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Document Release Date: 
March 3, 2003
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Publication Date: 
April 12, 1948
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25X1 PLACE ACQUIRED 25X1 CONFIDENTIAL 25X1 DATE DlST R. 12 April 1948 NO. OF PAGES 2 Lb NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTUO 13LLOV') REPORT NO. THIS IS U`IEVALUATED INFORMATION FOR THE RESEARCH SSE CF TRAINED INTEU_iGENCE ANALYSTS DEEDED NECESSARY BY THE RECEIVING AGENCY 25X1 m~a . K R. E-T-,, Orel nary ; :3 si Zone) So Y ; The fo to ing table lJs-!;s goods sh.tipped from points in the Lone to the border arc: a the` ~;~ # ri .ad 31 January 1948 Article Cermc:nt Veh:1.c1.es I.,111ta~F y Equ; pme x~. Bedste 4ds ,~.arni,ture Miscellaneou god Ref, r ions Goof; Sugar Machinery Machinery Machinery Machinery 10 ach:i.nery Vachinery Roofing Pr,pe:r? Roofing raper Roofing rape:r Roofing Paper Broad-,auge Railways Narrpw-gauge; Railways Build'.ng Materials Bui] r'.1ng Materials 4TE i'F- 1X I NAVY X I tC',R;3 of Cars 30 :37 '~19 It.1 e 20 Iz 1le 1 1-! lle 4 I`E r se Ju rg 8 hille-.Klaust#3r. 45 H;110-.-Klaus to 27 11e 11 Hale 9 Arail.,ehdorf 17 Annendorf 66 Arms -mdorf 34 Axnmt,ndorf 6 Ammendorf 46 Fiall::.-Trotha 4t!,;. t -firs' ~."/ `-.1 ., ..v,_ c. / ,a rc f I - ek l:.r. 11S I-RIPUT',01k) NO CHANGE in Class. DECLASSIFIED CONFIDENTIAL' CHANGED T0: TS S Cl Document-No. KU 41L a LLLL L?11.'J I I .~ I v Date : prgye For Rel ase 2QQ ass. DDA Memo, 4 Apr 77 !`!_A5:31FIC\.T!C N Approved For i&612dd ll 8-.D6iEVIA-F ON M0457R001 gild''9 Railroad ,Sh:t ent s Ovety Garman 1= Polish Border Loadir~ _?a, , n : l1e--K1austt ti ~t Elie I er -.ehurg ,1-11e-Klaustor 1:::1 1 --K1aus `lo- tl le-Trot}"Iri Destination Brest--Li V q sk Brest-Litovk Brest-Li.tevsr Brest-Litovsk Rostock BY-est.L:itcvsk Brest-Litovsk Brest.-Litovsk c-?x ? Y -ti rn e r S' et'I in ~?"Lettin B e s t -L', i.:e ^YI a,t,.y Bre st--Li -~v?s_k Brest. -L 5_'tcv-_t V'1 smar "ismar :rest--Litovsk $rest.Litovsk Brest-Li tovsk Brest-Litovsk B t-L:i.tcvsk .'G .. PREFERENCE CENTER U -RDP82-00457 R001400520017-5. 25X1 ONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2003/08/05 : CILl2-00457R00W 0520017-5 1 ~ b+. _?'rl c ] Yairaf .'in 4f .! `9 ~e F. S;. \a d s. yt/x/a~?q q ;~ T$Toode~I Houses 1S1sc 11a ef.Ju3 2'z 3?? }.i l7ll Q TGl2tscilentha. 6 Te ii t s c h e n E;t 4 ac1:1?'n plau 4 ;?? leben. Temtsche.nthal 12 J C.w_ F.~:-I7ru tsti 21 11,2 -1e--Trotha 2. _Ille following table lists scrap ~.r'ea to Poland between 1 and 31 25X1 metal sh1rped f- torn January _94 3: 227 cc re from Lei?na `{,r1 6 ' m.. e.-,.do rj. 2 11 iI&1 :may t 1.6-5 cars J t lh. di nntied machinery" i `st the i,cune Works ter LILtovsk c! i7 ri n J nun, Y. 1948. ATE l -ENTIAT, -- .Approved For Release 2003/IA-RDP82-00457 R001400520017-5