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KUSTOV, H.A.. kaad. arkhitektur7; GUTSKOV, Te.T., 1nzh. Improving the qualit7 of materials and developing industrial methods for finishing exterior walls of large-elemont buildings. Izv. ASIA no.2:105-111 160. (MIRA 13.7) (Yacades) KRESTOV,,M.A., kand. arkh.1 MAKOTINSKIY, M.P., kand. arkh.; TSILLI, L.B., kand. arkh.; Prinima~i uchastiye: DOGUSLAVSKIY, A.I., inzh.; DOBRYAKOVA, L.I., kand. tekhn. nauk; LIVSHITS, A.M., inzh.; MUNTS, V.O., kand. arkh.1 LIVOV, G.N., inzh., retzen- zent; POPOV, A.N., retsenzent; GURVICII, E.A., red.izd-va; TEMKINA, Ye.L., tekhn. red. (Catalog of finishing materials and elements] Katalog otde- lochnykh materialov i izdalli. Moskva, Gosstroiizdat. Pt.6.[Concrete and mortars] Betony i rastvory. 1962. 46 p. (HIBA 16:8) 1. Vseaoy*yy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institAt novykh stroitellnykh materialov. 2. Daystvitellnyy chlen Akademii stroitelletva i arkhitektury SSSR (for Popov). (Finishes and finishing) PAMMIN, V.S.; EMYAVTSXV. V.V.; RMT, V.B.; ?A- RMV, B.H.7"P-edator G.Ts., tekhnicheskiv redaktor. [New production techniques for laminated electric insulators] Novaia tekhnologiia proizvodetva sloistykh elektroizoliatsion- nykh materialov. Moskva, Goo. energ. izd-vo, 1953. 51 P. (Blectric insulators and insulation) (MLR& 7:8) T 2&5-63 EWP(J)/BD5#WT(M)/&3(S)-2 ASD/Eqd-3/SSI) PC;-h/ A-COMMN M AP3003307 AMMRSs Andrianov, K, Al Mm4t*v r7 Kvashninj, V, a. TITIR: The production of 416144trLO laxinites With non-aloobolto phanolfarmldo- hyda retina'. SOURM Plastiabaskiye massA noo 7, 1985, 98-31 TOPIO 12AOSI laminateg pbsnolfomaldebyda, realh, paraforzolq *"Golp polyoxy- ina t hyle as A,BSM=: Ths scope of this study I$ to Produce liquid pbanalformaldebyde resins Ithout the use of alcohols which are to be used In the production of laminatese now method for the preparation of liquid non-alooholio phanolformaldshyde resins in which et large portioh of formaldehyde. to replaced by paraformol has been obtaln*4 the ratio-of intermediate@ Is tabon in arch proportions, that the water from formal- dehyde and from the oondansation is used in the formation of the liquid resin* This eliminatas many steps frox the process such as decantation or distillation# _0r _vaAUUM drying by which the oxcesa water is removed, the purification stop of removill the undesirable by-produatao Since there a" no losses, the amount of i Card L_ 13365-63_ "CICEMION NIU 4resol in dearsands Tbo-chmourlstis of tho abo" resin to ito rapid chanp in viscosity upon standing* The p"ietion, of laminates by a non-alcohollo method has a gnat economical affect not only by the fact that its matereal cost Is about i6%-.lsss than the aloobAlia Wthadl but alla the abeenos of alcohol and explosive -vapors simplifies the production and Inaroases tho, production capocitye Other substitutes used in the laboratory preparation of liquid rosins was Alpharyolr- pxymathylanae Orig& art# has: 8 tables,and :2 figures*. A,SWOIATION-. none U114IMD 00 DA= Acqj zwuls3 WOM 00 ZUB GOM: MA NO My JSOVS 000 000 Card ARKHIPW, V.N.; BIRYUKOV, V.G.; BRONSHTEDI, A.M.; DROZDOV, N.C.; LRESTOVI .111.I,; NAYASHKOVp I.S.; PETROV, G.N.; SIRGTINSKIY, L.I.; CHILikiii, k. G. Professor G.V. Butkevich; on his 60th birthday. Elektrichestvo no.10:92-93 0 163. (MIRA 16t U) KRETOV, N.Ye. (g. Kirov); SOKOL, E.N., inzh. (g. Kirov) Compacted loading of freight cars. Mel. dor. transp. 47 no.5: 36-37 My 165. (MIRA 18:6) 1. Starshiy kommercheakiy revizor Kirovskogo otdeleniya Gort- kovskoy dorogi (for Kretov). KRESTqV -.1 _R.~. ; DROBOT, V.M.; PAKHMANOV, D.M.; POPOV, H.G. Concerning P.I.Sokolov's article "Reserve food pumps with steam drives for boiler systems." Prom,energ. 19 no.7T27-29 J1 164. (MIRA 18t2) KFIESTGVA, Zdana Mucation of cadres of the water resource management. Vodni hosp 13 no.9:321-322 163. 1. Ministerstvo zemedelstvis lesniho a vodniho hospodarstvi. AUEE;VANI I..Ya.; V.),,; it.D. Fement.ative wa~ of improving, the quality of wl,eat bread by the mathod of oxIdation. PrAkl. blokhim. i nLkrobJol. .1 no.1:6.6-73 Je-F 165. (~gRA 18:5) A. Teklmologichenkly ins-'.Atut ptshchavoy prorqvhlennosti, Moskva. OPARIN, A.I., akadt-mik; 01,1TOVICH, V.L~ Sixth International Congro~i.3 of ljivm,~-rrdatry. 1103t. AN SSSR 34 no.1:73-75 Ja 165. (14111J, 18:2) I.. Chlen-korreopondent AN 333'R (for Kretovich). KRETOVICH., V.L.; M016UNOVA, Yo.A.; KARYAHINA, T.I.; UUBIMOVA, N.V. Trarwamination of keto acids with V -aminotutyric acid and its interaction with glyoxylic acid. Dbkl. AN SSSR 161 no.2.*479-482 Mr 165. (MIRA 1814) 1. Institut biokhimii im. A.N.Bakha AN SSSR. 2. Chlen-korrespondent Ali SSSR (for Kretovich). v 9- KA"`3T"T.'41KO'I, A I - J N IIGhwII?(,,s in the aesi,,rvti Alkalinity of froth' ers durin; iar3t.:3 for Variou5 Disranc~,s".. Fiziol. Z'Inur. 333H, 35, No 4, l)-419. 2nd )*ta'uu L.-nin,-rad Vpodrosiel -^1)49- KRFSTOV14IKOV, ALEKSAIMR NIKOLAEVICH Krestovnikov, Aleksandr Nikolaevich Ocherki po fiziologiia na fizicheakite uprazlineniia Preveli ot ruski D. Dobrev, 1. Huschukliev, V. Toshkova. Pod red, na Dr. Mateev. (Sofiya Fizkultura) (1952) 520 p. (The physiologZr of physical exercises. Tr. from the Russian Illus.) SO: MONTHLY LIST OF EAST EUROPEAN ACCESSIONS, L. C., VOL. 3p NO. 1, Jan. 1954, Uncl. i;,,,,T- ry Docent; .. i ~ __ ~_!. rV: T h Siology Y Chan6e of functional strite In some nnnlysors in ball-throydni-, -Y,rctsts, -por. i prtik. fizkul., 15, No. 7, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Novemhcr 1952pg", Uncl. KMZTOVNIKOV. A.H.;KOSSOVBKLfA, Ye.B. Physiological analysis of motor function in athlete according to the Pavlovian theory. Yisiol. sh. SSSR 38 no.4:413-422 July-Aug 1952, (CLHL 23;2) 1. Department of Physiology of the -State Order of lenin and Order of the Red Banna of labor Institute o:~' Physical Culture Imeni P..Ir. teegaft, Leningrad, EMTOYNIKOV, A.N., zaaluzhennyy dayatell nauki, doktor moditsinakikh nauk. [The teachings of I.P.Pavlov concerning higher nervous activity are the natural scientific bast* of physical training] Uchenie I.P.Paylova o vys~hoi nervnoi detatellnosti - estestvonno-nauchnaia ounova fisichs- skogo vospitanita. Moskva, Izd-vo 02nants," 1953. 31 p. (HLRA 6:12) (Pavlov, Ivan Petrovich. 1849-1936) (Nervous system) (Physical education and training) 7 - - - - 7 - - - - - 4. . t - I I , I I.. .-, I.. . " I i)!- corC] ,, tol., -ii 1.~;- .1. 1 ... , ~ I:.. . " 1. Q! I . ~ 'I, ~ - I L - ,; . ~j!!~ !. I o '11 , j 1 w., . , - , I .. I . - ': 1. . I I ~ - . i . ~ . . r , , : I,r;ll ~, . 0 .. , , I t 1 1 ~(,, 1. The Committee on Stalin FrIzes (of the Council of Hinistera MM) in the fields of science and inventions awxxmces that the folloving scientific vorks, po7ular scien- tific books, and textbooks have been submitted for competition for Stalin Piltes for the years 1952 and 1953- (Bovatek&ya Mlturaj Moscow, go. 2L*-40,. 20 Fab - 3 Apr 1954) No= Title of Work Nominated by Krestovnikov, A. N. "Notes on the Physiology of Institute of Physical Gulture Physical Exercises" imeni P. F. Leagaft so.. w-3o6o4, 7 JulY 1954 KRES-101INTKOV, A. N. Prof. Paper entitled "Contribution to the study of the physiological mechanism in what is called 'The Athletic Form, I" presented at the lenth International CcnFress of Athletic Medicine which was held in Belgrade YuFoilavia on May 19 to 22, 1954. BFB KRESTOVNIKOV, AleksarAr Nikolayevich. LHum&a pWaiologyj Yiziologiia chelovek7A. Moaknv&, Fizk-lilltura t sp--rt, .1954- 527 P. (MLRA 8:31) Mysiology) KR TOVNITOV A.11,- TASILIVIVA, V.V. Cliange in visual and cutaneous flinsitivity under statte stress. Trudy Vass.ob-va fiziol.blokhimJ fam. 2:50-52 154. (MLRA 8-7) 1. Kafedra fiziologit Gosudarstvannogo Institut fizicha"koy kull- tury im. P.F.Losgafta. (SKIN. phyatology, slantrical sensitivity in WN, Physiology, nlectrical sensitivity in (KSCTRICITY, effects on syd & skin, sen;itivity constant tension) constant tension) in constant tension) EWTOWNIKOW. A.N. Pavlovian theory on the higher nor-ious function In man as a principle of physical education. Acta, physiol. polon, 5 no,21l3l-145 1954, 1. Z Kxtedry rizjologii Leningradskiego Inetytutu Kultur7 Fizycsnej in. F.F.Lasgafta. (PHTSICA1 IDUCA.TION AND TRAINING, Pavlovian theory in) UISSR/Medicine, -Physiology FD-2-099 1/1 Pub.~ 33-8/26 Author Krestovnikov, A. N.; Tretilova, T. A. Title Some data on the state of the nervous system in fencers Periodical Fiziol. zhur. 41, 48-54, Jan-Feb 1955 Abstract Investigated the state of the nervous system in both beginning and advanced fencers, ranging in age from 14 to 39. Determined the chronaxy of the biceps and triceps brachii of both arms, both be- fore and after fencing lessons, at various stages of training; de- termined the speed of the motor response to visual, auditory, and tactile stimuli; and studied the activity of the autonomic nervous system by pulse count at rest and by oculo-cardiac and orthostatic tests. Tables. Thirteen references, all USSR (8 since 194o). Institution Submitted September 1. 1953 ~ KI*Z'MVNJ KOV 0 t, u.) lwml fl, K. 14. Calculatiton of mpeated zonal i-tc,.ryitnIIIznt!on. hvevyipuchab.zav.; t8v(*;. 8 no.2slO5-112 165, 19;1) 1. Kered:-,t fIzAko-khJmiche,-kIkh iqqIt:dov,x4y protlra.4ov prolz- vodetva ])olurrovodnllcovykh materialov J chistykh ,vL&l1ov Moskovskogo in3tituta stali i splavov. SUbMitt(A OLtcber 10, 1963. L.25031 TJP(c) jDMAM- - LC W NF5028562 SOURCE CODE: UR/0076/65/039/011/2738/ -i-1 AUTHORs Krestovnikov# A. N ; Vigdorovich, V. N.; Marychev, V. V, ORG: Moscow State Scientific-Research, Design and Planninit-Institute- of the Rare Metal Industry (Hoskovskiy gosudarstvannyy nauchno-issle- dovatellskiy i-propktnyy Institut rodkometallichookoy promyshlennosti) TITLE: Effect of atomic number of impurities on their distribution coefficient SOURCE: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, v. 39, no. 110 19656 2738-2741 TOPIC TAGSs impurity level, atomic property, metal purification, ABSTRACTt The distribution coefficients of impurity elements have been evaluated for only a small number of elenents and in many cases only preliminary determinations were made* therefore, the periodicity of changes of the distrib, on coefficients of impurities is only qualita- tive. In the aluminum, Tatrix the distribution coefficient0 oPshort period impuri layed one maximumt i~ the second perio Be has the highest value, in the third period--H two maxi- M lIn long periods ma are observed, The first maximum occurs in transition metalst fourth period--Ti, Vs Cr; fifth period--Zr, Rb. No; sixth period--Tas W; *nrej 1/2 UDCi 541.20 11011 ACC W AP5028582 seventh period--Thollhe second maximuML falls in the fourth period on Zr, qe -fifth period on A&1"'C '? in ~he Id"In- in the sixth period an _j t=f Pb and B1,21ror indium and thallium matrice ach eriod displays one- Ai-a-ximum-0-ptrimarily in the IB-VB groups. In~ ntimon and bismuth ma- trices one maximum is displayed in P riod. which occur with ele- el ili:on ments of the IVb-VIb groups. In the matrix one maximum per group is observed, occurring with elements of tb4,I1Ib-Vb groups and analogous behavior in observed in germanium.~ 1-65the Indium antimonide matrix similar behavior is observed in germanium but sufficiently high values of the distribution coefficients are also displayed by the ele- ments of the Ilb and VIb groups. Si, Go and Sn,'Ao not follo the one W oMthe ral behavior. It is proposed that the estabili-hed periodicity .4 behavior be used for the prediction of the behavior of impurities dur- ing crystallization metals and semiconductors* Orige art. hass 2 figures. SUB CODEs 07,20/ SUBM DATEs 14Sep64/ ORIG REN 010/ OTH REN 004 2 Pl~ - . Z ?)i8-~_66 EWT(m)/T/EWP(0/EWP(e) IJP(c) J D/ W H/M-Trl (0, L) ACC NRs AP5028998 SOURCE CODE: UR/0128/65/000/009/0001/0003 A; AMOR: Krestovnikov.,.A..,_N. (Doctor of technical sciences); Vendrikh, M. S. (Canai didate o-ft6chnical sciences); ShklefinLk. J~j. 1. (Candidate of technical sciences); Kuz'm'ichev~, V. 1. (Engineer); Hatusevich, 1. S (Engineer); Telis, H. Ya. (gogineer) ORG: none TITLE: Silica-free molds for castin hiRh-temperstura alloys and refrectmo-" tals SOURCE: Litaynoye proizvodstvo, no. 9, 1965, 1-3 10PIC TAGS: metal casting, silica, refractory metal, nitratep high tomperature alloy ABSTRACT: Although previous studies have demonstrated the unsuitability of Si a molding material for cas ng refractory metals and alloys, most binders usedoinas investment r_ 2 -pattern casting contain SiO and a radical solution of this problem would be the use of silica-free binders with chemical properties analogous or close to those of the refractory materials (oxides). Ethyl silica to- type silicones meet this need but they are too scarce and expensive. Two of the authors (Ya. 1. Shkley- nik and 1. S. Matusevich. Author's Certificate (Patentl no. 162299 of 25 Apr 1963)0 have previously established that saturated aqueous solutions of nitrate salt$ can, following their thermal or chemical decomposition, be used *a binders for the pre- paration of silicda-free molds. In this connection, the authors describe laboratory Card 1/3 UDC: 621,74,045 ACC NR3 APS028998 experiments with the construction of molds based an the use of aluminum nitrate as the silica-free binder, with the setting of the mix being a result of the ex- change reaction between the aqueous solution of nitrate malt and oxide: 2AI(NO 3)3 + 3H7O + 3HgO - 2AI + 3Mg(N03)24 (OH)3 Sieve-screened metallurgical magnesite and chamotte were used sa the fillers. On subsequent firing at 950*C the resulting aluminum hydroxide *ad magnesium nitrati decompose to form high-disperse oxidef~assurLng the strength of the mix in heated states 2A'(OH)3 Al 203 + 3R2 0+;. 2HS(N03)p 2M&0 + 4H0 + Ot 2 20 The molds were #hoped by handApaIwood models, dried for 2-3 hr at 300-400-C. 6ated to 950"C and filled with GlUlimanganese steel at 1650*C or with L114 U~eel at 1750% Findings: No signs, of a~_or_ching could be observed on the molds i~t_#A parts of their surface displayed bead-like projections which were traced to bubbles of air escaping from their surface; this to a minor technical problem that can be ironed out by a more efficient preparation of the six* The results confirmed that solutions of nitrate salte and primarily of aluminum nitrate say b4 used as binders for solding Card 2/3 3Q_$3:!!_6_6 ACC NRi AP5028998 sands. The two major shortcomings of this method -- the release of toxic nitrogen oxides duridg the firing of the moldo and the considerable (2%) shrinkage of the mix -- are technical problems that can be solved. Experiments have shown that the binder Al 03 can be used in the preparatiol -of silica-free molds of sillimanite, zircon, eiectrolytically produced CQxuUA=J and other materials for the vacuum casting of 1!! ~qtsl)snd high-temperature alloys as well as for the casting of Ti and Cr alloys. Orig. am hast I table, 3 figures, SUB COD . 11, 12, 13/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REP: Oil/ OTU REY: 001 I /3 A- Y 3 vct-W-Ar6oil316 SOURCE CODE: UR/0363/66/002/003/0453/o460 AWHOR: Glazov, V. M.; Krestovnikov, A. N.; Glagoleva, N. N. C-; K > Ms; atul No, > to > pr > CNS > I. W~ R'.If till 60 0 100 MLAL-- f r4 PIZ fW 1 94 -1 x A W 4 if If a 0000000006090000000 000000000000 0" o" 0' 0 a 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0000000 o 609 00 0090 * 0 1b 0 KRESTOVNIKOVO A. N. (rrof. Dr.) The thermal capacities of nonferrous metals and their compoundB, Vatallursm of bn-Forrous ~btalvt Moscow, 1946. Collection of Scientific Works, No, 14, Moscow Inst. of lion-Ferrous Yetallurgy. Report U-3391, 22 April 1953. K'n 1, 1(1)4; 3-j: TOVNIKOV, Aleksandr Nikolayevich, professor, doktor; SHAKHOY, Alsk-sey :ierg'eye_v'Idh,- -Wbitfioilf,--kandi-dit' khimicheskikh nauk; URAZOV, G.G., akads- mik, redaktor; CHZRNOV, A.N., redaktor; AF&UNGILISKAYA, H.S., redak- tor; ATTOPOVICH, M.K., tekhnicheskiy redaktor. [Academician Nikolat Sergeevich Kurnakov; work in the f ield of non- ferrous metallurg*Y] Akademik Nikolat Semenovich Kurnakov; raboty Y oblasti tevetnoi metallurgii. Sostaviteli: A.H.Krestoynikov, A.S. Shakhov, Pod red. G.G.Urazova, Moskva, Goa. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo lit- ry po chornoi i tevetnoi metallurgii, 1954. 406 p. (KUA 7,12) (rurnakov, Nikolai Sergeevich, 1860-1941) (Metallurgical ana- lysis) anogoTI.1111-21; E, The variatiolm ot K, at T (1) and W.0370 P-v Z",ff gj j 0 ~Mkeii: r Mr~,, 0 viv, SS P Chn_w.~cal Te-~:hn-:11,w_P1. Chemica.1 Producto ard Their Application -- Elect rochemical manufacturing. Electrodepositf-cn. Chemical scuxces of elp.ctrical current, 1-8 Ab6t -7--urnal: Referat Zhur - Rhim!,ya, No 2. 1957., 5111 Aul,hcl,r: Krest~,vnlkov., A. N., Gastev, S. S. ins t.1-lut'-e r :K~nccnw PAygraphical Institute T-ltle: Kinet~.cs -)f Etching of Zimc Used in Printing by the Chemical Method Or.'glr,al Publ -."cat Nauch. tr. Mosk. pcligr. i-nt, 1955~ 3: 135-142 Ab5tract: Investigation of the rate of dissolution of sheet Zn used in the printinng industry, in mixtuxes of EC1 and HNO (using 15 W, 10 (TI) and 5 (11!) % by weight cf each component in he mixture), by the meth.-_-d :if deterrii-ination of lose in weight (LW) after 5 minutes of etch!,2g, (E). The E In I Ywas started at 250 and term1rated at -1000 this t~:~ ratural heating. K~xtures 11 and 13:1 were heated at 800 be- for~ E; s-~-., that the temperature of these mixtures attained -900 at the r~rd -,f E. It is shev-D that with all other conditions being equal, Ca-J 1/ 2 --------------------------------- USSR/ Cher--^A cal Te.-hrology . Chemical Products and Their Application -- Electrochemical manufactlixing. E-lectrodepositisn. Chemf-cal sources of electrical current, 1-8 Abet -!.-,~urnal: Referat Zhur - Kh1miya, Wo 2~ 1957~ 5111 Abstract: LW aecreaee !.n the series I > II > III. Increase in the volume of the soluti--- -fr~v 100 to 1,100 ml, results, in general, in greater 1W, and thia effect increaseg in the series 11I < II < 1. On decrease of the effective surface of the Zn the 1W decreases in III and undergoes no change --1- 1. The last mentioned effect is attributed to attain- m,-%.nt, in 1, of the saturation level of E preducts concentration, due to a high rate ~,f dissoluticm. Using III as an example it is shown that the speed cf stirring cf the solution produces no substantial ---ffect :.r, LW. Card 2/2 PAZMIN, Tasiliy Alekeandrovich; FISHAR, Aleksandr Takovlavich; XMTOVNIKOV, A-N., professor, doktor. rateenzent; MZYIRSON, G.A., professor, doktor. ratsenzent-, ZHUKOVSKIY. Te.I,, professor, doktor, retsenzent; KMIOSHI- XOT, H.I., kandidat tekhnichookikh nauk, reteenzent; SAMSOHOV, G.T., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk, retsenzent; MESHCMYAKOV, S.I., kandidat tekhaichaskikh nauk, reteenzent; SAMBOROV. O.Y., redaktor; ARIMANGBLI- SKiYA. H.S.. redektor izdatellatva; RULLOV, A.P., tekhnich'3skiy redaktor (vacuum in metallurgy] Vakuum v metallurgii. Hoskva. Oos. nauchno- tekhn. izd-vo lit-ry po chernoi i tevetnoi metallurgii,1956. 520 p. (Vacuum) (Metallurgy) (KLRA 9:12) BELTAUV, Anstoliy Ivanovich; ZH&MCHUZHIKA, Yelana Aleksandrovna; FIRSANOVA. Lidiya Alekseyevna; SKMARJUX0. S.I.. professor, doktor. retaen2ant; UwSTOYN;!".J(P. -professor, doktor, retsenzent; CEIERHOV, A.B., rjjnmu~vi MOS., redaktor izdatalletva; ATTOPOVICH, M.K., takhnicheskly radaktor [Physical chemistry of soluble saltal Yiziche6kaia khtmiia reeplavlen- rqkh solei. Koekva, Gas. neuchno-takhm.itd-vo lit-ry po chernoi i tevetnoi metallurglio 1957. 359 P. (MIRA 10:11) (Salts, Soluble) 3-2-23132 AUTHOR: Krestovnikov, A.N., Professor, Vigdorovich, V.N., Assistant TITLE: Le c ture Demonstrations on Chemical Kinetics (0 lektsionnykh demonstratsiyakh po khimicheakoy kinetike) PERIODICAL: Vestnik vysshey shkoly, Feb 1957, # 2, p 67-61 (ussR) ABSTRACT; The author begins with the statement that there are no manuals describing demonstrations of physical chemistry, which cnuaea the lecturer much difficulty when he tries to teach by illustrat- ion. One of the most interesting sections of physical chem- istry is chemical kinetics, but there are few means of demon- strating experiments in this science. For some years, the in- structors of the Chair of Physical Chemistry of the Moscow In- stitute of non-ferrous Metals and Gold, in the course of their lectures, have shown experiments illustrating the peculiarities of chemical reaction kinetics. For this purpose the reaction of resolving hydrogen peroxide is being used. The author gbes on to describe the various phases of resolution and then de- scribes 3 more experiments. ASSOCIATION: The'hlosb6w Institute of Non-ferrous Metals and Gold imeni M.I. Kalinin (Moskovskiy institut tevetnykh metallov i zolota imeni hi.l. Kalinina) LE: AVAI Library of Congress Card 1 1 T 137-58-4-6570 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 4. p 36 (USSR) AUTHORS: -Krestovnikov, Kurumchin, Kh.A. TITLE: Kinetics of the Dissolution of Copper in a Mixture Of Sulfuric Acid and Ammonium Nitrate (Kinetika rastvorerdy-amedi v smesi sernoy kisloty s azotnokislym ammoniyem) PERIODICAL. Sb. nauchn. tr. Mosk. in-t tsvetn. met. i zolota i VNITO tsvetn. metallurgii, 1957, Nr 26, pp 212-221 ABSTRACT: The rate of dissolution of Cu in a mixture of H2SO4 and (NH4)NO3 rises with the strength of the acid. A considerable speed is attained at a concentration of 400 g/1 H2SO, at. rooni temperature and at 100 g/1 at 60OC. The amount of Cu going into solution is virtually directly proportional to the duration of the contact. The rate of solution of Cu ri8es with increase in the strength of the (NH4)NO3. Calculation of the relation- ship between the rate and tile temperature shows that the pro- cess of dissolution of Cu is diffusive at temperatures under 500 and becomes kinetic at higher temperatures. Card 1/1 0 ,apper--So-lu- A p p': _; c aon s, SC~Vl 37-58-7-14197 Translation f rom: Referativnyy zhurrial, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 7, p 33 (USSR) AUTHOR: Krcstovnikov. TITLE: Speciiic Heat and Heat Content of Magnesium (Teployemkost' i teplosoderzlianiye magniya) PERIODICAL: Sb. nauchn. tr. Mosh. in-t tsvetil. rnet. i zolota i VNITO tsvetn. metallurgii, 1957, Nr 26, pp 222-226 ABSTRACT: The bibliographic data on the specific heat Cpand the heat content H of magnesiurn for ultra-low, low, room, and high (up to 15AOC) temperature is critically examined and recommen- dat.ions are given for flivir utilization in thermodynamic and nieLallut-giLal calculahutib. For the calculaLiun ofCP. in tile interval 0-6510 (melting point) the-following equation is pro- posed: Cp = 5. 85 + 2. a. 10-3 t; for the calculat ~P2 of Hp (in the sarne range) the equation, Hp z 5. 85t f 1. 4- 10 t is set forth. 1. Magnesiuin--Speclfic heat 2. Magnesium--Thermodynamic properties Y u. Z. Card 1/1 sov/137-58-7-14198 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 7, p 33(USSR) AUTHOR: Krestovnikov, A. N. TITLE: Specific Heat and Heat Content of Tin (Teployen-ikost' i teploso- derzhaniye olova) PERIODICAL: Sb. nauchn, tr. Mosk. in-t tsvetn. met. i zolota i VNITO tsvetn. metallurgii, 1957, Nr 26, pp 2127-232 ABSTRACT: An evaluation of the reliability of bibliographical data on the specific heat C and the heat content H of Sn at ultralow, low, room, and h _cures. Recommendations ighp(up to 10000C) tempera for thermodynamic calculations are given. For the calculation in the range 0 -231. 80 (melting point)-~he author offers the follow- ing e uations: C = 6. 34 + 0. 352' 10 t and H = 6.34 f + 0. 176- _~l 2 p 10 t . The auPhor pro oses the adoption of a constant Cpfor liquid Sn equal to 7. 0 cal%- atom. Bibliography: 29 references. 1. 'rin--Specific heat 2. 'rin--Therirodynamic propert.ies Yu. Z. Card 1/1 5C1111 37-58-7- 14 199 Translation from- Reicrativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr7, p34 (USSR) WiLdrikh, M.S. , Feygina, Ye. 1. AUTHORS: 2SLI~.s t, o ~IrC q TITLE: Specilic Heat and Heal Cu:i't-nt ot Gornpounds of Cadmium, Mercury, Ar--.eric, Aw,iriiony, arid Bistritith (Teployemkost' i teplo,ioderzhaniye soyedi!ieniVa kadmiya, rtuti, mysh'yaka, i ~.isrnfltct) PERIODICAL: Sh. nauchn. tr. Mosk. m-! usvetn. met. i zolota i VNITO metalturgii, , Nr --'6, pp Z33-Z58 ABSTRACT: A critical evaluatioy~ o! bibliographical data on the specific hvai and heat contQnt ol CdO, CrIS, CdCl , HgO, HgS, H132SO,I, HgG1, HgCl_), A!,)S3, A,~.,,03, Ai,~05, SI~103, Sb,'04, Sb2O5, SbZS3, SbC 13, BiZS3, and BiZ03 has beer~conduc~ed. The most reliable values and equations for utilization in thermodynamic and metallurgical calculations were selected. Bibliography: 25 references. interinetallic hoat Intermetalli.c propertieo, Y 11. Z. Card 1/1 SOV/1 37-58- 10-111470 Translation from: Referativnyyzhurnal, Metatfurgiya. 1958, Nr 10, p 144(USSR) AUTHORS: Krestovnikov, A. N. , Vendrikh, M.S. TITLE: Specific Heat of Chromium Boride (Teployen-ikost' borida khroma) PERIODICAL: Sb. nauchn. tr. Mosk. in-t tsvetti. met. i zolota, Nauchno- tekhn. o-vo tsvetn. metallurgii, 1957, Nr .10, pp 135-137 ABSTRACT: The mean specific heat of CrB2 ('70% C r. 29. 9% B, 0. 05% C 0.400/o Fc) was determined on a water calorimeter set for the temperature range from room temperature to 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, and 8000C. On the basis of the data obtained the following equation for the relationship of specific heat to temperature was developed by the method of least squares: c = 0. 1342 + 1. 03 . 10-4 T. An equation4for the true specific heat capacity, c = 0. 1061 + 2. 06- 10 T. was also obtained. L. 13- 1. Chrom-lwn borides--Specific heat Card 1/1 SOV/1 37-58-11-21954 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 11, p 17 (USSR) AUTHORS: Krestovnikov, A. N. , Vendrikh, M. S. TITLE: The Heat Capacity of Copper, Zinc, and Lead and the Influence of Heat-capacity Data Scatter on the Equilibrium Constant of the Elemen- tary Oxide and Sulfide Reduction Reaction (Teployemkosti medi, tsinka i svintsa i vliyaniye razbrosa dannykh po teployemkostyam na kon5tantu ravnovesiya elementarnoy reaktsii vosstanovleniya okista i sull f ida) PERIODICAL: Sb. nauchn. tr. Mosk. in-t tsvetn. met. i zolota, Nauchno-;tekhn o-vo tsvetn. metallurgii, 1957, Nr 30, pp 235-253 ABSTRACT: A study is made of the influence of heat-capacity data scatter versus temperature for the reduction reactions of certain oxides and sulfides of heavy nonferrous metals. Two methods of analysis are employed. The first method is basidd on direct experimental deter- mination of reaction equilibrium, upon which the equilibrium constant K is then calculated for the given temperature. The expanded equa- tign for the reaction isochores and isobars is employed to find the Card 112 free energy, AZ. This method permits only implicit determination of The Heat Capic;t,y of Copper, Zinc, and Lead (cont. ) SOV/137 58 11 21Q54 the influence of scatter of c data upon K i, e. , ~n the form of the influence of scatter upon the integration Ponstant. Theye-ore, analysis by the first method is performed only for the reduction react;ons oi CLI~0. ZIIO, 'Ind ZnS by GO and H, The second method of analysis involves the utilization ci tables of standard values and the Temkin --Shva rtsman method of calculat:cn. This method is used to study the influence of cP_ data scatter versus temperature upon the K of the reactions of Cu.0, Cu2S, ZnO, ZnS, PbO, and PbS with GO and H2 The qnfluence of c -data scatter upon K p is determined in explicit ferm and il. 1:3 shown that these valRes are of identical orders of magnitude. G, F. Card 21?- SOV / 137- 58- 12-24040 Translation from: Reforativiiyy 7.1-iurnal. tvie-talturgiya, 1,958, Nr i2, p 17 (USSR) AUTHORS: Krc-tovoilrov, A. 1'Cor,), ovii TITLE: Dote ri-nining tile Free Energy of Zinc Ferrite Formation (K voprosu opredeleniya svobodnoy energii obrazovaniya ferrita tsinka) PERIODICAL: Sb. nauchn. tr. Mosk. in-t tsvetn, i-net. i zolota, nauchno-teklin. o-vo tsvetti. metallurgii, 1957, Nr .30, pp 362-367 ABSTRACT: The reduction of Zil ferrite by carbon monoxide and dissociation of the ferrite are experimentally studied with the object of calculating the free ei~ergy of the reaction of zinc ferrite formation from ZnO, Fe-103, an(] OZ. A monometric method of determining the ferrite dissociation pressure made possible a more precise calculation of the isobaric reaction potential. The dissociation pressures and free enerflies of dissociation of Zn ferrite in the 1200-13000C range are presented. The free energies of Zn ferrite formation from the ele- ment5 are confirmed by calculations on the data of other authors. The results obtained yield the free energy of ferrite formation in the 1000- Card 1/1 13000 interval, which is 1-3 kcalb-nole, indicating that Zn ferrite is unstable under these conditions. L. P. ------ ---- ---- - -4P1/4, Spetid ravp. la wWch a new type of a binary lylterul iuch that C'n tho d-.,;3jl-jtz al ifam own. is a rfre and ccop, on tl-.-- --rdirlatz ri mz hich 4 lialf-:i CA Vidatre tr--rk4J( rmutkw.~, I it f phaze arghts., The n4turt C.-F the ~-h=gcs FrE Cat Intzractioa of tlrt mnpeTm-mt~ ~;Ilz cilang" 1, vv-,~urt. and ItmP.Mica plziag thri-~;Iztl 0.- ttrrgary .It 5(2) PHASE .1 BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/2128 Kreyter, V.M., V.V. ArisLov, I.S. Volynskly, A.N. Krestovnikov, and V.V. Kuvichinakly Povedenlye zolota v zone okislon"ya zoloto-sullfidnykh mestorozhdeniy (Behaviot, of Gold In tha Oxidation Zone of Gold-Sulfide Deposits) Moscow, Gosgeoltelchizdat, 1958. 266 P. 3,000 Copies printed. Ed. of Publishing House: V.P. Skvortsov; Tech. Ed.t K.V. Krynochkina PURPOSE: This book Is intended for geologists, mineralogists, and other ocientists atudying gold-bearing ores and gold deposits. COVERAGE: The work attempts to create a practical basis for appraising the !mportari,,,e of primary and secondary ore zones containing gold deposits re3l~lting from hypergenetic migration. Minerals containing native gold 'Ln macroscopic, microscopic, and submicroscopic quan- tities, as well ats the regions in which these minerals occurlare indicated. '1'he axil-hors cite references to studies made on the genesis of hypogf.,r3 and supergene gold. Gold solution and its re- action in l1quida naving a different chemical composition are Card 1/4 Behavior of Gold In the OxidatIon Zone (cont.) SOV/2128 discussedlY and findings from numerous experiments are analyzed. The Maykaln and Dzhusely depos.'.ts of Kazakhstan and the Blyava and Novyy Sibay deposits of the Southern Urals are analyzed geologically ariJ m1neralogically and the results presented in tables and gr,,~phs. Resuil"n of microscopic analysis of gold are also discussed and illustrated. This work has been completed under the direction of V.M. Kreyter who wrote Chapters 1, V, and VI. Chapter 1.11 and thEi first. and second parts of the Chavter Il were writter, ',-.,y V. V. Arlstov. Chapter VII and the third part of ~-ten by I.S. Volynskly. V.V. Kuvichinskiy the Chapter 17 were wrlt wrote "tic fir,)t paHl. of Chapter IV. Numerous Soviet geologJsts and mineralogists mentioned In the text. The authors thank P.S. Belov, former Chief Engineer of the Zolotorazvedga Trust, I.N. Plaksin, T.N. ShadDin, P.S, Kreyter, and G.G. Rusetskaya. The book ,-ontalno numerouri jActures, graphs and tables. There are 120 refrlrsnces~ 78 .13ovlet, 27 English, 12 German, 3 French. TABIE OF CONTENTS~ Foreword Introduction 5 Card 2/4 SOV//I 37-58--10-20464 Translation f rQm: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya. 1958, Nr 10. p 17 (USSR) AUTHORS: Krestovnikov,._A,_N,. Vendrikh, M. S. T IT LE: The Specific Heat of Zirconium Boride (Teployemkost' borida tsirkoniya) PERIODICAL: Izv. vyssh. uchebn. zavedeniy. Razd. tsvetn. metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 1, pp 73-75 ABSTRACT: The average specific heats of Zr boride are (in cal/g): for 20-4000C. 0.1332; for 20-5000, 0. 1369; for 20-6000, 0. 1414; for 7-0-7000, 0. 1410; and for 20-8000, 0. 1442. The data obtained are used to compile equations for the average and true specific and moIecular heat capacities. The deviation of the values found from those calculated by the Maydel' equation (by the rule of additivity) is ~c tahinj~ place at the temperature IU70 � 10C for a compos,iLion at the outectic poinf. of 1'/.]Oiu' Ti. The solubility of titanium in copper vl-as detcruin,-;] 1,~, inicro-hard-ness measurements; 7.4% Ti is the iiae:i~,aLa limit solubility at the temperature of ~,he outectic horizontal, The results graphed in FifL.3 of the chari~;e-3 of the chemical composition along the of a U specimen of an alloy with 17.6% Ti content after Zonal recrystallisation (head and tail parts) Indicoto the existence of a range of homogeneity corrospondin, to the inter-metallide P(Cu 3Ti), the lower ld-,-iit of which is about 19.60/6' Ti at the eutoctic temperature; the ~icro- Card 1/2 hardness of the compound equalled 370 + 15 On Investigation of the state copper-titanium diagram tho basis of the obtained resu1t-.,.,, a v,,!i.,_*i:!!~1, of' tJi,~ copper angle of the diagram of stat-,e Cu-Ti i,-~ for titanium contents up to 20%. There are 4 figures and 7 references SUBMITTED: AuGust 1, 1957. AVAILABLE': Library of Congress. Card 2/2 GERASIK)V, Ya.l.-, KRESTQVNIKOV. A.N. I- Thermodynamice of zinc oxide reduction b7 carbon monoxide and carboz6 Izv.vye. ucheb. zav.; tovet. met. no.3:54-62 1 58, (MIRA 11:11) 1. Mookovakiy goauanretvannyy univqrsitet i Mookovskiy inatitut tavet- nykh metallov i zolota. (Oxidation-feduction reaction) (Zinc oxide) 110~1 AUTHORS: 7ir,--,dorovich 7 V'N' Kresu'ov-ni A.ii,, TITLE: "Licrohardness 'Je a sure me nts in the Study o" ~-~-'id 3,)lutions 3 of thc Ttiree Cord -,~oncn'U Syotcm5 rasLvorov 'rekhkoniponentnloy Nwak 1 -111c, 1) 5 14'r 3, PT-) 110-113 0J,; 'i?) AB,-;'PRACT: A of Cit-Al, and Cl.i-Al -Ti T)ro- Card 1/3 .1i'm of wti,icil par(.'(1 for pu'rimentot t o 3olubility of AL o.rid Til, -ir~ Cit %w.L U,) ~t-ve3ti,;aLc Mc dc;;endt,,nce of the imicroiiardncss ,)f" a -,~Olutlon on the co:aposition of the alloy.3. in -with ros-~cct br) cov;osiui.)n ard of (,--Al and Cu-'-"i 11mit of Alloys allovied ostablishment -,I' t, i o, - - b - tlic solubility of Ti in G-j, th-- llj,)lid~isll to~ and tulic limit of the solubility of a ternary solid hardnes2 vorsuz corx,,.osit--'on curvc,-. OtrtlCtUrC 01' t11C; C-L',.Ld 001ULiOn ill t-he 'U~::) of stuch i~olid co"i-if ;,)nr, ,~osit-lan of the alloj cnUorcd in t~L(-- microhardn,:~ss of a oolid the 3'~Mjj of and Aw I.dcrohardrie,;s Measuro.:ler~'U-~; iri t h c- Thrc,c Comf-)onont- the solubility of Al ~,,nd Ti in Cu. "',acse hQS sl-iown that the IntroducLJ-)n )f Ti iricreases the L~olubility Of Al in "'3'u to-ml-.-cratures an(I tho introduction of A! solubility Of Ti in Cu. `iardeniw- of the solicl i~-,; t1tc, ,,,oIubj_IiLy of Al ind Ti i-ri Ge) a C,~rtain oxtent by a rclative -,:mtw-iA ,olub-ilit-y of t11,2 com-_)on- ents, Thiz3 ,.iutual solubility is by thr, atf);,ic struc- turo, type,., and the di.,_nernsioris of tho cr.7::3t~ll IM;tice of the co-11,011ent, As the solubility of Ti in Ca is by a larCer alteration of the cry.,,tal la'~Auice tlian in the cr-Ise (--f the colubiliUy of Al. In Cu it i:,, to Wi_61- thc mi-,rohardn(,,.,.s due to Tj. vi:1,1.1 bc,~ -U,-n due G- i*~.l %vith respect to tlie -same CLL corntent of alto,,~r, TIIi,_! c-)nfir-med exporiiientally an(j is in an,~;o-rriancc tli,~!:)reti- U cal inter pre tEL tiOll, Th~--.~ ititroci-action !at'-ice of Cu (hi-1111.7 "po, ulated" by of ra rietall Ti (VIIIiCh ha_~' 3", 131111",-rCUT) 110t, . Dy clentrons) leado, to ox~ra stron-_~r viI(-1(,-,7 orcc-s Card 213 ,-)/! -5 -ill/ 58 Microhardness, IMeasurements in tiio ~.)-uudj of Suiid of the Three CcmQonent Systems. due to an "overlapping" of these s and d eieczrons. Thus the additionof 1~ TiQ(by weigh-t-) incrozoo-f, '-;Itj :Aicrohardness by 33 vffi~reao the oame addition c)f Al (by by oilly 12*4 kCin/mm-, The increa'.3c in thc ;~Aicrohzirdness of the '~ULIdicd alloys was found to be proportixi'.~l and linear up to the ulLimate conLcentration. In the case of 1~ornary solid solutions the inciease in the ;.,iicrchardness wa.3 found to be the sum total. of the increases in the microhardno:-,-, of the corrPsoondin- binary solid solutions, There are 5 figures and 8 references, all of them Soviet, ASSOCIATION: institut tsvetnykh metallov J_ zolota im,, :.1. 1, Kalinina. (Institute of Non-Ferrous Lletals and Gold im.. 7,1. 1. Kalinin) SUBLUTTEDi November 27, 1957. Card 3/3 1. Alloys -Microhardno)s s -Do to rminatiam AUTHORj 3-58-4-20/34 Krestovnikov, A.N., Professor and Vigdorovich, V.N. Assistant TITLE: Three-Dimensional Models of Structural Diagrams (Prostranstven- nyye modeli diagramm aostoyaniya) PERIODICALt Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly, 1958, # 4, pp 62 - b3 (USSR) AB6TRAM As the graphic representation of multi-component chemical systems is complicated, and difficulties arise when it proves necessary to illustrate lectures by graphic diagrams, the author recommends using models similar to those widely applied when teaching descriptive geometry, stereometry, analytical geometry, etc. Models of structural diagrams of multi-component systems are riot available in shops selling visual aids, but they can easily be made in the school laboratories or workshops. There are 2 drawings. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy institut tsvetnykh metallov i zolota imeni M.I. Kalinina (The Moscow Institute of Non-FerrouE Metals and Gold imeni M.I. Kalinin) AVAILLBLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 KRESTOV-NIK,OV-j_k!Y., prof.; GASTEV, S.S., dotsent; GUBINA, V.V., assistent Iate of etching of zinc used in printing and recovery of etching solutions. Nauch. trudy MPI no-7/8:247-253 958. (MIRA 14:12) (Zincography) SOV/1 37-59- 3-6192 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Metallurgiya, 1959, Nr 3, p 178 (USSR) AUTHORS: Krestovnikov, A. N., Vygodskiy, I. A. - --------- - TITLE: Some Regularities in the Phase Diagrams of Binary Metallic Systems (Nekotoryye zakonomernosti v diagrammakh sostoyaniya d-,,oynykh n-ictallicheskikh sistem) PERIODICAL- Sb. nauchn. tr, Nauchno-teklin. o-vo tsvetri. metallurgii, Mosk. in-t tsvet. met. i zolota, 1958, Nr 29, pp 5-9 ABSTRACT: On the basis of a survey of the liquidus curves of real binary metallic systems comprising intermetallic compounds which have either a singular point or nonsingular gently-shaped maxima the authors derive an equation that satisfies the liquidus curves and the loop formed by a curve that intersects itself at the singular point. L. V. Card 1/1 4 / Y 0 b8272 P, /j -) 0 SOV181 - 59 -10--35211 Transl:itlon from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Ehimiya, 1959, Nr 10, P 265 CJSSR) AUPHORS.- Kres',ovnikov, A,N., fini5tev, 5.S. TI Fu,~, Kiric-f;lcs of Dissolution of Bin-iry Solid Copper-Nased Solution~s (With the Same Atomic Percentage Composition) In a Solution of Sulfuric Acid P MIODICAL: Sb- nauchri. tr. Nauchno-teklin. o-vo tsvetn. metallurgii, Mosk. in-t tsvetn. met. I zolota, 1958, Nr 29, pp 196-198 il 0 1,-7 AESIRACT: The udy of #~he rate dissolution of binary riolid soluf~ions of Ni, Zn, Al and-f--n,- (5 atomi- %) Ono4u base In 60% - 112SOi; at 8OCC, valich has been Te-ter- r.-)ined ty the analysis of the -oLution and by the change In the weight of '.he samples after every 100 ho-ars in the course of 1,000 hojrs, has shown 'that this rate Increa3es along t.~ie serie3 Ni < 2n e.~ Al e~, Mn. 11he content :)f Mn In the solution in the di.9soLution of Mn-Cu-allay 1:3 --5 atomic %. T1,e Nil Zri and Al content In Individual -ifimples of thf:. solu*.Jon varies from 14 f,o 9 atomiz .1t, G. Florianovich KUSTOVNIKOV, A.H.; VENDRIKH, M.S. Thermod7namice of titanium diboride. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; tovet. met. 2 no*2:54-57 '59. (MIRA 12:7) I.Moskovski7 institut tevetnykh metallov i zolota, Kafedra fiziche- ekoy- khimii. (Titanium borides-Thermal properties)