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1. KZRZON, YA. S. 2. US9R (600) 4. Using K-17 glue in furniture production. Der. i lesolichim. prom 1 no,',AK,'52. 9. Monthly Lis t of Ihasian Accesoioas.L Library of Congress. March 195,3, Unclassified. 41 N@. 1. n."RZON, Ya. S. , Env. ; PEYCH, N. N. ; T'JARE-N, B. S. 2. ussR (6oo) 4. Kilns 7- Improving wood-drying kilns of antiquated constructi3n. Der. 4 lesokhim. prom. 2, No. 3, 1953. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, June 1953, Uncl. NY. KERZON, U.S., inshener; FINOSHIN, A.Ye. Use of a glue sheet in veneering furniture. Der.i lasokhim.pron. 3 no-5: 19-20 My 134, (KIRA 7:6) 'l. Hoskovskaya mebelluaya fabrika No.3. (Veneers and veneering) KERZUM. P.A. Dynamics of soil Balinization and swamp formation in ir- rigated areas of Tajikistan.. Trudy AN Tadzh.SSR 78:9-37 (Tajikistan-Soile) (MIRk 13:3) KERZUM, P.A. Regular features in the developuent of saline soila and methods of improving these soils. Trudy All Tadzh-BSR 78: 89-171 '57. (MIRA 130) (Vakhsh Valley-Alkali lands) (Reclamation of land) -T- N KM I, k. IS. ((&kaV-Ake,- lp lvolzhs@oy vozvyshennosti I ego 358Fe Geomorfologicheskoye razdeleniyO pr -ta CeoErafii (akad. nauk assr), paleogeograficheskoye oboBnovaniye. TrudY in v-yp. 431 1949, C. 60-77--Bibliogr: 14 nazv. 77 SO: Letopis' Zhurnallnykh Stateys No. 494 1949 2h828. KZCV, A. S. liekotoryye Tipy Molodogo -Lrozionno7o Rellefa Privolzh--koy Vozvyshennostit Trudy Yubi-leynoy Sessii, Posvyashch. Stoletiya So D@ma Rozhdenlya Dokuchayeva. M. L., 19h9, S. 512-20 SO: Letopist No. 33, 1949 USSR/HydroCraphy Erosion Literature N"ar/Apr 50 110n S. S. Sobolev's Book, 'Development of Erosion Processes in the USSH and tho Fight At-,ainst Them,'" A. G. Dcs1cach, A.S. Kes', Inst of Geog, Acad Sci USSR, 10 pp IIIz Ak Nauk SSSR, Ser Geograf i Geofiz" Vol XIV, No 2 Very critically reviews subject book, in 4tich erosion process Is considered mainly from 1:aoixrpholoGical viewpoint. Lven from this sta,:dpolnt, erosion process as discussed by Sobolev is detached from basic geographical laws and historical geoGraphic connections. Sobolev's general theoretic,;l geomorphological constructions are sLraplified and based on --aethodolcOically incorrect concept of cyclic "self-stopping of erosion processes. UM/Oeophysics Turkmenia Jan/Feb 52 "The Origin of 'Uzboy Valley," A. Kest, Inst of Geog, Acad Sci USSR "Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Ser Geog" No 1, pp 14-26 The projected main Turkmenian canal will pass through Uzboy Valley, crossing Kara-Kum deserts. Describes Uzboy, a half-dried river bed, stretch- ing from Sarykamysh Valley to Balkhan Bay of Cas- pian Sea, gi-@es the history of its origin. 205T49 U:Ijoy. No. I'lont'ill-V LILL, Library of i,-c, jLL 1. L_ I, A . 'S. Vali Gt@o UzLIA rivet, Mbill Of Of USSR/ floo!.1"I'phy - Ve3o] Or'y Card 1/1 Plib. /45 - 5/16 Authors I Tol-;tov, 3. P.; Kos', A. S.; and MpHnko, T. A. Title I The hist.ory of th- in Lhe Ilidtile A(7es Periodical I Izv. All ser. teog. 1, 41-50, Jan-Fob 1954 Abstraot I The orlr@ln of Like Sarli-andsh in traced to the 111iocer-p-, Br-och at wbich tire it was fill-I of wator -ind f(Tmed a ltrt!n brusin. Ourinr,r the first half of the Quart#,.rmr.v !'eriod It becme dr-@ anri In th-i -@@,,cond half of the same reriod it a,@ain filled with wat-r due to Vie ch;m-n in the course of the Arm-Darya River. In the 16th Ceit,@iry tln 3!r@v,,.l of flie w it-or began to sink, the water became nalty arri it, finally diled out alto 0,1rr. Fifteen Russian and USSR references (1879-1953). Napri; dravilwn. Instit-ition Ethnogroj,hir-ril wl Geor-raphical. Inst'ItAlt, !@; of the Soviet AcadeTqy of Science eA SulTnitted KES 10 A.S. Development Of the relief of the 5arY-Kamysh Depression. *udr Inst. 980i;e no.62sl59-204 154, (,9arY-XaVeh DePression-Physical geographv) (MMA 8:5 ) KES A. S. law Closed depressions of Usti-Urt. Priroda 44 no-8:75-82 Ag 155, (Usti-Urt--Physical geography) (MLRA 8:10) P SOV/26-58-1-18/36 AUTHOR: Kea', A.S., Candidate of Geographical Sciences ------------ TITLE: Fluctuations in the Level of the Aral Sea (0 kolebaniyakh urovnya Arallskogo morya) PERIODICAL: Priroda, 1958, Nr 1, PP 95-99 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The Aral Sea, receiving the largest rivers of Central Asia, the Amu-Darlya and the Syr-Dnrlya, has a very unstable level. The sea basin is terracing and is covered with the shell de- posits of small marine animals. According to L.S. Berg, the calculated and recorded difference in level between 1880 and now was about 8 m. This is traced back to climatic changes in the area of the Aral Sea itself and in the mountains, where the two rivers rise. According to A.L. Yanshin and S.P. Tolstov, similar maximum levels of the Aral Sea were reached in the third and at the beginning of the first millen- nium B.C. L.S. Berg and B.D. Zaykov contributed to the study of the Aral Sea's water conditions in the 18th, 19th and the Card 1/2 77= n Al W Fluctuations in the Level of the Aral 3ea SOV/26-5P-1-18/36 beginning of the 20th centuries. There are 2 pho'.os, 1 chart, 1 diagram and 4 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Institut geografii AN SSSR, Moskva (Institute of Geography of the AS,USSR Moscow) Card 212 Ulf PlIVI lit 11 vg jai x Is 11 - a g 3 1 - ; VJ4421 VIR, J, jc J i- 0-9 log I I lit SOV/10-59-5-3/25 AUTHOR: KAE!_L A.S. TITLE: The Relief Structure of the Loess Province of North China PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Seriya Geograficheskaya, 1959, Nr 5, pp 20-28 (USSR) ABSTRACT: According to the author, the study of the relief of the -he eolian origin Loess Province of North China proves t of the soil composing the loess strata. The opinions of scientists on the origin of the loess relief are divided. One group of geologists find that the loess relief was formed as a result of an intensive disintegration of a primary, levelled relief of the plateau type. Other geologists think that the contemporary loess relief re- flects the relief of ancient rocks because of its mantle- like occurrence. Both these viewpoints, says the authorg Card 1/3 are correct for certain very limited parts, but in the SOV/10-59-5-3/25 The Relief Structure of the-Loess Province of North China regionB with thick loess beds, the formation of the loess relief is governed by other regularities. The study of the cross-section of a loess stratum showed that these strata contain many levels of buried soils and carbonaceous concretions which proves the impor- tance of soil-forming processes and of climatic changes in the foymption of loess deposits. Mechanical composi- tion of the loess formations is also variable* V.A, Obruch- ev and Chinese geologist LiuTung-Shen state that the composition of all loess deposits become lighter when moving from the south and south-east to the north and the north-west. Mainly argilaceous loess is found in the south. When moving in the mentioned direction, the sandy part of loess increases constantly ad in the northern Chin-Ling region,.the strata are%rmed of sandy loess.According to both geologists, this phenomenon is explained by the action of winds which carry dust from Card 2/3 the Central Asian deserts. At first the heavy fractions 3@' SOVIO-59-5-3/25 The Relief Structure of the Loess Province of North China and gand drop out, then the sand is carried away into the south and southwest regions. Moreoverg from aerial photographs, it can be seen that all raviges and smaller river valleys out through the loess formations are orien- tated in the same direction, and that this direction strictly coincides withthe direction of winds prevailing in the region. This important reg@ularity was also ob- served in different parts of the USSR where loess for- mations occur, especially in the Fergana Valley. Thus, says the authors there can be no doubt about the eolian origin of the thinly-grained soil part of loess J."orma- tions, though tectonic movements and erosion protesses also played a certain role in shaping the relief of the loess deposits. There are 4 photographs, 1 set of dia- grams, 1 map and 4 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Institut geografii AN SSSR (Institute of Geography of the AS USSR) Card 3/3 KIISIS Ass. Origiu of the looms formation in Northern China. Trudy Kom. chetv.per. 14:80-99 139. (MIRA 13;4) (China looso) KES', A.S., kand. geogr. nauk Hwang-Ho will be subdued. 11auka i zhiznl 26 no.9:61-64 5 159. (MIRA 13:1) (Yellow River--Regulation) -Jr Ta=OV, 5.p.; kand.geogref.nauk; ITINA, N.A., kand.istor. nauk; AMMUNOV, B.V., kand.istor.nsuk; 7jfDANKo, T.A., kand. Istor.nauk; VISHMSKATA9 O.A., uauchnyy sotrudnik; VAKTURSKATA, N.Ifo, kand.iotor.nauk. Prinimali uchastiye LEVINA, L.K.. aspirantka; TRUDNOVSKATA, S.A.; DAVIDOVIGH, Ye.A., kand.istor. nauk; ANDRIANOV, B.V., red.izd-va; LRBEMA, L.A., I [The lower reaches of the Amu Darya, the Sarykamvah and the Usboy: history of their formation and settlement] NizovIia Amu-Darli. Sarykamysh. Usboi,- intorila formiroveniia i zeseleniia. Pod obahchoi red. S.P.Tolatove. Koskva, 1960. 346 p. (Haterialy Xhorezmskoi ekspediteli, no.3). (MIRA 14:2) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut atnografii. 2. Chlen-korrespr-@- dent AN SSSR (for Tolatov). 3. Institut etnoeTafii AN SSSR (for Levine). 4. Akademiya nauk Tadzhikakov SSR (for Davidovich)o (Ama Darya Valley) KESI, A.S. Ancient and recent transgressions of the Aral Sea. Trudy Inst. 9009- 79:69-89 160. (KIRA 13:8) (Aral Sea--Coa,st changes) KESIP A.S. (Moskva) Gyolxm dones in the desert. Priroda 50 no. 2:114-115 F 161. (Soviet Central Asia_Gypsum) (MIWL 14:2) KESt A.S.. "The conditions of the repartition of the habitat of ancient man in the deserts of Central Soviet Asia.* Report Submitted to the IOU Arid Zone Commission Colloquium, Iraklion, Greece, 19-26 Sep 1962. N@J N. 4,T KES A.S * Loons and red-clay loesa as aeoltan voil fo=ations Trudy Nom,chetv,pers 19slOl-U6 162. iWRA 16sl) (Loess) KESrj AoSs ---------- Conference on the comprehensive development of land and wat6 resources in the republics of Central Asia and southern Kazakbotan, Izv, AN SSSR. Ser. geog. no*5:290-196 S-0 162. (MIRA 15:10) (Soviet Central Asia-Water resources develqment) (Kazakhatan-Water resources development) FESI, r'..S.; NA, V.A. conference. on the (11,9cussion of a gener plan for comprehensive uttlization and conservation of the water resources of Central Asia. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. geog. no-5:145-149 S-0 165, 0-11pul 18:30 GELTZR, %Yu,; CERASMOV, I,?*; KAMANINp L.G.; ESSIS A.S.; KINITSYN,, L.P.; NURZAIZV.. E.Mj NITSHTAUTO M.I.; W2ZD'fkVl*,-'Ii-.A:."j NUOLISKAYAJ, VV -j PREOMWHE:IISKIY,, V.S.; RMMj, G.D.; ROBSOLIMO, L.L.; SILIMTROV, S.I. David L'TOVich Amend's 60th birthday (1905-), IsT. AN WSR. Sere geog. no.6tW-142 " 065. (MMA Is: U) YEMELIYANMO, O.V.; MAMANLY, F.F.; NASLEDOV, D.N. Thermomagnetic Nermst-Ettinghausen effects in degenerated indium antimonide. Fiz.tver.tela 4 no*2:546-548 F 162. (MIU 15:2) 1. Fiziko-tekhaicheakiy institut imeni A.F.Ioffe AN SSSR, Leningrad i Inatitut fiziki AN AzSSR,, Baku. (Themomagnatism) (Tridimn antimonide) GALAVANOV, V.V.; UMELIYANENKO, O.V.; KESAMANLY, F.P. Electron effective maso in In3b with degenerate electron gaso Fi2. tver. tela 5 no.2:61&-618 F 163. (MIRA 16-5) 1, Fiziko-tekJmicheakiy institut Imeni. A.F.Ioffj AN SSSRO Leningrad i Institut fizi4i AN USSR, Baku (Indium antimonide) (Elec;rons) - ------- @ LW C /IMS/-- L X)7 _k='(b) 2 Ewr(m) ACCESSIO' X IM: AP3003914 0/0281/63/1005/007/2031/2-032 AUTHOR: GO va, H. A, AM_ML_1r_g F. PA Osmaaov,, 9, 0. 'V TITLEC Preparation and certain properties of eingle-crystal specimens of CdGeAst SOURCE: Flzika tverdogo tela., V, 5# no. 7, 1963, 2031-2032 TOPIC TAGS: CdGeA92, single crystals, physical properties, mechanical properties,, electrical properties, carriers, electrons., holes, mobility of carriers, effec- tive meas of electrons ABSTILACT: Sligae-Metal specimens of CdGeAsp bw4a been prepared by an unidenti- fied metho4, and their properties hwia been studied. The compound has the struc- ture of chalcopyrite with the parameters a a 5.9427 1, b . 11.2172 A, and C/a - 1.8875 A, eLl-I t- 0.0005 A. It melts at 665C and has a microhardnees of 471 + 10 kg/mm2. The forbidden energy gap at 500K is 0.53 ev. Electrical measurements were carrieA out with parmlieleripedal a-pecir-ens (I x @ x 10 =M); low- resistamce cont=te were rcalized by Indium -clectrodea. The HM11 =0billties or holea and electrons In sempleS with a evrier denaity of 1017 CM13 at room tem. pereture were 20 to 25 and &@O to 1000 cm 2/vaeo, respectively. The thermoelectdc power of an n-type eample at 300K was 190 pv/deg. The meorim-m possible value of Card 1/2 L 10716743, ACCESSION NR: the eff**-t,:t1v9 mass of electrons (gz*) was evaluated as about 0. 27 %. M3 viev- of f the low value of m*j it can be assumed that the value obtained for the electron MobIlity Is considerably :Lmmr then the possible value. This phenomenon can be aBsociated with the presence of a great anount of compensated impurities. Com- pound CdGeAsLw is being studied in more detail. "The authors thank T, 17, -.Ma-,ngntovq and A. A. VSyr:!gltn for their assistance in determining the forbidden energy gap and identity period and D N 11asledov for his intereat in and at- tention to the study." ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy instut im. A. F. Ioffe AN SSSR, Leningrad sicotechnical,lnstitute'AW SSSP) SUBN=D: 14Mar63 DATE ACQ 15Aug63 ERCL: 00 SUB CODE 00 -003 -------- 017M! 003 Awd ACCESSION 11R., AP4011746 S/0181/64/006/001/0113/0115 AUTHORS: Goryunova: N. A.; Kesamanly*, F. P.; Naeledov, D. N.; Rud', Yu. V. TITLE: Electrical properties of p-ZnSnAs sub 2 crystals SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 6, no. '. 1964, 113-115 TOPIC TAGS: p-ZnSnAs sub 2 crystal, electrical property, cbalcopyrite structure, Hall constant, specific conductivity, vacancy ABSTRACT: The present work is a continuation of two other works (N. A. Goryunova, S. I&myev and V. D. Prochukhan. DAN SSSR ' 142 623, 1962) and (F. M. Gashimzade. Izv. AN Azerb. SSR, ser. fiz. mat., 3, 67, 1963@- It represents a study of electri- cal properties exhibited by ZnSnAs 2 single crystals. To resolve the contradictions pertaining to this substance, the authors carried out an x-ray analysis of crystals and proved their structure to be of chalcopyrite type with parameters: a - 5-8515 0.0005 X, c - 11-703 + 0.001 X. Samples used in this work were parallelepipeds 1.5 x 3.5 x 12 wia-) cut from single crystals. They were tested for specific conduc- tivity e and for Hall constant R. Measurements were taken in direct current in a constant magnetic field. The study brought out the fact that this material exhibits ACCESSION NR: AP4011746 inclusion conductivity throughout the whole range of temperatures tested. Between 150-20OK there appears a pronounced maximum on the R - Temperature curve. The authors believe that this maximum can be explained with the help of a two-zono model. It is believed that quantitative determination of the valence zone structuxe in crystals of ZnSnA82 will require a complex investigation of the kinetic effects in crystals with various concentrations of vacancies. This will call for a study ,of R and6 at low temperatures (2-78K). The authors thank A. A. Vaypolin and T. S. Lagunova for their help in obtaining quantitative data, and P. M. Gashimzade and V. Yemellyanenko for their evaluation of the work. Orig. art. has: 2 graphs. ASSOCIATION: Piziko-tekhnicheskiy institut im. A. F. Ioffe AN SSSR, Leningrad Physical and Technical Institute, AN SSSR); Institut fiziki AN AzerbSSR, Baku natitute of Physics, AN AzerbSSR) R SUBMITTED: 12jul63 DATE ACQt 14Feb64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: PH No REP sovs oo,6 OTEMRs 006 3 Card 2/2 AG'ZISSIO! NII: AP4011750 S/0181/6t./006/00-1/0134/014d ia7yoRsi Xesar/Anly*1 F. P.; laotyfttsh, E. E.; Velltsevp Yu. V.; Nasledov, D. V.; 11 Vkhnnov, TITU: and Faraday effects in indium phosphide SrURCE: Fizika tvordoao tela, V. 6, no. 1, 1964.9 13L-140 U TOPIC TAGS: Kenist 'Ettinghausen effect, arrective electron mass, indium phosphide, Hall. constant, specific electrical conductivity, difforenti,91 therral amf, optical abs.:-,rption, polarizition, polprization rotation PSTF.Av'.: 7, oN;,a-r to obtain supplemoritni7r inforzation on the mechanii= of electron nJ 'he d3pandance of the eNoctive electron Mass'on temperature, the -ufhors investi3ated, in large Mstalline samples of indium phosphide, t1he tempera- ture dependence 'of the Hall constFmt, the s-oacific electrical con'ductivity, the resistance changee,in a magnetic field, the differential thermoolectromotive force, the transverse llcrnst-EttinghaxLsen. off act, the optical absorption, and tic roiatim cC the rolarization plane for infrared ligh-tt, in a magnetic field. The results ArG summ,arized in Figs. 1-6 c: the Enclo res. The authors found that in samples with o-P 8.2-10T -3 on electron concentration cm and a depression of temperature below 200K Card 14101 ACCEWICN NR: AP4011750 the Hall constant and the change in resistance in a magnetic field increase notice-. nbly. kt- lcrr tczpCxatures the scattdring of clectronz takes place by immrity ions. 17ith increase in temperature, electron scattering by lettice vibrotions'increaseso The ef f ective mnss of the electrons at room terporature id 0.066 -+" 0-003 times the mass of free electrons. Orig. art. has: 6 figures and I formul@-. ,ASSOCIATTOT: Fiziko-takhnicheskiy institut im. A. P. loffe M SSSR, Loningrad 1-hysicotechxxical Institute AN SSSR) ; Fizicheskiy institut AN Azerb. SSRv Baku :(Physics Institute M Azerb. SSR) a SUBMTED: 17J@163 DATE - ACQ -. laab64 ENCLi 08 @SUB CODE: ?H NO REF SOV: 009 OTMRS 013 Card 2/1h T R KESAMANLY, F.P.; KLOTYNISH, E.E.; LAGUNOVA, T.S.; NASLEDOV, D.N. Impurity band In n-InP crystals. Fiz. tver. tela 6 no.3:958-960 mr 164. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut imeni A.F.Ioffe AN SSSR, Leningrad I Institut fiziki AN Azorbaydzhanskoy SSR, Baku. ACCESSION NRs AP4041731 S/0181A4/006/007/2187/2190 AUTHORSt Kesamanly*, F. P.1 Nasledov, D. N.; Rud', Yu. V. i TITLE: Thermal emf and transverse Nernst-Ettingsbausen effect in p-ZnSnAs crystals 2 SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela,.v. 6, no. 7, 1964, 2187-2190 TOPIC TAGSt thermal emf, Nern;t Ettingshausen effect,- Hall constant, p band, transport property, conductivity ABSTRACT: In order to investigate transport effects in crystals with' different carrier densities, the authors doped crystals with differ- ent impurities and, by using beat treatment in some cas6s, obtained AnSnAs crystals with hole density from 10 is to 10 20 cm -3 . No n- 2 type crystals were obtained as yet* Single-crystal specimens are transparent for wavelengths 1&5--3 4#'but no waves could be trans- Card IACCESSION NR: AP4041731 I.mitted through polycrystalline specimens. The temperature dependenc- es of the specific conductivity a(T), the Ha 1 constants R(T), and @the transverse Hernst-Ettingshausen effect Qi(T), and also the dif- ferential thermal emf a(T), were measured aimultaneously in the :interval 90--750K using an instrument described elsewhere (FTT, v. 6, @113, 1964). Tests have shown that the larger the density of the @holes 1'n the sample, the lower the QI(T) curve and the later the mixed conductivity sets'in. 'The maximum on the R(T) curve decreases .in absolute*magnitude with increasing concentration, and the point tat which R reaches a maximum, together with the point of reversal !of the sign of R, shifts towards high9r temperatures. The width of .the forbidden band was found to be 0.89 eV, in qualitatively good .agreement-with the data obtained from the edge of the intrinsic ab- .sorption. The data measured in this experiment make it possible, in .the case of a semiconductor with simple structure of allowed bands, to determine such parameters as the density and effective mass of .the carriers# and also the scattering parameter. The effective mass Card 2/5 ei, @J , ,j AL ACCESSION NR: AP4041731 of the holes determined in this experiment was on the average 0.13 Mot where m -- mass of the free electron. Orig. art. has: 2 figures 0 and 1 table. ASSOCIATION: 'Piziko''--tekhnicheskiy inetitut im. A. P. Ioffe AN SSSR, Leningrad (Physicotechnical Institute, AN SSSR)j Inatitut fiziki AN Azerb. SSR, Baku (Inatitu.te-of Physics, AN Azerb. SSR) SUBMITrEDs 04Feb64 ENCL: 02 SUB CODE: SS"'Vr' NR.REF SOV: 004 OTHER: 002 @, -rd 3/5 Al ACC&SSIGN M AP4041731 ENCLOSURE, 01 Teinperature dependences of the 11all constant (1), smc-'fic 1 electric conductivitv (2)9 t-r-O 'transverse Nernst-Ettingmusen constant Mt and the differ- ' in a ential therml emf (4) ;Sample of ZbSnAs 26 Ow C3 It C@O Card 4/5 Ot, wglyag. UV/O WWI AND41731 EN(;U)SURSl 02 too. Sao SM log T.Ok r 4 '.,Temperature dependences of the transverse Nernst-mingshumen emstant in several samples of p4nSnAr-2 The'nud)m xvfer to diffemnt samples ffA :i-" gU@-qg"g"ag.-gi:@ Mir 'gf @kh 2: A, duv, pz-6P(3-0 *cEssxoN NR- AP4041383 8/0048/64/028/006/1085/1089 ,AUTHORt Vaypolin,A.A.; Gashimzade,F.M.; Goryunova,N.A.; Kesamanly*,F,P.; Osmanov, 3. 0. ; Rud ' Yu.V Hasledov, Do No (Doctor of phyuico-tuthematical sciences) ;TITLE: Iiivostigation of the physical-chumical and electric properties of crystals. 'of somo ternary semiconductor compounds of the AIIBIVCJ typo ffoport, Third Confe- @rance on Semiconductor Compounds hold in Kishinev 20 to 21 Sep 10627 !SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izve3tiya. Scriya fizicheskaya, v.29, no.6, 1964, 1085-1089 ya stru ure @TOPIC TAGS: semiconductor, electric conductivity, Hall effect, cr tal ct ;Cadmium compound, zinc compound, carrier mobility iABSTRACT: 'Single crystals of the following semiconductors were obtained and their I properties wore investigated: CdOeAS21 ZnSIA92, CdSiP2, ZnSnAS2 and ZnSIP2- The m's-1 thod of synthesis In not described. X-ray diffraction showed the specimens to be Isingle crystals with the ohalcooyrite structure. The crystallography of,these Mate-i.- rials is discussed briefly, and the lattice parameters, density# hardness and melt- iing point are tabulated, Both p-type and n -type crystals of CdGeA82 were obtained :Only p-type conductivity was found, In the.other two.areenides, and only n-type in card ,AcassrOK NR: AP4041383 ZnSiPg. Results of conductivity and Hall coefficient measurements over the tempera- ture range from 90 to 6000K are presented graphically for an n-type CdGeAS2 crystal", a p-type CdGeA82 crystal, and several ZnSnAS2 crystals with different but unspeci-@ fied impurity contents. The Hall coefficient of the n-type CdGeAs2 was independent of temperature, and the conductivity increased with increasing temperature above 10 CM about 150oK. The concentration of conduction electrons was approximately 1 17 -3 and their mobility was 10 cm2/Vaec. With the aid of thermoelectric measurements, the'effective mass woo estimated to be 0.027 electron masses. The Hall coefficient of the p-typo CdGeA82 decreased rapidly with increasing temperature above 2000K and@- changed sign at 5200K. Neither the conductivity nor the Hall coefficient of the Zn_i SnAs2 crystals varied greatly with temperature. The Hall coefficient exhibited a maximum at about 2000K which became less pronounced and shifted toward higher tam- peratures with increasing impurity content. This is ascribed to conduction in the impurity band. The band structure of the materials Is discussed. The effective masses of the carriers in the conduction band and the V2 and V3 valence bands wore calculated, and those and the gap energy are tabulated. All these quantities in- creased with decreasing molecular weight. The enirgy gap ranged from 0.53 to 2.5 eV,' and the effective masses from 0,020 to 0.096, 0.035 to 0.19, and 0.12 to 0.49 elec-:. tron masses for the C# V2 and V3,bands, respectively. 1 formula, 6 Card 21) 0 ACCE-SSION NRt AP4041383 figures and 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskLy institut im.A.F.loffe Akademii nauk SSSR (Physi- co-tochnical Institutep Academy of Scienceel SSSR)@ SUBMITTEDt 00 la 00 ENC I SVD CUM '88 0;C NR RUP We 007 Omni 006 J Card 3/3 N @Vw i r i r r ntA,iii c- t i i v a 7@ o f -S NUM.-lY zN - -, " I, - --- -, -1 k -f A'. , i-i ml, -, -R 55 -I@ Al 'EKI ik" V,A Sl IA z.7 . F R 163 rc).4v^('@'-869 I. Fill, instItIlt in!. A.F.Ioffe Ali' Illstitut i c-Ulan'l-,,)y f AN VTcldLvf3p.(,If SR. Submitted 21, 1965o -66 L 12 "CC@Cpl AR@5020691 UR/0185/65/010/008/0867M87 (Byclftv, A. G.); Ila-yuiova, N. 0. t Gorymova, H. A.); -@Ychkov' 0. ii@' !iI'T'V/Y'ec;,amanU, F. P.; ovs ve Kk- (Mityumvl K.); RU-011 YU. V. Slotodch V. kSloVMIR6@i' TM@: Ile'ctrical and photoelectric properties of ZnSiP 7 SOURCE': Ukrayins'l@yy1fizycinyy zhumal, v. 10, no. 8, 1965, 867-872 MPIC TAGS* electric conductivity, Hall constmt, photocoaductivity, zinc coq)oundj terq)erature dependence, forbidden band ABSTRAC.r: The terj)erature dependence of the electric conducti-@,i@y._@J-P- Hall constant in the ta-Pperaturc range 80--670K, and the p '@-'- ral distribu- tion, dependence an the electric field, intensity of illumn.-Ation, and teT;pETatLIre in tly-, rmge 80--295K) were studied in n-t@,dc Will 2 crystals. De xA--ra;@@ size of the CrYstals was 6 x 1 5 x 9.3 ma. The investigated. samp1cs hV )j-1 electron concentra- tion of 1-2 x 10D =7 and a 11all mbility of 70-100 an lv-sLc. - The Hall and ccriducLivity iteasummmits were carried out with dc current with th-@ aid of an ordirvar potentiorieter in a constant maigietic field. The photoconductivity was investigated by a compensation mthod utilizing ururodulated constant raliation. A type M 195/3 galvanomter was used to register the signal. The electric conductivity decmased sharply and th2 Hall constant increased sharply with decreasing temperature. Thirs, together with the mv-02 electron mobility, indicates the presence of inpurity oom- Card 112 L -4-4494-6@-__ 7A r-XCC M APS020691 pensation. The Hall electrm mbility changes between 350 and 670K like rl. on -lowering Un temperature- the wbility -increases- sharl)ly., - Tbe ionization- emrMr -of thic donor inpuritics was found 'to W 0.08 ev. Intrinsic photoconductivity was found to pix-,duminate at all invectigated teiV!ratLrMs. Its ituxitrum is shifted to the short -wavelength side with decTuasing temperature. The width of the forbidden bandt its variation with terrq>_-rature, and the coefficient dependence of the photoconduct- ivity on the electric field is linear up to fields of 20 v/cm when heating apparent- ly becoin2G appreciable. At room temperature an acceptor level has been noted at 0,32 ev above the valence band. '1he activation energies of the donor and acceptor levels wete also determined from the teuVerature dependence of the photoconductivity, Large relaxation times of the photoconductivity have been observedo An energy level diagran, of the impurity transitions is prq)osed. "In conclusicn the authors express their gratitude to Professor Dw. M., NasLLeqRv for support and discussion of the work.t Orig. art. has: 5 figures. ASSOCIATION: Kyyivslkyy pedinstytut im. 0. M. Wrtkoho [Kiyevskiy pedagogicheskiy institut im. A. M. Gortko I Viev PedaBogical Institut4 EP SUMMED: 19SepG4 ENCL., '00 SUB COM SSj OP NR REF SOV: 007 CMTRI. 004 -ard 2/2 ii 17- u:, __W1L_ ouuntX__ CODE f- (noVD127f5W 13 INKS AUTHORS: 3@g@gehhivgl y,_O. V. V6Xtsekbgysk1y.__A, V. Kesd nly. F. F.; Rud#A_lu. V.; Mitn!P_o V. K ORG: Kiev Pedagogical Ins titutaim. 0. M. Gorl@jl (Kyyivstkyy pedinsty- tut) 21, TITLE: Transport effects in InAs-CdTe and InAs-ZnTe alloys 71,7 1777 7 SOURCE: Ukrayinolkyy fizichnyy zhurnal, v. 10, no. 12, 1965, 1349-1353 TOPIC TAGS: indium, alloy, electric conductivity, Hall constant, thermoelectric power.beat conduction, electron mobility, electric measurement ABSTRACT: Samples of various compositions of the InAs-CdTe and InAs- ZnTe alloys were prepared by meltin@(tbe constituent materials of pur- ity no worse than 99.999% in q2uartzNtmpoules, using vibrational mixing. After zone recrystallization, the samples were coarse-grained. The electrical measurements were carried out on right parallelepipeds cut from ingots wi-th man dimensions of 1.0 x 3.0 x 12.0 mm with ohmic .kM indium. Measurements were made of the electrical electrodes of; conductivity, the Hall constants, the Nernst-EttingsbauBen effect over a temperature range of 800--600K, the differential thermal emf, the co- efficient of thermal conductivity, and the transmission spectrum at Card 1/2 ACC NR1 AP6002028 300K. It is proposed that the band structures of alloys of the InAs- CdTe system and of the initial compounds are analogous. The mechanism of carrier scattering is discussed. The effective electron mass for alloys of the system InAs-CdTL@, is found to be 0.05 MO, The small value of the effective electron mass at a concentration of about 10 19 cm-3 and the regular variation of Eopt as a function of the alloy composi- tion indicate that by purificationitf the investigated substances one. can obtain material withUgh electron mobility for a given width of the forbidden band. Authors thank Professor D. M. Naslyedoy and N, Q_ Horyunova (Goryunova) for Interest in the woriE_ Orig. art. has: 3 formulas, I table, and 4 figures. SUB CODE: 20/ SU13M DATE: 15Dec64/ ORIG REF: 009/ OTH REF: 005 Card 2/2 L 2373-66 ENT(l)/T . LJP(c@ A-MU5910-FIM: AP5020827 UR/O020/65/163/0o4/de6a/o64 AUTHO11S F. P.; Kroitoni, S. 0.; Rud', Yu. V.; Sobolev@ V. V.; S.Yrbup iv v TITLE: The energy band structure in.@ry p A 'B C ..Rtals of the gr ui 9 2 SOURCEi JUT SSSR. Dok1ndy, v. 163, no- 4# 1965,@'Mm6q TOPIC TAGSt semiconductor, zinc compound, conduction band, Millouin zone .ABSTRACT: Investigations were made of the energy strucLure in minerals having the .otructure of chalcopyriLe. The lowest conduction band is simple, and -the highest valence band ic triple. This paper examines the reflection spectra of ZnSnAs 21 ZnSiP , and ZnSiA in the region of 1-6 ev aiid at 293K. The spectral distribution 2 92 of reflectivity ehowed two intense maximim for each crystal: at 265 and 600 mA for the first, 280 and 330 Mu for the 3econd,and 275-295 and 370 m@L for the th-i-rd. ,The peak at 600 mg for WnAs2has a doublet structure with two maximums at 550 and ,650 m," . Spin orbit splitting for ZnSnAs proved to be 5-10 times that for the 2 other two. Because of the width of the peaks, doublet structure of a long-wave maximt1m rme not observed in the reflectivity curves of the last two crystals. In :Card 1/2 _@r IT M L 2373-M !'ACCESSION RR: AP5020827 .general characteristics, the three minerals are very similar. It is concluded that .the reflectivity spectra are due to allowed cross-over interzonal transitions at points in the Brillouin zone analogous to points L and X in crystals of group Aiv and A"'Bv. The great general and detailed similarity in refleotivity spectra of the tested crystals to the groups Aiv and A ... Bv strongly suggests a great :similarity in structixre of the energy bands and the nature of the chemical bonds of both groups. "The authors express their thanks to Professor D. N. Hasledoy for his support of the present work. 11 Orig. art. has , 2 figures and 1 table. Yi@ ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut im. A, F, Ioffo Akademii dauk SSSR LPI@Ysicaj and Technical Institate# Acadeqr of Sciences SSSRiPwtitut prikladnoy fiziki, Akademii nauk MBSR (Insti-tute-oT I emy of Soienr SUBMITTEDi 15jan65 ENCLi 00 SUB CODE: SS NO REP SOVt 005 003 Card-- 20/2 V()Y*II@,EKII(JV-IUYV A,V. (Vo.tsE:khIvs'kyI, O.V. 1@ KESAWNLY, MITHEV, V.K. [M-4tiurlov, V.r.h Rub" Yu.V. Y Tran.ql'r.r effects in the alloys InAE;-CdTe and TnA----'In'p. Ukr.N7,zhur.10 no.12,1349-1153 1) 165. 1. Kiyevskly pedagogicheskly institut ir, Gorlkojrc, SubmITAcd Decembfir 15, 1964. W.@_ . . ACC NRt %UTHORS: Kesamanly Malftgev, Yu. V.; Nasledov, D. N.; .. F.-P. Jkhanov, Yu. I.; Fil:Lpc enko, A. S. B )RG: Physicotechnical Institute im. A. P..Ioffe,AN SSSR, Leningrad :Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN SSSR) PITLE: Magnetooptical investigations of the conduction band of InSb 3OURCE: Flzlka tverdogo tela, v.'R, no. 4, 1966o 1176-1181 rOPIC TAGS: indium compound, antimonide, magnetooptic effect, conduc- tion band, Faraday effect, light reflection, dielectric constant kBSTRACT: The authors investigated the optical reflection, transparency,! ind location of the plane of polarization (Faraday effect) in the wave- Length interval from 2 to 25 @L at temperatures from 130 to 550K and 19 -3 alectron densities from intrinsic to 1.2 x 10 cm , with an aim at 0 e .hecking the validit f th theory proposed by E. 0. Kane (Phys. Chem. Sol. v. 1, 249, 1957@. The apparatus used for the measurements was leocribed by the authors earlier (Izv. AN SSSR ser. fiz. v. 28, 989, 1964 and ._-arlier papers). InSb single crystals doped with Se were drawn from the melt by the Czochralski method. The reflection coefficient Card 1/2 A L@29958-66 iACC NRi AP6012481 0 .i iexhibited a slow decrease with increasing wavelength, a sharp minimum in I ithe range between 10 and 17 @L (depending on the electron density), and a steep increase. The value obtained for the lattice dielectric constant ,is 16.0 + 0.1, which ts in good agreement with published data. The ef- ifective -mass of the ciectrons was found to be 0.071, 0.053, and 0.039 times the free electron mass (mo) at electron concentrations 12, 6, and 2.6 x, 10 18 cm-3 when calculated from the plasma reflection and 0.018, 0.021, 0.027, 0.03-3, and 0.051) mo for electron densities 2.5, 4, 7.5, 260, and 600 x 10 16 cm-3 by using the Faraday effect. The experimental dependence of the energy on the wave number agreed with Kane$-,I calcula- 19 -3 tions up to electron densities 1.2 x 10 am Some deviations from 18 -3 lane's theory are observed at densities greater than 5 x 10 cm , and Icall for a special analysis. Orig. art. has: 5 figures and 6 formulas. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: l3Sep65/ ORIG REF: 003/ OTH REF: Oll 2/2 L 33600-66 EWT(m)/EV1P(e)/T/EWP(t)/ET1 IJP(C) JD/WH ACC NR. AR6o1622O SOURCE CODE: UR/0058/65/0OO/Oll/EOll/EOll AUTHORS: Goryunova, N.- A.; Kesamanly, F. P.; Osmanov, E. 0.; Rud'i Yu. V. TITLE: Crystalline and glasB-like CdGeAs SOURCE: Ref. zli. Fizika, Abs. 11E80 REF SOURCE: Sb. Fizika, Dokl. k XXIII Hauchn. konferentaii Leningr. inzh.-stroit. in-ta. L., 1965, 119-51 TOPIC TAGS: cadmium compound, crystal, glass property, germanium compound, arsenide I ABSTRACT: It is shown that when the melt is rapidly cooled, the compound CdGeAs 2 can be obtained in a glaas-like state. The temperature dependencecf the electron tra; effects of this compound was investigated in the interval 100 - 750K. Relat 've characteristics of gl-as-like and crystalline CdGeAs2 are presented. T.V [Translation of abstract] SUB CODE: 20/ (9 A SOU ICE' CODE, GE10030/66/017/001/0105/0108 --;;r %liev, S. A,; Kesarnatil F. P. ; Larfunova, T. S. ; Nasledov D. N. 07@ZG: [11%-esanianly; 1-agunova; Naslcdovj A. F. Ioff c Phys ico -Technical Institute, i Acadeiny of Sciences of the USS LcningradL_[Alicv] Institute of PhyE;i Academy of Sciences of the Azerbaidzhan SSR, -Bak'9-- TITLE: Hall effect and magnetoresistance of n-InP crystals at low temperatures i SOUIR.CE: Physica status solidi, v. 17, no. 1, 1966, 105-108 TOPIC TACS: Eall effect, magnetoresistance, temperature dependence, Hall const.ant, electric conductivity, impurity band, impurity conductivity, indium phosphide crystal ABSTRACT: A study was made of the temperature dependence of the'B"'11 CGIL11ARL- R(T), the electrical conductivity @a(T)' , and the magnetoresistance Aelc(T) bot@,,,Ocnll. 7 and 300K in n-indium phosphide specimens with electron cloncentrations .,Oi,. 2 x 10TO 'to 1018cln-3. A maximum was observed in R(T) in the temperature 2 0 - 10 0 K; a Ole' was negative in all specimens below the maximum of R.M. The results arc explained by the participation of the impurity 1/2 A C CR'. AP6034922 bard in conduction. Orig. art. has: 5 figures and I table. (Authors abstract]' SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 15jun661 ORIG RE@-: 002/ OTH REF: 002/ _L o8l4o-67. -EWT(l) _- -IJP(c) - AT- - ACC NR' AP6033666 SOURCE CODE: UR/0371/66/000/004/0014/0021 AUTHOR: Kesamanlz F. P. --Kesamanll, I.; Klqty sh --Klotin Z@@@@ksledovs, Talalakin, G. ORG: Physicotechnical Institute im. A. F. Ioffe (Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut),@ Institute of Power Engineering AN LatSSR Unstit t energetiki AN LatSSR) TITLE: Transfer effects in p-type gallium arsenideorystals SOURCE: AN LatSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheskikh I tekhnicheskikh nauk, no. 4, 1966, 14-21 'TOPIC TAGS: gallium arsenide, Hall mobility, Nernst effect, high temperaidre effect, transfer effect, pn junction, p type gallium ABSTRACT: The authors investigated the temperatur 'and :oncentration relation- ships of the Hall mobility and the transverse Nernst, @tltingshausjn_pffect p-type gallium arsenide alloyed with zinedzid radmiu .7,/The investigations have been conducted at temperatures ranging from 90 to 800K in crystals with the concentration of holes at 300K from 5. 4 x 1016 to 7, 7 X-1019 cm-3, It to shown 112 -----L o8l4o-67- FACC NR, A that the experimental results could be consistently understood in terms of the theory for a semiconductor with an isotropic and parabolic zone. It to shown that the ions play qn important role in scattering holes below room temperature. The mechanisms of hole scattering by the lattice oscillation are examined. The authors thank V. G. Sidorov for submitting precision values of the thermal emf. Orig. art. has: 5 figures, 5 formulas, and 1 table. [Based on authors' abstract] SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE:. 14Sep65/ ORIG REF: 01-2/ OTH REF: 003V 2/2 not U ,U-@@--.-,@?_@,. V@@M T 4 "0, it KESAMANLYY (It. D. "Pitch from Combustible Shales of Azerbaydzhan" Dold. AN Zz. SSR) 10p No 1) 23-27) 1954 (Azerbaydzhani resume) Azerbaydzhan shales Yrith organic mass of sapropelic origin give on the averare about IM pitch reminiscent of raw petroleum, but less homo- r,eneaus than petroleum. The pitch contains carbon 80-81%, hydrogen 9.6-lV,,,, and sulfur 1.8-2"0'. Fractional distillation of the pitch at various tenperatures pives the possibility of obtaining definite quan- tities of benzene, kerosene and diesel fractions. (RZhGeol, No 3, 1954) 191.41 SO: W-31187., 8 liar 55 KMARI A yore For a new exDnnnion of reoort constniction. no, 5s64-66 my 58 (MIRA 1116) (AZYMA IJAN--HFAAlhIH RESORTS-,WATERING PLACES. KC) KESAREV, Allbert Petrovich, inzh.; KISELEVA, N.P., inzh., red.; -_ red. (Maintenance and repair of the Tertical transmission and bear- ings of the 2D100 diesel crankshaft] Remont vertikallnoi pere- dachi i podshipnikov kolenchatogo vala dizelia 2D100. Moskva, Vses. izdatellsko-poligr. ob"edinenie M-va Futei soobshcheniia, 1961. 64 P. I (MIRA 14:12) (Diesel locomoti@ves-Maintenance and repair) POYDA, A.A.; KOKOSH.UISKIY, I.G.; TITOV, A.N.,, retsenzent; MOISEYEV, G.A., retsenzent; KHARLAI-.OV, P.G., retsenzent; KESARE,V, retsenzent; RUKAVISHNIKOV, Yu.A., retsenzent; MMVEDEV, G.G., retsenzent; PALKIN, A.P.9 xetsenzent; BOLISHAKOV, A.S., retsenzent; KHITROVA, N.A., (Mechanical equipment of diesel locomotives) Mekhanicheskoe oborudovanie teployozov. Moskvaj Transzheldorizdats 1963. 463 p. (MIRA 17:2) KLIMOV, N.N,, inzh.; GORN. V.N.0 inzh.; SEMEWV, N.S., mashinist-instruktoT; BUDIKO, G.F.; MURZIN, L.G.; REMENNIKOV, S.S,;..KESAREV,, A.P. Answering readers' queries. Elek. i tepl. tiaga 7 no.9:44-45 S 163. (MIRA 16:10) 1. Depo Lobnya Moskovskoy dorogi (for Semenov). 2. Zamestitell glavnogo revizora po bezopasnosti dvizheniya Ministerstva putey soobshcheniya (for M Iko). 3. Nachallnik otdela teplotekhniki Glavnogo upravleniya lokomotivnogo khozyaystva Ministerstya putey soobshcheniya (for Hurzin). 4. Nachallnik otdela truda i zarabotnoy platy Gl,avnogo upravleniya lokomotivnogo khozyaystva Ministerstva putey soobshcheniya (for Kesarev). TI, M TMCYMO, Nikolay Alekseyevich; TYRICRIT, Allbert Georgiyevich: TISH- 1 0. Nikolay Ivenovich; KESARIT A P., insh., retsenzent; VULIF, Y.T., inzh., red.; [Inspection,and adjustment operations in the repair of diesel locomotives Proverki i regulirovki pri remonte teplovosov. Moskva, Vseo.izdatellsko-poligr.obledinenia K-va putei soobahche- nlia, 1960. 291 p. (MIRA 14:4) (Diesel locomotives--Kaintenence and repair) BOLISHAIKOV, Anatoliy Stepanovich; SARINp Valeriy Ivanovich; SHVAYIISRTEYN, BoriB Sir4novich; POIIOI,.'A:XV) V.S., inzh,, retsenzent; ZAZOVSKIY, D.G., inzh., retsenzent; VAYAROV, M.S., inzh., retsonzent; POPOV, G.V., Inzh., retsenzent; KURBATOV, A.I., retsenzent; KITAYEVA, Z.A., inzh., retsenzent; SDOBIJIKOV, Ye.F., retsonzent; KOVALEV, A.K., inzh., retsenzant; KESAREV, A.P tsenzent; , inzh., re KISELEVA, H.P.j inzh., red.; GROIMOVp S.A., kand. tekhn. naukp red.; SHCHEMACHEVICH, G.S., inzh., red.; USEITKO, L.A., tekbn. red. [Shunting diesel locomotives]Manevrovye teplovozy. Moskva, 1962. 383 P. (MIRA 15:6) (Diesel locomotives) YEGUNOV, Pavel Mikhaylovich, kanel. tekhn. nauk; _A@AgV, A_,P.-, inzh. red.; VOROTNIKOVA, L.F., tekhn. red. [Coolers of diesel locomotives]Teplovoznye kholodillniki. Moskva, Tranpzheldorizdat,, 1962. 94 p. (MIRA 16:1) (Diesel locomotives-Cooling) ZASLAVSKIY, Yefim Grigorlyevich, inzh.; FORUM, Vladimir Isaakovich, inzli.; KOSIIEVOY, Vladimir Ivanovich, inzh.; DUBROVSKIY, Vladiirdr Zakharovich, inzh.; KESAIiEV, A.P., inzh., retsenzent; SMELINIKOV, S.V., inzh., retsenzent; 1,.ELINIKOV, V.Ye., red. [Repair of TE,10 diesel locomotives in the roundhouse] Re- mont teplovozov TEIO v depo. Yoslkva, Transport, 1965. 90 P. (VIRA 18.2) 1. Kharlkovokiy teplov3zoBtroitelInyy zavod Imeni V.A.Malysheva (for Zaslavukiy, Portnoy, Koshevoyp Dubrovskly). KESAREV, 1. P.9 CAND MED SCAg 1,1411cla"00c 0 F C E R T A I N C@OND I T I ONS Of CULT I VAT I ON OF TYPHO I D BACTER I A (4)"THE FOR- UATION AND REOENERATION OF THEIR FILTRAWY FORMS*" SMOLENSKI 1960. (MIN OF HEALTH RSFSR, SMOLENSK STATE MED INST). (KL, 2-619 218). -255- KESARET, I.P.; PRODAN, Z.G. Parenteral infection of the argasid tick Oxmithedorus papillipes by Rickettsia prowazaki. Trudy Ukr. resp. nauch. ob-va paraz. no.2t6l-63 lt63 (MIRA 1723) 1. Dnepropetrovskly meditsinakly institut epidemiologi-i, mikro- biologii. i giglyeny. KLIMENOK, B.V.; PIRKIS. L.N.; SUCHED, Ye.V.; XESAM, M-P. Using aqueous solution of carbamide for removing paraffin from diesel fuels. izvevaeuchebazave; neft' i gaz. no-7:83-89 '58- (MMA 11: 11) 1. Ufimakiy neftyanoy inatitut. Me&) (Paraffins) (Diesel fuels) NEFEDOV t V.D,; TOROPOVA, M.A.; KRIOKIIA,r'3KAYA, IN.; KESARFV, ON. 0 Saparation of phenyl derivatives of arsenic and germanium by wariq of partition paper chromatography. Radiokhimiia 6 no. 1:112-113 164. (WRA 17:6) KESAREV, B., Pervyy predesdatell pravleniya profsoyma gornorabochikh - g-rl-zela v 1917 g.du. On the eve of the starm. Mast-ugl. 9 no-1113 X l6o. (MIRA 13:12) (Kizel Baain,.-Coal miners) (Trade unions) pjwjetg Iive and die -iz I :-Y -1116 al'i T12, C T - Conciuisio,-..- deriv(10, ,@jar -,;vsLem can or frn-r, Lh(,,,;r [Ornlatlutt @-:2. 2 -gg A-v 1@ L 3181-66, EWT(1)1EWT(m)1W(C) RPL WWIGW 1ACCESSION NR: AP5oi48l3 Wonq/65/000/006/0030668 :AUTHOR: Kessrev, V. (Professor Doctor of chemical sciences) 19 ,TITLE: The nature of comets !SOURCE. Aviatsiya i koomonavtika, no. 6, 1965, 36-38 ITOPIC TAGS, comet, space flight hazard, celestial body !ABSTRACT. Professor Kesarev describes a comet as consisting of a nucleus not 1 .1017 ;exceeding afew km in diameter and having a mass of 3 g. Through solar in- fluences, this nucleus begins to emit gases as it approaches the Sun. It is thesel T igases which are believed to be the main constituents of the huge coma and the tail. 41 . iThe idea that comets might be produced by the disruption of asteroids, expressed by !S. V. Orlov, is opposed, and it is contended that only smaller asteroids, rather 1 ,than comets, can originate in.this manner. The author shares wJth J. H. Ocrt and', IV. G. FeBenkov the theory that comets are the debris of a rather large planet. The @author also agrees with Fe @enke'v's view that the "Tungus meteorite" is essentiallyd !comet. In its- Aion d structurei-tbe comet is of planetary matter-and can -1 c9-1-1positio )be called a miior or dwarf planet. The decay of comets is considered to be a con- !sequence of intrusive chemical processes. The reaction products of those chemical I Card l/p L 3181-66 ACCESSION NR: AP5014813 processes which occur on the surface of a comet form the comet body, i.e., the coma, and the taill. The shape and size of comet bodies is determined by the intensity Of; ithese chemical processes and by the acceleration of particles. This implies that !the process of comet formation is ultimately dependent upon the combined forces of I kinetic energy and light pressure. In planning space flights, the possibility of a!: spacecraft colliding with a variety of objects, including comets, must be taken into consideration. However remote the probability of such a collision may appear, the ,problem of assuring bLecident-free -space travel must be satisfactorily resolved. !There is an urgent need for further research into the nature -of small and large icelestial bodies the author concludes. 1VM11 iASSOCIATION:. none I I ISUBMTED: 00 ENCL: 00 No REF GOV: 000 OTHER: 000 [Card __2 12 SUB CODE: AA, $V ATD FRESS:.CI4010 YEROFEYEV, Petr Petrovich, prof.Cdecoased]; 17.WZVA, V.P., rod.; BATXINA@ N.F., tekhn, red. [Tuberculosis of the brain, spinal cord and meninges; a morphological study]Tuberkulez golovnogo, spinnogo mozga i obo- lochek; morfologicheakoe iosledovanie. Moskvap tied iz,, 1962. 222 piMlINCES_TURBERCULOSIS) @MA 15:9) (SPINAL CORD-TUBERCULOSIS) (MADI-TURBERCUILSIS) wwv, V.S. Ch.graoteristics of the structural organization of the hypothalamus in man and some primates (chimpanzee,, macaca). Zhur. nevr. i psikh. 65 no.5z696-702 165. (MIRA 180) 1. InsUtut mozga (direktor prof. S.A.Sarkisov) AMN SSSR, Moskva. A@V KESARFV, V.S. Diphasic planimetry as a method for determining the volurnes of cerebral structures. Biul. eksp. biol. I med. 58 no.8:120-123 Ag 164. (MIRA 18:3) 1. Institut mozga (dir. - prof. S.A. Sarkisov) AMN SSSR, Moskva. Submitted June 17, 1963. vqdvj9o,4.cqdojoTu q,4-TA vow-mmm 9T -PTo-;w nq!@ -IOJ UDRWZ oq!:@ "w"09TV -wwuv * RT4TV.=OOAK JO d4umm IVOTIMPI: 140AGAOR InWavoorm Tmnd^,VSdOWASV *4. *XM OM VQUOM am& ua=g-ag=q V= TOCOO0.4doz4v jo om4r;u v UD& Wj UM 01A.pGrodWO QXQA "RI. winoom 4gn.JW44V oxogg Cr-ox *.DTVAAnUT Zvv-@ 44V wwvq@oortrr ummo-ogmq =oj q!VTA venus=9 GADA 7 -rW * nTqqvi C9, uD !@uo Vol;zm gj.Tx=Tj9d= 9,4=doa 01 'X TOA TTftIC)I.Va A.Tq3lxye; dd 9 lqmq *.pW :Xv=TcW 1,4vW q-Vea jo J 'AMOWN 'VAOXMQI 'a 'A .'8T,%TVZ"OVW lv%=Mrja&q6! nTqqvg - ouTaTM OWE. Mr/,ft rn @z t4 KESARRVA, V-P., kand,med,nauk Report on plenary sessions of the Moscow Society of pgth0n,jntomt4tg In 1953, Arkhopate 18 no*4tl36-141 '56 (MIRA 11:10) (AVATORY, FAV OLOG ICA I--SOC IWIFS) KgUUVAI 1J.P., kandidat moditainakikh nauk Plenary sessions of the mbscow Soc,lety of Fathoanatomists@ Arkhopat,* 18 no.5:130-135 156. 9:12) (AUTOKY, PATHOLOGICAL) 777!7r!" @T .KF.SAREVAV V.Pe (Moskva) Plenary session of the administration of tho All-Union Society of Pathoanatomists. Arkh. pat. 22 no. 10:88-8c ,) t6o. (MIRA 13:12) 1* Sekretars Vaesoyuznogo obshchestva pqtologoanatomov. (FATHOANATOMICAL SOCIETIT) ja- 0 0 0 0 o 0 o 0 a 0 @w7qrm--Iv "--- 0 0 0 a 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 e e 0 0 q r 91 rT1.-@AT5j127x a 11 to 11 N, N, I A- -t- w-- 6SARF-VA, c---P 4 C R09611 Of CY�nldo and arsonk "IN on nrtv, muititle of~parabon. ljjj_. c 11YINII-Ek'1111. Did, Med. 11.361-C1041).- XJ14frIaCtlevilluslivirplis, peffif-ed Willi Rilip-r 1-41"ot'l 00 110-111 .11 KCN*, the -W1"itiTitY t01lIIVtlll;1I4%l ClIFIT111 It. nalned unchatilrd flier st jorill a% LA hro.. after wout-1, if (1114411Y 1611ralit'll Mill 111@4111WQIVIJ &[lei 41M,ill @l fit,. %%*I'll 1-2-@ NaAsOj Or scusitivity was Frtaincil for a, *00 so l,&nxa%4-4Ihrs.orlmcr. -rh@vfiect isevitletitly q1tse. it ullwatiewl of nerve r1i'linp. KC.N m1pirre-wit "Xi'lativ, 1-r-w"wo and NA,A%o.,,lt,, w --f oxidxfiv@ lwoc. c: infrrf@rimt *ith thi. ofevi .f KC%*. G. M, K. 00 Ze 0 of coo see we 0 - a .-42 'lee IV Al. I]L.A ItAIII11K.1 1111RAT"C (LAS11PICATICk 04: 1 wee Fill, % u a, NJ if 0 if IN 9 1403 a 3 1 't of it Im n ft it It Of No n I @14 0 0 0 o!o 0 0 0 0 0 0 e q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 o o USSR/Human and Animal Pliysiology (Norual and ratholorgical), T-11 Nerve and Muscle Physiology. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biolo) No 11) 1958, 51185 Author : Kesareva) YeePs Inst Title The Methods of Myntonography in Man. Orig rub Fiziol. zh. SSSR) 1957, 43, No 8, 801-803. Abstract The processes of muscle contractions in man were recorded. ,% flat, slightly inflatted rubber balloon was fixed upon the rVogaster under investilatim by two strips oC adIiesi- va tape. A kywgraph ", a uucd for recording purposes. This nothod my be applied to any surface mascle, and it is most convenient when applied to rmseles whose antago- niots are situated in such a rx=or that the traction of tensed mascles is not transmitted to the recording balloons. The tension of both muscles of the same name, i.e., on both sides, is recorded, and sometimes the tension of two Card 1/2 P K3SA'.UVA, Te.P. Tonle reflexes in physically trained persons. I'rud7 Inst. fiziol. AN BWR W6-34 158- (MM 12-1) 1. Kaft-dra fiziologii i khimii Belorueskogo gosudaratvannogo ordana Trudovogo Krasnogo Znamani inatituta fizichaskoy kul'tury. (HUSCLI) (RN?L") 30 KAUROT, P.O., KESAM, A. Ye.P., RAMILEVICH, L.S., TROFIMOV, I.G., Nikolni Alokonndrovich lUdenich; an obituary. Piziolo7hur. 44 no.6:606 Je 158 (XIU 11:7) (ITJDFXICR, NIKOIAI ALEKBANDROVICH, 1900-1958)