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/\ r , ( " - - ~ , , I., i ~ "I. i I I i 1 4 4 71 1 - 1 - - K --7 -IIR . ~ I I I , I --IT----.-:-:,-..- - -- . - - p - ~ --= =-,, - I- T-Ity TITLE: Polygonization in 1!21yh~enum and its alloys. SOURCE: Metallovedeniye i termicheakaya obrabotka metallov, no. 5, 1963 49-54 TOPIC TAGS: polygonization in molybdenum, zirconium, titanium ABSTRACT: Authors made tests on molybdenum which was obtained by powder metallurg: method, on cast molybdenum, on cast molybdenum alloys with admixtures of zirconium titanium as well as cast nolybderm alloys with simultaneous admixtures of zirco- nium ard titanium. For selection of recrystallization conditions, the samples were heated to 1250, 1300, 1400, 1500 and 1600 degrees with holding at 5. 10, 15, 20 and 30 minutes. The microstructures were studied and optdnum annealing con- ditions were established. In addition, treatment conditions were established which produced the most developed polygonized structure in the molybdenum and its alloys~ Microstructure testing vas done by subjecting the samples to deformation. deformation and annealizLg at 1000-1600 degrees, and, finally, after deformation and double annealing at polygonization and higher te=peratures. The changes in the structure of molybdenum and its alloys were also studied in relation to Card 1/2 .. .......... '120'4 3 1 3_6 L ACCESSION Rt AP30004W holding period at optimum treatment conditions. Authors conclude that polygoniza- tion raises the temperature of subsequent reer7stallization which is important for employing molybdenum and its alloys at elevated temperatures. As a result of development of polygonization in the tested materials, an increase of resistance to small plastic deformations occurs. Orig. art. hams 6 figures. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy institut stali i splavov (Moscow Institute for Steels and A3.loys) SUBMITTED: 00 -DATE ACQD; 03Jun63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: 00 NO REF-SOV: 000 OTHER: 000 4 'd - Card 2/2 TRAINTSLAVLO11h. The effect of hot rolling 300 and -~7 ~~E50 C I Te 1 6)" 1 Aec-~, L i,~R: ;LR401 3Z40 were annealed for 1 hr at 250, 350, and 5000. As R resul",,, of th e rulomeahqnical trap-tment the strength proT)ar-..e.:; 0 7. C. 7 t~_' e s th s in' - ;z c) S'_-L~. C, D E KNC L: D BOREYKA, A,M,j doktor tekhn. nauk; TSEYTL1N# V.Z.9 kand* takhn, nauk;.BERNSHTEYN# M,L,v doktor tekhne nauk.. profop retsensen [Heat treatment of heat-resistaut stools and alloys] Ter- micheskaii obrabotka zharoprocbnykh stalei i splAvov. Mo- skvap Mashinostroanie, 1964, 246 po (MIRA 170) ACCESSION M: AP4010067. S/0129/64/000/001/0012/06i~ f AUTHORS: Bernshteyn, M.L.; Birman, 19.R.; Demina, E.L. TITLEt Investigation of polygonization in nichrome. SOURCE: Metallovedeniye I termicheskaya obrabotka metallovo no. 1$ 1964, 12-13 TOPIC TAGS: nichrome., Kh20N8O alloy, plastic deformation, elastic limit, polygonization,# annealing ABSTRACT: The conditions for treating Xh20N8O alloy causing poly- gonization werve established. As a result of polygonization the resistance to small plastic deformation is increased 1.5-2 times, Annealing for I hour at 850C increases resistance to-I% defoxma- ti t 4 0C b ti i t 1 thi l i d h on a s va ue s ncrease somew a more mes; .5 5 y by annealing for 100 hours,* then it decreases. For 4% deformation at 4,90C,, optimum annealing is for 1 hour at 750C-(inereasing re- sistance 2 times); further annealing u~ to 40 hours reduces the . mit remains lastic limit and with longer annealing the elastic li , 1/2 Card ACCESSION NR: AF4019482 S/0133/64/000/003/0269/0270 AUTHORS: Kallner, V. D.,* Kossovskiy, L. D.; TITLE: Thermomechanical treatment of 55KhGR steel springs SOURCE: Stall., no. 3, 19642 269-270 TOPIC TAGS i steel, 55KhGR steel, spring band., thermal treatmert of steel., mechan- ical treatment of steel, rolling 55KhGR steel, hardening, compressed air hardeningo. water hardening, tempering, 300-2.rolling mill ABSTRACT: A series of experiments was performed in Chelyabinskiy metallurgicheskiy zavod (Chelyabinsk Metallurgical Plant) on the different thermal and mechanical . ' treatments of steel spring bands. The samples were made of 55KhGR steel., were 7,5 x 63 mm. in size, and their,'chemicAl composition (%) was: - - F-c ' -MW- -51- -v-.- P-----cr - 14i , C'UB LO.158 1.06 Oi27 0.014 0,021 _1.13_0.16~ 005 0.0023, After hot rolling at 930-950C in the 300-2 mill, the samples were hardened in a jet of compressed air or in watere Their hardness was 57-58 anft 6o-61 RC. They showed no usual cracking after water hardening (due to an increase of their .Card 1/2 !GGESSION NR: AP4019482 .residual plasticity). They were tempered at 240-265C. It was established that a combined thermal and mochanical processing resulted in a good combination of high strength and the desired plasticity. The assemblies for thermomechanical treatment, .of steel spring bands are not complicated., can be installed in any plant., and may ,be used in mass production operations. The strength and plasticity values of the ,55KhGR spring bands obtained in a continuous rolling mill were much higher than those obtained in the laboratory. The hardening effect of the thermomechanical .treatment produced 2asting results, Orig. art. has: 3 tables and 2 figures. ASSOCIATION: none SUB14ITTED: 00 DATE ACQt 2714ar64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: M NO REF SOV: 002 OMMR.- 000 Card i/2 ACCLSSIM MR: AP403TO& S/OM/&/00()/005/0020/003.3 AMIOR: T=: SOUM: TWIC T=: austenite transfomationp variable magmetic field., toempering,, ben& test; autcmted beat trestomts, U& speed steel. ABSTPAM: The autbore consider the possibility of acceleratIng fte austenite transformation during magaetic tempering of high-speed steel in: (1) T5 ma-long specimens prepared from a ground rod with an 8 = diem used for the determination of the amount of residual watenite and Hc; (2) 3D mm-long dilatometric specirnen- prepared from a ground rod with a 3 = dism;. end (3) 4*5 x 4*5 x 50 na specimens prepared frm 25 x 25 = bot-wo2led strip for bending tests. Tempering vith tiA applicatun of a 6DO and WO a varlAble naga tic CUM great4 acce2crates the transfomation of residwa austenite at 550-560 C; 3D mine ho2ding results in Complete 0 The nagpetLc fieW has the ame effect when aypIJAA during U*344nm A k& DWAq na strength Is. schanced, at all tempe Mtures b;!!I!O A/Z Chudnovskayas Le Aq 4arwhteps me I"; (;~~k, G. I.; GIMUbt4an., Ve P" M "I nwmagmetle Tvmperl" of *R-181, at", Met&Uovedm*v I termicbeakep Obrabotka wrtLUm., no. 5., V&j. -W-13 ACCEM(Ii NR: AP403TO& The app2leaUm of a magnetle fteIA enhan es austenite deewposition. time by one -and a half after a 5W 0 teMer.,: 6D min bolding period and quenching fram 1300 Ce Residual austenite content vas 3% an against M% vitbout a magnetic field* The expedience of replacing the current teebnique of Prolonged triple tempering by single tempering and the employment of a magnetic field vas tested by the authors In - 6 - mm-diam. drills hazdened by beating to 1260 C in a salt bath for 1. 5 minutes and cooling In saltpeter to 400-5W Ce After pickling the specimens vere subjected to various teaVering conditions with and vithout, a magn tic field. The authors found that accelerated magnetic field tempering vould make autemation BRONO D.I.; BERNSHTEYN, M,L doktor tekhn.nauk; RAKHSHTADT, A.G., kand. t e WK. HER u=,-I Hardening 55KhGR spring steel by the method of high-temperature thermomechanical treatment. Avt.prom. 30 no.1:35-38 Ja 164.. (MIR& 17:3) 1. Nauchno-isoledovateltakly tekhnologicheskiy institut avtomobillnoy promyshl~nnosti, Moskovskiy institut stall i splavoy i Moskovskoye vyssheye tekhnicheskoye uchilishche imeni Baumana. BEMISHTEN, M.L.; YELAGINA, L.A.; FATKULLINA, L.P.; Prinimali uchaatiyw Yu.V.; SSWOVA~, N.M. ~ Thermomeohanical treatment of VTZ1 VT8 and VT14 titanium alloya. TSvet. met. 37 no.12.-80-83, D 164 (WRA 18 t2) POGODDI-ALEKSEYEV, G.I.~ doktor tekhn. nauk, prof., otv. red.; RAKHSHTADT, A.G., kand. tekhn. nauk, do-ts... nauchn. red.; SHREYBER, M,,O kand, tekhn. naukp dots,, nauchn. red.; doktor tekhn. nauk, red.; LAXHTIN, Yu.M. , doktor takhn. naulc, prof., red.) RUSTEK, S.L., kand. tekhn. nauk, dots.., red.; FEDOTENKO., V.S.,,inzh.p red. [Study of metals and their heat treatment) Metanovedenie termicheskaia obrabotka. Moskvap Mashinostroenia, 1964. 195 P. (MIRA 18:7) 1. Nauchno-tekhnicheskoye obshchestvo mashinostroitellnoy pronyshlennosti. Sektsiya metallovedeniya i termicheskoy obrabotki. BERNSTEIN, M.L. (Bernshteyn, M.L.1 ThermomeohanioRl troatmont of steels. Koh lap 98 rio.1:1-6 A 165. 1. Moscow Steel Institute. NII.L,; Cherepanova, lv-!~ RIRR,ZU `-S., !- , ~ ~-. z--, - .. 1 ?-~ I c -6 ~L, -, - f, ~ F " T.,~ ~ I I . .1 . , ~ i ~, I A;IY :~ , w-', .! - ~ ~ , ~ ;~z : , - , - ~ n~,- -. . - A. i,~ - - f - i~, - . .- - '. --- --, z .. ~! -.' -1 ~ I , ; ;f~ ? - ~ MR I~WM ~ , :,, - - .. , BERNSHISYN. M.Le Reviews, Zashabomet, 1 no,43456-457 JI-Ag 165. (MM 18:8) L 1334-66 EWT(m)/EWP(w)/EWA(d)/TAWP(t)/EWP(z)/EhP(b)/EYIA(c) MX/JD !ACCES� NR: ,&P5024464*-,------'-----------'---'--*-'--*UR/Oj69/65/000/004/0473 /0476 :AUTHOR: Marko, L!ge~~~. :'TITLE: Strengthening of therwomechanically worked 55KhFA steel by means of cold 'deformation of martensite 7F ,SOURCE: Fiziko-khimicheskaya mekbanika materialov, no. 4, 1965, 473-476 ,TOPIC TAGS: material deformation, martensite, thermomechanical property, steel/ ;55KhFA steel !,ABSTRACT: The effect of cold deformation of martensitd on mechanical proverties ofi :thermoinechanically worked steel was studied on 55KhFA steel samples. The 55KhFA ,steel composition was 0.50% C, 0.65% Mn,.0.25% Si, 1.28% Cr, (,.17% V, 0.02% P, and ;0.02% S. The 0.8 ton ingots were tempered at 700'OC for 2 hours and cut. The hard-' i ,ening was carried out by means of beating to 8700C, quenching in oil, and tempering, .for 2 hours at 2000C. The high temperature thermal working was conducted as fol- mlows: austenization at 9000C in a furnace was followed by quenching in oil, forging into bars with 5.4 mm in diameter, tempering for 2 hours at 2000C, and grinding to i4 mm in diameter. Samples with 4 mm in diameter and 40 mm in length were deformed Card 1/3 L 1334-66 !ACCESSION NR: AP 2404 :Dy stretching on a "Mor and Federgaf"' tensile testing machine. The degress of mar itensite deformation were 0, 0.6, 1, 2, and 3%. After deformation,samples were :either tempered for 2 hours at 2000C or not tempered. The dependence of mechanicaV ;properties, endurance proportionality limit 00.02o and braking elongation* limit Ob' of quenched and de:pplylwempered 55KhFA steel samples upon the degree of marten- !site deformation are hown in fig. 1 of the Enclosure. In general, cold working was ~observed to have a beneficial effect on the mechanical properties of 55KhFA steel. 'Orig. art. has: 2 figures, 3 tables. ASSOCIATION: Hoskovskiy institut stali i splavov (Moscow Institute of Steel and i Alloys) iSUBMITTED: llMar65 ENCLs 01 SUB CODE, MH inu Ur SOV,. .003 OTHERi 004 L 1334-66"".- ACCESSION0R AP5022404 ENCLOSURE: 01 AV ' Fig. 1. 1--conventional quench- ing and tempering for 2 hours at 200OC; 2 --high temperature ther-I 2.V momechanical working followed by! tempering for 2 hours at 2000C; Cv ~ A A A 3--high temperature thermomecha-1 200 nical working followed by cold working and -tempering for 2 hrss at 2000C. l r/0 J IV _W 2V L _ 3 /14it,_-Degme-of-defamation. It.-- 1 11 I'll ---- - ~ * rg i ng F. -ri RM -Up pi MO -f t t I , 1: 1 - -. - , -'- - -1 * .41 ~, -.~Z~~, jj~z"! -E `- ~'. OM-TLIW*7-~07 i~V-4 Nf~~7 .1 ., - - it" -T (=" /v - - - --A t d-I /T/W - ( -- ~E-. a 5- JC'K-~65 W / 16 I p .) " - - - ( - - , i - ~ -~ i, k) / LI-Ir " 7; 1 , :l: " I. ~, t;trupmi3rp Ana n?)e_,zq "b -fw i *I -lieve hq~c Tr,- 1~ C,71mpoSjtjC~n f --tanium L . -he- rm a -me ch an i c a 1tveatmenL of t"be-s. for :ABSTRACT.- The effett of blgh tenDerature end portion of the tube vas cut off and water quenched fr-,- 8-9.5%, L e n 5 1 1 e 5 T u 118 Lii 0 AL 5 Lee a Z and C 2 R te e 1 a 9 5 5 k g /mm? 'hi cher th;ir. Tlle ~Iffprcnr p n fi -E An C d .Card 3 13 - -- - - - - - i r 1~ " - - ~ ~ !-~,--~~ ~-Il --, - --- - ---. - -- . - -- -- ---- - . BERNSHTO.'YN, M.L.~ YMAGINA, L.A.; FAMULLINA, L.P.; SEMENOVA, N.M. Effect of high temperature thermomechanical. treRtMffnt on the fine structure of titanium alloys. Metalloved. i tem. obr. met. no.5:35-38 My 165. (MIRA 18:7) -or-d rbmtlon--or I f, Tn I n z- t-ria tnA fn-f -qurfa a - - ~ , ='-- L- ~ ~ ~ * " ~ - a . -Lt-~V-.L , - - - -I--,-.,-- l-:--.',---:,- ~Omvx-; I EERNSHTF,Y.N. M.L.1 GRANIX, G.I.; DOLZHANSKIYI P.R. --- I I Effect of magnetic fields on phase transformations in nickel steel. Fiz. met. i metalloved. 19 no.6s882-890 Je 165. (KRA 180) 1. Moskovskiy institut stali i splavov. I ~ , !,-" -NIN A '1) -111 1 Qf).C. ? I - - - - - - I ~v -'jIX30zx a ceel ---. ---. --l' --lJr--TTL . A 7~ I -~ . - . - c - - - :-- ":,! 1~ 1~-!~ wfat- ~' : L 1442o-66 Ma(m)/M4A(d)/T/EWP(t)/-;',WP(k)/EW(z)/fs'~IP(b) IJP(c) ACC NR: AP6002120 SOURCE CODE: UR/0369/6511001/006/0701/0706 W AUTHOR: Berashtgja, 14, L.; Kalyagina, G. P.; Venzhega, A. S.- Belkin, 14. Ya.; _Ryabova, ORG: Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloy (Mos1kovskiy institut stali i splavov TITIE: High-temperature thermomechanical surface treatment (with 9 Kh steel as example) VY' 5-5) ) f SOURCE: Fiziko-khimicheskaya mekhanika materialov, v. 1, no. 6, 1965, 701-706 TOPIC TAGS: steel, surface hardening, metal heat treatment, mechanical heat treatment ABSTRACr: The paper gives.the results of a study and adoption in industry of a new method of hardening the surface layers of cold rolls, the high-temperature thermomechanical surface treatment (HTMST). in experiments with rol Is of 9Kh steel, the greatest increase in the contact strength of 9Kh steel rolls as com- pared to ordinary hardening treatment with high-frequency currents and low tem- pering is provided by HrMST involving an austenizing temperature of 900-950C, a draft pressure of 64 dkN, a longitudinal feed of 180 mm/min,.and a rotation velo- city of 720 rpm. After this treatment, the contact strength in the zone of Card -L--1442o-66 I ACC NR: AP6002120 I limited life increased from 4.1-5.4 to 13.0-.14.8 million cycles (in some samples, up to 50-55 million cycles). The life of the working rolls of a twelve-roll mill increased by a factor of over 2. Metall9gr4RM; aLu_dies1And microhardness measure- ments following the HTHST showed the presence of a markedly hardened surface layer characterized by a high etchability. HrMST results in a refinement of carbide particles, an increased alloying with chromium'V~snd causes a certain orientation to appear in the separation of these particles. Orig. art. hash: 3 figures and 2 tables. SUB ODDE:. 11 SUBK DATE: lIMar65 ORIG-REF: 001 Card 2/2 t EWT(m)/EW.A~d)/EWP(t)/EWP~k)/EIIP(?)/Ewptb)/EWA(,--) M'1;1/JDAW ACC NR, AP6000595 SOURCE CODE: UR/0133/651000/012/1108/1110, Z' AUTHOR: rtqo~boln,_ I- Yu.; villyams. Ss., BernshteZg, M. L.; Dreg Kay W-chuk. T. M. ORG; TITLE: Possibilities and prospects for the combined hot and cold working of drilling- rig pipe BWJMI stalt, no. 120 1963g:1108-1110 Topic TAGS: plpesraF treatment, cold working, work hardening, carbon steel low allby steel/ D steel$-36023 steel ABSTRACT: It to ohmin that the high-temperature thermomechanical treatment (combined cold and hot working) of pipe manufactured from D_ 36G2S sxeels (0.44% C, 1.10% Mn, 0.32% Si. and 0.38% C, 1.65% Wn. 0.58% Si, res;w4rely), asrbased on water quenching from 840-850*C inmediately after rolling, followed by tempering for 1 hr at tempera- tures of from 100 to 600% markedly increases the mechanical properties of the pipe (following low-temperature tempering, 47 w 220-240 kg/mmZ at 6 - 7-8%, and following high-temperature tempering crB 0 95-115 Jg/=m2 at 6 - 11-14%) This effect is still further anhanced when the treatment is followed by tempering at 500'C for I hr, high- speed heating to 8500C for 3 min, water quenching, and final low-temperature temper- I L 12144-66 ACC NRt "6000595 Ing, which results in the work-hardening of the metal, Experiments with accelerated compressed-air cooling of the pipe iumediately after rolling show that this magnifies even further the effect of preceding work hardening as compared with ordinary nor- malization, as was found by subjecting pipe rolled from D and 36G2S steels to cooling with high-pressure compressed air inmediately after rolling, with subsequent temp;er- Ing at from 400 to 600*C for le5 hr. This opens broad vistas for replacing alloy steels with carbon and lov-alloy steels* Orige art. hastS tables, I figure. OB CODE: 11, Of SM DATE: soon/ MIG REFt 004/ OM REF: 000 Card 2/2 BERNSHTEYN, M.T,.; CHEPEPANOVA, G.I. Feasibility of increasing the strength and heat resistance of Kh 8-type steels by thermomechanical treatment. Fiz.-khim. mekh. mat. 1 no.1:60-66 165. (WRA 19: 1) 1. Institut stali I splavov, Mos',va. Submitted September 28, 1964. CODE,- 'Uk/0120/66/000/00110002/0005 AIM MR: MONO SOURCE AUTHOR: Kagan, D. Ya; Bernsh toyap M. L. ORG: none TITLE: Hardening(treatment for high-temperature alloys J-0 W, ~ 5; SOURCE: Metallovedeniye i termicheskaya obrabotka metallov, no. 1, 1966, 2-5 TOPIC TAGS: heat resistant allay, metal hardening, crystal structure, metal heat treatment, metal aging, plastic deformation / KhN77TYuR alloy, KhN70MVTYuB alloy ABSTRACT: The strength of metals can be effectively increased by inducing a pile-up of.defects and creating a definite fine crystalline structure by means of heat treat- ment combined with plastic deformation. On ap ,plying various combinations of this kind in order to harden KhN77TYuR #JF0#.4V'V'0,9k IlFlir ""9 rmeoO7- L A:~STRACT: The effect of manganese (2,44, 6 and 8%) and nickel (4p 8p 1; and 16%) on the recrystallization bf steels containing 0.01-0.8% chrbon during high temperature thermomechanical tr tment (11TMT) has blen investigated. Prior to HTMT, manganese steel ecim'ens were fully ahnealed at 800-850C for 1,5-2 hr, and nickel steel specimens were tempered at 500-550C.:for-7-10 ht, HTMT consisted of beating to a tea- perature 70-90t above'~ tb.e--.~Ac, poLutp holding for 20 min, rolling Vith i"Weductiga 49 sox": isiabsequent: Vatier. quenchinge it Vag Round that Card 112 TJDC 2 669*24".74:621,9r7-7't620,-186.5 ACC NR: AP6035960 manganese and nickel delay the recrystallizatidn, particularly in steels with a very low carbon content, Increased carbon content contributes' to the development of recrystallization. Hanganess steels containing 0.01%C and 6-8% Hn may be subjected to HTHT, since theme steel exhibit a considerable.dela of at least 10 see ln,recrystallization with 50%'~. deformation.. Orig. art. bast 2 figures. SUB CODS: 130 11/ SUBM DAT&s none/ ORIC REPs 002 .-A Card 212 .dACC NRs AP7005758 SOURCE CODE: UR/0126/6T/023/001/0158/ol6i "..AUTHORt -Re-nekteyn, H. L-.; Granik, G. I.; Zaynovskiy, V. A. ORG; Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys (Hoskovskiy institut stali i splayov) The effect of cyclir thermomagnetle treatment near the Curie .point an the ductility of iron .ISOURCE: Vizika metallov I metallovedeniye, v. 23, no. 1,(ig.67, 158-161 L aA" et iOn AAtJ TOPIC TAGS: thetmOmaRnetic effee Curie point, Iron property, steel iron, 40Kh.'steel BSTRACT: Armco !ran specimens were heated for five cycles, each at 50 for 10 min and 70.01OCfor,10 min; after which the temperature Vas apidly raised to 9201OCwhere the specimens were held for. 3 minutes and hen quenched in water The thermal treatment was conducted in a onstant magnet-ic fiel; of 10,000 oersteds. It was' found that magnetic restment lower.9d the nil-ductility temperature of the Armco iron pecimens. 'For instance, at - 96OCthe notch toughness was increased rem 3.5 kgm/cm2 (cyclic heat treatment without magnetic field) to I kgm/c=Z (cyclic thermonagneticit,restment)g, and at -75OCit was increased-- rem 6.5 to 19 kgn/cw2i respectively, Thermal treatment of 4OKh steel Card 1/2_ C NRI AP7005758 specimens consisted of cyclic treating at 700- 7600C. rapid heating to 8600C, where they were held for 7 min, and quenched in oil. Heat- treatment of these specimens vas also conducted in a constant magnetic field of 10,000 oersteds. The specimens were tested for their mechanical properties. The results are shown in Fig. 1. T-71-1 0 0 ierma-, Fig. 1. The effect of cyclic tb 0 8 E .11 - - 1 magnetic treatment on the mechanical prop rties of 40Kh steel: 1- Standard heat treatment; 40 2- cyclic thermomagnetic treatment; - TI 3- -cyclic heat treatment without fir- I I magnetic field-, 20 elongation;' 10 reduction of area; 0 OV- tensile strength. N W W JW 2JO Orl go arts hast 3 figures [TD] SUB CODES 11)3/ SUBM DATRI .116%~,( C/ I Cwd 2/2 ACC NR~ AP7005762 SOURCE CODE: U11/0126/0/023/001/0176/0179 AUTHOR: Bernslite)T,_~L. Gollor, R. ORG: Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys (Moskovskiy institut stali i splavov) TITLE: Effect of high-temperature thermomechanical treatment combined with colddeform- ation of martensite on the properties of machine steel SOURCE: Fizik-a. metallov i metallovedeniye, v. 23, no. 1, 1967, 176-170 TOPIC TAGS: machine steel, metal heat treatment, tempering, cold rolling 40KhN14 type steel ABSTRACT: This is a continuation of previous investigations of the Czechoslovak ChSN 16,140 machine steel (0. 44%, C, 3. 7% Ni, 0. 84% Cr) of the 40KhN4 type (Bernshtcyn, M. L. , Dre-an, N. Metallovedeniye i term. obrabotka. metallov, 1965, no. 6, 3; Goller, R. Materialovy Sbornik-, SVUMT, 1965) with the difference that it deals with combining the high-temperature thermomechanical treatment (HTTMT) of this steel (deformation at 920-950*C, followed by low-temperature tempering at 100, 150 and 200*C for 2 hr) with subsequent deformation of its martensitic structure by cold rolling. HTTMT enhances theplasticityof steelandhence prevents C,rd 1/2 UDC: 669.14.018.295 ACC NR' AP7005762 to some extent premature brittle fracture compared with control (quenched) specimens. Findings; 0 tempering at 100*C is ineffective; it is only following tempering at 150-200*C that the positive effect (increase in strength without detriment to the plasticity induced by HTTIMT) of sub- sequent, (following HTTMT) deformation of martensite manifests itself and the ultimate strength of 40KhN4 type steels rises to as much as 300 kg/mm2. This favorable change in properties following HTT ALIT + cold deformation of martensite is due to the processes of dispersion harden- Iing in the partially recrystallized structure of the material. Orig. art. has: 4 figures. LSO CODE: 13, 20, 1l/ SUBM DATE: l4Feb66/ ORG REF: 005/ OTH REF: 002 Card 2/2 L! SOV/137-58-11-22504D Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 11, p 95 (USSR) AUTHOR: Bernshteyn, M. M. TITLE: An Investigation of the Process of Cold Drawing of Small and Extra- small Precision Tubing of Stainless and Carbon Steel and of Alloys (Issledovaniye protsessa kholodnogo volocheniya pretsizionnykh trub malykh i sverkhmalykh razmerov iz nerzhaveyushchey i uglerodistoy stali i splavov) PERIODICAL: Author's dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences, presented to the Vses. n. -i. trubn. in-t (All-Union Scientific Research Institute for Piping), Dnepropetrovsk, 1958 ABSTRACT: An equation is derived for determining change in wall thickness per pass in drawing (D) tubes (T) without mandrel. This formula shows that: 1) Change in wall thickness depends primarily upon the ratio of the initial thickness So to the initial outside T diameter DO' upon the reduction ratio E, and upon the coefficient of tension B; when the S -D ratio is very small, the thickening of the wall is at a maximumo;* ~ when AS Sis zero it is possible to find a So:D rati X Card 1/3 0 critical o at whic L wall JAckness does not change. An Investigation of the Process of Cold Drawing (cont. SOV/137-58-11-22504D Ittis:exoerim,ent6l-ly.zstablished that the conditions of strength of the T cross section and the strength of the head in D without mandrel pezmit partial reductions of as much as 42-470/o. In mandrel-less D of thin-walled and extra- thin- walled T, the degree of deformation of the T is limited by the stability of its profile. A formula is derived for determination of the maximum deformation, E ~0, under these con-di- tions, when S:D