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Document Creation Date: 
November 17, 2016
Document Release Date: 
May 26, 2000
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Publication Date: 
August 27, 1951
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PDF icon CIA-RDP82-00457R008600350011-1.pdf87.1 KB
Approved For Release 2000/06/2fRVW- 1- 00457ROO860035O011-11- 25X1A C CLASSIFICATION COUNTR ! ~err.4nv (Soviet Zone Stendal-Borstel Airfield TOPIC 25X 1..C._-- 25 1A &TION._ _ __..__PLACE OBTAINED... 25X1C MATE OF CONTEN DATE OB1-AINED.. REFERENCES,~....._-- ----- PAGES 1 .-ENCLOSURES (NO. & TYPE), REMARKS... 27 August 1951 UUL/' 25XAX_- . SOU.U'CE 1? At about 9 aomo on 18 July 19519 22 single-engine lomr-ling monoplanes with in-line engines took off fror.i 6tenda1-Dorstel airfield at short intervals. The aircraft asset)l d in formations of four planes and headed south? Tao individual aircraft flow at the and of the formation. * On 20 Jul,-,, the 22 aircraft approached the field flying in the same formation and landed individually at about 1 p.:r4 110 flying activity was observed between 17 and 22 July. 25X1 C 2, No aircraft were parked on the landing field on 21 July. The ':Tan ars were 25X1 C were observed at the entrance 3. On 28 July, no aircraft were se:.n at the field? The hangars were closed:, There 25X1 C was no fl ' n.? or other activit 0 25X1 C were seen between 7 and 9 p.m,, * 25X1 C 25X1 C # Coiw nt0 According to another source, one air reconnaiss, nce regiment is stataoned at the d.iold. It appears that most of the aircraft which are assifined to the rerzi-.-Yant are IL-10s. CONF ENTIAL CLASSIFICATION 5 I5 oho 11% No change In Mass. Declassified Class. Cha'gcd To: TS S Aoth i HR `` Approved For Release 2000/06/26: CIA-RDP8 . 5ZR09Ttl- ?01 I V: d yl - REPORT NO. r.~