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Document Release Date: 
January 5, 2011
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Publication Date: 
September 23, 1947
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PDF icon CIA-RDP82-00457R000900400001-1.pdf331.27 KB
("1---[1[--J r\-.--. A.-.-._-..-J=-.-r\-1---- ^^A A /=1Am r r\IA r\r\r\nn 1111Ar~r\111111 /11111 A^^^ A1A 50X1-HUM =s is a revaluated information !ZON7 OL U. S. 0IFICIALS ONLY CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE GROUP INTELLIGENCE REPORT COUNTRY ,uumv (Russian zone) SUBJECT .,:dints on the 1946 and 194?7 Hanrves DIST. A& September 1947 PAGES 3 SUPPLEMENT STATE WAR I NAVY_ JUSTICE R t& E 50X1-HUM ~~eti~re rem for the food vear 1 Sul, ?1 4 2g June? the following were the estimated deliveries for 1946/47: Grain Potatoes 2s650,00O tons (of ,which 20% were oats and barley) 59600,000 " Sugar 450,000 " meat 110,000 " Vegetable oil 12;070 " Animal fate 9,000 " ISilk (Satter 1,300,000,000 late . s, incl. milk for butter production. 10,000 tones. 2. kl.though the 1946 harvest attained only about 65% of the average pre-war level,, -;' quotas for the above deliveries were so strictly enforced that they were et to the following extent: Grain 95%, potatoes 96%, sugar beets 90%, milk 9 , meat 100%. The result, however., of the rigorous collections was that there was a shortage of cattle fodder and seeds and insufficient bread grain for the farmers thease . +es. It should be noted that all families engaged in agriculture in the Russian go without food cards and must subsist on the free margins: i.e. hat is le t t 'ter the obligatory deliveries. This has led to the touching of -forth rose.-?4res ,.d the necessity of issuing food cards to scarce peasants. Seed reserves an. ,rider reserves have also been drawn upon, The allocation of seed for grain and potatoes was inadequate in the spring Altogether,, about 50,000 tons of grain and 300,000 tons of potatoes had to be loaned against undertakings to return these to the seed stocks obtained for the 1947 crops, Nevertheless, allocations were frequently belated, especially in the case of potatoes, so that a normal yield cannot be expected - -the more to since no attention was paid to sorting. If these disadvantageous consequence e are for the moment disregarded, it `will be seen that the forecasts made one rear ago were on the mole correct( i.e., with a net yield of about 2,400,000 tonne of ,read grams, and requirements of the population being from 1,600,000 to 1,'700,000 towns on the basis of current ration allc nces,, there remained 7W,000 .. -SOOtq()d tons for Russian use. CLASSIE9OAT1ON -qPr.Rrm-fl R0L U. S. OFFICIALS ONLY Dectment, If*. Sol fie CHANGE I* Class. Cf M DECLASSIFIED ~DMFIDENTU~' Class. CHANGED Tp: T DDA 4e'1114. 4 Apr 77 +~~' Aut S 1 t DA, T7 176 3 rate: By. ~_._. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/05: CIA-RDP82-00457R000900400001-1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/05: CIA-RDP82-00457R000900400001-1 SouT. 50X1-HUM tT S.. OT'7f'i J,S rXTLY CnPT,R_;T, I]JT"T~LTr}T C^ GROUP 40 '_fee >,ntato burolus of about 1,200,000 tons is accounted for a').:wt _,^ bein; : taken by the occupation forcesj by the manufacttu a ~r oln starch aThe '~ex?rian of alcohol, l, , the s Sr i.1. po*)ulation had had quite inadequate quant7 ?~ jcs or ,1nfa'~oes urirl ? , months, partly because the 100 kg per head stock for the :inter used up too soon, causing only a nartial. '"I lc, sur,_r rss a me;etin of the ration in the s~rizzn~ L1i,3sIl a, G.r hc~ Oa I? "rL18 again e.'r~OrtGCi to CL~ r _'oads tvfas have notbesn sent. to ; "---_,j%_ ro, ~issia rr;e cit ia n zas9 a ted this is .1_rtzcu7arlytrtte of annul?uct~a _._.- The occun in utt la, Tx.:or, prove, oneci from Go on troo>>s a still ran 'ar1is table seeds "rcre e ,o te( large ctuati: itie , i'a?cx~ Sam.-off 21 ,n~? It q~ 3.s convisi", , ted not only ~, of . xnorts f'ro~i current Prot i