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AM legal all V.A., professor, radaktor; GONCHAROV, p I.A., redaktor isdatelletva [Sub-kirmaki series of the eastern part of Apsheron Province and its oil bearing possibilities) Podkirmakineksia evita vostochnoi chanti Apsheronakci oblasti i as neftenoonost'. Baku. Azerbai- dzhanskoe goo.izd-vo neft. i nauchno-takha. lit-ry, 1957. 215 p. (MIJU 10:9) (Apsheron Frovince-Petroleum geology) ALIMUMOT X. IT. h ____ - __ 01110100 __ Yormation watere vt thom-sub-Kirmaki series In the Apsheron Archipelago. Aserb, neft, khos, 36 no,41l-4 Ap 157. (MLRA 10t6) (KIsheron Peninsula--Oil field brines) , ALIKHAVOV, R.N. _-- - Prospects for explo:.-ing for oil and gas pools in the Sub-lirmaki series. Azarb.neft.Ichoz. 36 no*7:1-4 Jl 157. (MIRL 10:10) (Apsheroji Peninsula-Petroleum geology) MUDZFMV, S.A.; ALIKRAITOV, 1.11. Development of oil production in Azerbaijan offshore areas. Azerb. neft.khoz. 36 no.lL:22-25 11 11:2) (Azerbaijan--Oil well drilling, Submarine) ALLUA , Anver Nazarovich, [Development of tht petroleum and the gas industries in Azerbaijan] Rasvitie neftianol i gazovoi promyshlennosti Azerbaidshane sa somiletie. 1959-1965 gg. Baku, Azar- neftneshr, 1959. 93 P. (MIRA 13:8) (Azerbaijan-Petroleum industry) Uzerba*ui-Gas industry) 1. ALIKELMV. Z. N. lew problems of th~) Azerbaijan petroleum industr7. Aserb. neft. khos. 38 no.8:1-3 Ag 159. (MIRA 13:2) (Azarbai,lan--Petroleum induAtry) c -ALI M.NOV. 3.11. ; KAUYM&N, V.P. Improvement ofthe wage system in drilling departyents is an urgent problem. Azerb.neft.khoz. 38 no.11:45-48 R 59. (HIRA 13.5) (Oil well drilling) (wages) ALIKHkNOV,, E.N.; KULIYEV, I.P.; SAMEDOV, F.I. CKaractaristics and principles of the efficient development of offshore petroleum fieldo. Sov.geol. 4 no.10.-100-107 0 161. (MIRA IJ+: 11) 1. Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-issledovatel'sk-4y i proyektnyy institut morakay mefti, (Azerbaijan-Oil well drilling, Submarine) --A-L -NEANY-1-LA. ~-Jl HU SHANOV , N.A.; AK11UNUOV, V.Yu.; AI,1'1.'AUF, M.A.; A~IZBEEOV, Sh.A.; F.ACIROV, M.A.; VEZIROV, S.A.; VOLOBUYEl, V.R.-, ELKILOV, F.M.; GADZHYEA', N.M.; GU SEYL D.M.; GUSEYNOV, I.A.; DtIDASHEV, h.h.; DADASHZADE, M.A.; DALIN, M.A.; ISFENDEROV, M.A.; KAZIYFV, M.A.; YARAYEV, A.I.; KASSITKAY, M.S.; KELIDYSH, Y.V.; KERIMOV, A.G.; LEMBEWSHY, A.D.; MAMEW4, G.K.; MEKHTIYLV, M.R.; YdRWYEV, S.A.; NAGIYEV, M.F.; NUERULLAYEV, N.I.; OFUDZHEV, R.1,.: lbWZWOOV, R.A.: RUDNEV, K.N.; SADYKHOV, R.N.; SEMENOV, N.N.; TJFCFIYEV, A.V.-, TOPCHIBASHEV, M.A.; TAIROVA, T.A.; KFALILOV, Z.I.; LFENDIYEV, G.Kh.; snymovil, Z.Z. IUsif Geidarovich Mamedaliev; obituary. Uokl. AN Azerb. SSR 17 no.12:1123-3.126 161. (MIRA 15:2) (Mamedaliev, Iusif Geidarovich, 1905-1961) ALIFHANOVP E.N. -- [Forty years of Azerbaijani industry; 1920-1960]Promyshlen- nost' Azerb&idzha:ia za 40 let; 1920-1960 gg. Baku, Azerbaid- zhanskoe gos. izd-vo neftianoi i nauchno-tekhn lit-ry, 1960. 133 P. iMIRA 161l) (AzerMijan-Industries) ALI2!09S,.-E-R.; ARUSUA1401r, N.A.; AKHUNDOV, V.Yu.2 ALIZADE, M.A.; AZIZBEKOV, bh.A.; BAGIROV, II.A.; VEZIRCV, S.A.; VOLOBUYEV, V.R.; ITKILOV, F.M.; GADZHIYEV, N.M.; GUBEYNOV, D.M.; GUSIYNOV, I.A.; DADASIIEV, K.K.; DADASHZADE, M.A.; DALIN, M.A.; ISKENDEROV, M.A.; KAZIYEV, M.A.; KARAYEV, A.I.; KA&MAY, M.S.; KELIDYSH, M.V.; KERIMOV, A.G.; LEMDERANSKIY, A.D,; MAMEDOV, G.K.; M17HTIYEV, M.R.; MIRZOYEV, S.A.; NAGIYEV, M.F.; NASRULLAYEV, N.I.; OGUDZHEV, A.K.; RADZHABOV, R.A.; RUDNEV, K.N.; SPS,,'CKHOV, R.N.; SEPENOV, N.N.; TOPCHIYEV, A.V.; TOPCHIBASHEV, M.A..; TAIROVA, T.A.; KHALILOV, Z.I.; MNDIYEV, G.Kh.; SHUKYTIROVP., Z.Z. IUsif Geidarovicb Mamedaliev. Azerb.khim.zhur. no.6:5-6 161. (MIRA 15:5) (bliunedaliev, IUsif Geidarovich, 1905-1961) ALIKHAEOV, E.N.; MIRCHINK, red.; AMINEDOV, G.A., red. (Oil and gas fieldD of the CasPian Sea] Neftiarye i ga- zovye mestorazhdanUa Kaspiiskogo moria. Bakup Azerneshr, 1961, 382 p. (1-111RA 17:10) ALIKRANOV, E.N.; ASAN-NURI, A.O.; KULIYEV, I.P.; MAMOV, B.H.; 0 S.A.; TIH)FEYEV, N.S. Off-shore oil of i,hu M.S.R. Neft. khoze 42 no.9/10i 46-51 S-0 164. (YJRA 17:12) ani (m la;, -18.5) 62-Rarpov 'Wt. .11 UN -no rafractiv tadd* e nil of a fluid tma be detemilned m be tWractometer it the materLod is tmasiarred ~kplwvy to a Small pieve of O~arettv paper lit placcd 111isul.. 1. S. SMITH USSR/Organic Chemistry. Theoretical and General Questions of Organic Chemistry. Abs Joux Ref Zhur - Mimiya, No. 8, 1957, 2661:3. Author Kololev, A.; Shatenshteyn A.i Yuryging, Ye., Kalinachenko, V.i aikhanov, P. Inst Title Isomerization of Monodeuteronaphthalenes. Orig Pub Zh. obshch. khimiit 1956, 26, No. 6, 1666 1672. E-1 Abstract The questio,n of the possibility of transposi,- tion, of cC-.H i-aid S'-H in the naphthalene molecule wE,s *`nvestigated by the method of deuterium interchange. It is shown that if vapors of (X-eleuterona hthalene as well of A-dauteroraplithalene fl and 113 in a flow of nitrogen are passing above silica gel at 4200, Card 1/3 USSR/Organic Chemistry. Zheoretical and General FI-1 Questions of',.Organic Chemistry. Abs Jour Ref Zhur EMmiya, No. 81 lge"t; 26613. transposition,of D and the formation of ,i 14 'xture consisting of,approximately eqr."- M amount 15. of"tbeAwo isomers,will be obstrved. Dueterium ifa4,, not., transposed in the naintithalene molecule ail, iiAisating of I and II at 4000 for 52 hours irt ii',hsenee of silica gel. The.method ,,:Lon is based on the differs- 'nee in of invostig'ai speeds of rogen interchange between I or II with liquid I.Mr. The speed constants C were determined b6tAng on experiments of int rehange of I and II 41th HBr at 250: C in see-, is 2 to 3 x 10'"') for I and 5 x 10-5 for IL It is shown at the same time, that oc-methylnaph- thalene, as well as A-methylnaphthalene (III and-IV) are converting mutually one into th-e Card 2/3 iUTHORS: Shatenshtern, A. I., Vedeneyev, A. V., SOV/79-26-lo-3/60 Alikhanov, P. P. TITLE: Hydrogen React~ion of Phenol, Its Ethers and of the Aromatic Amines With Liquid DBr (Vodorodnyy obmen fenola, yego efirov i aroraticheskikh aminov s zhidkim DBr) PERIODICAL: Zhurral obshchey khimii, 1958, Vol 26, Nr lo, pp 2638 - 2644 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Shatenshteyn a.,id his collaborators had earlier found the rules govemiing the deutero reaction in hylrocarbonz. dissolved in liquid DBr (Refs 1,2). In this paper the results are gi,.,en which were obtained in the h-;drojen reaction with liquid DBr in aromatic compound-.3 that contain substituents with an oxygen or ritro.-en atom. The free election pairs of oxyCen or nitrogen of t--,e substituents are in mesomeric relation to the n-electrons of the aromatic nuclei, which fact causes an increase of the elect-?on density in the ortho and para-atozms (Ref 4). The af:'iliation of the proton (deuteron) to the electron pair of the nitrogen or oxygen atom Card 1/3 causes its trani--ition so the quaternary or ternarj ion Hydrogen Reaction of Phe.-iol, Its Ethers and of the S07/79-28-410-3/6o Aromatic Amines With Liquid DBr with simple p,)aitive charge. These characteristic features of the compounds mentioned above are the decisive characteristics in their deutero reaction with acids. The hydrogen reaction on phenol and it-, ethers (C H OCH CH 6 5 31COli'DC05 )and on oromatic amines CC6H5 N(U 3)2' (C6H5)2 NH, (C61H5)3N ith liquid D-Br as well as with DBr+AlBr 3 ivere investigated at 25 0. In all compounds of the first 6-roup the ortho and para-atoms react immediately whereas in the second group this rapid reaction takes place only with (C6 H 5)3 N, with all others only slowly or not at all. AlBr 3 causes the reaction of the meta-atoms in the phenol ethers and delays the irea-~tion in (C6H5)3 N. The different behaviour of compounds containing oxygen and nitrogen in the hydrogen reaction with DBr+AlBr depends on their different rela-,Ion to the ProtoA ana on the different Card 2/3 coordination capability of oxyten and nitroeen atoms. Hydrogen Reaction of Phenol, Its Ethers and of the 307/79-28-10-3/60 Aromatic Amines With Liquid DBr There are .5 tittles and 17 references, 10 of waich are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-khinicheskiy institut imeni L.Ya.Karpova (Physical Chemical InstUate imeni L.Ya.Karpov) SUBMITTED: August 20, 1957 Card 3/3 66428 ,57.2- 0 0 o c, SOV/20-128-6-33/63 AUTHORS: Alikhanov, P. P., Varshavekiyq Ya. M. TITLE: Equilibrium Distribution of Deuterium on Hydrogen Exchange With Liquid DeuterLus Iodide PERIODICAL: Doklady Akade:nii nauk BSSR, 1959, Vol 128, Ur 6, pp 1214-1216 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This paper beLongs to a serieo of investigations of the isotope equil-.1'bria. in various s-.istems of hydrogenous compounds (Refs 1-4)- An in,restigatLon is made of the exchange reaction between the aroma-sic C-H '3ond and thEt deuterium-containing HJ. Benzene, which would be well suited for this investigation because of the equivalence o:! all H ateiao, react a too slowly so that di- pheny:' had to be used. In the dissolution of diphenyl in liquid hydrojen iodide the 6 H-atams in ortho- and para-poaition are easilj exchanged while the 4 H-atoms in meta-position virtual- ly did not retict. The deuterium concentration in HJ was deter- mined by anal,rsig of the wa-~er obtained by decom 013itiOtl Of HJ in the nitrogen current cver CuO at 350 - 400 The reaction with Jiphenyl took place in sealed glass tubes at a pressure of 4 - 15 atm. Aftex equilibration had been reached, the HJ was Card 1/2 evaporated, the diphenyl in the oxygen current was burnt, and_ 66428 SOV/20-128-6-33/63 Equilibrium Distribution of' Deuterium an Hydrogen Exchange With Liquid Deuterium Iodide the deuterium content of the water obtained was determined. The resulting distribution coefficient a was checked by the counter- reaction of I-substituted diphenyl in ortho- and para-position with HJ. The experimental data on a are compared in the table with the values calculated by means of the formulas contained in reference 8. The values coincide iell. As is shown in fig- ure 1, good agreement was also obtained for the other hydrogen halides (Refs 2-4)- In the present liper the following valugs are given for the equilibrium coeffi!.-ient a: aoo - 4.079 a250 ' 3.47 ani a 500 a 3.13. There are 1 figure, 1 tablep and 9 Soviet referDnoes. ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-iseledovatellskiy fizi1--khb,4cheskiy iistitut im. L. Ya. Karpova (Scientific Research ~nstituteof Phyaioal Chemis- try imeni L. T!i. Karpov) VK PRESENTED: June 199 1959, by S. S. Medvedev, Academician SUBMITTED: April 13, 1959 Card 2/2 SHATEINS-7,11TP-B. A.I~; SANUKOV, 4.P.~ ALIKIL~NOV~ Deuterium exchange method for studyIng --.he catalytic actvity of systems consisting of hydrogen acid ind P-protic acid-2.11ke substance. Acetic acii stannic3hloride-system. Zhur. ob. khim. 35 noJg419-05 Mr 165. (MIRA 18g4) 1. FIzAko-khimichatkiy inatitut imeni L Ya. Karpova, M~~Wffi' ,2mo 5 78298 . sov/-(g -.7 o-3-:5o/69 AUTHORS: Shatenshteyn, A. I., Alfl(ha-ov, P. P. TITLE: Concerning Catalytic Actior, of Iodine In the Deuterium Exchange in Ll~uid Hydroge~ 'Jodlde PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obst-ichey khImil, Vol 50, Nr 3, pp 992-999 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Rate of deutev~luin exchan of monodeuteriotoluene (I) and monodeuter:1,obiphenyl ~,11) with HI was studied in the presence oil iodine ,.z'z'a catalyst. HI was synthesized in a quartz apparatus d,-,-..,r-'Lbed previously (V. R. Kalinachenko arid other,-, ZhFKh, 50, 1140, 1956). A test tube contEiining a thin-walled glass ampoule filled with the investil,;ated compound and catalyst (iodine) was attached to the apparatus to fill it with the HI obtained After filling with HI, the test tube was detached from the apparatus and kept at 25 + 0.20. The glass ampoule Inside the test tube Card 1/8 was-imploded by the fl.1 vapor., and the exch'ange Concerning Catalytic Action of! /Iodine in 7 the Deuterium Exchange in LI(,./jId Hydrogen Iodide T82,98 SOV/79-30-71--52/69 reaction sta-.-ted. The reagents used were prepared by Ye. N. Yury,rir;a. Results of the experiments are shown in Tal,le 1. Absorption spectra of Iodine in liquid III w_~re taken at room temperature according to a preViC,,Lisly described method (A. I. Shatenshteyn, Ye. A. Izri-ilevich, ZhFKh, 26, 37-7, 1952). SF-4 spectrophor.ometer and a quartz cell (0.11 cm) were used. Spzl.;Iflc electric conductivity of liquid III was meas~'.ed at -440 and found to be equal to 2 - 10-8 :.)hm_icm_1. The measurements were taken In a cell wt*,-.,-. nonplatinized platinum electrodes, using an alternu-.- current bridge constructed under the supervi- sion of,V. Ye. Kazakevich. There was no noticeable increa.,', in th~e conductivity of the uolution after the addit-. .:i of iodine, m-esitylene, or hexamethylbenzene. Cata_'-,~~Ic action of iodine is due to the polarization of H-1 in the complex formed in the ter- nary jstein: *romatic hydvocarbon-hydrogen iodide- Card 2/8 iodit. ,: Oncerl I J-1 if Cz'J-k,1y A c-1 ol, I o f* u~l 1 no i~ the Doute.--iiim Eschnnire 1.n L1(juJ,;1 A 1-1) ... itiJ.. coiwarit.,,on (it' the VaLOL' of deuterium e.,-.chancre Is L gli.ven in TaIde 2 . The authors express thelv rratitilde to Ye. 14. Yurygina for the ~euteri=i-contalnlniL- - hytlro- carborl.,; .Thel~O ~11-0 2 INIVUI-e!,; -'*) tUNOS; and 115 refer- elle-es, j.,w U.S., Y U.K., I Germall, .94 Soviet. The 5 moBt recent U.S. and U.K. references nve: G. 01,th, S. Kuhn., A. Puvlath, Nat :uro, )'(8, L. L. mackol" F. SmIt, 1. Ti-cins 11 J . I V,111 deV Farad. So', 5~, *009 ( 1957 ); V . Gold, D. P . gatchell, J. Chem. 3oc, ., 1927, 39011, 5910 ( lQ5,c'); 11 - 1i - HYman, M. Kilp;at-Ick, J. J. Katz, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 79, 3668 (1957); W. G. Schneider, "HydroL~en Bondiri,,-,," ed. Had,,,J, Po';,.gamon Pre'so. N. Y., I-A (-lc,, 59 I.J.30CIATION: L. Ya. Kai,-pov Scientific Research Iwstitute of Phy.;1- cal chemlotl'y Cj:,J.J~o- khimlehe.nkiy In.,.itltut imen-1. L. Ya. Karpova) SUBMITTED: April 10, 1959 Cavd ~/~9 Table 1. ReSult's Of exper-imetits on li(iUid III. 1.4 0.80 1.4 1080 , 4 :1 1.7 04 5 4.0 1.7 4.0 NO 1.9 9.2 7. 7 itio 1.8 12 G.l 8 A.!. 5,50 24 51 1.7 5.50 2.70 /13 7.3 29 10 1.!l 5.1;fi 3.23 3 8.0 28 t 1 1.8 10 :Z.02 9. 1 is 12 2.1-1 :!.! 1 11 1 o.8 18 Card JV8 Mable 1 cont'd on Card 518) - -- - ------------- .5. ~1 1 2.! 1; i 3.6 VA) r rt, )! I : ,( :w ?.! I , ; 2 2: 1 7.1 2.7 17 1 .!1 .11A 1 - 2.4.3 Z-1 12 :1. 1 41) . M4 % I 1 1!) 1 .7 43 14 20 1.8 14 5.5f 1 3 GI /J. .1, 13 21 1.8 5 1-1. ? I I W) 6A 7 k 2-1 0 - b.10 4.2- 23 (1.8 8.1(1 .3.97 0,8 79 24 2 6 0. 7 2A 8.10 "t -1. 1!, 7.2 32 25 0.86 3.8 S. 1 4.93 '25 1;.Ii "I 21; 0.71 t fi.08 I F, ill 7.1, V 071 , ~.H 7.81) 4.76 /15 15 2.0 313 is 81) 0 3.4 7.80 ~1.19 2:1 51; 1.7 24 29 0.75 5.1-1 7.80 4.27 2Y) 7~9 1.5 14 30 Lt 7.8 7.8o 4.76 12 1 1.8 14 M 0. 2 11 7.80 S. I G 20 1.8 2 32 0.83 12 7.80 5 2:1 j.!1 7 33 (11,82 S7 7.80 4 36 2.1 5 Card 5/8 (Key to Table 1 o1i Card 6/8) Cbneerning Catalytic Action of Iodine in 78298 the Deuterium Exchange In :L'Aquid Hydrogen SOV/19-30-3-52/69 Iodide Key: (a', C 102 is the number (.-)f hydrocarbon I A rD moles Per IT.Ole Of HI; (b) C, is the iodine concen- v2 0 tration In moles per mole ot' 111; c) CB Is the deu- terium concentration in water after the precipitation of the compound bel'ove, the experiment (in atom %); (d) C-Bf E,ft~r the end or the experiment; (0) T Is duratton of the experiment it) hours; (f) I-, is constant of the rate of deuterium exchange; W k 1~/'c J2 Is the specific rate constant in reference to the. con- centration of iodine In the solution; (11) C = C ArD/ /CJ2; (i) p-D-toluene; (J) o-D-toluene; (k) p,-D-bi- phenyl; ('I) o-D-biphenyl. Card 6/8 Act 1 On 01' TudDo.- in the J~outovlunl Iod ide Fig. :1 . AWiouption spect-,,~~ of iodine noluttom"'; ill cclj~; (2) in C-11,; 2 6 0 Jn liquid III Lj itI J610 4D9 500 Mo Card 7/8 C,oncevning %Catalytio Aotlot) ol' IoAlne 1i; the Deuterium J-1'x(.-hanp-,e in Liquid Hydroi,en, ,O,.l Iodide Table 2. Comparinon of the constaiit:, of deute-vitun 0 exchange rate with dl.fferent hydrogen halides at 25 (see IW2 Key: (a) Hydrocail)ovi; (b) o-D-toluene; (c) p-l-toluene; (d) o-D-biph2nyl; (e) p-D-biphenyl; (f) a -D- naph- tha-lene. c ar d 8 /8 AUTHORS: Yurygina, Ye. N., AM-hanov, P. Pop s/076Y60/034/03/015/030 Izrailevich,___.Ye! K. - B115/BO16 Shatenshteynp A .1.* Moscow) TITLE: The Kinetics of Deuterium Exchange of the Isomers of Monodeutera- tolueneA monodeut,oro-diphenylAand Monodoutero-naphthalone With Liquid Hydrogen Bromide and a Solution of Potassium Amide in Liquid Ammonia PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheak-)y khimii, 1960, Vol 34, Nr 3, PP 587 - 593 (USSR) TEXT: The aim of the investigation under review was the determination of the factors of the partial rate f i-a the hydrogen isotopic exchange of the sub- stances mentioned in the title with the reagents likewise mentioned in the title. The synthesis of monodeuterated bydrocarboneg the deuterium conoentra- tion in water on combustion of the hydrooarbonal %nd the carrying out of ex- periments are aesoribed. The rale constant of the deuterium exchange is cal- culated by an equationand, when using ammoniacal solutions, by a simplified form of this equation. The resulAs of the measurements made with liquid HBr are given in table 1, those of Zbe experiments with ammoniacal solutions in table 2, and the mean values of the constants of the deuterium exchange rate Card 1/3 The Kinetics of Deuterium Exchange of the Isomers of S/076/60/034/03/015/038 Monodeutero-toluene, Xonodeutex-o-diphenyl, and Xono- B115/Bo16 deutero-naphthalene With Liquid. Hydrogen Bromide and a Solution of Potassium Amide in Liquid Ammonia in table 3. The activation energy of deuterium exchange is also given. Table 4 presents the factors of the partial rate f of the deuterium exchange of iso- meric monodeuterated hydrocarbons with a KRH 2 solution in NH 31 and with HBr. The order Df the partial rate Vaotors in the isotopic exchange between non- equivalent deuterium atoms in Ahe toluene and diphenyl molecule differs in re- actions with acids and with lyez, which is due to the different mechanism of these reactions in which the ocnjugative and the inductive effect considerably i0 manifest themselves in the mutual action of the atoms in the hydrocarbon mole- cule. The rules in the deuterium exchange in toluene and diphenyl indicate that the inductive effect of the methyl group has the reverse sign compaxed to that of the phenyl group. Pinallyl It can be said that the acid and the, base react in the deuterium exchange with the carbon atoza of the CH-bonds and the base with the hydrogen atoms of the CH-bondef and protonize those atoms. A method is described for obtaining isomeric monodoutero-diphenyle. It is described exactly how the authors divided this work among themselves. There are 4 tables and 19 referenaeal 12 of which are Soviets Card 2/3 The Kinetics of Deuterium Exabange of the Isomers of 8/076/60/034/03/015/038 Yonodeutero-toluene, Monodeutero-diphenyl, and Mono- B115/BO16 deutero-naphthalene With Liquid 1~ydrogen Bromide and a Solution of Potaasium, Amide in Liquid Ammonia V-1 ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-khimiohealciy institut im. L. Ya. Karpova (In!Ltitute of Physical Chemist::Z imeni L.- Ya. Karpo ) SUBMITTED: June 13, 1958 Card 3/3 ALIKHANOV, 1'. P. Cand Chem Sci - (diss) "Investi~-_ation of reactions of deutero- exchange of some aromatic compounds with liquid hydrogen halides. Moscow, 1961. 15 Pp; (Ministry of Pilrber and Secondi3ry Special- ist Education KFII"R, Moscow Order of Lenin Che;Actal-TechnoloFica). Inst imeni 1). 1. Mendeleyev); 150 coules; price not r.Aven; (KL, 5-61 sun,, 175) SHATENSME11, A.I., prof.; 7YRSK1Y, Yu.11., kand. khili,i. nauk.; PHAVIKOVA, N.A., kwad. t.ekhri. nauk; A.~.jKHAVOV,11.P.P kand. khim. na",; VDANOVA, K. I., kand. kUm. nauk; IZYM211KOV) A.Les m~lad. narchn. sot.r.; LEVINSKIY, Yu.V.p red. [Fractical .-laboratory manual on the determination cf the molecular weights and molecular we.-Lght distrilnition of polymers] Prakticheskoe rukovodAvo po opredolenliu wo- lokuliarnykh. vescv i rwJ.ekulJa-rno-vewvo,gO raupreklale- niia polimerov. [By] A.I.Shatenslitein i dr. Vosk-va, Khimiia, .1964. 1.62, p. (1,1111A IS: 2) M USSR/Physics Heat of evaporation cf 02 FD-3283 ca~A zi/i Pub. 146"- 42/44 Author : Alikhanov, R. A. Title : Heat of evaporation 3f oxygen in the interval of temperatures 8o-io6OK Periodical : Zhur. eksp. i teor. tiz., L>q, no 6(1-2)., Dec 1955, 902-903 Abstract : The author made 35 mil-w3urements of the heat of evaporation of 02 for 7 different temperatAxros, obtaining values different from thoze of other researchers; e.g.. he obtained L (cal/mole) z at TOX 90.19. He gives the other values of L for 6 other temperatures and the empirical expresoion relating L to T; e.g. e - 67208.68(T(j,.-T) - 555-221(Tcr-T)2 + 2-32505(Tcr-T)3. The author thanks P. G, Strelkov for his attention and interest. Five references. Institution: Institute of Physical Ivoblems, Academy of Sciences USSR Submitted : July 21, 1955 V 4T - WI Owd. I., C I -7 :" '~ , 1. ~ I; -.. : - ~ : - ~z - ~- ~~ i-, - - -- - .M,.JYji-!lCVj R. A., Up-nd Phyc-Lath Sci - (dim-) It licutronot;ra- Of ~'~llt"'erroP`9110t'r"' L"C03, F`C03 alld. ""P-11, phic study cz~. o s 1 1,9 5 9 .10 pp (Acrid Sri IMR. Ilirt of Y-hysicA Problenn.0. 110 copies. j Bibliogr:lphy L-A und Of text (10 ti'Lllc.--) (IM, 39-59olOO) 24(c) 'amt. 1. X.. Doctor of kh.T.L..l and Kath.-tic.1 3.1-0-. 21TIA. 01 1" ". 'r.t.r. 'Aysics (Inslodow"Iya po ft.. alk. VILRIODICAL, Tm-Mik Ak&dmll Sauk 3332, 1959. Er 2. vp 98-100 (033a) The -th ~a U.5 PrQtlar. L"a P1444 Is TbIllst true October 27 to No,weabor 1, 195a. It was att*nd*4 by OWN1.1 frame 114.60. Kb&r-k v. L.-I-exad, T%tIA- i* Averdlo ad Imyr,. by 4 p &I aa ... d, -porAiquidity of liquid hall= 11. = forroma.gust.-ma, m,,s front. Th. following "part. and o- heard, L. A. Abrjj2ko, k. F. _Eq~ r.po' M& on the Investigation of the propertle! or "ProC-44-0tiew, alloys.. A. A. A~,rlko-, L. P. Gor- to, -1- X. " of properties of S.Pracooductors In "a hteo- ~MLk*v %#Ay was tIo field. D. V. Shirk-, and Clowal MAL-jaml X d cook.. 51-oklal . two y`au-R-C-C5T~W-.o. scientists working at .." Vnrs-6Z.Ct_y, doearlbvi investigations for determination of Us Influence exercised by the Coulomb (galon) Interaction Cart 114 cl T. V. TGjma=.1io1 explained to,! g.0 on, saprocand.att"ty. _ _ t_.f`"tbG_-GsIl.d G.12.. I- or the Dose m " ' t". In wepmcanductors. P_ _9_ZWL-go. Uekova;1to. spok.of the tAraody.asl~. of apmcna4aator. and J~_T. 1" of %he thorsel conduction of supra- T-31tw=G, V~_7.9,saimaMwr reported on ex. portmeat.&I work with suprecoaductor.. P- 1_7parArLtakly spoke of the "ooor"Weet of the of th.-I -d.ativity In th go renanductl- tat*. Is & series of rop~to pxviAm, of r th: "rMlIqu.141ty of ballum were dimma.ed. which was dls~ov*~ ad in 1958 by P. L. I.Pitom, -4 the th.o'y or hich ..a set V in 1941 by I. V. Landau. Z. L. A-.dro-alkA!hv -4 Lt. Gal- laborstors Investigate d t.'s properties 0fmisting hall". V. p"Fshkov spoke of the offset of Uld fo~tloft of the bounder, be tooes, amparlIquid and non juporliquid belt". Goes ym-. cQII&%ovxtor V.y tho ladtit4t ftXieheoktkh probleat f ; . (IS tLut of PLY steel bl-)lavs-tif&tod the properties of ;r o e I- p-tars of Upit.A. T- N. Llf,hLt,, ue J-P l: i . -2-1-2AIChaawyIit 111*1 11 ph .... . is strong oacnetic fields far soUld with open Perot our Go$. % 2. Is. Aleksayevokly, XR. ?. S!ydukov *xp*ri.entally Invest%- _04rd-2/4 __ salWatrojy-or-joid aonocrystals In the ablao too presona. of I S.Kan. S._O___L�q-v . : a "*P*r tr. ;inia" ;ilb. t";~%-.T tat. of the _MI. Jt. ~jeort. d 0. the quentoo theory of saw a-- r por- a. to. a.- I.- A~~X : *.,F. V.tic ." I a of K.CO3. W. W. Km-wo, p the maga.tIc .4lantropy of ti. ~.11_ C-304 and C 50 a it h a I'k ,_ 4* J ported troncer phic a t,.r, I.a. ~ a ,-Zam4amakly ad0Ilaborm.tor. reported on the smacepti. Wility of n4ckol and nickol-copper alloys at low temperatures. reported on kinetic pheacavea La f.rro-Ca.ti . at Ice t.ap.r.ter... AL, I_4khjj-r. 1--a. and spoke of c.p.t.tinns of the _==: the magnetic someat in f*rromaenotta dielectrics at I.. tsapdr4 S&nadxo spoke of observation re- - _ raits of paramagnetic roic a ~_e-eldf terbium In the TbJO 3 *6R20 Weis. rd.A,_AjL&AImhvIlj gave a theoretical analysis of the : rise tation of the nuclear spin In the (Overkhauxer) effect Is A- I. Sws-ylal, S. U. 1-Y.G, Ad cGll.b.-- - - - ' - - ct- M t d AI rs rejor e on ob%a n c rrQ ."tNd iu .17 of P. C dG~.!!!z~jmshov*d that hYdiAG*njot_QF4a-js as . 1. he different ot;ucturwo. 1. A. GimAU, D. 0. Lazarsv. Ah. D. StAE211~.QT zz~- T. 1. ZhGtkTT1Ch detected Vol,. sorphims In a number of at I.. t.spe"Wr*., K. I. . _ Antronikashvill, T. P. Poshkov and !. P! Malkow reported on it,* a, do tags vfl*Pa*nt of foreign sciont-aic research work in the of lo 1.14 Conference : of ' of u do pa.nt of in ... ti. Cats e " th~ fii!' f In* p.rtL.1- * P",at the C--f*-nc- lialt-4 Us I.-tit.1 fIzAkL Ak.4.011 1 ..k l..5'1'.. 32 . .' "". of Sol*..- of the a"' 1. k y. 3A) :' 5h thy I re'.-Ity or Tbilisi %Y l Valeer.1 a. . I as the di at of the now rejoarch atomic 1 reactor . ear Tbtl 1.t. 11) 24(3) SCV/56..36-6-10/66 AUTHORt Alikhanov$ E.. A. TITLEt Neutronogralhic Investigation of the Antiferromagnotism of the Carbonatos of Mn and Fe (Neytronograficheakoye issledo- vaniye antif*erromagnetizma karbonatov Un i Fe ) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksycirimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1959, Vol 36, Nr 6, pp 169o - 1696 (ussit) ABSTRACTs Borovik-Romariov and Orlova (Ref 1) already inve,-)tigated the magnetic properties of polycrystalline MnCO 3 and CoCO 3' and. 1. Ye. Dzyaloshinskiy (Ref 2) published a theory on this subject. Dzya.loshinskiy pointed out the connection between weak ferromagnetism and crystal symmetry: In Mz-,-Fe-, and Co-carbonates 3 forms of magnetic symmetry are distinguishedt 1~ the spins are in the direction of the rhombohedral axis, 2 the spins are in the basis plane and are aligned. along the axis of the second order, 3) the spins are in the basis plane and tn the symmetry plane. In the first-mentioned case no weak ferromagnetism can be observed, whereas in the two Card 1/3 latter cases such a weak ferromagnetism is found to exist. In Neutronographio Investie;eition of the Antiferromagnetism SOV/56-36-6-10/66 of the Carbonates of Mn and Fe the present paper the author investigates MnOCI 3and PeCO 3 by means of' the neutron diagram method with respect to Dzyalo- shinskiy's lheory. A crystal powder was exponed to a mono- chromatic neutron beam (X- 1-37 A), and the scattered neutrons were recorded by a spectrometer constructed by Yu. G. Abov (Ref 5). Th,.- neutrons originated from the heavy water reactor of the ITEP AN SSSR. Figure 1 shows the neutron diffraction pictures obtained of MnCO 3 powder at room temperature and at hydrogen temperature. The latter is between the background curve and that recorded at room temperature, and has two additional maxima before the maximam of the room temperature neutron diffraction picture. The lattice constants were deter- mined as amounting to a- 5.84 R and a - 47015'; further data are given by table 1. The structure of FeCO 3 -was investigated in a si-iozite sample found at Bakal (USSR). Figure 2 shows the neutron diffraction picture at hydrogen temperature. The ++ nuclear scEittering amplitudes o.r Fe++ are double those of Mn Card 2/3 Table 2 oontains -the ce.1culatod and measured relative Neutronographio Investigation of the Antiferromagnetism SOV156-36-6-10166 of the Carbonates of Mri and Fe intensitim for the first group of peaks. It was found Lhat in MnCO3 the spins in the antiferromagnetic state are in the basis plane and symmetry plane; in FeCO 3 the spins are aligned along the rhombohedral axis. According to Dzyaloshins- kiy this vauld mean that MnCO3 has a weak ferromagnetism, whereas with FeCO this is not the case. The author finally thanks AcaaemiciaA P. L. Kapitsa for his interest in this investigation, A. S. Borovik-Romanov for his valuable advice, I. Ye. Dzyo.loshinskiy for discussions, Yu. G. Abov for his advice in c.onnection with the neutronoscopio part; of the work, and Yu. V. Sharvin for placing a special thermometer at his disposal.11'here are 6 figures, 2 tables, and 11 references, 5 of which ave Soviet. ASOCILTIONs Institut fizicheskikh problem Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute for Physical Problems of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) SUBMITTEDt February 11, 1959 Card 3/3 ALIMMIOV, R.A. Anti ferromagnot i gri of NIF2. Zbur.eIrep.i teor.fiz. 37 m-4: 1145-1147 0 159. (14M 13:5) 1. Institut fisicUinkikh problem Akademii nauk SSSR. (Ferrcmagnetism) (Nickel fluoride-Magnetic properties) s/o56/6O/'C38/O3/15/O33 B006/BO14 AUTHORz Alikhanovo R& 1.0 TITLEt A Cryostnt for Feutrono6raphio Investiga.tions PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperintentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, ig6ot Vol- 38, No- 3, pp. 806-'808 TEXTs The present pa er described a low-temperature (including the tempera- ture of liquid heliuZ oryoste.t,employed for investit,;ating the scattering of thermal neutrons on polycryste1line samples. This apparatusq which offers the possibility of investigating r,eutron diffraction within a wide range of Bragg angles (up to about OB - 450, corresponding to a rotation of the de- tector through 900)9 is descrJted in the introduction, Inside, it has a Dewar designed by P. L. Kapitfja,(of. Fig. 1). As was shown by a number of neutronographic investigationc, thfa apparatus operates satisfactorily. The background due to the aluminumi casing of the samples amounts to 20% of the counter background and does not disturb the neutron diffraction picture. In this instrument samples can bc. kept at the temperature.of liquid helium for Card 1/2 A Cryostat for Reutronographiv lavesLigations S/056/60/0f58/031/15/03) B006/BO14 48 hours. The amount of heliuzi required is 7-5 liters. Fig. 2 shows a typical evaporation curve of helium from the oryostat (1-3 1). A thermometer, suppliei by YU. V. Sharvin and exhibit:.zig a resistance which strongly depsndg on temperature in the low-temperitture range was used for measuring the tempera- ture of the samples. Fig. 3 SILOWS the calibration curve of this thermometer, which is 192-3.5 'Mm large. 'In vome cases, sample temperatu3res were' also checkbd during the experimentg for purpose a recording potentiB..,-ieter. of the type EPP-09 was used. The'author ff.nally thanks Academician P~ L,'.Kapitsa for his- interest and Yu. V. Sharvin forthe thermometer supplied.-Th6rd are 3'figures and 5 references, 4 of which itre Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut fizic)te8kikh problem Akademii nauk .5SSR (Institute ot 4 Physical Probliz.9 of the Academy of.Scieiiaes, USSR) SUBMITTEDs October 10v 1959 Card 2/2 8692? S/05 6010-19/005/046/051 14,1100 B006%077 AUTHOR: Al!kbaii *w6w TITLE; The Anti f er romagneti sm of C-,)CO 3 PERIODICAL: Zhi.rnal ;~kErperimerztallnoy ~, teo-re"'.chriskoy ftlziki, *,96o.. V02'. 39, Ncl, 501), PP, 1481 - 1483 TEXT: Th .e author raportE on tho inv-ast.1gq'-on of hydrothermically pro- duced finely ~rystailine C,.)CO 3 samples with the help of nSUtTon refle.1- tion experiments aL low tempax-al.ures. Ha re3aiv~d these samries fron. 1~ Yu. IkornikcvEL ~f the Inst1tout, kristal-lografil &N SSSR of C.rys,~allogr-iphy AS USSR),~ Fig.1 sh,,ws a neutror r1eflezt.:= d1agram tak-n at 4.20K. The position of the magretic moments was computed from thgse results. The direction ~f qLn.4.ferrom-agnetism with regard To th,-~ rhomb,~o axis was determin~-d from t.qe magnA,.A~~, 4-atersity ratl,.-~s and -i-. wa3 found that the moments and the axi-ii ene--ios-i ar. angl.,) -7-~f (46-4)'. The magnfii, ons `,11) and (100) (see. d~.agram r, ', -1 0, and ,ic a -d als j -ansit`on f-rc,a.- 20A 1. c 4.'0K. (211" showFd a deztreaae in intensity on ti Card 1/3 The Antlferrpmagnstlsm- of CoCO,~ 86929 S/056/60/039/005/048/051 07- Boo6/B The results are briefly d',scusaed applying the thermodynair..Jl- theory by 1. Yo,. D?,yaloahincjkiy, FA(r,? lllustzrat6s the 1)csitlon cf Lh4 wagn~~ti-- moment in CoCO- ao detElrir-nad experimentally. Amcng other th--.igs !,. waft found that the :-~gnetic moments of the ions fall out, of the symmetry plane by the angl*, 11 an estimate of this anglR resulted in (15 , 5Y'-,, and a calculation of thlB angle using the data from absolute 116a8llre- mc-nts (Ref.8) gave 70. The wathcr thanks Academ-.cian ?, L, Kapitsa for his inte.res... A. S.. Bar-,vik.-Romanov and I. Ye~ D zyal otill inski y fc~r diw~ussions, and N. Yu- Ikornikoy and. N, N. Mi.khaylo-v for preparing and sorll-ng the sample3 and 1. P. Karpikhin for his experimenl.ul S. D. Chetverikov, P. V. Kalinin, M. G. Spiridonova, B,, M,- Shmakin: M. P. Orlovr., and V. 1. Ozhogin are men-.Icned, There aie '? figures and 8 referencee: 4 Soviet and. 4 US. ASSOCIATION: Inal-itu", fi21cheskikh problem Akademit nauk SSSR (Insti- tute of Physical Problems of the Academ.-vr of Scien,*-es USSR) SU13MITTED: August 26, 1960 Card 2/3 86929 3/05 60/039/005/048/051 B006YB077 NO ze 12 14 15 is a V u u Card 3/3 ell Wi 0b I j Svi -NII p ~6 N 51 Ell I M. I. H 14 Ito ja 60 ALIKHANOV, FOAO N~~iron diffraction study of soUd oxygen. Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 45 no.3012-814 3 .163. - (MVI 16t10) 1. Institut fizicbeskikh problem AN SSSR. (Neutrcn diffraction examination) (So2ld oxygen) ALIKHANOV y I.R. A. TILtrd lnturnat~onal Ct)nferance on Low-temperature Fhysics and ,t(,~innulogj. Atom. en,)rg. 17 no.1172--73 Jl '61+- (I-IJH,, 17,7) f zip -10-f-k-b- /64/000/066/6i z 2 1 ~Nrl W OP,*.- M-Ikhanov~ WOW. -AfffTLE: Neutronogravh,6 ij~lr6flt~~Ub:ns 'of SOIJI'd Ox ygen migiv--i -conferen RHO --and T 8-6u --~11 --Thy I ~'s LecbAjau-eE e P - 6~- 1963- Phyntos iqu-6-9 of 10-W-Abey tu:7eg; prooeedin -L 0 raRe -M-freer-ence. Prague, Tubl. House of `,Mze 1-le Zeby)0917 emy o -1.9ciences -~1964,---n TOPI T 0 nou tron:- d* iffract-,'1ioJ1i- solid ozygen- crystal structure f P- phase transition,.: low. tepperatu: esearch _t4 t a -id oxygen were made with Tq TRA, an.. a ~v ad vis Ing a t --measu men"Us IlAne- an -magnd-ti-d-,'-Propor tie's d ~-vxyg. que's o olf cryat 'I C'M 'low te at. mperatures. Some. o ;the earlier studies are revieWed'. And Abe di f1culties--of the rieseb-arth are wntioned. The technique used- f was descri eMilier (ZbETV.: v., 36 (1559) 1690,11J., with; bed1by the author AA j L T !Aj GOESSION-Nnu. :AT500044 ption or the, vnethod.-Used-~bf orklng~with condensed gases,~,", Ibig-'Z-f entailed'tbe use of a Kapitsa-i6war tbe- Ii, ti n of wbiclo Was. ,apg. da o The ciryostat-;. Also deseribed binthe author' bET 06, ig6o). Enclousre.- lituke of!, ~i-s~-1-:Lltibtrated-,In-Fi&--l-of t e An Important,'fe th6_-'h6w--6rYo ta!~~_ -is _d J~A_ tz I-o f i-- a -q re e _T-PavItxg-tbe- Fit isame 'te d' t _: 6hi the --t" o urea. that- ~.pera-tux4e% as the -bath, a-use the-~sample assumes - in stat t~Shion'':,:the $emperature _,ot the, ba .'The ;meiasurements ~ of ~ the' n6utxioi ~.dirfiaction ~rrom oxygen.wem~,Perf d Mlth't~e~-batb- -hiled with'-AUMId. neon hydroj~en, and helium. The 6sitions 6f,the-obtained diffloaation. line !ribed ~w 11: b s yare desc 15 , y Thoffthedral lattice witb pai~aneters a 4.210 and .8=. 46.*16 .- Dif- _,:'fraction'Patterns obtained:ai einperitures sboited slinilar' ivarious: t behavior, but-differed- from t~'btt,.obaervati6ns made in the phase'. nd Thio. indidates. that, these. pallftjwn's belong to the a phase a ; irv lie a alws-A n-Ahe- -tra, alm. to U-I _OX S_ ferromagne, 6- Ind-lbatbb`tha 'a) U *lo- ~ I ,deeply-, t --I.-ar- _~ra, mo. Acad&ml ."Ka- di z Oita6i j N P~ ~Attentioall -ahd,.constant., inte,we-st.7apac -A S.~ rovik' t o~ jlnskiy~.: for: fruitrul;-1 06 rd, EW(-T)/FkT(k) JrS/J)D AT6031144 SOURCE COM-i UR/3138/65/000/355/0001/0020 AUTHORf Alikhanoy, H.A. ORG: none -TIITLE: Inelastic scattering of neulrons Cy hematite SOURCE: USSR. Gosudarstvenn:yy komitet po tspollzovaniyu atomnoy energii. Institut teoreticheskey i eksper~mentallnoy fiziki. Doklady, no. 355, 1965. Neuprugoye rasseyaniye neytronov gematitom, 1-20 TOPIC TAGS: neutron scattering, inelastic scattering, inelastic neutron scattering, hematite neutron scattering, tricrystal spectrometer, hematite spin wave, magnon moment ABSTRACT: A three-crystal spectromete was used to investigate the spectrum of spin in hematite o1 Pe'2 03 originating from the Shabra deposits. The experi- ment was conducted over the 0. 64AO-2 to 5. 3-3 ev range of transmitted magnon moment and energy. Two branches livith energy gaps characterized by magnetic anisotropy were observed. Valves of (1. 3 + 0. 7)1(1-3 ev and (0. 4 + 0. 15)10-3 ev were observed for the gap, and I'l. 3 + 0. 7)106 cm /sec and (4. 6 + CF 5)105 cm /sec 1/2 L 01239-67 AT6031144 for spin wave velocity for the b:ranches. The author thanks Academicians P, L. Kapitsa. and A. 1. Alikhanoy for their continuous attention to this work, I. Ye. Dzyaloshinskiy nd L. K. Fall kovskly-for their helpful discussions. Th-e author thanks Professor G. P, Barsanc-v, and Vu. TI- OrIcur, V. V. Yakulovskiy, and M. A. Smirnov of the Museum of Mineralogy AN SSSR for their many years of assistance in the study of hernatite monocrystals, and staff members of the Analytical Chemistry Laboratory of the Institute of Geochemistry AN SSSR. Orig. art. has: I table and 6 figures. [Author's abstract) [SP] SUB CODE: 20/ SU13M DATE: 05Jun651 ORIG REF: 006/ OTH REF.- 019/ 2/2 *a"m A~ "'; AT6033191 SOUI'~CE C'ODE: Ul-1-6/313~t)/G-J/000/393/0001/0015 AUTHOIR; Alikhanov, R. A. L.rnirr.ov, L. S. ORG: none TITLE: Neutronographic inveiAigation of the low- temperatu re-Da n i t in chromium SOURCE: 'USSR. Gosudarstvennyy komitet po ispollzovanipi altoninoy cnergii. Institut teoretichesho , clisperimentall Y fiziki. DoRlady, no. 3)91), 1965. Netrono- iT --------- ---- graficheskiye issledovaniya ni.!-kotemperaturnogo magnitnogo lircvrashcheniya v 0 khrome, 1-15 TOPICTAGS: chromium, cryostat, magnetic transition, lowternperature. magnetictransition, crystal spin structure, chromium crystal, neutron scattering, maanetic scatterin,-r t> t~ ABSTRACT: A neutronographic study was made of the low-tonverature magnetic transition -in samples of crystrilline cbxomiuffi_c~ i1nd polycrystalline chromium con- Laining cqual aniounts of imptiritios but. subiected to different thermornechanical 4. Creatment. A miniature cryostat (wc-igght 530 g, hr-Aght 200 rnm) was used. The CQ,d 1 / 2 I ACC'NRI AT60:33191 study showed that the transition temperature Tm increases with an increase in metal plasticity, and that the sp: n dezis:ity modulation period and its temperature dependence are a universal property of chromium. The authors than], P. L. Kapits for his interest in this work Lnd 1. 0. Panasyuka, D. D. Abanin, T. I. 0 :-- -- ~ - Kostin and T, 1. Kozlov for their assistance. rig. art. has. 5 figures. [Authors' abstract] SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: nonet ORIG REF: 0091 OTH REF: 009/ 1A Ll D V, G- SUBJECT USSR / PHYSICS CARD 1 / 2 PA - 1656 AUTHOR AMCHANOV,S.G. TITLE A New Impulse Method for Measuring Ion Masses. PERIODICAL Krn.eksp.i teor.fis,1j,faso-3, 517-518 (1956) Issued: 12 / 1956 By the focussing method suggested bere it is possible to increase the re- solving power of the spectrometer considerably. The mass spectrometer consists of a drive tube which is limited on both sides by slowing-down fields with linear potential distribution. The whole device is in a weak longitudinal field. The condonsed ions produced in. an impulse-like source are Oinjected" into the tube, and at the same time the slowing-down field is switched on. The condensed ions inciding into the potential well begin to move from one re- fleotor to the other, on which oocasion the time gained by the fastest ions with given e/9 in comparison with slow ions is compensated by the loss of velocity during motion in the 31OWiag-down field. The ions with equal 9A and different energies then gather at a certain point in the drive tube. After a sufficient number of cycles, when the ions with approximately equal e/M separate, the shift of the time of arrival in the focus exceeds the time needed for condensation. Hereby the latter are deflected and annihilated. In order that the condensations oJ! ions with different masses osoillate in the tube, it is necessary to conneot a roltage on to the deflecting plates which is switched on only on the occasion of the passing of the ions with the masses to be measured. For the duration T of a complete cycle V Zurn.eksp.i teor.fis,31,fasc-3,517-518 (1956) CARD 2 / 2 :PA - 1656 T = I V-2 M/uze + 2((l/E,)+('/E,)) V2U7M/Z is found with the slowing-down fields EI and 22* Here M denotes the masal Ze - the charge, and IJ - the energy (in volts) of the ions, and 1 - the length of the drive tube. The condition aT/aU results in (1/El) + (1/B:2) - 1/2 U . If the suitably selected quantities U , 1, E1 and B satisfy the latter equahon, a grouping in time and in space (2ocuseing) of he first order of ions of differeht energies is attained. How- ever, the focussing condition of the second order is not satisfied and the washing out in time of the cycle for ions with the same mass is A TU (1/2)Y M/2ZeU1 If),. The limiting value of the resolving power is 0 A (1/4)(6 U/Uo )2. The accuracy of measurements depends ort the duration and the linear dimensions of ion condensation. Tho ratio (duration of ion con- densation / time needed for paosage) must be smaller than the limiting value of the resolving power. In order to improve accuracy it is necessary either to in- crease the langbh of the tube or the ions must perform the necessary number of QY018B. The field strength of the longitudinal magmatic field is selocted in such a manner that the resolving power of the device is not diminished by an increase of light intensity. INSTITUTION: 4,t~J . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -0: mT~ 41 4-T F.4-o vz~.r -~,,~j va 1. A 'I Y -X m-, .4%,Xz a~7,yj 0:-r3 -o .rzow K53 /4 zvn~,Tc.(. lz 41 171-u 11 a q ~-.,j 5,z-.,xnDl nz~D 30 Q, ~-t c Z.I~ Y. .V" U IL P n! C A -9 s v r u -71~v o 9 ~Azjj uu;nz;ow3 gzulr ;o 5 q q svL) ro~;j-:-,t4a e4Tjojj v al QTawtzvja oaT,,l v in rol-wnly-al. Mrpv... 1 A p-a 7--,,*':77:4 j A 173-aw~-.-v it v ,--T, -,&t-Z'wj v 0 a F-.-J-4 ,,,,; ZAKWOV, V. Yo.; KHORASANOV, G. L. A ANDI, S G Plasma difftsioli ia a magi2etic field caused by Coulomb collisions. Atom. tonerg. '14 n,6.2:137-la F '63- (MIRA 16:1) (Magnetio Molds) (Plasma(Ionized gases)) (Coll.4~sions(ffuclear pbysics)) ACCEUM NR# AAM260 9/0207/61VIMA W /006 AUnMe A3Ubow# lo Go (Nov"IbArsk) 'TMAi Investigations of week2y 14misod hellum plane diffusion in ik mapotle field Al pri". "MM., J. towin. fis.; no. 1'p IL9649 IM-A. IMMS, ZWWr TOPIC TAGSs holium plasnap p1mia d1fAssions magnstio field,, snonalows diffusion coefficientp turbulent diffusion, lon dwlft ABSrRACT a The decay time of a bellum plasm in a 0-5000 oersted mgmstio ftold !has been investigated in a tbin tabs with R w Oo8 =4 L a 80 emp at yzesioures p to 0*2 ma Hgj and electron conoentrations of 3.0 to u4ce% no diftu Ion cooffioloub In Us p3ma is date,-Wined. by measuring the decay time -according 'to the axpmuica 2.4 + Aoil- 540 CAAMP-1 Ax pr. er.9 6- Jr'W cc, rd 1/2 AG(;=oN NR s AP4022655 vhwe Dsj Do coeffJoient of ancmLlous CIfusion and diffusion in absonce of magnetic field at I m pressure reepectivelye The results obtained wtierimentany ical H-2 diffusion law. To explain this show a significant departure from Iho class discrepancy D,, is calculated on tbe, baeli; of binary colliaiorm and iB compared to the experimental data* The resa~ shows D. to be related to the magnetio fieaA by- the law Dg , l/H independent of the plamma prhasure (0.05 - 0e2 m Hg) & This affect corresponds to the turbulent plasia diffusion theoz7 on drift wavea of BagdeM and others* "The author is grateful to P, Z, Sagdayev and So So Noisaywtor evabating 'the results wA tb"r h93pfvI discassiows and to Oe Lo Kbm &wv and (1, 0 !Pod-losmsy for their bdp'la the uperimentset Orig* art* h"I 5 fMNIUW and 4 figures. 'ASMUTION I Am* !8U&WM I 06pnO jWQI CMI Cr M In, GOV# IMM 0* CIiwd tit ozk it pTFFX"y ---I~ '44yor A-VA41 , I iro -6'd h9l O'curvc, S1. wit ON acc e ;C a- liii6~ ith th i 'S'sibid Y_ r Io tran'spo ~t coeirficlonts pr"iio 'n p ,194 L I Category: USSR/ Farm Animal DisFaoes Caused by Bacteria and Fungi V-2 Abs Jour. Refer. Zhur-Biologiya, No 16, 1957, 72308 Author Gryelov V. P. Alikhaaa,fa Kh. M. Inst Not given Title A Case of Actinomycosio of the Breat-Bone of a Cow Orig Pub: Tr. Dagestansk. S.-Kb. In-ta, 1956, 8, 193-1-94 Abstract: In the region of 6-7 segments of the breast-bone and 7-9 rib carti- lage a painless swelling was found, which had a pus secreting fi- stula in the center. The study of of the pus demonstrated the pre- sence of actinomyces. On the basis of the findings, upon opening the authors suspect that the actinomyco3is localized in the breast bone occurred due to a trauma (piercing of the bone) by a wire co- vered with Actinomyces, which penetrated into the breast region. Card 1/1 -15- ALIKIIANOVA, 0.1. Increasing the pr,.-cision of the spectva2 llstc-rmina~ion of boron in soils. Zav. lalb. 30 no.J.,47 "- 61. . (KIRA 17:9) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy Inatitut pochvovedeniya. ALIKRANOVA- froblem for a functio4al equation. Dokl. AN Axerb. SSR 5 no.5;371-374 '59. (Integral equations) (Mlllk 12:8) AGAYLV, G.N.; ALIKHANOVA, It.X. Cauchy's problem fc(r a functional equation. Trudy Inst. mat. i iekh. AN Azerb. SSE. 2%129-132 063. J'MRA 16slo) ALIKIIANOVA .1. - - I.-A- -I. - Cauchy problem for a quasl-yirabolic- Equation,. Doka. All Azerb. SST[ 20 no. 6',')--14 '61, - (MIRA 17;90 1. Institut inatemat."ki i mehhuni-k.l. AIN AzerSSM. Predstavlenc, akademikam AN AzerSSR 71.1.ftahlovym. ACCESSION MR: AP4045055 S/0249/64/020/006/0003/0014 AUTHOR: Alikhanova, R. I., Khalilov, Z. I. -'FITLE: The Cauchy problem for a quEzi-parsibolic equation SOURCE: ANAzerbSSR. Bo)dady*, v. 20,.no. 6, 19G4, 9-14 TOPIC TAGS. Cauchy problem, parabolic eqtatlon. quasiparabolic equation ABSTRACT: In continuation of earlier work (Agayev G. N., Alikhanova R. 1. Tj,udy* in- ta materiatiki I mekhaniki AN Azerb. ESR, vol. 10, 1963), thb author consWers the Cauchy problem for the functional integ-rodifferential equation. -du(t, x) dt .;W [ I u'(1,Qd( A,(t)D'*u(tjr) with the inital condition where % is an n-dimensional Euclidean space. It Is assumed that 04 Card 1/4 (2) (3) ACCESSION NR: AP4045055 where C '*0 is a definite number, independent of t and z. 1%e form 0 Q m(z)A.(t),p1 (4) then d6creases monotonously in z with fixed t and a real vector p. The solution to sought in the class of functions vanishing near idialty. together with their derivatives of the order > 2r-1, and reduces to the soluUon of a dual problem. It can readily be demonstr- ated that if I(F. q4t, P) and v(t,p) Is the solution of the dual problem dv(t. p) (6) dt with the WURI condition (7) 2/4 Card ACCESSION NR: AP4045055 thon u(t,x) Is the form9l solution of thEl problem represented by (1) and (2). Assuming that (8) P where N 0 is a definite number, It Is ~Aear that the Integrals Sit+ I 1'1j2r+A+1 (9) p -fq'(pjdp and (10) converge. This Is proven by means of four preliminary lemmas. The author then goes on to prove that the problem represented by (6) and (7) has a solution, arrived at by the inethods of successive approximation and mathematical induction. In final forn-, required solution of the problem reprehented by (1) and (2) is shown to be U (t. it) V(t, p) --)dp. '71 t Card 3/4* ACCESSION NR: AP4045055 "The author expresses his appreciati,)m to G. N. Agayev for suggesting the problem and helping In the daily work." OrIg. art. has: 12 numbered equations. ASSOCIATION: Institut matematiki 0nekhaniki Akademii nauk Azerbaydzhanskoy SSR (Institute of Mathematics and MechaWas, Academypf Sciences of the Azerbaidjan 88R) SUBMITTED: 02Jul63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: KA ]K'0 REF SOV: 003 OTHER: 000 Card 4/4 ALIIMNOVA, IJ.M Treatment of thin severe form of trachoma using cortisone, ronidase and ettizol. Azerb. med. zhur. no.10:57-61 0 161. (MURA 15:6) (CONJUIXTIVITAS, MANNUIAR) (CORTISONE) (ETA2',OY,) (HYALURONIDASE) S/078/61/006/005/004/01.-O B121/B208 AUTHORS: Markovt V. P,# Alikhanova, Z.M. TITLEt Uranyl oompounds with trihydroxy-glutaric acid PERTODICALs Zhurnal neorgarticheskoy khimii# v, 6, no- 5t 19610 io66 . 1073 TEXTt The complex formation of the uranyl ion with trihydroxy-glutario acid COOK - CHOR - CHOH - CHOE'- COOH was studied by physico-chemical me- thods such as potentiometrio titration, determination of the specific elec- trical conductivity and transference number. The potentiometric titra- tions were made on the AIT-5 (LP-5) potentiometer by means of a glass- and a calomel electrode. 7ae titrations were carried out with a 0,1 M al.. kali hydroxide solution and mixtures of 0*1 M aqueous uranyl nitrate so- lutione and trihydroxy-glutaric. acid with different ratios of the com- ponents at 200C. No hydrox:1de precipitates in the titration of a mixture of uranyl nitrate and trihydroxy-glutarie acid with alkali hydroxide so- lution. It may be seen fron the potentiometric titrations and measurements of the specific electrical coneuctivity of isomolar solutions that tri- Card 1/7 B/078/61/006/005/0%/015 Uranyl compounds with ... B121/B208 hydroxy-glutaric acid reacts with uranyl ions by forming complexes in which the ratio of the components Vt C 5%07 varies from 1 : 3 to 2 t 1. Various uranyl compounds with trihydroxy-.glutaric acid were synthesized. UO2C 5H60 7.1 1/2 H20 is obtainad by two methods, In the first method tri- hydroxy-glutario acid is aldett to a nearly saturated uranyl nitrate solu- tion up to a ratio of the ~3om,~onents of 1 : 2. After 2 - 3 days a fine- -crystalline, light-yellow procipitate is obtained. This method is also applicable when using uranvi ahloridef but not, when using uranyl sulfate. In the second method# trihydroxy-glutaric acid is added to an aqueous sus- pension of uranyl oxide in the, heat up to a ratio of the components U S C5 H807m I a 3. The aLalytical results ottained for the crystals pre- pared by the two methods are the oame. The crystals of U02C 56'7' 1 1/2 H20 are insoluble in water and organic solvents, The compound 002)2C59407-020 is precipitated from a solution of uranyl nitrate and trihydroxy-glutario acid, w:aero the ratio of the components is 2 1 1, by a mixture of ethyl alcohol f2 parts) and ether (5 parts). Chemical ana- Card 2/7 S/07 61/006/005/004/015 Uranyl compounds with ... B121YB208 lysis confirmed the given foriaule.. The compound is soluble in waterp but insoluble in organic solvents, it is decomposed in aqueous solution by lyes or acids. The compound is a nonelectrolytep as was confirmed by measuring the molar electrical conduotivity. The compound '(TJ02)2C5 R60 7(HSO 4)2 on20 is precipitated by treating a solation of uranyl sulfate and trihydroxy-glu- taric acid with alcohol and.ether, The chemical analysis of the compound confirmed the above composition. The compound is very well soluble in waterp but insoluble in organio salventso The compound Nil4 (UO2)2C5H30V3H 20 is precipitated from an uranyl nitrate solution with trihydroxy-glutaric acid at a I)H of about 2 after 2 - 3 hr in the form of a fine-crystalline, light-yoll