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ACC NR& Ap6oO5335 4::~) are gap, the control block contains a series-connected resistor- bridged capacitor, a resistor, and a unilaterally conducting element all connected in parallel to the are gap, wit "h the commutator input circuit connected in parallel to the element. A grid circuit and a thyratron cathode serve as the unilaterally conducting element,(see Fig. 1). ,Orig. art. has: 1 figure. 19 -L, -L j eutput - - j T-J, SUB CODE: 13/ Fig. 1. Device for activation and maintenance of an a-c welding are. 'J- capacitor; 2-resistor bridge; 3-resistor; 4- unilateral conducting element ILD] SUBM DATE: 1lFeb64 Card 2/2 1"441" ~SW/zlectrlclty -,Power Plant a.. Thermal Apr .50 Heating) Stem .",Sojae Problems of TNTs Power Plant Development S' Ya. Bellaskiy, R. N. Vindman, Engineers, 31 PP' ~"Zletk Stants" No 4 ~,Postvar equipment of TETs (District Heating and Power .Plants) uses steam at,90 at and 480/50& C. Explains .some problems which have arisen., e.g., heating re- ~qulraments of industrial enterprises are In many cases different from estimates made when TETs were designed. ,Dlecusses'methods of Improving efficiency of new TRTa. 158M I I I.I., prof seor; RTWIV, V.Ya., dotsent, kandidat tokhalcheakikh nauk; BILIMIY, S.Ta., dotoent, kandidat takhnicheakikh nauk. Development of Russian steam-generated eleotric power plant# with high steam parameters. Trudy HEI no.11:8-19 153. (XLR& 7:11) (3lootric power plants) BELINSKIT S.Ya, lfwi~w (General heat engineering; instraction tables] Obshchaia teplo- ~ takhnika; uchebrqe tablitay. Moskva, Goo. energ. 10"vo, 1954. 15 posters - (Km 817) (Ereat engineering) &*iue6ri4: HOat, 4.~ leiJ Al 44 IIZ-57-8-16258 Translation fiorri:,,::Reierativnyy.-.zhu:rnal,-, FAektrotekhnika, 1957, Nr 8. p 30 (USSR), AUTHOR:.,Belinskiir ., S. 7 Ya. TITLE: New French Power Stations With High-Parameter Steam (Novyye frantsuzekiye elektrostantaii na vysokiye parametry para) PERIODICAL: F~ergokh-vo &a rubezhom (Power Utilities in Foreign Countries), 1956, Nr Z, pp 10-20 ABSTRACT: Presented is a description of electric stations, recently bu'Utin France, that uso high-parameter steam. These include: TtMt8s4be"rq, ..Vith 105- and 110-atin pressure with boiler capacity of 227 and 00 tons/hour with intermediate superheating; CrIelo' with 110-atm intermediate -superheated 360 tons/hour boilers; Violen, with 106-atm intermediate -superheated 350 tons/ hour boilers. These stations have been built on the unit -construction pattern; they use complwE automation and have given economical performahce. The final plant capacity of some of the stations is planned at 400-500 Mw. Thermal piping diagrams and station layouts are presented. It is pointed out that in modern French power station projects, there are a number of original, highly 'Card 1/2 112-57-8-16237 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika, 1957, Nr 8, p 28 (USSR) AUTHOR: Belinskiy, S. Ya. TITLE: Standardization of Steam Parameters at Electric Stations and Unit Turbine- Generator Capacities In Foreign Countries (Unifikatsiya parametrov para elektrostantai), i yedinichnykh moshchnostey turboagregatov za rubezhom) PERIODICAL: Energokh-vo za rubezhom (Power Utilities in Foreign Countries), 1956, Nr 2, pp 32-33 ABSTRACT: This article presents the 1949 and 1950 decisions of the International Electrotechnical Commission on the standardization of steam parameters and the turbine -generator capacities recommended for Europe and the USA. Also presented is a standard proposed by the.West German power-pool system at a session of the Commission in 1954, differing from former Commission stand- ards in that it provides a standardization not only of steam parameters at the turbines but also of working pressures in the boiler cylinders. The article also gives a new scale, developid by the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, of typical parameters and capacities covering five types of condensation turbines up to 300 Mw. B. Ya. Z. Card 1/1 AID P - 5010 Subject USSR/Engineering Card 1/1 Pub. 110-a - 12/17 Author : Belinskiy, S. Ya., Kand. Tech. Sci. Title : The new highly economical generating units of the State- Line and Potomac River Power Stations in the USA (News From Abroad). Periodical : Teploenergetika, 9, 57-6o, 3 1956 Abstract On the basis of materials, published in the U.S.A., the author describes the equipment of the above power stations, in Chicago and near Washington, D. C. 5 tables, 6 diagrams 2 references. Institution ! None Submitted : No date BELINSK:Ey, S. 0 OZIRSKIY. V.A.. redaktor; FRIDKIN, A.M., takhnichookiy redattor. [Thermoeledtric power plants in Francel Teplovye alektrostantail Irantaii. Moskva, Goe.energ.isd-vo. 1257. i03 P. (MM 1016) (Ilectric power plMtsi '15 F ~-I N BADYLIKES, I.S.# doktor takhnicheskikh nauk; BELINSKIY, S.Ya., kandidat takhnichazakikh us uk; 'GIMMILI FARB, X.L.. WITWTIWaichaskikh nauk; KAIAFATI, D.D., ks~didat takhaicheakikh nauk; ZERTSICLLI, L.I., professor; KOYALXV, A.P., doktor tokhaicheakikh nauk; KONMIRATOV, I.YA., doktor takhaicheakikh nauk; IAVROV, V.N., doktor tekhniche- skikh nauk; LEBIDIT, F.D.. doktor takhnichookikh nauk; IMITSKIY, V.V., doktor takhnicheskikh nauk "decaa ed]; PITUKHOV, B.S., doktor L 8 takhnicheakikh imuk;.SATANOVSKIY, A.Ye., kandidat takhaichaskikh nauk; SEKININKO, N.Ao,doktor takhaicheskikh nauk; SHICLINITSKIY, S.G.. kandidat tekhnibheekiA nauk,- SOKOLOV, Yaja.. doktor takhnichaskikh nauk; CHISTYAKOV, S.10., kandidat tekhaicheskikh a'auk; SHCHNGLYAYZV,, A.V.1 BILIKIND, L.D., doktor teAnichaskikh nauk, redaktor; GIAZUNOV. A.A.. doktor tekhaichaskikh nauk. redaktor; GOLUBTSOVA, V.A.. doktor takhnicheskikh nauk, redaktori; ZOLOTARIV,.T.L.. doktor takhaicheskikh nauk, redaktor; IZBASH, S.V.,.doktor takhnicheskikh nauk. redaktor; KIRMIN, V.A., redaktor; MARGULOTA, T.Kh., doktor takhnichookikh nauk, redaktor; MESHKOV, Y.Y., doktor teihnichookikh nauk, redaktor; PETROV, G.N...dokior tekhnicheskikh nauk, redaktor; SIROTINSKIY. L.I., doktor tekhnicheikikh nauk, redaktor; STYRIKOVICH, N.A., redaktor; SHERYBERG, Y&J., kandidst tekhnicheskikh nauk, redqktor; MATVIYIV, G.A., doktor takhnicheskikh nauk, radaktor; KIDYEDEV, L.Ya., takhnichookiy redaktor [History of power engineering in the U.S.S.R.; in three volumes] Istoriia energatichaskoy takhaiki SSSR; v trekh tomakh. Moskva. Gosoenergeizd-voo (Continued on next card) BADYLIEW, I.S.-4coutinued) Card 2. vol. 1. [Heat engineering] Toplotakhnika, Avtorskii kollektiv tons B-adylIkes i dr, Redo -sosts toms LIA-slonfederstovo 1957. 479 P- (MIRA 10:8) 1. Chlon-korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for Shcheglyayev, Urillin, Styrikovich). 2. Moscow. Hoskovskly anargetichookiy institut (Heat engineering-History) BELINSKIY, S.Ya,, kand.tokbu.nauk a*" - W""AW91-4-1 New electric stations in France vith high ateam upecifications. 2nergokhozoza rube no*4;7-17 J1-A9 '57- (I-MIA 12911) (France--Steam power plants) (Steam turbines) am E29 7 ~7! I !f- soll/96-58-9-20/21 AUTHOR: Bel inskiy a.Ya,__Wandidate of Technical Science) 'TITLE: A Conference on New Types of Equipment for Unit-type Power Stations employing Super-critical Steam Conditions (Soveshchaniye po voprosam novy1ch tipov oborudovaniya ,dlya blochnykh elektrostantsiy na sverldiltriticheskiye parametry para) PERIODICAL: Teploenergetika,, 1958, Nr 9, pp 92 - 95 (USSR) ABSTRACT; A Conference on new types of equipment for unit-type power stations operating on super-critical s-'U*eam conditions was called by the High Temperature Steam Commission of the Power Institute of the Academy of Science of the USSR on 14th-16th May, 1958. It was attended by more than 150 representatives of power equipment manufacturers7 design organisation research institutes and of GOSPLAN USSR and RSFSR, the Ministry of Power Stations and the Scientific- Technical Committee of the USSR. Engineer S.I. Molokanov read on 'The prospective application of large unit sets with super-critical steam conditions'. An article Card 1/4 of similar content by this author is published,in this issue of this journal. Candidate of Technical Science sov/96-58-9-20/21 A Conference on New Types of Equipment for Unit-type Power Stations Employing Super-critical Steam'Conditions N.L. Oyvin, of Teploelektroproyektj gave a report entitled 'Technical tasks in designing the main eguipment for initial steam conditions of 240 at and 5800CI. Candidate of Technical Science V.P. Studenskiy, also of Teplo- elektroproyekt) dealt with 'The design of the thermal part of a 24bO-XW regional power-stationt. Engineer V.A. Zvyagintsev, of Teploolektroproyekt, gave important information abcut the design of superposed equipment and 00-Mil unit-type sets for steam conditions of 300 at. and 9 20C. Doctor of Technical Science V.P. Romadin reported upon 'Investigations of the All-Union Thermo-Technical Institute into super-critical steam conditions and associa- ted problems'. Candidate of Technical Science A.V. Levin gave information about turbines of 300 - 400 MW for steam conditions of 240 at., 5800C and 300 at.~ 6500C, developed by the Leningrad Metal Works. Candidate of Technical Science M.A9 Ploskovitov7 of the Central Boiler Turbine u Card 2/1+ Institute, described 'A design for a direct-flow boiler of 710 tons per hour at 315 at. and 6550C,. Candidate of SOV/96-58-9-20/21 A, Conference on New Types of Equipment for Unit-type Power Stations Employing Super-critical Steam Conditions Card 3/1+ Technical Science K.A. Rakov, of the All-Union Thermo- Technical Institute,.spoke on 'Development of the thermo- technical bases of super-high-output boiler sets for super-critical pressure' and Engineer V.h. Biman, of ORGEIMGOSTROY, gave a report entitled 'Developmentof the design of a boiler set for 300 at. 6500G, for a 300-1?d unit'. A report by Doctor of 'hchnical Science Ya.M. Rubinshteyn, of the All-Union Thermo-Technical Institute, was entitled 'The selection of method of drive ."Or feed pumps for a power station with an initial pressure of 300 at.. Doctor of Technical Science A.A. Lomakiny of the Leningrad Metal Works, recounted the,design of feed pumps for very large unit sets running at super-critical steam conditions. Doctor of Technical Science L.D.Bermanj of the All-Union Thermo-Technical Institute, discussed 'The provision of high-density condensers for steam turbines in unit-type power stations with super-critical conditions', Candidate of Technical Science A.B. Gelltman, of the Central Boiler Turbine Institute, reported on 'The SOV/96-58-9-20/21 A Conference on New Types of Equipment for Unit-type Power Stations Rmploying Super-critical Steam Conditions selection of patameters.and characteristics for power equipment in regional condensing power stations'. The article contains a, brief account of each of the-above reports, The resolutions of the meeting noted that, despite considerable improvements in recent years, the efficiency of power equipment2 particularly auxiliaries, should still be improved. The main lines that should be followed in designing power stations for unit sets, of 300 and 600 Mf aro stated; this comprises a list of some 15 items raging from methods of fuel drying to the use of WE)lded rotors and cylinders. It vas noted that feed nilmps take too long to manufacture. Research on metals and the development of equipment for very high steam conditions should be expedited. 1. Steam power plants--USSR Card 4/1+ AUTHORz TITIX,i PMIODIC,ILL: ABSTRACT: Card 1/3 Girshfelld, V.Ya. (Caud.Teah-~Sci.) SOVI/96-58-1 0-1/25 Ostrovskiy$ Yu. U. (Caxid.Tech-Sci. jilinskiy, S.Ya. (Cand.Teoh-Soi.) Tio availability of resexve goveratiiig plant in thermal power stations. (0 mobil'uosti vrashchayushu-I'le'-o3ya rezerva na toplovykh elektroatent- slyakh) Teploenergetikas 1958~ No.10. pp. 3 - 7 With the advent of supply to Moscow from JDVbysbaY# it became necessary to maintain adequate reserve plant in order to safeguard against transmission braak-downs. The reserves are partly in thermal and partly in hydro-ele:tric stations; the proportion of load pieked up by the lattor has varied from 32 to 60%. The rate of take-up of lead at the main hydro-electric stations was as follows-. from half to full load, 10 - 15 seconds, from no load to full load, 25 - 50 seconds. Therefore, sufficiout reserve must be available in thermal stations to acoept load instantly and so edleg,.1,ard the frequency. Rates of load take-up at a steam-driven station are given in Table.l. for various types of boilers and rates of ate-axivg. The pressure-drop in the boilers is related to the magnitude of the steam demand in Fig.l. tuialysis of fInta for particular sets abows that in practice there are throe types of load take-up, as shown in Pig.2% the load may fall to the initial value; it may fall part way; or it may remain constant. The availability of reserve generating plaute in fhe:.-mal power stations, Tho load way drop again to its initial value after suddenly being takea up because of nanual inter-rev+,ion to prevent overloadin.g. 'Llio proportion of initial load take-up that was maintained in particular oases Ydien both -transmission lines failed is given. in Table 2. The method of determining the pressur-.~ Irop in a boiler when -Lhe load on the turbines is suddenly increasod is then explained with reference to Fig.3; a formula is derived for the accumulator capacity of drtzi-type boilers. Calculations made for different types of boilers by means of this forwala, gave the results seen in Table.3. The relationship betxeen the boiler accumulator capacity and the product of water volume and rated pressure is plotted ia Fig.4: the graph is linear. Special test$ were made at powur stations to determine the inaximum perwissible rates of load take-up. The reaults are eiven in Table.4. 'rite Ytain conditici! that limited the rate of load take-up itt medium-pres3ure boilers was the riae of water level in the drum. Graphs of the rate of steady load take-up for 50 - and 100 - MW turbines operatiag with boilers t)pc M-230 are given in Fig.5. The method of construction is explained; workel examples of determination of rate of load pick-up are gl7an with reference to Figs. 6 7. Card 2/3 The availabilit)* of reserve generating plane In thermal ZOV/06-58-10-1/25 power stations. It is concluded that in a number of thermal stations when a fault occurs the load is not taken up quickly enough and not all the reserve generating capacity is immediately forthcomini. There are 7 figures and tables. ASSOCIATIONt Moscow Power Institute - Hosenergo (Moskovskiy Ruergeticheskiy Institut - Mossuergo) Card 3/3 BELIHSXLX,_&Xa.,"jd.; GIRWMID, V.Ya., red.; OZZ IY, V.A., redo; VORONDi. I.P.. [unitized electric power plants with high steam parameters] Blochuye alaktrostantaii na vysokie parametry para. Moskva, Gou.energ.Lzd-vcq 1959. 103 p. (MIRA 12:8) (Blectric power plants) I BMLINSKIY Semen Yakoylevich; VUKALOVICK, X.Pe., red.; XIR IN, V.A., red.; KOCKAROv, L*P*# redo; MNYXMv MV,, redo; TIUIM 9 P.Ta., redo; SKVORTSOV, A.A., redo.; LARIONOT, G.Ta., (Heat and electric power plants and heating from central stations] Teplolikataiia L toploolaktroteentrali. Moskva, Goe.energizd-vo, 196o. 86 p..(Bibliotska teplotakhniks, no.4). (KIRA 13:9) (Heating from central stations) (Blectric power plants) BELINSKIT, S.Ya., kand-tekhu-nm~k French electric power plant at Borifeaux with open layout of th; fundamental equipment. rub. no.1:12-19 ja-r 16o. (MIRA 13:5) (Bordeaux region-glectric power plants) BELINSKIYo S.Ta.j )md.tekhn.nauk ---------- Choice of networks and regenerative beatera for large olectric power plintse laergokhos, za rub. no.6:15-21 N-D 160. (HIM 14:3) (Europeg Western-.&' actric power p3anQ (United States---Meotric power plantj BnUSKU, Semen Yakdvle*ioh; YMAM9 Yjaimir Atidreyerich; EMMILLIP I MIV SeN#f profsp red*j VMMIKIIK.P., tekhn. red. [Thermal sections of-eledtkic power plants; heat engineer systems] Teplovaia chest' elektricheakiWetantaii; teploenergetich~ee usta- novki. Pod red, L.Iflerteeni. Moskva, Goes energo izd-voy 1961. 3103 P. (Steam power plants) (MIU 14:6) , ,ZHILIN, Va;entin Gavrilovich; WORTS, I.I., inzh.., redj BELINSKI7, S.Ya., red.; VORONIN., K.P.., tekbn. red.' [Design aiA 3aymit ofth6rmal electric power plants] K=ponovki tep- 16vykh elaktriobaskM stantaii.' Pod red. I.I.Ugortsa. Hoakwas Goo. energ.izd-vop 19610- 4U (MIM 34%ii) (Steam power plants-Design, and construction)" T!:7 KUPTSOV, Ivan Pavlovich; IOFFE, Yully Rafailovichj XT.TN UUj[x_&XA.4 kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; LARIONOV, Me., tekhn. red. [Design and construction of thermal electric plants]Proekti- rovanie i stroitel'stvo teplovykh elektrostantsii. Moskva, Gosenergoizdat, 1962. 366 P. (MIRA 16t2) (Electric power plants-Design and construction) I ZAYDEL I , Viktor Arrioltdovich, dots.; SAFOZBNIKCV, Fedor Vasillyevich, inzh.; FILOGENOV, Yakov Ivanovich., Inzh.; BELIVISKIY1, kand. tekbn.nauk, dotu.~ red. (Principles of the construction ant] installation of thermal electric-power plants; general probloms of organization and mechanization] Osnovy stroitelletva i montazha teplovykh, elektrostar,tsii; obshchie voprosy orgarLizatsii i mekhaniza- tsii. Moskvap Sliorgiia, 1964. 255 1,. (MIRA 17: 10) RAYXMUN9 Ye.; BEMNSKIYj V.; LUKAVIlly K.; RAD.4, OK, Bo ------------------ A comprellionsive plan taken by public ini-.iative. Sov. profsoitizy 17 to. 3:38-39 F 161, (I'-mu 14:2) 10 Preds:,datell zavkom Smolenskogo keramicheskogo zavoda (for PAykhman*,. 2. Obsinchostvannyy inspektor kemmicheskogo zavoda (for belinskiy), 3* Predoodatel poatroykoma SM-3 tresta "Smolon- skprwwt,-,oy" (for Lukanin). 4, Obsholiestvemiy7 inspektor S7 !.,-3 treata "SmolenolqwomstroyP (for lWbonok), (Sr-olonsk--Glay industries--IWgienic aspects") BELYNSK~Y, SUBJECTI USSRJ PHYSICS CARD I / 2 PA - 1522 AUTHOR BREGER,-A.CH.t BELYUSKIJ,V.A., PROKUBINOS.D. 6o TITLE An Apparatus for Radiochemioal Investigations by means of a Co Gamma Radiation Source with the Activit of 280 Curie. PERIODICAL Atomnaja Energ1j'al It faso. 4, 131-138 ~M6) Issued: 19-10-01956 'Here such an apparatus, which is in bperation, is described. The advantages offered by such radiation sources are pointed out. At first such devices for 60 radiochemical investigations by means of Cc , as are mentioned in literaturet are discussed., The apparatus-do.scribed must satisfy the.following conditions: A) Investigations to be carried out with a dose of 20-50 roentgen/sec or up to 100 roentgen/seo 'for a volume 'of the-object to be Irradiated of up to,l,l or from 20 to 30 milliliters. B) It must be possible to introduce samples and devices easily into thelohamber without any additional irradiation of the operating staff. C) Physical aad chemical experimental conditions and processes should be under remote control and observation without the object being moved (shaken). D) Sigip'le and reliable remote control of the motions of the radiation source and the containert and blocking of all dangerous operations. E) Possibility of charging the container with the radiation source and of ,exchanging the container on the spot. F) It must be possible to erec't the apparatus in buildings and premises of the 4MAUATION FOR RMU)CHEIRCAL DOMSMATMN15 Wff H A CALSMIRCE OF Q~~&T~~AIAC)Lk 0,4 IVIFTV AN jj r~,dl= Gn of y r;;dWlcja j2a-3 milum) frr radlacbemlW Investigmtopunilth tho us. of a SUMArd C*~4prep rail on. Tkd4pparAtUS W25 JaVdlapOd on tha basis of a aC (-..-UHu4xm Al momira~meds clurine irmJladoa. un"r We conditims for lltv operma-rs, Tho dois rate in the lmduacr, at J*cts 2C i~ M cc 0 ~obimr W UD ard (cir oul-c.".11A tj up to WO cc Id volliaw, 30 -/c6ccnd, laut!%) !7 L,4 - BELINTSIM, V. A. ~ BREGUR, A. Kh., KkIPOV) V. L., PROKMINT, S. D. and OSIPOV, V. B. "Strong CO 6o gamma ray source for radiation chemical research (21000 g. equiv. of rodium),, it a paper submitted at the International Conference on Radio- isotopes in Scientific Research, Paris, 9-20, SeP 57. ~- ~ -1.1 __ I _:g" - . . .--. - . ___ __ - - ~, I '_ AKIFIXEVA & ; IMMM K' V.; BELIMC3]KIY,_I. A. 0V9 A. V.; VLADD(IROVA, G. A.; MAMOVj--Tu-.--V.-j-MMINOVSWA, N. M.; WAGKOT., S. M.; I MORMI E. Aq. SIMMMNI fit. T.; TARASOV,, G. K.; TUSHINSKIrp 00 KQ; WrMOV,, P. A. FAMINTSYN,, B. M.; SHOERNIKOVA, I. S.; SHLNPHMVP K,. M,~ Estimation of Ithe danger of avalanches in bigh mountain areas designated for-development. Intorm. abor* o rabe Geoge fak, Nook. goo. un, po, Mazlidunaro goofis, godu no,8:27- 6 162 (MIRA 1611? (Caueaaua-Avalanches) .,tACCESSION NR: AR4022455 S/0058/64/000/001/HO56/HO56 .SOURCE: Rzh. Fizika, Abe. 1H355 AUTHORS: Beliqak Karevskiy, V. A.; Nozdrev, V. F.; ;SaviniXbina, A. V. !,TITLE-. Possibilities of measuring the absorption coefficient and ;;.Utrasound wave propagation velocity in a liquid by the method of -irregularly shaped delay line CITED SOURCE: Sb. Primeneniye ul'traakust. k issled. veshchestva. vy*p. 17, 1963, 107-112 TOPIC TAGS: liquid absorption coefficient, ultrasound propagation :velocity, ultrasonic delay line, irregular ultrasonic delay line, beam splitting methodi single probe measurement, double probe mea- surement. AR4022455 TRANSLATION: It is proposed to measure the coefficient of absorp- tion of a liquid and the ultrasound wave propagation velocity as functions of p, V, T, with the aid of irregularly shaped acoustic delay lines. The acoustic system consists of two cylindrical de lays-with precision-pplished ends to ensure reliable acoustic con- tact. One of the delays has a step-like cut with a cross section area equal to half the area of the cylinder. The delay with the cut splits the ultrasound beam into two equal halves. The measure- ments are based on the fact that each half of the ultrasound beam in the liquid covers a different path length. This leads to a time separation of the radio pulses at the output of the acoustic system and to a difference in their magnitude,.owing to the inequality of the absorption coefficients of the liquid and of the delay-line ma- terial. The measurements are made with either a single or a double probe. In the former case the quartz slabs must be strictly coaxial. The delays are made of fused quartz, aluminum, or some other materi-_ .al with known absorption c at oefficient. Simple calculations show tb ,C rdl 2/,3- ACCESSION NR: AR4022455 by knowing the ratio of the radio pulses at the output of the acoustic system, the depth of the cut, and the coefficient of ab- sorption of the delay line, it is possible to determine the absorp- tion coefficient of the invest igated liquid when using two probes; .,when a single probe is used, it is necessary to have the same data, except for the absorption coefficient of the delay. However, with a singleprobe scheme it is necessary to calculate more accurately the geometrical parameters of the autoclave. The ultrasound propa- gation velocity in the liquid can be roughly determined by the me- thod of irregularly-shaped.delay lines from the known delay time of a pulse passing through the longer path in the liquid. Formulas are derived for-the.absorption coefficient and for the ultrasound'propa- gation velocity in the liquid. V. Bashiirov. DATE ACQ: 03Mar64 SUB CODE: PH ENCL: 00 Ca'rd -3/3. NOZDREV, V.F.; BELINSKIY, B.A.; KHABIBULIAYEV, P.K. Absorption and rate of propagation of high frequency ultrasonic waves in binary mixtures. Zhur. fiz. khim. 37 no.12:2798- 2800 D 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Yoskovskiy oblastnoy pedagogicheskiy institut imeni Krupskoy. EELINSKIY, Vaszliy AleIcseyevi,,.h; KALIMLO, Isaak Lipov-tch; yn-ld -re'rtIM-.ichj NIT.KIN, Aleksandr Mikhayl~vieh; TALISKIY, D*Aep red. [Higher mathematics with the furdamentals of mathematical statistics] VYsshaia matematika s osnovami matemati--heskoi. statistiki. Moskva. Vys,shala shkola, 1965. 515 P. (MIRL 18:8) F 1 0 4 is 0 u v a M v 4 834vx)p sit on 36a bv x3pam adat J_r a a L-r- UJL_A__l_jLJA W CC-*. 04__ JL_ a A__k_' k.,4 0 A C~~V A. ,g Dinamikkeskalla mmettwelaglia. 111) see DLC_ This muNtu"U141 telill C1011AR4 PUNY Othmmlir 616jumv And MBW tumpAm to Ita. 0 hamalw. thavethul immutwat cd nottv x4wcts 4 dywok 4 mkt. thrrwalyomiskv idAts kk%d g%&#~ id lbv **I-.f *-C, of low"t all, at see a 1, Wily; rALMAmt t6p c%JL"tkwA of skm6a in aw AfROMPhM, MCOO MAW RSM"W P-4f'4A;C WiM6 VISA Lam4pur olaw"#4w. pn~wfvtkawjv~% OillXMISSIOUllitY "AffAM, hift-MIAlikS 49 A tWiC &K IWW"t CUba*O. SirWCIWV Of turlttkam of smintm. C64414T 4 Wiwi with "M IN 4 lulbuk"I atmu,+h"le, ~NY 4 atxKwphcrk mw go 0 MAVIS. qvOcAl imulAt4w 44 thv ionwaS*cv. AiRkAphrflk- d6tutbAmmo and thrk tb&fttk*l "sk"vow"Is. Kilftf%, OwIlSwAl W lb"lowlik4l f%w%A4%%k4 (21 jvL %vit" Araqvralves dw tz"tkw. mfudw olliallmillak KVNI Aoki w4wull A%%% trind.,raulkvit %A air ww"Im 7U &NtWlNlkV% %L10114401 KMVIY tll$*MM "40 tblok~ W1 $4)-%iVAl 0146AA0116. SAWN Ote. (w 661MOWWCAl. IWAAC 4*1 10911SOU P"MMU (WAIVf VOIA19 401 i(W. -MPLASilka 0( 11SO at. mumplwm. AmImimek- -.v"tkms% raAmiAnk cmisgis arA 6Wmrk umh- Awl OWA-.-kl&r commotauts). -U.R. be at, all 41 ISLAS- ll~vvlvo SOA3at A# -61 aw# 4of 4141810-( VIAW am a-- 41. j a citi Ale u Z BELIKSKIr, V.A. DOC. TFZH.SCI. Dissertationt "Dynamic Meteorology." 18 october 49 Central Inst of -I~orecaista. SO Vecheryaya Moskva Sum 7-1 BELINSKIY,.V.-A.0 Prof USSR/Geophysics - Aerology Doe 52 PReview of A. B. Kalinovskiy and I. Z. Pinuals Book, 'Aarologyl," Prof V. A. Belinskiy, Dr Phys-Math Sci, Moscow %teorol i Gidrols' No 12,, pp 57-61 Book was publishod by the Hydromet Pressi, Leningrad., 1951; authorized by Ministry of Higher EducatLon as a textbook for hydromet students. Reviewer calls it a poor book. PA 237776 t4 /0 K~)WMOV, Sergey Petrovich; MANDMOVA, Lidlya Ivanov = 'V.A., redaktor; TASNOODIRODSKATA, N.H., re4 or; sommmm, .k.*Jr' ," tekhnichdak-ly redaktor. [Ketsorol6gical dictionary] Noteorologicbeekli slovarl. Leningrad@ Gidrometeorologicheakoe izd-vo, 1955. 454 p. (MIS& 8:12) (Meteorology-Mictionarles) isl;&Iriskly" V.A. AID P 2511 Subject USSR/Meteorology Card 1/1 Pub., 71-a 21/26 Author : Belinskiy,.V. A., Doo. Phys. and Math. Sci., Prof. Title : 70th-birthday of M. S. Averkiyev Periodical : Met. i Gidro., 3, 61-62, MY-Je 1955 Abstract : Report on the biography of a senior Soviet meteorologist, mentioning college-level textbooks on atmospheric radia- tion and electricity and on meteorology. Institution: None Submitted No date BAINWUY va ili fA Lyj&ha MUM= g4 _Rrof.. dolctor fixiko-matem.nauk; iMPTI" MPROTOPOPOV, V.S., red.; VLADDaROV, 1 0 O.G., tekhn.rede (German-Russian meteorological dictionary] Hemetsko-rueskii mateorologicheakii slovnrl. Leningrad. GidrometeorAzd-vo, 1959. 237 P. (KIRA 12:12) (German languase--Dictionariao--Ruesian) Otote orol ogy--Di otiono rie s) 4 BELINSKIY, Vasiliy Alekseyevich; POBIYAKHO, Vasiliy Afanaelyevich; IILASOVA, Yu.V., red.; BRAYNINA, M.I., tekhn. red. (Aerology)Aerologiia. Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat, 1962. 463 P. - (MIRA 16:2) (Atmosphere) !.4 Vr V,-ESSIOX NR., AT5011173 Woobb/64/00-0- 1bo0:'/o18'T/oj.0' AUMOR: belinskiy, V. A.; Garaftbai-M. P.; Nezval' Ye 1 TITLE: Direct ultraviolet radiation at seme points in the !.,'SSR -%j6ms vennoye iye'po akti -th C k sour, -. Miezhvg t an nQMetri-i i o;Avike.atmoofery.. Moucov, 1963. AktInennatriya I Oplvika fLtmWifory (Actinomotry t:vd fttwdPher1(-, tics); trudy stv6shchaniya. Moscow, Izd-vo HaWka. 1964, 187-19" h,!ri, 've- TOPIC TAGS: -1(3.traviole*' rpdiation.~radiation intensity, atmosk c ozonedva -7a7i,-~U~n-, aWFos-j., ic transparency length depen-dex~ce, annual, variation, diurnal ABSTRACT: Freliminfu7'resujts are reported of observatio~ns of the direct ultrit- radiati3n (DUH) made Vith the Boy'ko. quart7 monachromatoi by the Meterology, j-Departme-At. VloscoV State University, and carried out *systeiratic.-Uy at Mosex)v ;;~S'.inc_-19610 and'ander expoitilon conditions at- a f~w points in thfz USSR, The pass bility of using these observations for the messurement"of the tote-! ozone content is also considored. Graphs inten of: are Vresented of the dependence of the dity DUR on the . laeilO,-t of the - sun at vavelehkth: < 0 .35 ti, the intensit -r of DUR. bey =11 tht limits of the atmosphere as c ftnction-6f vavelengtbs the DUE tntensit,-atl Moscow for varloui transparenciest the fraction of DUB in the tota-; ra0ation ri%n ~' BELINSKIYj V.A., prof.,, red.; KHROMOV, S.F., Prot., red. (Data of the Pamir Expedition of 1957-19591 Materialy Pamirskqi ekspeditsii. Moskva, Mosk. gos.univ. No.l.(Aaero- logical observations) Aerologicheaki6 nabliudeniia. 1962. 234 P. (HIRAL 16:4) 1. Pamirskaya ekspeditsiya 1957-1959 gg. (Pamirs-Meteorology,--Obbervations) BMMKIT V& A Neoessity of oalculating the duration of sunshine in mountains when building resorts. Inform. abor. o rab. Geog. fak, Hook, goo, un, poe Methdunare goofis. godu no.81164,-170 162.' (HIRA 16: 1) (Caueasus-Zunshine) MMINSKIYO V.B.t MOIDUSHINg I.Yu. First field vo rk season of the Takmt ftedition organized ty the Yakut Branch of the Acadeaq of Sciences of the U.S.S.Ro Isvm vost; fil, AN SSSR no.ItlInml42 157, (MA 11W (YWmU&-Yht=1 resource e--ae search) Stabilizing effect. of a water-jet propeller, Visti Inst,, hidrol, I hidr. AN MR 190-9 161. (MM 15:7) (Stability of ships) (Ship propulsion) ACCESSION WR: AT4028733 8/3083/63/022/000/0043/0059 AUTHORI B 01 0 TInE: Some problems in the controllability of hydrojet vessels SOURCE: AN UkrRSR. Irwty*tuc gidrologiyi i gidrotekhniky*. Visti, v. 22(29). 1963. Gidromekhanika sudna (Ship hydromechanics), 43-59 TOPIC TAGS: hydrodynamics, hydrojet, hydrojot vessel, hydrojet controllability;. h.~dromechanics, ship hydromechanicu, course holding ability ABSTRACT: In the first section of the article, the sum force interaction between the flow of the liquid and the hydrojet complex is found by moans of the theorem of the movement quantity increment as applied to an ideal liquid flowing around an idealized hydrojet complex at ao-angle. This interaction is reduced to two forces: longitudinal and transverse reactions of the flowing stream. The formula for the longitudinal reaction -n"' (T~ U.)- R'. Card 1/6 ACCESSION NR: AT4028733 coincides with the same formula obtained by N. Ya. ZhukovskLy for the rectilinear movement of a vessel with a hydrojet engine. The formula for the transverse reac- tion (2) with allowance for factors for the affect of the length of the channel and the ef fect of the hull is reduced to (3) Experimental data are given which make it possible to estimate the magnitude of the factors for the effect of channel length and the effect of the hull. The trans- verse reaction of the stream gives rise to a damping moment of hydrojet vessels and vessels with directional 'fittings, increasesthe resistance to the movement of vessels equipped with taxying devices of the hydrojet type and vessels on air cus- hions, and must also manifest its action in the channels of aircraft jet engineso The point of application of the transverse reaction of the stream is located near the intake aperture of the dVLVInj unit ahaftel, Xa the &***ad seation# a eawpara-. Card 2/5 ACCESSION NR: AT4028733 tiveL estimation is made of the course.bolding ability of hydrojet vessels and ves- sels of similar types, equipped with screw drive, For the purpose of this astime- ,tion, formulaa are derived for three criteria of the stability of the vessels on course: k (4) C MK 7.47'. q-2% VO+/13 (6) 0,25k: card 315 .ACCESSION NR: AT4028734 8/3083/03/022/000/0060/0068 AUTH e1 I", V. 0. pelineldyp V. 0.) OR: By iAs rever ~Ible rudder'units of twin-stimsm TIT~X: Inve;1-ugation of the effidency of the hydfpjet ships SOURCE: AN UkrRSR. InWtut gtdrologi3d I g1drotekhnW. Visti , v. 22(29) s i963. Gidromekhanika sudna (Ship hydromechanics), 60-68 TOPIC TAGS: ship, bydrojet ship, twin-stream hydrojet, reversible rudder, hydrojet steering ABSTRACT: The article describes the operational principles and design of a new reverst- ble rudder unit (MIU) for hydrojet craft. Ile unit was developed at the Inety0tut gidrologiyl~. I gidrotekhnilw*,AN UkrRSR (Institute of Hydrology and Hydroengincoring, AN UkrREQ. The, lot-down bucket-type RRU consists of two tam buckets (See Figure I in the Enclosure) and one coupled reverse bucket. With the vessel proceeding straight ahead, all dwee buckets are kept above the waterline outside the effective zone of the stream. When the need arises', to turn to port or starboard, one of the turn buckets Is lowered into the effe0tive was-of tha stream. In order to reverse course, the reverse bucket 2 is lowered. Clontrol, of the Vessel when traveling in reversels possible by dropping one.of the'tum buckets into the -Card 1/7 ACCESSION NR: AT4028734 active stream after the reverse bucket has already been lowered. Trial results of the bucket-type let-down RRU in a test model basin are given, as well as the results of the basin testing of five other RRU tyWs, employed on twin-stream hydrojet craft. 7te re- sults of these tests are presented In the form of maneuverability diagrams (Figures 3 and 4 in the Enclosure). A diagram of this kind represents a bodograph of the total force TR (or its coefficient C acting on the vessel from the direction of its motor-rudder complei with the rudder ele;ffents differently positioned. This diagram affords an estimate of the hydromachanical qualities of the various RRU and a comparison of these units one with,/ ,,another. 7be let-down bucket-type RRUis distinguished from the other rudder units. tested by Its high hydromeebanical properties.. The values of the coefficients for thx~st P-' 'C P ee 2 A transverse force cy (2) 2 Card 2/7 ACCESSION M AT4028734 and drag (3) v3d3 2 as plotted In the maneuverability diagrams given in the article, can be used in practical engineering calculations of reversible rudder units of similar types. Orig. art. hael 8 figures and 3 formulas., ASSOCIA17ON: Insty*tut gldrologlyi, i gidrotekbnW AN UkrFML pstitut~ of Hydrology and Hydrotechnology. AN UkrRM ~SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ: 16Apr64 ENCL: 04 SUB CODE-. 'G02M NO REY SOV: 000 OTHER: 00 Card 3/7 ACCESSION NR: AT4028734 . Fig. 1. Basic diagram of a let-down bucket-type RRU I k .I Card 4/7 ANCLOSUM 01 I I I I i I I 7 1 1 1 i ,Accession Nr. Al Card 6/7 Zwlosure s 02, /S ACCESSION NR: AT4028734 &~Oa Pvw 0060f&w muffy 331 M 331-W a pig. 3. ManeuverabililydWpmms: a-let-downbucket-WpRRU; b - RRU of project 331; a RRU of pftJoat 331-V& Card 6/7 ACCESSION NR: AT4028734 MMAMS 04 Buxom haw urn to ell C4 00. 2 2 .05 421 .45 z0 xr S 45 . (S. 40* to ts I to - to. .20 45 4 45- 45. P'S 05 W 01 45 (or Fig-4. Maneuverability diagrams* a - RRU of project 331-VBI; b - RRU of project 331-VB111; o - RRU (Yersion of the Leningrad Central Technical Design Bureau) (the lettering "grad" mebms degrees; "liv. rull na 1. b.11 meaw Illeft rudder to port!'; 11pr. nd' na pr. b." moans "right rudder to starboard" Card 7/7 EWT(I)/EWP(m) WW/GD ACC NRt AT6016723 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/65/000/000/0084/0090 ff AUTHOR: Belinskiy, V. G. ORG: Institute of Hydromeohanics AN UkrSSR (Institut gidromekhaniki AN UkrSSR TITLE: The problem of a vertical hydrofoil of small extension in a fluid of finite depth SOURCE: AN UkrSSR. Gidrodinamika bollsbikh skorostey (Hi b speed hydrodynamics), no. 1. Kiev, Izd-vo Maukova dumka, 1965, 94-90 TOPIC TAGS:. hydrofoil, fluid flow ABSTRACT: ~,,Earlier work by the author considered the problem in the linear cais4,of the entry movement, at a small drift angle, of a thin vessel hydrofoil into a fluid of finite deptb. The treatment of the problem led to a multiterm integral equation. By the Introduction into the integral equation of simplifi6ations corresponding to the Prandtl bearing line, there has been obtained a singular integral-differential equation which is a generalization of the Prandtl equation for the case of the vertical movement of a vertical vane of large extension in a fluid of finite depth at arbitrary Froude numbers. A solution of this Card 1/2 L 38124-66 ACC NR3 AT6016723 equation has been found for small Froude numbers. A function was found in the following form for the effect of shallow water on the bydromeobanical characteristics of a hydrofoil of large extension: +1 it2 + fl Fz--:C-2H (I + 2n)] The remainder of the article is devoted to an adaptation of this equation to the case of a hydrofoil of small extension, Orig. art, has: 14 formulas and 2 figures, 13, SUB CODE: 20Y SUBM DATE: 30Sep65/ ORIG REP: 001/ OTH RM 001 SHVARTSMAN, YA.S.; BELI SKIY, V.M. Rapid baoteriological. diagnosis of enteropathogenie Escherichia aoil. Report No.l: Agglutination of oulturos of Escherichia coli 01113B4v 02806 and 05505 during growth in liquid media with the addition of antisera. Zhur. mikrobiol-. 6pid. i immun. 31 no.3: .2.7-31 Mr 160.. (MIRA, 14-.6) (ESCHERICHIA, COLI) (BAGTERIOLOGY-CULTURM AND CULTURE MEDIA) SHVARTSKAN~ Ya.S.-BELINSKIT, V.M.; ZHAMERICHEV,;-&.S.; MIZI~WII Ya.L. Jhnwtmce of enteropathogenic intsitinal bwteria in fhe etiolog;r iC Intestinal disorders in adults. Zhur.m:Lkrobiol., el#d, i Inpun. "12 no.3-1:139-140 N 161. (KM 14: U) (MESTIIIES-DlSEASES) (ESCIIERICH-TA) ACC NR, Aj,-'O20',jjj SOURCE comi: UBIOO1616610001006109081,0013 U AUVLI,OR,: Trubchwilnov, M. P. i Belinskiy, V. 14. ORG: none TITI~: Etiological characteristics of bacterial dysentery in the Transbaikal iol, no. 6, 1966, 8-13 SOURCE: Zh mikrobiol, epidemiol i immunob TOPIC TACS: human disease, dysentery, disease etiology, Flexner bacteria~-bacterial AB�TRACTI: Wi th th eacceptanceof the Flexner species and subspecies within the Shigella genus, tables of the relative importance of the various groups have- beva revised. Flexner bacilli are the principal agents of bacillary 'dysentery in the Transbaikal. The Grigoriyev-Shiga species lost its formi!,r etiological significance. The species composition of dyt~'entery bacteria from year to year, -the prevalence 'of the Flexner bacilli over all other subspecies of dysentery bacteria. 50; CBE No. 101 004/ i SUi'.CODE: o6/ SUBM DATE: o6jui64/ OR UDC: 616-935-02+576.851-49-011 (;5'71' 55) ZOSIMOVICHY D.P.# k&nd.khim,,nauk; SHVAB.. N.Aq_,MLI~~KIYI V.N. Electromechanical preparation of pure manganese by the refining of Ugh-phospnorus manganese alloys. Meo i gornorud. prom. no.3:35-,p My-Je '63. (MM 17: 1) 4 I. Institut obahchey i neorganie6skoy khimii AN UkrSSR. I.S.; HATYUKRIN, N.Ya., Inkh.; I _OSKIT, T.V., inzh.; RRUK, -"T , - IOSIFIYAN, A.G., akademik; KAGAN -77'."MI. tekhn. nauk; DOLKART, T.M., inzh.; IOPATO. G.P., inzh. M-3 SMll-S12ed universal electronic digital computer. Elektrichestvo no.1:49-54 Ja 158. (MIRL 11:2) (Blectronic calculating machines) HUMMIYt V, V,., Candidate Wd Sci (diss) -- "A comparative evaluation of va- rous methoclB of curing defects of the cerebral dura mator". Vorowzh, 1959. 18 pp (Min Health RSF.IiR., Voronezh State Md Inkt)., 200 copies (KL., RO 23o 1959: 171) BEIINSKIY, Ya.M., Cand Tech Sci -- (diss) "Corrosion - i I/I KV behaviour of certain construction materials in v areas." KharIkov, 1958, 15 PP (Min of Higher Education UkSSR. KharIkov Mining Inst) 100 copies (KL, 28,58, 105) - 21 - BELISSKIY Ya M testing of certain structural materials for corrooion resistance in mineo. Sbor.nauch.trud. KHOI 5:311- 318 '58- (KLU Us 4) Corrosion-reoistant materials) 1, BELINSKIY, YE,,, Eng. 2, ussR (6op) 4. Indicators for Gas an& Oil Engines 7. Indicator cock with parafiber bushing. Zng. Mor. flot 12 no. 11, 1952. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, JS~MrX j953. Unclassified. 13ZLMK In close contact with the regional economic council. SoTe profsoiuzy 16 no.12:20-22 Je 16o. - (MM 13:6) 1. Chlen tokhniko-okonomichookogo sovets. Stalinakogo sovuarkbosse (Stalino Province-Ifficiency, Industrial) .ZAYKOV, M.A.; TSELUYKOV, V.S.; KAHINSKIY, D.M.; KUZHETSOV, A.F.; BMNSKIY, Ye.%; SHAMETS., Ya.V,; FEWROV, N.A.; BARITSKIY, . -7901.; ZAKMOT' A.I.; ZHURATLEV$ M.A.; KOBYZEV, V.K. Investigating energy and power parameters in plate rolling on reversing mills. Izv. vys, uchebe zav.; chern. met. 7 no.2:100-107 1" 0 (MIRA 17:3) BELI1,13KIY Ye. S Diusertation defended for the degree of Candidate of Juridicial -3ciences at the Institute of Government and Law "Legal Questions of the Organization and Activity of the Technical-Economic Council of the Sovnarkhoz.11 Vestnik Akad. Nauk, No. 4, 1963, PP 119-145 ~-UT11073 Taukervtinik, 1. P., Belinson, Z. Ya. SOV/79-28-8-8/66 TIYLE: Condensations of Benzotrichloride With Benzene in the Presenc-~ of Aluminum Chloride (Rondeneataii benzotrikhloridiL benzolom v prisutstvii khloristogo alyuminiya) Zhurnal obshchey khimii, 1958, Vol. 28, Nr 8, pp. 2038-2042(USs-A" 4B,iTRACT: The authors investigated ihe condensations of benzotrichloride with benzene in order to produce the various substitutions of the chloride atom and to ascertain the conditions under which triphenylmethane and 9-phenylfluorene form. It was found that the amount~of AM 3 present is a definite factor in this synthesis. Using 0,1 mole AM (to 1 mole benzotri- 0 chloride), and independent of the temparature (15-90 ) and the reagent concentration, a yield of 70 5'~ diphenyldichloro- me~hane was obtained with a small side product of triphenyl- chioromethane. With 1 mole of AM tripheny1chloromethane was produced as the main product with a yield of 80-98 Further the amount of AM caused a hardening 3 reaction and a decrease in the triphenylehloromethane yield. Card 1/2 Other factors in this synthesis were studied, among them SOV/79-28-6-8/60- Condensatio-rn of Benzotrichloride 7ith Benzene in the Presence.of Aluminum Chloride ultra-violet radiation, which can be used to pro'duce tri- phk.iylmethaneq di-(9-phenvlfluorenyl), and 9-phenyl flucrens (Refs 15, 16). It was shown that the condensation of benzo- trichloride with benzene is accompanied-by the substiiition of one atom or two chloride atoms, depending on-the ;,rnlount. of AlCl 3 present. A formation of the reduction and d,3hydrLtic: products does not occur under normal conditions. There are 1 table and 21 references, 4'of which are Soviet. .-S~'70CIATION: "..-Ineaziatski (,-osudarstvonnyy universitet r 1Y ~Centml:Akft' 'Sts,+6 i1nLver*8*itY)* SURMITY.,,D: July 4, 1957 2/2 BARBER, Cella; BAWOVIN-AGAPI, Coralia; JOLICU, Irina The teichoic acids of the tancefield group D streptococci. Arch. raum. path. exp. microbiol.,23 no.3't563-568 S161. 1, Travail del'Institut NW. I.Cantamzino*; Services do Bio- chimie gonerale et des Cocoi pathogenesoWm--ast. BBLIOVSKAU, T.S.; SAARE. A.Z.; YANNS, Kh.Ya. Dines, H-J-3 Occurrence of helminths among individual groups of the p9pulation of the listonian S.S.R. Ned.pares. i paras.bolesuppleikent,,l: 64-65 '57- (MIPA 11:1) 1. Is Institute eksperimentallnoy i klinichaskoy meditainy Akademit nauk Astonskoy SSR. (ESTONIA-WORMS, INTZSTIHAL AND PARASITIC) RUMANIA/Electronics - Photocells and Semiconductor Device. Abs Jour Ref Zhur Fiz~ka: uo 4, 196o, 9279 Author Nicolau Edm., Belie, M. Inst Title Measurements of the Parameters of Transistors Orie Pub Metrol. apl-p 1959, 6, No 2. 49-54, 95-96 Abstract A brief description is given of the operating principles of transistor devices. The static characteristics of transistors, different equivalent circuits, and circuits for the measurements of transistor parameters are consi- dered. Card 1/1 NIGOIAU,, Wm*# prof, inga,; my-TIS X ingo On-t&6"waourewnt 4. "conductor elements. &trologia apI 6 .uo*249-54 Ap-jo 1591. .BOMIU., C.; IONESCO., Al.; BELIS,_~._ A contribution to the study of protoplasmic inclusions in the adrenal medulla of man, Arab, Roum, patI4 exp. microbial. 20 no.1:43-52 Mr 161, 1. Wavail do VInstitut *Dr. Cantacuzino" - Service d'Anatomie Pathologique et de la Chaire de Medecine Judiciaire do l'Institat Medico,-Pharmaceutique-Bucarest. (ADPMAL MMULLA pathol) (PROTOPIAM) PREDA, neana, dr.; WMMCU,Adrianao dr. V*, dro LT-J~ !.-- Fatal anaphylactic shock due to penisillin. Med. intern# (Ricur.) 16 no-41475-478 Ap"64. 1. Institutul. de cercetari stiintifice medico-judiciare (directort conf. I.Moraru). 4e A L &-A 17 * , m b To o aft 41 St P 4ndm% 5, , -I I r v p "Isfirfis. rdomm UboratwV - . 18 A r 1947 6o . . , P6 wt. p Impact,-Isst results on se"na steels %Wng sped so* RIM P"P"W by 3 metbWs gWw lowest impad Vol realstaum for SpodmMirred by arwye. td ca ag aftir wt TM ADO 164 A S it. IaSMILLUKKAL LIUMATIMI CLASUPKATION slow 111"Illiv. 6"LAV 0#9 G"V ba an m 0 # -0 a , r im la I v --" 9 .0 4 Is ~v 0 All 00 a I 't ic 19w it a, a 00 0 60 0 0 *so a 0,06 wo 6io Tall 0. USSR/General and Systamtic Zoology. Insects. Systematics and P Fauaistics Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Bioli, No 3, 1959., No 11449 Author Be4shev, V., Doshidordzhi A. Inst Title Fauna of the Dragonflies (Odonata) in Mongolia. Orig Pub Zool. zh., 1958, 37, No 1, 34-40 Abstract An inventory of 16 dragonfly species and taxonomic nota- tions ou thou. A description of Syi;qqctrum striolattri doshidordzhii ssp. no and of Orthotrum cancellatum orientale ssp. no Card 1/1 Pi,.ixr.,;, it. A. BELITS) it. A. -- "Jhe Effect of Removal of One Ovary on the Function of the Other." Ukrainian Sci Res Inat of Maternity and Infant Care imeni Hero of the 6oviet Union Profeisor P. M. Buyko. Division of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Kiev Order of Labor Medical Inst imeni Academician A. A. Pogomolets, Chair of Oilstetrics and Gynecologv. Kiev, 1954. (Dissertations for the Degree of Candidate in Medicni Soiences). SO: Knizhnaya Letopis', No 9, 1956 BELITSER, N.V. Fmbryoloa of the wild rice Zizania aquatica L. Ukr. bot. zhur. 20 no.4:7-15 163. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Institut botaniki AN UkrSSR,, otdel tsitologii i embriologit. BELITSER9 N.V. 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