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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/17: CIA-RDP82-00457R007800150004-3 ? ? COUNTRY 1,1-n'r (Sfiviet ,Jone) TOPIC 'r,ArPment, _ C: REPORT 4. 7 1- 50X1 EVALUATION PLACE OBTAINED... DATE OF CONTENT DATE OBTAINED__] REFERENCES 50X1-HUM DATE PREPARED is PAGES 6 ENyLOSURES (NO. REMARKS 50X1-HUM Doctiamt ro. :7! !Jo Chan,0 cia.3. D elms. ti Yfn TE 2 'DIST IMITION ? - 3 ii;136410VACII).71101?A5 CFFIC LILL; 01:IX ? 'fa:. 2T.:3,',1*--?; 2 2 :Z.;e21' 2. SEC R. K.: GC-17,7.C. U. 0 T. S 0 LY .4tiop4pd.Apn'3ulpuTtil I i 50X1 \i 50X1-HUM QNFUOthT1AL T2 r , ? ? - t;. - ?. I. t . UOIRtflui3ei "99V9I LZ.'?:1":";--(,-Inci?-??? i ? ? , i .. ? . , ,1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/17: CIA-RDP82-00457R007800150004-3 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/17: CIA-RDP82-00457R007800150004-3 50X1 000111Thrs Gans=1,7 Otassia* Zoos) SVOJEON Imsolan bil MIesszto DEW Olr 131,01111111101: 3 Sarah to 11 Apr* Xlici 50X1 -HUM ? Tra s lc pass ouz Rat enow included: Shipment Troop train of 10 boxcars and 25 flatcars: Troop train of 14 boxcars and 29 flatcars; Troop train of 4 boxcars and .3 flatcar6;, Troop train of 7 boxcars and 21 flatcars with tanks; Troop train of 5 boxcars and 11 flatcars with trucks; Troop train of 14 boxcars and 26 flatcars with trucks and Troop train of 13 boxcars and 27 flatcars with trucks; een 3 and 30 March 1951 From-To and Date Boetzow to Altengrabow 3 March (1) Keuruppin to Altenzrabaw 0 March (2) Rathenow to Altenzrabow 17 March atz'corr W ,olmirsteL 22 -arch (3) 'I 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM Altenzrabaw to nathenow6-V0rth 23 I:arch Altengrabow to Boetzaw 23 March (1) Altengrabow to ieuruppin 24 March (2) Troop train of 14 boxcars and Velten to Altengrabow 26 flatcars; ,25 March /MP leo Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/17: CIA-RDP82-00457R007800150004-3 .. . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/17: CIA-RDP82-00457R007800150004-3 .--, ?? e ' COP! r ii)ENTIA1 _ 1 01.4VI=-ti 'ay.- ? 2 A fee^ nipment Troop train of 6 boxcars and 14 flatcars.; ? "rain with an undetermined number of trucks and tanks; 50X1 ol -To and .:Jate at4korn to .,olmirstedt 29 7arch Wolmirstedt 10 L'Iarch ? 50X1-HUM Latzkorn anvl UI IRA 50X1-HUM 2.Lhipments frem Lrot-Litovsk, wich wore seen at the .Crankfurt/Oder railroad station area, included a train with 0 news 50X1-HUM ' three-axle 'truck chassis on 21 :arch.; : a train, bound for the Frank- 50X1-HUM furt/Oder MarShalin with about 60inew three-axle, truck chassi., on 22 _.arch; 12 flatcar's with a irs!.-ila'ne S, 50X1-HUM bound for Cottbus, on 22 -arch; and a train of 30 flat- cars with airplanes, 10 boxcars with unknown cargo and. 15 boxcars on 27 7arch. Three boxcars ere observe(1 bein-, lo withded' w50X1-HUM. a=nition at the 2rakfart/OCcr---lof loadin: ramp on 26 larch. Tbe unloadin oP 15 boxcars and 14 2latcars in Lallgow-Doeberitz was observed on 22 Thrch. d-rgo ane consignee were unknown. (5) train of 20 boxcars and 51 flatcars w't'' unknown cargo for an unknown consignee was unleaded in. Tatzkorn on 22 .7arch. 5. The following s'Ae.:Ionts. wore observed at the .11stcn:lark marsnaling :ard between 12 and 22 -,arch: Lhipment From-To and Late One railroad car with :Aeversdorf to militnr'cods Perlin-.30rnau 12 March One railroad car with Velton to T?euruppin 12 March One railroad car with lelten to gasoline Olymoisches Lorf 20 larch One railroad car -ith Leipzig to militar: goods Fuerstenberg 20 :arch Three railroad cars Jucterbo:: to with aircraft engines Falkensee 20 7:arch Three flatcars and ::a.deburr: to two boxcars with :dtstrelitz unknown cargo 20 .:arch fight railroad cars. Ketschendorf to with iron pontoons iustermark as wide as boxcars, 20 larch and 3 railroad cars with lumber which had metal reinforcements Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/17: CIA-RDP82-00457R007800150004-3 ?mom 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/17: CIA-RDP82-00457R007800150004-3 6. , ',3hipent One railroad car -Ath asoline One railroad car with L,:ix railroad cars -ith The railroad car with :'iilitary One railroad car -?ith military Toeds Tr000s from 15 boxcar 2'ror.-1-Tc and Into /elten to Finsterwalde 21 :arch jrosshasslow to Jinterboz-As La,er 21 :arch _iatz'rorn to 22 :arch Felten to 22 ,-arch 1eiten to Radcbeul-West 22 -arch 50X1 50X1 -HUM , 13 .1:- -uns 701 21 Lrc7s -?-ore unloaded at2.7uenften- ,-,11(.7,e on 2 April. 50X1 -HUM 7. Three b=ars -ith military ,._oods were dispatched from in L;asitioow to Drewitz or P -)ril 1951. On 10 1=pri1, one railroad car two railroad cars for ....ars for Jhipments included: Shipment 2randenbur:. arrived in :rewitz, Potsdam, and two railroad Ihe car7o was unknown. 50X1 -HUM observed at the Frankfurt/Oder frei.'ht yard on 3 and 9 -pril 50X1 -HUM .L?ourteen boxcars Jith u:rcom Carlo rent-?7--tbne boy,:cari jib unknovo'i caro One boxcar with an'-nown carL:o One boxcar with ,Anknowr cars 0 One boxcar with ammunition Twenty-eijat boxcars with ration-supply Zrom-To and Bate MUellrose to !berswalde C April :rarl:furt/Oder to '2uersUenwa1de ;?pril irestr-Litovs to J.Inow - "1 2alkensee to .trausitsbrz Jeeeen to Strausber- [3 April Llatzkorn to Kuestrin-Obrder Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/17: CIA-RDP82-00457R007800150004-3 IRMA ? " , ."1 . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/17: CIA-RDP82-00457R007800150004-3 r ? CONFIDENTIAL ?SECIIET/CONTROLAIS-OFFICTALS-Gea.Y, -? ? Shipment Cne boxcar with soldiers and 2 flat- 'cars with two 00-mm AA guns. Six boxcars with spare parts Four boxcars with military goods . ? To boxcars with equipment Fifteen boxcars with military goods Three tank cars Comments. 14. From-To and Date - Spremberg to Strausberg 9 April Wildau to Strausberg 9 April lansk to Frankfurt/ Oder 9 April Lichtenberg to Chernyakhovsk 9 April rest-Litovsk to Jueterbog 9 pril Brest-Litovsk to Velten 9 April 50X1 50X1-HUM .'50X1-HUM The trains possibly carried elements of the 31st AAA Liv going to, 50X1-HUM and returning from, Lltengrabau for a three-:eek firing exercise. The AT guns probably were mistaken for AA guns. troops were .loaded in reurupin and left by rail. the troops were components of the 12th ads Tank Liv. ship-.1ent, (3) Probably elements of the cith itrty Liv which were rotat.& to Alten= ,Tabow for short periodS474 field training at the beginning of :*arch. (5) components of the 1st :7ecz Div, including the 72d ads :Iv Tank SP Regt, moved from Loeberitz to the Wittstook training area on 22 Larch. The train mentioned in the ',Be- 'sent report proa.Uy carried a unit which returned to Doeberitz after eiZht .a;s of field !Braining. .711-qiinr:rtfri A 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/17: CIA-RDP82-00457R007800150004-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/17: CIA-RDP82-00457R007800150004-3 50X1-HUM R Next 1 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/17: CIA-RDP82-00457R007800150004-3