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GASHIMULK, F.H.; KESM4ANLI, F.P. Investigating the dependence of the electronic effective mass in n-InAs on the concentration of current carriers, Fiz.tver.tela 3 no.4:1255-1257 AP 161. (NM 14:4) 1. Fiziko-tekhnicheekiy institut imeni akademika A~F*Ioffe AN SSSR@ Leningrad i Institut fiziki AN Azerbaydzhanskoy SSR Bakue (Indium arsenide-Electric properties@ 3)4244 S/181/62/004/002/039/051 1?V,?4,00 (1,13SIIOV31114@) B102 B138 AUTHORS: Yemellyanenko, 0. V., L@@@@nd Nasledov, D. N@ TITLE: Thermoma'snetic Nernst-Ettingshausen effects in degenerate indium antimorlide PERIODICAL; Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 4, no. 2, 1962, 546-546 TEXT: The temperature dependence of the longitudinal and the transverse Nernst-Ettingshausen effecto was investigated in weakly and strongly degenerate InSb single crystals in the range loo - 6000K. In+Sb were m.Lxed in stoichiometric ratio, melted and doped with Se; the Czochralski method was used to grow electrically homogeneous sinjlo crystals with an electron concentration of 10 16 _ 10 19 cm-3. The crystals measured had the following characteristic parameters at room temperature: tx Card 1 Thermomagnetic Nernst-Ettingshausen ... number of specimen 17n 0 electron concentration 4-101' mobility 6o,ooo degeneracy 0 linearity of K-E effects up to 800 measurement of temperature 34244 S/181/62/004/002/059/051 B102/D138 13n 7n 17 18 -3 3-10 6-10 czn - 40,000 6000 cm 2/v@sec +4 +14 1500 10,000 oe dependence of N-E effects 600 1000 4000 oe 13n and 7n had impurity conductivity, 17n - mixed conductivity. Since the hole mobility and the role of the holes in the thermomagnetic effe,--G was m,,rb smqller than that of the electrons, the theory of pure impurity conduCtiVity @s apijlicable for all specimens, The results show that for InSb, as for InAs, at higher temperatures the electrons are mainly Card 21@ 3/161/6@/664/0,02/039/051 liernat-Ettingshaueen B102/B136 sc,tLered froi-ii acoustic lattice vibrationB (0, Q.1. )0). Lattice -CUttering increases with the degree of degeneracy. There are 2 fi.-Ures ZLIld .0 references: 7 Soviet-bloc and 2 non-Soviet bloc. The reference lo the En@jifjh-language publication reads as follows: 11. Ehrenreich. J. 111,yn. Chem. Sol. 2, 151, 1957. ji:@@;OCIATIOIT: Fiziko-tekhnicheakiy insti tut im. A. F. Ioffe All 332R Lenini,rad (Phynicotechnical Inijtitute imeni A. F. Ioffe As USSR, Leningrad). Institut fiziki AN Az- SSR Baku (Institute of Physios AS Azerbaydzhanskaya SSR, Baku) SUMJTTi,'D: September 13, 1961 1. Temperature dependence of q@ for 17n (1), 13n (2) and 7n (3). 1,lig. 2. Temperature dependence of (J' for 17n (1), 13n (2), and 7n M- a nd given in CGSM units.- card 3/P oresented at the -3,rd !:at--ona--- Coaferen-e, cn Cor-mcunds, Kishinev, 16-21 Set)t 1963 :.c;ctr:cal properties of highly degenerate crystals of n- and arsenide. 0. V. Yemellyananko, F. P. Ac Simanly, D. V. G. Sidorov, G. N. Talalakin. Conccrning the interaction of electrons with lattice vibrations in ,-:a; I ium arsenide. 0. V. Yerallyanenko, T. S. Lagunova, 0. N. Xasla"Jv, V. Ye. Shcheibatov. Electrical properties of gal Hum arsenide with different impuricies. D. .11. Nasledov, G. N. Talalakin. r 1.1vestigation of the properties of impurity zones in cryszals of p-type.. Salliun. arsenide. 0. V. ftmel'yanenko, T. S. Lagunova, D. 14. Nasleulov, V. Yc- Shcherbatov. Galvanan.aSnetic properties of indlium arsenide in a wide temperature ranGe. Yu. M. :u.-dui'tov, I. V. Zatova, T. S. Lac ,unova, D. N. Xasle,@ov. Nernst effect phos:@hi'- F. Phys ico-chemical properties and structure of monocrys ca! I ine of ZnSiA A. A. Vaypolin, N. A. Goryunova, E. 0. Osmanov. 52. Investigation of nacrocrystalline ZnSIP2' N. A. Goryunova, A. A. Vaypo)in, Yu. V. Rud'. Cc@,,ic properties and zone structure of the ternary coinpound CdGeAS2. F. M. Gashimzade, N. A. Goryunova, E. 0. 0smanov. Electrical properties of monocrystalline samples of ZnSnAso. N. A. Goryunova, F. P. Kesamanly, D. X. Nas)cdov, Yu. V. Rud'. Investigation of, properties of ZnGc?2 and CdGc?2. N. A. Goryunova, N. K. Takhtareva, -1. 1. Tychina. On the question of -the existence of homogeneous many-component tetra- hedral phases. G. K. Aborkiyeva, A. A. Vaynolin, N. A. Goryunova. X-Ray investigation of certain cc,-,.pounds of the type A11aIV C2V1 A. A. vaynolin, Z. 3. '!L;. V. 1. 1. Tychina, A. F. Lindin, N, A. Gcryunovz, A. F. :yevin'sh. _L._0'x')9Q_67 .---PIT(I)/EWT(m)/EVIP(W)/T/EWP(t)/ETI IJP(c) JD UR/OO%/65/OOO/0__T_ ALL; NR1 A 13672 SOURCE CODE: 10 EOF0/iV_f( AUTHOR: Kesemanly., F. P.; Wasledavy Do No; Rud'o Yu. V. TITLE% Transport effects on p-typ4,ZnGeA82 crystals SOURCE: Ref. zh. Mika, Abs. 10E%9 REP SOURCE: Sb. Fizika. Dokl. k )MII Nauchn. konferentaii Leningr. inzb.-stroit. in-ta. L... 1-965, 5i*@@_ TOPIC TAGS: electric conductivity, Hall coefficientp thermal emf# temperature de- pendence, transport property# carrier a( !atterlnr, ABSTRACT: The authors measured the temperature dependence of the electric conductivi. ty (a)., the Hall constant, the differential thermal emf (m), and the transverse Nernst-Ettingsbausen effect (X) of ZnGeAsp in the temperature interval 100-550K. The character of the temperature dependence of all th4@/transport effects is the same as for p-ZnSnAS2- It was found that cr and m increase with the temperature, X < 0 in the entire temperature interval, and that tl)e Jall mobility increases like @-P'5 up to 40OK, after which it decreaBes. At low temperatures the scattering is by the impuri- ty ions, and with increasing temperature, also by the lattice vIbrations. (Transla- tion. of abstract] SUB CODE: 20 K,esc-,qul J-- KOVACS, Istv'an; TASHADI, Emil; KE*Up Janos Calling for the registration for the innovators' and inventors' show at the 1962 Iration4l Agricultural Exhibition. Ujit lap 14 no.3%8 F 162. 1. Hezogazdasagi as Erdeszeti Dolgozok Szakszervezetenek fotit- kara (for Kovacs). 2. Or,sz4gos Talalmanyi Hivatal elroke, es "Ujitok Lapja" foszerkeaztoje (for.Tasnadi) 3. FoldmuvelesuMri miniazterhelyettes (for Keseru), SF T SUR!",@1--Z.' Given Names I Country: Academic Degroest 7 Affiliations Source: &7@, Q -;-t t ?f ,.-! o i i.-:.t Data i L: :,.o: fli.,mer L!.Tup.-t tind ito KESHE,,G.. Apparatus for collection of menstrual blood. Akush. I gin. 36 no,2,tI2/v-125 Mr-A 160# (MIRA 13112) A tEQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIM) MEMT (GYNECONY RUATION) Country U:, j -i CATEGORY ASS', JOUR. PZBiol., Aojf@ 195p, No. 'C"I 2 0 AUTFOR -7---ix INST. r.@ r 1-1 r.@, TITLE, Developnexit of CU.Itivation riett@cds In Bearing J,%pple Plantings of @Iu?h.ran3l:aya ORIG. PUB. : T,. Grnz. s,kh. io-ta, 1(,@7, 414s 211-;:J;: .of AB-3TRACT : t@u-,,d---anska-a vallc@.y In the ',aycn a ccr-tinerital cli.mate and curboria .L.; char;@cterized b., Soil Cf he-mry i!.echanical conpo,"iticn. @3tudlj.(,,s in have that a--Idition of river sand (300 to a rknth, of 0-3C cm, with a b:-cl-iground of organic (30 @ons,A-Le;iture of rcanure.) :jnd' ri-ineral (N12011-1@UK60) ferti- lizem, ZrE-atly improved soi'll. atr:--iticri, conditions of arid hus increased productivit-, c,,f lruit trers by 'The contcrit of nitrates in t',Ii(,, 30il h:AS incmazcd oowln@- of alfalfz@ tozith,--r -,.,ith ryegrass, and U_To-!,-,(@tlon Lit the Same tire of 141201-120K60 caused or, the se-cor-1 year a decreasc: in nicisture contert, content of nitrates, in the scuil, and dccreascd crop !Iantina CIARD: KESHELASHVILI. Sh. A. Cand Agr Soi -- (dis3) ,a.-2'--hlIWvae4t of the effectiveness of certain agricultural measures in fruit-bearing apple orchards for the purpose of obtainirg$hlg@ and steady yields under "nditions of the Mukhranskaya'4alley." Tbilisi, 1958. 27 ppj 2 sheets of tables (Yin of Agriculture USSR. Georgian Order of Labor Red Banner Agr 100 copies. (KLP 13-58, 99) -87- KESHELAVA, .1._4j LOMIDZE, N.M. Investigating the physichumechanical properties of cellular concrete on a base of Adzhameti apongolite. Trudy Inst. stroi.mekh. i seism. AN Gruz. SSR 9189-92 163. (MIRA l7sl2) KESHEVA. A.T. Cauaeo of winter wheat failure in the Kabardino-Balkar A. S. S. R. Neuch. dokl. vys. shkoly; biol. nauki no.1:206-209 162. (MIRA*15:3) 1. Rekomendovana kafedroy zemledeliya Moskovskogo gosudarst- vennogo universitsta, im. M.V. Lomonosova. (KkBMINO-ULKAR A. S. S. R.-WIMAT) ,e-I FJOWL A @T. MAKAROV, V.T., doktor, prof., rukovoditel' rabotY Some means of improving the yle2d of winter wheat in the Kabardino-Balkar A.S.S.R. Uch. sap. Kab.-Balk. gos. un. no.121 121-129 162. (MIRA 16;6) (Kabardino-lklkar A.S.S.R.-Wheat) YE.-Am;IfWAy Ao At Duodenun - Surg-ary Rasection in a case of retroperitoneal duodenal v:ptura. Uch. zap. Vt. mosk. red. inst. 2, 1951. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April 2 195j, Uncl. VISHNEVSKIY, A.A.' professor, i)redaedatell; CHISTOVA, M.A.. sekretar". F3SH1- SHE'VA._A.-,4.; KRICIOVSKIY, A.dL., kandidat meditBinskikh nauk; UTF.Sny, meditainokik-h nauk; BEGICLIW. A.A., kandidat meditsin- skikh nauk; MaNSKIY. U.N.; ZATSEPIN, T.S. urofassor; PlOILKIN, P.M.$ professor; PjTSIORA, M.D.; KAZANSKIY, V.I.,-professor; TROYAN, I.V.; FEDOROV, I.P.; FILIPPOV, A.V.; UTESHEV, S.S.; DOROYVICV, V.I. Minutes of the session of the Surgical Society of Moscow and Moscow Pro- vince of September 26. 1952. Xhirurgiia no.3:92-95 Hr 153. (HLRA 6:6) 1. Xhirurgichekoye obahchestvo Hoskvy i Moskovskoy oblasti. 2. Fakulltst- okay& 1-hirurgicheekaya klinika aanitarno-gigiyenicheskogo fakuliteta I Moskovskogo ordena Lonina meditsinskogo instituta (for Krichevskiy), (Heart--Surgery) (Arteries-Diseases) 117 ,I. D=WIW or YVM vNeeaw at the MM cow"M of Ot-mamw of th* Uaaj, Hwaawo 20 - 27 44WMVY 195% IMIU6143 Some Problems of Surgical Treatment of Congenital Cardiac Lesions and Main Blood Vess6ls. A. A. KESHISHEVA 10 KESHISMA, A.A., dotsent, CHUPRMVA, L.N. Complications of gastroonterostomy. Khirurgita no.7:55-57 ji 155. (MLRA 8:12) 1. Iz fakulltetakoy khImrgicheskoy kliniki (dir.-chlen- korrespondent kW SSSR prof. B.V.Patrovskiy) II Moskovskogo zeditsinskogo instituta imeni I.V.Stalina. (STOMACH, ewg. gastroenterostozW, compl.) (INTFMIM, surg. same) KISHISRRVA. A.A. (14ostva. Khovsko-ShabelovskiY per., d. 20/1. kv. 37-a) Prevention of spinal paralysis in aortic surgery. Vest.khire 75 no-3:66-72 Ap 155. (MIRA 8:7) 1. Is kliniki fakulltetakoy khirurgit (sav.-prof. B.V.Patrovskiy) 2-go Maskovskogo gosudarstvennogo meditainakogo inatituta Im. I.V. S S talina. (AORTA, surgery, prev. of spinal paralysis) (PAnLysis' spinal, p--jv. in aortic surg.) (ITMVIS, SPINAL, paralysis, prev. in aortic surg.) io' KESHISHMA, A. A., doteent Gastric tetany as a complication of peptic ulcer. Soy. med. 20 no.4:18-21 Ap 156@. (MLRA 9.-b) 1. 1% kliniki fakulltatakoy kbirurgii (direktor chlon-korrespondent Akademii meditsinskikh nauk SSSR professor B. V. Petrovskiy) II Moskovskogo meditsinskogo instituta Imeni 1. V. Stalina. (PMIC ULGER, complications, tetany, gastric (Rue)) (TETANT, gastric, in peptic ulcer (Rue)) PITROVSKIY, B.V.,- KNSIIISIINVA, A.A.,doteent Diagnosis and surgical t-r-ealbent of patept ductus arterioaus. Ceith summary in English, P. 1483 Khirurgiia, 33 no.1:6-15 Ja 157 (MLRA 10:4) 1. Iz kafedry fakulltetakoy khirurgii (zav.-prof. B.V. Petrovskiy) II Moskovskogo doeudarstvennogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni I.T. Stalina. 2.Chlen-korrespondent AMN SSSR. (for Petrovskiy) (DUGTUS ARTERIOSUS, PATENT diag. & surAo (Rua) MHISIrVA. A.A.. doteent Pulmonary hypertension in patent ductus arteriosus [with summar7 in Inglish3v Khirurgita 33 no.4:21-31 Ap '57- (MLRA 10:7) 1. Is kliniki fakulltetsko7 khirurgil (sav. kafedroy - chlen- korraspondent AMN SSSR prof. B.T.Petrovskiy) II Moskovskogo goeudar- stveanogo meditainskogo instituta iment I.Y.Stalina. (DUCTUS ARTZRIOUS. PATINT, compl. pulm. hypertension) (HrPEMNSION, atiol. and pathogen. pulm.0 in patent ductus arteriosus) Country ! USSR T CatcGory: Humn and Animl PbYsiO109Y. Circulat-ion. Heart t,bs Jour: RZIMiol-, No 19, 1956, 88794 Author Keshishova, Mal4novskiy, N.N.; Vruitsyan, Inat Title Fhotomiouctry of Intracardiae Pressure in Diagnosis of Congenital Cardiac Defects Orig Pub: Klinich. -neditsina, 1957, 35, No 1, 54-57 Abstract: With the aid of the oil-menbrone photmanc.-icter of Robitchch and Getz, the intracardiac mid intra- vascular pmasure was neasured in cases of patent ductus arteriusus, tetraology of Fallot and also in mitral defects. The- diaEpost.Lc value of this nothod. was evaluated. -- !,.S. Lotdnov Card T-37 IKESHISHEVA, A. A. Doe Yed Sai -- (dit;s) "Patent ductus arterlosis (Clinical experimentol study)911 Mos, 19,98. 20 pp (2nd J,.os Stiite Med Inst im, N. 1. Pirogov), 200 ooptes (KL, 14-58, 116) -93- wg S, K3SHISHBYA, A.A., dotsent (Perovo, MoskovakDy obl., $7usinovskays. ul. d.53/12, kv-.Tfw, MALINOVSKIY, N.N.. kand. med. nauk A method for aortograpby. Vent. khir. 82 no-5:63-69 Yq 159. (MIRA 12:7) 1. Iz fak-ulltatakoy khirurgichaskoy kliniki (sav. - prof. B. V. Petrovskly) 2-go Moskovskogo meditBinskogo institute, im. N.I. Pirogova. (AORTk--R&DIOGRLPHI) ",XISHISHIVA. A.A., doictor md.nauk; BURUSOVA, V.A., Clinical aspects and diagnosis of patent duotus arterlosus in childhood and youth. Top.okh.mat.i dot. 5 no.4tl4-20 JI-Ag 160. (MIRA 1397) 1. It Imfedry fakulltetokoy khirurgii (say. - prof. A.A. Busalov) i kafedry detskikh bolesney (zav. - prof. N.M. Bubnova) II MoskDv- skogo meditsinskogo institute, imeni I.I. Pirogova. (dir. dotsent M.G. Strotkina). (DUMB ARMIOSUS) KESHISHEVA, A.A. (Moskva# LytwinovskaYa ul,,d*53/12,kvollO) Experimental patent ductus arteriosus. Grud. khir. 1 no.4:18-25 Jl-Ag 159. (M]M 15:3) 1. Iz kafedry fakulltetskoy khirtwgii (zav. - prof. B.V. Petrovskiy) pediatrichookogo fakullteta. II Moskovskogo meditainakogo instituta imeni N.I.'Pirogova (dir. - dotsent M.G. Sirotkina). (DUCTUS ARTERIOSUS) ,@ZKESRISHEVA @@I__AA@,(Moskvat Lyus-inovskaya ul.,d.53/12,kv.110) Aortography for the diagoosio of patent ductus arteriosus. G khir. 2 n?.508-42 S-0 160. (KRA 160) 1, Iz kliniki'fakulltetskoy khirurgii (sav. - prof. A.A.Busalov) II Moskovskogo meditainskogo instituta, imeni N.I.Pirogova. (DUCTUC ARTERIOSUS) (AORTAL-RADIOGRAPHT) KESHISHEVA, A.A., doktor med.nauk (Moskva,. Lyusinovskaya, d-53/12, kv-110) Some complications after surgical treatment of patent ductus arteriosues Vest.khir. no.6:44-48 161. (MIRA 15-1) 1, Iz fakulltetokoy kbirurgicheskoy kliniki (zave - prof* A*Ae BuBalov) pediatricheakogo fakuliteta 2-go Hoskovskogo meditsin- skogo inatituta im. V.I. Pirogova. (DUCTUS ARTERIMUS-SURMY) KESHISHEVA, A. AO; LYUBSKIY, A. S.; UVAROV, V. V. Intravital coronarography. b1cBper. khir. no.3,.25-30 162. (@MU 15:7) 1. Iz torakallnogo khiru--gicheskogo otdeleniya (zav. - doktor meditsinakikh nauk A. A. Kesbisheva) TSentrallnoy klinicheslcoy bollnitsy (glavnyy vrach A. I. Khrimlyan) 4-go Glavnogo upravlen-lya (nach, - prof. A. M. Markov, glavnyy khirurg - deyetvitelinyy chlen AMN SSSR prof. B. V. Fetrovskiy) Ministerstva zdravookhra- neniya SSSR. (CORONARY VESSELS-RADIOGRAPHY) (ANGIOGRAPHY) YZI,HISHEIVA, A. A. (Moskva, %mainovskaya ul., d. 53/12, kv. -110) Diagnonis and treatment of neoplasma of the thymus gland. Grud. '-hir. /, ro.3:118-121 fly-Je 162. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Iz kafedry fakulltetskoy khinirgii (zav. - prof'. A. A. Busalov) pediatrichookogo fakullteta II Moskovskogo r*ditsinskogo inr-tituta Imeni if. I. Pirogova. (THMS GLAND-TWORS) PETROVSKIY, Boris Vasillyevich., prof.; EEZUSHEVA, Anzhelim.-- Arwwvna. Prinimal uchastiye ZARGCLI, F.I.; MALINOVSKIY, N.V., red.; MATUIEVA, M.M., tekhn. red.; CIHJLKOV, I.F.f tekhn. red. [Surgical tretitmnt of patent ductus arterioaual Khirurgi- cheskoe lechenie otkrytogo arteriallnogo protoka. Moskva, Nledgiz, 1963. 21+9 p. (PURA 16:12) 1. DoystvitellrWy chlon PI-21 SSSH (for Petrovskiy). (DUCTUS ARTERIObIJS-SgqGMY) KESEISEYAN, A. P. A, G. Podrez and his importance in the developmont of Russian urology. Urologiia no-3t3-5 161. (MIRA 14:12) 1. Iz fakul'tetakoy khirurgichookoy, kliniki (zav. - prof. A. Z. Meytlin) Kharlkovskogo meditBinakogo instituta. UROLOGY) ODREZ, APOLLINARII GRIGORIEVICH, 1852-1900) N ANDREYFVAI I.V.j KESHISHYAN. G.O.; ANDREYEV, P.F.; DANILOV, L.T. Processes and products of the reaction of macromolecular com- pounds with inorganic.salts. Part 41 Reaction of aqueous solu- tions of polyacrolein with tannin and gelatin in salt solutions. Radiokhimiia 6 no.4t491-493 164. (MIRA l8s4) ANDREYXV, P.F.; DANILOV, L.T.; KESHISMAN. G.O. I - Using complex-forming chromatography for the concentration of microquantitlea of lead and other metals from solutions. Zhur. prikl,khim 34 no.llt2419-Q426 N 161. (MIRA 1511) iTrace elements) (Chromatography) J%1_%_ NKI AP6002221 SOURCECODE: - UR/008-0/65/0-39/012-/-2-84it~94ig AUTHOR: Keshishyan, G. 0.; Andreyev, P. F.; Danilow, L. T. @4, ORG: none TITLE: Extraction of thorium from dilute solutions by means of tannate of gelatin SOURCE: Zhurnal ppikladnoy khimil, v. 39, no. 12, 196S, 2842-2844 TOPIC TAGS: thorium, tanning material, nonferrous metal, gel sea pter, acid base equilibi-ium, aqueous solution, chemical precipitatior ABSTRACT: A method is presented for extraction of thorium from highly diluted aqueous solutions containing CaC12, Na2SO4, and NaCl. The ob- ject of the work was to examine feasibility of extracting thorium from sea water. Edible gelatin and imported DAB-6 tannin were used as extrac tion agents. Thorium was percipitated from solutions containing 100-200 micrograms of Th232 and some radioactive T11234 per 500 ml of starting solution, using 5 ml of 1% solution of DAR-6 tanning and gelatin. Tho- rium removal from a solution containing various neutral salts is shown in fig. 1. Thorium removal from simulated sea water is shown in fig. 2. UDC: 546.841 Card 1/2 L jj4@04-00 F:iC-C NR, AP6002221 I A Fig. 1. Precipi- tation of thorium as tannate of gela tin in presence of 50- neutral salts; A--degree of thor- tum precipitation A-$ in %; B--pH of 0 S f 1 4 L --i solution; 1-- --solution contain- Fig. 2. Precipitation of thorium as tannate of Ing 0.06 moles CaC12; 2--solution contain- gelatin from a simulated ing 0-1 MOI Na2SO4;.3--solution containing sea water solution; 0.1 mol NaCl. A--degree of thorium precipitation in %; B--pH of solution. It was found that tannate of gelatin effectively extracts thorium from diluted solutions in a wide range of pH and concentration. Thorium ex- traction is facilitated @y the presence of neutral salts, in particular CaC12, In the case of a solution containing CaC12 complete extraction of thorium Is achieved for pH ranging from 3 to 9. Origs arts hast., 2 ,figures, 2 tables. ,SUB CODEt 07/ SUDH DATEZ 24Dec63/ ORIG REP: 004/ OTH REP: 003 I 7t, MSHISHYAN, M.N. ."Fascicles for the Rassian-Tajik-Latin medical dictionary" by M.IA.Rasulov. Zdrav. Tadzh.* 8 no.609-60 N-D 161. RURA 15:1) 1. Direktor Respublikanskoy nauchnoy meditsinskoy biblioteki 14inisterstva zdravookhraneniya TadShikskoy SSR. (RUSSI" L&NGUAGI~--DICTIONARIES-POLYGLOT) (MEDIGINkL.-DICTIONARILS) (EASULOV, M.IA.) 0 SO 0 0 0 Or IF 93 1 f 4 It U Is M Is 16 IY 4 Is air- --4 Pa Assn Avap jail 3231 313 bil 2110410 Q 0 1* Arl C A , 1-1- -k Y-L.A.-A-L-4-PA 0 M I U I L-- f I J 1-2 f At it, --V 1ftD COOM )SC, -MIS111 - -11.011 ...1. of general tendency of 411" to CrygW. 00 .00 14111101110fudskil anti T. N, Kesh"byan. J. AWiad Ow,j. (U. S. s, R.) 12, 1*03166n Frew-h. 13111 .00 OW.-The total t,.kwy .)( Slas to ef-yajall," jr. lwnd%On1henO-0f"Y%f"-crn,rf1. K,.4nltn the lint-40 vvkxitY Of 1lw Vl*wlh Of "Vitah. Kc. Thedruat'l,141IM4, by superposition o( the curve of Kj atrainit temP. on Ow 00 curn of Kw againit temp. relirritritts the jim Irntlency of 0- x1ass to ervit allue. A. A- I'Mowny 90 00 '00 0 we* 0 go 0 : 00 so* 00 410* 00 T. A Alit-11. 811ALLUASKAL LITINATION1 CLASIMPK0,01, lk Ways -0 141041 .1P am# aft #A I 1 4 Got 0 A NI N 01 0, A 4 2 0 U 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 a 00 so of 0 0 0 0 66 00 0 0 0 0 900 0 99006 a a 0 1) i 4 4 - b o* $ -1 --i-,f if y 1A I - U_ L AA n- (r @IP It d 4 6 1@t *9 A cakimed mulike Mravlwy- 1. 1, KitallortmMil and 00 z &W comem. raw. X"d. 8". U. R. S. S. 1O -00 Euglisb).-ln a wwcb for a submitate N il 4, 00 jor dwvmam mullite of the corbart t"K. a mataw I t Si% 23 and USO 3 W" P"N. from A" 72 . . ignition loss 09 0 96 A" SM F20 (SX) . . . . , . O C .00 Of a 124%, kaolin (&% 43.91, AJA 39.10, FeA 0.48. 0 I.A Ohl. igokka loss 1425%) and from pum =. d d i d d d an ers weft ramine r e cylin ME0. . 600' The koems sJub"ge was at h t d " b see , . ga e m . 11#0 abomptim 16.03% and vol wt 2MI g jec. 10 6% - * * so a . . . . . , lb d _ toamax. eate A% Tbesewatte 6 , i a i min. 7%iff PTO an Smai. 10 lemp. cif IM W /0 shrialap. The spechmems c ontained single tTystab and .06 00 a : MaWks of mallito amid mul l gralas of owundum. The 1* 0 of u AW sainplor metalmed 81.7 % mullits + corundum; re 0# fractorimm. 1800', vol. wt.. 2.W2.69; 11#0 absoirpt ion. too* O-b-3A%; apparent Porosity. 134.0%; ep. V.. 3.1-0 # 3.199; true porosity. 16-16%1 glass resistmInct (ion in b 11 36 - . t.), nobtamm, *NmK q*0 'ap. @Ien 6 It". at IXO9. lm a glass mak (50v 32-30,'%0a IAO %?. ;2JO, IMID 4S.M 240 JIM. A" 3.13. AIA ulw 16* Cast um- t i AS ms nary W Low" Is wt. Imv: ord .71..' mi r.. milife /sq k-b" $ mg 1 . . m , 111c, 1 ; co mpk to 1W)* and was deld, by beatiuS Hm a ;too imam quemmu Lt wairr. 0. N1. Petty 8ITOLLUNCKAL LITINATIA1 tLASSIMAM" 8 to 9 ; 00 it 4 __ ,- _ , -- - - - r I Wx 4 i vr im ii i i i i It to x It % it It a It it 01 W42 A 1 94 evo 0 0 0 0 0 9 a 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 & 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 & 0 0 0 IN * 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 of 0 0 00 00 00 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0.0 40 6 0 0 0 of 0 v 0 0 0 0 0 IS 9 *1 N- @!p X 'q' ",opl$5, T"-Z@ 'R S !LT. 5,1 Ufi A!, 5, AXD 7 1%4. j no am in 102, -Tho p vion work deals *ilk Ow Production; al wbiteMad-, "JO&M910406thecoadidansallwaductiou at I I t= nod Paresoad A . " God dm yam by Line Meaddes luouluto ban on following jetim: "boat wright 0. to to U go. por cc.; in* P, , I TVA to WIC; MMAMOM to OM*tOKUA 29 to XBO III, Por vro'd (in Crt"In samples. up to IM) k CM.q; eorf- 1. Per . pow on. to, a Ofmial Conductivity 0. 1 to (). 2 be"t kes' degrec. Mobture MmurPtion (loam J911" with timed Par") 0 to 3%; tveffilcient of soutul abaorption at 12-5. 2MO, W), I(M, XX)D, and Man) Henn. 4126 0 40 MV, 0,46, 046.4WOO.Trop"firvir Porl@al@iK6;lfftsu.& botch of qkwy materials (p*,A*ftdl containing %it to I "@ of a pa-Wosing substanice It used The b4tcb It that- O"W MisedWAPIRE-53118specialwaW TbeffiMOldififf =10 a tor"We prebeaUd to the sdtcnkg tesoperaturr of the gl*"Y "Mterial, OW the teuircro(WI oo 3(K)' abate tlw edientax Pubs rdst A I t Al tb cv of the powder bwouses cooled 141W thAt Pleve"10 the pe of Sam dw- veloped within tlw powder, ead the usaft becomes iodated. The Iodated owe is kept wiihin ahr hirsoce far saw time at a lower temperature. tke" it is slowly , A I zod fe- movt%i from the aid&. 0 1 ebousing Ibe " diotrilAtion of the ;4Z = the quaintity sad quality of the go-ImminS sulatsuce. md the Was twan turn, The =tks Of tbe (am Obve Cast be IT,*. nwo Ird at Will, so raw materials we ladwerial Fardsvp I a fflase. marbir Is used an a - 10 : OW dock or caArvd clan. cost In usl. Re Ow twodurtiom of 110M t purvo. the costomt of 00 aw at a M", TIM, f be prolonced at " low a teeoptratort as A batch Made up of Vto _7fiWWOW* Plebe; ift should be fasul at 7uO' Ilow purvathe fo,@Flwhh baftit contain a subdanow the fuslon Is carvied ont tar !*VWY ok" 14% ttopeft(ort. e.g.. MO* to $16 . T%v on- P. at, Dealing for bulk Slaeors Is alike &W in cuils am @I I(X)* to 130, bow the softening paint W tine bakin. Fam bw of do-wro, thickness is asuessiod tor S kv.. and *%- M tom. thick for 4.6 to A he. The I I " I f4g A W IMID. thich product is corried Oct to JIM' At OS' asks. "d betow2mlatz.01pervalin. Pupradvicts1=41niit the cooll" Is carried Got to JIM ' at &10 PW MiL "d see ITAMO" - - C_ bdow2W-&t l'3*WMAu' M. Ha, A 6s,. 22 181 134 (19Q). :140, it a I I I PRO Owl to It or A -AL-X f- 2- A - I-L- 9 4 2. - ----- all US) U11 kv v 1 A- jKhm*IW of Glan (Telthnoltigiya strklA). T. N. Kammut. VAN AND 1, 11. 11M. Published by PrmAIruIJ1iAj-1-.3TJ;WdW. (941). Prim 10.75 rubles. Reviewedl In Suble i Krrdm . 7 WI go Is-I.Lij --Jsis twok conilstI, t4 three pArIv gLm mul it, prolwftic%. tmhtttlkvgy (it IU-mrselt. SnAl 1CCIIIN-Ithey 11191.114 I'Mi- utic Mmt of the test isdevoted to the techwkW of %tructurAl And techniest) gta%s; other typ" a" treated briefly, and amnr OPMUI glasses. such as optk*l. Am entirely Omitted, MAny -vr"Ightt wW em)n by authon are Onted out. Of undoubted n1crit, m@timling to the virviewers. is the citntinAtion,.1 .11 lorvid" terms anti theirsulost Itui ion with Rux%iin r%pt"siom . I;Z,K. A 10 - I t, A At Litt (;ItrK At W1110vill CL&SWICATOON P;C- r at I It a Up 4 1 '1 FA so* WD 0 gr iW711 a.. it, 0 x Is S All a 31 A -KESHISHYAN, T. Keshishyan, T. I. - wThe sintering ancL annealing of foamglass,n Tin@ Mosk. khim.- tekhnol, in-ta im. Mendeleyeva, Issue 15, 1949, p. 153-55 SO: U-52W p 171 Dec. 33, Xletopis 'Zhumal InykIi Statey, No. 25, 1949). 91,@ !T@7- @i@ A ;4". KESHISHIYAN, T. 11. j I Mkropo@" JRW and @1 1. IN. zli Z@@ S; ITIQ or, @ ._.-AjjM=:--Dok14dY kad. lyllak b SZ, 6 M-21 tuin foara gbirs of nniform inicropor- (19521. In order to o Otis structure, thr gas-forilling 111"Iterfal Is Introduced into ttm charge in the form of true solivs. or atq. sm1wrisions by 'A Ct- grinding it with (tie glas-t. Wrt-grindIng fourts silicic acid el film on the glass grahis; filin is good adsortwnt of givs- t mIng unActial. Ad-iorlition did not exceed lit z siu,; nal. suspensions of cuke and cUlk, the suspension be- comes stabilized by partial leaching-out during %%(A-grindhirt.. Min. diani. of pores was 3.5-7.5 jj; bulk wt. was 0.11-0.70 g./cc.; crushing strength was 100-130 kg./sq. cut. With soda, pores were closed; with coke, pores were closed and partlWly interconnected; ivith chalk, the pm" were inter- i c nected B Z R h /Oo . . am c on . r KESHISHYAN, T.N. Investigation of silicates under variable temperature conditions. Doklady Akad. Nauk S.S.S.R. 83. 601-2 '52. (KLRA 5:5) (CA 47 no.19:10189 153) 1. D.I.Mendeleyev Chem.-Technol. Inst., Moscow. rITAYGORDDSKIT. I.I.; XISHISHTANO T.N.; SMIMTOVA, I.A., nauchny7 rodaktor; GLIZAROTA, I.L.0 ItIq W01*0 @IXOVA, W.I., takhnichaskiy redaktor CYoam glaaal Penostaklo. "oo kva, Goo. izd-vo lit-ry po stroit. materialam. 1953. 77 p. _Microfilm] (MIaA 7:10) (Glagg) USSRI Chemistry Glass manufacture Card 1/1 Pub. 104 - 2/11 Authors sKitaygorodskiy, I. I,, Prof. Dr. of Tech. So.; Keshishy", T@,,N.s and Varshal, B. G. Title I Crystallization properties of window glass and its dependence upon the value of the alumo-magnesia coefficient Periodical I Stek. i ker. 2, 4 - 5. Feb 1955 Abstract I Experiments were conducted to determine the change in the crystallization characteristics of window glass due to the change in the chemical composi- tion of alumo-maguesia glass. The results obtained are given in tables and graph. A canparison.of the results showed that glass with an alumo-rsgnesia coefficient Of X A a 0.330 - 0.500 possesses the minimum rate of crystall- ization and a very narrow temperature interval of crystallization. Two USSR references (1939 1952). Tables; graph. Institutiont Submittedt T-Ah- Kv Dt-eadence ot the dev@Ufbmtloa of window clan au the alumim MU-belta MUO. 1. 1. M. Keslifshyan and B. G. Vatshal (GIM 6- Ccramiej, Mmeow, -The low dvitsific.ti. tendency of Als%-MgO glvisri (nnniially rmit-Aimm; > 10% of AI,Oj der-cmis not only on the p-mocints a( AA,(). acid ',Igo but al@j on their inatio. Comjboctiottk.@f xet,@@h R) mIlrS ilivestigated - . N 1 l t th th 1 3 0 t d A 0 i 1 0 b O - -5 are u ose wi an . a a e a " 0 t ) 11.1@e ; 3 , , g the lowest rate of crv@tal gro@th and % fairiv martow trTn Inte-vAl Vc.rystalbr.ition. Buty. Cpn,, m RI-% AS5 ABSTP 13 C V, . . ........... qiO A e P v i .- chartct@rfstf@n of @wl do @q as a futicGon of the alumina- maguests cooffl@,:*mt 1 1. T. N, 1417 KES111SUVAN, A:4Lt U. G. VARSIIAI.. Vj-eTTj -iKernm . U j2)tTT-- wtv@! tudivA tmA@T ef"I difloin twf gr@llsvlll tivatilig. The i,)w ci-ywsllizatllml Capacity 'A almnimx-nwgn@ ! t jfaW@eh CMILIIIIIIIV., - Q tlll@, OVVT I Al-10l is determined al - @-iv the prop-ti-i (4 the P-@,atagc c,,nlcni c4 tbese Q,idr@ m !,Milwii W tim An,,Iul@ am,,uitli of A1.0, and %IgO , Oth an alumina maKn"w (,x1ficient ,f K.,- - 0.330 it, 0 514) have a alitlifiluyll rate cjf crl,ltj grtswtIl @,nd ,very I.-I; I Ima (tire illtvr@.[ .I USSR /themical Technology. Chemical Products 1-12 and Their Application Silicates. Glass. Ceramics. Binders. Abs Jour: Referat Zhur Kbimiya, No 9, 1957, 31475 Author : Ke.841@!@T.N., Varshal B.G. Title : Synthesis of Devitrite Orig Pub: Sb. nauch. rabot po khtmii i-tekhnol. silikatov. M., Promstroyizdat 1956, 339-343 Abstract: The paper describes the synthesis, petrographic, thermographic, roentgenographic and electrono- graphic studies of devitrite -- Na-,O.3CaO. . (I). A glass having the co' .63M mposition of I was obtained and a study of its crystallization- properties was carried out. Maximum rate of growth of crystals of I is of 115@1/minute at 960' 1 was C ard 1A USSR /themical Technology. Chemical Products 1-12 and Their Application Silicates. Glass. Ceramics. Binders. Abs jour: Referat Zhur Khimiya, No 9, 1957, 31475 obtained by crystallization of the glass at 900-920 Roentgenographic investigation of I yielded 46 interplanar distances of the latti7ce. Also given are the relative intensities of the lines. To check the results an electronographic study was used. An alcoholic suspension of I, and a suspension of I in a 0.5% solution of - celluloid in amyl acEtate, were utilized. In this manner lines were determined which corr-- espond to 10 interplanar distancea of I. Bib- liographY 7 references. Card 2/2 i ,.- - - _. Tfl- -, -- - -- - - - Category : USSR/Atomic and Molecular Physics - Liquids D-8 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 2, 1957 No 36oo Author :Kitaygarodskiy, I.I., Keshinyan, T.N., Berezhnoy, A.I. Title :Method for Determining-tle-fERMa--]Treakdown strain and Young's Modulus of Glass Specimens. Orig Pub :Tr. Mosk. khim.-tekhnol. in-ta, 1956, vyp. 21, 39-44 Ab'stract :Description of a method for determining the maximum strain and the Young's modulus (E) of glass specimens at the instant directly pro- ceeding the breakdown, using motion picture photogralby of the scale of the indicator that measures the deflection of the specimen. The specimen was loaded at a rate of 2.7 kg/sec. A linear relationship was established between the magnitude of the s rain and the load. The bending strength was found to be 800 kg/mm , the maximum strain was 0.4115 mm (specimen measuring 120 x 45 x 225, distance between knife '2 edges 100 mm), E:-= 6895 kg/mia Q0.1 E=0.011- Card 1/1 -Z @,;A-,5-,--- T@ra,_ ""i USSR/Chemical Technology Chemical Products and Their Application. Silicates. Glass. Ceramics. Binders, 1_9 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Rhimiya, No 19, 1956, 6wIl Author: Kitaygorodskiy, 1. 1., Keshiehyan, T. N., Epelbaum, M. B. Institution: None Title: Effect of Eleat Treatment of Mechanical Strength of Glass Fibers Original Periodical: Tr. Mosk. khim.-tekhnol. in-ta, 1956, No 21, 67-73 Abstracti Different authors have found that strength of glass fibers (GF) de- creases steadily with increasing temperature of their treatment. In this paper a study is presented of the effects of heat treatment of threads and tape made from GF, of alkali-free and alkaline ccr- position, on their tensile strength, over a relatively wide tempera- ture range (100-7050) and duration period (up to 12 hourB). The investigations have led to the following conclusions. Change in strength following a heat treatment of GF,-with all other conditions being equal, depends on the composition of the glass. Decrease in Card 1/2 137-1958-2-2289 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 2, p I I (USSP') AUTHORS: Yanovskiy, V. K. , TITLE: The Use of Ultrasonic Waves in the Investigation of Ceramic Mate- rials (Primeneniye ul'trazvulevykh voln dlya issledovaniya kera- micheskikh materialov) PERIODICAL: V sb.: Fiz . -khim. osnovy keramiki Moscow, Promstroy- izdat, 1956, pp 546-555 ABSTRACT: An explanation is given of a theory on the propagation and de- termination of the speed of ultrasonic waves at frequencies from 20 kc to 1, 000 mc within different materials, :Includ:Lng cera- mic materials. When the ultrasonic waves are concentrated at one spot, ultrasonic oscillations result having an intensity in ex- cess of 2 kw/cmz; the maximurn frequency of an ultrasonic wave was 109 cps. The testing of highly porous ceramic materials by means of ultrasonic waves is difficult, because the attenuation of a wave by the pores is proportional to the fourth power of the fre- quency and to the cube of the dimensions of the pores. Only such dense substances as porcelain, faience, steatite, and corundum Card 1/Z and metallic ceramic materials can be tested with ultrasonic waves, 137-1958-2-2289 The Use of Ultrasonic Waves (cont.) and the waves must be of high frequency. A description is given of equipment of the Mendeleyev Institute of Chentical Technology in Moscow (MKhTI im. D.I.Mendeleyeva) for determining the modulus of elasticity (E) by means of an ultrasonic impulse method. This equipment was used to determine the speed of an ultrasonic wave in steel and A] '(5. 5 x 105 cm Isec) and in porcelain (5. 7 x 105 cm /sec) and to determine the modulus of elasticity of a baked corundum cera- mic material as a function of its Al 0 content within the range of 60- 100% (E = 2.8x 101Z dynes/c Jnj ).3The results rbtained were in close agreernent with data already published. The ultrasonic- wave method of detecting flaws in fine ceramic materials has proved very satisfactory. S.G. 1. Ceramic materials-Test methods 2 Ceramic materials-Test eqaipment 3. Test equipment-Charac*,jr1stics Gard Z/Z @V MPHISHW, T.M.; VARSHAL, B.G.; YAYNBM. Ye.A. Changes in the orystallimation properties of aluminum - wignesium glass as dependent on the C&O:VgO:Al2O3 ratio. Trad@v IMTI no.241 237-246 '57. (HIM Ilt6) (Glass research) (Titreous state) AUTHORS: Kitaygorodskiy, 1. 1., Keshishyan, T. IT., 72-58-3-1/15 Faynberg, Ye. A. TITLE: fnvestigation of the Types of Class in the Systea SiO 2- -Al2 03-B203- BaO (Iseledovaniye stekol v sisteme SiO 2- Al203- -B 203- BaO) PERIODICAL: Steklo i Keramika, 1958, Nr 3, pp. 1-5 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This system has not yet been thoroughly investigated. A series of synthetically produced glass-compositions in this system, the major part of which refers to the field of heavy barium-chromates with a high barium-oxide content (45 to 55%-), is shown in technical literature. Vargin and Kefeli investigated the reaction of silicate-formation in the layer of heavy barium chromate C-24. Data on the measurements of viscosity of these types of glass, as well as a description of their melting under operating-conditions are equally available. A series of works is devoted to an increase in the chemical stability of the heavy barium chromates. 6 types Card 1/4 of glass which were synthetically manufactured in this @7 Inve3tigation of the TXFeB of Glave in the Slotem 72-56 -3 - 1 /15 Sio 2- Al203-B203- BaO system, are given in the work by Navias and Grin (table 1). In vier of determining the ranges of glana-formation in this system, the authors selected 3 variants with a constant Al 0 - content of 10, 20 and 3(YJ', in which case the per cent. The coAphitions of glass are given in molec quantity of SiO 2 was changed from 20 to 70';,, that of B2 03 from 10 to Ur/o. The glass-compooitions are seen in table 2. Moreover, the composition of the layers and the melting are fully described. All types of glass were melted simultaneously in a furnace with oil-heating, according to a severe regime of temperature, as given in the table, in which case crucibles of corundum - from the Kharlkov-works for refractory products - were used. The control was effected by means of a binocular microscoQe'NBS.-'1. The viscosity of the glass types was measured according to the method by Inalish and 0its values within the temDerature-ran*ge of from 550 to 800 C are given in table 3. The dependence of the temperature on the chemical composition of certain types of glasa is shown in fiL-ures 1 and 2. The linear coefficient of expansion was measured by means of the quartz-dilatometer Card 2/4 VNIIS and the results are given in table 4. The dependence jr@2._'-7: Investigation o@? the Types of Glass in the System 72-58-3-1/15 Sio 2-Al203-B203-BaO @f the coefficient of expansion on certain glass-compositions is seen from figures 3, 4 and 5, whereas the diagram of equal coefficients of expansion is given in figure 6. The electrophysical properties of the various alkalifree types of glass were also investigated from which it may be concluded that these types of glass should be of great interest for the electro-vacuum-industry. The same types may also be recommended as insulators of bigh quality on account of their high electric resintance. Furthermore, the various figures are explained in detail. Conclusions: 1) The range of glass-formation in the section of the system UP to 30 molecular% Al 0 was investigatg(l and compositions were discovered which ioL glass at 1450' and 1550'C, 2) The inclination of the types of glass for crystallisation was investigated and the constant compositions determined. 3) The problem of the state of boranhydride in the investigated types of glass was dealt with. 4) The found values of the investigated types of glass allow to recommend their use in some fields of electro-vacuum- Card 3/4 -engineering. There are 6 figures, 3 tables. Investigation of the Types of Glass in the System 72-58-3-1/15 Sio 2- Al203- B20 3- BaO ASSOCIATION: MFhTI imeni D. I. lAendeleyeva (MKhTI imeni D. I. Mendeleyev) 1'"Metal,,-oxides--Silicon dioxide systems-Chernical analysis 2. Glass-Analysis Card 4/4 b. z T 511- 7 -1/19 The Structure of Glass aud Ita @ ..'_ h (@truktura stekla i yego mekhanicheskaya. prochno3t') Isr PERIODICAL: Stceklo i keramika, 1958,N11r 7, Pr,,. 12-17 05310 ABSTRACT: According to P. P. Kobeko (Ref 1) the theoretical tonsile strength of silic4e glass should amou-nt to appro-.-inately 800 to 900 kilo m , whereas it practicully to from @ in the case of mutssivc: ,lais an;! o;Uy in Vie 8 to 15 kilo/mm case of lass fibers of a diameter of 7 @() 59 it a.,:,.ounts to 40o kil mm2. This must be caused by tint@ hct_@ro- o@ L,I-encity of the eamples which are connecti.11 witull. tho crystalli- zability of the Clusa. This is confirtaud `_,; the viov': carried out by 11, 11T, Valenkov, Ye. A. Poray-11"oshit3 (1zef 0. 1'. -jot- vinkin (Ref 1), K, G. Kumanin (Rf 2), ao as J,. I. Domlzin& (Ref 3),. The authors further invc;;ti@-atc '. tl@.e of t1ic .rlass composition with respect to it, laec"."Lnical otron,'.-,th in conaection with this the diau-rams are Civ,,,, t i-i fi,,urcs 1 and 2. Drittloness was selected anongst the mech@,_nical -,)rooerties because a method exists for its deterninal'ion Lind siace ti,,e Card 1 13 jjass sai:1eo do requirc.- .-.iiy andti Lic,:,,; !,.cratrei t The Structure of Glass and Its Mechanical Strf@n.-t,, I L d- i; 72-56-71 - in this case. Moreover, the c.,,rvyii,,, ont of' Uese tc:,t-- ac- cording to the method developed by Yti@ :,- E'rodsl:iy (i@C@f 1) is described,, The results obtaincd `:)@- tl@,(@ leter;,-Anation of Ulf.- brittleness are given in fituru 3. A:@ restilts from tLis, tile brittleness of ,,,lass is not in a lllio._@r relation to it.3 co:,-,- position. The 1@roperties of crystLL1li:-.,a.io_i viere iaveqti@-,atcd according to tile method developed by T. k.01311j3hyUn (.!,-,of 1). The depQndence of the oryntallizabli-ity of 1!;lass arid its brit- tleness on its composition are give-A in fi:,urP 4. The de@ieaLonice of the brittleness on the waitin.- tine (duter-.dined b@- Di t el). which was determined accordli-i_ to tile maetlod duvOlo,!-,)O by Brodskiy, is graphically represe.,Acd i:i fi,.llre 5. The existonce of a certain relation betvit.-en the brittleneris and the crystalli,,.,-z,bility of the irlass is confir::ied iri Uis way. The influeICO of the heat treatmenL on thc mechanic,@.l strcn@,-th of tho jaso f."..or was iqVC-ti(,,LtC(1 ill tht@' W02-h. carried out by I.. I, K'itayt-,-orodol-iy, T, B. zpellbaun (Ref 1). Conclusion. It wa3 aa-nii,-,,t1 that the mechanical prop- ertics of the types of Class di3 _,il,1 in a cortain way on the of' microhaterol,-eneity of the @@lass. It. -:.,as tried t) c:iz- Curd 2/1@ iifluence of the chc:;.i,_:_.1 cot-ziposition on the strell--.V, V@ The Structure of Glass and Its Mechanical Strength SOVI 72-58-7-4/19 of the glass by the change of the strength of the chemical bonds and by the crystalline force. The results obtained by the experiments carried out confirmed thia. There are 5 figures and 9 references, 8 of which are Soviet. 1. Glass--Structural analysis 3. Glass--Test results 2. Glass--Mechanical properties Card 3/3 5(0) AUTHORS: Kreohkcpv,, A,. P., , Keahighyan, T., IT, SOV/72-59-4--3/21 Myshlyayeva,. L, V-,--&qa=tnas@,v-iTF L@- M, TITLE: Investigation and Application of Synthetic Organic Silicates (Issiedovaniye i primeneniye iskusstvennykh organicheskikh sillkatov) PERIODICAL: Steklo i keramikav 1959@. 1Tr 4. pp 11-14 (USSR). ABSTRACT: The theoretical bases of the fOTM&tion of organic Silicates are shown in the papers 'by A, P, Kreshkov, A. N@ Chivikova, V, A. Matveyev, G. N. Nessonova, 11, L, Darashkevich (Ref 1). The synthetic silio-ates have a number of valuable properties: good adhesion to glassi@ meTal ., asbestos, tissues, and abraolvea. They may be used for -@he production of films for glass and metal which do not break in !,eating and they are also highly acid-proof. The products which are obtained on the basis of alkylalkoxy--ailanes are characterized by a good solubility in water, Their aqueous soluticns are used as hydrophobic im-, pregnations of building material, A, P, Kreshkov, L@ V@ Mysh-- l,rayeva., L@ M, Khananashvili (Ref 2) carried out their spen-- trum and X-ray stractural analyses as well as the micro.- Card 1/2 crystalios@*opic investigation. Since it is possible to use Investigation and Application of Synthetic; Organi-:@ SOV/72- 59-4-3/21 Silicates the obtained products as glues and aoatings at high tempera- tures their behaviour in heating, was thprmographically in.- vestigated. For this purpose the self-recording pyrometor of the Academi-oian N,. S, Kurnakriv was used as well as the torsion balanoe of the VT.tyPe, In these investigations the authors refer to the papers by L,@ M, Ybananashvili, L, V- Myshlyayeva, B. M. Mikhalev., V, Ye.. Shkol@nyy (Ref 3)_ The chaiacteristica of the prcdu,:@t5 are given in the table, On fip,mres 1.,. 3, 5.@ and 6 tk,,e heattng curves of the products 1, 22, 5, and 6 are plotted and on figares 2. 4, and It the curves of weight in heating of the products 1, 29 and 6 are given, The crystallo-opti@,,al investigaticns were performed on the basis of the paper by D. S, Delyankin, V- V. Lapin, N@ A. Toropov (Ref 4). As may be seen from the copyrights of A,, P, Faeshkov, L. V. Myshlyayeva, L.. M. Khananashvili (Ref 5) the hitherto used skin glue which is a shortage-good, may be replaced by a glue on the basis of synthetic silicates for the gluing of tissues to grinding disks. The products obtained may be used in rarious fields cf building and silicate material industxy. Card 2/2 There are 7 figures, 1 table,, and 6 9oviet references, 15 (2) AUTHORS: Ke3hishyan T 11., Epellbaum, M. B. SOV/72-59-8-4/17 TITLE: Micro-hardness of Glass as a Function of Its Micro-heterogeneity (Zavisimoct, mikrotverdonti ot mikrogeterogennosti stekla) PERIODICAL: Steklo i keramika, 1959, Nr 8 , pp 9-12 (U3S'I) ABSTRACT: In the experiments by A. A. Bochvar and 0. S. Zhadayeva, Ye. M. Savitskiy and M. A. Tylkina, A. M. Korollkov and E. 9. Kodaner (Footnote 1) the micro-hardness method of physico- chemical analysis is used. It can be seen from the work done by A. M. Korollkov and E. S. Kodaner, V. M. Glazov, V. N. Vigdorovich, G. A. Korollkov, that micro-hardne3s is immediately connected with the phase diapram of the system (Footnote 2). In a previous paper published by the authors of the present article it was suggest@id that the mechanical properties of glass are conditioned by the effect of the micro- heterogeneity, which is due to the crystallization properties of glass and its heat treatment, upon its streneth tFootnote 3)- Two series of glass types were examineds first glass types of different chemical composition with the same heat treatment, Card 1/3 and second, glass types of the same chemical composition with Micro-hardneas of Glass an a Function of Its Micro- SOV/72-59-8-4/11 heterogeneity a different heat treatment. In the investigation discussed here, 24 glass types with the same heat treatment ir the system 3102_Al2O 3- CaU-MgV-1ja20 were dealt with. Their micro- hardnesses and crystallization characteristics are shown in table 1. Their melting conditions and crystallization properties have already been discussed in the papers by T. N. Keshishyan, 8. U. Varshal, Ye. A. Yaynberg (Footnote 4). Yu. V. Rogozhin, Z. M. Syritskaya, B. V. Tarasov (Footnote 5) as well as N. M. Pavlushkin and G. G. 5entyurin kFootnote 6) used specially polished samples in the examination of the glass micro-hardnes3. The methods suggested by the authors consist in measuring the glass micro-hardness of fresh splinters with a grain size of 2-3 mm, whereby internal tensions in "he glass are practically eliminated. A series of 24 glass samples was examined. The samples were melted and cooled under constant conditions. The second aeries examined was one of Slaus samples taken from different places of a tank furnace of the Mamito- gorsk glass factory and cooled in water. The results obtained Card 2/3 with the first series are shown in table 1, with the second A, Ificro-hardness of Glass as a Function of Its Micro- heterogeneity series in table 2. rigure I shows the micro-hardnesses of the different glass types as functions of the maximum rate of crystal growth. In connection with theae examinationsthe work done by P, P. Kobeko (Footnote 6) is mentioned. Figure 2 shows the micro-hardnegs of glass from the Maenito,,orsk factory as a function of the sampling temperature. It was proved by the investigations under consideration that a change of the degree of micro-heterogeneity of ,,Tlass by different hea-c treatment results in a change in the mechanical properties of the glass. There are 2 t'i6ures, 2 tables, and y references, 7 of which are Soviet. Card 515 23836 S1020161108100210211024 IT 22-10 11009, @ZOS.31D3 B103/B220 AUTHORS: Budnikov, P. P., Corresporiding Member AS USSR, Keshishyan, T. N-., and Yanovskiy, V. K. TITLE: Influence exerted on the sintering of spectroscopically pure magnesium oxide by the adr.-iixture of some cations PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR, Doklady, v. 138, no. 2, 1961,365-368 TEXT: The authors studied the sintering of spectroscopically pure MO and the influence exerted by slight admixtures of cations of various 34- 4+ 3+ 2+ orystalloohemical characteristics. These were Fe , Zr So , and Ni the radii of which differ but slightly from that of Mg 2+ In the opinion of the authors, the results of other investigations regarding the above influence art) nut reliable, since thev concerned flubOtUnces having a high nercentage of admixtures (up to 0.5 @o). The slight amounts of admixtures to spectroscopically pure MgO, which were used by the authors, surpassed the admixtures contained in the initial MgO by a multiple, but were small enough to be dissolved completely in MgO. In order to reduce the Card 1 S10201611138100210211024 Influence exerted on the sintering of... B103/B220 influence of the kinetics of dissolution of the admixtures as far as possible and to ensure their uniform distribution on the surface of and Inside the periclase grains, all admixtures were introduced by coprecipi- tation as hydroxides from mixtures consisting of solutions of magnesium chloride (20 %) and the corresponding admixtu.-e. Table I shows data concerning the concentrations of cations of the admixtures in atom% allowing for the yield in MgO. The precipitates were filtered and roasted at 6250C. By roasting, the activated form of MgO was obtained. The MgO thus obtained was compressed into disks (diameter 11 mm, thickness 1 to 2 mm) under a pre-osure of 1350 kg/OM2 and sintered twice: at 1320 and at 16000C. Based on the shrinking of the specimen along its diameter and on the weight of unit volume the degree of sintering was check;d. From Table 1 it is evident that even small amounts of admixtures (from 0.1 atom% onward) accelerate the sintering. Another type of MgO, chemically pure, shows a qualitatively different behavior as compared to the spectroscopi- cally pure MgO. The latter begins to sinter at 13000C, whereas the chemically pure MgO is sintered already completely at 13000C. The micro- structure of the specimens shows that no appreciable recrystallization of MgO occurs at 13200C in case of practically complete sintering of the MgO Card 2/6 ej())O S/020/61/138/002/021/024 Influence exerted on the sintering of... B103/B220 with admixture of 0.2 to 0.5 % Zr4+ cation or other admixtures. At 16000C. however, a considerable recrystallization takes place. 0.1 % of Zr cations inoreaseu this recrystallization subatantially. The size of the MgO crystallites is not influenced by the quantity of the admixture, but the amount of the intercrystallite substance increases, Fig. 3 shows the dependence of the weight of unit volume tind the apparent porooity of the specimens on tho FO'@ concentration, Based on this fact, the authors conclude that Zr44- and So3+ are far less effective than Fe3+ in the initial stage of sintering. For eintering at 16000C however, ne obtains a much by large admixtures of 1 3+ stronger compresuion Sc and Zr + than by admixtures of Fe34* or N12+. It is assumed that the highly polarizable cations Fe3+ and N12+ having a mobile 18-electron shell influence the surface diffusion of the active and very fine-grained MgO, which prevails at the beginning of sintering, more intensely than the cations of Zr4+ and Sc3+. The latter have the structure of inert gases and exert a stronger influence on the volumetric diffusion which is of large importance in the final stages of sintering, after the formation of closed pores. The authors conclude from the fact that the curve showq a maximum for the admixture of Pe3+ (Fig. 3) that there must exist an optimum concentration Card 3/6 S/020/61/138/002/021/024 Influence exerted on the sintering of... B103/B220 of the admixtures for the acceleration of MgO sintering. The authors doubt that such a strong dependence of the sintering process on admixtures of 0.1 atom% may be explained by macroscopic flow (Ref. 7), since a retarda- tion of the sintering is more likely to be expected for high temperatures. The considerable influence of the relatively insignificant amounts of admixtures on the progress of the sintering of spectroacopically pure MgO and the easily ancertainable difference in their type of action illustrate the obvious relation between the crystalloahemical oharacteristics of their cations and their relative effectiveness. The authors infer from their results that the active MgO may be considered as being really pure only if the amount of' admixed cations having a higher charge and polarizability than those of Mg2"+ does not surpass 0.05 to 0.01 %. The theoretical density of a sufficiently pure MgO can be obtained almost. at 13200C by introduction of 0.2 to 0.5 atoea Zr4_@*. There are 3 figures, 1 table, and 7 references: 2 Soviet-bloc and 5 non-Soviet--bloc. The three most recent references to English-larguage publications read as follows: Ref. 2: J. W. Nelson, I. B. Cutler. J. Am. Ceram. Soo., 41, no. 10, 06 (1958); Ref'- 5: L. M. Atlas. J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 40, no. 6, 190' (1957); Ref. 7: A. E. Gorum, W. J. Luhman, J. A. Pask.. J. Am. Ceram. S-,c. , 4@, no. 5, 241 (1964 Card 4/6 23838 S10201611136100210211024 Influence exerted on the sintering of... B103/B220 ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy khimiko-tekhnologicheskiy institut im. D. 1. Mendeleyeva (moscow institute of Chemical Technology imeni D. I. Mendeleyev) SUBMITTED: Ja.nuary 16, 1961 Fig. 3-- a@ atol, b g/cm ? lit 0 42 Q4 3. L5 Ce Wam Z Card 5/6 IN J- m BUDNIKOV. P.P.; KESHISHYAN T.N,; YANOVSKIY, V.K. Effect of the addition of certain cations on the sintering of spectrally jure mapesium oicidee DokleAN SSSR 138 no.2)365-368 w 161, (MIRA 14-.5) le Moskovskiy khimiko-tekhnologicheskiy institut im-@ D.I.Vandeleyevat 2, Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR for Budnikov). (Sintering) @Kspesium oxide) 37232 S/i3i/62/000/005/003/004 B105/BI38 Budnikovp Keshishyan, T. N., YanovskiYt V- K* of ceramic :,*,ethod of measuring the electrical conductivity TTTLE* materials at high temperatures 0 D I C.', L -. 06ncUPOry, no- 5, 1962, 226-230 ly simple and generally. J.. The authors have developed a comparative measuring the TEX e method Oft and designed the equipment for, 0 accessibl id substances UP to 16oo C and more in a electrical conductivity Of Sol Ose they used,en equal-arm alternating controlled g,%s medium. For this purp 1000 and 2000 CPSJ the bridge with frequencie3 Of urementsl an current decade (Ye6-2)) for direct current meaa ntiometer with MWV-3(E6-2) (@io:,1-3 rmocoupleg and the ITMr,-48 (PYS-48) pote ides in Rh+i?t-R,l (30@,,Rh) the nometer. The samples were pure OX1 ,nM17/1 (1m17/1) mirror galva 0.5 - 1.5 mm thick. AnalYticallYt e of disksv 6-10 mm diam and is thermocouple in the range from the shap emf of th the dependence of the thermo- 0 to 170000 may be represented as follows- Card 1/2 S/131/62/000/005/003/004 1,:athod of measuring the electrical ... B105/B138 6=0.73t - 3.4 - 10-4t2+ 1.46 - lo- 6t3 _ 3.62 - 10- 10 t4 pv. Above 15000C r- may be expressed as: @@= 4-909t - 3942pv. The authors' method was also used for studying the conversions in aluminous materials on heating in various gas media. The furnace, is described in detail. It is fixed to a stand, has two heating coils, and which can be moved in a vertical direction by means o@ a counterweight. There are 4 figures. The En6lish-language reference reads as follows: A. Lempicki Proc. Phya. Soc. (London), NO-400 B, 1953, 66. ASSMCIATION: -Khimiko-tekhnologicheskiy institut im. Mendele'yeva (Institute of Chemical Technology imeni Mendeleyev) Card 2/2 S/080/62/035/006/001/013 D204/1)307.' AUTHORS: Budnikov, P.P., Keshishy@in, T. N. and Volkova, A. V. TITLE Kinetics of the formation of mullite from technical alumina and silica PERIODICAL: Zhurnal prikladnoy khimii, v. 35, no. 6, 1962, 1171-1175 TEXT: The present work was carried out to determine the tempera- ture conditions for the formation of mullite in bodies containing vein quartz or silicie acid and technical alumina fired at 110000, the temperature at which mullitization first bekins and the quan- tity of mullite formed at various temperatures. The starting ma- terials were finely powdered and were cold-pressed into discs corresponding in composition to 3A120 Y 2SiO 2' The samples were then heated for 2.5 hours in a horiZontal tubular furnace with an axial -temperature gradient (from 200 to 16000C) so that a series of temparatures could be tested in a single firing. Examination. Card 1/2 KESHISIMN, T. -,- EPELIBAU14P M,B, Relation between the mechanical properties of glass and its crystal- lization. Trudy MKHTI no,27:150-155 159. (MIRA 15:6) (Glass-Analysis) @P KESHISHYAN, T.N.; BEREZM,'OYO @1sl. Investigating the character'cf glass break under the impact bending by the rapid filming method. Trudy MKHTI no.27:137-149 1599 (14IM 3-5:6) (Glass research) BUDNIKOV, P.P.j KESHISHYAN., T.N.; YANOVSIIYp V.K. Methoda of measuring the electric conductivitv of ceramic materials at higb temperaturm Ogenupory 27 no,51226-230 162. (Min 15:7) I* Rhimiko-tokhnologichookiy inBtitut ime Mendeleyeva* Electric conductivity-Meaouroment) ramic materials-Electric properties) t BUDNIKOV, P.P.; @EE@!ISHYAN_,__T.N.; VOLKOVA, A.V. Kinetics of formation of mullite from technical alumina and silica. Zhur.prikl.khim. 35 no.6:1171-1175 Je 162. OURA 15:7) (Mullite) (Alumina) (Silica) @n BUDNIKOVI P.P.; AZAROV, K.P.; KESHISRAN, T.N. Crystallization of parlite-based glavB. Ukr. khIm. zhur. 29 no.Usl2l5-1219 163. (MIRA 16:12) g", L iz644-63 EWP(q)/EWT(n)/BDS kFP7r,/ASD WH ACCESSION IMI ip=2703- 8/O080/63/O36/OO5/lO"/jM8 AWMR: Budnikov, Pe P*j Kashisbyano Ts M; Volloova, A* V, TITIE: Effect of small Wltion3 on kinstio process of =111to formation at reduced temperatures SOUXI.E.: Zhurual prikladnoy kbimlip ve ZO# nos 5# 1903, 1064-1088 TOPIC TAGSt mullite formation, ceramics ABSTRACT: Mullite U1203, 2510pp the most Important alumoailicate mineral of ceramic production, was studied to determine tho effects of ton additions of various cations with ionic radii from 0#20 to 1#43 Angstroms. It was found that the firat crystal phase 1.9 A1,03 (ovar 85ad. Introductions of additions of various caLtions changes this 5rocasso 11ullite davelop3 above 1140C suggesting that the temperature or the start of the process of mullite formation is below this boundary* Additions of cations of Group 2 of the periodic table considerabl7 accelerates muUita formation. Elements of Group 8 of the periodic table (Fo sup 3 plus and Ni sub 2 plus) retard cullite formation. Orig. art. tas.- 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTEDt 024 Oct 62 DATE ACQ-. 24 Jul 63 ENUM., 00 SUB CODE: CH NO REF SOV#. 009 OTHER: 004 Card 1/1 --I' vgg" BUDNIKOV, Petr Petrovich2 zael. deyatell nauki i tekhniki RSFSR i 11krainskoy SSR, prof., doktor tekhn. naukj MATVEYr--V,M.A. prof. otv. red.; BULAVIN, I,A,j profop red.; BUTT, Yu.M., prof.., red.; gqgj@IZAN, T.N.,, prof.j, red.; KUKOLEV, G.V., prof., red.; ROYAK, S.M... prof., red, (Chemistry and technology of building materials and ceramicol Khimiia i t khnologiia stroiteltrqkh materialov i keramiki. Moskvap Stroiizdat, 1965. 6(Y7 p. (MIRA 18-12) 14. 3000 1 (a, Y U 0 20720 3/022/60/013/006/001/005 C 111/ C 333 AUTHORs Keshishyan, Zh. N. TITLE: On analytic continuation of generalized factorial series PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk Armyanskoy SSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fiziko-matematicheskikh nauk, v. 13, no. 6, 1960, 3-17 TEXT: The series CW_ a4 a +a I + a 1 2 - + 0 1 z+ve-1 2 (Z+I)(Z+ ;P where a nare complex numbers, and the oe- n satisfy the conditions 0 - ot < oc < lim 0 1 < n -4aD 04h clo 00 OD (A) 1- . co < co 04 2 n-i n n-1 n Card 1/7 20720 S/022/60/013/006/001/005 On analytic continuation . . . C 111/ C 333 is denoted as generalized factorial series. As convergence abscissa of (1) the author denotes a number % with the property that the series (1) converges for Re z > and diverges for Re z Let denotes n A A(O Z ak (n - 0,112,...), n n k-O n P ( 7 A A k+p-1 (QA: - W- @T M P-1 m P n kop-1 k k+p rr (C. - 4 M P M-p+1 (p-102937 ... n - P - IP py p + 11 ... Card 2/7 20720 S10221601013100610011005 C 111/ C 333 On analytic continuation Theorem 1: Assume that the generalized factorial series f(z)-a I + a 041 + a of' iOP2 + (2.1) 0 z 1 - MT 2 Z(Z40@)(Z+ zTZ+ has a nonnegative convergence abscissa Thens 1. The series n+p+l OD 7T 04 k g(z) 7- -A (P) ? (2.2) n-P n n+p+l TT (240t k k-p+l where Card 3/ 7 777777 On analytic continuation . . . _,@.(p) n n+P (ot - J7 k P k-p+l n+p+l Tr 01-k k-P+2 20720 S/022/6o/ol3/006/001/005 0 111/ C 333 has the convergence abscissa @P+l !!!E- 2. Everywhere in the half plane Re z > h it holds f(z) - Yz) + g(z) where (2-3) Card 4/ 7 23720 3/022/60/013/006/001/C05 On analytic continuation . . . C 111/ C 333 2p-1 T1 Qp(z) - A0 -e 3-0$ + A(P-1) k-p+1 (2.4) +Y + A +... -1 2p 2 1 (z+0y (2+'44) p k-p+1 z+ c'@-k) Theorem 2: If (2.1) has a nonpositive convergence abscissa then; 1. The series 00 -(P) g(z) - Y- An nup where Card 5/7 n+p+l 77- ("-k+ kmD+2 n+p+l JT(Z+':w-k) k-p+1 (2.10) On analytic,,continuation k p+2 n 20720 S/022/60/013/006/001/005 C 111/ C 333 F1 NO 1) M-P A k k+P ri (ak -API k A(.)- ak n + cf is an arbitrary positi'@e number, has a convergence abscissa A'p+1 -t-- )@ - 2. In the half plane Re z >X it holds f(z) ;K(z) + g(z), where Card 6/7 20720 S/022/60/013/006/001/005 On analytic continuation . . . C 111/ C 333 2p-1 TT p) A* -*'(P- 1 "(0) 3 k-p+1 A 0 z+ 0e2 (Z+4@) Zz4o@) p-1 2p Tr (Z+.ek) k-P+1 The author thanks G. V. Badalyan for the subject and for advices. There are 3 Soviet-bloc references. ASSOCIATIONs Institut matematiki, i makhaniki AN Armyanskoy SSR (Institute of Nathematics and Mechanics of the Academy of Sciences Armyanskaya SSR) SUBMITTED; March 249 1960 Card 7/7 KESHISHYAN, Zh.N. Sow criteria of normality of families of analytic functions. Izv.AN Arm.M.Ser.fiz.-mat.nauk 15 no,2t45-67 162. WERA 1534) 1. Institut matematiki i mekhaniki AN Armyanskoy SSR. (Functions, Ana.2,vtic) KESHISHYAN, Zh.N. ,ig@ue problems linked with convergent polynomial sequences@ Dokl. AN Am. SSR 39 no. 3%129-132 64. (MIRA 18:1) 1. Institut hAtti6atiki i mekhaniki AN Armyanskoy SSR. Predstavleno akAdemikom AN ArmSSR M.M.Dzhrbashyanon. f USSR/Humn and Pwimai pll)siL)'.'Ogy - Internal Se@-,reti3n. T- The Sex Glands. Abs J@)ur : Ref Mur Biol., No 3, 1959) 13065 Author : ,K@shjkova, M.P, List : Kabardinsk Scientific Research Institute Tlitle : Influence of Low Frequency Vibrations on Menstrual Function. Orig Pub : Tr. Kurorta Nallchki, Kabordinsk, n.-i. in-t, 1956, 21 11.9-186 Abstract 47.4% of the female workers, who were subjected to oc. C11pational, Vibrations (V), showed a disturbaace of the menatrual cycle; those who were not subjected to vi- brations showed 0111Y 7%. The daily action of vibrations of 12 - 15 hertz units for 1 - 3 hours for a period of 1 m.nth produced in 70% of sexually mture rats a Card 1/2 - 83 USSR/Htv.Z,, alld 111 inal Physiology - Internal KESHOKOVA.-M.F., kand. mod. nauk Ourgery preserving the uterus in atcnLc hemorrhage. Akush. i gin. 40 no.2:120-121 Mr-Ap 164. (141RA 17: 11) 1. Kafedra akusherstva I ginekologii (zav. - dotsent S.Ya. Ioffe) Severo-Osetinskogo meditsinskogo instituta, Ordzhonikidze. HANKISS, Janos, Combined histamine and antimicrobial therapy of chronic pneumonia. Tuberkalosis 13 no-10:300-302 0 16o. 1. A Debreceni Orwostudomanyi Ff,7etem I. oz. Belklinikajanak (igazgato: Fornet Bela dr. egyetemi tanar) kozlemenye. (HISTAMINE ther) (PNEUMONIA ther) (AETITUBERCULAR AGENTS ther) i2- ACC NR' A,r70042-37 sOuRcr. cOf)'-'.: tht/30()1/6(,/ooo/o,-12/oi94/o2oI AUTHOR: Ellmesov, A. M.; Khulamkhanov, V. Kh. (Deceased); Keshtov, M. M. ORG: None TITLE! Compressibility of snow and methods used for,its investigation SOURCE: Tiflis. Zakavkazs:iiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy qidr=:-teoro1ogichC:skiy in3zitut. Trudy, no. 22, 1966. Voprosy gidrometcorologii (ilroble.T.3 o: hyciromateoro. 109y), TCP'LC T"GS: Bnow, inSLrJ,-,CnL, Met('OrOlOgiC Ob:3QrVatio.1, 01"@tic deform- tion, com.1ircssive stress ABSTRACT: An instrumnnt designed for investigating the of suaw i,; desc@-ibed and preliminary results obtained from its LlSe @11-12 Cit.e@:. undc!jignated -Jn::;t:7ument is portable and made almost entirely a," dh.iraliminu;ii, woi,ihinq bUt 2-5-3 k9 willhoat weights. It ca-i be used under field conditions. 11"(Ahoti:; tised to c-L@ternlirl'r- th,a relative deformation of snow from external stress, and ion as a funct'ion of initial density under identical loads, are described. The fact that nuch of the criorgy c%pended in compressing the snow goes to extractino air from pores within the srio,.,-, and for elastic deformation, is cited as one for considerztioti whorl analyzing probler.n relating to the comprossibility of snow. Orig. art. haf.: 3 formulas and 5 fig"res- SUB COD-:-': 04/SUB.4 DATE: None/ORIG RZF: 001 Card 1/1_ s- 6. KESIAKOV, D. TECHNOLA)GT Periodical LEKA PROMISHLENOST. MSTIL. Vol. 7v no. 7, .1956. KESIAKOV, D.9 GATEVp T.t Influence of pressure and the elastic clothing on the degree of wringing out and the productivity of the leviathan washers. p. 16 . Monthly List of ERet European Accessions ( mi) Lc, Vol. 8j no. 3. March 1959, Unal. G, DOKOV, V. K., CHAKIROV, N. L., KESIAKOV, D. Eh. Study of 400 hemograms Wfarmers from the Stalin district. Izv. med. inst., Sofla 1:125-137 1951. (CUG 21:3) 1. Assistant for Dokov and Chakurov; District FIVeician for Kes7akov. 2. Morphology Section (Head - Corresponding Member A. Kludzhiolov) of the Institute of lxperimantal Medicine of the Academy of Sciences (Director -Academician D. Orakhovats) and the Department of Histology and Embryology of V. Chervenkov Medical Academy (Head - A. Khadshiolov). Patho-anatomical verification of health and diseaae. Lijec. vJes. 84 no.3t271-272 '62. (PATHOLOGY) 1.4K, 13 in memoriam Prof. Dr. lkija D'uricl.n. @Og. rala 1-2 165. KESIC, Branko Problems and organization of postgraduate education. Rad. med. fak, Zakreb, 8 no.li9l...102 960. (EDUCATION MEDICAL) V SARIC, Marko, dr.; PADOVAN, Iwo, dr.1 KESIC, Branko, dr. The problem of medical renearch In Croatia* LiJecno vJecn. 87 no.5t 501-509 It 65.