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."J'i774kLiirA i n n_E____ nnneinni For 0 MAY 1949 DI.DI CLASSIFICAiIC!N 'SECRET CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 25XREPORT INFORMATION REPORT CD NO. COUNTRY Germany (Russian Zone) SUBJECT Railway Shipments Through Eberswalde Mw all PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO. ACQUIRED THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF U.. OF THE UNITED STATES WITH S C.. 31 AND 32 AS AMEN ITS CONTENTS IN ANY MA IN TH DED. NNER E M ITS TO EANING OF THE ESPIONAGE ACT 50 TRANSMISSION OR THE REVELATION AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PRO- HIBITED BY LAW. REPRODU CTION OF THIS FORM IS PROHIBITED. 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 LnU SI E ATTAN1IE1 25X1 25X1 25X1 8 December 195C NO. OF PAGES 1 s NO. OF ENCLS.. 1 (6 pages) (LISTED BELOW) . . SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION railway shipments through Eberswalde during the period 2 July through 28 August 1950 25X1 CLASSIFICATION MGRET ORR, 25X1 Approved For Releasq~2005/02/14: CIA-RDP83-00415R006900060009-0 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/02/14 :,Cl9R1 .8U CB15R006900060009-0 Subject: Railway shipments through Eberswalde From 2 July through 8 September 1950 the following trains were observed at Eberswalde, Brandenburg: 1. 2 July. a. Train from Berlin, enroute to Stettin Harbor. 37 tank b. Train from Berlin enroute to Stettin Harbor. 35 tank cars 25X1 loaded with paraldehyde. 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 The armored vehicles were equipped with large wheels each. Two were equipped with turrets and four were not. They carried cannon of 5 to 7.5 centimeter calibre. Each vehicle carried its antennae extended. Accompanied by military personnel wearing black and red shoulder markings. 4. At irregular intervals trainloads of dis-assembled wooden houses go through Eberswalde enroute from Pasewalk, destined for the railway station at Kowel. A refrigerator car labelled "empty" often makes several trips a day between Eberswalde and Templin. The addressee is: The Red Army, Col. MILITSCH NKO's 25X1 Unit. the maneuvre area around 2. 4 July. Train [----]from Frankfurt Oder with 17 tank cars of gasoline. Destination: Train also contained 2 freight cars being sent to elten under boviet escort. 5. 5 July. a. 47 freight cars loaded with potash (58-62%) enroute from Eberswalde to Stettin harbor. Ito RASNOW EXPORT STETTIN, b. 35 freight cars loaded with cotton, enroute from border station orka (? Sic) to Riesa, Sachsen. Customs entry markings on freight. Co Six open freight cars carrying radio cnrs and armored reconnaissance cars from Mullrose to Stendal. Approved For FORM NO. FE8 1948 51.58 069$(R9009-0 Approved For Release 2005102.41k:"4IF,gt43-00415R006900060009-0 25X1 25X1 25X1 page 2 4. (Cont.) Templin is the principal maneuvre area of the 4th Mechanized Army. -e states that the area is occupied by units of the 25th and 10th Armored Divisions and of the 6th Mechanized Division.) 5. 24 July 1950. 'Crain I Iwith 8 freight cars carrying a total of 120 Soviet soldiers, and 38 flat cars. Enroute from. "berswalde to L4eberose near Frankfurt/0. The shipment included 12 triple-axled trucks, 2 field kitchens with rubber covering, 8 motorcycles with side-cars, 7 T-34's, 5 caterpillar tractors, 2 twin- axeled vehicles (rubber covers), 3 armored reconnaissance oars. 6. 25 July 1950. a. 38 freight cars loaded with VOLKSPOLIZEI members enroute from Berlin-Pankow to Prenzlau. 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 b. Train from hberswalde to L&eberose near 1"rankfuurt/0. Two freight cars carrying: 3 officers, 5 non-commissioned officers, 50 men. Nine flatcars each carrying one T-34. Seven flatcars carrying: 5 trucks, 1 field kitchen, 1 motorcycle with side car, 4 light armored reconnaissance cars (jeep chassis), 1 trailer with military supplies. c. Fight freight cars carrying: 6 officers, 10 non-commissioned officers, 81 men. 27 flatcars with 4 anti-tank cannon of about 7.5 centimeter calibre, 5 tractors (twin-axled), 6 trucks (triple axled), 3 light armored reconnaissance cars as in 6-b above, 1 water trukk (500 liters capacity), 1 ambulance, 77 motorcycles with sidecars, 1 passenger car (BMW), 4 amphibious vehicles, 1 omnibus. 25X1 7. 27 July 1950. 25X1 25X1 a. Train with 28 open freight cars loaded with coal. ''nroute from Neuolsnitz, Sachsen, to WJolgast harbor. b. Train II with 40 freight cars loaded with cement enroute from Nienburg, aale, to the freeport at atettin. 25X1 8. 28 July 1950. 25X1 25X1 Fra.nkfurt 0 to Biesenthal, Mark. Addressee: Accompanied by 1 officer and 4 enlisted men. 45 freight cars loaded with cement enroute from Nienburg, Saale to the Stettin freeport. 25X1 9. 29 July 1950, 25X1 a, 4 freight cars loaded with cement, enroute from Nien- burg to freeport at Stettin. 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 200 5 I -00415ROO6900060009-0 F_ I Approved For Release 2005/02/14 CIA-RDP83-00415R006900060009-0 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 40 tank oars of gasoline enroute from Gross-Korbetha to Port Centra Stettin. F_ I 14 freight cars of ammunition from I rankfurt/0 to Wulkow, Ir. Ruppin. Escorted by 1 officer and men in a passenger ru omo i . All tore black and red shoulder markings. 18. 5 ;August 1950. 5 freight oars, carrying; 20 oases of 25X1 mining machinery SCHRAPPER from Nordhausen/Thuringen to freeport a' Stettin. 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 9. (Cont.) page 3 b. 44 freight cars of cement, enroute from Nienburg, Sai41e to Otettin Freeport. 31 July 1950. 41 open freight cars load with coal, enroute from Neuolsnitz, Sachsen to freeport at Stettin. 11. 1 August 1950. a. Train with 1 tank car of gasoline from Velten/mark enroute to Wolgast. your tank cars gasoline from Velten ark to Alolgade. Two tank cars gasoline from Velten M"rk to inow. markings. oars ammunition from Frankfurt/0 to Furstenberg/Mecklenburg. Escorted by three men wearing black Train -with 5 freight c. ? freight cars of wheat flour enroute from Eberawalde to ogelsan . Escorted by three men wearing black and red shoulder markings. d. oviet leave train) from erankfurt/0 enroute to 6chwerin/ Mecklenburg. 7 freight cars of wheat flour from Eberswalde to Templin, accompanied by 2 escorts wearing black and yellow shoulder markings. 12. 2 August 1950. 14. 6 August 1950. I2 tank cars of gasoline from Velten/Mark to i inow-Sud. 15. 7 August 1950. Train 8111 with 1 tank car gasoline from Velten/Mark to Finow-Slid. 16. 8 August 1950. 4 frei gh oars enroute from Eberswalde from ''erlin Approved For Release 2005/0 1 r QIL& ff 415R006900060009-0 Approved For Release 2005102L14 : CIA 3 04158006900060009-0 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 16. a. (Cont.) page 4 livestock market with a cargo of herring. Escorted by 1 officer and 4 men wearing black and yellow shoulder markings. tank cars of gasoline 1 jet fighter plane with accessories. with one 4-axled flatcar carrying The train also carried one freight car under Soviet escort of 1 officer and 5 men (blue shoulder markings). The shipment was enroute from Zinnowitz on the island of Usedom to brest- Litovsk. It was transferred at Eberswalde from Eberswalde to Frankfurt/0. 25X1 17. 11 August 1950. Train nroute from Velten/Mark to rrenzlau with 3 VZx1 18. 12 August 1950. Train from Stassfurt to Stettin harbor with 49 25X1 freight cars of potash 25X1 19. 14 August 1950. 25X1 a. Train from Karlsdorf to Stettin freeport with 44 freight cars of oement. 25X1 I 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 b. Train from Mersebur- to Stettin freeport with 29 tank cars of paraldehyde. Also one freight oar enroute to Pasewalk, escorted by 2 VOL:SPOLIZEI Wachtmeisteren. c. Train from Gotha/east to Stettin Freeport. Train consisted of 2 flatcars carrying 4 boilers, 4 flatcars with 10 cases of machine parts, 1 open car with 2 cases of machine parts, 1 freight car escorted by 1 police Oberwachtmeister and 2 Wachtmeisteren belonging to-the transport police. The escort personnel were to accompany the train as far as Pasewalk. 25X1 20? 15 August 1950. Train I lenroute from Dessau to Stettin freeport. 2 5X1 13 flat oars with 30 cases of machine parts. 1 freight oar escorted by 2 oversergeants who had been ordered to accompany 25X1 the shipment as far as Pasewalk. 25X1 21. 21 August 1950. 25X1 a. Train II from Nordhausen to Stettin freeport. 25X1 Train consisted of 23 flatcars carrying 28 cases of machine parts, and 1 open freight car with 5 oases of machine parts. 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 b. Train from NienburgJSaale to Stettin freeport. I Forty freight cars loaded with Portland cement. c. Train from Gotha-east enroute to Stettin freeport. 14 flat cars with 26 eases of machine parts and 5 open cars carrying 15 cases of machine parts. Approved For Release 2005 / eIRf8TOO415ROO69OOO6OOO9-O , FR Approved For Release 2005/02/14 ; CIA-RDP83-00415R006900060009-0 21. (cont.) 25X1 d. Train rom Merseburg enroute to -)tettin freeport. 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Thirty-five tank cars of paraldehyde. e. Train from Goschwitz, Thuringia, enroute to Stettin freeport. r'orty-three freight cars loaded with Portland 22. 23 feu ust 1950. Train lIfrom Iienburg/Salle to Stettin freeport. F_ I orty freight cars of Portland cement. 23. 25 August 1950. Two troop-transport trains from the direction of Frankfurt/ Oder. Each carried one company of troops enroute to the Eberswalde garrison. 24. 28 August 1950. 0netroop-transport train with one company of troops for the Eberswalde garrison. 25. 29 August 1950. Train oute from Stassfurt to Stettin freeport with 45 freight cars of potash 26, 2 September 1950. Train from Nienbur Saale to Stettin freeport with 52 freight cars of Portland cement. 27. 3 September 1950. a. Train from Zinnowitz to TSCH.Lr;RNATKOWSK, USSR, with 10 freight cars loads with wooden houses. b. Train from Gotha-east to Stettin freeport. Five flatcars with 12 cases of machine parts. Addressee; LJENV STRhNS. 25X1 25X1 28. 4 September 1950. 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 a. Train from acho e k Elbe to Bernau near Harlin. 4 Zrf,i,ll~ cars wit ammunition b. Train =romWittenber1e to Frankfurt on Oder. with 6 freight cars loaded with edible oils. 29. 5 September 1950. a. Train fron Ni.enbur !Scale to Stettin freeport with 45 freight cars o cement. b. Tra.iniIfrom Stassfurt-Leopoldshall to Stettin freeport. Fifty freight oars loaded with potash E_ I e. Frain From i+eukirch to Eisenspalterei Kleinbahnhof near Eberswalde. One freight tazt car with trunks and food supplies. 30. 8 September 19:50. EL, Train from Oberaltehemnitz to Stettin free port. Thirteen flatcars AjcPp~crF ~ R e &tI0M/Q' " It _0 0 4 15 R -0 -0 G_ Q_ -0 -0 -0 G_ -0 0 0 Q -0 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/02/14: C1A-RDP83-00415R006900060009-6 30. a. (Cont.) U I T page 6 Escorted by 2 VOLKSPOLIZEI members from Chemnitz. b. Train L-Jfrom Dresden Neustadt to Stettin free port. Three open cars containing oases of machine parts. Escorted by VOLKS?OLIZEI member from Dresden. c. Train from Miittelbach to Finowfurt MI rk. Two freight cars loaded with mineral oil. ET Apprc