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-W W., XANVAN9 0.5. Packing of argillaceous soils subJect tot the action of a short-term multiple-rotation load. Izv. AN Arm. SSR. Ser, tekh. nauk 18 no.l143- 48 165. (MIRA 180) 1. MoikoVskiy, avtmobiltno-dorozhny-y inritItut. Wt I "o- V, AID P - 3525 Subject USSR/Power Eng Card 1/1 Pub. 26 - 19/30 Author : Kanayan., N. Kh. and Yu. E. Khodzhamiryan, Engs. Title : Testing an automatic ASU-11 synchronizer Periodical : Blek. sta.,. 9, 53-55, S 1955 Abstract Certain design defects found on the ASU-11 synchronizer tested at a hydro-power plant are described. The author contends further research is necessary before large scale manufacturing should be started. Two diagrams. Institution None Submitted No date XOATAH, N.&., inzhener; KHCDZHAMIRYAN 'Yu.To., inzhener. Automatic synchronizer with continuous angle of lead. Slek.sta. 28 no-8:76-77 Ag 157. (MIRA 10:10) (Blectric generators) ANEYAN. Kh.S-.; LWAYAH, V.Z. J I Experiment in the use of magnolite abrasive dince for catting marble slabs. Biul.stroi.tekh. 10 no.12:18 Jl 153. (MM 6:8) ' I 1. Zavod atroitellnvIch materialov Ministerstva Proqrshlennosti Stroitell-I nykh Haterialov ArmWanskoy SSR. (Stonecutters) I -- KAIWIV Wages for machiAe operators. Sov.profsoiu2y 18 no.14.-23-24 Jl 162. (KIPA 15:7) 1Z22trulktor Otdela truda, I zarabotnoy platy TSentrallnogo Kordtata prol7esonallnogo soyuza rabochikh i aluzhasbehikh sel'skogo khozywtva i zagotovok. (Agricultural wages) (Faxm mechanization) KAHAYEV r A. ,For rural t=hine operators. Sov. profsoiuzy 19 m.7t3O-31 Ap 163. (~aRA 16;4) 1, Instruktor TSentrallnogo komiteta profeosionalinogo ooyuza r;~-ochikh i slusbashchikh oel'skogo khoisyaystva i sagotovok. (Farm mechanization) (Agricultural workers-Job descriptions) h KANAYEV, A, For the aid of the workerp', committee chairman. Sov. pro-fsoiusy 19 no-1507-39 Ag .163. (MIRA 16:8) 1. Instruktor TSentrallnogo komitets, professionallnogo soyuza rabochikh i.sluzhashchikh Bellskogo khozyaystva i zagotovok. (Agricultural wages) KANAYEV,,,_A.I,; TSAP, S. Problems of improving the consumer service industries. Dan. i kred. 21 no.10:39-42 0 163. (KM 16:19) 1. nwhallnik otdela kreditovaniya mastnogo khozyaystva Holdavskoy respub2lkanskoy kontory Gosbanka (for Kanayev). 2. Starshiy inspektor planovo-ekonomicheskogo otdela Moldavsk-oy respublikanskoy kontory Gosbanka (for TSap). 4~ A 1* A 1 1 , .1 III NJ] '1) 11 V W.W W W:W V 1141 it 14uld, A K im A iW4 weft Carried out to del. lhv Power kja by be frictim ul & mating uu"h mod disk gainst water. kerowne. turbine nil and 270 tow. to 4UM. a of The fmdts mv cumpared with the t fka (,x turW " F ues cakid. by the - . water $ad =11 Eff tim& -The rewits r- t t 0- to wata In d. wid 9 The Kanum (bewy safts sa 60 UY Wilk t results, where" for JAI the cxptl. re4ults i i = i at ous 14 Hx b lower. These de%r 4;1 rs tcw hawl of PU7 11 lias Various liquids. Kantich 10 Ile P o l Alm-ILA U111RATM CLASUPKATON 'At* 40V OR U in a i f V "' ON a" 'LIA A ; a, AN I I I W 0 1 1 to, ; a a so g0$ 'Is SJ SJ # # 0 0 0 a off *Sol not goof Woo as* see ttee not KAI~AYEV, it. A.., jt. mi. A Binary'vapor installations; working process and construction of the equipment. Eoskva, Cos. nauch.-tekhn. J.zd-vo mashionostroit. lit-ry, 1-!46. 262 p. (0-22339) TJ780.IL 1 $1 it t) W t4 Is kh It is A II a 0 A J6 )y n A k. It 1.1 41kr. It to b 4~ It 'A 0 Ll A,$ L 1; L--J s A.e -A. -L .44-1011 (A tv U4 1J Ii I 41-, 25", SMAK JET CWRESSORS IN FM=W STEM PLANT. (Yestalk Machinostroorgal 2946p & So.2/3, 76-811 16gral Is Jan. 1947p 16 n-2). this articlos deals vith various aspects of the employment of -0 0 at*= jet ousprossars, in porcess stAwn plants vith by-prcduct 1.00 r genoration. Plant diagrams Illustrate seveml representative OW P ozastples of the use of stem compressors for the purpose of increasing roe the pressure of stem supplied for process purposes. They include steam jet comprosoorst ro-omWessing the stem generated in the oca- contrator of a temisto asnai factory; Increasing the pressure of Zee zoo the exhaust of back pressure turbineal and used in combined beat and powr plants. The relatiouMp between Injection coefficient and flov rate of the live stem in showng Wootton coefficient obar- actorlstiosp It" stem convaption per ton of stess ocapresmOd and zoo anmal ftel sconoW obtained tr nbatituting a stoon jet omprossor 00 for a conidned presswe rodudq and doraperboattal Installation are plotted. C3 Wit: -v U S At 10 AnL %*IWO .1WbjtdJ 1, a to it w 61 Kit Its 1,11[tit It or No4 1 X4 0411 Is fee Co 0 0000 St 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 4, a 0 41is 00 0 0 00 6 0 000 *Goo 0 a T 0 00 94 0 41 0411 0000000000 : gig 00 0 000 0 0 0 go 0000 0 0 10 1141 N1W POWER PIANT CYCIM. A. A (Notloturboatroyienie (Boil. and Turbine Design), 1947# (6). 24-28). ALisk- PEI/ sdrsoba 'S F, UIN" -it 04V Qvf $lull W& -I-- 411al (w env .; ..~ F 4 0 1 4 p ; I - 0 U m Sy to w, I I I ~ A v, I',' An i s a rw a it x -t wim 9 a a I 1 0 ISO ; top *ap top 0 * K a m a a it K w 0' 1 '00 000000 0 *10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9T.4 0 woo XANAYEVI A& A* PA 37/49TL12 ~O~Orp plmtop Mobile. Tutbines, Gas, "Mobile Gaa-ftkbine BleotrIc Stations," A. A. M=3MVV~Cand,T00h Sci, Gel' Sei Res Boller and Tu:~binb InBt imani 1. pp Kotlotvirbostroy" No ftamizob proOpects~of using ga~ turbines in mobi 1e electiostaticins (on railvay WA afloat), E. t: ~, .~ i ght ati- ~ Ap, es ye dimensions., and horsepower of mobile 06-twibine,'Inatallations. COMWes gas- and for mobile eleatric- ons on -Inc-ludeo ton. illustrati a. 37AqTl2 (10 av! c- 0 Lzi- So' Vol 7, I`o 4, NANAMI, A. A, Moscow. Tsentralinyy nauchno-Issledovateliskiy kotloturbinnyy 10stitut. Aerogidrodinamika (Aero-hydrodyhamics, Moskva, Mshgiz, 1954. 150 P. illus., diagrs., tables (Its Xniga 27) Bibliography at the end of each chapter. SO: N15. 613-35 .ma kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk,- redAktaft, BARSMYN# I.T., )mndioAt tekhnIcheskM nauk, nauchny redaLktor; MISOT, I.I.,'savedaywhchty reda"slyey, inshener; 33LUGCKAAMXIU, TO.A., takhnicheekly redaktor. Computation and design standards [TrudY] Tortl 24:3-275 152. (Covil, for coal pulverizing machinerye (KLRA 8:2) MMAT"23, S.S, Prinimala uchastiye: SWMWYA, L.S., kand.telchn. nauk. U#AXU.44tjkand.tekhn.nauk, retsenzent; F-W&W1150, B.D., kand.tekhn.nauk, red.; DLUGOKANSKAYA, Ye.A., tekhn.rad. [Beat transmission in condensation and boiling) Toploparodachs pri kondeneateli i kipanii. Isd.2., dop. i parer. Moskva. Goo. nauehno-takhn.izd-vo mashinostr.lit-ry, 1952. 230 p, (MIRA 12:9) (Heat--Transmission) (Condensation) (Ebullition) 7 T 'llin e ustroi.r.Ava (illr~zjtinr: apparatu.0. ~.avkva, 5,,,, hi'-'- Top c SO: Ecnthly Ldst of I-ill j, B 4 jan ',o1. 7, C,-,t 1~ 0, %VT I, I I I - V) 11- I'l - 'MIMI& #-I.--.~&--.','-Irandidat tokhnicheekikh nauk. Inergy and its utilization ("From watermille to atomic machines.' A.A.Kanaev. Reviewed by A.A.Kukibnyi). Nauka i shisn' 21 no.2:46- 47 7 154. (MLRA 7.2) (Power (Mechanics)) (Kanaev, A.A.) XMTV. A.A., redaktor. Fwnace design, (Tradyl TSKTI 26:3-255 154. (MLU 8:2) (ranaces) A. A. N15 62~3 .55 VK2 Teploperodacha I Aerogidrodinamika, (Heat Transfer &nd Aero-1,lydrodymmics) 1-:O,-kvii, Leningrk.d, IIa3hRi7, 1955. 181 P. Illus., Diagrs., Tables (hoscow. Tsentraltriyy Nauchno-Issledovatellskiy Kotloturbinnyy Institut. Kniga 28) V, LIBOM, L.Ya., kandidxt tekhnichexk:ikh nank.; PEYBIKHIS, M.I., inzhener; JUMOV-p", kandidat takhnicheakikh nauk, redaktar; PCLLISKAYA, R.G., Wdinicheskily redaktorl [Handbook on the properties of stools used in mnrine boiler and turbine buildir4g] Spravochnik pa evoistva stalei', promentacafth v kotloturbostroonit., Moskva, Gss.nKuchno-tekhn.i%d-vo inashfuestrelt. lit-r3r. 1955. 195 P. (Leningrad, TS~ntr&llmyi nauch-no-iseledavatell skii kotleturbinnyl institute [Trudy]. vol. 29.) (Kw 9:10) (Steel-Speoifications) Obilers, Marine) (Steam tarbines) KIR11LOV, I.I., prof.; KANTOR, &A,, prof., reteenzent;ol"5 A!*A. k9ncl,tekhn.ns,*, retaensent; YABLOSIK, R, d.; NOM,, B.I., clu e turbines and gae-turbine units) Gazovye turbiny i gazo- turbinnye ustanovki. Vol.2 [%.s-turbine units] Garoturbinnye uetanovki.' '1956, 318 p@ (MIRA 12:3) 1, Bezhitskiy inatitut transpoTtnogo mashinostroyeniya (for Kirillov),; lGas ttirbines) UUTEV, A. .. kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk, redaktor; SOKOLOVA, L.T.1 t8khniGheskiy redaktor. [worms for calculating the strength of steam boilers] Normy rascheta elementov parovykh kotlov na prochno8t'. Moskva, Goa. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-rY, 1956- 79 P. (Isnin- giad*'T'Sentralln7i.nauchno-iseledevstallskii kotloturbinvi in- atitut. Trudy, vol-31). (Boilers) (MLEA lor8j, XANAYEV.A.A., kandidat tokhnicheskikh nauk Modern turbine and boiler designs abroad. Vest.mash.35 no.8:79- 84 A9'55- (MMA 8: 10) (Turbomachines) GILITKA3. A.3., kandidat takhnichoskikh nauk; ILUI&YIV-, A.A.$ kandidat takhnichoskikh nauk; TSUIMRW, R.V..'IrhTfVr TMAircheskikh nauk. Problemeju the development of Soviet heat power engineering. 2nergomashinostrosuis no.3:1-6 D 153. OWU 9:5) (Power engineering) KkHRUV, A.A., kundidtit teklinicheskikb nauk. Prospoets for nuolour power pllints In othor countries. litiorgo- maw-1hontroot-ile no.1:2?-32 0 1.55. (PJ-HA 9: J) (Atomic power) (Nuclear reactora) KAHATRV, Andrey Andreyevich; IOM; A.F., akademik, rateenzent; KIRILLOV, 'pro"ftWVW,-Uoktor takhnichaskikh nauk, redaktor; STIPANCHEHKO, N.S.. redaktor izdatelletva; TIKHANOY, A.Ya., tekhnicheskiy redaktor [From water mill to atomic engine] Ot vodianoi mallnitay do atomnogo dvigatelia. Izd. 2-oe, dop. Koskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn., izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry, 1957. 231 p. (MLRA 10:9) (jagines) 111H I list "fit 11 AJWYUT~~, Stepan, i1sksandrovicb; "'g, kandidat tekh!i1cbeekikh. neuk, retsoment: RAKOV, K.At, kandidat tekhnich*Bkikh nauk, rotsonsent; UJIMMUTUM.Ya., doktor tekhnichaskikh na&., professor, red,gktor; HMLI, B.I., tokbnichaskiy redaktor [Wtlook for the development of steam aW. gas turbines of electric power plants; thermodynamic, technical and economic studies) Perepok- tivy rezvItiia parovykh i gazovykh turbin alaktricbeek-M stnntaii; termodinamicheskie i tokhniko-akonomiche skis lusledavaniia. Moslcva, Goo. usuchno-takhn. Izd-vo mashinostroit.lit-ry, 1957. 219 p. (Turbines) (MLHA 1"): 10) (Alectric power plants) MILLOV, IJ~, professor; XANTM, S.A., -professor, rateenzent;JAP.I.F, A,ik.& kaatdat tekhnicheskikh nxuk;'retsewzo:at;.TABWNIK, Rox. P ~~klwi tokbnidhookikh sauk, rodaktor; ND M I B.I., takhuicheekly rodaktor. (Gas turbines &ad gas turbines lastallations]Gazovye turbiny t gazo- turbinnya ustanovki. Moskva, Goo.nauchno-takhn.W-vo mashinostroit, lit-ry. Vol.l.[Gas turbines and compressors] Gazovyo turbiny i kom- pressory. 1956. 434 p. MRA 9:6) l.Boxhitsijiy institut transportnogo mashinostroyaniya (for Xiriiio#). (Gas turbinem) AUTHOR: Kan'aev, A.A.,' Candidate of Technical Sciences. 305 TITLE: Prospects of application of gas turbines in atomic power plants (From a paper presented at the Conferenc6 in the Academy of Sciences, U.S.S.R.). (Perspektivy rimerieniya gazovykh.-burbin v atomnosilov~rkh ustanovkakh Ks doklada na konferentsii v an SSSR)) PERIODICAL: %ne4g!2ma shin o stro enie 11 *(Po-Vrer 1`nchitery Constniction .NO 0 U939,00RV) JMY 1 2, pp. 27-- 309 ( ABSTRACT: The author of this paper reviews exclusively Western practice on the basis of informatiot released at the Geneva Conference in 1955 and published later in various Western journals. 5 figures. 9 references, 4 of which are Russian. b Y AUTHORs Kanayev, A.A., Candidate of Technical Sciences 28-5-13/30 ---------------- TITLE: New Parameter Series for Steam Turbines and Boilers (Novyye parametricheakiye ryady parovykh turbin i kotlov) PERIODICALt Standartizateiya, 1957, # 5, P 53-56 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The article contains information on the projects of standards to replace the existing rOCT a 3613-47 and 3678-47 for steam turbines and 3619-47 for boilers, as prepared by the Central Boiler-Turbine Institute imeni I.I. Polzuno 'v (TaKTI), and on general development in Soviet boiler and turbine production. The data on standardized st6am turbines (type, designation, power in kw, and the steam parameters) are given in table 1;_ the turbines in parentheses are planned for 1965 The nominal basic parameters for boilers are ;hown in table 4- The former lettering for pressure stages (A,P) has been abolished because now there are two standard stages of high pressure (90 and 130 atm) and three experimental stages of superhigh pressure (170, 220 and 300 atm). In the future, pressure stages may-be raised to 350, 400, 450 atm, etc. It is not yet possible to include turbines of 300 megawatt and more into the power series Card 1/3 or to standardize the near-critical (200-220 atm) and super- Now Parameter Series for Steam Turbines and Boilers 28-5-13/30 the block system. Power plants of higher capacity will require relatively less labor, and the automated control of boilers, turbines and auxiliary equipment will also contribute to the reduction of kwh costs, A type-projeot for a 1.200 megawatt blook-type power plant was completed recently. There are 4 tables. ASSOCIATIONs Central Scientific Research Institute for Boilers and Turbines (Teentrallnyy nauohno-iseledovatellskiy kotloturbinnyy inBtitut) AVAILABLEt Library of Congress Card 3/3 GZLITKAN, I.S., kand.tokhn.nauk.LI:AUYBWV~LA,.A., k&vA.tekhn.nauk; TSWRMAH. RoVe. kand.tekbn.nauk; BUIM, kand.takhn.nauk, nauchuyy red,; VLADIMTRRr T, D.M., red.izd-va; GURDZHIYNVI, A.M., [Hoat-power machinery mom;Lfacture in the sixth five-year plan] Toploonergomashinostroonia v shestoi piatiletke. Leningrad, Obehoheetvo po rasprostrazzonliu polit.i nauchn.snanii RSFSR., Loningr.otd-als. 19581 29 p. (MIRA 120) (Turbines) (Boilord. 21(g) PUR I BOOK EVWITAMN WV/1984 Thuapv., As A* Atam*7e elektrostanteii (Atomic Blectric Pbwer Stations) Inningmd., Ob-yo po rasprostrwmaiyu polit. i usuchnykh znaniy RBFSR,, Inningr. otd-nlye, 19589 40 p# Errata slip inserted. 9,000 copies printed. Sponsoring AgeuCY3 ObOdwstvo po rasprootrauenlyn politicheald1h i nauchnyM znaniy ROM,, laningradskoye otdeleniye. Scientific Ed.: T&,.G*,Wrtmn, Professor; Ed. of PablIshing House: D,M4 VlatUmdrskly; !ftchs Ed.: A.M. Cluxdzhiyevu. PURPOSt This book Is intended for the general reader interested in atomic power stationso COVMCFE: The author ezp]Aino briefly the stracture of the atom and gives pneral inforustion on nuclear pbysico, reactors, and atomic power stations. There are 13 Soviet references. TAMX:OF CONTEM None givenj division of the book is as follows. Card 1/2 17, PHASE I BOOK IDIFLOITATION SOV/2179 .Gelltman, AlekBey Eduardovich, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Andp evichrl Kanay Candidate of Technical Sciences, and rev, Rudolly -VuPf'oviih--tou'k-irman, Candidate of Technical Sciences Teploenergomashinostroyeniye v shestoy pyatiletke (Heat Power Machin- ery Manufacture in the Sixth Five Year Plan) Leningrad, 1958. 49 p. Errata slip Inserted.. 9,000 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Obshchestvo po rasprostraneniyu politicheskikh i nauchnykh znaniy RSFSR, Leningradtikoye Otdeleniye. Scientific Ed.: V.I. Bulanin, Candidate of Technical Sciences; Ed. of Publishing House: D.M. Vladimirskiy; Tech. Ed.; A.M. Gurdzhiyeva. PURPOSE: This pamphlet is Intended for the.general reader. COVERAGE: The authors discuss the important role of the machin- Card 1/ 3 He-at Power Machinery (Cont.) SOV/2179 building industry in providing power stations with power-generating machinery, in order to fulfill the Sixth Five Year Plan in accord- ance with directives of the Twentieth Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. They also comment, in general terms, on the capacity of Soviet electric power stations, power-generating systems, and describe steam turbines, boiler installations, aux- iliary equipment, and equipment for small electric power stations. No personalities are mentioned. There are no references. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress (TJ 255-0) TABLE OF CONTENTS: None given. The book is divided as follows: Capacities of Power-Generating Systems, Electric Power Stations, and Power Plants 5 Steam Turbines 9 Boiler Units 20 Furnaces 31 Card 2/3 Hea.t Power Machinery (Cont.) Auxiliary Equipment SOV/2179 40 Equipment for Low-Capacity Electric Power Stations and Gas-Turbine Plants 46 00/ec Card 3/3 9-21-59 KAMM$ A.A.,, kancl.tekhn.nauk -:1 Fl t Atomic power development in Great Britain. Energomashinoatroenie 4 no.2:43-48 7 158. (MIRA 11:4) (Great Britain-Atomic power plants) 1% 4") (1,,/) y k. V/ I/? -.I- I I KANAYIJV ,gq)mnd,, tekhn, Aauk, ,"M UnIM gas turbinero in various branches of tho ziational economV. Vast. meh. 38 nrj.lt3-9 A 158. wnna) (Ghs turbineO V, PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATIQN SOV/,?608 210) Andreyev, Pavel Alekseyevioh, Andr Andre ey -J.Y Kanayev, and Yevger Danilovich Fedorovich Zhidkometallielieskiye teplonositeli yadernylEh reaktorov (Liquid-14etal Heat-Transfer Agents of Nuclear Reactors) Leningrad, $udpromgiz., 1959- 383 P- Errata slip inserted. 4,600 copies printed, Ed. (Title page): A.A. Kanayev; Ed. (Inside book): Ye. N. Shaurak; Scientific Ed ": S.A. Serdyukov; Tech. M.i N. V. Era8tova. PURVIDSE: This bqok is Intended for engineers and teohnologistaworking in plants and designir~g organizations-, and also.,,for students in poler engineering and ship-building vuzes and tekhnikuns. COVERAGE: The book contains information fra4 foreign sources on the properties of liquid-metal heatrtransfer agents of nucidar reactors. The following aspects of the subject are atttqied~ heat capacity (liquid phase during boiling and condeneation)j interactions of liquid metals with structural materials; methods of removing im- Card 1/7 Liquid-Metal (cont.) SOV12608 purities from metals; structural characteristics of equipment and the operation of installations with liqui4-metal heat-transfer agents. The introduction formulates requirements for heat- transfer agents and means of increasIng the effipiency of atomic power stations.operating on liquid-metal heat-tr4nefer agents. A considerable part of the foreign data is contained in the "Liquid Metals Handbook" published in the United States. In cases where references for physical constants and other values Etre not cited in this book, they will be found irA this handbook. The authqrs thank profe6sor A*F. Alabyshev., Doctor of Ph~rsical Sciences, and A.V. Allkimovich for his advice, ano Also,, N.N. Yevdokimova for technical assistance in draftlng the ij~4ptpationp. There are 171 references: 34 Soviet and 137 English. TABLE OF CONTENTS: From the Authors 3 Introduction 5 Card 2/7 Liquid-Metal (Cont.) sov/2W PAR91 It PROPERTIES OF LIQUID METALS Ch. I, Physical Properties 38 lo Sodium 38 2. Potassium 50 3. Sodium-potasBium alloys 56 4. Lithium 163 5. Gallium 71 6. Mercury 79 7. Tin 79 8. Bismuth 79 9. Lead 82 10. Eutectic lead-bismuth alloy 85 Ch. II. Chemical Properties 89 .1. Sodium 89 12, Potassium 100 13. Sodium-potassium alloys 102 14. Lithium 102 Card 3/7 Liquid-Metal (Cont.) sov/26o8 ll-,. Gallium 16. Mercury 17. Tin 18. Bismuth 19. Lead 20. Eutectic lead-bismuth alloy 104, 104, 105 106 107 108 Ch. III. Hydraulics ' and Heat Exchange In Liquid Metals 110 21. ';ydraulIcs of liquid metal flow 110 22. eat exchange during free convection 1.17 23. Heat exchange during forapd convection 130 24.. Heat exchange during boiling and'obodensation 151 Ch. IV. The Corrosion Properties of Construction Materials in Liquid-Metal Media 158 25. Sodium, potass ium and their alloys 16o 26. nithium. 175 27. Gallitun 178 28. Mercury 180 Card 4/7 Liquid-Metal _(Cont.) SOV/2608 29. Lead, bismuth, tin and their alloys 187 30. Transfer of activity in liquidw'metal systqr4s 194 PART Il.,,. PLANNING AND OFX~ATJON OV MOMPMETAL SYSTEMS Ch* Vo Planning the Systems 208 31. General principles for grog=g equip"O 208 32. Behavior of construction ma 6r$4;p# liq'UtOwnetal circuits 212 33. Planning the piping systems 217 34. Heat insulation 229 Ch. VI. Equipment for Liquid-Met4l 3yetep 229 35o Mechanically driven pumps 229 36o Electromagnetic pumps 245 37. Heat exchangers and steam genoratorp 4*94 with sodium and sodium-potassium alloys 2 6- _gi 38. FittiMB 280 39- Measuring devices 284 Ch. VII. Operation of Liquid-Metal Systqas 302 Card 5/7 Uquid-Metal (Cont.) SOV/2608 52. Physical heat constants of some liquid metals 355 ~ -1 53-- Cleansing liquid rietals from impurities 356 54. The behavior of steel in a liquid-metal medium 356 55. Pumps, fittings and measuring devices for liquid metals 359 Appendix 361 Bibliography 374 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress TM/jb Card 7/7 11-23-59 KANAYEV, A. A. Doc Tech Sci - (diss) "Thermodynamic and thermophysical charac- teristics of mercury-vapor power equipment." Moscow, 1%1. 36 pp; (Gosplan USSR, Central Scientific Research Boiler-Turbine Inst imeni N. I. Polzunov); 270 copies; free; bibliography on PP 35-36 (41 entries); (KL, 7-61 sup, 229) .KMAY -AwmApdrgevich; FEYNIERG~ S.M.p reteenzent; ALIKETTICH~ A.'V _rRiiWzentj KUDANOVI N.N.p inzh., nauebrn, red.; SKI~Ov, Tu.I.p red.; KAMOLOVAp V.14.1 tekhn. red.; SHIINIMOVA) L.M., tekhn, red. (Atomic power plants] Atomnye energeticheakie ustanovk!L. Le- ningrad, Wdprorgiss 1961. 427 p. WIRA 15:4) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Kxader.4i nauk ~ZM (for Feynbwrg). (Atomic power plants) wpm ACCESSION NR: AT4014062 S/3072/63/000/000/0078itOO79 AUTHOR: Veyler, S. Ya.; Kanayev, A* A. TITLE: Lubrication In the pressure processing of titanium alloys SOURCE: Fiz. -khlm. zakonomernosti deystvi a smazok pri obrabotke m6tallov davleniyem. Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, )963, A-79 .TOPIC TAGS: alloy, titanium alloy, alloy pressure processing, lucrication, titanium alloy pressure processing, stamping lucricant, rolling lubricant ABSTRACT: Hot and cold pressure treatment of titanium alloys presents great dif- ficulties, since these alloys show a pronounced tendency to adhere to the Instru- .ment-Cmatrices, draw plates, stamps, rollers) leading to their premature deterlora-i In the pressure treatment of titanium alloys, the selection of the lubricant, is, a decisive factor. The authors discuss the tests that have been made with various coating materials and previous recommendations as to the proper choice of lubricants (and their method of application). The advantages and disadvantages of these suggestions are examined and analyzed briefly. The authars themselves car- Irled out several experiments in the cold drawing of titanium alloT (VT-14) rods. ~These experiments showed that wax, with admixtures of sulfur or a uminum stearate, 6edpcei the drawing effort to a third of that of oxidized paxeVino These data arc /2 :ACCESSION NR: ATW062 vindicate that in the pressure treatment of titanium alloys, viscous lubricants ,should'be used in combination with high-dispersion colloidal Miers or sbild films' .capable of withstanding high pressures. Orig. art. has: I table. ;ASSOCIATION: none iSUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ: 190ec63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE; ML NO REF SOV: 605 OTHER: 001 TRUSHLYAKOV, V.P.; BETU-;ZflIflSKIY, A.I.; SPIV"'K, V.Ya.; :.-'lflOGEYEV) Idle; LIPETSY A.U.; AUEN, B.G.; TOSTOVETSUY, D.L.; BOLDI"Jily K.1,; YAHlOL'SKlY,*S.L.; FEMo,rov, D.K.; KIRIL101, LIT.; OSHEROV, S.Ya.; l,'Y:311', Y.A.; OGLODLIN, G.A.; 1 A.A.; BULEGA, I.S.; i, I , ~OMK1114AJT, V.A.; IOELISON, V.I. Inventions. Energ. i e~,ektrotekh. prota. no.3:118-49 Jl-S 164. 17: 11) m I ''ACM39MG1 M APh"UM sloclava/10/00votwitoem -AO A.. Veyler, S., Ya.; Rebinder, P. TMN.* glastim4dostio phoummos, smoodxW with friiwWin under cooditl=.of "Plastic Id"93matma at UWUU !so==.. m mm. Daku4% V. I%A, no. k"190po 759-am TOM 2AGSi euww~ rels3fatlicup drwlng frictionj, plasMji defomatlxmj, notalp .Vmmm notal waddngs. Imbrifttiomp co2d natal voildng 'AB3VM: . Ma e2astlo re2maUm (re"ry) attar presouig or draving of motaia Is ummW attrIbuted, to the *WUxd# of the vorldog twas, Rmverp the eustic i recowry om= a vith r1gId tocas Me autbovi bave:1geviouoly abmm. -b the Ztcwvwy Is affectad by luUdmUm. The porpmw of tba :Igesent vork vas Aytain Um infonimAlm at the vbmmmm JAvolved. Bra" ziodo p :IWUy bonm =I p=Uy. so=.p vic" PRUNA ftrou~& a 4xior j~Ute. Mie pilUng.vw partway diry,, zand T"tawI Idth a lubAcmt. It was ftood thAt ol"Uo namttlom di*onds aot mly coM w* ct the owfto IWr ct tko opmIsmaj, big &Uo ion the uwtlbi~ty or at the A 2swomo.. Iaftftatuft "Mm"m that tampat"I xtmn and, . ........... [ACMUCK'NR: AP**UW, l inczma" Us monal stnu. Me drwl" =d Ubrication Is wt accolounw - 'by. Uqptim at tho gr9mp but-tw Wessm' Orlso into bast 4 figures Institut tlAdmmWwy kh'mS4,p Akaddodd zukWt NO (XnwUtuiW Gi rapU*l OwdoWs AmdW at Saisaw SM) Bona= Iw & nou 00 $ o (a 0m... W amf: 001 005 TON DPO At lw,)r-'i ~ci in;;,g run ral, ~'-q v. r s iol it and Hi6 on- 5c i I- om T% r, :rk-i: r-Il k L 5V5-6& AGG NR:,: 1e50256B31 A1W9X301&YP '11114,CY SOUWOK 1:10DE: URA)- ~Q Kanay6v A o A..,I' Go) AUTHDRSt Oman, L. I.; How) z onat none more Class TITLE: A method for intd:nslif ying heat wcchwi,di during boiling of uryo 17.. 1,74643 'a-nw~unco4~ by Central SckentVi(il Research Boiler and Turbine 1, L ; i - Institut .e: imemi 1. 1. Foi~u~ov.~(Tse trallnyy. nauchno-issledovat ell skiy kdtlo- turbinnyly, instit SOURGE Byullet"'!~ izot&eteniV i tovarriykh ;,.nAovj no. 18, 19651 30 TOPIC TAGS-z merc h~4t' exchange ury,, .ABSMGV* This4ailior G~Aiflcate presents a method foi- intensifying heat. excliango :during bbiLing Marcurvs To ijacrewe the intensity of heat flow, the heat ex6fiange suri6p6e is!'kept in conbact with inercury up to the tem erature of This t erab; ,6oD- 0 ~130 is maintained f or bver 25 hoos, SUB:Gmi To/ OM DATE i 1OAxig64/ ORIG RM: 000/ OTH REF s OW Vlcli~ 621 CardIlffaii ",It: -565-94:536.248.2:66949 I Mllt: L OR t(M) A 01PA __(WTAjKfj irk M IV L-L ACC NRJ AP6015612- !1OORCE CODE: UR/0020/66/168/002/0328/06331 AMMORZ, icaaaysv~ S. Ya.; Liklitmark, V. I.; Rebinder, P.- A. (Acadwaicta~ ORd: tostit'ute 04 j4hy,tj~W:: Chemijtry AN SSS11, (Inatitul: fizicheakay khtmii AN SISSR)-' T#M Re laxati oln'phai(imona, in metal ~Ll!6!44! deformation,urider friction 1074 SOURCE-.; AN SSSR~ ~!o:klsdy ~v. 168 no. 2, 1946 328-331 TOPIC UGSt MOW: def0tirAtions Plastic d0otmation, streas relaxation, lubricailt surfamactive agent ABSTRACT: The rel,6liatiOwphenomena in netal specitikens, a copger rod 10. 6 nn irk dlinat~r drawn 6r~uoA! ii~ die 10 am in diantimr, and a copper ball 9.6 mm in diameter cailbriked (i.e. ~ forced. through a tube 9 vm: in diametel) haw been studied. The de- for6atiort was do0ei with ~"d without surface-~iictive and nonsurf ace-active (copper ole .ate,: vaseline Apu 01iiure of vaseline + 3:4 oleic acid) lubricants. 11 Results ahowW that stirface-active:. 1 tsicantiftiniensify relitxation processes in the surface Liyers of ,the'deformad oetal arid: that their effect on the relaxation kinetics depends on the stress.statelof the surface layer. Surface-lictive lubricants accelerate relaxation /in dra~ihg (Compar,ed with, dry dravidpf.--Iii-(rry-cirMi.-ation, practically no Ea-t- re1ax7aTo-n occurs. , Ivi this case, surf ace- act'. ive lubrl'cants activate the relaxation and. reduce residu:ai stre'Oses, In'piolonged holding of the specimens under stress (about 200 hr)-in! both drawing and calibration, the wcial stress (the pulling or rl COO 111k 278 A NR CC AP6015612 pusbinj force) j Under t1ji, action.of relamitionj decresses to a certain minimum stress$ which depends.on;06 conditions at the coititilet surfaces.11This minimum stress Corre- pedids to a mint", sheai~r stress requffr-WWT sh(Far Rastic deformation in the ;rictioln, layer. 'The n6vical t$e,die wall also slightly decreasest with. pressure on the; decrease approximWing the relaxationlairve. OrAg. art. hm, 3 figures. IMS) -Stfl~. colbm ~11/ 66k 0OFA66,/..-- ORIG DEF: 004~, ATD PRESS4 N. 13 12 i:A 1, J; Mir 066-16-0c66 ori 2 ACC NR AT60303 86 SOURC E CODE 'AUTHOR., Nanayov. A. A.; Ley~er, S. R. iORG: none "~conditions on elastic kinatir, properties in the pressure iTITLE: Effect of friction 1working 4of metals SOURCE; -0 SSSR. NauqhrW 59yetaq rqq~yu i sLn4!~.qqjjpym material=. Novoye v teoril. treniya (Recent developments in t1he theory of Nauka, 1966, 1158-162 b TOPIC TAGSs metal friction, elastic defortiation, solid kinetics, work hardening ABSMACT: It has been established previously that a change in the boundary conditions (introduction of a lubricating medium) brings about an increase in the elastic recovery in a metal after deformation, in the course of various processes for the pressure working of metals. In the present, sifdy, the ffect of lubricants'lio'ni the elastic recovery was investigated by drawingl.;.1.0p k ra through a _~j andk ra ~Pples die with an opening diameter of 10 mm. Ma si;nplos were ma fi;-O-M-rdd5 with a previous! deformation of 15-20%. 7he configuration of the samples vas such that it was possibl to immediately bring together two samples, solid and honow, for a comparison of th= elastic recovery, as a function of the degree of deformation. Me outside diameter of I - -L 06086-,dl ACC NRi AT6030386 the samples and the inside diameter of the optining was varied in each series of experiments. Me lubricant was a sodium. al.ea-l*,e paste containin- 50% water. The elastic recovery was determined as the differonco in.~be diameter of the sample at a corresponding cross section and diameter of' the wira.'I The measurements showed that, in general, a drawn sample has different diamoters and, consequently, a different elastic recovery at three characteristic cross sections. Curves are given, based on the experimental data, which show the depondence of the elastic recovery on degree of deformation and on friction conditions, The oxporiments indicate also that an increasf in the elastic recoveryloads to a rise in thE) radial stress. Orig. art. hILsI 3 figures. 12,~* SUB CODE: 11/ SUBK DATE: 22Feb661 ORIG REIP-. 004/ OTH REF: 001 1, 06079-67 M,.'I'(M) /11.W(W) In, 4-1'( t) /ETI/O~T(k) LP(0 J D/I IWI/J G/ aT /(;i) 50.URC CODS ACC M AT6030387 5- AUTHOR: Kanayev, A. A.; Veylers S. Ya. ORG: none 74/ A TITLE: Effect of lubricatin media on the limiting shear stresses in the zone of contact between a deformed metal and an instrniment SOURCE: AN SSSR. NauchoMsovet, po trerku :1. smazoahnym materialam. Novoye v teorii treniya (fWc-en-f -developments in the theory of Nauka. 1966. 03-167 ft iTOPIC TAGS: metal friction, lubricant property, shear stress ABSTRACT: The aim of the work was to study t1te 'effect of deformation properties of a metal and the physical and chemical propertieii; of a lubricating medium on the rheological properties of the system, The fo]-lowing experiments were made* On a horizontal beam there was fixed a diamond draw plate with an opening 0.24 = in diameter. The samples being investig~ d wero passed hro h this draw plates The samples were made of calibrated Co. Td molybdenumtellinith a diameter of 0.26 mu. The drawing was affected by the action of aM-a-d--a-~tached to the stretched end of the wire. The weight of the load could be varied within the required limitsa By varying the weight of the load and determining the drawing rate V, it is possible to construct Card L 06079-67 ACC NRt AT,6030387 -);a- P/~$ where P is the ~tawin force, and S is the area of a graphs of V = f(a I transverse cross section of the deformed wire,. Based on the experimental data, a figure shows curves of V = f (0- ) for the dra:iring of copper and molybdenum samples 9 in lubricating media and'dry., It was observed. that, in each case, there was a minimum stress a- in at iihich plistic deformation doo ta ,,~nT ke place, even after, a sufficiently long pericd of time (up to 10C1 h I ~ ~ is value is complet-el'y determined and depends on the plastic propertiesi f the deformed metal, as well as on the physical and chemical prope-rtle-s-o-T-tTi-ci-lixT)ricating medium. 7he tests also showed that with repeated pasves of the wire through the die, there is a gradual decrease in the value of a-min domi to a certain minimim value which remains unchanged with further passes of the irlre. This is evidentl;T connected with the relaxation of the normal elastic stresses in the deformed metal, As the number of passes of the wire increases, the difference between the valuos of Cr' min for different lubricants Ii decreases. Orig, art. hast 2 figures. SUB CODE: II/ SUBK DATE: 22Feb66/ OPM REF: 006 ~ A.F. Vlasov, I.I., rtarlayevA.L. and Shops, N.F. "Extended stora,ae of fresh tomatoe3,11 Sbornih nauch. rabot (Nauch.-issled. in-t tor[,7ovli -i Obsh- chestv. ritaniya), Moscow 1949, i). 137-43, - Ll.bll-g: 8 items SG: U-52411 17 December 1953 (Letopis 1zhurnal. Inyk)i Statley, No. '40, 1949) Y,ANAYBVp A,F.1 IMMOMaD, A.H.j KOLDMIV, P.J., doktor jeogr. naukv prof., KUDASHEV# A.I.9 roil. iz-d-va; S.U4MIAv Ye..N.p telthn. red. r- . . [Co2d storage'in:nt'a3-Iati6hh mdecif ice and their use) Lediamys sklady i Ikb ispdllio**~io. Moskvap Izil-vo Akad. nauk SMp 1952. 110 po (10ohound) (Cold storage) KANAY-E,1/, A. F. % 0 666 Ledyanyye sUady d1ya ichranoniva produktou sell skogo khozyaystva. M. 12 -vo Mad. nauk SSSR. 1~51. 100s s ill. i kait.: 7L. chert. 20 sm. (Akad. nauk SSSR. miuch. popul. seriya. 'IV pomoshchl sellskomij. Yhozyays-tva" 1 n-t nerz1otouederdya 114. V. A. Obrucheva). 5.OW ekz. 1r. 70k. - bibli6grs.V. kontse Imigi (11 nazu.)- (5h-55543) p. 635:658-78 + 621.565) : 69 + (016-3) SO: Knizhnaya Letopia,, Vol 1~ 1955 IU~NAY-`-J, A. 1'.. Pike Biological methods of raising pike in carp ponds, RYb,, khoz, 26, No. 7, 1952. Monhhly Lis"f Rusoi2n Accessions, Library of Congress No,,%-mber 195". UNCL; `F!-~b - -- 0- I[AIJAni" A. 1. Parasites - Fishes Incrensing the effectiveness of anti-parasitic baths of 5% salt solution. Ryb. khoz. 29 no. 1, 1953 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congiess, 14ny. -1953. Unclassified. KAKAY-EV) A. T. YA',','AYL'V, A. T. "Far-yophyllosis in the Carp." 'Moscow Technical Inst of the Fish Industry ani Econon.Y iseni A. 1. Y koyan. Noscow, 1956. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate of Biological Science) So: Knizhaya Latopis', No. 17, 1956. YANAYEIIJ A. 1. and NAM10VA, A. M. "The Use of I4quid Chlorine in Combatting Fish E'atopp-rasites During Winter Epizooti6s." Tenth Conference on Parasitological Problems and Diaeases with Natural Reservoirs, 22-29 October 1959, Vol. II, Publishii)e Hou~ie of AcadeM of Sciences, USSR, Moscow-Leningrad, 1959. Kaliningrad Technical Institute of the Fishing Industry and Fisheries XANA A. I. ; LUTI-M, M. M. gpizootic condition of fish stocks on T)ond fish farms of the R.S.M.R. Trudy sov.Ikht,koz. noi9s28-33 159. (XM 13:5) 1, Vneroaslyskiy nanchno-iseledovatellskiy institut prudovogo rybnogo kbozyaystva i Moakovskiy takhnicheakiy inutitut rybnoy provorshlennosti, i khoz3rayetva imeni A.I.14ikoyuna. (Carp-Dissaoss and paste) WAYEV, AeIv Introduction of new methods for control-ling i1ah fiseases on fish farms of the R.S.F.S.R. Trudy sov. 3,'kbt.:kom. no,11j..-201-206 162. (MMA 15:12) 1. Vaerovia uohno-ioslodovatel'okiy Lmtitut prudovogo, ry1mogo, k1lofg, tyz(VKRM). (Fishes--Diseases and pe;As) NkUMVA, A.M.; KAHkYEV, A.I. Treatment of coocidioole in carp. Vop.ikht. :2 no.4t749-751 162o r (MMA 16s2) (carp.-Diseases and pests) Noccvfloov? KANAYEVp Attla measures for the prophylaxis of fish diseases. Veterinarlia 42 no*8194-95 Ag 164- (MIRA 18:4, L VS8SOYUZ'WY institut OkOperimentallnoy volitAlrinarii. MIRONOV, Aloksandr Yevgenlyevioh; KANAYIV. Alakoey ?!~yk~Aoh [The republic's tomorrow; the story of Us seven-year plan for developing the national economy of White Russia] Zavtrashnii deno respubliki; rasekas o samiletnem plone razvitiia narodnogo khosiaistva Belorueskoi SGR. Minsk, GosAzd-vo BSSR, 1959. 50 p. (White Russia--Economic policy) (HIRA 13:12) KANAYIN F.-I-L inh. lee laprv cn highways. Av-t.dor. 24 no.9:6 s l6i.. 0 (IMUL 34:10) (Roads-f~,ovt damage) KAMM, G. The International Confederation of Free Trade Unions excuses the a&gressore. Sov. profsoluzy 6 no. 11:614-65 5 158. (MIELA 11:10) (Near last--Politics) t KANAYEV G. Strengthen workerst.unity in the struggle for peace, Sov, profsoiuzy 17 no.6142-44 Mr 161. . (141RA 14:3) (World ;olitics) (World Federation of' *ade Unimp) (Peace) -.&- KANAYEV, G.- Unity is the banner of African workers. 17 no,22:31or-35 N 161, (MM 14.10) (Africa-Politics and government) (Africa-Trade unions.-Congresoes) KA YJCV w1k; STUAYXV, V.V. Maintenance of devices of routing and relay centralization. Avtom.. telem. i aviazi no.9:22-26 1511 - (MIRA 11:4) 1,Nachallnik Ryazhsko7 distantaii signalizataii 1~ ov7azi Moukovsko- RyazanDko7 dorogi (for Kanayev). 2.Starshi7 inzhener Ryazhuko7 distantaii signalizatsii i svpzi Moskovsko-Ryazanekoy, dorogi (for Stuneyev). (Rai 1roads-SignAling-Blook epteii) KANAYBV ~04-!-04- Improve living conditions. Avtom., telem. i eviazt 2 no.5:40 Mr ;58" (MIRA ll-,5) I.Ilaohallnik Ryathakoy dietanteii eignalizateii i svyazi Moskovsko- Ryazanskoy dorogi (for Unarov). 2. Sekretarl partiy-noy organizataii Ryashakoy distantaii signalizataii, i evyazi Mookovsko-Ryatanskoy dorogi (for Ushakov), (Railroadt-Employees) KAVAYEV G Qjj"ygjjQ)j~ VKj.SljjkVSKIYt A.S., red., IGNIATIYENp V.A.p tekhn. red. (Trade-union movement in Florocool Profsoiuznoe dvizhenie v Marokko. Moskva, Profizdat, 1962. 93 p. (MIRA 15*-.6) (1-forocco--Trade uniona) VARSHAVSKIY, A.S.; S~IIRNOV, I.A.; RATISHCHEV, V.A.; KANAIII __ Ye~t , G,_ _~ - CHUYKO, F.K.; VETROV, V.D.; YURIN, B.A., red.; XOI0130VA, N.D., tekhn. red. [Handclasp of millions] Rukopozhatie millionov. (By] A.S. Varshavskii i dr.' Moskva, Profizdat, 1962. 270 p. (MIRA 16:4) 1. World Trade Union Congress. 5th, Moscow, 1961. (Trade unions-Congresses) laves,tigating the objective of the 26-inch refractor at the Main Astronomical Observatoi7 of the Academy of %iences of the U.S.S.R. Izv. GAO 22 no. 1:176-179 160. (MMA 13 -.12) (Telescope) XAMYZY, I.I.; VAIrl LAX [Wan let] Results of the tavestiption of the XTX-3 No.550,002 co- ordlate-wsuriug instruent, 1xv. GAO 22 no. lsl8D-18) 160. (MMA 13;12) (micrometer) w V Q is 11a 4 Aa JL-M-A-jt A_j- 00 P r, . , J_ 00 A 09 a -00 00 A ry Z LKAX 2" md. Acid. Sci. IT. 00 r__, ~_-2kj~ '-_M7)._= dtffaf*nfts are 0 , IN twil we" Cud -in the Mv b~tvcen 4141 ammus wretM W. A =~,* dlo p"tik! fluid in a stijidy Of ti pain of twins f 004 0 ogle 60. W. F. Val 0 all* X41 AD NO 0 !=,be "MMMICAL Lft NOW CLAIWICATAN film 11110 Iva lobo Wepo wit cmw Oat Olt 0 41 00 Al villin lob 3UM At or At a a of a it a4i All soda 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a All 0 o 14 41, $00 0 000 00 9 0 0 0 0 40.9, 0,0 0 0 411 Ole All 0 WE M 00 go 0$4 eel e0z 000 090 X jv 4j 41 -41 :4)0 M*AjWJC41qt, rml. Aced. 8d- Mit-SR, I no, 25, .-trticrAftionM mHT&tlon from tho lbad PVVQW by. cranb"vW w" f1dasl Varlakno awe reow~W, and re"Wv*d sulble for 2-4 )Mrs. W. F. F, -160 use Joe L79;-1.;;,- CLjiitPVATM I voo ~0*6161 t1i'll ~1111 I wil miv imam M I S 11 (W a l1 S I N p 9 i1 t I u At 10 0 of & & it of oviin It a 1 u its: 0-0,5000 a L 00 0 V 10 is 1; a o;e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 We * 0 0 0 9 # 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0.2-2 L KAxiwr (Compt. "MIu. Amd, W. V.R.H.M., 1939. W. F. F. U so m a . - - - C A-41 I'" .00 000 "Co's 0* o "o 0 460 case! a,- _2 .1--- .130,04 401 4 tf Iwo otolival's a a 9 30-1 old a die 6 0 0 0 ib ALA-2L.41 0 0 0 0 0 00 a 00 t 00 j v 60 In ow Mir 6WIM MARY (OU11111t, Mild, a 09 mig. 0660160 XW% bet*mn spontaneous wre- NiM "Moon W. F. F. CLAIWICATION LWMAL WIRITUNIN I noill -4 1 1*14*0 MLV ONT I L11,11c"t 931.11 Oilk SL a &T lei it , ; - ,IIAAPA t2two Ig *IN 11 03 a 11 a *10 *'0 0 0:9 000 00.000 a #1! a 0 0 00 00,00 00,60 o 06 0 006 0 0 0:0 *~O.$ 0 0 0o-, , . A a - - - 0*0*40*000**410 0 M G ZOO 000 No a qjjT sod 00 0 P ~Ntl ~,q: Als-SLA *"&%twtKM UTt*&VM C16AUVVAIMN 0 0 0 0 0 No it 0 0 Co lacm aqglnv 411131 ft aliv IM 0 '1 0 1 v 01 0 Al 3 old* 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 a 0 0 4) 0 00 MEMO" 00046c9*00600400 ILI Iola 00 F =00 COO goo goo grog goo] go* zoo Iwo* tfoo U06 vie] KANAYEV, T. 1. PA 36'37 Jul 19 Cr~OIW:over, of Ormosomes in Rumwap" 1. 1. Kan "pk:wowl. 116:7 wCmO14L""_df ~oronxjpg over bw been T017 tbor-~. 'Reclantly this Sam pbA&ie~ was ~'notfced in other orgmisms. However a study of* Is phEmomens'In humem beings is Mffi- Ola. , "iti ibat!iv is impossible to dbtain the required. 464141a: i~terlal i 8=0 VWk Visa dme, however, b"eCm'iUe'!h6r6ditdi7 transmission of two die- eamee'. is= pphilla and belt'onism. - Gives a short do* law Apr 1948 MeOolue Transplantation "The Problem of,the 'Organizer' in Hydila," Prof It X. whlrode Ito 4 DkcrOss experiments on subjeot canIed out by T. Yaop Muse sciantlet ("Jour of 1xpmr~1mwd-,&1 Blol," 1945). y4thod i1sed vas transplantation of hypostomes. Or- Smizor problem otill unsolved. 48* '2egulating Processes in lbdrozola Polyps," Prof LjoAhnayeri it PP *Priroda" No D66oribes 6#eriments of L. Bealle and F. Booth on subject Voar of Experimental Biol, Vol 15x No 3) 1934 Biology Medicine Marine Organismis KAHAYEV, 1. 1. PA 4.lT57 1,140016ntal Genet ics of the Higher Nervous Aativitiy; ir, Z~jl I.~l D4Wev,, Leningracl, pp SP41 oyramefil3iol" .7o1 I", No:l 1, 7 P~.46~16V st~dl ad the genetics ot higher nervou a t ead. ops~ cameo Ion with hie studles of the typisi-:: Tvaus: syst6is;, using a genealogical method. This ii: t q' ''paw ba','uoed to study the higher nerve r- 4w in ;'h64e~ar, O.aitbor illsousses,the re- dt~ of blits, he oanducted mi the geneties ofz,,,; the h'i. ~her terra' r66otiol3s 14 man by means of a CCM-` Ms. sUidy bfthi actions of tvins. *a~ A. J~ USSR/Agri culture Mar 49 Agrology -4 Bibliog.rapby *ReTiew- of 'Scientific periodical Notes of the Main Administration for Fcreijt Proservos of the Rsm (No ir)),," Prof i. i. xsnayev, i p *Pz!lroda" No 3 At present, there are 36 state forests- in the RSFM, with an area of more than 9j million bec- twos. Articles by Trofimov, Naeimovich,, Areenlyev, Pravdin, As--, and Preobrazhenakiy review work of state forests In botany, zoology, b7drobiology, and ell tology. Special problem 44/49T6 ram/Agriculture (Contd) dla=ssed are: girdling (Mikheyev and' Dament Iyev)', acclinatizeLtion (Arsenlyev) numerical growth of prditect6d ani-le (Gorokl2ovi, and reacqllmatlza~- tion of beaver (Arsenlyev). 44/49T6 11" -vt K INAT- 1. 1. 206~1 Kanayev, 1. 1. Novaya Klassifikatsyalotryada gidrid. pr--Iro!Ja, 291.9, No. 6, s. 65-66 SO: UTCTI-~- ZHURNAL STATEY - Vol. 28, Noskva, 1949 nN&P r. 1. N 27676 Novo* o stpokatellr#M klatkakh gidry- Prirodas 19491 No* 8 a. 67-70.-- Bibliogrt 9 natv. SOt Knishnaya Lotopisp Vol., Is 1955