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PolyrorphOU3 conversion of 21754 S/078/61/006/005/013/015 B121/B208 khimii, 5, 2640 (1960). Ref- 5t A. T. Grigorlyevt Ye Tuy Pu, Te. M. Sokolovskaya. Zh. neorgan. khimii, 51 2642 (1960). Ref. 6t A. T. Grigorlyev, Ye. X. Sokolovskaya, A. T. Nefedov, M. V. Maksimova. Vesten. MGU (in the press)). There are 2 figures, I table, and 14 referencest 8 Soviet-bloc and 6 non-Soviot-bloo. The four most recent references to English-lanGuage publications read as followst Ref- 7- N. Hansen, K. Anderko, Constitution of binary alloys, 1958; Ref. 8. D. S. Bloom, N. J. Grantv J. Metals, J, 1009 (1951); Ref. 9t D. S. Bloom, J. W. Putman, N. J. Grant, J. Metals, 4, no. 6 (1952); Ref. 10t C. Sternp N. J. Grantj J. Metals, 7, 127 (1955)- F16 1 SUBMITTED: December 8, 1960 Card 3/4 Ow N. 0 01~O 0 0 IIX 0 0 0 0 0 ON V 03 04 ~11 17 2 9 1~ 1200 It IZ30 AUT;HORS Grigorlyev, A. T., Ych 'il-plu, TITLU. Study of the oolid-ntate ity,otem chromium - cobalt trawlitions 4 B-) -Jokolovokaya, Ye. in ". part o is ric,~ in or.,~tfll ~~EIIIOI)ICAL: Zhurnal neorLranicheskoy khi.-:-,ii, v. 6, no. 106-1621 TEXT: The system rhromium - cobalt was studied in the part containing up to 50,, cobaltj the part of the system which is rich in cl.rrcmium zas already i~reviously investigated and the reaults were pulblishel (Ref. 3: A. T. Grigorlyov, Yoh A-plu, Ye. M. Sokolovskr-ya. Zh.neorgan.khimii., V. 5, no. (196o)). This study supersedes and corrects a previous paper (Ref. 2: A. T. Grigorlyev, 11. .*,1. Gruzdeva . TZV. Sektora fiz.-khim. analizag 24, 124 (1954)). The specimens were produced by melting together the pure elements at 9000C; subsequently, temporature was reduced to 4000C in the course of over two months, cooling to roo.-.1 temVerature was carried out in the furnace. The following studies were carried out on the opeoimens; differential. thermal analysis, studies of Card 1 24 7 2 9 S/078,16 -)6 /,,14 Study of the solid-state trancitions ... BIO/B,207 microstructure, hardness, resistivity and its temperaturi coefficient. The Table lists the reaults of measurement. ;Ls rhown on Fig. 2, the region investigated contains three hitherto unknown intormetallic com- pounds. Cc Cr ("l-phase), Cc Cr (A,-phase), and Cc Cr 1 3 2 3 2 (,,-phase'. They are due to phenomena of arrangement In the mixed crystala at 6200C (CO 3Cr',, 6400C (CO Cr), nnd 6250 C (CO Cr . Three eutectoidq of approximately 2 3 2) 28 at~ Cr (6050C), 35 at,/, Cr (6150C) and 42 at,' Cr (6100C) are found between the intermetallic compounds. There are 7 figures, 1 table, nnd 4 references; 3 Scviet-bloc and 1 non-3oviet-bloc. The reference to Engliah-language publication reads aq follcive: ,!. Hanson, K. Anderko. Constitution of Binary Alloys, 1958. SUBMITTED: July 1, 1960 Card 2/4 S/078J61/006/008/008/018 25509 B121/B203 AUTHORSt Grigorlyev, A. T., and Kuprina, V. V. TITLEt Transformation "order - disorder" in alloys of iron with cobalt and palladium PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, v. 6, no. 8, 1961, 1691-19o1 TEXTe Phaset.-transformations in alloys of iron with cobalt and palladium at temperatur'es below 10000C were studied by physicochemical methods (differ- ential-thermal analysis, hardness determination, microstructu7e, electri- cal resistivity, and its temperature coefficient). The differential-thermal analysis was conducted with aTK-52 (PK-52) Kurnakov pyrometer. The alloys were studied on their sections Pd 3Fe-Co; Pd 3Fe-FeCo; PdFe-Co; PdFe-FeCo; FeCo-Pd. The mixture a + e appeared in the polymorphous transformation c(V==t a-. A large area of the section Pd Fe-Co is covered by the solid X-solution. The hardness of ordered aYoys of this section is greater than that of disordered alloys, which confirms the heterogeneous character of these alloys. In the section Pd 3Fe-FeCO, the ternary solid solution is Card 1/3 25509 S/078/61/oo6/oo8/ou/m Transformation "order ... B121/B203 transformed as followst (1) Polymorphous c< F=!* X- transformation in alloys with 52 &t% palladium, (2) transformation of the solido(-solution into ordered cYphase, and (3) decomposition of solid f-solution with subsequent formation of a X-1-phase. Alloys richer in palladium decompose whiAe forming the ordered phase r. The hardness of alloys changes with changing hardeniN temperature. In th4potion PdFe-CO, wide areas of ternary solid K-solutions form only at higher temperatures. With a decrease in temperature in alloys containing up to 80 at% Co, a polymorphous cA transformation proceeds while forming two ordered phases,0(i and Y-1. The chemical compound PdFe comprises a wide range in the ternary system. Between 1 and 50 at% of Pd, the chemical compound PdFe forms in the two-phase range ,:d + g,, and the phases cA + ff-1 and .1 + S+ r, form by reaction of these phases. In alloys containing more than 50 at% of Pd, the ordering process is accompanied by the formation of a broad heterogeneous (r + rl)-phase. Two stable phases, (A +,A,) and 6-+ y'1, appear on the section PdFe-FeCo. Card 2/3 Transformation "order... 25509 S/078/61/006/008/008/018 B121/B203 The phase diagram for the systems iron - palladium and iron - cobalt and the projection of the phase boundaries at room temperature in the three- component system were plotted on the basis of the present study and the papers Ref. 1(V. V. Kuprina, A. T. Grigorlyev, Zh. neorgan. khimii,,J, 1606, (1959)) and Ref. 14 (V. V. Kuprina. A. T. Grigorlyev, Zh. neorgan. khimii 3, 2736,(1958)). Pig- 5 shows this diagram. There are 5 figures, 2 tables, and 14 referencess 4 Soviet-bloc and 10 non-Soviet-bloc. SUBMITTED: July 1, 1960 Card 3/3 GRIGORIYEV,-A.T.;-ISOKOLOVSKAYA,, Ye.e. Transformation In the solid state occurring in chromium and alloys based on itf-Veat.Moek.Un.Ser.2t khim. 16 no.60-15 11-D 161. (MIRA 14:11) 1. Moskovskiy g6sudarstvennyy universitet. Kafedra obehohey khimii. (Chromium) (Chromium alloys) GRIGORIYEV, A.T. (14oskva) r- - ------- M.V.Lomonosov and his vieve on physics. FIz.v shkole 21 W-4:1.1-15 JI-Ag(~61. (MIRA 14:10) monosov., Mikhail Vasillevich, 173.1-1765) (Physics-Philosophy) GRIGORIYEV, A.T.; KUPRINA, V.V. Study of chromium-molybdenum-nickel alloys in the region of a solid solution on a chromium base. Zhur.neorg.khim. 7 no.4: 942-945 Ap 162. (MIRA 15W (Chromium-molybdenum-nickel alloys) 33282 S/078/62/007/002/018/019 B127/11110 AUTHORS: 5EILaLjj~ A_j T_,_,. Sokolovskaya, Ye. MI. , Bogatyrev, I. L TI T LE - Physicochemical study of phase transformations in Co-Mn alloys PERIODTCAL: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, v. 7, no, 2, 1962, 441-444 TEXT: Transformations of Co - Mn alloys in solid state were studied by the thermal differential analysis of hardness (Ilk-52 (PK-52) pyrometer), measurement of the electrical resistance and its temperature coefficient, tests of microstructure and microhardness. At 30 atom~v Mn, a trans- formation in the melt caused by a P_-a-transition of Co, was observed, with Mn lowering the temperature of transformation. A two-phase region, a+P, P-t-y due to Mn polymorphy, was found in the part rich in Mn. Another transformation was found in the center part of the diagram caused by formation of CoMn occurring in two polymorphous modifications: y, at low L temperatures tip to 5150G and y2 at high temperatures up to 8050C. Hardness tests showed a minimum at 50 atom% which corresponds to Co"In. Mi n i ma occurring at 25 and 75 atom% Mn indicate the possibility of Cc 3h1n and Card 14 1? E- 'hysicochemical st,(Idy of ohase ... 33 28 2 3/0711,/62/007/002 "0 18/0 1 1112 7//R 11.) ..:n3f o rrr., t ~ on!,- '.`his, ho7,ever, regiiii-en furtLer- is mentioned, There are 4 fifyures, 1 table, and 4 and I non-Soviet The reference to the Ynplish-languaje aE3 follov;s 74- '-~ansen, K. Anderko, ConstiWtion of G -I e - i r, referencec: Soviet pr-lication realc binary alloys, 1)5rq ,1330CIAT[Orl :1',' skovskiy poaudarstvennyy nniversitet im. V, Lomonc3ova, Kafedra obshchey khimii (,.:oscov; State University imeni V. Lomonasov, Departr.-.ent of Ceneral Chemistry) SUBMITTED: July 11, 1961 Fig. 2. Phase diagram hin - Co (A. T. Grigorlev et al.) (1) Thermal analysis; (2) electrical resistance; (3) one phase; (4) two phases. Fig, 4, Hardness of tempered Co - Mn alloys, Abscissa: atom9lo YIn. Card 2 5/070/62/007/004/016/016 B107/B110 AUITHORSS Grigorlyev, A. Ts, Kuprina, V. V. TITLE: Study of the alloys of chromium with molybdenum and nickel in the field of mixed crystal on chromium basiu PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, v. 7, no. 4, 1962, 942 - 945 TEXT: One part of a section through the system Cr - Lo - Ni, starting from the chromium corner down to 601,46 of Cr, ratio NiiYo - 1:3, temperature range 1200 - 19000C was studied. Electrolytic chromium (99.9&i'), electrolytic nickel (99.90,11), and molybdenum (99-95,~) were used as initial materials. The specimens were heated in an arc furnace in argon atmosphere and also quenched in argon atmosphere. Examination of*tho microstructure of the samples yielded the following results (Fig. 1)8 four solid phases corresponding to the various chromium modifications were observed. Two-phase regions take their origin from the transition points of chromium (9500, 13500, 16500, 18300C). There are 2 figures, 1 table, and 4 Soviet references. SUBMITTEDi October 2# 1961 Card 1/2 S/078/62/007/0,~5/009/014 B101/B110 "j'21MRS. 9"rorlyev, A. T., Sokolovskaya, Ye. M., Pyatigorskayat L#101 lHaksimova, 14. V. TITL.,: Solid-state conversions in alloys of the system chromium- iron Zhurnal noorganichoskoy khimii, v- 7, no- 5, 1962, 1105-1109 TEEM 60 alloys of electrolytic chromium and iron (up to 80-at'~ Fe) were investigated by plotting the differential heating curves, contact-free thermal high-temperature analysis, determining hardness and microhardneso af ter 1000 hr tempering and subsequent hardening (1600-4000C in oil, 13-30-3u()"C in H2 0). The phase diacram Cr-Fe was plotted on the basis of these data (Fig. 3). The existence of the five chromium modifications %-. war confirmed. There are 4 figures and 2 tables. The most important English-lan&uage references are: F. 0. Williams, H. 1.1. Paxton, J. British Iron and Steel,Inate, 185, 358 (1958); P- 0. Williams, Trans. K-etallurg. Soc., ASLM, 212, 497 (1958)- Card 1/3 3/078/62/007/005/009/014 Solid-state conversions in... B101/B110 SUBMICTEM: June 23, 1961 FiG. 3. Phase diaCram, of the system chromium-iron on the basis of the authors' results. (1) Polymorphous conversions; (2) thermal analysis; (3) electrical resistance; (4) one phase; (5) two phases. Legend: Am. Fe at',; Fe. C%rd 2/3 Solid-state conversions in... #-i AWN Card 3/3 S/078/62/007/005/009/014 B101/B110 4f w 0 * P4 0 0 a 0 6~ , to 0 0 a 0 0 m 000 0 Fig. 3 37170 S/07 62/007/005/010/014 4. B101Y51 10 ,',,UT!-'ORS: Grigorlyev, __ A. T., Panteleymonov, L. A., Kuprinn, V. V., Collobinat G.-V-. TITLE: Investigation of alloys of the slatem Dalladium-gold-nickel T.,'ERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheakoy khimii, v- 7, no. 5, 1962, 1110-1116 7:,ML; The system Pd-Au-Ni war, studied on 77 alloys with palladium concentrations bet-ween 10 and 90 lp rising by 10 each. Thermal analysis of the liquid state, differential analysis of the tempered alloys (500 hr in vacuo at 9000C), investigation of the microstructure I and determination of the "rinall hardness, of the resistivity at 25 and 1000C, and of its temperature coefficients were carried out. Results; (1) At constant Pd content, the liquiduo and solidus curves suigest the existence of a continuous hsries of solid solutions. The melting-point curves show a flat minimum in the range of medium concentrations. (2) At a ?d content below 20 "', the ternary solid solution decomposes, and a mechanical mixture forms within a wide range, which consists of solid solution on the basin of gold and solid solution on the basis of nickel. (3) Hardness and Card 1/2 Investigation of alloys of... resistivity increase in the range of the linearly rith the concentration of Au, -and - in the range of the ternary solid concentrations. (4) The curves for the the*rebi.stivi-ty are c6untercUrrent'. to resistivity. There are 6 figures and 2 SUB:.'ITT7-D; June 27, 1961 S/076/62/007/OC5/010/014 B101/B110 mechanical mixture almost show a break at the phase boundary, solution - maxima at medium Au temperature coefficient of Ll-e those for hardness and tables. Card 2/2 GRIGUOYEVO A.T., SOKOLMKAYA, Ye.M.; DOGAMON, I.L. PI~7ulcochc-Wral study of pluise transformatiomi In alloys of cobal.t with mangaiese. Zhur.neorg.khlm. 7 no.2:441-4" F 162. (HERA 15:3) I. Hotjk;~vakly gosadarstvennyy univer!jitet ijaent Lomonosava, katedra olishchay khWi. (Cabal t,,wanganese alloys) (111ase mle and equilibrium) GRIGORIYEVP A.T.; SOKOLOVSKAYA, Ye.M.j PYATIGORSKAYA, L.I.; MAKSIkSOVA, M.V. C____ -__ Solid-state conversions in alloys of the chromium - iron system. Zhur.noorg.khim. 7 no-511105-1109 Mq 162. (MIRA 15:7) (Chromium-iron alloys) _-~qR!QQ.Til--EV,.-A.T.-;-PANTELE'iMONOV, L.A.; KUPRINA, V.V.; GOLDOBINA, G.V.; RUDNITSKIY, M.A. Alloys of the system palladium - gold - nickel. Zhur.neorg.khim. 7 no.5:1110-1116 My 162o (MIRA 150) (PaUadium-gold-nickel alloys) S/076/62/007/011/005/005 B101/B186 AUTHORZj Sokolovskaya, fe. M., 2rigorlyev, A. T., Smirnova, Ye. M. TITLEs Zolid-state conversions in alloys of the copper-manganese system which are rich in manganese PBRIODICALt Zhurnal neorganicheakoy khimii, v. 7, no. 11, 1962, 2636-2658 Ti~XT: Copper-manganese alloys containing 0-5-51 atoms; Mn were investigated by thermal analysis. Their hardness was dctermined, their microstructure was examined after 690 hr annealing in an argon atmosphere and after quenching from 550, 450, 700 or 8000C in a mixture of acetone with dry ice, their electrical resistances were mansured at high temperature and they were subjected to x-ray analysis. The heating curves show thermal effects which indicate ordering of the solid ~-solution at 16.3 atom% Mn (CU 9Mn) and 4000C, also at 25 atom~-;Mn (Cu3Un) and 4500C. The hardness curves are smooth for quenching temperatures of 800-7000C but irregular for 400-5500C, with minima corresponding to Cu_Mn and Cu Un. The formation of these 3 compounds in the solid phase was manifest also in the curves of electrical Card 1/2 Solid-state conversions in alloys ... S/078/62/007/011/005/005 BIOI/BIG6 resistance and of its temperature coefficient, X-ray patterns for alloys of Cu Mn or Cu Mn type composition showed no superstructure lines. 5 3 There are 4 figures. 'i SUBMITTED3 April 25, 1962 Card 2/2 S/659/62/008/000/003/028 1048/1248 JXTHORS: Grigortyey,_AT.,, Sokolovskaya, YeoMo, Sokolova, IsGet '--and-tr=ks1mova' mx. TITLE, Polymorphous transformations in chromium, and structure of the ohromium-based solid solution in the system chromium-iron-molybdenum SOURCE: Akademiya nauk SSSR, Institut metallurgii Issledovaniya po zhatoprochnym splavam, v.8. 1962. 42-4t TEXT. An isoplet through the Cr-Mo-Fe system radiating from the Cr corner and representing a fixed 3:1 (st:wt~) Fe:Mo ratio was con- structed on the basis of microstruotural and x-ray analysis data for 33 different alloys. The total Fe4Mo content of the alloy4 studied did not excecd 45~-; the alloy specimens were prepared in a W-aro furnace in argon atmosphere using Ti as the getter, and tom- -pored at 1400-170010C before the tests. The solidus temperatures were 1750 1715, 1640 1620, and 1620OU for the alloys containing 6 1 6- 96, 8 , 76, 62, and 5 7~ Cr respectively* Three homogenous regions C Fard 1/2 S/659/62/008/000/005/028 1048/1248 PolymorphouB transformations*** representing solid solutions based on the 6 and modifioat- ions of Cr were found to exist, together with the E and )%+.0 tv.o-phase regions; the F, + S region is assooiated with the r transformation at 18300C, while the 7, + ~' is associated with the transformation. at 16500. The simple E phase occupies the re8ion beneath the solidus curve, while the -r phase occupies the Cr-rich corner at temperatures below 16000, An x-ray analysis of the 9Wo Cr alloy quenched from 15000C showed that the 8 -modificat- ion possesses a b.c,c, lattice with a-2.878 kX. There are 4 figures and 1 table, Card 2/2 rj SOKOLOVSKAYAO Ye.M.;..MIP(g!)KVp A.T.; SMIRNOVAI Ye~M. Solid state t1ramformations in alloys of the system copper ede rich in copper. Zhur.kogrg.khim. 7 no.11=63M038 N 162. (MIRA 15:12) (Copper-manganese alloys) S/078/62/007/012/021/022 B144/B180 AUTHORS: Sokolovskaya, Ye. M.j Grigorlyev, A. T., Altunin, Yu. F. TITLE: Solid-state transitions in iron - manganese alloys PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorgunicheakoy khimii, v. 7, no. 12, 1962, 2809-2811 TEXT: The Fe - Jdn system was investigated to discover whether thpre is formation of intermetallic compounds as obierved in the Fe - Co and Fe - Ki systems. The studies included differential thermal and x-ray analyses, determinatiorB of hardness, microhardness, microstructure, resistivity and its temperature coefficient, and temperature dependence. In the region of 25 - 55 at% Un the differential curves showed.two breaks at 700 - 8000C and at 150 - 250 0C. These have not hitheito been described and are due to solid-state transitions. This was also evident from two maxima in the. region of the eolid/'-aolution, indicating the formation of the inter- metallic compounds FeMn and Fe 2Un. The occurrence of FeMn with an Mn content of 50 at% was confirmed by the hardness and resistivity, measurements @too The exact nature of the low-temperature transition at Card 1/2 5/078/62/007/012/021/022 Solid-state transitions in iron B144/B180 -32 at~ Mn remaine to be elucidated. It in possible that Fe 2Mn forms as well as FeHn. There are 5 figures. SUBMITTED: April 26, 1962 Card 2/2 S/078/63/008/001/013/026 B101/13186 AUTHORS: Grigorlyev, A. T., Pozharskaya, G. V. TITLE: Investigation of alloys of the system palladium,-iron-copper PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimil, v. Or no. 1, 1963, 141-145 TEXT: Polythermal cross sections through the system Pd - Fe Cu with palladium content of 10-80 at-~ and the radiAl section Pd - Cu : Fe - 1:1 were investigated. It was found that the ranges of ternary solid F solution of Cu and Pd in Fe, and solid i solution of Fe and Pd in Cu, become progressively wider with increasing Pd concentration at solidus as well as at room temperature, combining respectively at 33 or 38 at-%. Owing to the change in the solubilities of Cu and Fe in Pd, the range of ternary solid solutions becomes progressively narrower with decreasing temperature. Above 40 at-% Pd, continuous solid solutions are formed. For alloys with Fd4 30 at-~a, the crystallization ranges of the solid f and L solution as well as the three-phase range liq + r + L were determined. The thermo- graphic effect at 7350C corresponds to the eutectoidal decomposition of the alloy and the appearance of the a + and L + a + phase. The effect at Card 1/2 -t:17A A, Investigation of alloys of the... S/078/63/008/001/013/026 B101/B186 6650C corresponds to the magnetic conversion. Furthermore, a thermal effect was found at 10700C, the cause of which is assumed to be the formation of the chemical compound ?d2FeCu, which exists in two modifications whereby the conversion a2 qq* UIat 6500C shows itself also as a thermal effect. Microscopic investigation of the alloys confirmed the thermographic results. There are 4 figures. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy f;osudarstvennyy universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova (Moscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov) SUBMITTED: June 6, 1962 Card 2/2 GRIGORIYEV A.T - KU11"PIA9 V.V, .. Alloys of chromium with 'Lon and cnb<. Zhur. neorg. khim, 8 no.lCt2351-2354 0 163. (MIRA 16tlO) (Chromium, -),.jl ~, (k1loytO GRIGORIYEV, A.T.; KUFRINA,, V.V.; BERNARD, V.B. Chromiums.iron.cobalt.alloy in the region of a chromium-based solid solution. Vent. Mosk. un. Ser. 21 Kh1m. 18 no.5:41- 43 M #63. (MIRA 16:11) 1. Kafedra obehchey khinil Moskovskogo universiteta. Fv. GRIGORIYEV, A.T,; "UPRINA, V.V. Alloys of chromium with iron and nickel. Zhur. naorg. khim. 8 no.11:2563-2565 N 163o (MIRA 17:1) GFiII7-O.R'YFV, A.T.; POZIIARSFAYA, G.V. Propert,los of palladim-iron-copt,er Zrilir. vf!'Irg. khim. no.12:201?4-2699 D 163. IMJRA 1. MoskovsHy qnsildnr-stvennyy liniver-.1tot imord LorprnonovA. ----------- L 244 1 JP (n) 84-65 Ewi /TjLgAw/ Pit) ASD(f)-27A-s'D?-a5---57A~b-(~)-~/iFETR/-,RAEM(c) JD/JG 4UIVA ACCMSICH IIRt APW9188 S/W78/64/009/004/0883/OW9 AUMOIR: Nefedov, A. P,; Sokolovskaya,, Te, GrIgorIyev,, As To; Sokolon, IoGoi Nedumov,, No At TIME: Solid-state VbMa transformations in vanadium tantalum e.Uoys SOURCEt Zhurnal neorganichaskay kWmll,, vo 9j, no. 4, 1964,, 883-889 TOPIC TWS.. vanadiumiantah"yotem,, system pbwe diagram, vanadium tantalum di;~~sstructure, a.UcV p-oyerty, &IlxW 3*"e, vemsaium, a_Uqy, so.Ud *-oIuW(_= vanadiun base alloy., vanadium containing &.Uoy,, tantalumo tantalum baao alloy,, tantalum containing alloy ABSTMWT: The V.-Ts, system vas studied in view of incomplete ' and ccntradictory state of the Literature. Some 39 &Uoys containing 0-100% tantalum vere sub- jected to microscopic, theimal. and x-ray diffraction analyses, and determina.- tions of bardwias, miorduuMbass, specific electric resistance and of the tem- peratuxe, coefficient of electric resistance vere made. The pbase diagram (Fig. 1) showethat, U temperatures above 13= the &Uoys of the Y-T& system form a L 24484-65 CCESSica-m-AAW9 a continuous series of solid solutions, At 1300 100 V2% intermetalue com' pound is formed; at 9= its area of homogeneity extends from 32-39 at% TSO At 900C the two-;hue area (ali;ha + V2T&,, V2Ta + beta) extends from 9-52 so; at 1250C this ares. is reduced to 15-45 aO Ts, The curyes of the canpositim dependence of hardness and specific electric resistance and its temperature coefficient show a smooth change vithin the regime of solid solutima and breaks at 34 et.$ Ta corz a A4-- to the region of V2T%* X-rey diffraction. patternB ohow the alloy with '34 at.f Ta to consist of one crystalline ;hwe having a tetragonal lattice, with Parameters a a 5.041 At a a 6-702s and z 4. Orige art, hasi 5 figurese AWOC=CK: none smm=: laTu163 MOM 01 SUB CMZ: MMv 68 lio FW SOVt 004 nZat 006 2/3 GRIGORIYKV, A.T.; KUPPJIIA, V.V.; BMNARD, V~B. Chromium alloys with iron and cobalt In the region of chromium based solid solutIons Tont. Monk. lun. Sor. 2 KbIm. 19 no.21 37-40 Mr-Ap'64 (MIRA 17W 1. Kafedra obahchey khimil Mookovskollo tiniversiteLa. L 58702-65 bVT(m)/EWP(w)/E"(n)-2/EWA (d)/T/WP(t)/EWP(b)/F_-1A (c) Pu-h [ACCESSION NR: APS016587 uR/0363/65/001/005/0715/0720 546.881 + 546.863 + 546.882 + 546.881 + 546.883 + 1.123.3 AUTHOR: Nefedov, A. P.; Sokolovskays, Ye. M.; GrLjorlyev, A. T.; Sikolova, I Q. TIT-a. ase-diagram-.of-the-ternary-systeme-V--Ta-Nb-,and--V---Ta - Mo- Ph _)Y I SOURCE: AN SM. IzvestLya. NeorganicheskLye materialy, v. 1, no. 5, 1965,_ 715-520 TOPIC TAGS: tantalum alloy, vanadium alloy, nLobLum alloy, molybdenum alloy, tantalum compound, vanadium compounds phase diagram ABSTRACT: This study was carried out by means of croscopLc analysis, high- ilermal analysis, hardness nd mLcrohardness measurements, temperature noncontact t ,4rmination of the temperatures of the start of fusion. x-ray analysis, and dot In each ternary gystem.1 alloys were prepared in two sections: in a section with a constant content of 10 at. % Nb (or Mo) and in a radial section with a constant ratio (at. %) V:T&= 2:1. A total of 68 alloys was prepared by fusion in an are furnace in argon. 'Data obtained for the alloys in the cast, homogeniz- ed, and quenched state were used to plot phase diagrams for the two ternary systems. The components were found to form & continuous series of solid solu- one which, as the temperature was lowered toward compositions adjoining the L 58702-65 ACCESSION NR.* AP5016587 binary system V - Ta, underwent transormations due to the formation of an ordered phase based on the binary compound TaV2. X-ray analysis showed that in the V - Ta - Nb system the crystal lattice and cell constants of the ternary Ordered phase are-the-same as--those of the binary Laves phtse TAVZ: &=5.058 A# C = 8.250 A, c/a z 1. 631, z = 4. In the V - Ta - Ho system, the ordered phase, while retaining the rrystal structure of TaV2, has slightly larger c and a constants. Thus, for the alloy with the radial section at 5 at. % Mo, a =5.090, A ___C ZZ8.322 Aj- '--OrL *--&rt*-has.*__7 -figures, ASSOCLU70N: KhWchesk:L~_:_fakuVte t,_-MoskovskiY__Sosud&rstvennyy im. M. V. Lomonosova (Chemistry Department, Moscow State University) SUBMITUD: 28Jan65 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: IC, MH NO REP SOV: 003 'OTHERr 002 ~Im 212 (b)/EVIA(c) IJTP (c) JID/jG CT_IW AP5027907 E: UR/0189/65/000/005/0042/0047 AUTHOR: Nefe k* I 'j - 'niko v dov A. P.; S' o coiovg~ ~.Y~e_ ~9; W-igorIZEn A. T.; Cherher Sokoloval G.; Guzey, L. q, j ORG: Moscow State University (Moskovskly gosudarstvennyy universitet) .17, rr TITLE: Solid-state phase transformations in vanadium-tantalum alloys SOURCE: Moscow, Universitet. Vestnik. Seriya 11. Hhimlya, no. 5, 1965, 42-47 TOPIC TAGS: phase transition, vanadium alloy, tantalum alloy, vanadium compound, tantalum compound ABSTRACT: The paper to devoted to the determiniToWh4nature of the intermediate phase of TaV and boundaries of its existence In V- a te . ne magnetic susceptibiliwwas measured as a function of cmip-oi-ition and temperature. lie temperatures of the start of fusion (solidus temperatures) were determined. Data were obtained on the differential thermal analysis of alloys of the V-Ta system, and on the microstructure, hardness, and crystal structure. The results were used to plot a phase diagram of the system (see Fig. 1). 1/2 UDC: 536.7 L 7932-66 ACC NRi AP5027907 I-C I....: . .. It is found that in the region of the stoichiometric composition where the ratio of the components (at. %) V: Ta= 2 : 1, prolonged stepwise annealing (lasting over 1600 hr) Induces transformations which may be regarded 2&V as a process of ordering with the formation of the Intermetallic compound TaV . X-ray analysis Mj- showed that TaV has a he;A~nal structure 16W - similar to that of an MgZn -type Laves phase, ISO !me a" 6 and lattice parameters a A.058 � 0.005 A; /WMO so 4-as a c = 8.250 '11" 0. 005 A; c/a - 1. 631, with four formula units per unWee-11. Orig. art. has: 7 figures knd 3 tables. -17 all 1 1'.4 .0 to Ja j0 1/9 70 % Fig. 1. Phase diagram"of the V-Ta system based on data of this study SUB CODE- MM,SS SUBM DATE-. 07Jan66 ORIG REF: 006 OTH REF- 002 Card 2 2 7 A NSFEDOV. A.P,; SOKOLOVSKAYA, Te,M.; SOFUIARA, I.G. Phase dingrame or the tertiary 9"temq V - Ta - fib tind V -Ta - Mo. Izv, AN SSSR. Neorg. mat. I no*5.-715--720 My 165o (MIRA 18:10) 1, Hoskovskly gosudaretvenityy univeral-tot Iment IA)motivsova, khimicheekly fakulltet. GRIGORIYEVp A.T.; SOKOI,CVSYAYA,, Ye.M.; NEFEDOV, A.P.; .130KGLOVA, I.G. Effect of molybdenum on transformations In the so.11d state in alloys of the T - Ta system. Vest. Mosk. un. Ser. 2:Kh1m. 20 no,4:44-49 JI-Ag 165, (MIRA 18:10) 1. Kafedra obahchey khimii Moskovskogo goesudaretvennogo uni- versiteta. NEFEDCVt A.P.; SOKOLOVSKAYA, Ye.M.; GRIGUOYEV, A.T.1 CIIECIIERNIKGVp V.I*j SOKOLOVA, I.G.; GUZEY, L.S. Phase transitions in the solid state in alloys of vanadium with tantalum. Vest. Mosk. un. Ser. 2:Khim. 20 no. 5:42-47 S-0 165. (MIRA 18s12) 1. Kafedra. obshchey khimii. Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo uni,wersitetao Submitted Ano 7p 1965* L 11TIFi:-, ( t) IF-,,, 1 .7 r. (c j ri /i 4CC NR, AP6019776 SOURCE CODE: UR/0370/66/000f'003/0183/0192 AUTHORt GrIA ,orozovs A. T, (MOSCOW); Sokoloyakaye.j", (Moscow); ?ttLGdoVj_A. (Moscow);_SbV6IbvsA I'_Q' (Moscow) ORG% none TITLE% Effect of nioblum on solid-state transformations In alloys of the vanadium- tantalum system 14~ 0 SOURCEt AN SSSR. 1xv*stlya. Hatally, no. 3, 1966, 183-192 TOPIC TAGSt vanadium alloy, tantalum alloy, niobium containing alloy I &ik0k.) a t1de ABSTRACTs In this paper, which continues their study of the V-Ta system, the authors attempted to determine the nature of th& Influence of nioblum(which, Ilk* vanadium and tantalum. Is an element of group V) on solid state transformations In alloys of this system, in the region of the metallic compound TAV2. Both annealed (ordered) and quenched (from 1000p 1150, 1250, and 14000C) alloys were Investigated by physico- chemical techniques (microscopic and high-temperature contactless thermal analyses, hardness and microhardness mescurtmentso determination of Xemperatures of starting fusion), On the basis of the data obtained, phase diagrams of the V-T&-Nb system In a radial section with a constant ratio (at. %) V:Ta - 2sl and In two polytherm&l sections (with 10 and 5 at. % Nb) were plotted, and the distribution of the phase regions was established In the ternary system at various temperatures. According to UDC# 669.017.13 L ACC NR. AP6019776 x-ray data, the crystal structure and lattice constants of the ternary ordered phase do not differ from those of the metallic compound TaV2. Authors express their appre- ciation to L. S. Cusey for assistance In carrying out the thermal analysis. Orig. art. hass 5 figures and 3 tables. SUB CODS1 U/ SUMN MATIs 16Sep64/ ONG RVs 005/ OTH UFS 003 C4wd 2/2 GRIGORIYEV, A,Vo; KOZLOV, V.Mo; FLORIIISKIY, I.B.; SHEVCHINKO, N.S. Automatic control of the uniformity of -the heating of the coke cake. Koks i khIm. no.12:14-19 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Magnitogorskiy metallurgicheskiy kombinat. GRIGORIIEV, A.Y. [deceased) z4CC-)WO Dev*lopwnt of capillaries in post-traunatic regeneration of skeletal muscle tissue in mammals. Blul. ekap. biol. i wed 56 no.8:99-93 Ag 163o (MIRA 17;7) 1. Is kafedry obahohey biologii (zav. - prof. G.M. Lityer) I lAningradskogo, meditsinokogo instituta imeni I.P. Phylovs. Predstavlena dey8tritell"m chlenam AMN SSSR A.V. labodinskim. MUTSKAYA, T.L.; PECHEREY, L.Ye.'; SMIRNOV, A.I. Errors of coaxial calorimeter-type power measuring device due to or. unequivalent heat losses. Trudy inst. Kom. stand., nor i izm. prib. I no.53:10-20 161. (MIRA 15:2) 1. VBesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut metrologii im. D.I.Mendeleyeva. (Micro-daves) (Electric measurements) GRIGMITIT...A.jr. (Orenburg, Sovetskaya u1., d.2); AKDPTAM. T.A. ((~.ronburr, Nizherorodelcaya, d.8, ky. 3) Comparative study of the results of radlum and rdiocobalt thara-7 In r cancer of the lower lip. Vop.onk. 5 no-3:373-375 '59. (MTRA 1?:12) 1. Is kafedry rentganologit i radiologii Orenburg,-skoiro -vOitsirskoro Instituta (zav, - dok-tor med.pluk A.T. Grigorlyeva) I Ornnblir,,skopo oblaetnogo onkologicheskogo diepaneere. (glavn. vrach - B.A. Solovoychik). (LIPS, neoplasms, ther., radlocobalt & radium. comparinon Ms)) (00BAW, radioactive, ther. of cancer of lip, comparison with rRJIum (Ebis)) (RADIM) ther. use, cancer of lip. comparison with radlocobalt (Ras)) YEIDYSI!, H.V.0 akv I'mik; F)'DOROV, Ye.h., i,kzdemik; ARTLE-1)VICI!, L.A., a~adenik; SISAI.-UN, .'J'., akademik: 0-,RJJY, 1.1.; P.L.: YON, V.A.: U.NLAUt LIFSHITS, Ye.M.; SHAL11111.,W, r%.-A.; H1,,1t.D1fSQVj I.M4.. A1E1SFYF.V_c::_Y, N.Ye.; V,*XN_11.F,*.v-A, L,A.; FALL.,ijlN, ,.V., akadenik; SAITAYFf .I., akademik; kMBjXXfSU,11YA:J, V.A., aPademik; EUPREVICH, V.F.; INUSIET-IS14VILI, U.I., akademik; [t,~W'EYEV, Y.K.; MUSTELI, E.R.; MASEVIO~11,1 jf~.G., d,)ktor fiz.-matem.nauk; Fl-'011, h.M.; ~WRTYJWI D.U., Prof.; A.A., at-adenik; lik'UN, K.K., prof.; 031OV1,3VA, A.G., 'prof.; HJ-,'%TOVh, L.G., prof.; FEYVE, Ya.V.; SEYIh1!;,TOV, B.N., .prof.; i,.G.; i(YGNIGN, G.I.; Biijibl,iiYA, V.F*.; VLA&)Vj%o A,Ao: BAUJOW.,)YO.P.; hIDARDINii, L.A.; ISAC1114t,O, A.F.; ILIINA, Yu.P.; DANILOV, prof.; FLALDE, K.K.; *NECFAYEVA, T.N., prof.; CHEFEK, L. dw.., r SZANTO, Ladislav, "cademik; BELAC1111., Yozef; Fj-N KLOY. 119~Ml FI.S., prof. (Llvov); 5TARYOV, N., AEUMNICH, Yu.: VOSYIRE5~-SKIY, V.; KROPACFEV, A.; REMY, D., prof., (Llvov); YOUDRAIr.YEV, V.11., aPadvnik; LEEEDINSHY, V.I., kand. geol .-mineral. - naulq YASHIN, A.L., akademik "Prirodall is 50 years old. Priroc~j 51 no.l:)-16 Ja '62. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Prezident AN SSSH (for heldysh). 2. G]Ekvny.,i uchenyy sekretar, Prezidiuma All SSSR (for Fedorov). 3. Akademlk-sekretar' Otdoleniya fiziko-m2tem.nauk AN SSSR (for Artslinovich). 4. Akadenik-sekretLr, Otdeleniya biologic~eskikh nauk AN SSSR (for Sisakyan). 5. Chlen- korrerpondent AN SSSR, zanestitel' akademika-sekretarya Utdcleniya (Continued on next card) ORIGOWYN. A.V Lower Ammozoic history of the Pamir-Alay tectonic zone. Trudy TAOT no.4:048 058. (MIRA 12:6) Panir-Alay--Gwlol7) BELYATEVSKIY, I.T.A.; PRIGORITT7. A.V.: IVAITV, Tu.A. Problems of arA trends in geolopiCal rappir1j; in t~e T7.S.S.'J.. Sov.geol. 2 no.12:3-11 D '59. (YIU- 13:5 ) 1. Hiniaterstva gpologit I akhrany nedr SSSR. (Geoloe_y--Itaps) GRIGORIYXV, A.V. Results of the session on the coordination in minerallogical (metallo- genetic) research. Sov. geol. 3 no.6:147-148 A 160. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Ministeretva geologli i okhrany nedr SSSR. (Mineralogy) VERESHCJIAGIN~ V.N.; IVANOV., Yu.A.,- BELYAYEVSKIY, N.A., glav. red.; ALErNER., A.Z., red.; qMGQVXLY,_,L_V,,._red.; ZAYTSEV, I.K.., red.; UIMOV, P.I., red.; KRASNOV, I.I., red.; LANKIN, A.A., red.; MUZYLEV, S.A., red., OGNEV, V.N.# red.; TROSTNIKOVA, N.1a.p red. izd-va; IYERUSALIMSKAfl, Ye.S., tekhn. red. [Instruction for compiling and preparing for publication a geological map at a scale of 1:50,000; supplement to the instruction for organizing and conducting geological mu-veys at a scale of 1:50,000 and 1%25,0003 Instruktaiia po sostavle- niiu i podgotovke k izdaniiu geologicheakoi karty masshtaba 1:50 000; dopolnenie k inatruktaii po organizatsii i proizvod- stvu geologos"emochnykh rabot masshtaba 1:50 000 1 1:25 000. Moskvap Gosgeoltekbizdatp 1962. 41 p. (MIRA 15:6) 1. Russia (1923- UISOSSRO ministerstvo geologii i okhrany nedr, (Geology-Maps) BEL'YAYEVSKIY., N.A-; ql~~GLIOM, A.Vj_l_~~DYUK, V. I. Regional ntudies of the subourface geology of closed and partly cloned territories. Sov-Seol. 5 no.3:23-39 Mr 162. I* Ministerstvo geologii J okhrany nedr SSSR. (MIRA 15:4) (Geology, Structural) (Prospocting) GRIGORIYEV, A.V. [Hryhorliev, O.V.] Late Cenozoic red beds in the nort;hern Azov Sea region. Dop. AN URSR no.ltlO5-111 164. (KRA 17:4) 1. Institut goologiqboskikli nauk AN UkrSSR. Prodstavleno akademikom AN UkrSSR V .G. Bandnrchukom (Bondarchuk, V.H.). BERRI, L.Ta., doktor ekon. nauk, prof.; MAXSJYOV, I.S.; BRAGINSKIY, B.I., doktor ekon. nauk; GRIGORIYEV A Ye., doktor ekon. nauk, prof.; ITIN, L.I., c1dimor ekok KIM, prof.; LDKSHIN, E.Yu.p prof.; KAMENITSER, S.Ye., doktor ekon. nauk, prof.; OBIDMSKIY, Ya.A., kand. skon. nauk, dote.; SHASS, M.Ye., doktor ekon.nauk, prof.; STEPANOV, A.Ya.; ULITSKIY, L.I., prof., doktor ekon. nauk; PODGORNOVA, V., red.; TROYANOVSKAYA, N., tekhn. red. [Economics of socialist industry] Ekonomika. sotsiallatichookoi promyshlennosti; uchobnik. 3., dop.- i perer. izd. Pod red.L.I. Itina. Moskva, Goopolitisdat, 1963. 646 p. (MIRA 16%8) 1. Moscow. Gosudaretvennyy ekonomicheskiy inatitut. 2. Zavedu- yushchiy kafedroy ekonomiki promyshlennosti Moskovskogo instituta narodnogo khozyaystva im.G.V.Plekhanova (for Itin). (Russia-Industry) RUMTANTSEV, A.F.; TEFIMOV, A.N.; TEPLOVO GA; IDKSHIN, E.Yu.; KARPENKO, A.P.; GBIGORIYEV, A.Te.; FILIPPOV, V.F.; PERESLEGIN, V.I.; TYAGAY, To., red.; TnOTANOVSKAYA, N., tekhn. red. (Economics or industrial enterprises) EkonomikA promyshlen- nykh predprilatii; uchebnik. 3. izd., perer. Moskva, Gos- politizdat, 1963. 574 p. (MIRA 16:10) 1. Kommunisticheskaya partiya Sovetskogo Soyuza. VysBhaya partipayn shkola. (Industrial management) GRIGORIYIKV, Andray-YeYgenlysivich-, PITRUSUV, I.M., red.; affRASIMOTA, - Te.S., PONOKARVA, A.A., [1conomics of labor] Ikonomika truda. Moskva, Gooplani2date 11959. 375 P. (KIRA 1228) (Labor and laboring classes) RUNYANTEMY, A.F.; UYINOT, A.N.; T17WV, G.T.; LCKSHIN, X.Yu.; XWENK0. A.P.; GRIOCROYET, A.Ye.; YILIPPOT, V.P.; PWSTAGIN, T,I,, Prini- mal uchanti-jii"TCLOWMIY, L.N.; TYAGAT, To., red.; POPOTA, T., [1conomW of socialist industrial enterprises; textbook] Bkonomike sotsialistichaskikh promyshlennykh prodprilatli; uchabnik. Moskva. Gon.isd-vo polit.lit-ry, 1959. 591 P. (MIRA 13:3) 1. Kommunistichaskays partlyn Sovetakogo SDyuza. Tysshaya partlyneyn shkols. 2. Immatitall nachaliniks TSentrallnogo statiatichaskogo upravlonlys SSSR (for Toloderskiy). (Industrial mnagament) L Ya.,. oollitor ekon. nauk, prof.; T(A Pwiti. okon. nauk, dotc.; ekon. naul-,-,. MI jORIYEV. A-Xa., doktor cl-on. nPuk., prof.; ITIN, L.I., doktor ekon. nBukp prof.; LOES11111, B.Yu., doktor ekon, nauk, prof.; KMENIISER; S,Yo.p doktor cleon. naukx prof.; OBLOIVSKIY, Ya.A.., knnd. e~on. nauk, dotv.; ';OEOIDVl ii.11.0 doktor olcon.nauk, prof.; SHASS, VI.Yo.,, doktor okon.nmik; STEPANOV, A.Ya.; Unsim, L.I., Ooktor ekon. niuk, prof.; PODGURIJOVA, V... red.; 71MANOVSKAYA, 11.9 toklin. red. (Economics of socialint induotry; toxtbooklftononika notsiali- stichenkoi proryahlonnoBti; uchobnik. Pod red. L.I.Itina, B.S.Gerashcheriko. 2., dop. i perer. izd. Moskva, Gocpolitiz- dPtJv 1961. 775 p. (Im"A 15:10) 1. Moscow. GosudarstveM-y el-onoricbeakiy institut. 2. Zavedu- yuslicidy lknfcdroy akonomiki vron-shlennortA Fn:-,s-ov~-!!C'7.o E;oz:u- darstvermogo ekonomicheako-vo Inctituta (for Rin). ~i,u3si l---In4uusLl-.LCs) RUMYANTSEV, A.F.; YEFIMOV, A.N.; TEPLOVp G.V.; LOKSHIN, E.Yu.; YMPEUX01 A.P.j GrLIGORIYEV, AJP.; FILIPPOV, V.F.; PERESIEGIN) V.I.; TYAGO, Ye... red.; TROYANOVSKAYA, N.p tekhn. red. [Economins of industrial enterprises; textbook]Ekonomika pro- uyohlemWkh predpriiatii; uchobnik. 2., perer. i dop. izd. I.Iookva,, Gonpolitizdat, 1962. 574 p. (MIRA 1529) 1. Komunisticheakaya partiya Sovetakogo Soyuza. Vysshaya partiymya shkola. (Industrial managenent) AKOPOV, R.Ya., kand. ekon. mauk, dote.; BASYUK, T.L., doktor ekon. nauk, prof.; BIRMAN, A.M., doktor ekon. nauk, prof.; doktor ekon. nauk, prof.; DOKUKIN, V. I., prof.; IKONNIKOV, V.V., prof.; KONDRASHEV, D.D., doktor ekon. neuk; KUFSKIY, A.D., doktor ekon. nauk; LOKSHIN, E.Tu., doktor ekon. neuk, prof.; MALTY, I.G., kand. ekon. nnuk, dots.; PERVUSHIN, S.P., kand. ekon. nauk; PLOTNIKOV, K.N,, TYAPKIN, N.K., kand. ekon. nauk; FILIMONOV, N.P., kand. ekon. nauk; SWIYEV, K.N., doktor ekon. nauki prof.; BAKOVETSKIY,O., red.; KOKOSHKINA, I., mladshiy red.; VOSKVINA, R., tekhn. red. (Economics; commmist means of productionlPoliticheakain ekono- m4in; kommunistichookil sposob proizvodstva, lJchebnlk 2., pe- rer. I dop. izd. Moskva, Sotsekglz, 1963. 599 p. (MI RA 16: 5) 1. Chlon-korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for Plotnikov). (Economics) (Communiam) GRIGORIYEV, B. Beacon with a hydraulic rotor. Rech. tranap. 22 no.11:59 N 163. (MIRA 16s12) gRIGORIYEV., B.A., doktor takhn.nauk; GRIWQXV., V.P., kand.takhn.nauk Evaluating the efficiency of the engine cooling system of auto- mobiles under operating conditions. Art.prom. 27 no.10:7-9 0 161. (MIRA 14:10) 1. Voesoyuznyy zaochnyy moohinostroitellnyy institut. (AUtomobilso-Enginee-Gooling) GRIGOR'73V, B.A. Combined method for the design of steam power plant with air condensation of steam. Izv.Aff SSSR Otd.tekh.nauk no.2:165-182 147. (MM 6:12) 1. PIredstavleno akadoulkou N.T.Kirpichovym. (Steam power plants) GRIGORITEV B.A.- YOMICHEV, S.11. I Using albedograph fc etermining optical coefficients of engineering materials, Inzh.-fiz.zhur. no.1:34-40 Ja '58. (MIRA 11:7) (KaterWo-Optical. properties) AUTHOR: GriGor'yev, B. A. (Moscovi). 24-1-11/26 THU': Certain proble~3s of heatin6 of an unlimited plate by non-ntendy state radiation fluxes. (117e!-otoryye zadachi nagreva neoGranicheanoy plaEtiny nestatsion- arnymi luchistymi potokami). PERIODICAL: Izvostiya Akadomii Nauk Otdeloniye Tekliniches'Kikh Nauk, 1958,- No.1, pp . 86-~4 (USSH) ABSTRACT: The author considers non-steady state radiation flwxes of the impulse type (occurrinG for instance during atomic explosions), the density of which E at the irradiated surface is expressed by a derivative accordinG to time T of a power function and an index function. Unilateral heating is considered of an infinite plate of a thickness d by a radiation flux of the above described type for the following conditions: the coeffi,;ient of absorption A of the irradiated ~uxface re;~.ains constcnt durino the entire irradiation tinie; -vh,,) radiation is absorbed at the surface of the plate, i.e. the thic-lLnesE of the absorbinG layer can be disreL;arded; there in no release of heat fro,. the plate f;o tho outside; the physical parameter.,; of the plate materivl aro equal in Card 1/3 all its points and do not chanue a.,-, a re,-..ult of he,-,tinZ; 24-1:11/26 Certain problems of heatin- of an unliMited. plate by non stendy j state radiation fluxes, there are no sources of heat inside and oil the surface of the late; at the beGinninC, of the irradiation the p Ij temperature of the entire plate Is completely uniform. The probleta is one of the unidiml-iisional problems of heat conductivity which are functions of t-ime, -:.,hercby the boundary conditions are of the second type. A sketch of the plate showinS, the selection of the ooordinates is given in Fig.2, p.88; the oriGin of the coordinate system is located on the side of the plate Which is in shadow. At first the author derives a General solution which yields an equation for calculatinl-, the temperature at any point of the plane of the infinite plate, Eq.(22), p.91. Folloviin,-r that, the problem is solved for the thermal radiation of a, powerful impulse source. In absence of a temperature viave the dimensionless heating increases Generally viith an increase in the dimensionless time and its maximum value always equals 1. It is stated that the data of Lawson (Ref.)) confirm the formation of temperature waves in aterialc which are heated by therjaal radiation from an impulse Card 2/3 source. The derived ~-,olutions and the nethod of 211-1-11126 Certain problenc of heatinZ~ of an unlimiteo. plA,~ by state radiation of fluyea. temperature calculation can be a.-pplied for practical purposes if 4- e real conditions approximz.-te ado, uaL-~l uh I the conditions of the problcizi under conoideraLon. There are 5 figures, 2 tables .~Pd 5 references - 4 Russian, 1 English. SUBUITTED: February 6, 1957. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress. Card 3/3 GRIGORIYEV, B.A. 6ome prcblemo in the radiant heating of Infinite platestwith summary In IrglishJ. Insh.-fis. zhur. no. 9:29-b S 158. (NIRA 11:10) (Radiant heating) (0/,.3000 s/o5l/61/010/001/009/017 E201/E491 AUTHORS: Grigorlyev B.A. Yershov, A.G. and Uvarov, V.A. TITLE: Refle!C7180"n of Radiation by an Infinite Plane Illuminated With a Point Source. 1. Characteristics of the Radiation Field PERIODICAL: Optika i spektroskopiya, 1961, Vol.10, No.1, pp.96-103 TEXT: The authors derive theoretically characteristics of the radiation field for perfectly diffuse reflection and for specular (directed) reflection by an infinite plane when scattering in the medium above the plane can be neglected and only directional attenuation of the medium need be allowed for. Fig.1 and 2 show coordinates employed in calculations. The paper is entirely theoretical. There are 2 figures and 9 Soviet references. SUBMITTED: October 3, 1959 Card 1/1 GRIGORIM9 B.A.; YERSHOV# A.G.; UVAROV9 V.A. Reflection of radiation from an unbounded plans surface irradiated by a point emitter. Part 2s Particular cases of impartance for practical applications* Opt, i spektr. 10 no,2:198-208 F 16le (Radiation) (Reflection (Optics)) (KIRA 1432) 16835-63 Hvr(')/B~S, AFFTOWAIP (C)/5SD ACCESSION NRr AP3003279 8/0286/63/000/003/0058/oo58 AUTHORt 0;!igor!,Xev, B. A. A%~ TITLEt Helios-tatic Installation. Class F 02j; 46e,, 9. No. 152989 SOURCEi Byul. 12obreteniy i'tovarnykh znakov, no. 3, 1963, 58 TOPIC TAOSt heliostatp lonvered;ahatter ABSTRACT: L: Heliostatic installation containing aponcentrator for the sun's: radiation., made up of long-focus reflectorsj each of which is equipped with4 i guidance mechanism and a device for regulating the radiation; its distinguish- ing feature is that in order to ensure uniformity of irradiation of the objects, under variable conditions, th a reflectors have different relative focal di3- tances (the ratio of the focal distance to the maximum linear dimension of the reflector)p which increase gradually with increasing angles of inclination of the reflectors to the optical axis,of the concentrator. 2* In an installation of type 2 use of sectionalized louvered shutters for 'Card L 16835-63 AbCMION NR: AP3003279 slow and fast regulation of the inwdnation with remote program -control, so -visa change in radiation with time in accordance as to ensure gradual or step stic. /Astracter's note: complete translation with a specified characteri Orig. art. has: 1 figure, ASSOCIATION: one sumaTTED. lFeb62 DATE ACQt 23Jul63 ENCM 01 SUB CODE:' CO, OE NO REF SOV: 000 0THSRt 000 Cord fV1 4 v -,Z AMBARTSUNDVO A.M.j ZIWXCV, G.V.; GRIGORIYEV, B.F.; MAKSIMOV, I.S., red.,- GEUSIMOVA, U.S.., tekbn, red. [Standardizing the consumption of materials in production and construction] Normirovanie raskhoda materialov v proizvodstre i otroitalletve. Moskva# Izd-yo ekon. lit-ry, 1961. 99 pe (KMA 3-4: 10) (Materials) AMBARTSUMOV, A. A. ; ZHUKOV, G. V. ; PWRI YEV,-- B.,Fj SMIRNOV, Ye. I. , red.; PONGMAREVA, A.A., fekhn. red. [Standardizing the consumption of materials) Normirovanle raskhoda materialov. Pod red. Ambnrtsumova. Izd.2., dop. Moskva, Ekonomizdat, 1963. 109 P. (MIRA 16:6) (Fateriale management) GRIGORIYEV, B.F. Penundity of Rithroranopeue harrIsli (Gould) usp.*r.'.dent-ntIjV (Maitland). Gidroblol. zhur. I no.1:68-69 165. (1-11 FA 18 - 5) 1. Institut gidrobiologil AN UkrSSR, K-4yev. GRI,GQR~YEV, -, B. F. Hydrobiological regionalization of the lower reaches of the Southern Bug River as to the composition and Population dynamics of the bottom fauna. Gidrobiol.zhur. 1 no.5:20-28 165. (MIRA 18:11) 1. Institut gidrobiologii U) UkrSSR,, Kiyev. I 1. 0111GORIYEV, 1. (--X- 2. USSR ('000) 4. Shipbuilding 7. Analysis of the curves of vessel's effective tugpinr. power, Mor. flot 12, No. 12, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, February 1953. Unclassified. GRIGORIYEEEV~ B. G. Girgorlyev, B. G. - "New Methods of Calculating the Buoyancy, Stability, and the Unsinkability of Vessels." Min River Fleet USSR, Gorlkiy Inat of Engineers of Water Transport, Odessa, 1955 (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidnts in Technical Sciences) SO: Kzdzhnaya Iotopis', No 24, 11 June 195% MoscowPagen 91-104 GRIGORITEV. B.G., kand.takhn,nauk Lightweight type of Inclinograph. Hnch.transpa 17 no-11:51 N 158. (MIRA 11:12) (Ships-Iquipment and supplies) GRIGCRIYBV, B.G., kand. takhn. nauk rropollor pitch astiontion. Sudostroonle 25 no-8:51-52 Ag 159. (KRA 13:24 tPropollers) GRIGORIYXV B. Nomogram for determining the qpeod of a vessel by the horsepower of main engines. Mor.flot 20 no.lOtl7-18 0160. (MIRA 13110) 1. IspoInyayushchly obyasannoott dotsenta kafodry toorii korablya Odesekogo vysshago Insheneanogo morskogo uchilishchs. (Ship propulsion) (Marine engines) GRIGORIYEV# BqG.j inzh, - ~ - -1. -- I Ipproximate calculations of the propulsivo sjAed of seagoing veseelso Sudostroonle 26 no llil3-14 N 160o (KERA .14:1) (Ship propulsion) GRIGORIYEV, B. - Engineer Zhirnov's victory. Nauka i zhifil 28 no.7:33 n 61. (Diesel engines-Cold weather operation) GRIGORIYNV, B.N. Loading and unloading bricks In piles. Strol. mat. 6 no.7:31 Jl 16o. (MIRA 13:7) (Bricks-Transportation) (Loading and unloading) 1- - --- C, - C . ... ... NCC 1%R SOUR X ODE: UR/D413/66/000/023/0117/0118 APTOo26 1 INVENTOR: Grigorl 9 BePe ORG: none TITLE: Method of improving wear and corrosion resistance of metals and alloys by surface treatment with halides. Class 48, No. 189278 SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyehlennyye obraz toy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 23, 1966, 117-118 TOPIC TAGS: =ant;. corrosion resistance wcftr resistance f) i e r*-).L ~Sw,,,f;q re- ABSTRACT: 'This Author Certificate introduces a method for improving the wear and corrosion resistance of metals and alloys by surface impregnation with -halides. Zinc, lead, and aluminum or their alloys are treated in a solution of iodine in acetone, and copper alloys are trpated in a solu- tion of bromine In glycerin. [AZI SUB CODE: 1l/ SUBM DATE: 2OMar63/ ATD PRESS: 1~114 1/1 UDC: 620.197.2:621.785. GRIGORY4,V, B.P.; KOROLEV, B.G.; YAVOYSKIY. V.I.; A!iiiO51:,()V, 1,1%v. K voprosu o kinetike okisleniya fosfora v staleplavilynykh protsessakh. report submitted for the 5th Physical Cliemical Conference on Steel Production. "I M 0~3 , w P 0 Juh Ig59 DULIN, Viktor Nikolayevich; GRIGORIYEV, B.S., red.; FRIDKIII, A.F., tekhn. red. [Electronic and ionic devices] Elektronnye i ionige pri- bory. Moskva, Gosenergoizdat, 1963. 543 P. (MIRA 17-1) PHASE I T,~-US:,"IL, 10"IA110 311 ',L,) AID 391 - I Call *,4) 'ri.77 70-G,7'5 ')GK Author: (j."'iGuIMEVt 11. S. and G,'ZJCOIRIY-i~~Ij S. Full title: M-CTRONIC AND IMIC DEVIGIM Transliterated title: Uektronnyc i Ionnye PrIbory FublL,lilnV daLa Ori(jnatiq~ arency: 40no Publisli-ing house: State Publishi-nC aiouse -ot Llt~m-,tiire on of Go:;.~in,.,calionz and ;iadio Dil-ae: 1950 1;o. po.: 327 ::n . 0 f C. 111 S: 10.1 000 Editorial staff- E(!:? tar: None Teeh. !~d.: :~'orc Editor-in-chief: ' Ap':)ralser.- :,,,ne Others: The author expresses his rritJtude Cor aid in nrci~~.-,rlnr boor: to the follo,ArW; Prof. F.A.V-1kitin, D.I.Stram~ovskiy. (see card for 'I. S. for rore infor-,ati-:1n) AUM. Boris PavlovIch; 010007W,B.S., r"Ater; XOROZOTA, T.K.. tokbuichookly (Phase relations In radio cowmantestionj Irgoev" sootnogbonlis v rediotekholks. Nookwa, Goo. ind-vo lit-ty po voproom eviest i radio. 1951, 247 p. (NLILA 7:7) (Phase modulation) GRIGORITIV, V.S.; ~aRIIIO~R.Ij KIKITIN, M.I., professor, reduktor; __. A, ~ SOKOLOVA, R. a., tekhnichookly redaktor. [Ilectronic and ion instruments) Alektronnye i ionnye pribory. Izd. 2-9, perer. Koskva, Goo. izd-vo lit-ry po voprosam sviazi i radio, 1954. 418 p. (MIRA 8:1) (Zlectronic apparatus and appliances) k t A US.0/fiscellaneous - Historical Card 1/1 Pub. 133 - 11/16 Authors I Grigorlyevp D. S. Title t An important doc=ent on radio construction PeriodiCal I Vent, avyazi 59 page 25S Maq 1955 Abstraot I A roference is made to a telephone'convereation and a letter written on 26 Jan. 1921,, to Lenin,, by the director of the Moscow Bureau of Nizhne- gorod Radio Labora~oryj P. A. Ostryakovp dealing in a series of diffi- culties and problems encountered in the development of tadio-telephons insta.3.1ations. Institution t Submitted GRIGORITIV B,S., inzhener. . -- wool- semiconductor devices, Vast.sviazi 16 noo3:13-15 Mr 156. (SemiconductorO (KM 9:7) BCRODICH. S.Y.; XALININ. A.I.; FORTUSHIM, A.D., otvetstvennyy rodaktor; GRIGMI rodaktor; YXYNTRAUB, A.B., tekhnichookiy redaktor [Handbook for electroccumunications engineering] Inzhenerno- tekhnicheskii spravochnik po elaktrooviazi. Moskva, Goo. izd-TO lit-ry po voprosam oviazi i radio. Vol. 7. (Radio relay systems] Radioreloinye liall. 1956. 172 p. (MIRA 9:9) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Hintateretvo avyasi. (Radio relay systems) GRIGOROID9 B.S. Now documents on lanin's interest in radio. Vent. eviazi 20 noo5l 13-3J* My ,6o, (MIRA 13,32) (Radio) (laning Vladimir Illicbp IT70-1924) GRODXXV. 1.1.; QUOLTA. A.S.; KLDW, N.A.; SMMTCHUX. K.Te.; WARTWAN, B.S., red.; YOWWWWO, A*D,,, red.; BWACHIfA-.7ff.T-..-"-F.-~ & G&lp# tokhn.r*d. [Aleatrical commmloations engineering handbook; cable and overhand co~lnicatlcxme l1neej lnshenerno-tekhn.~chwskil spravochnik po elektroovinsi; kabelInys I vosdushnye linii evissi. Moskva. Gos.isd-vo lit-ry po voprosam aviazi I radio, ig6l. 558 p. (Telephone lines) (miRA 140) BOVKUN, Viktor Georgiyevich; KAZARINOV, Ivan Alskseyevich; KOXOSHKIN, Pavel Aleksandrovich; IZUBSKrY, Gennadiy Severianovich; VXDOVARp Anatoliy IwWevich; PETROV, Viktor Vasillyevich; PIOIITKOVSKIY, Bronislav Aleksandrovich; SERYAKOV, Nikolay Ivanovich; ELINSON, Mikhail Mikhaylovicb; SERGEYCHUK, Y.Ya., red.; ~RIGORIYEV, B.S., red,; FORTUSHRIKO, A.D., red.i BUSANKIKAp II.G., red.j- tiA~. red. (Engineering manual on electric communications; electric equip- ment] Inzhenerno-tokhnichookii spravochnik po clektrouviazi; elektroustanovki. Moskva, Goo. Izd-vo lit-ry po voprosam sviazi i radio, 1962. 671 p. (MIRA 15:6) (Telecommunication-Handbr,,kal manuals, etc.) (Electric engineering--Handbooks, manuals, etc.) NOVIXOV, Vasiliy Vasillyevicb; ~UBOVSKIY, Leonid Isaakovich; PRAMM, German Fritseviob; KOGAN, Valentina Solomonovna; KLYKOV, Semen IvAnovich; NAUMOV, Pavel Alskseyeviah; YEMELIYANOV, Connadiy Aleksayevich; VORONIN, Niko'lay Isidorovich; SERGEYCHUK, X.Ya., red.; FORTUSHEnO, A.D., red.; BOVIKOV, V.V., oty. rod.; SAOLYAN, G.L., red.; MARKOCH, I.G., takhn. red. (Manual on electric communications; telegraphy] Inzhenerno- tokhnichookli spravochnik po, slektronviazi; telegrafil.a. (By] V.V.Novikov i dr. Moskva, Sviastisdat, 1963. 654 p. (MIRA 160) (Telecommunication-Handbooks, manuals, ate.) (Telegraph--Handbooks, manuals, etc.)