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2 ID73 S/1 8V611003100910051039 Interxiction between carriers and lattice ... B102/B104 Here, A (,A) is the tensor of the def ormation potential, a(@ ) (x, s) 'is the ij Fermi operator of second quantization corresponding to an electron with the spin e which lies in the,,*,-th energy minimum, of the Brillouin zone, in the crystal density,.(,-- is the frequency of the v -th branch of the kv ( . ) is the acoustic spectrum, (k.@ is the unit vector of polarization,",, Bose operator of second quantization, and E(-* ) is the dispersion law of the electron in the/-th minimum. It is further assumed that no transitions take place between the various minima. In contrast to Ref. I (where the perturbation theory had been applied), the author uses the advanced and retarded Green's two-time temperature functions for his calculations., By way of (18) I k,j=1-)k,j_ .2pFj,(jk,) 147')j and Card 3/ 6 2Pj073 S/181/61/003/009/005/039 Interaction between carriers and lattice ... B102/B104 %TNIF12 e-lx (H, Ok M, 2 Cv (19) and using thu symmetry properties of the tensor he obtains the ji following system of equations for a germanium-type cubic crystal (with its minima in the [11 1j' --direction) and considering three directions of the phonon wave vec@tor Tet @.@Jyk Vj-p 8 (k' k r2-, (h k)t ell-f-C124. C22 @ci i -I- cii I- 2cn' Vc, I -+- cit -4- 2c22 -+- 4A, [1101 2 0 0 P (h - k)2 12 3 k VP_ 16X,'k-VF, cif-CIS __.C22 -#-- 263 Vc" -T I F'12 N (,.*)3 0-21t A )kit -PRB (k, AfA) Card 4/6 21073 S/161/61/003/009/005/039 Interaction between carriers and lattice ... B102/B104 and A, are independent components of the tensor of the deformation -4 _* potential, 0- is the intensity of diffuse scattering in the point H+k of k the inverse space, H(hkl) is the lattice node vector in the inverse space, N is the number of atoms in the scattering volume, m is the atomic mass, cV is the observed velocity of the P-th branch, F is a structural factor, and e- 2 Y1 is a temperature factor. 6-@- is given in A-units. is k simplified for non-degenerate electrons to become 13n f (,11@ 1 2 V 2fz _k for the sound velocity, the following holdss ,@2 C(O)2 + 2 Unlike the case of isotropic electron-phonon inter- V Y "V. action, the correction to the phonon spectrum due to anisotropic inter- action can be determined also if the carrier concentration is constant. The correction for sound velocity is, in a semiconductor with an electron concentration of 1017cm,-3. of the order of 10'A. and the same aDDlies to Card 5/6 "!,073 SIIBV611003100910051039 Interaction between carriers and lattice ... B102/B104 metals. V. L. Bonch-Bruyevich is thanked for having formulated the problem and for discussions. There are 1 table and 5 references: 2 Soviet and 3 non-Soviet. The latter read as followsi J. Bardeen, W. Shockley. Phys. Rev. , 80, 72, 1950; C. Herring a. E. Vogt. Phys. Rev. , 101 , 3, 944, 1956; R. James. The optical Principles of The Diffraction of X-Rays. London, 1950,, ASSOCIATIONs Inatitut metallovedeniya i fiziki metallov Moskva (Institute Of Metal Science and Physics of Metals, Moscow) SUBY,ITTEDj January 27, 1961 Card 6/6 7 7--.77 S/18 YB 62/004/010/031/063 B108 104 AUTHOR; Khachaturyanp A. Q. TITLE: ermination of the elastic energy of the pair interaction of impurity atoms in a crystal lat.tice PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela,. v- 4, no. 10, 1962, 2840-2844 TEXT: The energy of the purely elastic intdraction of two impurity atoms in a crystal lattice is calculated in the atomistic approximation of the dAscontinuous structure of the crystal. The final formula V"' (k) _h (K(k, p'). ej(P.'(k, p1g.) (14) xp 1 (k, h? Ami . MW" W obtained by expressing the functions in the energy of the system due to impurity atoms by their Fourier components is applied to the calculation of the diffusion ect%tterin of X-rays by face-centered interstitial solutions. f, and oaa are the unit vector of polarization and the Card 1/2 75/181/62/CO4/010/031/063 Determination of the elastic... B108/B104 frequency of the a-th brancht'of the phonon speotrup. is known from experiments for many substances. If it is not known, w 2(k*) and _F (k'pp) 8 n can be'_4xPrd67sdU 'ap@?6x_f`ffi-a_1_e_1y` Yy__th5-Wji@stTc-*m*6dujf -an'd -by' the depefideifc-e of the linear expansion coefficient on the concentration (M. A. Krivoglaz,- Ye. A. Tikhonova. UFZh, 4, 297, 1958; 174, 1960). F characterizes the n chemical interaction of the foreign atom with the solvent atoms. ASSOCIATION: Instit t fiziki metallov.i metallovv4eniya,,Moskva (Inst! @e of Physics Of Metals and Metal Science, Moscow) SUBMITTED: May 29, 1962 CE:@rt 2/2 Determining the elastic energy of pair interaction of ir4wity atoms in the crystal lattice. Fiz.tver.tela 4 no.10:2840- 2844 0 162-0 (MIRA l5d2) 1. Insitut fiziki metal-lov i metanovedeniya Moskva. (X-ray crystallography@ KHACHATURYAN, A.G. Using the method of two-timed Green's functions to the ordered alloy problem. Fiz. met. i metalloved. 13 no.4:493-501 'Ap 162 (MIRA 16;5) 1. Inatitut metFillovedeniya fiziki motnllov TSentrallnogo nnuchno- inaledovatellsk o instituta chernoy metallurgii. lAlloya-Metallography) (Crystal lattices) 9/1 a V63/005/0011/002/064 B102/Bla6 AUTHOR Kivichaturyan, A. G. TITT UE: Application of the Green function method to the thermodynamics of interstitial solutions PERTODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, v- 5, no. 1, 1965, 15-20 TEXT: Jri a previ)us paper (P.!,-!,4,4)962), the author used the method of retarded and advanced Green functions to study the equilibrium of a two-component ordered .9olid solution. Here 'the thermodynamic equilibrium of an interstitial solution is considered in a similar vay, viz., by assuming that this solution can be regarded as a system of interacting .-;olute ptrticles in the periodic field of the solvent 11toms. The model Hamiltonian 1@2 ' V2(c(x)) forms the basis'of the theoretical inveptign- tions; if the pluce,x in occupied by an interstitial atom, c(x) - 1; otherwise C(X) = 0; U 2 is the total pair interaction of all interotitial atoms. In second-quantization representation, *2MM_11Va(x)a(x*-+-'-1 V(X, x)a(x)a(x,d( a(x,), 2 ) X) 3) Card 1/4 A 3/1131/65/005/001/002/064 Application of the Green fiinction ... B102/B186 whare V(x,xl ) In the pair interaction energy oil two interstitial atoms located at x and xI , while "a(x) and r,(x) are the. proluction and annihilation operators in Heiaenberf, representation, oubject to the Formi anticommutation rules. Introducing the two-time Green function G(x) @(X'x a(x,x., );,4, using the approximation 0 .