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Wk ACC Mi AP6009920 (A), SOURCE.CODE., 413/65/000/004/0116/0116_1~ Ioaosbekov, M. 1. AUTHOR: -Beletskiz ORG: none 711 A device forcuttLng off 'fuel feed. in a carburet engine. Class 46, No. 179122 ~'SOURCE f Izabreten" iya, pr~Mshla,' tovarnyye znaki, no. 4, 1966,. 116 ~TOPIC,1AGS: Biel carburetor, engine fuel system: ABSTPACT: This Authorts Certificate introduces a.device for cutting off fuel feed-in, a carburetor engine -with fbrced idling. The installation contains a movake shut6ff, an or iinit, ` e. g.- 'A valve-, covering the idling ch nel which goes through the carburet housing to the,mixing chan6ers'..:. of.-carburetors.used in various.ope- rational, conditions, e. g. In the mountains, an annular sleeve is mounted in- the space ~,betweeiIi the.housing and th.e:mixing chamber.,,'This sleeve supports the cutoff element C' _Aocated in the idling channel UDC: 621.43.033.9 '588 Card 1/2 25955-66 ACC NRs AP6009920 1"cutoff- xmit; 2-idling channel; 3-hous- L - 4 IxIng chamber-, 5-annuLar al"Ve P91 i t 7.'1 :Rk, Z4" SUB CODE; 21/ SiMA DATE ORIG REP v -000/' OTH REF:, -000, XOSTYUKOV, V.A.; GCUCHOMO, K-S.; BELMSKIT11 X.L.. redaktor; SCRCKA. H.8., redaktor; RUMMSKIY, I 5exMT3nWWKJy redaktor [Reconditioning.tractor parts by means of gas and electric are welding] Vosstanovlente avtoraMornykb detalst gazovoi i elektro- dugovoi evarkoi, Kiev, Gos.'nauchno-takhn. izd-vo mashinostrait. lit-ry, Ulcrainakoe otd-uis, 1955. 50 P. (PURA 8:6) (Tiactora-Welding) LUIS,A.Ye.: BILITSM.N.1. retzenient, inshoner; SCRCIrA,X.S., rodaktor; RumaiSKIT'TA-9T.-S-t iw-tcheolkdly rodaktor (welding in repairing tr'actore and agricultural machin'ory] STA- roohnye raboty pri remonta traktorov i sell skokhoziaietTenroicb mashin. Xiev, Goa.naucbnc--tekhnAzd-vo mashinostroiteltnoi lit- ry. 1955. 156 p. (MLRL 9:3) (Welding) (Agricvltural machinery-Repairing) (Tractors- Repairing) BXWSM, M.L. [Biletslkyi, M.L.] - - - - - - - - - - Organizedrepair of machinery. Mekh. oil'. hoop. 11 no.9:1-2 8 160, (MIRA 1.3-.9) 1. Nachal,6 upravlerdya remonta i tekhaicheskogo obalushivanlye kolkhozov i sovkhozov Miuisteretva oeliskogo khosyaystva USSR, (Agricultural machinery-Maintenance and repair) J BEIETEK-IY, M.S.., prof., doktor fiz.-matem. naulk; RAYFILENSHTEYN, 1.TS.; O.K., asoisttnt Using molybdenum diou-Ifide for redu.-Ing the wear of cutting tools. Mashinostroitell no.7:4-0-4.2 J1 165. (14IRA 18:7) 1. Zeveduyushchiy kafedroy fiziki Leningradskogo inzhenerno-ekono- micheskogo instituta imerd Paltmiro Tollyatti (for Beletskiy). 2. Zwmestitel nachal I nika instrumental Inogo. otdela Nauchno- -J--sledokraitellsk,~.go institu-',a taktinollogii mashinostroyeniyu Lenin- gradakogo soveta narocinogo khozyaystva (for Raykhenshteyn). 3..Yafedra fizikl beningradskogo inzhanerno-ekonomicheskogo inetLtuta imani-Pallmiro Toltyatti (for Shatalova). 4~-Illa so so so so so t o 00 3 go so 74 Alumina FUft a it cung" The a* to Ass. 614.'Sti 44T"L L WINIOM c LAIMPICSION C* S4243') "it CRT 4111 r =00i u w is., 0 .0 : 4*140-04~ 4-4-:1 a I If a IN A 4 3 4 V a a 0 0* Wo 0, 0 0 00 49 00 '06 Sao 041 w0 too too lee 0 0 It 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e 0 0 SlAM t 113 U10- PC of sI&W 1 ) 11 1 1A 0 71 - r 4 6 1* or - : Oz. 0c; IZ 00- a 0. A"^ 214" isslal ~: ,I dill 4: .11.4m plim IV ut -Itmm 00- I stif A23 so W- I -I r - ii- v It a a t 'c it I I a1 It u a A @Iu Q l - - - - a A **see 0 k ~!.! !- ~!e 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3L't$q Joe ilea oil A~Sjc"'w n -C.0- Mll lv)f9*"l11j1` v I Iff s v Ir '*0,98 C, go 1, 00 Ir 00 9-3- 1T ft 4 1 9 1 1 f c IIc a 9 0 & $ 0 0 0 0 go* 0.0 --Ald~ A 'Id A A go -A- A Bail lo to 1 se goes j 4 1. 1 Stmaurs 41 alupl-bdazimg tompoud in cakes MW 00 c dW -1938- NO-12- Tswnyr A(dd Wamc %A- U- pn., and prof.-ttics 4 ppla. u " 1U a dou"Ovt 4.1 C'mil. alujuktate k-44101411014 **11ky ma*044 k1hy"lltlebe'" hk-b t N&AlS4(% 11 0) ki t d nit , , tattA ala apo wem l"Ove ( km 2N S.&OW + rro e - R 111. Tbc O f 4NO N*A)Qt + IlMi it N&A Ms 00 jlrldicmt~m of AlUIVIIIIAte *An*, Is ammil'411*1 by No. Wn. ME ount millkis. ectitts. AIA)i w&% tAwgvtd lit t1w plum". PpIthttic lipts.. pcvlxt. hy k'.W'lI.Wnjg 00 '7 n*o. of alutnitutics Wad silk-sies of No, olm were limad In ctmAst of at"k6ne anti Al(0106. A IVICIrmy-s. 00 It N, lmt4d r , e, TALLVftKAL L"l*jkjWj CLJIWICATM 1884;r", -#*%-#Tat J9 a 1 Aft I %ONO 0018 0 0 a 0 0.0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 9 0 -00 -00 '* 40 '00 -00 we* see me* '6 11 -300 -0 -0-0 iv 0 0 0 0 #0 0 . . .1 1~ ~ b ~ I . f a of Q to It aa v 12 1& 13 I IL IL to -- ; I ~ 4 0 0 A. AA. 10 d 4 To ApOmfim d 01411,1111.0. AN** b th rcow" at WA sit. too a /Mw Akmbka WWAW W IsruL Aked. Nm4 8J.H.R., 16 (213).2774179)-fin, Rtly.'ll Bdutmhm am be- "vwd VM a aft4oeswtter for 81 (5-14%) &Mothow A alloys for 8,1 co 0 so j (0-U-1-25%)- I-P -Lndkm (--=%) of Al and Mg am almo =00 bei necoodWly drknnimd. Mw lbw uwd &M I&bkv Ibr W aw-9. I 9( phk md ckvtiwJ aWvvm am bkqu&d.-7%m = 00 -4 f ;00 I awe see goo U00 4ts &LA 64TALLURGICAL LITIRATWI CtASSIFKATION 6. OIL*. ko 0 lip It It 0 to w Of Kiffma Kau 199 w R I, ~24 'o 0 * 000 0 0 0 0 0 9 * 0 0 0 * o :'4 a** 08 G 0 0 0 0 0 90 io, go 006 IS* 0 0 0 0 4 0 Is * so Is so 0 o 0 0 o 0 a q o 60 0 0 0 A g" et t a IL , sips 00 . 00.1 72~. 0 is A -00 oof 00 it 0 00 as 0 . 0* 000 Joe off 1000 ~ amw tlt"414" WMLAT ~7 ~ sloe ia= sale an,# 4m 1 all is I& a IV 79 : Wj $ 1 $ ; 00016 6 1 . 61 000 00 '04 0* 0 7 904 * 40 4m X-Z" lam at tu *= stivetwe of I"WmL 4 Ipt (14 Runian.) Tu. & Toradn"ov and IL & Pokudy Ake- ;dgmu Malth%W16t, ReporU of 'the w4w Ac*Aotny of Sole"a of the VUR), n*:w nor. !. Oftc. % 104 V. 411. 4M maidue vikzl%llWng aftr I"Clb- rfiewm of " of out Ih* " e = ft CON m l. ;r the Jck r NhA1 tMt 1 l t. . c e 4 4 Mftlyd. rammuts dbPOM4 criv- bas of rikkal of be=xotw momell. 3l = h"Y" JmtUm of wWcb 6l l d w lot it-ILA UVALLOWKwAk ~_Z sg* 111h,814110 f low 10"Oll - -j I -LO 4NV 9"4g QMMM CA sawassmanazue. U.S. Beletsu4nd M. 13. Rapoport. DoUa AW. Xamk ~T.S:S:R-.-". 690-701(0301 'Me tIC11M Of NO in thC Wid StItt WAS tStAblOMI by the x.4uy it tern of the j)mluct of miuctiint in mma ,J .IUO. by c sl at I-Aki .4 *1-,%v. 'w A the prMU't M hscti~ft' kins. The mulnunce Apiwars m a madenute of yellow brown agur. Its refractive index ii 1.112-1.91. the d. 2.13. ThertystaIL-iti~vbcttbic.a-.I.IOA. Noother interfervneri;appear ist the pAttern. If there Are I mals. per unit cell, the expd. d. of'-1.13 gives a mol. wt. of 44.3 -The prrpni. investNptel by 11.4uminn (C.A. 3S, &W) 4nd by InurulDk (C.4' 30, -001) wv1v not sio but a Mixt. of si and sic. N. Thm doubt abM jhq 04 M. & Iftww ph.. no kwqw any 0--mme =0 h-u been = (oom afts"041= .bWW b, Q In on* prlpt~umkm omm "'iAlvill S)f SKh 444 gW tt0t* submame or *4 low 0=mtbm I "Cwin% by W&Cim a X-fty pwoer'A bm" mm Uftmo Obtsiowd awwW kowtWopop Ma AN tkmm it wu ftu *am b"f-'.d wj 't. bMjWd tMI &W """*,- I"ft or tim"Wim ZZ %I41W UM WM 000410mow obgsinft a Imum that the 144 isdon ObW;*l an Ow V&N,,,Vh (NOS, 16 AX, ObMk*d wnw pum yg&ft WAO I" taken as an inak-44k, W- 2.13 it Ihm w" 4 tMI the d 1643 Wbk* is qww *own no*L wL Irm OfirackgWic Of .-MOM rilut lah: 1411kv con"am 0&I& (I 94ble.) ~ a Alumimm, Aigh, Temperature 22 OrV:q'_1 *eta, y of Aluminum Compound For ing at High Tempera--- a a.,"M. S. Beletakiy, M. B. Rapoport, All-Union k ' u num-Magnesium Inst I k Ak Nauk SSSR" vol L)=, No 5, pp 751-754 in ing experimentation for reducing A100 3 with C at -a above 1,8000 in vacuo, unknown c~m~d in shape eups thin elongated crystals of blue color was observed. tt t C'O contained considerable amt of Al, did not react ~tb water or acids, only reacting slowly on heating 'with alkali. Density was found equal to 2.74, Mol wt 69.94 suggests compd of A120 type. Complete cbem 221T47 analysis was not possible due to small amt of sub- stance obtained.- Submitted by Acad D. C. Belyankin 2D Aug 51. Determituttloa at the now tKq. R. 10 an Adiaxy _5Z j % w WX.; - . 74i it. zb and - Minervins Zhur. r . o�rel. IS(ITM a the - - ~ Woffi ;M Nodificatloasb v in omm as - 34 8A., but :c a ~c do on t e no a the layers t s ctum piled up d on c, Using Belov's theory b de -Sphere pack- . Ila" Piiov had establMd1wed a ct . 1 0., the known Wifictions of SIC. which explains, e.g. j Ott's structure of V ic with 17 layers, as ~,,!lj ILs that at SIC VI (CA. 42. 1 00%1: SIC 1 (2.3)3; SIC It M; SiC 111 2-2; SIC IV 4.3)3-. SIC V (2-32-3.3-3)3. SIC VI (2.3.3-3)3; P~SiC - N ; and RAmidell's (C-4. 41, 498W) SIC-87R (, 3.34-3.3,2)3. In oom. SIC, another modLficatiou was c6- served. "led SiC Vit, wbich has a p~wtkular powder dia- that Is somewhat similar to that of trigonalSiC I suit IV udifferent fmn hexagonal SIC It and Ill., Thelaytts Ghem!Lcal Abot. obey the laws. - 3 X 0. withdus - W); 48 No. 9 Vol S w h' + kk + P, In very good agreement with the expd. . May lop 1954 facts. The translation group H trigonal-rhombobedral. primitive. The discussion of the Intensities gives also a Uneral and.Phy8iml ChMistry 'complete agreement wlt~ the structural principles expreised in the correlations h - 4 Pd 3m; I - 31, and h - k - 3:n; I - x.1 - 2-st; W 0.1-2. etc. $pace group M, - R Jw. and subgroup Q. R 3m, with the symbol of spheric pack- 'ings ( A series of structural types is establislicil expressed by SIC I with it. - 16; SIC VII, x. - M. 2(22.-, n, - 39; (,3)3, n, - 51. The dil- k lercace3 of the x. values between these single types is As, 12. AV. Fitel V 8. BeJelskil lpn Ajjpj,~,, d). DOI kad. NdUA -The oxide layer on.Al iFurfaces ..'1ppe4rstW'='9"1an Ty monatomic layer of 0 held by. v ca In whi 3P e1 of 2 at 2,01 At am transf to the a eell a P.iome-fterdissocn.oMmol. Thus t Is formed a untmol. film of 2-dimenslonal A40 which idoes not give diffraction patterns by X-ray or eltdron-micro- "Ictuethods. It the, ox(datloo.occursetelcyated temp... 144 two 3j electrons Lot Al also participate and form cryst. A110; such IL StWittion occurs In oxidation of 01 IPMY 04 Malten Al droplets which consist of AI&O and A421 (*.form) asshown by x-ray examn.; heathig In air to IM converts 4_"" of aMe partitleS CompIttely toL:AIA'(a_forM).~ C A4%.HAO boclunite) on heating to * dd Lhe -roxide -with -cM2 parWes of about " )~'A"tlou 111.0 "par by this oxide (1) and by the so-called medicinal pow- ~'der (wddatlon product of finely powd. Al under lzo- ~Ahern eondItionsattootatemp.)wasexamd. Ulatalcing .111 OM 5% HJO becomes rapidly satd., whereas I prepd. at ; W. =1 up 21%Z040 thd I bmv.~ at 6W" takes up 18% O:tdm UO , 0 MO. This can i MO* Ion 1. la I be'460~tduced amt. d free Mace In the specl- meha made at her,temp. -The1owle-MolHjOabsorp-,- WoftbyUk falud b the structure of the oxide layer on Its W'dice. IT, tmd no change, but I te to bgehmite and b the reaction to= I asc~~ inch ast Aho + 8 &0. - 2AIZ + 2H. - +'2%, JrTXiO - and - 2AIOJI + 2R10 - -W(OH)j - -1 BME"-MIY, 11. S. "Roentgenographic and ElectronoLTaphic Inve3tigations of the Structure of Films of Surface Active Abents Adoorbed or, the Surface of Defomied Alw31num." Dr Ilkys-Hath Sci) Leningrad State Pedagogicd Inst, leningrad, 1954. (IqzmaAm, No 6, Har 55) So: Sum. No 6701 29 Sept 55 - Survey of Scientific and Tectmical Dissertations Defended at USSR 11igher Educational Institutions (15) '1~ ~-; ~ -E -VS \4N \ Vt"\ - S, 2=TSKIT, H.S.; hSHOMS. V.P. ,-- =erZ!n'g' the amount Of aluminum In an slactrolAto call by mss,no or radioactive tracers. TSvet.mat. 28 no.5:51-54 S-0 155. (A-luminum-Analysis) (Radioactive tracers) (MIRA 10:10) vame i WUI'=Ii Mikhail Semenovich Dissertationi Radiographic and electrographic analyses of the structure of films of surface-active materials; adsorbed by the surface of deformed aluminum Degreez Doe Phys-Hath Sci Affiliationt All-Union Aluminum-bbgnesium Inst Defense Date, Placei 26 May 55, Council of the Leningrad State Pcd Inst imeni. Gertsen Certification Date: 12 MY 56 Soureet BWO 4/57 AUTHORS: Beletskiyj, IC.S'. and Saksonov, Yu. G. 577 TITLE: Phases in the System Na3AlF6 - L'3AIF6- (Fazy v Sisteme Na3AlF6 - Li 3AlF6'. FERIODIQL; N' eorganahe skoZ Khimil "(Journal of luorganic Chemistrv, V-01,11, VO,29 Pp.414-416. ABSTIRACT-. Although there are favourable prospects for the use of lithium compounds for intensifying the electrolytic production-of aluminium, many of the corresponding physical-chemical- effects which occur on fusing lithium and sodium cryolites have been insufficiently studied. There-aNe serious discrepancies between the results of Drosspach and those of Petrov . In the present investigation of the sodium cryolite-lithium cryolite system the melts were prepared by meLting-suitable mixtures in a shaft electric fumace., Since single cr'ystals could not be obtained, powder X-ray methods were used for find- ing phase composition. The investigation failed to confixm the existence in. this, sys- tem of a simple eutectic or a continuous series of solid solu, tions. On fusing sodium and lithium cryolites together three chemical compounds, Li Na.Al F , Li6Xa3Al and 3 3 1 3~18 Li 15 Na3 Al6 F36 were formed; the following eatectics were also Card 1/2 577 Phases in the System Na 3AlF 6 -Li 3 AlF 6'* (Cont-) formed: Na3AlF 6 - Li 3~a6Al3F1,; Lipa6A13Fle L'6Aa3A1?l8; Liea 3A13 F18 - Li 15 Na3 Al6 F36; Li 15Na3 Al 6F36 Li AlF There are six referencesv four of them Russian r.3 The references cited in the text.,of abstract are the following: 3 P.'Drossbacho Z*.Elektrachem, B.42, No.1, 65., 1936. 4. V.I"Petrov. Investigaftons oT_'The main physical-chemical properties of a new- electrolyte- for the aluminium bath. based on the partial replacement of sodium, oryolite by lithium cryolite. Dissertation, VAMIj 1954. 1 Figure, 2 Tables. The work was carried out at the All-Union Allminium-Magnesium Research Institute. Received 2 October, 1956. Card 2/2 ,~s i~ ~~t-v -:,, Y, -~- I BELETSKIY, X.59; G~d:MUW, ~ A now modifie&tion S 157- In, 5, T.G.; SAKSONOV,Y-U.-O. of Ti 305- Zhur.neorg.khim. 2 no.9:2276-2278 (MM 10:12 (Titanium oxides) -20-6-29/59.., AUTHOR: MASHOVETSp V.P.9 BELETSKIY9 M.S., SAKSONOV, Yu. G., and SVOBODA, R.V. _ __ TITLE: th_e_Ta_F_-_n1P, 9 On an Now Camp oun17i n (0 novom seyedinenii v sisteme N&F - A1F,$ Rusaian). PERIODICAL: Deklady Akademii Nauk SSSRI 1957, Vol 113,.Nr 6, pp 129o - 1292 (U.S.S.R.) . I ABSTRACT: The diagram of the state of the fluerine-sedium.!.fluorineAluminium- system has often been studied since the aryolite fo=od on this occasion is the main component of the electrolyte which inused for em.,its oxide.'By earlier the electrolytic winning of aluminiumjr ' investigations it was found that in~thid tydtem also.bhialite de- velops besides ory9lite (according to data: Na A.1-1 or. Na F9), 3~12 5 3 14 1 The conclusion concerning the sale existence of cry*lite and-chio- lite was repeatedly confirmed in contrast to theoretical computations according to which an equimolecular compound: MeAlP is supposed to i stence of such have the most stable aluminum configuration. The ex a compound with potassium as adl as with univalent thallium and ru- bidium was already proved. Nothing is known about sodium compounds (with the exception of NallIP H 0) Apart from Howard, the authors obtained XaAlF in the condeAsaie of the deatillati n vapors from T aryolite-alumiAa-melting in an argon atmosphere at 200 The grea Card 113 quantities were found in vapors of meltings which had a molecular 204-29/59 on a New Compound in the NaF - Alf 3' ratio of NaF : AlF - 1167 to 1.00. This is t6 domain which oor- responds to the so2called 11sour- electrolytes". 0 It-can be assumed that in normal conditions this compound'is very unstable and is only partly conserved in the presence of argon an& other games. The inter ference-maxima of chislite and fluorine alumimun were determined in radiograms. The not identified maxima left after their eliminatio which were characteristic of the crystal lattice of the new phase used for calculations. The obtained data were approximated to the constants of theknown. lattice of the compeiinds of the type MeAlF 4' Theoretical values of the intensities of the interference maxima were calculated in order to find out whether sodium tetraluminate has the same crystal lattice as the rubidium-, thallium-, and pot- assium compounds which are isomerphous with it. The obtained results show satisfactory agreement. Therefore it can be assumed that sodium tetraflu*ralluminate has a similar crystal lattice as the afore- mentioned isomerphous compounds. Attention must be paid to some de- viations of the theoretical intensity values from those obtained experimentally. A further still unknown compound may be concern:ed. Also a deformation of the tetrahedron of 6 fluorine atoms is posible It is not impossible that just this is the reason for the instabilit,, Card 2/3 of e*dium-tetraflueraluminp-te.-An anal*gous lithium-compound is like. On a'New Compound in the NaF - Al? 3* 20-6-29/59 1y to be still more instable. (1 illustration, 5 Slavio referenoes). ASSOCIATION: Allunion-Saientifie Research Institute for Aluminum and Magnesium, Leningrad* (Vaes*yuznyy nauchne-isaledovateltakiy aluminiye-TO-MagniyeTyy institut, Leningrad). PRESENTED BY, FRUMKINp A.H., Member of the Academy. SUBMITTED: 7 January 1956 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 3/3 5(4) -BOV/78-4-5-4/46 AUTHORS: Beletskiy, M. S., Saksonov, Yu. G. TITLE. Radiographic Investigation of the Polymorphous Conversion of Sodium Aluminate (Rentgenograficheskoye iselodavaniye polimorfnogo prevrashcheniya alyuminata natriya) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 5, PP 972-974 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The radiographic investigation of 0sodium aluminate was carried out at temperatures of up to 1200 C. The X-ray pictures taken are shown by figure 1 (a-d). It was found that by the heating of sodium aluminate a new phase develops temporarilys which again goes over into sodium aluminate after cooling-down. The phase of high-temperature stability has cubic lattices. The phase of low-temperature stability, however, has a tetra- gongl modification. The polymorphous conversion occurs at 450 . The lattice constants of the tetragonal and cubic modifications of the sodium aluminate were determined (Tables It 2). There are I figure, 2 tables, and 3 referencesp 2 of which are Soviet. Card 1/2 81797 S/02 60/132/05/41/069 0 0 (s) B004YI3011 AUTHORS: Beletskiy. M. 9'.1 Yeru alimski;Zq M. I. TITLEt On the Mechanism of the Protection of Magnesi -Against Oxidation- 1% PERIODICALi Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 196o, vol. 132, No. 5, pp. 1122-1124 TEXTz The authors discuss the easy oxidizability of magnesium due to the structure of its electron sheath. The valence electrons of the magnesium surface, which are in the 38 ground state, readily react with the p-electrons of oxygen. These statements were confirmed by experiments. By introducing neodymium into the magnesium surface, the 36 electrons of Mg are raised to the higher p-level and, in compliance with the selection rula~ they are protected against bonding with the valence electrons of oxygen. The experiments are described. In a vacuum chamber (5 - 7-10-6 tmr), magnesium, magnesium-neodymium. alloy (45% lqd), or pure ng2dymin re sprinkled onto a collodium film by a molybdenum spiral with a cuAent Card 1/2 81707 On the Mechanism of the Protection of S/020/60/132/05/41/069 Magnesium Against Oxidation B004/BO11 impulse (7-8 a for Mg and Mg-Rd alloy, 18-20 a for 11d). Of the metal films thus obtained, electron diffraction pictures were taken both immediately and after long standing in the air. Fig. I shows that in the case of pure Mg, the interference rings of MgO grow more and more intensive after standing in the air, while a small addition of Rd suppresses the formation of MgO still after one month of standing in the air (Fig. 2). There are 2 figures and 2 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION2 Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy alyuminiyevo- magniyevyy institut (All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Aluminum and Magnesium) PRESENTED% February 13, 1960, by G. V. Kurdyumov, Academician SUBMITTEDs February 6, 1960 Card 2/2 81859 S102016011331021281068 67 JI? 0 B016/B060 AUTHORSt Beletskiy, M. S., Yerusalimskiy, M. I. TITLE: Electron Diffraction njdj~'of Neodymium Oxides PERIODICALs Doklady Akademii rauk tSSRP- 1960, Vol. 133, Ho. 2, ~pp- 355-358 TEXTt The authors discuss the rather scarce data contained in publica- tions (Iost and otherst Ref. It and also Refs- 3-5) concerning the oxides of the rare earth elements. It follows herefrom that neodymium sesqui- oxide is present in hexagonal and cubic modification. A higher degree of oxidation to NdO , has hitherto not been known. Oxidation conditions and intermediary oxiges are not described either. For the purpose of study- ing the oxidation processes of neodymium, the authors made use of the diffraction method of fast electrons on thin oxidized films of this element. A special apparatus with a vacuum of -7410 -6 torr served for the purpose. As a protection against the "burning through" of the collodium base, the authors used a copper net (60-130 mesh, electrolyti- Card 1/3 - ti,", 81859 Electron Diffraction Study of S/020/60/133/02/28/068 Neodymium Oxides B016/Bo6o cally prepared). Electron diffraction pictures of the nonoxiaized neodymium were obtained by immediately placing the neodymium film in an electron diffraction apparatus. A thermocouple was then fastened onto the copper not mentionedg and the latter was heated in the furnaoe along with the film. At the same time, film fragments were kept at room temperature, and oxidation on the air was studied on them. Fig. 1 a shows'the electron diffraction picture of the initial film. Table 1 supplies experimental data, from which it appears that the thin neodymium film oxidizes with relative rapidity at room temperature, giving rise to the cubic modifica- tion of the sesquioxide. Oxygen diffuses in the film interior already at room temperature with a certain intensity (Fig. Ib and Iv, respectively). The blurred interference rings of the compound formed points to a con- siderable distortion of its lattice. Despite considerable spread of the lattice constant value, the average value a = 11-36 A points to the continued enlargement of the elementary cell of neodymium on longer storing in the air and at room temperature. The authors therefore believe that the oxygen diffusion%rogresses in the lattice of the sesquioxide, whereby the lattice is irregularly distorted. By a tempera- ture rise up to 50000 there also fortas a cubic lattice with a constant Card 2/3 Electron Diffraction Study of S /A1018 0/1 33/02/28/068 Neodymium. Oxides B016FE160 a - 11-05 A. The degree of ordering of the atoms in the lattice rises at 7000C (Table 2). The authors reach the conclusion that an oxide Nd 203 and probably Nd 6011 results at temperatures up to 700 0C. The compound corresponding to NdO forms with the oxidation of neodymium vapors only. 2 All of these compounds exhibit a cubic lattice. There are 1 figure, 2 tables, and 9 references: 3 Soviet, 1 French, and 1 American. ASSOCIATION: Vsesovuznyy nauchno-issledovateltskiy alyuminiyevo-magniyev.V institut (All-Union �cientific Research Irletitute-of Aluminum and Magnesium) PRESENTED: February 13, 1960, by G. V. Kurdyumov, Academician SUBMITTED: February 6, 1960 Card 3/3 BELITSKIT, M.S.; SAKSONOT, Tu.G. Letter to the editor@ Zhw*narog;khim, 5 nos5t1183 Yq 160. (MIRA 1337) (sodium aluminate) R&POPORT$ M*B.; Imeatigating the interaction of coal and graphite vith alumimm and iron chlorides. Izv.vys.ucheb.xav.; tavotmet. 5 no#3:71-79 162., - (MIU 15:11) 1. Vaesoyaznyy alyuminiyevo-mgniyevyy institut. Rekomendovana k,mfedroy legkikh metallov Krannoyarokogo instituta tavetnykh (Alumimm chloridO (Iron chloride) (Electrodes, Carbon) 22962 s/i26/61/011/005/007/015 E193/EI83 AUTHORS: Beletskiy, M.S., and Gallperin, Ye.L. TITLE: The crystal structure of some phases in alloys of magnesium with cerium and neodymium PERIODICALs Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, Vol.11, No-5,.1961, pp. 698-703 + 1 plate TEXTs The object of the present Invest1gatlon was to ascertain whether phases, present in alloys of magnesium with other rare earth metals of the cerium sub-group, are also present in the magnevium-neodymium system, and to determine the crystal structure of-the phases. The experiments were conducted on magnesium-base alloys-containing 2-45 wt.% Ce or Nd. All X-ray diffraction work was done-on-polycrystalline (massive and powder) specimens. The following conclusions were reached. 1. The Mg-Nd alloys with,up to 45% Nd consist of phases similar to those preaent in alloys of Mg with other rare earth metals of the cerium group, namely MgqNd and Mg Nd 2. Depending on the Ce or,Na content In ;he alloyq the MgqCe and MgqNd phases can exist as one of two modificationst and Card 1/2 W m62 5/126/61/011/005/007/015 E193/E183 The crystal structure of some phases in alloys of magnesium with cerium and neodymium in the former, and p and x in the latter case. The x-phass is also present in the Mg-Ce alloys containing more than 35% Ce and quenched from 600 OC. 3. Th -MggCe and p-MggNd phases appear to have an ordered cubic :trupcture with the lattice parameters of 14.604 and 14.578 respectively, There are 4 figures, I table and 7 referencest 2 Soviet and 5 non-Soviet. The English language references read An follows$ Ref.l: M. Hansenj Constitution--of binary'alloys. McCraw Hill Book Comp. 1958. Ref.2: G.V. Raynor. The physical metallurgy of magnesium-and its alloys, London, 1959. ASSOCIATION: Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-inaledovateliskiy alyuminiyevo- magniyevyy institut g. Leningrad. Card 2/2 (All-Union Aluminium-Magnesium Scientific Research Institute in Leningrad. SUBMITTEDt July 14, 1960 .- BEMSKIY' H.S.; YERUSALIMSKIYO M.I. Dirfractometric determination of the amount of alumina ih an electrolyte, Zav.labs Z7 n9,61702-703 '61- (KMA 14t6) 1. Vesesayuznyy nauchno-issledevatellskiy alyuminiyeve-magniyevyy institut. (Alumina--analysis) (X rays--Diffraction) BEIMKIY, H.S. Improve the control of the.electrolyte composition for alumim= electrolytic cells. TSvetomets 35 no*2s56-59 F 162. (HIR& 15:2) (Aluminum-Blectrometallurgy) (Electrolytes-Analysis) BELETSKIY, M.S.; DRUZHININA, M.K.; YANKOVSKAYA, V.G. Speottochemical d6termination of aluminum in titanium tetra- chloride. Titan i ego splavy no.8:247-250 162. (MIRA 16tl) (Titanium chl-oride-Analysis) (Aluminum-Spectra) BELETSK-U,;i M.S.; VERESHCHAGINj F.F.;, LEqXENKOVAq T.A.-; NELA=j, R.Ie -------------- ;-, L-ray diffrecti examination of alunite during heating. Zbw.prikl khim. 316 noj:r~t4o, W 163. CIPA 1615) (Alumite-Thbrial properties) (Xr-ray diffraction e3l~~tiou) LEYTE~11EN, M.G.; BELETW IYI- lkf. S. Deep desiliconizing of aluminate solutions in the presence of lime. TSvet. met. 36 no,9t49-53 S 163. (MIRA 16s10) SHVARTSMAN., B.Kh.; VOLKOVA, N.S.; IIEONENKOVA, T.A. Composition of sodium and potassium aluminosilicates separating out in the process of removal of silicon compounds from aluminate-alkali solutions. Zhur. prikl. khIm. 36 no.10-. 23-03-2108 0 163. (MIM 17: 1) BSUTSKIY, II.P.. inshener. war-OVI-JI. I!asign of trolley blocking schemes. Xnergetik 2 no.5:21-23 Ny 154. (KMA 7:6) (Electric lines) BELETSKIY, P. (Biletalkyi, F.] P- -- -1- -- ~bsh-reinforced concrete covers for autoclaves. Bud. mat. i konstr. 4 no.2t58-59 Mr-Ap '62. (MIRA 15-9) (Reinforced concrete) (Autoclaves) EM%XIY, .P.m.I ......... ~ I -- . .. - - - . . - -I. A 4 - -11. .-.- ~ -- . .1 . -1--.- - 56,7%. - -VtEI'8XI-y-,,: P. M.'Ovoshchi2yye Kul I tury. 2-Ye Perera bot. 1 Dop. lzd. Kiyev, Gossel I zisdat TZSR; 1954~ 348s. S-111, I; 20Sm (Trekhletniye Agrozootekhn. Kursy. Vtoroy God llb"Ftr'iya). 20,000 Ekz 50-F 9ok v Per-Na Pereplete Avt. he Ukazan. -Na Ukr. Yaz- (55-9 1) SO: Knizh~naya, latopis, Vol. ls 1955 -USSR/Cultivated Plants - Potatoes. VegetabIcso Melons. M-3 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biols., No 7, 1958) 29767 Author Inst Voroshilovgrad Agricultural Institutes. Title On Ac~elerated Potato Reproduction in the Donbas Orig Fub Nauch. zap. Voroshilovgradsk. s, kh. in-ta, 1956, 4, No i, 74-81 Abstract At the Department of Vegetable Cultivation of the Voroshi- lov(;rad Agricultural Institute a study vas rade for 2 years of the effect of the times of planting and transplanting of the green sprouts and single budding tuber parts on the productivity and seed qualities of the tubers. The tibers, were vernalized in four periods, during each time one trans- planted separately the Green shoots of the lst, 2nd and 3rd turns, the tubers after having cut the shoots of the Card 1/2 USSR/Cultivated Plants - Potatoes* VeGetabless Melons. M-3 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol.,, No 7, 1958, 29767 3rd turn and the sinCle sprouting part of the tuber. On the average 30-55% of the eyes germinated when vernalized, the largest number of eyes sprouting during the late period of vernalization (16 June). With vernalization in the earlier periods the number of shoots of the first batch increased sharply, althou(ji the number of shoots was reduced per single eyes Tubers of the first two vernali- zation periods did not yield any shoots after the sprouts had been trimmed three tines, and tubers of the 3rd and 4th vernalization periods had no shoots after having been cut twice. The highest yields were obtained from tubers which were raised frm L;reen shoots and the single sprout- ing parts of the tuber planted in the late periods. The best time for beginning the vernalizatioa to obtain green shoots is the end of April. The highest yield vhen culti- vating from the single-sprout parts of the tuber was Mt- ten by vernalizing in the beginning of June. Card 2/2 2 Country : USSR M Catecory: Cultivated Plants. Potatoes. Vegetables. Melons. No 11., 19r8, 1110 48968 Author kj)eletslziy, P.M. Inst : Voro--sHlla-vg-r-KM-r~-umricultura1 Institute Title : Problems of Ecology and Agrotechny of the Yeadow Mushroom (Psalliota cappostris) Crig Pub: Nauchn. zap. Voroshilovogradsk~ s.-Irh. in-ta, 1957, 4, No 2, 125-3.34 Abstract: Experiments orGmiized by the Department of Vegetable Growing of the Voroshilovgrad Institute of Agriculture in the closed stone quarries at'the depth of 48-50 m, discovered the optirnim conditioas for the culture of Psalliota caLVestris (soil temperature - 3.6-17', ranure Card 1/2 Country : USSR Category: Cultivated Plwits. Potatoes. Vegetables. Molons. Abs Jour! RZb]3iol -, Vo 11, 1958, No 4W moisture - 60~, thielmess of beds - 50 era-) - It is recor.=:.11%?d that one add I part of cow manure to 3 parts of horse nanure (or I part of sawdust to 5 parts of horse nanure). For build:knG up the beds, a mixture of 70c,.' of structural chornozen and 30% of humus should be added. It is rccomxnded to lay first a 2-3 cm layer of the mixture, erad- ually brina-'ria the thickness of the layer to 7-8 cm. L.N. Kats Card 2/2 M-74 BELETSKIYq S. M. Cand Agr Scio-- "Agrioultural engineering of in* high IC' - x4vu 1 k hv~N., KOV Ij S. V% V, k r C ..k~ of ~rioan millet in the steppe-beik of the McSSR." iarl ov Or er 0 Labor Red Banner Agr Inst im V. V. Dokuchuyev). (KL, 1-61, 200) -284- RMTSKIT. V., kaudidat takhn1ohaskikh nauk. %i.UXA:Ci Dynamics of bolter mechanism with rectilinear vibrations. Muk.- 20 no.7:20-23 Jl 154. (MLRL 7:8) 1. Odesekly tekhnologicheekiy institut imeni I.V.Stalina. (Grain milling machinerv) BRMSK~J:Fol oktor tekhnicheskikh nauk; MRAGUN, I., kandidat tekhniches"Ich n Optimal values and lead capacity of vibrating screenB in cluaning ground millet. Mak.-olov.prom. 21 ne.11:16-17 N 155. (MLRL 9:4) l.Odeeskiy takhnslogichookiy institut imeni I.V.Stalina. (millet) A./ SMSKIY, V., kandidat tekhnioheakikh nau1c; ISEEDIN.M..YA.L. , Inshener. NOWMENNUM - Determining optimal parameters for sorting millet. Muk.-eleve prom. 21 no.2:19-20 7 155. (HLRA 813) 1. Odeaskly takhnologicheakiy institut im. I.V.Stalina. (Millet) EELETSKIY,, V., inah. ymm - - Mechanical lubrication unit. Avt. transp. 1+1 no.500 Yq 163, (KIRA 16tlO) (motor vehicles-Lubrication) M.; EM V.D.; YANIOMMH, O.D. uNewllrespiratory viruses. Vop. virus. 8 no.3t259-263 My-461639 (KMA 16t10) 1e Inatitut virusologil, imeni D.I.Ivanovskoso ANN SM, 14osk-7a* (RESPDUTORY ORGANS - HICROBIOLOGr) (61-ITT vam) 851 *TZOT-6101309'ou 95 OtptTed I euGU*-MqZ *TT31840-EDEC IA Aq 'PGAGTAOg O,FTxoAoB,eal oIrl Xq mupaq olqq ;o aGi;voslp.;o Amolutmotl4gj, GA '.XIXS.IWM BELLTSK"IY, V. G. BELF,'fSK11r, V. G. "On cornunicable outbreaks of tularemall, Trudy ~;-,ol. gos, Ined. in-ta, Vol. 11, 1948, p. 54-58. 30; U-431,.), 19 Aua,,,ust 53, (Letopis 'Zhurnal Inykh Statey', No. 22, 1%9). BBLICTSKIY, V.G.; BELGORODSKAYA, Y.N.; IUKHOVA, L.Ya. State of artificial lighting in Smolensk schools. Gig. i san. 21 no.91194 3 156. (MLRA 9:10) lv, Iz kafedry gigiyany Smolenskogo sediteinskogo Institute, .I (SHOLIN.SK--SCHOOL HOUSSS-IaGHTING) T, 4- r r"'; 10 1 -FYvr r-~ T, o, r ~i D,7 V, Illynsmics of the ph,,.sicnl develo,:-ment anj ot-ate cf !!r--Ith of Siclenzi.- school children durinir the postw,~r T-priol." re-ort subillitted at thr l3th 1111-7'rilon Convrer-s of L And infectionists, 1959. BELETSKIY,,V.G., aspirant Technique for resebtion of the knee joint with the use of comp- preuision. Zdrav.Bel.' Z no.l2t42-45 D 162. (KMA 16i1) 1. Kafedra. tr*vmtologii i ortopedii Belorusskogo gosudarstven- nogo instituts. d shenstovaniya vrachey (zav. - kaf edroy - prof To I )jEXCISION OF MM) EU=Kry, V-,G-* PRUDNIKOVA, E.K.; MAKARMKOVAp Ye,.D.; LYAKHOVA, L.A. i Wene of children's eyes. Vop.och.mat.i dot. 8 no.3170-73 Kr 963, (MMA 16: 5) 1. Iz kafedr gigiyeny i gUznykh boleznoy Smolenskogo maditainakogo inotituta I Smolenakoy gorodskoy eanitamo-epidemialogicheskoy atantaii. (EYE--CM An HYGME) (GHMRRi--CARE AWD HYGIM) RYABOVj N.A~j vrach; VARIN, Iole., vrach; ARKRABGELISKIY, V.N., prof.; WBOTSKAYA-ROSSF,LIS,, Ye*M*,, vrach; BELETSKIL VA. dotsent (Smolensk),- UKRO, H.L.p dotsent; USIABUY', SoDo. starshiy prepodavatell gimnastiki Health hints. ZdarovIe 9 no.Z,30-31 F 163. (HrRA 16:3) (HYGIEB) BELETSKIY, V.G,j assistent Compression fixation of the resected knee joint under clinical and experimental conditions. Zdrav. Bel. 9 no.6:16-18 Je 163. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Iz kafedry travmatologii i ortopedii (zaveduyushchiy - prof. V.0. Marks) Belorusskogo gosudarstvannogo 4i,,3tituta usovershenstvo- vaniya vrachey (rektor - dotsent N.Ye. Sa%ehwiko). BEILTSKIY V I.,. inzh. (Frunze); BIBIKOV, R.P., Inzh. (Frunze) 11 11:1 Concrete paver for lining irrigation canals. Gidr. 4. mel. 17 no.5:40-43 My 165. 18:7) BICRTSKIY, V.I., ordinator. 1! mommm"W-1 Slectric drive for the telescopic column of the Hassian fluorescent screen.. Vestaent,i rad, n0,5:77-79 5-0 153. (MM 7--l) l..Iz kafedry rentgenologii (zaveduyushahly - professor A.I.Dombrov- skiy) Rostovskogo n/D maditsinskogo Instituta (direktor - professor G.S.Ivakhnenko). (Radiography) il rays-4pparatus and supplies) BRUKJ1 A.S.; OBUKHOVSKIT, U.N.; BELETSKIY,, V.G.; LEYBOVICH,, R.Ye.j KUMHOV, P.Ya.; GOLUj3cRff,-!-*i.-j--6ffk M,.V.; EYDELIMANY A.Ye. Improving the stability of,coke quality at the Zaporozhlye By-Produot Coke Plant, Koko i khim. no.16:10-32* 161. (KIBA 15:2) is Dnepropetrovskiy metallurgicheskiy institut (for Bruk, Obukhovskiy., Beletskiy., leybovich)* 2o ZaPorozhakiy koksokhimi- cheskiy zavod (for Kuleehov,, Golubehik,, Sitalo., Wellman) .'(Zaporozhlye-Coks) BE=. A.S.; OBUMVSKrY. Ta.M.; VOLKOTA, Z.A. BMTSKrY. V.G.; ANTONOT. A.T,; SWCHINKO, A. I. Iffect of bulk veight of coal charges on the mechanical properties of. ecke. Koko, I khIz. no*12:20-25 60. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Dnepropetrovskly metallurgicheekly institut (for Bruk, Obukbov- skiy, Volkova, Seletskly). 2. Tasinovskiy kokockhimicheekly zavod (for Antonov, SheTchenko); (Coke) BELETSKIYO V.I. (Donetsk) I ~. ~ ~' Fluororoentgenographic comparisons of pnell-coniosis in coal miners; large-frame fluorography.Gig.truda,i prof. zab. 6 no.5:33-35 Yv'62. MU 16:8) 1e Donetskiy meditainskiy inatituts (MMS' PHTHISIS) (CHMT-RADIOGRAPHY) GILIBERG, S.I.; FIN='. Ye.A.; BFJA"fSKIY#,.V.I.; DANOVICH. S.M.; TSATSKIU.3.S. ---- Combined entero-cutaneous method of immunization with BGG vaccine. Probletube 34 no.4:48-53 Jl-Ag 156. (KIRA 9:11) 1. Is kafedz7 mikrol)iologii (xav. S.I.Gallbarg) Kirgizekogo maditain- skogo Institute, (BOG VACCINATION, exper. entero-cutanaous method of admin. in mica & guinea pigs) MIKHAYLICHENKO, V.A.; BELEISKIY, V.I. Lymphogranulomatosis of the duodenum; a case report. Vop. onk. 10 no.9:106-109 164. (MIRA 18t/,) 1. Iz kafedry obahchey khirurgii lechebnogo fakulltata (zav. - prof. A.M.Ganichkin) i kafedz7 rentgenologii (zav. - dotsent I.A.Kunin) Donetakogo meditsinskogo instituta. Country : USSR F CatcGory :Mlicrobiclogy. Microbes Pathoganio For I%n and Animals. '.'ycobactaria. Abs. Jour :Rof ?hur-Biol., No 23, 1958, Zlo 105910 Author L Inatitut. rg~z ~Scan'U fic Research Institute of Epidemiology,* T So anti XiI T it le, Xomparative Study of the Corbined Oral-Parcutaneous and Intracutansous "ethode of Administering BOG Mcperimental!~ First Report. Vegetative Dynandos of BOG' Nycobaoteria*# Or 47, Pub. -Sb. tr. Kirlr. n.-i. in-ta. apidamiol., mikrobiol. i gigi- yany, 1956, 2, 6-8-73 Abstract Me advantages of one method or another of vaccination cannot be demonstrated until three months after tho) vaccination. Later (200-249 days), the advantages of the oral-paroutaneous method acme out distinctly. In guinea pigs a greater diffusion of t1he mycobacteria. throughout the internal organs was observed with it than in those inoculated intracutancously. The growth of mycobacteria in organs and lymph glands was more native and prolonged after the oral~-perautaneous method. This method meaces it possible to inject a considerable quantity of BrG into the body vithout notable changes at the aite of injootian.-V. Ya. Boyar3kaya.. *Micrabiology and Hygiene Card: **in the Bodies of Guinea Pigs and White Mica Depending on the Yethod of Administration Country :USSR Catogory :Microbiology. Hicrobas Pathogenic For Man and Animals. Mycobacterin. M Abs. Jcur :Ref Zhur-Biol., No 23, 1958, 1b 103911 Author *.Beletskiy,V.1. Instit-ut. :Ki-r&iz-SAentifia Research Institute of Epidemiology* Titlo -'Cor-parative Study of the Combined Oral-Paroutaneous and Intraoutaneous Methods of Administating BCG . Experixentally, Second Report. Observation of the** Ori~; Ilub. :Sb. tr. Lirg. n.-i. in-ta opidem-4ol., mikrobiol. i gigiYery) 1954, 15o 2, 74-76 .4icrobiology and Hygiene. **Dynamics of Tuberculin Sensitivity in Guinea Pigs Guinea p1ga were imsunized with 3W vaccine (15 intra- cutaneously and 13 orally-paroutaneously). The demonstration of the-ditforence in intensity of the ate-to of sencitization in immunizod guinea pigs was made each week for the first 15 days, and then monthly for eL long time (515 days) after the vaccination. It was shown that the state of sensitization of the guinea pigs inoculated by the combined oral-porcutaneous method is more intense than that of those it=unized intra- Card cutaneously. In the latter, the reduction in intonsit7 1/2 F-67 unt-fy Cat%ory Abs. Jour :Ref Z!Iur-Biol., No 23, 19%, ?jo 103911 Author Inatitut. Titla OriS Pub. Abszract 'of the tuberculin reactions occurs somovh&t sooner. In (Oont.) the author's opinion, more ftvorable conditions for the mobilizallon of physiological defense machwAsme are created aLftar vaccination by '%.he combined method. YeL. Card 2/2 BELETSKIY, V. K. 35514. &istopatologiya Plevry I Legkogo I puti Rpsnrostraneniya Vospalitel'No~ 0 Protsessa Pri Piotorakse Fosle Raneniy Grudroy Kletki, Pronikay-ushchikh V Plevrallnuyu Polust'. V SB: Voprosy Grudnoy Khirurgii. T. 111.11M., 1949, c. 80-96. Letonis' ZhurnalInykh Statey, Vol. 48, F-Oskva, 191,9 BI VIKI V$V- Critique of idealistic theories on the concept of the neuroglia. Zh. nevropat, paikhiat., Moskva 53 no.11:885-892 Nov 1933. (CIKL 25:4) 1. Institute of Psychiatry, Ministry of Pablic Health USSR. GILTAROVSKIT, V.A.. redaktor. RIAMI&OUX redaktor; SEGAL,, TU.N., redaktor; S0191. 1.Ta.--,--fedaktor-'WMUN. T.P., redaktor; FBDOTOV. D.D., redaktor; XEEACRAT~iYli, A.A., redaktor; GURIVICH, L.A., redaktor. [Problems in psychiatry; 'abstracts of scientific vorks by the Psychiatry Institute of this Ministry of Health of the U.S:S.R. (1945-1953)] Voprosy pefthiatriij aitoreforaty naubhnykh riRblot Instituta pefthiatrit MIMiterstva sdravookhraneniia SSSR (1945- 1953 99). Pod red. T.A.Giliarovskogo i dr. Moskva, 1W. 453 P. (MIRA 10:11) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Ministerstwo zdravookhraneniya. Institut paikhtatril. 2. Daystvitelluyy chlen Akadenii meditsin- skikh nauk SSSR (for Gilyarovskiy)* (psychiatry) USSIVIlurian ancl .nimal Morphology (Vor..ial and Pathological). Lyriphratic Systan. Lbs Jour: Rof Zhur-Biol., No 167 1950, 7-1356 ,',utho-L, : 1. Bolctslziv, V, K. Inst : Ryazan' Nodical Inst-Ruto Title : On Reticular Tisstio of t.;-., Serous llo.--ibranos anC Thoir Serous Drainin-., Sinuses. 0 r ir,, P ub ;Hatcrialy 19-y nauchn. konforentsii Rylz,,A-isl,:. nod. in-ta po problci.m: IIIn:~toriiy,-, i pAolo- CiyA org.-nov grudnoy polostill, Ryazan', 1956, 79-33 ,,bstract: Roticulir tisstij (RT) of no.-.1al serous rion branis vas studicO as viall as its change in various muto scrositises of man (o.-Li sectio- nod Elatarial) and of experi-montal aninils Card 1/5 USSR/Himm and :.ninal Morphology (Uor-nal and S-1 Pathologicl-1). Lyritphatic Systan. 0 Lbs Jour: Rcf Zhur-Biol., No 16, 195"7 74356 (r~abbits and dogs) by intrcAuction of a 1,1~ susp-.~nsion of Ineia ink and a thin sus- pension of Borlin azuro i!.to their peritono- al and plaura cavitie.r, It v.,as shoi:n that in serous menbranes RT fori-is a budy pi-r- cinr.- tho entire thicimoss, wict settic; In tho fissures oil tissue betvaen the colla- genous c%nel. elastic fibers, vessels and nerves. Tho basal rl teribrane is forriod by a thick not o-f --oticular ifibex-s-, in Cac spa- cas botmon theri thoro. is an ir'.orphous in- terstitial substmcc, aither horiogenous or gr,7,nular, depending on its colloi6al state. Into the curiposition of scrous aside from opithaliun, its b"vl noribr,7-ne 2/5 USSR/Hunan an,-! Ininal Korphology (NorTiza and B-Ir Pathological). Lyi-tphatic System. ,'.bs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol.7 No 16, 19532 71,356 and subriesotholial layer of RT, there also:. enters furpod, fibrous tissue ,betuem th,~ structures of 11hich RT is situated. With the undarlayin,r, (subserous) tissue th-, serous munbranj is connected by porous, fibrous con- nec-?ivo tissue, uhich also has RT in its co.-.i- position, Submc~sothclial layer vith b'"sal ma~.ibrane is a ccllulo-fibrous barrior, blo- cking portions of suspensions vhich vore introeucod into tho serous clavity. This layor fulfills: L) a roactivo and r2cfansive role bv docoriposition anC. (I~squam;ition of riesothalim anC by for:'lantion of suporficial scrositis-, 2) a plastic function by -Lormation Card 3/5 USSR/Hwian. anO. Morphology (Nol-i-.ial md S A Patholo,gical). Lyriphatic Systeri. Jour; Rof Zhur-Biol., No 167 195001 74356 of post inflamvatory adhesions or col-tiissur,~s bot-.' -can serous leaflets, since `U-h~- cells of this Lver trmsforri before others into fibro- blasts of thesa afhosions. RT, by viitua of _Csor-otion anO tho phagocytic capacity of its cells, plays a role in the adsorption of li- quicl. from serous cavities by inf lxinat ion. RT in thi mass of serous uoribranes h,-~s serous sinuses nhich vidan by cdcna, wirrov! and uast,.) army by sclcr~jsas. Final,' r-disD,.:rscd suspensions, introcItucad into the bo~.,%r cavity, nrc -, ,mifostod in th,~ lurrion of subnosotholioa serous sinuses, vhich ar-- connectoc! ~.,ith lymph vessels. Particles of suspensions '!Ath Card -1/5 -IICJ 8 --PC USSIVHumain Lnimal Hor-i holo,,,,,y (No r7 jal Patholof%-ical). Ly:.-phatic Sitsteri. Lbs Jour: R,,'L Zhur-Biol., 'P ITo 16, 1953j 74356 a eliari;Aor of 1-7/4 punetrato into sorous si- nuses throu.,.,h intcrraesoth~ilial spaces and di- roctly t,'-lrju-:h the prutoplism o-f th,, i--iosotlic- liu:-i. Lly dilatation of scrous sinuses and in- tonsification of t1-icir drrtinim, function, by stasis of tissue fluid7 onclot1halisat ion of rotictilar cells, thu tromsf -orriation of serous sinuses into lyliph capillaries ane. thoir di- roct inclusion into tho !vonural lyriphatic I., systori occurs. I. B. Barab,,.sh C,ard USSR / Human cnd Animal 1.1orphology. Anatoiaical and S-1 Respiratory &ystem. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 14, 1958, 64729. iLuthor RpInt ski - - V- V, - IM t Ryazan i~Jdical -rnstitute. 111 it 10 The Hisuo-pathophysiology of the Viscoral and Parietal Pleura in Zmpyama of the Pleural Cavity. Orig Pub- !,,:a-teria!~7,.- 19-1 nauchn. konferentsii Ryazan' sk L med, in-ta po ):)roblems: "Anato,aiye. j patologiya orn,ai,cv grudnoy polostill, Ryazan', 1056, 84-86. 7 Abstract: In t-aa 4-11itial stage of the homo and pyothorax, through tissue s-)a3es, openings, and a lymphatic network, the pctriet-al pleura resorbs blood and exudate, but thereafter the res6rbing systera of tho pleura is thrombosed and the resorption is replaced by exudation. In the dense mass of the Card 1/4 UsS'-q / Human and Animal Morphology. Anatomical and S-1 Respiratory System. Abs Tour; Ref Zhur-Biol.j No 14) 1958, 64729. Abstract: pleura, granulating tissue develops protecting the surrounding tissues and the circulatory and lymphatic systems from infection. Initially, the visceral pleura protects the lung from in- fection by dint of its transudating function, and later it does so as a result of the inflam- matory process and the development of granulating tissue,.~ The submesothelial layer of the reticular tissue with its basal membrane is the first con- nective-tissue barrier in the pleura. Granulating tissue develops in the dense mass 6f both blades of the pleura after the death and disintogration of the mesthelium, and is subject to the laws of the fibro-and cyto-orchitectonics of the pleura. Mention is made of the intussusooption growth of Card 2/45 USSR / Human and Animal Morphology. Anatomical and S-1 Respiratory System. Abs Xour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 14, 1958, 64729. Abstract: fibers in the thick mass of the ploura xid of -.).he appositional growth - on its surfacc.., in :~:iduration both olastic layors of the pleura move apart, detach themselves from the surface of the lung, and divide into layers; both cclIn-genous layers of 'the pleuri thicken; th--- f~t.,'Ln, hnving fallen out onto the surface cl rileure C-,ets organized. :"!.s a rr--,sult of all th-'..i, tl2o attains a b',','L'.-L' Of 2-3cm (it thick- CLZ in the area of the cupolas and pl-,ural s-*'!, The cohesions thicken in con- vaquance of tho development of granulating tissuo 4a tkieir donso riass (the formation of separate PC-.:3 cells into L;ac3 is possible) .In the disor- garization of The ploura as a result of its lysis Card 3/4 USSR / Human aad Animal Morphology. -Anatomical and S-i Respiratory System. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 14, 1958, 64?29. Abstract: with a histologically acting flora, its fibro- architectonics are disturbed; the layers in the induration become indistinguishable. The dis- turbance of the granulating pleura by the in- fection process leads to various serious com- plioations. -- 1. B. Barabash. Card 4/4 V~, & ~ 1~ -\ --,~ k ~ -x~ /\J , V" , BALPITSICU. V.X. Analysis of a prolonged psychic disease caused by injury (with summary in Yreneb]*Zhur.nevr. i psikh- 57 no-10:1195-1204 157. (MIRA 10:12) 1. Inatitut paikhiatrii Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya SSSR (dir. - prof. D.D.Yedotov), patologoanatomicheekeya laboratorLya (ZFT. -, prof. V.K.Beletskiy), Moskovskeye oblastnaya nervno-psikhiatriche- skaya klinika (dir. - prof. G.K.Khanlayya~) (TEMPORAL LOBE. wounds and injuries causing ment. disord,, 30 year follow-up (Rue)) (MENTAL DISORDERS, etiology and pathogenesis, temporal W., 30-year follow-up (Rue)) BMWSKIT' V.K,, prof, Work of the B~mmu Prorlwo Pathoanatomical Society for 1959, Arkh.pat. 21 no.7t86-87 159. (KM 13t5) 1. Piedoodatell Pyasaukago oblastnogo obalabLestva patologo- anatomov, (Ruzky PRovmc3i--PATHWMNICLL SOCINTINS) BELETSKIYA'S.K.-, Classification of cohriective tissue tumors of the central nervous system.. Vop. neirokbir, 24 no. 9:3-8 Mr.;Ap 160. (MIRA 1411) - (MMVOUS SYSTEK-TWORS) BEIETSKIY V. of. (Hyazan') Some critical comments on the histological nomenclature of humin tumors compiled by the Committee on Nomenclature of Tumors of the International Anticancer Societ7. Arkh, 161. (MMA 14:12) 1. Iz kafedry patologicheskoy anatomii (zav. - prof. V. K. Beletskiy) 4yazanskogo meditsinskogo, instituta, imeni akad. I. P. Favlova (dir. - prof. L. S. Sutalov) (TUMORS) (MEDICINE-TFMINOLOGY) BMMSM,, V.K.9 prof. (kwug) I=er7ation of t=ors. Arkhpat. no.lot3-16 161. (KMA IpIO) la Iz kafedrT patologicheokoy anatmii (zave - prof. T.K. Beletakiy) Foaxanskogo maditainakogo ;bwtituta imeni akad., I*P, Pavlova. (TUMMS-nO=TATIq) BEUMKIY, V.K. (Ryazan') Primary rheumatic tonsil-locardiac complex (tonsillitis, mediastinitis, carditis) and the general pathological process in rheumatic fever. Vqp.revm. 1 no.2tl9-25 AP-Je 161. (MIRA 164) (TONS ILS--DISWES) (MEDIASTINUK-DISEASES) (RHEUMATIC HEART DISRASE) BELETSKIY,, V.K. Toxoplasmosis of the brain (chronic toxoplasmic encephalitis and its sequelae). Zhur. nevr. i psikh. 61 no-5:733-738 I . IRA 14:7) 1. Kafedra patologicheskoy anatomii (zav. - prof. V.K.Beletskiy) Ryazanskogo meditainskogo instituta imeni I.P.Pavlova. (TOXOPLASMOSIS) (ENWHALITIS) (MENTAL DWICIENCY) BEMSKIY, V.K. (Ryas=') Tozoplama infectims proceas in anewspbali and the circulatory disorder genesis of anencephalia. Zhur. nevr, paikh. 61 no.7: 1052-1055 161. (MIRk 15-.6) 1. Kafedra patologicheskoy anatomii (sav. - prof. V.K. Beletakiy) Ryaw(nskogo neditsinskogo iwtituta imeni Favlova, (MONSTERS) (TCXOPIASMOSIS) (~tOOD-4IRCULATION, DISORDERS OF) BELETSKIY, V.K.; USHKAIDV, A.F., retsenzent; SUTUIDV, Yu.L., red. k4 (Laboratory manual on pathological anatonV] Praktikum po patologicheskoi anatomii; metodicheskoe uchebnoe posobie dlia studentov (v 2 chastiak). Riazan', Riazanskii med. in-t ira. I.P.Pavlova. Pt.2.[Pathological anatorcy of diseases (nosological forms)] Patologicheskaia anatomiia boleznei (nozologicheskikh form). 1962. 173 P. (MIRA 17:1) I'KTY ET V. K. (Rpz 4-im BELE ~ Probleme c,', Ona pdthcje:idqis wiJ aak-ect of rb-Ivintic, feviir. Nauillb. trudy rtLa".. mad'. Inst, V+ 163. Vlau.-;,r.'.r T2,mi--feavich Tulslaa-7, almxc.:~-icaclinlcal rea,~arch In Li-.e of N~suzh. trudy u4mmmy (,.f ~-f 'naL ri,3=riati(~ fever. R,hau.%&t!.;,, fe,.ec cif the 6pires.1 c~,vj. lbid.-.233-242. BNATSKIT, T.M.; HATANSrATA, V.G. Problem of multiple -9osinophilic granulomas of the bone. Pediatriia no 1:68-70 Ja-3F '55. (KM 8:5) 1. Is kafedr7 i kliniki goopitallnoy pediatrii (say. prof. P.D. Davy&ov) i kafedry rentgeuologii (sav. prof. A.I.Donbrovakiy) Rostavekogo-na-Donu meditsinak~go inatituta. (BOSINOPHILIC ORANMM&, in infant and children, multiple) .SUBJECT USSR/MATHEMATICS/Differential equations CARD 1/2 PG - 545 AUTHOR BELEZKIJ V.V. TITLE On the vertical elevation of a point with variable mass in a medium of constant density. PERIODICAL Priklad. Mat.Mech. 20. 559-560 (1956) reviewed 1/1957 The vertical elevation of a point with variable mass in a medium of constant density (homogeneous atmosphere) and hemogeneous gravitational field in des- cribed by the equation m & a - F - mg - V -ft. Here m is the variable masap dt dt v its velocity, F the resistance of the medium, V the relative velocity of the flowing out of the fuel. The author assumes that V - const, F a KV 2 (L-const), m . M f(t), m the point mass in the initial moment, f(t) monotonely decreasing from ? to 0. @hen by introducing a new variable v 4 Md f.1 Au- the original u dt equation is brought to the linear form d2 du 7 ' L_ I (g + f T)u 0. t2 + f TV M f 0 f 0 By the transformation 1 U - jk112 NZ, f 2 ff dt Priklad.Mat.Meoh. 20, 559-560 (1956) CA" 2/2 PG - 545 z = Z(X) , x - Os f- dt we have 2 d 2z dz Az - 00 x 72 + XW+ Now the author investigates the case A - o 2f Y2_ 92, where -) and c are 2 2 2 preliminarily indefinite constants. Since c f1p . x the Bessel equation X2 d2z + x dz + (x 2_ 12)z . 0 dx2 dx 2 2 2 is obtained. The condition I a o f'W - I is satisfied e.g. for the following f(t); 1) f - e- Pt for c2 . 11 (g _ V V2 . 11 2) f - 1 -aCt for M 0 2 K 2 c 4 KV., (in this case solved by Blatz, Kinematics of a IW- 9 , V - m 0 0 vertical booster, Jet Propulsion, Vol. 24. No. 1, (1954))-