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. "'T"KlY, 2aklinr ir,.;i,. aped 4,ency of di vidi ng tbe wir,.15 it-. of a transfor-av.- J v tt- " I,,_ lat.icn of overvolltagoi -,;sing COM;..IltorB. lzV.VYS.LCirE-V.zqV. elekl-tunekli. 9 rz).3,360-364 165- (NMIRA 1815) 1. ot-Mla wrEc-,k--')rb rapi7azheniy Vsesoyuzncgo 4rstjtut-!j ~. ,.r.s. BELEV, A,, loytenant I Wear wM be less. Starsh.-serezh, noo.12:19 D 161. (MM 15:3) (Tanks (NJ-litary science)) TSVETKOVs K,; BEIZV,, Be Traction of the gigs and trailers of the ZIS-150., Chepel D-350,, and Skoda-706 R automobiles. Transp delo 6 no.lt33-41 !54, 4 BM 1. Goorgi, ftperimental. shop in t1i Vuloho Ivanov State Industrial Enterprises Ratsionalizateiia no*9:12-15 162* BELRY, Georgi An electromagnetic device for the drive of brakes in ren- dering machines. Ratsionalizatsiia 13 to.9219-20 163. B BEIEV, S. "I'llutonic rocks in the Vis-Icyar ard Liulin '-'ountains.11 GQDISHNIK: Vol. 4, ITO. lp 1956/57; Sofiia, Bulgaria Monthly list of EAST EUROPEAN ACCESSTCN') D"DEX (ZEAI), Library of Congress, Vol. 8, No. 8, August, 1959 Unclassified GSHASIMOV, F.; BUCIIVAROV, S. * I 5"Orpentinites of the village of Doini Pasarel, Sof!a District, as raw material for the producV-t of forsterite refractories. Godisbnik khim tekh 9 no. 1:37-51 162 (publ. 163]. EnEv. Sy. ....... .. Petrographic notes on certain eruptive rooks in Losenalm Plamin , Godiahnik Min geol inst 7 nool:257-288 160/161. BELVI SVOJ at. prop. Notes on the p6trogx4phy and stratigraphy of the rocks of diabdse-~phyllitoid 6ities in the Margash Balkan Mountains. Godiohnik Min geol inst 9s2.41-259 162-163(publ. 1641. Intrusive rocks near the village of Belchin,, east of the Verila. Mountains. Ibid.;291-303, 13MZV, Sv., st. Ivep.; DIMITROV, It. Volcanites around the villages of Radovo, Ya-rlovtsi, and Les1mikovtsi, Trun District. Godishnik Min geol imst 9:281-28'9 162-163(publ. 164). Raw, V. "Hydraulic tlow and its utili?ation for infecting fuel into the motor with Internal cor~,Dstionbll p. 12 (Ratsionalizatsila) Vol. 7. no. 5. May 1957 Sofila, Bulgaria SO. Monthly Index of i~ast European Accesiona (E:,-kI) LC, Vol. 7, n,-. 4, -April 1958 BELEV, V. "Baling machine for tobacco, ZQUI." p. 22 (Ratsionalizatsiia) Vol. 7, no. 6, June 1957 Soffia, Bulgaria SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EFAI) LC. Vol. 7, no. 4. April 1958 BEUIVI V. "Unattainability and prematurity in the invention field." p, 4 (Ratsionalizatalia) Vol. 7, no- 9P Sept- 1957 Softia, Pulgaria SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EW) T.C. Vol. 7, no. 4, APril 1958 KRUSTINOV, G., prof.; KAZANDMIEV, It.; KOLIN, N.; HELIV, V.; TONEV, B. ="".m." Our 4erience with the use of a film-forming substance In the treatment of burns. Khirurgiia 17 no.2t150-152 164. 1. 1z Visshija voennomeditsinski Institut, Sofiia. LEONTIYEV, Fedor Stepanovich; BEIXV2 Ye.L., red.; CHEWKH, M.P., mlad. red. - ARDANOVA 9 fil.-F. , tekhn. red. (Under the sun of the North] Pod solntsem Severa. MoaWas Geografgiz,, 1962. 229 p. (MMA 15:7) (Chukchi Peniumla--Natural history) BELEVA, L. "Biological Factors in the Inminity of the Gooseberry to the American Parasitic lkngus." Cand Agr Sci, Moscow Agricultural Acad, Moscow,, 1953. (RZhBiol, No 6, Nov 54) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (11) 30: Sum- No;521, 2 Jun 55 BEMA, I. I. Vitamin C metabolism after extensive resection of the amll intestine. Vbp. pit. 19 no.2235-39 Mr4O 160. (MIRA 14:7) 1. Iz otdeleniyalzabolevanir'zheludochno-kishecbnogo,:traloa (zav. prof. O.L.Gordon [deceased)) K21nikl lechabnogo pitaniyaii laboratorii izuebeniya vitaminav (sav. - prof. V.V.Yqfk=av) lmtittq~r. pitaniya ANN SSSR. (INTESTIMM-4URGM) (ASCORBIC ACID) BulprMa Grains. Laguminotis Grain3. Tropical Cercials. 'S joufz.: .f zilur -5~ ologiya, So. 5 , 1 )"79, No 205 U, tn o'! Bc2ewx, Lines T" L R Underdeveloprient of Sak-:tds in Ugwninous Cropa. ORIG. PUS 13 Byul, rastit. znah,.,h-1.t-a, .1-957, 6, NO."I 75-76 In bear-Lq, puns, soya, tind oUhor logwaas 'nods are 'ound with ona or raoxe undeveloped a~eds Yield losaes of b--,ans on a nurih.)r-of B-aiza-"i~n plantings in 1956 constituted 25-3-8~ior nore. Undeveloped seeds oonZoaln no fat. "ba hea"Ithy seeds taken from pods oontalnl-ng undeveloped sGeds showed a lowering of fat oontont from 1.32 to 0.49% with a lof~cl of ahlont half Of I sDIL lit, This dt7-tvase in thol- a,.~ ite welp asjocletted with ohortages of mineral nutzientat, CJ.RD 13 i %-,-A t ed P I :;,it ts ur No - 5 20 2 05 LITHOR T ITL - L B' ORIG. P U B. noisture and air in the noll, with high tamperatures, and dependa on varietal characteristias. M.V. Dranishnikov C A R 1) 2/2 PLA%r M~J~:"'kSES. Dl,,!oase!3 of C'ultlvnl;ed Plants. -B If) ~'iyo , N., . 2. i 1612 A- t r Tl-o bffLici ot, un the Mechi"l ~m '~n tim K-uLtvadill I lum mf ct~.d With Red. 5'j~:t 0 1101.. Salskoctop.- ud~tlll. .V458, 3, NO.20 127-132 The citalmge %cLivity axt,' reEpirnticm rate were fcom the ti.515urs -infecte'd I with Poly!~-t 'iroora rubrum spots and tito healthy! timstots Sullrounding thlb coming from bot wifertilizea ani fully fertilized trees. n One zoiio adjacent to tlae spots, the.~-e IfAs A- pln~:o with l*sicreasrad catalase activity and. h--ji.~:litened respiration rznkte. The3e defeiise ru~,ctiorx.s were .-narn, str-n.42.y expret-sed ir. leaven coni;n- from fertilimea CARD COVVTM( C ~ 7,.-., c~ 0 Ry PLANI LW--~ASES. 9 lj,~ 0 G o Iv; NOR TITL2 jl-, Ira U11.3.: tracs, due ~;o which tile them ai7,1 of' t1ke Soits alld g-,f inf,~,.ctjonti vrore lower here than la thri3a trees whizh were uot fartill',zed. Tile catnla-,-e uo,,ivity and re~epiratiov rate inc3L-e*6uc'. ir,,m to AAguq~ Thils etudy was madt~ at zofja Agr-:Ucoitural InAtitute. 2/2 DANCHE~Ap Raina; BELEVA, Stoianka ' , PhotometrIc deteminati-oinli'--bf gold with rhodamine B. Khim i industriia 36 no. 3:109-111 164. 1. NIPRORUDA. 0 DAUCHEVA, R. F14ptometric detdrmination of silver in the lead, ooppor.. and .,Vld concentratet. Khim i industriia 36 no. 2:64-66 164. YATSKOVSKIY., S.; KLIMOV, L., inzh.; ANTI-PENK0, I., inzh.; TEGELI, E,, starshly prepodavatelf; RELEVAINIT P ,4 ,,,,,,komandir samoleta S. (MAykop); LYSENKO, A.; BM- S.; BUMAKOV, Yu. Technological innovations. Grazhd. av. 22 no.7:22-24 J1 165. (MIRA 18:7) 1. "Kryllya Sovetov" (for Yatskov3kiy). 2. Krivorozhskoye aviatsi- onnoye uchilishche (for Tegelf). IAPSHINO L., aspirant; LIPIN, V.; RIDER, V.; VORONOV, I.; BEIEVANTSEV I.; BUNIN, L.; M&NDRYKA,, A. Experimental farm should serve as an example. Zaahch. rast. ot vred. i bol. 10 no.12:19-21 165. (NIRA 19:1) 1. Permskiy seliskokhozyaystvannyy institut (for Lapshin). 2. Nachallnik stantaii zashchity rasteniy, Perm' (for Upin). 3. Nachallnik Voronezhskoy oblast"oy stantaii zashchity rasteniy (for Rider). 1+. Nachallnik Petropavlovskogo otryada zashchity rasteniy, Voronezhskaya oblast, (for Voronov). 5. Direktor Pavlodarskoy atantsii zashchity rasteniy (for Bunin). 6. Glavnyy agronom ko M oza imeni Kirova, Konotopskiy rayon, Sumskoy oblasti (for Mandryka). 82285 B/069/60/009/01/09/011 B014/BO70 AUTHORS: Treavyatakiy, S. G. Kushakovskiy, V. I. R2j&j�at2p TITLE; Investigation of the Systems B-20 Sm203 and BeO - GAA~ PERIODICAL: Atomnaya energiyag 1960, Vol. 9, No. 1, PP- 54-55 TEXT: The starting materials for the preparation of the sample had a purity of 99-5 to 99.9 %. The temperatures of still liquid and already solidified melts contained in a molybdenum crucible were measured by meanc of a tungsten-molybdenum thermocouple. By a chemical analysis of the slowly crystallizing alloy, the composition of the eutectic was determined. The analysis shows that the composition of the alloys is not different from that of the layers. Miorostructural analyses of molten samples indicate that in the hypoeutectic alloys beryllium oxide crystallizes first while in the hypereutectic alloys samarium. and gadolinium.'-oxides do so first. If the lattice constants of beryllium in thermally treated alloys containing oxides of rare earths are measured, Card 1/2 82285 Investigation of the Systems BeO - SM203 S/08 60/009/01/09/011 and BeO - Gd203 B014YB070 no solid solutions are found in beryllium oxide. The eutectics contain 35 male % of samarium or gadolinium oxide and 65 mole % of beryllium oxide. The phase composition of the samples that contained much Sm20 and Gd203 could not be determined roentgenographically. Samples that conLined 0-5 or more mole % of beryllium oxide and were annealed between 13000C and 15000C showed two distinct phases in reflected light. This supports the theory that in the systems BeO - SM203 and BeO - Gd203 in the temperature range 1300-15000C solid solutions do not occur in the oxides of rare earths. The phase diagrams of the above systems are reproduced in Figs. 1-3. The melting.pointa of the euteotics of these systems are lower than -those of the system BeO La,203. There are 3 figures and 3 references; 2 Soviet and I German. SUBMITTED: January 7, 1960 Card 2/2 S/O 819~1&09/00 3/009/014 Boo6/Bo63 AUTHORS: Tresvyat6kiy# Sa G., Kushakovskly, V. I., Belevantsev, V. S. TITLE: Investigation of the A1.0 Sm And Al 0 Cd 0-Wj 2 2 3 2 3 Systems PERIODICAL: ktomnaya energiya, 1960, Vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 219-220 TEXT: In the introduction to the-present "Letter to the Editor", the riters discuss the resalts of other authors who have studied the systems entioned in the title. The main part deals with experimental determina- : tions of the solidus and liquidus temperatures of these systems betwedn 17000 and 23500C. P6r this purpose, the authors used the high-temperature thermal analysis according to the method described in Refs. 4 and 5. SM203 and Gd20 3with not more-than 0.5% impurities (other oxides of rare earths), and A120 3 of the type qAA(ChDA) served as starting materials* The thermal analysis indicated the following: The eutectic (Al 0 SM 0 2 3- 2 3 Card 1/3 Invostigation of the A120 3 SM203 and A120 3 - Gd203 Systems 82957 5/089/60/009/003/009/014 Boo6/BO63 0 melts-from the side of Al 203 at 17'10-+-20 C (Ftg. 1), while that of the Al,..?03 - Gd2O3 system starts melting at 176o 4 200C (Fig. 2.). From the side of the rare-earth oxides, the eutectics reach their melting points at 1860 + 200C and 1930 + 200C, respectively. The compounds SmAlO and 3 GdAlO melt practically at the same temperature, namely, 2060 + 200C. A 3 .. micrustructural analysis -after the thermal_%tnaly .sis (in reflected light) showed that in aj.lojrs having 0 - --20 moleg';D f ra-re-earth oxides A120 3 crystallized first.; at 25 70:--moleAV._SmAIO,,i or GdAI0,; and at 75 - 100 OTf--7ut`bdtJki~c_s sere found be~w-en 20 and 25 mole% SM.0, or ZU2 (low-melting eiitectic)-and between-70-and 75 mole% of rare-earth oxides (high-melting -outectic),- , Samples containi-ng mbre than I or less than 99 mole% of such oxides were found to be two-phase substances. The inxva'~iant points of th~' two systems investigated (.above 17000C) are Aiated in a table and compared with the da6,published in Ref. 3. The Card 2/3 82957 Investigation of the Al 0 Sm 0 and SI/089/60/009/003/009/014 Al203 " Gd203 Systems 2 3 2 3 B006/BO63 numbering of thepoints corresponds to that of Figs. I and 2. The results obtained by the authors partly agree with those of Ref. 3. There are 2 figures, 1 table, and 5 references: 2 Soviet, 2 US, and I British. SUBMITTED: March 24, 1960 Card 3/3 TRESVYATSKIT, S-G-, JIUSHAXOVMIT, V-I-, =8VANTSIV, V-S. High-temperature thermal analysis using tunptic molybdenum thermocouples. Ogneupory 25 no.4;180-181 160. (XIRA 13:8) . (Therw3couples) 4-74, r V 1,0- /-/ POtAM/Generil Division. History. Classics. Personalities. A-2 Abs Jour: %f. Zh.-Biol.., No 17, 1957A 72403 Author Belevich Inst Title Vitolld Nes6lovskiy - Founder of Polish Entomology Orig Pub: Polskie pismo entomol-, 195r- (1956), 25, No 1, 5-8 Abstract: Obituary of Polish.lepidopterist Nee6lovskiy (1866-1954); part.of his work was devoted to the study of the fauna of lepidor,tera of,sawoblasts within the borders of the USSR. There '.a a list of 21 publications of Res6lovskiy. Card 1/1 Card 1/1 -15- M%IWo, Bialevich, A & .1 wSQWA M~r Z~eryb-o'd'y has to prove his okill sometimes. Rab. i sial. 35 no.7:2-3 Jl '59. NIRL 12:12) (Korelichi District-SwIne-Feeding and feeds) 7AGCF?SKAYA, - 9f."; YASHINA, -T.I.; SLOBODIN., 1r.Ya.; LEVINA, F.H.; gLEVICH~.A.Mq URVANTSEV,, S.N.,, doktor geol.-mineral. naukjo red. (Marine NeogeneW-Quaternary sediments in the lower Yenisey Valley.] Morskie neogen (7)-chetvertichnye otlozheniia nizhnego techeniia reki Enisela, Moskva,, Nedraj, 1965. 90 pe (Leningrad, Nauchno-issledovatel'skii institut geologii arktiki. Trudy, no. 144) (MIRA 18.-8) BELEVICH, F.A.., invih. Firadication of vegetation on tracks. Pat' i put.khoz. 6 no.3.,34-35 Mr 162. (MM 15:3) (Railroads-Track) (Weed control) BELEVICHO F.A,Jq inzh. Air blower ayatemso Pat" i put. khoz. 7 no.6.32-33 163. (KERA 16:7) (Railroado-Snow protection and removal) (Railroads-Switabes) BEMIGH, G. (RA3TCY), *ster radiolyubitellskogo sporta. Transmitter-receiver set designed to operate on 420 to 435 me. -Kadio no.8:18-19 Ag 160. (MM 13;8) BELEVICH. G. Their creative work affects our li7as. Radio na.311204r.164 (MIRA 171.7) 1. Vneshtatnyy korrespondent zhurmala "Rad-iol, CA)rtkiy. BE~~V~CHI ; KOSTIKOV., V. _2~ The great "hunt." Radio no.11:12-13 N 165. (KIRA 18:12) L 3549-0 ACCESSION NRt AP5024434 backing~mounting.and is prov*ided.vithacoordinate-rotary table movable in amy direction. This table Is connected by a ball support to a magnetic table intended for fastening an auxiliary. tabl'"atellite. 1 All of the units of -the photoequip- Mont are connected to one common control unit. To iincrease the accuracy of super imposing negative and backing contour by tvo, points removed from each other.Vith a minimum expenditure of time, the preciseauperposition unit is provided vith a two channel -optical system* -Two different portions.of the superimposed surface are visible in the field of viev of the ocular.'.Orig. art. haet I diagram* ASSOCIATION: TseiitrallMy.~aueb~o-ionledovatel'6kiy institut takhnologii I organizatoii-proizvodstva (Central Scientific Rese"'ch Institute of Tachnola'su- and Production.Organizatioul-I SUMITTEDs 01Apr64, ENCM .01 SUB COMs ES NO REF SOVs 000' OTHERI 000 Card 2/3 ? M5 ACCESSION NR. 6808 s/oo96/64/000/610/0(1~2/0)W5.,.. AUTHOM Zalkind, I of technical aciences)l lie h, 1; S&I ineer), Khl yustoval A 2-- ~mekalkinp V. Komer, I , M. (Kngl TITLEt A new device for determining the coefficient of thermal conductivity at high taiaperatures -:.SOURCE. Teploenergetika Ao. 10 1964 82-83 h-Jig-b-j- /,:,P?.potenti6m t- eQTj taMM~rata'e instrtim _1PPM i potentiometer, NO. 5 4AII ~Mlviinorqe er 1% i AWIMCT. Present: devices for -measuring thea I conductivity at high tempetat-res.:- :are based on steady methods* A whole series-of"planart cylindrical, and apherii3al Aevices have beeii employed. Several 4efects of present mathcds are pointed ont: b sum 'the authors. The present work presents the design of a SiMDle deviceq with mhxL simplicity of measurement j for determining the ooef f icient of thermal conditc-birity, !of small specimon.04t high temperattiree , The basic scheme is shown in.Fig# 1 Ahe Enclosaras, Tho basic difference b1tween this and standard devioe6 is the: fitadamentally hew, s6hemo of -meaturittg heat f lowl bazed on. an element pf qduoing a definite heat flo*. The design of thd m1orimetaris shown in Fig. 2 bn the_ Ccad 1/4 M, Ik: ~Ir L 6528-65 SSION.-Pi. ',A P46" P4 i~4eri~t es: o.C th-6-7 i f ti. o opuress,:- 1XV tdo thif &te - madUte&-; b "C MCI ~~M y -7~ 6 pe 'the Or: a -po en 1. 4 or - side -and :t ~611- -~hott he, 6~16-.4 -7.7anA -bid teipeit-Lturd-drop - io" bet~e, -detetm~, equalitf of temperature --,Calorimeter casin,~.afid the shield of:the heat-generating elezcentb is determined: ''-b wall galvanometer. The coefficient of thermal condueltivity, 'As in kcal/m-hr.~O' 0.861v --where I is-. the--curront strergth at the--- --igiven by t4p !aq i _At~ j _J- lorimeter hzqateri, v 'id the zvoltage~ivt-,t e caloriketer heat6r, 6 is thethic%-~t', of the specimer. between thermocouples, V is the area of the c6lorivioter beater..:_: ehield, and 4t ia'tht temporature drop an the-specimdn in 00t The derice Was '77~, tested a,-,ainst published lata and roura to give rarults in !food ag-reeme t wit these. Drig. art. Mai figures and 2 formulas. A~,L;()CIATION t Or". GR ES SUBIAITTEDt 00,;. Stli comi TI) NO -REP SO 3 Card 214 - - card 314 - -1 - r. - . . . I . I , - I. - . -1 . I 1 -1:- ~ - _~ . .1 -". I MTIM-177 r-, 7-i:! S7% Fig. 2. Design of 6albrizeters eld- of heat-generating elementj 1 - casing. p~f calorimeter; 24 aid heate'-I--74---~ th' i e -Un 6 gen r armoco#l- d rAbIbld of lleat~- erating 5 - heat-insUlsiting, cover bir generating element; 6 - heat-resia'tanV-z-,".~ cementl 7 - thermocouple in easing of calorim-eter; a - ourrent lead4 to calorimeter heater; b - lcMa for measurimm voltage at hestert leads fdr differentially combined the-nioooltpleu. Card 4/4 L 049 '2-67 EWP(6')/EWr'm) / (j) I P(c) V1W/R-1,,VH --' - k E-1 Ij .ACC NRt buURCE--CODEf-UH/0374/66/000/0031/0380/0382 o So AUTHORI Aslanovas M. S.; Belevichy 1. S.; 1~n* V. N.; Gordonp S Cli- ORG I All- 'Unicn Scientif Is Reseach Institute of Elbgr-Maso lntQr-n 19 - d a And Glass Fiber, Kryukovo-(Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatell3kly institut stokloplastikov I steklyannogo volokna) TITLEt Increasing the specific flexural rigidity of fiber-tusepreinforced p1natios by using hollow glass fibers SOURCEI Mlekhanika polimerov, no- 3, 1966, 380-382 TOPIC TAGSt glass fiber, reinforced plastic ABSTRACT: An attempt was made to develop glass fiber of light structure, I& e,p of hollow (capillary) tubular -cross section. A special multi-drawplate, unit was con- structedv and the process of drawing hollow aluminoborosilioato.51- fibers was studied. An experimental batch of braids made of these fibersp which had a capM&ri- ty coefficient K = 0.6-0-7 and an average outer diameter of 0-013 mm was prepared. The physicomechanical properties of plastics reinforced with those hollow fibers in the direction of the filler were compared with those of plastics reinforced with ordi- nary solid glass fibers. The plastics with hollow fibers havelower elastic moduli and tensile strengths; however, because of the lower volume weightp their wall thickness is on the average L5 times greater, so that the flexural rigidity of such a wall Is UDCt 678.o1:666 - L 942,~.-.-,S7 -Atd-Nk, AP60233 twice as high*as in the case of solid fiber. In additiony Plastics reinforced with .hollow fibers have higher dielectric and electric insulat -- - a and a lover thermal and sound conductivity. Orig. art. has F3-tables and 2- formulaa.,~~- SUB COM II/ smw DATris 2ojui63/ oRm REFt oo3/ oTH REFt oo3 I I ,0 -1 UTHORSt 47ITLEt PERIODICAL: ABSTRACTi Card 1/2 A Belevichl K.Y. ~Demeshinj V.P,, Illint V.A, 103-10-7/10 Suvorov, G,B.-Noscov) The System of Remote Control for Oil Fields. (Sistema radio- telemekha'niki dlya neftepromyslov) Avtomatika i Teleaekhanika, 19579 Vol- 18, Hr 10, PP- 934-936 (USSR) In cooperation with the design office for the manufacture of apparatuses (KBNP) the Institute for Automation and Remote Control of the Academy of Zoience of the 'USSR has developed a remote radio control system with an ultra short wave radio channel for Oentrali2ed controlling of the entire oilfield according to the results of analysis on the principles for the construction of systems with spread objects. The system secures for each remotely controlled bore hole i) an automatic transmission of the damage-signal to the dispatcher point, 2) Remote measuring of -',he bore hole debit without signal of the dispatcher by means of transmission of the signal over the filling of the automatized holding capacity# 3) A bilateral telephone-radio-commi3nication with signal call of the dispatcher. A detaibed description of the apparatus follows. The apparatus was tested an& set to work on the Tuymazeneft' oilfield. The Technical Council of the Ministry ~ --: I- - ~n- , ~ - -.- , SLWHI-ITSKAYA~ Yu,,4.,j li.~. - kr~-. ~, " - - W t4odol igy u r dtv z,.i filE flu-cael , tr.; drug r-IX --mr-F, , Apto dolo 12 nc.201;5z,"77 Yx--..~p 163, (MjRA 17;7) 1. TSentrallrap leningrade)ccgo gcr-*)d9lkngo nrtz-chn.)g,:, MEVICH NikoLMLIvanovich; CHUKOVSM, Yuriy Vats JSUKHOVp I.V#, inzh,, red,; VASILIM,, Yu.A., red. izd-**r_'~OL'SWOV.. V.A., tekbn. red. [Mechanization of fitting and lapping operational-the 3 UND. electric uni*t for the mechanization of lapping)(okhanizataiiS, Blesarno-do'vodoobrykh rabotl elektrMtsiroviftMA"u9tavo6*ka makhanizataii, dovodki, tipa 3 UMD. Leningrad, 1962. 26-p. (loeningradakii Dom nauchno-tekhnicheekoi prophgawly, Obow peredovym opytom. Seriia: Mekhanichaskaya obrabotka metALUov, no.3) (MM 15:3) (Grinding machines) ACC NR.- AP7003193 SOURCE CODE: 'UR/0213/66/006/006/1069/1073 AUTHOR: Belevich ORG: State Institute of Oceanography, Moscosr (Gosudarstvennyy okeanograficheakiy institut) TITLE; A dynamic method for computing the vertical movements of water in the ocean SOLRICE: Okeanologiya, v. 6, no. 6, 1966, lo6g-1073 TOPIC TLAGS: oceanography, sea water, ocean dynamics ABSTRACT: A method is described for computing the vertical velocities of sea water in the equatorial and nonequatr-,Ltial zones of the ocean. The method is based on the assumption that in the sea water's stationary state, outside its upper friction 1Wjer an equilibrium exists between the horizontal pressure gradient and the deflecting force of the earth's rotation. Thus, the fundamental aspects of the dynamic method also apply to vertical movements. A system of 5 differential equations characterizin this condition differs from an analog system of other authors by a factor the intra- duction of which also permits the computation of vertical movements in the equatorial zone. Equations are given for computing the vertical movements of sea water in the northern and southern hemispheres, and a simplified one can be used for zones of latitudes above 100. The solution of the problem is explained and equations for practical computations are suggested. Orig. art. has: 19 formulas. SUB CODE: 08/ SUBM DATE: 27jan65/ ORIG REF: 005/ OTH REF: 002 Card 1/1 uDc: 551.465.46/47(26) 638 SOURCE CODE: AUTHOR: Belevichy Ro R. % W WMMW ORG., none TITLE: Vertical movements of waters in the north tropical and equatorial zones of the Pacific Ocean SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 163, no. 6, 1965,. 1481-1483 TOPIC TAGS: ocean dynamics,, atmospheric wind ABSTRACT: For determination of regions of surface emergence of deep waters and evaluationof the intensity of-vertical movements the author made icomputations of vertical velocities in the equatorial Ono northern tropi!-! cal zones of-the Pacifi~ O~e~n.' The computations were made using equa- tions obtained on the assumption that there is geostrophic equilibrium -in the ocean. The re'sults-of these computations were used in construct- .ing maps of the vertical velocities in the surface layer of the ocean .for the winter and summer seasons. The maps show clearly defined re- 'gions of the U'pwelling of water and their subsidence with different in- .tensities of vertical movements. The following dynamic active zones of .a planetary scale were defined: 1) equatorial divergence 20 S-20 N, mean! .velocity of ascending movements 10-2 cm/sec',, maximum to 10-1 cm/sec; ..7) tropical convergence,2-70 N, mean velocity of.dascending movements LC,rd 1/2 L 32025-66 ACC NRt AP6020638 cm/sec, maximum to 10-2 cm/ ec4 3) tropical divergence 8-90 -mea'n velocity of ascending movements 10- _10 5 cm/sec, maximum to 10-1 cm/sec;; 4) an extensive area of descending movements (10-300 N) in the zone of the Trade Winds of the Northern Hemisphere with velocities of 10-4-10-5 cm/sec., The zone of maximum intensity of subsidence, passing approxi- 'mately through its center, usually to called the zone of the subtropical convergence; the rate of subsidence in it is 10-3-10-4 cm/sec. In addi- 'tion to the mentioned principal zones intense vertical movements are ob- ,served in other regions, such as the southern parts of the Kuroshio and California currents. Regions of upwelling and subsidence of water around ,the Galapagos, Hawaiian Islands, Caroline and Mariana Islands, and else- .where, are related to bottom relief and wind. The resulting maps of the. distribution of vertical velocities agree well with data characterizing the..biological productivity, in the north tropical and equ~atorial zones.- This article was presented by Academician Ye. K. Fedorov on 12. April 1965- Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 3 formulas#,. [JPRS1 SUB CODE: 089 04 SUBM DATEt 09kpr65 ORIG REP: 003 OTH REF: 001 Card 2/21.-P/3 1~a. BELEVICH, R.R. Determ --Mg-ocean currents at various depths from a driftirg Ship. .- Trudy Dallnevost. NIGMI no.17:95-98 164. 11 Improving the scheme of an electric resistance thermometer with continuous self-recording. Ibid.-.108-1-11 (MIRA 17: 11.) BEIEVIGH. R.R. Vertical movements of waters In the northern tropical. and equatorial zoneu of the .--lacific Ocean. Dokl. AN SSISR 163 no.611481-1483 Ag 165. (MIRA 18:8) 1. Submitted Ar-11.1 12,'1965. W J&1q!L-~1nzh. Multifloor Industrial buildings made of precast reinforced owi-,irt)U. Stroitel I no.9:3-5 S 161, (MA .14:12) (Industrial buildings) (Precast concrete construction) BELEVICH, V.,- IVANOV, V. Home furnishings. Stroitell 8 no*7:19-23 JI 162. (14IFA 15:8) (Furniture) BEIEVICH, V. ------- installin and adjusting windows and doors. Stroitell 8 no.2:30-31 3 of cover F 162. (MIRA 16:2) Nindows) (Doors) BOLOBAN, Nikolay Aleksandrovich; Nikol4ivlch; MACHAHELI, Shota VELIKOTSKIY, Aleksandr Levanovich; RUFFEL'p N.A., nauchn. red.; ZVORYKINA, L.N.p red.; MIKHEYEVAp A.A., tekhn. red. [Assembling precast concrete structures] Montazh abornykh zhelezobetonnykh konstruktaii. (By] N.A.Boloban. i dr. Moskva, GosstroUzdatt 1963. 3" p. (MIRA 16:10) (Precast concrete construction) YATSENKO, Anatoliy Yovdokimovichs inzh. [deceased); STRONGIN, lzraill Yakovlevich, inzh., naucbn. sotr. Prinizali uchastiye: BNLUIPUj VtR?,p in7b.; GOLUP L.G.) inzh.; MITNIK, I.L., inzh.,. BOLOBAN,N.A.,kapd.tekhn.nauk, (Erecting exterior wall elements of industrial buildings] Montazh stenovykh ograzhdaiushchikh konstruktsii pro- uVshlennykh zdanii. Moskvav Stroiizdat 1965. 295 P. WA 18:5) 1. Nauchno-issledovateltskiy institut organizatsii$ me- khanizatsii i tekhnicheskoy pomoshchi stroitel'stvu (for Yatsenko, Strongin). BELVnCH, V. F. BE=CH, Ve- F. -- "The ftergy of a Developing Cyclone.w Main Geophysical Observatory imeni Voyeyko7. Leningrad, 19~4. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate of Physicomathematical Sciencesj SO: KnizhBLU Jet2FAs', Now- 4, Moscow, 1936 REMICK, V.V.;_SffMSOVA, V.F.; ZHITYAYKINA. N.F.; BYKADOROV, I.S.; IVANOY, G.I., kand.sel'skokhoz.nauk; OMBISHVILI, T.Sh., kand.geogr.nank, retsenzent; SMOLOV, I.F.. retsenzent; KALKMOVA, T.T., retsenzent; LYUBOKUPROVA,'5.T., reteenzent; KRUZHKOVA, T.S., retsenzent; BOYKOVA, K.G., retsenzent; NOVSKIY. V.A.,; YLASOVA, Yu.T., red.; MORYNT, A.N., EAgroclimatic manual for the Maritime Territory) Agroklimatichaskii spravochnik po Primorskomu kraiu. Leningrad, Gidrometeor.izd-vo, 196o. i2q p. (MIRA 14-.4) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Glavnoye upravleniye gidrometeoro- logichaskoy sluzhby, Prinorekoye upravleniye. 2. Vladi- vootokskays gidrometeorologichookaya observatoriya (for Belevich, Shveteova, Zhityaykina, Bykadorov). 3. Dellnevostochnyy nauchno- iseledovatellskly gidrometeoroloiicheskiy institut (for Germanishvili, Sokolov, Kalmykova. Lyubomudrova, Kruzhkova, Boykova), (Maritime Territory--Crops and climate) 8/058/62/1000/009/iOM/069 Aoo6/Alol AUTHORSt Belevich, Ye., Yanushevsky, Ye., Mokvin'sky, A. TITLE: Cascade 200-Key deuteron accelerator as a 14-Mov neutron source PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 9, 196?, 2, abstraot 9B22 ("Rept. Inst. badeli j9drow PAN", 1961, no. 277/1-A, 14 p. ill.; summaries in Polish and English) TEXT: A detailed description is given of a Cockroft-Walton cascade 200- Kev accelerator, which is being mounted'at the Warsaw In3titute of Nuclear Re- search and intended for the product 4on of fast neutrons of .14 Nev energy. The neutron source is reaction T(d,n)He ; the neutron yield is"10'.' neutron/see per 1juamp of accelerated deuterons. The electric circuit of the accelerator is given and the design of its basic units (high-voltage rectifier, acceleratirtg tube, ionic high-frequency source) is'described. A. Fateyev (Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 BELEVICH. Ye.F. Structure of stream beds in the lower zone of the Volga Delta. Trady Astr. zap. no.5:6-43 161. (NIRA 16:8) (Volga Delta--Hydrographv) 15-195T-3-2963 Translation fromt Referativny7 zhurnal,, Oeologlya., 1957,, Nr 3., pp 77-78 (MSR) AUTHORS: Klenova,, XOV. Gershanovich, L. Ye*.* -Qudkov, X.P., Pakhomo TITLE: The-Tendency to Change in the Geological Conditions of the Delta and the'Northern Part of the Caspian Sea,(Tendentsii. imeneniy geologicheskikh usloviy dellty i severnoy chasti JW3piyskogo morya) PERIODICAM Tr* Gosokeanograf. In-taj, 1955.. Nr 28..- PP 39-82 ABSTRACT: From studies.of existing maps of the Caspian Sea and of the Volga delta., and from inves*tigations of sedimentation and the development of relief., the,authors have drawn some.oonclusions about the probable changes in the physical-and.geographic environment in the north- ern part of the Caspian which may,result from the regu- lation of streamflow of the Volga River by the construe- tioh,of a series of dams. 'With a~drop of 2.5 m'in the level of.th6 sea the area would decrease 35,000 km2, and Card 1/3 $- 15-1957-3-2963 fhe Tendency to Change In the Geological Conditions of the'Delta and the Northern Part of the Caspian Sea the delta front would facilitate the shifting of the Volga dis- charge towa.rd the central depression of Belenskiy Bank. Card 3/3 L. D. Sh. 0 00 * -WOW- History of the Volga Delta. TruAy Okean.kom. 1:37-56 156. (NM 10:2) lo Astrakbamekly gomularat'vennn sapoTednik. (Volga Delta) B=VICH, Ye,F, M-0-ften, Structure of the Volga Delta shore line. Trudy Inst.geog.68:37-53 '56. (Volga Delta--Shore lines) (Km 9:9) M"Isviclif YOOFO fleocaspian deposits in the nort'-western part of, the out?r Volga Delta. Dokl. All S-M 1-37 no.2:373-376 Mr 161. OMA 14:2) 1. Astrakhanskiy gosudarstvenryy zapovedni1c. Preds-~avleno akadomikom N.IM.Stralchovym. (Volga Delta n~gion--Submarinc Geology) BELEVICH, Ye.F. Structure of suspended silt particles, Izv, AN 5589, Ser, geog. no.201-73 Mr-Ap 162. (MM 150) 1. Astrakhanskiy gosudarstvennyy zapovednik, (Byetraya River-Silt) BELFVICH, Ya.p. . -- "I-_-""-_!~-'-. -I, .. Now Islands-of .-the.nor-therm . Caspian -Sea. . Priroda 52 no.9s 95-96 163i (MM 16M) 1. Astrakhanskiy gosudarstvennyy zapovednik. LAVROVSKIY, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich; KUROCHKIN, TuZvv,; LEBEDEVA, L.S., kand.bialft.nauk, red.; BELEVICH, Ye.F., red.; ZABIDTSKIY, V.I., red.; KOBLITSKAYA, A.F., i~d-.f-LUGOVOY, A.Ye., red.; KLIMOVA, Z.I., - [Wild boar in the Volga Delta.] Kaban v dellte Volgi. Astrakhan', Izd-vo "Volga," 1962. 66 P. (Astrakhanskii zapovednik. Trudy, no. 7). (MIRA 17:2) Te.F.,n !.i., t~-- Vc~2,91 ll~lta. 'fl'ruel~r ~8trszttPs nc,83401-421 163- (~C- P-k J-8.-:LO) BELEVICH,,-iIE~,,K---. Soil transport by microscopic algae. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. geog, w .1: 52-53 Ja-F .164.. (MIRA 17:3) 1. Astrakhanskiy gosudarstvennyy zapovednik. BELEVICH, Ye.F. Influence of the Volga runoff regulation on the development of its delta. Izv. AN SSSR Ser. geog. no-405-58 t64 (MMA 17t8) 1. Astrakhanskiy gosudarstvennyy zapovednik. L Oqoo2_6Z EWT(d)/EwT(m)/EWP(Y)/EWP(t)/ETI/EWP(k)/EWP(h)/E"/P(l) JDIJW ACC NRt AP6012170 SOURCF.-CODE: UR/WX/66/000/007/0100/01001 AUTHORSt Atamanenko, V. T.; Belovskiy, V. P. ORG: none TITLE: An electron beam vaporizer, Class 49, No. 180473 SOURCE: Izobreteniyao proqrshle obraztsyp tovarnyye znakij no. 7p 19661 100 TOPIC TAGS: electron beam meltiy, vaporization ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate presents an electron beam vaporizer with mag- netic, focusing of the ribbon electron beam and with electrostatic control. The design increases the vq22rizatbionjefficiency. The vaporizer includes a double- ended magnetic system, the pole pleces of which have focusing sections along both directions. SUB CODE SUBM DATEj 120ot64 Card IA not 621 BLEMER. lzraill Gavrilovich, insh.; LIMM, Vasilly Favloviche lnzhoi PrWmall uchastiye: IMONUTZ=T. A.Te., in2h.; SPITKOMIT# L.K., insh.. BIMITIN, A.1.0 inzh,q retsenzent; CUISHCHM09 NePol inshet r6d-or (Compressor units] Kompressornye stantaii. Moskva, Gos.nauchno- teklin.izd-vo zaehinOBtroit.lit , 1959o 323 p. (HMA 13:4) (Air compressorle RASUA, Trifon Maksimovich, prof.; IESHCHWKO, V.A,, kBnd.tekhn.nauk, retsenzent;_~ ~ , red.; HAYEVSKIT, V.V., red. [Hydraulic servomechanismal Gidravlicheskie slediashchis privody. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo mashinostroit.lit-ry, 196o. 281 p. (MIRA 13:9) (Oil--Hydraulic machinery) i 1; BILEVITI11, A.I., inzh.; SPFXTOR, H,A., inzh, Combined indicator and minor's lamp. Bezopetruda v prom. 4 no.906 S 360. (MMA 13--9) (Mine lighting) ACC Mt AP603366 I __ _(___/J)______SOURCf-: CODE:--- UR/O 11-9 /60-006/0'10/0004/0005 ~AUTHOR: Belevitin, B. V. (Engineer); Krassov, I. M. (Candidate of technical :ORG: none TITLE: Effect of temperature on hydraulic -intensifier gain 'SOURCE: Priborostroyeniye, no. 10, 1966, 4-5 TOPIC TAGS: hydraulic intensifier, hydraulic device, temperature effect i.ABSTRACT: The operation of a nozzle-flappcr hydro intensifier is theoretically lexamined: the effect of the working-fluid temperature on the pressure and rate-of- flow gains is studi%--d. It is found that the temperature-effect compensation is hardly feasible; hence, these remedial measures are suggested: (1) The throttle's rate;6r- 2low should not depend on Re, i.e. , the restriction orifice must be of such size that !the flow is turbulent; the nozzle orifice must create a sudden flow expansion;. (2) The i: 1~ntensifier must be so adjusted that the nozzle-flapper operates in the large-opening I.region where the flow factor is stable; or else, the Re number must exceed its 1critical value. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and Z formulas. :.SUB CODE. 13 / SUBM DATE: none / ORIG REF: 002 Card 1 /1 UD C., 6; lccss~xox' I'm: AT4026288 S/2677/63/000/010/0125/0135 AUTHOR: Nachalyustov, No V.; Popov&, V. No; Mintser. E. F.; Belevitin. V. V.: Razina, I. S. TITLE: Selenium and tellurium in lead-zinc deposits of the Alty*n-Topkan ~re field SVJRCE: AN SSSR. Institut mineralogii, geokhimii i kristallokbimii radkikh .i elementov. Trudy*,-No.,10, 1963. Redkiye elementy* v sul'fidny*kh mestorozhdeniyakh (rare earth elements it~sulfidei deposits) 125-135 TOPIC TAGS: selenium, tellurium, galenite, lead-zinc deposits, skarn, sphalerite, pyrite, chalcopyrite, sulfide, effusion ABS'MACT: Certain regularities in the distribution of selenium and tellurium in the deposits of the Alty*n-Topkan ore fields in the Karamaza area of the USSR, well as probable conditions and the method of entry of these elements into the crystal lattice of galenite are examined. The authors describe the types of minerals and composItion of the separate ore fields in that area. The selenium and tellurium content of sulfides of the various-fields are listed in tables. The primary minerals of-,the various ore fields are plenite, pyrite, chalcopyrite, ,.sphalerite. Samples used in the tests were taken from six different ore fields in, ardl/2 C ACCESSiON XR: AT4028288 the area. The selepium, and.tellurium distribution in galanite in the various fields are listed in graphs. The authors also describe,the influence of impurities on the distribution of selenium and tellurium as well as the influenc'eof the depth of formation of their '~is*tribution. Xn tho'high te4aperature~stage bfe,.,the process of ore formation, sel4~ium and tellurium accumulated toward"', the end stage and were fundamentally'~oncentrated in galenite.. The seien'iu'm-'a'nd tellurium content and the Se:Te rati6lin galenite differs sharply in specificisamples of the same deposit and corresponds to a known degree to the;,content and ratio of.these elements in other sulfides of the same 9~mples and in the deposit as a whole. Some influence of a number of cations of the admixture elements (bismuth and silver, to a lesser degree antimony and thallium) in g'alenite is noted, which seems to facilitate the isomorphic enti~ance into its lattice 'of the anions, selenium and tellurium. The authors point out the undoubtedly practical value of selenium and tellurium in'., galenite of the skarn-ore deposits of the Alty*n-Topkan ore fields. Orig. art. has 4 iigures and 5-tabies. ASSMTATION: Institut minerologii, geokhimiii kristallokhimii redkikh elementm, AN SSSR (Institutelbf Mineralogy, Geochemistry and the Chemistry of Crystals) SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ! 16AprS4 Net$ 00 SUB CODE: n, EL NO REP SOV: 007;; OTM: 000 Card 2/2 W SOFOLOVICII, V.Ye-.; BELEVITINA, lj-~-'h. New pre3cription for a sing-', mr-hol rif slllin.~:-n of fine sand8. Sbor. trud. Mllcisn. tic). 54,:13C, J4 164'. (M!R~;, -17: 10) WP L 8316-", E%T(!j.)/EWr(ja)AM 6r)/rA"(Q4=(1')1E C J/ho(b A W SOURCE CODE-.: UR/31717BIF0157000/0221/0226 AUTHOR: astritskiy, WS 57, ORG: Polytechnic hisfibite, R!Ca (Polit6khnichesidy institut) tive c2ntr I Of TITLE. Nondestruc double-layer coatings SOURCE; Rip, Politakhnicheakly inatitut. Uchenyye zapiski, v. 15, 1964. Avtomatizatsiya proizvodstvennykh protsessov v mashinostroyenit I priborostroyeall (Automation of production processIes In machinery-and instrument manufacture), no. 3, 221-226 TOPIC TAGS- specialized ent, nickel, c2balt measuring instrum ___L copperp metal deposition 3-7 ABSTRACT: Devices for nondestructive control ofgalvanic; coatings are not sufficiently per- Ject6d yet although there exist setups.utilizing eddy currents which seem quite promising for single-layer control. The possibility of simultaneous control of double layer bas been men-- tioned In the literature but In practick such measurements have not yet been attempted. The present authors analyze the UP-3bMevice developed by the Institute of Automiuo~ Bad me_ chanics,'AN 1AtvSSR (Institit -avtomitild I mekbanHd AN 1,atvSSR) with the aim of extending Its oWs-efffi-ess to double-layer control. - The device contains a generator,'a T-shaped bridge, a cathode follower, a resonant amplifter', a detector,.a DC amplifier, and an electronically stabilized power supply. The weakest links In the operating chain were the bridge and the AC. Card 1/2 MIWLISKIY, Yu.N., inzhener iuzhoner;'VINSMYN. B.S., inshanes ON W, Kilns with conveyer calcinatere put in operation at the Krivol Rog cement mill. Usment 22 no.2:12-14 Mr-4p 1560 (KLU 9:9) (Mrivoy Rqg-w-Cement Industries) (Kilns, Rotary) (Conveying machinery) MIKOLISKIT, Tu.K., inzbener; BIWITSKIT, A.M., inzbener. Improving'a pneumatic transportation system. TSement 22 no.4: 17-20 Jl-Ag '56. (MLRA 9:10) (Belgorod--Coment--Transportation) (Pneumatic-tube t2l3k1portation) BFJMITSXIY A.M., Inshener. Filter with continuous water flow. TSement 22 no.5-.29 S-0 '56. (MIRA 10'.1) 1. Krivoroshakiy tsementnyy zavod. (Factories--Heating and ventilation) BEMITSKIY, A* iuzh. (g.Leningrad) Ibchauet systems or technology? Okhr.truds i sota.etrakhe 3 no.2:4Z;jA- F 160. WU 13:6) (Cement industr-ies-Hygien1c aspects) BEIZVITSKIT. A.M.., inshener Some problems in ifidustrial- anitation at cement Gig,i san, 25 nooss*63-67 Ag,160. Pi 33 111) (CEMENT INDUSTRIE&-HYGIENIG.ABPZCTS) (LUNGS-DUST' D,IS.EASES) BZMVSKA, N.; PZTKOV, I. Skin erraption in facial 1upus vulgaris treated with massive doses of vitamin D2. Ked.letopiel 41 no.10:1066-1072 D 149. (GLKL 19:2) 1. Of the Skin and Venereological Clinic (Director -- Prof. L.Po- .pov, M.D.), University of Sofia, Sofia. BELEVSKrY, A. G.: - Muster Med Sci (diss) -- "Data on malignant intraocular tu- mors in children (BaBecl on mterial from the eye clinic of the LPNI)". T-aningrad, 1958. 24 pp (Leningrad Pediatric Yea Inst), 200 copies (KL, No 1, 1959, 123) BFUVBKIY, AsGs Malignant t=oro Qf the retinjL in children.,Oft-shure 13 A0,7: 4z7-431 '58. (MIRA 12:1) 1. Is kafddry glawWkh bolesnoF (nauchmyye rukdvoditeli - prof. L.A. Dyshmits i cloktor med. nauk V.I. Grigorlyeva) Loningradskogo pediatricheskogo meditsinskogo institutao MM-CANCIM) (CHIIUM-DISXASES) (F