e dam, ~.es Lapp 5upex?~~~.~~.or T ~~ave~bs anc~ l~~dc~, ~, p La~~ua~; p ,~,,,~ ,....~~.,,~ ~~ n' e~ dram Na~~','~~,],cla~.~n ~'~?~~~ec~s ~~~ ~,a~~ 'ram Ka~f ' and and H~~ ~~ ~ P1aca ~a~~ ~ ~n ~p k~e~ s,nd d~~~her~ ? ~.M,_,............ as~~ wank wh~.ch appeared ~~hrvc yeaxs ado d,ea:~~ wa.~h ~hc place names N..s ~. o~ Lapp].arldo Grc-;at hanaxs and norair~a~a.oa~,s ~a honorary mF;mbexsr~a.p a:~ sc,a.en~ ~;a.;~a.c soc~.e~;~.es a~n Norsaa~j and, abroad vrcre ~;~.ven ha.m? Qua.k;s~;ad~s n~~ne wa.~.], a~wsys be in~;ima~e1.y s,sso~~ abed wa,th Trams'c~ and Ls,ppa.and' ?i;her ~'a.nr~o~U .~ xic, esp~cia7.l,y Lapp ~.~.n~ru~.s?l;a.c; sca.ence~ ~;enex^a~. Lappo~ whe ~ " r , a h Norda.c ~oo1.oE y and botany ar ~,h~ ~'rar~s~ ~,o~~ya ar chea~,a?'~''s e~hrtof,,x p ys ' , c-;~:t' axr ~.nvo1.~~~edti May he ~.on~; r~ma7.n the Nc;s~tox~ of Lapp 1(useum a.?ks xesearch?1 B~,~:~1++' NO'~Ea NUFZ~,'H ]~t~LLAF~ ~G~G~1S GerLexa~. ~~erns .... ~.,~.......~. W...,.~..w...~ 'the Gexman Nydxa~xaphic J:ns~~.'~ute ~.n ~(ambL~x~ has received a M ~,ax"~,~:~on sh~.p bearin~l the Hams t~Causst' e 'the sh~.p~ new survey and e~p ~? ~ 'eon 6 Januaxy :~~~U ~.n ?Lhe p~eaence oi' ~~he ~'ed~~al wa,~ pu, ~ ~.n sexva.c ?~ ~' ' ans ax~? J:~ was bu~.~.~ a.n ~.91.~~, di.sp~.aces "r'69 ~~'~' and r~(~a.s~;er of ~.r p r ~, the ins~xumen~,s needed a.n madexn exp~.ora~~.an and ~.s equa.ppcd w~~h ~ survey~n~. ~n ?~he Ka~.sex W~.~.hc~.m Museum a~ ~Kre~`e~.d an exh~.b~.~~.an on Lappland Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 ao ~a~nt~n~~s, y~~,tox co~ox~ ~ ~~ ~? ~~, ~~~y 1~~ '~aak ~Tace ~xom ~~ ~ ~, as ~~ e~l~~,l~a.t ~;?,a~at~,t~.e~. G~s~s'V ~a~ema~ ~''~ wed, anca dr~w~n~~s ~~ they L~~'e w~xe sho~? d ~n Ax smaxhavsn ~~' om ~ Q man ~' ~sh~n ~' a~,x was ~e~ '1hQ Gex o~ ~!{ ood~ ~xo~essc~x N~.k~as~ ~U, The ~'~sde~'~'a' 1~~,n~.,,t~S . ~.tted to ~~ ~~~ ~'9'' ~,n the nea~~ ~`utuxe ~~e a ho e tha'~; ~exme.ny m~,~ht " f ~M eac~~~xeeeed tha p ~, ~~ ~'e~.tersbo~ ~7 .' are the s'~~"end ah a~ he as equal ~,s,x~tnex a.ri wha~,a,n~~~ ' ~ (;~,uG'~ a o ~n a~.t~~.t7~Ox1 to ~'~`~ ^~ 0 ~'tixms ea,.h~,U~'~~ed tY~e~.x p~ o o~ ~~xeF~mE;rtt. ~ ~ 'es o~ assoca.ated ;i.nclustx~r anc ' ~ andu,s~a~i" numGxaua ba, ancla ~,~'~, ;,iYl ~,n~, er . ~.. ~resen't',edo ~ 1~,x,,c hal"loan ~u ~ s ac,~vc,r'ta.s:ink W~'1 c xe~ oa Gex?man ~~he ~.nd?, stry' ' OwS 't}tat 7.x1 this ~~e~d~ `~ ~ exman ~Jhc.~.a.n~ ~a ca.~'ty 5r o;t' 'the G .~ ace wa.th dcve~.o~ments~ ~.nclust~'~ has lte~ n ~;,. .: arxd ;Oanr~'r> ~a~,~~.~.~ const~'uctec~ ~~ubm~~' o~ ~'~ ~l~e ice woti~~,d havo ~;a be cud op@~~ ur~c~ex ?I~Y~e ~a~a~,a ~,~;~ ~he~~a ~,~~ ~'ox b meads o~ e~eGt~;~a.ca~..~,,~ hog ema~~e~~cantra7.~.eci m:l.ss~.~.c~~ p~,anc~s o~ r ~~ ~ ~~ b Swc;da.sh bra Txr,Yde ~~_ to de?~aa.l.cc1, ~.nvesta.~;a~~,or Y Accoru ~ ~ ? r~) ~i,c1 na~~, d~.e ai' ca~.~1 but ?~~ ~ o~ ?~ he Anc~~~~~e e;a;,pG~?l,z.t~.or~ ~ y r tl~e merabr.z ~ ~ ~Ioz~~~,-c:~~~ ~~n ~:n~r~;,~w ' :~ tra.c.l~a~nous po1,~~r dear t1~'a~,~r a~' the c~,n~,u,nlpt~.a~~ o ~ ;i.?~sl~c~~,~etl la~~ve a ~. ,.,llc~c~n ?Lh~~'~ t1iG pa~.ar ~~c~,~~ o~ ~ ~~,~.,~a~laiane 1~~~~re a f,otns c~~ .. ~ ~ c ;? ~.~ ? ~l~r. 'l'xy~,` ca,npar. ed the s,~p.. h~.~;lti nc:+.c~ence a~ ~L.c~.cha.n~~ ?, ?r~ a~,~'pe~ex~~~A . ~ ,< .arthern sea a.n`~a basa.ns that had been ass~~med until. now. ~ system of rides anr~ swe~.~.s is aund es ecia~.l, around Jan Mayen= and this system, may bo considered f p Y be the coats a~ the ~t~.an~~ is Ridge. ~n additian~ ghat was hitherto to ~k,he northern hydrop~Taphic boundary' of the northern spa in the faxm ~' the Nansen ~Sp~.tsber~en) Swe~.1. was conf~.rmed in much mono sau~hern 0 latitudes as the Spitsber~~n (Hansen) ~,~.dge~ whi1,e in the h~itherta Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 __ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 a~sumod ~a?t~~tuda only ~ d~scon~t~nuau~ pA~a~ ~wa1;~ ca~~ bo foun~~ ~n the same nu~nbor ~pa~es 1.~~A~~) John ~t~ox~~ ex~~,a~.ns h1~s va.ews an the o~a.~~.n of high al.t~tude s~or~m~ abQV~ D~~~a~l~ ~~r~.~. S~.nce ~9~~ nt~r~tl~srn h~,~h A1t~?~ude s~to~rns ~~ he~~1h?ts of ~ to ~r ~~x~.ometr~rs a,nd ~,ast~,n sever~1, days have bean obse~~ved abo~Ie ~cs~ ~.anc~~ Gx~AOn~.anc~ and the C;rc~en~.and Sear ~~ is be~,i,eved that tYle~e ~x~eat:Ly acce~.~na?raed a.~^ mf~sses Yap?n~:~a^s,~k~s far sou~~h so~.c~.y by v~,r~u~ a~' ?thc~.r mass a.nertl.a~ w~.thout re~;~rd, to the ~~^sv~aus~.y exls~~.n~; ai.r prsssure fie~,cY and that they can exert oons~.ciea^ab1.r?, ~.n~],uencs upan the er.~.st;a,n~ Ym assure :~'ield~ Tn the meanta.me sucl~ high a.1,~? ?ta.?~~udc s~to~^ms have a~.sc~ bson desar~.bed abovo ?~he US as "~e~s?treams" wh~,ch her e~ too ~.ead to eyc:Lo~;enesa,s .and proUab~,y correspon,ra 'to o~~r ~'~'rontal pones"o ~eax~;~, emphas~.zES quite r~.~h.t1.y that a,t is d~.:~f~,cu~.t to va.sua~.a.z~ a s~~.f~amp~.i~'~.cation m~cllana~sm at ba.~h a~.M ?ta,~udFSe A SpGC~.~~1. chs,rac~Le~Mistic off' the ha.~h G~.titude s~torrrw which cPrtaa.n~.y cannot consist of co~.d po~.ar air ~'ar s~tabi~.~.ty rea,sona ~.s ?the undif'fexentiatp Yx ensure field in the lowest h~.~h?a7.t~.?Lude 1~~.~.o- meters~ Y''rom th~,s it must be concluded ?Lhat neither ~'rorito~;eneta.c readiness ~.n the ~"orm o:~ ?the p~.^ssone~ o:~ d.~.,f~'eron~t~.atEad a~~~, mas,~as nor a cosr~pc~nsat~,an far any poss?~ble cold air at ha,~;h alt~,tudes was av~,a.~.able belowe NO~,`CH:~~~i E(JRO~ r~he director o:f. ,the toura.st a;c~an~.zation a.n Lappland, ~Iark~ ;panda reports that new ~trave~. destinations are Ito be made ~,va~,la'ale ?~o ?I;he tx~~ve~.er beyond the Arctic. Circles ~'he h:1~h ~poa~nts of such a Future trip rota the land of the midn~.~ht sun are to be Sp;~ts~? ber~en anal the ~.ce wastes o:C the polar seas With the a,irpo;~t off' Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved. for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 ~, s~ax~t~n~ ~o~n'~ suc~~ an l~,~haux ~x~p ~,~~;Laa ~n nay^~al~~~n ~w~c~ar~ a~ ~ dal~.ar~~~ as ca~,cul~.~,ed by the 5wae~~s by aa,x shc~ul~~ ca s~ abau't ~ ~p s,~.rl~ne A~Ao ~m~~,nr~~~ ~e~~,on morethan QUO haneyw xn the ~~.ara a~' the Mu 'n~'t~.a1 ea~~aer~~.mF~n~s wa.'th bee swaxme~ caxr~.ers have been.. ~ou~1d4 ~ e a j,~,c1 'to Dave .shown exc~;~.~.en'l~ resu~.~ts ? ~;xans~'exred ~to ~;h~.s z ~~~.an ar ,. ~ ~ dr~r. c~u ck ~opula't~. on a ~ 7 ro rl~'y 1,n ardex 'to i.i~crease th~ e~ ~ d ~en~.nsu~.a ~,ltic duck e~~a are col]e cto a.sl.ands on 'the coast a~' 'the Kola M ,ached 1n special.:l.y coz'~s~tructed broed b ~,ussian ax~na.~tholo~~s#~s and. ha ,. ~ ~ ' h~ oun~r e9.dez^ ducks are put- a.n~o ~11e bar l~ mo unda a ~ y ~.rl~; s'tat~.ons on ,.her ~thereo ~lumerous ar~tif'a.c~.a~. nests ~~hc b~.rd nes'ta ~o de;ve1.o~ fur lace ~; ~.at ro cis ~d axe ~l~dl~' aace}?~ ed as a P are a~.so eon;~'truc~;ed on ~ dexdow~. ar'ture o;C the b].rds samE~ 20 yams of. ea ~to breed. After ~eI? ~,s 1.e~~t a,n each ne3'L'o i.n 'the se~'L'lcmen~s on ~~.r. en~ts Sea con 3~ years avo k~aus~.n~; ~truc~cd of heavy lava sealed listed a~ b~,ackhauses wh:~ch wexe cons the :E'i.rst br~.cl~ bu~,ld.~.n~; was erected wa.'th cau~.k~.n~~ W~~en ~.n :1.99 , r ~ ed ~to be a r~.sky a~'s'aa.r? Dur~.n~; the a.n Murmansk b17~s convex,~~.an seem ~ ~ a .~ ~ ~ ve Year ~lan.s ~~urmansk de~re~.a~ed ~,nta ~er~.ad a~ the :~~.rs~ two ~' ~ ed~.~ es wir~,e st~~eets~ numerous cul~~ura~. ~o1ar city ~~, th modern hour ~ ~, a.ncreasin~, trade. dub ~n ~:~ es and ~'ac ~,~.ta.es ~'or the constant y ~. C k was lar~e~.y des'troyed~ ~mY~ed~,ately the Second World. War Muxmans be the xecons'txuct~.on a.~ the c:~~ty was ax'~er the end o ~ ~~he war ? ~ fence atherEd in src~ta.c xe~~oz~ an the bas~.s o~ const~'uct~an exper ~ res~.dent~,a~. bui:~d~.n~s o~ 7 a~ad ~ ~, the meant~.me. `~aday 'there are ~, ~ ed w~.th alb. madern canven~ence~o, stox~.es nn St~.~.n Streets e~,u ~~ . ~ undcx cons'I;ruc~t~.an an LPn~.n Str. ee~t~ A ~~,~h bu~.lc~i~~s are a~.so Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 _ __ . __ _ _ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 { a.s to ~~t~.~,n acu~.~tux~~ ~~ a~~p ~xam~c~ by ~~'~~' bu:~~~~.~1~;s ~~u~,xR ~~ ~us~~.a~ ~'~~~~ ~rp~Qroa^~ the ~x~a ~C~L~~ . r, ~n ~9~0 '~.~sue~ ~ cn~~x~ '.~Ce1sn~~.c ~aae~~a~ au~,hQx~.~~.ea the ~-Ca~~ cape i. c,a~. . ~ ,~,G an px~~~t~,on a~ hsk~,a with ~ ~~~:, off' at:~,rnp;~ th+~~ A-~,~ ,, ~:Cea.andic, ~;ra~ah:i.c ~ax'~~.s~~ ~te~s~~ ~.~~ " ;t,arn~ 'o'ho dssa.~3ns s,rc~ b~' ~I~hC z c.,aJ. J ons,aon. a ~ ~ 'a.sha.n~ boa~t~ Cru~`~Gl~ a,n ~cea.ar~- ae ,tembor ~.9~aO BOO ~~o~et ,~ ~n ~ . ' ACS he:c'ra.n~', Can b~ found ~.n a.a~?~,'e dz,C watex'a wh~~'e an noxma~. tan r sa t11a~ canth. ' Tlza.s y~Ea~~ tY~ey wc~ P ~~a,5sa.n~;, qu~r~a,t~.~'s dua^i,n~ t~~~~ m ~r baat4~ harllan~, bef care ~.cf t llana.sk1 and Nor~wa~a?:u~ f a.sk~a.r~,:, ~w~c~~.sh~ the ~.bov~-~namc,c~ wa~~r~a r SP 1:T C1~LT~.G~~N the I e s Coary'~ sl~bmar.:cn~ U ~ ONl ~,'~ and 2a. ~e~,tc~mbe~' ~.91~.~~ ~etwec~l da ~ ~ri dsd nn a voy'a~e of ona.y' ~ Y u~~der Ca~snde~^ ~Crr~.o succ,Ce ~ ~j) . w~.~ho1,m ' ? er e~1.'s i~or~thes,rit L~1da ~~ra.th ~' Ca.s~rumnava.~ata.n~ Spa.tsh ~as ~oS5~.~~~.~ to obc;oxve the tovo~? r~ on board? On ~ha.s trap a.~ w ~ u x~eser~ts ~e~7 rPmo~'~t~ is~.and wY1~.cY~ 5ti~.~. P ,.ra h7.Ca7 subd~,v~s~.on of ~~ha,s . , ?'ts: a.m 't'he C p ~ rP ~:~,st~.n~~.shes the ~?~.~.p~n~ paa nc,~~thern c;oa5t ?. ~z^~,nCe Oscar d and f oo'~h~~.:l. coun~~~r f o ~' the f jor ~? d as of the No~'t~1west ~? the maun '~ Land 3 ? ~h~ ~:~.at stony dun ~' r' the taba.e.. past of M~~x~ch~.son ~'~orc~. ~? ~~ e ha.1:L Caun,?~r~ soutY~ and ~' 6A the ~.ce~'~'rC~ ~~.~~ nuthwes~~ with .ts ice cads .and in the s as ~n the great a.Ce brew. ., ~.'he ~,reat up~.~d iCe.~mass ~a,sC~La.G~ ~ d ? ~'~~.e ~~,iCier ca~.v~.n~ d south ~~ the ~.;~a.and ~ ~ nff a.n the cast s,n deg I~~OM~~,nc~os a~1~~ of ~Yio ~tnn ~Jep~'es,~a. _ _ __ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 _ _ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 ~' ~ ~,tsbe~r~~n~ ~ ~c~xt1~~~,~'~ ~~.~cumn~vi~~'~ian a p vas ~~~~~~~~ G ~AI~~~ """, ~ ~ul~~,'~.cat,~Qn' ~t~novox ~F~ncY~ ~ I~cal~;~r~~h A~~~.v~x~~~'E~ exec`~e~, dux~~n~r..~he sumro~x ~a.~a~ a x~~s~' ~ tat~an was 0n ~~'~ ~ l~ve~ GsY,[ca.~,1,~y sm~ex ?~ ~ , ~'a~~~st a.~1. ?hahM Axca~~~.c ~rac~ ae a~ ~.9~ac~o ~~~ ~~ t1~e .. ~~s,~ar oc~uiYat~ter~t afi: '~hcir owr~. he,vc ~ r~s,r~~.o st~'~~.on ~+u~ na ~'~~,d.G" hies that . , ,~~ ,~~~, s,~~ro~~;h to .the aa~~s~ caa~,~ ~ ' ~, caW ra~,ar ~~i~~J.G~x1 'W7.a,~. Si~~~ ~. kt~., ~ n ab1~ e~s~.er ~ra ~outi wo~the~'+ x ~~ C~a~1iT~.~ANI~ a ~, ~ ~ is bec;om~.nFf, even maa~~,; ~~ctive ~~ nee tYte ~.'i5~a~,n~; ~.nctua~.zY a ~;um 'G ion e,:~ o ~.:~ a.s thcr e ~ ore ,. w~~,?k~G~'a anc~ s~.r~cc ~h~ con ~ oa.~, ~a.n Gx~e;c~n~.and n;l.es ~t~~.vo aecidc~ci Lo e~^c,c~ .~a. xisincr 'the 7.ar. ire aid. com~G~ cans ~:,an Y off' ' ~ ODU tons- ~prab~,b~:;~ . , , , , ~,~n,rl.~ ~,,1'l a,r>ziuei C011ati1'~~'~~on dca'~,ota a.n GzcEn ea r ~'uw1, o~.~.~ ~ie;ae'~. oa.~.~ ~~pOG tans b me,~x,~c .,,.. trax~sle,tor) o.~ ,, OG tong f';~e o~.~ne o ~ app ?~ans ~e;t~aieu~~ r~nc~ ...y ~.. n ' ail, o then ~ ~rcer~~.endcr ., .s,ncl ~.s the :l.~~ncl, wa.thaut e, ~ ~ ~ GreF,n~ rn~n~ liven Kira is that he a.~ ~, Cx1:f(lC i~h~; 'If1~.X7.m'llm ~L1n7.8h Camr~~.~,s ~ ~ ~e~.~ consM ?are? '~h~.s moral. de~ra~~,at~.?n >.w ~nrbiddpn to entF~a" and et ciao s~.y' ar,,~. Y:~ain:~'u:~~.;~? e ' Sh US~i~~, ~~l,thar~'k~.e5 R ? val. o~ dour Y?~'s ?khe ~lan~. P Afi'~e~ry an ~.'ntex Au.us~', ~.y~G~ reen~.a~nc~~~ e~i'ec~~Ve ~.~ ve issued new s~~~amps fior ~ . a~winF, clenaw h~ is xX is a.ssued g,n the ~'o~ marl these ~ bu;~t o~ ~ ceder ~ Q Oe~~e ~reena A ~ .~ ~ een ~ oere bua^~;ua~d~'M~ ed' mins,~,~.ans' 1 Oe1Me b:l.ack ~r ' CF;'i '~Gus~av ~a:lx+ltt e~ 2~ Qere xec~.~ 'the arc?k,ic ves~ ~~ Ge~~e ~urp~?e an ~,he ~a1.~.owirig dr~~aor~ir~a~ion~~: own in Front a~ ~n a,cebe~'~ on ., i~, stampe a.s sh nd ~ C~^owns reds 'the for l,ra ''p ae~~e biu?~ ~ Crown ba^o~ ~ ~ the des~.~ ~, h~x~ va~.ucs ~,or, ~.~ant~~.~,~ ? vert~.c~~~Z~ s,rr~n~ed~ tl~e h ~ A ` ;vex ~.s den?k~ ~'accabs~n? e b v~.g~'a ~~~ thy. Vin'' ar ~' Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 __ _ __ _ _ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 ..~ ,~ ~"~,aw~.n~ ~n~c ~h~ A'x'c'r,~,c ocean `~,~e f~~ the aov'le~ xa,vox,~ ~ec~ u~ by ~ '?~ mc~~~~~ k~~~h d~tn ~ Ica by ~tle; ~'~.~~'~ ~u 'tae ~o ~la~ ~ ~ ~? Q~~ ~ ~'~,o~W aau?~hwa~xc~~ wh~xe `Gher'~ '~~ a ~cax ~YLr~~ In ~hf;~ ~i,~uxe ;~.~ w.~la. ~ ea~c~d ~.~ hcpec1 ,~'ax^?~a.le coun~~ wa.1~. be cr c~~ off' wa?~ex and whG~'e ~~ . , ~ . v~.xl ~,ea^ mana~;emc.~n~,~ A S~,la~x~.~r1 aca ha ~ by p~o~~er a.r~~~.~a~~.c~n and wa ~~ ~;rr ~tinct a ca~~c~ea.'Gy a~' la ~ ;;QU c~~Y~~?c; .n. a~,^ea o~ ~~ ~ OC~O ~qu~,rc 1~~.1.am.,?~ ~a ~~'ram ?~h~.a l.ar.~ca~a re;~~,x~vaa.r a?n. ~ e k~.~.amc~:~~~re ~ca].~,a. be crc~a'~~eda Sea ~'ar ?~he wa?~c,x ?~o Flow ~.n?~o Ax ~,~. wo~1.c~ a pa'~h mua'L' be r.,~,eared ea. Howevex, ~,h~ Tux~~al Maunba'~n~ enc~ ~'x~om ~hc;~^e ?~o ~17,~~ Caep~,an S o :, cr Et~.eva?~ioT~ off' 26 me?raex~s above Lh ~.a.~ ?i,n ~11e way, wa?~h an av~~~'ak,e ?~rer~.ck~ a.5 b~.ae~ed x,n~~o ~hec~: of ~;,hc.t'u?l~lxre Sibc:ra.an ue~~ ~ ~ ,, ~.PVe~. c~bexs (sa.c: ~) deep ahd x,20 ka7.ametez ~ mount~alhsa makan~~ a cu'~ 2l. rn, ? ., ,~, ,~11 a.n a~.1 ?thie s~~pp~~"" ~rlth a 1rrc1;~~(~T' dep?~h o.~ ~ a ~ mc?lac x ~,an~ ~ ,~ and, ciee tend ~ou?~h ~;h~^01111 22 7.aC .e o r,ana~. will, be 9~o ka.lomc~er,~ ,~an~., r ~ ' e ~~a abi;a~.n hyd~^ac~.e c?~~na. c ?~s~;~;l.l~,~,~.on;~ made 9.1., pa,~~,a.bl ~~ura~,rou~ ~~m ;C ~hl~ way lt~ i.s hoped ~,a cor~vc~~~?L an awes on a ~l,r~~rnendav.e sca~.ea ~+ , p , anc3. ~{'ranee i?n?~a :~~:x?~ ~.lc a~~~.w ea, ofi,' ?~1aE comb~.n~~. e~,,2c; o~ C~e:~r7leny ~ ' mated ar , , . ~ e c?ts a~s ea~a. nst~~uc~~ion, ~a.me for ~hc~o prc~ cul~~ux'a~. .and. '~Y~.e co a?~ 1~ ~o ~ years p ~A13D0~ e accsee~,b~.e a.n Labxador ~hrnu~h Hu,c; axe deparaa.~,e are ~,o be mad ~., W~.'~h an a.nv'ee?L'men?~ of lea ?~0 20U Amer~.c~~~andd~.an caapsra~~ans ~~?~,a:~.1,at~.on a:~ Nax~?~h Amc,ra.ca ~s ' l~.ian d.o~].~"~ the ~ax~ea~~ m~,n~.n~ ~.na m~. ,? ' ~ ra~~.raad ?~a ?~hp w~? Lcwrence 1~,a,r~er ?~o bs set up here. ,~ 3C~~ m~.~. ~ Grea~a ?~he me~al~.ur~;~;ca~. een?~ex s an ~~hs and ~ n;ew ~,.~,anc1 wa?~exr~ray ~a ' bu~.~.~ ?~o ~rans'por~ bhe o~'~o ~,~,k,es ors bc~.n~ . Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 d~,scc~v~~~~c~ ~n ~abxacivx~ W~'th a Via" ~, hu~P mc~t~a~~ cxu~,cx way boo ~,#'~,CS~' ~~ ~~.r lax~~x the that ~~a mctex o~ ~ k~,~.c~rr~et~~~;~ ~~hc cx ~;~x~) o `~'1'~e x~.m cad' ,rho ~~^~~~x ~rc~~~ ~,n Ax~~c~r~~, (~':~amc~tcx ~~~ ~~,~,c~rn~ Cra ~r~,s~ae~ o~ the ~~~,ava Snap ~ ~h~ a~~sea ~qq me~t~rs s,l~cave the ~,rY ,,~ ~.~ .E~~.~.lt~~. w?~,~tYi ~z ~.e,e?cave~~ed ,~ak~a a.rt~tE~s~ia~^ o~ tha c;xatc,,r A1,~S~ ,ed to a map off: the Una.tN;c~ S1,atos ~.~~ x~' Alae,l~a ;~s trs,ns~e~xr . ~ , ~ cover an a~~ea oxr,r~ :f ~.f'~tl~ tlns,~t o.f: can. be seen the,'G ~Lha.c:~ ~rac.a^r~.tory' , from l~Yis,r].e ~tan~ South Cax1o1,a.rls, tq tY~e United S~~rate s and ex~aenca.~ ,. , , distance .From thE; nor ~thern ti~~ o~ X05 An~elea, Ca;l.x.f orna.a. Fhe . ~ Q 1CilGPllet~'7'S and the di,ataricG ~ti, lca to the Sav~.et Unz.on ~s o~?y ~ A1.~ ~ ~ l2~ 1ca.lomcM naval.. base an Ke,mchatka ~~ ~?: to ~~he ~.mpax~an~t ]~uss~.aan _.,r nearer ~~~ laslcd ~.s a~.~a sever~~,l hunclrecl ma.lc~ ~~ersa Ketch~lcan, A ometers closer I~Ia~ a~.io 1'oa.nt garraw is 3~C ka.l the; PanaY~a Gana. than ~ a Moscow. . ~;~r Yoi^k anc~ ~C1C~ ka.~.ome~~ers closer t ~ ~car~.a.n khan to N . ~ 9,rnt a7.so pass; throv.~h Alaska wha.ch ~'hc shortest role-~es to the ~' ., ~,~? er Censers o:F the warla than thc. Un+ is actually closer to the pow se off.' .the Panama Canal. and ed States proper, ~~v~n far the de.Een t . ~....~,~, located :From the viewpoint off' d~.s~ the y,~esi; Coact Alaslta ~.s be L ~~ e ~.tal a~.' A].s.skaa Juneaux a.s an the sam Lance than Y~awa~.i~ Th.e cap b ' tlan.c~ end ~er~en! Nar~ray. Y~ aa.rbanks latitude as ~unbath~ Sca ~ un~ . ~,a. ,bark9 Sweden and Amat~.~~ to ~ cor~~espands in ~,a,t~,tude to ~o ra ha.cal 1~evicw~ 2~ ~95Q, l~ 7~~q kirk. (,. ~?.~= Y~tund~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' shin ~ caunt~ in the war~.d? Alaska is the lead~.n~; salmon ~~. ~ . 1, d alan.r~ the ~'a,ci~'~.c coast same ~. Vin. about ~,Oa canner~.es d~,s~,~~.bute ~ , ed salmon. ~~'~ packed s.nnua~.~.ya '~h~.s me~ to ~ rnil~.ion cases o~ cann ~~ ~ n ~rar~,d. production ~.s ~d pc~rcen~' a th~.t ~h~ Alaska's share ~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 . b~ ?vcn ~~~~?~' '~ n s0m? yA~x~ o wh~,eh ~s su~l~o ~ ~d ~? n ~ s,~~,?n Sw~s`~~bx~~a~^i~ a~~~s~s~v'~ dcx~ the cQdQMnarne cad ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ Un p n ~,~~,v~,s ~oolc ~aa,r~c,Q a.r~ Alas b Cant~c~~~n snd am?r~.r~ o~.ax' ~,,nr~uvcrs ~' d b _o~~ice~'s ~~h spea~~ qo ,~,bs~ were d~rFac~e ~' b ~~ ~~,uar~' ~~~a ~; or~ed nonMS~?~ ~ . ew ski. x?~;~,mcn'G a 'wog^e ~r ~ 1 ex~p~r~,snceo A ~ ? e o~ ~~,~ CCU 1ca,~,ame?~er5 0 ~,hs~e ? fi,o A1.aska aver a c~~s Banc ~r~m co~,orad . a a~,a,ans ~.n the Arc;~~9.c ~,n, bs ca~'?~ t~~ sllawec~ ~'~hs~', m~.1~.'~c.x~y~ opc,x ~rc~~~.c ~xa~.xiW rnan~llVE, ~ E? C~ ~? ~ un~~~s wYa~.ch have: reCe~,veri ~'~ x~,rd out, only' Ya,~ smz~~~. .~ .,~ Cen~~,~l^ade arc~~c ~aax' ~.s ? ern era~~ure off' m~,rius I~,Q dc~;rec~ in~~ A"~ a ~ ~ n.~ras~ ?~i ~Y~esE ex~er,~?~ cam "l.e~e 5~snd~~~~.~.~.~ :ln co sa~,d ~;o come ?~o a ~ ~uat~amr;d ~~a ?~hE arc~~a~ amber o~ Y~u.~, s ~,an r.1~.v.t. s ~.ons acc encc'~~ a fax ~? nti .~ ' n ea; ~~ern 5~.bex'~.a an ~~he saris ,. , ~^~ said ~;a be s~;a't~.onccl a. , : oxca end c~.~.ma?~,e ed by an e~,cellen~ axc~~-c ~~~r a.~,ude as A~.ask~a' a su,~apor ~ ~,a~ ~ c'p k~,lome~-~r ~.an~ x~a~.raaa bo con,b7'ucb a ~ ~ ~~ ~, sans there ark ~ a~ 6~UOC ~.n~ ' nc;e Ceor ~e ~ a comm~~ l,y ki' aa.rbanks, A1.askas ;from Y'ra. ~? ~ ~r~,~~,ish Co'~.~:~~b~.av Casi~s a're ' ?~he Canadian Prova.nr.E o~ hab~.~'~an.?ts ~n 'banks ~:,h~.s r~,a.lx~oad a.s ~o can 0 ~,~,L~.on d.o1.~.ar ,. At ~' a1.r paced a~ ~~ ~~~ ~,he Alaska 1~.aa,~.raad ~o Anc; o. - the bU0 ~,1.e ~.ona rna~.n ~.~.ne o.~ necb ~~r:~?Lh ?uc~,a.on ~.s ~a be seen ~n the ~'ar ?~his xa9.~.roacl cons~~. w ~ ier ranee 'lY~e reason ?' ons ~n bhe ~'ar l~or`~h n,c~.~, evez7.~ o~ m~,~,7,taxy opera?~~. ~'ac~ ~hat~ ~.n the ?~he sea ~,an,c;s woua.d be ab~.e 1~~. hwc?~, nor an aa.r br~.d~e nor ~,Yxe A~,can ~ ,~,~.an o~ ?~h~.a 1~.ne su~~:~~.es su~~~~.~.es. A~'?~er com;~l.s bo asSUrE ~,he necesss'~ ;scan and Canad~.an armen~~ w~,~hou~ re~,oad.~.n~ ~rorn Amer cou.~.cl be brou?~h~ ~,~ aparb ;dram bhc stra~,e~ e depv~s a~ ?~he A~.askan armY~ ~.nM c fn~ers ~o th . ~ e sre econam~.e consa.dera`~~ans ;~,~'~.canc~' o~ ~h~.s 1.~.ne ~hcr which are ~a.c s~.~ and o~ e~ren be es?~~.r~s,~~ed ~~oday vol~'ed whose a.mpor~sn.c~ .Cann e?~~~~.emenb arLd ~,he econom~.c e for ~ rea~.~-~' ~ar~e~`sc,a~.e s ~, prerequ~.s~?~ ve~.o~m~n'~ off' A~.~ska de Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 ~n~-o the ~~dexat~,?n ?~ G ~,ag1~a was a~n~tted Gn !~ ~axeh l9~ e ~g?~ ~ta~e C s~q! J ? tha ~n~~sd ~t~ates as ~~ ' + LANG 1N ~H~ A~C'~l~ w~~i~x?N G AND aLA tt~l~sn by the Smallw . n to the ~s,xents ae~ ~dex The axpad~t~? ~ leldad 6?~ o~ SunnmbxP and ~msdal Y alo ~'~,shexs' Sales Company estic market? ~Wh was disposed a~ on tha dam ans of whale meat w~1a.ch ? worlds ~., 19`~0~ 1, 61)? ~~'~,schexe~welt CF~.sh~.n~ seasan o~ l~ ~w~e to `~ Aurin~ ~t~he seal catah~.n~ s field is ~1~9 a~,,~,s Less seals wera killed phi ~ ra, ~gl dux ~ elands has been - li.n in the pra.bil~~ .tin lgl~8~ Since 19.0 sea. ~ r ~~ lai~a? than ~'hxougln xutble,~s ~ era.can Gavexnmen'~? carried on by the ~ ced ~o ~3~aQ00 inda.viduals . bex o:~ seals had been xedu t~.on the nom overnmen~ ect;~ve meas~'es o~ the US ~ ~, 10. Thames to the prof. ~ the by y On the basn.s o~ boxed 3 ~~3~,000 by 19~a they again nom e Canadian govexnment receives Fur Seal Law o~ 1g~4 ~h ~ .mated ~,laska eax. xt ~s est. ?~ off' th.e furs abtained each ~' about 20 perCen s o to the ~'ribilo~'s to have QO ercent of a1.1 fur;,~sea~. ~ that p amounted to. w ducts obtaa.ned in sea].irlg their Yaun~' the by p meat arld 26 tons bady oil. s .blubber o~.l, ~~O eons seal 6~ tort 1 0 1, ~) C~'~,shin~ Worlc~~ ~?, 9~ ~ (kw~.s~ ch~rea.W,.. ~, in the Arctic b~y the sma~.l- whale most ~requent~.y cau~h The ~~ a area a~' distz~ibution a~' thin. ors a,s the dwarf wha~.e. Th whale ~~sh ~ n a length o~ ~ to lU of the ~rooVed whales, attaa.n~. ~ srrral.~.est it is found in northern watexs y rs is ~woxldwide. ;Cn the swnrnex ~ ~ ~ ntw mete ' b e f c;us~d ~n ~hc A horn swnmc~ it can frequent~.~' dur~.n~ .:the snot ? ~ err ~ _ T~ris des~.ation is ah~ Whalers c~1.1 h~.m ~~~ arctic Oce Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 supposed to have o~~.ginatec~ frUm a ~'Terman by the harae of Mei~cl~e o was a wh~alsr n?ar wand F'oyn ? 't'he dwarf whale is .Found singly wh Ax In rau s of 2 to 3 animals? T~ may c~,ra~,e dr~,ft~.ng ships f'or ~ P hour, s since it i~ not at a~11. shy, but gL~ite curious ~ Not until ~,'~ has moved in ever ne~xrowing circ],es and. touchQd the side of `fie ~~i with its 'snout dogs it move on. ~t can be easi~.y recognized p b~ the sharply outlined white cxoss~-stxip? on it~5 bxeast fin? The vessels used fox catcYlin~; sma1.1 whales have an average crew of ~~ men. with approximately 304 vesse7~.s a total off' 1, 200 to 1,300 men axe 7.nvolved? Even ixl a good season the grass profit is said to amount to not moxe ~trlan 1,000 to x,000 Swedish crowns? (~''ishi. ~'axld, 2, 194, 8, ~-2y~26) ? On ~.3 ~ugus'~ 1954 the motor~trawler -t~lxktis" built fox the k'irst German Whaling Company off' Hamburg made its sha~Cewd.own and trans~'er cruise from the l~iel Howald~t Shipyards to Ilamburgm Both from the point o~L' view of canstxuctian as. well as d~,mensions the t~Axl~t~.s" must be consid?red a special type in our ~'a.shing fleet. r~he d~.rnpnsions axe: ~.ength between saunding~?].eads 36 ?~ meters, beam "~.9 meters and freeboard 1~.0 meters, With a gross tonnage a:i' only 31~s~-~ tans the s~li~ ~~n ha~.d 3,I.~OO baskets off' ~'ra~en Fish. ~ro:Cessional deepMses~ fishing circ~.~s 'are e~~7ec~.a:Lly in~- terested in finding out whethex thn expected advantages a~~' the allM aluminum fish ha~.d w~.11. actual:l.y mat~;rialize? (~''i~,~o, ~;d, 2~ ~.y~0, g, 110}. ~OU~'~I POS~,~ H,i~GlOI~S Genera. items Cvmmado~e B, ~, Wa~.fa~d reports that the snap made by the Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 ? ~~avec~ e~'~xaord~.nax~~~' ed~,~~?n ~'g~8/~9 ~aYV p G~xtn~ ~~,~,arc~~.c ~ d pr~.~n1~~,~~.?n ~ the ape~'a. ~~ba~ ~he~ pe~~~~~ed xap~ ex ad~~ xs:~~ab~.e a ~o ~,n,~5wsc~.~Ya, ~pu~~h ~o~ax 'A ;~ '~hG ~x~.~~.~11~1~c~rw ~~~ ~ ~hQ ~G" ~~on~.~ axc~a a n~~~on fox d~.d nod w~.thha~d xeca~ ~' an ? Waa.~oxd ~-he~'a~oxe ~,wo ~1u~~-ex~'~e p~ane~ ?I,a. 'l.'he ~~' the. Gcxcn~ ~c~.en~~.~~~s? ~, ;,ace cum~~~.~.sl~men'~~ o~~ . ~ ~,pcatcd a 1and~.n~ p ,~ n thus nod o~.Y ea~~ ~ that wexe ~,aken ~'~`0 ~ o x~,phs a~.~o m~,ds campaxa. us~.n~ the Gex~me~n ~hp~ ~ u bud fax the "Nox~e~ , b i~he Gexri~na? ~~~e 1is,xmed ~.~. data even ~' sop f~,~~x-~s wY~~.c~1 ~,ot w exe ~~.~'~~ us cd w~,th two p~?ar~,e~ ~~~1~.~.1.~.~am ScoxE~~yu a,x1d .~~~~, exped~~~.ona~"~ s~iip 'the ~3ri s tz~~. ~altie a ~G m~n~ha A r ex "Ga;~,a~hea" ~,ntenc~ ~o Abe I~a~x~.~x1 ,,beam ~, the "b~~?e ~a.~hr` ,, ,an ~n pxdex ~~a reda.~co~'~~' to t,h~ An~,axc~a.c acs, ? , is ~i5h had d~.ed out n~anY' ad been as~umcd 'tiha~ ~h m~~Z~on ycax~ aka. e~~ed a na~~e ~o the C15, ~'p the Gavic'~ Un~.an addr In MaJ' ~~~ Chi,~.e and ~,x~er~~? ,, ~~x? cep New Lealand~ Naxwa~'a La~~~.ands ~u~?~xa].~.a~ ~u1,ur~; da.~cue"~on~ d ~a b e con ~u~.~ ed in ~~ tina, mak~.n~ 'tihe deman o~ ~,~,e ~n~aa^c~i.c~ ~~~'L~~'~ONG reached ,~de~.~.e ~,~-d a'~ ~,he "xc;nch ,(~~ax~c~,~.c ~"~ad:~~~.on ~1'he C and ~.and.cd a].]. equi~'mcn~. 'r~na.n of ~ abx'uaxy l~~n ba~~ ~ re ~.s~~.a~ed ~Y ~,ce mas~e~ ~rez~ ~3r~~~~h ~aie~.~is~~ wha w~ uax ~-? on ~~. Jan ~' ~re~ 2 ~eaxe were ~~,ckea up an ~ton~'~~~~ ~s~.and fox a , ~ ~~ ~ri~ ~~ aixp~e. ~'~' xescue v~~~e~. "Jain ~3~.Wcae ~~~G ~"~ th.e ~'~2nq ~ ~d. ~a~ ~~e ~.ceMb~.r~~~.er ~n of ~l~is e~ped~.~Ux.an xepar~ xhe mambe~'~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 f;ec~r a V~ ~aand ~.s cangtar,~ly xao?d~.n~~ ~n ~-t~~ oou~~~ v~' a 14~n~ ~ discavQr~d a sQ~es of nsw ~,s~.and~ that had, sme~~ Qp~day hike t~iay gsc~ fi'rom tk~s ius be~.t~ On a.q ~'eb~u~ry' ~.9~Q the axpec~it~,on verse. '~Norse~.~' any nounaa~ b xad~.o that a ~and~.n~ p:l.ace had ~bet~n found at 7~ ds? Y saes b minu~~es sau,th ~.at~.tudv mnd 17, de~;reEs west 7~on~;~,tudn~ a~~7, ba south of Cape Norve~ia on the west coast The spot is a sm Y of queen Maud Land Thc~ ~.aeation fax tl~e w~.nter q,uax'tsrs was chosen sues ~ ka.lomet~.rs ~'x~om this bay? 2'he ~'Norsel" b~;~an the return voyage on 20 ~'ebxuary ~.y~q~ qn 17 April. a.9;o "Da.scovery T~ " l~:ft '1~,~J,.and in oxder to x .are th,e ~,ast remaiY~in~-unltnown rr;gions of the ~n~dret~.c~ ep J une ~. q it war ra~~~ox~ted From l~ascoW t~l~t ~h~ soviet qn ].~ J 9~ ' intends to rind out a new exploration and whaJ.ing expediW una.on ti.an tc~ the An~;a~^ci~a.c, ar,d. tl~~a~ this expad~.t~.ox~ ~.s to ba u~~d.ax the corny?and off' Aleksey Solyaniks WHAUxNG During the wYialin~ season a~ ~.9~~/~q which ~.asted from 22 December ~.9~~y to 7 April lq~q the sYiooti~a~ of 12~q humpback wha~.es ~qq b~.ue wha~.e units) was a~a~.n pex~,a.tted~ +'ver since the ses.son o~ ~.~38/39 '~h,~ humpback wha~.e stack ~~ad been pratected~ '~he~^e axe p~.ana to bui~.d a haliocopt~~c with a harpoonM thx~awin devices where ~e haxpaon wild. be t~lx~own at .the whale ~.ike a bomb. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 _. _ _ . Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 ' axe way are ir~texh~~ioh~~, wh~7,~n~ co~~f~rehe~ ~n Judy ~,~~q tl~ caun~x~.ee lead ?aeh send thxe? to f~,~r~ dQ7,eM ~,n ?~1p to wh~,cl~ a.6 tiar~a~ canvent~.on~ on w~la~~g w?xe the sub~sGt gated r 'the ~n?~e?~?a an ;~~.r sx ~3vrgexaen (Norway} emphaea,~ad ~.n off' d~,6CU88~,onr Charm ~ ma~~,mum ar~r>,ua~, catch ~uot~ of ~,E~ ~Q00 his apen~.ng addxvss that tY~a to naw ~.~ toa a.~r~;e and absa~.utc'~y haci, to b~.ue wha~.e~ ~,n farce up ? ~, Exam thQ biolog~.ca~. point of view ~t be reduced. He c~.a.i,mc~d 1~kla a~.mum limit ir~te~?~r~~,ianaJ,ly fax each shou~,d be bast to fix a ma . ~ of wha1.e and not far a~.~. sp~;ca.es togath~;r~ Nor~- indava.dua~. spec~.e the be inning of the w~~a7?ing sFjason by 1~1 way proposed to sriaft 22 .~ecanber to 4 Januaryr ~~rticlra 6 of the ~W~~a~.ing days f xom u ~ q~ ~.1~6 wou~.d have to be charged according~,y~ ~~e US onventaon otection: ~'ax1 thy; s~~ex"ttl wkla7.a and ~~nga.and proposed nat desired pr d catch of l 2~0 humpback wha~.es before ~ to began the pernn.~,te ~ ., , ~ 'anal oints off' di~acus~ian were t~~e r~;~ula~ ~'cbruary 19~~.r Add~.~a p ".on ai:" ea.a is wha~.ing and the pasa~.bl~ admission o~ several t~ p g athcr cauntx~~.ea, among them Germanyr ~y rF:solutl.an of the conM ~~ ~ the sFasc-n is to begin on 2 January' in the future instead fF.x ence of 22 Dacemberr A~'tex the quota off' 16,400 .blue whales had been cal~ght the ~, 1~g ,~0 season was dec~.ared cloyed on l~ March lg~n9 three weeks 9/ before the of~'ici~l dead~.~.ner 18 ~,factorie~'a ~rit~~ ~~.~~ catcYters ' 'aced in .this seasoxx. Campaxed to l~l~~~~~ tk1e number of p~~z tac~.p ' ncreased b on~.y ~~r ~ir~Ce th.~a oil yield increases .with catcY~ex~ ~. y dvanc~ of the season the fatter wha~.es of the last weeks off' the a season unl'ortunate~.y were ~.ost tb.rough the ear~.y termination thy, ~ ~6w~7)r of the seasons ~Fish~~ r~r~d ~ 19~a, ~~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 a~~ i~~~bur~ as eo~r~y a~ ~~~~ and as early 2'h~ ~~r~t wha~,~~x ~ ~~, ~ w~1,~h a to~a~ crew a~ ~,OQO as ~.~~(~ a wkia~.~n~ f~.eet off' $3 ~~ p A ~o~a~, o~ ~,OOQ Green~.and voya~a~ for man ~. e~ ~ Ramhur~ ~iarbo r ' tc~d out drum ~lam~ur~~ J~ccardin~ to wands wha~ee arid, seaJ~ g~,a~r G i^msx~ hack, ~hxa? pvx~oc~~ off' wha~.~n~~ 4esau a ~' ., German Gxaen~.and vaya~es ~'vr w~la~.Ea and ~~.x~;~ p~r~~.od, r shor~~t ln~terrup~~.on by war, i.rtva~.vw sFals ,~rQm ~.61~3 to 1E l3, wtith ~.n~ ~a,aao tr~.p~ and ,aa,oov men, German Sauth Sea ~':~.sh~.n~ a~ the ni.~ne~-een~h Second period. W~.th 6a vvya~as from the homc~.and each vaya~e was a century. ' anon and ~,aeted ~ ~o ~ yaarw. ca.rcumn.av7.g German wh~,.~,ng (~.b voyages) `arid seati~ TYaa.rd per~ad, Recent c~ ~ 1~' ~ yin l war~.d 2, ly,~a, ~, 7 ~~ i 7 ) ing (~ voyages) x,936-~.~39 ( ~ r' a ? aa.n ~rticipatE.d ~,n w~t~.~.ng. A rcpxeeenM In 1.9,E a th.c U~ ~ p .in aom any :Cnc. sta~cd that ~ ,~ ma.ll,~.on tative a~ ~L?he O~.ymp~.c what ~ p d 'been m~.cl.e available ~a~^ 1,2 ships. Numeroue German do~.lara ha ~ed in t~~is voyags~ qz~ beYialf a~ the abc~veMnamed saa.laa^s ps,~~~.cipat '.on the ~'~.~~st Germar~ ~WheM1. .ng Go~nipany off' 1~lambux^g .had argar~izat7 a ~ ttin and ec~~a.ippa~ng of." this wr~aling ~~cet undertd~en thC, a~.tfi ~ which. was built in Kiel and k~ant~aur~g sh9.pyaz"da. Studienrat 'Kurt.Ruthe, I~al~minden ~i.'rri {,.. PY pp _ , Declassified in Part -Sanitized Co A roved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 ~3;~b1 ~.c ~x ~,~ah~r ~~~ ~~~'~~~~ ~'~'~.~~? ~.7,a~1Ga wa, r ~ ;~xcm~ ~;u,~ wc;:l,~kax`~er~~ l~t~~~~axA~.o ~r~cl~cx, ~~~,c~~~xd~ ~c~m~c~xa~r~~x ~~, ~~~~~ 3/~i~~ "~~ ~ 7~0 1~~c~cC~~ 3a ~ Urli~ch~~ , ,~ ~~~k'rla.c.k~.~~,~,~hc I~'c~,~ba.~,dcx ~,uc Kaxu~.a.cn~ ~cl~rn, ~~'x~cdx?~,ch~ Va~~,c~ ~~ nc~,r;?~ d~:~~ ~~x~c~~~ a.n dcn r~1'l-~;xcn ~~a~~~~a~,~cn. ]~ch~~ma~1~ Wa U~~ Wahnk~,r~r r~^ 'Ctundacxla~~ ~~ ~~~?s ~~ ~~-~ ~' ~r1?I.o fac,o~ ~ n ~ , ~ an dc~:r' nc~xwc:rya.~c~~w~chweda,~chwb~r~.~.i.~c;hcrl ~31~~~~h~;~n, .1aacYia~n. U~x k ~. An~~a,xk~G~.~~~a~pud~r~a.an 191.9 ~ ,, , ~' nll].rlG Ux~,an ~, 19~Qa ~~ ~~'~' '" 6rj ? }3o1:1,p~ 1' x'~?~,7~ ~ ~ ~.n~ ~ , , , ucl~rcll,en. ~3cx. ~~ ~ Ica:r~x~,~c~ zut^ StaLa.;~~~~.k pal~.~~~,r ~,u~~c~ Pxanr~'GnF;xy ~- atFwa a,ri' d.cx t1S?'~anc:, ~3ad I~~,,~~.n~;cn d~;~ ~eu~~~~~hc:n We;~t~rd~.en I I II .. , ~, ..1 kra~c:n de;7; Wu~~rre .s~aa.~ ? Na~u~~wisse~nsah, , ' 4n ~Ll~~a., ,~u~~uS ~ ~~~ ~~~.~.~r~,~ . , ~ D L ?~axr~,~a~~a.~rla ~~n~w ~ckll~.n~ K~.nad~~, ~-aa~x. 1)e~hm~~., ~~~.c h~~z d ~ . e }lcld d~;>:~ ;~z~k~t~.;~. ~~~ ~ laas~h c r~,us ~l~x~~l~inc? :~,u~ .e: llex ~o1.a~'~hr1nd ?M I I :~aada~'' ~ U~~~~~~'~s M~x~ ~.9~Q4 ,, IIJi k'L~,s" m F~.~~.;harc~.we~:r; ~~ ~,~~~, ~~ a~0. 1~' ~.c k, Il, I'~^abe;{ ahr~L dex x ~, .~~ ~ I} un . ~.n d~:~' ~.~^kt~.~ and ~~~~~ ~u~w~kung auk' d~.a ~ c~n~ a~ ~,~ur c.c fah ~ }!"a.schexa~,wa;J,~~ 2, ~.9~~a ~, 126. ~a.sc,haxca,. ~s ' ab~a~a and d:i.c ~~au?1.~~ke~.~ da ~ ~~o~ba~'~cha~ am Uba~' da.c La~.ch~ r , ~,~ 1+'~,scha~e~.wa~.~ 2, 19~0~ 7 i lQ3 ? Naxda flan r,. . ~ c~~crlcban. Lbexh? ~xackhG~u~~ 7,~a.e ~b~,d~;n +'i~.ak~nox, ~J~.lh.olin~ ~.~n Fars , l~~~a ~9~ ~a~ ~M ].lA M ? tl z,u e dax all~emaa.ncn ~,~timasp~a~'l,~c;h~n ~ixl~~la~~,or~ ~`'lahny H. ~ ~xund ~ tl Grund dax ~,a~oloisch~n ~ ~ ~~ebn9.s~a auk' day' ~ud~za~.b'rcu~a~ (a Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 ~~x~ ~~u~~c~~~~z ~a~~~ac~~~~~~a~~ ~~~~~;~~~~ar~ I~~ahti~~~b~n~,~u n ~xc;xi~.v ~'~ M~~;~ox~o~,~~~, Cc~o~hya~,~ timed ~~a~~,~m~~a~~~~.a, ~ax~~ ~; Ma ~~ax?o~.v~,~,a ~~d G~~a~l~~s~.lti~ ~d. ~~, ~.~~Q~ ~~~~ l; ~o ~c;harhrA~~~; IIN~ua Ma?~~~and~n da,~~ ~+I;~~~c~x~nsl,~sa uracl Wc~~~~~~~;jxa~., na~l~" urad d~.r~ ~'ni~~~r~.r; ~c~.u~g dox d~~~~~~npnsa,~ana~.~n ay'np~?L?.ilcr M~~epxo:~. ltiuric~~~c~aau ~, ~.9`~0~ ~f ~, ~~ ~ ~? ~~'a:~., Li. ~orin~a ubax~ L~r~;r~clax. Vex~~.~ ~~.~~, Jb~x~r~u~~~:r, w~.~~ ~.9~0 2~~ ~., I~alb~.. 1~Ni; 6.~(). ~';ra,i~s~eb?ra, I~I. ~. ~ ~anau~~ ~.s~l;ranona,sc~ae ~'os~.~~a.raraan boa. vc;rmessun~;~;~ uncl ~'axschun~s~'~.~.^~Gen. ~s7~~~~'~r,~ie ~iydrai~r. ~~~.t~~xlx~a..~~~ ~, ~.>~a, ~./2, ~.~~~ M ~~ Gablar, l~ei.nz s ~~tia~'~aben land ~a.e:~e de:~r nc;u~~~,?~~.~.~l~en nau~ischen '~'ecr~n?a.k. D~~u~;ar~kao ~-lyclrc~gx~~ ~a~.gsc),ax~.,f,?~ ~, ~.q~0, '3/l~, II II ~~tigG~,, ~ ~'rns~t ~ ~a.e e~~;~~ten ~Iauser au:~' dean -~ud~ant~ ~nan1~. Ux~;ian ,~, ].~aq, 19, '?1~. ~ 9Li.. N~;ua !~n?~.~xk?t:is.,~,~~~~d~.~~,an. ~r~.an 5~ ],,)y0, q, ~L.a.'r .. 1~~. G~~a~,, ~-rns?~ brad ~cu~.l~c~tua, I?X- ~~o ~;~1.SbGxga9 ~~"x.o~~ ~~ ~.9~a, ~.~, ~7~ "" ~~. it II II Gea~~g~., Japan. ~~achstuxme~ ubcx dar J~anemar~~cs?~r~, co ~F;u'r?clue ~~yc~~agx. ~raen, P. ~ Mi.dden a~ ha?~ Gxaen.~.aaad . ~lc;me:l. en Uarnpkr~.ng l~.8, Hagan, ,~sbjorn~ Napes on .I'~'c~~.r; ~'ung~.. Naxsl~ ~'o:l.~x~~..ns~~a.~u~~~, Sl~~.f'~tex~ Nxa 93, ~.9~0, 2~ p. Kx. ~.UO. Hauer, Heinrich; K~nada ~ Gu'~un~'~~s~.and atn I~axrlen, ~'~,~'ax''iMVer:~aga D~,r,1,a.n ~.9~~, ~~a S., G~~.. H1Ur 9?~~, Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 _ _ __ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 k~Q~~Q, ~1ax~_ ~~,o ~aua ~ad~u?~ur~~ van ~~,~~1~~~, ~a~~ro k~ur~d~a~~~~ n l=~o~,~~~~,f'~;1,, its. Ufa '~~'~~~~~~~~ dpi d~~.>,~~c~l~a~a We~~~xd~~n~~Q~ dar^ ~u~'~w~~~'~'a ~,n dox ~>,xk~L~,~ w~~~ix~~;~!d ~~e~ ~~~~,e~r~;, ~c~xo day d~;~u~sohan Wa~;~ard:~er~a~o~ ~n c~ex 1~~~~Qnc~, ~acl K~,s a~,naa~ ~.~~a0y I~fz~, ~.~~ ~.2g ~ ~h~ Ja~r~.av, 1d, (~~ ~ (~~~~sohe ~osi~z,r~cir~ttn`;c~xz von ~cr~~f~~b~;s~Go,~'~'~n :~~1 Mean^~~ ~~~.~~ux~r:l. asc;riscl~~,:~'~,E;;r~ ~~, ~.g~f~e ~~s ~~I ~ f~U. I~a.o:~n,~ol~~l~a.d~~, ~a~ns~r,, jus~~ ~ ~1bor .~,u.~b~,u ~und J~n~~w~e~un~ drr G~k~hvnrne Ma~Leoralo 1>'.1~ndschs,u 3, a.~a0~ ~.~~, ~. M 6 and ~/4, ~i~~ ~ ~:l.d ?I II itor~~ex~ i~iu~a; Are ~nde der '~del~ ~ ~J,x>e ~~~;rc,ak>,~ ur~~~ ~u~ deri ''].a~~rll-3~CT1 dc;;a ~grdanso -~a1.va~~axM~lez~:~ag M~:~ ~l'~~nnenb~,uer, a~ei.r,~'c~.dw Koc~~~, F'~ ~o ~ ~~.e bodez~xn~.hen W~usexscl~S.cl~~~un d~:~~ ~':I.e~'seeo ~~~u~.^w~.~~ scn~;ch~fi~~n 3`~, ~.g5o ~.5, 360,_ ' III ~ X11 x111 ~ II ? Ko~L'~l~a~,us, .~.dc~lE; Mex lcwuz d:i~,f~ ~~'~.scl~e von der ~ud~.~~.,.~nd:l.acl~~c;n l~u etc; k'a,eckle~^e .~wr~~~ ?~ ~?g~~), a., :1.2 ~ 13 a Kre7z~z, 1~~, ; ~odri~1.Lx~oS~~ Umsc~7au a0, 1g~0, w a li,b "" ~,"j o 1~~^?~,~~,~.ex, 1-~en~~yt ~i~~~.e ~n Ue~'an~;en~G~~~,~,~'~~. Urnscl~~au ~a~)~ 1.~~a~ g, ~"j9 ~ ~2? I I ' ~aa~erri~,i~~y John Kox~d. Le~~enskuns~~.er doa hok~~:x~ ~Vaxdenso ~~~ 13es~e ,~ ~.ua l~eade,r? ~ Z)i~es~Lo Jarru~.r ~.g,~Qa :~,udor:C~, '~?J~; l~ex ~~~.1 a~.s ~~,e:~ex~n~~ med:i.~a.n7.~ch ~r~.ch~~~.~e;r ~J~.xk;~~Lo~:~'eA ~'a.scherei~ae~~~ ?, ~95~a ~~ ~> ~ ~6~ Mayn~d, lti, Ho ~ ~~.d~'~t~e~~~,~ar, aJ.a~a.e9 Umsc~h~,u 54, ~g~'0, ~.6, ~Q~~ ~ U6. II fl ~~xeyex~, I~a.r~. He:i.nz; ~ryun~' J'~,h~~c; am ~'~.S ~J'~u~endbuch) a ~m~.~. Mu:I.~,Px, 'Wu~per~~,~,M~armen ~~~Qa ~3Q ~., DM 2n20w Mc~ de~.s ~~ e ~~~ W~xm~w~,sserhei~un~ :~urr~pas~ Bex~ des deu~,~chen 1rJct~~~er~ d~i~en- des in der ~~MGnnw, ~3a~d ~i ~s~.~~e~a ~~~U~ ~r ~ l?, ~~. ~ 640 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 ~, hn K~'~,~ ~lc,~ ~a~1w~~a~n~~x~tia~ ~~~~ k3a~,I~ ~~n~~~~d fax ~ ~~.~nd ~~~nd ~~~.4 h~ ~ ~'rf!x~]~~"~; ~1~l~dF;~~~ J~~k1x;'~I11~~~'~~~ti1.1~1~,~.Ix;~,G'kl~~' ~A~'~CI~Il~~a ~1f.1.1~1I'~%~n ~ ~~~ ~~ 1J~,a c1e:u'~~~:l~an .~x~l~,~'a.~c~~~'La.Qnaa~ ~.n din J ~~~u1an Nun Paz s 1 x~~x~~ t q ~ ,~;, Vex~.~>~; da,?~ ~~~P~ fiux ~-~x1c.~~~~;t,~r~d~a ~~lrzc~s~~l~?!; ~., l~U ~~ ,~?~~ia W~~nd~,; 10 QUU d~;ut~c;~ie~ Au~~~,1~.~~~~~:n ~,~~~' ~^~~7.;~~I'I~ un,r~ k~pl~b~r~~ U~.-~ , sc~>,1?~~; vam ~'r ~ w ~UQ J'>,ktxr~l.lnd,c;r~o ~,t.~k'it~xC... -~ Vx.?~~l.a.~, ~~.~1:x?echcx~ '~{~x~C~~p~'~I7 c~~e TJc~rdc~'t,M;~~~;~~~,~~aw qua,, ~~~ncl ha.n~cz~ c~em ~;~~Q c;n ~a.5a~:c't~t~~, l~a,~rnc~~ 1.~~0, C~, 2r~U ~ 7~ a 1'c~~.~~a~~h~,rschc~ o (,j p ~~:act J~ak1rl C,; ~la,~lc~ -~ e7.n kc~Irimandaa ~~,nd ~~msrlau ~U~ ~.9,`i0, l].i ~~~1~G ~' ~~~ ? ~~e.u~.~ ~~Gxbc~~'l,; ~~.s:~'ra~.c~ ~~;an a.n d.~;x ~!a~~:a~.'~~c~~x,~. Ula~~cha,~~ ~4y ~.~~C,1~ ~ ~ ~~. tc.~~i~~rg z~Is~r~s ~ .f~u~'~~bEn and ~~,e~.P da:~ prc~lt?La.;~c.hcn ~'ksn~~Q~r~r~na~x~~.~ a.rr~ J~~1~"a 1.J~Oo A~.~?~s V~:rm~~,~~~~I~~-k~ackixi.c~~?t~c~n ~.954~ 3, ~ ~7ic xa~. Jnkt. ; Uie aVaLl~'und~.ar~.~b~~nk. ~eo~x' o !t'undsGh~~u ~! 19~U~ ~., ?~ ~ ~?, .~ ? ~, 1, ~ , . ;k~~.cha~'d: 13P?~rr~,ch~ul~cn rux a.:~.~,~~ema~.nan a~rtlQ~phta~'~,;~cher. Sc,hE,xl~~~y k.?u~.~:~;.c~n, D~ut~scllc ~~;~dr,~a{;:r~ I~;a.Usrlh,i~:i.:k.'t~ "3~ :l~~Uy ~.,/~, ~.Q~ r :~ ~~.~ 4 ' ubc;~'~ Gu~athex'; Zea.cka,ntln~,cn da~~ 1`1oxd~.~c~I?~a.~ vale ~I~l~~ ~ J'~,nla.~x? ~ekl Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 ~, ~ ~~ ~ ~o~ 1t1a~,~w~,~E'~n~ In ~~n nr~~c~~.R~el~er~ l~~~x~x~~ k'~.~c1~M ~c~~ti~br~~ ~ ~ 1~~~ a~~c~~.~rc;~.`~ ~.~ ~.9~a, ~~ ~.~~ ~ ~~6. ., ~~ ,. ~~ :1,~~~~~;re;~,~ar~1,~~ ~ ~ l~~a a ~~ ~~ n ~~.e;i.n,ar l~~n~ ~.n dex ~a,c en~~~~e ~~~ ~,n ~ ~~? ~~~.~chr~~c~~.wc~?~ ~, ~.~~0~ ~,~ ~i>~. ~e~~rob~aen~ ~ ~ ,, P -~il~e be~.m We.~.~'an~. ~~'~,~cl~ex~ea.we;l.~ ~y 1~~U~ Vo~';c,r~~.t~dc,r~e 1`~~ ~~~~ ~~ 9~~ Vom ~,ob~aen~'~r~f ~ ~''~,~c~acrea.we:1,~ ~, ~.~~Uy ~, ~ .. VYG1.J.4'eu+lP ,1?~1,~%~JWO 1~' ~.i~i~ill~i,.ntiZ.w~+~U ~! ~/,/~~ ~~ ~ '"~ ~0 ~1 c ~;Q becnde:~~4 li' a.sc},~.ez~E;~.we:~:~ 2, 1~aUa I,~s `a6 ~ ~7 w~.l~~n~ l9li~/. n , .~s~ ~~ d:i.e bE;~~t,c Uc:x'a,~c:r~~tti~r~~erno~;~..c~l~lsc;:i.~ de;a 'VJ~,:I.fi'~.ea.scl?~e4? ~rJe1r1~~.~ ~. ~'a,sche'rc;7.wel~t ~, 19~U, 6, ~~ ~ 91a.. Vez~].~.~ 1~c~z1a,:E'~,~z,a.ue~ ~GhL1~.~C~ Po; l)er ~':La.c;~~ndc~ 1'c~'~c~x' b~:;a. den ~; S)~a.:nas, ,~ Uz~t~ckerra.. ~adc~x~bvrz71,9~~~ Schw;ar ~b ~.~ h~ ~~~~x~',a,n, ~l?4U S~ ~~lc~ab~.. UM I~,a~~o UP~~ kzl~nla. cl~r Vrarz,ca.~G~ 1~'erd~f~n},~e~Uc.r~1.a~, ~~~l~t~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~, ~~.a sn, ~~~~~.. ~~~ 19d - . r~.. ~ :~ '~.'k~eodar: Da.c '1'~.e~c;nvcrh~l~i~na.e~e drw ~;1.~xo~aa7.scben Nc~rdm.cerca. ,:~ ~oc.l , ~r;u~~~c~e Hydxa~r. ~c~a.t~chr~.~'~ ~r 19~U~ ~/~~ 93 ~ 100. 'n, k~e~cr; Bch :l.cb~,e under ~;~l;amo5. Ur~m~.t~.;~che Gcr~Ch~.ch?~cn. Ge~~x.~~1c:~. ~U~c:r:~.~.~, Isex~~.a.n 1~~U~ ~"l~ S., C7~~.. ~~ ~o~0a ,, , ti ~'.O~.o -7.ett der 5crlnecl~~.s~a~~.e. Umecinau ~n~ ~~G~.~~C(il~.nn, ~'~Ca.?rlLl~ ~ ~~1 ~, ~.9~U a ~~s ~.~.~a ~ 119. t~ bJe 1 'I~~.~.chard~ ~u~anunenl~~,z,,~e un.d Urs~clac:n der C~cba.r~sb~,~.dun~a ~' s Umsch~u ~0~ 1~~Us ~.~~ 1.~~7 ~ 6(~0 ~~ ~ ~ ~ '~;~e ~m Nnrr~~,~:l.~,n~~.k. llrnech~u ~Ua 19,~U~ ~.~, 373. ~c~~c,r~c,~~. it Wuz~d'~ 1~a~.~er: l'~eu.~ ~-roxy~~e~^un~en z,u den 1Jre~chen der :~].sz~ca. a a Me~~carG~.. k~undsol~au ~~ 19~Us ~~~~ 1~9 ~ 22m -~}X 1~'.H i to I' uN. ~M~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 rl ~v~x~ ~,~~'~~'~~~c~rj . ~~.~'~ ~~u ~u~a~,~ ~~lc x , ~rl~~, ~,tr~;d~ G~~ ~~ ~~~'~~~'~ 7nk:~n~ (~ ~`/ 1I ~, ~~h~ k~axl~~~.~.~ll ~a' r~4;:1.~~~cr'rr ~.~G?9 ~ ~1~~ ~ aol ~~~~~~~ ov~;~' ~h~ ~ t~,~. . , . , ~~~ ~ ~~.'c7.~.~ ~~~~ ~.;a ~h~.; gun ~~'l~;~c ~ r )~1~r ~:i.~;a.~n, u~a.~.~,~,~a ~.~~ cr 1 ~~ ~,~,la~~ad~ax A ~. ..~;P~ ~~d anc~. ~;:loomy oos~~~ cap J a , j,~;,C;l~r~t5'~~~IIC',~ a,c,c; ~~ ~;t>o~~ in 'thy rno~ ~ noc,dy a h~' d~,d~G~~'t,ea~ h~.s J.a,~'e ~,o ~ ;~~a.~h~~'m~n. ~~,~hc ' .la.c~ o~ ~,F~,f;]1~~~,~.I1E', bold , , ~~~1arx~ i~he ~~ ~ 1;o car'~c~:LV~o aand~.'~ivn~ ~x'~ 'i~~~,~Y~d ~~ox u~~ ~,t.z~~l^'a~U;1~ G~r'~d, w . ,? a~~cd :t'~~otn, ~~'?~~ y?u?Lh ,:, ~, c~'Sn1~~~.a.~Y~ 'w~,11 a~l~~ ~c; ~,~~'c ;~n~~raduc~~d lea ~' ?~ Sea:w~ i~:Ls a.d~:~7. ~ M. La 1vI~.'~ ~L,~u~';~~n?~cha,~'~' ..~-- ;~a:n~~ llc1~'~ ~.fi~~ ~ ....~.._--- ti .. ~:, ~~ on~~a.ne;n~ ~ C~' 1'~.~Xnc., (Gn ~h~: vJ~1~.~~~., 7 ~ Az1~c~~'! 4th a . ~U.Gnn S and 1~.~mc~L^~~~ ~z ~.w?..,.~....-.~---?.....~.. ,;y ~' ~a~'~.~~. "1'~~~:i:saen L~~xou ~ .~h~ ~.TZ,'~~,;C'C,'~~.C ~~ ,l.~d.l, C' :~ a ~z',d C~~lc~ra Zn ,, ,. ~ ~~1~~.~~ ~,~~~ed7.~a.on a~: ~~1 ~ .Lc,r~n L~ti~. c, { ~n 1 (~~ M y y~ ry ~1 ra (,hi ~ ~n , C ~ ~i~ d,C~l ~~+".b~J G~Ll~ .L~1 '"~~ .I. r?.{ /~ W~w ~r ,~,rz'~.~;s us, ~n 11is ',~~,~;l~~;l.;~' ~~~,'7~ ~~~o au~hax c :~ aY' 1~lax~Lh Arnc~~c,~. The baal~ z~~.v~;s autex'rnast ~coreaL ~,a~erc.d :Y a; ~Lhe Gco:l.o~~.crj1 s'~z~uc~~l~~aa,E a+ry '~h~: l~ocl~y IJlaun~~ a1,1 e~cae~.len't ,~~xrrvey ~,.ne~ wh~.ch c~~r~~~~,nue in~~a ~t~i~le A:r~.;~`~c ,~~,dr~:es Cl~~.r~.~>~L~.s,n~. ~~y7~J'y~ ~ Gea~.a~y~ a~' Pa~''~ o:(' ~~he Se:~k~.xk Maun~aa.ns ~,n ~~ ~ WC K~?~~1+ ? wwwr....Hnr.wr.w.+w.'r""'r"r'r'rw...rr.r.r+ww~+"'w.rw. ~ L ~ .......wi+.n.wr.wwwh..~+++..++.+...w.rn.." ~~ ~ c~ ? ~~.i1 L~l~e a~' 'the Can~,r~.?i.ar?~ 1'ac~.:f'a.c; i~a:~:~'wa;~, w~'~'" the V~.r:t.n.1t~ a.~ `...~."~..".--~' ~:~ b isltie~^: I~dmond C:1.ou~L~.~;z? {)~t~c~wa 19~t9. 2~ ~~f:~.,S. .L ash Co~.utrln:~a. ~ u 1 ,.,, ~,. ~?~..,.,.,...... r,~ . r.... -' ~ ~ ~' ' ~ vaJ.ume cup ~e a:(' va~.ue as ~. suY~~~1.c;merl~ ~a Y_'ox~ ~ ~ ~,.,ell~ ~ . ~ n~.5 Arrms'~ron~. :C'~ clea:Ls px~rna~^~.J.y w~,th ~Yte t~;eo- S'?ey' ~~~~ Ax'ea.1~~ ? ~ ~ ~ ~'~~~rc; a~;' the s~Lre~cl~ ~:7e~~~~rE~rn A1.b~;~~~ C.~n;~an and .~,ea,ver 1.a~~a.r.,~~,.L s brut, Y~iver i,n no~~hei^n C~.nada, , . C1~'r'~~~~'t~~.a~~. a hlauxn: her~~.~nna~.as:~nc~ Geo~ ~;~ a:lans o:(.~" ~.. L ? W s ,.~.,.~....~....~. r~.s. ~s:l.~nd and. Ar~~~cF~ l~.c ~~,ans ~.n 1~~~.c Canda. ~a ~...,,,,,.......w...W...~.......,........~. ~~,vea^~.~ ~xesS~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 ~n~;~x~~a~~ai~~d, ~~~.'~~~~~~~A, ~~xy~~nd ~,~~~'~~ ~,~~~ ~u4{Qt~~ `~'~.~a~ wr~xlc ~~~~ 'tia~~~~h~x ~~ o.:~~~,~,~n~ ~'~,~h~,oa~ ~,~, ~~1~~ c~t~x~n~ ~n~'a~~~m~~i4~~ c~nc~xn? ~,n~ ~~ha ~~aF~x~~~~~~r, ~ tr~~t~~~~~~~l~y, xo~k ~~~~ru~~~ua,~g, a~anor~.c ~~~?~,c~~ya ?.a.~~,ca,~,`L~,on, ~ova~. varia,~~a.~n~~ ~~~~ ~~Uravr~}aho:lo~ a~' ~h~ ak~ava n~rnad ~vxr~~~~axy~ ~t vQ:1w~a~nou~ ~~~,b:la,As,z~~,4~~~hy, ~s w~~~ a~ ~'~ a.;~~us~~~is~t~,an~ ~,nd ~ rrl~,~as u1z~~~;lalcaraan~ =~r~~ many va~,u~~h~,~ c~e~?~~:l,s~ Gl~x~,~, ~~~lani, 1~a~~1. 5~~~.~,~~z~; l~r,`~ ti~icJ lt~~,~~endel`~~x?c; clua Menca~;hGri (~~ac;ca.~~ r;~r~d rrrr r ~?,wrr.,wu.r rv.rq.~r.~wwrrnr.w~?r.w?r.rwrw~ww,.wrrw r.w.w ~~aces a:~' elan) I'ubJ.~,~her; (~ur~~ L. -acl~'wau, ;a~u~`~~;ar`L ~.~~~~, Co;~-Co~,? ~.ec`~a.cari, Va1.wno 33 I~1~ ~~. ~u. 't'his ~aa?~ :I.s the sr~cond ox' a ~z~a?~.o~aY on cla~l~l~~ra~ala~~;r~ ale ~~r~r d~.a~-~b:Ly ~.ridc;h~eel ~u '~~`le au`~hot1; (~.) a.n ,era .`Le or ra~:~hrrl~ec,~use off' the ~~,`~~~~:mra~ co e:;~~a1,~:~a,`t ~~lic; r~~Ge-~aonc;e~a`~, he c~ua.~e c:teaz~~:l.y a~.:l'~a ~;l~ie ~:aC;`~a", wh~.r.;h lae~onc~ a1~ ~.deo;l.o~a.ca~. or. o`th~~r va~.ua~tian~ w:~:I.l a:lw~,ys r~~~~aa,n vs~~~.~,d~,~y; (2) ho ~~, .vas an e:~~ ce1.~.en`~ ~a~ti~~vey a:f `the pres~:ri~ st~a~e o{' cur l~now].~d~~, of `~hc; on w ~~.n a,l' mr~n anal a~` `~hc da.va,si.c~n off' `Lhc, r~c~lc:;cs, ~vrtan~ `Lhc~ man,~l virM `~ur~s wl~~.c'ci may 'ac co`un`ted tis ~,hs,`L by `phis means ~~he; reader is inM duced ~a s`tudy `the sub, c,c~l~ 1'ur`~hcr, ~c~~rne:L zk o~a~' ~~erlo~`~ ~r~ot~.l.e`i;`Le; 1~~~~~,~J of C~~nada ~~~r~o,~ec~ ~~re~,i.a`niriar~r 5u~:we ..r.+r+?..r..w.rr..wr.ruw+r..+wwwr.rn.w.w.nrr.r+wr+.~.. l~ I/ wr.rr?.?yrrr ~'tii~:~~.sher; C;atlada.a~t ~aoc; .a~. ,Sra:Lcnce ~~~rv Search Gaun,c.i.J~. ~.91a,~ "~`j pa~;r:s ~n `~~i~s vra~.u~ne ~l-,l?~e usr;~u~.ness off' ~.sau~.ri~ ~~Yis nc~w a~~l.as off:' C~~,nado, ~.s demor,l.~`r;r~l`~ad. xn adda.`Li.an 'l~he au~~~lor ~te1J.s haw he csme a.n`~o ~aos~ seas:~on o:(:' `the i,nr~~.vidual. ,ma~a sh~~,c~s off' `phis very pen~`~~~a~:~n~ ar~d exc~c~ ~`~~.ass .whose t~,cr~u~.s~.`l~ion cr~n ~rae mo;~t hear`1~~.~.y ~ecoztu~nended, ~a aJ.:L sri~o:lars ~.a1`~~e~~es`t~d ~.n iJr~nada, ~hx~. s t~.ax~? Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 1-'x~,1.~~~;~c~, ~T~~~~~eka~~ ~n d:le ~uc~~a~~ ('1'~~~ ~l~a ~ou~~~ 50~~.~, ,~,.....M..~,.,..~,~? New:1.~, z~e~r~~ed ~~~ ~u~i~.~,sl~c~d l~~ l~~n~ ~~.;~a~ahka~ I~~~aa~~+~-Ve~'~,a~;~ ~ubM ~.~~sh~raj I~~~~S~~.da;e~'~ A~~r~u?l~ ~0 ~~?~~~ ~~' ~ ~c~~~~z~el~~~~si~ve ~,r~~1^~dut~~?x~~ al1r~~?~a~~ ~~W1~a~,~,~.n~; ~.n ?~k~e ~ausGl~ ~~'ea,s and ~~;f.~~~x~c~h irq~~~~,~;;1~e~~~~ ~ r~o~ ~a~,QUa a.:l~.u~~~~a~~a,~ans ~'~arr~ ~;h~~ ~a~s~~.c~c~ a~::~1~(~yea~~ k1~~,G~ and ~~~~ a~a~',c~~nr~~x w~l.?~~l s~;~.an~:~~"~.c e~~a,}~n~~; ~c~~~~~ ~',t;~am ~~he ~~ea~ c~.l:' ~l~e ~'~u~~~c-us ~~~~;u~~ off' l~a~~~,pn~ re~reacn~;~,~~~.ve a?~ (,ip`L'?La~~,~;n Ua~~~.v'e;~~~i.'Lya ~M A:l.~. ~~~1r~se make the new ~.d~.?~~.ar~ e~~aci~~~~l.~.~ v~~;~ua~aa, p~.d and ;raux~~ a'~a].a.ow w~.~~1 pa~,asux~e ~~he na~~x~a~Lox~ a:~' rr~~~r~ ~~~~lea o.~' ~~dven~u~,~e bra ~~l~aeae e~~~anaes oa' ~aax~adi,5e ~n ~;he ~ac~a.~'~,G? M, ~Ie~.:Lmu~L l~ex^~: ~unci;~:n dex~ ~~1~~kull ~e ~ (~~undaccaen~a~.s o.k' ~~le~~eora].o,~-y~) ~'ul~:l.~,she.z~; (~u;r~?t E, ~cl~~w~~~~, ~?~u~~-~faz~~~ l~~l~~? Cc~sM~o:l.M J.ec?~~on Vo:l.wnr; 3:~, 1)P~ ~~F30, pint off` ?~he anu~,~f,i?tude o:L' puasa.`rJ~.r~ p~ol~:l:,7ns i;~~e au~hox^ ha;; ,e:l.ec'~ecl es~~ec:i.al:l.y '~kxoae wi~>ri.ch do ju;3l~a.re ~;o Ghf~ Y~~eai~ ~~.x~ax^ess o~' rne?~earal.o~y 'ae1:'orc and dur~~.nw uJox~l.d War 1~: rand ?~he ~'u~~u;r~e ~~~.slcs ax~~.s~rl~ 1;'ror~i a.~; a~cx~uc;~~ux^e a~' ~l~e ~~mosphc;:~:~c C:lauds ~~nd rr~~~:~r~a~~~1.o~,y? a:~' ~~rPCJ,~:~~a'~ion anal s;~~na~~s.~? `t'he Doak is r~~.r~ec;~:Ly u;;e:f,'u~. oz~.y i~o 'L:~e; st~ec;i~~,1.a.s'L; ~l~le a.at~'~ex~es'~ed ~.ayman ~~ec7.u~ix~~c;~ ~l ~:~~:i.ox~-s'~uciy o:C' an inL.raduc~.~..an ~o rne~~eoxoJ.a~;;j. Schrne~.zl~a~a~' I~~e:l~.mu~ I~3ex~;: ~? n~'~~run~, ire d~ l~yscl.er ~'ea~~er~..~.. (~n~r~x?oduc~~,an ~o ~Lhe l~ll~e ~c~s a:i' ~;~~e 5a1id ;~s,r?~h) a? ~~~~ze:~v?e:~~~.~~, ~u;'t~1,a.~h~x~s ~ S~;u~~~~;ax~ ~.9~.9, ~9~ ~a~~es ~ :~07 i:L:l.us~ra~ians ? '~'o a~.l who wis~l 'ro ~e~ a re:~iab~.~: ox~a.en~La~~ian in ~,he ~~hysics off' ~~he s~a~.~.d re,~~,h, ~h~.s ~aok ~,s hear?~~.J.~ x~ecorr~rle~ded :~'ar ~,~s a~.ea~ and co~~~pr~e~? hens`~.ve surv~y~ ~~ ~s ~a~^avidc:d w:i~l.~ ~ap~ous :L~.us~x'a~,~,ana ~~1d ~.s Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 r~r~~~ ~~~ ~a~~,~;Y ux~d~r~xia'~4~~~ ~'~;~~~~ ~'v~~j~A~~ ~~~ w~~~, ~~~r~ ~,r, ~ v~r~r .~~u ,, -~r~ ~~~au,~~l ~~?~L '~1~~,~ v~l,u~l,~.~~ ~n~ ~a~~aY~~J,p~~,~,~y ~~~'" va~;~~l 1~~ F,~~Y~l~ys ~a.1~';I,a~Y bcaa~c' Q~'.;~~x~~.r~~ h~~~l ~az'~~~~ u`~~,t~~~.~.~1;~.orl,~ I~u1~l~e ~~~~ . Q,?rr~ ~h;i.a~`1 ~a1r~?~~.'~u~~~ a~' '~1~~ I~r~;1,v~~~s~.~~ of I~arr~l~u~~~~ ~~ Ica Y ^. c ~m~.E; ~'ur 1Z~~t~~ L'car ~ ariun~ unc~ ~,~,n~,c: s~~.anuri~~; c~~a~,j~?a ~a.o~a w~.~Yl ~l,Y~~ ~'~~ ~ r, ~, ~., .. ~a.da1. ~; ~a rtind ;~anc~ Pl.ar~ii.n~~) ; ~ E s `l~x~ , ~''~ ~urli (Arae~oY'ny gar Ar~,~, ~ ~ uclw~.~ Niac:lc~a~~. (~1ra.`l~'~~n ,, r ' ~ ~., a a ra ~ ~Y'~~a:~ ~ ~~ ~r, ~a r, a ~~ a ~~~~h~x ~x,_,~,,.,....,.~..~.~.... ~,ar/hux~'Gs~~;~,~' ~, ` '~t~l~, .Y,,r'~~uJ,ay off' ~,Ytic: ~I'rc~~'~s:~oa.~ c~~~' ~;~a~raY~hy, ~QC'~ar :tr~~ I-Yc~~~nx' oJ: 'Ll~c, rU ~r w ~~.~~ ~r I)~~~,t;~~'cc;r1 ~~, i;~c~a.c,n~ls ~~t;c~ a'~uc~~~rrL;~~ '~~~.`~ax~w~~ornM Lucl~~a.~~a ~I~~,k.t"~ ~~) ':~~r~r~aez'1-Z~ia~~r~ 1,~1.~9 ~ ~~hc; ;~x~4 ~n~ ~I~~^ ~ti~;~ax~i .a1, V~~'x'~1.~L~~ (Pu1~;l.~.uY~e'r~) ,, ,, .~..: ~~~u'~e '~o ~, :~u~.:1.:Ly~'e ~ ~, work and ~~~ ~~ p;r~o~'atix~~~~ and ma~ work ~a,~,~ bra. ~~ :~., rr ~~7, Y~ as ~,~; l~,orax~s a ,~cl'iol~r and ux~9.w ~tu~x~~: s;~n~~he ~,~. s o.~ ~~ox l~ ;m,r~o~z ~ ~' ~ o:~ ~ c, "' ~ ~' ' ~' on, 'Lo wYaar ~ ~: o~^? rs .'~~ ~x?a~'e:;sa:r~ -ao~e:rvn~; ~hc~ li~~~he ~'~ x~,c,a ,na. a _r~ .l Y , ~ ~ ., .r ;:,~ ~tiva a~~E:r~en~L~d, as ~1 ou~~~~~a~~~rd'La~~en o~ mox~ ~~1~u~En~Ls ~~.n~l Ga1,.Lc~~~,uc,.,, 11~ 1 ''' c' so1.~.clax"~.'~y, ~~~;~s ou~ta'~a,r~cla.n~ ~te y~i~noniaa. ~or~~ona,1. a~ac;: ,~~;a.c~z~~ra~.i~.~.~ ' t s m~~z~Y a~.cl~;rl ~`~ol.~:ls a!::i.rr~~.;r~~es'~~ 1'L s17ouLd warlc~ x~~:f'~.pc~~.n~?; Moc~k~.n;, ,~' r~:,r~ a'l, i;h~.s p~~~i;n~~ ~L'i1a'~ 1'ra~.'sssar Mec;l~~.n~ leas a~.w ~e s~,e;c,:~a1.~.y mon~a.a . ~ ,~~~ ~~a Pa].a.r pxal~;l~m a wi'~11 sx~~~r~amc en~hus:~.o~fe~. a ,' .~~~,e ad'~'ancca ~n~o ~' ~:~ ~~1rue ~~~>.e ~u ,~~~ ~,~;}?~ ~~r~o~~ ~ ;,, .the ~,~~ob~.em re~.or1 a~ a she occaaion :Cor rs~,~.s~.rl~.; meri~.c.a~,ea, bud onl;~ aS r r, ',s ~s, axe " r'e~b~.ockc~a nax~}Zorn ~aeaar.~ . Y ?~,nd~.n~ ~ ~,s , , r~,s anc~ ~~Y~c M~5 s~ " ~ c~ ~ ,. ..,. ,~e ~v~;x~ the C~,nacl.~~~.n se ~.o~~~.on~~ ;r~t}~wes~~ ~CLs;~ds, aS~E ~Y~e exc~~~~n~~ a no the ~ao~.:Eia co ., ~~ ,vex' ~~aas~.r~ 'I~o~ax'c'~s ' ,`,dos}~.p rc~,~~1~t~-n ~~ssou~, ~. ~ aJ: ~~ox~~~'~-~C~~ oomx :. , ,~~, a ve~~~.t~;a~.e sons. cona~7?t~l,~. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 ~~c~~rn ~l~~axa~ ~~~~~~~~~~ q~ ~~~., ~ ~,~'tk~ ~~n~u ~r~~~ ~~~Q New ~~ ~~; ~;~~~v~~~ ~a~~~~ 1~~~,~~ h~ ~ ~ ~,~~~;~ ~,r~ ~k~~ Lq~~~n ~~,~n~ r ~~1,G~,~g1` ~ ~~ ~ ~~~~~r~~~?i4~~,~~ ~ ~~~a,~'oun~ ~,xa~~-~ w~~~,~~~ off' ~~gi~~~;~~r~~G~ i~n~~~ :~~ ~~~a ~~~~~~~ ,~ y tu~~~~. ;l.~'~ o~ ~~Yl ru~~,, ,~~ ~a~~^~,~~ ~s~d ~r~~ ~Y~~~~ ?~~1Q pc~~.~,~~~,~~~ i,~~~, ~ ~~~~~nal~,~~u~ ~aa ~1 NIA Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 Mars) ~ ~eQ~~a ~ ~ as~~~ar~o ar~~.u~~ ~bE~~rl~ax~t~ Wa~.ker ~ eta ~ Ylabez~er..Ka~.c~a~c~orwerl~ ~li~^ ~ I~~la~x?~~' ~ ;~?~ ~,~~0~ ~ub;l.~,shod ~~' ~'x~ ~ ated echo ~;'l~te~m, '~aden~ ~- r~,ch~y J.~~u,atx ~o,~snda~ 1~ub~.~~,sl~~,n~ ~~ouso), p r b thQ re a~~.~Z ~aub~.~. c .~ ~wh~,cl~i wa.~.~. ,be we~.carlled e~~ex ~,y ~` ~..~.~~`~~Q boalc, ~,uthe ~~ 1Y1~.Gc~~. I~s.ncil~oc~l~s~ ~'ub~~.shocl ley K,~dp 3~1~ pa~~es, ~a.~~h 2~~. ~a,~~u~^c~;~ s.n~.~ maps .~ lt~ ~~~ Koeha,~r, ;a'~~u'L?t~ax'~~, ~.~~ ~ War7.c~ War A~.aska, ;from bea.~a nce tY~G 5e; coricl ~~ on:a ~ . t 'ra `~ '' . , ~ ~,1~.us F l and ~~ has becoa7~e a strate~~.ca],:ly a.mpo~^~~n~~ ~'e" an ou~~~,o~'.t~hG~way cai,cn~,xy, ' ~'a.c c~ moz^e a.i~~en`~i.on From ~I~l~e Pace. ~ ~ ,more an . ~~a.on wk~~.ch :~s rG ce~.v~.n~ - ~ book con~La~.r~.nf~ ~,Y~uch o,f ~.n~aex~est a.n~ powex'~, ~,'Y~i a ~re~.~..,pr~~,farccl ~ ents gives the ~eo~ax'apher a `~~1LOx~ou~h m l .,,. op , .~ c;lucla.n~, t11e ~,ate~~ d,eve sllr~vey off' this ~~ti^eva.oll.~7.,~' ~-,nor eu re~i.on. ~;n acldi~~~.~n :~~~ ~,.s a,n e~-? c e~.:l,r;n:t so~~rce of inf'orniat~-on .for a1..~ who are a.a~~~erc;5ted in foreign ~. -Ja~er CaL111~r:LG S ~ ~. d o ,~a.e ((aeornarpho~.a~a~') r ~h~.r :I ho ~ ar . p ,~., 1{'. ]~iCcclaa`~sch~clt, Geo~r~ is n~~w eda,ta.on, conta~.nin~ 7 ;~~i~ ~ '~ Y ~ ~' 1 TPUbncr, 19~I, 1.ts o:C x^esE~a:cch of ,the ~,ast 1~ years. resu h . e i:llustratians, c~~nsiders t ~~ ' ct, the eus`~atic rise ~.n ~,he de ~ ' p ~~ r sect~.on t (tectan~.c) ThLl~ the :C~.r~~ er `~ ath A n elfin.. at~ `Lhe in~,and :i.ce-cap. them ~ f ` . ~ o sea level as a resu]. ~ira1 ef~ l h a~ o f a descr~.p'~ian of tYie morp ~, s o extended sect~.on consa.sh, d t of ~Lhe book devote ar f'ect oi' exa~;cnous ~eola~~:~ca:l. farcea Thep t si -nifican s divided accarda.n~; to morpl~alo~~.ca:~ly ~ to tapa~raphy a. there is a section on ti ~lac~.,al c:l.im~ltic conditions ~ ~mor1~ others, a brief discussion of inland :~Ce, xn farms", Which also ~,ncludes are st sections coastal :farms anc~. a.s~.ands , add~.tion, x.n one. of .the la W. dealt W:I,tY1e i ~. ..~? . , -;,~~.., - r:. t ,...~ ,.,.,, ~ t ?..;c. r.ih,, r ti ~~e I ,.. ,..>l--.~.d,.11 uF,..,v,i. ,.,....,.ti,r~~i. ,z. . ~... ~..,~..t~,,a, , , a.t_.~?'.. h1.. .o., ~, , s t ~ li t {;.:-? I ~.:., .. '.-:~ , ~ , ,,~. ~ i.r,.l 1 Zsi il: ~. I'' u {aC"( . . . _. _...>. ,...~ ,. ,.. ~.~ ... ~. ,.. ,.. ,._ e. L.... , .. i ,...._ .>, , ,, ,,:; ' ~... . ''!, . 4 ? ~ ~ ,, r. ,~,,, ~ r. ~~ 1;'i fh.. ~7 i ~i i I t, it { 7 ., I,.f ~Idl ~ ~ ',,ti i} ~ i n iF 'a n a~ Fttl d7 ~?~ ,.; .~. , ~ . ~ , Declassified in Part -Sanitized Co A roved for Release 2012J04123 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017 4 ~ ~'~ d ~,~;.i,._. i.._. t. u~,i_ ~ i. { :P;I ~ ~,,, .L71~ .el. unMJ.ry~ 1l r~tn~~, f. _._.._._. ..._... ._._ ...___..._. .__.... ..__.. .... __.. .._.. ... __... .. __._ _ .._._. ....__.. .. _. ._ _. _.. ... .., .. .. ~ 1 ! ;~i .:,.. ~; la~I~WNi~, Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 ~ia~~ ~~~ac~~~~~~,c A~~~~ a~ ~o~~~ ~w~~~r-~a~,~~~~r~)~ ~ulYi~c, ~~~a~~ pu? ~a~,~,shad by ~1~ F~asaax~akl ~ns~~~.~u~a fax Ax~,cu~.~u~~a~, P~~nr~n~ sa~:cL Ta~ paU~r~~p~y~ Pxice `~1~ ~C1~` r~hc y,;~~,~.s ~.nc~.uda~ ~(~ m~p~ me~sur~.r~~; 8~ by ~? cen~~me?~ox~s, ~~.~ho~~h ~,~ appoaxs ~a laG ~ha ~n~en?~~,on of r,~t~~ off' ~~I?~c~se s,`~,~hoz^s ~o ~.rru,~ ?~~?:1.~ ~ac~xlc ?La ~ch~.a~;w~~,~~I-fa1a?~o:i.~a~ ~;hc ?~i~~~e s~ama so~newha?~ ?~oa modes?~ Gf~r1~~,r~ax in~~ the cr~n~an~ Uf ~~I~e boo/"?~ which ~'ar c~ccar~ds '~hc~~ a,~^c~~ x?~ shou~.d be men~;~.onad ~ha~~ ~hc~ s,~~,~1s ~.n ad,~1J,~ion ~o discltisa~,n~ c:l.~.ma~~.c ds,~r;,s. for ~~11 cif Cen?~~~a~, Il;uxr~p~, d~:a],s wi~;h ?~11e nei~hlaox~,n~; I~1ox~?~~~ Seas .i.nca.ud,x,~n~; espeei.a1.1y tllc ~'oxms,M ~~,an of .cE, wllticl~~ we :~':i.nd in~Eras?~a.n~, ~~nd wha.ch in w~.nt~x~ is con nec~t;ed w~.?~h ?~I~e forma?~~.on off' icc in the po~.a~^ xe~~; ans~ 'S'l1e corxes~. poncJi.nt m~,~as ward: pxep~~^er~ by P~~o~'cs5ox ,~.lcle~.~ 7~r~a cli.sposi?~ion o:~ .ice :~rora January ~tro April; app~ar.~s ?La be d~~endenl; on ?~Yle severl.?~y af,' ?~h~ ~~x~eccd~.n~~ win~Ler~ Qn ?~he o?r;hex hand ~;he corr~ela~ian be~,ween ~~he an~ouz~~; of ~.ce :t.n ~~i:i.a ;a~a anri, ?~I.1~ xcsu:I.?~a.n~, be~;~nnin~ av ~ve~e~ ?~a?~a.on ir~~ r~ubealc mal;;es a.?~ poss].'b~,e ?Lo p:r.^cda.c?~ ?~ha.s ~.mpor?~an?~ season of ?Lh.e yes,z~~ achi.nd~,ex CG~r;I. Kx,rcheiss, `~vct~? hooaa! We].treisen ma.?I; Hs.z~punen,~An~;e~.hc~ken ......w........_.._.._.....r..~.~....,..,......_...w.._......_. ~. ~...~......,,....M. un ?~zen ~~ha~.e Ha 1 ~~rave;l.in~~ abou~L ?~he ti~'orJ.d wa.?~h ~~arpaans, ~'ish~ hookas and Ne?t;s), ti~ilkeris Pul~~.ish_~,n~ Company, Inc,, l~enclsbur~, ~.9~Q, 238 pd~es, price ~r~l ~,2, ~n ~,ha.s boalt Cap~aa.n K~.rche~.s~~ hs,s far surpassccl his preva,ous :~itexa~ry accomp~..i.shmEn?~s, 'Ch~.s is na?L on~.y a paa,^~i.cl~.~.ax~,y ~;h~~~,:l;l~n~ ?~a~.e, bud; ~. cornprehen;~%ve sc.i.er~?~~,~'~.c ~roxk d.eaJ..i.n~ with the who~.e field of wha~.in~. Anyone who ~^e~.ds ?~his book wi~.J, be e~ce~.~,en?~1.y .~.nformed on s.11 phases of o~.d and modern wha~.in~a ~'ha.s ~a~ca:l.~.c;n?~~,y pxepar~d and be~~u~ifu:l.~.y a.~.lus?~xated book is waxm~,y x^ecommended ~o a~.~. who a.re ~n~eres?~ed in ses,~'arin~; dnd whs,a:in~~ ~'n add~.tion C~,p?~ain I~ircheiss in his book shows German. youth I~ow ?~hrou~;h ~thorou~h. kno~r~,ed~e and ab~.~..~.?~y, as ~re7.~,, s.s roura.~e, os,~e~~n~ss, and Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 . caa~ a~ta~l,~ ~~~~ ~~~h ~~~~ wh;~~~a ~~ ~AUn~ ~q~'i11~.n po~a~~~o~ w~~o, ~n~~~Y , ~, j. ~ ~'o ~~v?nt 1~0 ~~~~ ~ ~~x~,v~ ~ ~o~w~.~~d ~ ~n ~1~ ~ bp~aic w~, ~a~ a ~'~,~ m w~~~ an ~ a r . hay .. ~v?~'~ ~Tc~~nt~n yQl~t~1 a ~xu~ ~ ~a~ow~~,n zltr~clo~, 'Go Gapt~,~.~ h~,~'el~~:~~~ ~~ and has eroet~d ~Q~ hl.msa'1~ a ~,ast~n~ ~neanc~x~;l.~ ~o~,low Chx~,a`~,~s,na. ~~ ~ ~ ;smar~ Geo~,o~~~.e ~,~~ ~~xd~~~scl~~? (C~oola~a~', the ~,s'~ox off' ~~he earth) ~ pub~.a,sh.~d by Cuxt ~~. aohwab~ S~tutt~art, ~I y ~~~ ~ ~ rune ~. '~h~.s :~,~.t~L~a ~~oak iN ne~t~~e~~ ?~n oxtxo~r~e7.y (C~,., ~,~.b~ axy) ~ro1. a :l~ rl~t opu~.ar~.~aat,.an off' ~~ aca.eni;~~.~;'~c sub ject? city ~,~,~~~bool~~ nog ?~ p 1:nst@ad the au~l;hor ~r,o.l~~t~s a rtud~~a .e raad? 1~Ie wr.~tQS wa.~~h great versaw a.:l.~.~l~ and a.,~ very tharc~u~l~ a.n devel.opin~; h]a casE. :~r~ '~1'l~s ~aa~, ~ Y~ he inalces the pxobl.ems off" ~reolo~ aee~n rEa:l ~~o ~Lhe readE~~? lfraatz ,~kss7. St,rehlc~ and Joa^~;en F~aest,rup, Van ~rr~d ba;v~,1~~~tirc~. G sen~,and 'Lo Sp~.tsl:~er~;en). 1'ub1.~.shed by ~'~emad~ ~~apenha,~;en, ('from r . 0 cxawns ~~~3 `pa~esa ~n th~.s volume ~~he posa.~a.an 19 ~~7 ? ~r~.ce, 2, ~ ~ 5 itsber . en ati~e poa,ntecl nut, ~~o~;eth.~r wa.th ~h~ of Greenland an p ~ ?. ,r,.. ~~hat Id~orth Amrr~.ca al~ows a.n Gz~cenlta.aad, s,nd tr~~~t Sow great ~.nLorc,a L r' e~ ~,ussla shawl in 5pa.tsber~;en. The d.eecri.p~r,.an off' journeys ~.n ~~ ~ the arct~,c wa~~ers wh:i.ch sur~~ouncl Greer~.land is a.ntere~~ta.n~~, ~. ~' ~1'hi,s :l.a.ttl.c book .,~ reco~unended `L'a anyone wha '~n.shes a ba.t bx~.e~'? af' ~.n:~'o~'m~lt~?an an the h~.stary o:~ Green:J.anc~ and Sp~.~~sbez^~~en? . , Chr~.st~ any. ~~ 'ell Geo h~yrsi.k (CTeaphYsica), ~eide:l.bez~~, w~.n~e~^, ~.9~~~G. J. ~3ar~L , ...~..~'..,~.......... ~~ d.EVai~ecl. 'L'0 ~eaM ~J,'l~.s ~ral'ume, one off: a collection a~ te,y~~,baoks, is ~ ~' ~ d ran~~aina ~On pa~fes w~..th ? ~.llus~l;rs,~~.onsp ~~he or~;a-~ physa.cs, an he book ~.s apparently based on ?~p~tbaok farmat~ s~.nc? n.~.za.t~.on o~ ~ ' ~,,~; half' a~ the baok ~.s .the Field ..presented systemaw anly ~n the ~'a. ' ~ socond ha~.~' presents s~ram~l.es ~'r~~m ~eapl~ysical t:>+c ally, wh~.le the ~~ ~.n~~ contains stud' aids ~ detailed b~.blia~~'aphy ~cs resewch, c Declassified n Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 W~ ~,~ rho ~r~d o~ ~h~ wnx~l~~ ~~~ ~~n~aod ~1~m~'~~ ~n ~;rc~Yai~-~?x~o ~ 1~~~.~m~ day,,,. ~a~~ ( ~~ ~?ehwa~'~~br~oh~ U~ ~eaon~~~~~?n a~ ~~~ ~ ~.~~~~ '~1~~ o~.ec~.~ar~?~ ~~' '~:i,rr,, ~) , ~~ ~roa ~ra.~h '~~ ~,~,~,t~~~ra~~~oY1~ ~ aoa~.~.n1a~~o1.0~~~, rare X1,1. ~ ~~a ~, , .. x~,~i ~a,nco ~1~c, 7.~~~a s~tc~ . , " ~,~ o:~ ~~1~~ 1~~.~~oxY o~ l,Y~a oa ~ ~~~,~ a.n ~,ha ~~.'~~~ a~u ,.. V~ri ~~~,'~.~?n~ tin~0 wl~~,ciY1 on~~ ~recx'~ ac;o? o~ ~hc ~~ ~ro~k a'~~aared ~w ~'' xosen~in~ ~~ .the YY~oa~ ou~s~~nc~~.x1~~~ ~ . a,a ~.Ya.v~dcd, 7e~~~,:~on ~ r~~G~~nS a ~hc wox~ aec Ga,pn ~ co o h ~ ab~.o ~,y~aa ~ ? ~ c~~.m~'~~ a uz,,~ay off' a17. p ' sox ' a~ ~~Y1e ~~~,x~hs and ch~.n~~a ~ dura,n~'~ ~~Y1e 1~:~. ~' ha.~staxY a~ c1?a.ma~a.c es ~Lhxau~>hou'~ i;hc~ ?}~o cau~os a~ c1,;1.ma'~a cl~~,n~, O~iY1CSEa 0~ ~ ,~, , '~h~; Pe1~' Vho ~ a '~l,~ih~~~.~i ~~,~,~~r~or.'Y ~~ ., x~ a o:~~ox~ ~o ac1~a.FVO a ~' e ~~er~~~,on hax~' ~ rho au~ho s-aeca,al. a~- _ 1 ~ ~,ccox~d,~.n~s ~~Q ~Lh~.~ 't a, ; ~ no~owaxt~ Y omn.~~ a~ cxYaJ.ana~ Lan ~- r ., ~ ~obabl.e . o~ a1.1. ~'~~ ext~x a'Lexz`o a~xa.a1. c nu~~o ~ tis ~ ' ~~ ~ ~~.on off' ~;exx~os~xa.~.1. an~ a;Ln ~Yio x~.. a,n~~.r ac i;a ~xp~. . -t a ~axs 'Lo be unsu,a.~cb1.c ~ rl~he ~~~,rc.d~I.a'~:~on cuxve ~~ ~ ~,~.:~aLions a.n ~tih~; gun ;ice ~~~~~~, ~ wll~.ti~ pxa.maxf arc , pea~~ed ~ua~~~~'n~axf cra~a,on~~ ti~e~en~r~ S ccan~ti.~ l~.d, bo ~,alccn ~.n1~o con~a.d and xad~a.~~.ons shoti C ~ La,cc-~namc ~~~,b1,~.a ~;r~.7~h~.c no~c ~~' ~d 1~ c~n1;a1. Shi~~ a.s xa~oc~r,ed~ n = ilexes conc7.udo ~hc books ~ac~~ual .i.n ~', ~l~e ~sk~.mo) . ~~~~.~ dean Gdbu~ 9 lla,,,... ,~~E ~~t~r~.ss ~xi.n~~~.n~ ~~nd ? e ~a,x ~Iox'r,ha pub:l.~a.~Ya~~d by t ~.s a ~,a~c ~xom ~h r ~ boo1~ de5cx7.bcS the ~ska.mas ause '~ux~.ch~ ~g ~~9 ~ ~h~. Y~b~a.Sh~.n~ H ~ exe ~heix d~.~~"~cu1~~ ~~~o ~.~n ~,hc mo ~`~ ~~ni11.~n~ min s :Ea.~h~ fax' ~~~e s ca11- . e1.en~LeSS surxaun~n~ ons'~an~ ba~~'~~-e '~,~h ~hc:>.x x , ~ rc~adex and ~;hn c y ~I~o Z~ ~s a ~xea~ ~o~ fax '~Y_~~ ac~mx.xa`~~on. fox oux c~n,a~~~,n~ rxou~ o:~ people r his c,dven~uxe ~,n,~,h such a ~ be ab1.e ~o s~~~xe `~ ~ ~~,~,~~,~. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 F~ ~ ~J ~ ~lk~~,m~, G~~~,t4~?r ~ c~~ ~ ~~ c~ ~~~ tl~~ Nth ~~~~~M~~ c C~~~ ~AQ~~'~ph~.c acae~.~~~ r~~c~4~~Ch ~~~~v~cea ~a ~,~~~~~ '~hi~ ~~aaak ~e~M ~~~~o~ ~s~.~c~.e~^ ~?~~~,~+~~ wl~eh w~`~ une~~r'~~:~arr ~.n f'~.yc~ ~+?~~nr~~ ?~~~c~u~l?r.. caul ~~~krc 1~Io~~h A`~1~z~~;:~r? ~'hce~c; re~:f.or~~ ~wt~;>~e ac~~~,~a~err, ~~n~k ncarth~~rn k1ca~1w~,~a ~Ghc~ IVa~^~rha~~~~ ~~ri~~ ~a~' Sp~.~~~ac~,~~~~~~ ~~a,vc~~~.r~~r ~M~~,~~c~ off' ca~~,~~; _G~'4cn~.~^~ndy a~~d aa~~~h~:~;~~~~^n :Ccc~.~lnd~ ~~kra wcxlc ~.~ c,ecc~zn~~~Y~c~l ~~Y ~~~~ c~a~.^~l~o~r.~,a~l~.c ~:~nd, ~.i,~~,r~ir~rn~~:i.c ~,:l.~.uc~~~z~~t~,on~, ~c~a~1d:l,nC~ ~o ~~h~ ao~rapkli.r; dc;scx~a:pta.on o;;f' ~~k1~~ x~e~,:Cax~r he~n~~ ~.nvav~a.~;~a~i~eck ~~ c~rnpal~a~ ~L~,Ve ~a^c~cnl;r~~~~:Cor~ off' 1~}~~ can~~.?r~a,c~na off' a~,c~unu~.~>.~,a.an we~~ 1~r~dox~~Lh~n w~~,~Gl~ ~~~r~~~ura kati^a~',~.~.c~ ,~~~ai~ ~hc; ~C~~~ch~~ 1':L~~l?,~;au 1.n ~p,a,~~~t~~?~~;cn end "rain ~~he V~~~tnGt~o~~,~~.~. ,~n J:~;el~.nd, 'x'ht~n ~~I~e ;hxoc~;ss off' rnel~ta.n~~ :i.s con?~rr~~s~iJer.~ wa.~}1 accumu~.~,?~a.an, ~no~r bnunc~~,a^~.La 6~ncl ~;:lac~.~~l,.~an ~~aund~ ar~i.e ~ axL ~k,hc~n c~~n~i.c~cx~ed in ?~he:~.t^ r~;7.a~~.on ~;o atunrar~^ ~~~r~p~:i^af~urc and ~,o amouni~ o:C p~?c~G:i.p.i,~~~z~ian, !~ ~~a~a7.e nf' ~t~~1.~.c~ex~ c~1.cu.:l.a~l,a.o~~S~~ can~;air~s ~~,~.:1, o:f' .(~l~ese al~~oxva~~,.~.an;~ ~ '~}~en 1;k~c~rye ~"c~].;1.awc~ ~, s~tirvey off' ?~17e exa.~,~~~~ri?~ ?~ypcs off' ~;~.ac.~:rs accard~.n~ ?~o may^phaJ.a~~,ral, ~~rn~rma.c, ~~nd ~Tea~ahysica:l. c:Laoa~?C'~.c:~~i.onsy b~tised on Li~~:'a.rm~~~,i.an rc~nce:rna.n~; ?~he al~~e.rved :r~~~~~;;~ off' :E'~.a~~r~ r~'he au~~l~.o,r c:~ascs wa.~~kl a camaa.~,r!.~;.an a:~:' da~~~ on ~hc ~^o?~x~aa~ oi' ?~ho ~;:lar,ie~.^~~ a.n ~~hc pa~~~ decca.c~~;~; he can ~~.r~o~^;~ ~l~lo p:rola~l~:lo cause off' ~l~:~a ~~a he ~~o ron~reyance o:~ he~~,~ 1~~ means a~' n~orciz~~tenyive sou~,1,1 ~~r~?i.nds ~h~.^~u~;h 'the ~.tmospkLex~c; off' ?~he ~1a~^?~h At1.an~ic ~X~,n,~ S?~.i.:L:l.c:, u~.e jun{ya~.~;or~~~.sclle 1~e~enEara~~ion .rn I~aume Ame~ ........~....~ ..........:..~....y.......,.....w..~...,.............~.~................,....,....,,..~?.....,...................,... ~......... ri~ (~'he ~~~e A:l.~or~ci an ke~;enera~;ion ~.n Amer?a.ca.7, Academy dress, :8er~.~.n ~1~~~, 39 pales, ~.2 i~.lua~~ra~~.ozas, p~~ice ~.2~ ~7~~e ~'h~.s wog^~ presen~~s ~~he resul?~s off' ~;ea~~c~on7.c wc~~^k clea~~.n~ wi?~h the brans ~- t?~7,on .~r~~m anc:~~~~~ ~~o mo~~e modern ~;ea~.d~.c ~~~.m~s~ ~,hd ~hu~ with `the ~.~.~nr~~.~.an ~e~ro~.~~~.ano Chr~.s~~.~,ni Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 t ~n ~'~.'c~~ ~~~n~~,~~~h c~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~a,n~~~r~~~ ~~~~~ NQr~~~~,~~ -~sc~~~bss the ~a~n~,sh '~ht~;>na ~~z~ la~.~,~a~~~~c~~ ~d c~~d~,?~.ian '~l~,a l~or~~ de .~ ~ b~?~,sl~~~l b~ ~l~fa ~r~~~c~~n~~~ pub7.1s11'a.n~ haus~ ~,~~ ct ~.~~~ and ~9~~~ ~ ~l x~n ~.~. ~,~~~~ ~.~ car~~~:~r~s ~.~9 ~;~~~ anr~ cans ~~~~~ c~^~wn;~~ Gca-~enha~~ a ;i~a e~cc~.lr~n1;'~y a.l~,us~~c~~~,~~ec~ 1~ocak mk~lces :i.~ ~ap~s~.l~ls ~'c,~1 us ~o ~M ' ~~h~; ~~~n~.sh ea~~e~l:~'iJa.c~n '~r~ 1~~.~.~~'mr~l^~~J.,~nrl~ ~'h~ ~~e~ ~ar't~~.c:l,~aa~e a,n ? ~ ,~ ~~ d ~or~uz~e Rto coin a,~~'~o can~ia,:~a~t w..'1;11 1!rslc;l.rnas wha a~ w~' af' a,~f~~ wa.~hau?~ ~1a~,1'a,nz v~.c~~~.~n ~Lo ~'axea.~rn h~~,d pursuoc~ th~.a.r awn Y cul~~ures~ Numerous ~re;l.l~reproclucc~l pha~e~ra';?~1s show us ~~l~e morc n~~az^e;~~~,~n~ ~,ypes o:f 't;hese 'lask~mos Ln ~~he~,;r cl.~+.i.~y ~.i,~'e;. A Crerm~ .~ .. 'tra.xls].a~~.o7~. o:C ~Y~is boalc wo~~ld bc, ~welcam~;d~ Chr~. s~k,if~a1~. hn~.~ t1~n~;ersuehun~; ma.lt~^ob~r. a~.r. a17'na.scher `wewl~l.e ~' - ~ ~M~yM.~.~y....yN.M....... MrW nom.... ~..+~... ~M ~ (' nves~;i -at~.~al1 0~: Microbarv,~ au.~no ' ns .ob:~el~ve;d on Jan Nia~,yen rlre ~o be a~'~ribu~L?ed i~o the lee efw 7.at:~o ~' :f the Aecrenbc,~^?~ an ~;1~>.a~; island, as a .resul:i; of which cer.~a9.n ~ec~ o c e been included i n ~,hca we;a~ther repax^~s w1la.ch h;.~~~re bEen e~ rora he.v ? ~'rarn Jan Ma;~en. while ~i;he north wind w~., blowini;. 'these inM ,~~.n~ f'luencc;s came ?~a liWht ~.n ~~he ~'o~^ma,~Lian of ~.oca~. high ~,z~.c~ ~.nw ^ areaa~ This face is impar?~ant because~i.,'r~ c~.n lie abserve;d pr c; s sure nowhere else in such a c~.ear~cu~ form. Chris~ian~. ...M......~ .r.~.........-.-~- ~'he Narthwes~ ~'er~?~.tories, Adan~,n~.Si~ra.~ian ~w esaurces ?~~ ~yy..W..YW4nwM~.wM..~r.1wM.M.M..Wnw..4.w~..~.K~.wrM.M+.n..wM"..n .nwnw.~.r...~..~."M'^,'.?Wwww.ryrwar'. ?+M?? ' ed b the ~1or~hwest '~err~.~ori~:s and Vulcan ~er~rices Develapme rx L ~ ~. s su J ...ands and De~re~~men~ Ser~a.ces Branch, ~epar'iJmen~~ of Mines and ~, , Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 _ _ .. __ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 }~~ ~a~~ ~a a ~ p~~awa., ~a~~~d~ a ~.~ ~~ a ~? Pa ~aa ~ ~ '.l'1~~~~ ~ma~,~ v~o~,tiune cc~r~~ ~~,~~~ ~~' a~'~'~.c;i,~1 x?~ac~x~~ j ~~~~r;~n~~ ~ ve~~~ ~hox~ suxvay p~' ~hQ l~aa1~h~ wss1;~ '~'Qx~~~;},~~ax;},a~a ~}r~~?~~ ra~a~ca~~ a;~ ~a,~1a,c~a ~,ya,ri~~ na~~~h a;~' ~~~, ~O~h p~,x~;~1c~~,~ be~wpen ~}~Q 'Y'~,t~~an and Ilud~on ~a~r~ ~vax~r~}~~,n~r, o~ a,m~ax?~anco i;o ~a~o~r~.aslls:r~s, l~Ia1.1.c (?. J ~ 1'~~ ~~~;~,e;,~, ~~r~i,c,,E~ ~~~ ~C U~1, ',L'hc way^Ic ttU~~~>,nr~~; i ~~Laa~t;c,n~~ a~' ~~~a ll~Lna.s~h, ~u~;lior h~~s W .,Y. ,...rMN..M..Y..Myww~..Y~.N IYxYM ,naw ~~,~.:a a~p~7c;~red ~,n Gar~nr3,r1, l'+'~'~,ends ca:l' a l~lc:c~~.~l~h~r, ~.,c. ~rea.l w~'i~;~? ~taer, ~.r~d o~jc:~,~,a.vcl~ 1'rxrnclr~cl :l:i,~,~:r~~~.~;~t~^a o:t ~ic~v~~n~~~,~x~ w:r,1:1, w~;:lcoxne Glr,a.s very muC;l'L. '~.'ha ~aol~c dcs~~~~a.~l~a~; ~~hc~ c~r~.~'t~.t~,a a,j; ~~~~rr~.si:~~ ~~x'~I~'~?c~r;~ ~~,~~i~. ,~e~.rncn arr ~~k1a a~ s~L ~~z~eena,~~nd i~.i.vr,r, c3cl~c~rlt~~.~~~.ar~ ;,''.a,'am ~hiu ~h~.~a ra;;cua ~~ncl ~,he ~.i:i:'c arnanE;; 'L} r: i~~~71~a.mos a' ~~l~c~ An~,mr~~~s~~z~~1k rl9.s~~~~~.a~; ,$ u a.~L d.aaw w9.~h a E;ar~rl~?i.r~~a r~,nc:l r~;~~~lx~.e a~l~~c~at~va.~~y rend h~,u~ian7.~y r.~x~ ~~ma~~l~ ~aal~s an ~~t~1:1.5 crr~~~~.~~ar~~nl~~n~~~ Schwn~~.,l~n W., ~;rc~rna~ne~~.;;cl~a Anarartia.~.c;n in Lu~~a~s. uncl, ~.hra ....,_.......,...r.,.-- - - - ....~..._._.. .________ ~.~e~ .ahun~;en zu dan ~coa.aa;isul~~en Va~~hs.:~~r,ni5ssn (Anams.~.ias oa '~'crres~ ....._,.~...~.._...,.~...~....__ - ...Y...~..._..,._.y..w..~.~...~... ~i~:l. Ma~;ntyi;:~sm a.n ~urapa end ~;laeix' l~F:~.~~~.~~ns~~~~.p ~a Gao~.a~~.c~~,~. Cants da.t~.or~s), Al]:h~,~ld:lun:;en dc;s Geaphysikc~~.i,sa)~cn ~;x~st,i~~u~,s, ~'ai,sdartr? Na, ~.~.; A~cs.rlemie Pul.~7.is)~rc~~,,, l3arl.in ~.9~.g, ~n ~~n~,s work. ~)~~ aut;har m~~]tias ~~~E; va~~y usafu.~. a~t~tamp~~ ~~a ~;ivc ~ un~,~'ied ,end surnrrti7,r.zin~ das~ cr~.~~~~.ar~; o~ thr~ ~.;anar, s.a,~u~'l;rata,ana ~eL1.n c ~s wr~.tter~ in ~.crl in ~~r~~^l1C~l,a.ve, ac~.~z~~Gi:Ca.r, mann~;rs caz~ ~E x~ccarr~r~a~ c,n ~ ded to al.~. types a.~' rcaader~;. ~1,.~,~,rl~~*rnanr~ ~u :cascl?~L~i~' and l~~c~da.~~in ~,n vcu~tscl~. .~-939~~~~?U ~1`a?k~u~^aa. ~!a ~ r ~,.,~..,..,,...._~..w.............,-.-... .....r.._.V-. q..1c~1.~,6. W~:s1aaden~ ,~ ce 1~G~~~:~~^ch ~,r~d M~da.ca.n~ ~.zr C,EZ~mas~y ~.~3, ~ ~ ~c,~.en ?Lh~ :1)iGte~' I~,ti~~:~~.sha.n~; '~Iause 191~~~~~.>L~9, ~'~~:L. ~i,L4~1~~7~ ~~3aaks'~a~;~E~ a VaJ.. lG~' f~~eo~,a~'~Y and ~al.~~entala~~ Va~.m 1~~; 1'I~nc;~~a~.ot~~' rco~~`a~~h~ a ~~ ~ ., ~ etra~~rra,~h~ ~ 1~~~ J.U, ~ pc,~, v ~;~ume. ~~.tk~ this (;ar.~rnr~n ~~uk~w Vol.. >~ ~~., ~ ~~ ~ J~ -. ? ' ~' the ~~A~~ l~,evi.ew a.C' G~:rm~~n Sciences the '~~aal~ ,tore o.C' ~..LGU. ~~.aTl, a.L ' ?~ ~ '~u~~~~.shi,n~~ E~~~use hay rencia.~Med a service ~~a Germar: scienw the ~~.ctEr L ~.? that ~~~nnat be unci.ere at~.~r!ated, xrl ~;he rnos~, canc~.se .C'orra a t~. ~ ~~ achicvernen~k,s o~ (xerrnan sc~.ea~ce ~etwecn ~.93~ survey a~ the work and ,r. ~~~'he rnoSt im ortant spcc~.al'izecl sc~.ent~.x'ic; :l~.ter~., and 'J.9~.6 a.s ~~~.ven? ~ ~ ., . ~ ~' nr th~.a ~~E~ri.ad is ~.i~~ted and ident~.~ied atua~c: tha~~ al~pc~~red dui ~. ~ r~ I. .. ~ ~.~ 'n a, m,ano~r'~'.~~h about cap^ta~raphy' and pho~ G~,V ~.iaxrd~.rrr; to Gan U~id~~ ~ f', j ~ ~ ~ ~.n~~'ter~~a~.d, V'r~~.ume ~.~. presents dc~~La an the Gerw ~~~raz?arne~r~' by ~~o ~' ~; ~ ~ ~ a.n add~.t~.an to re~7r~rts an .u;; anon ~.ntarc?~~.c }.,x~~ed:i.'~~. nn rah ~1.9 ~8~ ~9 ~ 1~ `` ~ r ' ~? ~ ~ .imatal.o~~ ~.s?~ar;~r a~' c~.irnclte s,nr1 ve~;etat~.:;n ~~,d c~.~.rrtato~l.a~~~ ma.c,~ act ,~ , ,,~ ~~~~ ~ ~? ~ tern, er~.ad, ~;eomarpho~,a~y and ~~.ac~.a~.o~'? J:n the ~~ ~.n the qu~,r rY ~ ~,~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 ~ "` {~ ~~, ~, Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 card ~x~?~ Qi' ~~h? ~sagrapY~~ ?uhex~e ~,~~ amc~r~g o~l~ar tl~~a~~5~ an e~s~y ~p ~ . , d r~ax'~k~c~r~ ~s~a aria ~ rQ~aar~~ abc~u~ '~1~.~ pca~a~ ~,l~pu'~ ~loxtk~ ~ana~~ci~~ are ~: ~ - r E;x wY~~.a the ;~a1,a,o~ra,ng vo~w~~ caniaxns ~a~ c~~~ Q~ ~~;gr~ ,,ns by ~~ ~a~ , ~~ , cad nQa~~~Y~e~~~~ ~ur~o~e and nax~~~lawesi~ex~r~ Ru~s~,a~~ the ~ubarc ~:1.~ ~eg~ .n~ ~, ~ ~,~.~ ?aa~.o . a,Ga~ r~,aearch ~n ,~.~a~,ne xeg`~.an~ dpa~.'L w;f,tl~ ~n Vo. the g~ac~ ~~, ~ ~, ~ , ~,~,ac~hel~ Ica a~' ~~~~.~ va:l.uca ~d~ con~ps,rat~~.ve s'Lud~.~.s ~.urr~e L~ r b~ F ~ ~Iac.~iC , ~n '~l~e va~.~rne an ;;ea~.o~;y ar~,d ~a~~~.aenta~.o~ry' ~~he~~e "j,Y'1 ~a~,a7^ r'~a~~1xC~J ~ , ~~~?? ~' ~~,'G~;x~~~;ur~e atl c?i;i.luva.a:l. t~CO~.a~;~r and x^sc~n~~ deep sca seda.~- ~,~ a 1.a.,~ 1, a ?e 1:n the va~,~rn~e on ii?.nc~.z~s.~.ac~~'" new a.r~~~~es~Ga.ga'~~.ve i?n~,~t~hods ~~ave- merlt, .. ;, ' n ~~ceert'~yea~^s axe sk:~eca~ ;l;'icd~~:1J.y de~~cx~a.~aed ~~s axe chrys~La~.~.o~ J.o~~Gd a. ~~ ~ ~'t'~~.r; e,nd .;eachem].ca~ ware ~ Vo~.umes St~M~'1. c;ont~. n ~~he; mc7s~ i^e- ~yz a~ ?~ u' ~L'a aY1C~ e,rs~,uat~.arls o' s~a~;c~.a~. X~e~~ot,;ra~jhy; the m:~>.~crial c,En~~es.~ ar~cl ~ur:`Gler .i.n eG?~s~cez~z~, ~?r~ceY~l.anc~ ~is ~rca~~~ed ~.n ua'~r~ex ed b~' ~e~:~anrr ? ' , , . ~ ~ ~.lso cal.lcc;?Ged re?~a~^'cs rc,gard,i.ng -new ~Lest~.n~; deta~.l. ~ hc,r e ar e - ~ ~he sca,ence o:C dc~~os~.'ts, ,~.. xt may be s'ta~ed and warkin.g methods and ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ at vo:l.~~ne ltl~-~~. oJ:' the seTie~ ~~,~ural. Sc~.c~nce vy way a,r,. ,,larru~lrJ'~ th .,~ ., ' Ge.l;~an~~n ~.;~39~~.~l.~b rep~~c,;cnt an i.ndis~~caisiM ,~eseax~~r;h s,tul Mec~~.~s.zyc a.n Y ? ~ f'- ~en.ce ~~rorl,~: ~'or ~~ala~' e~~pl,or~ers ~.nc'J~ ~'ra~~ c;ve~~y sraa.entist ab~.e r e_ e.c cancexned ~u~th ~~eor~r~,~l~~.c rind ea~.ogir~z~.~ s llas I~e~.sse~~Lan~ andschs,:t'~en c~cx ~~~d~ r'' ' ~Le Cc-~t~'~'? ~,,.~.ndsGapes oi' thn pa~.ar ~,ega.ans) ~ ~0:~:1.er;M po1.r--, (].he Why ~ .sent' ~a~:ries U, Val. 5~ ~~abla.s~lerw~ t~~o~k ur~.d i~iss~;n~~ tan t Vo1.k un W~.s , ... . ~ ~ r ~, ~, 1~.G pages, DM (J ~ b0 ti '~h~..s ~.~.t't~. e vaJ.tiune can- ce~.~.en'~ short in~;raduc;t~.an to the ~opag~^a~ahy, c:l.a.rn~,~p~.og',y ta~.ns an exM ~' the o~.ar reg~.ons~ The ~.nda.v~.du~,~. sect~,ons are and ~,ce scn.enc,~ o p e~~c~i~ t~.ons From travel. re~ar~t~~ off' ~'arnous pc~~.~r supp~.~mcn~ed by d p e~pl.a~ers r~'i~d.emann Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 ~~~,~~m~sche ~~~~a~,~~~n ~~~'i`/~~~ (5~~~r~.c ~~~e~~ ~.~~-`~~1~ 7 ~ ~~d~zn~~ .~~.,.~. ~u~~1,~~he~~a .[ae~],~,r~ ~Q~~~ ~~~ ~a~~o~~ ~~'~,~~ ~,~o ~~ ll~ ~evo~'~~, w~~,~,~ kz?>,~~~~~~,n~ m~;ra~.;y~ ~o ~pec;i,~,~,i~~: , ~ ~ux~vsy i~ ~;~.v~en n;G' ~~.~ h~4~nc~he~ o~~ se~,~~~~oaroY ,~,n ~ra~a.~La,~az~ ~to ec~r~,~u~'uc~~,~,on c~u~~c~~'G~,oraN ~'o;r' hu~.~.d,l,~~;~ :l.oc~a~i~ud ian r'o~~.ur~~ unc~c~r ~;l?~re~.~~ off' ~,ar~1~iM ~,~ ~ualce;o ~ ~l'hc~ ac;coun~ off' ?l,~ de;; truc`tic9n ofi' ~l~e `two Grc~ek c9.~xc~~ 0;1' 1~e:1.i1~E; rti~?~d 1`~u~c~c, ~,n J~C ''(:~ ~,a very ~,n~l~~:x~~.~~a.n~a ~r~c~ ~~t~rn~.r,J.~~~,n,~ ~'ox`~ ~z'cl`1aGO~,o~;a.s`t, '~'~~.is l~c~ok i.~ wax"~r~.y x'eoc~m~nended ~a ovexy one i,~~~~e,~'es~~e~a ire seisrl~ic m~;a,~uremc;T~~~ ar~d o~tliez' sca.srr~~.c ~,n~~~es`~i~aa ~ia~~s, Clnx' ~,~~iar~ti >:~>,icl~~~~rci, l~~ ~ie,z:l.oc;k arl~ ~'~~~u~.inc A, Sr?.;e~.y; F~i~~~.;i.a~r~,phy off' ~~.~~ac~; 1~~~~me Z:tiLe~~.~~ux'e Un^~Gd 5tia~tea, Cs,irada~ ~:l,.aslti~ti ,`~x~at~ Ncwl'ound~ ~.~~ncle Cha.ca~,a; Am~r'icr.r~l I,ibr'ax'~ .~ssor~a.ation ~~~.u, 332 pa;~;es (:l.in~n) la do~.:l.a~~~, and ~'i~''~y c;en~L' S ~ 'J:'he Amv~ric;~~n LiU,x'a,r'~r 1l~sacia~ ~~~.ori has pu~~.i~~h~d a val.tamE;, compiJ.E:c~ by di1l^~;en~t wo rl~~ ~ w1~a.ch conM ~a~.ns an inc~.usa,ve Libl~.o~~r~~~.~ln:i.c enwnc,c'a~ic~n o~ ~i;he ~.i~~ei~'~~.~ure nn the ~eorai:;l~~a.cc~~. names o.~: i~he Nox'~~~, .~rie;ric,r,r>, con~ir~~ent~ ~;n ~th~; biM b~.io~raphy, which is carried up ~n ~t~~~ present, ~,hc ~,^`t,ex~~a,~l;ure of the ~.ac~t cen~ux~y i5 a1.so covered ,~pproxirna~te~,y 2,~OU ti~~.cs off' l~ool~s a~~,cl. rLr~ic~.es a.r'e ~,rrarL~ed acc~ordi.r~~, ~to ~ea~~'aphic re~;io:~.s c~nd ~'or ~hc most part, are supplied ~ri.~th a carl~nen~t~~r~t~ .~~n a~.~L11ox' and to ica1. index ~:aciJ.itd~e~~ use o,~' thr; ~rarlt~ 1+~.~a~~w.x~i"~.w ~ most val.uab~.e p t'ox scien~i~'ic work ~x'e col].ec;c,ed hr,re ,n7.lti:i.ra~; ~th~ book' a u,~e:ir'ul re~'erence work '1'^edemann Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 __ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 ~, ~~~ I~a,~~~o~~' cad,' '~'ar~~~~tar:l,aJ, W~'t?~~~; ry . ~ a, 'w~~ox,~ J~~~I~~) ~ Ai~~r~,rr~~11.`~~ s;~c;n d~;~' c~c~u~t~a ~~ H~~'c~ar3 l~?lv~~ ~,nc1. ~~a~~~ t~ , , ? ~ ~, , ~ '~t~n ~u ;,aa~~~.a,rl, ~kkr-~c~~rr~~.~ ~'u~a~,~,~1~~~'~ l~?rJ?~.n, ~l~c~cl~rn~,c; c;;cx W~~~on~~~h~~ ~, '1'ho ~u'tho~~ x~o~ao~~~ 1'x~~ ol~J,i~~~,.a~1 ,~~.c;li h~ :Lg~~~; ~M ~, 3~a ~~ ~a~~.f~~oa, ~~~ Q Cau:G''t a,n ~L~a.p~~.~ ~l,ura ,rid J,~2~w2~ pr~asen~ted be~'oz~e 'tho ~;e~~raan ~upx m c;r~n'~~^ovo~~s~' `I~e~weoaz ~~l~~o ~~r?~.t~ 1'au'~,aGC;lc arrd ~.a?l 'tYi~: cour~~c off' ~,he J?Q~aJ. ,, ~. ~ a .~.~' the pl~ob~.em hex~~ ~.5 ~tha~ o,l' t~EM 'the ~,~,nd, Mec;ltJ,.cn1~u~'~~, ~~~,en'L~. a J a ~Y ~' ~'vc,r~ ;a~~xc~rn) ra11~c1'1 a.n normal. L1S~i~~ a~~p],ies :~':in,ri~; 'the ca7~c~epL o~ za. (,,,,~....~ .,. , , ~, prl ~1rhe ~IJs~~,.5 a~' 1~11Ea a.x7clus~,'r'iaua ~?~cl ,. , , ~~ ~ i~ cacrl.d be clc~errn~.nec~, howevc~~~, 'tha't ex~xc~ re a Gcs,X'C17 0 ~. thc. ~xu'tl Paz cs ~th: ~~ ~.Ld~ oi;' ~ l~drbor ~towrl a.o a:l.sa sa.rGce ?Lhe e4.~r.1~.e ~'t M:lddJ.c: A. F~. o vG;r ~ i~x~oni) ~ Un '~}~rr bay a.~ z ca~o~~ d~s~.~;rra'ted b;1' 't,l~~ wo.~c~ r~. J (~,_....~ , , ., , ,~~ ~,~ c~e:c~cl.ed ~ n ~,ubeckt s ~C'avax~, wfi~.:le Mock tirl~~ 'thc tio~al con~~over~,l w , ~ ~ ~' ~~ rn :~a,sh~.n~; ope~'a't~. ~zl~ a,n 'the x~eian ;l.en'r~ur~; was arclered ?to d~,s;~~t .loo - off' 'the ~.~ubecl~ riven (~'t~am) ~ ? Chra.s~1,~.~,na. cn~ ~;en ~? ~~~u ' ~ ? ~~ iJ, Krxu'th ~ :Cx'~.d t j ?...Y...~ ~.~ '~~~ l~r~~uc~ hasrn~t S e and Knud ha~raua ~ exta a ;:~ aru~.J.y ~~ ~u~'') ~ (}~'r~.d~ja~' Hansen .{~ ~ ~-~' ` rlu~h undex~talties a de~~,~. J.ed ~ nvesl~~,f~'a?t~.an ~n ~~he pre s ~n~, work, ~,7 ~,~..L K ~~ oJ.ar ex~ :l.oz~er~~r. Unc; J.~~rn~ ~'r~om the ex~ aJ' .'the e,rices'tors o:~ bo`t~7 p p y ~?' n~' work ~tha't bo'Lh expJ.oxcrs hs.cl a ~o~.n~ cel.lerrt s,nd h~.~l~.y ~.n'l,erc,~?t~..~ eJ.mLt den who J.a.~ved ~.n I3e~'~en ~'r~om J.6~0 anc;ec~tox~ '~'h~.s ~.s Mr. C~x~ Cxe Y ws.s off' ~~~e~hc~rJ.s,nd e~c~trc~c~ion~ Much C~ex~marr ~to 1~U1. who unc~oub`tedJ.y ed 'te:r~ed amori~; 'the anccs'torso ~?t ~,s ~to i.~e hap bJ.aod ~.s aJ.so encoun ,. C,. ~ -ed exc~J.:l.~:n~ book wiJ.J. be 't~r'~.~.rrs~.a'ted ~.n.ta 'Cha't ~th~.S ra.ch.~~' ~.~.J.u~ trc~,1~ C~errns.a~. ~,~lr~. S't j,ct,n~.. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 ____ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 H~~.~x~~l~ ~~?~el~~~~; ~ el~r~ee~~u~~~~ ~'~,n~ ~l, vQn ~ex~ ~~,sm~aexi,u~`~e ~up~ M? ~;.'~~,~~~~'d, ~ ~oy~ ~ '1~~~~,e c~~' ~1~Q ~~j~~~.~ (;oa~~~~, I:~~~~.on l~ub:l,~~hc~x~~, ~u~o~~d~~3;1' ~QI~(~, 1~M ,~~~~0~ Tn ;~,uen~~ ~Px~i, ~~nf;~ ~~~~d ~~'ue~fi~o~:l,~,~'s a.eYr~~~i~~p ~e~~;'~~^ar~ ~~ncl ~~~~.ri~o~ ~~'q de~~ ~~ ~, ~,~:r,'~,~~at3~~ ~'he de~u~~.'1,~ r~~' ~'a~,~~.~~'e ~n ~aa~~~~.c~il~r, x mike the v~~,ur~c~ va~.ua~i~,e ~e~d:lnr~ ~'px yaun~; ~~?~ala~ '~.~hc ,~y~e ~~nd ~.:~.1.u~~x'~~~~.Qn~ axe pz~~~c;1~ , c;~~~, and ~a~a?~e~u:l. S~~a~,n~a. Jon Svr,r.~s~on; ~w~.~c~,l~;en ~~'~s and l~'euer'. 'l~aa,~~ ka.~~L durcl~r ):~~land~ p... w.. w....~.M.M.M~.I.M1~.IriM.~li4.1~M.~ON.YMI.. .~.~My~~w.Mr~~....M.1.M..~.rw~.w..~.w~ (13c:~wer~n ice ;and 1~a,~:'~;~ '1'hxou~;h, xoe:l,~,ncl on I?lor~e~-aa,ck~, I~1c;r~dEx' ~u~,~.a.ehc;ra, 1+'~rea.k;u~~ .l.~l.a,~, 1)T~ cap -, ~'h~.s vo:~ur~~e cau:?~;li~t ~~o lae ~,n evel~~' bay' ~ ).a,bx'az'y, Gancl rl~~cny ~~ iLc;~.ch~~i' wa.:l.). wan' ~to r'c~~~d ~l:l.c~ucl ~'ro~~. ~ ~ :t.zl o~~dcr 'Lo enxz.cl~ arid. en1 .ven ha.~ '~.nst~rur~i.on, ':l'l~.e ~Lzl~i,ve:i, .r.'epor'~ i~ ~~~.a.~~enecl uy quc:s~~~.ons c~nc~ e,ns~~cr'~, w~e:I.:l eula~J.~a.c~d w~.?~h b:l.~,c~wM ~~nd~wn ~~,e ~ic;~Luz'~;~, encl. ~r.r'a.t~cen ~.r~ mos~~ ~.i.vely ~'a;~hion, Who?~h~;r~ young ox' a).d 'you w~J.J. a:l~ray~ ~~:l~~cl:l.y r'ecacl t',h?i~ book- S~in~~. Jon Sw~on ~~an~ Sonnenl;,~~ e~, Non~c~ci~ Ju~~er>,~1.er:l..c'k~na.~sc ~u~ Zs ),~tind (Days o:f.' Sun Sh~.n~, 1~~,~r~ni' e }~oyr~~nod I~~~pr,:r~'ienceS i.n S'r,elr;,71d, ) 1?lerder I~.tila:l.~.shers, ~~~~c;:~bur~ ~.91.a~- '1'hes~ co:Ll.ec~ed s~t~,o~'~.es saz'e zYewrn~ mender./ so F'ax~~ as ~inc~; ~'~'s'~ C~~:~~''~ ~.s concc:r'ned, ainr~e they ~~re wc~.:L ~,clal.~ted 'to a ch~ldt s rncn~~a:l.i~y. 13u~,, s~Lar~~,n~ can .laa~ae ).23, ?~he cha~~~ers 'r~u~.ce wa.th ~.ralax'r~l~~~.b:l.e adven~ur'es, provaltr; ~, rnan~.e. ~~o be e, Su~e~~ man and demor~s~r'cc~~c laa~~~ c17.~.).~l~~~en's bao~s e:~~ou:l.d nod be wr~.~~Len, ~~~~e,r11C l~lur).ey; "~h~,c;lc~,c~~;ant s J~~~,onau~Ls~ A Sd~e oJ:' ~~he l~n~~a~cw ~~.c ~,~~e~l~ack,u ~~n~~us anal l~abex~~tsori, Syd.rlcy, London ~.91.~~, ~L~~ pa~;es~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-00039800020017001 7-4 __ _ _ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 r~'lz~ pr"~~~r~?G v~~un~c~ ~~r~~~~~M ~h~ ~u~uA~.~~ ?~G~?~~,~~~~ wr~~~an ~~?z~ off' ~~~~~1~~,~~ant ~ a~~~~.i~~.on~ I~~,s ~rx~~~~ ~.c~~c~~r~h;i,p c~~~~,~,~~~~s, ~h~ u~l~~~c~r~~ cou~~{~;a ?i' ~I.~. trio uari~~.c~.~~r~.r~~~ o' ,~~~ e~parl~.~. ?r~ c1 ~~a ~'~~,~~ ~~~~ cap;' ~~c~mp:~.~~ry ~'~~,:1,pYr~h~,p ~vc~~r~~;~ma ~~hc~ t~zh~~,r~dMa~:' d~~;t;~~9 off` ~ha wa,~.r~ x~~~r~ox~s~~,a~~ ~1n~~~~^c~~~.~ ~ '~'h~ ~~u~h~r~, ~ar~~ ~toQl~ ~ar~x~~t ~n ~~i~ ~,~p~da.~a, an as ~~ lal~ica~,~~.~.,a,~~~~hcr~, a.y ,~,ra ~x~~:~:l.~r~'la ~i~"~cr~v~cx~ o~~' x1a~Lure' min ~lc~ ana,rn~~,s~ '~'h~~~ ~.~ uric; Qa' ~~~ea maa~L a.x~~tr~~~~~,n~ ~;val~~ ?~~: ~1~~ p~aJ..~~,r~ x~~~;~.~ar,s '~h~~~; ~ h~v~ ~~~~~c~l~ f~le:L71~u~ ~'c~l~r~s T~~,c~hrx~~d ~L~ k~yx~~d; T:l.ic~~cr~s~;~d?4 ern Su~~po1,. ~'r~~.~hn~.ss~~ ~~~~,~h~r~~~~ld n~~~.r~~r~ 2. 1;:~t~~~d,i~~:i.un Burn scachs~L~n ~r~cl~~~a.l, (fin .~la.rp:l,~.ne "a'own ozti _,._............................~..........,.._.,....._....._....,..,.r........., __....._..........~, ~l~h~ ~ou~~h l~o~.c, `~;xl~~~x~a.~ncc~, o' n>.ncl ~h ~a.c~~ o ~' ~ .~ ~~ ~ Nu~~or ~a '~h~ nay' p'~~~na '~r~.~ Y f 'k~ooN;. on '.fir ~~.~nd. us~ian off' ~h~.S ch~'rm~.~n~ ~~,~, ~~u~;l.e~ oanc,~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 __ _. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 FuI;~~,~,~i~~n~ IIa~J~ ~~~ `1'~ ~,~~;~~~; ~'p~4u~ jaas~~,~~,QS ~ l3oc~I~a ~~~~~~~,~~~ ~~c~~l .~'~'~in Lny:~~.sl~ ~r~~ l!lo~`w~~~~~n ~~z~d ~~ub~,~.~h~~, lay ~h~ ~au1~aa>,1,;1~~,~~~; h~~~~ o~' ~~ ~ '~'w R~~~;~;o~, ~~~~~, ~, a,~1 :~~'~,~a1~;x1 ;fin ~Il~ ~ca~l~~~;~1',;1.0~ ~i~u,r'~s ~oy~u~~~ ~~~'~ ~~ ~,c.~~~~~n~ !1~u~'~ w~.~~'n 1~1~.~~ua:~~); Nu.;. ~. ~z~~;x'aza, (I~uv~~ ~~ ~,uA ( P ., ,~ ~ cl ~a ~~a '~~ ~coi~E~, ~o ~~a~ ~ac:~~~;~~~ ('~'h?: K:~~1~; off' ~k~~ ,,.; ^~a~.i~ l~2~~r~ Cr~~c;l~cn~ ~~w111S ;la '1'aundr'~>. (~:n '~hG `~'unr~lr~) IJy l~xc~ ~,~c) b f ~~a~ ,..,,,......,.~..,M....~~...~.,.... I~t~;chun hv~c;z~c~h, ~,~~~a~h~~i~n~,~~`': Sol~:~~. ra~~:hL ('1"n~ o:t' ~r~~ ~~~.r~n~.~h~h, Sun) by ~..J, Va.aa~ir~rs, ~t'- r~;~d~.~L~~.~~n ~~o ~7~'i~?~;k~~n.~ ac,lvon~u~'~s ~,ri.vu7.w'in~, k~1un~~~ las~i.nG~;~ r~nG~ aala;rns,~,.s ~~I1~r,t;. pcat~Ics ~;i~v~~ ~ro>~h~~ ~ool~:~e an raxr~;?;11r~n~ ~,.nv:t.ah'~ a.n~o ~~h,e; 1~:~rd :laws a:C' nu~;u~~c tllcl~ ~ve;~'y :~a.va.n~; t,r~~,x~.~; ~.s 5u1a~~c~ .~o i~n 1~ho ,~~rr~i~'r.c, ';/'hey axe ~~o >,~~ 11i~k~~.y r'~c;um~n~Ya~ dsd as school, reada.n~; m~l,~~z?m I~jel.mu?~ ~t ~~,hns I~ienz~z ;111~71'1].C1G; Cha~t'co'~ ,e~~~~.s T;Y.~.~.0'l"~~L7.c~, rl~, ' ~'?~,~~ix'o~ ~ (Ch~~rcp~~ and ~o:La:r ~xpJ..~~~~a~.~an} ~~u'k71. .s~~ez~r - I~a~ne, `:'our. s, ~,~iL~U. `~'hi5 baok is a .~~ri~~u~t,e ~~;c) ~11E, acc;ornT~:lis~k~mr~r~~s of ~~ho ~~'z~e;rtch ~~~a~,~~r or~J.oz'rr r, Cha.x't;a~ ~.n arc~~ic anr'L ~,~~?i~~,~,~~:'c~t~a.c c, ploti'a~~inn~ ~;n a v~~~:y ;~y~7~~7auho?L~.c, rr~a~lnGr ?~hc; no~~.e clla~~ac~~c~r o~i' '~i~~a.s ex.~:)ro~^er ~.s aro;~~~~ :from 11~.s a'~~Li~ ~~ucle 'Lo humans ar7c~ ~an ,rnaJ.,~, ~1~0~~ ~hc var,i~ty n~' a s~~o~^~~r~a~L, 1~u'L ~1~cti~~'a~l; :~oi~ knaw:l.wd;e arld-'lie desa.re 'Lo s~~~'ve i1a,s peo~~.? was the mo? five ;~owe~^ a:E ~~is s,c dons ~ !~ book ?to Ise 1~~.~hJ.y recon~~mended, IZo:lanul~ ~~ahns I-I~~nS C:J.aos: Cy es~~r~.ch m~.t r~lar Il~rd,a (Canversa1~~.ari w~.~r,~1 ~~he ~;art~h) C~r~ ~;l~o~ic~~. world a~~c:I. J.i~'e ~aurney9 l~u'a7.ishers: ~,. Pifer and, Cap Munich l,gl~,q, :11i.~~}1 ?~n l'7~h ~ha~usarld~ Px'i.ce~ ~8~00 I~1~I. .Any ona in~~;~res~eci, nod ax~.~.y in ~eoJ.c~ry ~k~u~l, ~.n sciexlce in ~;~ri~ral. w.i.:l.l. ~n~~hu~ r' ~~' ca:l~.~ end excitedly :~"a~.:].o~a ~I~.c a~u~hor on h~.s ~~ri~u ac;ra55 ~hr/ ~~.a~ ~. y cazi'~inents ~ Whether tl~e ~ra~.cenic region S of ~:taly, Sc~utl~ ~~~'rica or Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 ~;~,~aF~ ~~~~ ~nv~~;l,~r~d, ~~~~ ~r~i~l~a~~ i~~~1c~w~ ~~~a ~~Q c;canu~~un=~c~~~ a~ ~~~ ~i>~s ~~ ~ ?l?~'1~~ r ~~`L~,~ar~~ a~ ~i~~c~ r~~~~l,~~~~ lad h~,~ v~.v~d ~.~~~~.. ~a:~~~?~~~~~d~,,r~~ a:~, I,h~ rn. ~ ~ ? ,, .. , ,~. - ~~lz~~am~n~. `.'his ~~~~~ ~~~~~~n~; ~Q u~,~;~ ~n~l ha.s ~,~~~r~ off. n~~u~~~~, 1~ ~, ~ ~ ~:fr'~'~r ~ mu~1.~~,`~udc; a~ na~~~ :k'~~~Gs ~d la~~~ola~,c~ms ya~xs o~ k r~~a~,a]~ ~,n w~~,~. .. ;~~ ~ r~s~~~ ~~ ~~~,;~~~.~n~ ~h~~ca~~~r'r~~h;~ aa~d cox?~lrT:i,n~;~ c; ,~ac~,a~.l.y ?~o ~ha ;~,~o~.a~ ~u:lm~,~~~b~.~' c;a,rn~~:l.~~;m~n`L' ~h~ ;r~o~~c~in~; .n~i ~~M~r. ~~~~~~~s~;n ~ ~? Au~:''laau tl,e:~r P~~~~c~,t,~.~ ('1'h~; ~'i;~uc~uxa off' I~~1. tie ~ ~~~, n~ ~ s clz~. a r ; ,_.,,,,,,.,,.,a?r.NM.........,.......~..~..... u'~~~:~~,r~ta ~,~1.~9 I~~ai,~~,;r) ~~,~r~?l, 1~? ~ch1~~,,1~, ~ahl~a:l.a,ai;c,r~~ ~t ~~r~.~;e l.i., ~a 17M ? ~. ~ ~ a r' c~m~:,;~~elZe;nsa.~:l.a ~'ar~~ ~th~ ~>,`a?~}~ox e~~~~.~,~.ns ?Lhc lyhys~.c~a~. ~:oa"cos .f a~ a ~c,~ ~ 1 ~~ ~ ,? ~ ~: ~ ~i~hc; ::o~~ma~~,a.an o.~' c1~cm~.r,~~J. c;ca~rliUincti~~.an~; and ?~hc v~.sual~.- ~.,11 r ~"7~,1~.~G, 1.n ... ~1,t' cltic:nlyCal. iJe;l`a"~,C ~1~,'Lf:~l"~.~~.L.;~ ~l,nt:.l c,~~Yfl~Jl.na~J.anS. ~aL,ian o.~: ?G1~G ~'orm~~~~:LOn :. ~~' ~ mam x'r. ~.sn~i.c7 among o~.~uc,a.~~d ~.ay~ns~1 ~~nc~ on ~;he J, hs ba ak ~wa.l.)r l :~n~l ,~ ,r ~~hax~l~a i~a '.~~ L a `x~ ~.evol o ~ alL~~^ ~.11;~~~ .~u?t .o7~,~ a:C' 1~,z. hex ~.aa,xrl~.n~:, ~~~ ~~c;e:1.1.~;n~~ r~nv. c].uar~~c;a?t laresE;n~~a?~a.an. Oswa:l.c~ ;~ahnle ~~aunbeclt; T~Ie'~haZ unc~ l~'l un~ss ~a~A~~r~~l~r.cn~'a:L;, ~~~r~~?i?lods c~nd 1`~~~su~.~s off' ~.~tomic; l~uc:l.uc~r ~~ese;ac~ch) it~'E1a~' ca:l.l.art:tran (1~~~ v~a~.ti~rno, ~ur~?l, ~~. ~c~hWr~;~~, ~'ula~.'l.sl~a;r, s, s ~~u~~~~;ar~~ ~.~~~.i9 a ~r~.co I.~ , ~a ~~~7. ~~ a ~~~ ha a ran sxcsl.lPn~ ~;7.a''~ ;~~r .Ln~:roduca,n.r ~~hosa i.n~~~~~as~od .lh~, autna~ .. tl~.a r~~ruc~i,ure ~~nd opaz'at~.on a.l' a?La~n.~c n.uc:l.o~. in ~,?t,om:t.c pkL~ s~.r~.s ~o ., .. ;.. ? ,?? ~. r aosi.n ~1 ex~erls~.~c l~no~c?r:Ledga off' phfs~.c ~ar,d c;hcma.s?~x~y, w.~l,Alou?L ~~.ce~upZ ~ ,. ~c hu~a m~~'l~rxi.a:l. ol" na?Lu~~~~.~. and o.x~~.~'a.c].a~. rac~:~UM sul~d~ ~r~.c~.n~, t~l t., .. rnt~~.lor a~~.s~.l~' Comp~~ohens~.blE scc~io~ls h~: uri:L~, suc~ act~.v~.ty a.n~u s ~ a . ~ ?' ?~ll 'i;:l"1~.5 ~ocak: ~~a acqu~~.~.n~ evon ?~i1a5~ wlla 1?t.avrn' ?~ ~~hc; ~i;a.ri~a to c,t,ed W~, ~~ ~. ~~' w~o1. w~.~l~ ~~hos; la~a~'~~~.cros ~r?~.~h ~~hasa a,L~i~x~c~rna~.y' ~~.~;;M dw~l C,XC~.11~~. ~ n~,.~'?1.can~ ~'ac~s n:f aur. dad'. OaW~~.ld 1~]~ma Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 i~~ W~ ',1;~?~a~na,n; Ma~u1'L ~~vo~~~~~ ~.~~~~~ A~ ~h~ , , ~hQ~ ~.a~,V(~~ ~>, ~u~~~1 ~~ara~~~ a.~' ~,J~c ~,~::~'~'~.cu:l.'~~.o~ aid ~v~~~'1~~ 'Gh-~~L ~t;Y~~ ,~~a~~-~` ' ~.~~ ~~~~~nr~?G ~o ~a.~.rral~ x~i~aux~~ ;~v~roa'~ ~~ ~.~~~~~;~ ,~~,z'~ ~~' ~,lio ~a~q~~n'1~~~ ~~.or~ ~.~ ~ul~?~n u~~a ~~' ~ f~~~ ~~x~~. ~L~on o.'~' ~ ~ ~ll~ c.~x~a~r,:l.~no~~ w~.~r~ '~~1~ raar,~~ ~'aJ.ci, ~tca~n~ c~~' 'cht~ ~;c~u~..l~r~t~~rf; 4~~t?~d .~ ha ~dv'~.ce x~~su~.~~,n~ .~'rorr~ 'G~~a.,~ ~~~~~:i,azlr~Q, ~~~~~u,~ ?~la,~ soak ~ ~ ~~o~r~ ~:~1. ~~xra~d.a.'~:~.on~ ~~;~~~~~; la~v~ ~~~; 1~h~ ur~rrao ~~o~~.~. ;~~~~ ~ , ~ )l `~~1G~Yf1aG~~.V'4S~ ~'lE.l.n1'111~ t~ci~"lr'1~ '~ ,~~~ , :l;rri M~c}r der ~, ~ ^ ~~~ ~ac:~~ o:t' S'cr~~ln1S and T'c~,rea;~'ts) 1'~tia:l.sl~;.~x~'~ :f~~~ox~l~i~zx~d r l~Jx~ac;lc.rau ~, UJ ~~;~ u~1c~~a7 Gr7cia o.( ~1;.1~1~ ~lx~c~t~.o rrl~i~r wc;;l~uorne ~ }-:]~an~~c; a~~ ano~h ~, J.ar~,'~ _~~pa.ca~~r~~~a.cari ~,,r'~c:d oa z 1:,1~E oc~~ua~;o -^. Tn a at: M , ' x~a~ ~~ o:i; r~hra,.rm~.n~ Sl'~~~Lcl,re;~~ ]~{e~~)ar;r~; ~1~~.~~t:1.~.n~~F ~ ~ ,~^ ~.:~ ~i" rzv~,w us a ~~.~~~u,~~~ off' tho :i.~~ri~n;rF w~~a?a~k~.n~ar~ ~ (s7.r:1) o,f'' ~Ll'>.c Arnazc? ~1 ":,or u~'~ry, n,~~~ ~;;~o~;~,~at~hir, c~~ra.~~a,c~t~r.~, i~l~l~ i~l~,s'~a:r,~y o:E' ~.'L;, o~plor.~a~~ior~ a :~ , rrcl '~.hc. advorr~u~ :.us ,~ oux~~ noy~ th~.~t~ }Y~ mrtido ~hrou~;h 'the ~'o:r,a~, ,nx~in~ova~. ~~ .~' , ~ ol.dlaor~.~;, nn .r~tJ;~J and ~r a x~~v'~:i;~ s~;c;~r~ntrr, L~.1:'e a'~ 'tl~o ~ ox'~c:r~,, oa' ..~.v~,1.~,~r~a~~~.on end ~!~ ~~:~~c ~.:~x'~r~'~ commr~~~c~.~x~, r,~:n~;e,r;~~, o.f Marr~~o,5 ~ncl ~ ~ ~ , ~ . ~~,r~ '~.mr~~~o~~~iv~c marlnE~, ~J:'}~e :c~aa~or~ ~a~.r~~~ ~Lho cc~rav? ~' ~,o~t.t.on ~'.rom, '~hc~ ~,ro~k ~~ a w,iro:l.o ~ha~; ~~rr>,azorr.i~. ~. ~ ~~ori~ o~: ~,h~: nia~~ ~ ~~ ,~~ ~,ar~~~~,rdw~.ook~.nr so~~~;~,~w rricn~t; rind w~ax~:ld~-~:rade ~,~ea~ off' 1~hrw ~wo:r~~.d~t ~~ --? nc~, a ~ax~L o.~ ~h~ ~:t~om~so off:" ~r~onao:r~,o.w? ~au~, 1~u1.1 o r loan ~~t~us; ~,~~,ou,~ ~ U~,e q~c~~.mau.,~.~~a,ni'bau a.~ i~ho Ca:~~.l~ou 1~~;!ti~.Jrtos) ~d~.~~.ons U.~.c~ax, ~ .. ~ ~r ,, A t ~:I.n~,ox,, Pula~.a.shor^ IVci~cha~~~. ~~~i~7~ 261 ~a~;~~, ~n ~;l~c y~~~r~ 1g~~~,3 ~~he 9 au~;hax?~ unc~o~~~L~~ol~~ an e~~h~ no~;~"a~ah~.c; r~c:~oa~~c~h '~:r~.~ ~.n~llca %llo r~C~iorx ~ . ~ ~ae~~L and rnr~?~h~~os~~ raf' ~~u~~lsan . , . ~~l,l rainc; unc1, u~~>,~.~,ox~ (xn 'tale; Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 - _ __ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 . ,P ~ r~ u ~ ~r~cl Ica ~aca~^~~~y ~~1~~, ~~ 1'~ ~~' v~r'I~a~~ a~~~a,~ ~nci c~~1,1~~x' ~~hnca~~'rs~~Y~~.~ ~, ,,. ~r~a1~~,~n~ ~n '~1~~~~^ hun~~ ~n~ Qn ,~'~~~~,v? A~- ~~ka.~lo ~ra.~~,~ can ~~~~~x' ~ai.~, ~ ,,, ,, c- ?l~s~~ ~'.~;l~n~ Ii~~ rc~E~~a,'~t~~ ~a;'~ ~;cn~va,~~~'~n{~~~Y ~t~~~;~,.~~11~ 'gay m~~n~ cap ~, c~.cac,~'~ ~n ~' {~ ' ~~ax'r~~ nurn~x~ou~ clc~~~a?a.~.~ ~k~put ~~~a r~ca~~~c ~Lr~u~ ~,a ~'clc~. 1~~ r~~~cr~ ~, , ,, ~,, a ~ ~ ~~ `~'alC~a:~r~a~ 'G11~~~' ~:~~~la~la.n~a ?~~Zr~;~~? r~~;~,~~1~~,~`~ ~l~a.~a ~;~ ~i~i1r~.~~ ~~Q,;a, ti~i~a,~ a, 6ti c~~e~~ ~i~~~ ~l~~~ a.n'Fa~ ~.i~ ,,~~;~r paLt~. x~Iu~.~. N r ~~ ~n 7.~~~ Ua~'a~c~~~4s c~e~. ~~~ (J,~'r~~ux' ~nS~ Mari~u~;l. Nl~n~~'L'~~~; C' r1.~G~,u ?_,..,,~~~.. MrwM?yM1?~ wNN,?.y.Nr Ll'~~1 (~x'~CnG~~a ~ 1!;f:i;~~S;1,()'11t~ a ~aCl~a ~~' ~ ,~~Lli~.~.1,;ia?l~;x' ~' ~ a`)ll~I1U"a ~C?c1,x';3 in the; -~~ ~ ,:je.. 'J'he; a~a~~l~~car hr~a ~~~xLJ.r~1.~C~~~~c.~ :'t11 :~ev~x~~,:l. Az'~;~~1~ ~,~.x~~s ~.91~~, ~1.~..1. ~a : ~J ~c~~i~L:~or~~ ~a ~Gl~e An~~~~'~~~a.c. i c: ~y:L~,c,e?a c:~x ~~~~~xe' ~~:~ ' u~~a.~E~ o.f,' :1.:~.;t'e a.n, ~l,hcJ clr~xl~~ cs~1d, ~.nc~ s't~x~ horr~e ~~0 1~1~P x~c;aclE;:>:~ ~~~~G ln~x~ H~ ha ~ ~Ltc,t~ ~;c~~l,ncl e}c~~ r~rr~~;:l.y' we:l.~. ~.a1 rl~y ~.~r~~e:la.n~~s~ a,:~' t}a,~; ~ln~t,r~x'c,~;~?LC ,. ~ . ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~; ~.~ ~xc~.~L~.n~ l~oa~., so ~~~~~,i,L~L or~~ ~s c;~~~~'~~.v'~~~c;~.:~'x'o7n 'r;n;>.~ e~~~ f~..i.~.a~a~.n,.., ~x - ,? r~'h~ ma~~~~u.a o:C ~11e h~o~c is ~rGry ~;oa~., ~r~~~ :f.'~.rs~~ ~o ~I~l~~e .,l.a~~ ~~~.~. 1 7 on n1:' ~L~~~ ~~~~ai~n~;:~~~,~~hs i~ nd~ u.p ~~ px'e~~n'~?d?~y bu~~ ~Lh.~ rencl~.~:~. s~~~~nr~~~rds a (~ h,x' ~. ~ ~~ ~. ~, z1 ~. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 __ ~ , Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 d Renaud: ~e~ G~ac~sx~ (Tha ~lac~l~ex~) ~di~:~or~s du G~x~~w An xe ha~~e~ ~g~~ a? P&gee~ ,~~ i1~~~~'~xa~io~le ~ Tae ;~on~ Publ~.~he~'~, i~ouc ~ ~,a1,ex hoto~;xa~ahs a7~or~e g~.ve hie ~~ Pagp boo~,e'~ an magn~.~~.cen~ gl p ? ~rex the ~ex~ dea~.~.ng w;lth scien~~.:E~.o rQeeaxcla espoca~a~. value ~ ~lowe ~ .and. use~ul~noa~ o~ g~.ac~.ers ~,s cleax~y and an ~~e orig~.n f motion r~.~'ten so ~ha~ ~,t ~.~ a plea~uxe to ~'o11ow ~Y~a comprehensi.b~.y w , tra~.ns o~ ~hou~h~~ ~~ elmu~ Jahn a W~ Je 1~tOOne~r ~r~h~Cuxrsn~, ~,P;~ults~ a~- '~ucson Ma(~n.~?,, (~bs erva~;o~,193 ~9~? 2 , ~, I~~nge and S. ~-~ ~iorbus~l; ' Comic Ra results dram ~luan~ June 1938 '~o Deco ~.9~b (keseaxches o.f' the c a ~ o Ole servatary I eru,.~,.,,.~.,~... trim. Ma ~nctism, Va:l., IX and Vol. ~ X~:V, V arxd impartment o.~ '~erres ~ V and 1~2 ages ~'ubliskred in the Publications 3r~~ pages, and p ~~ ne ie Tns'~itu~ion of'Washington No 17~, Washington' U. C~ a~ the t,ar g l ~ and 198) 'T'hese tyro publications make ava~.~.able ~.ang~per~.o 99 ~~ nt resu~.ts, in each case extendi.n~ over an entire sur~spot m~asureme cle ;Car two geopYlysa. cal phenomena ~'ar w~~ich in general only cy ~ s oradic obscrvationa~ series are ava:i,~.able~ The very shat, p t~.sr~ pbs~rvatory at Tucson, ,~,ri~ana (US) where the Ter~~estr.~a~. Magee - .? urgent obsexvat~.ans were made is s~,tuated at 3~ degreea earth earth c 11 de roes West longitude, and "j'~4 meters above sea. l at~.tude ~ 1 g G h sical C,bservatary of k~uancayo ~.s situatad ~.n level.. The eap ~' ' ' es at 12 de tees south lat~.tude' 75 degrees west ~~he peruv~,an And g 0 meters abaVe st~a~-level ~ each va~.ume con~a~.ns ~.ang~.tude~ and 3,3~ a detaJ.led set a~' tables which give hourly abserva~ predarn~.nantl;y ? ~~nd mc~nthl means amnn~ other th~,n~s ` rt'h~ numerous t~.ons ~ da~.ly y Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 __ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 tabs. ?~ ~o~ a valuab~.e basic mmt~~1~. fi or appropr~.ate g~?phys~,ca~ inv~s~~.lgat~.ons. A shox~ int~oduc~ory to~ct w~.th exp~ana~~ox~y i~,~,us~ tra~ic~ns pxeoedes a~1. obsexvs~~Lional materia~.~ but a d~.seus~~.on of the resulta from ea~th~cuxxent measur~m~ants is given o~~.y ira ~'o~.~ urae TX. Volume ~f.V contains the combined values as a supplement ~~ dail~,y, month~.y and yeaxly mans .w off' si~~u,~.taneous measuxcments of cosmic radiation from 4c~~ober ~q3~ to lleeeraber lgl~b at the Terrestrial. Niagnet~.s~n (?bservatbry at l~odhavn (ar.,~aroximatel~y 6q dew ~;reea north, ~3?~ degrees weat) in Greenland. Macl~t l~. k3ock., k'. ~urmeiste.~ and ~'. ~x~^u1~~,~: Ma~~.sche~ Red chi ~v~asung x.93 a. Ted ~ (Tabe:l].en) (1~lagnetic Survey af' the Reich 1q3~. 0, Fart ~! 'fables) Abadlgn. Gsophysikal, inst. Potsdam, Na ~ (l~N A pamphlet, ~3 pages. P~~ice 6.00 Ul~~ Publishexs Akademie Verlag, Perlin 1q~8) r1.'~~e complete xesults of the terrestrial magw netisni survey off' the German Reich of the years 193~~~35 are pres- ented in a uniform manner, with tY~e help off' the German ~tesearch Counc~.l. 'the survey is ~~~~ased on extremely carefully made meas?~ urements of the deel.in~tion, horizontal intensity and inc:~inatian by the authax and N. ~~~ich at ~~2 stations. ~'allow7.,ng an a.ntmM ductory text (pages 3~8} the fc~llawing .terns are given in five detailed tables; the position a~" the stat3,ong the~.x magnet~.c ele- merit s (including the derived intensity magnitudes X, Y. ~ and '~) x the stat~,on values of the normal field 1g3~.0? the deviations from the normal. field (~-r~l.ues and. vectcxs af' the perturbations} as well as the mean va~.ues ~'nr 18~ groups a~' ~ sta~~.ons each e The farmu~.~,s ~'or the normal. field ~.q3~r 0 (series devela~men~ In terms of geQ- Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 o end ~,nclud~,n~ tvxtn~ o~ the titudv and '~an~~,`~ude up '~ ~xaph~.ca~. ~a ch e~.emont~ are even vn separately coanputad fox as .second o:^dc~') ~ ust be ~~,v~n thv au~ xt~ Thar~k~ end xvc?~~t~.?n m pale ~ o~ thc~ to ~ the Geophysical lnst~.tute ec~~.a1~.Y Pro~pssox R? dock o tha~'~ ~ esp ~,pdu~g(~, under b~.icat~.on wh~?ch was ~~ ~,as'~ p o.~ Potsdam~~ fox th~.s pu c~.usion ~~ ~.~ to be Doped ~~~ic~t c ~,rcums'~ances ~ ~n con the mast d~ tr.a~. ma~nc~'~~.sm suxv'eY o~ s ava~.~.ab~.e part o;~' the ter~'es that thy. ~ th a po rt~.an cones ~.~.~, soon be supplemented bJ the ~e~.cl1 0~' 193 ~ ~ w ~a~ ~p~ ~, ~~; '~f ',~ ~n ,. tain~.n~ the maps Macht ~; dte~.~. der kun~t (The Axc~ V~.talls ~antonbur~: Arlct1s r .. T~ublisher. ' Uiis seldom ~ off' the Futu~^~) ku~ue i~ 13age~. ~ ta.c, Conta.nent cxlexal map ~ G1oth~ ~,s w~.th 77 p ~c'~us~es and one ~ 3~~ pales, 61~ plat e temperate zone have ~~ ~.'he ~,nhab~.tan'~s o~ th bound. Pr:~ce ~.~ COQ ~ _~.ke realm at' tt~e ~ the myster~,aus, ~a:~xy l a~.ways been attradtPd . h and th~.s re~ h Ern h erns. sph ere a ~' the e ar ~ ~ eternal 3.ce an the nor ~ e last two de- h exemplary he~ism~ ~.n th g~.azi is the scene o~ muc ntr~nse~.y mavcd to rth olax re~~.ons ktave so i cades ~ however, the. no p urVe o:~' the merest that an over-alb. s Y ,the center o~ general e ~.ons become absolutely neCess~' future x.mpo~'tanee at these r ~ nbur great re'o~.c~.n~ that V~.ta:l.~s ~,~snte It ~s thexe~axti causa for ~ fashion, ary? and car:~~~.ed ~.t .out in master ~' ~,;~sumed th~.s thankful task tit w~~,~.ch ok abau~ the Arch-c was the resin ~ e~:ce~.lent~ madcl ba ~.nf orrnat~an ~,n a cJ.ear-cut autstand~.n~ and compr~hens~.va ~,~,v es al ar modern ~rab~.ems a~ the north p d ~,~.vely pxesen'~at~an a~ .the plan ~' one ~.nterested ~n p ~~ar the specl~l~'~ and. anY ward ~ s~.c~ t a~.l modern palax' book ~s a trca;~ur~whause abau reses,rch th~~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 _ __ _ _. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 probl~ms~ ~pAC~.a~ thanks must be g~,ver~ th? pub~,ish~.n~ h~ur~~ o.~ August ~a~e~, ~usse~.da~^~~ .has brought out this book at a reasan~ ab~.a price and ~,n an attxac~~:~v~ mr~lceMup. '~ha phatogxaphs axe very vF~ry ~.mpx4ss:~ve and axe ?Lechn~iaa~,:~y vexy wed.]. repraducad and ~'o~a a va~.uab~.e addition to the 'tent. 'phis baolc ~,s vary use~u~. as a rn~ ~'erence work, since its appendix con?tr~ins extensive nu~neric~l. material. an geagraphica:l and histaxica~ facts, a bib~.io~;raphy and a person and sub~ectMmatter index. The reviewer can recommend 11is ~in~'ormata.ve book mast warmly to ~.~. interested 1~uths Gott~'ra.ed Weiss. 1~s arl~tische~Jahr (7'he Arctic Yeax)~ one W~.nter in Northe~s~~ Gxeenland, x'ublisher, Geaxg Wcs~tex~nanri, Braunschweig lq~.q, ~;?~ i~ hard to decide who deserves the higher tribute far this excellent book; the author ~'or his impressive pres~nta?tian a~' the polar scenery and ~'or the gripping repart9.ng a~' e~cperiences, or Welter Kubbernuss ~'or ?~~e attractive illus- trations, or the publisher ~'or the excel~.ent production, ~,et us thank a:ll of them ~'or tl~~is book. wlrich success~'ul:ly ?rries to bring closer ?ta us one a~' tl~e harshest a.andscapes on earth. It is the First complete report on a polar undertaking by the navy wc;ather sez}vice during World War. ll. achmelkop~' Wexler Schaub; We]~ (`'pscb Flight). As~tranomical and Physical ~+'uz~ddmcntals (A study in ce~.estia7. machana.cs) . Publishers A ~''erdinand l~t~emmler, Bonn lq~.q, q3 pages, Price 6.~~ D~~ paper bound. Tl~~ well la~awn ~straname~ presents 'a paper which deals with the eondi?~inns on which possa.ble space ~].~.~h~ m~.ght layer be Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 ba~~d~ ~~axt~~n~ w~~h ~xav~,~~r ar~d ~,~~ eon~uQ~~ ~~ d~a~~ w~~~ pxo~~ ~~m~ such ms an ar~h,;1,1'~c, moan wtl~.a~~ have a~.r~;~d~ advar~aGC~ ~.n~o ~ hax~ a~ rt~a~~, ~-~~~,~~n bu'L a~x~~ v~x~r o~`~c~~~ m~~xapxaa~n~ad ~.n '~~ie ~1~~ p `~kaa ~+~ oxfi~ancc~ o~ ~h~ a~.x anv~l.op~ ~'ox ~~.~a on ~thv cax~h px~c~s p xa enetxa~~.on o~ au~c;x space a7.sa axe discua~~d~ A~ and ~ ~u~tu p 'that pa~,nt as~tror~vm~.c;sal, ~'ac~ts name, tc~ the; ~'uxegxatiu~d~ ~'ol~.ow~.ng a desce~, t~.an off` the. rc~cka~ a~tid, ~.~~~ opera ~~.an~ ~'~~~ text bc~comQs p c~~ania~;lc ~,n dea~.iz~~ w~~th ~,he "neutral. po~,ra~;" betwcGn the Aax~th ~u~.~tE, and ~tkic moon or with ~th,c~ sun as contxol1..n~ body. The d~.~~cusa~.an rema~.ns strict~.y wi.tha.r>, sca.enti~'ic 1.~.mits~ ~'ax those who er~~oy f,ormu:i.a~: there ~.s a utmur~axy in ~.he appendi~~? ~~hc, f1,uent and c1.Fax langu,a~e makc,s ~.he study off' tlln booklet a ples.sure~ ~~ was quite esaer~~tia~. t~laa~t a qu,alif'a.ed person sl.ou~.d write, about tie ma~~c~rM ial coi7~tai.rlecl in tYa~ ~baok~ Schir~dl.ex Fritz Hel.a C,raissmayr: l~iassc saekulare Klimaw de um 1)~a and dos ~1~a~a.s~Lxri,]_~9. 7..~.n ~en~rea,eurU~ ('1'he Grew ~~~ Secular Gli.matic Gharx~e of around 1.g1~0 and the Catas~;rophic year l.gl~7 in Central Europe), ~Zeparts of ?the Ge~n;an weather service in floe US zone, Vo:l. ~.0, ~ar~ K~.sain~bri, ~.~~.9, 3~ pales. if we mcn~- ~tiun t~~is mana~rdph hwre it iu because ~.~, cante;~.ns a ~.ot a~' ob~ servd~ions made in ~~he Arctic and the Subarc~tir. 1:n ~additian h athr~r facts discussed in the paper arad as yet without an adequw to ate physical. e~p:l.ariatiaz~ will. bc; of ~~n~ral. a.n~ter~st~ Scha..ndler Achtan ~'a?ies a Ar~:t~.eCY~e ~a~den Arctic ~iun~tw a Yub~.~.shers, ' v,tt art l~~E~, lr~ l.q~~ the banish pain~,E;r and polar explorer ~~ ~ s Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 Ach~.on ~~'r~,e~ pub~.;~shc~ his d,iaxy notes made dur~,ng the Danmark ex? ed~.ti~an undex? Myl~.~~s~~r~.chsen 1~~G~li'~D, ~rld~r ~l?p ~titlo of ~~Ark~ p t~.sche Ja~;ter'~? ~r~ ~~lis book the publisr~ing house of ~nge7.horn present~a an exc?rpt i'~~om his work? Ws expc~r:lenco tiara big game hunting ~'or walru,sses a~~d braars witr~ a~.l its dii'f~.cul~~,ies, i~~s setbacks arid, its bit~t~erness d~.ctated by the instinct for. selfi'w prAS+~~~vat~,Un ? ~3ut ~~h? painter a7. sa depicts the valor wonders of th,c Arctic which remain unforgettable i:C saen arlcQ, the ~~ou~;h st~~ug~;le for era.stEnce of pJ.ar~ts and sm,al.l animt~ls who survive thL co~.d and darkness off' the polar wintEr in ardor to en jay ~.ife 3.n tYle short arctl.c sumraez"f ~'11e basa.c Lane d~" thc~ boalc ~.s set by-'the heraa,c poem abou~r, a sma1~. group of courageous men who in ord~;r to a~r~~e the sc~.ence de~'y the canctar~t thr~;at o~ death, overcome tr~;menduus hardsk~ips and to the end keep ~'~~~.~ wit~i one another ~.n unahak~tble devata.an. Arnold Court; Metearo~.aga.ca]. Data far x~a.t'h,~.e Amera.ca ~~~. Month~.y ~~iea~~her R~;vx.ew j Supplentrant Na I~f~, ~asha.ns~~tan ~.9~.~? A val.y Irma of lea pales presents the deta~.~.ed metearal.ag~.ca~. rests of the "U~ Anta~'ct~.c ~~peditiaxi ~.?~9w~.~'Z~~.n in tab~.es artd a.n graphs? '~'ha obs~;rv~~txans were mr~r~e at th.~ west base a~' the ex~~edi~~i.on at ~.93~/l~l prov~.de ~.nte~est~.ng cor~par~aans w~.th meteora~.ag~.ca1 candi+~ ti,on, dur~.ng the prev~.au~ antarct~.c expadf:ta.,ans d 'fhe aera~.og~,c~, '~$ degrees, ~.3U m~.nu~es ~sou~hlat~tud~;, ~,b~ degrees yU ma.nutee west long~.tude (east cos.st a~' the ~o~s lea, just sau~,h of the ~he~.f ice rr9.er~ y close to th,e ma3.n d~;pat af' the two Byrd expeda.~ians of ~.9~$ and 1q,3~ and a~.sa to "~'ramh~im". 't'he resu~.ts obta,~.ned Ira abser~r~;t~.ons by t~~e U~ ex,~cd~i.~idn of ~.~.~~/~~, have. a sp eCa.a~. sign~.w fiance becs,use rad3.asonde s.scents were made far the ~'~.rst ~~xnE duxing arl ant~rct3~c winter (tempera~~ure and pressure highMa~.~~.w Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 ? ~ki6 st~~a'Lasp~aex~} ~ Thea? pxaduced ~,~,~~u.d~ maaauxaman'~s up ~,n~o r?sults, ak~ave a7.7- t~~s ten~paxax'Y ads'" sevexa~. neti~ and ~e~pccted t0~ hsxq houlldaxy (tx'opppause) dux':~n~ appsaxanc~ off' th~~ ~,owex' s~,xa p norm~~y oozy pxonouncea ~xaund tl~ e youth ern w~,ntex'~ Ab avc~ tM a rci~eased a1mo:3t un~.~ormly .~ w~. shout ~,r~vexs~.on tb ~, tcmpexatvxa ;l,r ..w ~ to tie hti~hast po~.nt o~ assent ad.d~t~.ana1. ~.nvexs~.on 1r~yexs p ~~ ort xc xeserit~ a vatiuab].e contrlbu~ (~,~~M~.6 ~i~,ome~,exs~ ~ rl,ha,s xop p tarcti,c~ wh~.c~~ ~s st~.~.l ~.ncomp~-e~~~ ta,an ?~o th,e c~.~.mato~.o~y o~ trig: An COMMUNxCAT10N~ th? Advancemec-t o~ the Arch~Ve??~" ~'hE: A5SOC7.at:lA~,. .... ,, Wi1he].rnynestras~E 24. I'olax Res a.El u ~~ , ubli,shEd ser~,annually~ ~~~e1 pe~i.ac~.cal "Rala~x I~;searcx~ A ~ociation ~'or txlo Advancement off' tl~e ]:t is the organ af. the A$,~ tha.s ., , ch, Applias,t~,on- ~'or membership ~.n Arc~a~.ves ~ox~ ~'a~, az Rcs ear ,, , , at Kiel., ' ' on should be ar~dressed to tie o~~~co advance~mcnt assaca.ata. d ment of r 28 ~ 1"lemb ~;rsrl~.p dues are up ~ ?~he ~1~ ~ W~~.halma.n~,str as~e ~ ' vidua~.s and 10 ~ 00 and are at leas?~ 3.c~0 DM ~'or a.ndi ~,he ~,n,da.va.dual c , ,all ~ According; to a dec~.sian o~ DM ~'ar ~udical paxsans ,~F,mianr~ y ~a.strict 1C, da~t~d 12 ~pxil The Y~7.nance Bureau 'hiel~lVorth ~ C~t~ a ub].ic body and ?~a~Mexempt, :that ~.s, ~,g~,g, the a , SUC~.at~OTl 1.5 p ducted ' 1~utior~s to tY~e assacia~,ian can be de dues .and other cantr~. ? n As a tax con?~r~.butars ~'xom thei~~ incame~ by mr~nb ers arld other' ha. dues m.ay ' eca.a~. cas~;s exemption i'xarn all members p exempt~.on ~n sp '.ve trip p~;r ?odical. k'olax~ ~~csearch free be ~rsnted. Members rECe~ additional e is .also paid. As a mem,bex you have a~ Charge s ~'o~,ta~ , brs,r at ~n in~Grmat~.on serv'ic.e~ a' l~`~e ~,~. 1 prx.vile~es such as Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 __ _ __ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 .. ~ r~umbn~n~ off' p~,gs~ ~"~~ Q~'~+&l~1'~ ~A'~q; ~.~m~? C~'~~T'~~q ~Y~ T,mp .. ~~0 0 ~' ~h ~ cu~x~ ~r~~ v~~um~ ~T ~a 1g~~ va~,w~~ ~,nt~o YZUrnb~~~ 1~ ~ o~ ~r Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J04/23 :CIA-RDP82-000398000200170017-4 _._ _ _