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GUTYFffA,,V.-. [HutyrJe, V.3.]q doktor khim.nauk; PATRILITIN, K.J. [Fatryliak, kand.tekhn.nauk; QjALIqH,_,2~,q,_ [Haly-ch, PIMIJ, kand.tekhn.nauk; MARKLAN, V.Ya., kand.tekhn.nauk; GAPONENKO, 0.1. [11aponeriko, 0.1.] Separation of' aromatic hydrocarbons from kerosene-gas oil fractions. NhIM.Prom. [Ukr.] no.2t20-22 Ap-Ja 165. (MIRA 18:6) 1, GALICH, GOUBGHI-11KO, I.T.; GHTYRYA., V,.S4 L'IN, V.G.; NEY~~A,'K, Catalysis of syrthetic zeolites containIng cations of groLp 1 metals. Ukr. khim. zhur. 31 no. 1111117--t1-122 165 (MIRA 19:1) 1. Institut, khhuil vysokomolekulyarnykh soyedirien!7 AN Uk-rSSR. and '4~ Sci -- (diqs) i' and econoidc GALICH~ T.A., 0, -k peculiarities of two t.,'Pas of exterior and constitution of cows of black-spotted cattle of Livovskaya Cbiast." Kharlkov., C 1959) 19 pp (min of Agr UkSSR. Khm~,.ov zootechnolo kal Inst) 3 150 copies (KL, 20-~Ij, 129) - 6b - 136-3-16/25 AUTHORS: Belogay, P. D., Galich, V.M.-- and Zakalyukin, I.S. TITLE; Method of Fixing Filter Cloths onto Suction Filters. (Sposob krepleniya fil'trtkani na nutch-filltrakh). PERIODICAL: Tsvetr*W aletally, 1957, No-3, pp.7?-73 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This is a very brief illustrated description of a method used at the Davendinsk Works in which filter cloths in the form of rectangular bags are secured by the weight of a 1/1 steel frame. Cloth changing takes 3 to 4 minutes. There is one figure. ASSOCIATION: Davendinsk Works. (Davendinskaya Fabrika) AVAILABLE: Library of Congress BELOGAY, P.D.; GALIGH, V.M. Hydrocyclones are a potentiality for increaelng the productivity of comiflaution departments in ore dressing. Met. imet 33 no. 12.,84- 85 D 160. (M]2U 13M) (86paratore (Nacbinse)) LAKOTA, B.M.; GALICH, V.M. Flotation of primary manganese middlings of Nikopol' plants. Ubog. rud 16 no.4:9-13 '61. (MIRA 15:1) (Nikopol' region (Dnepropetrovsk Province)--14anganese ores) (Flotation) V TITKOVV N.P.; BOGDANOVA, Z.S.; GALAKTIONOVA, K.N.; XUROVA, M.D.; LAXOTA,. B.M.; OZOLIN, L.T.; Prinimali uchastiye: CHRKOVA, X.I.; ASHITKOV, Yu.R.; SMIRNOV; Ye..A.; PLATUNOV, A.A.; -GALICH, V,M.; PATKOVSKAYA, a N.A.; VLODAVSKIY, I.Kh.; CORLOVSKIY, S.I. Outlook for introducing the flotation of ferrous metal ores. Gor. zhur. no.9s57-62 S 162. (MIRA 15:9) 1. Vaesoyaxnyy nauchno-issladovatellskiy i proyektnyy institut mekhanicheskoy obrabotki poleznykh iskopayemqkh, Leningrad. (Flotation) (Iron ores) (Manganese ores) GALICH, V.M. Determining the liberation of mineral particles by the gravitation analysis method. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; tsvet. met. 6 no-4:"-51 163. (M3RA 16t8) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut mekhanicheskoy obriLbotki poleznykh iskopayewjkh. (Ore dressing) (Molybdenum-AnaLlysis) GALICH, V-M,, inzh, Comparing results of testing certain flow sheets for the dressing of molybdenum ores. Tzv.vys.uchev,zav,:gor zhur,, 7 no. 4:173--178 '64. NIRA 17: "'i 1. Urallskiy nauchno-issladovatellskij I proyektnyy institut obogashcheni,ya i mekhanicheakoy obrabotki polezn.,rkh isk,-ipaynmykh~ AT4025437 ACCESSION NR: ~i"_000/62/000/000/0091/0119 AUTHORS: Tur'yev, 1. A.; Galich,.,_Xq. V.1 Semenov, Yu. V.; Reznikov, 1. P.; Kozlovskiy, D. V.t Oliv, A. G.i Petrov, I. Ya. TITLE; Laboratory computer for combined opera-Lion with simulating unit SOURCE: Nauchno-tekhnicheakoye obshchestvo radiotekhniki i elek- i'trosvyazi. Nauchno-tekhnicheskaya konferentsiya. lGth, Leningrad,. 1961. Kibernetika i elektronno-vy*chislitell-naya teAhnika (Cyber- netics and electronic computer technology),, materialy* konferentaii. Moscow, Gosenergoizdat, 1962, 91-119 TOPIC TAGS: computer, optimal control, analog digital computer, computer component, computer technique, computer testing, computer control ABSTRACT.- .Card 1/3 The laboratory computer is intended for the design and ACCESSION NR: AT4025437 !investigation of,complicated dynamic systems subject to random in- i ifluences and can also be used as an ordinary high-speed universal .computer for the solution of engineering problems. It is designed to be part of an experimental combined simulating installation con- 'taining both analog and digital parts. However, the usual analog ,computer and digital computer shortcomings can be eliminated by .using this combined computer by making the analog part operate in real time and the digital computer part to improve the precision .of the results. The combined computer can also be used for opti- mization of dynamic systems. Various other uses of such a combined 'computer are also proposed. The article headings are: Main opera- tional-technical specifications of the laboratory COMPULer. Over- all description of laboratory computer. !'- -itribution of the number- position grid of the computer. List of commands. Blo%:k diagram of laboratory computer. Arithmetic unit - Mewoi%, unit. Input unit. Printing unit. Central control unit. Random nvimber generator. Control panel. General principles underlying thk~ construction of the Card 2/3 ACCESSION NRi AT4025437* electric circuit.' Time cycle of computer operation. Features of arithmetic unit. Features of control unit. Features cf magnetic operative memory. Input and printing units. Random number genera- tor. Power supply. Provontive supervision of computer operation. Fxperience in -the operation of the laboratory computer as a univer- sal computer. Orig. art. has: 12 figures, 4 formulas, and 1 table. ASSOCIATION: None SUBMITTED: 01,13ep62 DATE ACQ: 071Apr64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE.- DP NR REP SOVS 000 OTHER: 000 Card 3/3 SOCHIVKO, V.P.; GALICHA Ye.y.,_Jph., retsenzent; TRLVCGIII, P.A., kand. I-ekS. nauk, retsenzent; KRAMER, L.P., nauchn. red.; SACHUK, N.A., red.; KRYAKOVA, D.M., tekhn. red. [Pattern recognizing devices; survey of foreing and Rmssian literature] Opoznaiushchie ustroistva; obzor otechestvennoi i zarubezbnoi literatury. Leningrnd, Sudpromgiz, 1963. 78 p. (MIRA 16:11) (Optical pattern recognition) Pz ON j/0,997/1 All. 501! 3250 om VORONETSKIYI I.Ya.; GA.LICHENKO, G.I. System for the automatic control of the dosing of constituents in crusher rolls. Avtom. I prib. no.3t6-8 Jl-S 164. (MIRA 1813) GALICHENKO,___~la,ooiya-lakovleL3%!aj LYASHEVICH, Kseniya Konstantimovia; DUBOVA, Margarita Ivanovna; SHINKEVICH,, N.I., kand. tekhm. nauk, red.; VEREVKINA, N.M., red.; KISLYAKOVA, M.N., tekhn. red. (Album of axonometric projections with explanftions] Akso- nometricheskie proektaii; allbom s poiasneniiami. Minsk, Iad-vo M-va vysshego i srednego spets. i prof. obrasoiranila BSSR, 1963. 152 p. (MIRA 16:7) (Axonometric projection) Galicheriko, V. V.. and 3peranskiy, D. Ya. "Investigation of the Relationship Between the Temperature -f During, Friction and the Physical Properties of the Sui ace Layers of' the Rubbing Components of Kachines'( 9~2_ Sukhoye i granichnoye treniye. ~riktsionny e materialy (Dry and Boundary Friction. Friction tllaterii~.13T 1,!oSCo,.--, lzd-vo AIN SSSR) 1960. 302 p. Errat.~ slip inserted. 3,500 copies printed. (Series: Its: Trudy, V. 2) 1 Sponsoring Agency: Akademiya nauk .-.13,SR. InstitUt mcshinovEdeniya. Reso. Ed.: I. V. Kragellskiy, Doctor of Technical Science3, Professor; Ed. of Publishing House: K. I. Gri-orash; Tech. Ed.: S. G. Tikhomirova. The collection put-,li-shed by the lnstitut mashino, rz, de n i y a AN SSSR (Institute of Science ok ilachines, Acociemy of Ociences USSR) contains rapers presented at the III Vsesoyuznayz-' konfer- entsiya po treniyu i iznosu v mashinakh (Third Ail-Union Confer- ence on Friction , nd".-V'ear in 14achi-es, April 9-15, 195'.'. GALICHIN, P.. zasluzhennyy zootekhnilr- RSISR Raising fine-wool sheep in Transbalkalia. Mauku, i perad.op.v nallkhoz. 9 no-9:36-40 S 159. (MIRk 13:2) 1. Sovkhos "Komeomolots." Chermyshavskogo rayona, Chitinakoy oblasti. (Tranobaikalia--Sheep) L 3102~_66 E:;-, (m) ACC NRt AP6022951 SOURCE CODE: UR/0219/66/061/003/0048/W~! AUTHOR: Galichiy, V. A. Moscow) ORG: n6hee------ TITLE: Stability of compensatory nmehanisms of the nervous system in acut ation gkaa. "on the model of unilateral labyrinthectomy) si BYXLueten' eksperimentallnoy biologii i medit5iny, v. 61, no. 3, 1966, 48-51 TOPIC TAGS: neurology, radiation sickness, brain vestibular function, reflex activity, rabbit muscle physiology, EEG, cerebral cortex, gamna irradiation, radiation Viologic effect, vestibular analyzer ABSTRACTs Sines there have been ne studies dealing with the state of com- pensatory nervous mochanisms of disturbed functions with qualitative and .quantitative evaluation of reactions In the dynamics of development of &cut* radiation siokness, the author selected the model of unilateral labyrintheatooW# well developed by the school of Z.,A. Asratyan, to characterize the state of ~compensatory mechanisms of disturbed functions. The group of vostibular anuclei present in the modulla oblongata is the site for the completion of .several labyrinthine reflexes. -One of these reflexes is nystagmal zwvement - :of the eyes in response to stimulation of the semicircular canals of the labyrinth. By recording reactions of post-rotatory nystagmus when an animal ~with one labyrinth is rotated, the author can estimate the condition of compensatory processes "IsIN following labyrinthectorq. &perimts were -,performed on 23 male rabbits of the ohinchiUa brood, weighing 2.5 - 3,2 'kilograms, of v1doh 12 were experimental and 1i control, The left labyrinth was damaged In the experimental animals. The animals were investigated an a. special rotating deviceb The rotation began with threshold values of accolerauan -C!nrj 1/2 UDC: 617-001.28-0-36.11-0r7:616.8-008.66-072 .1. 1 L 31024-66 ACC NR. AP~62&~51 and then several stimuli increasing in value wore used - 30, 60, 120 and 180 degrees per second, alternately rotating the '--Amals in both directions. The nystagmal reactionj arising after halting of the device wore transmitted with the aid of needle electrodes and a special piece of equipment to a 16-channel electroencephalograph. In 4.5 - 6 months, when disturbances induced by unilateral labyrinthectomy had levelled out or had disappeared entirely, the r lanimals underwent whole-body gamma-irradation (dose of 800 rads, dose strength i2OO rads/minute). The data led to the conclusion that neither in the first .day following radiation injury, when truncal formations are :In a state of 'increased excitability, and the cerebral cortex - in an inhibited state, noro An the period of relative normalization Ord and 5th day) of activity of the .Cortex and truncal norves,.nor at the peak of radiation sickness (8th day), when. there is inatability of processes at all levels of the nervous system, do .dist,urbances of the compensatory mechanisms previously formed occur. This affords the conclusion that the modull& oblongata. playing a dominant role in compensation for labyrinthine distifrbances (in the present case) revealed high resistance to radiation exposure. However, the author does not exclude the resistance of higher levels of the central nervous system to irradiation. The ,results ct control experiments indicate a progressive decrease in reactivity of this vestibular aneVzen _with its maximm drop following death of the animals. This work was carried o-t at the suggestion of Professor Yu. G. Grigorlyev.1 This paper was presented by Acti- Member AMN SSSR V. V. Parin. OrijF. art. Fas: 1 figure.. EJPRSI I SUB CODEt.*06 / SUBM DATE: 29MaY65 / ORIG REF: 010 / OTH REN 019 I .Card 2/2-.eC, GALICHY, V.A. State of compensatory mechanisms c," the nervous sy.-tem followir,:.r large-dose irradiati6. Izv. All SSSR. Ser. b1ol. 31 no.1:134-140 Ja-F 166. (MIRA 19:1) 1. Submitted September 18, 1965. L 37743-66 EWT(m) ACC'NRa AP6028237 SOURCE COM Ult/0216/66/000/001/0134/0140' AUTHOR: Galichiy, V. A. ORG. none J~? TITLE: State of compensatory mechanisms of the nervous system upon irrac.dation with large doses SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya biologichaskaya, no. 1, 1966, 134-140 TOPIC TAGS: rabbit, radiation biologic effect, vestibular function, otolaryngology., nervous system ABSTRACT: Rabbits that had been labyrinthectomized on the left side were subjected to general irradiation with gamma-rayS In a dose of 1,600 r after compensation of I the disturbed function had taken place 6 months later. Within 4-5 hours after irradiation, impairment of the compensatory mechanisms was observed: the length of the nystagmus reaction in response to dextrorotation decreased while that of the reaction in response to dextrorotation decreased (i.e., the vestibular analysor tended to return to the state into which it was brought imediately after unilateral removal of the labyrinth). On the 3rd and 5th day after irradiation, the delabyrin- thized animals showed no imbalance with respect to nystagmus on rotation to the left and to the right. This indicated a high degree of plasticity of the nervous system and a progressive depression of all of its functions. Parallel changes in the r-A 112 UDC: 612.014.482:59 I L 37741-66 ACC NRt AP6028237 .0 nystagmic reactions of intact rabbits exposed to a total gamma-irradiation at 1600 r in response,to levo- and dextrorotation give evidence of a significant stability of reflex mechanisms of the brain stem. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 2 tables. IJPRS: 36,9321 SUB CODE: 06 / SUBM DATE: l8Sep65 / ORIG REF: 019 / OTH FM : 002 GLLICHKIN, S. .- - - . --- _- ... Wall-newspaper is the educator of the eollectivo. Prof.-tskh. obr. 12 no-3:27 Nr.155. (KM 8:5) 1. Pomoshchnik direktora po kulltmmo-vospitatellnoy rabote uchilishcha makhanizateli sellskogo khasysystva No. 7 (Stalin- gradekaya oblast') (Ull newspapers) i~ ~/-j' ,I , -I , - - L,, jo, r 7 11 iV." T_k1, SHMLNNMV,N.A., prof esaor;_GALIDIqf~qVA, L.A., kandidat sel'skohozyaystrennykh nauk. . ~- I I.. " -.- . ~ I Vitamin A and carotene in feed; importance for livestock and methods of determination. Veteriuariia 32 no.9:75-78 S '55. (MLRA 8:12) l.Vsss*yuznyy nauchike-iseledevatel'skiy institut kenevedetva. (CAHBTJ=) (VITAMIN8 - A) (7=311* -AND IMISM STU ACCESSION NR: AR4014151 S/0137/63/000/012/IO34/IO34 Soma, RZh. Hatallurgiya., Abs. 121211 AUTHORt Pearevp Ve Ioj Galichukp Yao Do; Dobry*den', K, As TITTEt On the intergro-orth of crystals of the compounds CdSb and Zn33b2 In alloys CITED SOURCEi Nauchn. yezhegodnik za 1959 go Chernovitsk. un-to Fize-matelto fak. Chernovtsy*, 1960, 617-619 TOPIC TAGSs Cadmium antimonide crystal, Zinc antimonide:crystai, crystal aggregation, crystal intergrowths centrifugal crystallization TRANSLATION3 An investigation was made into the feasibility of consolidating crystals of CdSb and Zn3Sb2 in binary alloys of Cd with 25%'Sb and Zn with 35% 3b by the mechanical effect of centrifugal forces on a crystallizing castingo he alloys were prepared from c.p. Zn, Sb of grade Su-0, and Cd of grade Kd-O. f urther purified by triple vacuum distillation. The c ystallization was carried r Card 1/2 ACCESSION NRs ARW14151 out in evacuated pyrex ampoules, which were cooled together with the furnace af ter the metal had melted, at rest and with rotation* During the rotatio4 and in the cdurse of the solidification,, the CdSb and Zn3Sb2 crystals,, which differ considerably in density from the adjoining liquid, grow together into large aggregatese This ie illustrated by a comparison of the microstructures of the specimens cooled with and without rotation. V. Zolotorevskiy. DATE ACQs ogian64 SUB CODE: ML, PH, CH ENCL: 00 Card 2/2 ELLERT) Henryk; JASINSKI, Tadeusz; GALICKA, 11ina ---- Detennination of aturban and doriden by the method of titration in non-aqueous milieu. Acta pol. pharm. 18 no.6:521-523 161. 1. Z Katedry Chemii Lekow Akademii.Medycznej v Gdansku Kierownik: doe. dr H.Ellert. (HYPNOTICS AND SEDATIVES chem) (PARAS)WATHOLYTICS) GALIGUZOV L, to-inzhener. Shells for Casting pattern bedplates molded vithout flasks. Lit. proizv. no.4:32 Ap '57. (MIaA 10:5) (Platternmaking) IP70. A!NPPMff Cf IMSPASIISMI,,FRE AR&T _- - -- P callsmov, JI.S. (Ugol (CoaIT, jii~. 1954~ 35-38). Washability tests mid operation,of tho first proparation plant in the Ki-mel basi6 a-re- deqc- lbed. It oonslsts of ylbmtlne screens and trough vashers. The'ecal contains 29.6% ash and 55.4% suiphur. Puttirc it thmith thb pUmt UdGe y1al 67 5%~" 3.35% pyritos oontainina Y1.01% sulphur, aN retuso bontainIng .1 ~Vlv I (IcI1j'OqOq o5hhe'vIve) GALIGUZOV, N.S. - .":-.-- A valuable book for workers of the coal industry. Ollements of the theory of hard coal flotation. 0 V.I.Xlasson. Reviewed by N.S.Gali- guzov. Ugoll 29 no.10:47-48 o 154. (KIRA 7111) 1. VNIlUgleobogashcheniye. (Coal preparation) (11asmen, V.I.) I 7C)11 ,~j. WtUt'IT7 1~ 11,, "A stuW of t 1-4e, b; ior of coal p- rit~!s In -,',Ic f lo- y tztion of coal." ~Ri.- '.,'oiil Induoir~v USSR. All-Uniort SjA Hos Coal 1111st (VUGI " - ~Iioscow, l-")56. (Disser'.ation For the Dei,,ree of Caridid.-tc In Te,~Ihnical 5r:iences.) SO: Kriizhnaya letopis' No 21, 1956. Moscow - I ; - . - .- , - i .T- z I - (;~, /,I -~ .- I TRUSMVA, KAKAYINKO, I.I.; RABINKOV.A, T.S.; VARTANYAN, K.T. Discussions. Trudy Mekhnnobr no.98.-60-75 '56. (MURA 10:7) (Ore dressing) GALIGUZOV, N-S.,knnd.tekhn.nauk e 4 .1. Up-to-date explanations of the jigping process in the light of Mayer's theory. Sbor.inform. po obog. i brik.ugl. no.2:47-55 '57. (MIRA 11:5) (Coal preparation) GALIGUZOV, M.S. - Coal preparation In Great Britain. U9011 32 no-5:40-43 W 157. (MLRA 10:5) 1. Vnesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut Ugloobogashchentye. (Great Britain--Coal preparation) GALIGPIV..-A.Lolay. Semenovich, kBnd.tekhn.nauk; RYKOV, N.A.,; _it GARWIt, T. KOROVENKOVA, Z.A., tekhn.recl. Coal proppration In Ingland] Obogoshchanie ughe v Arglil. Hoskval Ugletakhisdat, 1957. 46 p. (MIRA 11:2) ~ (Great Britain-Coal prepstation) AUTHOR: Galiguzovl, N. S. (Moscow) SOV/24-58-8-32/37 TITLE: On ReRefaMM-s"Gover-ning the Behaviour of Pyrite During Coal Flotation (0 zakonomernostyakh povedeniya pirita pri flotatsii ugley) PERIODICAL: IzvestiZra Akademii Nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye Tekhnicheskikh Nauk, 1958, Nr 8, pp 154-156 (USSR) , ABSTRACT: The flotational properties of pyrite of coal are similar to those of the coal or the accompanying mineral inclusions in which this pyrite formed during the formation of the coal seam. This is explained by the fact that the pyrite of the coal is impregnated with coal substance or with "extraneous" mineral inclusions which form a coating on the pyrite surface. As a result of this the physical and chemical properties of the surface will differ from those of the core of the pyrit-e particles; also, the coating will protect the surface of the pyrite grain from interacting with the reagents. The here described investigations were based oa the principles recommended by V. I. Klassen and V. A. 11okrousov (Ref 4). Study of the boundary wetting angles (according -to the Card 1/4 method of P. A. Rebinder) of coal, rock, ore pyrites and SQV24-58-8-32/3? On the Relations Governing the Behaviour of Pyrite During Coai Flotation coal pyrites as a function of the concentration of the collecting substance, the results of which are graphed in Fig.1, indicate that the flotation properties of coal pyrite separated out from the rock and of ore pyrite are similar and on the othor hand', the flotation properties of coal pyrite separated out from bright coal -has flotation properties which are similar to those of the bright variant of coal from which this pyrite has been separated out. The data on the correspondence between the contents of sulphur and ash in the individual size classes of the flotation concentrate and the flotation tailings obtained under optimum floating conditions of coal of the size class 1-0 mm, FiS.2, represent a second independent confirmation of the here expressed hypothesis. 'A further confirmation is provided by the flotation results obtained with separate synthetic mixtures of the investigated coal with ore pyrite and with coal pyrite separated out from Card 2/4 the same coal, Fig .3. The obtained results enable -3 0111211- 51,-8 - 3 2/ 3 7 On the Relations Governing the Behaviour of Pyrite During Coal Flotation formulation of a quantitative depcndence between the contents of sulphur and ash of the flotation concentrate: Sl = Bo + Bik (1) where S. is the total percentual content of sulphur in -the (ary rjass) flotation concentrate; A is the percentual, ash content of the savie flotation concentrate; B0 and B 1are constant coefficients. The obtained results prc.,vide a practical basis of possible variants of technological schemes of flotation. desulphurin~S of coal s;aialls. Three tapic-al cases are distinguished- First case: The coal pyrite in the process of seam. forriation only slightly associated with the briGht petro6raphical variety of coal,'Ibri~jht coal" and to a larger extent with the lustreless variety "dull coal" and with the mineraloc-,ical Lrkz-lusions. Secoilld case: The coal pyi,ite in the p.-ocess of for,iation ~,arCi 31L~ "Y' On t- lie Re la t-, o as G o ve min, ~-- t he B e h a -v i ~,ur o -" 7 al Flatnation of t.,e coal seams associated to a exten-L, tlan in the first case with the bri.-ht variz;-!its of ~Ihe coal. Third case: When tIe coal pyrite d-uri-n-C, t'--.- of forj,~)--.itioii of the coLl seam associated aDi-)roxil'.iatel- equally with all the components present Lhe ~;iven coal. Rational technologies are suggested for all tho tliree variants. The-r,e are 3 figurusl 1 table and 7 referelices, E ..)f which are Soviet, one L-3n6lish. SUM1ITTED: SeDtefuber 30, 1957 1. Goal-Flo-tatioxi 2. Pyritw-t--Flotatim 3. Pyrites-Physical pi,operties 4. Stilfiir-Separation Card 4/4 GALIGUZOV, N.S., kand. tekh. nauk- Studying the possibilit7 of reducing both ash and sulfur content in the coal of the "t4" seam. Obog. i brik. ugl. no.g:)8-42 159. (MIRA 12:9) (Donets Basin-Coal--Analysis) (Coal Preparation) GALIGUZOV.. N.S. (Koslcva) Remarks on V.I. Klaaaenle and T.K. Iagodkina's article OPecultarities of the flotation of pyrites ard marcasites found in coal deposits.' Izv. AN SSSR. Otd. takh. nauk. Not. i topl. no.6:185 11-D 160. OGRA 13-12) (Flotation) O~rrites) (rLaeaexw I , V. I. ) (Ugodkinas' T.K.) GALIGUZOV, N.S., kaad.tekhn.nauk - Regularities in the behavior of coal pyrite!; in flotation ard prac- tical trends in flotrtion desulfurization of coals. ObogA brik. ugl. no-17:59-68 '61. MIRA 15:2) (Coal preparation) inah.A . kand..tekhft.nauk; BLAGOVA, Z.S., inzh.; GREBKNSHCHIKOVA,, Coal preparation in heavy suspensions and prospects of its applicatioro. Obog.i brik. ugl. no.21-.26-33 161. ' . (MIRA 16:5) ~'. (Coal preparation) GALIGU z07 9 1~49-, -kand. tekhn. nauk Technologi,.-al processes and equipment for coal preparation. Biu:L,,tekh.,.ekon,infomoGos,nauch.-leal.inst.nauch.i tekh.Inform. no,5:16-22 162. (KRA 1537) (Coal preparation) GALD~UZOV. X.S.g kand.tekhn.nauk C - _ - Response to V.I,Klassen.. V.A,NevskaU# NeSAUBova's article "Use or radWictive Isotopes for studying the Interaction of flotation rftpnta,* Ugoll 37 noe-7i%n 162o (MIM 15:7) (Flotation) (PAdioiostopes-Indua licationO (Masson, V.I.) (Nevs)mia, V.ZWOMOva" NOSO PIKKAT-4RDYNSKIY, G.A,., kand. tekhn. nauk; GALlGLrZOV, N.S., kand. tekdm. nauk Review of the book "Coal fl adtation.10 Ugoll 39 no.8g77-79 Ag 164. (MIRA 17tlO) 1. Institut goryuchikh iskopayezWkh All SSSR. GALIU--L.K, !~. Changes in Slovenian sea fisl-eries. p 189 MORSKO RIURIi-TVU. (Udrusemje morskog ribarstva Jugosla%dje) Rijeka, Yugoslavia. Vol. 11, no. 9. Sept. 1959 II-Ionthly list of East European Accessions (EEAi) LG Vol. 9, ro. 2 Feb. l9ft Uncl. N MMIO '~~I& ti IV, It., At"'il I kit I LCIMO ~Jt lit '.to -d he rtsul till mixti with i j~j'l t -tit; h Ill, fit awlO'Cu 111. pw la e ff, 41 0 to. with (111 m M Olf wol .70-, T Affmhfmoolt IV, irgiQ IDA; 0 0. wit q'3:_ cysul '11 -1 jilv, Hit 10, A;1 fti MIZE fit'. The musearhis' aerles., Ill.- Isolation. a fe-MIL e e ' "Y In 1: , , itni. Theilresiduelwah Obdolved VOIL bases from Aman(ta mus,.~(,. -K. B.I.iovit, b em c i "C h filtered and evapd. in cam to gl%*~ 13,3 g; R Lifide I C1110- - B Gag rt and T. GaIIJan -b, Yugodavia). -(Univ. Zag rUT-I U65 E Ii f dl l rjde~ with an activity of'30,000: hfuscasifi ~ e units per 9-: a s e 3feCt ng nt M abstr.-With H unknown structure of mus. ' Whatinat Chromatography of I cliloride *n Buolf-Ilao-CAN with the systent t No. I paper AY~ I Oolvent I earine Oh a ption of isolation and purification of I Is , : Spots with Uvine-CILtygidl rea6,%.tjt gave Sr. . ptf. C.A. 46, gian, Fresh fly mushrooma (1134 lig.) was homoumized 1w th I . Iequal amt. of EtOH stared for a week at _6% 2118g) for 1~ 0.02, 0.00,0.14 (4tri to III)i U i JO, 0.24, Pnd' . . TRtOff was added with stirring (total BtOH 2450 1.), the ' ims found 0.3 31. The muwarine activit) 0.19-0.29. 5 g. of crude I chlotide was di lx-twten J~ Ived h 60 ml. liquid decanted, th e residue pressed out, wid the combi qed of solvent A, and clirmna(ograph~jt tin 500 i t. iif Whatman aq, EtOf1 exts. evapd. its tucuo to 53 1. (51% of dry resi. cellulose powder (B quality, slanchrif grad e); :10o lrac-i due). The canctutmWwas poured into 106 1. of abs. 1 left at Wfor 24 lira th Ii uid as d d lions of 10 ml. were collected. ~ Vdilod P, s,d6tributed,. a e remove ., w an q ~ eva d t in wcuo to t t W I 31 a3 f d between fractions 121-1$1 (400 C litaloAnIJAW -- , . rL concen ra e con n p ng % o ry !~Bcptt. all cellut~me was als-P p"fornjia( iuthit~ jyittninuoll- T residue he COMCBtrntc was "td. with. 1. of U t.0 the ~: art:of 1.15-N NIIJ Nit, (4 parts of DuOli satil. with I p 4q. lap ,381.) waspoured into 601. ofulx;. EtOll andIdt ~ .at -5*..o~v ,ed The r ernight. iquid was r evapd to a I (I between!frLotions 140--~ (solvent B). I chloride was fo in I id i I id , . , - . .. , . , emol, r , - - - chlor cl lOr e);~ from 2.6 S. of crud(I e J220 mg of 13.6 1., extd. with four 4 L-portions of EtjO, the ext.- free ous were converted to chlomumte (& t . 13ng. C-A - was washtd with 11. of HxO. and the art. tAyem were cont- yellow lmfict3, m. 111-12*.! i 10, 41M, Palt , I 1 1l wi tl i f Du I i 11cride fim- 4 d CA To"t.a(J21.j1L2%NU4rein.eck- 4te soln. (20 1 e ppt. was added, left ovem ght at 09, th ccaurate o c V~ o P-Ifed from a nw e" had Rn 1~ 0,255,:k OMS:aLl 200 in si [o8$), 1 f-74 it A - jWas- filtered off, and dried in vacui yieldinji: 7W j. of rel- ~ -of 1~, &1iorlde (S -actions )O~ miri),'werel' Bktheuse~oftltdCjWg6ontercftrreii dls-. - - M radhod -with the CO--~EtOA sti Et G 8 -;bUceUdICjsOd!WsOIvn A, fraction 9 d one ::1 :Fracdoins,60-M spot minutes iii 20 5 mi m - - - m ez c sy s "Hito U. lii:2),- It. was Impossible. to 5ep. I froag cholinj . . . . . ; Ichloride; ebloraUt-l'. on the paper with N 0.20, due ta idle to th 6 forin dfrelneckate. , 11 (60 g.) was dissolved in iif-W dild i 1 CO ith 200 i f H Awn - of Cirud.. I Chloride:. ratei in. 117.5-18'. - An att7 d th i1i, olvent d n t1h i t r ; v ..w c% m , o %O, treated with 15 g. , In2 5I fI1jO f A 25 1 7 C d , " - i o e v us ng Couil e ,i ers'(Am V -~ ail roaac C.! exchan B d ti . o - . 2 (c an ) ilidt at 00 overnight; the ppt was pemoved nQ the Ii uid . ca m an g j 1~) Failed to n6par-t- I ft . , q rcated'with -a soln. of 11.79 g. of HaClt-2fl.*20 In 1.15 1. o! C qui -v2 ;~BaSpp.wa;;. rtnioved, and th- H d t pd. in v1caa 7 t; -j, 4 __j y'. - i .. ... TLex V 'd f h 77 A l N M - : "i"', ~';i I T ,h 1 1 j t' I CIGERJ,J.; POLAE.,L.; GALIK,E. Contribution to the theory of normal personality and to a positive determination of its features. Activ. nerv. sup. 6 no.1:112-3-14 264. FABIAN, P.; GALIK, L. Clinical and EEG picture of acute carbon monoxide poisoning in a child. Cesk-pediat. 17 no.4045-349 Ap '62. 1. D3tske oddeleni I= Bansks Bystrica, prednosta Dr. P. Fabian Neuroltogicke oddelenle KUM Baniska Bystrica, prednosta Dr. L. Galik. (CARBON MONOXIDE toxicel) (MZCTROENGEPHALOGRAPHr in inf & child) HRNZIAROVA,M.; BIELIK,E.; BRICIAR,J.- GALIK,4 - Hyperinsulinism. Diagnostic and therapeutic aspects. Cas.lek. cesk. 103 no.12t 57-62 20 Rrt6l, 1. IntEirne oddelenie (veduci. MUDr.A.Sitar). Ustredne labora- torium (veduci: MUDr. E.Belik) a neurologicke oddelenie (vedouci: MUDr. L.Galik) KUNZ v Banskej Bystrici. GALIK L., MUM,.; FABIAL', P., I-',IjDr. ih-ug poisoning of a child with hydantoinates in clinical and EEG aspects. Bratisl. lek. listy 45 no.6:374-379 31 Mr 165 1. Ueurologicke oddelenie Krajskeho ustairu -arodmho zsdravi v Bwiskej Bystricl (veduci., MUDr. P. Fabiw). I L 31237-66 _Ewp(t._)Z IJP(c) JD - E~I ACC NR, A?6022844 SOURCE CODE., CZ/0032/667617670027EW0126 AUTHOR: Galikx_4,. jj~ngjMer) 1) ORG: Metallurgical Plant, Turcianake Machir!e Works Martin (Turcianske,"a ojarne, Hutny zavodl TITLE: High-grade cast iron for plain bearings made at the Turcianske Machine Works SOURCE: Strojirenstvi, v. 16, no. 2, 1966, 125-126 TOPIC TAGS: cast iron, bearing material, metal grain structure, mechanical propertys alloy composition, antifriction bearing ABSTRACT: The article deals with special cast iron for plain bearings which in many cases can replace -expensive nonferrous metals. It describes the manufacturing process,- the composition of the iron, its mechanical properties and structure. Several applications are pointed out. This paper was presented by Engineer J. Vins. Orig. art. has: 5 figures. [Based on author's Eng. abst.) [JPRS1 SUB CODE: 11, 13 SUBK DATE: none / ORIG REF: 004 Card 1/1 13 La- UDC: 669.131.6: 669.018.24 0 IV7-r GJALIK, '-',-J.IaTi Experience vith founding in metallic molds in the national enterprise Kovosmnlt in Filakovo, Slevaronstv] 10 no.I.-.11 A 162. GALIK, Milanp BLAHA, Vladimir Effect of modification of reversible materialo on the voluns of th* caot Ixon CzechoOlOVAk Rt.Andard 1,2 4.184 during volidificAtIon. Slaya- ronstvi 10 no.1121-22 Ja 162. GALIK, Chill detacticn in val7e lifters. SlaTarennstvi 22 394-395 0 164. 1. Turaian3ka strojarne, Martin. GALIK, V. , P~--"TRU, Y. Galik, V., Petru, F. "A contribution to tho knowledge of the constitution of sandaracG- priDeric acid. p. 613. CASOPIS PRO PESTOVANI MATEMATIKY. CZECHOSLOVAK MATEEMATICAL JOURNAL. VOL. 47. no. 4, Apr. 1953, Praha, Czechoslovakia. SO: Monthly I-',t of'East Yluropean Accessions, LC., Vol. 3, No. 1, Jan. 1954, Uncl. PETRU, F.; GALIK, V. Structure of sandaracoplaaric acid [in German with summary In lbasslan]. Sbor.Cbekh.kh1m.rab. 18 no.5:717-723 0 153o (KLRA 7:6) 1. Institut obshchey orgaulcheskoy khimli Prashokogo Politekhnichookogo instituta, Praga. (Sandaraeopinaric acid) LUKES, R., GALm" V. Certain 0-'subs' tituted quinuclidine derivatives* Part 4. Preparation from cinchonine of an oltically active )-vinylqulnuclldine Lin German with summary in . Sbor.Chakh.thim.rab. 18 no.6:829-835 D 15,). (KLRA 7:6) 1. Inatitut obahchey skeperimentallnoy organicheskoy khimii Frathekogo Politekhnicheakogo instituta. (Quinuclidine) (Ciachonins) Iv , ti-ï¿œubxtltIitc& derivandiii;* Of IV. Prop. I I C I I l.t W a .;;I- yjrtpil. 1)), retins'o'c', 3 Ito-. S ' (tration of the Optical. ly FtOlve 3-vill lquinudidille froatut 9- 111 ill SP lul.:Y11" Itchtipt Wit ail L~ I FA v6pg. the 111h t., ' ' datc int Iukc,~ mitt !ijuivitig tlt(- I 1,N01 Lt I0,:tItcI v -imilyilig, (lit: imuhm with , ,,I y 4. 11*wId JIcl;r3 M1 in, I OXO: vr- C.A. .15, (It $I 5C I IAIII~ 'Ail IM il 41 'If .6'1. .&&, 51.7 . . __ I ',N1 1.4770, ,- " ' 4- . 7 ,hj'sj f lx ivI l w 0 q 1 i I . i l wi1 ljv g. v 1l V. ~ m", 1 Q l , g. 1 1 ' I lilt. 11"0 willk M till. I It's ):kIvI Ill q. KWO, W A till, 113c). ' On! F~A' Oitill of Itf kv t,4 i.:'Aac(t the 1- ,' et~rr (it TV (11 r~) all Zia) till, P hl I 'T V: t,imn, ill -'a) ttA, , , . t, !bq,;w (IV), r0timd with LiAllit Ff:0. (In: lititt, rcllts%. ilh 'I I tit., 41'."Ijill4l, A HP mill III-4m.k, (11). ;1110 V Iln..I tr 14tifiliv.1 if, Ow t i, Nmll, mid jlW ITI, Ims-ti(mli ;)f. IkIr t. -,It,if .7 (VI), IN161,11 " ` jvw; vy'.1i/xII Ito .1 rips vhpo t lilt') idim, (vit). 1, 111. 87.4:1 . ill, 214". 111'9~r I!.) wiltiv-1 IN lit i,ij.- wish 1111r. cii#;,jji:. Ow !;,-fit, in oliv..11vittl. thext'.- 1) :,1,,[ '~'P) id, bw Amf all) 91 a:. 14,4*0, mid :dP) Him its CIICI,. most rviltmiti, tit,- lima %,ttlt '27 lilt. , . 00-Ird !,1.3 ;~. ti, ttl~ -",) -1 " 1,41", As .~*I~,% ml. Cjl~ Of A !~Iltl. '-witg. I .'~' g. Nor, ill "'i, mr- CI lClj ".1tivil . .) ill -20 aid, 'Y,.:!' !1" Ot-vim- lit, 11 ktm (1:41k.1ollill"I 1w, %%-Ili% KA'XII. mlis. wills . * . Ow Ilskf lci,( missal., nk-ml I%liq;l. air ill,. '1't I's livilliali!.1lipla m" , fail, -W,i- lit. it, *1 ,tit 1 di Id :;7. V11,111 7, 1"1 I;j ., . 1" I~ilh fill) 1.11 it at i 1 N Ill: , -1 1 to . .. ... I Ow N-Wl 10- v lln- jsA qn , is., I,;, As--- I,, * l 1 ung- k .,.j "i m) '11 Ctwin, 1 ljjdlij-),k I PP. I M I POP I I I, k-EW5t I I' m c=StItuUm of Uniric d. Vc. Iwek Am and 1 CA '~w-Samhu -M- =~ 0 with B60. the dher ~xt. (contg. 18.8 g-ci treated with dr ~ the NJ1j salts'of tbe Ntl R - i , gm u K;~ j y p. .. . -1 off, the filtrate cxtd. ivith 170 Naolloiltiog ';Ah' filttm th U O 1k t ddlW ith dil M) 1 Oll 6 ivi A n e 4 , ex . a . c 1 v . . ( t ~ ~4 washed %with 11A ~xtd. with 80 J~ XtOli~ i the v d td pil 9 with N011 in;E~011, nnW filtered ext. idjusti ; t6 f HtOH distd. off ho Wad; the aq. m%idue cWposited,~ tq 1 several firs, the '11404tlt; of somforecapkaric ujil (1). w 4 ,h! )m NO deompd, with COij 1pive. after qpn~ ; !A'rj* 1* ro WWI 0 35 j (0 7%) 1 L4 1j; m . . . m4 , , 10.6 T.'rormation of I to Its Pla salt 46d crysW , ;R, the regenerated I give* roduct, m.. 170', 1a):T -29A ' 00* M i of') ro"t r e in. , r t with Me dextrophuhrate,, 44-5 ; with1de ibodexf .P. ro~ Imarate, 4"".: HydrogemOon of X ovier.PtOj In RtOft P or j AcOH yielded a dihydro deriv., ro. #jotu i i t i 1 0 d 0 6 h h C(N(j 6~ ) k v ; -g w t mn . at pos. tes ,. s ( m & In a sealed tube 2D hm, at 330450', gave;.nf t e~i chrom t ~ threhe (pitnartthrimi).' m raphy, lj-dirncthylph-- -(hm EtOH) fCJ13(NOjh camPd.. m. lm~-ffia tOH) ticraM, m, 132' (from RIM)). and Al Oij b~j HO bath temp.), 1113: L5701 AM Cse Aftlo Co mu s 18 717 v. . c t. m n , ht Hu4W ............. T. (Collention of Czechoslovak Chemical Communication. PrAha. East Vol. 19, no. 4 tug. 1954) 3C 7: 9i6titutmi dertutift 15 ft t ut it 1 sti m ail Gla. chm. (MULM1. IF "M 6 w 4 - _ Aq tnL x Q ethylpyridial (1) with an exets-n of CH%O a!jd n1c. HC1, or. j CE40 and ale. CI gave Z-Inohyi- P -I' Pritaus(m), wh;ch was tm to 2r4-;.'irjAY1)- e (IV). by RBr to X-md;jY1-JJ4-P;VWV prgp- I)-j-hromaj. proparvol-RD). (V). and bv c-Atalytic hrlr~grmat?rin to W pipe?* I ci do rope re-Mr (Vii. VI amd Er ve Mr1h -;_(4pip" Ir C'c alk. medlunit to j-KWJs3.J'?4hY- ??in- Wm4lBr (VIII). ,l distd. without d 3m a I Min.; at 10 a. inin., d oarturcd ,yield- mo 7,M 0 d 7 l , an . ). T1,%: qr~mence I ro- - Py y oft.-IfI is to fla for the tr,.*u3(ci rMotion to 1H. tt~ IICI o,- War.alone prmitteed no d6tuctratiort. Heating 10 g. I with 150 MI. '29';% dq. C11.0 100 bi4. on the steum bath, evapg.-The solo., 6reathig the M WIC] 10 MI. T; rup cantd. HCI and 30 nd., EtOH. dift. the iyux:t, front the stewn bath, and cvltpg. the reskint: on a d6-b ou Ike stenill 14 1 * (d,zomint.) (fr t buth gure 14 g. IU.Ma. in. 2 rm RtOH); -9' (front FtOIQ; YsC% sohi. libented free W. in. 7& M& jail, m.2,10-11. Pkrcht. in. iW(frout 11,0). IILWO 4 0 T I, mj 03-4 )was a%,prepti. by mixinj 15 g. , b, 177 (PIcrile 777 i L 1j A ~)o P,~J( der-I'Vo es -witl%: Imi. 20% C11,0,Aflu'l. H6. and 15,U. 7 PtOH, distg. off the MoKi' and. tvapz. the rezdue to. ield 0 M HBr with alk v 6 g KWO ( ) . . . . . e .y , while own!zation of 10T Irt At:~DH =inlc acid, it t it E unchnngei. Reflwdng 3 -_ M ILI firs. with 18 mi. HI (d. 11.7) and 0.5 g. red P, filteduff the mixt., e%nipif.1he 1-11 in vacua. treating th. rViAue with 10 Mi. 14.0, 10,mi-- 201/ In& the distiltate With MaOlf .witfi;Eh0,`and evh !'the ext. givve(3.15 g. IV,-b I'0:t1Z temp.); - pkrafe~ptn' 172*. - - Hektinj 5 C. 111 -with 30 oil. 27%* 11Br in Ac ihirs.-atill)-~20 in a-sraled tube,evapg. the sob. in recuo -Etl removing the resfthlal'hr.011~. by'liaxting with M, An recrystit. 1%e residue from 131.01:1 vive A g., (GROS) V. ~ ni.: alvic obtahlLd by heatinj 2 !r.-U,wlth 14 rid. 'HBeiiiAo:)H5hm.At.30",(yi4u2j.). In(Y.Yinjuml. i H40 with It aml 0.2 g. Pt(% gave 1AN. (83%, in,. jb4crate, ye, 104' (front HIO,. Heatip4 1,11 V1 With 10 fill. 27% IfUr In Ac()Il 5 I m. fit 1130% P.*VopK. t tot wN. i rmitoylog Wit riolduti l AcUll TjY livallog ills 041thill witli MOIL erifiv. flit R1011, l1bouthig flit bam with 60% with MjO,'twpg~ flit 1340. adding 641 ml KtC(~,, MOH, reillixing the soln. t fir., distS. tho Eton tn Vacua: and rtcrysig. the residue fr" MOU pvc V111, in. 310- 11 f 01 2(1*/Io Mm 71 2W 5 0 2 M b - . o at . g. mm. gave . 9. t, 10046% J*rjte, in. 143* (frnm HkO). M. Mill lit JORROPPOPPOW -a i~,, rl~7 - NEI ilk 1,~4hWW'ie-d4. ~v,.ktjjej tf 4t"jaj~h 2 44sridil -tr atc, it MM 77, Jl~i -:~Iv MM Imam CZECHOSLOV~--Y-L'l / organic Chemistry. Organic Synthesis. G-2 "bs Jour: Rof Zhur-Khimiya, No 1, 1959, 1293. ~Iuthor : Lukes, R., Galik, V. La 5 t : Not given. Title : The Reaction of 2,4,6-Trimethyl Pyridine With Formaldehydo. Orig Pub: Chem. listy, 1957, 51, No 12, 2319-2324. with 'bstract: Upon re:7.cting 2,4,6-tri-riethyl pyridine (I~ an eXCeS3 of 357o formaldehyde (II) at 100 C., only one methyl group roacts: in the 2-position with one mole, in the 4-position with 1-3 moles of formaldehyde. Three hundred grams of I and 1.24 kilogr-~ms of II are heated for 50 hours and steam distilled, 42.3% of the starting I is evap- orated, the remaining oil is dissolved in acetone. ,',ftar throe d,--.ys (-150C.) the residua is hented Card 1/5 18 CZECHOSLOVIUKIA / Organic Chemistry. Organic Synthesis. G-2 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiyaj No 1,1959, 1273. Abstract: with acetone and 2,8-bis-(21,61-dimethyl pyridyl-41 -2,8- dihydroxymethyl-4,6-dioxanonan diol-1,9 (III) is separated, a. p. 209-2100C. (from gleohol); tetraacetyl derivative, m. p. 103-104 C.(from li- groin). A solution of III in water is added drop- wise to boiling 65% nitric acid, is boiled for 12 hours, evaporated and one obtains the nitrate of 2,6-dimethgl isonicotinic acid (IV, V, base) m. p. 211-212 C. (from water); V, m. p. 278-2796C. Upon evaporating the acetone mother liquor there was obtained 2,6-dimethyl-4-(_,-:, -dihydroxy iso- propyl)-pyridine (VI), m. P. 155-1560C. (from al- cohol); hydrobromide (HB) p. 157-1580C. (from alcohol); picrate, m. p. i38MO*C. (from alcohol). Upon the action of HBr (gas) on VI in glacial acetic acid for 10 hours at - 100 0. in a welded tube there Card 2/5 CZECHOSLOVAKIA / Organic Chemistry. Organic Synthesis. G-2 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-ydlimiya, No 1, 1959, 1273. Abstract: is formed the HB of 2,6-dimethyl-4-(1'1_S,/--' -dibroma isopropyl)-pyridine, m. P. 159-1600C. (from alco- hol). Upon oxidizing V-1 with nitric acid, IV is formed; ethyl ester of -7, m. p. 39-400C. (from alcohol). Upon distilling V with CaO there was obtained 2 6 6-dii-aethyl pyridine; hydrochloride, m. p. 230-231 C.; picrate, m. p. 165"T. Upon heat- ing VI with a 56% aqueous ablution of HI and P for 15 hours there was obtained 2 6-dimethyl-4- isopropyl pyridine, b. p. 196-1976C., m. p. 330C.; picrate, m. p. 950G.; By the distillation of the residue after VI has been separated, 2,4-dimethyl- 6-vinyl pgridine, b. p. 80-810c./is mm. 51crate, m. p. 156 C. (from %vater17 and 2,4-dimethyl-6-(' hydroxy-ethyl~-pyridine (VII), m. p. 63-640C., b. p. 135-136 C./18 millimoters, were prepared; Card 3/5 19 CZECHOSLOVAIKTA / Organic Chemistry. Organic Synthesis. G-2 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-nimiya, No 11 1959, 1273* Abstract: picrate, m. p. 1280C.; HB, m. p. 158-1590C.; pheayl urethane, m. p. 156-1570C. VII with nitric acid produces 2,4-dimethyl pyridine-6- carbonic acid, m. p. 1580C. (afier fraction- ating) which, after distillation with C.0, is converted to 2,4-dimethyl pyridine, EB, m. p. 198-1990C.; picrate, m. p. 183-1846C. VII with HI forms 2,4-dimethyl-6-athyl pyridine, b 20 ~Op* 2050C. (bath temperature), n D 1.4991, d 0.9144; picrate, m. p. 1170C. From the fraction having a b. p. 160-1800C./18 millimeters, 2,6-dimethyl- 4-(,,"'-hydroxVethyl)-pyriaine (VIII) crystallized out, m. p. 700C., picrate, m. p. 128-1290C., which upon oxidation with nitric acid was converted to V and by reduction with HI was transformed to Card 4/5 OZECHOSLOVAKTA/Organic CheLlistry. Synthetic Organic Memistry. G-.2 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khim., No 24, 1958, 81573. Author Petru F.J, Galik V.-Y Inst Title The Decomposition of Triscyclopentenbennene and Triscyclo- hexenbenzene with Ozone. Orig Pub: Chera. listy, 1957, 51, No 12, 2371-2373. Abstract: It was established that glutaric ani adipronic acids are the sole products of the ozonolysis of triscyclo- pentenbenzene (I) and triscyclohexenbenzene (II) with 3% 0.3 (12 hours in CC11, by cooling off with ice and salt, the ozonide is boiled for one hour with water')* I was obtained by boiling (14 hours) cyclopenterone (500 grams) with alcoholic solution of H4SC1f, yield 32 grams, m.p. 95 to 970C. (from alcohol). In the Card 1/2 16 coutntry Czechoslovakia G-2 C&tO9DrY= GrGanlo Chamistry. Synthobic Oragania Chizdstry bs, Jour. Raf. Zhur.-aimiya K.. 6, 1959 191+73 I%ut:-I,)r Lukes, R.; Galik, V. Inatitut. Title Ititeraction of 2,4,6-TrImethylpyridine with Formaldehyde. OriC,. 1--tib. Collect. czechosl. chem. commun., 1958, 23t No 6, 1083-1039 Abstract See RZhKhim, 19599 1273. Card - A 4 Tho steric relationship between gandar Wwk add and the deximirn-ric adds. Petril, and Josef Kuthan (IS 116chWure,' --Pfuue). M-3(1059).-Partial dehydration of sandarucapimaric acid with Pd yielded the hydrocarbon C,sHn. which, by Its ultraviolet absorption .spectra and mixed ra.p. detn., _pro -ed to be Identical with the hydrocarimm at HuTis and %nd,ssoa (C-4. 42. M16). I was identical with dextropimaric w id, not isodextropima- r q: Given Mames Country: Czechoslovakia Academic Degreess _Got given7 Laboratory of Heterocyclic Compounds, C.zechoslovak AcadeP7 Affiliations of Sciences (Iabora:torlum fuer heterocyclische Verbindungen, Tachachoslawakische Akademie der Wissenschiften). Prague Sources Prague, Cgualion of CZOOLOSI Ch Oil CgMa=cations, Val 26 No I I NOINOW 11810 PP 8787-8733 Datas "R"Mon of i,4.DiwtIW1ffridin* with Fomaldebyde.0 Authors: LUKES, R* Q _.V .-I UK, JIZBA, J 10deceased LUKES, R. [deceased); JIZBA, J.; GALIK, V. Some methylpyridine acids and pvridinecarbolyxic acids. Coll Cz Chem 26 no.12:3044-3050 D 161. 1. Laboratorium fur heterocyclische Verbindungen, Tachechoslowakische 0 Akademie der Wissenschaften, Prag. LUKES., R. [deceased];,qA_LIK,_V. Reduction of some methylisonicotine acids. Coll Cz Chem 27 no.9.-2220- 2222 S 162. 1. LaboratoXtum fur synthetische Treibutoffe, Technische Hochschule far Chemie, l5rag. - r,A.f,t,K, V,; LAITOA, :". Faner chr;-~~4-,t,~3e.--upliy .)f co r~yl pyridlrif. , Coli Cz Chhm 29 ro. 10s 25 11)2-.'~567 0 164. _i ~. Laboratort.-xii far spirhotisclie Trolbstoffe wid Erd.-I, Tol"hnische Ho,:.,hscl,u-l,i fl.- Criende, ;-rague. GALIKAiNA~3t;V, i.V. Sirrmle and use'-. -, Pitt' i I nr..6,4C 164. 041:~A 17: 9) 1. Stantsiya Sp-ratov, Privolziiskoy dorovl. GALIK, Ya., [11alik, J.] (Fraga) Toxicity of modern radioactive phosphors. Med. rad. 10 no'01:15-19 0 165. (IMIPA 18:12) 1. Sutmitted January 7, 1965. 2. USSR (600) 4. Plants - Disease and Peat Resistance 7. Bactericidal properties of g-reen plant leaves. 1,Wxobiologiia 22, No. 1, 1953. Brief description of re6earch on bactericial. yropt~rti,~s of the green leaves of treea growing in nattu-al surrourClings Jr., a subiu-brin area of Moscow. The leavee -were sprayed witin, a standard strain cf Staph albus, and cultures were grown subsequettly an a solid nutrLtive medium. The bactericial effect of these leav-:!-q on. the 6tarh albus was detd in thefollowing breakdown: fir tieed-les complete bactericid'al effect attaine~'.in 6 hrs; leaves of birch and linden; in F hrs; leave3 of m7ple and oak: in 10 hrs. Nc patbegenic f1cra was foumd after the time stated. T33 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, May 1953. Unclassified. L I K' L1~ C USSR/Ydcrobi,.-slogy Medical and Veterinary Microbiology F-4 Abs Jour Referat Zhurn - Biol. No 16., 25 Aug 1957, 68586 Author Galikeev, Kh.L. Title Mie Problem of Frequency of Detection of Para-Agglutina- ting Strains of Intestinal Bacilli in the Soil. Orig Pub Sb. Nauch. Rabot Kold. Ortd. Vses. Nauch. 0-va mikrobiol., Epidemiol. i infektsionistov, 1956, No 1, 75-77 Abstract Of 300 samples of soil taken within and outside the city 36 para-agglutinating types of Bacteftum coli were isola- ted, but only 3 firmly retained the ability of agglutina- tion with dysentery sera. Upon artifical implantation of the soil with the isolated resistant type the para-agglu- tinating properties were conserved for 80 days. Out of the feces of laboratory and domestic animals and fcr4l (horses, dogs, chickens, white mice, etc.) the same resis- tant para-agglutinating strains were isolated. Rabbits artificially contaminated by these strains excreted in their feces para-agglutinating microbes for more than a Card 1/1 - 59 - month. "A Method of Detecting Virus Aerosols," by Kh. L.,'dalik6 Kishinev Medical Institute, Vrachebuoye Delo No 7, Jul 56, p 751 "According to contemporary ideas, bacterial aeroplankton has multi-,; phasic structure. Various apparatuses have been proposed for the differ- eitial study of these phases. The Rechmenskiy bacterial separator is a~~ universal apparatus. It affords the possibility of observing microorgan4 isms connected both with dust and with droplet phases of aeroplankton in the air. "We assigned ourselves the task of determining the collecting C!&_ pacity of this apparatus with respect to influenza virus occurring in a suspended state in the air. For this task, an initial suspension of lyophilized virus (Schklyaber strain) was prepared in 0.5 ml of physio- logical solution, The initial suspension was subsequently used for pre-w paring various d1lutions of virus. Al- Kc Yk V, KH - e i3ki i.'&Iff keiht dilu- spersal of the suap'nsioti of nfltieraa ~v a fivI t ns was carried out in an experimental chamber with a volume of 0.25 i0 L cm3 Esic). Air samples were collected with the bacterial separalor 10 and 30 minutes after dispersal of the virus suspension. One ml of bouil-. lon from the reservoir of the apparatus was transferred to a sterilr- test tube, after which a little strept-omycin (on the end of a scalpel) was added. Eleven-day chick embryos vere infected with 0.25 MI or bouil- lon to obtain the influenza virus. After the eggs were incubated for 48.. hours in a thermostat., the embryRs were dissected and the chorioallan- toic fluid removed. This fluid was used to perform the hemagglutination reaction on a vater glass with guinea pig erythrocytes and with specific, anti-influenza serum. On the basis of a positive hemagglutination reac-': tion, and its retardation with Bpecific serum, a conclusion concerning the presence of influenza virus (SchkIyaber strain) in the experimental chamber was drawn. "Results of the hemagglutination reaction are presented in the fol-~. loving'table. KE YE V; KH- I- - Dilution of Virus Time of Investigation of Air Samples 10 minutes after dispersal 30 minuueb after dispersal Natural Solution Dilution 10-1 + 4 10-3, Dilution 102 Dilutir YE J- - "As seen from the data presented, the presence of influenza virus was observed in the air of the chamber for 30 minutes after its dispersal. "Virus in the air of the chamber was found in droplets of physio- logical solution. It was detected in spite of its negligible concentra-- tion. (U) IlInvebtigation of microriors in the Atmospheric Air of C:Lties,, by Kh. L. Galikeyev, Kishenev Medical Institute, Vrachebnoye Delo No 11.1 Nov 56, p 1194 "At the present time, special significance is attached to investiga- tion of the atmosphere. Harmful contaminants''-- dust, smoke, gases, , " microorganisms, particularly pathogenic species which are contained in.7. the air -- cannot be disregarded in considering the health of the popu3A- tion. In connection with this, determinationof the quantitative and qualitdtive content of microflora in the air assumes important practica.i s Ignif icance. "In recent years, a number of special apparatuses have been propoistd., the most suitable of which is the Rechmenskiy bacterial sampler * This apparatus permits the separation of the bacteria which are found in various phases of bacterial aeroplankton from the air. . "In studying the microflora of the atmospheric air of cities Nrith an air-sampler we first.used the distance method of collectimg air SauOles Usingthe sucti.o6 pmer of a moving vehicle. "As is known, areas of increased and decreased pressure flurround a mcving automobile. This, we have established, affects the quantitative' content of microflora in the air. Furthermore, as a result of the motion of-Ahe wheels of the vehicle, dust riseG into the air from the road 5ur- face and artifically mixes soil microflora in it. -ar this reason the bacterial sampler was attached by means of a support to the front bumper of'the vehicle at a height of 1.5 m from the ground. "The narrow end of the sampler was connected by means of a rubber tube to the metal end of the windshield wiper tube. The wiper was then disconnected. Suction of air by the motor proceeded both when the vehicle vas in motion and when it was standing still if the motor was turned on. "Samples vere collected using a pickup truck, but other models can also be used for this purpose, for example the GAZ-AA, ZIS-5j GAS-Mllj GAZ-51, M-1, etc. "Use of the truck motor for sucking air into the apparatus did not ,disturb its normal, function. Apto.-2QC liters of air passed through every WAUt bacterial sispler MWUW a 5-10 e per: od :-"Air in the central streets of thelcity was imetigated USIM a ,truck moving at a speed of 25 km pe r larr. In addition, a ir savples Vore taken in arena where people were congregated -- on squires in -,-ft-bnt of railroad stations and in markets. To establish the extent to air contamination in central rayons and outlying areas depends on the intensity of movement of people and vehicular traffic, we also took 9"ples beyond the city limits and in large wooded areas. For this purpose, meteorological factors were t&ken into account -- wind intensity, and direction, humidity, temperature, barometric pressure, etc. "In the majority of cases, saprophytic, spore-bearing microflora were a '-0tained. In some cases Streptococcus beta were isolated from the air 4~~station squares and on certain streets. "For purposes of illustration, the following data from one of the `Aborts are presented.. "On a street where there was lively movement of people and vehicles,,' overcast and weather conditions, there were 20,000 microorganisms one m3 of air. Streptococcus beta was observed in 100 1 of air. On same day, 17,000 microorganisms were found in one m3 of a sample of -J, :A-U.-obt.ained from astation-sq :and 2,8W micxvorgarAismsju a Sample, "Pas GALIJMYICV. Kh.L. I,- p On tho grd4uency of detection of parn-agglutinating strains of t.',-j colt bacillus in the soil. Gige I san, 21 no.11:94 N '56. (MLRA 10:2) (ISCHMICHIA COLI) JI IS U. 19q,; "in. loi~2 Galikeyev, Kh. L. FL 11he Role of FlIttrable Forms of CP.-7G PUB. ltrrachebn. delo, 1957, prOozh. . ?3-?4 Four-monilt bouillort culture-q cf streptococ.,:i (5) which, had been subjected fk, the effect of different conicentrations of pe-aicillin were filtered by gravity flow through Seitz filters using "SF" plates. Checking of the -Ptexillty off the filtrates'was carried out by ;~e.ixns of a 15-day period'of keeping -their, In a ibermostat. Nurneroug passagto tbrough seruni bouillon made it possible In all cases to detect secondary S cultures. Mice were infected with the filtraies irLtraperttoneally, intranasally and also by aspiration of an aerosol of the 11/3 JCUR. - i.?-an 5 grams f i-tr atC .YCUZ , werc sensitive, to a.-~p`icatfor jE 111,;c a-rosol; they dicc' !-ootk~:r -than Llic .rlfCC4c-_: ad4ll. ard2nacls. On of in,!olvemart. ~,C- I uIld in iungs and S were lsolL,,ted froin i~,c bloon. Iii 'he adult rri'ce which I dieci I" days -after tl)t.,- i7illertion a hcmorrlje.,Yif i-dema of kho luiip arid tocil 0', Tl~'croeis I-i tY~-, art", liver vieze found. C.'tiltures oi b!L,,-.)cl auO of t6c organs %vere -egirLive, blA passztgf~s of the illtrati-s of --ti ItIspeasion of the organt of thc,4v rnice Uirough tirrim-1 bouillOll /3 f rl A M HOP produc,--d th,-: growth of secovdary S cultures. Tbe a-:it m-v be-Uc-,,,t!s t:ra' the fUterah c forms of S wader L A cert3in rxndi.tions ca.-4 acquire an independent P~ttll0t,.CP-e-ti(7 Sign" -3rlre. G. P. KO'na ca r a - 3/3 h I- I 1-\ E USSR Microbiology - Sanitary Microbiology. F-3 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 9, 1958, 3B431 Author Inst : Not given. Title : Devices for Air Microflora Testing. Orig Pub: -'-'b. nauchn. rabot. Mold. otd. Vses. nauchn. o-va mikrobiol., epidemiol. i infektsionistov, 1957, No 2, 19-27. Abstract: No abstract. Card 1/1 USSR/Microbiolog-ry. General Microbiology F Abs Jour Ref Mur-Biol., No 13, 1958, 57437 Author Galikeyev Kh. L. Inst Not given- Title Manifestations of the Variability of Microbes and Duration of Viability in the Drop and Dust Phases of the Aeroplankton Orig Pub Sb. nauchn. rabot Mold. otd. Vses. nauchn. o-va mikrobiol,, epidimiol,,, i infelctsionistov, 1957, vyp. 2, 28-33 Abstract The variability of staphylococci, streptococci, and sarcine isolated from the air atmosphere , in different seasons of t:ie year was investigated. Microorganisms '11liaving typical colonies predomin nated in the air in cold and cloudy weather. A- typical variants were determined in the air during Card 1/2 3