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r I
,olof,Y)VI, M.I., TJ-Y1-"'V, L.M.
"Non-Blast-Furriace Desulphurization of Cast-Iron,"
lecture given at the Fourth Conference on Steelmaking, A.A. Vaikov, Institute of
--tallurgy, Moscow, July 1-6, 1957
Translation from~ Referativnyy zhurnal. Metallurgiya. 1958, Nr 5, p 43 fUSSR)
AUTHOR Gromov, M. 1.
TITLE An Investigation of the Process of Desulfurization oi Pig lion
in a Rotary Furnace (Issledovaiiiye protsessa deSL1ltt11;11--,jj k1ju-
gLina vo vrashchayushcheysya pechi)
ABSTRACT- Bibliographic entry on the author's dissertation for the de-
gree of Candidate of Technical Sciences, presented to In-t
metallurgii AN SSSR ('Institute for Metallurgy, Academy of
Sciences, USSR), Moscow, 1957
ASSOCIATION Int-t metallurgii AN SSSR (Institute for Metallurgy, Academy
of Sciences, USSR), Moscow
1. Iron-Desulfurization 2.
Card 1/1
AUTHOR";: Gromfw I I Tr,,yl(,-v, 7. 1.
'Poru n9 V.
T I 'I'L Do-,.ulpliurization of ri~, iron out:-idr, tbo I.I.-,t Pirnace.
(VrIodommilwye Obomrcriv.antyc, r-buLl-mi-i) ,
P.MODIC!,L: TMetaI1ur,-,,,, 1958, No.3, pp.3-6 (USSR).
rrmr -Yo -i.,o w~ricus
i ve d i a, (Fi, . 1) to w tj
TI,c ~4uLhor!!' L. -
triod in the USSR and. for .;x-tern.-A
Jc:,.,.,,1phuri7.ation of pi,, iron -,ith c.:,Iciu:a carbide
or oG".--r -,olid reatwit--. The,Y
nelect i~; due mainly, to their rolative
inefficiency and low productivity. The IRSID
M-~j, tliey criticize on tIje EA,~ ' iti -o 1! 1. our. Z: t h:~ t
1'u -,-o-AUI be difficult to effect or, a 1,:i-e that
%.ould be require,j fo-- r., ~ -,,in-- the
li,.(-. i*u-t -pro,.'ticed', chat tlic, finc-1,,j
.o 1d cif'ic;ult to obtain -id that iitIIO-.,,:. i
A. not
avzfilz, I 1c t many T.OY L'o on fl-o dc:,:crill~,, c.,
at tli-., liovo-Linets]-J,f
liquid tiet-:,I is truLto,~ wil-I., 11--le
-Otati:" ves-'el cohe beii- -d
I c d o
roducin- au,a!~,chor--.. B. Provotorov, 11.14',ilin. -.--nd
Card 1/3 L. Sidorin pt.-I-Ilicipated in thif~- lit.,;
11 -7_P/21
of :']._ 1--0n Cut., Icto blas," f"1111:1f-c~-1.
slio-..-;ed thaL ~h:J Froce:-.C, i.-~ affected by
Wie fluidity of L",~: th:~- of
added J)or Wlit 'joi, ~~U of
"(1 `11~ , poed of
1050 C-Ild -U 1 1,~n.lth Of
ona ,,rid conic,.;l. W j. t 1 IIiIL. no
build-un of :~la on f;!,,c 1 1 of
lild;-],~~ uccuri -~I. -.4 1 f r D -o f "? 5 ~.t nd
,;U-IP;,UT., c 0
0.035 to 0.0~-r,.012c,,'. T11 for
r0 Z:,. 1) ill
j;0 Lj._O Vi~-COE-. L L"r of ~11,* .1~~j S'.1 ',4
01-1vLiOl foi ~1.-
i-x.d thi., , -.1 - ntal
con""ition.,_1 .:I/,,:ec i, v i vi,,., aorc~
-:-Gk! ir to
roDid def~ul..Iwri [-Aor.. T
1,011o'. iJ
c, rbon dioxidc , under I ai, il-~ %dded in
a -)uanuity of 11 by .-I-e--' -"AL" of
1: 1- 3 III-a t "Id'ic (I i II a i t'-.e
Card 213 f 'GIle i--o;l; t1-.,; r---, .,3r c. nd
"I .-.~t o
DemilphurizaGion of ';'ron w-01-rdC. th,-, --'
into tho vev.: el am of L;,
the linii,- to be prL.`VC1---'G,,~d. 111 0 (" i t 01. (1
Institut metallurgil AN SSSR i Novo-Lipetskiy
metallurgicheskly zavod (Institute of Metallurgy
AS USSR and the New-Lipetsk Metallurgical Plant.
AVAILABLE: Library of ConEros--.
Ccrd 3/1
AUTHORS, Gromov. M.1. and Tsyl---,. L.M. (Moscow)
11ITLE. On the Mechanism of DesulphurlRation of Pig Iron with
Solid Lime
l~;R10DICALxIzvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye teklinicheskikh
nauk Metallurgiya i toplivo, 1959, Nr 3. pp 25-28 (USSR)
AB6FHACTg The existing theories on the inechanism of the transfer
of sulphur froin slag to metal are discussed. In order to
study the mechanism of desulphurisation of pig iron (solid
pig iron - solid lime and liquid pig iron -- solid lime)
experimental work has been carried out. In the first
series of experiments ignited lime balls were placed in
a ciucible. surrounded by crushed pig (0.08 - 0.1% S) and
heated to various temperatures (600 to 9oo*C) for
periods of 20 minutes to 3 hours. In the second series
lime balls were dipped into molten pig iron and retained
in it for periods from 1 becond to 15 minutes. The
surface of the lime balls was then analysed by petro-
graphic and X-ray methods. It was found that in no case
did the lime surface contain iron but only CaO, CaS and
in the case of solid iron CaSO4. the amount of which was
decrensing with Increasing tempernture at which the
Card 1/2 experiment was carried out. On the bnsis of the results
SOV/180- 59- 3-5/43
On the Mechanism of Desulphurisation of Pig Iron with Solid Lime
obtained, the following mechanism of' the desulphurisation
with solid lime is postulated: in liquid metal,sulphur
is present in the form of sulphur ions which are adsorbed
on the surface of the lime, replacing oxygen in the
crystal lattice:
IS] + (02-)---*(S2-) + [0)
As however, oxygen is more electronegative than sulphur,
its bond with calcium should be stronger and probably
some additional forces are necessary to replace it in
the lattice with sulphur. It is thought that carbon has
a weakening influence on the calcium oxygen bond.
The apparatus used for the experiments for dipping lime
balls into molten iron is shown in Fig 1. There is
I figure and 5 references, 3 of which are Soviet and
2 English.
SUBMITTEI)i January 26, 1959
Card 2/2
G.qOMOV, M.I., kand.tokhn.nauk, Moskva.
Natural gas in metallurpv. Priroda 49 no.9:60-61 S 160.
(MIRA 13:10)
~y) (Gas, Ikitural)
Technological processes for extracting concentrates for producing
thickeners. Biul.tekh.-okon.inform. no.11:3-4 160.
(MIRA 13:11)
(Ore dressing)
New soda substitute for the desulfuration of pig Iron. Trudy
Inst. met. no.12%16-19 163. (MIRA 16,10
lcium manganese oxide)
GROMOV, M.I. (Moskva); SHUBFKO, P.Z. (Moskva); TSYLEV, L.M. (Moskva);
High speed magnetic roasting of iron ores in two-stage system
vortex chambers. Izv. AN SSSR. Met. i gor. delo no.1:15-19
Ja-F 164. (MIRA 17:4)
GROMOV, M. (14.
"Distance," article published in Samoylet (Airplane)y No. 1, Jan. 41, Moscow
M. Gromov, famous flyer and a "Hero, of the Soviet Union," wrote a two-page article
entitled "Distance's (of airplane flights) which appeared in the "Today and Tanorrow"
section of the Ho. 1 issue of the magazine Samoylet, January 41. This is a popular
TFe-long distance
article on the importance and possibilities of t non-stop air Clights.
According to the author, the day is not too far off when it will be possible to rake
a non-stop flight around the earth in some 80-90 hours.
GROMOV. X.M.,-gerov Sovetakogo Soyuza, goAaral-polkovnik aviateil.
Paticipate In sport! Discussion with Air Force Colonel-General
N.M. Gromov. Hero of the Soviet Union. Voen.zmm. 31 no.8:1 Ag 156.
(NLVA 9:11)
(Physical education mA training)
GROMOV, V, N-~ -roy
I ge
Moscow -
Sovetakogo Soyusa.
North Pole - United Statee. Kryl. rod. 8 no.71l4-15 JI 157.
Ueronautles-YlIghts) (MLIA lOs9)
DUZI. Petr Dmitriyevich; WWJMOV, V.A., prof., doktor takhn.aauk,
general-mayor. smaluzhennyy deystell nauki I tekhniki,
retsensents,,GROKIOV$ N -0-N., profel general-polkovnik, retoenzent;
ANOSHCHWO, N.D.. profes retsenzen~; BOKOVICH, D.M., kand.
tekhn.nauk, red.; BZLEVTMVA. A.G.,; ROZHIN, V.P.,
(History of aeronautics and aviation In the U.S.S.R.: period of
the First World War, 1914-19181 Istoriia vozdukhoplavenlia I
avistsil v WkR; period pervoi mirovoi voiny, 1914-1918 gg.
Moskva, Gos.neuchno-tekhn.izd-vo Oborongiz, 1960. 298 p.
(Aeronautics-History) (MIRA 13:11)
. AR.QKOT.-Mikhoil-Mikolaysrich._ksnd.okon.nauk; TARARUKHIN, A.. red.;
(How to ensure correct labor organization] Kak obeapechit'
pravillnuiu organizatsliu truda. KosIcva, Mosk.rabochii, 1960.
30 p. (Koscow Provinos-Parm management) (MIRA 13:12)
(Koscow Provinoe--Agricultural wages)
GROMOV, M.N., kand. ekonom. uauk;KAIASENIKOVA, V.S.0 red.; GUREVICH,
M.M., tekhn. red.
[How to shift to a now wage system on state farms] Kak pereiti na
novuiu oplatu truda. v oovkhozakh. Moskva, Izd-vo sellkhoz. lit-ry,
zhurnalov i plakatov, 1961. 151 P, (MIRA 14:12)
(Agricultural wages)
I A I -
LOZA, G.M., prof.; IJUZILOV, YU.T., dots.; MOMOV, 'jqts.;
NIKIFOAM, M.A.p dots.; il:FELOV, V.F.j, k1trid. ekori. nauk;
P.A., dots.; TIKIIOIIOVA, Ye,l.';.,, red.
[Practical aid for the organization and planniq-, of producc-
tion Qn collective and state fams] Praktikum po organizatsil
I planlromMu I)z-oi".vod,,)tvn v kolkhozakh i sovkhozakli. Mo-
skva, Kolon, 1965. 526 p. (MIRA 18:5)
Virusological characteristics of poliomyelitla in Dnepropetrovsk
Province. Vop. virus. 7 no.2:240-41 Mr-Ap 162. OURA 15:5)
1. Dnepropetrovokiy inotitut epidemiologii, mikrobiologii i gigiyeny.
OR)MOV, % V.
Treatment of fractures of the upper part of the humerus in children*
Vest.khir.76 no.8:52-55 5 155 (MLRA 8:11)
1. Iz kliniki detakoy khtrurgit ( S.D.Tarnovskiy) 2-go
Moskovskogn maditsinskogo inatituta im. I.Y.Stalina na baze detskoy
bollnitsy Im. prof. Filatoya (glav.vrach U.N.Kalugina) Moskva,
120-b, per Obukha, d.6. kv.1).
(SHOULD1M, fractures
in child. ma W anent)
shouldmr, in child., management)
GHMOV, M*V., dotsent; SHAIEVICH,
Rare case of diffuse anj;iomatosis of the 1cwor
association with congenitp.1 rib dislocation. 110timr-il-
106-107 161,
1. 1z kliniki travmatololii i ortopedli (mv. - pror. 7.A. Chorn!m-
ekiy) 11 14ookovukogo goaudarstvannop m(Ahitninskego Instit,it-, lmcri
II.I. Pirogova i patolog nnatamichorfl~oro otdoloniye li-"GCrorlO-y
klinicheskoy bolinitay ~glavtyy vrach G.F. Pepko),
GROMOV, M.V., doteent
Alloplastic reotoration of the ligament apparatus of the hoo
joint. Naueh.trudy Chetv.Mosk.gar.klin.bolle no.lt95-104 161,
(MIRA 1632)
1. Iz kliniki travmatologii i ortopedii (zav. klinikoy - prof*
Chemavskiy, V.A.) 2-go Moskovskogo gosudarstvannogo meditainskogo
instituta imeni N.I. Pirogova (dir. - dotaent M.G. Sirotkina).
1". V.
G"OT-71 N. V.: IfFnclooed fractures ~f the pr( xiri'l portion of the shoulder In
children and their treatment." '-econd I' sccw Aute Vedical
Inst Umni I. V. Stalin. Yoscow, 1956. (1J---SEltTATICN For the
Degree of Candidate in YpdIcal E~cience.
So: Knizhnaya 1*,topis', No. 18, 19176
BUBENNIKOV, Alskaandr Vaaillyevloh; GROMOV,,_M.1a..,. prof.p doktor
takhn, nauk, otv,, red.j SAGITULLAA, R.I., tekhn. red.
(Descriptive geometryl principal methods for projecting
geometric forms on a plane] Nachortateltnaia gabastriia;
onnoynys metody proektirovaniia goometrichaskikh form na
plookonti. Moakvaq Vass. saochnyi politekhn. in-t.
Laktsiia no.l. 1959. 46 p. (MIRA 16W
(Geometry, Descriptive)
B11101111KOV, Alekoandr Vasil 141khail Yakovlovich;
IVA1111OV, U.N., red.; OVSYANNIKOVA, Z.G., red.izd-va;
MURASHOVA, V.A., tokhn. red.
(Problem-9 In deocripti-m gPCZ.1F.-fry,t Sbrimik zadach -,/) na-
ofnrtntolowr7 goomot.rll. Monkva. 7y~;'t;stlq mr'k-ln' 1,4t1.
N'1:--k 1-! 1 1)
'82 1: .
f: oth(l o
t o I lilt -i
b ri,~-. vun 1 i c o z Av, t
Gliowv. N.
Out-of-town session. Zdrav. Belor 5 no.2:69 F 159. Zdrav. Belor
5 no.2:69 F 159. (XIA 12:7)
With Kriv*3r Rog steel smeltore. Metallurg 6 n0-7:37-39 Jl 61.
(KIRA 14:6)
(Krivoy Rog--Metallurgical plants)
GRCI-',UVI Till).
Progresaive practices are being shared with all steelmakers.
Motalluri; 6 n0-10:37 0 161. (MIRfi 14:9)
AUTHORS: Gronov, Rasatkin, N.M. and Kaplan, A.S.
T 17,1Z. : Thertiobimetals
11SR10VIC,tU,: Standartizatsiya, no. 10, 102, 16-21
T'--') U The authors describe the principles underlying the
-proposed new rpecification of standards related to bimetallic stripe.
The not; standard specification consists of the letters T15 (TD) fol-
lowed by a four-cligit number. The first two digits correspond to
the magnitude of the specific bending coeffir-icut multiplied by 100.;
The third digit shows that the value of the nominal specific Clec-
trical resistance of the strip belongs to 'one of the grcupr, of prop-,
erties specified in a table of standards. The fourth digit indi-catess
that the maxitmm, operating tem&rature belongs to one of the groups
of the Game table. In the proposed new standard specification the
heading 'Technical requirementn' standardizes thn sensitivity and
electrical resistance of the material only. All other physical
properties of the bimetal and of itn separate components are indica-1
Card 1/2
Z-tcm.obimetals D2 30#3
tad W nit ajljlelldi~t to 1:110 whiell, row ovol-V ottuidniM
type of binietal, acts the limi a of its specific bcndin~ factor.A
n U, unc re t
1/0- " linitivity I'l, 10 l/OC and of the specific resistivity
P , olun.=2/m. A method for nensitivity testing is also included.
The instrument for determining the specific bendin coefficient has
not yet been f IAy developed. Tho ntandard npeciN
Al CAtion diactinead
here in to repinco the two nxinting standard apeoificationa for bi-
metal ntrips roCT 5193-50 (GOST 5193-~O) and GOST 5198-50. There
,are 4 tables mid 4 figures.
Card 2/2
Viability and virulence of Treponema pallida nt low temperatwe
in it cadaver. Sbor.nAuch.rAb.Bal.nnuch.-ioal.kozhnrven.inRt.
4.&251-253 154 (MIRA 11:7)
USSR/marmacology and Toxicology. Chemotherapeutic PreparrAions V-7
.,bs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 15, 19580 No 71276
,' 4-hor : Prokopchuk A.Ya.,.GrgUgy-N.1-, Raskina R.I.
hu ~
Inst : Belorussian Scientific Research Darmatovenereal Institute
Title : Experience in the Treatment and Prophylaxis of PyoUcnic
Diseases of the Skin vith Triple Dyes and ^.ntibiotics
(Synthomycin, Bionucin and Tvrramycin)
Orig Pub : Sb. nauchn. rabot. Beloruszk. n.-i. kozhno-vener:~i. in-t.
1957, 5, 116-119
,'.bstraet !No abstract
Card : 1/1
GRDMDV, N.I., kand.ned.nauki WIMLISKIT, R.M., ordinator
-I-- - --
Treatiment of sqppurstive skin diseases with otapbylococcas
antiphogin. Zdrav.Selor. 3 no.lOt59-60 0 157. (KIRA 13:6)
- now
Our paste for vashing and protecting the hands as a means of preventing
dermatitis and suppurative akin dissaaeB among metal workers. Sbor.
nauch.rab.Bel.nauch.-isal.kozhno-ven.inst. 6:211-214 159. (MIRA 13M)
GROMOV ,; PETRUSHA, 1.5., vrach; 50SLAND, R.D., vrach
Terrap7cin in the prevention and treataent of suppurative skin
diseases. Sbor.nauch.rab.Bel.nauch.-isal.kozhno-ven.inst. 6:276-278
059, (MIRA 13:11)
(SKIN--DIS W 93)
Control of suppuratiTO skin diseases in the industrial and peat
enterprises of the White Russian S.S.R. Sbor.nauch.rab.Bel.nauch.-
isal.kozhno-ven.inst. 6:365-367 159. (MIRA 13:11)
Two cases of Leiner's arythrodema desquamativum. Sbor.naich.rab. Bel.
nauch.-issl.koshno-ven.inst. 6:368-369 159. (KM 13:11)
Case of trichosporosim nodose, 3borenauchorab.Bel.nauch.-isslokozhno-
ven.inst. 6070.371 059o (KIRA 13811)
G -.Tc " .' C ~ ".,- , I I . Y .Cand. Tech. Sci.
Disnertation: ,Rational System of ITeat Supply for Cities." Po,.--r Enrineerinr Inst
imen! G. M. Krzhizl~anovildy, Acad Scl VSS-R, 24 Avr 47.
11: 7ec*~-r-.vaya A,-r, 1947 *T!~`Cj
USSR/Engineering - Beating Noy 49
Power Supply
"Some Results in Moscow District Heating and
Power Supply and Tasks for the Immediate Future,"
N. K. Gromov, Cand Tech Sci, 4 pp
1131ek Stants" No 11
Describes Moscow stations and pipe systems which
supply about 550 dwellings, over 100 schools and
hospitals, over 300 Institutions, and over 80 in-
dustrial enterprises. However, all these repre-
sent only about 15% of possible users of district
heating, and systes is still being extended. In-
cludes two sketches.
'-AM,, 156T26
T It I -T, 7, -U -9 W
0 A 2 L A I A.- J-A-- A A ~ X P 2 A .. A I - 0 . 8 . ,
of A[ A-0 J~, 1.41'M
OWtISO I Afto 060*19"fs
0* "1 -- -- - ---- , - ,
Gromov M.
r M
vol. 20
(Elaktrichoskle Stansil (Pvr ~)
ff 6
Aug. 1949
00 The author describes a modift closed system using ocal auto-
mtlo boosters and Indicates aften *gas or reliability and
00 flex! bility.
00 '. 00
Is 0
U it AV M3 Is I
p IV it 0 66 a is Not 'gists
0 0 o 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0::::::1:OOoOOOq*qO6O oio 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 so 0 000 *fee 0 00 0 0 40
GROMOV, N.K., inzhener; GZRBXO, A.A., Inzhener.
...... . -, '.. .
Twenty-flve years of Soviet central heating systems. Gar.khoz.Xosk. 23 no.11:
11-17 N 149. (KLRL 6:11)
(Moscow--Heating from central stations) (Heating from central stations-
Basic problems of operating the heat supply system of Koscow. Gor.khoz.Mosk.
25 no.10:6-10 0 151. (XLJU 6:11)
1. Gromov, N.K., glavW inzhener Teplooeti Mosenergo.
(Moscow--Heating from central stations)
(Heating from central stations-Hosoow)
LANIN. I.S.; KHARITON, X.I.; GROKOV. N.K., redaktor.
[Control of corrosion In heating networks] Opyt bor'by a korroziel Y teplo-
vykh setiakh. Pbd red. N.K.Gromovs. Moskva, Gos.energ.lzd-TO, 1953. 51 P.
(MLINA 6:10)
(Corrosion and anticorrosives) (Heating frou central stations)
GRCI-.-CV. N. 1. LUKYAN07, V. I. FILIPC7, 'X. F.
Moscow - Heating from Central Stations
Practical systems for district heat supply in Moscow.
Gor. khoz. Mosk. no. 1, 1953
9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, May -1953. Unclassified.
GROMOV, U.K., kandidat takhnichaskikh nauk.
___ __ 1-11 ~_%. __-
Banic problems in the dependable operation of city central
heating systems. Gor.khoz.Kosk. 28 no.6:21-24 Je 154.(KLRA 7:7)
(Moscow--Heating from central stations) (Heating from
central stations--Koscow)
ii A tq,.;,TA fimo Y ti
SOKOLOV,Tefim Takoylevich, professor, reduktor: GRONOV, Nikolay Xonstanticovich;
SAYOW)V, Aleksandr Petrovich; PAKSHVXR, V'3-. Faiikavf' --yRojail,
A.M., tekhnicheskiy rodaktor.
[Operation of heating systems) lkspluntatelia teplovykh setel. Pod
red. 1. Ia. Sokolova. Moskva, Goo.energ.isd-vo, 1955. 352 p.
(Heating) (MLRA 9:1)
AID P - 2907
Subject USSR/Electricity
Card 1/2 Pub. 26 - 4/32
Author Gromov, N. K., Kand. Tech. Sci.
Imm O;Z
Title e7i e problems In automation of district heating
Periodical : Elek.sts, 7, 14-18, JI 1955
Abstract : The author reports on the conditions #I and operation
of district heating networks and on chaotic" hot
water distribution. The article deals with different
types of automatic inlet regulators used for heating
hot water and ventilation systems. Their diagrams
are given. The article further reports on experiments
made by the District Heating Network of the Noscow
Power System and the Engineering and Construction
Institute Im. Kuybyshev. The All-Union Technical
Institute Im. Dzerzhinskly was put In charge of working
out new methods for the Installation of automatic
regulators. Five diagrams,
Elek.sta-, 7, 14-18, Jl 1955
Card 2/2 Pub. 26 - 4/32
Institution : None
Submitted : No date
AID P - 2907
GRONCY, N*K.,__knnd*tekhn.nauk; SOKOWY, Te.TA., doktor tekhn.nAuk.
I- A~ ~~WAWM ,
District heating In the U.S.S.R. on the anniversnry of the
October Revolution. Xlek.sta. 28 no.11:71-74 N 157. (MIRA lo:ll)
(Heating from centrnl stations)
SEIZOV, F.Y., kand.tekhn.nauk; IONOVALOVA, A.P., inzh.; XCUMOVICH, Tu.V.,
inzh.1 YELISEYEVA, A.S., takhnik; POLYAKOV, V.Y., tekhaik; GROMOV,
N.K.. kand.tekhn.nauk. reteenzent-, VOLIFKOVICH, X.Te.. retsenzent;
CHABROY, I.M.0 rod.
(Regulation of the dally allowance of heat sup ly to apartment
houses and public buildings; scientific report5 Reshloy outochno-
go regulirovaniia otpusks, tepl& shilym i obahchestyannym zdanilam;
nauchnoe soobahchenie. Pushkin, Akad.kommun.khoz.1m.K.D.Famfilora,
1959. 73 P. (KIRA 13:5)
(Heating from central stations)
AUTHOR: G1,o1L1.(),;,,
TITLE Cost Ynd Time of
Heating stoimosti i
ABSTRACT: One if 1,1.;o wa-lr~ xlty, Jr, many ...ases,, district
ji9at-,ing -rc-t the fi.el economy is that
the, hezu.- c,jtPti+.: cA ti~.e- ~; nit f,~.Ily used because
of C,f !-~e-ktiag systems.
:-.un 7 -~-, fc:
C ruir,2.C L a, o (J. piirriuilarly because
C--f -IA-1v C- Ns 'it is important that
t L,~- a L J
, r -7 ;- 0 L systaias should be
q-, TB-W~.rk and. other
L !7 1.
k c n, z; idS At -. r.,j pre -ent time there
i E a - .-e Y-; hr~av-,v d(4i,-Fr1q for ~,teai pip-,-ng and great economy
evf--~,,~tive way of
0 C -, f'C j;'L Yk lh,~- -,Jv-,11 thickness.
I Ll ar-4 sc,!t-Rwhat limited by
Ca -rd 1 /,4- re s' t: f i3L.9 ~,~ii'tu c 1- ,Une of the
Measures to P?JI~ He~Lting Systems
Y e val 1 t L I tc be kept up is
I J-I~ c, "tting down
C ~,,.U I e 1 1. cti-q-~ paint have
wrapp6l with paper to
in transport.
t'U6-is ax-, Lin such short
i1q,ply ~141J i7: may be
sId.c.)a as asbestos
T rA I it~irthe first results
cf heat insulation
lie o4 construction of
r,-w heat insulating
..d 4otably, --ellular
mat, C 1-i 1,kavA
zafLarj'..a-',-- --tiould be
it Is (,onsidered
.L-~ion on the
Card -i,.s -'f E1.00-1000 mm diameter
Measures to Reduce the Ccs-~ and ConstruQk-ir-n 'ZIMe of Heating Systems
even where fuel is expqnsive 'this question should be
specially considered in each particular case. Sometimes,
in order to avoid waste .. heating lines have been laid that
were not big enough to provide adequately for future
development and parallel lines have then had to be laid at
mij--h greater overall cost. This kind of trouble is best
overcome by avoi ding Eelectivity in the provision of heat
supply and by pr.-orlding heat supplies simultaneously on
a fully develrped scale for each particular district.
[n order to ensure economy at oonL,.,aers^ installations
they m-,ist te prcl-rided witf, appropriate instruments and
automatic cQnt.rol equipme-ni: but unfortunately the output
of automati-, control equipment is q~Ate inadequate.
Various other types of equipw)r~t tha-. are also in short
supply are mentioned. Special efforts should be made to
ratic-aalise and mechanise the constru-.-lion of heat supply
Card 5/4 lines. primarily by tte use :,f faz-1cry produced components.
1~10!4701 6- 5- 9- -4-3/21
Measures to Reduc~ the Ccs6t, an-i Consttrur-tloa of Heating Systems
T-.5 avcvl d:Lspu~-t)a geaeral st;andards oftould be developed
fc-r arid cf heating systems.
Caiyd 4/4.
1- "-5-2/27
IiM702: Gromov ;n,~J:.ncor
TITLE: The Tecmic-al of Therm:~f~_c.,ItiDn of 11.1oscow
n i the
ABSTIIICT: Titio, i,:; an cf n
Eocr,or; Cicr7riafica-u.-Ii.on ~yst,~j-~j Such
matter.s as the:riial f.-7-.~-tipmtnt of - ower nlants,
1:.,ater -in.'- Stoam nc-t-k-.-ork..3. thermal
, "Iecluii-al' cq-, ipment
reGimes of water nezv. rorkn, C I A.,
of net,:,,orks inJI, therral 7oi.r,to, or,~an-.-~ation of
service, and a I'mu on -,-hat should
b o d o n e 1 nJ c r L; o r t- s: - z 1 t s f r c m
tM- -1,11i.,;
put of heat doliLver-,ul i-ii 117~," 'L-,,) !:1,z?
11 i,,-)n "1:41C.1,al". thermo-
ficah.irin !!az; rredac.~!-I tlfle by
.LCe 'Cjdj of -a--JT7 r-.jrjr'I
10,000. Sir - .1.1 . -1T-2.5 mid
Card 1/4 AP-25 tu-_*0ine3 "21100P, ku, 20 alt:a, 400)1") vere
The Teclu-Iical '-f
iy a cd turbin-af;
o r ( 1 1, , - ~'i
I ,A
L c -ator
h~-atcro liavv --apactit, --f 2hc ,
U- tG 1-0 Jj
vIII i'C h ra s un C-1 i 7.11 rll~
i--- f0d lm'der ~--ll
atL-,. C,-,ei t~.-n T-IlLs jur,-AaF,
of !---i are
ful I y au tnm --i i dr-c-r .-cu, 'ion.
tie, tbj~,~ 'V-~:)
l.'ut-..,orks -J* --oia-i-2c-ted. Thr.-
f.laxi'llu-1 vael-iul-% (,.f ,lot incr~,,ajod
to 7, lal. 4:5,-j C C tO `2,'TO.
p p
I.fard 2/4 r -1,n
,X -1/nj 2--:17)-15-2/27
The Technical Foundations of Thermofication of LklocovI.
of two-pipe type. The VTI and plant "I'rasnFj
Stroitel"I have developed a new typc of tvin-pipe
line, consistinZ of t,,,,,o asI*1estr_,s--Gc-ent pipes put
upon each other, with a mincral waddiyi,~ in betveen.
Thoy tested well in ai-j ffrounds. Tne Mospo&..emstroy
successfully uses tile Prefabricatod blocks contain-
ing an asbestos-cement and --teel piper, with a min-
eral waddin- in bct~,.,een. The autsmatic rela5, reSu-
lator develope(I by the O."IG,-_"73 ',-,ave found' vlid,~
apil-Lication on t'.I.e mains. The I:oskovskiy
energeticheskiy institut (L'occo,.-i In.~~tltute of
Energetics) has developed a device called "Dis-
petchorokiy raport" (Dispatcher's Rcrjort), uhich,
usin- only telephone wire:-,, co-Lil;anicatues 6
parancters of ste,-u-I fron an,,, Ioin'u o" stean
network. This device i_- un~lez-6olzi,- i-iodification
aimod ull- enablizi,'- it Lo
50 -_cntrII. points at ono
Card 3/4 mal rtct-vork i',..: s-,.,bdivIf1Lcd into -- 11,~tricts,
- , - I- -.--
~A;.,, -~ 27
The Tecimical 71-,umdatiom; Of of
-_.;,~d b~T '.I,c.
- -1 -- . 11 4 J, " . -
of tlio Tepl~-,--ek . TIL,oro urr) " t a ~, 1. -, - .
ward 4/4
Productinn tanks of the seven-year plan for the dovelopmont of district
heating myntens in Moscow, Gar.khozoMonk. 13 no.21111,-18 Y '59-
(MIRA 12:3)
1. Glavnyy inzh. Upraylenipt toploseti 'Monenargo.".
(Moscow--Heating from central stations)
Prevention of corrosion in a heat aupplying network. Energetik 9
no.8:3,4 Ag 161. (MIRA .14:8)
(Heating from central stations) (Pipelines-Corrosion)
~.GROMOV, N.K.., red.; DUKHOV14AYA, S.M., red.; ITIDM, L.M., takhn. red.
(Single-pipe systems of heat distribution networks] Odnotrub.Tjo
vistorrW toplovykh setol; sbornik Btatei. Xoskv,4, Gosenoreoizdat,
1962. 207 p. (MIA 15: 5)
Oleating from centrol stations)
MITTELIMAN, L.M., kand.tekhn.nauk; GROMOV, N.K., inzh.
Concerning S.E.Shiteman's article "Methodology for accounting for
and standardizatlon of technical and economic indices of thermal
electric power plants." Elek. eta. 33 no.M39-91 Ag '62.
(MIRA 1518)
(Electric power plants-Standards) (Shitsman, S.E.)
Concerning the rinsing-out of the thermal netvorks. Ener etik
10 no.8:32 Ag 162. (MIRA 15:101
(Zlectric power plants)
(',ROMC)V. N.K., -nzil.
Development of he~it:ng --. Ko3c--..
- - 4,-
11 no.11;7-12 N 161. .
1. Teplosett Moskovakogo rayonncor) ijpravlrntyi~ (-r. r - 't - I ' - h. ~ .q k r, p -,)
MANUYLOV, P.N.; SRUKER, S.111.0 red.
[Heat engineer's handbook] Spravochnaia kni-.hka teplo-
teklinika. lzd.2., perer. I dop. Moskva, Energiia, 1964.
287 p. (IMIKA 171:12)
AKSENOV, Vikhail Alek.-eyevich. Prinlral uchastlyc
kand. tokhn. nauk; SINEL I'll IKOVA, L.N., red.
[IleatIng networks; sources ,md consumers of themal energy.
Installation, maintenance, and repair of networks] Teplovye
seti; Astocliniki I Follreb-iteli tepla. Ustrolstvo, obsluzhiva-
ii-le i :-e~%ont -,eteL. I-lo-Okvti, Energiia, 1965. 351 P
(MRA 18:0)
MU ITSEY, B.G.; GROMOT, N.V., kandidat ekonomicheskikh nauk, retsenzent;
MORIN, L.JL~7_G_zVi'n_e;,' retaenzent: ZIEMMALID, A.T., kandidat
ekonomicheakikh nauk, redaktor; HATYSTEVA, Te.N., tekhnicheakly
[Planning in a foremants section] Opyt planirovanila na uchastke
mastera. Moskva, Goo. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo mashinostrolt. lit-ry,
1954. 81 p. WIRA e:1)
(Machinery industry--Accounting)
STARCHENED. D.I., kandidut t ekb niche skikh nauk; GROHDV. N.P.. redaktor;
14II01AYLI)VA, V.V.. tokhnicheakly reduktor , I
[Co-,tprehnnaive groove designing of shaped profiles] lbizvernutala
kalibrovka fasonnykh profilet. Moskva, Gos.nuxxchnn-tekhnAzd-vo
lit-ry po chernni I tevetnot metallurgii, 1952. 247 p.0ILRA 8:10)
(Rnlling mills)
GR-OHOV-. H.P., kandidat takhnichookikh nauk, nauchnyy redaktor; NIPOKHTA-
SHCHIT, N.V., redaktor; PITIROVA, N.S., takhnicheekly redaktor
[Press workIng of metals; collection of articles] Obrabotka metalloy
davlanism; abornik statel. Moskva, Goo. nauchno-tekhn. Izd-vo lit-
ry po chernot i taystnot astallurgii. N0-3- 1954. 267 p. (M= 7:10)
(Rolling (Metalwork))
TARNOYSIXT. I.Ta., doktor tekhoicheskikh nauk. professor; ORONOT, N.P.,
redaktor; STARODUBTSIVA. S.N., r*daktort ATTOPOVICH-.-W.*r.-,-r&Ift-
cheskty redaktor
(Deformation during the plastic molding of metal; forging and
rolling] Pormotsmenente pri. plaettcheskol obrabotke notallovi
kovka i prokatka. Kooky&, Gog. nauchno-takhn. Isd-vo lit-ry po
chernot I tov*tnot astallurgii. 1954. 534 p. NLRA 7:9)
(Deformations (Mechanics)) (Forging)
(Rolling (Metalwork))
PUUKHIX, Petr Ivanovich; GROMOV, N,P,., rodaktor; GOLYATXIIA. A.G.,
r , takhatchenkly redaktor.
redaktor; TARAS010, f.
(Rolling and shaping of 1-bome] Prokatka I kalibrovka dvu-
tawrovykh balek. Moskva, Goo.nauchno-tokhn. isd-vo lit-ry pe
chernol I tovetnot metallurgit, 1956.175 P., 137 diagrms.
(Girder@) (Rolling (Ketalwork)) (NLRA 9:5)
GROKOVO T.P., kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk, redaktor; VALOV, N.A., redaktor,
XWOMICH, M.K., tokhnicheekly redaktor.
[Press working of metals; a collection of articles] Obrabotka metallov
davlentem; sbornik statel. Nookya, Goo. nnuchno-tekhn. izd-ro lit-ry
po chernot i tevetnot metallurgii. No.4. 1956. 239 p. (KLRA 9:4)
(Rolling (Metalwork))
ORMOT NoP. kw2d. tsihn. rALuk; GOLOYANWO, S,A., kand. takhn. nauk;
TKIN, N.N., Ingh.
%w theraostatto biustals. ftet. slaktropron. 27 no-8:-32-33 Ag 056
1. Institut protalsionnykh splayov Tftntrallnogo nauchno-loolodavatell-
skego lnmtttuta ebernoy wtallur il.
Mormstati (Notall)
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1957, Nr 111, p ~14 (USSR)
AUTHORS: Gromov, N. P., ll'ichev, A. I., Kasatkin, N 11A.
TITLE: Manufacture of Alloys With a Rectangular Hysteresis Loop
(Proizvodstvo splavov s pryamougol'noy petley gisterezisa)
PERIODICAL: Sb. tr. Tsentr. n.-i. in-t chernoy metallurgii, 1956, Nr 15,
pp 259-273
ABSTRACT: Research on alloys was conducted in three areas: a) creation
of a texture in Fe-Ni alloys, b) utilization of the texture of
certain alloys by means of thermomagnetic treatment, C) utili-
zation of the increase in residual inductance of some alloys with
a reduction in the thickness of the strip to 5P/ -Basic techno-
lohical operations and peculiarities are given tor the production
of strips composed of three alloys: 65 NP, 45 NKP, and
34NKMP. Magnetic properties of strips of various thickness,
prepared from these alloys, are also shown.
1:1. N.
Card 1/1 1. Alloys-Development 2. Alloys-Applications 3. Alloys-
GROMOV, N.P., kand. tokhn. nnukp naucyrriy red.; MAN, N.A., red.
-.-1 -1 .- izd-va; ISL13,"f IYEVA, P.G., bekhn. red.
[Rol-ling practice and pipe manufacturelProkatnoo i trubnoe vro-
izvodstvo; abornik statei. Moskvaj Metallurgizdat, 195C. ^,V4 p.
(M4 15-9)
(Ro3aing (Metalwork)) (Pipe mills)
KGROLKY, Andray Andrayevich, kand.tekhn.nauk, dots.; KUZIMIN. A.D., Icaad.
takhn.neuk, rateenzent; DVIlffANINOV, S.A., inzh., reteenzent;
GROMOVO JI.P,. kand,takhn.nank, red.; OSIPOVA. L.A., red.izd-va;
&tKid, V.D.,
(Rolling mills; construction and design] Proketnye stany; konstrak-
totia i ranchete Moskva, Go@. nouchn.-takhn.izd-vo mashinostrolt.
lit-ry, 1958. 450 P. (HINA 11:4)
ORolling mills)
AUTHORS: Borodkina, M.M., and 'Gromov, il.P. 30V/126-6-5-9/43
TITIE: Study of the Texture of a 50%6 Fe-501;0' Ni Alloy in the Form
of Strip of Various Thickne8~ie3 (Izu~heniye tekstury
splava 50516 Fe-509/6 Ni v vide lenty razlichnoy tolshchiny)
PERIODICAL: Fizika Metallov i Metallovedeniya, lc;58, Vol ED,
Nr 5, pp 819 -- 824 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The deformation and recrystallisation textures of strip
of various thicknesses of the alloy 50INP (Permalloy)
was studied by the pole ficpire method. Strip of thickness
0.05, 0.02, 0.01 and 0.001; mr, was obt-ained by hot relling
without intezmediate airieal-JnL, Two series of X-raY 0
photographs, in which the wa!; turned through 10
between each exposure, vie.--E. ~3ed '~c construct pole fi~~,,.--res
taken at a vertical arid ~,a'L pos-ition tr-1 the ro-I
directioz. The text-urek;raphls -.;erv by a Laue-type
camera in a Mo-irradiation. Fa-- the study of the texture
of different layers, the strip spe-cimen was electrolytically
polished. The most pronounc~d_orientations were f-)unct
~ Tj - 5'9:~ j
to be (110) Cli2] (112) _ 11 and (236) 1-33 -
Cardl/3 On annealing a strip of 0.05 mm thickness, a distinct
Study of the Texture of a 50% Fe-50io' fli Alloy in the Form of Strip
of Various Thicknesses
cubic recrystallisation texture, (001) [10~j, forms. The
difference in deformation texture beLween strip of 0.005 mm
and 0.05 mm thickness consists in the orientation
(110) being less pronounced and the number of dis-
orientaTePcr~stals being greater in the thinner strip
(see Figure 1). A decrease in strip thickness from 0.5
to 0.005 mm leads to gradual disappearance of recrysts.1-
lisation texture (see Figure 4). The method of deformation
influences the deformation texture and the effect of
recrystallisation texture disappearance in a very tlin
strip (see Figure 8). The reason for the disappearaice
of recrystallisation texture appears to be the part played
by the surface layers of a very thin strip, -.1hich aze
characte,rised by a weakening in the orientation
(110) 1~-v and by an increase in the number of disorien-
tated crys allites (see Figure 9). Figures 2 and 3 re-11--
resent pole figures of deformed strip of 0.05 and 0.~X'
thickness, respectively, and Figures 5 and 7 pole figures
of annealed strip of 0.05 mm and 0.003 mm thickness,
Uard2/3 respectively.
Study of the Texture of a 5051o Fe-50Yo Ni Alloj in the Form of Strip
of Various Thicknesses
There are 9 figures and 5 referQ;ices, 3 of which are
Soviet, 1 German and 1 English.
ASSOCIATION: Institut pretsizionriykh splavov T.,3NI1Ch11
(Institute of Precision Alloys of TsNIIChM)
SUBMITTED: January 31, 1957
Card 3/3
~"., N1 u
0 4
I r
Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut nauchnory i tekhnicheskoy informataii
Metallurgiya SSSR,'1917 - 1957; [t. I II (Metallurgy in the USSR, 1917 - 1957; Vol
2) Moscow, Metallurgizdat, 1959. 813 P. Errata slip inserted- 3,000
copies printed.
Ed. (Title page): I. P. Bardin, Academician; Ed. (Inside book): G. V. Popova;
Tech. Ed.: P. G. Islentlyeva.
PURPOSE: This book is intended for metallurgists.
COVERAGE: The articles in this collection present historical data on the
achievements of Soviet metallurgy, both ferrous and nonferrous, during
the period 1917-1957. Advances in theory and practical appljtcation are
thoroughly discussed. Many of the articles describe the present status
of individual branches of metallurgy and give an idea of what may be
expected in the future. Advances made in other countries are also
discussed. The articles are accompanied by a large number of references.
For further coverage, see Table of Co~tents.
Card 1/4#1
Metallurgy in the USSR (cont.)
Tselikov, A. I., Corresponding Member, USSR Academy of Sciences; Ye. S.
Rokotyan, Doctor of Technical Sciences; N. P. Gromov, Oandidate of Technical
Sciepces. (To NIIDWh and TsMCM) Ar-OM-M-on-W Rolled Stock 3
The authors present a historical review of the production of rolled
stock in czarist Russia and the Soviet Union from 1721 to 1957.
Developments in rolling technique and in the design of rolling mills for
various purposes are discussed.
Yermolayev N. F., Engineer; and P. K. Taterin, Can(Udate of Technical
Sciences. NoNlIChM) Production of Steel Tubes 38
The article briefly outlines the history of steel-tub* production in
the USSR (beginning in 1893) and in other countries. The main methods
of manufacturing seamless and welded steel tubular products at various
Soviet and non-Soviet plants are described. There is some discussion
of equipment.
Card 2/115
Y. 1~15_00
/Y-6-//O SOV/126-3-5-21/2'9
AUTHORS: Borodkina. M.M., and Grgmov, Nl,-P-,.,-
TITLE: Study of Deformation and Recrystallization Textures of
an Iron-Nickel Allo N48% Ni) in Relagon to the
Degree of Deformatio in Cold Rolli;iglP
PERIODICALs Fizika meta2lov i metallovedeniya, Vol 8, 1959, Nr 5,
PP 761-769 (ussH)
ABSTRACT: The alloy
0.55% Mn,
result of
was made in an induction furnace and had the
composition (wt.%)t 47.75% Ni, 0.03% C7
0.22% Sil 0.007% S, remainder iron. As a
forging and hot rollIng
was obtained. By means
annealed isotropic
alloy to be investigated were
50 Ii thickness, with a reduction
and of 5 Ii thickness, with a reduction
and 99 .92%. The in4tial thickness
material was between 19 V and
a strip of
of cold rolling
material, strips
obtained, of approximately
of between
of between
of the
6 mm (Table 1).
materials of various thickness without preferential
Card orientation were obtained by cold working with
1/4 reduction not exceeding 60% and subsequent
950 OC. The hot-rolled annealed strip of
of the
11 and 99.4%,
annealing at
6 mm thickness
Study of Deformation and Recrystallization Textures of an Iron-
Nickel Alloy (48% Ni) in Relation to the Degree of Deformation in
Cold Rolling
was also isotropic. The isotropy of the rolled material
was verified by X-ray photographic and ionization
methods. Annealing was carried out in a vacuum
container (10-4' mm, Hg) at 1100 OC for one hour; cooling
was carried out at the rate of 100 OC/hour down to
600 OC; thereafter the container was cooled in air.
Measurement of magnetic properties was carried out by a
ballistic method. For the study of texture, besides the
X-ray photographic method an X-ray ionization method
with construction of quantitative pole figures was
applied. Recording of intensity during exposure for the
construction of entire pole figures was carried out by
means of a texture attachment to the apparatus URS-50I
(Ref 2). The Intensity for a standard specimen free
Card from texture, made from powder of the alloy under
2/4 investigation and having an absorption factor identical
with that of the investigated specimen, Pt (P -
coefficient of linear absorption, t - thickness of the
specimen) was taken as unity. Standard specimens were 4/1
Study of Deformation and Recrystallization Textures of an
Iron-Nickel Alloy (48% Ni) in Relation to the Degree of
Deformation in Cold Rolling
also used for determination of corrections associated
with drop in intensity with increase In the angle of
deflection of the specimen. Figs I and 2 are X-ray
patterns of specimens deformed to various degrees of
reduction and of the same specimens after annealing at
1100 OC; the thickness of the specimens in Fig 1 is
50 P and that in Fig 21 5 p. Figs 3 and 5 are pole
figures of deformed (upper row) and annealed (lower row)
strips; the thickness of strip in Fig 3 is 50 p and
that in Fig 5 is 5 p. Fig 4 shows orientations of the
texture of Fe-48% Ni alloy. The results of measurements
of magnetic properties of the annealed specimens of 50 t,
thickness were found to be in good agreement with the
change in texture (Table 2). The authors arrive at the
following conclusionst 1) as the degree of deformation
increases a change in the intensity ratio of the
Card orientations takes place. 2) after annealing a cubic
3/4 recrystallization texture is observed only when as a
result of deformation the texture with the inten
Study of Deformation and Recrystallization Textnre of an
Iron-Nickel Alloy (1+8% Ni) in Relation to the Degree of
Deformation in Cold Rolling
components (110) U-12) and (110) D~51 is formed, which
corresponds to a deformation of 99 .0%. Farther increase
in deformation leads to a weakening of the orientations
(110) (1121 and (110) (3151, and after annealing, to a
weakening of the cubic recrystallization texture
(100) [0011 and a fall in magnetic properties. 3) Not
only the texture of the surface layers but also an
excessive degree of deformation affects the cabic
texture of a strip of 5 )1 thicknes:-:. 4) The nature of
the strip texture change of a Fo-11i alloy (48-f' Ni) with
increase in degree of deformation appears to indicate
that the formation and growth of recrystallization
Card nuclei during annealing take3 place in an oTientated
4/4 manner.
There are 5 figure.,37 2 tables and 15 references, of
which 5 are Soviot, 3 Ger-trian, 6 Englloh and 1 Prenc.
SUBMITTED: January 10, 1959
izd-va; KARAM, A.I.,
(Brief handbook on metallurgy. 19601 Kratkii spravochnik metallur-
ga, 1960. MoBkva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po chernoi i
tevetnoi metallurgii. 1960. 369 p. (MIRA 13:7)
POIMIN, Petr Ivanovich; FXDOSOV, Naum Maksimovioh; XOROLTCV, Audrey
Andreyevich; KATvjiYNV, Turly kikboylovich; SKDWOV, V.S., prof.,
doktor tekhn.nauk, zoteenzent; LAUR, G.K., retsentent; GRWT.-
_X.P.-,-dotment, kandtekhn.usuk, red.; GOROBINCHMO, V.M., red.
izd-va,~,.AQ3MqWU, L.V.,
(Rolling uIll practice) Frokatnoe proizvodstyo. Moskva. Gom.-
asuchno-tokhn.isd-vo lit-ry po chernoi i tevetnoi wtallurgii,
196o. 966 p. (KIRA 13:10)
1. Xamestitell glavnogo Inzhenera Magnitogorskogo metallurgichaskogo
kombinats (for Lour).
(Bolling (Metalwork))
Z-A'j(O-&-IICIIIIjSI:IY, Mikhail Leontlyevich; TOLI:lj,'I?:, F.I., prof., (Joktor
tekhn. nauko retsenzent; MWOV, H.P., prof., retsenzent;
FEDOSOV, N.M., prof., retsenzent; VAGIN, A.A., red. izd-va;
DOBUZIIIIqSKArA, L.V.v teldm. red.
(Technological principles of rolling mill design)Tekhnologi-
cheskie osnovy proektiroviiniia prokatrykh stanov. Yoskva,
Hetallurgizdat, 1962. 1,43 p. (MIRA 15:12)
(Rolling minti-resinand conutruction)
POLUKHIN, Petr Ivanovich, prof., doktor tekhn. nauk; GRDINA, YuA,
prof.,, *Obter tekba nauk; ZARVIN, Ysvgeniy Yakoylevich, prof.;
GROMOV N.P. prof.; nauchnjy red.; GOWBINCHENKO, V.M., Inzh.,
read. &ii-,-
--W i2~ 'ATTOPOVICH, M.K.fdeceased), tekhn. red.
(Rolling and heat treatment of railroad raila]Prokatka i termi-
cheskaia obrRbotka zheleznodorozhnykh rellsov. (By]P.I.Polukhia
i dr. Moskva, Metallurgizdat, 1962. 510 P. (miRA 16:2)
(Rolling (Metalwork)) (Railroads-Raili)
AUTHORS: Gromov, N. P., Zusman, Sh. L. Agaronik, V. Ya., Barkaya, D. S.
TITLE: On the lengthwise uniformity of the resistance of an extremely wire.
SOURCE: Moscow. Teentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatePskiy institut chernoy,
metallurgii. Sbornik trudov. no. 25. Moscow, 1962. Pretsizioi~nyye
splavy- pp. 104-116.
TEXT: This p,-per reports the results of an experiiiiental investigation, per-
formed at the TsNIIChM (Central Scientific Research Institute of Ferrous Me&llurgy),
intended to develop a methodology and construct equipment for the continuous slinspec-
tion of the uniformity of the electrical resistance (ER) of extremely thin wirei in the
source of their motion. The problem is of the greatest importance for a variety of
calculating and telemechanical devices in which the uniformity of the electrildal re-
sistance of potentiometer wire is a decisive element in determing the accuracy of
measurements and telemetered information. The equipment newly constructed was
used for the determination of the uniformity of the resistance of Ni-Cr wire 20-50
11 in diam. The experimental equipment comprises an idling feed spool and motor-
driven take-up spool, between which the wire Is guided by textolite guide rollers
while in contact with a pair of spaced-apart contact rollers made of stainless steel
Card 1/3
On the lengthwise uniformity of the resistance .... S/776162/000/OZ5/007/025
with a Cr-plated surface. Diarn of the contact rollers is SO mm. that of the guide
rollers 20 mm. A braking load is applied to the feed spool. Measurements can be
made at contact distances of I rn or 0.5 m. The linear velocity of the wire is Z3-
.25 m/min. The resistance measurements were performed by means of a DC bridge
of the type MBJV (MVU) 49. a high-speed potentiometer of the type Bnl0Z (BPIOZ),
and various auxiliary equipments. The theory of the dependence of the ER of the
wire on the mechanical stresses prevailing therein is briefly outlined for given
values of the Poleson coefficient and the Young modulus of elasticity. The results
of an experimental illustrative test are shown graphically, Illustrating the linear
variation of the dependence up to the elastic limit for a 0.04-mm diam Ni-Cr wire.
The conditions necessary to avoid any plastic bending stresses that may arise in
contact with the guide and contact rollers are specified. Problems arising from the
characteristics of the measuring equipment, the contact equipment, and the defor-
mations of the wire while passing through the contact equipment, and the verifica-
tion of the functioning of the entire equipment are discussed. It is found that the
method and the equipment adopted here are suitable for the continuous measurement
of the uniformity of the ER of micron wire along its length in the course of its
motion. It is established ihat the degree of uniformity of the ER becomes less
favorable with decreasing thickness of the wire. It is shown that cold-hardelled wire
exhibits a significantly better uniformity of the ER along its length as compa;ed with
Card Z/3
On the lengthwise uniformity of the resistance 6/776/62/000/OZS/Oq 0Z5
wire that has been subjected to heat treatment. The so,4rce of the impairmer4 of the
uniformity in the latter Is attributed primarily to the queInching of the wire i0be
furnace system. It is shown that significant impairments. in the uniformity of the
ER of a wire along Its length can be produced by careless unwinding and rewfilding.
Card 3/3
Uniformity of resistance along the length of extr*mly thin wire
Sbor. trud. TSNIICHM no,25tlOA,-116 162. ()URA 15t;)
(Electronic apparatus and appliances-Testing)
(Electric resistance)
laminated metals. Standartizataiia 26 no.10:16-21 0 162.
(MIRA 15:10)
(Laminated metals)
Effect of tension on the position of the neutral cross-s ction
during rolling. Izv. vys.ucheb,znv.; chern.mot 7. no. 5:81-84
Q 4. (MIRA 17:5)
1. Moskovskiy vacherniy metallurgicheksiy institut.