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On the Reduction of Unbounded Won-Selfadjointed Operators L~, the 20-1119-5-7/59 Triangular Form A of A goes over into the simple part 01 of 0L p p It seems to be interesting that in the triangular model of a KI-operator there appears one differential operator (for r>-2 even two differential operators)- compared with the bounded operators this is a new appearance. There are 5 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION&Odeeskiy gosudarstvenny pedagogicheskiy institut imeni K.D.Ushinakogo (Odessa State pedagogic Institute imeni K.D.Ushinskiy) PRESENTED: December 4, 1957, by A.N.Kolmogorov, Academician SUBMITTED: August 19, 1957 Card 3/3 11ii,ml, A. V. Cand Phys-1kth Soi -- (di as ) "Spectr analysis of non~f-adjoint operators." Khartkov, 1959. 11 pp (Min of Higher and,p'eoialized Pp -9soundemy Rdwation UkSSR. Kharskov Order of Labor Red Banner State Univ im A. M. Gor'kiy), 150 copies (KL, ~ 50-59, 124) KUTMLI A.V. ll-~ t, Theorem on mmltiplication of cbaracteristlc matrix-ftnations of tion-unitary operators, Naucb,dokl*vys.9hko3jv; fiz.-mat. nauki n0-3:33-41 '59- (KIU 13:6) 1. Uman'skiy pedagogicbeekiy institnt. (Operators (MathemiLtices)) ct"ll i c eou--.; t i on. r,2 oll s wit h o ut u s i n~ t h e C,~ rda n "~)r ~.n I-- s no.4:,30F--209 15Q (I'lo.untions, 16(1) AUTHOR: Kuzhel',A.B. SOV/42-14-4-10/27 TITLE: oblem PERIODICAL: Uspekhi matematicheskikh nauk, 1959, Vol 14, Nr 4, P 158 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Por certain unique analytic functions V.P.Potapov (Trudy Moskovsk. matem. ob-va, 1955, Nr 41) gave the integral representation +e exp dE t. Yjo firo -e whereA5-(t) is monotonely increasing. The author asks the question whether 4(t) can be choser so that Alr(t) / 0 for t ;;- 0. SUBMITTED: December 8v 1958 Card 1/1 6 16(1) AUT9OR: Kuzhel'A.V. SOV/20-1, 21-1-7/67 TITLE: 'Spectra'lAnMysis of Unbounded Non-Selfadjoint Operators (Spektrallriyy analiz neograninlnennykh n03amc,:~opryazhennyki, operatro~ PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR,1959,vol 125,Nr 1,PF 35-37, (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author considers non-sel-fadjoint extension3 A of the Hermitean operator A0 with the defect index (r,r), where dim DA = r(mod DA It is nct assumed th4t the region (1 definition D -s dense in H. The author descz~-ilez~ a -Iriaxigiilar A 0 model and the spoctrum of these operators. In the special case (if for every fF-D it holds Im(Af,f)> 0) he gives a criterion A of completeness. The author uses essentially a paper of V.P. Potapov f-Ref 1_7. There are 4 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION:Umanskiy pedagogicheskiy institut (Uman' Pedagogical Institute) PRESENTED: November 26,1958, by A.N.Kolmogorov, Academician SUBMITTED: November 24,1958 Card 1/1 BING, R G.; WARINOV, N.D. (Madison, Wiskonsin, SShA); KAZHDAN, I.A., istudentka 4-go kursa); MASIKO, S.S.(studentka 4-go kursa); DOM?MAN, A.G. (Gorlkiy); MHELI, A.V. (Uman'); SKOPKS,~Z.A. (Yaroslavl'); TKMIN, Yu.Z. "' Brief notes, Mat.pros. no.6:205-216 161. (VIIRA 15:3) 1. Moskovskiy gosuearstvanny-y pedagogicheskiy institut imeni Lenira (for Kazhdan, Muth). (Mathematies-Problems,e,cereiz-3s, etc.) -'z/044/621/000/007/004/100 C111/C333 AUTHOR: Kuzhell, A., V. TITLE: -3M7tnVVM-tT-g`afir-0n-0f the roots of the equation X" + pxk+q .0 PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Matemat ika, no- 7, 1962, 25, abstract 7A139- ("Matem. proavesh.cheniyell, 1961, no. 6, 210-211) TEXT: The number of the real roots of the equation f(x) - X" + px + q - 0 is investigated, where n,k(n > k) -- odd natural numbers, p, q -- real numbers different from zero, p< O(the case p >, O-is trivial). The numbei D - (q/(n-k) )2 - k 2k/(n-k)(Ipi/,)2,i/(n-k) is connected with the equation. By investigating the course of the function f(x) it is found: 1) if D > 0, then f(x) has one real zero 2) if.D -- 01 then f(x) has three real zeros; 3) if D.- 0, then f(xj has three real zeros, two of which are equal. Abstr4cter's note: Complete translation.] krd 1/1 KUZHF,Ll, A.V. [Kuzhill, O.V.J ------- Spectrum analysis of quasi-unitary operators of the first order in a space with an indefinite metric. Dop. AN URSR no.8:1001-1003 161. (MIRk 14:9) 1. Umanskiy pedagogicheskiy institut. Predstavleno akademikom AN USSR B.V. Gnedenko [Hniedenko, B,V.1 (Distance geometry) KUZHELI,--A.V. [Kuzhell, O,V.] One class of linear operators. Dop. AN URSR no.11:1412-1414 161. (KIRA 16:7) 1. Umanskiy pedagogichaskiy institut. Predstavleno akademikom AN UkrSSR Yu.A.4tropoliskim [Mytropollslkyi, IU.0.]. (Operators (Mathematics)) KUZHELI, A.V. Criterion of the equality DA X DA* for unlimited operators* Uspe mat.nauk 1-6 no.3:189-19O Yv,-Je 161. (M,~ 14:8) (Hilbert space) (operators (Mathematics)) 3 B/125/62/000/007/009/012 D040/D113 AUTF01,S: Kuzhell, A.V,; Uzarenko., O.K.; Povod, A.G ; Strekall, L.P. TITLE: A imiversal welding electron gun with up to 50 kv acceleration voltage PEIRIODIDALL: Avtonuticheskaya svarka, no. 7, 1962, 88-9T TEXT: The described electron gun (Fig. 5) of the Institut elektrosvarki im. Ye.o. Patona (Electric Welding Institute im.' Ye.O. Paton) is used in Y -3 (U-3) elec- tron beam welding machines, and permits the accelerating voltage to be adjusted in the 15-25 kv and 25-50 kv ranges. It can be used for welding various metals of different thiclmess such as thin sheet molybdenum or tungsten and thick aluminum. or stainless steel. The gun has a'3-clectrode projector'with a lanthanum boride cathode, and a one-stage electromagnetic focusing lens of 2,000 amp-t in a screen of armco iron. The long current supply system of the cathode reduces the heat transfer to the vacuum, which seals off the armored high-voltage insulator. A metal bellows joint permits the projector to be displaeed along the gun axis' dur- ing operation, and also allows the space between the focusing-electrode and the Card 1/1 J 1XI S/125/62/000/007/009/012 D040/D113 Auniversalveldin- arode to be adjusted i-rithout disturbing the vacuum in the gun. The entire gun can be tilted 1P from the vertical axiz to adjust the focal spot to the work edges. An electromagnetic.deflecting system placed under the focusing lei.s deflects the beani by 5-2.01 along the scam; this protects the cathode from metallitation and ion bombardment. There are 6 figures. ASSOCIATION: Ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni Institut elektrosvarki im. Ye.O. Patona AN USSR (Electric Welding Institute "Order of the Red Banner of the Labor" im. Ye.O. Paton, AS UkrSSR) SUBMITTED: Noverd3er 4, 1961 Lk Card 2/p KUZHELR, A.V* [Kuzqelq, O.M BOIUOA.M 4C 4L class of aecond-order 41iff erential equations. bap* ANUPSR no.l2tl539-1%1 162. (KM& 16t2) 1. Umanski7 pedagogicheski7 Anstitut. Predstavleno akadenikom M.' UkrWR Yu.A. Mitropol'okim [Mytropoll'alkyis, IU*O*I- (Differential equations) KU ZHEL I -A.V, Spectrum analysis of bounded non~aelf-adjoint operators in a space with an indefinite metric. Dokl. AN SSSR 151 no,4:772-774 Ag 163. (MIRA 16:8) 1. Umanskiy pedagogicheskiy institut. Predstavleno akademikom I.G.PetrovskizA. (Operators (Mathematics") KUZHELI, A.V. Non-self-adjoint operators generated by Jacobian matrices. Dokl. AN SSSR 154 no.5tlO27-1029 F164. (MIRA 17t2) 1. Umanskiy gosudarstvennyy pedagogicheskiy institut. Predstavleno akademikom V.I. Smirnovym. KUZHELI, A.V. Spectrum of a regular quasi-differential operator. Dokl. AN SSSP 156 no. 4:731-733 Je 164. (MIRA 17:6) 1. Thiianskiy pedagogicheskiy institut. Fredstavlono akademikom A.A. Dorodnitsynym. KUZHELI, A.V. [Kuzhell, O.V.] Spectinim of a -onself-adjoint Sturm-Liouville differential operator on a semiaxis. Dop. AN URSR no.2&157-160 165. (MIRA 18:2) 1. Umanskiy pedagagicheskly Institut. KUZHEL', A.V. [Kuzhelf, O.V.] Gharacteristic matrix Dinations of quasi-unItary operators of' arbitrary rank in a space with EM indefinite metric. Dop. AN URSR no.9ill35-1138 162. (MIRA 18:4) 1. Umanskiy pedagogicheskiy institut. L 27059-66 F Al~~O E'3T(M)/ETG(f )/EIVG(m)/FWP(v)/T,1"7~,,YP(t)/ETI/E~IP(k) IJP(C) 3 SOURCE CODE: AUTHOR: Zinchenko) G. N.; Zinchenko.. N. S.;_KUzhel'4,A.,V.; Hazarenko, 0. K. ORG: Institute of Radio Physics and Electroniesp AN UkrSSR (Institut radiofiziki i elektronlY,i 4 UkrSSR); Institute of Electric We_1Mij_,M_UkrSSR, Kiev (Institut e'lektrosvarki AN UkrSSR) TITLE: Hermetic sealing of tungsten-barium cathodes with the aid of electron- m welding SOURCE: ~ribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, no. 1, 1966, 209-210 TOPIC TAGS: cathode, cl%:,atron beam velding, hermetic seal, seam welding ABSTRACT: The authors describe experiments on sealing tungsten-barium catbodes of va.rious geomery) to prevent leakage of the activating BaCO3 to the outside of the cathode structure. 'The Lests were made with a specially designed laboratory setup in which electron-beani welding could be carried out in vacuum up to 5 x 10-5 Torr (Fig. 1). Tlie -welding electron gun operated at 4o kv accelerating voltage and was fed from t~ source of power up -to 2.5 kw. Special. welding Joints had to be designed to produce a hermtetically-tight welded scam. Ilie constniction of the optimal cathode and of -the proper 'welding joint are briefly described. Teots have. shown the nev cathode conat:niction to be immune to leaks resiLlting from repeo;ted heating fuid cooling. Orig. art. has: 3 figures. Card 1/2 uDa: 621.385.735 L 270559-66 ACC NRt AF60OT8~3 Fig. 1. Diagram of electron-beam welding gun. fj-ew--Heater, 2cathode,.3 - focusing electrode, V--anode, 5 electron beam, 6 - aperture dia- ff phragm.- T - beam shutter..' 8focusing lensp 9 - defelecting systemj 10 welded articlep 11 - prisms 12 - optical system, 13 - shielding glass, 14.- glass rotating mechanism. SUB OODE: 09, ill 13/ SUBM DATE: 25Dec6V ORIG RM 001 2/2 Card YZAIZ-Z KISMV, N.N.; KUZHILI, M.G.; DIMASHKO, A.D.; ILOIN, P.L. Permissible pitch of cable sinding on the drum of a hoisting machine. Ugoll 29 no.11:27-31 '54. (MM 7:11) 1. Otdel Glavnogo konstruktora Nova~Kramatorekogo mashinostroitellno- go savoda Im. Stalina. (Kine hoisting) KISEMY. Nikolay Nikolayevich; KU :aim Geordyevich; DIKASHKO, gHn" MaN Aleksandr Dominikovich; IP-1~NPaGIRR-1c4~h-,- EIRRItt.H.S.. re- daktor; 7-APREYZVI.,K.A.. redaktor; ALADOVA,Ye.l., takhnichaskiy redaktor [Mine hoisting machinery (machaniCAl part); construction atlas] Shakhtuye pod"emnye mashiny (mekhanichaskain chant'); atlas kon- struktoll. Moskva, Ugletakhizdat, 1955. 114 p. (YLRA 9:1) (Mine hoisting) SOV/-122-58-11-14/18 AUTHOR: Kiselev, N.N~, Engineer Kuzhel,2 M.G~ TITLE: New Designs of Mine Hoisting Gear (Norj-je konstruktsii shakhtnykh pod" yemnykh mashir-) PERIODIC,IL:Vestnik Ma6hinostroyeniya, 1958, hr 11, pp 74--78 (USSR) ABSTRACT Works (No-vo-Kramatorskiy i,4,ashj.nostroitel1nrj 'Zavod) has been designated to supply mine hoisting gear within the current dri-ve for specialisation. The development of hoists with a multi-rope friction d-rum is pror_~eeding. Thuse hoists can be erected on a tower owr the shaft, their drums are smaller and lighter which leads to considerable savings of structures and foandations, The first installation, designated MK,-3.25 x 4, has been erected. at the "Imeni Karla Libknekhta" mine in the Kri-voy Rog coalfield. It lift,8 15; tons from 1300 m depths. The installation iuco7Torates remote automatic control with a selsyn depth indioator and a rope slip nor , rectox, a qpr-;nS loaded brake with autama~io compressed air cont--vol.. spring mounting of the reducing Card 1/3 gearbox and a special device 4"o--, V.-Le suspension and SOV/122-518-11-14/18 New Designs of Mine Hoisting Gear changing of ropes. Four liftiug ropes envelop the friction d-rum in four parallel planes -through driving angles of between 180 and 2200. Each rope carries the mine eage at one end and another cage or a counterweight at the other eidL, Guide pulleys enoara the positioning of the cope so as to pick up the cage suspension.. The mpe is driven by fri.:--tion over the drim lining, which can be exchanged without removal of the hoisting ropes. The layout of the hoist is illiastrated in Fig-3- Some details ax,:_~ enumerated, including protection against faults. The pneilmatic circuit controlling the spring lQaded, pne-LunatiCally actuated 'Drake is shovm in Fig.4. It is stated that the machime described in the present paper can replace standard hoisting installations with dini-m diamete-rs of 6, 8 and 9 m~ Card 213 achieving a st~eel economy of up to 220 tons, .c,OV./122-.c;8- -11..14/18 1 New Designs of Mine Hoist-ine, Gear LLK-4 x 4 and MK--4 x 8 machines, intended for 25 a-ad .110 ton lifting from 1200 m depth are under development. There are 4 illustrations including 2 photographs. Card 3/3 KUZHELI, M.G. The BTSK-8/5X 1.,7 mine hoisting machine with a bi-cylindroconical cb-m. Biul. takh.-ekon. inform. no.12:6-8 161. 14:12 ) (Mine hoisting-Equipment, and supplies) KUZHELII M.G.; ILIINO P.L. Mine hoisting machinery. Sbor.Novo-Kram.r-,,-~l-iiinostroi. zav. no.1:17.- 51 159. (MIRA 16:12) 0 'Al~. 10 k X W71HELIP M.JV matodist InstructIve e).ump--Ie of Zy--yano-,rsk mi.ners. Inform.biul. VDINKH no.4--l-3 Ap 165. (MIr R A IF a 5 " 1. Favillcn I'llf.,tallurglya" na Vy:3+,avk(i dost4lzheniy narodriog,) klozyaystva S/021162,1000/012/001/013 D251/DAS AUTHOR:. Kuzhell, O.V. TITLE; On the solution of a class'of serond order differ- ential equationa 4cademiya naul: Ukrayins; hoyi ISR. Dopovidi, no. 12, 1962, 1539-1541 T=2: Me author considerc the function U(xvl) [(a D (,9 + Vv,2 _+r) + (a + -N OL where ae- - b _2+ a and )5 axe constants, and b and oL are differentiable and a twice dif-,Earentiable fundtion of x, independent oz rrhen u(X,*X) satisfies 7 + p Wy + q(x)y 0 Card 1/3- S/021/62,/000/012/001/013 On the solution of d class D251/ 303 may be found, where, Clt C2 are. ar-bitrary consta-ats. Othcr equations are solved by similar analysis, including the Riccati equation. ASSOCIATION: Umanslk-y7 pedahohichnyy inrtyt;ut (Uman' Pedagogical Institute) PRES-ENTED: by,Zu. A. Mytropollsllqry, Academician SUM11ITTEM: January 18, .1962 KUZHELI, P. (g. Aleksandrovsk-Sakhalinskiy) CondenBer instead of a ballast tube in a shortwave tranBmitter. Radio no.3:20 Mr 262. (Iuu 15:3) (Radio, Shortwave-Transmitters and transmission) -in jet pij~lrc!ng for zhe quarryIng, of a. artzite. u 30 no.8:.!&-19 165. (Millul 18:8) Fervcuralls~iy dinasov;,rv zw.,c,ki. lvi rz,,t '~,Ilm np fiesult-:: of sc~me studf-"C-- tile dr-'ll ab-'L-L-~-.y 0 f P!l ri u ra 171~.! IiV. V-0. L.-rktf~. uV no. gornogo o*::.ogat-.` ya (for V in2-7ralov, 4 3 07; --r , e, E~tva -,~-ve-dljvskc~go Fc-nnc-e,:, m ICUMN11. S.L. Inzhener. EMMONNOW The S-374 auction centrifugal pump. Strol. i dor. mashinostr. 2 no, 5:16 MY 157. (MIU 10:6) (Centrifural vumps) KOVALIP X.G., inzh.j KUZHELI S I , lnzh. The SH-210K mill. Stroi. i dor. zaah. 10 no.10:27-29 0 165. (MIRA 18:10) USSR/Cvltivated Plants - FriLits. D,-!rrics. Nil. Abs Jour Rof Qhur - Biol., 1To 10, 1958, 4430)" Kuzhclenko, V.G. Inst Moldavian jlffiliat~., of tac AS, Tltl,~ Biologic:~! for tho Plum Formation in th,~ 11ursary (PrUiminary Rc-port). 01 i3t Izv- IM-old'. fil. '-I' SSSR, 1957, ljo 2-3, 37-45- 'Lb L, stract The biological pc!culiaritiLS Of thU foinmtion of the pli2a corolla wro studiod in 1954-1955 ~-"n scvaral nurscrics cf thc 1,14oldavia SSti. The ob5cr-,,ations showd that after the first y,~nr the diamctci~s of the stcmm of th,.~ s,~Qdlings did not rLach th~! standard dimnsious and it 13 only when thc:y are two ycars old that thoy appromch the dimonsions of the standard. In 1954 the longlh of the branches rea- cbcd that of tbc standard only in 5 in the Card 1/2 - 151 - USSR/Cultivatcd Plants - Subtropical. Tropical. M. Xic Jour Hcf - Diol., 10, 1958, 44355 Author Kuzliclenko, V.G. Inst K)leaviail Affiliatc.- iz USSR Titl,% Thc Primary Vari,~.ty TiAals of Citrus Fruit Cultw,~.~s and Sclcc-bio-.,i of Lxro'n ii-, t'ic Moldavia SEE. Ori.,,- Pub Izv- Mold. fil. AN SSM)) 1957) Nr 2-3; 75-84. Abstract 78 citrus plants of diff~!ront varieties were Lzrown for 5 ycars in tho trench bcds of t!io ~xj)orimmtal basc of th,- Institutc of Fruit GrowinC, Viticultur.- and of Vinicultu- re of thu Moldavia Affiliat,~ of th,,I! Acackmy of Sciencos Of USSR. Varieties rost adapted f,3r culturc arc: for the lc- iaDns - May,,.;r, Villa-Frani-, &,n~)a, LiLiair:~, Coiamwic, and ,r, . --ruzinslzi; from Sochiasky, froi,i tan[;crincs- U-shim. 7h,so vari~--tics ar~~ moro irmnmo to card 1/2 (Uj t ~17 rj,,l ~S. 170 r -'j-L r, li;- J'JA-~ :-,Zr IV 10591 8 U FiT Mfo:~ (Aa '-a ii So L* e q , -f z,.,* r,s t cf idpen:-ng U -',.a G rma~.-r roa-:i tfonL, o f Aild-Trio- 4 n-t rao r7 2 V9 - r. V 17 C, -3 F)'i R A C T ~.x~jex IlPeaf-e ,Erj'cz,tA Jj ta-~. p.--sr,; th-i -fig ilijciii,g :..n. L's-.-rLJ9 in yh,.,,h ~Iac :-.Luau, F, 0 pir-&-dr.- -N-ue,3 --IIKY --8th ;n I v, cave a tapT. J&v-v r-i4nU-Tg :Ict m.; w--~u.V,,Iono if ce-wrie., (A::~~l v-," pi-,-crc~n-j Do-` -L-te.~ tam T-iur- not. IaOTC, 71 E-/ frLit n1mbele, iM T f,UltU-'l(*7 %Ylkl Wino c- NUZEUAMOI, Valentin Georgiyevich; FITOVA, L., red.; KUP14AYEVA, T., [Growing nursery stock] Vyrashchivanie posadochnogo materiala. Kishinevy Gos.izd-vo *Kartia moldaveniaskeg" 1961, 37 PO f (Fruit culture) (NArseries (Horticulture)) MIRA 3.4s6) KUZH&Mv A.Iop inzh.j VELICHKO# F.F.9 inzh. Working out operational layouts using models. Mont. i opets, rab. v stroi. 23 no* 2:17-18 F 161. (MIRA 14:1) 1. Sibirskiy filial Proyektno-konstruktorskoy kontory Mekhano- montazbproyekt. (Factoriao-Equipment, and supplies) ACC NRt SOURC9 CODEt UR/0048/66/030/009A406/1406 AUMORt Karpovil.K.; XuzhelsV,L,P.j Mikhallch6ako,0.1s ORG: none TITLE: Radioluminescence of nonactivated alkali-halide crystals /Weport, Fourteenth All-Union Conference on Luminescence (Crystal Phosphors) held at7Rigap 16-23 Sept# 19657 UOURCH: AN SSSR, Izvestiya. Serlya lizicheakays, vo 30, no. 9, 19660 1406-1408 TOPIC TAGS: luminescence, luminescence spectrum, luminescent crystal, alkali halide, radiolumineacence, thermoluniuescenceg scintillation ABSTRACT: The authors investigated the low-temperature radioluminescence of pure lithium, sodium, potassium and cesium chloride, bromide and Iodide crystals. The specimens contained no more thzn 10-5% of heavy metals. In view of the virtual absence of heavy metals, the high absolute luminescence yields (up to 10%) and the absence of photoluminescence under ultraviolet excitation# the authors conclude that that 90 to 95% ol the observed low-temperature luminescence was due to the host cr6stal alone. Radioluminescence was excited at - 150 0 C by 0 radiation from a Sr9o Y9 source. In general thd radiolualnescence yield decreased with increasing mass of the cation and decreasing mass of the anion, The luminescence yields of the cesi yields of the cesium salts, however, were higher than those of the corresponding ACC NRs AP 7064954-*- potassium salts, and the luminescence yields of the Iodides did not vary greatly with the cation mass. To determine whether the luminescence of the pure phosphors was due to recombination at lattice defects or to some mechanism that remains effective in a perfect crystal, the authors compared the optical spectra of the thermostimulated luminescence of previously irradiated crystal with the spectra of the low-temperature radioluminescence. It was found that both spectra of the chlorides and bromides con- tain the same bands, although with different relative intensities, but that the shortest wavelength and strongest band in the radioluninescence spectra of LiI, NaIt KI, and CsI does not appear in the thermoluminescence spectra at any temperature. These crystals are known to be good low-temperature scintillaturs, and it is hypo- thesized that their scintillation in due to the short wavelength luminescence that cannot be ascribed to recombination at lattice defects. It is suggested that this luminescence may be due to radiative annihilation of anionic excitons. The effects of dopants, are briefly discussed. The addition of KI to KBr wag found to increase the radioluminescence yield, the mixture luminescing stronger than either of the pure comp-inents. The luminescence of XaCl.NaI single crystals increased by a factor of 10 on cooling from + 25 to - 1500 C. This hybrid crystal had a narrow luminescenc band at 225 qs. The addition of thallium increased the strength of the 225 qi band by a factor of 6, and the radioluminescence and thermoluminescence spectra were identical; fron this It is concluded that the T1+ and I- centers act together as a single entity. Special *xperims~tx (not described) showed that at least one of the thermoluminescenoe peaks Is due to delocalization of electrons. Orig. art. has: 3 figureaq SUB CODRI 20 SUBM DAM none ORIG. REF3 002 OTH REFt 006 MjZHELEV, N. 111. Forcsts and Forestry Competition between the foresters of two provincns, Les i btepI ' 0-3, 1952 Unclassified. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, July 1952. 1. KUZHEM. N.M. 2. USSR (600) 4. Forestry 6choole and FAucation 7. Successful method of exchanging experience. Las i step' 4 no.12 1952 9. Monthly List 2f._ Russign Neessions. Library of Congress. March 1953. Unclassified. nni-E-12v, N. m. Socialist Competition Caring for additional forest plantings through socialist competition. Les. khoz. 5, No. 7, 1952. 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, September AM Unclassified. KUZHT,,LF,V. N- M- Foresters Antonina Kozhukharenko, master of forest cultivation. Lee i otepl 14 No. 5, 1952. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, August 1952. UNCLASSIFIED. LARIONOV, K.A., prof.; KADACHIGOV. V.M.. prof.; KUZI dotsent; --irof.'; TSAPKIK. N.V., LOPMOV, L.S., dotsent; TINHOMOV, I.A.0 dotsent; CHESNOKOV, P.A., dotsent. V redaktirovanii prinimal uchastiye BOIKOV, S.L. AZAROV, I.K., red.; LE~ONXVSKATA, L.G., tekhn.rad. [Political economy; textbook for students of economic theory] Politichesksia ekonomiia; posobie v pomoshch' izuchainshchim voprozy okonomichaskoi teorii. Leningrad, Lenizdat, 1960. 362 p. (MIn 13:7) (Economics) AMOT, Eduard Konstantinovich; KU2HHLRT, N.S., red.; ONOSMO, N.G., [Rhythm in the work of an enterprise) Ritmichnost' v rabote prodpriiatlia. Leningrad, lpenizdat, 1960. 54 p. (MIFLA 14:3) (Industrial management) .1 TODULATEV, S.Y. . dotnont fdacaofiedj; NS., dotuent; Ob?ROYZ- TTANOV, K.Y., akademik; ALHKS97EV, A.M., doteent; KUDROV, V.M.; LEONTITEV, L.A. Frinimali uchastiye.- BELTATEVA, Z.N., kand.okon. nauk-. KRACHKOVS17-ATA, I.M..; HINDINA. M.N., kand.ekonom.nauk; SHIRIRKIT, I.D., kona.ekonom.neuki red.; IMSM, A.I., kand.ekonom.nauk-, PROKOPITEV, S.P.. red.; NAUMOV, K.M., (Capitalist production method] Kapitalistioheakii sposob pro- izvodstva. Moskva. Pt.2. 1960. 357 P. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Komimmistichaskaya partiya Sovetskogo Soyuza. Vysshays partiynaya shkole. 2. Chlen-korreBpondent Aksdemii nauk SSSR (for Leontlyev). (Ecoaomics) MIKHAYLOV, Aleksandr Timofeyevich; nauchnyy red.; BRAIIDVSKIY, V.A.,, red. izd-vaj GURDZHIYFVA, A.M.,, tekhn. red. (Proportion in production and how to achieve it under socialism and conmiunism]Proportsionallnost' proizvodstva i sposob ee do- stizheniia pri sotsislizme i komiminizme. Leningrad, Ob_vo po rasprostraneniiu polit. i nauenh. znanii RSFSR, 1962. 58 p. (MIRA 16:1) (Russia-Economic policy) LARIONOV, K.A., prof.; KADACHIGOV, V.M., prof.- KUZHELEV &~., 9 -1 - dots.; IDPUKHOV, L.S., clots.; TIKROKGV,--1-.A.-f prof.; TSAPKIN, N.V., prof.; CHESNOKOV, P.A.,,,dots.; KASHUTIN, P.A., dots., red.; KITINA. M,., red.; KORDLEVA, A., m1ad. red.; MGSKVINA, R., tekhn. red. [Economics] Politicheskaia ekonomiia; uchabnoe posobie. Mookya.,.6otelgiz, 1963. 430 p. (MIRA 16:9) (Economics) FURSEV, N.D.J. inzh.; ROSHCHINj, V.I., inzh. Means for the mechanization and automation of production at the plants of the Moscow City Economic Council. Mekh. i avlom, proizv.15 no-4:1+0-43 Ap 161. (MIRA 140) (Moseow--Machine-~ool industry-Technological innovations) (Automation) r: C. .1 n;jiy i Xj f fio 4~? 48-55 BABaA,K, Nikolay Matveyevich, prepodav,5te-"; n, ZHE!- 1-:111 ~', , 1'11;*g~j Io.,if(,,,,rna, k,-ri,.'. ist. T.,auk dots.; KURBATUVA, G.1 rrri. [The competition betwaen the two worlds] Sjreviiovz~.iiie mdrov. Moskva, Politizdat, 196-1, 6-1 p. ('rilit" 37;;S) 1. Oraskjy pedagogiches-kiy institut (for 0 2. Omskiy institut jnzhenerov trailsporta (for Bnblyak-). KUZEDUATA T.I.- (rotovsk, %abovskoy oblasti, ul. BudennW, d-3. kv.18" Diagnosis and treatment of appendicitis, Yest,Wr. 83 no.12t 81-83 D '59. (NIRIL 13:5) 1. Is khirurgichookogo otdeleniya (zav. - zasluzh. vMoh RSPU 1.7, Sholdurkin) 1-Y gorodskoy bollnitsy gor. EDtovksa, Tambovskoy oblasti. (APMDICPEIB) A TE-30,R'.1 Nuciferous. 14 -t 1?rult. Berrys JOUR ! 19"g, Nn. J:LJ033 fTmi 3 RZhBiol . ABS. U ., , :AUTHOR DIST 1, Truit !!,I,! B~,,rrinq . up cd If, -.~d ORIn. PUD.t Byul. C ,; t". ,!.,~5`, Nln. 2, 2~-25. ~ ld STRACT : ,r o sjjrj) th,~ bi0-4 -n 1-yo 1:- , t,3 Ln ndn, fnuLt biaets, On thel -h ;)o . ra 'ut back. ~."n ~-,,hvot-3 s'iorta rt' un wq tic, huda !It !:-I to t 7e ~ - - , Ailt cf 1 is 'o of t'& tr-,~?3, -- --~fjD for 'Tio lation tl-.a iiii(hi on!,,- fr-nL: slaQnt-.~ ~nl r~q 45 9 Inw-ull tAun vifh "no ttanp~' r,,-'. in --n of t4c '3-,).Jds cm-. b5fore dif -ini of June - tl,,~ finf,7, of 11,12-Y, the buds t p , . C. 1, RID ,-- KUZMrulB7Y, WJL,-_ Remarlm on M.A. Abdulkabirova's article "Thorium in certain granitoids of the Kalba Range and Altai Mountains.N Isv. AN Kazakh. SSR. Ser. pol. no-3:99-100 159. (MIR& 13:12) (Ulba Range Thorium) (Altai Mountains-Thorium) (Abdulkabirova, MeA.) ~ .) 9/62/000/010/007/071 V1.6 ~)22_0/j307 Iny bsolut-C a:fc O-Z the "I'anitoi els 0-f- "Or' --;Cst ~aY ,012 4,1~: ~,cfcraltivnyy zhurnal, Gcofizil:3, nO. 10, 1962, 11, abstract 10,1.63 .(Geolo--ilra J_ no.. 3, 1962, 11 9 -.5 11 ( su mm a ry ii, '.Ilie results o-f dIcte=i-ning by the ar.-on raic-lbod tl-l~~ al)solute arre of ~--anitoids in -hc north-westen-a part o4~ uC.Ily-,r .-,Itay 0 L I arc !,ivc-,i. '--'he data aE~rcc ~,rcll tao -.----olo,,,'ic _n-e of~ L stu(Iied rocl-.s tcst-L.'y to tlic )rusc-.1cc; o-f ,-:a-z-dto4_dr, o.L the f Tcl'bcssldy, and this area. notc: Comnlete translation -7 C ard 1/1 KUZHELIN)[Y,, N.M. Complex of small intrusions and the age of polymetallic mineraliza, tion of the northwestern part of the Rudnyy Altai. Geol.i geofiz. no.5:125-129 162. (IMIA 15:8) 1. Zapadno-Sibirskoye geologicheskoye upravleniye, Novokuznetsk. (Altai Hountains--Rocka,, Igneous) (Altai Mountains-Ore deposits) `.a ',A'a N -vL to k. Wa" K J ELOV p GovR,i,- 'N - DECEASED 1964 Ae-,/~t . I - ~ 0-613 ACC NRt AR6024835 AUTHOR: Subbotin, S. I.; Gurevich, lChekunov, A. V.; Chirvinskaya, M. V. SOURCE CCDE:-L-YR--/0169-/6&/0'1,-!,,'004i!GO03/GO03 B. L.; Kuzhelov, T. K.; Sollogub, V. B.; ,ITLE: The plutonic formation on the territory of the Ukrainian SSR according to ('ata from a geophysical study SOURCE: Ref. zh. Geofizika, Abs. 4G13 REF SOURCE: Sb. Geol. rezul'taty prikl. geofiz. Ceofiz. issled. stroyeniya zemn. kory. M., Nedra, 1965, 56-59 TOPIC TAGS: geological survey, area description, geomagnetic field ABSTRACT: The main relationship between the anomalous gravitational field and the geological structure of the territory in question is the linearity of the field in the regions of deep submersion of the Precambrian foundation and the mossaic-like arrangement of the7shallow surface Precambrian bed. The geomagnetic field anomlies mainly reflect the internal structure of the Precambrian foundation, i.e., Proterozoic folded linear regions and prehistoric plutonic locralized objects of the basic and ul- trabasic rock. In the regions where large subcambrian deposits were formed the geo- magnetic field anomalies mainly reflect the presence of shallow effusive bedrock. A large number of plutonic breaks and "feathered" cracks were established from the data of seismometry, gravimetry, and by other geophysical methods. The thickness of the Card ACC NRz AR6024835 Earth's core and the depth of the Konrad surface bed are estimated from the seismic and gravimetric data and foundation rocks. Generally speaking the geophysical methods: are very important in the exposure of structural forms at various depths and in the detailed study of large and small tectonic elements. (Translation of abstract] M. Speranskiy SUB CODEz 08 2/2 ZHURiiVLEV, V.A. ~ KUYMLYUK, A.A. (L'vov) Electromotive forces in some catalytic reduction reactions. Zhur-fiz-khim- 34 no.6:1331-1335 -Te 16o. (MIR& 13:7) 1. Llvovskiy meditsinekiy institut. (Electromotive force) (Reduction) ~-tftlysis) KUZHELYUK, A.A. Temperature dependence of the electromotive force and activity of semiconductor catalysts in the catalytic decomposition of hydrogen peroxide. Zhur. fiz. khim. 38 no.5:1268-1269 * 164. (MIRA 18:12) 1962. 1. L'vovskiy meditsinskiy institut. Submitted June 18, "CESSION N.P: AP4019512 S/0076/64/038/002/0271/0276 AUTHORS: Zhuravlev., V.A. (Livov); Kuzhelyuk, A.A. (Ltvov) TITLE: Change in e.-,,,f and catalytic activity of semiconductor cata- ly-sts during decomposition of hydrogen peroxide SOURCE: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khiniii, V. 38, no. 2, 1964, 271-276 TOPIC TAGS: semiconductor catalyst, hydrogen peroxide decomposition, cupric oxide catalyst, hydrogen peroxide, emf activity I ABSTRACT: The present article which is a continuation of an earlier work by the saime authors (ZhFrKh 34, 1-331, 1960) has as its nurpose to find the emf of electron and hole semiconductors in t'tcir cata- lytic action over long periods of tJme during their maturJng,.con- .L 'L~s lasted for 10 days_a~~d low stant activity and fatigue. The tes 1, concentnation o'L H202 (0,25 mol/1) ovc.~r CuO in 10 min cycles, were used measurinct -khe efaf at the be-innin-- and the end of t-.e cycle when fresh solution was Doured in. '1`e e=f decreascL of -the semiconductor catalyst. ' Durin.- z'~-.c~ antire time. 3f there was a correlation between the. act-1.vity, of semicond-,,_ Card' 1/2 -K ~~W AV-CEESSiON NP,: AP4019512 catalysts and their emf. Thase force-- have a parabolic relationship to each other-. T'I.4S correlation does not deD'en'd on the - pe of .a. VY semiconductor conductivity. There is also acorrelation between the initial values,of activity and the emf of.samplea- prepared from zhie same material.bu,~ by different thermal. me.thods. no ci--relation betweei the initial values of act.ivity and emf of nt m'aterials.:' 6 vsamples prepared Irom differe Orig. art. has:. figures, 2 formulaS, 2 tables.. ASSOCTATIOj%T: LIvovskiy Medinstitut (~vov Medical I* 'r. - L, nstitute) SUBIMITTED: lgApr62 SUB CODE: GC DATE' ACQ: 321-lar64 NR REF SOV: 010 ENCL: 00 OTHER: 000 Ccrd Lio581-63 rrF (0.1t- (M) /nTr, ACCESSION NR; AP3001489 S/0195/63/004/002/0-312/0314 AUTHORt Zhuravlev, V.,A.1 Kozak, M. I.; Kuzhelyuk. A. A. TITM Relation of catalytic activity he yield of semiconductor catalyst -in the process of aging - SOURCRi Kinetika i kataliz, v. 4, no. 2, 1963, 312-314 TOPIC TAGSs catalytic activity, catalytic yield, aging prooess, Pb sub 2 0, PbO, CuO, NiO, Ni sub 2 0 sub 3 OVUM_ The investigation of the relation between catalyst activity and the, catalyst yield in the prooess of formation and aging of catalysts indicates that the catalysts used in the investigation can be diAded into two groups. The first group includes NiO and Ni. sub 2 0 sub 3. Their catalytic activity and the yield chang,e symbatically while ooritact-potential difference changes antibatically. The reverse '.a observed with Pb sub 2 0, PbO and CuO samples. The observed phenomena can be explained by the electronic theory of catalyst. The type of charge on the surface of c%talyst and the indirect i~hlange in yield during the adsorption after its immersion ia H sub 2 0 3Ub 2 solution and daring the drying process was examined. It was found that the adsorbed molecules on the samples Card 1/2 L 10583-63 ACCESSION NRv:030014% which show symbatio relationship between the catalytic activity and yield are __--7:the-doxxors --and-the.-orxea- which elation. ship-_&re _&oceptors.___Th8_ obtained results agree-with one -of --th' -Main - electronio,'deducat ions -in the catalyst theory that there is a correlation between the catalytic activity and the yield. This relation oan be either symbatio or antibatic. Orig. art. hass 1 figure ana 6 graphs. ASSOCIATION: Llvovskiy meditsinakiy inatitut kafedra fiziki (Lvov Usdical Institute, Department of Physics) SUBMITTED; 26Sep6l DATE AGO.Di lOJun63 ENCLt 00 SUB CODE; ..00 NO REF SOVt -011 OTHER: - 001 KUHMM, V.A. (selo Chervona Iramenka Kirovogradskoy, oblastil .F Determining the most profitable width of the plowing strip. Mat. v shkole n0-5:92-93 3-0 160. NIRA 13:10) (Agricultural mathematics--Problems, exerciesis, etc.) K. kuzhcafsvva a datumination ofkoq~ -371 -TW. V -I'll. vrmotimg b~-n,ld ar, des, J~-(t Umd~ n,atw,, r viq fl, -n 4-2/4 POLAND/organic Chemistry. Synthetic Organic Chemistry. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiyaj. No 21, 1958, 70869. Author Tseallak, Kuzhepal Podlevskays. Inat Title A Synthesis of Chlorapromazine and Its Pharmaco- logical Study. Orig Pub: Flarmac. polska, 1958o 14, No e, 17-19. Abstract: For the purpose of a pharmacological study, 3- cbloro-1O-(N,N-dimethylamiao propyl)-phenothiazine (i) (TArgactyl, according to patent data) has been synthesized. Sixty-two gram off N-0-chloroPhenYl)-anthMnilic acid (Lebmatedt K., Ber., 1947, 7o, 833) in heated above its melting point. The 3-chloro-diphenyl. amine Card 1/3 37 POLAND/Organic Chemistry. Synthetic Organic Chemistry. G Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya,, No 1958, 70889. were isolated, b.p. 135-140'OC/0-005 =, m-P- 53-559c; the hydrochloride,# M.P. 180-14"C, was obtained by the reaction of a 1% KCI solution in ether with a solution of I in absolute alcohol. Me hydrochloride of I was na d cl4oi7opremazine by the authoks. Its pharmacological properties were dcapared with those of the preparation larg- actyi "Specia!'. Card 3/3 38 KUZHMSKArA, A.V. Injur.v of the anterior chamber of the eye and visual acuity in bru- collosis. Vast-oft- 30 no.1:10 Jan-Feb 51, (CLML 20:6) Assistant. 2. Of the M~re Clinic (Director--Honored Worker in Sci- e Prof. P.F. Arkhangellskiy), Tashkent Medical Institute imeni L VJI.Molotov. ACC NRt AUTHOR: Shafer, AP7000524--- S-0 U_ A -C -C. -0- -D'-E -:U- W6 15 A -3 ~ 0161 Cfl 17 7 6117 7 A160 Salimzibarov, R. B.; Skryabin, N. a.; &z-h skiy, _e~y Yu. G. ORG:' Institute of Space Physics Research and Aeronomy, Yakut Branch, Siberian Branch, Academy of Sciences, SSSR (Institut kosmofizicheskikh issledovaniy I aeronomii Yakutskogo filiala Sibirskogo otdeleniya Akademiya nauk SSSR) TITLE: Som6 preliminary results of a study of intensity variations of cosmic rays carried out by the Kosmos-25 satellite /Vaper presented at the All-Union Conference on Physics of Cosmic Rays held in Moscow from 15 to November lq~ SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheskaya, v. 30, no. 11, 1966, 1776-1777 TOPIC TAGS: cosmic ray, cosmic ray i tensity, cosmic ray measurement, -.04- cosmic ray particle K 0- -Z C' 'Qs -25 was launched on 27 Feb 1964 to study ABSTRACT: The satellite cosmic ray variations. The measuring equipment Installed on board the satellite included shielded and unshielded gas-discharge counters, a .shielded scintillation-counter array, and an ionization chamber. On the balvis of monthly mean values of readings of these devices, several assumptions concerning the relationship between variations in cosmic ACC NR: ray intensity and solar activity were made. Instrument readings were taken for the energy threshold PO = 4 Bev with reference to an altitude of 350 km. The informations obtained from the array and from the shielded and unshielded counters indicate a 30-day lag in the varia- tioris in cosmic ray intensity in respect to the variations in solar activity (Fig. 1). The ionization chamber readings characterize the ionizing power of particles more than it does their Intensity. Fig. 1 indicates that the chamber readings increase when particle intensity, recorded by the counter, is decreased. In a number of cases additional radiation was recorded by the shiElded counter, the effect of which increased during flight of the satellite at low latitudes. The authors assume that this phenomena can be attributed to either the recording of electron -positron pairs developed by -f -quanta, the effect of x-ray- on the shield of the counter, or solar x-ray radiation during atmos- pheric flares. Orig. art. has: 1 figure,..l table) and 2 formulas. (WA-753 [as] ACC NRs -AP7000521~____ 7 o V l O r ] 0 0$ - IS 0 .v4 7 0 - N-4 . 43 $~4 43 0 cd )sills Fig. 1. The time distribution of cosmic ray intensity according to measurements made by the Kosmos-25 satellite in 1964 and obtained from the Wolf numbers for the same period. Curves of intensity variations of cosmic rays were construe- ted according to data of: 1) an ioniza- tion chamber; 2-) a single nonshielded counter; 3) a shielded scintillator counter array; 4) a single shielded counter; and 5) Wolf's numbers. SUB CODE: SUBM DATE: none/ ORICE REF: 004/ OTH REF: 001 ACC NR, AP6018099 SOURCE CODE.- UR/0203A6/oO6/002/0413/0413 B.M. AUTHOR: osipov 4.j.; Muzhavskly ORGt none TITLE: Summer school of space physicists In Yakutin SOURCE: Geomagnetizm I acronomiya, v. 60 no.2, 1966, 413 TOPIC TAGS: solar radio emission, solar wind, radiation belt,, cosmic ray# aurorap geomagnetic field ABSTRACTI'The third summer school of space physicists, orgartized by the Jnstitute of Space Physics Research and Aeronomy of the Yakutian Affiliate of the Si*erian Department AN SSSR. was hold on the Lena _5--Sixteen relnpts were pre- River f 6 0 .sented. A review report, devoted to theories of solai'radiq emission*\' and the relations between individual types of rad10__ _~nd ss _1'o_'n_'-an_d __s`~iar gcoactivity, was presented b So A. Kapla~i; emphasis was on the mech- anisms of generation of type-II and V radio emission bursts. R.--Z.---- ,Sagdgev.and Yu. A. Kravtsoy presented the latest experimental data on the solar wind.' a~id__p___r_ocesses of flow of the solar wind',around the earth's magnetosphere." Sagdeyev described the mechanism of annihila- IPIO-11 -6-f-th-W-ra-a-in-etic, f ield-in a limited region of the nighttime side ,of the magnetosphere ("neutral region"). K. I. Gringauz reported new _SZ_arc1_1 /2 L 39d96-66 ACC NR: AP60IE3099 ,'data on soft charged particle$ in the earthts neigh6orhood. It wa3 !noted that the presence of such particles is of considerable import- ance for understanding the processes of interaction between the solar !wind and the earth's magnotosphere. V. V. Temnyy gave a review of the principal experimental data on the eaRf~fs- -radiblion belts. The rcsiLlts I of investigation of the structure of magnetic fields in interplanetary space on the basis of cosmic ray investigations were discussed by A._I_. KuzImin. He discussed in detail the mechanism of cosmic ray modulations Various aspects of the study of the spectral characteristics of copg" -rayiln the region of energies 108-109 were considered by Do Do 6a"-8ii1-:7- nikov and V. Do Sokolov. Regional characteriaticB or aurorWs~~e as- Th ot ultra- cussed by Yuo A. Nadubovich and Vt__L. low frequency radio emission recorded in the auroral zone and a review of original experimental data on ultralo-iA-frequency emission was '-Aqscribed by Yea P, Vershchinino JPR5 L. SUB CODE: 03,04,08,/SUBM DATE: none 14 04T t J Ill IR AP6031659 SOURCE CODE- UR/0367/66/004/001/0130/0131 AUTHOM' Kuzhevskiy, B. M. ORG: Institut of Studies of �p~~c_~ ~hsi~s and Aerono~my,_ Siberian Branch AN SSSRI (Institut kosmofizicheskiii issledovani i onomii Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSRI iy i aer TITLE : Generation of deuterium nuclei in cosmic rays SOURCE: Yadernaya fizika, v. 4 no. 1, 1966. 130-131 TOPIC TAGS: deuterium, nucleus, cosmic ray, deuteron energy, fragmentation reaction, nuclear reaction, proton proton interaction ABSTRACT: A study is made of the role of the p J. p -,. d + n+ reaction in forming deuterium nuclei in cosmic rays. The yield proeuced by this reaction is- i, comparable to that produced by the fragmentation reaction in the deuteron energy range IZO-700 Mev/nucleon. It appears that in this energy range the p+p--d+.R~' reaction determines the lower limit of the flux of deuterium nuclei, It is shown furthermore that the increase in the flux of deuterons in cosmic rays in this range of energies should be anomalous. The author thanks S. 1. Syrovatskiy for his helpful suggestions and E. Metlyayeva for her assistance in making ffie computa- Card _1 / 2 L 01208-67 1 -- - . ..... lli~,, 4CC NR, AP60-31-6-59 I tions. Orig. art. has: 5 equations. (Author's abstract] [SPI SUB CODE: 20/ SUBAI DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 003/ OTH REF: 008/ t- 2/2 b I g I 8716-66 MIJ' C/M-1 (h) OW 50/1956 --Rx,v 14M AP66TO~~741 SOURCE CODE: UR/0056/6r, 49/006/19 jyj S. I.. AUTHORS: Kuzhevskiy, B. M.; Sy~jovatsk 'ORG: Pqsics Institute im. P. N. LebedevI Academy qf Scienegg SSSR (Fiziefiesk y nsti W-AE-demii na ~kSrSky C V 'TITLE: Eependence of the chemical composition of cosmic rasrs on the ,nature of their motion in the galaxy .'SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentaltnoy iteoreticheskoy fiziki, V. 49$ ,no. 6, 1965, 1950-1956 ,;TOPIC TAGS: cosmic ray measurnment, galaxy, cosmic radiation com- position, chemical composition, helium, deuterium, hydrogen, cosmic ::ray particle, relativistic particle ,ABSTRACT: The authors discuss the possibility of determining which ~model of the propagation of cosmic rays in the galaxy is cloaer to .reality, on the basis of data on the chemical and isotopic composition .of the cosmic rays. The two models customarily used in the analysis f -aasmic~- ray-propagat ioni---name ly --the - d if-. u a ion - and-the--reeular- mode 1,,- .0 !Card 1/2 L 18776-66 -- ---- q ACC NR: 06002741 are considered. It is shown that evidence favoring one model or the other can be obtained In the basis of the ratios He3/He3 + He4 or D/He4 in the cosmic rays. If He3/(H_3 + He4 ) > 0.15 or.D/He 4 > 0.1. 1 :this would suffice to indicate that the diffusion model is valid, whereas values He_3/(He3 + He4) < 0.15 or (D/He4 < 0. 09) would favor 'the regular model. Practical problems involved in the measurement 3 4 of the fluxes of He , He , and D nuclei are discussed, for both ,relativistic and nonrelativistic energies. The possible compositions of the cosmic rays at the sources are also discussed. OrIg. art. has: 1 figure, 5 formulas, and 4 tables. SUB CODE: 0.3 SUBM DATE: 07Jul65/ _ORIG REF: 002/ OTH REF: 007, __J Card_ ~~V1537~46 ACCESSION HRa AT5023632 UH/0000/65/00000/613Mi3 AUT11VH5S Shafer, Yu9 G.s Kuzhevskly Ins A* ~kryabin. N. 0. 44,65- TITLE: Effects of solar and geophysical phenomena in primary radiation# instrumentally recorded by the "Koomos-19" satellite SOURCE: VoeeMznaya konferentaiya p2 fizike kosmicheskop roatranotvao-Noscov# 1965- Ieciledovaniya kosmicheskago prostranstva (Space_Fe_s'ear0%jj_trRj konferentsii. Moscow, Izd-vo Nauka, 1965, 513 TOPIC TAGS% cosmic r 91cosmic rM measuremenl, cosmic ray intensityt magnetic storm, satellite, satellite mission analysis ABSTFACT;s Results from the processing of cosmic radiation data recorded at 350tol 1 450 km b,,r the 'Xosmos-19 -satgllite between 6 August and 31 December, - 1963 are -I presentede No 27-day v&~Mion was noted in the intensity of cosmic rays with magnetic rigidity above 3-5 Ber duxing this period of minimal solar activity. During the intensive magnetic storms of'17-27 November a sharp drop in the counting rate was registered (the name effect w&s observod at the Rezollyut ercund~- based 0 t at 10 n in yakutsk On 12 August the counting rate was noted ~-o increase above the mid-month datas This effeGt followed the appearance of Card 1/2 L 1537-65 ACCESSION NRz AT5023632 the salm- chromospheric flares by 10-13 br, A line of equAl intensity was produced from the satellite. Its comparison with the lines presented by S. 11. Bernov and No L. Grigorov (9b. "1rkusstvennyye oputniki Z-nlil" vypo 1, Izd-vo All SSSR, 1958) shows that in the period 1957-1963 the intensity increased by only 3',4- The smallness of this increase is related to the large threshold rigidity of the particlea regiatered&. [043 ASSOCIATXONs none SUMTTFbt 02Sep65 ERCM 00 SUB CODE: U, ST KOVALENKO, M.F., inzh.; KUZHMV, V.Tu., inzh. ~ - - Usingtrays in placing tiles on drying carts. Suggested by M.F.Kovalenko, V.IU.Kuzhoeva. Rats.i izobr.predl.v stroi. no.11:73-74 159. (RIRA 13:3) 1. Plitochnyy xavod, stantslya Losevo. Kharlkovskogo covnarkho- Sa. (Kharkov--Tiles) --- - - - .- a "'X ....... KUIZHITOe, A.' PODI'MYROV, G. V.; FAYNSHTM4, E.G. Dynamos Hydroelectric Power Stations Protection of hydroelectric generators against increase in voltage. Elek. sta. 23, no. 2, 1952. Cand. Tekh. Sci. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, -"pril 1952. UNCLASSIFIED. SHRVF,W, V.M.- KUZHIY A.I. NO-R~~~ Using the asymptotic method In solving equations of the motion of a lead on a partially elastic rope of variable length. Dop.AN URSR so.6:402-406 154. (KML 9t9) l.Institut matematiki AN URSR, Kiivslkiy podagogichmiy inatitut imeni. O.M.Gorlkogo. Predstaviv diysaiy chloa AN URSR GJ4.Savin. (Metiez) (Wire rope) YXSHCHENKO,S.F.; KUZHIY,A.I. On the time of removing an end load from an immobile base with a mine hoist cable. Dop. AN URSR no.2:126-133 '55. (KLR-A 8:11) 1. Institut matematiki Akademii nauk URSR ta Kiivalkiy pedinatitut iment GorIkogo. Predstsviv diyoniv chlen Akademli nauk URSR G.N. Savin (Blasticity) (Mine hoisting) KVZHIY, A. I. Kuzhiy, A. 1. -- "On the Asymptotic Pepresentation of Jntepals of Ord- inary Linear Pil"eT-ential 7quatiens with Slow1v Phanpinp C(-.effi- cientF." Kiev 5tate Podap-pical Inst lr.eni A. ". Corl~iy. C`,air of Va+hematica' Analvsis. Kiev, 1956. (Dissertation for the T,,e,-7rpe cf randidate in Phvslcomathematical 'Eciences) r-o- Knizhnwra Letonis', Nr. 12, 1956 SAVIN, G.N. SHEVAO, Y.N.; KMHIY, A.I. Study of longitudinal vibrations in variable-length strings accounting for internal hysteresis-type friction. PrikLmelch.2 no-2:133-146 156. (MLRA 9:10) l.Institut matmatiki Akadomii nauk URSR. (Vibration) KUZHMA, A. P. "A Launch with a Water-Propulsion Motor$" Les. prom., No.7. 1955 Translation D 384216 KUZHKAN, G. L. Xh9tWW 499oMni2ation of 3hifting Pulp-Conv*ying Pipes In Processing Peat Obtained by Hydraulic Ntnlvg.* Sub 18 Doe 31. Moscow Peat Inst. Dissertation@ presented for science and engineering degrees in Mosom during 1931. so: sumi. No. 46o, 9 may 55 r iA , I'fvA'-L,T WIM11:4 PLANZ. Ku:hiwtn,, 0.1. atul I .,z,.ritiv. :;.~. T-in, 1151, .(L). I I - - . L, /,%] /t ~', vs% -i- UZHKa./ 0. 1.; GUTSUUUV. V-11-; BZMH&VICH, V-V- Melchanizateiia rasliva [Spreading hydraulic peat by machinery, gidrotorfa. Xoskvao Goo. onerg. izd-vo, 1953. 119 p. (XLRL 7:5) (Post industry) KUZEMAIT, G.I., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk. Water absorption by cut pant and the ways of reducing losses from soaking. Torf. prom, 30 no.5:17-22 My 153o (PI-RA 6:5) 1. Vessoyuznyy nauchno-issladovatellakly Institut torfyanoy promawshlenno- sti. (Peat industry) o 414 24-12-20/24 AUTHORS: Volarovich, M.P KuzhmELn G I ' Makov, I.F. and I N V. o icow Churayev TITLE: Use of radioactive isotopes for studjing the process of mixing of peat in machineg. (Primeneniye radioaktivnykh izotopov dl a izucheniya -L-,7otsessa peremeshivaniya torfa v mashinaW. PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye Tekhnicheskikh Nauk, 1957, No.121 pp.87-89 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The change in the degree of dispersion of peat during its processing can be established by means of sedimentary analysis7 as described by some of the authors of this paper in earlier work (Ref.1). The process of mixing of the peat during its processing, i.e. the redistribution of the particles in the peat volume, leading to a uniformity of the structure of the peat has so far not been studied at all. Therefore, the authors consider it of interest to use for this p V j V ose radioactive P 0 in an aqueous solution of Na 2 04, since the authors found in earlier work (Ref.2) that this substance adheres strongly to the peat particles. Specimens weighing Card 1/2 10 to 30 g were selected from the peat ,nd this solution