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L 8935-66 ACC NR: AP5027212 1200 impulses/ min- mg) was the starting material for the prepara- tion of the salts to be investigated. The experimentally found solubility of ammo-: nium and potassium fluorozirconates in hydrofluoric acid at 20 C and values of 'I the separation coefficient a re shown in a table. The separation coefficient re- flects the ratio of the specific activity of HfI81 in the saturated solution to the initial specific activity. In the ammonium fluoride salts of zirconium and hafnium a sequence can be established in the solubility of the zirconium and hafnium salts' as a function of their composition. The ratio of the solubilities increases on passing from the heptafluorine salts to the pentafluorine salts, as fbIlows: (Nlf&)3HfFi (Nlfa)tHfFa NIUM -1,07, oil "I (NH&)3ZrP? (Nll,),ZrP, NH4ZrFs An increase in the coordination number in fluorine complexes of zirconium ajid hafnium. decreases somewhat the difference in the properties of these.. compoundi in solution. Orig. art. has: 2 tables OTH RE F: 001 SUB CODE- IC/ SUBM DATE: 03May65/ ORIG REV: 001/ ,C-rd2/2___6D(22 I BUSTJI.YEII, Yu,A.~ GITSTYAKOVA M TAMMI 11.1~i~ Reaction of beryllium fluoride with hydrogen fluorf-de in th8 prest~noe of methyl alcohol. Zhur.neorg.khim. II no.l,,,156-159 Ja W7. (YII?IA 19i1) 1. Tnstitut obshchey i neor,-a-1icIe,3kov khlriti 11mcni N.3).Kurnakovs, AN SSI'R. Submitted July 259 1964. GUSTYR I ------- Investigating errors of an optical dividing head. lzm.tekh. ao.9: 10-12 5 6o. (MIRA 13:9) (Optical instruments--Testing) KORONKEVICH, V.P.; GUSTYRI, L.Ya. Precision of the measurement of part dimensions by the method of shadow projections. lzm.tekli. no-5:5-9 MY 162. (MIRA 15:6) (Optical measurements) E19VE155 AUTHORS: Koronkevich, V.P., and Razuvayev, A. N6 qus tyr I --L- Ya TITLE: An interference method of measuring thread parts PERIODICAL: lzmeritelinaya tekhnika, no.2, 1963, 8-14 TEXT; Since the shadow boundaries observed in the microscope do not coincide with the actual profile of the object, special me asuring blades are used to reduce errors when making measurements. If the part is curved in the optical axis, and the measuring microscope has a small aperture of illumination parallel to the part outlined, interference bands are observed which can be used in measuring the part sizes by taking the first interference band as a reference line and calculating the distance from this first band to the shadow outl:Lne. However, difficult:Les arise in using interference bands in this way mainly because the distance to the first interference band depends on the focus of the microscope and on the aperture)of the light beam. The present article assesses the influence of these factors. A solution has already been published for transparent objects and large apertures (D.S. Rozhdestvenskiy, Trudy GOI, v.149 1941, 112-120). Card l/ 4 S/115/63/000/002/001/008 An interference method of E194/EI55 Calculations are first m6de of the positions of interference bands at the edges of a cylinder, assuming a parallel light beam in the optical axis. The following formulas are derivedt 2 2 a u + + x r sin X (I + cos u), (2a) I(r C 0 is Y) (r 2 u U x r cos i tan u r + r sin y tan u (3) ,where: 6 - difference between the distances travelled by the direct and reflected (intcrfering) beams beyond the point of .reflection; u - the half-angle of reflection; x - the abscissus of the interference pattern; y - its ordinate. The position of t he first interference band is found by putting 6 = one half- wavelength and y = 0. Then a table can be drawn.up relating the: distance to the first interference band in microns to the cylinder d iameter in millimetres. Various errors are then analyzed. Quite !a small error in focussing the microscope has a considerable 1 Card 2/4 S/115/63/000/002/001/oo8 An interference method of ... E194/E155 influence on the result and the development of a simple and i convenient method of focussing is a prerequisite to the application of interference bands in the measurement of parts. A small angle between the incident beam and the optical axis is shown to be relatively unimportant. The formulas assume a point source, but in fact the microscope always has an appreciable aperture. Up to 11 a certain point increasing the microscope aperture only affects the outer bands; however# above a certain critical aperture, given by the expression f% Cos u d = (11) u 2 r cos j + y sin u the interference bands near the object lose their contrast. For example in examining an object of-100 mm, diameter, the critical diaphragm of a microscope type **JVIM-21 (UJ~1-21) is 4 mm, and with an aperture of 8 mm no interference bands are observed. The radius of curvature of a screw surface R is given by d cp R = - (12) OL Card 3/4 2 sin 2 S/115/63/000/002/00.1/008 An interference method of ... E194/E155 where: dcp - mean diameter; a - thread profile angle. Tables may then be drawn up for the correction in microns to be applied for threads of various mean diameters and profile angles. In an experimental check of the theory, to obtain precise focus, a cylindrical gauge of known diameter was measured by the recommended procedure and it was taken that if there was no error the focus was correct. Standard threads of various mean diameters and profile angles were then checked by measurements with blades or by the three-wire method using the same microscope;: divergences did not exceed 2 microns. It is concluded that, provided precautions are taken to ensure accurate focussing, the interference method of measuring screw threads has advantages over the usual blade or wire contact methods. There are 5 figures and 3 tables. Card 4/4 GUSTYREV, V.F. Duration of immunity in subjecto vaccinatect with live influenza vaccine. Vop.virus. 4 no.21l57-61 Xr-Ap '59. (MIRA 12:6) 1. Kafedra opidemiologii Dnepropetrovskogo meditainakogo institute.. (INYLUMU, immunol. vacc., duration of immmo after vacc. with live ~accins (Run)) ZUSTIREV, ". Y. ii. *: - _, Cand -ect Sci - (aisq) "ijur~i-ori o~* ! ostvacu-in;lz~ion Z' 7 j .r.aiamit,N. in vzcciil2teu tice liv,t! vac(,ine'ti DnepropeLrovsk, 1o,60, 15 pp (ii-nepropeLrov,9k St;~A,-- -.t~alcal Jrist~'UuLe) (KL, 40-60, 123) GUSULEAC,--Y,. Contributions to the morphoecologic st,idy qf the flower of Borago officinalis L. and some phylogenetic considerations. Studil cerc biol veget 11 no-3:273-280 '59. (U.41 10:3) (Boraginaceae) (Flowers) (Ecology) (Phylogeny) HEMAN, G., assist. prof.; GUSULEAC, M., prof.; BALOESCU, C. Observations on some cases of floral irregularities in Digitalis purpurea Linn .- Rumanian M Rev. no.3:88-90 JI-S 160. (DIGITALIS) .GUSULEACg M. The ecologi;c morphology of the flower of Borago officinalis and phylogenetic considerations on it. Rev biol 5 no.):169-175 160. (EEAI 10:4) (BORAGO OFFICINALIS) (FLOWERS) (ECOLOGY) (HYLOGENY) YURV=O. A. I.; GUSYAKOV, V. P. Emulsions Effect of the concentration and nature of an emulsifier on the degree of dispersion of latexes. Dokl. AN SSSR, no. 1, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, ngnpmbar 1953. Unclassified. YURZHMMO, A.I.. professor; GUSYAKOV, V.P., assistent. -,- .." ~~" I I Study of dispersion of -i.v- In relation to the nature and concentration of the emulsifier and the monomer. Dop.ta pov.Liviv.un. no-3 pt.2:36-37 152. (MLRA 9:11) (Latex) 11-Wasta"ro Uw/kipr. 52 "Inreatigation of Dispersion Capacity of Synthetic Latexes on the Basis -of Their Light Dispersion," A. I. Yurzhenko, V. P. Gusyakov, Lab of Phys~snd Colloid Chem, L'vov Wd. Inst .."KOlloid Zhur" Vol XIV, No 2, pp 140-147 Studied light dispervion in synthetic latexes of polyentadiene in various conens, and depending on the method of their prepn. If the conan of polywr is increased, the light dispersion goes tovard a max, because of absorption of dispersed ,~2 1 ffht tn the latex. In polymer conans below 1 10-3% the relation between turbiditY and conen is linear. The increase of the radius of the polywr particles in this concn raW, according to the Rayleigh eq, gave results close to those obtainsd by tbe,ultramicroscope, but shifting to lover Val- ues. Tile Debye eq gave analogous results- If I tbs' deg of polywrizatiOn is increased,'.tbe latex parti- Cleo gr.ow. Accumulation of pol3nner in the aq pbRile of tbm-_ eiulsion generally increas~o the vol of the polymT. particles, but not their number. 2:L6Ti6 P8 0 Chomical Abst. V01- 48 Apr. 25 ' P, Rubber and Cth~,r Ele~~,Qm ro C,) ; The state Of 4111PS"1023 of SyUUktjkj&bUZgjKfth respect to Its Zendenca an that catur* ~~, concentration of the f emul fler and modem (I kc, and A.' P. Lyurzhenka. Collaid J-er 1952)TEFg-r- H. L. H-. I-III E_ UwR/Chemistry - Rubber, Rubber 1 Sep 52 CQ Emulsifiern '*The Effect of Concentration and Type of Emulsi- fier on the Dispersion of Latexes," A. I. Yur- zbenko, V. P. Gusyakov, L'vov State U imeni Iv. Franko "])ok Ak Nauk SSSR" Vol 86, No 1, PP 129-131 Styrene and isoprene latexes were prepd in the laboratory and tested with the following emul- sifiers: Na salt of dibutylbenzenesulfonic acid (MM), N,a salt of eiconylbenzenesulfonic acid tsUfsnol), Na salt of dibutyl-alpba-naphthalenesul- tonic acid (nekal) and sodium oleate. Decreasing the conan of emulsifier in the latex increases the size of the particles. This is true for all emulsifiers. When the concn of the emulsifier is over the crit conen, the dispersion of the latex is detd by the dis- persion of the emulsifier. At the crit concn, high dispersion latexes form with those emulsifiers whose crit concns are lowest (sulfanol). What happens be- low the crit concn is still being investigated. Pre- sented by Acad P. A. Rebinder 23 Jun 52, 234T24 GUSYAKOV) V.P. InNrestiuatin.r the 'isnersit~. of Oynt'letic Iatexes in Relation to tile Conditions of Their Formation." Cand 0hem Sci., LIvov State ", LIvoy 1953, (RZIiKhim, No 20, Oct 54) 1 Survey of Scientific and Techinal Disseitations Defended aLL Ussi" Hirher Educational Institutions (10) SO: sun No. 481, 5 May 55 I ell,- Loll, e an 97 p M X--%% at Mii4MCOOK %rz-- thejit%itiatog., O=d i=xtztw~ TFW-. PR whm (B1% -,M; UUd mi the U=btor, SIX., tit- 40* and 0.18% gtstoc, r was W, 39, and V ula when PH wu 1.3. SA, =& 10.6. r--p., and at 45* azd 0.01. M (BzOh r was 3% 41, and 46 mp at pff 1.3, 6.8. =i 11.6; the p1li vms adlustc-d trith lir,4M. YaOff. or Kii0i, mad r o-wr "Icd. fmm the turbifty. The final no. ci! the latex ptuii ticles cannos. be gveater than that of the cumlaifier mk-,-Ucs4 u the wkeVeg of ff arin greater. the s2rater ip the pff (tbv;' cont"In CA go, and 9-4 mt. 11 at.pFf I's. Q'6' and 12,04 ctsp.). rvi'tr pzrtldz&m'c pmmt (it alk. em,(ns.' and t4ld r (tit the mr3st. total coft=.) li grutcr, 11:13 i~ the Law of(EZ03it, III 6ellutaxtecorwate"A. inidawg. the:62'~ r-k3l'~wrftatfan of active md[caft of the faitlzfor " gricatcr hi aft. wllo fter1rom"Ill AtU SoTtA. not All mWics 4.0 in mc(d SaWf addav. ~'t Ka be Naszo, M.: and taizer Wts. vif=d, r beeaw-^ 4--d[Addl (ti and large ones decreasedt thc~=- of mk~~ItW Of ff. XlRi of E-"u v=tcr (MCM-310AW) when took aitm it pff It than at OR 1.75 (4t pK~~ po . .. .. .............. the cllel;tyo~' of xty~zfilj A. 1, HA 6'. 1 )1, V I Z171-Y'~ '5 1:71T!L.')'. C.A . v;' :i-. u'L CrUSYAKOV, V.P. [Husialcov. V.P.1: YU117-MMKO, A.I. [lUrphonko, 0.1.1 -------Bff0f--or-9aturated aliphatic alcohols on the scattering light by protein solutinne and on their viscosity. 1auk.zaD.L'viY.ujj. 46-34-42 '58. 041~A 12:7) (Alcohols) (Viscosity) (Proteins--Optical properties) GUSYAKOV, V.P., dotsent, kand.khim.naulc Iuflueuce of inorganic salts on the solubility of caffeine, tbeophylline, and thoobromine. Apt.delo 8 no.5:30-33 S-0 159. (MIRA 13-1) 1. Iz kafedry neorganicheakoy khimii Llvawskago meditsinskogo insti- tuta. (S&WS) (PURINES) GUSYAKOV, V.P. [HusiakOv, V.P.1; SHIMSKAYA, I-V. [Sukmansika, I.V.) Study of influence of the nature of the solubilizer on its dissolving action. Dissolving action of the sodium salts of benzoic, orthoo3q- benzoic, and pa:raaminosalicyclic-acids. Farmatsev. zhur. 15 no,:L: 20-23 160. ,' (MIRA 14:5) 1. Kafedra neorganiche koy, khimii Llvovskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (BENZOIC ACID5 (SALICnIC ACID) -'~~USYAKOVj V.P. (Husyalcov, V.P.1; SMiU.SKAYA9 I.V. [Sukmanslka, I.V.1 Study of the influence of the-malecula structure of hydrotropic material an its dissolving action. Report No. 2: Dissolving action of the sodium.salts of isomeric oxybenzoic acids. Farmatsev. zhur. 16 no. 2.25-28 161* (1143A 14:4) 1. Kafedra neorganichnoy khimii L'vovskogo meditainakogo,instituta. (BENZOIC ACID) GUSYAKOV, V.P. [Husiakov, V.P.]; BRAZHNIKOVA, O.P. Study of the sulubility of medicinal substances. Part 4: Influence of the nature of an inorganic cation on the qolubility of benzoic acid,and caffeine. Farmatsev. zhur. 16 no.3:28--30 161. (MIRA 14; 6) 1. K~Xedra neorganigheakoy khimii LIvovskogo moditainskogo instituta. A (BENZOIC ACID) (CAFFBINE) (CATIONS) t I BRAZIIL,'IKQVj', ().I . C!.1,. 1; V.i . I.H11-I"I "f -;, - I . I .9 V.. Investigating the solubility of medicinal subctances. Report No.5: Effect of the nature of sulfur-containing anions on the solubility of caf,'cino and benzoic icid. Farrvitoev. zhur. 18 no.2;37-42 163. (NI11lik 17slO) 1. -:afodra neorganicheskoy kliji-di ljvov,4.ol mditsinskcgo instituta. On GUSYAKOV, M.P.; BRAZIINIKOVA, O.P. Effect of potassium halides and thiocyanates on the solubility of benzoic acid and its derivatives. Ukr.khim.zhiir. 29 no.1:31-34 163. (MIRA 160) 1. Llvovskiy meditsinskiy institut. (Benzoic acid) (Potassiumbalides) (Potassium thiocyanats) UKHOLFT, N.M. [Lyk-hodIrt,. INJI41F GlJSY.,UOV, V,,P. [Iluotakovj V.P.] S1,-,udj.e!3 on the se*lubillAy of sulfbnil5jdde: preparatlorm. Report Nc.313 Effect of some orgaide acido on Lbe solubility of streptocida. Famatsev.zhur. 19 no.1352-.55 164. (MIRA 18s5) 1. Kafed-ra nek-ganichfiskoy khim4-i Llvovskogo meditsinckogo instituta. Gusy"irOli'j. V~i Iu I i ! L; i j P G D Pre T-.-urati on imli ;wol.erties of E3.1LI-i. -1 zhur . 17 110. 3 ' ~-3041 162, 1 11:10) ,,-i.'L'edra ol,shchey hidinii LtvovsK*O,-o MOCHENGV) !.G.9 inzh.; GUSYATINI F.M., inzh,, Automatic voltage regulation at substations. Elek. i tepl. tiaga no.1:44-46 ja 161. - (KIRA 14:3) (Electric railroads-Substations) TIMCINJ.-M, IvIyacheslav Aleksandrovichi_GUSSYATIN, P.1-1.. inzb., retsenzent; BEL reC; USENKO, L.A., tekhn. YAYEV, I.A., inzh.y red. (Spitial.-rhoFibic susponsion of a conUat netwerk]Prostranstvenno- rombichpokaia kontaktnaia podveska. Moskvap Tramazheldorizdat, 10,62. 105 P. (141R1. 15:12) (Electric railroads--Wires and wiring) GUSYATIIM, B.S. Some restrictions tn the synthesis of flat degree of freedom. Trudy Inst.malsh. Som. 12-15 160*' (Links and link motion) link mechanisms with no po teor.mwh. 21 no.81/82., (MMA 13: U ) , t. 1. GUSYATINBR'_B_S.; LOBANOVSKIY, M.G., inzh., retsenzent; OTDELINOV, P.V., inzh., red. izd-va; MELINICHENKO, F.P., (Automatic lifting limiters for jib cr%nes) Avtomatiche- skie c4t%jinichiteli gruzopodffemnosti strelovykh kranov. Moskvi',.Mashgiz, 1963. 101 P. (MIRA 16:7) (Cranes, derricks, etc.-Safety appliancea) POGODAYEV9 K.I.; SAVCHEN'KO, Z-I-; GUSYAT1NSKAYAq 14j. Biochemical bases of clonic spaBmB. Trudy Inst. vys. nerv. deiat. Ser, fiziol. 5:250-256 160. NIRA 13: 16) 1. Iz kabinets, biokhimii mozga (zav. - K.I. Pogodayev) institute. vyashey nervnoy deyatellnosti, (ELECTRICITY-PHYSIOLOGICAL EFTECT) .(SPASM) (METABOLISM) OVSY.kNWIKOV, F.V.: BORDDULIN, F.R.. professor, redaktor-, XMIMIN. M.K.; !fjuKAWV, Tu.T. [translator] (deceased); GUSTATINSKAYA. T.S., kandidat filnlogicbeskikh nauk [translatooor~ ~-.IITIVIT doktor binlogicheskikb nauk, redaktor, KDNDRATITM, S.P., professor, redaktor; GLMMTRDnVA, G.A., takhnicheskly redaktor. (Selected worksl Izbrannye proizvedeniia. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo med. lit-ry. 1915. 198 p. (MLRA 8-10) (BIOIDGT) GUSYATINSKIY, A.I.. redaktor [A collection of summaries of research work carried out by the Academy during 19551 Sbornik annotatsil nauchnykh rabot Akademii, vypolnennykh v 1955 godu. Koskva, 19JP6. 34 p. (HLRA 9:~O) 1. Akademiya kommunallnogo khosyaystva. Moscow. (Municipal services) KOZHIIIOV, V.F.,.kand.tekhn.nauk, red.; ZASOV,-I.A., knnd. tekhn.zanuk, red.; GUSYATINSKIY A.I. red.; POLKOVSKIY, M.A.,red.; KHRISTENKO, V.P., re(Ljzd;;*-vR-, #Oik6V: S.Y., [New engineering equipment for municipal services] lovaia teld?nika v gorodok-ow khosinistve. Moskva, Izd-vo M-ra kommun. khoz.RSFSR, 1957. 215 p, (KIRA 11:1) 1. Akademiya kommunalnogo khozysystva, Moscow. (Municipal engineering-Equipment and supplies) GUBYATINGM, Igor A. "Distortion of Sivial in Trq"pheric Scatter Pro~tlon.- Vapor pressuted at the Coaareme an Propagation of Very Short Waves in Prague (Mblice) 10-12 lowesiber 1950. AUTHOR: Gusyatinskiy, I.A. SOV/106-59-4-1/13 TITLE: Bandwidth an d Power of Transient Interference in Radio- communication by Tropospheric Scatter (Shirina polosy i moshchnost' perekhodnvkh pomekh pri radiosvyazi rasseya- niyem v troposfere) PERIODICAL: Elektrosvyazl, 1959, Nr 4, pp 3 - 12 (USSR) ABSTRACT: With tropospheric scattering of u.h.f. transmission, a large number of signal components, dispersed by the different irregularities of the dielectric constant of the air, arrive at the receiver. The phase relations between the separate signal components differ for different frequencies and. consequently, the amplitude of the total signal varies in a random manner with change of frequency, leading to amplitude distortion of the transmitted signal. With a single sideband, multi-channel, radio-telephony system, non-linear amplitude distortions ar-- produced in the different channels. The article consists of a theoretical investigation of the distortiois of the amplitude spectrum and the power of the transient interf"erence. The formulae obtained can be used in the design of radio-communication Cardl/2 links using tropospheric scatte--ing. Bandwidth and Power of Transient Interference in Radio-communication by Tropospheric Scatter Candidate of Technical Sciences S.V. Boro& hel-oed the author in this work. There are 5 figures and 7 references, 2 of which are English, 1 German and 4 Soviet. SUBMITTED: June 5, 1958 Card 2/2 GUSYATINSKIY, I. A., Cand Tech Sci -- (diss) "Theoretical research into fluctuation and distortion of signal in distant tropospheric propagation of ultra-short waves." Moscow, 1960. 1.0 pp; (Ministry of Communications USSR, Moscow Electrical Engineering Inst of Com- munications); 150 copies; price not given; printed on duplicating machine; (KL, 17-60, 153) ooo AUTHOR. -_~Lu:- ~at~ ~-k~y, I- A- 28045 s/lo6/6.1/OOO/0O9/GQ3/0o8 A055/A127 TITLE: Distortions in tropospheric transmission of television using frequency modulation. PERIODICAL. Elektrosvyaz' Q, 1961, 15 - 21 TEXT: This article is a theoretical analysis of the distortion occurring in tropospheric television transmissions. This problem has not yet been treated in literature. The analysis appliesto the FM case. The frequency variation at the receiver input is determined in the case of the transmitter frequency varying accord dinR to the trapezoidal law. When the transmitter frequeticy varies accordLng to an arb Itrary LiLW; (L) = f (t) M signals from different scatterers reach the reception, point with different delays. If the delay for a certain point of scattering medium is equal to (L- , t~hen, at the moment t, this point reradiates the signal with frequency W= f (t (2) Card 1/10 2306 S/106/61/000/009/00,-/oo8 Distortions in tropospheric transmission ..... AO55/AI27 The dependence of the signal amplitude on the delay can be expressed by the follow- ing random functiont 2 U Av'-'.%raging give's the following regular dependence: -2 - U (4) A more ex 'r)iicit form can be givRn to the re-lation between tb=- aMDI.-,T,'jde a-nd the frrquen-y of the individuall elsmen'.;.;t--.y ~Ftgnals by writing: T = - T (CO) + t and sub:,-tituting then (5) if n Wi obT,Iin -2 U + -;1 (6) Ex re5sion (6) determ-inec- -th~- sps C4-T.-.LM of J-.k p he square asnpltk~ide of thie tota-I siLaial ~j4-ect, .. - -.n-+io-n. in the moment t. Pals zig-nal car 'I-e characte-rized by a certain ir.,,~t;,antaneous frequency (random frequency) whoqt.- aversge value can, ljna;.r Card 2/10 28045 S/1 06/6 1 /000/009/00311/1'r,"p-1 'r A055/A 127 Lie aleter-nined CIO d., (7) qb is t,br7i energ Ospect k .rum of 'he random (and stationary) prooees r~~pr-3- Irv an -.i tien wl th rg-ndom %mpli tude and phase, tht.% -M.Siwd phat;~, timc- -d,,:- b- niF the ! w5L5.W,.a-neous frequency; on the other han(J.- 2 (co do,. 4r 0 'r,_ pr;~babi 1. J t~y di stribut-1 on law for the frequency deviation from the aversge w (9) 00) ,~,)U T. 28045 s/io6/6.i/ooo'/009/oo3/oo8 Dj..-torti.on~ in troPospheric traiismlssion .... A055/AJ27 (oil arslysis, ttv~ au+.bcr examines the distortion o of a 'TI Ej 5haze. tb.!.~ shapp, having been reccwendqd by thin- IRCC path. The build-up time of tbF- ~Ignal t i~ of- the picturp signal specti,urn. Approxitrue-Orig pa,.41~rr, by a Qq~usiiaa curve, assuming tz- %,he- J& de z ine by, the al i Is te-w - d t tude of the corre,:pondine ;,n.J lin.~.azly &-.-pen-dent on this altitude, a-sitiming 14gri5_1 pa.:~6.rg i,4rough the intersection poJnI, -:1 t-t pal t,ij~?a 'Or. fJnds that formula (4) tvir,~ tl-~! 'R 28045 -9/106/61/000/009/003/038 Distortions in tropospheric transmission A055/A127 whereoL.Is the radiation pattern width (half-power angle), d Is the length of tile path, c is the propagation velocity of electromagnetic energy, and R is the effec- tive radius of the Earth. Letus state that, when the test signal is applied to the input of an ideal frequency modulator,caois the center frequency and + WdwlS the frequency deviation (Figure 1). The variation law of the transmitter fre- quency will then be determined by the following expressions; (0j) - (ti at t < - T'O dev 2 2 P' dev OD + t at - CO < t < !L (14) TO 2 2 W + W ! at t 7 T6 dev 2 Therefore, and according to (2), the nonhomogeneity for which the delay is equal toc-L reradiates, at the moment t, the signal with frequency: =COO-LO at t - 11L dev 2 Card 5/ 10 28945 s/io6,161/0w/009/003/008 Distortions in tropospheric transmission .... A055/AI27 =to + 24,,,, (t 7 _L ) at t - T 4 0 TO ? ~ (15) Q) = to + 0 at t -"-L ~7 & V dev 2 We are interested only in the deviation of the total signal. frequency (at recep- tion) from the center frequency 00. Therefore, we shall consider that a-1= 0 and thaL the transmitter frequency varies from -U)dev to + Wdev when Lhe tez-t signal. is applied. Under these conditions, we have: 6) Cc 0+ t at - T2 + t e-T < -5 + L. 24) dev 2 2 Substitution of (16) in (13) gives thp signal spectrum at the moment t.,. 0- U2 = e at -u dev Z_ 0 4 Wdev (i7) where b = 2 t (!8) IUD Wdev Card 6/ lo 2) ~ Ch 5 s/i o6/6 i/ooQ/oo9/oo3./o(.)8 Distortions in tropospheric transmission .... A055/AJ27 anct P = 0,3 'Odev C~C d a) -L , cR At j --1 -LO dev ill (17), we must evidently suppose that: (1) -~ - u) dev (201) and at w> (j dev ' Q) = ") d ev According to (8), we find: ,00 2 6 . S e 12PI d 2N p. 22) -00 Then, substituting (17), (20) and (21) in (7) arld taking (22) Into account, wf~ find the average frequency of the total a.lignal .9~, the moment t: (W - b) cude~ ~W W1 (t -~l 2 -5r e (~) dev do)+ do) + Lo e + d - CO dev ~ Card 7/ 10 IL, 28045 S/1.06/6 1/oOO/OG9/Cx-I 31/0-08 Distortion5 in tropospheric transmission A0555/A-L27 Substitution of (17), (20) and (21) in (11) gives an analogous expression fox, Integrating a-nd using (18) a-nd (19), we obtain follaDwing "nal f orrruiae. Oil ) ) f- 0, 24 T 0 5 r (D + 1.) IP (7, (D - 1. (Z 2- 1 - 0.5 ( t D2 - O~ 36-, 2)[ M ('ZJ + V (26) + 0. 112 (0..12 Z + 4 -C D) e 0-12 .12 4,1 ~D) where Z (D 4 1).; Z2 = 1~65' (D - 11; D (Z) N[ .F Aor, 'i Ij Af (Af*o i!~ tbe" orr6l,jl. . band" I.R I A and T Card 2,1045 s/io6/61/ooo/0O9/0o3/oo8 Distortions in tropospheric transmission .... A055/A127 yatinskiy, Shirina polosy i moshchnost' perekhodnykh pomekh pri radiosvyazi ras- seyaniem v troposfere (Band Width and Cross Talk Power In Tropospheric Radio Com- munication) "Elektrosvyaz"', 1959, no. 41 within the limits of which the correla- tion coefficient between the signal fimplitudes decreases to 1/e.) The examinatiai of the final formulae and of the corresponding graphs leads the author to the following conclusions: Atf= 1, a high-quality television picture can be expect- ed for at least 90% of the time. At -f= 2, the picture transmission is possible, ~ut the picture quality will decrease at -times. At 7' = 3, the signal distortions become intolerable. With the usual length of line sections of the order of 250 km, it is necessary to use highly directional antennae whose C~, must not be grea- ter then 0.50. The magnitude of the distortions depends only on "f" ; it does not depend on the frequency deviation. There are 4 figures, 5 Soviet-bloc and 5 non- .-Soviet-bloc references. The references to the English-language publications read as follows: Tidd. Demonstration of bandwidth capabilities of beyond-horizon tropospheric radio propagation. Proc. IRE., 1955, no. 10. Dyke, Tropospheric communication for intercontinental TV transmission. J. of SMPTE, February 196o. Chisholm. Measurements of the bandwidth of radio-waves propagated by the tropos- phere beyond the horizon. "IRE. Transact." AP-6, 1958, no. It. Crawford. Studies Card 9/10 V;045 S/j06/6j/oOo/Ooq/oO3/0()8 Distortions in tropospheric Transmission ..... A055/A127 in tropospheric propagation beyond the horizon. 1-33TJ" Sept. .1959, 38. SUBMIWED: January 21, 1961. [Abstracter's note: The following subscripts and symbols are translated In text and formulae: dev (deviation) stands for a (subscript); D stands for ~ (symbol In 25 and 26)] W1 Figure 1: 1 - dev instead of "0". Card 10/10 - GUSYATINSKIY. I.A.. RYSKIN, E.Ya. Theoretical and experimental study of the power of transient interference during multibeam reception. ElektrosviazI 16 no.12:3-13 D 162. (MIRA 16:1) (Radio relay lines) (Microwave communication systems) ~ACCESSION UR: AP4042501 5/0106/64/000/007/0013/0016 ~AUTUOR.- Guayatinskiy, I.A.; Nemirovskiy, A. S. TITLE, Experimental investigation of a transmissibn band in singla and diversity reception of signals of long-distance tropospheric ultrashort-wave propagation -16 iSOURCE: Elektrosvyaz no. 7, 1964, 13 TOPIC TAGS: troposphere frequency characteristic, tropospheric ,propagation, diversity signal reception. wide transmission band ;ABSTRACT: A study of the probability distribution of irregularities in the troposphare frequency characterin-tics was conducted during the reception of signals with a single receiver an well as during diversity' reception with two receiver.,;. The distance between the transmitter and receivers was 303 km, and the antenna beam width at half-power points was le. The FM transmitter was modulated with ;sawtooth voltageaj and the output frequency varied between fcarrier -5 Mc and fearrier +5 Mc. During the diversity reception the receiver .i-f signals were combined and fed to three oacillographa. It was LS-~..jL /..7 ACCESSION NR: AP4042501 1found that'the probability of-the occurrence of irregularities in Ithe frequency characteristics during the reception with a single IreceLver in the 1-He band vas equal to that obtained during the !diversity reception in the 3-Hc band. Also, the linear superposition. I of L-f signals du'ring the diversity reception resulted in the widening I .of the transmission band along the propagation path. Orig. art. hass. 14 figures and 3 formulas. ]ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 15Jan64 ATD PRESS: 3067 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: EC NO REF SOV: 003 OTHER: 001 Cord 2/2 L 32835-65 FSS-21~JTWTI ACCESSION NR: AP5005579 S/010616.5/000100a/002,11003.3 AUTHOR: Gusyatina~ ~-jrjl. Ryskin, S. YaL. -Theoretical and experimental investi uottiatiot-is of :T: TITLE: gation'of the a 9 P-th t-,haniiel amplitude and phase'of the modulatim signal in arL F'M nmihijill ISOURGE: Elektrosv a2; no. 2, 1965, 24-33 TOPIC TAGS: multiv'sith communication, multipath transmi~sion,,;:FM rad*o telegraphs_ r -T! A theoretical investigation is esented of th6 iuinpliiude' imid 9 e STRA, pr~ _p 'of !kre juenc)i 'dt t6r, wit, !al: ftuctuations of the first harmonic at the output, a c e 64, single-tone sinusoidal modulation-and a signal trans miss i6ft ;I naultipa-'th.i channel having random parameters. Tlie amplitude: fluctuat;1:111 gromrs 'with ttLd: j.higher modulating frequency, i. e. the netsattenuati6n decroases.1 The: integfal distribution of the group transmission time and of tiLe,lirst-barrnoilic;3.mp1iit.ilije iii~ rCard 1/2 - -------- - a, AF14AND, N.A.; VVEDR~'SKIY, B.A.7 G70SYATINSKIY, I.A.; IGOSIEV, I.P.; XALINi, KAZAKOVP L.Ya.; A.I.- KOLOSOV, M.A.; LEVSBIN, I.F.; LOMAKIN, A.N.; NAZAJOVA, L.G.; li&.IROVSKIY, A.S.; FROSIN, A.V.; RYSKIN, E.Ya.; SOKOLOV, A.V.; TARASOV, V.A.; TRASHKOV, P.S.; TIKHOMIROV, Yu.A.4 TROITSKIY, V.N.; FEDOROVA, L.V.; CHERRY, F.B.; SHABELINIKOV, A.V.I- SHIREY, R.A.; SHIMIN, U.S.; SHUR, A.A.; YAKOVLEV, 0.1.; ARENBERG, N.1a., red. [Long-distance tropospheric prcpagation of ultrashort radio waves] Dallnoe tropoafernoe rasprostrunenie ulltrakorotkikh radiov-)ln. Moskva, Sovetskoe radio, 1965. 434 P. (MIRA 18:9) GUffATINSKIY, Igor' Alekgandrovich- RYZHYCV, Yevgeniy Vasfilye,,ich; Wlyffo7affl~~,~21;~~ifai;-Folomonovich; MARKOV, V.V.,- retsenzent; LEVIN, G.A., retsenzent [deceased]; BORODICH, S.V., otv. red.; NOSOVA, M.N., red. [i~adio relay comnunication lines] Radioreloinye linii svia- zi. Moskva, Sviazl, 1965. 542 p. (KRA 19:1) AM5027749 Monograph UR/ Armand, N. A.; Vvedenskiy, .1. Guoyatlnsklyp I, A,; Igoahev, I,F,;. KazakovP L, YA.; Kalinin A; Wffz8=Va, L. U.; Neml- -A-. S-.P., ro6-fn--.--A-.V.; yro n- ~00 ~6-VA. V,; ltiiasov, Tashkov,.P. S. i.; Troitakiy, V, N, Fedorova, Lo V,j On ; Sh ellnikov- &,~[,; shire R A ShiTrin,, YA. b,; RtrnVp_.Fj Bf yo 0 Shur,, A, A,;;YAkovlevp 0, 1, j Kol ov, Me A. Leevenhh- 1# Fe) LoONALkinp As J6 Upper tropospheric prop~aatlon%ftl.trash6rt radio waves (Dallneye tropoofe noye rasprostraneniye ulitrakorotkikh radiovoln) Moscow,, Izd-vo "Sovetakoye radio", 1965- 414 P. illus., biblio, 4000 copies printed. P!OPIC TAGS: radio wave propagation, tropospheric radio wave,, radio communication,, space communication.)tropospheric scAtter communicat- ion, signal processing, signal distortion, field theory PMOSE AND COVERAGE: This monograph is intended for specialists working In the field of radiowave propagation,, designers of long- distance radio communication systems, and teacheve and students of the advanced courses in schools of higher technical education#, The' monograph contains, for the moot part, heretofore unpublished results of Soviet wMerimental. and theoretical Investigations In the field of long-tUstance tropospheric ultrashortwave propagation.. Qwd -i An %wuoc: 6-2/-.3W , 2,v - MRS AM5027749 'Problems of Investigating the troposphere by means of refracto- meters, the mean level of signals, meteorological conditions and topography, fluctuation of arrival angles and distortions of antenna-v directivity patterneilosses In antenna gain, and quick and slow fadings of signal levels are discussed, The statistical character-. istica of the signals at diversity reception In time, apace, fre- quency and angle as well as the distortion of signals In the commun- ication systems are also investigated. The long-distance propagat- ..theory to analyzed, and the engineering method of calculating field intensity at long-distance tropospheric propagation is given. At - present, there is no theory of Long-Diatance Tropospheric Propagat- ion which can be applied effectively enough in practice. Thus, In the investigation of that propagation, considerable attention has to be paid to experiments, The special characteristics of geograph- Ical conditions of the territory Involved should be taken into con- sideration during the analysis of experimental data and in their practical application because the conditions of propagation In arctic and tropical climates differ from those existing over seas and'continents, A considerable part of the monograph deals with the investigatiorsof long-distance tropospheric propagation carried out over dz"j land routess 800 km long., In the central part of the USSR under the general supervision of B, A, Vvedenakly and A, 0,- Arenbe (up-to 1957). V. 1. Siforov Inviest1gated probleeN-con- Cmd ACC N% AN5027749 nected with CA.-stortione and fluctuations or signman. Refei4mees follow each chapter, TABLE OF CONTMOS: Foreword Ch. I. Radio Zngineering Methods of Investigating the Troposphere Dielectric Constant .Bibliography -- 16 Ph, 11. Results of Troposphere Dielectric Constant keasurements 17 1. Relationship between the mean value of the air refraction index and altitude. Standard radio-atmosphere -- 17 ,-,2. Fluctuations of the air refraction Index- -- 24 3. Some notions on the troposphere model -- 43 #IbllOgraPhY 45 I Ch. ni. Average (mean) Signal Levels in Long Distance Tropospheric Propagation of UltraAhort Waves ( Lit. P -U 3 W) -- 48 ACC NRj A145027749 1. Equipment and measuring methods for the mean signal level -- 48 20 Signal attenuation function in LTP USW -- 54 5, Relationship between mean signal level and the distance -57 4, Relationship between mean signal level and the wavelength -- 3 5, Relationship of mean signal level and-the shadow angko,of both transmitting and receiving antennas --1;65 6. Diurnal and seasonal variations of mean signal level 72 Bibliography 75 lCh.' IV, Effect of Air Refraction Index at the Earth Surface on the Mean Field Level in =P USW -- 77 1, Correlation of the mean field level with the air refraction Index at the Earth Surface. -- 77 2. Possibility of predicting field Intensity variations 81 Ch. V. Fluctuation of Radiowave Arrival Angles and Instantaneous Patterns of Antennas Directivities -- 88 1, Methods of measuring radlowave arriv-1 angles-and recording of instantaneous antenna direatIonal pat.-erne -- 89 AM502T749 2o Fluctuation of radlowave arrival angles In horizontal am vertical planes -- 92 3~ Instantaneous antenna directional patterns 92 Bibliography 102 me 'U. Losses In Antenna Gain of Jrp USw -- 103 1. Determination and methods or measuring losises-In antenna gain 2, Experimental data on losses in antenna gain ~w 108 3. Theoretical investigations on losses In antenna gain 114 Bibliogrwhy 120 Ch, VII, Theories of Long Distance Tropospheric Propagation -of USW -- 122 1, Introductory remarks 122 Bibliography IL29 2. Theory of scattering radlowaves by tropospherlo tuftulent 1,1110mogeneitLes -130 Cwd AN5027749 Bibliography 150 3. Reflection of radlowaves f. dielectric nontwoogeneitles of definite d1mensions -- 151 BIbliography 171 4o Reflections of radlowaves from laminated tropospherio nonhomo. geneities of random character -- 172 'Bibliography 179 Ch. V111. Engineering Method of Design-Calculittion of Field Intensity Attenuation -- 186 \,.I. Basic rules of calculation method -- 181 2. Diffraction horizon ( a distance, beginning of which,, the value of the field intensityo calculated according to the,diffraotion formulas is smaller than the measured intensit7) Mo- 182 3. Determination of field standard attenuation - 36 82' 4, Meteorological conditions correction 184 *Local to M raphy correction .. 185 go Fatimate of losses In antenna gain -- 185 ACC NRs M15027749 7. Estimate of fadings Mae 186 Bibliography -_ 188 .0h, IX. Statistical Characteristics of the Envelope, Phase and Fre- quency of the Random Signal in LTF USW -- 189 1. Statistical characteristics-of atmosphere dielectric constant signal components in 1WP -_ 189 2. Distribution-laws for the envelopes and phase of various signal components -- 193 3, Distribution laws of sum-signal envelope 4,Kulti-dimensional distribution functions of instantaneous value oe envelopes and phases of the spaced signals in minute intervals 207 15, Parameters of multi-dimensional-amplitude and phase distribution 1~ functions of spaced signals -- 210 -i6, Statistical characteristics of instantaneous values of the en- velopes of spaced signals in minute Intervals -- 222 7, Statistical characteristics of instantaneous values of spaced signal- phases In adnute intervals -- 239 8, Statistical characteristics of Instantaneous value of phase first derivatives of spaced signals In adnute Intervals -- 248 ACP NWs AM5027749 9. Statistical characteristics of Instantaneous values of the first derivative of phase In minute Intervals -- 257 B~bllography -- 260 Experimental Investigations of Rapid and Slow Fadings in LTP USW -- 262 1, Methods of measuring and processing experimental data -- 262 2, One-dimensional distribution functions of signal Instantaneous values -- 264 3, One-dimensional distribution functions of signal averaged values-. 278 4. Period and frequency in rapid fluctuations of signal envelope-283 Bibliography -- 287 Cb. X1. Experimental Investigation of Signal Statistical Character- Istice at Spaces Frequency, Time and Angle Diversity Reception - 288 1, Space-diversity reception -- 288 2. Frequency-diversity reception -- 295 3. Time-diversity reception -- 299 4e Frequency-time diversity reception -- 305 5# Angle-Uverelty reception 30T Cwd 6A0 MR& AM5027749 Bibliography -- 312 Ch. XII. Investigation of Amplitude-Frequency and Phase-Frequency Signal Characteristics at LTF -- 314 1, Measuring and processing methods of experimental data . 314 2, Amplitude-frequency characteristics -- 321 3. Phase-frequency characteristics of LTP channel -- 325 4. Frequency characterlstice*.of signal group'time delay -334 Bibliography -- 350 Ch. XIII. Signal Distortion in LTP TJSW -- 351 1, Theoretical Investigation of distortions appearing In multi- channel FM LTP cownunication systems -- 352 2, Experimental Investigation of distortion In UP -- 384 3. Distortions appearing during TV transmission over tropospherlo radio links -- 389 Biblioe,raphy -- 392 Appendix Automation of Signal Statistical Processing 394 1, Quantification of continuous signals and coding 395 2, Signal quantifleation Instruments --.39T cmd 9Ao ACC MRs AM5027749 3, Specialized photoelectr1c Input device 401 4, Schematics of generalized statistical procenslag or eVerl- mental data -- 404 Bibliography 410. M CODEs 17/ SMK..DATEs 24jun65/ oRio ww: OTI/ OTH MWt 0103/ _1691flip lumps- Mir U=/Elear' ronica Radio Caxd Authon I al or a radio- lemtiukin 1. A.,, Senior Engineier of a.main temin ,v relay Title I From Werlence in the operation of a radio-relay main lins P6r:LCd1C(&1 S Vest Svyaz, 5, 12 - 13, May 1954 Abstmt t Ultra-high-frecpiency radio-broadcasting apd radio-relay coismnica- tions, are discuissed and a radio-rolay- communication line, iftch operates on decimeter waves (300 - 3000 mge) is described. Do- ficieneies, which have occurred Prom time to time during operation, are analyzed and some measures, which should be taken to improve the operation are recommended. Institution Submitted I ..... GUSYITINSKIT, -I.A., inzhener. Radio relay systems. Vest.sviazi 16 no.10:31-32 0 '56. (KIRA (Unite States--Radio relay eyatems) 10:10) ACC NR: AT70044719- N SO-RCE CODE: Ui~/3245/66/000/0,02/C'044/00'0; JAUTHORS: Gusyatinskiy, L. I.; Besarabov, Ye. S.; Fedenko, V. S. ORG: K-4*.ev institute of Automation (Kiyevskiy institut avtomatiki) TITLE: A device for regulating automatically the level of remote control signals SOURCE: KhajcOkov. Institut gornogo mashinostroyeniya, avtomatiki i vychislitel'noy tekhniki. Pribory i sistemy av-tomatiki, no, 2, 19606, Promyshlennaya telemekhanika (Industrial telemechanics), 44-46. !TOPIC TAGS: ~'remote co ntrol automatic regulation, automatic control design, photoresistor, lamp, signal reception/ FS-Kl photoresistor, SI-1-37 lamp ABSTRACT: A device haa been developed for the automatic regulation of -h(-' level (ARL) of remote control signais for systemq which use contact leads, such as electric locomotives in mines. A photoresistor, - iised as the regulating element to ('rive a broader regulation range and a higher regulation rate. In a contact system, the operating attenuation changes as the object~being controlled is moved. ThQ photo- resistor is included in the common negative feedback circuit encompassin.,- all the Iamplifier stages. The ARL device consists A-iL amplifier which broadens the regulation limits and increases the precision; a detector rhich separates out the AM oscillations and rectifies this; a filter which determines the regulation rate; a DC amplifier for feeding the filament of an SIA-37 incandescent lamp. The regulation i Card 1/2 ACC NR: AT7004472 action is accomplished by comparing the ARL input signal with a delay voltage. 'Maen the XRL output signal exceeds the delay voltage, the lamp is turned on. This reduces the photoresiDtance, increasing the feedback, thereby reducing the amplification. This system is especially effective for multiple loop circuits. The principal advantage of this ARL circuit is its structural simplicity. Reg-alatin.- the photo- rq,,, by.a gas-filled device produces a sharp triggering threshold and eliminates I the need for a reference voltage. Such a circuit, uning an FS_K1 yhoto~eaistor and arx, TM-37 lamp, gave a regulation limit of 4 nep at a rate of 0-7 nep/seo with precision of 0.5--0-7 nep. Orig. art. hasi 2 figures. SUB CODE: 09/ SuBil DATE: none Card ACC=ION NR: AP4020320 S1030Z16410001001100581005, :AUTHOR: Ga!y&~tinIkk_# L. Lj,Skry$nchsnko, D.A. TULE; Device for ahaping square-pules Y91tages Out of 019w-Y&Tyiag YQU*gef SOURCE: Avtoniatika I priborootrayeniye, no. 1. 1964, 58-S9 TOPIC TAGS: voltage shaper, square wavq'6haper, automatic cast Iron pouring, ~netallurgical plant automation ABSTRACT: Electronic relays, Schmittla triggers, and other threshold marking devices cannot operate correctly if the rate-of-change of the input voltage is 4 v/sec or higher; in addition, their operating -thr e s hold stability Is inadequate. A new semiconductor device, described in the article, was developed for automatic cast-iron pouring 'purposes. The input-voltage rate -of -change is determined by the speed of the conveyer carrying cast-iron-filled molds* The new device consists of a threshold unit and a trigger unit. The threshold unit is L -rd 1/2 11M Man 'ACCESSION NR: AP4020320 designed with two single-shot multivibratorm fed through D809 stabilivolts. It is claimed that the device showed a stable operation with a -5 +58C temperature range. It was Introduced at the Metallurgical Plant im. DzershinskLy. Orig. art. his: 2 figures. ASSOCIATION: none SU13MITTED 00 SUB CODE: CG, 1E Card 2/7. DATEACQ: 31Mar64 ENGU* 00 NO REF SOV: 000 OTHIM: 00.0 G US IATI 1 Y 2 L . I ~ Rnsoaanc() a0lect-or with a ifigative resistance for telemocharical frequency rlevicw~ . A-vtom. I prlt)~, no.2.~41~43 AP-Je 165. (MRA 180) L 3975-66 EWT(I)IEYIA(h) :ACCESSION NR: AR5014347 UR/0271/65/OOO/OWA624/ib* 24 621-318-563.5 :SOURCE: Ref. zh. Av-tomatika, tolemekhanLka i vyohislitellnaya takhnika. Svodnyy tom, As. 5M65 ~AUTHOR: Gusyatinskiy, L. I. ,TITLE-. Lon -delM semiconductor relay ;CITED SOURCE: Sb. Ustroystvo i elementy prom. telemekhan. Kiyev, 1964, 91-96 ':TOPIC TAGS: semiconductor relay 'TRXISLATION- Several variants are considered of a long-delay semiconductor relay i 1which has an RC relaxation circuit and a switching device of high-input impedance. 'A capacitor is charged via a silicon D-102 diode which has an exponential ~resistance. A final device As connected to the capaoltor vLa a*buffer switch or Mgh-input iWedance. A D-813 diode is employed as a switch. The final device Mv ~be represented by a trigger, a flip-flop, or other switch having a stable operating threshold. Voltage pulses from a blocking generator or other pulse :source should be superposed on the capacitor voltage, to obtain positive .Card 1/2 L 3975 -66 ACCESSION NR: - AR5014347 ration of the final device. With a capacitor Of 4 and 10pfy the obtained ope delEVs are 24.5 anti 62 see, respectively. Figs. 4, tab- I- ENCL: 00 SUB CODE z BG j, DP (AWATINSUY, M.A., inshaner; OVES, I.S., kandblat takhnicheskikh nauk. (Ijt ilization of KAZ-205 dump-trucks in the construction of tha Lenin Volga-Don Navigation Canal] Skepluatatsits avtomobilei-sainoavalov KAZ-205 na stroitallstve Volgo-Donakago sudokhodnogo kanala imeni V.1. Lenina. Hookwa, Gas. izd-vo lit-ry po stroitalletvu i arkhitekture, 1954. 94 P. (MLR 7:6) (Damp trucks) (Volga-Don Canal) AGAFOY. D.S.; IRTIBILOV, B.h.; VIKTOROV, A.M.; GINTS. A,IL, GORIKOV, A.Y.; GUSYATINSJIT, M.A.; KARPOV, A.S.; KOLOT, I.I.; KOXtUTSKLY, T.T.; -IMYAGIN, A. 1. -,-"hIVSKIY, M.N. -, KRAYNOV, A.G. : NUTHROTA, 1. N. ; OBJIS. I-S~. kandilat takhnicheskikh nauk; SOSNOVIKOV, K.S.; SUKHOT- SKIY. S.F.; CHLKNOV. G.0.; YUSOV, S.K.; ZHUX, S.Ya,, akademik, glavny7 redaktor: KOSTROY, I.N., radaktor; BARONIVIKOV, A.V., professor, doktor tekhatcheskikh nauk, redaktor; KIR4"MIJCR, D.N.. professor, doktor tekhnicheskikh nauk. redaktor; SHESHRO, Ye.Y,, professor. doktor tekhnicheakikh nauk, redaktor; AVXRIN~ H.D.. inzhener, redaktor (deceased]; GORIKOV. A-V-, Inzhener. redaktor; KOMARgV3KIY, V.T., inzhener, redaktor.- ROGOVSKIY, L.V.. inzhaner, redaktor; SHAPOTALOY, T.I., inzhener, redak-tor; RUSSO, G.A.. kandidat tekhnichaskikh nauk, redaktor; FILIKONOV, N.A., inzhener, redaktor; VOLKOV, L.N., inzheaer. redaktor; GRISHIII, M.K., professor. doktor takhnichOBkikh nauk, redak- tor; ZHURIN, V.D., professor, doktor takhnicheskikh mauk, radaktor; LIKaGHEV, V.P., inzhener, redaktor, M.WDMIY, V.M., kandidat tekhni- cheskikh nauk, redektor: HIKHAYLOV, A.V., kandidat takhaicheakikb neuk, redaktor-, PETROV, G.D., inzhaner. redBktor; RAZIN, N.V.. redaktor; BOB01AY, V.P., inzhener, redaktor; FBIRINGER, B.P., in~heaer. redaktor; TSYPIAKOV, V.D., inzhener, radaktor-, ISAYXV, N.V., redaktor; TISTROYA, O-N-I redaktor; SKVORTSOV, I.M., tekhnicheskiy redaktor [The Volga-Don Canal; technical report on the constniction of the Volga-Don Canal, the TSimlyanakaye hydro (levelopment and irrigatiola works (1949-1952); in five volumes] 761go-Don; takhaichaskit otchat (continued on next card) AGAPOV, D.S. --- (continued) Card Z. o stroitelletva Volgo-Donekogo sudokhodnogo kanala Imad V-1-1,6nlrla- TSimlianskogo gidrouzla i orositelinykh sooruzhanit (1949-1952) v pisti tomakh. S.IA. Zhuk. Moslcva. Gos.energ. izd-vo. Tol.5. (quarry management] Karlernoe khozisistvo. Red.toma I.N. Kostrov. 1956. 172 p. (MLR.A 10:4) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Ministerstyo elektrostantsiti. Byuro tekhniebaskogo otchata o stroitelletys Volgo-Dons. 2. Nystvit8lInyy chela Akademil stroitelletva, i arkhttaktury SSSR (for Ratin) (Quarries and quarrying) u-'S/A-TAi~;