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48-7-4/21 The Spectra of Conversion Electrons of the Neutron Deficient Thulium Isotopes Fives the test results with theml table 5 Oves the comparison of the test value K/L with the theoretical one In the case of Z - 68 and hy- 207,5 keV. A comparison was carried out of the test and the theoretical values of the half-decay period with regard to the tr-transition 207 keV (table 6). Table 7 and fi- gure 6 record e same curves and values for group C. Table 8 shows the theoretical interactions L I J L L at various characteristics of the level 264,Pke'V AM t'abir, 9 re- cords the cakulated and the experimental data for determining the characteristic of the evel 264,2 keV of Er167, The possible scheme of the decay of Tul~7 is represented by figure 7. Figure 8 and table 11 show the curves and the experimental data of the conversion electrons of Tu165. Table 12 gives the relative in- tensities of the conversion transition lines )%Y'- 77,4 keV, and in tables 13 and 14 the test relation K/L id compared with the theoretical one for various multi-f elds. Figure 9 shows the possible scheme of the deca., of .- W Table 15 shows the Inten- si the Y_ -ray3 and of the transitions in the decay & Tu%ofo f S u are . n igure 10 the conversion electron curve of T 1 Card 2/3 representeds a) - firat series of measurements, b) - second one 4B-7-4/21 The Spectra of Conversion Electrons of the Neutron Deficient Thulium Isotopes after 24 hours and c) third series of measuremeg*s (after 48 hours) and on figure 11 the decay scheme of Tul I is represented. Figure 12 shows the dependence on the time of the calculation speed upon the maximal values of all base lines of the thulium fraction. Table 16 records the relative productions of nuclei with various A during the reaction of the "deep separation". All these figures and tables are fully discussed and explained by the authors. There are 16 tables, 12 figures and 39 references 8 of which are Slavic. ASSOCIATION: Radium Institute im. V.G. Khlopin, Mi LMER (Hadiyevyy Inatitut Imeni V.G.KhjOpin- Akademii ntLuk SSSR) AVAILABLEs Library of Congrosa a Card 3/3 48-7-5/21 AUTHORS: Bobrov, Yu,G., Gromov, K.Ya., Dzhelepov, B.S., Preobrazhenekly, B.K. TITLEs The Spectra of Conversion Electrons of the Neutron Deficient Lutetium Isotopes (Spektry konversionnykh elektronov neytrono- defitsitnykh izotopov lyutetsiya) PERIODICALi Izventiya Akad. Wauk SSSR, Jer. Fiz., 1957, Vol. 21, Nr 7, PP- 940 - 953 (USSR) ABSTRAM The spectra of the conversion electrons of two lutetium prepa- rations were investigated. One of them was obtained from a tan- talum target wall which had been-Irradiated by protons in the course of 3 months and the other one from a target which had been irradiated in the course of 1 1/2 hours. The measurements of the first preparation began weeks after the irradiation and lasted half it year, those of the second one began 3 hours after the no- paration and lasted 2 months. In the first case the chromato- graphic separation took place one week after the irradiation and in the second case 30 hours after irradiation. Lutetium possesses 2 stable isotopess W175 and Lu176. Table I shows the neutron Card 1/4 deficient lutetium isotopes according to published data, where 48-7-5/21 The Spectra of Conversion Electrons of the Neutron Deficient Lutetium Isotopes the conversion electrons according to the half-decay periods are divided into 3 groups (150 - 200 dnys, 6 days and 2 days)o 1.) Conversion electrons of lutetium isotopes with a half-decay period of 150 - 200 days. On table 2 the authors represented their values of the energy und the relatIve intensities of the conversion lines of the first group and in figure 1 the spectrum of the conversion electrons. Table 3 records the comparison of the test relations K/L and LIji (L ji + L ) with the theoretical ones for various multifield an tab e 4 ricords the comparison of the experimental data K-L with the theoretical ones for various Z. Figure 2 shows the possible scheme of the Lu174 decay and figure 3 shows the scheme of the Lu173 decay. Table 5 gives the comparison o*f the relative intensities of the rays and the conversion electrons (GLK for the transition ro-,7 keV is assumed as 5,7). 2.) Conversion electrons of lutetium isotopes with a half-decay period of 7 - 8 days. The conversion lines of the 1 week isotopes were noticed in the spectrum of the preparation of a lasting as well as a short irradiation. Figure 4 repreBentS the spectrum of the conversion Card 2/4 electrons of the lutetium isotopes with 'I" rv 8 days. Table 6 48-7-5/21 The Spectra of Conversion Electrons of the Neutron Deficient Lutetium Isotopes gives the energy"and the relative intensities of the conversion lines of the lutetium, Isotopes with Te~ 8 daya and table 7 gives a comparison of experimental and calculated relations K/L and (LI + Llj)/Ljjj, 3-) Conversion electrons of lutetium isotopes with a half-decay time of tv 2 days. These conversion electrons were only observed in the spectrum of a shortly irradiated preparation. Table 8 shows a comparison of the energy and the relative intensities of the conversion lines observed in the lutetium preparation with the energies and the intensities of the lines 'd blf'9. Figure 5 records the storing and the 2/069-decay in the lutetium preparation with short irradiation. On table 9 the authors state the conversion lines of the lutetium isotopes discovered by them with T rv2 days and on table 10 they give a comparison of the test relatiom K/L and LI + L / L with the theoretical ones for the transi- tion 8403 keV.,Lble,41 records a comparison of the experimerZ- Card 3/4 al data of the difference K - L with the X-ray values. There 48-7-j/21 The Spectra of Conversion Electrons of the fleutron Deficient Lutetium Isotopes are 10 table, 6 figures and 10 references, 5 of which are Slavic, ASSOCIATIONs Hadium Institute im. V.G. Xhlopin All USSR (Hadiyevyy institut imeni V.G. Oilopina Akadenii nauk SSSR) AVAILABLEs Library of Congress Card 4/4 nq AUTHORS: Gromov, K#,Yq~ Dzhelepov, B. S., Dmitriyev,A.'J, 48-12-3/15 Preobrazhenskiy, B. K. TITLE: On the Deoay-Scheme of Lu 171 (0 ekheme raspada Lu171 PERIODICAL: Izvestiya AN SSSR,Seriya Fizicheakaya, 1957, Vol. 21, Wr 12, pp. 1573-1575 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The spectrum of the convetsion-electrons of a lutetium-preparation which was separated from hafnium obtained in the deep splitting off on tantalum was here investigated. Some conversion-lines whose intennity decreased during a period of 7-8 days were ob- tained. The obtained value of the half-decay period and the taking into consideration of the genetic connection between lutetium and hafnium permitted clearly to ascribe this conversion- lines to lutetium 171. The lutetium-preparation separated from hafnium was many times weaker than those directly separated from tantalum. Therefore the most intensive and most favorably situated conversion-linee were determined in the former. Thus it may be stated that the transitions with hT a 75,8 and 9o,6 keV and the non-identified convernion-lines 9 . 56,6; 57,9; 62,3 keV, which were found in the spectrum of the eiutetium separated from hafnium Card 113 belong to lutetium 171. The inverse fact, however, may not be On the Decay-Scheme of Lu171 48-12-3/15 maintained; not discovered conversion-lines may either belong to lutetium 171 or to lutetium 172. Starting from the obtained data something can be said on the decay-scheme of Lul7l. The spin of the ground state oYb171 was measured in reference 3 and is equal to 112, The Lu 1-nucleus has 71 protons and lo neutrons, herefore (reference 4) its spin must be the same as in Lu ~ (71 protons and 1o4 neutrons), i.e. 7/2. Thus q9 image is obtained which is very similar to the decay of Yb (spin 7/2) in Tu169 (spin It would be justified to assumo thit9the decay-scheme of Lu is also similar to thgt of the Yb -decay. In analogy with the decay-scheme of Yb1 9 a scheme of the rotation-band-levels of the ground state of Yb171 was set up. The experimental data are in1jTry good agreement with this scheme. It is shown that the Lu -decay apparently is mainly spent on high excitation-states with a quantum-number K -~ 1/2 and that it is very probably that all or part of the y-transitions and non-identified conversion-lines which are not connected with the ground-rotation-band of Yb171 are produced in the discharge of these excitation-states. The conversion-lines corresponding to the h x - 11,3 (m-shell) and 26,2 keV Card 2/3 (L-, M- and 11-ahells) were observed in the Lu171-spectrum by On the Decay-Scheme of Lu 1"11 48-12-3/15 I.M.Rogachav (State University Leningrad) with the aid of a ffiens-spectrometer. The M-11,3 line is badly visible, as it lies near the Auger-electron-lines L-IM and L-NN. There are I figure, I table, and 5 references, 4 of which are Slavic. ASSOCIAtion: Radium J~Lqt ita~_- Im. V, G. Xhlopin AS USSR (Radiyevyy inatitut im. V.G.Khlopina, Akademiya nauk SSSR) AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 3/3 2 2 AUTHORSi Gromov, K. Ya., Dzhelepov, B. S., Dnltr~yr-,*i~ 1, nrr-e-orr-a-zFe'nskiy, 13, K. TITLEt On the Decay of Nd140 0 Pr140 -> Cc 140 (0 raspade I!dl4O---* Pr140 ), Cc 140) PERIODICALs Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR,,Seriya Vol. 22, Nr 2, pp. 153 -- 157 (USSR) ABSTRAM At first a survey on the data hitherto jittbl-.'shed ir, given and inconsistencies ar ointj,4ut. For t)-,is re~%~,)r the In vestigations of the 1748 Pr140-radiat1,-.,,i were repea"ed. The neodymium fraction was here chromato,;raphi-cally separated from a tantalum target irradiated with fast (E ,660 MeV). It was found that after 120 hours the preparar*L,:r 0~cntatns nothing but Nd140. Th lectron radiati-.)n a,-co7:1.,ar.~AniT tne decay of jja140 and PrT48 was investigaterl b~ meaj~q -,f a magne tic P-spectrometer of the "ketron"-type. The ko:3-A* trcn- -.spectrum in the range of 0A & 3 MeV and the ejectror, t3pe--~ rum in the range of 12 1 150 keV were in,re3liCar.ei. '~he Card 1/2 activity of the preparatlon waa not hi,;h. 'D7 the Af the 7 On the Decay of Nd 140 0 Pr140 3o Ce 140 results In the investigation of the positron Zpe:tr-.~n tr 'e Curie diagram was constructed. Above 750 kaV the 1,atter wao linear. The limit ener,,-y of the positron sT. --t cum i 3 eqtjal to 2470 keV. The Auger electron lines K-2L and K-LM were discovered In the electron spectrum. The half wi]"i Df theae groups of lines was 9 and 7 L,40. Other electron-1-nCS WC'1'0 nn 8bservede Under the same conditiong as In th-a of Nd~4 the Tu.- and Lu-isotopea were investigated 11pre (itofG 119 12). in some of the isotopes Ap-trait3itions -aith about 60 keV were determined. Tho K-conversion lines ~,f transitions have an energy of about 20 keV, The K-1,,re usually was widened b 1 5 - 2 5~ The e,(/E ,-valjp 'nere 140 1 tain f or Ild Pr14~ (error not* above 50 either be used for the determination of the emis!iion of the K-aeries of Auger-electrons or for the determination rf the ( +/K values. There are 4 figures, I table, and 12 refarencoo. 2 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATIONt Radiyevyy institut im. V. G. Khlopina Akadem'.i na-.,k, SOSIR (Radium Institute imeni V. G. Kh1opin AS USSR) AVAILABLEs Library of Congress Card 2/2 1. Neadyipium-Docay.-Datermination 2. Determinntion 3. Carium-Deciy-,DeterTtra',,.-):. 7 1". 49 7 2/e- A T!T 9'.., C, r omrv , F Dzhe, I i~;~ov I, I z h,. n s t: ily j 11 . K TET LE: Convernion 1, ~',Konv(,r~.,onnyro c-lif.-ktrony FE, R F 0!) 1 C A L lzv,~,!tipi m.,iY ol.. Nr 1, ri:_ 771-)-Y,94 , r H A T t!l,~ N Lhi,; pupor tho opo-,tr,im 01. i,;I 'Li~"_trozll Of Yh obtained in "thcrotirh" (viui~ok) I' i o -, i o r'reaction from trun- ttillim (Ref wag invc-ti~~ated. 0:: th,~ bajiL: of' a comraricon of the Pxvorimentni 4ata for tho fat-,ors of internal conver- nion with theoreticul V [I I LN' ZIT t )I(- foll~nwi_ ng is ritated, *vLlui, !'o-- the 130,5 koV tronsi I ) The ~f tio% reli agrees with C the thporetical v%luc for the trunnitici. of an E2 typp. 2) The 0 value obtam4?d i-~ormits to muint!~Ir. that th- . , 118i2 r.~~V a transitiori, 3) A compar,son of tlho ox--r!-.i~~ntoi -rif I.hporeti(~al va!~.i- : kt~d' trzr-11.1--.1~ of a that the 63 Ji -ire -.1 tran7i- , L - tion. tion Po~n-idt~ be~:t _ilh th. o- a lransi~ '11-41 1/13 tion of f Yb ;I ."- I ' V 5) Th,~ owertmenta! values of th,~ convert-, )n in t!~o? 10?,7f3 %t:'l :It: ~,xtrem,ilv the thec'I.-Al-1-1. v a I U, - 3 r o v! n rif! admixturc E2 a.,)uqr..-nt1w ln- nw. t~xc- - i ILI 1'17 ar-A I-J8 k-~V I of the I itv~s u',' intevnai I .,rd L - lh~t~ 1 1 Fre'Ournubiv it trat tile ve trun -;i ti oris j o not t;(.: i rr, nubstan t.lq t ing th 1,3 av F!i~ r conversicn lines ut, the %t to sub-sliell 7 ) "L'he v a I t i (, o b t a ;. n c- d ~ x r , r i fpctt)r of n t i-. r n a convei-sion at tiiz~ !*~;,- trsnsitic'n por - m 1 t.-i to os t -al;1 th,? :n,i I t i vc;l :;bme 8) The a33um!,,tlQn nudo u:,, tli-! a!,.t','.c)r '~f the -- i t l. on u t 309 '-(!V c 3,,,. 11 tic - i;-2 o-.b: tar. t i at od I t ran , 1 -.1 y-rays. iferice the intencity of y i-ayj 50'1,7, ko'; griven r; a paper by Du :.:cnl ,i bc~ jefC-"l 1. c, :,,E- D r e s c, n tile sururiarv intensi-.y of' the y - rayo ni th --in ene rgy i')f `7 Cal-d and kt?V. k,:, o r, t ra n,.,, i t iri : - , I he :- onve rs t ?n J~' tz th- -iven in t--ting u:' the 0! th e r~,asijr-ment of thp r r- a i ir 5 n f'. P I of iIIIA i.-!e v Iri 'Li n n ;-rni it All Id Jill If All 1111 oil 24(5),21(7) AUTHORS: Brabets, V., Gromovo Ke Ya-9 SOV/48-23-7-4/31 ljzhelepowt B. A. G., Morozov, V. A. TITLE: Conversion Electrons of Yb 166 and Tu 166 (Konversionnyye elekt- rony Yb 166 1 Tu 166) PERIODICALe Izvestiya, Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheskaya, 1959, Vol 23# Nr 7, pp 812-818 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The spectrum of the conversion electrons of the decay Yb166 x Tu 166 X Er 166 (stable) was investigated by an -MVA 7,7-7 improv*d'magnetic P-spectrometer. The obtaining of the isoto- 166 166 pos Yb and Tu carried out in Leningrad is demcribed in short. The first part of this paper deals with the conversion 166 166 166 electrons of Tu . As TU has the daughter isotope Yb three typos of proparatio;is were investigated: 1) The thulium fraction obtained by means of chromatographic separation from the rare earths. 2) The ytterbium fraction obtained by moans of chromatographic separation from rate earth elements- 3) Card 113 A thulium preparation separated from the ytterbium fraction Conversion Electrons of Yb 166 and Tu 166 SOY/48-23-7-4/31 20 hours after the chromatographic separation. The results of the measurements are compiled in table 1, and it becomes clear that the spectrum of the conversion electrons of 166 Tu in most cases agrees with the ytterbium fraction. It in pointed out thmt the value of these results depends on the evaluation of the limiting intensity of the P-rays. Figure 1 shows the spectrum of the conversion electrons of the isotope Tu 166 in the range of 10-165 kev of the thulium preparation separated from the ytterbium fraction. All intensities have a half-life of eight hours. Table I compares the experimen- tally determined ratio# of the intensities of the K- and L- conversion lines with the theoretical ratios. The second part investigates the conversion electrons of the isotope Yb 166 , and it is ascertained that the ratios of the intensities of the K- and L-conversion lines of the y-transition of 80 kev strongly differ. The papers by V. N. Pokrovskiy (Ref 8) and Ye. P. Grigorlyev are mentioned here. Further it was ascertained that a y-transition with the energy of 61.0 key 166 166 Card 2/3 takes place in the decay rb ----w Tu , and one with Conversion Electrons of Yb 166 and Tu 166 SOV/48-23-7-4/31 166 166 79-4 key in the decay Tu --4o Ir Finally, the intensity of the K-2L-Aug*r-el*ctrons is investigated with the aid of the diagrams (Pigs I and 4), and it is ascertained that the data obtained are in good agreement with tke data known from publications. There are 4 figures, 3 tables, and 12 refer- ences, 5 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Radiyevyy institut is. V. 0. Khlopina Akademii nauk SS51 (Radium Institute iment V. G. Khlopin of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) Card 3/3 24(5),21(7) AUTHORS: Gromov, K. Ya., Dzhelepovp B. S-j- SOV/48-23-7-6/31 -?-o-Y-r6-v-skiY','_ V. N. TITLE: On the Scheme of the Decay of Tu 166 (0 ekheme raspada Tu 166 PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheskayap 1959, Vol 23, Nr 7, pp 821-825 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The first part ;f the present paper deals with the sultipols trane4tions in Rr 166 , and discusses at first the experimental data of the emission accompanying the decay of Tu 166 , which were obtained in the preceding papers of this issue. The identification of the energy of the a-transitions, and the relative intensity of the X-conversion electrons, are con- sidered. The multipole transitions El, 92, (M1+ E2)0 and M2 are then investigated, and the results are compiled in table 1. The second part investigates the absolute intensity of the I- and conversion-lines, and calculates the number of captures of orbital electrons* The third part deals with two rotational 166 bands of Er , the 'authors referring to previous papers. At first, the levels of the rotational band of the ground state, Card 1/2 then the levels of the second rotational* band, are investipted on the Scheme Ofthe Decay of Tu 166 SOV/48-23-7-6/31 and explained with the help of a figure. The theory developed by A. S. Davydov on the rotational states of non-axial nuclei is mentioned which permits the energy of the rotational levels to be calculated. The intensity of the transitions in the bands studied here in then investigated, and the results are compiled in table V. The fourth part investigates some other levels of the excitation of Er 166 , and It in ascertained that for a clarification of these excited states of Er 166 and their quantum characteristic, accurate-measuroments of the energy of the conversion electrons will have to be carried out. There are I figure, 3 tables, and 7 references, 5 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: -Radiyevyy institut imeni V. G. Khlopina Akademii nauk SSSR (Radium Institute imeni V. G. Khlopin of the Academy of Sciences, USSR). Ob"yedinennyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy (Joint Institute of Nuclear Research) Card 2/2 S/048j6O/O24/n3 Boo6/BoI4 AUTHORS., Gromov, K. Ya., Dz elepov, B. S,, Dmitriyev, A., G,p Yakovlev, K., I. TITLE: Conversion Electro d Gamma Rays of Tu165 71 ____W PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheskaya, 1960, Vol. 24, No. 3, pp~ 272-277 TEXT: The artiole under review was read at the Tenth All-Union Confer- ence on Nuclear Spectroscopy (Moscow, January 19 - 27 1 1?60). The authors studied the spectrum of the conversion electrons of TU16 by means of a magnetic spectrometer of the type "Ketron". The relative half-width of the lines was 0.4 per cent, the light intensity of the instrument was 0.4 per cent. The I-ray spectrum was taken by means of a y-scintillation spectro- meter. The half-width of the 661-kev Cs137 line was 12 per cent, In order to obtain Tu165 tantalum was bombarded with 660-Mev protons for 4 hours on the eynchrocyclotron of the Ob"yedinennyy inatitut yadernykh /n-4,1nio issledovaniy Qjj~nt Institute of Nuclear Research) at Dubna Then, the Card 1/2 Conversion Electrons and Gamma Rays of S/048/60/02aj,/0'~'103/01'1 Tu165 B006/BO14 resulting elements were separated chromatographically. The conversion- electron spectrum was studied in the range 85 - 1,200 kev, The spectra obtained are illustrated in Figs, 1 - 3~ Each spectral region was taken three times every 25 - 35 hours. Thus, it was possible to distinguish the lines of TuI65 from the lines of other isotopes The intensity of the lines was measured relative to the K-243 intensity. The resulting data permitted the identification of the following new y-transitions: 279.0, 312.1, 366.0, (378-4), 389,,4, 457.2, 46o.4, 471.6. 488,.2, (543-5), 566.o, 807.1, 1,133, 1,179, and 1,187 kev~ Table 1 lists all data on the conversion-electron spectrum (Eeq HI, relative intensity, identification, Y. The y-spectrum obtained is shown in Fig.. 4,, The following y-lines were recorded: (219,~--240), 296, 350, 450, 5M 810, and 1,170 kev. The relative intensities of these lines are compiled in Table 2, There are 4 figures, 2 tables, and 12 references, 6 of which are Soviet, AS Card 2/2 S/048/60/024/';.'~- B006,/Bo 14 2 o AUTHORS: Abdurazakov, A. A~J,GromoV2 K. Ya., Dzhelepov, B. S., Norseyev, Yu. V., Umarov, G. TA1-,-Cbumin, V.. G. TITLE; The 75-minute Activity of Yb 1-Y PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheskaya, 1960, Vol. 24, No. 3, pp. 278-282 TEXT: The article under review was read at the Tenth All-Union Confer- ence on Nuclear -pectroscopy (Moscow, January 19 - 27, 1960)-.- The authors analyzed the spectra of electrons and positrons ar ng n e decay o the 75-minute Yb isotope by means of a magnetic P-spectrometer with a homogeneous magnetic field. The half-width of the C9137 K-line amounted to 0.8%. Electrons were recorded by an electron counter of the type MST-17. An analysis of the positron spectrum (Fig,, 1) revealed that it corresponded to a half-life of 7512 min as to intensity in all its parts. Fig, 3 shows one of the decay curves of the positron spectrum; its analysis by means of the Fermi method (Fig. 2) showed that in the range Card 1/3 The 75-minute Activity of Yb S/048/60/02",/,_'5/'04/011i B0061(BO14 of 19300 - 2,940 kev there occurred no deviations from the ahape which is characteristic of allowed P-transitions. The energy limit of the P-spectrum is found at 2,940�20 kev. A deviation of the spectrum from the Fermi shape was observed at energies below 1,300 kev,, If this deviation is assumed to be related to a second component of the P.-spectrum, its energy limit should then be at 1300�100 kev, L.- and M-lines of the 91.5-ker transition and K- and L-lines of the 211-kev transition were found in the spectrum of conversion electrons, Data on conversion lines are compiled in Table 1,, The mass number of this 75-min Isotope has not yet been safely ascertained, but a number of authors believe it to be 167. The opinions of various authors are cited in this connection, among them B. S. Dzhelepov and L. K. Peker, A. V. Kalyamin and A. Abdurazakov. To conclude from the investigation results obtained by the authors of the- present paper (Table 2) it does not seem possible to ascribe the mass numbers 167 and 165 to the 75-minute isotope. Results likewise exclude 163 and 161,, The only possible numbers left are 162 and 164. Considera- tions indicate 164 as the most probable mass number.. Fig, 4 shows the possible decay scheme. To check this assumption, the authors analyzed OV Card 2/3 The 75-minute Activity of Yb S/048/60/024/03/04,/Oic) B006/BO14 the conversion electron spectrum with a view to determining the Z of that nucleus in which the 91,5-kov transition, excited in the decay of 75-min Yb, occurs. Respective data are given in Table 3. It was thus proven that the 75-min activity is actually to be ascribed to the mass number 164. There are 4 figures, 3 tables, and 12 references, 7 of which are Soviet, ASSOCIATION: Laboratoriya yadernykh problem Ob"yedinennogo institute, yadernykh issledovaniy (Laboratory of Nuclear Problems of the Joint Institute of Nuclear Research Sredneaziatakiy politekhnichookiy institut ((Soviet) Central Asia Foly- technic Institute) Card 3/3 0~)ol S/048/60/024/007/013/032/XX 720 B019/BO56 AUTHORSt Basina, A. S., Gromov, K. Ya., and Dzhelepov, B. S. TITLBs The Conversion Electron Spectrum of the Dysprosium Fraction ?I PERIODICALs Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheskaya. 1960, Vol. 24, No- 7, pp. 811-816 TEXTt This paper was read at the 10th All-Union Conference on Nuclear SPPcLLQ-gcoRy, which took place from January 19 to January 27, 1960 at Moscow. The investigations described here were carried out by means of a 11-spectrometer having a resolution of roughly 1.9%. The dysprosium fracti,:~n vias chromatographically separated from rare earths. The rare earths had been obtained by irradiation of a Ta-target (15-20 minutes) with fast protons. Separation or the dysprosium fraction took place 2 hou-3 after the irradiation of the target.. Measurements began roughly I hour after the fraction separation. The preparation was produced by previous evaporation of dysprosium lactate and following transfer of the actvvity by means of a weak acetic solution upon an Al foil. The sourre hod 4 diametcr of 3 mm. Card 1/5 The Conversion Electron Spectrum of the S/048/60/024/007/013/032/XX Dysprosium Fraction B019/11056 152 155 155 The emission of the following isotopes was obaerved; Dy Dy Dy and Dy'57. Dy154 and Dy159 were not observed. During the Virst 30 hours, the conversion electron spectrum was mea8ured continuously, and in the course of the following days it was measured once in each case. In this spectrum lines having the halflife of 6, 8 - 11, nnd roughly 20 hours, a9 well as several days were observed. Besides it was found that the intensity of a number of lines at first grew with a period of 2.5 hours, after which it de:,"reased within a period of roughly 20 hours. The known data make it possible to assign the halflife of 8-11 hours to the DyI55- and Dy157- isotopes, and the longer periods to the Tb-daughter activities. The assignment of the halflives of roughly 6,. 2.5, and 20 houp is -urth?r discuased. On the basis of known data, the spectra of Dy'51 and Dy'5 are discussed, and it was found that the L-82 and M-82-lines do no' belong to~PY157~ and that no lines could be observed that might be assigned to 154 154 153 Dy or jj.~,'~tFurtliermore, the authors were able to prove that Dy was prese nt I he preparation under inventigation. In Table 1 the va)-jes for the conversion electrons of DyI53 are given In the first column, Card 2/5 The Conversion Electron Spectrum of the S104816010241007101310321YX Dyaprosium~Praction B019/BO56 the energy'of the conversion electrons, in the cocond the energies of transitions, in the third the periods, in the fourth the relative in- tensities,.and in the fifth column the identifications are given. From those lines whose intensity at first Crows with a period of 2-5 hours, after which it falls, the authors `Conclude that the followinC decay exists: Dy152 _ '---) Tb152 Thus, the three Tb151, Tb152 , and Tb154 -~ ---5-1 h probably etist with a halflife oP 18 hours. In Table 2, the values of the conversionlelectrons of Tb152 are given together. In the firs'. column, the eneroi~s of the conversion electrons, in the second the energy of the ,-transitions, in the third the relative intensities, and in colu'7-n four 9 the identifications are given. The results obtained indicate the 152_~~ 1152 Tb Gd decay scheme shown in Fig. 3. Ba hilov~. Dobronravova, I. N. Rogachev, ed. The authors thank V. A. Morozov and G. As measurenents, and also 1. A. Yu'ulandov and V. chemical work. There are' 3 figures, 2 tables, and 6 us. N. M. Anton' yeva, A. A. and I. Zvollskiy are mention- Linnoy for their help in A. Khalkin for carrying out -referenc,2s: 9 Soviet, Card 3/5 The Conversion Electron Spectrum of the ~Ysprosium'Fraction ASSOCIATIONj: S/048/60/024/007/013/032/XX B019/BO56 Nauchno-issledovatellskiy fizicheskiy int3titut,Leningradskogo gos. universiteta im. 4. A. Zhdanova Qhysical Scip.ntlfic Research Institute o'f LeninGrad State University i--eni A. A. Zhdanov). Ob"yedinennyy inotitut yadernykh issledovaniy (Joint Institute of Nuclear Research) Card 4/5 C-7 Ito"Depelloultme eamplim Dy", R kev E k.v T. amocirr. mwe"- Itam. (Oucn.) qy 28,8 8.0,8 7�2 47,4 09 4 7 5�t 0 200 60 ' 72,8 81:1 8:5�1:5 2m 60 79.9 81,9 8,5�i.5 70�20 90.7 09,4 8�2 50�15 95,7 uTr 8�2 40�10 138./A 147 6�1 25�6 19i,o 244 G�i 40�6 203, 1 S�t i0o 237,4 245 6�2 4�2 246,8 255 6�1 13�3 Card 5/5 8/048/60/024/0-V1,111 T '7X B01 9/B056 K-8t In g w 0 K e - 9 81 L - M-81 L-99 H AMA) K-147? L- 1457? 6 K-244 en C4 tl &M C4 4i-H4i 4i+I-H41 K-155 S M L, 244 1,255 83671 0) Y' 6 0 S/048/60/024/009/004/015 BO13/B063 AUTHORS: Baranov, V. I., Qrnmny- K_ YJL__DzhelePoY. B, S,-, Zjong Chang- Bay, Malysheva-T. V , Moro~_Ov. V. A., Khotin, B. A_ Chumin. V. G. TITLE: The New Isotopes Ir184 and Pt187 -71 it PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheskaya, 1960, Vol. 24, No. 9, PP. 1079 - 1082 TEXT: The spectrum of the conversion electrons of the iridium fraction was analyzed by means of a P-spectrometer of the type Danish. This fraction is formed during the disintegration of gold bombarded with 660-Mev protons. Radiochemically pure iridium without carriers was separated from a bombard- ed gold plate weighing 1 1 2 g (Ref. 1). The spectrum of the Ir conversion electrons showed some lines with a half-life of 3.1 0.3 hours. These were identified as L-120; M-120; K-264; L-264; M-264; K-391 and L-391 transitions, Experimental data on these lines are collected in Table 1. The measured iridiur. spectrum (Series I) is shown in Fig. is, part of which is shown in a higher resolution in Fig. 1b. In addition, the L-, M-, and N-lines of the Card 113 83671 The Now Isotopes Ir 184 and Pt 18? S/048/60/024/nog/oo4/015 B013/Bo63 120-kev gamma transition were studied by means of a ~-spectrometer with double focusing (of the typoYT-2) and increased resolution (Ref. 2). The data obtained are given in Table 2, They indicate that the observed gamma transitions take place in the even-even osmium nucleus (Figs. 2 and 3). On the strength of the data obtained, the authors suggest a decay scheme for Ir 184 (Fig. 4). In addition to the above-mentioned lines, the iridium fraction contained numerous lines that belonged to other Ir isotopes: VIA 186 185 188 18? Ir , Ir , and Ir . Next, the determination of the half-life of Pt is described. The half-life of this isotope was found to be 2.0 1 0.4 hours. For comparison, the half-life of the well-known isotope Pt 186 was determined. Its half-life of T � 0-3 hours is in good agreement with the results of Ref- 7. There are figures, 2 tables, and 7 references: 3 Soviet- Card 213 83671 The New Isotopes Ir 184 and Pt167 S/048/60/024/009/004/015 B013/BO63 ASSOCIATION: In5titUt geokhimii i analiticheskoy khimii im. V. I. Vernadskogo Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemiatry imeni V. I. Vernadskiy of the Academy of Sciences USSR) Myedinernyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy (Joint Institute of Nuclear Research~ Card 313 ABDURnIZAKOV, A. A.; GRo4ov, K.Ta.; DZRELI:POV, B.S.; UKkROV, G.Ta. Spectrum of conversion electrons of a dysprooi,Lm fraction. Izv.AN SSSR.Ser.fiz. 24 no-9:1126-1134 5 1(j. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Srodne-Aziatskiy politakhnichoskiy institut i Obuyediueurqy institut yadernykh issledovanty. (I)ysprosium--lootopes) (Electrons--Spectra) .4W 3/630/61/001/000/041/056 13108/B138 AUTHORS: Abdurazakov, A. A., Gromovs K. Ya.f Dzhelepov, B. S., Umarov, G. Ya. TITLE: Convere~on electron spectra of neutron-deficient thulium isotopes SOURCE:- Tashkentskaya konferentsiya po mirnomy iopolizovaniyu atomnoy energii. Tashkent, 1959. Trudy. v. 1. 'Lashkent, 1961,259-262 TEXT: A study was made of the conversion electron spectra of thulium obtained by 660-Mev Proton bombardment of tantalum. The spectra were recorded on a beta-spectrograph in uniform magnetic field. The three exposure times were 9 hra, 14-5 hra, and 20 hre. Conversion lines of Tu 165, Tu 166 , and Tu 167 were observed. Besides this a number of new lines were found (Table 2) which are due to a thulium isotope with a half-life of less than 7 hra. Acco;ding to Mihelich et al. (Refs. 2, 3, see below) this isotope might be TuI63 with a half-life of 2 hra. Preliminary experiments on a magnetic spectrometer with a Geiger counter seem to Card 1/2 V~ 33.'aL S/63 61/001/000/041/056 Conversion electron spectra BIOUYB136 confirm this assumpti-in ;Pveral of the conversion electron lines observed (156, 203-4, 94-7, 99-4, 102.4, and 135 kev) are appropriate for a half-life of 2 lirs. 1. c. Chumin, 1. S. Dneprovskiy, L. H. Ignatyuk, and A. A. Balishev are thanked for help and advice. Thore are I figure, 2 tables, and 3 referencen: 1 Sovit-t and 2 non-Soviet. The reference to the English-langualSe j1ub1tcektjoY%6 read as follows: Ref. 2: Mihelich 1. W. at al. Phys. Rev., 108, )b), 1957; Ref- 3: Mihelich I. W. et al. Paps, 3, 358, 1956. ASSOCIATION: Sredneaziatakiy politekhnicheakiy inatitut Oviet Central 4 -_ Polytechnic Institute) 1- >_;r ~- !, B; ~E Table 2. New conversion electron 1 lines from thulium isotopes. 4~ W (x co Legend: (1) conversion lineal gamma transition energies whose identification is not completely reliable are given in parentheses. Card 2/2 W~L*L~2: Cn 1,3 2!~ W _4 _i!z 0 C"- Ao ia 2 ABDURAZAKOV, A.A.; ABUORAZAEOVA, F.M.; GROMN, K.Ya.; DZHELEFOV, E.S.; UMAROV, G-Ya. - Studying the spectrum if conversi,)n electrins in neutr7n-deficient luteclum Isotopes. Izv. AN Uz.SSR. Ser. fiz.-mat. nauk 3:53-60 161. (MIRA 14:8) 1. Sredneaziatskiy politekhnicheskiy Institut I Ob"yedinennyy Institut yadernykh issledovaniy. (Lutecium--Isotopes) (Electrons--Spectra) BASINA, A.S.1 GROMOV, K.Yg.; DZHELEPOVO B.S.; MOROZOV, V.A. Spectruz of the conversion electrons of the holmium fraction in the reaction Ta +- P. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. fiz. 25 no.2:194-198 F'161. (MIRA 14:3) (Holmium--lootopen) (Tantalum) (Nuclear reactions) K.Ya.; DZUUPOV, B.S.; ZHELEV, Zh.T.; KUMYAVToEVA, A.V. GROMOVY Study of P-Bpectra and conversion eloctron spectra in 7b:L52. Izv. AN 8SSR. Ser. fix. 25 no.9:1084-IC67 161. (MIRA 14:8) 1. Ob"yedinennyy inatitut yadernykh iseledavaniy i leningradskiy gosudarstvannyy univerBitet im. A.A. Zbdanova. (Terbiun-43pectra) (Internal conversion(Nuclear physics)) UN MEN-MIUA [Kang 14eng-hual; GROMOV, K.Yaq LOWN931ffi, B.S.; ZVOLISYA, V.; Conversion electrons from TU165. IzY. AN SSSR. Ser. fiz. 25 no.9:1092-1095 161. (MIRA 14:8) (Thulim-laotopea) (Internal conversion(Nuclear physics)) ABDURAZAKOV, A.A.; GROMIOV, K.Ya.; DZHEIEPOV, B.S.; 101AUM, V.A. Convernicn electrons from erbitm fractions. Izv. All SSSR. Ser.~fiz. 25 no.9:1096-3100 161. (MIRA 1/,:8) 1. Sredneaziatakiy politekhnicheskdy institut i Ob"yedinennyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy. (Erbium-Isotopes) (Internal conversion(Nuclear physics)) vizi; I.; GROMOV, K.I-DZHELEPOV, B.; YAZVITSKIY, Yu. Decay mode of Ful47. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. fiz. 25 no.9:3-101- U04 161, (MIRA 14:8) 1. ObOyedivennyy institut yader.nykh isoledavaniy i Radiyevyy ingtitut im. V.G. Xhlopina AN SSSR. (Ewopims.-Decay) GROMOVP K.Ya.; DNEPROVSKIY, I.S. Study of conversion electron spectra of neutron-deficient erbium and holmium isotopes. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. fis. 25 no.90-1*-1114 161. (KM 14:8) 1. Ob*yediw=yy institut yadomykh issladovanly i Institut gookhizii i -n-11ticheakoy khimii im. V.I. Vernadskogo AN SSSR. (Internal conversion(Nuclear physics)) (Erbium-Isotopen) (Holmium-Iootopeo) GRIGORIYEVV Ye.p.; DZHELEFOV, B.S.; ZHELEV, Zb,Tj ZVOLISKA, V.; ZVOLISKIY, 1. Decay of Tb166 -.OTQ166 -+FX166. Izv AN SSSR.Ser.fiz. 25 no.10:1217-1227 0 161.- (KMA 14-101) 1. Leningradskiy gosudaretvannyy universitet im. A.A.Zhdanova. Ob*yedinenW institut yadernykh issledovaniy. (Ytterbiuw-Decay) (Thu.Uum-Decay) (Erbium--Decay) S/056?~',%04 1/006/007/'0', 4o2/0 B108/B11~8 AUTHORS: Abdurazakov, A. A., Abdurazukovit, F M., Gromoy, K_ Ya, Umarov, G. Ya. TITLE- A new Isotope Er 159 PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy I teoreticheskoy fiziki, no, 6(12), 1961, 1729~1732 TEXT: The authors studied the spectrum of the conversion electrons of E159 with the aid of a 0-spectrograph in a constant magnetic field Thr- isotope was obtained by irradiating tantalum for two hours with 660-Mev protons from the synchrocyclotron of the Joint Institute of Nuclear Research (see Association entry). The experimental data indicate that the erbium isotope obtained in the irradiation process has the mass numb-~r `4 and a half-life of about one hour. The lines observed (Table) go ba,:k ,~ / the decay chain Er159 1 hourlpHo159 33 min . Dy 159 , The decay scheme is K K shown in the Fig. The authors thank B. S. Dzhelepov for his intierest, and V. A. Khalkin and Wang Fu-chtn for having prepared the specimens Card A " 159 A new isotope Er 31768 S/05 6/61/041/006/007 B106/B158 K. Ya. Gromov, 1. S. Dneprovskiy (Izv. AN SSSR, neriya fiz , L2,, !~rg" 1961) and B Dalkhiuren et al. (Materialy tretlyego soveshchaniya V-, npytranodefitaitnym Izotopam, Dubna, 1961) are mpntloned. Ther#- arf, 1 figure, I table, and 7 references: 6 Soviet and I non-Sovlel Tr~~- reference to the Englitih-language publication reiids as fol~':w-i K. S. Toth Inorg and Nucl. chemistry, L, I. 19~6. ASSOCIATION: Ob"yedinennyy institut yadernykh iss!~--iovan,-y ,Joint Institute of Nuclear Research) Tashk,?nEzk!y politekhn:.cheskiy institut (Tashk-in~ SUBMII -71TED: June 20, !961 Legend to the Tabip- 1 ) identif i cation of tho I inc-3, ~ 21 of the element in which the transition taken plnc(~, baL3: s -~f identification, (4) decay scheme, I Card 2/11- S/020/61/136/002/014/034 BO19/-BO56 AUTHORS: Grigorly*v, Ye. a., Dzhelepovs B. S., __I Corresponding Member of the AS USSR, Zvol'ska, V., Zolotavin, A. V., Veys, X.# and Van Yun-yuy TITLE: The Decay of the Two-hour Isotope Lu 168 PERIODICAL: Doklady Akadomii nauk SSSR, 1961, Vol. 136, No.2, PP. 325-328 TEXT: In the lutetium. fraction forming in the course of an irradiation of tantalum with 660-Nev protons, conversion lines were discovered, which had a period of two hours. The authors investigated the lutetium isotope to which these lines belong. For this purpose they used a P-spectrometer with double focusing, the magnetic field was measured by means of proton resonance, and calibration was carried out according to exactly known lines. Recording was carried out by means of two Geiger-NUller counters. Three conversion lines with a period of (2.15 t 0.20) hours were dis- covered; closer details are given in Table 1. By comparing the energy differences between these three lines with X-ray data, it was found that the Lu-isotope goes over into an ytterbium isotope. From the close study Card 1/5 The Decay of the Two-hour Isotope Lu 16e S/020/61/136/002/014/034 BO19/B056 of the known Lu-isotopes, of their decays, and their spectra, the authors come to the conclusion that the required isotope with a period of 2.15 hours must be 71 Lu 16e , which has an odd-odd deformed nucleus. Fig. 3 shows the decay scheme of this isotope. There are 3 figures, 3 tables, and 5 references: 4 Soviet and 1 US. ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. A. A. Zhdanova (Leningrad State University imeni A. A. Zhdanov) Ob"yedinennyy institut yadern?kh issledovaniy (Joint Institute of Nuclear Research) SUBMITTED: October 6, 1960 Card 2/5 The DOCAY Of the Two-hour Isotope in 3/020/61/136/ob2/014/034 B019/BO56 KoiiOCPCHQHNMC qNNPN 2--wosm 01. ORon"$ XOAA, "D 974 77 L, 87 1 87.54t 981:4, 78:64 LI, 87:'N' t0.040 03u, 5 87.03 vj 87, ,1 V"ilm momexNao witurNwitan norpow Card 3/5 The Decay of the Two-hour Isotope in 168 Tt74~2'- I%c ;Tj W FIE -W W ml goo ,11 ff Y b Poic. 3. Cxemm pacnam Lol" Card 4/5 S/020/61/136/002/014/034 B019/BO56 The Decor of the Two4mr Isotope ulu S/02OJ61/136/002/014/034 B019/BO56 Legend to Table It Conversion lines of the two-hour ) Hjtin 2) Energy of the lines, kov. 3) 1dentific:t1:OntoP431Tr1ans ion energy, kev. 168 Legend to Fig. 3t Decay scheme of Lu 1 1) 7.1 minutes. 2) 2.15 hours. 3) 4.6 Mev (according to Cameron), 3.8 Nev (according to Levi). Card 5/5 '04 F3 )2 ~ /,j0 1/0 11/-,') 113 B I? 5/B 102 Wang Fti-chilin, Vizi I. , Grorlov -Ieleoov, ,e Zh., Kudryavtseva, A., and---Yazvit.,;kiy, Yu. IT LE 14) Eu dec;jy scheme V, .-IERMICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izveo t iya .Seriya no. 1, 1902, 114 - 119 14 TEXT: The authors continued to utudy the spectrun of Eu conversion electrons (T 1/2 ' 90 days) by means of a A-i3pectrometer -hitfi triPle focusing of the beam (B. J. Dzhelepov et al., PrepHrit OTYal, P-587 Dubna, 1969). The europium preparation was senarated from a t.,)rret irradiated by 660-hlev protons on the synchrocyclotron of the VIIYaI. ..,)ree months aft er the irradiation the lines Eu147 (T 1/,?= 25 dayo), Eu 141, q 58 days), EU 14 9( , 90 days ) , Gd 146 (45 days), Gd 1)1 (120 dayo), anA Gd 240 days) were observed. The specimens contained a small amo,.-int c-1, ~ gadolinium impurities. Besides an intense X-ray line t'nc -11 14) S":) e C , 11 j:7 Carl 1/4 '04 F~ 'oL) 'a I "'o 11 "11 o 1B 102 Eli I(_1CZAy SChOlf!e 12,,)/ shows the groups -Aith 256 - 273, 330 - 352, and 506 - )5j j,.(-v -hit;, zi Inalf life of (90 t 20) days. The 9tronp converoior, line -sith_20 kev hav a half life 0f-100 days. It is frainly dile to Ell 141 l 11:1.1 to .1 k,:~:Ier derree to gadolinium impurities. A measurement made with .1 sin~:'e countor after pijHryinp, the etiropium preparation ft-rj,,: galol~~niam n,imavf that the rel.,,itive intennity of tho above lint,,:i with ~vllt 1!: 1 L fitI re la t i ve in te no i t ie s of the add i t iona 1 14 . 5 - ~e v ani K2'j'_) 11 1 no- ij ') 1, ",!1 were the same as before the purification. Th i a .-,) ro ve.; t.,.a t t ,-.e I ~, 5 - an,1 20.2-kev lines (L- and M-lines of the 22-kev trangit ion) beloni7 ta Ezi ,1,-, 14 lie parameters of the Eli conversion electrona are IN fl~o Fig. 2 shovs the Eu149 decay scheme suggested by the Presence of t~,,ree 22-kev transitions and that of a y-transition with 22 kev. III was verified by studyinj- the y-spectr-tim anJ some stlectra of 1,.e 149 on Eu decay by means of a scintillation y-spectro_-etor I instrument is based on the fast-slow reLoriin.-' e S & summation. rhe coinciJence circuit D3-1, Carl 214 149 S/048/62/026/001/011/010 Eu decay scheme B125/B102 quantum energies In the cascade to be studied when the time resolution is 2-10-7 sec anti with a considerable difference of the quantum enerries when the time resolution is 6-10-7 sec. The 160- and 550-kev y-rays observed with a time resolution of 2*10-7 sec in the yy-coincidencoo spectrum and the lacking of coincidences of 256- and 27)-kev y-raya confirm the decay scheme shown in Fig. 2. No cascade was found to start from 352 kev. In some experiments with reduced time resolution of 6,10-7 sec the 509 - 530, 330 - 352, 250 - 279 and 178-kov y-rays coincide with X-rays. Besides, a coincidence of 22-kev y-rays with X-rays was observed. Owing to the observed coincidences with the X-rays the lifetime of the excited Sm149 levels shown in Fig. 2 in less than 10-6 sec. There are 8 figures, I table, and 3 Soviet references. V/ Fig. 2. BU149 deony scheme. 149 Table. Data on Eu conversion lines. Legend: (1) Converai~n line observed; (2) relative intensity of conversion lin ; results obtained by the authors. Cars 3W 5/048/62/026/001/011/018 EU149 decay scheme B125/R102 HnCTff HoUNePCNfOIHffwt Awliff Ulf" Foullep"O". .18HUR "an no Mlow awpe"N"W(3) 21 "0l "A'Dep-on- L22 > . 1122 K256 25�6 K279 too K330 72�7 - L3SO I . - I K352 4.1�1,5 20�2 K5W 2,3�0.5 too K530 1,1�0.4 80�8 Table Card 4/4 sh, Sig 279 2Z Fig. 2 S/048/0/026/002/009/0.12 BlOl/B102 AUTHORSs Bakhmat, A., Belogurov, V., Zh Pelekis, L. TITLE: Study of the Eu 148 gamma spectrum PERIODICALt Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheskaya, v. 26, no. 2, 1962, 217 - 220 TEM Eul,48 was chromatographically separated from the rare earths oc. tained by bombarding a tantalum target with 660-Rev protons in t'"P synchrocyclotron. The measurements were made with h scintill,ation coincidence spectrometer and a 50-channel analyzer- The followinr. relative intensities were foundt Gamma-energy, kev Relative intensity Gamma--energy, kev Relative 1600 15t 5 rv8304 12 ,v 1450A' 4 725 22 133d 8t 3 630 'GO t 20 12000, 2 550 10C 1030 14t 5 ills 9 1 4 9-)0 20t 7 Card 1/3 148 3/048/62/026/OC,~/009/052 Study of the Eu gamma npectrum B101/B102 was found by spectrum analysis,. The 830-kev linv may be due to a _~'11 impurity, From the equal relative intensities ul' and 6~iC)A,.-.v rays in the single spectrum and on coincidence with 725-. 92c-. i~,co,, 1330-, and 1600-kev rays it is concluded that the 415-, 725-, )2o-. 1611C. 1~30-, and 1600-kev gamma quanta are in a caticadp with the 550- Ind kev quanta, and that there occur no transitions to the 550-kev intensities comparable to those of the transitions nertioned except the 630-kev transition. The recording of summated sptctra (SU:70-tIL tion on coincidence) indicated a distinct peak of the sum 63C) + 550 , 1100 kev. and confirmed that the cascade contained 650 and i5O-kev gamma quanta. The coincidence measurements suc~,est that lcvels w2th ,j21;10 and j2780 kev are excited in the Eu148 decay (Fig. 4~ Th-re I . 5 ror. T figures, 3 tables, and 6 referencess 3 Soviet ana ,~r-e r,~ferences to English-language publications rend aa follows- Schwerdtfegcr, C Funk, E - G , Mihel ich, J W OAPS ;271 Fhnttacheriee, S K_ Baldev Sahai. Babn, C V V Nu c '. P I.. 0 no 4. 356 (1959); Lldridge, 1 3 , Lyon. Phy-i, 'l' (1,)6.,Y card ;.,/3 148 S/048/62/026/002/009/032 Study of the Lu gamma spectrum B1,01/B102 ASSOCIATIONt Institut fiziki Akademii nauk LatvSS11 (Institute of Phyaics of the Academy of Sciences LatvSSH). Obl'yedinennyy institut yadernykh iseledovaniy (Joint Institute of Nuclear Research) 148 Fig. 4 Fig. 4. EU decay. Legendi a) daysi (b) or. Hit -At'r -Inx Card 3/3 009i S/04 62/026/008/001/028 B1 41 YBI 08 AUTHORS: Bonch-OBmolovskayat N. A-# Gromovt K,_Ya._j. Dzhelepovt B. 6.9' Kraft, 0. Ye., Malysbeva, T. V.g Nikityuk, L. N.t Khotint B. A., Chou YUch-wa, and Chumint V. G. 186 TITLE: The predicted isomer Ir PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR- Izveetiya. Seriya fizicheakaya, v. 26, no. 8, 1962, 975-976 TEXT: Positrona with an intensity decrease of T 1/2 - 2 hre were discovered in a spectrometric investigation of an iridium fraction obtained from a Eold target irradiated by 660-Mey protons. The position spectrum consisted of five components (end-point energies 3400, 2600, 19301 13001 - 600 kev; relative intensities 1, 20, 44, 12t 22). The conversion electron spectrum of the same Ir fraction had two lines (M 137, N 137). The I(t) of these lines curve could not be attributed to a single halflife. 14 137 consists of two components, one with T,/2 - 15 � 1 hra and one with 186 1-7 � 0.2(1r which is, within the limits of er~ror, equal'to the Card 1/2 186 The predicted isomer Ir 5/048/62/026/008/001/028 B141/BiO6 T1/2 " 2.0 + 0-3 of the positron spectrum. As no positron-active Ir isotope with T 2 hre is known so farp the authors assume that this 112 t%l ie6 halflife pertains to a now isomer Ir . There is 1 figure. Card 2/2 ho098 3/048/62/026/008/009/028 B104/B'102 AUTiiORS: Gromov, K. Ya., Dzhelepov, B. S., Zvollska, V., Zvol'skiy, I., t-A-ed-ev- '14. A., and Urbanets, Ya. TITLE: The To 167 decay scheme PERIODICALs Akademiya nauk 333R. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheskaya, v. 24 no. 8, 1962, 1019 - 1026 TEXT: To improve the,decay scheme of To 167, the (,-spectrum wad studied -.,.,ith a single-crystal_'acintillation spectrometer having a 100-channel pulse-height analyzerliand the spectrum of the conversion electrons of Tu 167 with a double f~*.Using 0 -spectrometer. The lat~ter had a device for mQ,esuring the electriafield by th6 proton resonance method for'electron erjargies >56 kev; whereps for E