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.. COUNTRY USt (Arctic) INFORMATION REPORT SUBJECT 1. Aviation in the Soviet Arctic 2. Air Routes and Based 25X1A6a PLACE ACQUIRED Return to CIA Libra DATE OF I Approved For Release 1999/09/09 : CIA-RDP82-00457R002300070002-1 CLASSIFICATION PAMIS ONLY VT07'rf _11 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT NO. Or ITS caft" S 1Q ART UJIM"aC TOW 011A0TN0R1UD P?r W PRO. 11111ITRD ST LAW. R&PRODUCfw z or w13 rose ib PROHIDII~0. CD NO. 25X1A2g DATE DISTR. 27 January 1949 NO. OF PAGES 11 NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT T REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION Aev~,ej9MRjnt of the Soviet Arctic A y r 1. The development of the Arctic air network of the Soviet Union, which `dailyr assumes increasing significance, has either paralleled or preceded 3. The Arctic Institute of Leningrad, working in close cooperation with Osoaviaklhim, had 300 airplanes for 'scientific exploration of the Arctic, some of which were quite large. The Institute also had. five semi-rigid rigibles of the VT-l1 type. In 1937, the Arctic Institute together STATE M ARMY AV lr and four in process. It oirted but. X04 tons of fr~~._ar~d 00 passengers anavaiiy. the industrial development of the Arctic. At the present time, uWW problems involved in the establishment of this network have not been esolved. Ground 'facilities are still far from perfection; even though ecially constructed planes give satisfactory performances, the planes hich have come off mass production assembly lines frequently break down and cannot readily be repaired. The accident rate in this area is probably..' #Ler than in any other region in the world. In 1938, there was only one single air route crossing the oontinenta-:L., This ran from Leningrad to Arkhangel, .. i tTet Usa, Novy'fort, Igark$; Tikes, Ambarchik, and Anadyr. This Was a commercial line which re- quired nine days to complete the entire trip. It was closely linked with-the great Trans-Siberian line from Moscow to Vladivostok. The links were as follows.: Sverdlovsk to Novy Port, Krasnoyarsk to Igarka., Irkutsk to Tikes, and'Tkpiteki (ale; Irkutsk ?) to Ambarchik. The line had 25 planes in 1938, 12 airports completely constructed, Glaveevmorpat (Chief Administration of Northern Sea Routes) at that time had 156 reconnaissance planes, 20 airfields which could be used in all seasons, sometimes jointly with the commercial line, 53 aik- fields which could. be used only from July to October, 56 naval aviation bases, and a number of meteorological posts. In 1937, its total flight time was 15,000 hours. 0soaviakhim put in 22,000 hours of flight time. 1* Approved For Rek~WaW ,apf?pk,QPAIWIJO02300070002-1?5X1 The rather optimistic figures of official bureaus for these lines at this time were misleading in the picture they created of the condition of the Arctic air network. The commercial line until 1941 functioned only in the most sporadic manner. Seventeen accidents occurred on this line in the year 1938; two planes were stranded at Ttksl, where they could not be repaired. In October 1948 (sic; probably 1938) a large three-motor plane, immobilized at ,Ambarchik because of a faulty car- buretor, was completely destroyed in the course of two weeks by rough weather. This incident provoked an investigation which led to the shooting of 40 persons and the deportation of 150 others for life. These dif icultiee, however, did not discourage the Soviet authorities. who allotted very large budgets for the development of Arctic aviation. 7. In 1938. two factories were constructed at Sverdlovsk and Magadan which were to specialize in the construction of planes to be used in the Arctic. The plan called for an annual production of 500 planes at Sverdlovsk and 250 at Magadan. In 1939, when the Nazi-Soviet pact entered Into effect, 300 German technicians were employed at Sverdlovsk. 8. In 1938, Soviet military air forces in the polar regions consisted of three brigades. Bach brigade was composed of three groups of 30 planes each. There was a reserve of 150 planes for the three brigades. In addition, there was one-half of a brigade of semi-rig-.1d dirigibles. State oS So+rlet .Arctic Aviation as 9X-1 1 9. In 1945, a restricted publication of the Soviet Arctic Administration (sic) estimated the total number of civilian and military planes under its jurisdiction as 3,500, of which about 1,000 were four-motored and,7 more-than, 200 six-motored. In addition there were 0 semi-ri d dirigibles and 250 meteorological balloons. Total personnel assigned to this duty equaled 120,000, of which more than half were deportees. 25X1A6a 0 Jpment: These figures appear to be highly a erated.) o.ar av a ion was under the administration of five agencies: a. ?Uoflot: Commercial aviation is under the jurisdiction of Aeroflot. Its responsibility consists of linking 1.) Buropean Russia with the Par Bast following the line of the Arctic coast and 2.) various stations along the Arctic coast with points in the interior of the continent. up Pr the Great North. b. glavsavmorat: Glavaevmorput is administered by Aeroflot. For further details, see paragraph 36 below. c. Leningrad Arctic Institute: Yaploratory arctic investigation is carried out by' the Leningrad Arctic Institute. Its duties consist of widening Soviet knowledge of polar regions, ex- ploring now regions, and studying all the possibilities opened the direction of amy agency but the MYA.) Its tasks include the control of deportation regions, the maintenance of order, and the transporting of deportee manpower to areas where there is a need for this type of labor force. 09990JA: It is extremely unlikely that GUMZ would. a? er orat g . GW4Z aviation, according to so the administration of the Leningrad Institute. d. : C : It is not known which MI) direct- e. it Air_ Forces of the S!y,iek_4 : The duties of the military air forces in the Arctic include the defense of the USSR in case of attack from the north and the conducting of investigations and studies with a view toward eventual Soviet offensive operations to be initiated from Soviet polar bases on the Bure-Asiatic continent. Approved For Rel y ~' L1 S = J Approved For Release)9 -b~&002300070002-1 /CO S OYflO 1LS ONLY -3- GomtMa+ al Line of the Soviet Arctic 10. The commercial air line, Aeroflot, an official agency of the Soviet Government, is often used for purposes which can not be regarded as strictly commercial. But, since the agency is nominally.a commercial air line, it is convenient to consider it from this point of view. It should be noted that official Soviet literature has been altogether silent regarding details of the Arctic air routes. Soviet propaganda, both internal and external, has, on the contrary, boasted of the existence of an extensive air network in the polar regions. Probably the true picture resembles what little information may be gleaned from official figures rather than the highly exaggerated propaganda claims. 11. It is estimated that there are about 2,5 lines in the Arctic network. The fields which are linked by these networks v from those which are well-equipped and completely installed to others which are almost altogether inadequate. Moreover, the airplaneslin use vary from ultra-modern to obsolete and unsafe. On some lines, a rigid time schedule is observed. On others, the time table exists only on paper. 12. The commercial Arctic air network of the Soviet ;Union may be said to cover that part of the continent north of the sixtieth parallel. Administratively, this network has its center iMoscow with sub- sidiary headquarters at Arkhangel, Rory Port, YEkutsk, Magadan, and possibly also at Khatanga and Ambarchik. There 'ore three lines which do not belong to the Arctic system of administration but which com- plement it and must be considered in the picture.6 These three lines have a regular time-table and run at frequent intervals. Irkmtzk lau tid"hita-Paylovich-Sla~aveshchenWo-X ab.arovek - adivostok: This Is the Trans-Siberian line, a particularly important system in Soviet air comrmunioationso b. Noeco,enin ad-Petrozavodek-airovsk-M rma4~sk: This is a daily flight. The run from Leningrad to Merman s especially im- portant. c. Moscow-Lenin ad-One -Arkda el: This line runs regularly three times a wee 1c. 13. The following lines are actually part of the Soviet Arctic network: a. The longest line and the primary artery of the network links Moscow to Anadyr, passing through Kotlas-Ust Ukhta Novy Port- Igarka-Hhatanga-Tiksi-Ambarohik and Markovo. Its original course was from Igarks. to Tikei without a stop and from Tikei to Markovo without a stop. This became a regular line in February 1940. At that time it required from nine to eleven days to complete the flight. Today, according to official time-tables, it is done in four days. Moreover, it is planned to cut this time eventually to 55 hours. In 1946. there was daily service on this line, according to time-tables. Actually, the flight was undertaken about every three or four days. Although the four-motor planes. Nos. SSR-H-183 (sic: N -183 and N-184 gave good performance, there were maw' delays because of inadequate lighting.and signal facilities at the airfields. The process of obtaining clearance for landings and take-offs took a great deal of time. This line had 12 accidents in 1943. Ice conditions or inadequate markings of airfields were the chief causes. /CO US Ol 'ICIALS ONLY 25X1A2g 1A Approved For Release~D~r9i N; ia 00457R002300070002-1 ,Approved For Release 9 Oil FCI -45 L002300070002-1 t - ~ OON`i?ii IIS O ICIALS ONLY DI AL INd. LLIG AGNNOY 25X1A2g b. ' second important arctic air artery links Moscow to Vladivostok, following the course Kotl.as-Tyutinak (sic: Tu inski ?) -S? 'ovOA Yakutsk_lomsomolek-'Vlac11TOatok. Flights on this line are Bch more frequent and regular than flights on the line described. In paragraph a. above. ?-utinsk anti Samarovo have a common airfield which is located at the southern boundary of a large deportation zone known alternately as the Omsk or Obekaya Guba zoned field is under the direct administration of Gi M D. between Tyutinek-Samarovo and Yakutsk the regular flights make two stops which are not always the same. The first is made at either Yeniseisk or Podlameniye (sic ?), the second at Vilyulak or Olokminaak. This line was initiated in 1945. The planes used at he that time were four-motored types delivered to the US have US as part of the lend-lease program. They appeared poor defrosting systems. Since that time, the Soviets have tried to use slat-motored (sic) planes constructed in Sverdlovsk. The Soviets have improved arsi modernized the fields to receive these larger planes and have achieved surprising results in safety and regularity on those flights. Occasionally, these large planes do not stop between Sa rovo and Yakutsk. c. Another important line on a weekly schedule runs as follows: Onoga_Eotlas-SykV1 .bakovsk (sic) - Tyutinsk-4Samarovo- gassok (sic) -To ask-Yovosibirek-Stalinsk. The section from tiusk Samarovo to Stalinsk has three runs wee10y. The planes generally used for these flights are two--motored, twelve passenger types. 14. In the Arctic air network, only these three lines (described above In paragraphs 2a, b, and a) have any regularity in their schedules. All the others. with the possible exceptions of the Xrasnoya a ickson and the Vladivostok Nagu n lines. are very irregular. Sometimes traffic on these lines is hear, and at other times it is very light. 15. a Supposedly a t ice"w a * service. This line has an alternative, khs l-Onega-Kotlae-S' , which does not operate regularly except when the G functionaries require It. 16. ~SiZ'.o~ersk~1 a Supposedly a weekly 1-11&t, but actually from 3 otisa on it is a branch of the lines jo.oscow-Anad.yr and Moecor Vladivostok via Yakutsk. 17. ` ti' " Feu 6~nea~e zaa~ei _XQ - D ~ Although no official mention of the existence of this line may be found. it is never thelese known to exist. It is served 4 an unusual types of four- motor piano of Aeroflot, but eeeme to carry out no commercial flights. It transports high officials and technicians. The number of flights per week is not known. 16. S oTek-I oTS Part t ~ .1 L a? Suppotsedly a weekly flight. Xargaa is 19. ,: _~s .k" vo?l o Port- t a a 'Vety Important Soviet Army headquarters. on then r hens.. `lasorskgya, at the jMet,on of the Gb and the Tan Is also ass important military center where several of von Seydlitme staff officers were brought in the Amer of 1945 in great secrecy. It is probable that this line actually exists and is used for.the transport of Military passengers. 20. p mid Tara has one of the la rgeast screening centars for deportees in the entire GUMZ administration. It provides deportoes for the region of the Obsksya Guba as well as for the `f th, 9th. and 25th de- portation zones. Tara has an airport under the direct control all GM. S c FT/ OL'US O 'I0W. S ONLY I Approved For Release 1999 : CIA-RDP8 457R002300070002-1 Approved For Release 1 I 2 0 A f R002300070002-1 0h ITS QI' `IC: AL lhf Cr,z, 111MLIMiD AGENG7 45- 25X1A2g 21. ova aa$cs3 s hod a c~nn I,arIm- on Duds Ako s is - . -ne i.o line actually carries out commercial operations, listing the rich basin of the Yenisei with the large center of Irasnoyartk. It is plannei. to run a daily schedule on this route in 191+9. The air- fields o asnoyar&, 1 r~m, Dudins.cye,and. Dickson were so good in 1945 ',hat even by that time there was a regular service three times a week with additional flights from time to time. The planes used wore four-motor types made in Sverdlovsk. 22, y 's3m~rrsk-~cir vi Y a a~m~ supposedly a weekly flight- 23. QSjtj, Nordttik~ k is This line is a local alternate of the a r %ark' artery Miosco .Axaadyz. It appears to operate once a week in the summer months. 24. ; rarn?saa,~ar,T~RSt $t~t~lioelaibe~X ~ An old commercial line which, In the past, has run on a tri- eekly basis. It is planned to prat this line on a daily basis in 19149. 25, E nAa a7.M 'eve a ,also called Ardtyk (sic) end Cheyntek (rice Ch ekeya 71 ryaaka seems to be the lo- cation of a now heavy industry combine. As in the case of the lines mentioned above-in paragraphs 16, 17. and 18, this line appears to be for officials and Soviet ArW persosntel. 26. k'eekesffiraesl I bland : Flight once every ten days or whenever special military or scientific needs arise. 2?. bar9 vsl-8lel sandroate S Bch .1 ~0kha~Pc~trapavlovs a o information. 28. o .. p ..o s ?Nik 1 k: No information. 29 ? ,; 9 r ~~bsaronsN Momsomolsk-I t Very heavy traffic on this line. It runs on a tri-weekly basis or, when the need is greater, on a daily basis. It uses four-motor planes built atiadan. 30. .E a rkovo~ lv~ e Zolyuchinsk is an important screening center of GUM. The air roue was recently brought into service. It serves both G MZ and Soviet military personnel. 31. an'caIit In 1945, this line was shown on a Soviet air map as planned for bi-weekly operation beginning in 1947. 32. d. The isn ormation in paragraph 25 above also applies to this route. 33. C~Z.eeet~eo~, See paragraphs 25 and 31 above. 34.' There are probably three other lines in the Soviet Arctic air net- work, since a Soviet publication of 1946 spoke of 25 different routes. To date, it has not been possible to Identify the remaining, three lines. It is quite likely that one of them links Murr irk and Anderma and that another links the ,northern. continental coast with; Bovey'a Zemlya and Franz Joseph hand. 35. In 1945, Soviet commercial aviation in the Arctic used a total of 4,50 planes, of which 250 were planes of the line. According to official figures, the network covered a total of 50,000 kms. Total flight time for the year was 300,000 hours; 4"t,000 passengers and )3,000 tons of freight were transported. These official figures have not been confirmed. r,00NTa VS OFFICIALS ONLY TIAL I Approved For Release 199910QNF1 : CIA-RDP82-0 7R002300070002-1 Approved For Release 199 dd s;"0012M a0 S O 'IGIiJ,S LY UN '80r,2,300070002-1 ~~ AGENCY >Aa~~,e~mca - ,fit The task of this a en y is the maintenance of security for all Soviet Arctic navigation. This involves the reconnaissance of ice formations. the opening up by bombing of paasa ess in ice floes and the assistance of ships Caught in the ice. Three principal types of planes are used for these operations., polar reconnaissance planes, bombers and traffic port planes. nae juently, 'Glavsevmorput calls on military units for the use of bombers. ':he tr4-Aeportss in-use by this agency are obooloto types whose numbers are SSR-a--169 (SSR - Nd -169 T), 11-170, and N4171. In 1938, Glavsev aorpu.t had 20 land planes usable in any season and 53 planes which could be used only from July to October. 37. The following is a list of airfields used by Glavsevmorput: abarchik Anabarsk Anadyr Anderma Bal.agan Be uchav Bol sshs ya (Indigorka ?) Bolohaya Cuba Bulun Oharbarova (Khabarova?) Ohollyuskin Dickson atan, a Ro ly uchinssk Colyruiyev Island casino (Novaya Zemlya) Igakov IBland. Y-neadan Maze:. )urmaansk NizhnaVa Pesha Nordvik ' Hovy Port Peveko Providenalye Paste erssk Taimyr k Mel Ferlchnoye Pyassino White Island (probably in the Kara Sea) Wrangel Island Yakutsk field at the mouth of the Gyda Toainskaya 38. In 1945, Oalavoevmorpat had more than 300 planes and put In more than 30-D000 hours of flight time. The Institute of Arctic Aviation. 39. Th:ls a Bens , which is primarily concerned With scientific eaperimen ta'ion and exploration, uses reconnaissance planes, frequently of the la';ost model., and transports. Some of the reconnaissance, planes display the prize awarded to the Institute. It is estimated that the number of planes used by this agency totals 400. 10h:-ra,1t_e ksf ics f Airk e d racl Thore are in the USSR more than 200 polar airfields, i.e., fields lo..-.? ated north of the eaxtiet paralla `?iaag li st includes n.'47 abut one cuarter of t M total. Comment ? It ohoeuld e noted that not all of the fields lia e n oaf are actually north of this sixtieth parallel.) ~ a At Onega there is a large :iaa.a- port which appears to be completely ruined. The airstrip, more than a kilometer in length. in not kept in Good repair. The marking of the field is inadequate. There are four hangars in very bad condition, each capable of bolding seven bi-motor transports. Barracks serve as administration offices. A well-equipped repair shop bed been finished in 1941, but by 1945 there were no tools or equipment left. An Important stock of oil was stored under- ground at this field during the Initial stages of the war, but it is not knoaern if this oil is still thero. Oda is an i.a portant terminus and a stop on the line from M=maasnk to Port Dickson. :The Soviets seem to attach ?a:at importance to Approved For Release *1 X 9/09/09 :. CIA P82 e00457R002300070002-1 25X1A2g - 7 W:As r.oorlvy L .intaa.ned airfield and to its rather liultod traffic.. 111-at 3s FWAy f$ eqa,.eat D (N ) purges have sent personnel charged I4th eabotago fx'om this airfield to concentration camps. There nwe never more than ten planes a day at On? ga. I izq1: phis field has only moderate transport traffic, bat thera: are a large member of reconnaissance and pursuit planes. The approachesa to the field are well ceded. The d1monsionr of the field are approximaatei 3.p km by 1 km. Only two hangars are Visible. Zo? rce believes there meat be underground h&iagare. iLn au average of 100 take-offs and as marq landinos were ob sorvddd In the ca f se of a d?7. x_?z a J 4e2en ha6 an airfield se an kilometers from the port on 'Who ri, it bank off the river of the same nano. The airfield corp' ex et of a limitless fl !- t platoon. More are five barracks, a a r r~ and a- :re z tir shop on the north side of t ho field. Oon- atruotion work on s er? ound, and f leld markings was begu; ; in 1943 bu`, left r , 'lni shed the following year. The repair ohop, able to rol?sir planes which have been only alt atly dama, ode Sr. riot of ay ? real signi. ,cane. Oi.l. Is brought 17 boat from `a'ki~an eel. b' t oft an in insufficient gjvAaatIt1es to satisfy the neeclo of the fie` 1. .~s traffiea, parti. larly that of commercial pIauos and plaxnosa of Gl; rsermorpmt, lo lie =,tad. :fin, certain seasonno, early Jiino and late August, there are large numbers of milita planes t ;'aich r;op at Uozen either heading toward or cumin from the north. In 19J450 iesen was slated to become on ii ortant c,_ =tar :nor e:scaorl-raentation in cedar. it is not known if thin project was, oarrw'i.e"d out. :jDj 5q . Vacs f.gelid in located, abra:.t three ;d-2ometers z.nland from the li. htbouq- o at :wain Noe. The airfield was constructed by the Arctic Insa;itute of Leningrad. It is an important base for ? s .entlZic e 4r:beasl tical c. Source has no details on its to :3tal' atiou? . It as exe-octaad that at this field there would be elone cooperatiog..n between the arctic Institute and the Armaments ?Iiaai. s t~e,y . as? t "pry ?' k ~ is airfield is located five kilometers from a o of the same ne o. It liar, a meteorological station and a ra .o. This field,, ore of the oldeet serving the nor h.ern air routo, is well- situated at the foot of aomo oma?r ,~`lll e abo it 200 a: r tens ;rare sdhtch. shelter it from the northeast rinds. It ssoa4il0, - poar to serves net. oialy Ol a se orput but other air c,e:vicess as ~11:R f'llong the lo:aoth of the mountain wall there are ahcu o !enty hangars btdit in the mountain. Thare are adags at,s repair ss'?ops acid ten snow pyowa. On the west eider Of Vas I'lo d ies a concrete building, hTining the administration ofict c of the field. ..; o overall atron, h of poraon: e3. at the iue-U..H l,atioaa is .500. l e field ii -sell marked, and there are four , stsa of powea':'ui esarchli. ta. The aaproaohos to the aim field are well gZuxded by the HVD awl, by electrified barbed 4f3.re. in 19F` 2R LV1r%r: ai?an and 3 stontan dopertees constructed in the rock !iall of mou.i:,r;ednsa which borde e the field an normous ro??o oir for ascli eR is reservoir is capable of holding 0 000 (ale) tone; of gaco9 ine. It is impossiblo? to estimate the m-aoun ~ of traffic, at this based but St certainly may be said that the f s old z ?i a of rntficoi#t one. Ml the mountainous region hetwoc.-a the Peesba "'veer eo..~ the west and the Pechora Jtivexr on the east is in tka Awocess of ba wng tzansforated into a, : oviet ray atroaa aold. here has been rib sxp rimentaatlon ~--ith gaided missilos in t==hi_s aov_ ?non erablc tractors and milita trucks follow the route loag the right 'Sank of the : eshp. to the sea. a0Cs Y a O .'iOleer on! Approved For Release 1999/ N CIi (iOF1002300070002-1 25X1A2g Approved For Release 1! -(7300070002-1 X 25X1A2g f. Kolt*ev Yeland: Saactly two kilometers vest of Pugrina on the southern. coast of the island In located a field which serves Glaveevmorpit. No other information. &Ijass At Kotlae there is a large field operated by Aeroflot but used by the Arry and GUNZ as well. Installations include six large wooden hangars, a repair shop, 500 meters of personnel barracks, and a distribution point for provisions for more ad- vanced bases. Significant air traffic of planes of all types has been observed here. On the edge of the field large hangars and concrete buildings were began in 1945. This construction was intended to replace older structures. The construction should have been finished by now. h. Szb A stop for Aeroflot. I. k. T l The Ust Usa field is used by Aeroflot, GM., and by military authorities. Traffic is fairly heavy. The field is well guarded. It is located about 12 kilometers south of the railway line and is surrounded by forests. J. Fustozereke This is a small airfield without good markings. Its rough landing surface has caused a number of accidents. Aside from a regular line which goes to Xotlas and Moscow, Pstozersk has considerable traffic in reconnaissance planers of Glavsevmorput. There is no repair shop here. k. Yesirr ska~rs e A small field of Glaveevmorput. 1, Uasino, U r 2?, era; Here there is a Glavsevmorput airfield. It appears to be a very important military field with heavy traffic. Pa. ham, y?da Small emergency landing field for Glavaevmorput reconnaissance planes. n. . A small airfield need by reconnaissance and rescue planes of Glavsevmorput and by reconnaissance planes of the Arctic Institute is located at Anderma. There is very little traffic, and almost all of it' occurs during the summer seasons. There appears to be in the vicinity of Anderma,about thirty kilometers in the interiors a large military airfield, for in this region there is considerable activity of fighters and heavy bombers. Since the end of the war, there have also been parachute exercises is this region. 0. ite It l : A small airfield of Glavsevmorput is located on the north shore of White Island. No other information. p. N? asses known: On the southern shore of a small lake on the l'amal peninsula at about 70 degrees north and 70 degrees east Is a very important military field, the base station of a regiment of bomber pilots and a brigade of parachutists. It would appear to be a field of GUMZ. Its traffic is very important. q. 7Tov Port: There are two fields upstream on the Ob from Novy Port. Thegr are about three or four kilometers apart. The field nearer to Novy Port is administered by Glavsevmorput and Aeroflot. It has relatively modern installations, notably a terminal with a hotel and restaurant. Also there are a repair shop, a good take--off strip, snoweiplows, and five wooden burs. Traffic averages 10 to 3,5 planes,per day. The field In protected by a tight cordon of MVD guards. Passengers on the Par Bastern flights are not allowed to leave the airfiold,'even though the planes stop sometimes for as much as twelve hours. The other airfield., an Array field, is very modern. All installations, hangars, repair shops, etc.,_ are underground. It is possible CORKDENTIAC Approved For Release fq?ftRV&p2eg00070002-1 'Approved For Release -9- that there I. even an underground factory (or shop T) here. Near the field is a military amp where the men live in nuA huts. In July 1946, there were about 50 military' planes in- cluding 20 heavy four-motor bombers and 30 fighter planes* r. Mouth of the lla_ra: Small airfield for reconnaissance planes. No other information. S. Mouth of the ( dos Same as in (r) above. t. : The most important Siberian base for Arctic reconnaissance and for Glavsevmorput operations is located at Mara. There are a large repair shop and 12 hangers, of which five are concrete and built underground. In July 1946, there were 50 reconnaissance planes at this field. u. TASO: This field appears to have become the most important military air base in the western part of Siberia. It is located five kilometers from the point of the tongue of land formed by the buys of the-Oh and the Tam. Although it is claimed that this field was very well known by Luftwaffe technicians, little in- formation on it is available now. Apparently,'it has heavy traffic in all seasons of the year. In the winter, certain flights of large planes laud on metal landing strips. An un- confirmed report indicates that the real name of this field is Stalinskoye. v. mss This Is a smell airfield seven kilometers from the Ob Bear on the left bank of the Syda River. No other information. w. jgMMt As in the case of Navy Port, there are two airfields here. The region is extremely closely guarded. It is known, neverthe- less, that Kurgan is the center of the military air operations of western Siberia, In the summer of 1946 there were 50 military transports and 20 fighter planes at this field. Reaction-type planes have been used in several experiments at this field. x. t~=Samaroyo: The GUM,Z, which administers the airfield at Tyutinsk-Semarovo, permits Aeroflot planes to operate there. Traffic is heavy. The field is surrounded on all sides by forests. Your kilometers to the south of the field is a large screening camp for deportees. On certain days, hundreds of deportees may be dispatched by air to places where a need for manpower may have made itself felt. y. t Another GUMZ airfield, also surrounded by forests, the Tara field is also connected with a large screening camp for deportees. The latter, along with MAD functionaries, are the most common passengers of this field. z. aS: A small airfield used by Glavsevmorput and by military planes. No other information. sae Dgj ,: This' field is located about two kilometers from the port toward the interior of the island on a plateau which is bordered on the north and east by rocky cliffs. It is one of the most important fields in the Arctic. In the summer of 1943 the small field was enlarged and modernized. The work continued for three years and may still be in process. All installations were constructed by German PWs. The repair shops, the gasoline reserves, and the hangars are all built in the mountain wall. The field has very powerful snow-plows and is well-equipped with metallic runways. In July 1946, 250 planes of all types were counted at Dickson, of which 100 were military planes. At that time, there were said to be one air brigade and one brigade of parachutists stationed at the field. 5X1A2g 'Approved For Release 199 N1MAft- :ft 5PJU~300070002A 25X1A2g bb. fdinskope: Although the existence of this field is confirmed, there is no precise information on it. cc. Ian This field is frequently mentioned in the Soviet press, but no precise information is known on it. dd. gyerovostochnr: A small field used only in the summer 1W Glavaensnrput and the Arctic Institute. so. YK re Psassino: A Olavsevmorpat airfield is located here. ff. Pentin.ko 1: Rmergency field. gg. Str21WI: On the Taiu-r peninsula there is a small emergen4U landing field used l technicians of the Arctic Institute. By now this field msy have become an experimental base for guided missiles. hh. Xg . Located about halfway down the Tenisei River on Lake YoWdak there is a large WJMZ airfield with five hangars, repair shops, and a large stock of gasoline. In 1944, a IDaitiry among the deportees at this field resulted in the igniting of the gasoline. It was because of the mmtiny that the existence of this field became known. This mutiny had the proportions of a real revolt and the persons considered responsible were condemned to be deported. ii. ,LTaiorr.: In the region of Lake Taimgr there are four large fields, none of them well-equipped technically, but each having heavy plane traffic in all seasons. jMDjk%: This field, located near Igarka, is under the direction of the (DMZ. It is not used in the transporting of deportees but only for the transport; of MPD personnel and for the repression from the air of any possible uprisings in the deportation camps. There are a hundred planes attached to this field. The planes are not of the most recent model, but that is not necessary for the reconnaissance of ice formations and the bombing of defenseless prisoners. The "birds of lureiks" have a sinister reputation among the deportees of centr4l Arctic Siberia. kk. Ilhely uktna alaveevmorput has an airfield on Chelyuskin Cape which is used as a base for ice observation. The director of this field was honored in Moscow in November 1946 for the 'incomparable success achieved in Arctic aviation." Apparently this field serves as a model for other fields in the Arctic. Chelyna$in is used by military planes. 11. ZbA=UWW*s On the western coast of-the Tainwr peninsula is located one of the largest airfields in the Arctic. All in- stallations necessary for the field and even a factory (sic) have been constructed in the wall of a nearby mountain which is 800 meters high. Zhdanov himself has just inaugurated this field, which is apparently one of the kW pieces in the military defenses of the USE. There is a radio-meteorological station at Zbdanovskoye located at 76? 41 north on the coast of the Laptev Sea. The Zhdanovskoye airfield is probably in the nearby vicinity. This information is dated 1947. mm. XhatNM: Thirteen lometerp rest of the port of Yhatanga there Is- a Yen imnortent airfield used by all types of arctic planes. The repair shops have large stocks of spare parts. There are 15 hangars, of which three are particularly large. The Arra4 /CONTFt S OYPICIALS ONLT LUNI-IUMI . Approved For Release 1999109/09: CIA-RDP82- 457 ? ? 'Approved For Release 1r-07000 5X1A2g MMMAT. y1V1W.T.T(12W. has two semi-rigid dirigibles stationed here. The zmmbeir of planes is not known, but air traffic is apparently very intense. In July 1945, for example, there were said to be 100 arrivals and departures a day. The problem of.refueling is-simplified by the fact that oil is produced and refined nearby. The modern terminal has a comfortable hotel attached to it where passengers of the commercial lines may rest ceder the watchful ey'e of the X14]). which forbids them to leave the airport. nn. jg=X : The field at Nordvik is administered directly by the Thatanga field. It is a stop for Aeroflot and Glaveevmorput planes. No other information. oo. Korgg.?,_ _ ska.and Bulun: These are three small bases for aerial reconnaissance. 3 z ': %h: Military airfield. T t: Several kilometersfrom the port of Tikai is an airfield whose technical installations and field markings are totally inadequate. Gasoline and oil stocks are frequently depleted. Nevertheless, the traffic is quite heavy. IgWrka jiver): Three small bases for reconnaissance. cc. Bolehoi IsraMoy Island: This island has a very important military airfield concerning which no details are known. tt. G : An important military base in the southern part of the Taint'r peninsula. uu. A&WM= - ir%URM.- This is an important field used by all types of arctic planes. The-field has a sizeable repair shop, but the problem of refueling bad not been solved satisfactorily as late as the summer of 1945. This base is supposedly destined to serve as a atop on the intor p-continental line from Asia to America, according to the Five Year Plan. TV* nihni o vm : No details. I ww. apya Military base, no other details. xx. Peveke: Airfield for Glaysevmorput and Aeroflot. yy. Chsyu ak (sic: nossib1y Ohauunekay : This field, located at the bottom of the bay of the same name, has become an important air base for the new industrial developments in this area. zz. r,_aneel Island: Apparently a very important military airfield* caa. ?o nh : Important Q= airfield. Probably also serves the Any. bbb. T~ ace* Olenek Add. kovo Terkhni 92lymak fff. TOW : Two very important airfields, of which one is under the administration of GUMZ. : Perhaps the most modern airport in Asiatic Russian Approved For Release 1999/07/09: CIA-R T OONTROL-tT 'FICI ONLY