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KIIOKIIIIOV M.ILI 1--.- - - - Profile of the cones of the scutcher pedal regulators. Izv. vy*s.- uchob.zav.; tekh.tekst.prom. no.653-61 161. (YjRA 1.5:1) 1. Tashkentskiy tekstillnyy institut. (Textile machinery-Desien and construction) JU1019filov, M A. a i " M, - . Changed system. of the pedal regulator for scullclh,ers. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; tekh. teks. prom. no.3:62-69 164. (MM 17:10) .1. Tashkentskiy tekstiltnyy institut. IORZININ, V.;_KHOXRTAOT, N. Heohan1lation Of riVer regulative operations. Rech. tranope. 19 no.701 :1 160 (MM 13:8) (Riyer"egulati;n) man h" ..fMI-ectricity - High-Frequency Dis- Apr 52 charge Single -Electrode Righ-Frequency Discharge at Pr*sv"r. From Several millimeters /mercury to Atnonberic Pressure at 31.7 Me,-" G. S. Soluesev, X. Z. Xhokblov, Ye. A. Rodina, Moscow State U "Zbw Mtsper i Teoret Piz" Vol XXII, No 4, pp 406- SLUSIm-electrode high-frequency discharge vm staftied in air,' tech nitro a and tech argon in a pmaxwe ranv from 1 atm rflasb discharge) acAm 21=3 Ao 5 =/mrcury (high-frequency discharge at law, 3"OSWO) at a frequency of 31.7 =. Indebted to WcW N. A. Msptsov and P. A. Petrov. Receiv*d 21=3 Khokhlov, Z.-IlInveslAgation off High-n-e-quency Jet Dischari,e '7.,y Lptical Lehi Mpans." Cand Phya-3--ith Scii MDscow Order of n State U iman! M.'V. Lomonosov, Jan-7, (Vechernyaya Moskva 1L jail Sol Sur, 11"R, 22 July 1954 U SH/Physica Xlectricity, Flare Dischtxge FD-334o Card 1/1 Pub. 146 - 12/28 Author Khokhlov, M. 2. Title Study of possibility o.r temperature measurement of flare dis- charge channel by using the hydroxyl band 3064 A Periodical Zhur. Eksp. i Teor. Fit., 29, No 5, 645-650, 1955 Abstract Temperature measurement of the flare discharge channel in hydroxyl (3064 A) at pressures over 100 mm Hg yielded a temperature of a neutral gas. It is a result of the predominant role of the thermal dissociation of water at the specified pressures in comparison with dissociation under effect of fast electrons at simultaneous excita- tion of the formed hydroxyl. Indebted for help to Prof. N. A. Kaptsov. Twelve references,licluding 7 foreign. Institution : Moscow State University Submitted : July 13, 1954 109-3-5-12/1'; AUTHORS: Mitsuk, V.Ye., Solntsev, G.S. Khokhlov, Bulkin, P.S. and Zas-.I,-enkcr,"G:,R-.- TITLE: Electrical Discharge in Air at the Wavelength of 3.2 cm (Elel:tricheskiy razryad v:vozdukhe na dline volny 3.2 cm) PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika i Elektronikal 1958~.Vol,IIIOr 51 Pp 6 - 03 SSR) ABSTRACT: The paper describes a method of measurement of the breakdown electric fields and the time lags in the electrical discharges in air and gives some experimental results. The block schematic of the experimental equipment is shown in .?ulsed magnetron operatinG at a v7ave- FiC.I. This employed a lenoth of X = 3.19 cm amd having a repetition frequency of 300 c1s; the pulses were rectangular and had a duration of 2 *psec. The outDut of the magnetron was applied to a raveguide systein vihich permitted thle variation of the transmitted po-er and ioade it possible to t_-.ieasure the standing wave ratio and to observe the form of the pulse. The discharge was formed at the "neck" of a horn, ~,,,-hich aas situated under an evacuated glass jar. The sea'- between the input of the horn and the output of the waveguide was in the form of a polyet 4~ lene plite., An external radio-active source containing Co 0, havin,~ an -as used as the ioniser for the Gardi/3 activity of 10 millicurie L 109-3-5-12/17 E'loctrical Discharge in Air at the Wavolength of 3.2 cm Gas particles in the ho:7n; the quanta of the y-rays froia the source had encro4ies up to 1 2 MeV. The energy and tho direotivity of the y-ra;ys could be controlled by j~cans of a special gun made of lead and f4tted .-.-ith a number of leads filters. The humidity of the air undcr the vacuum, jar could be con-%',-rolled by meano of a upecial vessel filled with v-~,ater whose teff.-I)crature kept constant by means of a thermostat. Firl3t, the cstatistillal time lags of the discharge vere measured and the results are shown ill Fic-3; curves I, II and III were taken for tbree different intensities of the ionisinf,~ source. Pig.Ll shows the statistical time lags as a function of the applied electrical field for t1--e maximum intensity of the ionisi,-4~ source; Curve I ras taken at a pressure of P = 32.4 ml-dlg and curve II at p = 45-5 =,H9- Since the field intensitics at the -input of the horn (in the area of its neck) could not be moasured directly, it was of interest to determine the relat-ionship betvicen the, pover transmitted throu-h the vaveGuide and the field at the input of the horn. The problem is anal, sed in som~e detail and it is shovn that for the investigated horn (see FiC-5) it could be aswied that t'1-Je field in the horn was approximately equal to that in the waveguide. By using Uard2/3 109-3-5-12/1? Electrical Discharge in Air at the Wavelength of 3.2 cm this result, it was possible to plot the values of te break- down fields as a function of the pressure in the horn; LhE. resultinG curve is given in Pie.?; from this, it is seen that the lowest field is required at a pressure of about 5 malig. The reaits obtained agree with those reported by Posin (Ref.1)., except that the.intensity of the ionising source appeared to have-no significant effect on the value of the breakdown field. The authors express their gratitude to Professor N.A. Kaptsov for directing this York. There are 7 figu--es, 6 refcrences, 3 of which are Soviet and 3 English. ASSOCIATION: Fizicheskiy fakulltet Ii1oskovskogo Cosudarstvennogo SUBMITTED: AVAILABLE: Oprd 3/3 universiteta im. M.V. Lomonosova (PhysicE De artment of oe~ Moscow State University imeni M.V. Lomonos v Januarj 22, 1957 Library of Congress 1. Electric fields-Mea surement-Methods 2, Magnetrons-Applications 3. Waveguides-Applications 109-3-5-13/1? AUT.11ORS: KhakhlaxJ.1.Z., Bulkin, P.S., Mitsuk, V.Ye. end "~askayeva, T.F. TITLE: Influence of the Radio-activ e Irradiation on the Formation of Ultra-hiGh-frequency Pulse Discharges (Vliyaniye radio- aktivnogo oblucheniya na vozniknoveniye impulsnogo sver- 1chvyso",.ochastotnoCo razryada) PERIODICAL: R-adiotekhnillca i :01eir-tronika, 1958, Vol III Nr 5. Pp ?04 - '/09 NSSR)' AbSTRI'.CT: The r~eosurei.~ents reported were cerried out by micans of the equipment described in the present issue of the journal, PP E-89 - '/03. The jaeaasure.,Lenta were made at68 ravelength of 3.2 c;,8nd the ionisinB source was either Co emitting y-rays Of, I Iroducir4, a- articles. It was found that the static- tical time laGs obeyc~ t.l'.-e formula; 11 Noe (4) where N is the number'of the tests in which the delay is 6reater than t , 1~ 0 is the overall number of tests and is the average statistical delay time; the experimental curve Card 1/3 109-3-5-13/17 Influence of the Radio-active Irradiation on the Formation of Ultra- high-frequency Pulse DischargeS showing the above relationship ''for a pressure of 45.3 mmHg for the y-source is plotted in Figl. Fig. 2 shows the value of "Cl as a funotion of l/A (where A is the intensity of the radiating source) for various values of the pulse, . power fed to the dischaxge space; W 0 in Fig. 2 denotes the value of the breakdown power. From Fig.2, it is concluded that - _ ~t is- 1inearly. depend,ent-_ on 11A, - and - that - ' .. '3 3 decreases with increasing power fed t6 the breakdown regions. On the other hand, it Za found that for a very wiae range of' variation of the activity of the y-rays, the breakdown power was practically constant. Similar results were observed 210 if P0 was Used as the ioniBing,source in spite of the fact that an a-partig6e produces about 500 tims more electrons than a y-ray from Co . It was also observed that in the presence of P0 210 , the.delays ware also governed by the same statis- tical law. A curve of -the breakdown power W~r as a function of pressure was determined for both the ionising: sources and Cerd2/3 109-3-5-13/17 Influence of the Radio-active Irradiation on the Formation of Ultra- high-frequency Pulse Discharges shown in Fig-3-, it is seen that the value of W pr is indepen dent of the nature of the ionising source. There a-re 3 figures and. 5 references, 4 of which are Soviet and 1 English. ASSOCIATION: Fizicheskiy Takulltet Moskovskogo gosudarstvennyy universiteta im. 11.7. Lomonosova (Physics Dep"trpnt of Mgscow State University im. M.V. Lomonosov) SUBMITTED: ' January 22, 1957 AVAILABLE: Library. of Congress Card 30 1. Irradation effects-The=7 SOV-109-3-6-12/27 AUTHORS:Bulkin9 P. S. and Kholchlovi M. Z. TITLE: Statistical IgnitEo-if*l)e-r4~~"37n'"Yiilsed Ultra High Frequency Discharges (Statisticheskiye zapazdyvaniya zazhiganiya impul'snogo sverkhvysokochastotnogo razryada) PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika i Eaektronika, 1958, Vol 3, Nr 6, pp 806-810 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The distribution of the ignition delays in the case of a constant electrical field can be determined from: wJdt N - Noel where N is the number of experiments in which the delay exceeds a time t. I NO is the overall number of experi- ments, J is the number of free charges appearing in the effective discharge space (per see) and w is the probab- ility that the discharge initiated by a group of electrons Card 1/5 SOV-109-3-6-12/27 Statistical Ignition Delays in Pulsed Ultra High Frequency Dis-. charges will be completed during the experiment. If w and J are constant, Eq.(l) can be written as: t Tak N -N e (2) 0 where If the experiments are carried out by TV. means of rectangular pulses having a duration T and a repetition frequency f , the probability that the dis- charge will occur after T. see is given by '3M .(3) 0 while the probability that the discharge will occur during Card 2/5 a pulse is'given by; SOV-109-3-6-12/27 Statistical Ignition Delays :Ln Pulsed Ultra High Frequency Dis- charges p e (4) The probability-of a discharge occurri:- after a time t (6) *here - -- A is given, 'by _Eq-. -is, a nom~.j,i sing factor- Trom- this-- it -~f 61-10"WS' that ~--ths --average statistical' delay time is given by.- (7) f In (1 p or if P is < unity, TS islexpressed by Eq.(8). The- above formulae were verified by employing an ultra high frequency pulse gene37ator, operating at a wavelength of, 3.19 cm. The discharges were produced in a hermetically sealed waveguide section, situated in a vacuum chamber. The pulses had a duration of about 1 " and a quantity of Card 3/5 SOV-109-3-6-12/27 Statistical Ignition Delays :Ln.Pulsed Ultra High Frequency Di' charges C060 was used as tho ionisation source. The experimental results are shown in Figs.,l, 2, 3 and 4. Fig.1 shows the. function 1n NINo = ~)(t) for a pressure of 45 5 Em Hg and for -r--211s f---3 100 c/s 9 No 270 ana -r, - 21 A sec.~ -Fig.2 illustra,to.s,.-~-thei,.-4~c~blidence-of T* on the pulse repetit ioA--f_re'cLu*6rLe': 45 and 33 mm-Hg- The- y jo ~-pressures of dependence of Ti on the intensity of the ionising so for presarxes of 45-5and 32.4 mm Hg is illustrated in Fig.3; the curves were taken at f-300 O/s and -r. -2 jis . The dependence of Ts on the dui~ation of the pulses, for three, differmt~ pr~essures is shownin Fig.4, From the above experim;~-ntal data it is o-oncluded that the formulae 3, 5 and 7 are in good agreement with the measured results. The authors express their gratitude to Prof. N. L. Kaptsov-for VJ7 -Card, 4/5, ~JV 41 SOV-109-3-6-12/27 Statistical Ignition Delays La Pulsed Ultra High Frequency Dis- charges directing this work. There are 4 figures and 5 references.., 2 of which are Englishl 2 German and 1 Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Fizicheskiy fakulltet Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. '11. V, Lomonosova (Depaitmefit-of -,Viysics of the Moscow State University, im. M. V. Lomonosov) SUBMITTED: January 22,, 1957. 1. Pulse generators - Analysis 2., Waveguides - Applications 3, Functions eo Theory Electric discharges - Ana3,vsis Card 5/5 AUTHOR: Khokhlov, M.Z. Sov/51-4-4-3/24. TITIS: A6tati9na1_'Tempe_rature of Hydroxyl and vitrogen and Conditions for Their Excitation in High-frequency Dis- Charges in a Wide Uage of Pressures (Rotatsionnaya tempera- tura gidroksila i Lzota i usloviya ikh vozbuzhdeniya v vysokochastotnykh razryadakh v shirokom diapazone davleniya) PERIODICAL: Optika i Spektroakopiya, 1958, Vol IV,, lir 4 pp 438 - 447 (USSR3. ABSTRACT: The author reports results of determination of rotational temperatures of hydroxgl and nitrogen in a two-electrode high-frequency discharget. He also extends the results obtained ,earlier for the Jet ("wick") discharge (Ref 6) to a wider range of pressures. The discharges were produced in.air at pressures from 5-7160 mm 11g, using brass electrodes cooled with oil (Figure 1). For the two-electrode-discharge, the lower electrode was a high-frequency generator (32-33 MCA); the upper electrode was grounded. In the jet discharge, there was no upper electrode. In,the majority of measurements) a spectrograph ISP-22 was used, as well as a KS-55 spectrograph for separate cases. To make the results comparable, all measurements were made at the base of the Cardl/4- discharge channel ~points A in Yigure 1). Rotational -W 'A' --- Q. Sov/51-4-4-3/24 Rotational Temperature of Hycb.~oxyl and nitrogen and Conditions for their Excitation in High-frequency Discharges in a Wide Range of Pressures temperature of hydroxyl. was determined for the branch P 0 1 of the 3064 A band and, that of nitrogen - from the R branch of the 33?1 1 band. betails of the technique are given in Ref 6. Additional experiments show that the error due to taking the average temperature in the discharge as being equal to the true temperature at the discharge axis does not exceed 100 - 200 OC~ which lies within the acperimental error of the method used. For pressure higher than 200 rjnHg5 temperature of the jet discharge was found to be independent of pressure _') and of power of the discharge and was equal to 3450 + 200 K. This value agrees well with the values giver by a number of authors.for dischargesat atmospberic pressure, provided the fr.equency!dependence oi the jet-discharge temperature (Figure 2).is taken into account. Figure 3 gives thecbpendence of the jet-discharge temperature on pressure at the smalle-.t powers at which stable jet discharges are still possible'. Curve 1 in Figure 3 gives the hydro-Vl temperature and Curve 2 the nitrogen temperature, Curve 3 in Card2/4 Rotational Temperature of Hydroxyl Their Excit&tion in High-frequency Pressures Bov/51-4-4-3/24 and Nitrogen and Conditions for Discharges in a Wide Range of Figure 3 gives the nitrogen temperature for a diffusion discharge. The hydro3ql and nitrogen temperatu-res for two-electrode discha:rges are compared for various pressures F in Table 1. Fignre 4 gives dependence of the rotational temperature on the tivo-electrode'discharge pressure, Curve 1 gives the hydroxyl temperature and Curve 2 the nitrogen temperature. From the results obtained, it was found that plasma in the discharges studied is non-isothermal. Coinci- dence of the rotational temperature of hydroxyl with the temperature of neutral gas, which is taken to be equal to the rotational temperature of nitrogen is due to the theriLal dissociation of water in the process of formation of hydroxyl at higher pressures. At lower pressures (i.e. 100 and 66 mmHg for the jet and two-electrode discharges respectively) where the effectiveness of the thermal dissociation of water is negligible, the rotational temperature of hydroxyl exceeds considerably that of the neutral gas. The author thanks Card 3/4 Sov/51 4 '1-3/24 Rotational Temperature of Hyd~4oxyl and Hitrogen and Conditions for their Excitation in High-frequency Discharges in a Wide Range.of Pressures N.A. Kaptsov for his interest in this work and G.I.Trifonova and G.N. Zinov'yevafor help in this work., There are 6 figures, 1 table and 27 references, 10 of which are Soviet, 11 in English and 3 Rumanian,, 2-German, 1 Dutch, ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy-gosudilr6tvennyy universitet (Moscow State University) SUBMITTED: June 1?1 1957 Card 4/4 1. Electric arcs-Chemical effects KHaaaAW, Uperimental determilqt1oz,of oscillator strength# of the Pb 1 lineskM57 and JX83 A. and the lead content of the solar atome- pherso Part lo Determination:of the f values by emission lines in a hollow cathode* Isv,Xrym.astrof1x.obs~ro 21:84-102 159e (MIRA 13:6) (Lo*A-Spectra) 80276 S/170/60/003/0~/09/026 .9, 9. c2 /.9-o 3008/P005 AUTHORSs Pirogovaq )1. Vot lm~okhloVa Mo Z. "most; TITLEs Emission Speotnxm and Temperature of the Are gore of an Are Valve FERIODICALs Inshenerzo-fiziobeskiy shurnalp 1960, Vol- 3,? No. 2# pp. 51-56 TEXTs The doe. arc of E. Mark's (Ref. 1) valve was investigated. The die-, charge spectra were recorded by means of a spootrogTaph of type "KS-55" i the wave band of 2500 - 9000 A. Within the current range mentioned, the :general character of the spectrum is conserved,, and contains only the epect-ra of the air compon*ts since the metal vapors are blown out of the discharge e.' Fige 2 showe'two smali sections of the epectrograms recorded (the are : is is perpendicular-to the spect3. .ograph opening). One shows some rultiplets ~of the nitrogen spectrum in the infrared range, the other one the edge of the band of Nt at 3914-Ai The atomic aro spectrum consists of linee*of neutral 2 nitrogen, of oxy .and of hyqrogen. Table I shows the transitions which, Card 1/3 8U276 Emission Speotrum and Temporaturc of the Arc 8/170/60/003/02/09/026 Core of an Arc Valve BOOB/BO05 correspond to the multiplets observed in-the nitrogen- and oxygen 'spectrum. The iesults obtained in the measurement d&he aro temperaturie show the fol- lowing factas 1) No noticeable change iiidisoharge tecipexature can be ob- served in the range of current variations between 17 and 65 a. It in 9POOO-109000OX oonotantlyo This shows that the current density remains un- changed when the current inereasess The principal changes are obviously connected with a variation of the canal croBs sections To reduce the tempaxa-. ture of the discharge canal it is therefore necessary to introduce an easily ionizable element (eego alkali metal) to attain,a noticeable reduction of- the effective ionization potentialo 2) Near the combustion chamber, the temperature of the dischare-canall, is about 5000 higher than near the soreen- ing electrode. 3) The simultansoun existonoe of the atomic and molecular spectra gives the possibilil-tj of determining the probability of transiti-Ons of some nitrogen--and lin*6.---W.~ , ms~y- -be -important -fdr.the-.- d--et9rmii.-'-'-: 4694- rorze- ::-nation of.,the-ar-6-11 emp"ature-ii4noil"'-st r currents -if- A considerable- -tempera re: indre tu be,, expected due to a compression of the aro by its own magnetic field. There are 3 figures, 1 table# and 8 referenoesp 6 of which aTe Soviet. Card 2/3 8o276 Emiesion Spectrum and Temperature of th*Are S/170/60/003/02/09/026 Core of an Are Valve BOOB/BO05 ASSOCIATIONs Energetiob,askiy institut Ali SSSR im, Go M, Krzhirhanovskogot go Mosk,;'S' (Instituteior Po'wer Engineering of the AS USSR Ile imeni Go Mb Krahizhai %ovskiyp City of Moi3ocw) Card 3/13 22102 8/035/6 1 POO/C03/029/048 to, A001/A101 AUTHOR: Khokhlov,,M.Z.. An experimental determination of strength of lead line oscillators by the absorption method PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Astronomiya I Geodeziya, no. 3. 1961, 52, ab- stract 3A445 ("Izv. Krymak. astrofiz. observ.", 1960, v. 22, 11.8-127, Engi. summary) TEM The ratio of oscillator strength of lead lines X),3685 and 3639 was determined by the absorption method In a laboratory absorption -rube:. ( _~683)/f f (, (3639) - 1.98 � 0.1; by the method of emission it was found from relative Intensi- ties of lines in discharge in a hollow cathode-that (f(3683)/f(3639) = 1.77 + 0.1. The good agreement of the results obtained by both methods shows that, deviatTions from equilibrlum population of levels Ps3po and ps3PI in tho hollow cathads are In- significant. Based on the value of oBoillator strength of resonance lead line )L 28.33, f - o.6 -t 0.1, absolute values of oscillator strength were determined for the lines considered: f(3639) -t 0.24 am f(3683) - o.48. There are 7 references. (Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Author's summary Card 0 22103 3/61/ooo/oo3/030/048 A001/A101 60 4 f/ 1,7 W) AUTHOR; D.,jkhlov, M.Z., TITLEt. Estimate of the'upper content limit of lead in the Sun's atmosphere from the infrared line of lead PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Astronomiya I Geodeziya, no.3, 1961, 52, ab- stract 3A446 ("Izv. Kryinsk. astrofiz. observ.", 1960, v. 22, 128- 133, Engl.. summary) TEXT: Spectrum of lead with d1spersion of o.413'A/mm was obtained in the III order of the diffraction 6peotrograph of the tower solar telescope at the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory, The wavelength of the infrared lead line X 7229 was measured from this spectrum. The wavelengths of four atmospheric lines in the.s6lar speotrum were used as reference ones, The value found,X 7229.0085 � 0.004 agrees well with the value obtained by H. Geiseler and V. Grotrian,,X 7228.974, but noticeably differs from the value cited by G.R. Harrison,X7229.11, near the wavelength of the unidentified solar line X7229.133. The value of os- cillator strength for the line considered was experimentally found to be f(72M Card 1/2 22103 t 8/035/61/000/W3/o~o/o48 Estimate of the upper content limi ACOI/A101 P'00.3, and the upper conteBt of lead in the Sun's atmosphere was estimated.+o amount to N(Pb) < 14 x1ol atorr,/g which agrees well with the lead value deter- mined from ultraviolet lines N(Pbj x 1012 atom/g. There are 11 references. Author's Summary (Abstracter's notel Complete translation] Card 2/2 S/058/6Z/000/006/025/136 A061/AlOl AUTHOR; Khokhlov, M. Z. TITLE': Oscillator strengths of the set of p2-ps transitions in lead, tin, germanium, silicon, and carbon spectra. I. Lead, tin PERIODICAL: Referativny-j zhurnal, Fizika, no, 6, 1962, 16, abstract 6V95 ("Izv. Krymsk. astrofiz. observ.", 1961, v. 25, 249 - 267, English summary). TEKTi The relative oscillator strengths of the set of p2-ps transitions in PbI and S-r1I have been measured. The resulting experimental values greatly exceed those obtained by Bates (Bates, D. R., Damgaard, A., "Trans. Roy. Soc. London", 1949, v. A242, 101) by 10 to 200 times. There is the tendency for this difference to increase as the excitation energy of the upper level grows. [Abstracter's note; Complete translation] Card 1/1 45122 S/71Z/62/027/000/002/01~ A001/AlOl AUTHORS: Xachalov, V. P., !Lh M. Khokhlova, V. L., Yakovleva, AN "'ITLE: Ultraviolet-Be I-lineg in-the solar'spectrum- 'SOURCE: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Krymskayw-,~strofizlcheskaya obse atoriya- Fv Izvestiya. v. 27,' 1962,144 - 51 TEXT: The problem of beryllium abundance*is'of impor tance in connection with the problem of origin of elements and intermixing of substance in stellar interiors. Two multiplots of Be 1. X 2651 andA 2494 were identified In the solar ultraviolet sp?ctrum obtained by rockets at heights of about 100 km. Mmse multipl.ets, as well as multiplet X3321, have a co(nmon lower level 2z2p3p 0 1 2 with excitation potential 2.71 ev. The problem of oscillator strengths of' * these multiplets is considered:. The relative values of Z gfexp for thdse multi-, plets are determined from absorption spectra in a King furnace by'comparing equivalent widths of these lines in the region of rectilinear, portion of the curve-of growth. Absorption spectra were obtained fov various temperatures from 2,300 to 3,OOOOK and the pressure in the.King furnace of the order of Card 1/2 S/712/6Z/027/900/0021015 Ultraviolet Be I lines in the solar spectrum AOOI/AIO1 100 mm Hg. The comparison of experimental J]gf with theoretical ones 4hows a considerable difference. Calculations by the Bates-Damgaard tables for Ca I leads also to results divergiz*Zjrom experimental values. Therefore the u3e of these tables for calculating absolute f of the Be I multiplets considered in not Justified. The introduction of a corresponding correction will lead to r~_ dQction of beryllium ahindanco in the solar atmosphere and to increasing dif- eerenoc between its abundance there and in the Earth and meteorites. Analyzing- the relative variation of the,.'observed equivalent.widths of Be Ilines in the solar spectrum, the authors obnalude that thelcoefficient.of continuous ab- sorption decreases from '&3321 towards shorter wavelengths. Aowever this prob- lem calls for a further study from both expefimdntal and theoretical viewpoints. There are 4 figures and 3 tables,t SUR41 May 1961 Card 2/2 5/712/62/028/000/01.5/020-,, EOlO/Z4Ol AUTHOR: Khokhlov M. Z. TITLE: An installation w. ith a King's furnace for measuring oscillator strongthe by the absorption method of some lin~s-of BeI, SnXiand GeI SOURCE: Alcademiya nauk SSSR.' Krymskaya astrofizicheskaya observatoriya. Izvestiya. v.28. 1962. 277-287 TEXT: The article describes a King's furnace installed in the Krymskaya astrofizicheskaya observatoriya (Crimean Astrophysical Observatory) for measuring oscillator strengths of spectral lines by the absorption method. The installation consists of the, furnace proper, a vacuum device and a supply source, i '0. power tz-ansformer. The substance being investigated is placed within a graphite tube which serves as a heating element connected to the- transformer secondary winding calculated for passing a current up to 1700 A. The optical schentatic diagram of the installation is shown in Fig.2. A KCA-1. (KSA-1) spectrograph is used for both photographing and photoelectric recording of spectra, the latter with the aid of a photoelectric attachment. Equivalent widths And relative oscillator- strengths of some lines of BeI SnI Card 1/ 5 S/712/62/028/000/015/020 An Installation with a King's ... del were measured with tile installation described. For Bel w*ere investigated multiplets XX 3321, 2651 and 2494 and the results are shoved in Table 1 which contains, in addition to experimental data for Bel, the values calculated by D.R.Bates's tables.(Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc., London, A 242, 1949, 101) and experimental data for analogous.multiplits of other elements. For tin were studied four lines: XX 3034, 3009, 27o6, 2661 and the results are presented in Table 2. . For germanium were measured the following lines: XX 2709, 2691 and 2592 and the results are:shown in Table 3 which gives also theoretical values calculated on assumption of the intermediate coupling type. Equivalent widths of all the lines investigated'are presented graphically. In conclusion, the author describes the use of the photoelectric attachment for rocording the spectra by the photoelectric method and establishes*the conditions under which the ratios of oscillator strengths-of two spectral lines, with a common lower level can be determined from the ratios of their equivalent widths. There a e 9 figures and 3 tables. SUBMITTEDt December 20, 1961 ..Card,-.2/5 i ~ -, --- 4 ~ 4, , ':', - ' . 5/712/62/028/000/615/020 Anlinstallation,with a Kin$ jw 9010/9401 Table 2 Table CA vonwan W A ONAM tu" fill Lai- 1,12 01" 2M ion Mi. 0.68 Oss 1,42 \0 .3W3 It" I if t.lyr. 'r Rej.11 tiver 2 3.- sp~ctrowraVh wi th thcorctic(it KHOKHLOT' M.Z. 090illfttor forces of a set of p2 - ps-transitions in the spectra of leadt tin, germanium, silicon, and carbon. Part 3. Izv. Krym. astrofiz. obser. 29j131,140 163. (KM 16s10) P ~NMU j,"1 L 5277-66 TT/GS/Gof ACCES310N=:- AT5023624- UR/ODW/65/000/000/0467/0482 AUMORS3 GriVE ME. X. 1. Xh loy J1. Z.: The -outermost Van -Allen Velt ordoxCed particles ----- - _____LiZo29 _.LssLe_aqvan1ya research); trudy konferentaiiI'_ Moscow, lzd-vo Raukap 1965t 467-482 ITOPIC TAGSt' Nadiation belt 9 electronjluzp protong electron energy, radiation ~Antensityj protoh counter, geomapetii;'_fit1dj rocket, satellite, space probe, !radiation detector ABMACT.- The results of a study of -the zone of particles with Energies frome~#100 .61 to-40 keV beyond the outer Von Allen belt are examined. The work was done in an attempt to find a key to solving some~of the most important problems of space research.- Dixte, on -the fluxeo-ofIsoft eleiii,trons and protons recorded by the follow- ing satellites and rockets were used: !Ume-1%1e Luna-Zj~Ibcplorer-l 2 j1lars-l '$Explorer- 18p lqektron-21 W Zond-2.1`~` Rx=lea~~of recordings of inteual- --c-o ---trap Mector I- '_(;b_i ~~U llow-f,%omagaetio latitudes)- are- given in-Fig* I- . -,_on-the--R:ao1osrtxre j -wldch,- eazo - gives-the haxe-raodiation--oomt--rate o - Simi lar----. JLL;%M00.LVA an;,, Aw.z rsoordinp kor-11drs-1 - Ehclosure#::.~ It ~ is louna-ihit xadiatia&Lbel~t, i-brobab 0 !'TbA fin f ftuMaktron."d i cat O~Ahd intensity of --the soft- leatro'n- fluien:l lnitio-"dil)olai~: mud +%6--e ti adf- 0- d _Zz.on__the____ -.b6'tween:the day and ni6t regions of Cjf,~tbj ~Of _Von~Woetiq field.! Ahe A Mi6a of mk'ralationehij~betwoen-Ahe~ orientation of the-axis of the-geomag-" w Us p Aiftvam rtf- tj gra -1-SUMUTM) .0al ------ V2 WO Ru SOV 016 030 L-5277-66 ICCESSION NR: -AT5023624 ENCLOSUM 01 OL ZIV I.. -Pig. 1. Collsotor currents of integriii traps and hard-maiation count rate. I- ,upper boundary of collector currents irith suppressor grid potential -109 -5, :and 0 V; 2- lower boundary of same mmente; 3- upper boundary with 15 V; 4- count rate in relative units iCard 3/5 Iwo, zwz.7-1, '44lo 34t "M Fig. 3. Charged-partiole distribution inprojeotion on meridian plane in eolvLr- elliptical coordinate system-.-, To fr. Exp_'8 1e. 1vte ~t wo fr Bq=da f masnotosph e a 01 ry o ............ ... 5/5 Luna L Ud3 IONS 5 nd (CdS L 01805-66 W(d)IFSS-21W(.I)IK'-X(k)-21FCCI=- -VYWA(h) TTIkS-~-,lf-ilf ACCESSION NR: AP5020629 UR/0020/65/163/004/0873/0876 AUTHOR: Bezruki Ingauz, K. 1.1; Musatovy L* S.; Rybchin- kh, V. VP; Q. skiyj Ro Yee; KhokhlovP~Hj.,_Z., TITLE: -Study of solar pla8mn-f_low_,.by_ the Zond-2 interplane-tary4 station -7 I rI iSOURCE:, AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 163, no. 4, 1965, 873-876 1TOPIC TAGS: solar raJiatlon, gleams measurement, plasma fl rap, part-ic-le-det J _.-AB STRACT:-__; --An- -:in've a t I g as old r1 AIRAJ-10%) al m _A4 e- t o__ co-n f I_A a, correlation exists between the rate of solar .I plasma flow and the Kp Index.characterizing genmagnetic disturbances. Solar plasma flow -was measured by Zond-2, equipped with modulation and integral particle traps. The latter were modified to measure electron and positive ion flux with energies In excess of 70 ev anti 50 ev, respectively. The modulation trap, simtIAr to the one used on Explorer-10, had a modulating Rrid supplied by two voltagei: a d-c voltage assuming consecut.ively 8 values between 230 and 3200 v. Card 1/3 L iDJ805.66 ACCESSION NR A6020829 -a f 4 and ectangular c voltagel~ 0 50 V with a modulating frequency of 1000 cps. Electron emission from the collector was supresned by oa grid with a 70-v potential with respect to the body of the isatellite.~ An alternating component of the ,collector current, propov- tional to the magnitude of the positive-ion.flow; was recoxiled by a resonance amplifier adjusted to the modulati6n frequency. The in- strument vas, capable of sens *8 positive Lon floV %itthin the rnn9p__1 -0 79' Aecording of -positive--ion- flow- of F_ vlia.'~ aided:~ bt 'i c. a Ler-in- the-- trap -circuit- During f ei Z_ -20 -the -trap was- directed toward the Sun. the f It gh't -of ond modulation t1hen a deviation occurred, a i6larrection was automatically made in the readings based on a study of the angular characteristics of the trap in the laboratory. On 7 Doe 1964, solar plasma flow was recorded at 1.5 X 109 CM-29ee-l coinciding with the geomagnetic storm which loccurred on. the same date. This value was renched only during strong lk tie _~P_ -P i dex---:aud-soi 1 pV:VaPAbIe-- L 018 05-66 'ACCESSION NR: AP5020829 ;of direct determination ofp - ~ 061tive-10n flow . save the electrostattc analyzer on Mariner-2 bett er resul t9 than j, Orig. a figures. rt. has: 2 TS ASSOCIATION1 Radlot khnl hesl e c kly Instit A ut kademii Engineering Institute Academ~ of S l nauk SSSR (Radio , c enceis SSSR) SUBMITTED.,- 29Apr65 ENM 00 ---------- 0- J! Ri 6 FEW ~ A --- -4P -SS- TD M 17: Card 02,97 AP603285 AT~T_(O/FCC TT/6W SOURCE CODE: UR/0020/66/170/003/057010573 Bezrukikh, V.I.; Kthokhlo j AUTHOR: Grirjfi~~,__N. ~owuoyv, M. Z.; Musatov, L. S.; Lijemizov, ORG: none TITLE: Indications that the moo n traverses the Earth's magnetosphere tail ts- according to data from cha ar,~icle 'traps placed on the first artificial lunar satellite Rr SOURCE: AN SSSIT. Doklady, v. 170, no. .3, 1966, 570-573 TOPIC TAGS: magnetospbere, lunar orbit, lunar satellite ~~qR7H In'96mr-r1a Fir-to ABSTRACT: Luna-10 carried two flat four.-electrode charged-particle traps which monitored the flux intensity of electront; with energies exceeding 70 ev and positive ions with energies greater than a quantity determined by.the second grid voltage, which was varied from 0 to +50 v once every two minutes. During the measurement sessions, the trajectory of the inoon and its artificialsatellite was such that it crossed the boundaries (as proposed by N.. F. Ness) of the Earth's magnetosphere. During this time the measured difference of electron (E < e > 70 ev) and positive ion (Ep > 50 ev) flux was negativeixdde,irodpositive outside the assumed boundary of the magnetosphere., Solar activity was.normal during these measurements. If the 537-591 C NRi AP6034570--- _iii~R_C'E CODSt UR/0020/661170/006/1306/1309~ AUTHOR: Gringauz,, K. I.; Bazzukikhl, V. V,; KhokhloYq Mo Zo; Zastankers, Go No; Remizovs A. P,; Msatov, L, S. _ORG: none TITLE: Experimental results from observations of the lunar ionosphere poxformed by tho first artificial lunar satellite SOURCE'- AN SSSR. Dokladyo v. 170, no. 6, 19669 1306-1309 TOPIC TAGSt lunar atmosphere, tonospharej ton trap, electron trappingg electron fluxv lunar satellite / tuna.10 lunar satellite ABSTRtM I n an accompanying review article on the Luna- 10 a brief description is given of the two low-;energy ion and electron traps ~that were carried by the satellite. K. 1. Gringauz et al have sub- sequently published a preliminary analysis of the data from these 4raps, and have made some tentative deductions conicerning the na- Aure of the lunar ionosphere. One difficulty in the trap measurements has been the generally .low concentration of charged particles in the lunar ionosphere. Another is the uncertainty as to what effect the unknown surface charge status of the satellite might hwfe on the registered 'particle levels. It was to counter the latter effect that traps for both thermal :ions and-thermake.lectrons. were installed, each with a form of sqxkve-.i Card 1/7 UDCz 537.591- wave gating. The ion trap had.twin orthogonal elements and a common collector, as.seen in F g. l(a); i ut flux was grid-modulated by a np square biasing wave, -3. to +7 v Output was detected'by an amplifier tuned to this modulation frequency M-50 v Modulation grid (unspecified]. To further over- % come spurious local charge effects,: % a- 11 V % J 7fi % 70 v % the outermost grid was also modu- %% lated at 2-minute Intdrvals by a nkh % ,j % -50 v. % square wave between 0 and % The electron trap outer grid was similarly modulated, but between b #1 V 0 and +50 v. . Interrogation of the traps was performed at 2-minute --------- int ery als. It was pointed out that rotation or tumbling. of the satellite, With a period of about 40 seconds, Fig. 1. Ion trap (a) and caused "irregularity" in the meas- electron trap (b)' urements: tkip.point was not elab- on. Card 217 ACC NRs A116034570 Data from the ion trap have provided some idea of ion distribution ~An the vicin ity of the Moon, but do not yield a breakdown between ther- mal and possibly higher energy ions. Calculated ion currents from some 450 readings are shown as a furiction of altitude in Fig. 2, for the'general cAses where the Moon was 1). within and 2) outside of the Earth's magnetosphere. A perceptible drop-in ion current is seen when.the Moon and its satellitei entered the magnetosphere - on the average, from 3. 1 X *10- 12 amp to 2. B X 10- 12 amp. It.also appears that there is no strong correlation of.ion density with lunar aftitude, ...nor with change in bias of the trap's external grid. It It is assumed that the ions encountered were thermal, I. e. , that the satellite Is orbital velocity greatly exceeded ion thermal velocities, then the calculations show a maximum ion density near the Moon of about 100 /cm 3. However, a varyipg'component of ion flux was noted which could be correlated'with. solar wind flux; this fact, plus ther nonde- pendence of measured flux on altitude or grid ibiasing, suggest that at least part of the recorded ions were. at energies well above thermal, in which care the. ion density estimate would have to be revised down- Ward.. The satelliteld-olectr6n c.ouni, both in free space and in the ~map~tophere, showed discrete high and low levels (Fig. 3). The ACC NRi'AP6034570 a -A e :goo, go 0 04" 664, Sol card -4/7 AP603451C7----- 014 7fifl,--- 70 790 Fig- 104 current Mo6n Outside magnetosphere; Moon within magnetasphere.' 5/7. high current levels Were evidently'caused by photoeloctrans from the satellite surface elements, since a b the levels dropped sharply when the satellite entered lunar night. As with the ion readings, the average electron flux was greateri in free space (7. 2 x 10-10amp) I plot. than in ~hq magnet6sphere (4. 8 x 10- 10 amp). The corre- sponding densities, assuming energies on the order of 1 ev, BO/c" 3 were calculated at M and 60/cm3 respectively, and Fig. 3. Electron current 15-20/cm3 on thelunar night side. Whereas the electron trap A - Within the magnefosphere; readings may have been erro'- B - outside the magnetosphere. neously increased by phofoelec- trons, they. may also have been decreased due to interception of low-energy electrons by trap ele- rnents; laboratory tests have shown that diversion of the latter type at the 1 -ev level- can, reduce. true. readings by a fac'tor of 3 or 4. The card 6/7 ACC NR, AP6034570 authors intend toobtain a more accurpte*evalu'a'tion of these side effects and of their induence on th-6--validity readinp Prosented by Academician A. Lq-YAnts on 23 June 1966s. Orig. art. hass 3 figures* 4.UB, CODE: 03,20,22 SUBM-DAT&I 14Jul,66 /..ORIG RM~,i*001-/'OTH REFs 006 --------------- 4&-Guffifi_oy_~e Ozeros YAst.p ugle 7 no*8:7 Ag 138. (MINA 11:9) I.Kombayn sho6khty No.5 Gusinooserskogo, rudouprayleniya Buryat- Hougollskoy ASSR. (Bz7aib Mongolia--Coal mines and mining) XHOUILOVO if. The Congo and the Congolese, Sov.foto. 23 no.2s23-24 F 163. (MIRA 16:4) 1. Spetsiallay7 korreapondent gazaty "Izveat'W, (Congo--Views) --IBHCHSNKO xer~, numvi N A.; X"ANOVSXIY, N.D. Blectric furnace for caking I, n chemical processes. Patent U.S.S.R, 78,955, Boo. 31, 1949. (CA 47 no.19:9830 153) KIIOKHLOVs N.A.- Laboratory research on the effect of air leakage on the nres2uro differences in ventilation ducts* Zap, 1&1 36 no.1:109-117 1959. (Mine ventilation) (1,111V 14:3) KRDIMV, N.Y., kandidat *kouomicheskikh nauk. [Planning freight shipments on railroads] Planirovanie perevorok Sruzov na zheleznykh dorogakh. Moskva, Go*. transp. zbel-dor. iod-vo, 1952. 70 P. (KLRL 6:5) (Failroads-Freight) BARABDV. A.F., radaktor; Rumul, N.Y., redaktor; SOWGUBOV, V.N., kandldat telChalebeakikh nauk, otvatstvanWy redaktor tomm-, ALBROOV. N.A.. kandidat taklinichaskikh nauk-, TASILOYNT, B.I., Inshener: TIMNSM, S.V.l k&ndidat tekhnichemkilh Sauk; VINOaRAMY, G.P.. kazdidat takh- nichaskikh muk; VIN)K=V, R.T.. professor, doktor tekhalchaskikh nank-,'001DVANOV, V.G.. kandidat tekbnlcbesklkh nauk; OORDWW, A.S., dotsent, kandidat t0ftichemkikh nauk; GURMT,P.A., dotsent, ka-didat tekhnlcbesklkh nauk: GUMPICH, A.N., kandidat tekhalcheskM nan ; DOMBWVSKIT. A.B., doteent; YZGORC 11", V.I., professor. doktor tekh- nichoskikh nauk: IVANOV, V.H., professor, doktor takhtdchostM nmik*, KAWATSKIT, B.L., professor, doktor tekbnichaskikh muk: NOROLVf,X.P. professor, doktor tekbn1chetskikh nauk; MUCHKIN, I.N., kandidat takh- nichaskikh muk;FOFOV, G.T.,jushener; PRDSKURM, P.G. inshener;&Ml- TSM, K.A.. ithener: SNUMSTIOT, I.F.doteent, kandidat tekhuicbeekikh nauk; SLOOMTANSIM. A.V., dotsent, kandidat tekbnlchesklkh nauk; STWANDY, A.D., dotsent, )mndidat teklmichesklkh nauk; STRONrATHIKOV. S.P., akade- alk(daceased); TMJDVSKIT,V.,A..dotsant; kandidat takhnicheakikh nauk: TIMIUSIMT, V.A., kandidat tekhnicheakikh muk, XHOlMWV N.Y., ""di- dat tekhnicbeakikh nank; SELMNIN, V.S., kandidat a IM6 nank; SHLYEDV, Tu.P..dotsant, kanlidat tekhnichookikh nauk; TXMSFDCM, A.M. kandidat tekhnicheaklkh mWc, rateenzant; lVANnV, V.N.,professor. doIrtor takhnichaskikh nauk, roteamsent; PAMOV, N.I.. dotsent, kandidat tekhni- chesk-ilth nauk, retsenzent; 35WHYANSKIT, A.Y., dotsent, kwAidat tekhni- chaskikh mmk, retoanzent; UTUMIT, L,L, Inzhener, rateenzent; MMKSA. V.M., professor, daktor tokhnichask1kh vauk, retsenzent; (Continued on next card) BARA-I)V, A.F., (Continued) Card 2o TIDPORNIN, G.S.. inzhenmr, retsenzent; DOMBROVSKIY, A.B., dotsent; retsenzant; POTDD. A.A., lamdidat tekhniChOBkikh nauk, reteenzent; YAMBSON, P.Te., laureat Stalinskoy prnmii; dotsent; kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk, retasrizent-, POPOV. A.A., professor, doktor tekhnichesk-fth nauk, rateensant; PROSKURNHV, P G., inzhenmr, retsen- zent; SAFOIFfSSV, K.A. , inshener, rateenzent; S;:~kFIHOVICH' V.S.0 ~mndidat tekhnicheekikb nauk; retsenzent; TRAVIN, P.I., inzhanmr, retsenzent; YOKIN, K.F., kabdiaat tekhnicheskikh nauk, retsenzent: 511CIUMAMV, V.P.. inzhener,, I- retsenzent; SHADUR, L.A., dotsent; Imndidat ttkhnicheskikh nauk,rmtsenz"nt; TIKHONOV, P.S., inzhener rmteeazent-, TKACHIUKO, F.D., inzhenmr: ratsenzent; BABICHKOV, A.M. professor, doktor tekhnichaskikh nauk, retsenzant-, KOROSTYUV, A.I. inzhener, retemnzent; LEVITSKIT, V.S., dotsent; kandidat takhni- chaskikb nank, rateenzent; UjYKOV, A.F., inzhenor, rmtsenzents, SOTPGUBOV, V.N. redaktor; SHISHKIN ' K.A., rmdalctor: SLOWANSMY, A.T. rmdaktor; SALSNKO, S.V.. roaaktor; TUDZON, D.M. tekhnicheskiy redaktor. [Technical reference book for railroad men] Takbnicbeskii spravochnik zheleznodorozhnika. Radaktsionmia kollegila; A. F. Baranov, i dr. Glav.radaktor. H. F. Rudol. Mnnkva. Gos.trmnep.zhel-dor.izd-vo. Vnl. 6 [Rolling stock) Podvizhnoi sostav. 1952. 955 P. KRA 8:9) (Railroaas-Rolling-.stork) NKOVAN Valentina Dmitriyavm; CHEWSH". r- ad .-i-ItHimev, [Railroad rates In tho U.S.S.R.] ZheleznodLoroshnye tarify SSSR. Moskva, Gootranspothel-dor. izd-vo, 1957. 55 P. (MIRA 11:2) (Railroads-Rates) KHOKHWV, N.Y., kand.okon.nauk Determining reasonalble distance@ for peat transportation* Trudy MIT -no-115:199-232 159, (MIRA 13:1) (Peat-Transportation) --- ---- - - - - - - - BELYUNOV 4ots,. 3.1.,j inzb.; MiTwxv, kand. ekon. nauk; KUCRURB, S.F. LIN I.KOV,, M.V.; MUM1111IN;-F.P.; NEDOPEED, GA.I. insh.; FUZYNYA, I.Ye.p inzb.; RAYKHZR~ TRUBACREVp T.Ye.p inzh.; TYVAN~- CHUKs D.P,j insb.j UMBJIYAj'-V.Z,p kamd, Am nauk;XBOIMM, We, dots. ka~d. ekon. nauk) CHUDOV, A.S., prof., doktor ekc)'n-.-n-auF.;-ERMMI,--V.-S-., inzh.; IVL=, Ivan Vpvi~Vyevich, red.; KRISHTALI, L.I., red.; KHITROV, P.A., tekbn. red. [Planning in railroad transportation) Planirovanie na zheleznodorozh- nom transportej spravochn~Lko Moskvaj Vves. izdatellsko-poligr. ob",- edineuie M-va putet soebolicbenUep 1961. 470 p. (mim 3)+; n) (Railrcmdo-Management) KHOKI 0 N. F. KHOXHLOV, N. F.--"EfL,cct of Intrnvnscular Iniection of Novocaln on the Or~nnlqm, nnd Influencei of lntrmverculnrly-InjO3ctftd No~ocain on the Duration of tho lietara- Tranqfu,qion Shock." *(Di-i-.3nrtition for V,?-rrms In 3clence tind Env.ineerinr-, Dnron&d fit lJS'R Hirher Eiiucqti:)nql Inqtitutionq. ~ YAnikh,;tqn Stfite Yedical In-t imeni V. M. Molotovy Alma-Ata, 1954 Sol l(nizhnnya batordn', 140. ~5, 18 Jun 1,955 For Degree of Csndidate in liedieLl .13cienibes ,d ek&cta qjp,,j,, ,,t ., _ _, , t, , _ " - ~ - n'. . I ) . - I ;, .1. 1. ,I . ~~4 . . I - I I . . . 10--Q~V kandidat maditsineirikh nauk (Chimkont) Case of thyroid calculus. Probl.endok. i gorm, 2 no,4:122-123, J1-rAg 156, (KM 9-.11) 1. Is khtrurgichookogo otdolontya (say. - N.I.Khokhlov) oblastuoy bolinitay Chimlenta (glavnyy vrach (THYROID GLAND. calculi. case reports (Ran)) XMSHIV. B.S.; KHOKHLOV, N.V.,-kandidat meditsinakfth nauk Three cases of cardlorhapby In wounds of the heart. Zdrsv, Kazakh. 16 no.8:40-41 156. (MMA 10:1) 1. Ix khirurgichookogo otdelaniya (sav.,.,gtd' meditainskikh nauk 11.1P.1hoklilov) oblastnoy bollnitsy g.Chimkonta ..-(glKvMy--vrach -- V.M.Allyev) (HEART-SURGERY) FILM, N,P,; KISMY, IGIO: WASIOOT- N-)(-; SARDTU)COT, N.I.; ITIKITIN, V.I.; KHOIMWV,. N.A. Unit for breaking up frozen ground. Rats. I izobr. predl. v etrol. no-3:31-35 157. (MIRA 11:1) (Frozen groumd) . (Bxoavating mchinery) qoxmv. N.Y. ado'se of ~novocaine, 21 swpelamt:6 157. (MIRA 11:2) 1e I& Yushno-Usathetanek(w nauahno-looledovatallskoy vaterinarno- op.y t n 0y 13 tantoll.- (NOVOCAIM-MICOLOGY) IMOIRWF, 19-7- , km%iA~xed;:nauk;, A case of electrical burne of the abdominal wall and abdominal cavity with Injury of the internal organs [with sm"ary in Inglish] Xhirurgiis 34 noo'7368-70 A 158, (MIRA 3-1:9) 1. Is khirurgichoskogo 6tdelaniya (say, N.V. Yenikeyev) Lengerskoy gorodskO7 bollnitsy (glamvy vrach 10-1. Ihi'litov)*' (IMTRICITY, Injurious effects burns of abdomo' wall & cavity & Internal organs (Rus)) (BLUSI oase reports electric burne,of abdom. wall & cavity & internal organs Mae)) BJWT, I*T.q dotsent, kend.okon.nauk; DMOVOT, N.Te., doteent, kaudtekhn. nauk; TIENICMMO, N.G.9 dotBant. )mnd.ekon.nauk; RAMUM, GPS#q insho-, MUNUOT, Tavgani:r Davydovioh, prof., doktor skon.nauk; ICHCKOLOT. N.Y., dotmentb kand.ekon.nauk; PBSKOVA, L.N., rode; I[fttRbT-.P-.A., tokhn.rodO cloonomice of railroad transportation] Xkonomika sholaznodo- rozhnogo transporta. Pod obehuhsi red. I.D.Khanukova. Moskva, Tees.isdatellsko-poligr.obwedinania X-va putel soobahcheniia, ig6o. 298 p. (MIRA 14:3) (Railroadii-Finanoo) KHOKHLOV NSF*p kand .med.nauk Ireatment of liver abaeomes. Zdravs Kazakh. 21 no.2s6-11 161. (MIM 1413) 1. Is khiriwgicheskogo otdoleniya (sav. - N.F.Khokhlov) Yuzhno- Kazakhatanskoy oblastnoy bollnitay. KNOI[MV) N*F&~ .Ca3e of echino coccosis of the g'an bladdor. Zdrav. Kazakh. 22 no.2.- 72-73 162. (NIRA 15:4) I. Ix khirurgichookogo oUieleniya yushno-Kazakhstanskoy oblastnoy bollnitsy. (GALL IIIADDER-MATIDS) KHOKRLOV, N.F., Case of liverabscess complicated by U calculus of the common bile duct. ZdravoKazaiih.~22 no.309-60 162. (KMA 15M). 1. 1z khirurgicheakogo:otdeleniya Chimkentskoy oblastnoy bollnitsy ( lavnyy vracih - V.M.Aliyev)-, Itei'VER-ABS(IESS) (dALCULI, BILIARY) Nor* CluM980 in thO urin&27 o3ratem in bruceMaima, Zdrav.nqmirh. 22 no.nt29-3Z 162. (KM 3.612) L Iz Chimkontakoy obUsimoy bollnits (MUNARY MANI~-DISMSES) 6CMIMIS) EMUMANS, W.F.9 (Olikkent, Nowunieticheakiy prop d*78y li;al) Acute trqwmatic rupture of the lefft diaphragmatic cupola iii a fi;ve.-year-old child. K11n.khir. no,069 Is 162. (KMA 3.613) 1. Cbim lptdksLya oblast3aya bollnitoa. (DIAPERACK-HENU) BELOV, Ivan Vasillyevichp kw.,d. Oon. rjuak dots.- BOROVOY, Eatan Yetimovich,, katd, tekhn, nauRp' drotua; UNNICK'ENK0. Nikala,7 Gavriloyich;~ k!tnd. ekon. naukp dots.; RAYM-R, Grigoriy Snlomonovi,~hp inzb..- KRANUKOV, Yevgeniy Davidovich, doktor okon. naukp Fedoro, ich, kand. ekon. naukp FESKOVA, [Economics of railroad transportation] Ekonomika zhelezno- dorozhnogo transporta. Mcjsknva.. Trnnaport, 1905. 359 p. (MMA 18t10) KHOKHLOV' N.I. Estimating plywood raw naterial in blocks, Der, prom. no.1:28-29 Ja 165, IMIRA 3.8;4) KHObUX, N.N.; KONOVALOV, F.Ya. Remote control of g4te valvae of tank,batteries and petroleum- refinery pumpe. Hash. 1, naft. obor, no.9:37-39 163, (MIRA .17:2) 1. Omskiy sek-tor Spetsiallnogo konstruktorskogo byuro po avtomatike v neftepererabotke i neftekhimdi, JMOEUM NNo Petrovicb; USELET, Ya., redaktor; TEMSHIN, M., tokhni- tree IVN*;&k-tor. [Xeres in our day: sketdhes and travel notes of a Soviet joumallst) Korsia nashikh dust; oehorki I putevye asnotki sovetskogo thurnalista. Moskva, led-vo TeX VUSM "Holodaia grardlia". 1956. 223 p.(KW 9:5) (Korpa-Rescription and travel) Lo.- PYATKIN, A.M., kand. tekhn. nauk, POLYAKOV, P.I., inzh.,- DUDNIK, T.M., dotsent, kand. tekhn. nauk;jWLOVj, N.P., lnzh.; ASTAKHOVp A.S. Readers' response to the article by A.S. Astakhov "Economic efficiency of mining machinery."; IlUgoll", 1962, No.12. U9,oll '39 no.3t65-68 W'6,1+. (MIRA 17:5) f,L)foM,-t-Al, %.F.- C ir,:'- r, C fj 1),11 1 1 o o r r.", %lj~ir. 8 ,.rh.~~Z;3 N13 KHOKHIDVj NiKotAY nvowymm 135 *1 K4 ICH SOME MORDEN; SIN TATSM'.)ONPERICRT NACH AMTLICHJO FROTOKCLLEN UND SCHIMERUNGEN DvS MWD:tSTJ,BSOF7IZIFRS NIKOIAJ WGENJWr=H CHOCHLCW. FRANKRIRTAIAIN, RUDL, 1954. 45 P. ILLUS. XHOXHLOVP 01 !:'- 3afeguard with Ole0t-dc I'Igbt for circular-saw mills, Mashinostroltell no.3t28 Mr 165. WIRA 38%4) KHONMOV, 0. N. Shielding for circulm- save. Der, prom. 14 no.lt28 Ja 165. (MIRA 18:1,) Take care of &rA etra.ngth,su the property of cooperative societies. Pron.koop& 13 no.11:3,4 N 1590 (MIRA 13.- 3) 1. Zamentltell naphal'allat organisatsionno-revislonnogo upravlentya Rospromeoveta. (Cooperativo societies) KHOKHLOV, P., Geroy Sovotakogo Soyuza,, general-laytenant aviatail Rocket airplanes. Kryl.rod. 14 no.lt27-29 A 163. (KRA 16t1) (Airplanes,, Military-Armaent) UOULOV, P. Pomoshchniki agronoma Filatova (Help.- ers of agriculturist Filatov) Moskva,, 1114olodaia gvar- diial's 1954. 46 p. SO: Monthly List of Russian AccessicM. V01. 7~, No. 51 August 19% XHOXHLOV F. Simplified gas -distributing center* Zhil,-k=. khoz. 12 no.10:28--20, 0 162, (MIRA 16t2) lo Nachallnik otdela kapitallnogo atroiteltstva Upravlaniya gazovogo khoxyaystva Krasnodarskogo ispolnitellnogo komitetalcrayevogo Soveta deputaIov tr'bwhc:hikhaya. p (Kkasnodrix Torritory-Liquefied petrole= gas) PMSH I BOOK MCPLOXTATION SOVA261 XcrncnorGlo und Flotta; Artilpoler-lung (1M2OlCaX-.X'1 ~r,-y and tho Havyj Collection of Artiolcu) I [Berlin] Nllitarvorlag E19611. 232 P. Errata slip insairtod. '2000 cc'~IIQO Print-Ca. Translation from tho Russian oft cnc,~Clya If lot. Tranalator; ErlIca Otculzzp LIcutcnant F.,;,~2onoibilityp for Goman edition*, Claua (Iruo-.1m, 111.1 raaus Krumsiog. PURPOSE; This collootion.of artiilca Is intendod for officers or the army, c6ast guaz~d, and uoroh-ant tm~rina. OOVMAGS: The b atranslation from the Russian, contains 25 ar-w tiolon dealing with tho application of nuclear woapon3 to naval combat operations. ChaPters 19 and 25'~avo bacn supplemanted with i additional data for this edition. The devastating features of nu- clear explosions are discussed. Attention Is also given to the protection of personnel, Bhi~s, and coastal 'facilities apinst nu- clear. weapons, and to toe:prebent; and future &=10atlons of nuclear pcyor plants to shippin, no p?rsonalities aro montiopad. There are 16 reforcnocat 10 kenlan including 3 tranalations,from Utiglish-language sources), 1 rr'l'noh, I German,,1.Zhg1:izh, I Ameri- can# and 2.01thar Aaslish or American. Nuclear Energy and the Navy (Cont.) SOV/16261 5. Raginaer Co=ander (Favy). Primary Penetrating Radiation 58 6. _AJNOAndrgy_, Engineer Lieutenant Colonel, and Q,_ff A, ggtM Major Engineer. The "Foot, Wave" and Its D=aging Effect 66 7. :k. _Frolov. Ionizing Contamination 70 8' ap _At galmm tain (Navy), and V~ Vladirill'ov Mairinaer Protect in& a Ship Against XuoGr Weapons 78 ptag (1;6,v;,)C 9. G. Higirtanko, Captain (Navy), Profeasor, Doctor of Engineer- 1-nz-.-rr_oTe-o11nz -a Ship Igainst ftplosions 86 10, ;P!_Abol1a*aDC Captain (Navy). Means of Protection Against! uclear eapons In ForeiLm Navle3 93 ucle A~ ar 11. &DgbU" . Engineer, Ca tain (Navy), Candidate of Tech- nical sciences. Nuclear ;rotootion of Light-Class Ships 100 Card.-3A- Xuolear.&iorgy and the Navy (Cont.) ~SOV/6261 K 12. V. Calin, Enginoor Colonel. Nuclear Protection of Coastal )Es-tallations io6 13. 1. Fwlov. Detection of Radiation 120 -14. lit -.Al ~eks oev, Engineer Lieutenant Colonel. Deactivation on p 129 '15. Pol akov,,EnSincor Captain (Navy). Protecting a Ship. .....y Againat Ionizing Pontamination 135 P. Kho'ch Conditions.of tho Crcu on Board Ship 141. .16 lov. Living yo, NIM PArn odiqal Servici.,' 17 m, L1,outon,=t Colonel 9f N Sanitar7.Kanagomont Aboard Ship 145 :18. A. Ba Captain (NavyY Docent, Candidate of Historical So noes. Nuclear Weapons and Naval Tactics 151 Card.4/cr KHOKHLOV, P., kand.tekhn.nauk ~ Determining the center of gravity of a vessel during an inclining experiment with,trim differences. Mor flot, 22 no.11:31-33 N 162, - WRA 15:12) (Stability of ships) t F'-'O*rMR Jmd acri"A'.1 a=4-tAr mime fcw OOM, MUL takhq- al..Cna Irfom Omo rwl0h, bol, Inisto nauch, to.N Inrom IS roo 12#1&19 D o& 1911) KHOKHLOV, F-I-1 BAKANOV, M.I., kELnd.tekhn.nauk Review of the book by S.H.Shorckhov "Working placer deposits and principles of its planning." Gor.zhur. no.10:78-79 0 164. (MIRA 18:1) I* Gosudarstvennyy treot Lenskoy zolotodoby-vayushchey promphlen- nosti (for Khokhlov). 2. Irkutskiy finansovo-okonomicheakiy institut (for Bakanov). DIDIK, B.S.; KOZKNKO, A.V.; TSDI, M.R.; ZATULOVSKIY, S.S.; KOLESOVA, V.V.,,. Prinimali uchastiye: SHIYAN, V.G.; KHOKHLOV, F.L.; OLEYNIX, L.S.Is SHEMYAKOVA, L,V, Hot crack in tubes of nodular cast iron and ways to avoid them. Nauch. trudy Inst. lit. proisy. AN URSR 1100-79 162. (MIRA 150) (Pipe, Cast iron-Defects) (Centrifugal casting) SKULISKIYP Yu.V.; MAKAROV, M.D.; POPOV, A.N.; KIIOKHLOV, P.L.; SOL,)LEV, N.T. - .. .... Cast and welded flangod cast-iron pires Artomenvare 18 no,11:57- I t 59 N 165o QIIIIA 1911, 1. Institut eleltrosvarki im. Ye.O.Patona AN UkrSSR (for Skullr3kiy,, Makarov, Popov). 2. Makeyevskiy truboliteyn~7 zavod im. KiWbyshova (for Khokhlov, Sobolev). Suhnitte(i ~hrch 24, 1965. KHAKMIN, B, D. # kand, tekhn. nauk; MIGUM.. P. L. , inzh. ; SHIWI 0 V. G. , inzb. teveloping the teohnology of pipe produotion fror high-matren&. cast iron by the centriDigal method. Proizv. trab no..10:71-75 163. (KM rao)