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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/16: CIA-RDP83-00415R009700170001-5 FORM NO. 5I.61 MAY 1949 CLASSIFICATION SECRET CONTROL US OFFICIALS ONLY SECURITY INFORMATIp CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPOR T INFORMATION REPORT CD NO. COUNTRY USSR (Leningrad) DATE DISTR. 17, March 1953 SUBJECT Scientific Research Institute No. 380 (NII-380) NO. OF PAGES1 PLACE NO. OF ENCLS1 ACQUIRED (LISTED BELOW) DATE SUPP OF AGQR R REPOR1 THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES WITHIN THE MEANING OF THE ESPIONAGE ACT 50 U. S. C.. 31 AND 32. AS AMENDED, ITS TRANSMISSION OR THE REVELATION OF ITS CONTENTS IN ANY MANNER TO AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON 15 PRO- HIBITED BY LAW. REPRODUCTION OF THIS FORM 15 PROHIBITED. CLASSIFICATION SECRET/CONTROL US OFFICIALS ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/16: CIA-RDP83-00415R009700170001-5 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/16: CIA-RDP83-00415R009700170001-5 This =at rtb1 prx=al by HI C? UiS(-I, Central !n oil-+ u. a Agency 1. In early I,-y)ril 1948 Ru::._:i aai en ,iine er, PISKUNOV, ap; roa _chod number of workers at the SIEYI.rl,vS ':;orka, 1:-?g~51'~1DT, inviting ttioni to contract for two years work in a Television Institute in L1aENGIL~D. to ca11r:ry of 3 300 roubles/month 'aLLP, mentioned. 1, number of worlkera who declined to volunteer for thic work in the USSR received notice to report for work in J.UE. 2. The firL:t ti ancpc: t, of About 50 aoulc, left 1' NST:.DT for the US"r in the .~?rly morning of 15 :.). 10, The route was through LEIPZIG L..nd EIL.ENDUIRG to D'R,.IPcirURT/0der: in the latter town a young; baby died ac; a result of 3. From F2'1TYFT.RT/0dor the train went through WARSAW to BREST: there a company of coldierc helped r:ith the unloading of the f milier~' furniture. Rouble:: were distributed for buying nece;;;;itieo. The journoy continued through VILNIUS (VILNA) and D~.UGI~VPILS (D Tr'1T3TTi:G) to the .jar aw Railway Station, LENINGR'.D. L~.. (a) In Lr' JIIvGR:',D the fnxni.llec v,urc fir,--t accommodated for three dare in the Ilotol i?-!EVr-. Their movement 'tae eevurely rcatrieted. They wore then removed to their more pui ancnt ?u :rt,;. , which included a block of f1a.ta at `10 y'.U CI? U.C',EE '-55, in the couthern part of L 721iG11_'.D. (b) 1, number of German familiar, lived at M0LOW.UE.c CH?'.US?EE 45 with to Ru cic.n f: milic.,, thoac of INIOVIi;.OV nd GUDIIi, both work rca in the LEININTGF.:D Scicatific , ..earch Institute 380 (4II-380). N I. X80, LENINGR/D 5. Loc4u_tion NIX-380, L.t which the Ge rm:,nnL; froi,t v,,(-,,re employed, wac in the northern mart of LENING-RAD. It ti~?-:cs near the penultimate atop on tra.wiwc,.y line 9 from LJITINGR:D contra. The atop on thin tram route at a Polytechnic Institute. 6. -out 1'Eiia is cihown on the