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Document Release Date: 
December 15, 1998
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Publication Date: 
October 15, 1947
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at This s Ftxll-YReftsei-td"Mt x*CIA-RDP82-00457 ANOW ng the nstinral defense of the ts tex *i thin the meaning if Unite the Esp 32sit s n the revelstio contents in any its trans ,i-~---._- its manner to an unau thorized person is prohibited by law, LNTRYx Chian INTELUCIENCE REPORT lECT Economic Information: Railroads in Manchuria 25X1A6a ORIGIN 25X1X6 DATE: INFO. !MIST. PAGES As stated 4i 31-T 1947 1 SUPPLEMENT. 25X1X6 2 September 1. The Communists have the railroad in operation from tentungshan. (125_59, 43-17) to Peishangchengchen (125-25, 42-22) and from Flsian (125-09, "F`'=54) to Meihokou (125-41, 42-32). September Ger 2. There is a possibility that the Lines from Meihokou to Tunghua (125-5?, 41-41) and from Tunghua to Chian (126-10, 41-07) are presently being ; vpa3red. 13 SePtember 25X1 X6 .rrr~r _ The Communists are repairing the railroad from Tunghua (125-5`' 41-41) to 7 .n- chiang (126-54, 41-42). 25X1X6 6 September 4. The !Lukden-Changchun railroad '.:L1 be operational by 10 October. The railroad from Mukden to Fushun via Flun HIo (eight miles south of Mukden) has been torr up to repair the line north of Saupingchich (124-22, 4311). T -A foi-mer i;nc fc'Uov:eL, the south bank of the Hun River and has not been operating sir. 1945. A double- track line is in operation from l;Iukden to Fushun along the nor'. bank of the Hun Riv- er. The double track from Mukden to Kaiyuan (124-01, 42-33.) w not damaged by the Communists and one line is being taken up to repair the st-etch from Kaiyuan to Seupingehich. The section from IKaiyuan to Ssupingchieh is e)gx!cted to be opera:- .ion-al by 15 September. (Shanghai Note: American observers flying over the area agree with the above in- formation in regard to repair of tracks but believe it is impo.sible to repair the bridges in such a short time.) Class. Cx?UCEi' TO: TS S C D> !qq`b, 4 Apr 77 CLASSIFICATION Document No. K0 CHANGE in Class. -.......r; ge Act 509 U,S.C. 31 and NTRAL INTELLIGENCE GRO K a i ~ 1i-HTcD I :pPA DY 9/08: CIA-RDP82-00455-' QM0N.6A41- -- ~ .