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Approved For Release 20 /08/11: CIA-R Qt7R0066Wg007-2 CLASSIFICATION COUNTRY ( rn-anv (r ,ovi Mt onn) TOPIC Soviet military :Lail L'overnont, EVALUATION 25X1 LACE OBTAINED 25X1. DATE OF CONTENT 20 October to 12 Gov tuber 19>0 25X1 1 December 1950 DATE OBTAINED DATE PREPARED REFERENCES PAGES A -ENCLOSURES ._. 25X1 25X1 25X1 0 25X1 25X1 On 20 October 1950, fourteen trucks with artillery p' eco; were loaded on a train at the N3euruppin railroad stgtion4 25X1 The train was still standing at the Neuruyppin freight yard on 26 October, when about 120.soldiers boarded the train T Fri- -,. the soldiers had been hauled to the train on truck 2, r d tern fined number of T-34 tanks I ware unloaded at the ;;hers-- racks ins ta . tion on Krarinar- :raldo freight yard and driven to tho bar chau sec e (2) 30 A-d-x-onts observed between 20 October and 3 Jovermbor included: Shi.mcnt From-To and Date One boxcar with military goods One TU car with military goods Four ,iR cars with furniture Volten to L;a ddeburf- harbor 20 October Velten to Radebeul 20 October Falkensee to Klotzsche 20 October 25X 25X1 25X1 25X1- 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/08/11 : CIA-RDP82-00457R006600310007-2 REMARKS__ Approved For Release 2003/08/1 ? 82-00457R006600310007-2 IAL S.C iLT ,I,hiprnt One R car with rdlitary goods Tco 1R oars with track links for tanks of 6 boxcars Four tank cars with gasoline Four RR cars with gasoline drms One ERR car with military goods One RR car with military goods Four ? I cars with ammunition six canvas-covered light ,A guns One TILL? car with ~0a of ino drums Six boxcars with ammunition; a o RR cars with furniture Four RIR cars with military goods From-To and Date Velton to Jueterbog 20 October Doeberitz to Altlueder;dorf 20 October Doeberitz to reionwalde 20 October Noustrolitz to Rathenow 21 October Velten to Juetorbo -,ltes 3 ger 21: October Velten to Koethen 21 October ,"1ildpark to r ltstreitz 21 October Velten to Uuonchenbernsdorf 24 October Toopchin to Altengrab(xv 24 October Parchim to Strausbarg 31 October Dresden harbor to Falkensee 31 October Finow to 3atzkorn 31 October Ketzin to Teltor I November I,udw-lgslust to Lluelirose 1 iJover.,bor 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1= Approved For Release 2003/08/11 : CIA-RDP82-00457R006600310007-2 25X1: Ttionty t?. o c?ars -aeckonber-; to frith coal Uytr_)i:7Clio s -'orf 1 'Nov;niljor .even 76t cars , rankfur t/Odor with military border to Velten One car with timber 2 -~ovember Jossen to Dazmerr ralde 2 ilovotbor Seven ITt cars Dornau to with military _;oods Rathernovr-:lord 3 Hovc;r:nher Six Izt cars with Dooberitz to soldier:, about Dad Froienzvaldo half of thorn NNCOs 3 Novomber and half officers, with artillery and tank insignia (.) ) On 0 November, a train carrying 20 long-barreled guns of about S0 ism passed throuh the ;lranzien!urrr 1 throw -fa and nrococding; to .)an.oonvrmldo0 On the sax-no day, a 12-car train carry ' ng 2,14 new trucks unloaded in Oranienburg, The train 5. can-;r3 from I.oenigswusterhausona (3 ) The leavo train which arrived in Frankfurt/Odor from Trost Litovsk on 9 .ovea:iaer as occupied to capacity, forty portent of the occupants being, officers who ? peat to the barracks installation (5) CS? On 10 Novombor a train loaded with (0 jear trucks was ob- served on route from .Brest Litovsk to Chc r:xnz z G 70 The blue ;;xTrress .^a_rnach left :.;eddin for Brent Litovsk on 10 November 1950 was eaceuDied only to to per'cont of capacity. The Blue ; xpross arriving at Seddin from .rest Litovsk on the same daffy carried a high percentage of off'iceru~ (6) Tho leave train which arrived in Frankfurt/floor from Brost Litovsk on 10 November was occupied to ca,)a.citya -3o On 12 November, 250 recruits :Jere unloaded in Dooboritz? allegedly corning from itostocka (7) `'hip:nents observed boUmen 9 and 1? November 1950 included; Thirty-two boxcars :-st Litvosk to with rrilitary ,,?oode: ;.luellroco One boxcar with m.litar_r r;ood.s; One boxcar 'Ti_th r2i7_i.ha3 r pods; 9 ilovombor T3r::st Litovsk to Uelten 9 Novo-,.-.1 Cr 9 j'o'ct T,i tovsk to i'unorst? r ralde ').av: 1x'r 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25XI Approved For Release 2003/08/11 : CIA-RDP82-00457ROO6600310007-2 Approved For Release 2003/08/11 : CIA-RDP82 p045 R006600310007-2 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 (1) (2) 25X1 25X1 S ;G.'C:T4 rawa o on ? ctober 1950- 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 One tank car.; .Br,--;t Litovsk to Velten 10 November Thirty-three tank cars Teat Litovsk'to with kerosene; Velten One boxcar with, military goods One refrigerator car with meat One boxcar with aviation oil drums.; Ten boxcars with military goods; One tank car with oil One boxcar and 4 gondola cars One boxcar with 28 hydraulic jacks Eleven boxcars with rations 9 10 November Frost Litovsk t6 Volten 10 November Frankfurt/Odor to Bad Saara 10 November Brost Litovsk to Velten 11 November Brost Litovsk to buel.lrose 11 November Brest Litovsk to Ebersiralde 11 November Anklam to Ketschendorf U November ;berswalde to Muellrose 11 November Frankfurt/Oder to 1'bermmlde 12 Novombor To eraoty shuttle, brains, From Gerdauen one of 50 boxcars and toward Cottbus 1 ondola cars and 12 November the other of 1:-3 boxcars and 13 r,ondola cars Co mentsa The oa o comrononts of the 12th Gds Tank Div zaa previously confirmed The information indicates that components o : this division may have started field exercises in the area south of Berlin on 20 October 195-0. Presumably tank components of the 6th 33cis 1;7ecz Div which returned to their horny, stationo coTarononts of this Approved For Release 2003/08/11 : CIA-RDP82-00457R006600310007-2 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/08/11 : CIA-RDP82-00457R006600310007-2 Approved For Release 2003/08/11 : CIA-RDP82-00457R006600310007-2 Approved For Release 2003/08/11 : CIA-RDP82;.004 ftQ06600310007-2 ,'B"rn'T 25X1' 25X1 (4) Presumably a shipment of officers and NCas who went to the collection point in Ted Froionwaldo for processing to the U.6.3.R. (5) The hi jo -i percentage of officers on the hest Litovsk - , r trains has been reported since early PJovomber 1950. 25X1 (6) The information indicates that the daily duty express from Brost, Litovsk to Frankfurt/Ckier 3cddi.n may also have been utilized for bringing, in officer replacements from the U,6a5 R (7) It is doubted that the recruits who unloaded at iloeberitz were loaded in Roathako (8) Idditional shuttle brains which returned he Soviet Zone of Germany from the Pk~?M7 .R6 SLCit T 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/08/11 : CIA-RDP82-00457R006600310007-2