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GtrAIKOWSKI, J. Instructions for industrial physicians on the minimum standards in mining industry. Med. pracy 4 no.2:139-158 1953. (CLKL 24:5) 1. Of the Department of Methods and Organization (Director--Prof. B. Nowakowski, M. D.) of the Institute of Industrial Redicine in __i- Rokitnice. GUZIK0IZKI, K. Now we do not bake bread at home in Wierzchoslawice. P. 7; ROLNIK SPOLDZIELCA. (Centrala Rolnicza Spoldzielni "Samopoiftoc Chlopska") Warszawa; Vol. 8, no. 18, May 1955. SOURCE: East European Accessions List (EZAL), Library of Congress, Vol. 4, No. 12, December 1955. KULIYEV, IBrafil Firi-ogly. prof., doktor tekhn.nauk; GUZIN, I.Sof nauchnyy red.; KOHAROTA, T.F. , red.; SAVCHENKO, [Petroleum marine deposits in Azerbaijan] Korskaia neft' Azar- baidzhans. Koakva, Izd-vo "Zannie.* 1961. 27 P. (Vsesoiuznoo obshchestvo po resprostrananiiu politichookikh i nBuchnykh snanii. Ser.4. Tekhnika. no.2) (KIRA 14a) (Azerbaijan--Oil well drilling, Sibmarine) '41 1 , . 1171.~ WUS i!i r I F ii ~v I ?!-~~Vurv z !I :?!~J lljj~~. ;I Jill! I I NO I W. 11111MINP I OR I ad NOT"Wry tv- ;-f la!'ism ri, Fit I Corff crence on Redioisotopes Researdh, r7-2, 5T GUZINA,__,Posko, ing.; PCPOVIC, Velizar, ing. Hydrologic analysis and investigations of stream sources in the vicinity of Niksic. Vodoprivreda Jug 2 no.4/5:63-70 '.59. (EEAI 9:10) 1. Energoprojekt, Beograd, Carice MUice 2. (Montenegro--Water) STEFANOVIC, S.; MILOSAVLJEVIC, A.: RUVIDIC, R.; SAWG, B.; GUZIUA D FILIPOVIC, D. 4.ZZA."- Ostsomyeloraticulosis; myeloid metaplasia of the spleen; myelofibrosis. Lijec. vjee. 78 no-3-4:124-131 Mar-Apr 56. 1. Iz I, III i IV Interne Klinike M"dicinskog Fakulteta u Beograan. (ANDIIA, LWOMUTHROBLASTIC, case rp~orts osteosclerosis qqelofibros~ - STEFANOVIC,S. ; MILOSAVUEVIC,A.; STMANOVIC,R.; VUKOTIC,D.; PAS'IIRAKULJIG, N.; PERISIC,V.; GUZINA,D.; ROLOVIC,Z. Clinical significance of the determiwtion of coagulation factors. Acts, med. iugosl. 13 no.2:164-196 16o. 1. Clinique Medicale A de la Facults de Medecine do Belgrade et Centre de la transfusion sanguine de Belgrade. (BLOOD COAGUIATION) -,-- ~U2JIIA, D.;--PJ*dITZLIC, M.; MILOSAVLJEVIG, A.; BUGARSKI, M.; ZIVICOVIC, S.; JONIS, S.; NESKOVIG, B. Use of radioactive iodine in the treatment of hyperthyroidism. Prim. radioaktiv. izotop. 2 no-3:69-72 D 161. 1. Onkoloski institut Medicinskog fakulteta u Beogradu Upravnik: Prof. 1 0 dr. Marija Visnjic-Frajnd. ' (IODINE- IL-30TOPES THERAPEUTIC) (HYPERTHYROIDISM) y NILOSAVLJEVIG, A.; NESKOVIC, B~; BUGARSKI, M.; PANTELJC, M.; GU-Z.lN.A,_,__P. Irradiation of myelofibrosis with radioactive iron. Bul sc Youg 7 no.1/2:12 F-Ap 162. 1. Onkoloski institut 14edicinskog fakulteta, Beograd. MILOSAVLJE-VIG,, Aleksije; GUZINA, I)oka; PANTELIC, Hladomir; BUGARSKI, Miodrag; NESKOVIC., Blagoje Measurement of blood volume in pql3rcythemia. Srpski arb. celok. lek. 90 no.4:1+21-428 Ap 162. 1. Chkoloaki institut Hedicinskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu Upravaik: prof. dr. Harija Visuic-Frajnd. GUZTINIAJ Djoko; MILOSt"ILTEVIC, Aleksije; PANSELIG, Mladcmir; M-C-ARSKI, Miodrag. Studi-e- on the blood, er:41irocytes, plasma volume and survival o' eryttroc-~!t,ps in :iplencmegalic for-c-is of liver cirrosis, Srpski ai-.-.. cclok lek. 92 no 9:869-877 S164. 1 Chkoloski inz;tItut Medicinskog fr~k-ulteta Univ,-:!i,zitc-.ta u Beogradu (Direktor: prof. dr Marija Vjsrj!c-I,-'rajnd). t T; - ~.A2 Dok* ;-Ti L,,ria for the evaltitation of congentive spleen diseafles ujing radioactive chromium (Cr-51). Srpski arh. celok. lek. 92 no.12:1165-1174 D 164. 1. Onkoloski institut MedicJnskog fakulteta Univerzite-ta u Beograda (Direktor; prof, dr. Marija Visnjic-Frajnd ') In-terno odel'jenje za primeni, radioaktivilih izotopa (Nacelnik: dr. Aleksi-e RilosavlJovic). GUZINA, Nemanja, dipl. inz. . L~!"" t n Some observations made JorIng the vLsit to soino brijwc,'. Czechoslovakia. Kom 1-, 13 no. 6:421.4,?2 Je 164. 1. Sarajevo Brewery, Sarajevo. GUZINMAN, L.14. Method of obtaining plastic prostheses with a smooth surface. Stomatologila no.4:62 Jl-Ag '55. (MLRA 8-10) 1. Iz polikliniki g. Kemerovo (glavnyy Yrach A.I.Timofeyev) (DENTAL PROSTHESIS) ~,D.Y~a.IVASKAN, G.K.9 nauchnyy sotr., POLIKARPOV, V.P.1 FITOVAp L.; red.; ZHEMANYAN, N.9 tekhn. red. (Orchards an the Dniester terraces; develcomnt of fruit culture on the "Put' k ko=mi2mu" Collective Farm in Dubossary District) Sady na terrasakh Dnestra; iz opyta razvitiia sadovodstva kolkhoza wPut' k kommunizmu" Dubossarskogo raiona. Kishinevp Gos. iad-vo wKartia mol- doveniaske," 1961. 59 P. (MIRA 14:7) 1. Predsedatell kolkhora "Putl k komitunismu" Dubossarskogo rayona, (for Guzinskiy). 2. Nau-o'hno-issledovatellskiy institut nadovodstvag vino- gradarstva i vinodellya (for Vaakanq Polika pav) (Dubosmary District-Fruit culture) GUZIORSKI, Jerzy, mgroj inz.; WIELGUSIEWICZ, WladyBlaw, mgr., inz. Development trends of the combined heat and electric power economy in the domestic industry. Aiergetyka. przem 9 no.11:384-387 161. 1. Biuro Studiow Komitetu Elektryfikacji Polski, Polska Akademia. Nauk, Dzial w Glivicach, ;- ;q '13 .-Jpqq~:tp ["I I~T I.,; r~~j ~- I' 1['." 11"! It I :~: I I I : 1 -1 - -, - GUZIUR, Oswald., mgr inz. Requeetv concerning vinidur tubes for electric installations. Wiad elektrotechn 28 no.3t68-70 Mr '61. 1. Zaklady Wytworese Osprzotu Sieolowvgo, Koatuchna. -GUZIUR, 0~~ldvpzr- inz. Electric installations in vinidur tubes. Wiad elektrotechn 28 no.5:139-141 Fq 161. L 04148-67 EWT )_&6T_Cqi)/ ,'FLt -TI I JP(c). -- _JD ACC NR: AP602667-211 SOURCE CODE: UR/0181/66/068/608/2293/2299 AUTHOR: Pelcal G. P.; ORG: Kiev State University im. T. G. Shevchenko (Kiyevskiy gosudE:rstvennyy universitet) 4 ti, 'V1 TrrLE: Investigation of the surface levels on cuprous oxide by the ficld effect and luminescent field effect niethods SOURCE: Flzlka tverdogo tela, v. 8, no. 8, 19G6, 2293-2299 TOPIC TAGS: cuprous oxide, electron structure, luminescent ex, ata. y I )C.,C S, S r9, ABSTRACT: A method is proposed for determining the parameters of surface levels from the dependence of the luminous intensity of a s$m1conductor on the band bending near its surface. Measurements of them' field effect and lun-dnL:Kscent field effect are performed at sinusoidal vol-i tage and a frequency of 1-10 cps on Cu?,O crystals. The measurements reveal the exi-stence of a systeni of fast (intrInsic time 't -(10--~3 see) levels at the Cu-10 surface, the relaxation times of wWch vary over a wide range. A direct effect of the degree of population of the surface levels on the luminous intensity of Cu2O is also observed. The values of the energy position of a Bur-! faco level determined by both methods are found to be In e-Kcallent agreement. Orig. art. has: 6 figilres, 1 table, and 4 formulas. SUB CODE,- 2 SUBM DATE. 05Nov65/ ORIG REF: 007/ OTH REF: 003 Card GUZIYv F.Ye.; SDWOV, M.V.; SOYFEER, V.M. ------------ -- New design of electrode holder heads for are fuxmaces. Metallurg 5 no.5:20-21 My 160. ' (MIRA 14:3) 1. KharIkovskiy savod tyazhelogo elektrowudLinc troywdya (Electric furnaces-Equipment and aWlie:) LEYDERMAN, M.I.; GUZIY, F.Ye.. Cooling of ETMK-2700/10 electric furnace transformers. Energ. i elektrotekh. prom. no.1:64-67 Ja-Mr 163. (KERA 16-5) 1. Kharlkovskiy zavod "Elektrotyazhmash" imeni V.I.Lenina. (Electric transformers-Cooling) (Electric furnaces-Equipment and supplies) GUZIYEV, I.S. Rare alkali basaltoid rocks. #ap. Vses. min. ob-va 93 no.3: 367-369 164. (14LU 18:3) 1. Kamchatskoye geologichesko4e upravleniye, Petropavlovsk- Kamchatskiy. 7 j A.I.; GUZKO, A.G. Engineering office of the Alma-Ata post office. Vest. sviazi 21 n0-4:15 AP t6l. (MIM 14:6) 1 1. Nachallnik laboratorii, Alma-Atinskogo pochtamta (for Vul). 2. Nachallnik tekhnicheskogo kabineta Alma-Atinskogo pochtanita (for Guzko). (Alma-Ata-Post service) GUZMAN, A.A., inzhener. More attention to efficienci promoters and inventors engaged in consumeral cooperatives. Izobr. v SSSR I no.4:39--42 0 956, (MLRA 10:3) (Materials handling) (Cooperative societies) GUZMAN. A.A. Section of Odintsovo ( interglacial sediments near Khmellhikl, Znamensk District Smolensk Province. Mat. po geoLi pol.iskop.tsentr.raion.evrop.chasti =R no.5sl36- 138 962. (MIRA 16:6) (Khmel*niki region (Smelensk Province) -Peynology) CIUMMI, A.~' 141TRUPOLISKIY, A. Organize skillfully the introduction of vending machines. Sov. torg. no.1:15-20 Ja '59. (MIU 12:2) (Vending machines) e- GUZMAN, AA, MITROPOL- SKIT, A. Let's improve and modernize vending machines. Sov. torg 33 no.10.,&Il 0 '59. (MIRA 13:1) (Vending machines) GUZMAN, A.j KURKIN, S.;-MITROPOLISKIY, A. How to use vending machines for cop7books and pencils correctly. Sov. torg. 33 no.11:47-52 N 159. O-IIRA 13:2) (Vending machines) GUZMAN, Abram Aronovich; KURKIN, Bergey Ivanovich; LYUDSKOV, B.P., red.; -t-eldm. re d. [Assembling. operating, and repairing vending machines] tekhnicheakoe obalushivenie i takushchii remont torgovykh matov. Koskva, Gos.izd-vo torg.lit-ry, 1960. 131 P. (MIRA (Vending machine@) Nontazh, avto- 13:12) GUZ14M,lp A.A - KANTOROVICH, V.I. - Performance testing of FAi-Op7q FAN,-1,1.p and FAK-195 refrigerating machinery =its. lbol.tekh. 38 no.2:3"0 l4r-Ap 161. - , OMA 14t3) 1.]Fauchno-isoledovateltskiy institua torgovli i obahchestvennogo pitaniya. (Refrigeration and refrigerating machinery) GMLIN, A.G. Almond-shaped diabases of the Middle and Lower Devonian volcanogen~-c sedimentary iron-bearing strata in the Kal.-uty River basin of the southeastern Altai. Izv. Alt. otd. Geog. ob-va SSSR no.5:33-35 165. (MIRA 18:12) 1. Sibirskly nauchno-Lssledovatellskiy institut geologii, geofiziki i minerallnogo syrIya, Novosibirsk. SAAKOV., Bogdan Artashesovich, dcktor med. nauk; GUT-WI, F.A., red.; YjAH121SKAYA, A.L., tekhn. red. -- - - -- (Mechanisms of the general complications in thermal injuries] Mekhanizmy obshchikh oslozhnenii termicheskikh travm. Kiev, Gosmedizdat USSR, 1963. 290 p. WIRA 17:3) 1~ 1. GUZ%W;, G.; NOSKOVI M. 2. USSR (600) 4, Cotton Growing 7. Chief tasks of cotton workers. Xhlopkovodstvo no. 8, 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, January -1953. Unclassified. I'v- GUZMATI. G.A. State standards are a weapon in the fight for a high oti-ellity of cotton. Tnl,,a+,. prom. 18 no. 7:14-16 ii '58. (MIU 11-7) (Gott on--Sta rAords) a ILI 16 1; It 4 Is fit I f t'd It N It 11 b IS M V 10 A 4 W 1: 16 0 L' 41 N 0o, 116 t I it L a It 4 01111 At 40'1 ~',GUZMRN, 1- 1, ...... - - *OR Properbses of Cherseenters ail isteol. I.I.Quilianands;.1' %falmakil. .4ti-rp"MY'Ale'Iff"'t fir - Irk)- 00 00 I'-to were itimle wide %tvi I &~imlg, C 11.~N) 11.31), Si 0.9 'h -0 004 1 '1. Nis) 0 S 1 1 4.0 CI is K I V~~. ' -ti alitt 11114% 4 .:0 IN. lvl~ elite t~ tt-ll ill 3111.1.411'. vott-tructu'll -lwvtaIIv 0 0 f.r parts trqutring a yirld J~wlt 4 ON-Vil kg.,Iq. "Itts. w 111) ill lilt kg.i". Miss. Wirr 0 1111-ft 111mirteilig atilt te"llwTilijil. Ille c'milpte. -.1hould tv C 'too 00.3t'Z;l WIS. Sj Niel ON t.I. SO.W10. I'll.lMand to roo Ce 11 .11 ) I %~ .I hat'lelling A1141 Itillicaling 074.214 1 990i bev'"I - its, mist seller. 14 11"Imalliallms at INM . let', .Poo 00 13i ki,,f% ts(thiilitrel ~honl' sells tic wird. After futrilcuinig istut :1.06 ("itim-rialt at 250 375' it tilts clie Itsw-t jilijuct tillistelst- ItO dollvali'm Is. Z. Knilli'll tzoo 0o !:I 00 0 0 ;30 !bloo 0 me: I.IttlIATUNIE CLAIl"'K.Tic. troo n L t b : : dFIG, 1~ a u AV 10 it C, IV Ifol6c wit w ill it of At it at No w 0 0 KF :::NNO00004400000096,60 10060000*00000 01111 -~44 , * 0 0 0 1111 0 so 0 4011111069111 0 .60 0 6 00 0004 0 0 a 0 t1 GUZ1,1AN, I . 1., Fnrr. Cand. Tech. Sci. Dissertation: "HiCh-Strength Steels for Aircraft Building." 4-11-Uni-n Sc-i Reo Inst of Aviation Materials, 30 Jul 47. SO: Vechernyaya Moskva, Jul, 1947 (Project #17836) L"J U.7 il,'...-~V,--i 54. -c i~:,54 ROCHEV~ N.N., glav. red.; VAVILOV,-T.P., red.,, VERTELI, E.I.,, red.; GORELIK, A.I., red.; GUZMANj I.S., red.; KUZNETSOV, G.N., red.; YMVEDEV, G.A.., red.; MODYjii&, PANTELEYEVA, A.A., red.; POLYAKOV, V.V., red.; POPOV, S.A.,, red.; POPOVA, S.M., red.; RAYBEVSKIY, S.S..' red.; RU- DAKOV, S.Vex red.;,SYUTKIN, A.F.9 red.; USOV, A.I., red.; USTINOVA, I.K., red.; SHKILI, P,T.., red.; CUWKIN, V.P., red.; MEZERTSEV, S.A., red.; MOROZOV, V.S.0 red.; OPLESNIN, I.L. tekhn. red. [Forty years of the Komi A.S.S.R.,, 1921-1961; studies on the cultural and economic development of the Komi Republic]IfO let Komi ASSR, 1923, .19611 ocherki o razvitii ekonomiki i kulltury Komi Respubliki. Svktyvkar, Komi knizhnoe izd-voj 1961. 154 p. (MIRA 1412) (Komi A.S.S.R.-Economic conditions) (Komi A.S.S.R.-Culture) GLrZMLNP I.S., kand. teUn. nailk Oxygen and acceleration of the open-hearth smelting proce5a. Stall 24 no.5a412_413 YV 161+. (WRA 17 ~ 121 1. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-issledavatellskily instAtut. M.Blorodnogo mashinostroyeniya. Z: , "' I _1 .'-''d tekhn. nauk; KOSTRITSKIY, "I.Ya. .- - .-~, '4-T . . J Present sLate of oxygen rachinery .--anufacture in foreign countries. Trudy VNIIIII14ASII no.8:201 '64. (%Ilhd~ 17:'0 7/~ 15(2) A U'f I I C 1, Guzman, I. Ya. TITLE: The Peculiarities of the St!"Licture and the Prc-~crti:_,s of Foan. Ceramics on the Basis of Pure Oxides Al 203 and Bee (Ooobennooti stroyeniya i svoystv penokeramiki na osnove chicty!~h okiolc-,,r Al203 i BeO) PERIODICAL: Nauchnyye doklady vysshey shkoly. f2iimiya i khimichoskaya tekhno1c,giya, 1950, Nr 1, pp 1,131 - 165 (US.-R) ./ . 'k ABSMi!CT-: Foam ceramics have escential advantaaes over the custoi.-I-~Lrl, method of adding combustible organic substances on Vie pro- duction of 1-,orous ceramics. An invcsti,~ation is made into foam masses of rosin soap -uith suspensions of hiChly refractory powdered oxides. The foam mass thus forms a three-pilase nyotem- (solid oxide, liquid, and air). Specific gravity and Dorcsity depend on the ratio of these phases (Din.7-ran). On firin!~ a peculiar cell stri.,Oture is Cormied which closely sir_"ounds the air pores, At high temperatures diffusion procos.,,es to re-crystallization occur in t1no crystal lattice. 'Phis re- Card 1/3 i,:~ fincr the material crystalli-;ation is the more intensive t' - The Peculiariti~~!s of th,:- -td U-ic, 17 of Foam Ceramics ori t'~(,, D-rs.i:,, of ~113'0 U.CiLlos Alp- 'I;ILI DOC' has been -Powdered, i.e. ti-c larr-er thu silr-anco is. In the same -uay, this rc-cilystallizn',ioii is fr~-io---ed "-);~ -i--cll defccts in ti-c ci-ystai lattice ao 11.1-ise on 'U'Le tl-ermal tr-,.~atmev A of the oxides, but also on 'u'-.e addition 01 nu,0f,,ta-;,,ces ti,at --crin Solid solutions in !.1 203 CaO in BeO), On firiiiC a growth of t1lie crystals ta-,-t-s Pla-cec, as well as an aL-lomeration in t1hin lay~-~2-s. 'The hardenino of tho body is accum:aniod by a shrin'.a--o in volume. Dia-rams shovi the continuous coizxc--.e (Df with rising; teripe:-atures, as wall as V., sharp turn in the curve -.,Lien addinG TiO2 or CaO. Tho nacTo-3tructure and the micro-structuTe of the pcre shel13 con-dstin-~- of crystals are Clearly discer..-dble un(lor micilosco.o. The physical data lis!ed in tablos (gnO per- meability, heat spc.~cific gravitty, under stress, etc) prove tlrie valuable prLiierties t---f -r(:.aL! beryllium and foam ccrundur., Vhen~ fi_-urcs, -0 table's-, and A rellerences, 3 (--)'L whic", aze Soviet. C;ard 2/3 The Peculiarities of fl-.-~! St---mcti.ine a:.d t'.,-e of Foam Ceramics or the Basis of Pure Oxi,~es Al 203 a.,.A Be?-' A---'SI,CIA-'I ojojT. Kafedra heramiki i ogneupurc~v Moskovsko-o lo-i-ol-csko-c instituta im, D. I. Mendeleyevn. (C'-a4.:r- of Ceramics and Refrac~lorics of the li'oscovi Instituto Vf Cl~ein-'Ical Technolo~;y irmeni D, 1, 1,',endelcycv~ SUBIMITTED: Septenaber 6. 1958 Card 3/13 15(2) AUTHORS: Guzman, I. Ya., Poluboyarinov, D. N. SOV/131-59-2--6/116 TITLE: Light Aluminum Oxide Refractories (Legkovesnyye ogneupory iz okisi alyuminiya) PERIODICAL: Ogneupory, 1959, Nr 2, PP 71-79 (USSR) ABSTRACT: At the beginning Pirogov, Abbi, and Reyngart are mentioned who have dealt with this problem already earlier. The authors of the present paper investigated the production possibilities of pure light corundum products of high porosity, sufficient strength, and volumetric stability at high temperatures. For this purpose they used technical alumina of the G-2 mark which had been burnt before at temperatures of 1450 and 16000. In order to increase the crystal growth 1-296 of T102 were added to the alumina. The dispersion of alumina is mentioned in table 1. Furthermore, the production of samples from foam material and of a mass of burning out additions is described in detail. The dependence of the specific weight of the foam mass on the ouspension humidity and the amount of foam is represented in figures 1 and 2. The change of the strength of the blank during the burning process Card 1/3 may be seen from table 2. In-figure 3 the linear change in the Light Aluminum Oxide Refractories SOV11113-1-59-2-6/16 course of burning of foam mass samples from alumina which h~,,j been burnt before and in figure 4 the dependence of the breaking strength under pressure on the specific weight is represented, In tables 3 and 5 the properties of light foam mass products are given at various conditions, and in table 4 the coefficients of thermal conductivity of various corundum materials are mentioned. The linear changes of foam mass samples in burning are represented in figure 5. The properties of light products -.,.-ith burning out additions maybe seen from table 6. Figures 6, 7, and 10 show the maorostructure and figures 8 and 9 the micro- structure of light foam products as given by B. V. Conclusions: pure light corundum materials with a wide rai.,:2 of specific weights can be produced from alumina by the foam method. Products of pre-burnt alumina show the best qualities. The light corundum blank shows little strength as vrell as 61 high shrinkage in drying and burning and should be burnt at 1700 - 17500 Card 2/3 Light Aluminum Ox-'de Refractories SOV/131-5,0_2_611.16 By adding I - 2% of'TiO 2 the burning temperature can be reduced to 15500 . The light corundum-foam product may serve as heat-insulating material up to 17500. There are 8 figuren, 6 tables, and 11 references, 8 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION% Khimiko-tekhnologicheskiy institut im. Alendeleyeva (Chemico-Technological Institute imeni Mendeleyev) Card 3/3 GUZMAN, I. Ya., Cand Tech Sci -- Nfdiss) "Heat insulation of high- refractory ceramics from Al O,BeO and ZrO-. (Te'chnology, structure, and properties)." Moscow, 2 ~I 1960. 23 p~; 2 pages of illustration; (Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialist Education RSFSR, Moscow Order of Lenin Chemical Technology Inst im D. I. Mendeleyev); 180 copies; price not given; (KL, 17-60, 152) POLUDOMMOV D.N.; ADUSHKIN, L.Ye.; GUZIUN, I.Ya.; 7,PLY07S, R.M. A .1 - Some properties of porous cordierite ceramic. Ogneuporv. 26 no.8;370-372 161. (14MA 14:9) 1. Khimiko-tekhnol6gicheakiy institut im. Mendeleyeva (for Poluboyexinov# Adushkin, Guzman). ~2. Nauchno-issleaovatellskiy institut stroitellnby keramiki (for Zayonts). (Cordiekite) -(Refractory materials) POLYBOYARINOV, D.N.; ~ GUZMN,, I. YEL. ; 11TIVAINOVA, 1. Y --., Structure and certain properties Ot porous, ZrO63-baao corfornico. TN4 MKHTI fio.37:166-179 162. Off Ilu 16: 1,!) ____C,U AN I.Ya.- POLUBOYARINOV, D.N.; Prinimali uchastlye: KMIJ)SAROVA, v N. .; 140ROZOVAY V.S. Some properties of porous ceramics made of beryllium oxide. Ogneupory 27 no.10:457-462 162. (MIRA 15:9) 1. Khimiko-tekhnologicheskiy institut im. Mendeleyeva. (Refractory materials) (Beryllium oxide) GUZMAN, !.Yd.; MOROZOVAY V.S. Foamed carborundum and its properties. Ogneupovy 28 no.12: 558-561 163. (MIRA 16:12) 1. Khimiko-tekhnologicheskiy institut im. D.I. Mendeleyeva. ACCESSION NR% AP4029227 S/0131/64/000/004/0182/0185 AUTHOR: Guzman~ I. Ya.; Komissarovaj. N. M.J- Krutikova, 1. M.; Stepanov, M. A. TITLE: Sintering and some properties of CaF 2 ceramics SOURCE: Ogneupory*, no. 4. 1964, 182-185 ABSTRACT: Calcium flOride has found wide use in various regions of technology as an active flux. Recent.1y, calcium fluoride has begun to be.used as a construction and shielding material"for conducting a number of high-temperature chemico-metallurgi- cal processes in fluorine-containing media. The authors bring to light processes of sintering as well as some properties of ceramics based on calcium fluoride.', Characteristics of the Initial materials are given in a table. Characteristics of ceramics from commercial calcium fluoride and the characteristics of ceramics from pure calcium fluoride are presented in tables which depict their properties at different temperature ranges. The composition in properties of grain structure :i samples of commercial calcium fluoride are given. Testing of calcium fluoride cer-l', amics for corrosion resistance was conducted in a fluorine medium (concentration 92-97%) at a temperature of 7500C for 16 hours. TTe evaluation was conducted by visual and weight methods, as well as by stability change during the testing. The rate of corrosion of laboratory and industrial samples was from 5.5 to 19 g?122/hr; Card 1/2 :ACCESSION NR: AP4029227 during testing the stability increased. The obtained results attest to the fact that in a fluorine medium, at 7500C, calcium fluoride ceramics are completely stable and maintain their stability. Therefore, parts can be recommended for service uuder such conditions as refractory lining material, filters, etc. Orig. art. has; 4 .tables. !ASSOCIATION: Kbimiko-tekhnologicheskiy institut Im. D. L Mendeleyeva (Chemico- techiiological Institute) SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ: 28Apr64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: ZIL NO REP SOV: 000 OMn: 005 Card 212 ;1' ACCESSION NR: AP4040466 S/0131/64/000/006/0281/0284 AUTHOR: Guzman, 1'. Ya.; Serova, G. A. TITLES Porous magnesium oxide refractories SOURCES Ogneupory*, no. 6, 1964, 281-284 TOPIC TAGS: magnesium oxide, magnesia, magnesia refractory, 1; periclase refractory, porous refractory, combustible additive method , periclase ABSTRACT: The valuable technical characteristics of magnesium oxid& prompted the study of the physical properties of porous magnesium oxide products as compared with the properties of dense magnesium oxide refractories. A relatively strong, permeable, and highly refractory material was obtained with technical grade magnesium 1oxide (98.5%,BgO), with 30-60% porosity. The properties of the [porous produ'~ts can be controlled over a wide range by varying tha grain size of.the filler, the filler to binder ratio, content and ~ Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4040466 size composition of ttW combustible additive (petroleum coke). Ilighly refractory, highly permeable (to gases), porous materials were obtained with periclase by the method of combustible additives. The low thermal conductivity of periclase-based ceramics makes possi ble their use as high-temperaiture heat insulators, in the ab-sence ofl heavy load's and sudden temperature changes; they could be used as filters in corrosive media where basic refractories are required* Orig. art. hasi 4 tables and 1 figure*. ASi66iATTON: Khimiko-takhnologicheakiy institut Lue D# I* Mendelayev a (Chemicotechnological.,/Inotitute) SUBMITTEDt 00 DATE ACQt 06Ju164 ENCLt 00 SUB CODES NO REF SOVs 005 OTHI~k1_000_-~.f Cord 2/2 T 'T L 54792-65 ACCESSION NR: AP5013511 UR/0131/65/000/005/0041/00140 I AUTHOR. Guzman, 1. Ya.; Turiakova, Ye. 1. TITLE- Boi-,d formation during firing of refractorie's based aii carbid4!: A I SOURCE; Ogneupory, no. 5, 1965, 41-46 TOPIC TAGS: silicon, carborundum, refractory material, sJ1U:(jn ci~'vbida- ABSTRACT, The authors studied the chemical. chang," which tal,t:ii pl0k-,* during v 6. 1 c i e..'; Ing of masses made up of Si+CSi in nitrogen and in carbon clil!irges., The varillbles, in this study were temperature and the composition of the ca.11A-Jon cflimrge. The test- specimens were made up of grade M-14 carborundum (,*,--98% SiC, iivera~t'(! particle diameter 14p) and grade KF-0 silicon (A-99% Si, average parl:i,,,.,I,e dLaneter 20. The SiC/Si weight ratios which were studied were: 100: 0; 80. 20; 60: 4-0; 140:60; 20: BC1; 0: 100. Samples with a diameter and height of m,25 men wore pvi.,iised quider a pr-nnUtIll of 1,000 kg/cm2. The specimens were r oastod in charges of three tyj~es: 1) lxlke~ (petroleum coke with an ash content of approximately 4%0; 2) a maxture of 5 Mi coRe .... ...... ACCESSION NR: AP5013511 and 50% auartz sand; 3) a Mixture of 50% coke,- 40% quartz-1:64fid arid 10% elemebtal-- silicon. Roastingwas done in three temperature ranges:' 11:1)6-13~01, and 1650-17000C. Provision was mide fdv ton hourS holdii, 't 1300-:13506C, T, ,? : f-i a t~-nqlerdturc Somewhat lowel, tban the melting point of _9111(161t, ai:v3 for t1wo holding at the final templarature. The properties of calciiied saz~li~s with r~, corrp)-- sition of 40% Si and 60% SiC [apparent density (volumetric winight) i~f_ thi; r~rRl 3) of th,j ma t ci, i a I wa ~3 1. 5 0c. rn teimporlAtI11:11, tion of the carbon charge are given in table I of the Encloaijre. T'he chang,lis Uil chemical con-position of a sample based on 60% Si and 40% SiC as a function of roast- ing temperature in a coke charge a .re giver, in fig. I of- th*, it wal; foluld that the bond forination during roasting of silicon and of a mixti,,re or- silicon car- bide with silicon in carbon charges rlz cau:3ed by reactions of sillo:)n with the gaseous phase--basically with CO and t12- 'rhe interaction resulta i.-n a cons idexa;~!a change of weight--up to ,,67% in the case.of. full reaction 9-: i3ilivall. it is a simple matter to determine the charge In weight during roaslilin,g r"'tid this shatald b0 done to control calcining of refractories of this type. Borid fox,nation takes place mainly in the 1100-14500C range, S-SiC being the main conpomnd is formed. Silicon bydroxynitride Si-OH- or Si 20th, is- also formed as well as ii :mrtain amouat 2 2 of cristobalite, In a pure carbon charge ;above the Jond vigana to d3issca'ate Card 2/5 L 54792-55 ACCESSIOIN RR: AP5013511 due to -interaction of Sit and residuaj. silican with Co,to Poz;n silicOn monoxidla Se This reaction is accompanied by losses of vfeight in thew, spei,')~jimns ahd: a in their porosity together with losses in stren'g'th.. When aiIJ-cleV Made' of aiwix- t,we of SiC with Si are being roasted in a pure:,carbon charP, tho~ temperaturd should rot be raised above 14500C. When quartz.sand and/or. .411licoi are'addfa to the carbon charge, the mechanism of bond formation, is not chinged lmt disso.ciation .is prevented. Therefore it is r commended that quiirtz sand fifl ad I' d to ~tbe cbarp In chemical analysis of ref ractorcies of this t* e and- in,estlliiatin~;r -the quanf:ity~ ~f yp silicon nitride from the nitrogen content, ~t 'should be kegt:.'n mi,!~ th,..-- !ni- t ii d. that tride is in the form of hydroxynitride (Si2VT Or Gi20NZ)- 01:~ig. wlevt. has. 5 flg-: ures, 3 tables. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy khimiko-tekbnologicheskiy Institut I r,.,. D'.~ Mende 14q'eva (Moscow Instituie of Chemical Technology) ED: coif, SUBMITTE 00 :;ENCL,, -02 MT NO'REF SOV. 004 OTHER: :004 Card 3/5 .. ......... . L 27425-66 EWF (e V&4T trfl /ETC( ')/EN3jm)jT JD/JG/ATjWH _ACC NRI Ap 17071 SOURCE CODE: *UR/0063/65/010/0Q5/0571/G5?8 AUVOR: Ouzman, 1. Ya, (Candidate of technical sciences) ORG: none TIME: _porous technical ceramics made of h~gh-refractory oxides and carbide SOURCE: Vsesoyuznoye.khimicheskoye obshchestvo. Zhurnal,- v. 10, no. 5, 1965., 571.574 TOPIC TAGS: refractory oxide, carbide, alumina, vacuum Nrnaco,.silicon carbide, ceramic material, heat insulation ABSTRAM. Heat-insulating refractory materials are widely used In heat equipment of different branohes of technology. Chamottee and dinas lightweights are highly jeffective heat-insulating mate- ..'rials; however, due to their moderate refractoriness (1610-17500C) .they cannot be used at temperatures higher than 1400-15000C. A somewhat higher otfMring temperature (UP to 1500-16000c) is afforded by the use of high-alumina. liEhtw refractoriesTnads of natural and artificially high-alumina raw materiZ-W, -and also. the principal heat-insulating refractories based on magnesial raw! materials. These types of articles, in several cases, do not meet, the growing requirements plaeed on heat-insulating ana heat-pro- :teotive materials for high-temperature vacuum furnaces, rocket .equipment, etc. Therefore, during the postwar years numerous Card UDC: 661.o1 L 27425-66 ACC NR: AP6017671 .dtudies have been made on the development of teollnology, on the. study of structure and properties of porous technical ceramics '..based.on,,pure high-refractory oxides andcarbides of silicon. The're"a-r-e"iany me'thocLs- of m~Llcing ceramic materiial's methods in general are applied in obtaining high-refractory heat- insulating materials for porous end products: introduction of calcined additives with low ash con:tent; addition to susDensions.- of ceramic-materials of foaming agents or individual prepared J :foam; gas,formation through chemical reactions. 0* 0 P Selectiod -the' meth d"of porous i6duct manufaotuie aepbnds on", the porosity required and the desired structure. To obtain mate- irials with a 30% porosity, usually compositions basect on sintered ;Sranular narrow-fractionated filler bound by a hlgh-dispersion component of the same chemical compogition are uoed. The porosity cai~ be','I increased somewhat by,replaoement of the.sintered-filler grains with porous granules,"' Materials wIth a-pord-sItY UP to 50-60% are obtained by the-method--~; of introduotion and subsequent oombustion of calained additives., The highest poro.sity, all'the way to 85-90%, is attainable only When the f oaming method-_ or., gas f ormation thr.ough e.hemieal reao- ,tions is used-O L~ 27425-66 ACC NR. Ap6ol7671 Estimation of the effectiveness-bt lightweight rbe~-a'Qtories is based on the fact that ~their low specific weight Wiarply reduces heat conductivity and hdat capacity of the liningp its weight, reduces losses owing to radiation and aocumulatioii of heat along 'the walls of the heat equipment, which affords fuel economies of rup to 40-60% in periodically operating furnaoesq and UP to 15-20%- 'in continuously operating furnaces. Accelerated heating and 'cooling of furnaces lined with lIghtweight refractories speed up ,their turnoveri facilitate temperature controlg reduce cost of ;, oonstruetiong and lowers..oap~tal investments. Orig- art.-iiast 8 tables and 1 formula, IJPR8/ SJB GODE: 3.1j, 13 SUEM DATM none ORM RUs 043 O'M Rffs 031 90 ACC NR. AT6036926 SOURCE CODE: UR/C)OOO/66/CO()/.-,rjO/00/.O/OO53 AUTHORS: Poluboyarinov, D. N.; Guzman, I. Ya. ORG: nono TITLE: Fundamentals of technology of porous refractory ceramics, ito structure and properties SOURCE: 1.auchno-teldinicheskoye obslichostvo chernoy metallurgii. Moslzovskoye pravleniyo. Vysokoogneupornyye materialy (Ifighly refractory materials). Moscow, 1. Izd-vo 'ietallurgiya, 1966, 40-53 TOPIC TAGS: porous foam ceramics, oxide ceramic, ceramic material, refractory product ABSTRACT: Preparation of porous, highly refractuor-f ceramic materials based on A.1203Y BeO., ZrO2 , mgO, Si02Y Sic., and I-1gO-2A1203* SiO2 was studied. Structure and properties as well as the effect of various technological parameters upon the forma- U tion of these materials were investigated. To maintain the hi h purity of each oxide, the porosity was produced by either of two methods: 1~ introCuction and sub- scquont removal by roasting of low-ash organic compounds; 2) formation of gas bubbles' in the wet phase Irl mechanical means. Petroleum coke with ash content nj 2% was employed in the first case, and resin soap containing 1% of joiner's glue served to Card 1/2 ACC NR: AT6036926 create a stable., fine foam with cells of 0.2-0.6 mra in '.he second case. A correla- tion was found between the structures of the produced porous ceramics and properties such as: ~rolumetric mass, intrinsic porosity, coefficient of gaseous penetration coefficient of thermal expansion., compressibility, number of thermal cycles, etc. Commercial and industrial applications of these materials are discussed. Orig. art. - has: 4 tables. SUB CODE: U/ SUBM DATE: 02-NOV651 ORIG W: 001 ACC NRt rL6036930 SOURCE CODE: Ult/0000/66/000/OC)0/0082/OC)9-1 AUTHORS: Nishanova, 1. Ye.; Popillskiy, R. Yas; _guzRan.,J!,j~&_ ORG: none TITLE: Manufacture of quartz glass articles by using methods employed in ceramics technology SOURCE: Nauchno-teld-inicheskoye obshchostvo chernoy motallurgii. Moskovskoyo prAvleniye. Vysokoognoupornyye materialy (Highly refractox"y materials). Moscow, Izd-vo Metallurgiya, 1966, 82-91 TOPIC TAGS: quartz, glass, oxide ceramic, ceramic pressing, ceramic techinology ABSTRACT: The possibility of obtaining articles made of quartz glass by cmploying ceramic methods was investigated. The investigation is an extension of the work of I. Flerd-ng (Am. Cer. sec. Bull., 1961, 4o, No. 12, 70-750).. The initial material consisted of 99.1111% SiO The material was pulverizod and had a s;oecific 1 2- surface area of 40 000 cm2/g. The specific surface area was determined after the method of D. S. Sominskiy and G. S. Khodakov (Nauchnyye soobshcheniya TNIII,1514a; ' 2 arA jja5 ir 1957, No. 29). The powder was compressed at a pressure of 800 kg/'CM -ed at 1150--1350C. The porosity, shrir&age, density, and strength limit of the SPGC3.- mens were determined. The experimental results are summarized in graphs and tables Card -- 1/2 ACC NRi Ja6036930 (see Fig. 1). It was found that the quality of the spaciiiiens dopended on the gilain Fig. 1. Change in density of specimens as a function of the compression stress. 1 - density 07 before firing; 2 - density after firing; 3 porosity r= porosity before firing; 4 after firing 45 -22- 6 8 10 1Z k m2 102 pressure de x size of the i ults were obtained using very fine powders of initial powder. Best res micron diameters. It is concluded that quartz &lass objects may be manufactured udLn ceramics technology methods. Orig. art .has. 5 tables and 2 graphs. SUB CODE; SUBM DATIE: 02Nov65/ ORIG REF: 007/ OTH REF: 007 ACC NR, AT6036937 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/66/000/0~0O 153 0156 1 AUTHORS: Guzman, 1. Ya.; pankratova, V. S.; Makaroval T. S.; Vinogradova, L. Ve; Logacheva, N. S. OkG: none TITLE: The influence of some technological parameters on the manufacture and properties of cellular carborundum, ligl~t-weight refractories SOURCE, Nauchrio-teklinicheskoye obshcheotvo chernoy metallurgii. Moskovskoyo pravlaniye. Vysokoogneupornyye materialy (Highly refractory materials). 11,10scow, Izd- vo 1-latallurgiya, 1966, 153-158 TOPIC TAGSz carborundum, silicon carbide, silicon, refractory product ABSTRACT:' A method for obtainin.- light-weightY cellular carborundun, refractories made of sic, Si ON2, and S'02 is described. Thiz investigation supplements the P - 2 results of I. Ya. Guzman and V. S. Morozova (Ognoupory, 1963, No. 12, 558). The met'hod consists of the adding an inbimaLo mixture of Sic + Si to an aqueous HC1 solution and of subsequent firing in carbon-containing media in a CO + N2 atmosphere. Tiio effects of the silicon composition and grain size of the mixture, pH of suspenskjl,! and the firing temperature on the properties of th(; finished product were investigatedl, The experimental results are tabulated. it was found that tho best results were .Card 1/2 ACC NR: J%T6036937 ob~ainad at PH 3-11, a moisture coment of suspens.-Lon of and an Si content oIL Wd"U. The optimn, ILiring tekoerature was found to be 1300--lItOOL. On the basis of the above results, a pilot projoct for Whe manufacture of refractory bricks has been initiatud at tho Podol3k Refractorias Plwit. Grig. art. has: 5 tables. SVB CODE; 1l/ SUBM DATE-, 02Nov65/ ORIG W; 002 A16036936 SOURCE COMt AUTHOR: Guzman, I. Ya.; Tumakovs, Ye. I. ORC: none TITLE; Preparation and properties of carborundum refractory material with S-SiC binder SOURCE: Nauchno-tekhnichookoye obahchestva chernoy metallurgit. MDsk0VVkoye pravleniye. Vyeokoogmeupornyye smierialy (highly refractory materials). Moscow, Izd-vo Metallurgiya, 1966, 142-152 TOPIC TAGS: refractory product, corundum refractory, silicon carbide ABSTRACT: A systematic study has been conducted at the Moscow Institute of Chemical Technology im. Mendeleyev 6f the firing of green SiC-Si mixtures with a carbon- containing charge. The purpose of the study was to optimize the operating conditions of the preparation process of carborundum refractories with a O-SiC binder which was formed in the process. This refractory exhibited the highest characteristics. The O-SiC in formed, besides silicon oxynitride and cristobalite, by the reaction of Si with 00 which Is the product of thermal oxidation of the carbon-containing charge. In the air'. Compos*ition ofthe starting mixture, particle size and purity of silicon, type-of the cathonaceaus charge,'firing temperature, and compacting pressure were s.tudled as the primary technological factors which my affect the firing process, Card ACC NR, AP6036936 and hence the ultimate properties of the product. In this respect, the composition of the binder which was formed at 1100-1500C by the reaction Si with the components of the gas phase was found to have a decisive importance. The weight change of ' the samples in the process of firing was the indicator of the progress of tbe reac- tion and of all properties of the product. The maximum weight gain (.70%) which was reached at 1300-1500C determined a total completion of the reaction. Density, hence compressive strength and all other properties of the material fired under the con- ditions of total completion, were shown to depend on the bulk density of the.raw material and SL content in the charge. The maximum density of the granular refractory may be obtained with the most dense raw material and moderate Si content" in the charge, but a high Si content is required to obtain the saw result in refractories without a coarse grained filler. The use of a coars"rained SiC and a highly dispersed $I powder.was recommended for obtaining a dense raw material* OrIg. arts has: 6 tables# I figure, and 4 formulas. go COME t U/ 803N DATZI 02Nov65/ OUG UFS 004/ OTH FZF: 002/ ATD,FUSS: 510T LCord 2/2 ACC NR: (A) SOURCE CODE: UR/OL31/66/000/011/003 AP70055122 V0037 AUTHOR: Poluboyarinov, D. N.; Andrianov, N. T.; Guzman, L Ya.; Lukin, Ye. s. ORG: Moscow Chemico-Technological Institute irn. D. 1. Mondoloyev(Moskovskiy khimiko- I teldmologicheskiy institut) TITLE: Evaporation of porous oxide ceramics at elevated temperatures SOURCE: Ogneupory, no. 11, 1966, 33-37 TOPIC TAGS: oxide ceramic, porous foam, ceramic, refractory product, -vaporation, porosity .:ABSTRACT: The thermomechanical and theri-nophysical properties of refractory porous oxide ceramics have been previously investigated (Guzman, I. Ya. Zhurnal VKhO im. D. L Mendele- yeva, 1965, t. 10, no. 5, s. 571) but the suitability of these ceramics as hei' insulating mate- rials for equipment with a high vacuum or with a neutral gaseous medium is'also limited by evaporation, on which no information has previously been available. To fill this gap, specimens of A120W Zro 20 BoO and MgO ceramics with typical values of -nesity, V r.,pared both by tho foam method and by the method of burnout of additives, were tested for evaporation rate in Card - 1/3 UDC: 666.764 ACC NR: AP7005512 vacuum and in a helium atmosphere at 2073-2573K by the method described by Luk-in and Poluboyarinov (0-neupory, 1964, no, 9, s. 418) for solid ceramics (since , vaporation in porous' bodies is difficult to determine, in this case conditional rate of evaporation, i. e. loss of weight per unit time per unit surface determined according to external dimensions of the speci- men N%-as used as the yardstick). Findings: given equal porosity, foam ceramics have a higher apparent porosity, a much lower gas permeability and smaller unit surface area than the ceramics prepared by the method of burnout of additives. The ratio K of e1U.--ctive surface area S to total S which also includes the surface area of isolated pores, -epresents the part' eff total of surface area of pores from which evaporation occurs: K = S f/St. In this connection, on ef the basis of the obtained findings and their comparison with data on the evaporation of solid sintered specimens, empirical equations are derived for calculating the evaporation of porous pure-o x-ide ceramics without resorting to intricate experiments. Thus the evaporation rate of a ceramic of any porosity can be determined from the relation G = Ag/S efft'where Ag is the 2 weight loss of the specimen, gj S is the effective surface area, cm ; t i:-- the time of evapo- eff ration, see. The higher the porosity and hence also the higher S is, the greater the weight eff cimens of loss Ag must be. A comparison of experimental and theoretical findings on spe Card 2/3 ACC NR: A117005512 varying porosity shows that K is constant for all types of ceramics and deponds only on the niethod of their fabrication, which determines the nature of their structure. Orig. art. has: 2 figures, 3 tables. SUB CODE: 11, 20/ SUBMI DATE: none/ ORIG REP: 005 GENDIN, Viktor Yakovlevich; BIISSIR, Ta.P., nauchnyy red.; GUZKA.N, KJL., rel.; GAMRTKRM, L.A., tekhn. red. [Kanxifacturing reinforced concrete elements by vibra. tion stamping] Izgotawlenle zhelezobetonnykh izdelii vibroahtampovaniem. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo lit-r,7 po stroit. materialam, 1957. 23 P- (MIRA 1117) (Precast concrete) ROSENPHLID, Lev Yoyseyevich; KRZHEMIIISKIY, S.A., aauchnry red.; GU7M, -- X*A., red.; GULMSON, P.G., takhn. red. [Autoolave foamed slag concrete] Avtoklav-Vi penoshlakabeton. Mosk7a, Goa. izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. i atroit. ma- terialam, 1958. 95 P. (Lightweight concrete) (MIRA 1119) uk, red..Ctranslatorl; LFIVI, Zh.P. Cj,)vy, J.P.]; NLINZON, M.P., kand. telffin. na YAOB, I.A., Imnd. tekhn. nauk, red. [translator]: GUZMN, N.A., red.; GILENSON, P.G., tekhn. red. [Light-weight concrete; manufacture, properties, uses] [Translated from the French] Legkie betony; prigotav'lenie - evoistva - primenenie. Red. M.P. Blinzona i I.A. IAkab,, Moakia, Gos. izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. i stroit. materialam, 1958. 145 P. (MIU 11:7) (Lightweight concrete) GUZMAN2 M.A.,__;-ed. izd-va; NOCHAL11"A, Z.S., tekhn, red. (Over-all mechanization and automation of the quarrying and dreBsing of natural wall stone) Kompleksnaia, mekhanizatsiia i avtornatizatsiia dobychi i obrabotki prirodnogo stenovogo kamnia. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit.i stroit. materialarn) 1961. 117 p. (MIRA 14:12) 1. Nauchno-tekhnicheskoye obshchestvo stroitellnoy industrii SSSR. (Building stones) GAK, B.N., kand.tekhn. nauk; GEERVIDS, I.A., kand. tekhn. nauk; GC:NCHAR, P.D., inzh.; VASILIKOV, S.G., kand. tekhn. nauk; Y-EVRE-711CH, A.V., kand. tekhn.rauk; KIPTENKO, X K., inzh.; LUDINA, X.G., kand. tekhn.nauk; NAUMCV, M.M., kand. tekhn. nauk; PATRIK, S.A., inzh.; POPUP L.N., kand. tekhn. nauk; WCOVOY, M.I., Inzh.; SEWN, V.G., lnzh.; SOKOLOV, Yu.B., inzh.; FRANCHUK, K.O., inzh.; XHAYUN, V.Ya., inzh., nauchnyy red.; CHIBUNt.)VSKIY, N.G., inzh., nauchnvy red.; NOKHRATYAN, K.A., red. (deceased]; _gUZ%1!6L M A red. OURVICH, E.A., red.; BORDWEV, N.K., tekhn. reL (Handbook on the production of structural ceramics]Spravochnik po proizvodstvu stroitellnoi keramiki. Moskva, Gosstroiizdat. V01.3.[Wall and roofing ceramics]Stenovaia i krovellneia kern- mika. Pod red. M.I%Naumova I K.A.Nokhratiana. 1962. 699 p. (MIRA 16:1) (Ceramics) (Building materials industry) tectr.3'-. oj3y for i r g a n Vitreous !,*~Ovaia tcA-hnclogiia izz.,-oti,-W~Itm"iia sl-;4-kl-,tovykh materialov i stel-lovinrykh zlh,n, StroliLdat., 1964. RTZKAN, P.A.; STAKEURSKIY, A.Ye., red.; OKMYAllCffUK, S., red.izd-va, b LMMZV, O.S., ElClectromagnetic automatic toys] Elaktromngnitays igrushki- avtomaty. Moskva, X-vo kulltury RSM. Izd-vo "Detskii mir" 1960. 1 fol. (Prilozhenie k zhurnalu OIUnyi takhnik,O no.16(82)). (mIRA 14:1) 1. TSentrallnaya stantsiya yunykh tekhnikov, Moscow. (Blectric toys) GIMMAN) Z.1. Prophylaxis of diseases in young farm animals. Teterinariia 39 no.5-.37-39 My 162 (MIRA 18-.1) 1. Zaveduyushchly laimovichsko7 mezhrayonnoy veterinarnc-bak- teriologicheskoy laboratorlyeyq Belorusakaya SSR. Guzov. A. F. in Parichi District. Zdrav.Belor. 5 no.6:9-11 Jo '59. (MIRA 122: 9) 1. Zaveduyashchiy Shatilkovelcim sel'skim vrachebno-bol'nichnym uchastlcom. (PARICIII DISTRICT-TULARMIU) GUZOV,-A.--E.-JMinsk) Birth injury to the fetal spine (Survey of the literature). Arkh. Pat. no.2:12-19 '62. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Iz kafedry patologicheskoy anatomii (zav. - prof. Yu. V. Gulikevich) Minskogo meditsinakogo instituta (dir. - dotsent A. A. Klylicharoy) (SPINF--WOUNDS AND INJURIES) (BIRTH INJURIES) TRUBETSKOV, L.I. kand.tekhn.nauk; GUZOV, E., inzh. Remote control of electric locomotives. Radio no.2i27 F 163. (MMA 1632) (Remote control) (Electric locomotives) TRUBETSKOV, L.V.; GUZOV, E.S. Introduction of appprat-as for the remote control of electric locomotives at loading points in Gigant Mine. Sbor. nauch. trud, KGRI no.19-.62-65 162. (M:ERA 16:5) (Krivoy Rog Basin-4Une railroads) (Remote control) k, "~ I ILIIN, Anatoliy Afirinaslyovich; FEWPENKO, Viktoi- 1,11ilkolayevich;SBULIN, N.I.,retsenzent- GUZOV,E.S.,retsenzent; BYKflOVSKIY,Ya.L.,o*Uv. 9 red. ~ (Dispatcher cormiunication using the contact network in mines] Dispetcherskaia sviazl po kontaktnoi seti rudnikov. Moskva, Nedra, 1964. 163 p. (MIRA 18:3) L u t.) 6 EW-11 11JEOLt -1/ r IJ r ~. 0, JD C NR. AP6027487 (A SOURCE CODE: UR/0)jl8/66/000/003/0044/oo45 ,~,AUTIIOR: Lebedev, B. D. (Candidate of technical sciences); Guzov, F. D. ('Engineer) ORG: None TITLE: Cooling acid-resistant stainless steel with an atomized emulsion during machining I k4 SOURCE: Tekhnologiya i organizatsiya proizvodstva, no. 3, 1966, 114-45 TOPIC TAGS: cooling, atomization, metal machining, temperature control, emulsion ABSTRACT: The authors describe a study carried out at the cutting laboratory of the Dnepropetrovsk Plant of Metallurgical Equipment and the Department of Metal Technology of DKhTI on cooling steel with atomized liquid during machining. The cutting zone is cooled with an atomizer developed at the Scientific Research Laboratory of Machine Tool Building and Cuttin Instruments at the Gor'kiy Polytechnical Institute. The tem- perature field of the cutting zone was studied under laboratory conditions and it was determined that the minimum temperature of the jet is 5 mm from the nozzle and de- creases insignificantly as pressure is increased from 2 to 5 atm. The lowest tempera- ture of the jet was observed at.a flow rate of 830 g/hr. The distance between the atomizer nozzle and the cutting zone was always set at minimum. Optimum air pressure and flow rate were determined at 2-3 atm and 300-800 g/hr respectively. The results Card 1/2 - UDC: 621-90+532.695:669.14.ol8.84 L o6371-67 C- ----A-P-6027 87 C NR: A 'show that atmized fluid cooling improves cut tool stability in all aspects of ma- hine ~opq shows that surface finish is im- ichining. The use of this method in mac I nn ;proved, particularly in the case of lKh18N9T acid-resistant stainless steel. Examples lare given showing the effect of atomized liquid cooling on various types of machining, Itools and materials. CODE: 13/ SUBM DATE: None Card 2/2 -VAII-o; GUZOVI L. A. "Static and Dynamic Calculation of the Boom of the W&Ddng Excavator ESh-4/40.w Cand Tech Sci, Dnepro~etrovsk Order of Labor Red Banner Metallurgical Inst imeni Stalin, Min Higher Education USSR, Dnepropetrovsk, 1954. (KL, No 3, Jan 55) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (12) SO: Sum. No. 556, 24 Jun 55 MOV, H.Z. Calculation of seepage in earthen dame having plastic cores. Dop.AN UHSR no.6.-425-428 '53. OM" 7: 1 ) 1. XHvw'kiy gidroseliorativniy institut. Predstaviv diyzniy ohlen Amdenii nank Ukrainalkoi HSR O.Yu.Ishlinalkiy. (U=s) (Soil percolation) V ~XiTO. G...,, M. C seopog* through M with ort-cii-WEncl a cutoff (in Russian), G&olekb. Siroit. 22, 0, 31-32, 1953. Apron is an inclined core testing an upstream face; it is con- cinued by a vertical ctmoff extending up tq the impervious b."e. Atshot wishcs to atimplify for: te.,t [VgWus;, Moscow, 19401 In- i VoIV4 cuhic ejuatton for taA.Iriepi of s~eptlgc fi-n with apten i~ 0 case af Ml reservoir. Body 4 -iam is apron is all tbl;k W as permeable as c4l;ofi. tic equaris. itinount of swpngt. across ~pcorl plus~cutoff to that through body pi 4~- He gets r pr intercept of extended seepage line with verrical fo mL4al fc hrough cucoff. Fquacion for scepatic jille is of the form y (a+ bx) Reviewer finds treatment simple and much idealized as com. paced to catica met in practice. G. H. Beguln, Switzetland . .......... Pery, SOV/ 124-58-4-432t, Translation from: Reteraol nyy zhurnal, Mekhanika. 1958, Nr 4, p91 (USSR) AUTHOR: Guzo; . M. Z TITLE: Ca!c,-j1zA!.:cn of the Seepage Through Earth Dams With Considera- tior, of the Perme~,',');,y of the Facing and the Upstream Apron (F`tra-:,ionr,vy -aichO zt!rr0yar:ykh plotin s uchetom vocloproni.- t-~-a,-emost*, t:krana ! povur.) PERIODICAL- Tr. K-~e7--zk. gidrorriellor, in--ta, 1956, Nr 6, pp 115-118 ABSTRACT: rhe irt'~Cle P,,Tt~f.--, a comparat;%ely simple hydraulic method of seepage cd1culat'.oris thrOLIgh earth darris having permeable Lipstream aprors and 'ac~.ngs. By separate determiriat.'on of the seepage quantities paszing through the upstream apron the facing, and the permeable foundation, and by equating the sum of these quant;iies to the arnount of seepage passing Linder the dam as dete rnfined from Dupuy' s formula, the author obtains a quadratic equation involving the magnitude of the head under the end of the apron.. 'NICI-CLIPOn, the au-0ior recel%es a simple expression for the vq',;atio-k ot the line of seepage which inciudes the abovementioneo quartity. This calculation r-nethod is simpler Card 112 than the other known methods for the seepage through similar SOV/1 24--58-4-4 326 Calculation of the Seepage Through Earth Dams With Consideration (cont, ) structures. The reviewer notes that in his evaluation of the accuracy of his method the author uses experimental data from the Akulovo dam (Shankin, P.A. Calculation of the Seepage in Earth Dams, Moscow, lzd-vo M-va rechn. flota, 1947) and claims that his method gives the closest results as compared with measurements (error: 2. 5"o) while affording a considerable simplicity. How- 7u ever, in the work of the reviewer [ A. A. Uginchus, Raschet fil'tratsii cherez zemlyanyye plotiny. (The Calculation of Seepage Through Earth Dams), Leningrad-Moscow, Stroyizdat, 19401 it was stated that the model of Akulovo dam had a partial cut-off wall 5. 0 m deep; with the thickness of the permeable foundation layer of 13. 0 m, this is an essential factor in the additional reduc- tion of the head. Therefore, the theoretical methods should produce a certain overestimation of the ordinates when compared to the actual values obtained in presence of the additional resistance caused by the cut-off wall. Accordingly, the author's method, giving a 2. 5$0 smaller ordinate, is not sufficiently accu- rate. However, its comparative simplicity is an asset. The reviewer also notes that the author has adopted from P. A. Shankin's work Table I which con- tains results of incorrect calculations. Bibliography: 7 references. 1. Dams--Physical properties 2. Water--Penetration A. A. Uginchus 3, Mathematics Card 2/?- FISHKIN, B.A. [Pyehkin, B.A.],; ARIbTOVSKIY, V.V. (AristovBlk7l, V.V.I, doktor tekhn.nauk, red.;; (RJZOV, M.Z._[Huzov, H.Z.1, kand.tekhn. nauk, red.; ZAGUMM, O.G. [Zahumannyi. 0.H.1, red.; PECHKOVSKAYA, O.M. [Fi6chkovalka, O.M.1, red.izd-va; MILOOKHIN, I.D., [Calculation of seepage through hydraulic structures; collection of scientific works] Filltratslini rozrakhunky gidratakhnichnykh sporud; zbirnyk naukovykh prate'. Kyiv, 1959. 161 p. (MIRA 13:2) 1. Akademiia nank TIRSR, Kiev. Rada po vyvchenniu produktyvnykh syl URSR. 2. Chlen-korespondent AN URSR, golova Komisii m.o problemi komplakanogo vikoristannya vodnikh resursiv URSR RPS AN URSR (for Fishkin). (Hydraulic engineering--Tables. calculations, etc.) -QUW-K,Pq-~r br"~yich; KMIETSOV, V.I., prof.. doktor tekhn.nauk, red.; _A__ -N. TMINMIT, -S-.-, red.; SATCHMO, Te.T., [In the world of Soviet science and technology; through the halls of the Polytechnical Museum. Metallurgy, chemistry. and fuel] T mire sovetskol nauki I takhniki; po zalam Polite khniche skogo muzeia. Metallurgiia, khimiia, toplivo. Pad red. T.I.Kusnateova. Hockva, Ind-vo Mkanie,e 196o. 42 p (MIRA 14:1) (Metallurgy) (Chemist;Y) r I A v it 0 It w Is 14 1! toait U2 a A v a r A 1 1 k Y 31 12 33 1. 15 It 0 is I$ a 41 U 41 &1 is *0 .-- _ , j PICV11,14t 1.14. 22-387. FLAW CLCMIIG CF WAUJC SWWAClB. S. G, ALytoteram Rag (Mkj&M), no. 3j, 1947,w p. 28-30. (In lCu"lan.) 00 Toobniques and apparatus used in the U.S.S.R. A campedson of 00 , perfommuce and ftsto for two foms of burner-hIgh-prommure and is 0 N ! nediua-pressurro-showing that costs for the high-pressure type .00 a" slightlyllavow. 00 APa- 0 SO. Cot I now A IS L A OfTALLfJPGKAL LITIMATLAI CtAIIJOKATION aft A I; C.. all -I _v,_ ne9 N IN 91 a a :1 0 v U is AV '0 Ai~ I, ts it op it Kit l(W N aft it G[KLOft ll,,.An 01 o 440 0 0 q 0 :10 e 0 As 0 0 oow 0 q 0 o o 0 q 0 0 0 0 *go* *go** 0: 0 0 0 Aluzo1v S. 0. I)A 20A9T43 USSR/Ingineering Sep 48 Pipe Lines Welding, Equipment "High-Pressure Acetylene Pipes," S. G. Guzov, Engr, I. I. Strlzhevakly, Cand Chem Sol, All-Union Sci.Res Inst of Autogenous Welding, 3_2' PP "Aytogennoye Delo" No 9 Many acetylene generators working under pressure of 1.5 ate have recently been produced. This article is published in interest of accident prevention. Treats subject under: (1) acetYlene explosions and their cau as, (2) detonation, (3) catalysts (4) coper ac:tylenide, (5) formation of crystailohydrateis an (6) conclusions'. - 2 4=10 - . - .__..___0/49T43 M A -_11 2" r1ch ln--'o Czs u t. r aun for ill, by the CH 1, A91 /Engi:"eting may cutting A.Wev Pow 1 Torch for Surface Cutting," S. G. Guzov, tagr, 2 pp -!!Avtogen Delo" No 5 Torch RVP-49 for surface oxygenous cutting is jM- perior to other models in having: larger stream of =ygen and greater cutting abilit3k, greater oinw- all lengt1i and larger nozzles permitting steadier control b)k the operator who is consequently Iar- ther frcm the flame, increased econcmW in using a "starting rod" for preheating, and maneuverability Um/sagineering (Contd) Y-v 4; 9 retained, despite increased weight of the Un-ch, by placing fireproof steel wheels on the nozzles.- Diagrams and performance chart. 50/49T32 !-"--,Zcvl -~. G . 27766. 3!L:,"f3YAYA., . 1%. -- Khrupkost'zorny t-,rric'n ;1,,of!o ,Iiyaniya pi-I sv,,arke T"alnuFlero(ii3toy strall. tru(~,,, po avtomat. I-varke nod - (in-t im. patcn~-'), s~ . 7, 1949 S. 3~112 --onovom stan,--,arte na rastvz)renny,-- So. 27769. So: Letopis' Zhurnallnikh Statey Vol. 37, 1949.