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GTOZDXV, A.A., prof., doktor tekhn.nauk; KRTLOV, S.M.. kand.tekhn.nauk; PBTROVA, Y.V., red.izd-va; SHIPMNIVA, N.Y., (Instructions for calculating statically indeterminate concrete construction elements taking into tribution of stresses] Inatruktaiis po raschetu delimykh zhelezobetonnykh konstruktaii a ucbatom usilii. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po etroit.. materialam, 1960. 109 p. 1. Akademiya stroitel'stya i ark:hitektury shelesobetona. Perovo. 2. Daystvitellnyy i arkhitektury SSSR (for Gvosdev). reinforced accoant the redis- staticheaki neopre- parerasprodeloaiis arkhit. i stroit. (M1,3A 13:6) SSSR. Institat betcna I chlen Aj.-00~~mii stroitel'stva (Reinforced concrete) (Strains and stresses) M16 0 A'T M 0 R 8 Gvozdr-v A A F-~ofess-Dr, Doetc- of T,~chnical S-Ience3, M'khayl:-v, - -_W_ _. - 1 3- ..V. i1rula Candidates of Technica- .! ences K kv Tl ru Gl"s-ReInforced Plaetics.for ReIrforcl.ric, *1" concre~.e PV_RIIDDICAL~ Beton 1 Zhelezo-Bc-.t:~n, !960, N~~. 5, pp. 10:~ 1--I T=.,- The article deals wl th !~he I ate E ~ dev,~', --% L-mr--n '-nf gild C"f rc- n - consts-Ving in '"vie emplovmen- ~f reinfc-cing material, cn thc- basis cf fiber-glass. The 4.dea was fir-E-; by arch'_tect A.K. B7-,-cv in ig4l; since tttat time extensive rei='Irle .r! W.-Ty. hes been done in t2he USSR a-d abroad. Sctenli,_=~Is hsve come to the 2:3n.2lusir-n, -, flber---glass al-~,ne Is iznsuitable as reinfor~~emen-,.; It- ~~an be use-d, however, In ths share of bars with Plastic binders; for better adhe4~11n fiber-glass is trea-'ed with S414,ohydrlde 11 8 -~o +I"fts date _11__On!~ were Cali- I:tambl at'ons (silanes). From 195 .' cpecial duc-ted by the Institute of Concrete and Reinfors-ed Conc:rete 'df tne ASIA of the LTSSF. For reinfor-ing material strips cf glass shee,,s of ~Ihe T nlngrad- skiy zavod slol-=tykh plastlkcv (Leningrad Laminated Flastlcs Plant) were used. This veneer contained abou-L 6-7% of-fiber-glass by welgh% and 46~ by volume. The tensIle strength of t:ne fiber-glase of non-alkal.1-ne comrcsIlAsn Card 1/4 x '0 ,S/0G7,"-,()/0G0j )'/0L,'C01~ Glass-Reinforced PlaEt,.cs for Reinforctng of Con.7rete 2 r t,~,~ e o_' r' d1ameter. is given aa be-Irg 8,000-9,000 kj::,"cm ;~ -:h~! giazlc' in '..erzlle ;Etrength. to 13,50'11_15~CCO T-he aritilmstic, mean value cf tenelle strength of gias~~, vz-reer st.rlp~ Is equad t--~ 11,750 kg/cm2, In acccxdance with tests r_ond=~'~d ~:.r' S-wmple~ 1:~f atxtp-z .10-70 ~m licmg. The art.Icle givea a wt-,-',:h wham exlsn-.~ -he ti~nz-fle strength depende upon the dura'zi:511 Of 5tre-s-g belng applied. At a given time th= '_~_nslle strength ha2 deereased by 3.5%. Tests hax~ ' that afzer 10 hcurs cf stresB av lication the :~oefflcient of de-rease oz' tt3n.~Ila strength Is 0.7. _P Tensi!.=' z-trength. of fib~-r-gla~s _'3. ln,::wn. ts' ur,~n zhe med:'_ux, In wtjjr~., it Fit_~atid. In this cc-.Lne~~ticn. '1,es-s were !:-_-4A ,"~_-tr-d ir wn4---h are characteriZt_1-_. of ~.hs pr;Dc.eZ-5 c.f In ~u_cklng C'1(0H)2 'Whi,-.,h 1E 4~4M I I ar t:, ~~e sct!.-n :X -,nnoret.e i~n alkall ani water have L-Ittla eff"ct on thc~ ~snslle atvsngt;~. of f-I'ter-glass v~~neer, 5.4- -e was ,.)nra redu_~f_ng It by -_8%. The t.:) higt~ ternper VCT'able. P17_-v_1.'%g ,.hat st-ax..Ing or autcZIA-va- are py.~hibl_tlve for f,_ber_g1azs re.~.nforce . nent. Ts:~'.s 'nave tnai-. in. usiTlls flber-glaz-s veneer, It I.-_4 necessary 9.11sw "-F'.:)r red-irtion. in ten_-:~Ile sf;reng~,h p 1!:) 40% cf -be initial nom,nal strength. T e w e r a- al z :~ -o -_ r -.'o r,,T. Q -d d ~_ t e r f P~ '. r. e , n e de v e, T, 4 n 1 c- f :. r rr po n o f f i b P_ r - glas_z vene.:~r under brief and t= o-IF-con '__na- !~t,; rat, Card '2/4 V 51,96 S/09 7/60 /MO/'O)y'O I/ V,`0 3 PjaEtIcs for R,~-inforclng of Concrete StInuctures be-t;ween -he plastic. part, of the deformatim and th~- final one ar. a_'zos~ c,-ns'-.xnt value until the breaking point . Test-= wh, 2h -,=St_sted In puillng out fIb,:,r~jzjIa-.,.i veneer sl.rlrs .10-15 cm long fr,-,m -!,hE c-r.=Tete th, average Value of tenslie strength --.f adne3lcn doez n,:)t ex2.~:em_J LC g 9L r E- rm. Dulllrg effort, on -the stripE did rot extend a re r lept-h 5-7 Due n;~ the low module of' of glss!i reinforcing tfte- 5,.1mary 7c3ses cf 'ens4-n. due t~_ erssp-ig ani sh inkage of d'-, rc-. excesi -L - - - - - Ir - - as comp~Lred t.o 15-220% In case i~f h1gh-grade wire. Table 2 _~,h~we -,:,e ~:&m~fle strength and 4~ra,~k resl-i~,,ance te!Fts p~zrformed :,n 1;~ bars 70-200 cm, !,:,-ng, re-Inforced W-Uq glass The re5ullts of !.he -'es-'s agree w!-_h_ -~he cal,:.ulated theoretical valuez, which prcve6 T2-,at in'_,ng gIas,-_pIa_~-i_-s re'.rf,zmed ::onr;rete it is r--,4F_P!blc. tl~-. the AeV4Ce ~f lnzf-!!~~,-on CE 10-57 (&N 10-57)~ It is jiistiflable t: ernpl-y relnforceiren-., when fcr technical consider a-Acns It. is nsl, P.,az_'Ible -t,* iisc. relnf--_~rcement. A great deal of rezear_,h work !~~ y,3-. -z- tc- dzn~_, 1-n-.11. r)last.1j:s reinft-r-r-ement c~Ln c.C'Mpe!Ie ~L.h steel r.~inf!_-.r,~ement.. Pni~ I zhelezobetona (Lnz-t_'tu-,e -if Cmc-rete and Rein.f.-rs-ad af ASIA US3R Card 82:Lgol S'/097./~0,1'000/03/0 1/003 Glas-z-Re~lnforoed Pl~Lsttcs .Pr-,r Reinforcing -f COnr-rC-.tE- YuzhYll, KnllKg,, '--;St4-*u~. stroltslli~lxa arkhl~,~.-kt..iry AN BSSR Cons,:xuaT,!;^-,n wid Architecture) and other-- engaged 'n W-~-k. -There arp ~ thctographs, 8 graphs, -tiblss --cma; I V~ 4/4 GVOZDEV. A.A.. doktor tekhn.nauk, prof. Current,problems in developing precast prestressed rpinforced concrete construction elements. BetA zhel.-bet. no.7:295-297 Jl 16o. (MIRA 13-7) 1. Deystvitel'nyy chlen Akademii strotiel'stva i arkhitektury. (Precast concrete) -qy~owvv, A.A., doktor tekhn.nauk, prof.; DMI191IYEV, S.A., kand.tekhn.nauk Designing cross sections according to the tendency to form craelm Bet.i zhel.-bet. no-7:331-332 Jl l6o. (MIRA 13:7i (Strains and stresses) prof., doktor tokhn.nat-1k; KRYLOV, S.M., kand.bakhn.nauk; KLIMOVA, G.D., red.i2d-va; KASIMOV, D.Ya., [Instructions for calculating statistically Indeterminate reiuforced-concrete construction elements tiking the redistribution of stresses into account] Instruktsiia Po raschetu vtaticheski neopredelin7kh zholesobatonnykh konstruktuii 9 uchetom pereraspre- dolanli,n uallii. Iud.2. RoFjkv,%, Goo.ind-vo lit-ry -po strolt., arkh1t. I strolt.materialam, 1961. 109 p. (MIRA 15--2) 1. Akademiya stroitallstva i arkhitaktury SSSR. Institut betona I zholezobatona, Perovo. 2. TSentralinaya laboratoriya teorii zhelezobetona i armatury lauchno-ionledovateliskogo instituta botona I zhelazobetona Akademii stroitelletva i arkbitektury SSSR (for Gvozdev, Krylov). (Strains and stresses) (Reinforced concrete) TEMKIN, L.Ye. 9 inzh., nauchn. red.; OVOIANKIE, V.I., red.; STITOKUT SKIX, N'.S.; prof., red.; GVOZDE;V, A.A.-,-Prof., red.; IWTVil, Yu,,Y., read.; -q,- I=SOVI S.A.p kand. tekhn. naukp rod.; GALKNO Ta.C., red.; MASILI- NIKOVI, P.A., red.z MURASIEV, V.1.9 red. [decca.,Ied); NIKITINI, 1U., red.; TALI, K.E., lci&d. tekhn. nauk, red.; VILKOV, G.N., red. izd-va; GARNUKHINO Ye.K., tekhn. red. (Papers from the International Conference on Designing Building 0 Elements] Mayerialy Mezbdunarodnogo sovesbchaniia po rasebetu stroitell- nykh konstruktsii. Moscow, 1958. Mosknia, Gos. izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. i stroit. materialamp 1961, 258 P. (MIRA 34: 7) 1. Mezhdunaronoye soveshchaniye po raschetu stroitellnykh konstruktsiy. Moscow, 1958. 2. Deystvitellryy chlen Akader-ii stroilvellstva i arkhitek- tury SSSR (for Streletskiy, Gvozdev). 3. Clilen-korrospondent Aktidevdi stroitellstva i arkhitektury SSSR (for Sementsov, Tall) (Building) doktor tekhn. nauk, prof.; CIIINhIlKOV, Yu.V., kand. GVOZDEV, A.A. nauk; IFVIIIKA, G.A., red. izd-vaj KLIEOVA, G.D., red. izd--va; MOCHALINA, Z.S., tekhn. red. f1landbook on the design of three-dimensional reinforced concrete thin-walled roofs and spans] Instruktsiia po pro- ektirovaniiu zhelezobetonriykh tonkostennykh prostranstven- nykh poki-jtii i perekrytii. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. i stroit. materialam, 1961. 334 P. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Akademiya stroitel'stva i arkhitektury SSSR. Institut be- tona i zhelezobetona, Perovo. 2. liauchno-issledovatellskiy institut batons i %~-In na Akademii stroitelletya i arkhitektury (for Ovozdev, Chineukaw). 3. Dey6tvitollnyy chlen Akademii stroitallstya i arkhitektury SM (for Gvozdev). (Reinforced concrete construction) (Roofing, Concrete) 9VOZDEV,.A.A., grof. Stability of thin shells. Bet. i zhel.-bet. no.10:44i,445 0 1 e-I ~ (IIIIII-A 'U~-,?-2) 1. Deyst-vitelln5ry chlen Akademii stroitel I stva i arlIchil"el.-tury SSSR. (Roof,,-., Shell) MULININ, N.M., kand.tekhn.nauk; DNITRIYEV) S.A~, kand.tekhri.i)auk; KRASOVSKAYA,G.M., inzh.- GVOZDEV A.A., doktor tekhn.nauk,prof.; KL1MOVAI GO.,, red.i7,d-va-,- ~.L, tekhn. red [Temporary instructions on the use of thermally strengthened ribbed cable in prestressed concrete elements] Vremennye ukazaniia po pri- meneniiu termicheski uprochnennoi katanki periodicheskogo profilia v predveitellno napriazheruVkh zhelezobetonrVkh konstruktsiiakh. Moskva, Gosstroiizdat, 1962. 11 p. (MIRA 15:6) 1. Akademiya stroltel'stva i arkhitektury SSSR. Inatitut betona i zhelezobetona, Perovo.2. Deystvitellnyy chlen Akaderii stroitel'stva i arkhitektury SSSR (for Gvozdev). (Concrete reinforcement) GVOZDEV, A. A. "A Sm-"y Concrete." report presented Rome and Naples, of the Results of Scientific Research cl Pre-stressed Reinfomd at the Intl. Federation of Prestressing, 4th Intl. Congress., 27 M&7 - 2 June 1962. GVOZIEV, A.A.,__doktor tekhn.nauk, prof.; DMITRIYEV, &.A,, kand.tekhn.nauk; -MgRO-VSKIY, YA.M., kand.teldin.nauk Calculation of the displacements (deflections) of reinforced concrete elements according to the draft of the new standards (SNU 24.1-62). Bet. i zhel.-bet. 8 no.6:245-250 Je 162. (MIRA 15:7) (Precast concrete) (Flexure) GVOZDEV, A.A. -4~ -WK Basic objectives of the theory of reinforced concrete for the next twenty years, Izv.ASiA 4 no.4:3-8 162. (KM 16t1) 1. Deystvitellnyy chlen ikademii stroitellstva i arkhitektury SSSR. (Reinforced-concrete construction) (Building research) IN, I i --- !'?I' GVOZDEV, A.A., doktor tekhn.nauk, prof., red.; ZUBKOVA, M.S., red. izd-va; GOLIBERG, T.M... tekhn. red. (Experimental and theoretical reagarch on reinforced concrete structures] Eksperimentallno-teoreticheskle isoledovanila zhe- lezobetonnykh konstruktaii. Pod red. A.A.Gvozdeva. Moskva (MIRA 16*7~ Goostroiizdat, 1963. 253 p. 1. Akademiya stroitalletva i arkhitektury SSSR. Institut betona I shelesobstona, Pprovo. 2. Deyatvlteltnyy chlen Akademli stroitel'stva i arkhitektury SSSR (for Gvosdev). (Reinforced concrete construction) GVOZDF.V, A.A., prof. "Physical bases for the theory of the strength of concrete and reinforced concrete" by O.IA. Berg. Reviewed by A.A.Gvozdev. Bet. i zhel.-bet. 9 no.2t92 F 163. (KCRA 16u5) 1. Deystviteltriyy chlen Akademii stroitellstva i arkhitektury SSSR. (Concrete-Tosting) (Berg, O.IA.) TEMKIN, L.Ye., inzh., red.; GVOZDE-Y, A.A.s doktor tekhn. nauk, prof., red.; SIIITOVA, L.N., red.izd-va; RODIONOVA , V.1-1., takhn. red. (Construction specifications and regulations] Stroitellrye nornW i pravila. I-Io-A-va, Gosatroiizdat. Pt.2. Sec.V. ch.l. [Specifications for the design of concrete and reinforced- concrete structures] Betonnye i zhelezobetotirrye konstruktsii; normy proektirovaniia (2UP II-V. 1-62). 10,62. 100 p. (I~aRA 16:12) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S..U.) GosudarstvenrWy komitot po delair, stroitel'5tva. 2. Gosudarstvennvv komitet Soveta Vinistrov SSSR po delam stroitel'stva (for Temkin). 3. Nauchno- issledovatellakiy Institut betona i zbelezobetona Akader-di stroitel'stva i arkhitektury SSSIt (for Gvozdei,). (Concrete construction) (;ieinforced concrete construction) 01VO.ZHIIJ II.A . (1103cow), : "Creep of concrete". report presented at the All-Union Congress on 'I"heoretical and Applied I-Techanics, Moscow, 2.0 Jan - 5 Feb 64. KLYACHKO, A.L., inzh.; ODIIIOV, 1E.I., inzh.; GLUKHOVEKrY, K.A., kand. tekhn, nauk, inzh., tekhn. nauk, prof., red.; GORENSWEYN, B.V., kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; KOSTYUKOVSKIY, M.G., kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; FRYLOV, N.A..doktor U'ekhn. nauk, red.; KUREKI N.M., kand. tekhn. nauk-, red.; LEVIIISKIY, L.G., inzh., red.; LOBANOV, N.D., inzh., red.; NZIOROZOV, A.F., inzh..' red.; ONIASHVILI, O.D., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof., red.; SAKPIIIOVSKIY, K.V., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof., red.; FILBI A.F., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof., red.; YEFD.'OV, A.D., inzh., nauchn. red. [Three-dimensiona" structural. elements in the U.S.S.R.; materials of the All-Union Conference on Precast Reinforced Concrete Three-Dimensional Elements held in November 13-17, 1962 in Leningrad] Prostranstvennye kon- struktsii v SSSR; po materialam. pervogo Vseso-Juznogo so- veshohaniia po sbornym zhelezobetonnym prostranstvem-kym konstruktsiiam, sostoiavshegosia 13-17 noiabria 1962 g. v Leningrade. Leningrad, Stroiizdat, 1961,. 461 P. (MIRA 17:11) 1. Nauchno-tekhnicheskoye obshchestvo stroitellnoy indu- strii SSSR. Leningradskoye otdoloniye. IGVOZDEV) A'A.; dAtor teklui. nauk, prof., red.; GORIACFEVA, T,V.,, red. (Calculating and building reinforced concrete Istructural elements; materials 6n the justification and ' explanation of new regulation norms for designing concretq and re-- inforced concrete elements SNiP II-V. 1-62] Raschet i M" k konstruirovenie ale entov zhalezobatonrV h kona-truktsii; materialy po oboEnovanliu i razlliasneniiu novykh polozhe.- nil norm proektirovaniia betonzVkh i zhelezobeformykh konstruktsii SNiP II-V. 1-62. Moskva, Stroiizdkt2 1964. 214 p. (MIRA 17-11) TALI, K.E., kand. tekh. nauk; LESSIG) N.N., kand. te khn. nauk; Frinimali uchastiyes Q~V_%~P __A_.A..;-ALEKSAHDROVSKIY, SoV.; BORISHANSKIY, M.S.; DKITRIYEV, S.A.; KRILOV, S.M.; MIKHAYLOV, K.V.; MULIN, N.M.- NEMIROVSKIY, Ya.K.; CHISTYAKOV, Ye.A.; VASILIYEV, B.F.; BOGATIIN, I.L.; ZALISOV, A.S.; NIKITIN, I.K. New standards SNiP II-V. 1-62 for the design of concrete and reinforced concrete elements. Bet. i zhel.-bet. 9 no-3:97-102 Mr. '63. (MIRA 16:4) 1. Nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut betona i zhelesobetona Akadenii stroitel'stva, I arkhitektury SSSR (fo'r all except Vasillyev, Bogatkin, Zalesov, Nikitin). 2. Goiudarstvennyy institut tipovogo proyektirovaniya i tekhnicheAkikh issledovaniy (for Vasillyev, Bogatkin, Zalesov, Nikitin). GVOZDn'y A.A., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof., red. [Crack resistance and deforriability of normal and pre- stressed concrete elements] Treshchinostoikost' i de- formativnost' obychnykh i predvairitellno napriazhennykh zhelezobetonnykh konsti~uktsii. Moskva, Stroiizdat, 19,55. 281 p. (14rRA 18-8) GVOZDEV., A.A. Direction o--:' dil splacements In a long i tud 11--al , a,,,p SrCp--:-at4ng along the free boundary of an elastic medium. Izv.*ANFSSSR. Fiz. zem. no.2:65-68 165- (MIRA 18:6) I. Institut fiziki Zemli AN SSSR. T, 00350-6 ZUT(n' ) ACCESSION NR: AP5018153 UR/0097/65/00 0/007/0001/0008 6(A.97.017:539.374 AUTHORSt Gvozdev. A. A. (Doctor of technical aciencea, Professor); A1eksandr6v-Wkjh S-. V-.-(Caudidate of technical sciencoo); h p~i IL9 4 (Engineer)! TITLE: Creep of concrete under time-varying stresses SOURCE: Boton i zhelozobeton, no. 7, 1965, 1-8 TOPIC TAGSs concrete, creep characteristic, creep mechanism, construotionmate- rial ABSTRACT: A study 13 made of creep in concrete under time-varying stresses, for example, stresses due to temperature and humidity fluctuatiorts. Special expori- ments were set up by the author while working in the TeentralInaya laboratoriya teorii zholezobotona HIIZhB, Gosstroya SSSR (Central Laboratory of Rein.10 rced Concrete Theorys NIIZhB, Gosstroy SSSR), and the results of these testa are re- ported. Creep was studied -un-der-condMons of centerred compression of vibrated concrete of weight content 1:1.0:4.4 with a water-cemnt ratio of 0.65. The ori- a gin and content of the cement and aggregates are given (no special analysis was made of the water). Sample spocijm)ns were made in the form of prisms of Card 1/2 L 0035o-66 ACCESSION NR: AP5018153 dimensions 7 x 7 x 60 cm. The specimqns were nPialed in parmffin, petroleum jel.1y9i and polyethylene film aft-or a 72-hour cure. A special. lever apparatus vas devel- oped for use in loading and unloading the concrete spoolmono. Brief deacriptions of instrumentation and temperature-humidity control de,(-ices are given, The modu- lus of elasticit7 of the concrete wider compression oboys the equation 3.3 (1 - 0,,5- 7- 5'e-Q-'111) 101 Ajyeg2 where E(V) is in kg/cm~ and -C is the compressive stress. Several specimens were! exposed to constant loading only in order to provide experimental control. A re- view is made of certain theoretical creep equations, and erporimental measurements~i are compared with theory. Empirical. parameters fccr certain creep equations are estimated on the basis of experimental observations. The authors conclude that the applicability of the theo of an elastically creeping bo(tr depends upon ac- 1; .17 curate selection of the analytic expressions for the "hereditary" functions of the: theory. Orig. art. hast 7 figures and 7 equations, ASSOCIATIONt none bUDMITTED: 00 ENCLt 00 SUB CODE: W 7 NO REF SOV: 010 OTHER: 001 Card 2/2.) LEVAM117, Ln.-!- proc., ta'Ator 't--knn' ..;, , ,J.; Ii . I r. L-2 - - Diidtrly Grigc-r1yevich, ijts,, I natik; KU217ETSOV, G.F., prof,, doktoi- takhxi. nauK; Gli,3ZDE'V, A.A., prof., doktor tekhn. nauk [,'reinforced courreto elements] Zhelezobatormye kon- struktsil. Yoskva, Vysshaia sinkula, 1965. 871 p. (MIRA 18110) GVOZDEV, A.F., otv. za vypu.,k (Report to the Fifth World Congress of Trade Unions on the activities of the World Federation of Trade Unions] Otchat V Vsemirnomu kongressu profsoiuzov o deiatellnosti Vse- mirnoi federatsii profsoiuzov, 1957-1961. n.p. Profiviat, 1961. 674 P. WIRA 15:6) 1. World Federation of Trada,Unions. (Trak unions-) R ~So-? .0 V148/60/000/002/008/008 AUTHORS- Minkevich, A.N., Ovozdev, A.G. TITLE, Titanizing of Steei%& a-,-M,,ol*ten Salt Bath PERTODICAL.~ Izvestlya vysshikh uchebnvkh zavedenly, Chf~ornaya meta2llurgiya, 1960, Nr 2, PP 151 - 1.56 TEXT? Information is given on results of exper-Iments on titanizing of ~~8 and 20 grade teels in a molten salt bath. Titanizing was successfully performed at >--~JO and 1,100'C during 0,5 - 2 hours in a bath ccl-ritaLning 80 - 90% molten sodium chloride and 10 - 20% fine granulated TIO 'alloy (containing X Melting and utilization of the bath was ccnduoted under about 10% (at.) 02). an argon shield. It is desirable in further experiments -to Inirsstigate the possible utilization of the bath without a zhiet1ding gis, "P. -,," also rt-q- commended 'to check the -possibility of replacing the powder of a - pecially molten titanium alloy with oxygen by titanium powder contaminatrd with oxygen to about the required conc;ent-lation. Without the Indicated experiments -the recommendation of an extended use of the aforementioned bath will be pre- mature. The titanized layer formed on 08 steel An the bath consists of a Card 1/2 Titanizing of Steel in a Molten Salt Bath s./148/6o/ooo/oo2/rjo8/0o8 thick layer of columnar grains separated from the core by a boundary line, and' of a -thin harder external zone. The columnar grains are solid solutionE of titanium in Oe- -iron. In a part of this zone, adjacent to -t-he external thin zone, sometimes the separation of excessive titanides, preed.p.1tating during slow cooling, was obsemed. Data of spectral analysis, ci~rrisd out. under the supervision of V.G. Koritskiy., show that the external zone contains about 30% titanium. Accor-TBij --to data from X-ray analysis, +_he~ eicternall zone of the layer on 08 grade steel is FeTioltltanide; on 50 grade steel it is titanium carbide, TiC. The t1tanile-d layer formed on the steel in the :Ln- vestigated bath has high corrosion and acid resist-ance. There areg 4 graphs, 2 sets of microphots, 1 table and 7 referene"s, 2 of which are SovIet and 5 English~ ASSOCIATION,- Moskovskly institut sta.11 (Moscow Steel Inst1t_u-.i,) SUBMITTED, October 6, 1958 Card 2/2 AVRAAMDV YU.S.; (~V z&U,-A - _q7 LIVSHIII3, B.G. Surface energy of single crystals of the Fe - ^-% Si alloy. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. 8 no.9:142-145 165. (KRA 18 j 9) 1. Moskovskiy institut stali i splavov. "'rys Mosk,--nr5kiy stalt i splavcir. " ') , n T 12015-06 EVU-1) -TP(t),"~n-'T(1) /Ef!T'b) J F V" - 7n bb '/O~~ - 7 7555 A_CC NR SOURCE, C--O-.D,E: Ull/(jo ~qr) i" AUTHORS: Avraamov. Yu. S.; Gvozdev, A. G.i. 1,11ishit;s', B. Or. ORG: Institute of Steel and Alloys (Instltitt stali 1. nplavov) TITLE: Concerning the role of the 11ml ting and surface energy in secondary recrystallization,4. SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 165, no. 2, 1965, 316-318 TOPIC TAGS: crystal growth, surface property, recrystallization ABSTRACT: The authors have attempted to determine more accurately the ratio of the grain-boundary and surface contribution to the crystal- ,, '~l growth moving force during different stages of secondari recrystalliza- ,tion without taking into account the retarding action of Inclusions and bermal-etching grooves. The uniform growth of a two-dimensional grain from a stabilized matrix is analyzed to derive the grain-groivtb moving force. It is shown that the main nontributinn to the moving force is made by the surface energy when R < 1.5 r (R -- radius of the growing grain, r -- radius of the matrix gr7ains), and that when R > 1.5r the contribution of the boundary energy is larger. At the end of the secondary recryst4llization, the fractions due to the surface and -1/2 L 12015-66 iC-CNR, - AP5028278 boundary energies amount to 24 and 76 per cent respectively if A0, the difference of the surface energy of the growing grain and of the matrix grains is assumed to be 3 per cent of the surface exiergy (a). This compares with values of 88 and 12 per cent estimated by Dunn and Walter (Acta met., v. 8. 497o 1960), and with 37 and 63 per cent o~,.tained by the authors In the case, of grain oriented transformer tkej~I(Izv. vyssh. uchebn, zaved, Chernaya metallurglya, No. 9, 1965)- This report was presented by G. V. Kurdyumov. Orig. art. hast 3 figures and 4 formulas. SUB CODE: 20/ StM DATE: O8May65/ NR REP SOV: 001/, OTH RM 007 Card LARIONOV, K.A., doktor ekonom. nafik, prof.; GVQZDEV, A.M., kand. ekonom. nauk, ILYUKHMA, N.A., kande ekonom. nauk; XOGAY, A.V.,-kcand. ekonom. nauk; NIKOLAYEV, N.I.., kand. ekonom. nauk; TURIN, N.V., kand. ekonom. nauk, dots.; VASYUTIN, V.F., prof., red.; KOKOSIM0, A.G.p red.; NAMOV, K.M., tekbn. red. [Planning the local econoU. and cultura-I development of a regionl Pla- niroyanio mestnogo khoziaistva-i kultwrnogo stroitellutva ralonai uchebnoe posobie. Moskva) Izd-vo VPSh i AON pri TnK KpSS 1961. 382 p. IMIRA 14: 11) 1. Kommunisticheska~a partiya Sovetskogo Soyuza. Vysehaya ehkqla*- 2. Kafedra sovetskoy ekonordki Leningradskoy Vysshey p&rtiynoy shkoly (for Larionov, Gvozdbv, Ilyukhina, Kogay, Nikolayev, TSapkin). (Russia-Economic policy) (Russia-Culture) VO!, FAYNBERG, A.I.; REZNIK, A.I.; GVOZDEV, FILATGIV, O.L.; USMKOI, V.S., red.; SAIAZKOV, N.P., teklin. red. (Problems on the methodology for planned calculations and analysis of administrative operations in comunal housing and services]Sbornik zadach po metodike planovykh raschetov i ana- lizu khoziaistvennoi deiatellnosti v koz-mmmallnam khoziaistve. [By] A.I.Fainberg i dr. Moskva, Izd-vo M-va kommun. khoz. RSFSR) 1962. 233 P. (MIRA 15:12) (Housing management-Accounting) (Municipal services-Accounting) GVOZDF,V, A.P. - . Methods of determining the economic efficiency of underground coAl ganificntion. Podzem.gnz.ugl. no-1:72-74 158. (MIRA 11;4) 1. Glavpodsemgaz. (Coal gnsificstion, Underground--Accounting) GVOZIZV, A.; SHAPIRO. M. --"&-ASMM ---A~,-- Natural gas as turbine fuel. Tekh.mol. 26 no.2:19 '58. (MIRA 11:21. 1.Zamestitell nachallnika Glavpodzemgaza (for Gvozdev). 2.Starshi7 inzhener Glavpodzemgaza (for Shapiro). (Gas turbines) -GVOZDEV, Anatoliy Petrovich ; CHERNYAVSKIY, Leonid Markurlyevich; =- RjjM-,-0-.S-.-r-ed-,j -STRYZHKOVA, N.I., red.; GAWTIOINOVA, .9 Ye.N.., tekhn. red. (Organizing a centralized operation service]Organizatsiia tsentralizovannoi ekspluatatsionnoi sluzhby. Moskva,, Avto- transizdat, 1962. 79 p. (MBU 15:9) (Transportation, Automotive) S/270/63/000/002/011/020 A001/A1O1 AUMORS: Obiralov, A. I., Gvozdev, A. V. TITLE: The effect of changing temperature of instruments in the differen- tiated method on the precision of stereoscopic processing of aerial photosurvey data PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geodeziya, no. 2, 1963, 24 - 25, abstract 2.52.172 ("Tr. Mosk. in-ta inzh. zemleustroystva", 1962, no. 16, 59 - 66) TEXT: The error magnitudes depend on the conditions of photograph illumination (upper, lower), power and disposition of lamps, etc. In order to secure high-precition measurements, it is necessary, during the period of in- strument warming, to specify the initial reading by the parallactic screw after definite time intervals. The stabilization of measurement results corresponds to the instant of temperature stabilization of individual instrument parts, after which p magnitudes will be measured on another scale with a constant error eliminated in forming differences of longitudinal parallaxes. Changes in tem- Card 1/2 S/270/63/COO/00~/011/020 Me effect of changing temperature of... A001/A101 perature of the instrument do not markedly affect the accuraoy of measuring the magnitudes of transverse parallaxes q. I. Mityachkin (Abstracter's notei Complete translation] Card 2/2 BABUSMN# A.A,j_ DR .P.A.; GLAZUNOT9 Pja. -M.-A Spectrophotometrio equipment for continuous absorption analysis and fz recording- gas concentrations. liz. abor. no.3:360--363 157. (KIRA 11-18) 1. Institut fixiohealwy khImil AN SSM (Speatrophotometer) C,VOZDE-,,, B. A. SHUBIN, V. N, "The Effect of Accelerated Miectron3 on Solutions of K)MaOl~!' P-73 Trudy Transactions of the First Confervence on Hadiowtion CbmietrY.- MOSCowy Izd-vo AN SM.. 195B., 3PPP- Coaftrence -25-3D Numh 1957, NDSWv 1f3 DI-A3E, I DWX IMILOITAM0111 790 Akademiya nauk SSSR. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk Deystviye ioniziruyushchM izlucheniy na neorganicheskiy~e i organicheskiye sistemy (Effect of Ionizing Radiation on Inorganic and Organic Systems) Moscov. Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1958. 416 P. 7,000 copies printed. Resp. Ed.: Pshezhetskiy, S. Ya.; Ed. of Publishing House: BugVenko, L.T.; Tech. Ed.; Prusek-ova, T. A. PURPOSE: This publication is for scientists working in the field of radiochemistry. COVERAGE: This collection of articles represents contributions of Soviet scientists in the field of radiochemistry. The papers are concerned with the effect of ionizing radiation on organic and inorganic substances in solutions and in the solid phase. These papers were completed in the yeaxe 1951 - 1950" at the Institute of Physical Chemistry, AS USSR, the Institute of Physics and Chemistry imeni L. Ya. Karpov, the bloscov State Uni-versity, and other scientific institutions. Most of these works are a continuation of those published in "Sbornik rabot po radiatsionnoy khimii" published in 1955. Ts. I. Zalkind and Yu. M. Malinskiy cooperated in the editing of this symposium. Card l/ 31 Effect of Ionizing Radiation (Cont.) 790 TABLE OF COMTNTS: PART 1. ILEAMONS IN AQMOUS SO'UJTIONS AND RADIMON AND ELECTRO-CIMCAL PROCESSSM Preface Duzhenkov, V.I., Dolin, P.I. Effect of X-ray Irradiation on AquaQua Alkali Solutions Saturated With Oxygen 7 The kinetics of acamulation of molecular products formed in the radiolysis of water are studied In this paper. These products are: hydrogen peroxide and hydrogen. The absorption of oxygen in high-purity alkali solutions saturated with oxygen was also taken into consideration. It was determined that the initial yield of hydrogen depends on the concentration of the irradiated KOH solution only for concentrations up to 0.6 - 0.7 K K-M. ;The same relation was found for H 0 . The material balance of ~he molecular products showed a s?;3nj deviation towards excessive absorption of oxygen. This fact was explained, as the formation of higher peroxides, probably H02 or the complex H2P2-1102 Card 2/ 31 Effect of Ionizing Radiation (cont.) 790 There are 4 figures and 8 references, of which 6 are Soviet and 2 English. Gvozdev, B.A.Y Shubin, V.N. Effect of Accelerated Electrons on Potassium Permangan Solutions 12 The reduction of aqueous WnO4 solutions accelerated electrons in the concentration range of 10-3 IF to 3-10- M is discussed in this paper. The yield of the reaction Mn(VII) a'i- Mn(IV) is determined from the relation between the amount of reduced permanganate and the anount of energy absorbed by the solution. The authors explain the effect of the acidity of the solution (in the range pH = 0.4 to 12) on the rate of reduction. The maximum yield vas observed for pH = 2.05. It Vas determined that the yield of reaction does not depend on the damage rate in the range from~ 1017 to - 1020 eV/ml-sec for electron energies from 0.1 to 0.7 Mev. There are 8 figurea, 3 tables., and 7 references, of vb1ch 4 are Soviet, 2 English, and 1 Polish. Card 3/31 Effect of Ionizing Radiation (Oont.) 790 Sidorova, L.P., Zimin, A.V., Pfoskurin, M.A. Effect of Co6o Radiation on Aqueous -Solutions of Salim- of 131.11m 22 The article deals with the effect of irradiation ou SnC12 and OnCl solutions, and the role of the salts as acceptors of the P'roActs of water raliolysis. Experime4tal data show that the irradiation of 1-10-2 M soljjtj4mW_.Of Sn2+ in 4N HC1 and in IN NaOH results In a hydrugmx yield aqual to the yield of bivalent tin oxidation. *The yield of'hyxlrogen is 0.53 - 0.60 molecules/100 ev of absorbed energy. The hydrogien yield does not change with the increase of dosage in an acid medim, and decreases in an alkaline mediun. The presence of bivalent tin in alkaline solutions increases the hydrogen yield, vlaile it does not show 94~essential effect in an acid medim. The oxidation of Sn 311 ~Sn4+ in acid and alkaline media is apparently conditioned by the interaction of Sn2+ vith H202 molecules. There are 3 tables, 1 figure, and 14 references, of which 6 are Soviet,, and 8 English. Card 4/31 Effect of Ionizing Radiation (Cont.) 790 ChernovaY A.I., Orekhov, V.D., Pzoekurin, M.A. Oxygen Compounds of Iron Ions and Their Conversion During Radiolyals of Aqueous Solutions 29 This is a study of iron peroxide compounds and their behavior under T- and ultraviolet irradiation. Variable-valence tons are con- sidered to be carriers of the oxiclizing components in radiochemical oxidation. The peroxide iron compleic which forms during the irradia- tion of a Mohr salt solution in 4N sulfuric acid decomposes in the presence of Fe3+ to form bivalent ions. This process is intensified with the Increase of the Fe3+ concentration in the solution. It was determined that the peroxide iron complex can be formed also in Mohr salt solutions in O,8N acid vhen an excess of Fe3+ is present. Addition of MnSO4, TINO NaCl, KBr, KI, Ce(NO and CuSO to the irradiated solutions of e Mohr salt in 0.8 an(i343K sulfuric acid leads to an increased yield of Fe34' ions. The effact is due to the presence of bromide and iodide ions as well . Ca)+ and Cu2+. There are 6 figures and 11 references., of which 4 are Soviet, 4 English, and 3 Cerman. card 5/31 Effect of Ionizing Radiation (cont.) 790 Sharpatyy, V.A., Orekhov,, V.D., Proskurin, M.A. Sensitization of the Radiolytic Conversion of Sodium Nitrate in Aqueous Alkaline Solutions 37 The subject of this paper is the effect of the temperature of the solution on the yield of radiolytic conversion of nitrate in aqueous alkaline solutions at temperatures fLom 20" to 90% The same process vas studied vith glycerin as acceptor of OR radicals. An increase from 20" to 400 in liq NaNO3/ lm KU& aaaws a sharp increase of the nitrate yield: from - 3.0 to - 6.5 eqiv./lOOev. The increase in yield reaches its limit value at 80" and equals about 8 equiv./lOOev. The sensitizing effpct of g3,werin Is apparent only when its concen- tr4ion is - 5 .10 4 M and remains constant for concentrations up to 10__LM. The presence of molecular oxygen (air) inhibits this effect. There are 5 figures and 10 references, of vbieh 0' are Soviet and 4 English. Sharpatyy, V.A., Orekhov, V.D., Proslairin, M.A. Radiolytic Redaiction of Sodium Nitrate in Concentrated Aqueous Solutions 43 This paper considers the radiolytic reduction of nitrate solutions in a wide range of concentrations. Concentrations of NaNO above 1M in the presence of an inert gas (nitrogen) resulted in a yield of 8 to 9 equivJ 100e.q. 1,10- It was found that molecular oxygen Inhibits the re-duat..Inn 2' Card 6/31 Effect of Ionizing Radiation (Cont.) process, which is evident in laver in an inert atmosphere. There are 3 are Soviet and 3 EnstlJob. 790 results as coMared to the process 2 figures and 6 references of which Chernykh, V.Ya., Pshezhetskiy, S.Ya.,, Tyurikov, G.S. Kinetics of the Decomposition of Hydrogen Peroxide Under the Action of y - Radiation The authors studied the kinetics of E202 decompositift in a vide range of concentrations: 1.78 - 92 .2 mol.%., in -S and ultraviolet radiation. The rate of the thenmal reaction was also taken into consideration. The rate of the radiation reaction is Proportional to the square root of '$-radiation intensity. The activation energy equals 6.5 � 1.0 kcal/M. The activation energy of the photoehamical reaction is 8 - 9 kcai/M. The efficiency of the I-radiati6n reaction is 21 (at !-40) to 230 taolecules of H902 (at 50*) per 100ev dosage rate of 1.84-1016 ev/1- see. It. is a chadn reaction. The lUnetles Of the radiation,, photo,, and thermal reactions can be clarifted, by $86=1ng electrolytic dissociation of the HO radleal, the rate of which depends on the concentration of the solutiog. There are 20 figures, 4 tables., and 48 Card 7/ 31 Effect of Ionizing Radiation (Cont.) 790 22 references of which 3 are Soviet, 16 English, and 3 German. Zalkind,, Ts.I.. Veselovskiyj, V.I. Mechaniam of Radiochemical Formation of Stationary potential Differences in Aqueous Solutions 66 The stationary potential difference of - 0.9 is formed in the 60 system Pt/H2~0 saturated with nitrogen/Au and irradiated with Co r- radiatiok. It ww shown that the formation of a positive potential at the Au electrode is connected. with the radiolytic for- mation of the OH radical. The oxidation of the electrode during heating facilitates the formation of the positive potential at the Au electrode. The rate of reduction is determined. by -the rate of the electrode reaction, i.e., the electrochemical discharge stage. There ' figures, and 6 references of which 5 are Soviet and 1 English. are 0 Zalkind, Ts.I., Veselovskiy, V.I. Photoelectrochemical and Radiation Electrochemical Processes in Aqueous Solutions of U;anium Salts 74 Uraniim salts were irradiated with raklon and CoOo. It was shown that the hexavalent uranium salts sbaw reduction of uranyl ions to pentavalent uranium ions. Due to the ease of oxidation - reduction transitions in the system U(VI / U(V), the inereexe of the iranyl tan concentration is followed by a decrease in the _rmiount C,-xd 8/3 1 Effect of ionizing Radiation (Cont.) -J-)o of the formed H20 2 , uranium pero.,Jde ccriqxAuids, end in the oxidation of U(IV) and oxalic acid. Irradiation of the system U(IV) / U(VI) and U(III) / 1J(IV) results In a shift of equilibrium and the formation of more oxidized forms. There exe 14 figtres, 7 tables, and 18 references of which 8 are Soviet, 7 Enalsh, and 3 German. Miller, I.B., Veselovskiy, V.I. Radiation Electrochemical Processes in Aqueous Solutions ofUranyl Salts 93 This is a study of the electrochemical nature of the redox components in the radiolysis of uranyl. salt solutions. Certain conditions-were established for the formation of the "hydn-)gen,*' and "oxygen" poten- tials in this system. A stationary potential of the Pt electrode develops during 'r -irradiation due to the emergence of iaoneanilibri-Lan concen- trations of U(V). The stationary potential tit the Au electrt:)Ide in urt=yl sulfate solutions is r,, 1.1v, while at the Pt electrode it shifts towards negative values. There are 9 figures and 12 references,, of -which 6 are Soviet and 6 English. Card 913 1 Effect of Ionizing Radiation (Cont.) 790 Rozenfeld, I.L., Oshe, Ye.K. Mechanism of Activation of Electrodes of Local Cells During Irradiation 103 This paper discusses the effect of radiation on 'the properties of semiconducting oxide films of the electrodes. It was determined that only irradiation of -the cathode intewifies the corrosion of metals in electrolytes. This is dite to increase in the cathode efficiency resulting from "radiation conductivity" in the protective film which is regarded as a semiconductor. The radia- tion dependence of the corrosion current is expressed by: Ik =: -6 Tk + Arl where A is the constant for the given pair of electrodes. Candidate of-physical and mathematice2 sciences V.B. Sandomirskiy participated in this work. There are 10 figures and references of idiich I is Sovietir 3 EnVish, 1 French and 1 Czech. Card 10/31 Effect of Ionizing Radiation (C;Ont.) 790 Duzhenkov, V.I., Do-lin, P.I. Effect of X-rayo on UYLI-Lited Aqueous Solutions of Organic Substances 13.4 The effect of organic additives on the yield of molecular procaixcts from the radiolysis of water Is studied in solutions of varying acidity. It was determined that the initial yield of H2 and "202 increases, and their fixed concentrations are Im'--red. This appears to be due to the fact that the radical pro&ucts of radioly- sis: H, OH, 110 2 react with the organic molecules more -iigorously than the molecules H 2 and H20.. '11here are 3 figureeP 2 tables, and 9 references, of which 3 are Soviet and 0' English. Chernov, A.I., Orekhov, V.D., Proskurin, 14.A, Sensitization and Inhibition of Radiolytic Reduction of the Uranyl Ion in Pqueous Solutions The radiolytic reduction of uranyl ions was sensitized with glucose and glycerin, and inhibited uith methylene blue. The reduction of U02+ does not exceed 0.5 molem-aea/100 ev for low concentrations of til uranyl ion (5010-3 M) and cf g'lucose or glycerin (5-10-3 M). Concentration of 0-5 M glycerin leads to reduction of 5 molem.-les/ 100 evo The inhibiting effect of methylene blue is modified by the ratio of concentrations of two substances reacting with Hil Card 1-1131 Effect of Ionizing Radiation (Cont.) 790 the product of radiolysis: for C 2+ : C 1:1 the dosage of iq6bition of the dye reaches U02 dye ~ 10 ev/ml. and decreases with the incroase of this ratio. T~e par- ticipation of ionized and excited molecules of water in these processes is taken into consideration. C060 -t- rr-KUation wan used for irradia- tion. There are 3 figures and 19 references of which 8 are Soviet and 11 English. PART 2. REACTIONS OF INORGUTIC SM3STM1CW Jh=eyev, N.A., Myasnikov, I.A., Pshezhetskiy, Formation of Ozone in Mquid Oxygen Due to W -Radiation 6o 129 The formation of ozone in IOX due to Co radiation ,ras studied with respect to duration and intensity of irradiation. It vas found that the yield of ozone is 13.6 mole(mlos per 100 ev of the absorbed f -radiation energy. There are 4 tables, 3 figures, and 3 Sovi6t references. Card 12/3 1 Effect of Ionizing Radiation (cont.) 790 Duneyev, M'A., Pshezhetsk-ly, S.Ya., lbwnikov, I.A. Formation of Ozone in Gaseous Oxygen Due to Fast Electrons 133 The effect of electrons on oxygen was studied at room temperature and atmospheric pressure, under dynmaic and static conditions. The determined stationary concentration of ozone equals 0.1 - 0.2 per cent for 200 Kev electrons and current of 50 - 100 A a. This is 4 to 8 times less than for LOX under analogous conditions. The efficiency of the reaction is -- 1.5 molecules per 100 ev. There are 9 figures, 5 tables, and 10 references, of -uhich 3,are Soviet, 4 English, 2 German and 1 Belgian. Duitriyev, M.T., Pshezhetskiy, S.Ya. Radiation Oxidation of Nitrogen. Pait 1. Kinetics of the Nitrogen Oxidation Reaction due to Electron Impact and the Effect of Ionization Processes 145 This paper deals with kinetics of ionization and oxidation of nitrogen due to the impact of 0 - 400ev electrons at pressures up to 0.1 mm Hg. The reaction rate is defined by an equation of the sedoM order and the activation energy of the reaction equean 7.4 + 1 kcal/11. The obtained data show that ionization of mole"aar niti:iYgen is the primary elementary process leading to oxidation of nitrogen, and that it is followed by direct interaction of the molec- ular nitrogen ion with a molecule of oxygen and the Interaction Card 1313 1 Effect of Ionizing Radiation (cont.) 790 of oxygen with products of the dlasociatlon of the nioleaular nitrogen ion. There are 18 figures, 12 tables, and 2YT references of which 4 are Soviet, 19 English, 3 German, and 1 BelgLan. IkAtriyev, M.T., Pshezhetskiy, S.Ya. RadLation Oxidation of Nitrogen. Part 2. Kinetics of the Oxidation of Nitrogen Due to Past Electrons 171 The oxidation of nitrogen due to fast electrons is studied in the gaseous phase and at atmospheric press-are. The reaction kinetics are defined by an equation of 't-ba- aecond order. The reatation rate is proportionate to the electron flux and -to the ratio of gas lacer thickress to the maxtmum electron path in gas. At the tm- perature of 40" the yield is 1.3 atoms of bound nitrogen for air, and 2 atoms for a 1 : 1 gas mixture per 100 ev of absoebed ener&r. The differences in the absolute ve-lues of reaction rate constants are interpreted as the result of variations in the recombination of ions. There are 10 figures, 2 tables, and 9 references of which 7 are Soviet and 2 English. Card 14/31 Effect of Ionizing Radiation (Cont.) 790 Bol'shun, Ye.V., Pshezhetskiy, S.Ya., 1.~yaanikov, I.A. Formation of Hydrazine in Liquid Ammo~ia Due to Fast Electrons 182 The formation of hydrazine due to fast electrons leads to a stationary hydrazine concentration conditioned by the balancing of the rates of direct and inverse reactions. The reaction efficiency is I - 1.2 molecules of hydrazine per 100 ev. There are 2 tables., 1 figure, and 6 references of which 3 are Soviet and 3 English. Baberkin, A.S., Proskurnin, M.A., Orekhov, V.D. The Effect of -Radiation on Solid Potassium Ritrate 186 The y-irradiation of potassium nitrate leads to ew1ution of gas and nitrite formation. The irradiated salt shows.e. sharp increase of gas evolution when heated to r-'1290. A decrease in the amount of initially formed nitrite is observed when the tem- perature rises above 1220 (temperature of lattice destruction for 003 ). The decrease in the nitrite yield is connected with the inverse reaction of nitrate formation which occurs due to the presence of atomic oxygen or free radicals in the irradiated salt. Card 15/31 Effect of Ionizing Radiation (Cont.) 790 There are 4 figures and 12 references of which 2 are Soviet, 9 English, and 1 German. Baberkin, A.S., Proskurnin, M.A., Orekhov, V.D. Effect of Radiation on Solid Potassiiun Perchlorate and Chlorate 193 Potassium perchloraite and chlorate powders were subjected to the effect of C060 Y --kadiation in doses up to 10 megaroentgens per 1 g of the salt. It was established that the conversion of KC104 at temperatures up to 100* yielded ,-- 1.1 molecules of KCIO 3 /100 ev and no other products. At temperatures up to 200* the y~ield of the chlorate drops, the chloride appears and gas evolu- tion occurs. At temperatures abov*e 3200 the yield of the chlo- rate drops to 0.7, and the amount of the other products increases. The irradiated KCIO3 yields 0.4 molecules of KC1 and 1.2 molecules of KC102 per 100 ev. At elevated temperatures the yield of the chlorite drops to zero. It is assumed that the thermal decompo- sition of irradiated salts has a radical ch-iracter facilitating the con-version of the intermediate products: C104, C10 .1 0, and K. Doses not exceeding 10 megaroentgens per 1 g cause coloLtion of the salts. This is connected with the formation of colorTtion centers In the crystal lattice which d-isappear at te-mperatiires above 10(r. card 16/31 Effect of Ionizing Radiation (Cont.) 790 There are 7 figures and 10 references of which 3 are Soviet, 6 English, and 1 German. PART 3. REA CTIONS OF ORGANIC SUBSTANCES Krongauz, V.A., Bagdasarlyan, Kh.S. Energy Transfer in the Radiolysis of Benzoyl Peroxide Solutions 205 This paper considers the radiolysis of benzoyl peroxide solutions in benzene, cyclohexane, and ethyl acetate. In the benzene solution of peroxide, the transfer of excitation energy is from the solvent to the solute. This effect was not detected in cyclohexane or ethyl acetate solutionsY in which the radiation decomposition of peroxide shows a chain mechanism. The authors determined yields of radicals for the solvents and the peroxide. Small additions of anthracene and phenanthrene to benzene inhibit the decomposition of peroxide. There are 7 figures, 4 tables, and 15 references of which 2 are Soviet, 11 English, and 2 German. Card 17/31 Effect of Ionizing Radiation (Cont.) 790 Mikhaylov, B.M., Tarasova, L.V., Bogdaaov, V.S. Radiochemical Conversion of Organic Substances. Part 1. Conversion of Gaseous Aliphatic Hydro- carbons Due to Fast Electrons 218 Methane, ethane, propane, and n-butane were irradiated with a 90 Kev electron beem. Dehydrocondensation is the basic process of radiolysis, Liquid hydrocarbons constitute 50 percent of the conversion products of methane, and 70 - 90 percent of the conversion products of-ethane, propane, and n-butane. There are 3 tables, 2 figures, and 7 English references. Mikhaylov, B.M., lCumova, M.Ye., Bogdanov, V.S. ReAliochemical CoUversion of Organic Substancas. Part 2. Oxidation of Methane with Oxygen We to Fast Electrons 223 A mixture of methane and oxygen (CH4 : 0 2 1 and 1 : 1) vas irradiated with fast electrons. CO, C02 , H2 and H20 were found in the reaction products. About 50 percent of the methane was con- verted to the liquid phase. The rate of oxidation increases with methane content (50 - 80%), and with increased pressure (190 - 760 mm Hg). The mechanism of the reaction is regarded as radical. Card 18/3 1 Effect of Ionizing Radiation (Cont.) 790 There are 9 figures., 4 tables, and 19 references of which 8 are Soviet, 10 English, and 1 German. Vereshchinskiy, I.V., Bakh, N.A. Oxidation of Organic Compounds with Molecular Oxygen Due to Ionizing Radiation. Part 5. Effect of Radiation Prom a Nuclear Reactor on Benzene and Cyclohexane In 1'resence of Molecular Oxygen 234 Liquid benzene and cyclohexane were subjected to radiation from a nuclear reactor (recoil protons and V -radiation) in the presence and absence of oxygen. Benzene oxidation products included phenol and aldehydes. Cyclohexanes gave hydroperoxides, disubstituted peroxides, cyclohexanone., and acids. Yields are similar to those obtained from lov-density ionization. Gaseous products of benzene radiolysis in vacuum contaJn hydrogen and acetylene. The smount of molecular hydrogen increases in the presence of oxygen. The radiolysis of cyclohexane in vacuum yields hydrogen in amounts equal to number of molecules of cyclohexane which take part in polymerization. The presence of oxygen does not increase the hydrogen yield. There are 2-1 figures, 1 table., and 31 references of which 8 are Soviet, and 23 English. Card 19/31 Effect of Ionizing Radiation (Cont.) 7,90 Sarayeva, V.V., Bakh, N.A., Rybin, L.V., Larin, V.A. Oxidation of organic compounds with 14olecular Oxygen Due to Ionization Radiation. Part 6. Identification of Individual Products O'btained From the Oxidation of N-Heptane and Isooctane 248 This paper discusses the identification of individual carbonyl compounds and acids, and the aCcumulation of alcohols formed during the radiolytic oxidation of n-heptane and isooctane. It was shown that most of the carbonyls are composed of compounds with the number of carbons close to that of the original hydrocarbon molecule. There are 15 figures, 7 tables, and 15 references of which 7 are Soviet, 7 English and 1 French. Sarayeva, M., Rudenko, B.I. Rediolytic Oxidation of Acetone 263 Acetonq was irradiated with co6o Y -radiation in doses of 2 x 1013 and 1 x 1014 ev/CM3. see and with X-rays of 2 x 1016 ev/cm3 sec. in the presence of oxygen and at temperatures of 18 - 2Q". Acids and aldehydes were the products of oxidation. No peroxides were detected. The andunt of aldehydes increased with the increase of the dosage rate. The initial aldehyde yield is r__1 80 molecules per 100 ev and it is independent of the dosage rate. There are 2 figures and 6 references, 3 of which are SorLet and 3 Mngl i sh. Caxd 20/31 Effect of Ionizing Radiation (Cont.) 79() Sarayeva, V.V., Kinetics of Interaction of Organic Peroxides Twith the Iodide Ion in Acetic Acid mid the Determination of Peroxides Obtained From Radiolytic Oxidation of Hydrocarbons 266 This is a study of the rate of interaction of sixteen organic peroxides with potassium iodide in glacial acetic acid. It was determined that the peroxides differ in rate constants but the rate constant for a given type of peroxides varies only slightly with changes in the structure of the hydrocarbon chain of the peroxide. Radiolytic oxidation yields hydroperoxides and peroxides from n-heptane, isooctane and toluene. Cyglohexane and tetralin yield only hydroperoxides. There are 6 figures, 2 tables, and 16 references of vhich 6 are Soviet-, 8 English, and 2 German. Zimin, A.V., Churnianteyev, S.V. The Effect of ~ -Radiation on Benzene- - Ammonia Mixture 273 Thispaper considers the effect of dosage, temperature, and R gate state on W yield of aniline, hydrogen, and nitrogen. The setivity of the Go radiation source was r~,l 80 and 700 g-equiv, . and the period of irradiation was 3 to 256 hours. Tha'baAic products of radiolysis in the absence of air were aniline, hydrogen, nitrogen, emd Card 21/31 Effect of Ionizing Radiation (Cont.) 790 polymerizatlaft.-ptoducts. Dosage and temperature increasq13 (to +900) have no significant effect on the yield of aniline. The bm -Yew - amonia mixture irradiated in the presence of oxygen shoirs a sixfold increase in aniline yield. The greater mount of radicals is due to decrease in the recombination of primary products of radiolysis, since atomic hydrogen is bound by molecular oxygen. There are 4 tables, 2 figures, and 8 references of which 3 are Soviet, 3 English, and 2 French. Zimin, AN., Verina, A.D. The Effect of ~ -Radiation on the Ktx-L-Lwe of Benzene With Carbon TetrachloriA- 60 f-radiation (activity 80, 130 260 The mixture vas irradiated with Co and 1450 9-equiv.). The Enthors studied the effect of the dosage and molar ratio of components on the yield of 11C1 and of the non- volatile residue. Variation of the dosage had no effect and the ratio variation of C6H6 OC1 from 4 : 1 to 1 only slightly changed the results. The non;~41atile residue contains 70 percent of condensation products., ~- 20 percent of high boiling fractions, and 10 percent of benzene. The most probable products of the high boiling fractions are monochlorobenzotrichloride isomers with an -field of r-,l 0.7 molecules per 100 ev. There axe 3 tables and Card 221/ 31 Effect of Ionizing Radiation (Cont.) 790 3 references of vhich 1 is Soviet ana 2 Germnn. Vereshchinskly, I.V., Karpushkip, L.T. Effect of, Y -Radiation on the Synthesis of Indophenol 265 The synthesis of indophenol from an Irradiated mixture of a-naphthol and n-phenylene dismine vaa studied. The radiochemical yield of indophenol is 4.7 molecules per 100 ev, and the yield of the leuco form from the dye solution in vacuum is r- 1.8 molecules per 100 ev. It van shown that the formation of the dye Is a two-stage, process. The first stage is the formation of the leuco form. It does not require the presence of molecular oxygen. The second sta& is the conversion of the leuco, form into the dye. This stage occurs ouly in the presence of molecular oxygen. Irradiation considerably accelerates the conversion of the leuco form. There are 9 figures and 12 references of.which 4 are Soviet, 6 German, 1 English, and 1 French, PART 4. MTECT OF RADIMON ON POIZOMS Slovokhotova, N.A,* Infrared. Spectroscopic Study of Chemical Changes Occurring 1& Polytetrafluoroothylene JTeflon) Due to Innizing Radiation 295 The infrared spectra of %eflon indicated that the conjugate Card 23/% Effect of Ionizing Radiation (Cont.) 7W C =~ C dqRble bonds form during irradiation with fast electrons and with CoO'j Y -radiation, Irradiation in air lenAs to the inter- action of teflon with vater vapor with the formation of C ==. 0, OH, and CH groups. Irradiation convert-, crystalline teflon. into [3morphous teflon and possibly causes the formation of perflu,-rocyclobutene ring's. There are 7 figures and 30 references, of vffiich 3 are Soviet, 26 English, and I Prench. Taubman, A.B., Yanova, L.P. Study of the Radiation Stabllitj of Ifigh Polymers. Part 1. Effect of Radiation on Diffusion Permeability 307 The effect of radiation on diffusive permeability of high-polymer films is conditioned by the physical state and structure of the polymers. Vitreous po,1yviny1methacrylate vith low permeability to gases shows a sharp increpse in permeability after relatively small radiation doses. This is explained by the radiational instability of the densely packed macromolecules. '17he coefficients of permeability and diffusion through pol3rvinyl chloride and polyethylene were com- puted for hydrogen chloride. There are 3 figures, 2 tnbles end 9 references of which 3 are Soviet and 6 English. Effect of Ionizing Radiation (Cont.) 790 Yanova, L.P., Taubman, A.B. Study of the Radiation Stability of ffigh Polymers. Part 2. Role of Gas Formation in the Destruction of Polymers 314 The 'role of gas formation vas studied in the destruction of poly- tetrafluorethylene, polymethy1methaci-jlate and polyethylene due to electron irradiation. The intensity of the process of formation of gaseous destruction products increases sharply in a narrow temperature range of polymer fusion or transition to visco-fluid state. It Was shown that the destruction should be regarded as a reversible prbeess: destruction -_ recombination of free radicals. The equilibrium shifts to the left with transition of the polymer into the fluid state. Changes in the mechanical properties of polymers and finally their destruction., are determined by the ratio of decomposition rates to gas formation rates, and, therefore, depends on the permeability to gases of the sample subjected to fast-electron irradiation. Crack formation in the polymer due to iftaiAi- atloii.' Is traced to gas formation and emanation. There are 8 figures, 3 tables, and 9 references of which 6 are Soviet, and 3 English. Kargin, V.A., Taubman, A.B., Yanova, Ionizing Radiation on the Properties Chloride Copolymers The effect of irradiation on ges L.P., Belyayeva, Z.F. Effect of of Vinyl Chloride and Vinylidene permeability and mechanical 325 Card 25/~i Effect of Ionizing Radiation (Cont.) 790 properties of the copolwlera Is connected with chEuiges in the mixed amorphous - crysta-Uine states and microstructure of the copolymers. The presence of crystallizing components Increase the microdefects viLich results in increased permeability -to gasses. A reverse process can be observed for a specific rc-aigp of small doses when the crysta- lline component undergoes fusion and the material becomes amorphous. Therefore., the curvbs for the permeability coefficient as a function of dosage have a maximum and a mininfum. There Ewe 8 figures, 2 tables, and 7 references of i4ileh 6 say- SovIet, and I Frerich. AlkItina, T.S., KuzIminskiy, A.S., Kaxp~-,v, V.L. Radiation Vulcanization ..If Rubber 333 This is a study of radiation vUlcaLdzation of pure rubbers: natural rubber (NK), bautadiene-styrene rubber (SM-30) butad-iene rubber (SKB) ancl butadiene-nitryl rubber (SIM-26). The tensile strength of the radiation vulcenizates of NK does not exceed 30kg/cm. Sulfur and certain sid-fur cixirpounds- (tetrEaethylthiuram- d-isulfide) lower the rate of -the vulcanization. Compounds containing heavy atoms (zinc oxide, ke.01in, chalk) ac,,celerate the vu:Lcpzdzation only when X-rays are used. Gas vnd lamp blacks are very active fillers. Effect of Ionizing Radiation (Cont.) 790 The effect of carbon blacks is modified by their degree of oxidation. There are 8 figures, 1 table, and 171 references of which 7 are Soviet, 8 Englishil 1 French, and 1 German. Tsetlin, B.L., Sibirskaya, G.K. Effect of Ionizing Radiation on the Thermomechanical Properties of Polyethylene 344 Polyethylene undergoes vulcanization vhen irradiated with electrons and X-rays. At a temperature corresponding to the melting point of the Initial polymer, the irradiated substance converts to a highly elastic state the m9dulus of which is proportional tD the'dosSol, In the range of 1016 - 1019 ev/cm. sec vulcanization effectiveness follows the principle of equ:Lvalent effect of equal doses. The thermal stability of polyetlW)mne increases with increased dosage. The mechanism of radiation vulcanization is related to the recom- bination of the R1-6H - R,, radicals which result from primary rupture of the C - H bonds. There are 4 figures, 1 table, and 22 references of which 14 are Soviet., 7 English, and I French. Card 27Y~l Effect of Ionizing Radiation (Cont.) 790 T8etlin, B.L., Yanova, L.P., Sibirskaya, G.K., Korbut, V.X. Effect of Ionizing Radiation on the Mechanical Properties of Polyvinyl Chloride and Its Plastics 354 Polyvinyl chloride undergoes vulcanization due to the effect of hard radiation. The changes in mechanical properties result from the formation of a three-dimensional lattice and the occurrence of multiple inner micro-defects (due to gas fonaation)~ Polyvinyl chloride base plastics also undergo radiation vulcanization. The rate of the process decreases with the increase of the plasticizer content, There are 5 figures, 1 table, and 16 references of which 3.0 t-re Soviet, 3 German, and 3 English. Tsetlin, B.L.,, Zaytseva, N.G., Korbut, V.M., Kargin, V.A. Effect of Ionizing Radiation on Vitreous Polymers 362 This paper reports an experimental study of radiational destruction of vitreous polymers: changes in the thermo- chemical properties, gas formation, dendritic fissures. The modifying factors are: the stabilizing effect of aromatic groups, greater probability of bond rupture in the main chelaU of macromolecules due to th-a presanoe of tertia_-y ~~ard 28/31 Effect of Ionizing Radiation (Cont.) 790 carbon atoms in them, decrease in the rate of radiation destruction of polymethylmetbacrylate and its analogs with increase in the siw of side groups, intensification of the destruction process in the presence of low moleintilar weight plasticizers. The fissure fonna- tion. is interpreted as having an edsorption-type mechanism. The process of radiochemical conversion of plexiglass is regarded as irreversible. There are 8 figuresY and 27 references of which 11 are Soviet, 14 English, and 2 French. PART 5. ETER]YENTAL METHODS Breger, A.Kh., Belynskiy, V.A., Karpov, V.L., Prokudin,, S.D. Equipment for Radiochemical Research. Part 2. Equipment Supplying-Doses of up tLm~ CROog gen/See in 30 ml and up to 100 Roentgen/Sec in 1 Liter, F Y -Radiation Source With an ANtivity of 1400 Radium Gram- Equivalent 380 The first part of this pager gives general considerations on the features of units with CO 0 r -radiation sources used in radio- chemical research. Further., details are given on the new unit K-14oo (improved K-300) which supplies doses of 300 roentgen/seg in 30 ml and 100 roentgen/see in 1 liter using three standard Co, 0 Card 29/31 Effect of Ionizing Radiatuion (Cont.) 790 sources with a total activity of 1440 radium Gram-equiv. A method was developed for safe., "dry" assembling of powerful sources from smaller standard cobalt charges. The K-1400 proved itself efficient safe during one year of operation. There are 05 figures and 22 ref- erences of'which 9 are Soviet, and 13 English. Glazanov, P.Ya., Radziyevukiy, G.B. Equipment for the Application of 1 Mev Accelerated Electrons in Radiochemica; Radiobiological, and Other Research Work 395 This paper describes some instrumentation developed and used in the laboratory for working with 1 Mov electrons and X-rays. The accele- rator generates continuous and pulsed electron and hard X-ray radia- tion. The electron flux is measured by means of an ionization chamber (fig. 2). The distribution of electron-flux density is determined by means of densitometers (fig- 7). Directional control of1the beam for vertical or horizontal irradiation is achieved by means of a magnetic system (fig. 8) and automatic stabilizing device (fig. 9). Pulse technique with given duration and intervals was achieved with the aid of a pulse regulator (fig. 10). Card 30/31 Effect of Ionizing Radiation (Cont.) 790 Generation of single pulses of relatively long duration is done by means of a rotating shutter (fig. 12) efficient in the range from 10 millisec. to 2 see. Wider versatility of the high-vol- tage electron accelerator tube ww gained by the introduction of a gold target for the generation of hard bremsstrahlung (fig. 13)- The X-ray radiation is measured by means of an ionization chrmtber made of a plastic and lined with alumimm foil. There are 13 figures, and 4 references, 1 Soviet and 3 English. Zatulovskiy, V.I., Naryadchikov, D.I. X-ray Equipment as Radiation Source for Radiochemical Research The Laboratory of Radiochemistry at Chemistry of the TISSR (IM AN SSSR) apparatus for research purposes. The struments, axe described in this paper. - 200 (T~g.l) and AFM - 100 - 20 (fig. and no references. AVAIIABIE: Library of Congress Card %/31 the Institute of Physical developed two types of X-ray apparatus and control in- The units are: MU(h -�0 5). There are 7 figures 1-30-V 406 JI V v nu 43 'Not i it od .7 Nfla Pt Jim; gig 41 jig KIRGINTS271, A.11,._~_ GVOZDEV, B.A. Cocryotallization of atrontium and potassium chromates. Zhur. neorg. khim. 5 no.10:2374-2376 o o6o. (MMA 13:10) 1. Institut fizicheekoy khimii Akademii nauk SSSR. (Strontium chromate) (Potassium chromate) (Crys tallization) PEHELYGIN, V.P.;AII-IAZOVA, S.P.; GVOZDEV, B.A-.-' ; CHUBURKOV, Yu.T. [Spontaneous fission with an anomalously short period) Spontannoe delenie s anaorallno korotkim periodom. Dubna, Ob"edinennyi in-t iadernykh isal. Vol.2. 1962. 7 p. (Huclear fission) (MIRA 15:1) 11. DONETS) Ye.D.; KARNAUKHOV, V.A.; KWIPF, G.; GVOZD1,V,.-~L.4,_; C17jUJI KC-V, Yu.T.; SAHRITSEVA, V.R., tekhn, red. [Study of the nuclear reaction Th232 (Ne 22 , 4n)Fm 250 1 Izuchenie 100 90 10 232 22 250 iadernoi reaktsii Th~o (Nelo J, 4n) F~~100. Dubna.4 Ob"edinenryi in-t iadernykh issl., 1962. 10 p. (MIRA 15:4) (Nuclear reactions) 38856 S/056/62/042/006/008/047 av , (v_0-0 (??0 3104/B102 AUTHORSt Perelygin, V. P., Almazova, S. P., Gv Chuburkov, Yu. T. TITLE. Spontaneous fission with anomalously short per A. II. PERIODICAL3 Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 42, no. 6, 1962, 1472 - '1474 TEXTs Fission fragments of the spontaneous fission resulting from the interaction of 135 Mey Ne 22 ions with U238 in an ionization chamber were studied using T--1 (T-1) and q-8 (P-8) photographic Rlates. The U 238 target, 1 mg/cM2 thick, was exposed for a few hours to an ion current of ,1p,a from the internal beam of the OIYaI cyclotron. A strong ~- back- ground as well as a background of a particles were detected. 60"tracks of spontaneous fission fragments were found. The registration efficiency of the events was 50. The half-life of the unknown isotope is 17 � 7 milli- see; the production cross section on an interaction of 155 Mev Ne 22 with Card V_2~ 39661 S/05 6/0' 2/04 3/0C 1 /00 -5/05 0- (z B1 81/3 102 A-~-~U_ORS: Donets, Ye. D., Karnaukhov, V. A., Kumpf, G., Gvozdev B. A., Chuburkov, Yu. T. TITLE': The nuclear reaction 9,)Th 232( 10 Ne 22, 4n) 100 Fm 250 ',~ERIODICkL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreti,~heskoy fizikii,'v. 43, no. 10), 1962, 11 - 15 TEXT: IYeasurements were made of the dependence of the go Th 232( 10 Ne 22 411)100 Fm 250 reaction cross section or. the energy of the bombarcline ions. The ions were extracted from the 300 cm cyrlotron of the OIYaI. k thorium foil, 2 - 2.6 mg/cM2 thick, served as a. target and a 3 4 thick silver foil chemically prepared with tenoiltrifluoro acetone, ,,-;as used to collect the recoil nuclei. Fermium (yield 50 ~;) was separated fro.,.-, the organic phase by anodic,precipitation. Fm 250 %as identified 1 214 from its 7-43 Mev a-emission. The 7.65 Mev line of Po was found to 31 2 interfere.' The reaction cross section has its maximum of N2-5'10 cm Card 1/2 5/056/62/043/001/003/056 The nuclear reaction ... B1.8.1/B102 at an ion energy of 107 Lev, and has a half-width of about 11 Mev. M-'.-,e cross section of the reaction 238 ( 016 4n) FM 250 1 which was investi- 92U 8 100 C,ated earlier (T. Sikkeland, S. G. Thompson, k. Ghiorso, Phys. Rev., '112, I~Fz8; V. P. Perelygin, Ye. D. Donets, G. N. Flerov, ZhETF, 37, 1556, -30 2 1 'S 59' ,-reached a maximum, of 10 cm, that of the reaction PU 241 ('C13, Fm 250 one of 6-10- 30 cm 2. The exoeriments showed that 94 fo An)100 the maxi:,-ium cross section decreases much faster with in-crea-sing mass :)f the bonbardinG 2articles than is predicted by the theory. This is ex- plained as follows: Either the nucleus is deformed 4n a collis*ion so 'hat U the Coulomb barrier increases, or 'the system of the two nuclei is excited to -jerforra vibrations so -that the -)robability of rission -Orior to emission of the first neutron increases. There are 3 figures and 1 1-ible. "6,3C'ATIO": Ob"yedinennyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy (Joint institute of Nuclear Research) 'S U'B.'.: I T T SD January 24, .1962 Card 2/2 ACCESSION NR: Ap4oo9948 S/0186/63/005/006/0712/0715 AUTHOR: Gvozdev, B. A.; Chuburkov, Yu. T. TITLE: Producing oxide layers of Th., U, Pu and rare-earth elements by electrolytic precipitation from organic solutions SOURCE: Radiokhimiya, v~ 5, no. 6, 1963, 712-715 1 TOPIC TAGS: heavy ions, metal foil, irradiation targets, thorium oxides, plutonium oxides, uranium oxides, electrolytic precipitation, acetone, methyl ethyl ketone, isobutyl alcohol ABSTRACT: Layers of lanthanide and similar elements were spread on thin metal foil and used as targets in the study of the nuclear reac- tions produced by heavy ion irradiation. A new method has been sug- gested for the production of Th, U, Pu, Am. rare earth and certain other elements on thin aluminum foil (3-6 microns) by electrolytic precipitation from organic media. Salt solutions in acetonemethyl ethyl ketone or isobutyl alcohol are used as electrolytes. The five micron-thick aluminum foil targets with oxides of a number of differ- Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4009948 ent elements were able to withstand prolonged irradiation by intensive beams (-J5 microampere/cm2) of accelerated heavy ionso A method has been developed for producing oxide layers of lanthanide and certain other elements by electrolytic precipitation from an organic medium. Targets have been developed for a cyclotron of multicharge ions on thin (5 micron) aluminum foil with an area of 5 cm2 consisting of thorium, uranium, plutonium and numerous other oxides. "In conclu- sion, the authors express their sincere gratitude to V; Vo Volkov, group leader and senior scientist, for Iiis constant interest in the worko" Orige" art$ has: 4 figures* ASSOCIATION: none SUBMIT=: o9jun62 DATE ACQ: 07peb64. ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: EL, NS NO M SOV: 003 OTHER: 003 -Card- BRMELT~ V.V., V.V.; GVOZD-IN,, B.A.; POINLIGHEV, V.A. [deceased] Relation of the cross sections of formation of Sc",, sc44M isomer pairs in reactions involving heavy ions. Zhux. eksp. i teor. fiz. 45 no.4:904-909 0 163. (MIRA 16:11) 1. Ob"Yedinennyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy. ACCESSION NR: AP4042561 S/0056/64/046/006/2017/2022 AUTHORS: Fomichev, V. A~,*(de'ceased); Gvozdev, B. A.; Bredel', V. V. TITLE: Ratio of cross sections for the production of the Sc-44, 44m isomer pair in the reactions of direct interaction with heavy ions SOURCE: Zh. eksper. i teor. fiz., v. 46, no. 6, 1964, 2017-2022 TO~IC TAGS: scandiumi, isomerism probability, ion interaction, direct* interaction, stripping reaction ABSTRACT: This is a continuation of an earlier investigation.(ZhETF, v. 45, 104, 1963) devoted to the energy dependence of the production 44,44m. rA cross sections of Sc in heavy-ion reactions proceeding"via compound-nucleus formation. To determine the energy dependence of the cross sections for the formation of the isomer pair Sc 44,44m. in reactions with heavy ions, when complete fusion of the nuclei does f Card ACCESSION NR: AP4042561 not occur, the authors measured the Sc 44m /Sc 44 isomer ratio in neu- tron stripping reactions induced by irradiating ~Sc with 016 or Ne22 .ions. The irradiation was carried out in the internal beam of the U-300 cyclotron of OIYal, the targets were thin layers of scandium of varying thickness on various substrates, depending on the bom- barding gas. The gamma radiation from the specimen was measured in a scintillation spectrometer with a 100-channel analyzer. The're- sults show that in many-nucleon transfers (3pn), the isomer ratio in the Al 27 + Ar 40 __, Sc 44,44m reaction becomes nearly equal to 6.5, i.e., larger than in reactions of complete fusion of nuciei. In the case of one-neutron transfer reactions, the isomer ratio is of order of unity and independent of the energy, being somewhat larger for neon.ions than for the oxygen ions. "The authors are grateful to G. N. Flerov, S. M. Polikanov, and Ye. D. Donets for a discussion of this work, and to A. N. Filipson and his crew for operating the cyclotron." Orig. art. has: 7 figures and 2 formulas. CaW, ~ 2/3 ACCESSION NR: AP4042561 ASSOCIATION: Ob"yedinenny*y institut yadern'y*kh issledovaniy (.Joint Institute of Nuclear Reiearch) SUBMITTED: 19Jan64 SUE CODE: NP DATE ACQ: NR REF SOV: 004 ENCL: 00 OTHER: 003 Card 3/3 ;L 00036-66 E7WT(m)/F,'JrP(j )/T/MtTP(t)/E7.-JP(b) IJP(c) JD/RK CESSION NR: AP5020304 UR/0186/651007/004/0419/0423 542.61:546.799.6 + .AUTHOR: -Gvozdev, B. A.; Chuburkov. Yu. T. 546.799.90:511-145.4 1TITLE: Extraction of cgrium d fermium ith thenoyltrifluoroacetone 1SOURCE: Radiokhimiya, v. 7, no. 4, 1965t, 419-423 16 TOPIC TAGS: curium compound, fermium compound, complex compound, solvent extraction ~;ABSTRACT: The purpose of this work was to study the quantitative extraction of icurium and fermium by solutions of thenoyltrifluoroacetone in toluene from acetate isolution and solutions of -hydroxyisobut-yric acid at different concentrations and IpH values and to determine the stability constants of the complexesf1which aiv ~fonned. The distribution of fermium and curium between t~e_ -orgamil-c'land the aqueous f ~phase was investigated using CM242 and rm252 isotopes. Cm and rin were simultane- extracted from a 0.1 M solution of acetate buffer at diffemnt pH valkles., .After extraction phases were separated and dried on gold plancheta for measurement of the a-activity. In another series of experiments curium was extracted with a ';0,2 M solution of thenoyltrifluoroacet one from 0.1 and 0.4 H solutions of a-hydroky- i ! Card 1/2 L 00036-66 ACCESSION NR: AP5020304 isobutyric acid. The extraction constants were calculated and also the two phase Istability constant (OzQz) of curium and fermium complexes ifith thenoyltrifluoro- acetone: K, = (2.210_10-10-9-P K (2.6tl.l)-l0_8; UZQ (2.1'0.3)-1015 i Cm FM z Cm i(BZQ MVIM'101r'. Assuming that In the Investigated cbncentration'and pH ,range Re curium complex with a-hydroxylsobutyric acid is of the CmB form, a com-; !plete stability constant was calculated for this complex, equal to (2.3'0.6).1D-6. ,~The authors wish to express their gratitude to I. Stary for valuable comments !during the discussion of this work; to Ye. D. Donets an-d G. Kumpf, for permitting ;!the use of their a-spectrometer. Orig. art. has: 3 figures _2 tables. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 24Dec64 ENCLt 00 SUB CODE: 'IC, ac iNO REF SOV: 001 OTKER: 007 Card 2/_2 L 00037-& EWT(m) DIAAF ;ACCESSION NR: AP5020306 UR/0166/65/007/004/0453/0461 i -de r-.AJ 'AUTHOR: Dedov. V. B.- VolkoV rmako V. A Leb I - I yel.- ........ V-- .9, Razbitnov. V. M. ; Trukhlyayev, P. S. 1 Chuburkov# Yu* T. Takwi:Wv-j,7dT'N** 'TITLE: Production of Pu-242 and Cm-242 from neutron-irradiated Am-241 SOURCE: Radiokhimiya, v. 7, no. 4, 1965, 453-461 TAGS: plutonium, curium, americium, extraction, neutron irradiation ,~ABSTRACT- Irradiation of Am-242 with thermal neutrons produees pu242,,CM242 and I' I;Am243 which are of-great interest in a number of physical and radiachemical investii I gat ions. The synAesis scheme is as follows: 142c, If 2"m Am 141P. t~948Afnq%,143A, If i Card 1/2 L 00037-66 ;ACCESSION NR: AP5020306 241 is 900 barn, thus even upon short irradi~ ;The thermal neutron cross section of Am iation with a high density thermal-neutron beam a significant amount of the above i :isotopes may be produced. It can be seen from the above process that the yield of jission products is small since they are pioduced main.1y during fission of Ainz.112. iThis facilitates the chemical processing of irradiated substances. Production of : 242 by this process requires much less time than the method which uses pu 39 !Pu 2 as 242 cm242 .starting material. The authors describe the chemical separation of Pu ;and Am243 from irradiated Am241. The scheme for the chemical processing Was se- jected to be such that it would produce rapid separation of the products. The main! ,separation steps involved chromatographic and chemical extraction methods. Chroma-! tographic separation was made extremely difficult by high a-activity due to the 242 :presence of CM . Chemical processing was carried out in a shielded area on a special stand with remote control of all operations, The article Indicates Solne properties of curium oxalate, potassium curium sulfate, curium hydroxide and curium. ~carbonate. Orig. art. has: 5 tables and 3 figures. .ASSOCIATION: none ~SUBMITTED: 18Apr64 ENCLi 00 SUB CODE- GC, NP :~NO REF SOJ: 004 OTHER: 005 Card 9/2 --- - ---------------- n, --L.- LM11.26-66- __ EW(,) -F S_Uff f -6 f3 AP6023080 (,41v) URCE CODE: UR 0367 o6v~ ACC NR: 0 AUTHOR: Belyayev B. N. ; GvozdeyX Gudov V. 1. Kaly _.~,m in, A. F; Krizhanskiy, L. M. ORG: none TITLE: Investigation of the gamma spectrum of Br74 isotopes SOURCE: Yadernaya fizika, v. 3, no. 4, 1966, 609-613 TOPIC TAGS: gamma spectrum, bromine isotope, scintillation spectometer, nuclear energy level, radiation intensity, cyclotron ABSTRACT: The gamma spectra of Br isotopes, obtained in the reaction of Cu(Cl 2 xn)Br, have been investigated with the aid of a scintillation spectometer. Energies and relative intensities have been measured for a number of new 'y -lines in bromine with the decay half-times 36 +1 and 4 +1 min. The energies and relative intensities are given for f -lines with T1/2 = 36 min. The isotope with A diagram of the lower energy levels T1/2 = 36 +1 min was identified as Br74 74 in Se is given in the original article. The authors thank G. N. Flerov for his Card 1/2 L 4)U28-66 ACC NR, AP6023080 valuable discussions and support of this study, and B. A. Zaaer and his assistants for maintaining reliable operation of the cyclotron during irradiation. Orig. art has: 2 figures and I table. [Based on authors' abstract] INTI, SUB CODE: 181 SUBM DATE: 10Jul65/ ORIG REF: 003/ OTH REF: 019 KEODANOVICHY 1,ye.: GVOZDZVY B,.P.,j '"'.`U~1LAYEV, V,A Quantitative correlation between ::'ilm licuids and With suspended drops In gab and condensate flow in a pipeline. Tridy V14IIGAZ no.13:130-134 i61. (MIRA' 14:12) Oas, Natura-l-Pipelines') GVOZDEV, B-,P,-, IIUMMV., V,A, Method of calculating the height cf the settiincr section of ;- oil dust collector. Trudy VITIIGAZ no.13:135-IA6 '61. (Y_UR,~ 31-4,:121 -(Dust collectors) (Gas, Natural.-Transportation') .GVOZDKV, B.P.; ZAYTSEV, V.I.,- )ffTROFANOV, I.A.; SHUSHLYAKOV, N.N.; CHERNOBYLISKIY, V.A. Testing a remodelled vertical oil dust collector in the "Shosseinaian gas-distribution station. Gaz. delo no.10313-18 '63. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy institut prjr, ogo gaza (for Gvozdev, Zaytsev). 2. Leningradskoye uppOXetye magistrallnykh gazoprovodov (for Mitrofamov, Shushlyakov). 3. Gosudarstvannyy proizvodstvennyy komitet po gazovoy promyshlennosti SSSR (for Chernobyllskiy). GVOZDEV) B.P.; ZAYTSEV, V.I.; SALTYKOV, A.L. Similarity criterion for the separation of a drop liquid from gas flow in the jalousie separating component. Trudy VNIIGAZ no.21/29:152-162 164. (KIRA 17:9) BROKSHY M.M.; GVOZDEV, B.P.; ZAYTSEV, V.I.; MTRIN', ~.A.; S`L!".-KOV 1, 1 h r. . - I - Investigating a full-scale model of a sphar! cal snmibber, a ball-shaped dust collector. Trudy VNIIGAZ no.2.'4./29:172-182 164. .(MIPI 17:9) b BROKSHY M.M.;-agZ.DEV, B.P.; KVASHUK, V.S.; KOSHELEV, V.A. Using cermet filters to remove solid impurities from natural gas. Trudy VNIIGAZ no.21/29:205-217 164. (~E;~A -719) H I: GVOZDEV, B.F.; ZAYTSEV, V.I. Bench tests of a ball-ahaped dust collector and scrubber. Gaz. prom. 9 no.3:27-30 164. (MIILA 17:9)