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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 ~ ~ ~ 1~1 t~ . i~I~T~MF~T I TE~H~IQL~~'~ ,~UL~' i~~~~ ~ F~U~ ~ ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY JPRS L/9206 23 July 1980 ~~SR Re ort ~ _ p _ CYBERNETICS, CC~n?4PUTERS AND AUTOrV1ATION TE~I-INOLOGY - cFOUO ~ 3iso~ - F~~$ FOREICN BROADCAST INFORMATION SERVICE ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 NOTE JPRS publications contain information primarily from fareign newspapers, periodicals and books, but also from news agenc~ - transmissions and broadcasts. Materials from foreign-language sources are translated; those from English-language sources are transcribed or reprinted, with the original phrasing and other characteristics retained. Headlines, editorial reports, and material enclosed in brackets - are supplied by JPRS. Processing in3~cators such as [Text] _ or [Excerpt] in the first line of each item, or following the last line of a brief, indicate how the original information was processed. Where no processing indicator is given, the infor- mation was summarized or extracr_ed. Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or transliteratQd are enclosed in parent.heses. Words or names preceded by a ques- - tion mark and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in th~ - - original but have been supplied as appropriate in context. ~ Other unattributed parenthetical notes within the body of an - item or~ginate with the source. Times within items are as - given by source. TEie contents of this publication in no way represent the poli- cies, views or attitudes of the U.S. Government. For further information on report content - call (703) 351-2938 (economic); 3468 (political, sociological, military); 2726 (life sciences); 2725 (physical sciences). - COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEMINATION OF THIS PUBLICATION BE R.FSTRICrED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY JPRS L/9206 23 July 1980 USSR REPORT CYBERNETICS, COMPUTERS AND AUTOMATION TECHNOLOGY (FOUO 13/80) CONTENTS HARDWARE The M5100 Computer Complex. Operating Principles 1 General Characteristics of the M5100 Computer Complex 5 Principles of Organization of Multimachine Complexes 31 The M5100 Computer Complex Instruction Format 34 ~ Microelectronics and Semiconducting Instruments 35 APPLICATIONS Holography and Optical Data Processing in Geology and Geophysics.. 76 The Problem of Processing Large Masses of Geological and - Geophysical Data and Ways to Solve It 80 Optico-Electronic System of Image Analysis Based on an Optical Correlator and Electronic Computer 92 Analysis and Interpretation of Instability in a Liquid-Crystal � Matrix "With a Memory~~ 93 PUBLICATIONS Computer Technology of Socialist Countries 94 Computer Technology of Socialist Countri~s 95 Use of ElPCtronic Computer Technologq in Socialist Countries...... 97 Dialogue Sectar. Information System Based on the YeS-1040.......... 104 - a- [III - USSR - 21C S&T FOUO] FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 FOR OFFICIAI. USE ONLY Microprocessor Data Processing System for Formation of _ Rolling Stock at Shunting Stations.~ 106 System of Programs and Hardware for Monitoring Digital ~ Circuits 109 Automated Control System Based on the YeS-1032 Computer........ 111 : System of Calendar Planning of Mini-Type Productiun............ 114 _ Data Base ~ontrol System DBS/R for Subsystems of the Complex " " 116 Work Force Automation of Production of Programs of the International - System of Small Computers Using Large and Small Computers.... 117 - Structure of Progra~ing Sof~ware of Control Computer Complexes of the International System of Small Computers With Main Circuit Structure 121 Applied Program Packages for ldentification, Simulation, Analysis and Synthesis of Automated Control Systems.......... 126 _ a APL Programming System--Effective Tool of Analysis and Synthesis ' of Digital Systems 128 Realization of Applied Program Packages for Technical and = Economic Planning 130 - ' On One Approach to Realization of Principles of Closed Systems - for Develo~ment of Data Base Management Systems (SUBD) of ` Integrated L~~ta Processing System (SIOD) Family 131 , First Compatible Tests of Hardware and Programming Devices of the International System of Small Computers (SM EVM)......... 132 Verification of the Operating Efficiency of the YeS-1021 Computer . 138 Systems Programning Software for Industz~ial Tests of Peripheral Devices. Devices for Processing Statistical Information..... 149 - ; Problems of Raising Qualifications of Personnel in Base _ Programming Sof tware 150 - b - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Problems of Raising Qualifications of Experts in ASU Program- ming Software Based on Applied Program Packages............~ 153 - Information on New SM EVM Computer Hardware 157 _ Polish Magnetic Tape Memories 164 Programming Systems for the YeS-1030 Computer 168 Programs for Realizing Mathematical Methods in the Operating Systems OS YES 169 Annotations from "Computer Technology of Socialist Countries". 175 - , - c - ' FOR OFF'LCIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY HARDWARE ~ M5100 COMPUTER COMP'~. OPERATING PRINCIPLES Moscow VYG'HISLITEL'NYY KOMPLEKS M5100. PRINTSIPY RABOTY (The M5100 Com- - puter Complex. Operating Principles) in Russian 1979 signed to press 17 MaY 1979 PP 2~ 3-4 - [Annotation, table of contents and foreword from book by Eronislovas Broni- ~ slavovi~h Belyaaskas, Regina Ionovna Valatkayte and Antanas Mikolovich Nemeykshis, Statistik,r~.., 17,500 copies, 1~+4 pages] [Text] Anriotation A new computer complex, the M5100, its structure and main principles of organization and also the technical means of reorganiza,tion of two-machine - complex~s are ext~mined in the book. The book is intended for users of the co~plex and can be useful to persons ` stuc~ying questions about the architecture and structure of electronic com- puters. ' Contents Page Forewoz~d 3 - CYaapter 1. General Characteristics of the M5100 Computer Complex 5 i.l, Structure of the Cor~plex 5 1.2. Basic Composition and Al+ernatives of Execution 9 1.3. Technical Characteristics of the Equipment 12 1.4. Data Preparation System 16 1.5. Technical Serv3cing of the Complex 19 1.6. Brief Chssacterization of the Software 21 1.7. Prospe~ts of Develo~pment oP the Complex 26 Chapter 2. Distinctive Features of the Architecture and F~netioning oP the Complex 29 2.1a Similarity and Differences of Various Models of'~the - Model M5000 Machine 29 ~ 2.2. New M5100 C;Cmputer Complex Orders 32 _ 1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 r~(3K ur~P~l(:lAL U5E UNLY ' Page - 2.3. Register ~f State of the Program 37 2.4. Storage Protection 39 _ 2.5. The Interruption System ~.2 - 2.6. Appaxatus Control 1~5 2.7. The Operating Principle of the Timer and Clocks 51 2.8. The Operator's Panel 52 2.9. The Initial Load. of Disk ~perating Sys~ems and Test Programs 54 Chapter 3. The Central Processor 59 _ 3.1.� The Structure of the Central Processor 59 3.2. The Processor Working 63 3.3. The Ihgineer's Fanel 64 3.~+. Procedures of Inspection and Change of the Contents of _ the I~ediate-Access Memory 68 _ Chapter 4. Qrganization of Input-Output 70 ` 4,1. Apparatus and Program Means of Input-Output 70 - 4.2. Fields of Control of Input-Output Operations 76 - ~+.3. The Word o~' Channel State 79 = ~+.4. Input-Output Orders 82 ~+.5. Procedure ~or Interruption of an Input-Qutput Class 85 ~+.6. Switclling On and Identification of Devices 86 ~+,7. ~inctioning of the Input-Output Interface 89 4,8. Structure and Operating Principle of an Tnput-Output - " Processor 95 Chapter 5. Operations of Input-Out~u~ Devices 100 5.1. Oneration of the R212 Control Panel 100 5.2. The Operations o~ Data Input From Punched Tape and O~ztput to Punche~ Tape 103 5. 3� ~'he Qperations Qf Data� _Input Frarn Punched Cards and - Qutput to Punched Cards 107 5.~+. '"he Oneration of Printing 110 ; 5. 5� ~'ganization of ~h~ Performance of Magnetic Disk Store Operations 112 = 5,6. Organization of the Performance of Magnetic Tape Stofe Operations 125 _ Chapter 5. Organization of Multimachine Complexes 130 6.1. Principles of Orgenization of Multimachine Complexes 130 b.2. Functioning of M5100-M5000 Channel Adapters 132 Appendi.x 1. Making Jp Complete Sets of Equipment in Various Executions of the 1~15100 Computer Complex 137 Appendix 2. M5100 Computer Complex Order Formats 137 Appendix 3. M5100 Computer Complex Order List 133 Appendix Required for tre Execution of Orders l~+l 2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 - FOfi OFFICIAL USE ONLY Fore~rord Computers of the M5000 type, specialized for the conducting of mass eco- nomi:c c~l.culations, have found tiride application in the national econo~y of - the country. ThosE computers are small electronic computers, well-suited - for the processing of large masses of alphanumeric data and successftally used in computing and data processing centers and stations of the USSR ~ Cen~ral Statistical Administration sy~tem, and also in the computa~ centers of sma11 industrial and non-industrial enterprises. For the M5000 and M5010 computers both general representing the basis of successPul and effective use but also practical software in the spheres of statistics, trade, agriculture, industria:l and transport enterprises, etc. The computer complex M5100 is a new model in the family of the~model M5000 computers. T:zis computsr repr~sents a f~zrther development of the hardware and architecture con~tituting the base of the preceding models of the M5000 _ machines. Together with that, in the M5100 computer complex a number of ~ y new technological solutions have been introduce3 that assure some addition- al possibilities 9nd greater capacity than preceding models. The differen- ces in th~se solutions do not exclude, however, continuity in the family of - computers of that type, that is, the new model is compatible preceding , - models with respect to software. All the practical software developed for the ~i5000 and M5010 complexes can be used in solving problems with the use of apparatus of the M5100 co~p~uter complex. The software compatibility of the M5000 and M5010 models with the M5100 computer complex facilitates its introduction, in particular, in organizations that already have eacperience in the use of computers of the M5000 type. Tr,e high capacity of the M5100 computer complex is its main difference from preceding models. The increase in capacity was achieved thanks to _ increase of the internal speed of the processor, rearrangement of input- output control, increase of the volume of the working stora.~e and tr,e external i~nediate-access storage, ~rganization of ~he multi-pro~am regime, etc. Al1 this contributes to expansion of the range of problems solved with computers of type M5000. - '~he :functional possibilities of the complex have also been expanded in an- f~~ other direction. The hardware and software of the complex allow the pos- sibility of organizing two-machine complexes based on the M5100 computer complex and the M5010. In addition, interaction with othsr computers or terminals through outlets on the co~unications line is assured. The architecture of the ~15100 computer complex takes into consideration the clearly noted tendency toward replacement aP punched data carriers by - magrie~ic car.riers. Actually, punched cards and tapes have great shortcom- ings in the quality of the means of s~orage of primary or intermediate data. More promising in that respect are magnetic carriers, that is, mag- - netic tapes and disks. At the pres~nt there already exists the~R810 ~ da+e preparation s,ystem (see section 1.~+), intended for the registration 3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 _ rux urrll:lAL U~~ UNLY of 3ata from a pri~ary document directly on a magnetic disk. One sr~ould expect i~ the fu-L--are Lhe appeara,.zce o.f devices f~r the preparation ot' datA on ma~etic carrier.s of otner types, ~nd a].so the possibilities ~.f prepar- - ing data by means of tne compixters themselves, These trends have been ref.lected i:1 the organization of the coruzection o.f peripherals to the ~55100 compiiter c~mplex in general and, in par ~ic~~lar, in the expansian of types - and the number of magnetic disk tln�3 tape stores. This assures conveiiience of data stiora~e and irane3i,~te access to those~ data. The authors examine the logical structure and operating principles of the complex as a whole and its sepsrate devices, and also present some com- parative data, In the presentation of ~~e material the authors started from the fact that the readers are alreac~y acquainted with the M~000 com- puter f`rom the book "Perforatsionnyy vychislitel'nyy kompleks M5000" (The M5000 Perforation Computer Complex), Moscow, Sta.tistika, 1970). ~And so . attention is given rere to aspects oP the architecture of the M5100 com- plex and the devi.ces that are new and distinguish th~t comples from pre- ceding models. The software is an independent sub3ect ana is ~xamined ~ only to the extent necessary to explain the main material of the book. ~ COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Statistika", 1979 [2174/315] ' 2174 - CSO: 1863 _ J 4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 - FOR OFFI~IAL USE ONLY - GENER.AL CHARACTERISTICS OF Tf~ M5100 COMP[JT~R COMPLEX Mosco~w VYCHISLITEL'NYY KOMPI~KS M5100. PRINTSIP RABOTY (The M5100 Com- puter Co~plex. Operating Principles) in Russian 197g signed to press 17 ~.y 1979 Pp 5-28 [Chapter 1 from book by Bronislovas Bronislavovich Belyauskas, - Ionovna Valatk~yte and Antanas Mikolovich Nemeykshis, Statistika, 17,500 copies, 1~+~+ pages] [Text] 1.1. Structure of the Com~plex The M5100 computer complex is a set of logically completed devices with various f~netional purposes that allaor their being combined into a system - that constitutes its orwn specific variant of execution of the complex, that - is, a specific electronic computer. A certain portion oP the devices oP the complex is necessary in each execution, and some devices of the complex ~ can be connected selectively to create necessary configuations in accord- ance ~rith the group of problems to be solved and the needs of the user. The block dia~am (Fig l.l) illustrates the composition of the complex and ~ . the logical principles of its construction and expa.nsion. The immediate-access storage is realized in the form of an independent R1~+0 � device and is intended for the stora~e of programs and data directly par- ticipating in comrputations. The iamiediate-access storage is loaded with data from external carriers through an input-output device. The R122 processor is intended for the performance of all operations on data in accordancP ~rith the instructions list. In spite of the fact that the R122 processor is made as a separate structural uni~c of the complex, in considering the operating principles it is conveni~nt to consider that _ it includes two independent ftznctional parts: the central processor and the input-output processor. The ftuictions o~ the central processor include the _ readout of program instructions from the i.~nediate-access storage, the interpretation of instructions and the per~orm,ance of operations on data, including the disposition of a result, the modi~ication of addresses and _ other actions. However, iY the program instruction requires any sort of actions connected vrith the f~uictioning of the equipment and external in - relation to the R122 processor and the i~m?ediate-access storage, then the 5 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 - r~U!t Ur~r ICIAL USE ONLY central processor actuates the input-output processor, co~unicating the necessary control data co it. The f~nctions of the input-output processor include organization of data exchange between the immed.iate-access storage and the external carriers, all actions in the control of the equipment. In executing its ftiinctions the input-output processor acts in- dependently of the central processor up to completion of zxchange opera- tions. The input-output processor is equipped with standardized outpats in the direction of the peripheral part o~ the complex--toward the input-output devices, the external stores and other equipment, By standardized outputs should be understood. a system of busses and signals determined by the M5100 camputer comrplex input-output interface. The general principle of connection of the devices determined the following path of data exchange between the input-output processor and the devices: the interface lines, the equipment control uni~ or group of devices and the device. In tha~ case the outputs of a11 control uni:ts in the direction of the input-out- put processor are determined by a standard set of signals and procedures in accordance with the input-output interface of the M5100 camputer com- ' plex, and the outputs in the direction of the devices are different and are determi.ned by iche specifics of the devices thems~lves. The main pur- pose o~ the control units is coordination of the logical and electrical parameters of the devices with the parameters of the central part of the complex. The volume of the apparatus of the control units and their. spe- ci~ic ~.inctions are determined by the type of connected devices. The input-output devices have an R212 control panel, an R512 input-output - taAe perforator, an R63o card puncher, an R610 punched-card input and printers. The R212 control panel is the main means of control of the work of the complex. 2'Yxe panel includes a control unit, a printer and the operator's panel of the system. - The ~;rinter is the means by which the operator has a dialog with the - machine. In the process o:~ executing programs it prints information on the course of the work of the complex, gives instructions to the operator on the performance of any previously envisaged actions, or informs him of the need to make a decision when there are alternative possibilities of continuing the work. The operator's instructions are introd.uced from ~he keyboard of ~;'~e control panel printer and are simultaneously printed, and that assures d~cumentati~n of the entire operator-m,achine dielog. The operator's pa~nel of the system contains necessary luminous signals that indicate to i.he operator norma.l or emer~ency situations in the tioni~~g of the system. By means of that panel the regimes for execution , of tasks of +he complex are started, stopped or changed. The R512 tape unit is intended for the input and output of data, the ex- tei^nal carrier of which is punched paper t~,pe. The device consists of 6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000240100037-8 FOR OFFTCIAL USE ONLY ~l~ 2 llpoueccop U122 /Iynain ytmporitmJO L(~Hmpansi+air[ ~ ynpod.~eNU.y nnepamuCNOti 3 npa~{eccop pZl1 no,aemu ~ qpoyeceop C6 vi4o ~ eeoda - aa~aoda j ncp~yune~~~nnv- Nac cm;:. ri[~~- ao ~s~2 BAJ7~7~ n " BA1J BA06 1~ 8 6nu.r yi~paBne Nue Ka~in~v~ yein~ nep~pupa� ~ 6noK ~12 6wa,r ynpaGneriue NMp mo oM - ynpaBncHUw i~evair.o~ou~uM ~ A'Qpino~Naiu - ycmpaucmeo..+ p ! Z J nep~opamop 1 ~ EC EC P6J0 ~.~~vo~,obu�~ ~ s~z~m sa,a~a~ 5 ~ 9) BAOB 20) , yt~~poucm,Ya fC EG 6.ou,r ynpaBne- I ~16~ SOfZ�p/ SO71�01 17~ Hun ycmnut~- cmHaM PE>O _ B~UI 6noK ynpaQneHU~ HMA ~~3~ .4PS/tue ytmpouC~7 d ~P~oKOpmov- 'J 1 2 T 4 S 6 7 (2~~ Noe ycmporitm~ ~ Ca CJoda P6J0 i L'4l4 OG !I o B_ .Nu V~1~1 )-(~IKOncr) - flepecdnxe A REA 0 1 0 = Z � 0 D~ ~~P~> Yuuox~r~� nor. N YMII 0 3 1 Z Z p D�(1f )A (1froNCr.) C/IO7R9MMP ~ Cf1A 1 0'0 Z Z ~ S D~( ~ Roycr.) CnoMeNMe nor, v cnn 1 0 I Z Z � 0 D~~ A Cas~r n~~cn.~np~ro ~ C11f1 I 0 0 (~/~>~)~] ~ A Cni~r qM1U1.111~~0 w Clill 1 0 1 (~A> ~ ~s? A NNaepce~ NHB 0 1 0 � '1(~A>~ ) ~ A C nep~NOCO?a~ c o~~r+o?~ IlE3 1 1 0 ( ~cP;.>) i(OV ~ aoNCT.~A - ~ CG03tlA10NN1~ : ~Ir11M070MNA ; ~ ~-~Z11.D~,173,II4) _ pwyn~rar oooy~qNr no KOfI 1 1. 3erpy~rn PC npr BC-I aneNC~r ra~rco or C_(C~, CZ, C~~ C+) - p~P~NOC xa 1, 2, 'J, 4 p~~pnno~ KOR I; YCRAqyCMYA yae~~nu s re6n~ue T�o., ~~D ~p vp vD ' ~ Z 2, Onepe~u� f1E3 s onapeiarx KO(1 1 ClIA N T~f: 7P ~ Cq B4A ONIIWINY:TCi r~K ( ~)tt17~)+A~ s U vnn C~ C9 ~ onapaurx CAE - tA~ + cTT'� A,~ ocrnnrnwa onepuwaa no KOfI 1- . - coac~pxNMw rp~s�re~~ Mc nawe~a~rce . ( ~A~ ~ ) + A Exchange units 1~ 2 and 3 control the reception or transmiss3on of i~formation by (c) AU BIS~ generate the signals (KN) that - accompany transmitted inPormation, and note the reception of information with other signals (KIP). The eapansion unit is used for the discrete (in four-bit units) lengthening of the arithmetic unit's word length without con- - n~cting any additional equipment. The~er~thening is accomp- lishc~d by combining the C4i-COi+l and C i-COi+l outlets, In ~ . 55 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 - FOR OFFICIAL USF ONI,Y - the highest-crder halfbyte the ST outlet is connected to the "ground" l.ine, while in the rest it is connected to the power line. , The synchronization unit is used ta organize the microcommand implementation cycle. This cycle begins when a VBR signal or a positive F2 signal front enters the unit, and consists of three sequential stages: reception~ reading and entering. Signals _ at the Fl and F2 outputs indicate all three states oP micro- command implementation. The transmission of control signals to these outputs from without makes it possible to delay the ~ implementation cycle af any of the microcommands and also to operate in the external synchronization mode. - The Microprogram Control Section This is a control memory (UP) ~ ~ ~ ~z P~k BIS that is an autonomous ~ z~X6~ i 6~X2~ 1~ asynchronous module for pro- i cessing digital information and . , ~ is used to build microprogram _ ~ control units with different i information capacities and dif- - k>w y~e ~ ~ (3) kK ferent microcommaz~d and command .N~p ~a"~ ~2~ i digital configurations, The IIP ~ 5) Py BIS includes the f ollowing P2 I PcA functional units (Figure 2) s ~P o2~2~ i 6) a permanent memory of the "pro- ~ grammable logic matriz (PLM) _ type; fnput registers R1(0-13 ) and R2(0-3); a following- - 6.:cx cu~x~;cau.7aq~4t7~ address r~gister RSA(p-5~; in- formation ea~change circuits 1 Figure 2. Block diagram of and 2; a sqnchronization unit UP 3I5. (.BS); a control register (RU); Key: an input register RMK(0-13). 1. Output register 2. Exchange unit . The PLM-type permanent memory~ 3. "End of command" indica- is used for the storage and tor readout of microcommands. The 4. r'E~[pectat~.or! of recep- PLM consists of two programma- ' tion of states" indica- ble logic submatrices (M) and - tor a programmable layer of invert- 5. Control register ers. The first submatrix is 6. Following-address regis- equivalent to 64 24-input ter '~and-not" circuits~ while the - Synchronization unit ~econd is equivalent to 24 64- - input "and-not" circuits. Com- munications in the submatria are programmed by the user and are entered rigidly during the manufacturing process. 56 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY . APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 r~R OFFT(;TAT~ iTST; nNT,Y - Input registers R1(0-13) and R2(0-3) are used to receive and store information entering from without. The need for changing - the information in R1 and R2 is determined by the contents of - the control register's (RU) triggers. Information exchange units 1 and 2 are intended for the orga~i- zation of the asynchronous reception of information in input registers R1 and R2. When signals arrive from the control re- gister's appropriate outputs~ the information exchange circuits change over to a state of readiness to receive information. If a signal accompanying the transmitted information appears at the K1V and/or K2Y inputs~ the information exchange circuit _ generates signals that gate information reception into R1 or R2 and response signals K1P and/or K2P~ which indicate the compl~- - tion of information reception. Control register RU(0-3) stores the indicators of the UP BIS's internal units' operating modes. RU(0) is the "end of command" (KK) indica~or trigger. The KR indicator is specifi~d by the programmer in the microprogram's last microcommand and permits the reception of information in R1. RU(1) is the "expectation - of reception of states~ (ZhS) trigger. The Zh5 indicator ap- _ pear.s in the microprogram xhen branchings with respect to ~ states are neeessary, and permits information reception in K2. In addition to the basic indicators KK and ZhS~ there are addi- tional triggers in the RII that provide different UP BIS aperat- ing modes. The internal synchrenization grid of the UP BIS's ftu~.ctioning - and the external synchronization si~nals F2 and KK are formed - in the synchronization unit (BS). _ The BIS complex's basic parameters are: power voltage Ep = 9V�10 percent; operation eaecution cycle in the AU BIS 2 �s; ~ microcommand formulation cycle in the UP BIS 1.5 �s; static power consumption of the BIS 10 mw; dynamic power at ma~imum BIS working frequeney 200 mW; "0" voltage at information outputs for 2 ut = 0.5 mA (~p - 0.5 Y); static inter- _ ference re~ection reserve 2 V. The modular nature of this complex's structure~ microprogram - control, the trunk-type comn~unications~ and the developed sys- tem of microcommands together with the asynchronous eaternal and completely autonomous internal synchronization insure that computer equipment based on it will have broad capabilities and - great flexibility. The area of utilization of this K1~IDP. com- = plex is from the simplest contrdllers to high-productivity micro- and minicomputers, and from~ multiprocessor and 57 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 1'VL\ VL'1'l1~1L1L UJli V1VL1 multic~mputer information and control compleaes to micro- computer networks. BIBI,IOGRAPHY ~ 1. Gilder, J.H., '~411 About Microcamputers~n COMPDT. DESIGN~ ~ Vol 7, No 12 ~ 19'75~ PP ~-49� - 2. "The Motorola Corporation Begins Producing 8-Bit Micro- processors~" ELEKTRONIKA (Electronics)~ No 5~ 1975~ pp 11-13. 3. BINTI [probably Bulletin of Foreign Scientific and Te~hnical Information]~ TASS~ No 4~ 1975~ PP 27-~+. - 4. F8 MI~R OPROCESS GR D~A~A BOOK~ Fairchild Semiconductors, ~ Mountain View~ California, 1976. : - 5. T~ 9900 MICROPROCESS OR DATA MANUAL 9 Texas Instrwaents ~ ~ Dallas~ Texas~ 1975� A MiJLTIFUNCTIONAL COUNTING DEVICE [Excerpt pp 95-96, 103~ 108] ; ~3 ~ P10 T S T S T T 01 J QZ J P J G4 ~ C C ~ C F K 01 K 3 K D ~ R R R R ~ 1 ~p 017 ~ 7 B>5 F , & & & & ~ & 1 ~i B>6 A 2y' q > f > 1 & 3~~ B14 1 Df >3 !!p 12 11~Dq & YZ ~ ~ B~ ~ d B6 ~8 N1 & 610 ~ B>Z 4 6 B - & & ~ & ~Z & S B7 B9 . . dl1 B!3 . - Figure 3. Functional diagram of counting device. - The inclusion in a microprocessor complex of circuits that make it possible to perform the f`u~ctions oP frequencg dividers and - pulse shapers expands th~ eomplea's logic capabilities for the construction of multipr~cessor devices. As a supplement to the series K580 multiprocessor complex, the K589KhI~ multifunction- al counting device has been developed. It performs the ss - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 ~ OR 6~'FICIAL USE ONLX ' 0 1 Z 3 k 5 6 7 ~l~.(~r.t'1~rLP..TtT! rL..~JL. Cy ~ i ~ ~ y~ ~ ` I N2 I P~ --1 i t pz I ~ pa ~ ~ G~ i i P F j I (-1 B ~ ' A ~ Figure 4. Temporal diagrams oP connting device. functions of a frequencq divider~ a discrete delaq line~ a pulse bundle shaper, and a pulse duration shaper vith a varia- " ble coefficient of the function being performede It contains a programmable frequency divider and special shaper circuits. There are also additional inputs that are used to connect se~- eral microcircuits for the purpose of increasing the rord length. - Conclusions 1. The analysis of digital, large-scaled integrated circuits by the sequential Descartian graph method makes it easier to underst~nd the functio~ing of highlp complea cir~cuits. 2. The microcircuitry of the multifunctional counting dQVice that has been developed makes it possible to use it effectively in different pieces of computer and digital automation equip- ment. A SEMICONDIICTIPIG MAIN MEMORY MODULE FOR MICROCOMPUTERS [Arti- Gle PP 139-1~+9 ~ ' In a microcomputer~ as a rule~ the card on which the proces~or is located additionall contaias only the microcommand memory (PZU [permanent memory~ PPZII [semipermanent memory]) and ~ - small (usually 64 bytesj ultrahi h-speed OZU [main memoryJ (S OZU) or a minimal OZII aad PZII ~PPZU) complex. Any fnrther increase in the memory's volume is obtained by a modulns-~by- � modulus enlargement of the OZII and PZII (PPZiJ) in that propor- tion dictated by the specific nature of a particular computer's utilizatioa. ~ 59 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 ' FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ ~ Hod. s !�i ~YaD. 2 ! 1 ~ Mod l ~ 1 ~ al ~1~ , 38.~ : U~mDonb (2 ~ ~ , naa ~ ~ ~ . ~ I ~ ~ /1N ~ ( 5) ' floayne ~4 ~ u,vme,opeuca ynP y~ ~yf ~ ~ j u ynpoOne,vua I I~~ 7 . ~3~ ~ ~ ~ - P/atuCmp ne (6) ~ '~B~/ 2 Ha'tdcm,oune OJ.S~ , Figure 1. Diagram of the enlargement of a micro- ; computer's memory: a. all OZU module circuits lo- . cated on one card; b. ~rith control on a separate card ~ - and enlargement by ~eans of connecting storage cards _ to the main line. . Key � ~ - 1. Module . 4. Control 2. Computer main line 5. Storage card . 3. Interface and control 6. OZU main line ' module Depending on its des ign, an OZU module caa have one of two I types of structures (Figure 1). In the first type (Figure la), the OZU's information capacity is enlarged bq parallel connec- tion to th~~ computer's ma3n line of functionally complete mod- ules that h.ave their oxn control and interface circuits and are structurall,y contained on a single printed-circuit card. In the second 1;ype (Figure lb) ~ the control and interface circuits are on a separate card, and the memory is enlarged by connect- ing storage ' cards without control circuits to the OZU's main line. It sh~�al~~ be mentioned here that tMe memorq's structure (Figure lb) car~ have different modifications tfor eaample: an interface Ears~ a control-regeneration card~ storage cards ana . so on). In connection with this the equipment redundancg is ' minimal and the storage cards can have greater capacities than - in the f irst tgpe. For a microcomputer~ the most preferable OZU structure is the one in Figure la~ which makes it possible to have a minimum ~ number of types of OZU cards ~ simplif'y the computer's design considerably, and make it organizationally more flerible. At - the same time~ when designing the storage section of the module 60 ' _ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Ten a3Y 'Z ~ - 3~ ~ 4~s (5~~ (6~ ~7) - iTapaverp ~ ~ _ j ~ ~ m ' 4 _ � ~1 ~ j pm " a V ~ ~ a ~O ~ni ~ a �n~icoeT~B~ 8K~C16 16KX8 8KX16 4KX16 4KX16 ~cBp9 ~ s~i6opKn, 550 450 550 550 475 ~iKnoGpauteeux, 750 600 1�!00 - l150 AC~ZO ~ IIOTP2C11IACM A - ~2,7 17,4 \70L';!IOCTb, Br~ 11 (cTaTwca) (12 ) � 42,2 (p~t- tiayxKa) ~ ],3 ~ 1'atape~�~ ae pas- 300X . 203)( ~280X 228X 266X r+epc~. Mb ~],1}~ ) ~ - (1 ~ 06/Y Onoa~ ~ y - ~ 1 ~1T L ~ n, O j 3A/IP. Pea ~ B09 ~ C e t y A/~GA ~ 2 ~ l� ~ 9 cE ~1.7 OTA ~oE y ym i~o~ ~ a a, OmB ~ F F o� WE 2~ Figure 2, Functional diagram of NTs03D OZU module. ~ Key� 1. ~Line shapers 12� "Data for entrp" 2. Register . l~. ~ Access~~to eaternal u.~its" _ 3. Enter in Register . 1. Answ~r~ ~ 4. Multiplexer 15. Control circuit 5. Memory matri~c 16. Regeneration inquirp 6. Regeneration circuit 1~. Start - Recognitian circuit 18. Set - 8. Receive/transmit 19. Phasing circuit - 9. Recognition 20. "Enter read data in data 10. "Eachange" register" 11. "Data for reading" 21. "Enter" (Modification) Ent~r." Temporal diagram~ of the OZU module's operatio~ in different exchange modes are shown in Figure 3. Any ezchange mode begins with an OZII module inquiry by an "Lz- change" (OBM) s ignal. If the module's number is re~ogaized ac- - - cording to the three highest-order bits in the address code A< 13...15>, this signal insures the entry of the address in _ the address register and t}r.e preparation of the control circuit, for operation. In t~e "Read" mode~ a"Data For reading'~ (DChT) signal enters the OZU module. On the basis of this signal, the control cir- cuit generates a"Start" signal for the phasing circuit~ while _ the line shapers switch to the trans~ission of data that have been read~ from tYae OZU into the computer's main line. This same signal serves as the reading indicator. On the basis of the "Start" signal~ the phasing circuit (rrhich is constructed on the shf.ft register) forms the �~asic phasing signals that are ne~ded for the module to operate in the given mode: "CE," for turning on the ZU [memory unit] crystals~ "Enter in Register 63 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 . ~ 1'Vl\ Vl'1'llJltll~ UJG ULVL1 4,~eHUP. A,,~ A Y0=157 _ 75ns min f00ns minl Onsmin ( 2 ) a6r� - ( 3 ~yr (4 ~re ~ _ ( 5 ~yy~K cE~ 3~ Z , ' ( 7) 3aHAmo ~ Jcm ( 6) ~ 3d~uco ( $ ~ ~ - A1 D A< T~ CO r>,S~ Ons mt,rt ( 2 ~ ObN - ( 9 ~3~ - ~ LF ~OTB i ~ S~~K C�1, iYE, S/cm - ) 3ayamo (10 ) . 4meHUe (.yodus6u.vot/ua) 3dn~~ce ( ~ A, ~ A ~ 2 ~6~ ~ ~r~ ~ ~ . I ~TB i ' ~ _ ( 5 Ns~K cE~ cEZ ~ 7 ~3aHpmo - - Figure 3. Temporal diagrams of OZU module operation in different exchange modes. - Key: . 1. Read set 2, Exchange Engaged _ 3. Data for reading 8. Enter _ 4. Answer ~ 9. Data for entering 5. start l0. CE2, A~, set ~ ' 6. C~~l, enter in Register D, 11. Read (modification) enter D" and '"Answer~" for entering the data that have been read in the data register~ and "WE," for e~~ry in the memory m3trix in the entering mode. The data that have been read are accompa- nied by an "Answer" knitirovaniye signal that is read after the _ erasure oP the DChT signal, 64 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY In the enterin.g mode ~ after the address is cleared the data code and a"Data for entering" (DZP) signal~ which in this case - also serves as the reading indicator~ is placed in the main - - line, - In the exchange mode ~ a"Read (modification) enter" signal - causes the informati~n to first be read and then entered for the same address in the OZU module. For an OZU~ this eachange mode is not in pure form that mode that is understood for a dynamic-type ZU, when the reading and entering are carried out during the time of action of a single CE signal (in the absence of CE, the ZU's crystals are in a storage mode and require an - insignificant amount of poxer) . In this case ~ for the exchange interface the du~cativn of the CE signal is lengthened by the amount of time needed to replace the data that have been read and the data ~c~r erter3ng in the main line. Increasing the du- ration of the CE signa.l leads to an increase in the power used by the memory matrix. Considerimg the specific conditions for the use of an OZII mod- ule in a microcomputer (a significant amount of time N300 - ns for the replacement of information in the A~ D main line), in the excha~ge mode the cycle relative to the DChT (a CE1 signal is formed) is carried out first~ foll,owed by the entering cycle according to the DZP (CE2). This made it possi- ble to simplify the control circuit and the phasing and to re- - duce the power consumed by the module in the exchange mode. For this same pttrpose ~reducing the required power) and despite - the fact that there is a huffer address register in K565RU1A ZU crystals, in the module there is an address register (Register A) that is external relative to the memory matrix and makes it possible to obtain a minimum duration of the CE signals during - ~ the reading and entering cycle~ although this also leads to an increase in the total cycle time in all eachange modes. - The K565RU1Q. integrated circuits that are the basic elements of the OZU module are dynamic-type memory units that require peri- odic restoration regeneration of the stored information. In ~hese ZU's ~ information regeneration is carried out in the entering mode as well as the reading mode. When one access to the ZU crystal is carried out~ 64 memory cells are immediately regenerated. Since the reading cycl~ takes less time and is simpler to form than the entering cycle~ regen~eration is usual- _ ly performed during reading and the crqstal selection signals (CS 1, CS2 ) are in a turned-on s tate . In order to res tore all the in�ormation in the OZU module's memorp matriac~ it is neces- sary to perform 64 such cycles during the regeneration period. For this reas~n, the module contain~ a simple fully autonomous regeneration circuit that consists of the fol~.owing 65 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 rux urrlt,t[~1. u~~ uNLY series-connected units: a pulse generator (GI)~ a frequency divider (DCh) with a variable division factor~ and a 6-bit - counter (5Ch) of regeneration addresses (0...5). The pulse ~ genera~or's frequency and the frequen~y divider's division fac- - - tor were selected so that the 64 regeneration cycles are dis- tributed over the entire regeneration period. This made it possible to achieve a more uniform temporal distribution of the _ po~rer required in the regeneration mode. The regeneration ad- dress changes before each n~w regeneration cqcle. The regener- ation system's layout is shown iri Figure 4. }31/Z!~ Pea. RAO RA9 RA2 ,~3. Rn4e,?A,,, ~ ) T!'-S - ~ 2 ~ 9cm . ~ , _ ,4 Cy : � , F igure 4. Regeneration system of OZU module. Key: - l. Regeneration inquiry Frequency divider 2. Set 5. Regener~tion ~ 3~ ~'ulse generator 6. Regeneration aldress count~r From the frequency divider's outlet~ the regenerat~on pulse moves to ~ trigger, where it is stored. The regeneration in- quiry signal ("Regeneratiorz inquiry") moves from the trigger ! into the control circuit, in ~rhich the regeueration inquiry aand ' any exchange inquiry ha~re equal priority. When these inquiries ~ are superimposed in time, t;he control circuit processes them in ~ sequence. In this case there is an increase in either the ex- change cycle with the OZU module, by the duration of the regen- eration cycle~ or in the regeneration period between the cycles of regeneration of a single address, by the time of the ea- - change cycle, which is easy to allow for in the master clock ~GI) when necessary. - Resetting of the regeneration inquiry trigger to "0" takes ~ _ place at the end of eacYi regeneration cycle. Such a regenera- tion system eli~ninates additional losses of working time (and~ - - correspondingly~ of. operating speed) oii the part of the OZU ~ module for the preparation of the regneration mode and makes th is mode completely autonomous. The "Engaged" signal (Figure 3) is an internal signal of the - _ OZII module that is formed simultaneouslq with the "Start" sig- _ n~.l and is present in both the exchange and regeneration mc~des. From the moment the phasing circuit starts up and the "Engaged" signal appears, a change in all the ~ontrol signals at the _ 66 _ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 = FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~aa _ input does not affect the OZU _~io_= madule's operation in the ini- r' z 3 tially assigned exchange mode, which insures protection of the ~ - , = 0 ~ g_ module, with respect to its ? O O? control inputs ~ from random C~~ O ~ malfunctions in the computer's C~(~O O O h main line during its operating ~ C~ C~ O^ cycles . - O~oClo? o ` 0 ~ o In t he absence of eachange in- ~ QD o o quiries, all the fixin g tri g- [1 C~~~~ ~ N; gers in the control circuit are ~ C 7 O O?~ 4 consta n t l y i n t h e z e r o s t a t e. ~00 0 Th~ control circuit's trigger 4 ~ O(~ C~ 0 resets to "0'~ automatically. O~O C~ Therefore ~ a control signal to ~~Qoo oC~oo set the unit to "0" is no ~r~o 000o t re- ~ o00 00o required for the OZU module's 0 0 , o , S3TSt@ID. 3,75 I ' - - - ' 1,5 ~ 'Z In addition it is ossible to 19{3,75-n25 15�3,75-56,25 ~ p connect a signal ~or access to Figure 5. Layout of AlTs03D external units (WU) to the OZiT module on a card: l. memory module so that the OZU electrolytie capacitors; 2. module's control circuit is K56 ~RUlA ZU BIS ; 3. uncoup- blocked when it enter~ the com- ling capacitors; 4. control puter's mai,n line. A 16-bit _ circ~its , cod.e and ~the presence of a rec- J ognition circuit on the mod- ule make it possible to increase the volume of a micro- computer's memory to 128 Kbytes. When necessary~ the VW sig- nal can be used as a high-order bit in the address code whi~h makes it possible to increase the memory's volume to 25~ Kbytes. Structurally, the OZII module is a card with a twa-sided printed - mosaic, on the printed elements of which no rigorous limita- tions are imposed (Figure 5). On the card there is no ground plane as such~ although the conductors along which different ~ power voltages are carred to the microcircuits installed on the - card do form a grid. When taken ir. con~unction with the cor- responding uncoupling capacitors, this makes it possible to re- - duce to a minimum the level of the noise arising during opera- - tion of the module's circuits. All of the elements on the card (both integrated circuits and discr~te components) are on one side of the c~rd, which makes it possible to automate the pro- - cess of i~stalling and removing the elements. = This design of the OZU module for microcomputers provides the following characteristics: asynchronous exchange of data with 67 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 r~ux ur~r'1~1~ U5E uNLY user, ease of' enlarging the main memory and changing its con- f iguration or. ~i module-by-module basis, indeper_dent regenera- . tion, and a high degree of technological feasibilitp from the production viewpoint. The inclusion in the module of a control circuit that insures ea~change matching with users~ in addition ' to a regeneration circuit and placement of all the circuits on a single princted-circuit card, made it possible to pr~duce an - autonomous, functionally and structurall complete main memory ?anit for microcomputers. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. INTEL MEMORY SYSTEMS : CATALOG, Intel Corporation~ 19rJ~. ~ 2. ZARUFiEZHNAYA RADIOELEKTRONIKA (Foreign Communications Elec- tronics), Nos 9 and 10~ 1977. - 3. MICROCOMPUTER HANDBOOK, Digital Equipment Corporation, 1976. _ INTERRELATIONSHIP OF MAXIMUM OF'ER.ATING SF'EED AND DEGREE OF IN- TEGRATION OF LARGE-SCALE INTEGR.ATED CIRCUITS (Excerpt pp 1, 5_i56 ~ - Conclusions 1. When realizing the magimum degree of integration of elements - on a cyrstal~ reducing the elements' dimensions does not lead to an increase in their operating speed because of the necessi- � ty for a corresponding reduction in the power consumed by each element. i - 2. Increasing the operating speed of elements without changing _ the thermal conditions of their operation is possible when the maximum degree of integration of the elements on a crystal is not used. In connection with this, the operating speed of the elements in a BIS Glarge-scale integrated circuit] can be in- creased by a maximum factor of W/A. 3. Tncreasing the linear resolving por~er of the methods for ap- plying the elements of the figure on a crystal makes it possi- ble when the maximum degree of integration is not sought _ to increase both the aperating speed and the degree of i.n~tegra- tion of the elements on the crystal without changing the ther- mal conditions of their operation. 4. When selecting the element and structural base of a process- ing logic unit with maai~um productivity~ it is necessary to insure fulfillment of 'che condition '~d~'~com~ which corresponds 68 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY , APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY to an optimum relationship between the operating speed and the degree of integration of the BIS's elements. 5. In the designing of BIS's for high-productivity computers - _ when realizing the optimum relationship between the elements= degree of integration and operating speed~ it is advisabl~ to use a matria structure of the elements on the BIS crystal by using thermal shielding Zones between the elements (micro- _ radiators) in order to organize the interelement connections. _ - In conclusion it is necessary to mention that in the analysis ~ af BIS operating speed carried out above in which we consid- ered the limitations imposed by the prob~em of discharging heat and insuring the given temperature for the p-n ~unctions~ we did not take in~co consideration the limitations imposed on the - elements' linear dimensions and operatiag speed b~r the phenome- na of electromigration and the increase in the ohmic resistance of conducturs~ which arise when there is a substantial decrease in the elements' dimensions and an increase in current density. The role of these phenomena becomes substantial and must be taken into consideration when the elements' and conductors' di- mensions reach tens of nanometers. ABSTRACTS , unc 68i.327.25-~.85.4 ASSOCIATIVE PARALI,~L PROCESSORS AND MICROPROCESSORS B.M. Malashevich The author gives a brief analysis of the historq and present state oP development of associative pro~essing devices, classi- ~ fies them~ and list the requirements for them. He points out the possibilities of associative parallel processors and the _ actuality of their practical realization at the present t3me, on the basis of microprocessor large-scale integrated circuits. F igures 7, references 9. IIDC 681.3.06 MICROCOMPUTER SOFTWARE BASED ON A SINGLE-CRYSTAL MICR OPR OCLSS OR . A.V. Kobylinskiy~ K.G. Sabadash~ A,K. Teslenko The authors discuss the composition of the software for a - microcomputer based on a single-crystal microprocessor, as we11 as the structure of the prograa preparation and debugging sys- tems for microcomputers based on general-purpose and micro- computers. They also d3scuss t;ne advantages and shortcomings 69 FOR OFFTCIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 r'UK Or'FICtAL U5E UNLY of such syst~~ms, as well as ~ays for developing them further. Figures 3. - vnc 68i.325.5 ~UESTIONS ON INCREASING THE OPERATING SPEED OF A MICROPROCESSOR WYT~i A TRUNK STRUCTURE E.P. Ovsyannikova-Panchenko, L.M. Petrova~ Y.S. Kokorin, B.V. Shevkoplyas The authors present two variants of designs for logic circuits for the internal main line of' a microprocessor, both of which make it possible to increase a microprocessor's operating speed when performing sequential micro-operations. They discuss questions concerning the coincidence of main line transm3ssion ~ in a processor and formulate the conditions under which it is advisable to introduce an additional apparatus for analyzing the compatibility of micro-operations and the dynamic reorgani- zation of the temporal floxchart. They investigate a probabil- ity model of the microcommand execution process and suggest specific layout variants for the construction of a unit for controlling the coincidence of micro-operations and blocs for analyzing microcommand codes, Theq also shox that the amount of equipment needed can be reduced considerably through ration- - a1 selection of the encoding of micro-operations, in addition to formulating an encoding algorithm. Figures references 2. ' UDC 681.3.056 ANALYS IS OF METHODS FOR CONSTRUCTING DEVICES FOR COMPARING A _ SET OF NUMBERS THAT ARE BASED ON LARGE-SCAI~E INTEGRATED CIR- CUITS I.P. Seleznev~ B.M. Malashevich The authors discuss methods of des3.gning devices for comparing sets of ~umbers for extremes (maaimum or minimum). They sug- - gest modifications of sequential-type devices, with non- parallelization of operations and a unilateral structure~ that ; are or:Iented on the realization~ in the form of a large-scale integr~ted circuit assemblp of a single or standardized large- scale integrated circuit wi~h a modular structure that provides a possibility of designing various compar3son devices. They - also present and illustrate with examples methods for determin- ing the deeices' operating speeds~ as we11 as calculating and _ optinizing some of their parameters. Figures 4~ references 3. UDC 621.3.061 70 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY _ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY AUT OMAT ING THE DES IGNING OF LARGE-SCALE INTEGRATED C IRCIIITS W ITH DUE C ONS IDERAT ION FOR THE OPT IMUM D ISTR IBUT I ON OF THE POW- ER RES OURCE A,V. Vorob'yev, Yu.P. Rodionov~ A,V. Skvira The authors propose a new method for desigra~ing large-scale in- tegrated circuits that allows Por optimum distribution of the power resource anong the individual stages 3n the circuitrp. - They present a mathematical formulation of the problem o~' de- terministic opt3.mization of large-scale integrated circuits ac- cording to power parameters. They also develop algorithms and a program for the optimization of "DETOPT" large-scale int~- _ grated circuits. The method and the program have been approved in a number of semiconducting memory layouts. As an eaample~ they present the results of large-scale integrated circuit op- timization for a main memory wi~h a capacity of 256 bits. F ig- ures 4, references 7. UDC 681.326.7~+.06 ON THE QUESTION OF THE MACHINE SYNTHESIS OF TESTS FOR DIGITAL LARGE-SCAI~E INTEGRATED CIRCUITS - B.V. Batalov~ A.I. Berezenko~ O.I. Tishehenko The authors give a brief description of the methods used as the basis for a tppe program complex for the synthesis af check tests for logic circuits of the combined and sequential types. They evaluate the effectiveness of the utilization of the pro- gram complex for large-scale integrated circuits of the eom- - bined type, operational memories and large-scale integrated circuits in microprocessors. They also present methods far moderniz.tng such a program that make it possible to improve the effectiv~ness of its use for large-scale integrated circuits that include regular masses of inemorq cells. Figures 4~ refer- ences 8. UDC 621.377.622.12 THE SH IFT REGISTER IN INSTRUMENTS WITH CHARGE CARRY V.M. Gusakav~ A.V. Zelentsov~ V.I, Odinokov~ Ye.~. Sel'kov The authors discuss an 8-bit shift register in instruments with _ charge carry. The register is based on p-channel MDP's [expan- sion unknawn] of transistor structures with framiag circuits ~ based on mutually complementary MDP-transistors. They caleu- late the coefficient oP inefficiency of the charge tran~fer in 71 ' FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 FUR OFFICIAL USE ONLY the shift register~ the maaimum clock frequency of its opera- tion, and the temperature dependences of these parameters. They also present the results of an experimental investigation of the shift register's characteristics. Figures 4~ references 6. unc 681.327.67 _ ENG INEE~IAIG DES IGPt FEATURES OF INTEGRATED MEMORY C IRCIIITS BASED ON BIPOLAR STORAGE UNIT5 WITH AN INJECTION POWER SIIPPLY S.G. Isakina, M.A, Korolev, N.M. Lukanov~ A,A, Orlikovskiy~ ~ The author~ discuss the basic factors that limit the operating speed of I L integrated circuits. They show that it is possi- ble to increase the speed with the help of structures that have special~ irregular alloying admixtnre distributions in a thin epitaxial layer, as well as by using transistorized structures of the reversed types They also list the parameters of these structures and their electrical charact~ristics. Fig- ures 7, references 6. ` UDC 681.32~.6~ HIGH-SPEED INTERNAL STORAGE INTEGRATED CIRCUITS BASED ON AN IN- JECTION STORAGE UNIT WITH CURRENT CONTROL A,A. Orlikovskiy~ A.G, Sergeyev~ V.N. Gladkov~ T.Ya. Mamedon~ V.N. Savenkov~ V.N. Rybal'chenko ~ In this article the authors reveal a highly efficient method for controlling in~ection storage units that insures a high op- - erating speed for the integ�rated circuits of a memory based on them. They analyze the transient processes in the storage unit that are related to current control and present substantiated experimer.tal parameters of integrated circuits for operational memories of the transistor-to-transistor logic and ES L[expan- ` sion unknown] types. Figures 9~ references 13. UDC 681.327.67 REDUNDANCY IN SEMICONDUCTING MEMORIES V.S. Borisov, V.V. I,osev~ V.A. Shakhnov The authors discuss one method for improving the quality of - semiconducting memory units (ZU) that eonsists of encoding the information being processed in memory cells (ZYa) the help _ of interference-free cod~s. TMey present a number of design 72 _ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY solutions for redundant ZU's that eliminate functional defects. The design solutions for redundant ZU's were developed with due consideration for the statistical results of the distribution of defective ZYa's. Figures 5~ referenees 10. - vnc 621.3.049.77 ~382.323 ~372. 5~++58 INTEGRATED MICR OC IRCU ITS OF GYRAT ORS IPt C OMPLEMENTARY I~P STRUCTURES V.N. Galkin~ Yu.P. Mashkovtsev~ B.I. Mikhaylov~ A.M. Skvortsov~ V.M. Shilkov The authors analyze an actual gyrator as an inductance equiva- lent. They discuss the parameters of the amplifying stages in KMDP-structures [expansion ~nknown) from the viewpoint of their utilization in gyrators and present the results of an experi- mental investigation of prototypes of integrated circuits for gyrators. Figures 3, references 5. , UDC 658,562.6:621.382.8:519.2 UNIDIMENSIONAL SUPPLIER AND USER R:[SK,S IN ~ON1tECTION WITH AN ARBITRA,RY LAW GC/VERNIATG THE DISTRIBUTION OF A CONTROI,LABLE PA_ RAMETER ~S VALUES A.S, Bondarevskiy~ L.M. Popel' The authors present expressions for caZcul.~ting the values of the unidimensional supplier and user risks in connection with an arbitrary law for the distribution of a controllable parame- ter, a normal law for the distribut~on of the results of the control (an equivalent measuring conversion), right- and left- side boundaries of the tolerance field~ and due consideration f~r departmental and delivery classification norms. They also calculate the risks related to controlling the input flow of the logic unit of an integrated circuit of the trans~istor-to- _ transistor logic type. Figures 3~ references 12. UDC 658.562.6:621.382.8:519.2 = ON REDUCING ERRORS IN MULTIPAR.AMETRIC MONITORING A.S. Bondarevskiy~ L.M. Popel' In multiparametric monitoring, which is characterized by rather large supplier and ussr risk values, it is recommended that the _ parameters, the monitoring of which has the least reliability~ be repeatedly and selectively rechecked. The authors present expressions for indicators of the reliability of 73 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 roK c~r'rICIAL USE ONLY multipar~metric monitorinro: the probabilities of the truthful- ness of the result of monitoring "defectiveness" and "service- ability." Figures 2~ references 5. J UDC 621.382.2 LIMIT ING PROPERT IES OF A SEMIC ONDUCTING DIODE IN A TRANSMITT ING CHA NNE L M. M. Ivanov ~ V. A, rialyshev ~ Y.A . Shpirt The authors discuss the change in the power transmitted through a semiconducting limiter diode connected in parallel in a - superhigh-freq~:ency channel xhen there is a change in the level - of the incoming power. They present a technique for calculat- ~ ing the limiting characteristics, including with an allowance for the effect of self-displacement. They also compare calcu- lated characteristics and experimental results. Figures 1~ references 4, - unc 621.382.3 RE~A.TIONSHIP BETWEEId A CHANNEI,�S PARAMETERS AND A FIELD TRAN- SISTOR'S CHARACTERISTICS - A.B. Yegudin The author presents a simple method for measuring the distribu- tion of the ~~~il~ty of the charge carriers in a field transis- ' tor's channel with respect to its current-voltage characterist- ics, a method for determining the value of the parasitic a~d active parts of the channel's resistance for any distribution _ of the charge carriers relative to the depth of the channel, and the results of an investigation of the parameters of field _ transistor channels by the suggested methods. He takes note of - the correlation bet~reea the electron mobility val.ues and the noise factor of the investigated instruments at high frequen- cies. Figures 3~ references 4. UDC 621.31~.32~,4:3$2.2 SELF-CONTROLLED SEMICONDUCTING DEVICES IN THE SUPERHIGH FRE- QUENCY BAND O.S. Orlov~ V.A, Murav'yev~ V.M. Kogan~ Yu.V. Myasnikov The authors discuss different types of self-controlled superhigh-frequency band devi~es that are based on semiconduct- ing diodes and, depending on the type of output characteristics, 74 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY are classified as limiting, stabilizing and blocking. They present a method for calculating a throughput-type limiting de- vice with two diodes~ and also suggest variants that realize the output characteristics oi' tY~e N-shaped and piecewise-broken type. Figures 12, references 11. uDC 621.382.28:621,382.2.029.64 MODELING AN OPTIMUM SEMICONDUCTING MATERIAL FOR VARACTORS A.S. Berlin The author suggests a quality factor for the semiconducting ma- _ terial for epitaxial varactors~ on the basis of which (with due _ consideration for frequency and temperature requirements) he ~ _ performs a comparative analysis of the properties of semi- conductors, determines requirements for an o~,~+.imum hypothetical IDaterial, and discusses triple compounds based on solid solu- - tions of the AIII-BV type. Figures 3, references 12. unc 621.383.9+93 FEATURFS OF THE DEGRADATION OF PELLICULA.R ELECTROLUMINESCENT = = D IS PLAYS _ F.I. Vergunas, V.I. Kononenko, V.I. Lur'ye During the production of pellicular electroluminescent displays running on direct current and based on layers of CuXS and ZnS: - Mn, the conductivity of these layers was monitored. Auring op- eration, in the degradation of the ~isplays the authors noted that the brightness tended toward a steady-state value of 10�1 kd/m2, which is maintained for a period of 5,000-8~600 hours and do~s not depend on the power voltage or~ consequent- ly~ the initial brightness. Figures 1~ rePerences 6. COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Sovetskoye Radio," 1979 - [296-11~+6 ] 11746 cso : 1863 ~s - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPLICATIONS HOLOGRAPHY AND OPTICAL DATA PROCESSING IN GEOLOGY AND GEOPHYSICS ~ Leningrad GOLOGRAFIYA I OPTICHES KAYA OBRABOTKA INFORMATSII V GEOLOGII I GEOFIZIKE in Russian 1979, pp 2-4, 193-194 [Annctation, table of contents and introduction from book edited by S. B. Gurevich, Order of Lenin Physico-Technical Institute imeni A. F. Ioffe, Leningrad, 500 copies, 195 pages] [Text] Annotation Reports read at the All-Union Seminar on Optico-electronic Methods of P ro- cessing Geological and Geophysical Data, held in Tomsk in 1978, served as the basis for the present collection. The main theme of the collection is the procESSing of large masses of geophysical data and the creation of new ' instruments and devices for the optical processing of geological and geo- physical materials. Specific methods and devices are examined along with survey reports on that theme. The materials presented in the articles are of great importance for the development of work envisaged by the national economic plan. They provide the possibility for specialists, geophysicists and geologists to become acquainted with the new possibilities opened up by holography and methods of optical data pracessing in tasks of searching and prospecting for minerals. CONTENTS Page IntroduQtion 3 0. A. Potapov. The problem of processing large masses of geological and geophysical data and ways to solve it 5 A. N. Galanov, V. p. Ivanchenkov, Z. V. Krivosheyev, P. V. Mineyev, N. F. Onyushev and L. N. U1'chenko. Investigation of a combined optico-electronic system for processing seismic data 19 S. M. Kofsman and Ye. A. Kopilevich. Optical filtration of seismic time segments with arbitrary filter parameters 30 76 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000240100037-8 I FOR OFFICIAL U5~ ONLY _ Page G. I. Poskonnyy and V. P. Ivanchenkov. Investigations of some possibilities of optic o-electronic computer devides with spatially - incoherent sources of radiation 3 8 D. R. Kiatukov and G. A~ Gurov. Improvement of thE: characteristics of optical devices use d to process geological and geophysical data SO _ S. M. Kofsman an~ Ye. A. Kopilevich. Use of synthesized holograms in seismic data filtration 58 V. P. I~+anchenYtov and V. A. Shlotgauer. Phase-frequency analysis of seismic vibra~ions.and some ways to realize it in optico-electronic " data processing systems 65 V. S. Pinzhin, Z. B. Khayut and V. A. Shlotgauer. Electronic computer units of non -coherent'optical spectrum analyzer 74 R. S. Bachevskiy, S. A. Vasil'yev, G. I. Gas'kevich, B. V. Gorodechnyy, N. I. Kalashnikov and L. I. Muravskiy. On the question of developing the principles of contruction of optical processars 85 R. S. Bachevskiy, N. I. Kalashnikov, L. I. Kuravskiy and 0. I, Kharlova. On the question of coherent-optical processing of _ optically reproducible r~cordings of area seismic observations 89 _ 0. A. Pota;.~v, 0. A-. Vorob'yev and V. I. Dubyanskiy. Holographic _ - optico-digital processing of seismic survey data 95 0. A. Potapov and A. Ye. Shutkin [deceased]. Prospects of use of coherent optical de�vices in systems for the gathering, processing and storage of geological and geophysical data 102 A. N. Galanov and V. P. Ivanchenkov. On estimating the properties of some methods of spatially modulated registration of signals in optico-electronic data processing systems 110 A. V. Dutov. Investigation of the noise resistance of some methods of optical counting of geopY[ysical data 123 I3. I. Yurga and V. P. TarasQnko. Optico-elec~tronic system of image - analysis based on an optical correlator and electronic computer 134 A. B. Beklemishev. S eismic recording visualization device based on the use of liquid crystalline media 144 A. B. Beklemishev, V. P. Alampiyev, Ye. M. Makeyeva, A. P. Shevalev and V. V. Nemtsov. Analysis and interpretation of instability in _ a liquid-crystalline matrix "with a memory" 153 77 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 r�~x or~rici~ U5~ UNLY - Page V. P. Golosov, V. Ye. Savarenskiy and S. D. Trankovskiy. Use of - a pulsed 1~3ser to excite ultrasonic vibrations 163 R. S. Bachevski;;, S. A. Vasil'yev and G. I. Gas'kevich. Use of the method of optic matching of filtration for the analysis of iineament grids 175 D. A. Yanutsh, Z. G. Yefimova and N. V. Skublova. Use of coherent optical processing in the geological decipherment of aerial photo ~ surveys 182 - Introduction The complexity of the problems to b,~:. solved in the sear~:h f_or petroleum, " gas and ~olid mineral resources requires a considerable ?ncrease of com- puter capacities and the development of inethods and means of effective _ = processing of geological and geophysical data. Computer complese s based ~ on second an d third generation elecCr~nic computers existing at the pre- sent time do not completely meet contemporary requirements, in connection with which a number of important and necessary algorithms for the process- ing of geologicai and geophysical data often are not realized in practice. - It should be expec;ted that in proportion to the development of work on ar~a systems of obse-rvations and seismic holography the requirements fo~ - the efficiency and operativ~ness of data processing will grow still more. , = In that respect much interest is aroused by the further improvement of di~ital means of data processing as well as the development of optical and _ or~~~:ico-electronic methods which have considerable possibilities with respect to the processing and storage of large flows of data. _ At the present time in a number of sc~entific and production organi2ations and vJZ's af the coL~ntr}~ experience has been 'accumulated in the developEnent ~nd use of optica 1 computer systems, experience that conf irms the prospects _ uf development of that direction of automation of the processing of data _ - of exploration geophysics and geology. , The P'irst All-Union seminar on the optica-electronic processing of geologi- call and g~ophysical data, held ~in 1978 in Tomsk, summed up definite results of investigations in that area. _ _ The present collection contains reports read at the seminar that were devoted to questions in the development and invest~igation of optical com- puting devices and hybrid optico-electronic data processing systems. Some _ methodical and tec;~nological methods of processing, directed toward im- provement of the methods and means of processing geological and geophysical ' - materials, are examined. The publication of the~ collection, in c:.:?~ view, will undoubtedly tiave a positive influence on tl~~a further ccnducting of investigations and wi11 - permit acquainting specialists with the results achieved in this area. 7 F; ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY , It is proposed to continue in the future the discussion of optico-elec- tronic methods and means of processing geological and geophysical data and to issue cubsequent collections of articles. ~ Professor S. B. Gurevich and candidates _ of technical sciences V. P. Ivanchenkov ~ and 0. A. Potapov COPYRIGHT; LIYaF, 1979 [2174-291] 2174 CSO; 1863 � 79 . FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ ~ , ~ ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 ; UDC 550.834 THE PROBLEM OF PROCESSING LARGE MASS ES OF GEOLOGICAL AND GEOPHYSICAL DATA AND WAYS TO SOLVE IT - a Leningrad GOLOGRAFIYA I OPTICHESKAYA OBRABOTKA INFORMATSII V GEOLOGII I ~ GEOFIZIKE (Holography and Optical Data Processing in Geology and Geophy- sics) in Russian 1979, pp 5-18 [Article by 0. A. Potapov from book edited by S. B. Gurevich, Order of Lenin Physico-"_'echnical Institute imeni A. F. Ioffe, Leningrad, 500 copies, 195 pages] [Text] Annotation S tartir.g from the tasks facing geological and geophysical searches for petroleum, gas and solid minerals, the requirements f or processing systems have been formulated. It has been shown that in the processing of large masses of geological and geophysical data grea t prospects are connected _ with conerent optical and high-speed optico-digital complexes. Process- ing circuits based on the use of a"Kogerent" laser installation are = examined in the case of its use as a processor in an optico-digital system. The solution of complex contemporary problems of geological and geophysical - explaration for oil; gas and solid minerals requires making complexes of various technical means and mef:hods. The timely processing of data ob- tained in that case is impossible without using enormous volumes of elec- tronic computer machine time. _ However, second generation eomputers. characterized by a small immediate- access memory and a relatively low operating speed are unable to effective- ly and qualitatively process data obtained by field investigations, Tn _ . connection with that, together with improvement of the methods of digital processing, in the last decade optical and optico-electronic methods of - analysis of geological and geophysical data began to be used [1,2]. In that case much attention is given to the processing of seismic survey ma ter ia ls , wh ich is expla ined ma in ly by the appl ica ti on of se ismic survey- ~ ing in searches for oil- and gas-bearing structures. This method dif~ers from other exploratory methods by an incomparably greater volume of data _ and the application of multichannel registration on a real time scale. It suffices to say that one 24-channel seismogram with a 2-millisecond - interval con:~ins about 106 bits of information. - 80 , FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The process ing of such a se ismogram on a medium-sized computer (BESb1-4 or Minsk-32) takes about 1 hour, and so a single computer is capable of pro- - cessing in Z or 3 shifts the material obtained by 3 or 4 seismic stations. To process the entire volume of data obtained in the fiPld hundreds of _ ~ electronic computers are needed for seismic surveying alone. If it is taken into account that there are other geophysical methods liesides seismic surveying, it can readily be shnwn that further progress is unthinkable without radical change of the processes of geophysical data processing. - The same situation also exists in geology, where the information is either two- or three-dimensional. Thus a portion of the geological materials is - usually presented in the form a two-dimensional distribution of the optical density of phototransparencies--these a:re aerial and space photos of the surface of the earth, photograpTis and microphotographs of pale- ontological and lithological-petrographic objects, photographs of land- scapes, rock outcrops, etc. The information capacity of such photographic documents is very great. For example, an aerial photograph with a scale of 1:200,000 contains 10~ - TO8 bits of information. In the existing pro- cessing of geological materials, based on manual methods or on the use of ~ electronic equipment, only an insignificant and not always the mose useful - part of the data register~~ in the field is extracted. - The tendency toward steady complication of the- processing of geological and geophysical data, and especially of seismic da~a, advances the follow- ing requirements for the hardware of a computer center: 1) the presence of autonomous high-speec~ data input and output devices, connected with the internal memory of the main processor; 2) the possibility of operating with a fairly l.arge number of geophysi- cal channels in the course of a brief time interval, for which the main processor must have disks or a large volume of inemory on magnetic drums; ~ 3) the presence of specialized processors that permit performing a broad set of operations (rapid Fourier transformation, convolution, correlation, various types of summation, etc); 4) a large volume of the i~?ediate-access memory and high speed of the ' main and preliminary processors; ~ 5) developed software that permits using var~ous processing algorithms and - rapidly modifying them in the process of the work; 6} the possibility of direct dialog of man and machine, that is, the com- puter must issue the results of processin~ in any of its stages in a form permitring the interpreter to rapidly evaluate them and if necessary to set new parameters or new ~kinds of processing. At the present time there is practically no hardware satisfying the enum- erated requirements. At the same time both Soviet and foreign experience ~ 81 FOR OFFICIAT~ USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 F~R OFFICIAL USE ONLY show that making complexes of optical systems and electronic computers will permit solvin~; many processing problems. Specialized optical devices are already capable of ineeting the requirements listed as points 2-4 and 6. The application in organizations of the USS R Ministry of Geology of large - - third-generation electronic computers (the YeS-1050, YeS-1060 or BESM-6), - now being planned, will considerably expand the possibilities of computer complexes. Using the speed of the YeS-1050 computer, which is 500,000 operations per second on the average, and also taking into account the contemplated use of electronic special processors, computer-preprocessors and improved input-output devicas, one can consider that processing capa- city will increase in proportion to the increase of the computer speed, that is, to about 20 times that of a second-~eneration computer. There is no doubt that this will per~it complicating the processing and expanding the range of problems solved. Moreover, the growth of the volumes of data requiring processing will be comparable with the increase of the capacity and productivity of computer complexes, as a result of which their effi- ciency also can prove to be insufficient to satisfactorily solve the prob- lems of increasing the thoroughness, detail and precision of geological and geophysical methods of surveying. For example, increase of the geo- logical effectiveness of seismographic work for oil and gas involves a need to apply digital methods of recording information and the use of area (holographic) systems of observations made by the method of multiple cover- ings. Tt~e large masses of information thus obtained must be efficiently analyzed by means of various complex algorithms, including two-dimensional and three-dimensional space-time transforms, the volume and importance of which in the overall.cycle of processing will steadily increase. _ In the soluL-ion of the problem of processing large masses of data, of spe- cial interest are optical methods, the effectiveness of which is due to the high inf ormational capacity of a luminaus field as an inf ormation carrier, the possibility of considerable increase of the rate of processing on ac- count of parallelism of the processes of counting, transmissi~n, processing and recording of optical information and, finally, the poss:~bility of ac- complishing an entire series of integral operations on two-dimensional (thxee-dimensional) masses of information. Since in optical processors the - elementary operations are multiplication, integration, Fourier and Laplace transformations and convolution, even now it is possible to solve with them mathematical problems with an~equivalent speed of 1013 operations per second, whereas for electronic computers the most optimistic estimates do not exceed 109 operations per second. With such advantages oi optical processing taken into consideration, opti- cal methods of processing seismic data were~first tested in the Central Geophysical Trust of the RSFSR Ministry of Geolog~ in 1966 on the basis of a French laser device. Then that work was set up in the "Spetsgeofizika" trust, the 'S oyuzgeo~izika" Scientific-Production Association and other organizations of the USS R Ministry of Geology on the basis of the Soviet "Kogerent" optical apparatus. In the period since then the MOV (reflected ~a 82 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - wave method), KMPV (correlation method of refracted waves), VSr~, MOGT and MOG (not further identified) optical methods of seismic data processing have been developed and introduced into production. By means of a coherent optical system operations of the calculation of unidimension~and two- dimensional spectra and unidimensional and two-dimensional correlation functions are being successfully accomplished, as well as of frequency fil- _ tration with prescribed fil~er characteristics and two-d'unensional space~ time (fan) filtration of starting seismic-survey materials. in the stage of testing are operations of D-transformation of seismic time profiles and f iltration by means of holograms (f ilters~ w~tlT a complex transparency func- tion) to realize certain processing algorithms, for example, reverse fi1- - tr.ation. _ Such a set of optically accomplishable operations permits successfully applying optical methods of seismic data processing in the stage of pre- liminary analysis of the wave field to select the optimal field work pro- cedure and the subsequent data processii.g, and also directly for seismic data processing and evaluation of the obtained results. The achieved speed of optical methods can be illustrated on the example of bandpass fre- quency filtration, which at the present time, with imperfect technology, can be done 20 times more rapidly and 20 times more cheaply than on the BESM-4 canputer. $~sides seismic survey materials, methods h~ve been developed and are being introduced for the optical processing of data obtained by aerogeophysical methods and gravitation and resistivity prospecting, and also materials of - aerial surveys and other various ge ological information. The processing technology can be illustrated by the block diagram presented on Fig 1. Geological or geophysical data visualized by a plotter on a - photocarrier are microfilmed and presented on 24 x 36 IIan photographic film. - The photographic film obtained f~om the microfilming device or microplotter ("Kvant" model) is placed in thz beam of coherent li;~ht of a laser in- stallation. :!'h.e necessary operations are accomplished, depending on the _ set program fur the processing or a?~alysis of the starting information. The result is viewed on the screen of an~industrial television set and regisG~red by optical and photoelectrical methods. The material proceeds f rom the output of the laser installation to the interpreter and if neces- sary returns again to the input for additional procedures of optical pro- cess ing. - The laser installation, a diagram of which is presented on Fig 2, includes a helium-neon gas laser with a power of 3-10 MW in single-mode conditions, an optical s~~.stem, a set of diaphragms and slit shutters, low and hi~h pass filter systems, band-pass and f~n filters; they are made up with 2-3 in- dustrial television sets and photographi,c and photoelectrical registering equipmeM r. The filtretion is usually carried 'out separately xn seyeral F ourier transf orm planes. During the complex of seismic data with ttie use of electronic - computers and laser equi.pnent the processing graph af Fi.g 3 is accomplished on the whole. The laser equi~nent- is used for operations of preliminary - 83 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY I APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY . , P ~ � ~ r�onorN- o:a~ rto~ 3 EM ' YECKHE M r m�~�~~~~ � TEDNMbI . g _ . ~ ~ � . � D ~s � ~ 6 � � nTr ~3 IllIOTTEP YAM ~ ro~nEK- ~ ~ 3 4 10 11 ~2 TDN4ECKMM o DEfHCiDATO o _ CEMCMO� BOfIIVO� � HGT04' HOCNT f1TNVEC' ~ ~ ~~nHtN "3BOEA� HN?c NHmO~- KHN BW 14 WMF rCT CBETA MAUNN VHCAHT ro~tc~eq 6 _ � mOTO' MHKPO- PE(NCTDA- r.110TTED 70P ,~KBANT� ~ _ 11A3EPHAA YCTAHOBKA Fig 1. Block diagram of machine processing of geological and geophysical da~a on the basis of the "Kogerent" optical apparatus. _ Key; , - 1- graphic material of geophysical 9- iaser device surveys 10 - light source _ 2- electronic computer 11 - data carrier 3- seismic recording 12 - optical computer 4- reproducing devices 13 - optico-electrical register 5- plotter 14 - photo register 6- "Kvant" microplotter 15 - industrial television set 7- geological materials 16 - interpreter 8 - microfilming equipment preliminary analysis of the wave ptcture as regards frequency and apparent velocity, operationg of spectrum-correlation anaZysis of laser da~a before and after summation by a computer, and also procedures of additional or main frequency and space-time filtration of the summary sections are per- formed on the laser installation. The execution of separate procedures on the electronic computer and on the laser installation is different in time, which is a shortcoming of st~ch a processing system. However, prac~ tice shows that the introduction of the presented graph provides a percep- tible economic and geological effect resulting from the machine processing of the starting materials. _ Side by side with important advantages, optical methods of data processing have definite limitations, of which difficulty in perf orming a large num- ber of logical operations is of very great importance in processing data 84 - FOR OFFICIAL U5E ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY +s .r. .n M ti ~b rn ~h � ~t, , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ AD ~ ~n r,L. f'~ .a ~~oo?~-'~oo ~ ~j.,-=600 ~ /13~ I~L1 n~ Il1iJ-2 ~ IlT!-f . c o ~ ~ ~ Ca~~--- ~ ~ 1 p(l~ mr~a~w ~~w~oMri re~?~e~ � ~ z . q~a~~ nwr - '~3n ~-+IP3Ytl Ov 1 3 Q ~N~O~~r~ ~ � IIS y..r. w.r �~w~..~rap~ . . ~ N ~nw ~.~or.~u~.~ � ~ k,um~ nx � � ~+wMe~.~ano*~ocrr~ wt+u mp 8 /{r ' m~.~n~r n.+r ~n~.~p~: anw , O . _ m~ nP/~ i- n~eporw~ ~fw H 1~ ~~~~5 tAMTMM.w ~MC~n ~~D'W~ 1M~~11tlWM~ ~YPN I~R nS a+ew~p~~r+w nroa.zts oiuawpv~ p~o6paw~w~. ~yp~~ 12 ~.~t ro+oo.a,. .aec.uc...~or�,u~..~ 1~ ~ ; npa~wir~..+~ �~wror~ yeir~or~~ /4 ~K qetnw~.+p~ uc*~w P+~rrps rse~ri ~rcrm . ' ~8 ~ceymy~ ...~a . orcr ~/.A~/~f~Y CMR~W �Mfb~pM M1Y1M71 YIIC7Q~ ~ 1 V~~ [GrCAW I~OIDCO~bI ~Mlbl'rYMM ' ~ c~an L ~.osp.,e..~ r~x-o.~.... ,~.r.~,,.) . ~ NQIU3 -w6op ~wmyrw �rurr~aa ~ewra~ Fig 2. Diagram of laser installation. V^ " ' r ~ L\c ) 1- laser 12 - planes of r~estored im~;,ge 2- short-focus lens 13 - rotary mirro~rs 3- diaphra~n 14 - industrial t~~levi~lon set - 4- collimating lens 15 - photographic ~cav~ara 5- data carrier ' 16 - high pass filt:er system 6- variable density mask 17 - fan filtration,system - 7- optical system spherical lenses 18 - low pass filtF:r sysrtem 8- cylindrical lens 19 - band-pass filtration system 9- rotary prism 20 - photoelectrical transforma- 10 - spectral planes of two-dimen- tion system (registering sional Fourier transform . device) 11 - spectral planes of unidimen- 21 - set of diaphra~ns and slit sional Fourier trans~orm shutters 85 FOR OFFICIAL USE ON~,~Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY A ~011E8bIE CEACMOfPAMMEI ~ � . f10,4fOTOBNA IS BBQQY B 3BM ( 3TAfl a 2 � ~ BBO,q B 3BM 3j/~n b 36 9 � ~ . oni~ncuw AeruEVN?ii+ ItO11rYfNNC f1PE,0,BAMREAbMMX ~+~ruwu nf~i?Aa? ' PE3Y11bTAT00 O6PA60TKN wuiiTr~Wu ~NA11N~ ~ 9.1 3 � � ANAIIN3 pA3PE~OR PA~PE3bl ~PAAb~ CROPOCTEII ,onn, one S AMAlI~N~~ ~K ' OIIDE,~EIIENME ~BK NOPPEKi11Pr10U(Nx , . IIOflPA00K a 6 ~ PAlPE~ C KOPCEKL~N[N ~II 3TAII C` 11 OI1 PA DON ~ O~IE MA: ~ � .Ga �,~,ii : ~ronocwrene 6 L?IEKTVMbHWH KOPC[11Al~NOMN 8,t . ANAJINB ~VUIbTPAUJ~A HA 38M 7.1 7.2 BW60P ANAlIM9 _ MPMAETPOD eatioeoM OfiTM'iECItAA 4~-t~NA ~nbTWUy1N KAPiNMM B KoHTVOne. Aoa ~eanH~: ~ 3TA(1 d COCTABAEMNE 3ANAIOVEMMA ' . _ I10 O6PA60TNE ~ . Fig 3. Diagram of complex processing of seismic-survey data. x~y: - A- field seismograms 3.3 - OP~ and OpV [not identified] B- control additional analysis sections and comparison of conclu- 3.4 - rows sions regarding processing 3.5 - optical t~an filtration e- S tage I 4- correlation analysis b- S tage 2 S- determination of corrections c- S tage 3 6- section with corrections, d- S tage 4 input to 1- preparation f or input into 6a - magnetic carrier computer 6b - photo carrier - 2- input ir~to computer ~7 - spectrum correlation analysis 3- obtaining preliminary results Z.1 - filtra tion parameters Selection of processing 7.2 - wave picture analysis 3.1 - analysis of velocities 8.1 - filtration by computer 3.2 - Laser section 8.2 - optical f;ltration 86 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY of seismic surveying. In connection with that, and also with the above- noted shortcoming, it is advisable to create hybrid optico-digital process- ing systems in which the control aad logical functions are built into the electronic computer, and the perf ormance of operations of processing large masses of data in the optical processors. Necessary f or the realization - of such a complex are devices that transform signals f orm an optical into - an electrical form and the reverse, by means of which the optical process- or and electronic computers can be combined into a closed processing cir- cuit equipped with the corresponding software. - Such work on the creation of an optico-digi~al system of automatic data processing by the laser method has been started in the Scientific Produc- tion Association 'S oyu'Zgeofizika" in collaboration with other organiza- tions [3,4~ on the basis of making up a complex of a Minsk-32 or M-7000 computer with a coherent.optical system. The optico-digital ccm~plex, a block diagram of which is presented on Fig - 4, includes two main types cf exchange between the computer and the co- - herent optical processor--through photo carriers and through a space-time _ light modulator or controlled transparency. - 'The selection of the M-7000 computer (Sm-1 or SM-2) is determined by the fact that according to the plan of the USSR Ministry of Geology it was s~lected as the basic one for the creation of computer centers of the ex- - peditionary level and the equipment of it with an optical special pro- cessor will considerably expand the possibilities of processing seismic and other geophysical materials. The selPCtion of an analogous optical processor with a coherent light source (laser) is determined by the fact that with relative simplicity of the coherent optical processor a large number of equivalent parallel processing channels is reali2ed, which is determined by the resolution of _ the optical system and the information carrier used. Thus, for example, during work of the "Kogerent" laser installation with the use of a 24 x - 36 mm phototransparency and a resolution of the standard photomaterials used of 100 lines[mm, the equivalent number of parallel channels is of _ _ the order of 6�10~. The coherent o}9tical processor operates with the amplitudes and phases of the luminous field and permits solving a wide range of problems in the processing of two-rlimensional complex functions given in the form of a distribution of the ampl~tudes or phases of the luminous field. In cases wherR r.he dynamic range of procesi:;ed data dops not exceed 40 dB or when there Ys a possibility of preliminary programmed regulation of a - seismic recording on a computer of up to 40 dB, photographic materials are used to connect the coherent optical processor and the co~u;ter with the purpose of: a) the readout of data from the computer and, after digital-analog tnansformation the preparation of a phototransparency on which the seismic information is represented by variation of the ampli- tude transmission of the transparency; b) the input of intormatipn 1n~ th~e 87 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY A B YGYPONGTBO NAfNNTMbIE BBO.flA HOCHTElIN f1E P BN4MON HM11 MMmOVMAUNN � ~ seoa D E nonrronoeoi+ 3 B M ~ BbiBOA , NHmOPMAUHN G ( M- 7000 ) H A ~oTOHOCNrenA mOTOHOCNTE1lb F YfiPA8J1AEMbIM TDAHGf1APAHT (fiBMC ) 8trfB0A . . HA ~^70HOCHT2Ab H KO~EPEMTHbIN I Of1TN4ECKNYt 880A � nPOI~ECCOP ~ J BeiBOA c npE06 ( KO ~OTOHOCNTEAA ~A308AMNEM 8 3A2KTPN4ECKME ' ~ CHfMAIIb~ . , . . Fig 4. Block diagram of an optico-digital complex for the acce lerated process ing oi g~c~pr~ys ica L c!a ta. _ Key: A- Magnetic carriers r- Controlled transparency B- Primary data input device G- Output to photocarrier C- Half-tone data input from H- Coherent optical processor photocarrier I- Input from photocarrier D- M-7000 computer J- Output with transformation E- Output to photocarrier into electrical signals coherent optical generator by means of a phototranspa.rency; c) readout of the results of optical processing of seismic data in the form of a photo- transparency; d) the input ~f data from the phototransparency into the computer flf ter analog-digital transf ormation. ~ 88 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY In cases of increase of the dy~amic range of the system above 40 dB and for the purpose of reducing the distorting influences unavoidable in the obtaining of phototransparencies, a controlled dynamic transparency is used for data input i:~to the coherent optical processor. The transparency is controlled by a computer with the use ot a buffer memory after di~ital- analog transf ormation. " Data is read out of the coherent processor by a system of the "Vidikon" type wirh a linear characteristic of the entire p lane of the - screen, which assures the transmission of 128-256 gradations of bright- ness with subsequent coding of electrical signals and inpu t through Che buffer memory into the computer. Also possible is a combined method of connection, when inpu t into the coherent optical processor is accomplished by means of the phototranspar- ent, and readout by use of the "Vidikon" system or a system for optical data readout of the 10Fotomeyshn" type. The functions are distributed among the components of the optico-digital - complex ~ri the follawing manner. By means of the electronic computer and special input-outpu t devices field recordin$s are intr~ciuced, edited and sorted, the velocity characteristics of the meditnn are determined, as are the input o� kinematic and static correct3ons, sua~mation and the obtaining of iaser time profiles. The operations most time-c;onsuming for electronic computers are accom- ~ plished by means of the coherent optical processor: the obtaining of vari- ous kinds of unidimensional functions (autocorrelakion, mu tual ar,d retro- correlation.and current correlograms), band-pass frequency filtration with given filter characteristics, space-time (fan) two-dimensional filtT~s~~~n, reverse filtration by means of filter-holograms, and D-transformations of _ laser time profiles. The realization of the above-enumerated algorithms permits conducting _ ~ kinematic, s~iectr~ and correlation analyses of all seismic routes both before and after summation f or the selection of optimum int erference sys- tems to improve the signal-to-noise ratio, determination of the velocity characteristics of the medium, and optimum frequency and space-time fil- trations (possibly, variable in time and spaae); obtaining laser time profiles with preliminary deduction of regular wave-noises, band-pass and reverse filtration of initial and summary routes; accomplishing rapid D-transformation of laser time profiles; performing a number of other operations connected with two-dimensional Fourier transf orm and the ob- taining of holograms. If the M-7000 computer is grovided with an electronic spec ial processor and a coherent optical processor, the comparative productivity in the - performance of individual operations per unit consisting of 24 seismi^ routes with a length of 5 seconds can be represented by the following _ table. 89 _ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY _ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY M-7000 with M- 7000 with erations special coherent ~P electronic optical processor processor 1. Determination of spsctra by routes 13 sec 0.02 sec 2. Determination of two-dimensional spectra 26 sec 0.02 sec 3. Band-pass f requency filtration 14 sec 0.04 sec 4. Reverse filtration 17 sec 3 sec 5. Space-time (fan) filtration) 14 sec 0.04 sec 6. Determination of unidimensional correlation func tions 28 sec 4 sec 7. Determination of two-dimensianal correlation func tions 44 sec 4 sec g. D-transfo nnation 910 sec 45 sec The presented data itlustrate the advisability of including coherent opti- cal processors in computer complexes. - The economic effect from their application will increase in proportion to the increase of cost only of the digital processing of geophysical (seis- mic) materials. A still larger gain is obtained when two-dimensional images of geological information is used, as even the Rost modern electric computers cannot find room for the volume of information of an entire image in its memory. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Ivanchenkov, V. p., Potapov, 0. A., and Kuvshinov, A. M. Optical and op~ico-electronic devices for analysis of seismic ~aterials. RAZVE- DOCHNAY~? GEOFIZIKA, No 73. Moscow, "Nedra," pp 21-29, 1975. - 2. Potapov, 0. A. Opticheskaya obrabotka geofizicheskoy i geologicheskoy informatsii (Optical Processing of Geophysical and Geological Data). = Moscow, "Nedra," p 188r; 1977:. 3. Gil'bershteyn, P. G., Kopilevich, Ye. A., Potapov, 0. A., and Yuner- man, L. Sh. S tructt~re of an optico-digital system for seismic-survey data processing. RAZVEDOCHNAYA GEOFIZIKA, No 77. ~toscow, "Nedra," pp 49-54, 1977. 90 FOR UFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 I FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 4. Potapov, 0. A., ICvvshinov, A. M., and Kiryukhin, Z. Z. Connection - diagrams of laser equipment�,:with electronic computers and determina- - tion of their main parameters. EKSPRESS-INFORMATSIYA, No 23; SE:~iYA REGIONAL'NOY RAZVEDOCHNOY I PROMYSLOVOY GEOFIZIKI. Moscow, VIZIS, - pp 1-18, 1978. COPYRIGfIT; LIYaF, 1979 [2174-291] 2174 r _ CSO: 1863 91 FOR OFFICIAL USE ON[,Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 3 ~ 7~r ~ ~UT~I~~iT I TE~H~~~~G'~ ~UL4~ ~ ~~U~ ~ ~ ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104437-8 UDC 519.246.2:621.396.98-187 - OPTICO-ELECTRONIC SYSTEM OF IMAGE ANALY~ IS BASED OH AN OPTICAL CORRELATOR AND ELECTRONIC CQ~IPUTER Leningrad GOLOGRAFIYA I OPTICHESKAxA OBRABOTKA INFORMATSII V GEOLOGII I GEOFIZIKE (Holography and Optical Data Processing in Geology and Geophy- s ics ) in Russ ian 1979, p 134 - [Annotation of article by IV. I. Yurga and V. P. Tarasenko from book edited _ b;~ S. B. Gurevich, Order of Lenin Physico-Technical Institute imeni A. F. Ioffe, Leningrad, 500 copies, 195 pages] [Text] Annotation ~ A system is des^ribed that is intended for correlation spectrum process- ing, in particular, of f iltration and half-tone images in Fourier and Walsh bases on the basis of M-6000 and YeS computers and an optical correlator, the video signa: sensor of which is constructed on the bas;s of ari LI 608 ' dissector with step scanning and can be changed stepwise from 512 x 512 to 64 x 64 elements. The 8-digit binary code on the output of the ana log- _ _ digital converter permits quantizing the amplitude of the video signal of a digitized element of a n image on 256 levels. A detailed analysis is made of the correlation spectrum properties of images for the p~urpose of separ- ating the informational parameters-~ of an investigated object on a YeS 1020 (YeS 1030) computer with the use of algorithms o�::rwo-dimensional - rapid Pourier and Walsh transforms. The possibility of transfer of large volumes of data from the M-6000 to the YeS computer on punched or magnetic tape is envisaged f or that purrose. COPYRI~HT: LIYaF, 1979 , - [2174-291] 2174 CSO: 1863 ~ 92 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY .~s - ' APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104437-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UDC .~50.834 ANALYSIS AND INTERpRETATION OF INSTABILITY IN A LIQUID-CRYSTAL MATRIX "WITH , MEMdRY" Lr~ningrad GOLOGRAFIYA I OPTICHFSKAYA OBRABOTKA INFORMATSII V GEOLOGII I CEOFI~?i~ (Holography and Optical Data Processing in Geology and Geophy- - sics) in Russian 1979, p Z53 [Annotat3.on of article by A. B. Beklemishev, V. p. Alampiyev, Ye. M. Make- yeva, A. P. Shevalev and V. V. Nemtsov from book edited by S. B. Gurevich, Order of Lenin Physico-Technical Institute imeni A. F. Ioffe, Leningrad, _ 500 copies, 195 pages] [Text] Annotation In the article an attempt is made to link experimentally observed insta- _ bility in the electrooptical response of ~ liquid-crystal matrix "with a memory" with distinctive features of the form of the volt-ampere charac- teristics of the used ~~mposition and fluctuations of the resistivity and thickness of the film of material included in a real device. A resistant _ type of nonlinearity of the volt-ampere characteristics of liquid-crystal _ material has been confirmed experimentally, and the correlations between ` three different statistically probable types of nonlinear and linear char- ~cteristics have also been evaluated. COPYRIGHT; LIYaF, 1979 [2174-291] 2174 _ GSO; 1863 - 93 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104437-8 ~ - - - - - ~ PUBLICATIONS i - COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY OF SOCIALIST COUNTRIES ~ Moscow VYCHISLITr^.L'NAYA TEKHNIKA SOTSIALISTICHESKIKH STRAN in Russian No, ' S, 1979 signed to press 4 Apr 79 p 2 [Annotation from book edited by M~ Ye. Rakovskiy, "Statistika" Publishers, ; 1 15000 copies] ' (Text] Computer technology of socialist countries: a collection of ' articles under the general editorship of M. Ye. Rakovskiy. issue 5. _ Moscow: Statistika, 1979, 184 pages with illustrations. ~ Under the aeg~s of trie Intergovernmental Commission on Cooperation of Socialist Countries in the Field of Computer Technology. _ 'rhis international collectinn examines questions of research, development, application and utilization of experience gained with technnical and ! programming devices of camputer technology created in accordance with an _ = agreement on cooperation in the field of computer technology between socialist countries: Bulgaria, Hungary, East Germany, Poland, Cuba, - Rumania; Czechoslovakia and the USSR. The articles in this issue consider various aspects of application of computer hardware: standard applied program packages, operational or ' planned automated systems, methods for increasing programmer labor pro- ductivity, ensuring reliability of computer devices. The collection is intended for workers empl~yed in the design and utilization of Unified System computer hardware. COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Statistika", 1979 � [207-8617J - 8617 CS0:1863 94 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104437-8 ~ ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY ~F SOCIALIST COUNTRIES Moscow VYCHISLITEL'NAYA TEKHNIKA SOTSIALISTICHESKIKH STRAN in Russian No. 5, 1979, signed to press 4 Apr 79 pp 3-4 [Foreword from book edited by M. Ye. Rakovskiy, "5tatistika" Publishers, _ 15000 copies] [Text) The sudden increase in the production and, in particular, use of modern computer technology in socialist countxies demands additional im- provement in the efficiency of utilization of these devices in the na- tional economy. Starting in 1973-74, virtually all newly planned auto- - mated control systems (ASU) for various links of the national economy are based on equipment and programming devices of the Unified System of Computers and International System of Small Computers (SM) elaborated with cooperation of socialist countries in computer technology. Program compatibility of computer models has, to a significant degree, increased _ the possibility of program exchange, reduced expenditures in development of systems by shifting to systems with high productivity without requir- ing conversion of previously used software. At the same time, it became possible to design and develop a fund of applied programs in the form of packages to solve the most common problems in various fields and stand-- ard plans of ASU. Expansion of the range of users and experience ac- quired in using programming devices and hardware also requires the mutual information of all experts involved in the use of unified system com- puters in order to promulgate advanced experience, avoid duplication of _ efforts and statement of problems for designers. This should signifi- cantly aid in resolving the problem of increased efficiency of use of jointly developed computing dEVices. Questions on thQ use of computer hardware were partially examined in the third edition of the collection "Computer Technology of Socialist Coun- tries" in articles concerning applied program packages (PPP). In view of the importance of the problem of efficient use of computers, the edi- - torial board felt that this issue of the collection should be devoted to - this problem. Various aspects of computer hardware use were considered in the articles: ~ standard applied program packages, operational or planned automated con- tr~l systems, methods for increasing labor productivity of programmers, ~ - 95 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104437-8 ~ rux ur'r'1(;lAL U5~ UNLY guarantying operating reliability of computer hardware, training of users. Reference information can be found at the end of the collection - on programming devices developed in various countries, and descriptions of equipment, including the new SM computer devices, information about which is currently inadequate, are also given. This should expand the range of experts interested in this issue. The editorial board hope - that the published materials will promote further propagation of exper- - - ience of efficient use of computers developed in socialist coun*ries. Editorial board of the collection: M. Ye. Rakovsk~y, Chief Editor (USSR); A. T. Belevtsev, Deputy Chief Editor (Coordinating Center MPK); Y. Guk (Poland), N. V. Gorshkov (Council on Complex Servicing of Unified System , Computers), A. M. Larionov (USSR), G. Ludwig (East Germany), Ye. N. Mel'nikova, Responsible Secretary (Coordinating Center MPK), B. N. Naumov (Council of Chief Designers of SM Computers), L. DIemeth (Hungary), P. Popov (Bulgaria), V. Cl. Pryazhiyalovskiy (Council of Chief Designers of Unified System af Computers), Yu P. Selivanov, Responsible Editor (USSR), A. Ye. Fateyev (USSR), N. I. Cheshenko (Council on the Use of _ SVT), B. Sova (Czechoslovakia), and K. Stuka (Hungary). COPYRtGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Statistika", 1979 [2o7-s61~1 8617 - CS0:1863 96 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104437-8 . ~ FOR OFFICIAL U,~E ONLY r USE OF ELECTRONIC COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY IN SOCIALIST COUNTRIES Moscow VYCHISLITEL'NAYA TEKHNIKA SOTSIALISTICHESKIKH STRAN in Russian No. 5, 1979 signed to press 4 Apr 1979 pp 5-10 [Article by D. G. Zhimerin, doctor in technical sciences, USSR] [Text] Electronic computer technology is widely used in all spheres of human activity: in centralized management of industrial processes, con- trol of technological processes, elaboration of plans, statistics and accounting, medical diagnoses, planning of technological processes and - in the design and processing of scientific research information, etc. The wide front of use of computer hardware (SVT) requires the rapid ac- _ complishment of a great deal of work, and, therefore, international = cooperation in the design of applied program packages (PPP) and their mutual exchange satisfies the interests of countries participating in the elaboration of PPP, The developmer?t of cooperation in the use of electronic computer hard- ware formed the basis for creating the Council on the Use of Computer Hardware (SPSVT) within the Intergovernmental Commission on Computer Hardware. In order to maintain the continuity of earlier developments, the Council was given the functions and duties of the working groups on ASU and automated design systems (SAPR) (the aforementioned working groups have been abolished). The Intergovernmental Commission on Com- - puter Technology charqed the Council with the accomplishment of a uni- fied technical policy and coordination of cooperation of the countries-- participants of the Agreement in the field of use of computer technology _ for efficient utilization of unified system and SM computers in the na- tional economy. Basic trends of work of SPSVT are as follows: Defining the most i.mportant fields in sectors of the nati~nal economy with the use of SVT yields the greatest economy and social effect; coop- eration in the preparation and elaboration of future plans and predictions for the use of electronic computer technology; Elaboration and utilization in the countries of standard systems, plan- ninq decisions and applied programs with preliminary experimental 97 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104437-8 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY i. verification in the developer country; Issuance of instructional and methods material, which specify the volume and content of standard systems, planning decisions and applied programs designed within the framework of the Intergovernmental Commission on Computer Technology; - Analysis of requirements imposed by users on computer hardware in various sectors of the national economy and elaboration thereto of requirements _ for technical and programming devices; Creation of ineans for more efficient development of applied programming software using methods of modular, structural and standard, as well as automation of work in the field of PPP design; Elaboration of principles of specialization in the use of object- or - problem-oriented systems based on interests, possibilities and experi- ence of the countries; Development of proposals for realization of the principles of exchange " of appliF.d program packages and plans of standard systems adopted by the ; Intergovernmental Commission on Computer Technology. The SPS~7T operates in conformity with the Conclusion on the Council _ affirmed by the 28th session of the Intergovernmental Commission and the Unified Plan of Cooperation in the use of computers and the International System of Small Computers. - The Unified Plan of Cooperation contains 140 positions. The plan is con- ~ tinuously being supplemented; for example, at the 2nd session of the Council, the Cuban delegation proposed including in the plan the develop- ment of programming packages for control of the sugar industry. In to accomplish the problems entrusted to the Council, at the lst session of the Council it was acknowledged as advisable to assign the _ organization and coordination of work accomplished in the Unified Plan to the national sections of the Council. Thus, each national section of the SPSVT is responsible for several sections in the Unified Plan of Co- operation: for example, Bulgaria organizes, coordinates and manages development of PPP for calculation of beam, frame and bridge structures; ! Hungary is responsible for elaboration of programs for accounting, sys�� tems analysis and operating efficiency of computers and computing cen- ters; East Germany is responsible for the development of PPP entitled ~ "System of Data Base Management" ~BS/R-OS; the USSR is responsible for = development of PPP for on-line control of primary production of a machine construction enterprise; Czechoslovakia is responsible for development of PPP for technical preparation of production. This means that a respon- sible country organizes international cooperation for development of a specific programming device and, by agreement with the participant coun- _ tries, confirms the technical assignment for work, the technical plan _ and the program. It bears responsibility to the Council for the - 98 _ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104437-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY timeliness and quality of development. The Council may set up temporary working groups to accomplish some work in the overall plan which cease their existence after completing tlieir - assignments. ~'he basic problem of the national sections of the SPSVT at a given moment is the organization of work supervision for which they are responsible. . At the same time, they must determine the work to be done in the period from 1981 through 1986. Development of inethodological materials on or- ganizational and economic ASU and SAPR should be basically completed in 1978-1980. Primary attention shoald be given to the creation of pack- ages of applied programs and standard systems. In cc~nformity with the primary assignments on the problem of automaced design systems defined at the 12th session of the Intergovernmental Commission on Computer Technology, the basic trends of cooperation were spelled out: - Creation of automated design systems in machine construction for manufac- ture of parts and assemblies of machinery, technology of machine con- _ struction; Creation of SAPR in construction and energy; Creation of SAPR in instrument construc~ion, electrical technology and electronics; Determination of SAPR most important and effective for use in the na- - tional economy of socialist countries; Elaboration of technical requirements for technical devices and general programming software. Organizational and r~ethods foundations have been developed for the crea- " tion of SAPR under conditions of multilateral cooperation. Out of the 28 methods materials on general systems questians of SAPR design which were at the disposal of the participant countries, the following should be mentioned: - Methods indications for the use in planning of PPP of automated drafting; Recommendations on the use in SAPR of existing systems of data base man- agement; Technical requirements for special technical hardware and devices being designed in the Unified System and International System of Small Com- puters for use in SA~R; - Technical requirements for adaptation of existing data bases and 99 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104437-8 rvn urrll.leiL UJG l;1VLY ~ development of specialized ones for SAPR, dialogue systems, automated = programming systems, programmina software for solving problems of com- ~ puter graphics. _ _ In the development of systems, applied programs and standard documenta- tion there are 137 organizations participating from Bulgaria, Hungary, East Germany, Poland, Rumania, the Soviet Uni~n and Czechoslovakia, with the following breakdown: Bulgaria 17, Hungary 17, East Germany 20, _ Poland 25, Rumania 4, USSR 43, and Czechoslovakia 11. In 1978 testing was conducted on two PP~ designed for analysis of elec- tronic circuits which were developed by Hungary, as well as four PPP designed for planning and technological preparation of production of = electronic units and hybrid film microcircuits, instruments of industrial monitoring and control, single and double-sided printed circuit boards developed by the Soviet Union. In 1980 it is planned to design 13 automated planning systems (including 4 for planning fac~lities of machine construction and 9 for planning facilities of instrument construction, electrical technology and elec- tronics), 17 applied programs for automated planning and 20 standards documents, monitors and input languages. Among tnese, we might mention: plahning system of technological processes of manufacture for parts in - the shape of bodies of rotation; _ A system for planning and preparation of production of analog and digital - electronic devices; PPP for design calculations of geared transmissions; PPP for planning electrical control circuits for technological equipment; PPP for planning beam and frame bridge structures; PPP fur planning pipelinAs for electrical power plants; PPP for analysis and parametric optimization of linear and nonlinear electronic circuits; PPP for planriing asynchronous electric motors; Input languages of SAPR in machine construction to describ~ engineering and technical problems and to solve design problems; The typical composition of base configurations of technical hardware and the overall prograinming software of SAPR of various levels, etc. Experts from Bulgaria, Hungary, East Germany, Poland, Rumania, the Soviet y Union and Czechoslovakia have determined the sectors in which SAPR can be most efficiently used. These sect.ors are as follows: radio electronics - 100 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104437-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY and electrotechnics, muchine construction, construction, chemical indus- try, light industry and instrument construction. In this connection, a great deal of work must be done to create standard subroutines and com- ponents of SAPR designed for use in these sectors. Standard subroutines . and components by 1980 will primarily be available for radio electronics and construction, sectors where standard decisions have been most suc- cessfully elaborated. The joint development of programming devices in the field of organization and economic systems of data processing for specific sectors has been con- ducted since 1969. Users may receive from the joint program base such packets as "Package of applied programs for planning requirements" which envisages solution of problems of determining requirements of production for parts, assembly units, purchased items and materials necessary to accomplish the plan of'goods production, and also analysis ot startup : periods of parts production, output of orders for purchased items and materials, etc. (the package was developed by Bulgaria and the Soviet Union); "Methods of optimization" (developed by East Germany); "Gener- ator of data base processing programs" which executes basic functions on - data processing (program developed by Poland); "Package of applied pro- grams of ~technical preparation of production" (developed by Czechoslo- vakia); "Package of applied programs on economic statistics" (developed by Hungary). The Unified Plan nf Cooperation for 1a78-1980 envisages preparation of PPP on systems control of data bases and production quality, elaboration - of information software as well as the creation of PPP of multiple level - ASU of machine construction enterprises, PPP for control of instrument management, etc. - The Council on the Use of SVT is faced with developing work on coopera- tion in the field of designing organizational and economic systems in such sectors as agriculture, construction, mining, communal management, etc. One of the efficient directions of computer use which is being developed _ at a rapid rate is the design of automated systems for the control of technological processes and production (ASUTP). The chief goal of incor- porating ASUTP is improvement of the technical and economic indicators of the controlled system, i.e., to enhance productivity of equipment, economize raw materials, materials and energy carriers, improve quality , indicators of the product and, in consequence, to enhance labor produc- - tivity. The efficiency of these systems can be judged by the following examples. Implementation of ASUTP in clinker leaching in an alumina combine with overall expenditures for creating and fitting a 200,000 ruble system yields an annual savings of ovez 20~,000 rubles, especially because of a 1700=ton increase in alumina output, 3800-ton increase in output of soda products, and economy in thermal energy and reduction in the number of service staff. 101 ~OR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104437-8 rvn uJt: v~v1~T The use of an automated system for control of bioluminescence by means of op~imization of technological processes guarantees an increase in equip- ment productivity of 1$, an increase in t;~e output of annual rolling by 0.5~ and reduction of fuel consumption in the heater sumps by 2~. The annual economic effect is 1,700,000 rubles with expenditures of 3,500,000 rubles for creation of ASUTP. A system for contr~l of mine transport equipment in open-pit mines, be- cause of better v..-line distribution ef dump trucks in the excavators - and continuous monitoring of dump truck loads raises the coefficient of utilization of vehic;ular transport by 7 to 10~ and yields an annual eco- nomic effect averaging about 700,000 rubles, which pennits payback of _ all expenditures for creat~on of the system in 6 months. A similar system incorporated in open coal pits permits an increase in Co81 yield in active capacities by 4 t~ 5~. ~ The greatest success in incorporating ASUTP was achieved by sectors of heavy industry---znergy, chemistry, ferrous and nonferr~us metallurgy, etc. - For automation of technologi~al processes a series of International Sys- r tem of Small Computers was created. The use of microcomputers will greatly expand the range of application of computer technology--on their _ basis will be created systems for control of smal.l and medium plants, local systems of control for complex analytical devices. More complex autonated control systems can be createc? on the basi~ of distributed networks of microcomputers whose action will be coordinated by a central computer. In 1981-1990 heavy industry will shift from automatically controll~ed technical processes to automated processes, where man does not partici- pate in cont-rol, while the system controls processes beginning with feed of initial materials to warehousing or unloading of the ready product. In tre same period work on the creation of ASUTP in machine construction and other sectors of industry will be expanded on a wider scale. The wide range of wark on the creation of ASUTP will require research to be done in the development of automated systems of ASUTP planning. The rapid development of automation of technology and industrial processes requires the combined efforts of socialist countries. The most urgent di- rections of scientific and technical cooperation are the following: matching methods, standard materials and standards for basic components of systems design or the system as a whole; development of ASUTP hardware; creation of efficient algorithms for control of technological processes - and programming devices for their reali~ation; development of standard systems for specific groups of technological processes. 102 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104437-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY For preparation of proposals on cooperation in ASUTP and elaboration of concrete p~.ans, a Temporary Working Group on ASUTP was formed at the 2nd session of the Council. The use of electronic computer technology for automation of planning and design, creation of automated systems of management of organization and economic and technological processes has several general methodological _ questions whose elaboration within the international collaboration was entrusted to the Section on Gensral Systems and Methodological Questions for the use of SVT. Mutual exchange of programming devices, multilateral cooperation in their development, a continuous state of information on the use of PPP form the necessary prerequisites for enhancing the efficiency of cooperation in the use of computer technology. COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Statistika", 1979 [207-8617J 8617 CS0:1863 103 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104437-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY DIALOGUE SECTOR INFORMATION SYSTEM BASED ON THE YES-1040 Moscow VYCHISLITEL'PIAYA TEKHNIKA SOTSIALISTICHESKIKH STRAN in Russian No. 5, 1979 signed to press 4 Apr 1979 pp 11-19 (Excerpts from article by P. Braun, G. Hornjak and Z. Pasztor, Hungary] - [Excerpt] The experimental us~ of information systems considered in this article began in September 1976 with the incorporation of a system of Yemote data processing [1]. In elaboratinq the system, which operates upon user interrogations, in addition to the simplicity of inquiries, a major requirement was stand- ardization of interconnections between the inquiry system and the data _ banks servicing it. The essence of the latter requirement consists in the fact that with maintenance of existing operating cor_ditions data are transmitted from the banks in a standardized form for remote data pro- cessing, i.e., the data are displayed on a screen. ' In the system it is possible for standardized access with banks of dif- ferent contents (economics, energy) and different structure, and it is ~ also possible to supply users with information tables of general interest. The user works with the tables according to preset rules. Program of Preparation and Organization of Dialogue The load and systematic actualization of the data bank is done by means of a special language of table definition using a communicatior.s program. A temporary connection between the data banks (it is an offline type for the system) makes it possible to perform local data processing only; system requirement for a power source occurs within a relatively short period of load and actualization. The smallest capacity of RAM is necessary for the resident portion of the inquiry system using the VTAM access method. The system only occupies a large portion of the memory when the terminals are activated, i.e., upon interrogation, using the roll-out procedure in the MVT operating system. After the interrogation cycle, the occupied regian of RAM is frsed, and 104 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000240100037-8 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY _ a roll-in function is used to restore the temporarily suspended pro- cessing. The YES-1040 electronic computer works with the OSMVT operating system. . Connected to the multiplex channel of the computer is a programmed con- _ trol device for data transmission (type VT-55 000) designed on the basis of the YES-1010 computer and a CCA interface (developed by the "Videoton" _ enterprise. Asynchronous, linear communications devices CLA of the YES- - 1010 computer guarantee communication at a rate of 1200 baud along com- _ mutated communication lines. The terminals are type VT-340 displays and microprocessor displays type V'T'S-56100, which carry out the functions of the AP-70. Both kinds of devices were developed by the Videoton enter- prise. A matrix dot printer as well as a tape reader and puncher can be connected to the VTS-56100 di~plays. The program of the VT-55 000 device which guarantees control of communi- _ cations lines and terminals creates a unified homogeneous system con- nected to the YES-1040 computers from the "point-point", "station- statzon" and "multistation" links and the physical network containing VT-340 and VTS-56100 terminals. The CCA device necessary far creation of the system and the program of = the supervisor which accomplishes control of the emulator in the data transmission control device were developed at the Institute of the Videoton enterprise. The program emulator [2] was built at the VYEIKI - computing center. _ Systems testing has been completed, and it is now available to users for ~ 2 hours per day. Updating of interrogated information is done daily. COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Statistika", 1979 ~ [207-8617) 8617 CS0:1863 105 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104437-8 rvn ~rrl~ltu, u~~. ULVLY , ~ MICROPROCESSOR DATA PROCESSINGSYSTEI~I FQR FORMATION OF ROLLING STOCK AT - _ SHUNTING STATIONS Moscow VYCHISLITEL'NAYA TEKHNIKA SOTSIALISTICHESKIKH STRAN a.n Russian - No. 5, 1979 g~gned to press 4 Apr 79 pp 19-26 [Excerpts from article by Cs. Hazay (Hungary)] i- ' [Excerpts] The efficient operation of a shunting station has a significant effect on car turnaround, better utilization and, consequently, an increase in the ~ available car park. -i The computer system developed by the Institute of Computer Technology, by order of the Ministry of Railro~d Transportation of the Hungarian Peoples , Republic, should relieve maintenance personnel from nonproductive work, eliminate operate error and, furthermore, provide management of the shunt- ing station with information on the flow of the technological process. ' The handling capacity of the processor is 250 symbols per second; it can ~ service a maximum of 16 operators. A rather simple keyboard display con- ~ taining only buttons and indicators may be used with the processor memory. _ The processor memory, after shaping the message (32 symbols long), sends it as an interrupt request to the processor. As a result, for the pro- , � cessor this reduces the need for program exchange to 1/32. ~ One of the advantages of a two-processor system is that the processors ' _ may monitor the operation of one another, and in the event of error, the i properly operating processor may display information which facilitates ~ error correction. ~ The use of microprogramming requires ~hat interfaces with peripheral de- vices, functioning under the control of the processor, transmit data ' independent of the processor under autonomous conditions with direct access to memory through the specified residen~~ buffer regions. Instsad of a problem awaiting termination of operation of peripheral devices, the 106 FOR OFFICiAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104437-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ~NLY physical processor may be loaded with a program that can be run at this time. Interfaces with peripheral devices are special processors of a multiprocessor system. Upon reception of an instruction, they must inde- - pendently perform data exchange. ~onstruction of the MAV-51 System. The system (Figure 1) is oriented to- ward manual input as well as to output into paper printers. Data are - reproduced with the aid of a 132-position printer. By means of an 80- position printer, operator instructions and error reports are fixed. The shuntin~ station communicates with neighboring shunting stations by means of Telex. - The system mainly consists of electromechanical peripheral devices of the - Unified System (YES) of Computers. This is a guarantee for its realiza- tion. The peripheral printer outputs interface with the central proces- sor via a "small interface." The central processor of the system (Figure 2) is a dual processor device constructed of modules of the IKVT microcomputer (Institute of Coordina- tion of Computer Technology). The processors consist of modules of the M-51 microcomputer with a word length of 16 bytes. The modules are connected by a duplex line system. Communication between modules occurs under "master-slave" conditions. _ = The module accessing the main line system receives its control through a priority system in order of sequence. After receiving contrel of ad- _ dress output to the main line, another module is selected for participa- tion in control. The system of main 1'ines thus can control not only the module of the central processor, but also the modules of interface with peripheral devices. Peripheral device interface modules can exchange data independent of the processor using direct memory access. It is natural that the parameters required for exchange are received by the module from the module pro- cessor. Let us examine the function of the basic module. Processor Module.. It consists of a microprocessor (word length 16 bytes, 42 instructions, negative numbers represented in auxiliary code, opera- tions with fixed decimal, four register-accumulators, magazine register for 16 levels, possibility of direct addressation, four methods of ad- dressation) with the integrated circuits of the clock generator necessary for it and interrupt service. The processor has access to most of the _ main lines. The access circuits to one main line are situated inside the module. Circuits required for access to other main lines must be placed on a separate main line. PZU/OZU Module. One module stores two K words ROM and two K words RAM. The four K word memory built into the module using a special field may be built in K word blocks in any addressable region K words long. 107 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY I ; APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104437-8 rVtc urrll.lAL Ub~ UiVLY ~ i I i _ Main Storage biodule. One module permits realization of read-write memory ~ - with a maximum of four K words. The location of the built~in region ; (four K words) may be changed as desired. ; Console Module. This module is optional for system operation and may be ~ used as an auxiliary device for servicing and debugging programs. The module contains not only ICs necessary for servicing, but also performs i ordinary service functions far the minicomputer. The latter performs the ; - built-in ROM console program. For loading programs, a punched tape reader may be connected to the console. , - Small Interface. The module perform interfacing of two peripheral - input devices and two output devices. The module contains microprogram- ming control device. The microprogram cycle is about 1 microsecond. The ~ module controls slow peripheral devices and thus the programs which ser- vice the coupling devices periodically replace each other in the control device. Disk Coupling Module. The module also contains a microprogramming control I device. The microprogramming cycle determined by the rate of transmission from the disk is 180 nanoseconds. With the aid of the module, as many as two YES-5060 devices can be connected to the microcomputer. Keyboard-Signal Panel Coupling. Coupling is done with the aid of a pair - of modules, one of which renews information on screens of up to eight ' 32-position signal panels. Renewal is done through the main circuits with direct memory access. The other module couples a maximum of eight key- boards, generating sign-by-sign interrupt requests. Data exchange occurs with the aid of the keyboard-signal panels separately for each device with binary frequency coding. ' Main-Main Coupling. With the aid of this module, the main circuits are - mutually accessible for the processor: one module receives information - ~ about the address from the processor module and exchanges data through the main circuit related to the other processor. COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Statistika", 1979 [207-8617] - 8617 ' _ CS0:1863 108 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104437-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY , - SYSTEM OF PROGRAMS AND HARDWARE FOR MONITORING DIGITAL CIRCUITS - Moscow VYCHISLITEL'NAYA TEKHNIKA SOTSIALISTICHESKIKY STRAN in Russian No. 5, 1979 signed to press 4 Apr 79 pp 27-36 [Excerpts from article by D. M. Grobman, B. G. Sergeyev and Ye. N. Filinov] [Excerpt] The use of integrated circuits has clearly simplified the problem of plan- ning and manufacturing computer technology devices (VT), increased their _ speed and reliability. However, the problem of testing removable units which primarily represent rather large and complex digital circuits has been greatly complicated. Below are described the structure and basic technical decisions of auto- mated monitoring systems (ASK) developed at the Institute of Electronic Control Computers. The ASK considered primarily solves problems of logic monitoring of digital component units (BE) and consists of program pack- ages (for the M-4030 computer) which automate the process of test synthe- _ sis, at a complex of equipment for automation of circuit testing. ASK Program System . System Structure: The main problem which is solved with the aid of ASK program is the construction of diagnostic tests for digital circuits which are designed to detect and localize isolated constant errors. Selection of this class of failure is explained by the fact that they are ~ most likely, and because the tests which verify isolated failures tech- nically detect their multiples. ~ - There are three basic approaches to resolving the prob].em of test syn- thesisi Manual compilation of tests with subsequent verification of their validity _ and completeness; Automated construction of random tests; - Regular automated construction of tests. - 109 FOi~ OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104437-8 r~x urrll:lL~L UJ~; UNLY Unfortunately, none of these methods assures the successful resolution of the problem within an acceptable time. Therefore, all programs realizing these methods are combined in a unified automated system of test synthe- - sis (ASST). Conclusion. The ASK described abo~e was put into operation in sections as it was developed. All ASST programs and the test complex underwent practical testing, including the functional monitoring device, processor, ~ - logic signal discriminator, and punched tape program master. The ASK was used to synthesize tests, monitor and debug component units , of first phase SM computers. Analysis of the results of prototype ASST operation showed that in the M-4030 computer with a memory capacity of 256 kbytes, c_rcuits can be simula'ted which contain up to 4000 gates to study the efficiency of tests. Construction of random tests and diagnostic lexicons is done for circuits consisting of 2000 to 3000 gates, regular construction of tests for circuits whose number of gates does not exceed a thousand and where - - there are no delay elements. It is worth noting tiiat with an increase - in circuit dimensions, machine time for simulation increases linearly, - which in the construction of tests and lexicons is a faster increase than the square of the number of gates. This limits the possibility of ASST. . The limits of the currently used configuration of the test complex is the number of communication channels with the control object (no more than 192). However, the structure of the complex foresees the possibility of a virtually unlimited increase in their number. COPYkIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Statistika", 1979 _ [207-8617] ~ 8617 CS0:1863 ' i , ' ~ i i_ ~ ~ , 110 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104437-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY , AUTOMATED CONTROL SYSTEM BASED ON THE YES-1032 COMPUTER Moscow VYCHISLITEL'NAYA TEKHNIKA SOTSIALISTICHESKIKH STRAN in Russian No 5, 1979 signed to press 4 Apr 79 pp 37-43 = [Excerpts from article ~y W. Baranek, K. Wohtyniak, G. Pilko and _ M. Perchel, Poland] .(Excerpts ] - The Mera-E1'zab computer plant, for which the system described below was - developed, appears in the makeup of the Mera Association. The plant pro- . duces the following peripheral computer devices: perforators, perforator- reader complexes and screen consoles. - Nature is medium mass production with a large number of modifications and new items. The production arrangement system is nested with specified technological mass production lines, for example, production of electron- ics boards. � Production involves great material expenditures and an average variety of consumable materials. - The plant card file of material indices contains about 30,000 items. _ The plant has accumulated a great deal of experience in technical prepara- - tion of production and output of documents, materiel management, planning at different levels, etc. Information was rewritten from the documents onto punch cards and was loaded by a reader into disk memory, making it possible to achieve a certain level of automation of production. However, with the increase in the number of control subsystems, problems arose which were related to the lack of integration of these subsystems, the abrupt increase in the amount of preparation of computer information car- riers. It was decided to construct a new system based on screeri consoles of local manufacture. A configuration was elaborated for a local com- puter which is shown in Figure 1. Programming software of this system ~ included the Unified System Disk Operating System, Control System of Con- ditions with Time-Sharing and User Program. 111 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104437-8 r�ux ur�r'1C1AL ust~ ONLY In the local computing system, the maximum distance from the screen con- sole Mera-7910 to the control device Mera-7902 is equal to 600 meters. At greater distances a remote system should be used. , Techni~al Preparation of Production Subsystem of Material Management. Subsystem of Item Sale. Subsystem of - Personnel (Labor and Wages). The system described has been used at the Mer-E1'zab computer plant for about one and one-half years. Functional reliability of the computing center is determined by the formula T - EO ~ P TEO + TORG + TEM x 100 - where P equals functional reliability of the computing center, in per- cents; TE~ is effective operating time; TORG is urganizational downtime; TEM is emergency downtime. , The average magnitude of reliable operation of the computing center PAVG in the course of a week is 91~. Conclusion. The system described above yields an incomparably greater ~ effect than the system using the loading method. Efficiency of system ' operation was enhanced because of optimum configuration and~programming - software which makes it possible to integrate the subsystems required to ; realize the formulated goal. Based on the needs of the plant, the system used has the following con- I figuration: operative memory 512 kbytes; six magnetic tape memory con- trol device; disk memory with total capacity of 240 Mbytes; one punched card reader; two control panels; a control device with 32 screen consoles and 12 mosaic printers. , , 112 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104437-8 ~ _ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY P,y 100 ~ - _ _ = = - I = I- rt ~ ~ j r I ~ I 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ j I ~ ~ I~ I so 1 ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ j I j I ( ~ I j j I~ j~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ I I I I ~ I ~ I~ i I i I I j I I I j - I I ~ I I I i i I I! i i ~ i I I Tye~enu 1 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 1D 11 12 13 14 15 Figure 6. Graph of Reliability of Computing Center - COPYRI~HT: Izdatel'stvo "Statistika", 1979 [207-8E:17] 8617 CS0:1863 113 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104437-8 i FUR OFrICIAI. [J5i: ONi r SYSTEM OF CALENDAR PLANNING OF MINI-TYPE PRODUCTION Moscow~VYCHISLITEL'NAYA TEKHNIKA SOTSIALISTICHESKII~i STRAN in Russian No. 5, 1979 signed to press 4 Apr 79, pp 43-50 [Excerpts from article by I. Molnar, Hungary) [Excerpts] The Calendar Planning System of Production (SI~) is the commercial name of the M?NITIP system developed to control small enterprises engaged in the manufacture of parts and assembly of end products under shop condi- tions. The system is primarily used in machine construction, electrical and electronics industries. In these areas it may be proposed to enter- prises which manufacture products costing 0.5 to 1 x 109 forints. In Hungary positive results have been obtained in the use of the system in planning production ~f automobile and reinforcement parts (for example, ~ production of bumpers). According to provisional estimates, expendi- tures for introduction of the system including capi ~al investments and expenditures for organizational improvement are payed back in 3 to 4 , years because of more efficient utilization of resources necessary for production. - The system can be successfully used at enterprises which do not perform data processing by computer, i.e., have no great experience in using com- puter technology devices. At these enterprises the use of computer tech- nology should be begun after resolving individual subtasks. SKP is a system of modular structure which operates using a central data bank (Figure 1). 114 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104437-8 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY . ~2) /1npN Bein cka 06pa6orKa 2oroBou n,t~aayKuuu ~ 06 poraZ~ H kBapran Na (g? _ 9ver u aNanua .ol pacxoBad Na ~nQH ~ M~repuanai u npou36oacTBv - sapa6oryyro nnary ae~aneu Ha ,~aet i" ~ ~'~.oo KBop~an ~ ~ ~3) ~ Z~a3a 3nnonyeyue aayHb~x 's.} /7p0U3~00GTb~HNbIX yy~QKQ,? pB eH ~ t aOKIfMeHTO~S !i J \ NCRO/JNBHUC . CocraBnerrue ~~fPacyer npoapaHMal INCOS N206XDaUM020 Pacver KonuaecrBa norpe~HOCreu MarepuanvB B ranuaecrBe pa6ovux Hecr Figure 1. Structure of Calendar Production Planning System MINITIP [KEY: 1- Processing of warehouse turnaround; 2- Plan of manufacture of ready products per year and per quarter; 3- Plan of production of items per quarter; 4- Accounting and reception of orders; 5- Calculation of necessary quantity of materials; 6- Calculation of needs for work areas; 7- Composition of INCOS program; 8- Completion of industrial documents; 9- Accounting and analysis of expenditures for materials and wages; 10 - Accounting; 11 - Planning; 12 - Data base; 13 - Execution.] The minimum configuration of SKP considered in elaborating the program package contains: a central processor (YES-2012), magnetic disk memory (YES-5052), a card punching station (YES-6122, YES-7191), and an alpha- numeric printer (YES-7184). COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Statistika", 1979 [207-8617] 8617 CS0:1863 ' 115 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104437-8 1v1~ vll'tl~.lt11. UJG U1VLI DATA BASE CONTROL SYSTEM DBS/R FOR SUBSYSTEMS OF THE COMPLEX "WORK FORCE" Moscow VYCHISLITEL'NAYA TEKHNIKA SOTSIALISTICHESKIKH STRAN in Russian No. 5, 1979 signed to press 4 Apr 79 pp 50-63 [Excerpt from article by Ju. Bittner and M. Gunther, East Germany] [Excerpt] The goal of elaborating a complex of subsystems is to create means for ~ satisfying the larger part of intra-plant and extra-plant needs for in- formation which arise in calculating wages and in planning the number of workers, asnount of work time and wage fund. The solution of these prob- lems requires numerous analyses (patient statistics, norms~ statistics, wage fund analysis) and overburdens the Division of Personnel, Social Welfare and other enterprise divisions as well as organs of inter-agency level with routine work. COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Statistika", 1979 [207-8617] 8617 CS0:1863 116 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104437-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - AUTOMATION OF PRODUCTION OF PRO'sRAMS OF THE INTERNATIONAL SYSTEM OF SMALL COMPUTERS USING LARGE AND SMALL COMPUTERS Moscow VYCHISLITEL'NAYA TEKHNIKA SOTSIALISTICHESKIKH STRAN in Russian No. 5, 1979 signed to press 4 Apr 79, pp 64-73 [Excerpt from article by A. A. Stognyy, I. V. Vel'bitskyy and V. P. Klimenko] [Excerpts] Problems of programming and enhancing labor productivity of programmers are mainly resolved in two directions: - Creation of good problem-oriented language; Development of good programming technology, i.e., creation of inethods and means which determine high occupational culture of programming. At the Institute of Cybernetics of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences a third path has been proposed for resolving these problems. It consists of redefining the principles of data processing in the computer itself. Analysis conducted at the Institute on problems of programming showed that the problems in programming are due not so much to poor algorithmic languages or poor programming technology, as they are to poor principles of data processing in the computer itself. These principles are obsolete and have ceased to correspond to the information being processed in a modern computer. The basic distinctive feature of this information is its large volume and complicated hierarchical structure. A primary shortcoming in current computers, we feel, is that the process of digital data processing is ~~rganized so that there is no direct rela- tionship between the data and the programming which processes them (the relationship between them is r,.ot explicit, and is through man). In the proposed approach to processing digital information, the inter- face between data and the program which processes them is made on a somewhat different plane [3,4J. The logic arrangement of the program 117 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104437-8 FUK UFFICIAL USE ONLY is combined with the logic structure of the data, and the functions of processing of the corresponding structures are specified individually. To describe (assign) the logic arrangement of the program and data, it is proposed to use the most familiar and evident language--the language of weighted oriented graphs (in contrast to currently u.sed procedurally oriented programming languages, various metalanguageG of the Bekusov- Naurovskiy form, stack automatons, etc.). The logic structure of the data is set in these graphs by recording on ares or symbols or some predicates which characterize certain properties of the data. The logic arrangement of the program is determined by recording on ares of the ~ corresponding linear statements of the type assignment statement and procedure statement. Therefore, any route in this graph determines the permissible sequence of input data and the corresponding sequence of statements for their processing. If the information being processed does not correspond to the logic structure of the data assigned by said graph, thP processing of this information is blocked by definition. The program described in this approach does care what kind of data it processes. _ This principle of digital data processing corresponds with a computer a~bitrarily called a R-computer. The general scheme of its operation is as follows. Data to be processed is fed symbol by symbol through an in- put device to the control device of the R-computer (in contrast to ordin- ary computers in which the data to be processed is fed througl-i the input device into computer memory). The program of the S-computer assigned the order of sequence of symbols in the data to be processed and performance of the corresponding actions for each of them. If this order does not correspond to the actual sequence of symbols in the data to be processed, for example, because of errors, the R-computer, in contrast to an ordin- ary computer, stops or shifts to a special progra:n of error elimination in input data. With this approach to the processing of d~gital data, the technology for manufacturing programs for the R-computer is altered. This technology is called R-programming technology. The process of programminq in R-technol- - ogy is clearly aivided into two stages. In the first stage the structure of tne data to be processed is formally defined independent of any algo- rithm for subsequent processing. In contrast to current practice in R- technology, before planning the data processing algorithm, a formal defi- nition of this data is made. Then all operations in R-technology are evolved with respect to this formal definition of data to be processed. For automation of operations in R-technology, the Institute of Cybernetics of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences (Kiev) manufactured a technological programmer complex RTK for the Unified System of Computers which is ori- ented for systems and applied programmers. The most eFfective use of RTA application in problems of processing textual information. Related to this class of problems are problems of construction of translators from universal and problem-oriented languages and hardware languages: iia FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000240100037-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY operating systems, automated control systems {ASU), automated planning systems (SAPR), applied program packages (PPP), data base interface lan- - guage, information retrieval systems, etc. Examples of specific work - performed in R-technology using the RTK technological complexes are translators from procedurally oriented languages Fortran, Basic, Pascal, about ten Assemblers and problem-oriented languagES, automated system of microprocessor programming, automated system of accounting of vacant and - occupied separate quarters of the city of Yerevan based on the SUBD BANK - and RTK disk operating system of the Unified System, system of automation = of editing work (RTK OS YES), programming support of language interface VTSKP (RTK OS YES), etc.; and the list goes on. RTK has now been re- quested by over 200 organizations, mainly users of the Unified System of Computers. The total volume of mathematical software produced in R- technology and incorporated into industrial operation is at least 30,000 - instructions. Experience in performing these operations shows that pro- ductivity of labor of the programming team increases at least by a fac- tor of two to three. Assimilation of R-technology and technological complexes RTK requires from two or three weeks to two months. - Documentation for the RTK YES computers is supplied in an established order by lett~r of the interested organization to the Institute of Cyber- netics of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences (Kiev, 252207). - R-technology and RTK proqrammer technology complexes for automation of production of programs of the International System of Small Computers using large and small computers may be applied in three directions. First of all, technological programmer complexes RTK of rhe tTnified Sys- = tem of Computers may already be effectively used to produce programs of the International System of Small Computers. In the course of perform- ~ ing specific operatioris, the complexes may be changed since the RTK com- plexes are produced by "submersion" into the corresponding operating _ - systems. As a result, this eliminates duplication of operating subsys- ~ tems and the professional programmer can enjoy the service of the oper- ating system without any substantial constraints. The RTK in essence is an expansion of the operating system which is oriented to the production _ _ of programs in new technology. RTK maintains continuity with existing programming software, both general and special, and gives ~he user the possibility to operate in any language available to the corresponding operating system. The user may describe his subject region and thereby develop the RTK in any programming language, whose translator is con- - nected to the computer operating system. Secorad, for production of programs in R-technology for the International - System of Small Computers operating in the technological process and facility control loop, a special processor can be produced and on its basis, a problem-oriented complex of program production. This trend is particularly effective for programming microprocesses which will be used to construct the International System of Small Computers and be directly ' built into control loops. This direction should be realized on the basis of experience gained in constructing computers of the "MIR" series - and interactive methods of program production for them. 119 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY I APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104437-8 - run ~rrl~l~, u~n U1VLY - Third, all mass produced models of the International System of Computers should be fitted with instruments for operation in R-technology. For this purpose, the operating system of the Internal System of Small Com- puters delivered to the user should contain technological programmer complexes RTK SM EVM. In the provided documentation, in addition to user instructions, there should also be the corresponding method mater- ials in R-technology. And finally it is advisable to realize the RTK metasystem in all SM computers produced. Expenditures for its manufac- ture are small; however, this system wiil make it possible to greatly resolve the problem of algorithmic language for mass users of the SM computers. This problem is particularly important for small computers since the regians of their application and the contingent of users mo st rapidly changes and is less predefined. Because of this additional work, users can themselves operatively create the required input language based on specific conditions under which the SM computer operates. The input language will be sequentially evolved according to changes in needs. Therefore, a typical feature of the modern stage of evolution of computer " technology is an increase in the role of small computers which could be - operatively built in to various control loops. The tremendous user mar- ket of these computers, the attraction to their operation of a large number of nonprofessional programmers almost completely precludes the traditianal approach to the manufacture of programs for them. New pro- ' gramming devices on one hand should be rather simple for assimilation by - the mass user, and on the other hand should be rather powerful for po s- ` sible organization of special combinations for production of c~ficient applied program packages. These devices may be effectively built on the ~ basis of SM computers, MIR series computers and the R-technology of pro- - gramming described in this article. COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Statistika", 1979 [207-8617J 8617 CS0:1863 120 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104437-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY STRUCTURE OF PROGRAMMING SOFTWARE OF CONTROL COMPUTER CONIPLEXES OF THE INTERNATIONAL SYSTEM OF SMALL COMPUTERS WITH MAIN CIRCUIT STRUCTURE ~ Moscow VYCHISLITEL'NAYA TEKHNIKA SOTSIALISTICHESKIKH STRAN in Russian No. 5, 1979 signed to press 4 Apr 79 pp 73-78 ~ [Excerpt from article by B. N. Naumov, Ye. N. Filinov and V. P. Semik] [Excerpts] Programming software of control computer complexes established on the base - of hardware of the International System of Small Computers (SM EVM) [1] differs greatly from the programming software of YES EVM, as a result of the technical features of the SM computers and the field of application of small computers. The following items must be taken into account in elaborating programming software for small computers: Limitation ~f computer resources (small word length, limited volume of main memory; etc.); _ Use of computers to control technological processes in real-time scale; Use of computers directly in control facility; _ User operation with this system under dialogue conditions generally with- out intermediaries (operators and systems programmers); Wide selection of peripheral devices (commmunication devices, asse:ruolers, _ memories, and data displays, etc.); Wide range of fields of application, broad spectrum of solvable problems; orientation mainly for problems of moderate complexity. Requirements imposed on technical and programming devices of SM computers, the basic ones of which are the latitude of spheres of application, high . operating efficiency at low co~:t of manufacture, make the realization of the principle of rational combination of universality and specialization . extremely vital [2]. For complexes of SM computers with main circuit 121 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY . APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104437-8 _ EOR UrFICIAL USE QNLY structure [3] Lhe solution of this problem is greatly facilitated because thF� architectur.e of these complexes provides for the creation of effici- ent systems of functional separation (SRF) by connecting syntactic and semantic expanders--specialized processors which provide simultaneous ex- = ecution of varied functions. Proqramming devices of the SM computers have been elaborated in stages. The programming software system (SPO) supplied with the first serial models includes: - Punched tapE and disk operatinq systems designed for elaboration, debug- ging and development of programming software and execution of programs under single program condi_tions; , Real-time punch tape and disk operating systems designed for execution of programs under multiprogram conditions (up to 128 simultaneously executed problems) in a real-time scale; Program packages fo r solving scientific and technical problems and data processing by methods of mat;~ematical statistics. When woricing with hardware of minimal configuration, programming syster~~s in Assembler and independent dialogue systems with input languages of the Basic tXDe are used to solve computing problems and for operation with peripheral equipment. The macro language and Fortran-IV is used in disk configurations. The next stage in the elaboration of SPO of SM computers is the creation I- by the efforts of all countries--participants of the agre:.iaent--of an expanded set of operating systems and applied program packages. At this stage the following operating systems have been created: A disk background-operating base system of one user designed for solving ~ real-time high priority problems under operating conditions and prepara- tion of programs and data processing under background conditions. Under background conditions the system assures preparation of programs in ~ Assembler, macro language, Fortran-IV and dialogue languages. - The basic purpose of the system is to create problem-oriented complexes based on newer models of the SM computers for control of laboratory equip- ' ment, test installations, control of scientific experiments, automation of monitoring and measurement, etc.; A generator of multiprogram operating systems with a large number of pri- ority levels (up to 250) for various hardware configurations (both disk and non-disk) and a wide selection of systems functions. ~ Among the operating systems generated may be included programming systems ~ _ in Assembler, macro language, Fortran-IV, and Fortran expanded for solving 122 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104437-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY real-time problems in dialogue languages and ir? COBOL. Generated og~erating systems can assure operation of a broad spectrum of problem-oriented complexes including those des~gned for control of complex technological processes and facilities, automated planning, etc.; - A disk dialogue multiconsole operating system with time-sharing oriented for solution of information problems and control of data bases. The system is designed for utilization in au~omated systems of organiza- tional management, in systems of experiment control, systems of automated planning, data processing of an economic nature and other systems where assembly, storage and processing of data are required under conditions of collective access to the data bases of many users from different terminals - including remote terminals. The systems provides users with a wide range of possibilities including the following: Creation and management of data bases on disks of a hierarchical dendritic - structure (total volume up to 200 megabytes); _ Elaboration, debugging and execution of programs in high-level dialogue language oriented toward proces~ing of line data; Simultaneous sanctioned access to data bases of many users (up to 40); Interconnection between user problems; Organization of distributed data bases in multicomputer complexes; Simple communication with a wide set of external devices included in the nomenclature of SM computer hardware; - A time-sharing disk operating system designed for preparation and debug- ging of programs in expanded basic language and performance of scientific ~ and technical calculations under conditions of collective use. The system may be used in problem-oriented complexes designed to solve accounting and statistics and scientific and technical problems, in in- - structional systems, etc.; r - A test monitoring operating system which facilitates the process of debug- - ging, error search and performance of technical maintenance of control computing complexes. In addition to the enumerated operating systems, a set of applied program packages�has been developed which realizes the most prevalent methods of logical and mathematical data processing, as well as program packages which implement technological functions. 123 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104437-8 va~ va. a 1~.,1CaL VJL'.i V1VL1 Logical mathematical packages execute the following: Interpolation, approximation and smoothing; Solution of systems of linear algebraic equations; Operations on matrices; Analysis of eigenvalues; , Data processing by methods of mathematical statistics; Numerical solution of differential equations; Numerical integration; Calculation of special functions; Solution of the general problem of linear programming; ~ - Solution of the transportation problem; Solution of the one-dimensional problem of integer programming; Solution of problems of grid planning, etc. The technological packages include the following: A package of programming modules which expands the resources of basic operating systems for remote data processing; A computer graphics package; A data base management package. - Problem-oriented packages are created on the base of operating systems and procedurally oriented packages, including the following: ~ Simulation program packages of continuous, discrete and continuous-discrete processes; Program packages oriented to the solution of economics problems; Programs packa es for data ~ g processing in automated lab experiment systems; Program packages for instructional systems; Program packages for office work; Program packages for identification and opti.mization in control systems, etc. 124 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104437-8 , FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY In the future, programming software of SM computers with main frame architec- - ture will be developed in the following directions: Expansion of the set of programming modules which realize logical and mathe- matical 3ata processing; Expansion of the set of technological programming modules includ~;~g the creation of data bases for real-time systems; Elaboration of programming components which assure efficient operation of _ elaborated syntactic and semantic equipment expanders; _ Development of existing operating systems for efficient operation of multi- processor configurations, ereation of special operating systems for high productivity and high reliability systems, elaboration of programming soft- ware for computer grids and multifunctional operating systems; Creation of programming systems and high-level languages for solving real- - time problems, parallel computations, analytical conversions and systems programming; Creation of a system of programming based~ on advanced methods of technol- ogy for industrial production of programs and programming documentation for microprocessor systems, micrccomputers as well as for problem-oriented complexes of various purpose. References l. Naumov, B. N. The Creation of the SM Computers--a New Stage in the Development of Computer Technology. In: Vychislitel'nay tekhnika Sotsialisticheskikh stran. Vyp. 1, Moscow, Statistika, 1977. 2. Semik, V. P. On One Method of Combining the Principles of Universality and Specialization in the Construction of a Mathematical Software System. Sb. trudov IEUM Vychislitel'naya tekhnika i sistemy uprav- leniya, Moscow, 1970. 3. Naumov, B. N., Boyarchenkov, M.A., Kabalevskiy, A. N. The CM-3 Control _ Computing Complex. PRIBORY I SISTEMY UPRAVLENIYA, No. 10, 1977. ; COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Statistika", 1979 ~ [207-8617] t - ~ i 8617 CS0:1863 125 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104437-8 rvn vi�rl~,trf1, UaG ULVLI APPLIED PROGRAM PACKAGES FOR IDENTIFICATION, SIMULATION, ANALYSIS AND SYNTHESIS OF AUTOMATED CONTROL SYSTEMS Moscow VYCHISLITEL'NAYA TEKHNIKA SOTSIALISTICHESK:LI~i STRAN in Russian No. 5, 1979 signed to press 4 Apr 79 pp 78-86 ' [Abstract, Excerpts from article by I. Tomov, N. Madzharov and I. Stoy- ' chev, Bulgaria] ~ [Excerptsl ~ Below is considered the elaboration of an applied program package designed . for autofiation of some of the stages of the process of planning automated control systems. Elaboration of the SSPA package is based on the SSP package (scientific i programs in Fortran). i ~ ; The package of applied programs SSPA is intended for operating with the ! YES-1020 computer (or higher) under control of DOS or OS. It is generated ~ and used in eight computing centers in Bulgaria. The SSPA package was used to solve problems in planning of control systems in the metallurgry, cellulose-paper and food industry, for planning tracking systems and auto- mated electric drive systems, in engineering, etc. The results of use of program packages, the desire for improvement of specific subroutines ex- ~ pressed by users, and the growing interest in problems of planning of dis- ~ crete systems served as the basis for elaboration of a second version of ~ the package (package SSPA II) which was delivered to users in 1979. ' Let us cite the brief characteristics of speci�ic subroutines designed for ' - solving the corresponding problems in the enumerated planning stages. ~ i Identification of control objects. ~ 126 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104437-8 = FOR OFFICIAL USE 0 IY ~ Simulation. The SSPA package contains several programs which are used in _ various mathematical descriptions of systems. An~lysis. Stability of linear stationary systems in the SSPA package is analyzed by two methods according to lag. Synthesis of ~utomated control systems. In the SSPA program package are included subroutines for synthesis of continuous automated control systems in frequency and time regions (in distance space). The SSPA II package, ~ in addition to improved versions of the subroutines, also contains subrou- tines for synthesis of discrete control systems. - In conclusion, it is worth noting that the SSPA II package covers a wider range of problems than some known applied program packages of similar value [17]. The overall concept of the SSPA and SSPA II packages permits use of standard configuration of YES computers which makes it possible for wide application of these packages. However, this concept imposes some- _ what higher requirements on the knowledge of engineer planners to be able to work in Fortran language. Consequently, it was useful to have coopera- tion between the "automation" departments of Moscow Engineering Institute and "automation and remote control" department of Higher Computer-Electro- technical Institute imeni Vi Lenin in Sofiya, which was aimed at creating programming software for problems of automated control systems for package and dialogue operating conditions. It may be expected that in the future this cooperation will permit an increase in the quality and efficiency of work on creation of programming software for solving probiems of such a promising direction of technical progress as automation of production. COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Statistika", 1979 [207-8617] 8617 � CS0:1863 127 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104437-8 run ~rrl~lEw u5r: UNLY APL PROGRAMMING SYSTEM--EFFECTIVE TOOL OF ANALYSIS AND SYNTHESIS OF DIGITAL SYSTEMS Moscow VYCHISLITEL'NAYA TEKHNIKA SOTSIALISTICHESKIKH STRAN in Russian No. 5, 1979 signed to press 4 Apr 79 pp 86-92 [Excerpts from article by A. Petkov, K. Yanev, and K. Boyanov, Bulgaria] [Excerpt) Below is proposed the next approach to synthesis of combinatorial schemes using the interactive APL system: the use of fast approximate methods to obtain a series of solution variants, after which the user is able to de- termine whether it satisfies any of these solutions or the search must be continued. ~ System synthesis includes: input subsystem, subsystem of realization of adopted procedures (processing) and output subsystem. With the aid of the _ input subsystem, the fields of application of Boolean functions are set. The processing subsystem realizes procedures of discovery of dead block . coverage of a completely defined function and expansion of a completely defined function with a small number of variables and their minimization. _ Furthermore, the possibility is provi.ded for retrieval of the total mini- - mum coverage of the system of Boolean functions. The subsystem includes procedures of optimization by instructing the system. The output subsys- tem is designed to infer the results. All enumerated procedures and subsystems are under the general control of the monitor program which carries on a dialogue with the user and deter- mines the operating conditions of the system. ~ The input subsystem may preset the fields of application of analysis of a ~ function using decimal equivalents of sets or by trinary vectors of i.nter- ' vals of the appropriate fields. ~ The discovery procedure of general coverage of the system of Boolean func- tioris realizes approximate algorithms including discovery of dead lock coverage of each function of the previous procedure and the next maximum reduction of general coverage with retrieval of the total minimum implicant. 128 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ; I ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104437-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Furthermore, a procedure is used for retrieval of the optimum solution under user control. The output subsystem presents different opportunities for organizing in- ferred information. The proposed subsystem contains 2,000 statements and is realized on the YES-1040 computer. Each subsystem occupies two li.brary regions (32 kbytes each). APL system operates under the control of the YES disk operating system occupying 160 kbytes of main memory. It is adapted for operation with a modified operator consol~ YES~7074-01 or YES-8501 temiinal [6]. . The APL system was tested using the modified YES-7074-01 console operating as a local terminal connected to the multiplex channel. Various combina- tions of Cyrillic symbols were used to image the special APL symbols. _ Within the bilateral cooperation between the Scientific-Research Institute of Electronic Computers (Minsk) and the Institute of Computer Technology (Sofiya) a specialized local terminal was developed for operation of APL on the basis of a printer with a special printwheel. Participating in the elaboration were the Institute of Mathematics of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Creation is planned for a remote terminal which includes the local terminal in the nomenclature of the YES computer. COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Statistika", 1979 [207-8617] 8617 CS0:1863 129 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104437-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY REALIZATION OF APPLIED PROGRAM PACKAGES FOR TECHNICAL AND ECONOMIC PLANNING Moscow VYCHISLITEL'NAYA TEI~iNIKA SOTSIALISTICHESKII~i STRAN in Russian No. 5, 1979 signed to press 4 Apr 79 pp 92-101 [Excerpts from article by V. A. Pavlechko, USSR] [Excerpts~ Functional aspects of applied program packages for technical and economic planning (PPP-TEP). The package is oriented toward automation of calcula- tion of the optimum plan in machine and instrument construction enter- prises, primarily with unitary, small serial and serial production. PPP- TEP may be included in ASU in both full volume and as a separate complexes. The number and composition of automated functions at each specific enter- prise are established as a function of such factors as methods of planning and accounting used at the enterprise, aspects of organization of produc- tion ar.d methods of calculation as well as the degree of information inde- pendence of the problem. PPP-TEP permits calculation of the optimum plan of an enterprise at the stage of plan elaboration, after obtaining control figures for basic tech- nical and economic indicators, and also to optimally distribute the enter- prise plan in planned periods. The number of criteria of optimalness by which it is possible to calculate the enterprise plan is not limited. Operation of PPP-TEP is assured on the YES computer with a vo lume of main storage of at least 128 kbytes and operating under the control of the DOS YES disk operating system in version 2.0 or higher. Generation time on the YES-1022 computer under conditions of a specific object is 2.5 hours. The duration of the calculation problem solution of an optimum plan of an enterprise for 100 items and 108 constraints in terms of five local criteria for the compromise version is 18 minutes. COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Statistika", 1979 [207-8617] 8617 CSO: 1863 130 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104437-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ON ONE APPROACH TO REALIZATION OF PRINCIPLES OF CLOSED SYSTEMS FOR DEVELOPMENT OF DATA BASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS (SUBD) OF INTEGRATED DATA - PROCESSING SYSTEM (SIOD) FAMILY Moscow VYCHISLITEL'NAYA TEKHNIKA SOTSIALISTICHESKIKY STRAN in Russian No. 5, 1979 signed to press 4 Apr 1979 pp 101-105 [Excerpt from article by I. I..Zolotnikov, G. B. Malev, A. A. Kelekhsayev] [Excerpt] Special programming systems are used for management of data bases--data base management systems (SUBD). The integrated data processing systems SIOD 1 and SIOD 2 are widely used as automated enterprise management systems (SUBD). Though thes e systems have many merits, they are not free of substantial shortcomings. If the _ structure of the data base corresponds to that shown in the figure in any - of its "subsets," these systems have the features of a closed SUBD, i.e., for creation and servicing of such data base and to obtain information f~om the data bas~, the user must make negligible programming efforts. But if the structure of the data base is wider than shown, a large volume of programming work must be done to realize these functions. In any event, programming of the arrangement of data base entries is completely entrusted to the user. The SIOD 1 and SIOD 2 provide for input of input data only from punched cards or mag cards. The above systems have no devices to guarantee the integrity of the data bases. All these shortcomings make it necessary to have great labor ex- penditures to create a programming complex designed for control of the specific data base of ASUP. COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Statistika", 1979 [207-8617] 8617 CS0:1863 131 � FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104437-8 t'UK UNr1l:lAL US~; UNLY FIRST COMPATIBLE TESTS OF HARDWARE AND PROGRAMMING DEVICES OF THE INTERNATIONAL SYSTEM OF SMALL COMPUTERS (SM EVM) Moscow VYCHISLITEL'NAYA TEKHNIKA SOTSIALISTICHESKIKH STRAN in Russian No. 5, 1979 signed to press 4 Apr 79 pp 117-122 [Article by Yu. A. Lavrenyuk, V. V. Belynskiy, B. P. Golubev, V. M. Zenin, USSR] - [Text] In June-July 1977 in Moscow the first international tests were con- ducted on computer hardware o� the system of small electronic computers (SM EVM). The tests were done on the basis of a plan affirmed by the chairman of the Intergovernmental Committee on Cooperation of Socialist Countries in Computer Technology (MPK po VT). This plan is prepared annually by the Coordinating Center of MPK po VT. In accordance with the operating positions of main designers of SM EVM in the council, the com- patible tests have been conducted with the participation of representa- tives from at least two countries. In the case considered by us, the Commission on Conductive Tests included representatives of all countries participating in the Agreement on cooperation in the field of elaboration, ~ production and application of computer hardware, representatives of Bul- _ garia, Hungary, East Germany, Cuba, Poland, Romania, the Soviet Union and Czechoslovakia. The commission also included coworkers of the Coordinat- ing Center of MPK po VT. The chairman of the commission was Je. Slawinski (Poland). , The following items were tested: two types of processors SM-1P and SM-3P, two types of main memories, three types of magnetic disk memories, two magnetic disk memory control devices, an alphanumeric CRT terminal, an I/0 punched tape device, four types of printers, and three operating sys- - tems. A list of the hardware which underwent testing is given in the - table. ~ao types of tested processes correspond to two architectural trends in computer hardware adopted for the first phase of SM EVM. The directions differ from each other in the system of instructions, methods of organiza- tion of information exchange between devi.ces, methods of processing in- terruptions and some other characteristics. The list of SM EVM hardware _ provides for four processors: SM-1P and SM-2P relate to a single archi- tectural direction, SM-3P and SM-4P to the other direction. The SM-1P 132 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R004200100037-8 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY and SM-3P processes which underwent testing are 16-bit parallel central - processes with microprogramming control and multipl.e level interrupt sys- tem. Productivity of these models is the lowest among models contained in the product list. It is calculated in conformity with the methods on standardization SM EVM 019-78 "Evaluation of productivity of processes according to mix characteristics" and constitutes in solution of problems of operative control one hundred and forty thousand and one hundred and sixty thousand operations per second. - Table 1 Device* SM EVM Country- Code Developer Processor, SM-1P SM-2101 USSR Processor SM-3P, built into monitoring - and measuring equipment SM-2103 USSR Ferrite main memory SM-3100 USSR Ferrite main memory SM-3101 Poland Mag disk memory cassette type IZOT-1370 SM-5400 Bulgaria Mag disk memory cassette type MERA-9425 SM-5401 Poland Control device lcontroller) of mag disk memories SM-5400 and SM-5401 for SM-3 and SM-4 SM-5105 USSR - Mag disk emory with fixed heads type MD SM-5500 Hungary External mag disk memory control device (based on SM-5500 memory) SM-S501 USSR Alphanumeric CRT terminal VT-47100 SM-7206 Hungary Combined punched tape I/O device type MPR 51/301 SM-6200 Hungary _ _ Alphanumeric mosaic printer DARO-1156 SM-6301 East Germany Alphanumeric mosaic printer DZM-180 SM-6302 Poland Alphanumeric parallel printer VT-24112 SM-6316 Hungary Alphanumeric parallel printer VT-25150 SM-6321 Hungary _ Single-disk replaceable cassette YES-5269-01 Bulgaria * Basic technical specifications of devices are given in section entitled "Information on new devices of YES and SM computers" of this collection. Peripheral devices are connected to the SM-1P processor across a type 2K radial interface which permits the connected devices to exchange data under monopole conditions at a rate of up to two hundred and seventy thou- sand 16-bit words per second. The type 2 systems interface is determined by methods material on standardia.ation of SM EVM 005-76 which establishes the set and designation of interface buses, signals transmitted through them, communication algorithms, and electrical and structural realization of outputs to the interface. 133 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104437-8 ~ r'UK Ur'N'1(:lAL USE UNLY E The SM-3P processor, main memories and p~ripheral devices are combined in the complex by :neans of a main circuit interface of the "common bus" type which permits the connected devices to exchange data under monopole condi- tions at a rate of up to one million three hundred thousand 16-bit words per second. The systems interface "common bus" is determined by methods material on standardization SM EVM 003-76 which establishes the structure _ and designation of ir~terface lines, communication algorithms, requirements for functional and time characteristics of signals and physical realiza- tion of the interface. The compatibility tests were run to determine the suitability of prototype _ r computer devices for operation in the SM EVM system and also to determine - the possibility of their industrial serial production. The following tests were done for this purpose: Correspondence of prototypes to technical specifications; Correspondence of prototypes to technical standards documents adopted for the SM EVM; Proper combined operation of technical devices under the control of op er- ating systems; _ Pragram compatibility and conformity of technical hardware to requirem~nts of systems programs~ In addition, the technical design and operating characteristics w2re eval- uated, the nomenclature of the component items was analyzed and the com- pleteness and quality of technical documentation was verified. The devices were tested both independently and in test complexes. This = verification made it possible to determine whether or not the rules of - syste~~ns interfaces were accurately maintained in elaboration and manufac- ' ture of these devices. - the combined tests of the technical prototypes, three test complexes were put together wnich contain various de-*ice sets: one SM-1 complex based on the SM-1P processor (Figure 1) and two versions of the SM-3 com- - plex based on the SM-3P prc~cess~r (Figure 2) . All devices marked fo.r test- ing were put into these comp].txes. The devices forming the test complexes were tested under the control of operating systems using complex problems which represerited the set of tests for devices appearing in the complex. In addition, additional tests were run by executing several program selected by the committee. Basic programming software of these technical devices inclading three oper- ating systems was tested simultaneously to the above devices: Disk operating system (DOS SM-1) for control of computing complexes (WK) constructed on the bssis of the SM-1 processor; 134 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104437-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY * r., . . . ~ ~ ~ ~ . d'~t .:t i . . r : ~ i . ~a~ ..w,-~r'~~ . ti ~ a 3~~.^:, t S ~ _ � . A", ~af . ~t;. . i ~ ~ 7 ' - ' ~ , r . . . } ykt2 ~ r ~ _ ~ ~ x~, x e .a. - ~~.s~ ~~.A~ir . ~ ya b'�q ~ . . ~ t' s - ~ ~,z,: ~ ~ r > . . ~~.h s Y 'A' . . . . - t ..~.?~F~~Q , ~ ~ Figure 1. Overall view of SM-1 complex. _ .4 , s ~ i j; ; i :7f ~ . . . . . . k ' ~ . ~ ' ' . - t~~ ~ s~ :~I-~ . ~ W ~ C3s 3: G~~ . , ~ 42J"~ f~.g ~ 'y* C' ~ i ~;2~ ~ . ~y W ~w . - } _~5'~t d= ~ t t ~ t ~ ~ F'~~V~SI' i : i } y~ ~ y~..R ~ EA y~ 4 . - xt. w' ~_N ~ : n a. n , ~ f h~y ~.2~' ~.~.~y~~~ . Y S f ~ ~ ~ ~ [ y~"Y ~iy X~i. i ~,r~' . F '+"~y ' ~ ~ 4rr 3s YqO~pn^~~v'~~~:.~ . . ~ ~x~ c >;V~ , a~a~~�*~ka~ , ~ ~ Figure 2. Overall view of SM-3 complex. Disk operating system (DOS SM-3) for UVK constructed on the basis of the SM-3 proce~sor; Tape operating system (LOS SM-3) for WK constructed on the basis of the SM-3 processor. 135 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104437-8 _ . v.. vc r u.~t:, viri.,t These operating systems permit users to efficiently utilize possibilities of the WK by providing them with a broad spectrum of services in program and data preparation. Disk operating systems organize the work of these _ UVKs which have external magnetic disk memories. The DOS SM-1 w~s developed by Soviet experts. This system performs the _ following functions under both dialogue and package conditions: transla-~ tion, editing, arrangement, debugging and control of user program execu- tion written in the languages Mnemocode, I'ortran-II, Fortran-IV, Algol and Basic. In addition, the system guarantees storage of systems programs and user programs and data in the form of disk files with rapid acces~ and pro- - vides convenient means for operating with the files. The generation de- vices of the DOS SM-1 make it possible to obtain the necessary version of the system in conformity with the configuration of the complex. , The DOS SM-3 was developed jointly by experts of Bulgaria and the Soviet Union. This system provides translation of initial texts written in the - languages Macroassembler and Fortran-IV, editing of symbol texts, arrange- ment and debugging of user programs stored on disks and punched tape, con- struction of libraries of programming modules and control of user program execution under both dialogue and package conditions. The DOS SM-3 stores ~ _ systems programs and user programs as disk files with rapid access and pro- - vides developed and convenient devices for operating with the files (iden- tification and protection, creation, increment and replacement of files). The generation devices of the DOS SM-3 make it possible to obtain the ' necessary version of the system in conformity with the configuration of - the complex and requirements of specific application. During the genera- _ tion process the system permits driver programs to be connected to it for additional peripheral devices. - The LOS SM-3 was developed jointly by experts of Hungary, the Soviet Union and Czechoslovakia. This system arranges the operation of the WK SM-3 of minimum configuration which includes the following: the SM-3P processor, 8K-words main memory, punched tape I/0 device, alphanumeric printer and CRT terminal. Instead of a punched tape device, a magnetic tape cassette I/O ; device may be used if the methods of interaction and information formatting are the same as for the punched tape device. The IAS SM-3 may be supplied to the user on either punched tape or magnetic cassette tape. The LOS SM-3 makes it possible under dialogue conditions to translate, edit, arrange, debug and execute user programs written in the }:anguages assembler, basic and the input language of the dialogue proaramming system DS-SM. The input ; language DS-SM is a high-level diaiogue language designed for conduct of ; computing work in the field of automation of scientif ic experiments, the - sph~re of teaching, in scientific and technical and economics research. The LOS SM-3 contains packages of standard subroutines which assure multi- plication and division of numbers with fixed decimals, calculation of elementary functions and execution of operations on numbers with a floating decimal. Tests of the operating systems DOS SM-1, DOS SM-3 and LOS SM-3 were run with the aid of special control problems written in various programming 136 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY I APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104437-8 I - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - _ languages and with the aid of additional demonstration ~.,roblems. All devices and operating systems presented for testing successfully passed them and are recommended for the use in the SM computer system. All de- - vices have been given SM EVM codes (according to the rules of the SM EVM committee, codes are given only if the device successfully passes testing). _ Typical of the tests carried out is that within a short time a single committee simultaneously tested a large number of computer devices. As a result, it was proposed firstly that the country organizing the tests _ carry out a preliminary combined test of all devices in the test complex. Secondly, the country participating in the Agreement was to create testing grounds for the SM EVM computers and fit them in the near future with proc- essors and other SM EVM equipment. And finally, during conduct of the tests more attention should be given to verification of program compati- bility and proper operation of technical hardware in the complex under the control of the operating systems and using control programs. The control programs themselves should be provided in a form so that the operation of - the devices approaches real operating conditions. Realization of these - proposals will make it possible, we feel, to greatly enhance the quality of test work. Testing confirmed both the functional possibilities of the elaborated tech- nical and programming devices as well as their ability for combined opera- tion in computing complexes. The set of computing devices which underwent the tests permits construction of automated control systems of various _ types. COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Statistika", 1979 [207-8617] 8617 C50:1863 137 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104437-8 r~ux ur~r'1(;lAL US~ UNLY ~ VERIFICATION OF THE OPERATING EFFICIENCY OF THE YES-1021 COMPUTER ~ Moscow VYCHISLITEL'NAYA TEKHNIKA SOTSIALISTICHESKIKH STRAN in Russian , No. 5, 1979 signed to press 4 Apr 79 pp 123-133 (Article by L. Obru`~a, Ja. Pa~ (Czechoslovakia)] i [Text] At the fifteenth session of the Intergovernmental Commission on Cooperation of Socialist Countries in the field of computer technology it - was decided to develop methods for testing the operating efficiency of computers. (The term 'operating efficiency of computers' implies the re- ~ - liable and efficient application of computer functions--and not only op- erating reliability as is sometimes considered--determined by the corres- ponding Technical Conditions or TU.) In the elaborated Temporary Position are cited the forms of primary blanks for preparation of records of opera- tion and failures of computers---"Operating Journal" and "Record of Fail- ures", as well as secondary blanks "Monthly Report on Operation" and - "Quarterly Reports". The first three blanks are filled out by the user, _ the fourth one is completed by the appropriate National Organization on Technical Service (NOTO). The reports are centrally processed and are _ sent to the Coordination Center in Moscow. � In Czechoslovakia, the Division of Quality Control of NOTO on the basis of the Temporary Position, in 1976 developed a format plan for the Monthly Report. After confirmation, the blank will be us~d by statistics branches ; with the designation VT(FMHTS) 1-12. These blanks are used to transmit . Monthly Reports for centralized processing. The reports contain information about failures as well as the method of eliminating breakdowns and recovery time of computer efficiency. These data are transmitted to the manufacturing plants of the EVM-1021, servic- ' ing organizations and the Division of Efficiency Study at the Research ~ Institute of Mathematical Computers (WMS). Feedback is therefore arranged ' for quality control of technical equipment and elimination of its operat- ; - ing shortcamings. ; The operating efficiency of programming software is monitored separately with the aid of claims. Claims for the operating system MOS are taken by WMS, claims on applied,';programs by the organization NOTO. 138 - , FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104437-8 FOR OFFICTAI. USF ONLY The resources of the so-called complex interfactory team (I~ KRB) are used to eliminate operatinc~ shortcomings detected; it was organized within the framework of the trust "Plants of Automation and Computer Technology". This team consists of about ten permanent members, and if necessary may be _ increased to 40 men--experts from enterprises and plants which participate in the elaboration, production and service of the YES-1021 computer. The activities of this team are mainly aimed at overcoming organizational de- ficiencies which may appear in several official interplant relationships _ where the solution of a problem is flowing through several administrative - levels, and second--for direct solution of problems. Personal contact of workers from organizations participating in the entire installation and - utilization process of computer hardware plays an important role in the work of the MP KRB. The MP KRB consists of five working groups: programming software, service and installation of the computer, operating documentation, reliability, improvement of technical hardware. The supervisors of the working groups form the Presidium of the MP KRB which gathers at operational meetings where they exchange operating experiences, and further plans are made and the activities of the individual groups a;.~ coordinateci. If necessary, experts can be brought in from organizations which directly participate in the elaboration of computers or are working in cooperation. The MP KRB issues an information brochure "Operating Information of the YES-1021 Computer". This manual is sent out in two copies to each user of the YES-1021 computer (for technical and operator maintenance of the com- puters in computing centers). The manual is issued at least three times a year and is about 20 pages long; it contains all kinds of vital informa- tion on both the operation of hardware and on programming software. There _ may be, for example, specific indications and advice on independent elim- _ ination of computer shortcomings, reports on advanced operating experi- ' ence, information on rationalizer suggestions which enhance the operating efficiency of computers, etc. Because of the initiative of the MP KRB, it was possible to interest the workers of technical service of the YES-1021 computer in using the system of defect-free labor. Completion of the Monthly Report Form on Computer Operation The report blank is completed by the computer user and is sent by him at the beginning of each month to the NOTO organization. When planning the report b].ank VT(FMHTS) 1-12, it was felt that the greatest problems in computing centers would occur in conneation with determination of effi- cient machine time. For these reasons, the report blank contains a gen- - eral on-time base of the computer P which can be established according - to the difference in values of on-t~me readouts at the computer console at the end and beginning of the working period. These data are independent _ of the method of distribution of computer time. The values of prevention time are based on requirements for prevention formulated in the operating , manual. From the example of form completion shown in this text, we can clearly see the difference between the number of device failures and the , 139 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104437-8 a.ia� va a iVia~L LIVL VL\LL number of computer failures: if nine failures occur during the test period, then only tl?ree of them led to computer failure, i.e., it was im- possible to use the computer until these failures were eliminated. In - the other six cases of device failures, the nonfunctioning device was re- placed with a spare, and the computations continued. Storage of Data from Report Blanks Based on the data from the report blanks, monthly reports are drawn up, and ~ on their basis quarterly reports, which are sent to the Coordination Center ' in Moscow. As a result, there is an increase in the amount of the statis- ~ tical sampling (i.e., in our case, the number of failures), and thereby this reduces the interval of statistical scattering of the computed point ~ values of individual indicators of reliability such as the average between failures Tp, average recovery time after failure Tr, etc. Integration of individual partial inaccuracies due to the subjective nature of the current method of preparation and gathering of data on computer op- eration occurs in the same way. Notations of reliability parameters used above were selected according to the proposed CMEA standard. : Use of Data on Operation of the YES-1021 Computer to Improve its Operating Reliabil.~ty To increase operating reliability as a basic component which determines computer operating efficiency, the critical parameters which have a deci- sive effect on computer reliability indicators were defined at MP KRB. According to YES computer standards, the main indicators of computer reli- ability are average time between failures T~, average time between mal- ~ functions TS, average recovery time after failures T~ and the coeffi- _ cient of technical utilization K,r. In the foreign literature, for example in [1], it is indicated that in computers designed for commercial or scientific and technical computations ' (not to control real-time processes), the average time between failures ~ may equal 4 to 40 hours. From the results of tests of the YES-1021 com- puter at the manufacturing site, it is known that such levels of TD are also achieved. According to the data cited in [2], it is possible with sufficient accu- ' racy to determine a certain complex indicator of system operating effici- ~ ency KE, its actual throughput or productivity PB, which is characterized ' by the number of successfully executed problems per unit of time, as com- ~ pared to the theoretical throughput (productivity) of a troublefree device P : T P Ke = PB < 1. (1) - T 140 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104437-8 I~UR OCT'TCiAI. [JS1. ONI,Y Accordingly, there is the so~called operating efficiency which can be de- fined thus: TOS ? (2) e ^ TOS + TVOS where T~S is the average time between failures and malfunctions in hours; _ TVOS ls average recovery time after failures and malfunctions in hours. In conformity with what has been stated above, point evaluation of these = quantities equals: T~= T" ; t3) no -f- ne Teoc= ~}n'~-~}' ne . no !!c (4) If we substitute (3) and (4) in (2), we find that ~ Toc Ta ~ N+Ec =K , (s) _ 9 Toc -f- T T s-f- }nc r where N~ is the number of failures; N is the number of malfunctions; Et is recovery time in failures; Et~s issrecovery time after malfunctions. v Operating efficiency as seen in (5) coincides with the coefficient of readiness K, i.e., the confidence limit that in a specific time interval the computer will be able to operate. This definition is only valid if the average time value corresponds to the magnitude of mathematical ex- pectation. If these average quantities T and T are changed, their transient values T and T permit us tosshift VOSto a number which at the limit changes ~Sto theVOSvalue of the confidence limit. For ordinary parameters of the Ryada-1 computer, based on inaccuracies which may be the result of different understandings of device failures in the computer system, it is possible to consider that K~ = IC~, where IC~ is the coefficient of technical utilization of the computer. Based on verification of user claims during the period of operation, we established a nominal of K as a basic parameter for defining operating efficiency of specific YES-1~2Z computers. User computer requirements were sati~fied - when this value was attained or exceeded. We know [3J that great experience in the control of quality and reliability of computers has been gained by the Minsk Computer Plant imeni S. Ordzhon- ikidze. In the documentation which accompanies every computer, detailed _ instructions are given for managing operator and technical journals and _ for completing report blanks which are sent to the manufacturer. In the 141 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104437-8 ~'UK Ur'FICIAL USE ONLY plant laboratory, the report data are processed and suggestions are made for improving qtzality and reliability of new computers. The users are sent the generalized data which describe the reliability of specific de- vices in computers and the results of the valuation of computers belong- ing to them; therefore, the user finds out whether his computer can reach the average value of operating efficiency. Because the computers of the Minsk plant are serviced mainly by the user's technical personnel, the specific application of this information depends on the user. Based on this experience, experts of the MP KRB came to the conclusion that for the YES-1021 computer, the average value between failures is rather high, however, its value does assure acceptable operating effici- - ency of the computer. In addition, we carefully studied the possibility of applying the experience of the Minsk plant (including the Saratov system) to centralized control service. We concluded that the collec- tion on the use and failures of computers and the analysis and evaluation - of these data are necessary to interest personnel in achieving or exceed- ing a nominal coefficient of technical utilization. This can be achieved by both material and moral encouragement. Because the personnel in cen- tralized control service work in the NOTO, it was relatively simple to elicit this interest: a commission was created of workers of the service division (technicians) of MP KRB and the division of quality control of NOTO to control operating reliability, which at regular sessions each month analyzes monthly reports. The commission is more thoroughly in- volved with computers which have not achieved nominal coefficient of technical utilization. It considers individual failures, and discovers , their cause: non--observance of preventive maintenance or deterioration of operating conditions; for long-term repairs it establishes whether or , not spare parts were delivered on time, an expert was summoned, etc. For other computers such analysis is done by technicians, which is a certain _ kind of self-monitoring. As a result of activities of this commission over several months, nominal coefficients of technical utilization were achieved for almost all com- outers. The coefficient of technical utilization of the YES-1021 computer of serial production is now reaching the level cited in GOST 16325-76, - section 1.6.5. . Accounting of Malfunctions _ Until now we have been occupied with methods of accounting and evaluation of computer failures or devices. But when working with computers, there are short-term interruptions in calculation which are either caused by operators and programs (fault of maintenance personnel or of the program) or technical errors (technical interruptions of computers of this kind are called "malfunctions" in the Soviet literature, "intermittent failure" in English, and "prechodna porucha" or "selhani" in Czech . According to the i most recent suggestions of the Working Group on YES Computer Reliability, the definition of malfunctions is as follows: "Malfunction is an event characterized by the temporary curtailment of computer (hardware) operat- - ing efficiency. Operating efficiency itself is restored without repair or adjustment."). 142 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104437-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY FSU confirmed MONTHLY REPORT ON Standard Title for FMHTS RELIABILITY OF YeS COMPUTER VT (FMHTS)1-12 Number 3836/78 To: NOTO Address KSNP Division UYa: REPORT PERIOD Organization com- 150 23, Praha 5, 19 month pleting monthly ul. Radliteka, 2 Explanation: FMHTS- report Federal 14Iinistry of Metallurgy and Address of com- Heavy Industry puting center FSU = Federal Statistics Institution - 1. Report on computer reliability (time, in hours) tR) ~b) ~c) (d) - a w A~a- f ~ 3aaoa- Ta Bp~wA; cleeren6xoro BpeNA eoc- IUHI~P CHO{I ~ S~p4lAHf TBSXHYBCKOCO CT8110BdlHNA h0AH4lC7ltp EC 38M xoMep +~'~a~a , , 3BM Pabo�+ Teic . obcnyacHeanx~ npx orKas~x orKaaoe ( E ~e rto 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 EC-1021I XXX I XXX I 170,3 I 15,8 I 2,0 3 [Key: a. code of YeS computer; b. computer plant number; c. operating start date; d) on time; e. time c~f active technical maintenance; f. recovery time after failure; g. number of failures] II. Report on reliability of devices in computer comples (in hours) Cye~~aap~oe N~lCMA IIOPA~- UIHf~P KOJIHYCC'I'- - AeAC'LDNTCdL- AOCCT3AOBd0- I ~`orxvectuo tcoaWp yc~pop. eo ycr{~p- xo nnaro~tee- . ~ orKaaue xoarep crn~ cie 3BM NOMI COCiJA- E1Oe TCYIIF[VC- .tit_ ti~it n enii T cKOe o6cay~x- o�cea3ax o ~~1~ I tl~ ~J~ ~IC~ ~1~'Nxe T,ro ~ni~ z 1a ~il~ a 8 9 30 11 l2 13 � 21 I EC-2021 I 1 I 170,3 I 10 ~ 0 I ' 0 ~22. I EC-3221 I 1 I I70,3 I 5 I 0 I 0 ~ 23 ,~C-5~~8 I 1 I l70,3 I 5 ! 0 I p 24 I EC-5515 ~ 1 I 170,3 ( ~ I p I 0 25 I EC~~O~$ I 5 I 550,0 I 30 I 3,5 I 2 2G I EC-~0`l2 I 6 I 300,0 I 20 I 14,5 I 27 ~ EC-703d I 1 ~ 170,3 I 10 ! 1,75 I 2 i 2S I EC-717'l i 1 I 17U,3 I 10 I~ p I p 29 , EC-G016 I I I. 170,3 I 10 i 0,25 ! 1 [Key: h. sequence number; i. code; j. number of de~~ices; k. on time; 1. active technical maintenance; m. recovery after failure; n. number of failures] 143 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104437-8 - rw. VPP1li1L1L uou viri,t Continuation ~ ~h~ \l~ _ C}��~~apnoe xpeaia _ [Io~n~� liltii p Kom+ve- Koauveereo I ~ eiuo ��..r ac~lcraH:e.a~,- eo nKnroveN- eoccraHOi~ie- ~o~~ia0 pcipoio- ~Ncin eioe �resm~- otKa~oe I:Q\fC~ Ctll] P~ HOM COCTO?- NNC IIPN OT- n 3B~1 Hiut T vecaoe o6cny- Ka3aY E! ~ k~ xh ~~xoai+He Tro ITl) " ~!1J a 8 9 10 11 12 13 30 I EG7902 I 1 I 10,0 I 1 I 0 I 0 3t ~ 1 I I I I 3`~ I I i I I ! 33 I I I I I I ' 3~ I I I ~ I I ~ I I I I I I V1, I I I I I I 37 I I I I I I 3S I I I I ( I 39 I I I 1~ I ~ I llara orc~aa~;~t ne49Tb IIPe111QNNTM.A-IIOAb- KTO IIORiB~pA:180T OTVOT KTO COCTHBN.t OT4t7 ~O~ 30H8TE.lA ~B~'1 ~~dMNANA~ IIOA~IHC6~ J~~'[8~ ~f~S~iHlINA~ IIOAi1NCb~ ABTS~ ~ ~ ~ [Key: o. remittance date; p. seal of computer user enterprise; r. report confirmation (name, signature, date); s. report writer (name, signature, date)] III. Report on failures 3eTQatw epe- IIO,�JflAKUBNN A1e~P QpNCSNM~ OTN33a N C110COG C2 3H~NHi - lHOH: NlHN 11J~! Hovep ycTpoAcrea Y P P ycryopciaa - Et) ~U) ~V) ~W} iMn a 11 e IS ~1~ ( EC-5058 I3aMCea HcrovNii~;a (3iiT1) ~X~ I 0,5 4l EG5058 Bw6opKa He saKO~iyexa; 3anteHa (Sr~ � I}dC MH8440 ~ta T33-V1 I 13,0 42 I EG5022 I He npo~ottAT KfITO; ~a+ietaa I~iC M 8�72, MH8410, T33-IOVZ; sa;~ava Ns 13 ~Z} I 3,0 93 I EG5C22 I Heibsa sap~,qHrb neHry; ~~gt~a NCI MH8420, 8430, T33�OCHO ~ 13,0 - LKey: t. sequence number; u. device code; v. failure and repair; w. time lost; x. replace source; y. sample nat complete: replace; z. do not pass KPTO, replace; aa. tape doesn't magnetize; replace] 144 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104437-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Con tinuation I 3arpa~N npe- 17opa tKOe:~p illx~p NlMN .1.7N xua~ep crpoRcrna Onxcaxxe orKa~a N CIIOCO6 yCTF1HHtNNA - pOAlOni ~.rpotlc.iw (t) ~ I) (v~ (W) ',,x a 14 e 15 44 I EG5022 IO[IIN6K3[ 4TEflHA; 3atitettatb~a}tue~~caTOpal C ]00 MK~. T33-RSTD 2,0 4~ ( EG5022 I CE~rHan aCHEK~; E~acrpoF~Ka(CC~ I 6,0 4fi EG7034 He neqaTaer Ha aaaieHa KoxAeHCaTO- pa C65 ~dCl~~ I 1.0 47 EG7034 He ne4aTaer o11uN paspRa; aayeEi Tpau� I3xcropa KUY12, T~3-VOKL l@e~ ! O,T~ 48 I EC-6016 3axc ~t nepcpoxapr; ttacrpoNKa hiexaf?xaMa I I ~ff) I o,2a 49 I I I - [Key: t. sequence number; u. device code; v. failure and repair; w. time lost; bb. read error; replace capacitor; cc. SNEK signal; adjust; d~. does not print sign; replace capacitor; ee. on~ digit doesn't print; replace transistor; ff. punched card jammed; adjust mechanism] To determine the causes of interruption--whether there has been a malfunc- tion or a failure--the problem or some part of it where the malfunction took place is r~epeated, or an attempt is made to reenter data from the input devices, according to the nature of the malfunction. Accounting of events occurring in com~uter operation in such detailed form to unambiguously determine whether or not it is a malfunction or a failure is unfeasible until automated objective accounting of events in computer operation is set up. Comparative analysis of the data on operation of computers is currently depreciated by the fact that the data on malfunctions and failures are confused because of different methods of evaluation, although these data are extremely useful for improving computer operating efficiency. The average time between failures is used for the programmer as an indication of how to select the appropriate points of return and monitoring in long problems (RETRY and CHECK-POINT), in order that the reliability of prob- lem realization is high and computation time is acceptable. - A frequent occurrence of malfunctions due to contamination of information media is the signal for test~:ng the cleanliness of the atmosphere of the computer room and monitoring care of the media. 145 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104437-8 rux ur�r~1c:tAt. u5~ ~rtLY Averaged requirements for the number of peripheral devices (mainly ex-. ternal memcries) aids in precisely determining the makeup of spare equip- ment required. _ Malfunctions due to external factors in the case of short-term loss of the power grid can to some extent be recorded on the YES-1021 computer using a so-called power grid monitor, which is a standard part of the power plant control computer. If this type of malfunction appears very nften, ~ it is necessary to use a portable generator or other computer power supply resistant to effects in the primary grid. Physical causes of malfunction are very wide ranging. They may be random phase shifts which prvduce metastabled effects: the output of the digi- tal circuit sometimes (it may be several times greater than circuit re- sponse time under normal conditions) shows a logically indeterminate level. This effect may occur, for instance, because of non-observance of technical specifications concerning phase relationships of signals at the circuit input which randomly appear in a synchronous connection of sepa- - rate parts of the computer. In other cases, the cause may be the incor- rect synchronization of circuits where the time diagram is not observed. The reason for the described effect may likewise be degradation failure. Failures caused by incorrect values of signal amplitude also belong to this category. Observations ef the effects described above aid in timely prevention of - "degradation" of the system, which can lead to total failure. All the above shows how important it is to know the reliability indica= _ tors TS and T ~S oi a specific computer because tre results of central accounting an~ evaluation of these indicators are of low reliability. Let us note for orientation purposes that the average time between fail- ures T is about 1.5 to 10 times greater than the average time between malfun~tions TS [4J. It is necessary to emphasize that the number of malfunctions n which is = recorded in the observation of operation of one computer is re~latively small and thus transient estimates TVOS and TS should be replaced by interval estimates for 90~ reliability intervals according to Czecho- slovak standard ChSN 36,7001. This requirement also pertains ~o T~ and T . V Conclusion _ Monitoring of computer operation has important value not only for the obligatory statistical accounting organized by competent state statistics branches, but also to establish feedback ir~ the quality control and com- - puter operating efficiency system. It is necessary to emphasize ichat actual monitoring of computer operatin5 efficiency assures adequate quality of special components on which the - operating efficiency of the end devices depend. This conclusion is well 146 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000240100037-8 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ - known but its realization ~.nvolves several practical problems. Despite the actually great expenditures involved in moni~toring and evaluating, - additional changes and elimination of detected deficiencies, they must be done since low computer operating efficiency causes the user to lose confidence in the product. Let us cite the list of shortcomings ~vhich cause problems in the more detailed recording of data on computer operating efficiency and their - evaluation: 1) Conditions are not established for interesting the workers partici- _ pating in the collection, transmission and evaluation of data on computer oper~ting efficiency; 2) With the exception of the relatively short period of warrantied opera- - tion, it is impossible to require more detailed data on computer opera- - tion, especially data on failures, their causes, methods of localization, - etc., until the VT(FMHTS) 1-12 blanks are completed; , 3) Shortcomings often found in computer operation take a long time to - - eliminate, and consequently some workers feel it is useless to monitor ~ them. As a result of this, reports on the opez~ating process and failures are incompletely compiled; 4) In spite of the fact that data on computer operating efficiency and failures can be processed by computer, much of it is manually processed: about 9~0$ of the total time of operation is consumed in obtaining re- _ cordings of data on use and only 10~ is used to record data on failures - and other unplanned and unexpected events in the process of computer ~ operation. Consequently, it is advisable to introduce a programming sys- tem for automated job accouni:ing and fill in the blanks mechanically. _ The recordings should be generalized in data bases about operation and - faiiures, on events in the operating process and their analysis. The - current introduction of the primary blank for preparation of recordings on operation and failures of computers according to the Temporary ~osi- tion is delayed or impossible because of variation in blank format. The question of ma.chine processing of these data is also unresolved; - 5) Workers in quality control departments or operational monitors have . limited rights to take steps based on analysis of the tested operating processes. For that reason, measures are not adequate to improve the pre~ared plans. Elimination of these shortcomings will make it passible to monitor com- puter operating efficiency and evaluate it, will promote further improve- ment of the YES computer operating efficiency. References . 1. Yourdon, E. Design of on-line computer. Prentice-Hall, 1972. 147 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104437-8 r~ux ur.~r~iC1r~L u5~ UNLY _ 2. Pak, Ya. On assurance of third-generation computer reliability. PRIBORY I SISTEMY UPRAVLENIYA No. 9, 1975. 3. Molyavko, I. I. Use of statistical methods in control of quality and reliability of computers at the stage of production and operation. NADEZHNOST' I KONTROL' KACHESTVA No. 5, 1974. 4. Longbottom, R. Analysis of computer system reliability and m~intain- ability. The Radio and Electronics Engineers, Vol. 42, No. 12, 1972. COPYRIGH'P: Izdatel'stvo "Statistika", 1979 [207-8617] 8617 CS0:1863 : - ~ ~ , 148 _ - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104437-8 _ , FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY~~ - SYSTEMS PROGRAMMING SOFTWARE FOR INDUSTRIAL TESTS OF ' PERIPHERAL DEVICES. DEVICES FOR PROCESSING STATISTICAL INFORMATION. Moscow VYCHISLITEL'NAYA TEKHNIKA SOTSIALISTICHESKIKH 5'rRAN in Russian No. 5, 1979 si~r.ed to press 4 Apr 79 pn 133-141 ~xcerpts from.article by S. Voynov, N. Seanyagina and K. Boyanov, - Bulgaria] [Ecer.pts] .T.ntroduction of per~pheral devices (PU) forming the nomenclature of the Unified System, it is necessary to test both the correctness of operation . and their reliability and compatibility. The use of all-purpose computers for such testing is economically unprofitable. An essential shortcoming ' of systems which use specialized computers for this purpose are the lim- ited resources with respect to the PU corresponding to actual operating conditions. In study [1] a system is described which simulates systems (imitator) on the basis of minicomputers and a specialized monitor (adaptor) ensures close to actual operating conditions of the tested peripheral device. = In the current studies considered systems programming software for testing peripheral devices and the possibility that it provides for statistical processing of errors recorded during tests. Conclusion. The programming system described is used in industrial tests of peripheral memories produced by the enterprises of Bulgaria. Its mod- ular structure permits replacement of several test procedures as a function of new requirements imposed on the products or on modification of a given _ external memory. Infcrmation systems make it possible to process statis- - tical information required for the manufacturer as well as monitor the operatio>> of the PU, by detecting bugs arising during the warranty period. COPYRTGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Stazistika", 1979 [207--8617] _ 8617 - CS0:1863 149 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104437-8 ~ ~ vL~ vi a iviav, vui: v~~Ll = PROBLEMS OF RAISING QUAI~IFICATIONS OF PERSONNEL IN _ BASE PROGR~IMMING SOFTWARE, ' _ Moscow VYCHISLITEL'NAYA TEKHNIKA SOT5IALISTICHESKIKH STRAN in Russian - No. 5, 1979 signed to press 4 Apr 79 pp 142-144 [Article by V. S. Alexeyeva and G. A. Lepin-Dmitryukov, USSR] [Text] The shift to the new generation of computiny systems of high pro- ductivity with an enormous set of base programming software devices has ~ greatly sharpened the problem of programmer training. It is already im- possible to reflect all the devices of the YES EVM operating systems in training courses and even raore to teach programming in several algorithmic languages. It was necessary to find a means for more ; Zrrow specializa- tion of training which would ensure preparation of the gr?csate for suc- cessful independent assimilation of operating system hardware an1 applied programming software not covered within the instructional plan. At the Leningrad Institute for Increasing the Qualification of Workers of Industry and Urban Management in Control Methods and Technology (LIMTU) the training of programmers for the disk operating system (DOS YES) was ' done in two basic specializations: "programmers of DOS YES EVM" and "sys- tems programmers of DOS" . The first of the se specializations assumed the training of problem oriented program developers for elements of ASU programming software. The basic ; disciplines in this specialty are "disk operating system", "data management in DOS", "programming in assembler language" and "programminq in PL 1 algo- rithmic language." To study automation devices for elaboration of program- ' ming systems of ASU, students attended a course "Systems of ASU Programming - 5oftware". In addition to the aforementioned basic disciplines, the in- ' structional plan also included small courses entitled "Foundations of ASU Elaboration" and "Technical Hardware of the YES Computer Systein". _ The specialization "systems programmers of DOS" is oriented to the training of personnel in the operation cf ASU programming software. The basic dis- ciplines "disk operating system" and "systems of ASU programming software" , are aimed at a thorough study of operating system hardware and methods of elaboration and utilization of applied programming packages. This special- ' ization included cycles of laboratory work done by the students at the 150 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104437-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY computer control console. The laboratory work included simulation of various nonstandard situations occurring in the operation of a system and requiring rapid ~rogrammer response. As a result, the qraduates of the . Institute assimilated habits of computer operator work. This also made _ it possible to improve overall methods of operator training. The course "Systems of ASU Programming Software" th~roughly examined ques- tions of elaboration of applied programming packages (PPP) and is illus- trated by several widely used PPP of various functional desigr~ations-- questions of generation and monitoring of operating programs. The course and graduate studies of the students in this specialization we:~e oriented towards the analysis of operating system component function and elabora- tion of service programs to expand DOS possibilities. Th~e complex of text displays of the YES-7906 and packets of applied programs of the data base _ type were widely used in the course work. By 1975 the specializati~n was defined "programmers of OS YES EVM" whose instructional plan is similar to the appropriate specialization for DOS _ YES. The continuous expansion of the possibilities of operating systems and autcmation devices for elaboration of applied programming software led to - the need of an even narrower specialization for programmer training. _ Training in a short period of time of a programmer who has to assimilate an enormous volume of information on base programming software and learn - to efficiently use operating systems hardware in his developments, was almost impossible. The only possible solution to this problem is the sequential training of problem-oriented programmers: at first on base programming software devices which make it possible for the graduates to develop programming modules by using algorithmic languages of the system and then, after acquisition of some work experience, on devices for ela- boration and operation of applied programming software systems. - Training of programmers on base programming software of the computer for the disk operating system, for example, may be shortened to two mon~hs of instruction if the student is oriented to the use of one algorithmic lan- guage (assembler, PL 1 or COBOL). During this period it is possible to teach the technique of programming complicated programs, to examine all - functional resources of the operating system, to carry out a series of la.boratory studies on the function of the operating system under real conditions. To increase the inefficiency of inscruction on programming technology and - task control language devices of tne operating systems, modern technical hardware should be useci. For e~3mple, at LIMTU a dialogue instruction system for ~emote package processing of assignments is being incorporated that uses the YES-7906 complex. Experimental o~eration of this systems showed its high efficiency in the study of input la:~guages of the operat- ing system. _ The quality of training of programmers at the Institute for E nhancement of Qualification is also affected by the lack of instructional and methods 151 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104437-8 rvtt vrrll,ltiL U~~ U1VLY , materials in several disciplines. They must be prepared at a high methodological level in an extremely short time in order to reflect the _ latest versions of the operating system. The successful solution of the problems of enhancing qualification of pro- grammers in base programming software of the computer is one of the major - factors for efficient elaboration and operation of automated control sys- tems. A basic condition for resolving these problems is the high qualifi- cation of the instructors. For training instruction personnel it is necessary to have constant methods work of the appropriate departments and scientific research work of in- structors which is a fundamental source for acquiring practical skills in the utilization of base programming software devices in ASU. Instructors must keep in close touch with the latest technical documentation ori base prograzmning software and have adequate time for methods work on the com- puter. One source of information on problems of monitoring base program- ming software of computers can be the consultation of instructors for com- ~ puter users. COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Statistika", 1979 [207-8617] 8617 . CSd:1863 152 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104437-8 _ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY PROBLEMS OF RAISING QUALIFICATIONS OF EXPERTS IN ASU PROGRAMMING SOFTWARE BASED ON APPLIED PROGRAM PACKAGES Moscow VYCHISLITEL'NAYA TEKHNIKA SOTSIALISTICHESKIKH STRAN in Russian No. 5, 1979 signed to press 4.Apr 79 pp 144-147 [Article by;L. A. Ivanov and V. Ye. Sizov, USSR] [Text] Developers of working program complexes (applied programmers) have been given powerful operating systems containing programming components with a total volume of several million instructions; the variety ~f applied _ programming packages (PPP) on the world market numbers in the tens of thou- sands. Assimilation of these resources to tackle specific ASU jobs re- quires special and sufficiently high knowledge and skills which are quite different from the knowledge and skills of programmers who worked on the first and second generation computers. The problem of training (and retraining) programmers who are able to effi- - ciently work under the new conditions has become urgent: the complexity and keenness have intensified because, faced with a large number of di~fer- ent PPP, in essence there is no scientifically justified utilization struc- ture developed and the general principles have not been defined for increas- ing the qualification of specialists in development and operation of PPP. - On the whole, there are none of the necessary instructional plans, programs, methods guidebooks and training methods. Work experience in increasing qualifications is small and has been inadequately investigated, general- - ized and propagated. Experience gained in four years of training specialists in programming software for third generation computers at LIMTU allows us to formulate the following assumptions. It is necessary above all to indicate that in - raising qualifications, we should mark the limits of training for users who are not professional programmers but who need to obtain, while using - certain PPP, specific solutions to management problems, and the training ~ of professional ~rogrammers. In spite o~ the fact that both categories deal with the same object (maniQulate the same group of PPP), their inter- acti~n with the package, the nature of the job, knowledge and skills greatly differ. Training should naturally be done in different groups with various g'lans and programs. Below we will discuss issues related to the training of professional programmers. 153 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104437-8 r~x ~rrl~l[~1. U5~ U1vLY I Experience shows that it is currently impossible to train universal pro- grammers who freeZy master all of the enormous abundance of modern pro- gramming software; moreover, practice showed that this is not necessary. _ The wide range of application of computer technology required programmers to tackle individual special jobs with a unique knowledge of a narrow range and led to the separation of the once monolithic profession of pro- gramming into discrete specializations. The major divisions are as follows: ~ Development programmers of basic programming software; Development programmers for specific applied packages; Problem-oriented programmers creating program components for discrete sub- systems of automated control systems; Programmers assuring creation and use of complexes of remote data process- ing programs; Programmers tackling scientific and engineering jobs of a computer nature; Programmers of automated planning systems (SAPR); Programmers of automated control systems for technological processes, especially programmers for machine tools with numerical programming soft- ware; Programmers of programming software monitc~ring services. As a rule, a program tackles a single type of job (it works within the frame- work of one specialization) for a long time; technically, it is not used to solve questions of other specializations. This situation permits us to de- ~ termine the following technology of training (enhancing qualifications) of programmers. The knowledge and skills of a programmer should be differenti- ` ated on two levels: basic and special. Basic implies the fundamental in- - formation required for a programmer of any specialization; special reflects the specifics of a concrete specialization. Initial training of a programmer consists in i.mparting to him the minimum ! necessary set of basic knowledge and skills and special knowledge of one concrete specialization. Knowledge and skills are improved in the process of practical activity of the programmer. , Retraining (enhancing qualifications) is related as a rule to assimilation of new specializations and most often comes down to the acquisition of - knowledge and skills at a special level. When considering the totality of basic knowledge and skills, it is neces- sary to note that on one hand it is desirable that their volume be as small ~ as possible so that their mastery only takes a comparatively short period; _ on the other hand, the volume :;hould be adequate for mastery of complex special programming software. We should also bear in mind that the 154 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY I APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104437-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY minimally required volume of basic knowledge imparted to programmers dur- ing the initial training process should give them an opportunity for sub- sequent independent im~rovement~~mastery of new objects of programming software. In favor of this, knowledge and skills of the basic level should be thorough ana include fundamental issues of modern programming software. The basic level should include the following: A clear presentation of fundamental concepts of construction of a system of third generation computer programming software and automated control systems; Knowledge of basic resources of modern operating systems and the ability _ to use them in elaborating and exploiting ASU programs; Knowledge of basic programming in two languages--Assembler and a high level algorithmic language; A knowledge of the general characteristics and principles of organization of applied programming packages and basic methods of working with the pacJcage; The ability to elaborate relatively simple programs and use basic compo- nents of the operating system: translators, editor, librarian, service _ programs. A high level of basic knowledge imposes high requirements on trainees. Those entering the Institute for Increasing Qualifications are obliged to have higher physical and mathematical or technical education, practical work experience in creating programs and the minimum necessary knowledge and skills of the basic level. ~ In a short article it is impossible to examine the requirements for spe- cial knowledge in all the above specializations of programming. For example, we may cite that as a result of training, programmers can pro- vide creation and use of data bases and obtain knowledge on the following questions: Purpose ancl composition of major data base management systems (SUBD) and outlook for their development; Arrangement and use of basic ASU PPP realizing SUBD functions; Organization of data base processing under package conditions and remote access; ' Elaboration of structures and programming complex of ASU data bases. Much attention is given to the acquisition of practical skills which is _ promoted by performance by the students of laboratory c~urse and graduate work conducted on modern computers. As a result of training, students learn how to: 155 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104437-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Select SUBD for concrete elaboration; Elaborate the structure of data bases; - Determine necessary composition of programming devices for data bases and - elaborate individual programs; Exploit basic ASU PPP realizing SUBD functions. ~ The problem of raising qualification of specialists in ASU programming software, including specialists in ASU programming software based on PPP, should be resolved as part of the overall problem of raising ASU effici- ency and using computer technology in all CMEA countries. To combine the efforts of specialists from CMEA countries in training per- sonnel, the authors feel the following jobs are of top priority: 1. Elaboration of unified concept and methods of training and retraining specialists in ASU programming software based on PPP (goals, jobs, ~ basic content and instructional technology); ; 2. Elaboration of coordinated training plans and programs; ' 3. Determination of coordinated structure of instruction--methods-mater- ' ials, compositian of coordination plan of elaboration handbooks, ex- change of hanubooks. COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Statistika", 1979 [207-8617] ~ 8617 CS0:1863 , i ~ + ~ ~ ~ 156 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104437-8 FOR UFFICIAL USE ONLY INFORMATION ON NEW SM EVM COMPUTER HARDWARE. Moscow VYCHISLITEL�NAYA TEKHNIKA SOTSIALISTICHESKIKH STRAN in Russian No. 5, 1979 signed to press 4 Apr 79 pp 148-154 [Article by V. M. Zenin and Yu. A. Lavrenyuk, USSR] [Text] The SM-2101 processor (Fig. 1) is a desk-top model with the case removed that can be mounted on a standard rack. The SM-2103 processor (Fig. 2) also mounts on the standard rack. , rT t . T t `/'C~. , s5,~~ 4r~-vy... ~ . . . . . . . ~~~~e^!i`4r~n.. t . , ~ : . ~ - � ~~I..:A,r+'w'.... , II I 'X :'4t .f � . _ r� . w . . ~ . a q~ . . . . I . . . ni-.- ......:~.n. 1k.n.n.. Fig. 1. SM-2101 processor Fig. 2. SM-2103 processor Technical Specifications Code SM-2101 SM-2103 Developer USSR USSR ~'YPe Parallel Para].lel Capacity 16 16 Productivity in tackling operating Microprogramming Microprogramming control jobs, thousand opera- tions/sec.* 140 160 * Note: Productivity of processes defineci on the basis of_methods material MM SM EVM 019-78 "Evaluation of productivity of processors of SM EVM ac- cording to mixed characteristics". 157 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104437-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Control principle Microprogramming Microprogramming ~ Number of universal registers 5 8 Interrupt system Multi-level Multi-level - Interface system** 2K Common bus Rate of data exchange under monopole conditions, 1000 words/sec. Up to 270 Up to 1300 **Description of type 2K and common bus interfaces cited in methods mater- ials on standardization of SM EVM: MM SM EVM 005-76, respectively. Operating Memories The SM-3100 ferrite operatinq memory (Fig. 3) mounts in a standard rack and was developed in the USSR; the SM-3101 ferrite operating memory (Fig. 4) was developed in Poland. . . , ~ ~ ~.r, s~~`~a~~~~ ~ar ~ s k ~ ~ . ; .i ; ~ , r , Fig. 3. SM-3100 operating memory Fig. 4. SM-3101 operating memory Technical Specifications Capacity, K words 32 Word capacity, bits 16 + 2 monitor Cycle time, microsec. 1.2 Sampling time, microsec. 0.6 Magnetic Disks ~ The magnetic disk cassette memory type IZOT-1370, its code SM-5400, is mounted in a standard rack (Fig. 5). The magnetic disk cassette memory type MERA-9425 (Fig. 6) has the code S'ri-5401. 158 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104437-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ ~M m ~ ! . F�4r ; ~ . . y _a~,~ . M1 L , T - ~ ' < r ;y,. y~', ~d~~ ~r; . i S � z ~ [i i P',' ~ J ~ ~ l f~'4 j . s j ri ' ~ . R "t ~~'~~2? 1 t . a.. ~ ~i ~ . re /3 ri~:. . ~ . ~ ~ , . ~ r~~ . . . . . . . _ . . - . . . . ~ . . , I � . . , . _ ~ ~ . . . . . ....I ~ . ~ . Fig. 5. SM-5400 magnetic disk Fig,. 6. SM-5401 magnetic disk memory memory Control devices (controller) of magnetic disk memories SM-5400 and SM-5401 have the code SM-5105 (Fig. 7). It mounts in the standard rack and can service up to four SM-5400 and SM-5401 memories in the SM-3 and SM-4 com- plexes. , U9~ ~v-r . . . ~ ti O j~Y' . . a1~ . .y~~ i '~w`~�� 'ir?.~' c~"~~ ~ ' iw - ( 3 . .ys ~ ~:~t i ~r~'" . ;;,o . . ~ . � ~ . ; - Fig. 7. SM-5105 magnetic disk Fig. 8. SM-5500 magnetic disk _ memory control memory with fixed head 159 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104437-8 i vn vr r 11:1HL UJr: VN1~Y Technical Specification of Memories Code SM-5400 SM-5401 Developer ' ' - Bulgaria Poland Number of data'carriers 2 2 Capacity, M bits: ~ - Variable cassettee 25 25 Permanent disk 25 25 Rate of data exchange, M bit/sec. 2.5 2.5 Average retrieval time, milliseconds ' 45 40 The external mag disk memory contro? device SM-5501 includes a controller and mag disk with the type NID fixed heads which.have.the code number SM-5500. The controller can serve two SM-5500 memories in:the complexes . SM-1 and SM-2. The overall view of ~he SM--5500 memory.mounted on the standard rack is shown in Fig. 8. ' Tectinical Specifications of SM-5500 Memory � - Developer Hungary � Memory capacityp K byte, in modifications: SM-5500 860 SM-5500-O1 1720 ~ SM-5500-02 512 - ~M-5500-G3 1024 ~ Rate of data exchange, M bit/sec. 1.35 - Average retrieval time, millisec. 10 Video Terminal The overall appearance of the alphaniune~ic video terminal type VT-47100 is sY:own in Fig. 9. Technical Specifications Code � 5M-7206 Develoger ~ Hungary Rate of data exchange using parallel= - interface, symbols/sec. 1000 _ Number of symbols in set 96 - Screen size, millimeters 200 x 140 Number of lines 16 Number of syznbols per line 80 Number of symbols on the screen Up to 1280 Under off-line conditions it has the ability for text ~diting. 160 FOF OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000240100037-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY _ Tape Puncher/Reader The combined I/0 tape puncher type I~R-51/301 (Fig. 10) mounts in a stand- _ ard rack. v;x _ . . _ _ . . . ~._....w....,_.__...._...._......._......_ . . . . _ . ~ ! ~--r.~..~, ~ . _ ~ ~ - T.'31 ~ ~ ' ~ ~r/ ? 'S J ~ < _ ~ \ , . ~ , . a.i. . Y vA.~!., ~ ' . y'y,.. . ~f~.~~F ~ i.. t . ~ ~ ~ ; ; ; . ~ ~ - . . . . ~ ~ ~ A ..s~_ . ~ . Fig. 9. SM-7206 video terminal Fig. 10. SM-6200 punched tape - I/O device Technical Specifications Code SM-6200 Country Hungary Rate of input, lines/sec Up ~0 500 Rate of output, lines/sec Up to 50 Number of tracks on tape 5 or 8 Coding of data According to GOST 13052-74 Printer The alphanumeric mosaic printer type DARO-1156 (Fiy, lI) has the code num- _ ber SM-6301; the alphanumeric mosaic printer type DZM-180 (Fi.g. 12)--code SM-6302; the parallel printing alphanumeric printer VT-24112 (Fig. 13)-- code SM-6316; parallel printing alphanumeric printer VT-25150 (Fig. 14)-- . code SM-6321. 161 _ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104437-8 rvn vrrl~,tti1, u5r, VLVLI - . ~c . . ~ . . ~ ~ . _ ~ r c ~ ~1.~~31~ ~ "~y~L~ ' y ^,�~t�'S ~v...,~~~yy , 2' ~>t3. x'`~''t~A !ix ~~p� ' . ~yt~-~ . r. t..~ ' T _ k . ;s�`; ~ i�~3 = : . . ~ _ 'u' ~u~:~ :j ~ x n ~uX" � .~j~'k h ~./~~C~"; -tl ~ ~ ,~a~f ~ zy..~.C ~ .:.I _ s, 3; ' >r , . E,; , , : , - , . : tR , . Fig. 11. SM-6301 printer Fig. 12. SM-6302 printer _ ,w. . ~ ~w~~~~ - - ' . - , -F.~~ ~ ~YY1 _ ~ Fig. 13. SM-6316 printer . 1.62 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104437-8 r ux vr r t~ItiL u~r. ~ivLi _ f,,.w ;:S ~`r r=~-* ~su;~ ~ei f .+~~u~l ~ r .c" 'ri' _ ~ ~~c`~~~k3~'~ , x'~i~~,~w!'^ b - 14 , ~`?~4' k~=~3}~s'' X'~F E r s t i ; ,s ` ~ .~~'~~f '~�~~-r ~~'Sv~c j Es,C } ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . s~~~~~~^~'�s~~ ~ ~ . ` P " a~~''M { ~ >4 S ~ ~t a r ~3~.r~ ~ p ,~`oea ! , ,f . ~r : s 7> :r~ ~ .'~ ~~j x~ i~.r fi ~ ~~~'s . 4 y-;~~ ` ~ ~ : _ ~ e ` _ ; ~ 1 t~~~ ~I f 1~ . g~ i 5y, i ~ �L~ ti~j,' .f1:?"03. nl - ~ s ~ ~ a S ~ i.. ~ . ~ rye z a~ ~ f S~ ~--14' s . ,~p . ~;y. m ~'.c4.i~;et 1 a .:'s .y: ~S ~ TExFI YM1 F ay'z > ~~''~'3 s ~.b ~ Sy ' . ~ 0 t'r S P ~ 3 . ' t Y k; X ~ x! eY i~'v x4 ~~5 K t~Xy y �y'~ ~~*'�j~'r��wfz~' ~9 ~~S i ~a~ r u#~ Y ' t . x i ~ ~S ^C f �.k .:;1 ~ ~ \ ~ : / ~ ~t~ . ..r 2 ..,,Y J ~ ~ f X ,d,; �r : t t . . . . . . ~ . ~ , ~ -~A ',..~..~M:u3 �e ~ . ~ ~ . ~ . . Fig. 14. SM-6321 printer Technical Specification of Sequential Printers Code SM-6301 SM-6302 - Country E. Germany Poland Printing speed, sign/sec 100 180 - Number of symbols/sec 96 128 Number of symbols/line Up to 132 Up to 132 - Number of copies Up to 4 Up to 5 , Technical Specification of Parallel Printers Code SM-6316 SM-6321 Country Hungary Hungary _ Printing speed, line:/min 365 650 ~ Number of symbols i~ s~t 96 96 - Number of symbols/]ine Up to 80 Up to 132 ; Number of copies Up to 6 Up to 6 ~OPYRIGHT: Izdatel~stvo '0:~tatistika", 1979 [zo7-s617] 8617 CS0:1863 163 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104437-8 , FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY POLISH MAGNETIC TAPE MEMORIES. Moscow VYCHISLITEL'NAYA TEKHNIKA SOTSIALISTICHESKII~i STRAN in Russian No. 5, 1979 signed to press 4 Apr 79 pp 154-157 [Article by M. Vaytsen, Poland] [Text] The YES-5019 magnetic tape memory (Fig. 1) is designed for record- - ing data used for input ancl storage in Unified System computers. The memory enters and reproduces information on magnetic tape 12.7 mm wide a.^_cording to ISO standard. In entry, the NRZ-1 method is used (remagneti- . zation without return to zero, change of direction corresponds to unity, lack of magnetization designates zero). l.~#ilt M:... .1! . ~ ` ~ Iv~;'~ - 'S': f ! 3 3 ~ . ~ . ~ s ~ , ~ ~ : _ ~~i ~ xi~. ` ~ ~x ; . ~ ~ 6 6 � A ~ :S I _ ; ( F ; z E1 _ ~~:5'~` 's .k':^,~ . . . ~ - . t~..t Fiq. 1. YES-5019 mag tape memory (plant code RT-3) 164 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104437-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY At the front part of the memory is placed organic glass which is moved aside to replac:e the magnetic tape reels. The glass has an auto-lock. Above tne glass is the o.perator control console. Indicators signal to - the operator the actual status of magnetic tape memory. The basic units of the magnetic tape memory are as follows: tape advance and drive, recording and playback heads. In the YES-5019 memory is used _ a modern single-roller drive with vacuum compensating posts. The arrange- ment of tape on the posts is determined by a photoelectric sensor which - controls movement of the reels. The drive roller i~ placed on the axle - of a quick-response motor. The record and playback unit has a type GPT magnetic head made of solid ferrite. Because of the use of silicon IC, = the reliability of the automated circuits is greatly increased. Technical Specifications . Tape width, mm 12,~ Tape length, m 732 Number of tracks g Rate of tape motion, m/sec 3 Rate of data transmission (8-bit sign), sign/sec 96,000 or 24,000 Rated distance between sectors, mn~ 15.2 Recording density, lines/mm 32 and 8 Reading of stored data In both directions , Start (stop) time, msec 3.5 Rate of tape rewind, msec ~5 - Power supply 3 x 220 VAC, 50 Hz Consumed power,~ kW 1.5 ~ Size, mm 670 x 700 X 1700 Weight, kg -350 The magnetic tape memory YES-5112-02 (plant code RT-5). The basic design of the memory consists of a rack frame, movable frame with mechanisms, - side and rear casing, ventilation unit, ntaEgnetic heads, with cassette unit _ removal device, and operator console. " ~ - Technical Specifications Tape width, mm 12,~ Number of tracks g Density and method of recording, lines/mm: 32 (NRZ-1 method) 63 (FK method) Maximum rate o~ data transmission, K byte 100 (NRZ-1) 200 (FK) Average working speed, m/s 3.17 + 1~ _ Total reel rewind speed, sec 60 (for 10 1/2" reel) Start (stop) time, msec 3 - Rated distance between sectors, mm 15.2 165 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104437-8 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Number of tape passes in contact with magnetic head 100,000 (with reten- tion of the number of errors specified in the technical con- ditions) Tape loading Automatic, from reel ' with or without , threader ring - Maximum automatic loading time, sec 30 The number of playback errors in memory operation without correction of playback information of no more than one zone with an error (bit) per 1.1 x 105 correctly reproduced the zones (109 correctly reproduced bits). Constant errors are not permitted. This parameter is observed for both recording densities with an average zone lengtYi of 1024 lines. The magnetic tape memory YES-5002-02 provides for exchange of data re- corded on the tape with data on other devices satisfying the same require- ments with respect to method and arrangement of recorded information. The cassette type magnetic tape memory YES-5091 (Fig. 2) is designed for - storage of data in ADP systems. The memory enters and plays back infor- mativn on magnetic tape 3.81 mm wide. The magnetic tape is a standard type "Compa'ct" cassette and moves over the magnetic head which enters, reads and erases data according to ISO standard. Recording is done by the FK method. ~ . 7; - i ~~:!3,.^r.i ~ ' p~ . _ fY ~ j.., ~ ~ ~ � : ~ a : ~ �yM~r.Z ~rs ` ' 7 ~ . : : ~ ' ; { � � . : : ` . . . : . . : ~ ~ ~ ~ . . - . . f ' ! ~ ~ . 1~ i I~' - E _ Fig. 2. YES-5091 mag tape memory (plant code RK-1) ~ 166 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104437-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The cassette type magnetic tape memory has a modular structure and consists of three modules: drive, electronics and automation, and grid power supply. This design permits easy change of modules and creation of cassette memory _ systems. The device determines the arrangement of the cassette, start and end of tape, enables recording of data. The cassette is automatically locked after applying and sampling given mem- ory. The cassette is removed by pressing a button. The electronic cir- cuits are built on semiconductor elements and ICs. Recording and reading on magnetic tape is done by a ferrite single-track dual-gap magnetic head. _ Technical Specifications _ ~ Cassette type COMPACT Tape width, mm 3,81 ' Tape length, m 90 ~ Number of tracks 2 ~ Rate of tape travel, m/s 0.127 + 3~ ~ Maximum rate of data transmission, bit/s 4,000 , Rated distance between sectors, mm 20 ; _ Recording density, bit/mm 32 Readout of recorded information 'In two directions ~ Start (stop) time, ms 40 ~ Rate of tape rewind, m/s 2 - _ Power supply +15 V+ 3~, 1 A ' -15V+3~, 1A ' +5V+3~, lA ; Weight (without grid power pack), kg 3 Dimensions (without grid power pack), mm 180 x 180 X 200 COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Statistika", 1979 [207-8617] 8617 - CS0:1863 167 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104437-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY , PROGRAMMING SYSTEMS FOR THE YES-1030 COMPUTER Moscow VYCHISLITEL'NAYA TEIQ3NIKA SOTSIALISTICHESKIKH STRAN in Russian No. 5, 1979 signed to press 4 Apr 79 pp 157-162 [Excerpt from article by St. Lepetov, Poland] [Excerpt] The YES-1030 electronic computer produced in Poland is a highly efficient computer of inedium productivity with operating memory up to 1 megabyte and diversified set of peripheral devices. - In the article is described the system of programs permitting most effi- cient use of the YES-1030 computer: _ Larg~ management systems; Information retrieval systems; System for scientific and technical calculations; _ Engineering systems; Programming language converters. COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Statistika", 1979 [207-8617] 8617 CS0:1863 168 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104437-8 PROGRAMS FOR REALIZING MATHEMATICAL METHODS IN THE OPERATING SYSTEM OS YES Moscow VYCHISLITEL'NAYA TEKHNIKA SOTSIALSSTICHESKIKH STRAN in Russian No. 5, 1979 signed to press 4 Apr 79 pp 162-174 [Excerpt from article by Y~. Verner, East Germany] . [Excerp*_s] In the framework of Unified System of Computers, high productivity com- puters primarily use the operating system OS YES. Experience shows that an increase in computer productivity there is also a rise in expen- ditures for preparing it for use. Preparation for use and application of the computer may be facilitated, however, by using ready programming software. Below is cited a list of programming systems (SP) and program packages (PP) elaborated by the scientific and industrial combine "Robotron" for the operating system OS YES. - Notation ' Purpose , PS OPSI Linear, separable optimization and fractional linear optimization, including single param- eter expansions, vectorial optimization _ PP DISKO Optimization "0-1", mixed integer optimiz~- tion, optimization of transport - PP STATISTIK Mathematical and economic statistics PS SIMDIS Simulation of processes based on discrete models _ PP NETZPLANTECNIK Planning and monitoring perio8s, summation and balance of resour.ces PP NUMERISCHE MATHFI~IATIK Matrix calculation, linear systems of equa- tions, integration, differentiation, poly- nomials, etc. PP XEDO OS YES Unified organization of data bases for PP and SP of mathematical methods 169 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104437-8 FnR OFFICIAL USF ONLY _ Information on Applied Programs which Have Passed Compatibility Tests Applied Program Package "Planning of Capacity" (PPP-PM) Developer: Bulgaria, USSR Date of joint tests: 2 Dec 75 Operating system: DOS YES, Version 2.1 Mini.mum volume of operating memories: 64 Kbytes Proqramming language: PL/1 Field of Application At enterprises w~th discrete type of production for computing load of in- dustrial capacities. Brief Description - The basic purpose of PPP-PM package is to establish a correlation ot throughput of work sites with the industrial plan of the enterprise. The package can be used in planning the load of industrial capacities for a selected period of current planning and in determining the indus- - trial program for the following year. PPP-PM consists of a set of programs which analyze the course and se- quenc~ of execution of the program, create a systems operation base, create entries of work sites in the systems operation base, compile date tables, select working parameter values, set up matrices of transport time, create load bases, and compute the load of work sites according to the planned periods. All programs of the package consist of modules and are generated accord- ing to the parameters of the macro-instruction CP ~ST, selected by the user. Minimum Configuration of Computer Under Control of DOS YES Magnetic disk memories 2 ' Magnetic tape memories 1 Alphanumeric printer 1 Punched card reader 1 Card punch 1 Operator console 1 Compatibility tests were carried out on the YES-1020 computer: 17~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104437-8 r�ux ~r~r�.~c;l~, usE otvLY ~plied Program Package "Shop Management" (PPP-U?'s) Developer: USSR, Bulgaria Date of compatibility tests: 30 Nov 76 Operating system: DOS YES, Version 2.1 Minimum main memory: 64 Kbytes Programming language : PL/1 Field of Application The applied program packagp "Shop management" (PPP-UTs) is a component part of the information system of production management. It is designed for use in the ASU of machine and instrument construction enterprises with discrete production and a complex end product. Brief Description PPP-UTs pr.ogram packages provide shop managers with information on the initiation of orders and their transit through production. This permits the management of orders in the entire industrial cycle. To bring about this, the PPP-UTs realizes the following functions: presentation of orders to production, processing of information on open (presented to production) orders, retrieval and presentation of operational infarmation on the status of open orders, compilation of industrial assignmeats for incomplete operations in the planned period. It is possible to include user programs intended for processing report information during production and updating information base on the basis of this information. Minimum Configura~ion of Computer Operating Under Control of DOS YES _ Magnetic disk memory (for programs and data) 2 Magnetic tape memory 1 Alphar.umeric printer 1 Punched card reader 1 Card puncher 1 Compatibility tests were run on the YES-1020 computer. Applied Program Packages for Systems of ' Monitoring, Conversion and Correction (PPP KKO) Developer: Czechoslovakia Date of compatibility tests: Sep 76 Operating system: MOS YES Minimum ~r~emory : 64 Kbytes Programming language: Assembler 171 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104437-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Field of Application In all fields of the national economy for processing data bases on punched _ cards. Brief Description The KKO monitoring system transfers data bases from punched cards to mag- netic disk, and the following monitoring and correction functions are performed: Monitoring of data within a single entry; Monitoring of logical relations between data entries and catalogue entries stored on magnetic disks. Catalogues may be entered sequentially or in indexed sequence; Monitoring of completeness of data bases by the method of monitoring of sums; Correction of bases in which an error is detected. Minimum Configuration of Computer Operating Under Control of MOS YES ~ NML' 1 Punched card reader 1 ATsPU 1 Operator console 1 Compatibility tests were run on the YES-1020 computer. Applied Program Package "Operational Planning of Production" (PPP-OPP) Developer: Czechoslovakia Date of compatibility tests: 18 Jun 77 Operating system: DOS YES, Version 1.3 Programming language: Assembler Field of Application In an industrial enterprise with serial type of production with the pos- sibility of operational planning in natural ana. financial expressions, planning of industrial capacity and work site load. Bri.ef Description The program of this version PPP-OPP makes it possible to break up the pre-set plan of production into separate components, to draw up a re- quirements graph for separate components and separate stages of the plan and thereby balance the need for specific componeni:s in industrial ca- pacities. 172 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104437-8 The plan can be drawn up with or without consideration of the dynamics of production with calculation of industrial advances. The program permits continuous comparison with the actual status of pro- duction and respons e to specific situations making the necessary correc- tions in the pre-set plan. Furthermore, PPP-OPP executes independent functions of industrial calculations with the entire spectrum of articles ' produced at the enterprise. PPP-OPP has a subsystem of automated manage- ment system MARS is linked with other subsystems, chiefly PPP-TPP. The subsystem PPP-OPP consists of three modules: DISPO, Compilation of Material plan, and Creation of Industrial Capacity plans. Minimum Configuration of Computer Operating Under Gontrol of DOS YES Mag disk memory 4 Mag tape memory 2 Alphanumer ic printer i Punched card reader 1 Operator console 1 _ Compatil~ility tests were run on the YES-1030 computer. Applied Program Package "Labor and Wages Management" (PPP-UTZ) Developer: Czechoslovakia Data of compatibili ty tests: 16 Dec 77 Operating system: DOS YES, Version 1.3 Programming language: Assembler Field of Application In any sectors of the national economy to form basic infarmati.on funds on persons participati ng in the labor process. Brief Description A system of programs PPP-UTZ designed for sequential creation of basic information on every worker participating in the labor process. The in- formation fund contains information necessary for computing wages (sal- aries) and basic information for the personnel department and the plan- ning and economics department. Furthermore, PPP-UTZ fulfills functions of monitoring of pre-set indicators of unified accounting of workers. The subsystem UTZ consists of three modules: creation and servicing of _ the information fund, advance wages, differential piece rates, and cal- culation of wages-- total and with deductions. 173 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104437-8 FOR Ok'FICIAL USE ONLY Minimum Configuration of Computer Operating Under Control of D0~ YES Mag disk memory 3 tdag tape memory 4 Alphanumeric printer 1 Punched card reader 1 Operator console 1 Compatibility tests were run on tlie YES-1030 computer. S~stem MM--Set of Applied Programs for Tackling Jobs in ASU Data Processing The principle of development of the system MM (developer, Hungary) con- sists in the fact that most programs in data processing in ASU may be related to standard program classes (verification of correctness of primary data, opening of tables, updating of basic data bases, retrieval of entries in the bGse, et~.). System MM provides so-called standard programs for tackling specific types of jobs. The standard program realizes an algorithm which is typ- ical for a given class af jobs. In tackling specific jobs it is npces- sary to supplement the skeletal algorithms with parameters of the given job (description of entry structure, structure of tabulograms, branching conditions in the course of execution of algorithms, etc.). For indica- tion of parameters is used a special language AP (adapting parameters) and a translator from this language. _ System MM is designed for the YES-1010 computer and for middle models of YES computers operating under control of the DOS YES operating system.` Th? first set of standard programs successfully passed the International Compatibility Tests after which a second set of programs with greatly , expanded resources was elaborated. COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Statistika", 1979 [207-8617] 8617 C50:1863 ~ 174 FOR OFFICIAi, USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-00850R040240100037-8 ~ r vn vr r t~,1HL Ub~; UNLY ANNOTATIONS FROM "CONIPUTER TECHNOIAGY OF SOCIALIST COUNTRIES" Moscow VYCHISLITEL`NAYA TEKHNIKA SOTSIALISTICHESKIKH STRAN in Russian No. 5, 1979 signed to press 4 Apr 79 pp 180-182 - [Excerpt from Annotations from the Journal] _ [Excerpt] Kryukov, Ye. V.; Shokhin, N. N, Elaboration of the main module of BD SIOD oriented towards expanded data base. Three methods are presented for generating the main programming module in the SIOD data base, requirements are cited for labor e~tpenditures. Rec- cmmendations are made on the use of each method. - Blinov, V. P., Bazov, a. N., Shibanov, G. V. File archive in DOS YES. ~ A pragramming package is described "Organization and management of a file archive" whcse basic purpose is to provide the user with means of auto- matic file management on magnetic tape. Shown are its functional re- - sources, composition of catalogues and working with it, realization of ~ = fu.nctions of the user access to the archive. Yermolayev, B. I. Questions of reliability of programming software of computing systems during its development. _ The extent of error tolerance, a prediction of their occurrence, the bal- _ ance of labor expenditures to eliminate them can be determin~d based on the theory of reliability considered in several aspects in the ar.ticle as compared with the theory of reliability of hardware. Shown is the appli- cation of tizis theory to tackle the job of obtaining balanced reliability of programming software. ' CdPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Statistika", 1979 [207-8617] 8617 CS0:1863 - END - ` 175 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100037-8