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67___T/F_WP(t)/ET1 _1jP(c)_ JD ---L 00639._~ aM/JG/DS AC7'Mr.AX26666 SOURC& CMs HUI 65togu AUTHOR: Iavaais Joseef-lovauhig Yo; Szucs, Pa2w -SYUch' Pe-M ORG: Research Institute for the Metal Tndu ~z7 (FemipaA Kutato IrfbiMj4t),,* TITIE t Determination of ni~obiu* bawd to by ion-exchanRelpolarography v. 98~ 0 SOURCE: Kohaszati lapok, v. 98, o. 8. 1965j 364-368 TOPIC TAGS: bauxite, niobium. polarographic ana3ysia, ion exchango, aluzln4 ABSTRACT: In the analytical method described the niobium content of the bauxite is sorbed in the presence of tartaric acid on the anion-exchange. resin Warion AP and the desorbed solution containing the niobium is de- j termined polarographically in the conventional manner. The evaluation of; ithe polarograms is performed according to'the addition technique. The method is suitable for the analysis of bauxites and alumina-manufacture -red sludge and othei intermediate products containing up to 0.0057. nio-.! bium pentoxide. Maxiaun negative error of the 20%;..Fe, Tip V" Si, and Al do not interfere with the dilte=inaitiOno Orige art. has% 1 figure azia 4 tabIes.- "CiPass 32,4%7 SUB CODE: 33.., 07 SUBM DATE, t Dore ORIG REF: 002 SOV RD F: oo2 OTH REF: 011 W Zr' ACCESSION NR, Ap4o4o= i AUTHORj Lovas, Miklos (Lovash, M.) ------------- TITLE: The RR Lyrae stars H/0016/64/000/005/0139/0143 SOURCEs Fizikai szemleg no* 59 1964p IN-143 TOPIC TAGS: RR Lyrae star, population, Hartzsprung-Russell diagram, period sequence# gigantism, evolutionary path, empirical data, period length variation, empirical cosmogony, photoelectric recording, sphere cluster, Babcock material, polarization,-reflecting telescope, halo ABSTRACT: Since it is now customary to conceive the ff-R diagram generally as evolutionary, the very remarkable position of RR Lyrae-k is very important for the theory of the evolution of the stars. In this small section of the diagram both sequences, the succession of variables by periods and the series of the far more numerous nonvariables, coverge. but the situation is greatly complicated b7 the division of the stars into several populations - the most important astrophysical disoover7 of the 40's. The RR Iqrae-k are so pronouncedly popula- rizoWthe system, that is# the star tion 13: stars that their presenoe charaote card 1/4 ACCESSION NR: AP4040002 system in which they occur is itself also-of population II; e.g. the sphere clusters. Still other subsystems of the Milky Way are populations Us and RR Lyrae-k are present in all of them. Regarding the H-R diagram branches as evolutionary paths, one at once reaches the conclusion that every population 31 star passes through the RR, Lyrae state in the course of its existance. But this position also fits into the period sequence, so that one may imagine that the physical variables likewise follow a path of evolution by periods, which extends-over general gigantism. Although the author regards the H--R diagram branches as evolutionary paths, the question of where they are headed is an open one. Anyone with a sense of humor must sometimes be amused at how evolutionary theories have come and gone for four decades, with every direction so e (left to right. up and down, etc.) being tried out over and over. Perhaps empirical data could be obtained by very careful and accurate observation of the'.1% periodic physical variables in less than the "astronomical" time that it would take to test all the theories! These variables are arranged by period lengths about parallel to the branch asawed for the evolutionary path* If the variation of the period length in aome one direction could be demonstrated in one type. this would decide what the direction of evolution in. An empirical cosmogony could be constructed (obviously Impossible from constanUlight, ntars)a Card - ~MMM pt~ ~e- ;n a~? A. 4 ACCESSION NR: AP4040002 Moreover, the period*Df light variation can be determined more accurately by many orders of magnitude than any other state characteristic of a star. The variables with the shortest periods are the most suited for this purpose, -particularly the RR Lyrae-ko also exceptionally interesting from other standpoints@ This work was begun by Dotre Laszlo in 1930 at the Budapest Konkoly ObservatOrYo and still continues, but now with much more accurate and modern photoelectric recording apparatus. The author discusses work on the same subject by the Russian Blasko, (the "Blasko effect"), Shlapey and Eddington, Struve, Gamow, Babcock, Deutsch, and Balaza Julia. It is now believed that the deviations appearing in the diagram of the period amplitude of sphere clusters are not due so much to differences in age as to differences between the chemical composition of the clusters. But further interesting results may be expected from a study of the RR Lyrae-k period variation particularly in the sphere clusters. Extension of the magnetic measurements is most important for the further study of the properties of RR Lyrae stars, as the Babcock material is still very scant. Bat such a stady can be made only with.tho Mt. Palomar 5~-m telescope. Since In of a strong magnetic fiolde, synchrotron radiation from the stars is to be expeatod, a part of the star light has to be polarized. The magnetic property! of stars can thus be investigated by measuring the polarization photoeleotrlcally~ C,,d 3/4 "ACCESSION NRs AP4040002 with a smaller telescope. The 50-cm Cassegrain reflecting telescope soon to be installed at the Matra Observatory wi31 serve for this purpose. The big now Schmidt telescope at Matra is already being used to locate the very dim RR Iqras stars and to determine whether there are also such objects in intergalactic space' or whether they an confined to the "halow enveloping the Milky Way. ASSOCIATIONt MTA Coillagvizgalo Intezete Budapest-Ssabadsaghogy (Astro~oaic,- Observatory of the Hungarian Acadmy of Sciences) 00 ,DATE ACQi 2lJun64 EXCLz 00 SUBMITTED: SUB CODE i AA NO RE? SOV$ 000 OTHERI 000 cord 4/4 V ~g -t n~-- ervdp, jeng, C' Vass- e V PeNlation diff6rentielle de Is. conduction calorique avec con(~tion p6riph6rique d6pendant Unkirement de la kathmmtiaml Reviews dur6e. (Examen du processus de refroidissement re- Vol* Is No. 2 specifivement de rechauff ement dun corps place dans an Felypv 1954 m6diu,n dont la temp6r ture varie d1une nu#8re utd- forme.) Magyar Tud. Akad. Alkalm. Mat. Int. K6zl. 1 (1952), 11-22 (1953). (Hungarian. Russian and French summaries) The boundary-value problem solved in this paper is: ul=a2Att, u=0 when (=O, b(lulan+u=vt on the boundary (b, v constants), and describes conduction of heat in a body which '. being heated. The solution is written out explicitly for a rectangular finite slab, and some graphs and numerical values are also given. A. Erdl~yi (Pa7dena, I~alif.). LOVASS-MY, Viktor NatboxatIcal ROVIeve Vol. 15 No. 3 March 1954 Nechanlos Sur I& ftexion d'aas plaquo cIrcu, Levass~-KILU Up son propre p1m MaWtir Tud. _7MI-ArIkPall:~=Int IC&L 1 (1952), 23-32 (1953). (Hungarian. RuWan and French summaries) The author discusses the buckling of circular pla % under ~the inifluenoc of a uniform normal pressure-i-n-ilve plane of the (undefdrined) plate. Both clamped and freely supported tee are discussed and the method is modelled on the' 61armln4ffiot method for the corresoonding probkAs re-, gading bea#w, A~ &$#A~Pwadelialp CaW.), LOUSS-KAGTi, Viktor Mathematical Reviews Vol, 15 - No. 3 March 1954 mechanics Wktor. Sur I& d6fonnation &a plaques ME-was de Mae Mulaire at d1uns petite courbure con- stante. Magyar Tud, AkaCAlkalm. Mat. Int. Kazl. I (19A2).33-U(1953). (kungarian. Russian and French smmmades) the author diseusiiew'the bending of a thin, slightli spheriWly curvid, Circukik. Plate under the influence, of ind freely supprtW. ~Pfkes aieco'nsidered, ahd the displacement of the center and norrhal stresm in the plate am computed. A. ErdlJyi (Pasadend, Calif.). LOVASS-RAGY, Viktor Lovass-Nagy, Viktor.. Sur lea 6tats de tehslon plaoques at OUVM#Mr,~fflm leg tuyaux A parol ipaisse. Magyar Tud. Akad. Alkalm. Mat. Int. K6zl. 1 (1952), 49-80 (1953). (Hungarian. Russian and rrench summaries) The state of stress and deformation is calculated in an 148thematical ReviDws indefinitely long tb'rk-walled tnhe subjected to uniformly Vol. 15 No. 3 distributed radial tractions on the internal and external Harch 1954 surfaces. It is assumed that a plane state Of stress prevails in llechanido tube. The radius of the cylindrical surface is calculated the ' which divides the wall of the tube into an elastic and a plastic region. Both the Saint-Venant-Tresea and the von Mises criteria of plasticity are used in the analysis. In a fully worked out numerical example the difference between the radii of the limiting surface according to the two criteria is found to be ten percent. The Saint-Venant-Tresca condi- tion is recommended in practical work because it is simpler to. apply. Nomograms a presented to facilitate the corupu- tation of the radius of the limiting surface. 'rhe paper is clearly written and is easy to read. N. J. 11off. HLOGARY/Atomic end Molooulnr Physics - Heat D-4 Abs Jour z Rof Zhur - Fizikn, No 11, 1958, No 24986 Author : Tjovrqs-Nr or. Fal Sandor, Pasztor Janos Inst :'Not Givan Tit& i Oortrin Problems Connected with the Heating of Metallic Bodies of Cylindriccl Form, Hosted by Induction. Orig Pub :Magyar tud. o1cad. Alknlr. mat. int. kozl., 1953, 2., 499-511 Abstract 3The authors investigate the tenporature distribution in an infinite -iotallic round cylinder hoetted by inducod alternating current at high frequency. If the frequency of the exotting current is assumed to be infinite, the thurnal energy rrising through induction can be considered constant and the flux of heat flovring through the surfrco of the body per unit time and per unit surface can be considered constant. The use of the nost imrortent fornulas is illustratod by r.,.oans of oxrrrles and diagrens. Cord 1/1 LOVASS-NAGY, V. LOVASS-NAGY, V. Investigation of the stability of a beam suspended at two points by means of matrix calculus. p. 49. V01. 3, lio. 1/2, 19514 (published l9c"O FOUFTEREI SCISINCE Budapest, Hungary So: East European Accession, VOI. 5, 110. 5, P'ay 1956 LOVASS-2,AGY, V.; CIC"Y, T. LO-VASS- LAGY, If.: 0YORYs T. Ikthematical investigation of coupled circuits by means of matrix calculus. p. V01. 3, No. 1/2, 1954 (published 1-9~c~) FCZLI~-~EKYE'I SCIENCE Eudapest, Fungary So: East European Accession, Vol. 51, No. 5, May 1956 -41 -M ~~ MtM0 plic4tion p_ of Hyper Matrjag~'in Calculation of Space-Fimme A -,structures W.ith Cyclic Symetry. Wres- Loyaw-W Viktor; und ~zah& jinos~ e -"Weadung-der - H ermatrizen bel der Vber ein yp Berechnung von riumUchen fachwerken ral6gy wischer mme e. MY K XbzI. 1-.(1956)~ 55 76 ' (1957). (Hungarian." R4Wa Geman s m and 13ekarintlich p Mch e.1inearen 41gebraischen. G164 ,qn,~, elche zur 1 crechnung - von Soahnkra(tefi - T n4 paun~ a ch ke djep~, zu einer einzigen M4tdze gl~l, ping ~manmnenfwisen.'Hat das Vachwerk, eine z Y" i - 1 Isc U x 1asst sich the Kdeffizientemitrb he. Stiukt ida~n eser,-MatdzengIeidIuj&' in'. z Imfie Mcke ie'riegep,", WkI 7 hi der I ) h d H M . ep rmatrtzena o iM t ?nus ry sc rge g Y]V ii t n er:eI dIe-.Verfa f e, hodo zu,r,. Spek~ ze-I U' ' d qcgung- er. Koeffizfenfenn~atrix,' Hierbel erschei~t-*4je ' W & az 1318cken -beatehend H s i e yperma, n~ eme .. Suniffie, derea: Glieder direkte Produkte'von- EigenWwt- Matr4e -;Dyaden kind. uhd,d4 enbprechinden Eigin "Diego Wethode Hefirt..einheit4c he und Obersichtliche -Berech~iing der-~Spannkrtiften sta- ' r fisW bestfifi~iter w1p statikh unbestimmier Taundiche . Fkhwerke,-.sle ifflirt n "ch.die Invergion der Kom- zientannIatrix zur Berkh mi ~on: Reciprokmatrizen ~qer; Eikiawert-Mittriim der B1,6qk Oqk.: Zus- assun d r toim . e g vR -e;~A C~ Oto M49(lv calculf's to Ult Illy C...'J'Aityu im r1l, ar 3-4, pp. 311--352. 12 figs. Steady Istate llrocecs ill lawn j;b.- L---f2n, CxwItaiuiu& deveralcuilcyclus Ix.-r phzt~~ ~%~Tl -.177777i for differc'n kiimU ot C'011 c3cfc-~. ~! Lilt, problem by the suatrix meciumt tc:,,L-j t,, .1 )m,r equation tht-- solutiou oi Much is u, ',It, tnw:rgan uftim: ccefficientmat-rix- ju tIL- a"Iflued th~. Ev,-ffici~ut juatrix is a III-1wl 11-L I I Conta!dling naly cyclic isluct'l A smllt'Al Is t-r-lit'd by ineans of vvhich arbar-arv -11 1:, 11~ I, I luatrix cGlIsf3ting (if Cyclit: W,..-k- , pr, -V , 1 2,. simple way as tlirrct ImAut7ts ~t i., ,. i-nt-i k,111. thc characterktic valttv~ of Ulu 14-- -oi,l 4 0i, -h-1- form j.-rt"(Mitt~; -d frota t1w cyclic cttju-actc.-ris(lc , tor, I to the corr,-sjxta4l;jq characteristic vaduv:i~ iiai -ai the atlove a ruethod'Im. 6~cn evotwl far a Siniple ~`or. of the exandued problem by amlleric"I 777 t ~yt'v Z-O V'q vi I T 70. A now M411104 of SPOYIng hYporlastrUes la the theory of multiphass systems. (in English) jj.__P _qj.Lo tkX V o v t1k. ~- Acia Teehnka AwderWas Beiantia anj I Vol. 2 1. 1958. No. 3-4, pp. 363-386, 2 rigs. It lid kitown that with tile aid of the Mattis calculus i for the datermillation of tha stationary volt. ages anti ourrout intensities of monolliNaso ayawnwcomposed -terminal theory. of tiuadripolkin may be derived from the four D, W. 0. i9han established tho matrix formulae dvarribing 7, tba atationary phoactinanat of sloglo-plum uniform traumisslost linoH by In an ualiarotudy tile authoru, Wallarilted 0 Hanoml ajiplication of V. W., 0. Shon'; resulta to mulOphaw uniform tranamlanion lines, :Using tile Method A aftwilormatricel, the proson& paper investigates t1ta stationary, YoUdgil and current intensities of multiphaso aystorav com- A, lHmod or cyclicuity syMmetrical, cascado-connee" different, 2 (0"+ I)-polos with given voltage at tile points of Nuliply ' Poltit-4 of consumption; tintj givan ou"ont InWitildoo at kho *A* tile stattonary owid transioi t in pulmr also analy lit voltage# and, otirront fulonaltw of- multiphWO Aystanta Composed 0( oirlically symmetrical. vaseado-conneeted, identically built 2 (m + I J-Poto-J, likowiso with given voltagos at the [joint* 'tif.Rupply.and givon curroat-itltonaillos at the points of con-'~ mumption. Tile relations thus obtained "key - ai~ tho mania. ' l LiMo :-- bv Mod ;w approximate formulae for ilia doter-'.j rt"ga oo o ' initiation of oyclically symmetrical multiphsad uniform trans. mission myotbals with given velltagols at tile, poluti;t of supply ~ given current havitnition at the points of constunption . to iv w L. ai lit a~OtS;,4tiJlt; t W;,DLJII j:all kV ' V.-PlItl lit Imis 'ifiv I 1 i 0 t s l flifil-r -i~lltllix e(m),rivit'lluin a tj . ig Ilu viltialiollm n It tN~ittiVIA 1willi, nr viow th's lieu% ' din IwIl moil ('11 foolilsd tjx!iq- Ijillitiost d its') 6iii i;i~'ialjy AllipwAd (.Ql go An Interpolation ProceBe for the Apnroximate Solution of Hatrijr-Differ Equations.j~# Ein Iterstionsver- Balesay. P.; und Lovass-Nagy, V. fa en zur nfiherun*g`s7"eNe LOsung von Hatdundiff& -rentialgleichungen. Z. Angew. Math. Mech. 39 (1959), I.F\W 8-13. (English, French and Russian summaries) A method is proposed for solving the system of differ- ential equations (d1d1)y=Ky, y(O)=yo (y(f), yo column vectors of dimension n and K a constant matrix) without' transforming K to canonical form. K is decomposed into ek sum A +B with the matrix A having a known canonical representations (e.g., A a diagonal matrix), and the follow- ing iteration is set up: (djd1)yj=Ayj, (djdi)yx=Ayx+ By._~ (m =2, 3, ym(O) =yo (m-;--> 1). An explicit ex- pression Y xP(AAU., MP) L is obtained, where Av are the cigenvalues of A, is, corre- sponding eigenvectors, and scalar functions (too Jengtby to be quoted here) formed with the help of the mitrix B and the right and left-hand cigenvectors of A. An analogous method is stated for inhoniogeneous systerfis, and convergence is. proved as n;--).oo. Waller Gaitischi (Washington, D.C.) LOVASS-RAGY, Viktor, dr. Introduction to matrix calculus and its application in the field of electric4l engineering. Ft.3. (To be con1d.). Elaktrotechnika 55 no.10j,463-474 0 162. 1. Klement Gottwald -Villam ssagi Gyar. ,LOVASS-NAGY, Viktor, dr. Introduction to the theory of the calculus of matrices and its application in electrical engineering. (To be contd.). Elektrotechnika 55 no.8:367-378 Ag 162. 1. Klement Gottwald Villamossagi Gyar. LOVASS-XgGy. Uktor, dr. Introduction to the t4gory of matrix calculus and its application in the field of electrical engineel~ng. Pt.4. (To be contd.). Elektro- technika 55 no.3-1:509-520 N 162.' 1. Klement Gottwald Vi.1lamossagi Gyar. i4r 7-7 M LOVASS-NAGY.. Viktor, dr. Introduction to the theory of matrix calculus and its application in the field of electrical angineering.To (To be contd.) Elektrotechnika 55 no.12:552-%4 *'W- 1, Klement Gottwald Villamossagi Gyar. t 1,OVAS,%-4UGX,V1kt=.. dr... okleveles gepeszmernok Introduction to the theory of matrix ca2culus and Its application in the field of electrical engineering. Pt. 6j Zlektrotechnika 56 no.1/2-:53-68 F 163. 1. Klement Gottwald Villamossagi Gyar TranszforW&tor Foooztalpmak mernoke., Budapest$ 11.,, Lovohaz u.39o BA.TZA, Lains, oklevelas geposamernok, adjunktus; LO.VASS'-,XAGY, Viktor,, dr.', okleveles gepeszmernok, egyet6mi tanar, SZENDY, Karoly, dr.,,okleveles gepenzaarnok, a muszaki tudomanyok doktora, Kossuth-dijas, foazakerto Examination of transient processes occuring in three-phase asynchronous machines by means of the matrix calculus. Elektrotechnika 57 no.9:381-391 S 164. 1. Chair of Electric Machines, Budapest Technical University, Budapest, XI., Eg-y J.u.18 (for Bajza). 2. University, Yhs.trtoum, Sudan (for Lovass"Nagy). 3. Power Plant and Network Designing Enterprise, Budapest, V., Szecheny rakpart 3 (for-Szondy). 0 I.; RANDIC, M.; LSEII Z. Radioprotective action of some indolealkylamines. Bul se Youg 7 no.1/2:19 F-Ap 162. 1. Institut *Ruder Wakovicj," Zagreb. T,OVAM-V, M. YE. SAVVATE= . V.B. Conditioned Response Conditioned reflex modification of sorption characteristics of protop-asm of test epithelial cells. Fiziol. zhur., 38, No. 4. 1952 in inal 9. Monthly List r~' Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, November 195i~ Unclassified. mw~ LOVASI, J. Chemical polishing of brass objects. p. 78 (Gep., Vol. 9, no. 2, April 1957. Budapest, Hungary) I b SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC, Vol. 1), no. 91 ept. 1957. Uncl. LCVASI,, Tozsef Pyrobydrolytic-potenr,iomtric do-termination of fluorine in U(IV)-fluorine salts. Koh lap 95 no.8.'367-372 Ag 162. 1, Femipari Rutato Intezet tudomanyos munkatarsa. LOVASI, Jozsef Rapid determination of the electrolyticaII7 reduced U4 -content of concentrated uranium solutions, Magy kem lap 19 no.9:499-502 S 164. 1. Research Institute of the Metal Industry, Budapest. NP MY LOVASI., Jozsef Dehydration of llaUFj and NH UIF , and preparing UF4 from SHOP5. Koh lap 96 no.1:4 _" 'Ta4 '93. 1. Femipari Kutato Intezet tudomanyos munkatarsa. Q LOVASI, Joz-aef Experiences in the thermal decomposition of uranyl nitrate containing crystal water. Koh lap 97 no.1:45-51 Ja164- "E, -LpYAST, .1o-.!;ef,, tudomanyos munkatars ,C;t4Vjf~y 41IVeStigation of scm--~ uranj,,;m trim'des. Koh lap 97 no.6i293-295 ie'64. 1. Research Distitute of the Mst6-1 industry. LWASIC, Ants., inz.- Strwtural analysis of producta.9 and its methods in precision mechanical engineering. Strojarstra 5 no,,3A:7-.19 163. STEIRKE,9 G.; LOVASS, Gyula (tran In or] Switching technique of up-to-date and st,~~reophoni~ mixing- devices. Pt.l. Kep hang 9 n6J,-78-83 Je 163. 1, RFZ,, Berlin (for Steinke). LOVASS, Nora Report on the Berlin session of the Deutsche Kinotechnische Gesellsehaft. Kep hang 10 no. 3t84-85 Je 164. LOVASZ Dezso Some problems relating to overtime work. Munka 11 no.8:29-30 Ag 161. 1. Sza3cozervezetak Orazagos Tanacoa, beroaztalyanak munkatarsa. (Hungary-Overtime) 777777 LOVASZ Clyorgy, dr. Data on the water course conditions of the basin of the Drava river. PoldraJzi art 10 no.1:23-44 161. CSANADI, Gyorgjr, dr.,egyetemi tanar,- FASKF,=,, Sandor; SZABO, Dezso, dr-.p a kozlekedestudomanyok kandidatusa, okl.mernok; CSUHAY, Denes~ TAKAGS, Endre; CSABAI, Rudolf; NAGYo Rudolf; XVTAS, Laszlo~owrnok; VASAMMYI, Boldizaar, dr.ja muszaki tudomanyok doktorap tanazek- vezeto egyetemi tanar; KOLLER, Sandor, muegyetemi adjunktus; KALROKI CM, Sandor; VOMBER, Sandor; TALLO, Gyula;KOZARY, Istvan; SZILAGYI, Lajos; HEGYI, Kalman,aki.mernok; BERCZIK, Andras; MARKI, Laqzlo; PALFI, BMIMMI, Endre; NAGY, Endre,okl.mernok; SZATMARY, Ferenc; MAGORI, Judit; q8IKHELYI, Bela; MESZLERI, Zoltan; VEROSZTA, Dare; ZSIGA, Sandor; TOROK, Istvan; KOXCZ~ Laszlo; WESSELY, Ferencne; SZABO, Bela; KOHDROCZI, Lajos; GINTL, Jozoef; CSONTOS, Dezso; JAKAB, Sandor; LOVA5Z Istvan mernok.; KISS, KarolyjPDDQVA36jWm*1y =L-:~= The C~ty Transportation Conference in Szeged. Koz1 tud sz 12 no.2; 49-54 F 162. 1. Akademiai levelezo tag, a kozlekedes- es postaugyi miniszter elso helyettese, es "Kozlekedestudomanyi Szemlen szerkeszto bizottsagi. tagja (for Csanadi) 2. Kozlekedes- es Postaugyi Miniszterium MuszeCki Felugyeleti Osztalyanak vezetoje (for Faskerti) 3. Fovarosi Taracs Vegrehajto Bizottsaga VIII. Varosrendezesi es Epiteszeti Osztalyanak munkatarsa, ea "Kozlekedestudomanyi Szemle" omrkeszto 'tfeo 9"agja (for Szabo) (Contin#ed on next card) -VMAU.p (~rorg3~ --- (Continued ) Card 2. 4. Fomerttokp Kozlekedes- es Postaugyi Miniszterium Kozlekedespoll- tikai Osztalyanak munkatersa (for Cauhay) 50 Kozlekedes- es Postaugyi Miniazterium Autokazlekedesi Vezerigazgatosaganak nakontalyvezetoje (for TakqLalv) 6. MAV fointezo, a Kozlekedestudomanyi Egyesulet miskolci teruleti'szervezeterek titkara (for Csabai),.7. Fomernok, a Fovarosi Ta44s..VqgrOajto Bizottsaga Kozlekedesi Igasgatosaga helyettes vezitpj,e (for ?,Ia&v) 8. Povarosi.Tanaes Vegrehajto Bizottsaga Kozi6kede -S:i Igazgatosaganak fqjlesztesi eloadoja (for Kutas) 9. "Koziekedestudolemyi Szemle" szerkeszto bizottsagi tagja (for Vasarhelyi) 10. Csoportyezeto fomernok, Debrecen m.j. Varosi Tanacs Vegrehajto Bizottsaga Ipari es Kozlekedesi Osztaly (for Kalnoki-.Kise) 11. Rendorornagy, Csongrad Megyei Rendorfokapitanysag Kozrendvedelmi Osztalya (for Gyomber) 12. Fomemok, Miskolc m.j. Varosi Tanacs Vegrehajto Bizottsaga Epitesi es Kozlekedesi Osztaly- (for Tallo) 13.-Femernokil Kozlekedes-es-Postaugyi Miniszterium Utoszta-lya (for- Kdft ) 14. Favorosi Tanace Vegrehajto Bizottsaga VIII. Varosrendeze ry .41 ~'Eplted*ftA Osztalva-mak vezetoj e (for Szilagyi) 25.Ut-vasuttanirezo MAA! '~Kc4fe6d~if Ogztalva vezetoje (for Heg3ri) 16. BUVATI Kozlekedesi e9 KdWilsiak"Aalyanak vezetoje, Budapest (for Berczik) 17. Pees m.j. varos TaA4.iis BV Epitesi es Kozlekedesi Osztalyanak vezetoje (for Marki). (Continued on next card) 3- 7 7 7 7 7 7 T 7 7 R-1, 1_5 i -; I` ~I-T GSMADI, Gyorgy (Continued) Card 3. 18. Szeged m.j. VarosA. Tanacs Epitesi es Kozlekedesi Osztil,7anak fomernoke (for Palfi Budins2ki) 19. Budapest Fovarosi Tanace Melyepitesi Terveze Vallalat, ira-nyito tervezoje (for Endre Nagy) 20. Debreceni - Kozlekedeot Vallalat igazgatoja (for Szatmary) 21. Budapest Fovaroal Tanacs Melyepitesi Tervezo Vallalat tervezomernoke (for Magori) 22. Budapest Fovarosi Tanacs Melyepltesi Tervezo Vallalat tervezomernoke (for Caikhelvi) 23. Mlakolci Kozlekedesi Vallalat fomernoke (for 14esaleri) -24.Kozlekedes- es Po2taugyi Miniszterium Autokozlekedesi Foosztalyanak- famernoke (for Veroszta) 25. Szeffedi Kozlekedesi Vallalat fomernoke (for Zsiga) 26. Miskolel Kozlekedesi Vallalat fokonyveloje (for Torok) 27,. Debreceni Kazlekedesi Vallalat.fomernoke (for Koncz) 28. Penzugy- mi~iszterlum foeloadoja (for Wessely) 29. Pecsi Kozlekedesi Vallalat igazgatoja (for Szabo) 30. Epitesugyi 14iniszterium Varoarandezesi Fccm2talya~t~--,m arnoke (for Komoroczi) 31. Fovarosi Villamosvasut (Gontimed on next ca----4) R, 4 CSANADI Oyorgy (continued) Card j2. 51-es Autokozlekedesi Vallalat mmkatarsa (for Csontos). 33. Ut-Vasuttervezo VaUalat irodavezeto fomernoke (for Jakab). 34. Budapesti Relyierdska.Vasutak osztalyvezetoje (for Lovasz). 35. Magyar Allamvasutek igazgatohelyettese (for Kiss, Karoly) 36. Magyar Alleavasutak vezerigazgathohel-yettese (for Rodonyi5. LOVASZ, Kalman The rotary machine is one hundred years old. Tecbnikn 7 no.10: U 0 163, Ebccerpta Medica see 16 3/3 Air 55 Cancer 1131. LOVASZ L. Szijvets6g-utcai k6rhiz Seb6szeti OsztAlyAnak kdzlem6nye. A p,-ripbe'r"jasTN9gdff7Mkr6l, kfilbrids tekintettel a lemmocytomikra Tinnours of tile pcri- pheral nerves, especially lemniocytoma Mag. Seb6szet 1954, 7/4 (246-254) Illus. 3 A report on 13 cases operated on for various growths of the peripheral nerves. A 'lem- m,)cvtoma' (Verocays 'neurinoma') weighing 3,900 g. was successfully excised; one tilmour as large as a head and 3 more, as large as a fist, were adherent to the mesenterv of a 60-year-old man. They were excised. The removal entailed resection of the srnail it,tarfina -- Makai - Budapest MED~CA_Sec. -6- 0 UAS Z 6357. L4DVASZ L. Orszdgos Reuma 6s FtlrdijUgyi Int. Sebdszeti OsztdIyAnak Koz- lemLsnye.T-Az epeh6lyagtuberculosisr6l. Tb of the gallbladder ORV. HETIL. 1956, 97116 (437-441) Tables 2 Illus. 2 After a review of the literature, the data of collective statistics are reported. The cases are thoroughly discussed and the distribution of tuberculous conditions ac- cording to age and sex is presented in tables. The possibilities of infection are also discussed. On the basis of the experimental data published in the literature evidence is given of the possibility of ascending infection of the bile duct in primary chronic tuberculous cholecystitis. From the cases reported the conclusion is drawn that great pathogenetic importance should be attributed to stones and to primary unspecific inflammation. In cholelithiasis in tuberculous patients, this possibility should be taken into account in the establishment of operative indica- tions. A personal case is reported. (VI, Is) LOVASZ, Laszlo, dr. About actinomycosis, with special regard to the pathogenesis. Orv. hetil. 98 no-7-8:147-152 24 Fab 57. 1. Az Orazagos Reuma- as Furdougyi Intezet (Igazgato: Dubovitz. Danes, dr.) Sebeezati Oaztalyanak (foorvoa: Varebely, Tibor, dr.) kozlemenye. (ACTINOMYCOSIS (Hun)) TInVA.R7 Gages of primRry &ctinomycosis of theloslimatum, OrT, 9Q no-15:392-394 14 Apr 57- l.-Ax.Orsixagom Asume. as FurdougViIutez:t Ugazgato: Ihibovits, Danes'. dr.) Sebassati Onstaly nak (foorvos: V07abely,21bor. dr.) koslemenys. (ACTIEDMOSIS, case reports omentum. primarr (Run)) (OHNETUM. DIS. ictinon7cosim, priuLry. came reports (Hun)) IAWASZ, Inazlo, Dr. Marly transit disorders after gastric surgery. Orr. hetil. 99 no.13: 423-430 30 Mar 58. 1. Az Orazagos Reuma, as Furdougyi Intezet (igazgato: Farkas Karoly dr.) Sebeozati Onztalyanak (foorvoB: Verebely Tibor dr.) kozlemenye., (STOIUGH, ourg. postop. early transit disord. (Hun)) N JANOS, Danes. Dr.; IDVASZ. lassio. Dr. Modmrn therapy of co.ngenital megacolou. orv. hatil, 100 no-7:243-M 15 Yeb 59. 1. As Istvankorhaz (igazgato foorvos: Katona Istvan dr.) gyarmaksebeszoti (foorvos: Danes Janos dr.) so as Orezagos Reumm as Purdougyi Inteset (igasgato foorvos: Farkas Karoly dr.) sebeszeti 0sztalyanak (foorvos: Verbelyi Tibor dr.) kgzlemeuye. (MMOOIDN, surg. surg.. Swenson's technic (Hun)) p VT 'M m IA)VASZ.I&a Acute dilatation of the stomeh without surgical iAtervention. Orv. hetil, 101 no.26:918-921 2.6 Js 160. 1. Orssagos Raum es Furdougyl Intezet, Sebeezeti oaztaly. (STOUGH Clim, ) . I LOVASZ, Iaszlo, dr. Stenosis of the cardial Begment Of the stomach of non-neoplastic origin and its surgical therapT. Nagy sebeBz. 14 no.5:273-278 0 161. 1. Az Orazagos Reuma e9 Furdougyi Intezet (Igazgato: Dr. Farkas Karolyp az orvostudomanyok doktora) Sebeszeti osztalyanak (Foor7os: Dr. Verebely Tibor) kozlemenyea, (STOMACH die) LOVASZ, Laaxlo, dr.; MESZAROS, Laszlo, dr.; TANKA, Dezoo, dr. Surgery of a case of gastric lemmocytoma in association with prostatic cancer. Magy. sebeszet 14 no.4:240-243 Ag 161. 1. Az Orazagos Relma es Furdougyi Intezet sebeezeti osztalyanak es prosecturajonak kozlemenye. (STOMACH NEOPLASM surg) (PROSTATE neopl) LOVASZ, Laszlo, dr. On surgical problems in portal bypertension. Nagy. sebesz. 15 no.2* 103-105 MY '62. (BYPERTENSION PORTAL surg) HUNGARY BETLERI, Istvan, Dr, EMU, Karoly, Dr, LOVASZ,__Las-zlo,,.Dr, MESZAROS, Laszlo, Dr; National Institute of Rheumatology and Balneology, Department of Surgery (chief physician: VERMELY, Tibor, Dr) (Orszagos Reuma- es Furdougyi Intezet, Sebeszeti Osztaly). "Successful Resuscitation of Cardiac Arrest Following Surgery." Budapest, Orvosi Hetilap, Vol 107, No 36, 4 Sep 66, pages 1713-1714. 0 Abstract: (Authors' Hungarian summary] The successful resuscitation of a case of cardiac arrest, by 100 minutes of manual, open heart massage, is reported. The arrest developed, for unclear reasons, in a 22 year-old male patient following surgery for a duodenal ulcer. 3 Hungarian, 4 Western references. ~VASZjibor, dr, School health services in SzWd. HopegeszsegugY 38 no.1-2: 5-8 Jan-Feb 57. (SCHOOLS health serv. in Szeged, Hungary (Hun)) 77 LOVASZI, Z. Experience in 1956 with maize nlanted in double rows at Godollo. p. 4. (All2mi Gazdas2g, Vol. 9, 111o. 1, Jan 1957, Bu3apest, HungarY) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessionm (FXAL) LC, Vol. 6, No. 8, Aug 19.57. Uncl- Some problems of standardization jr ft~JUS Standartizatsila 29 no.&',:-j3 AP 165. (KRA 18:7) g VI N YMMMKOP G.G., inzh.; VOYTANIK, S.T., inzh.; YEFIMOV, S.P., inzh.; MACHKOVSKIY, A.I., inzh.; RUDKOV, A.K., inzh.; RUDKOVSKIY, G.I., inzh.; Prinimali uchastiye: KOVALEV, D.A.; GOTOVTSEV, A.A.; VASIL'YEV, G.S.; ZEMLYANOT, A.A.; KUKUSHKIN, S.N.; MANNA, M.G.;_IPVQk J~K .40 IL- V.A.; KRAMNIK, T.A.; NECHESOVAP N.I.; MARTYNENKO, V.A., KURAKSIN, D.I.; t~,=AGIN, N.L. Intensifying the sintering process by the use of a special charge wetting device. Stall 23 no.12:1061-1064- D 163. (MA 17:2) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy metallurgicheskiy institut, zavod im. Dzerzhinskogo i Yuzhnyy gornoobogatitellnyy kombinat. 2. Dnepropetrovskiy metallurgi- cheskiy institut (for Kovalev, Gotovtsay, Vasiltyev, ZemlXanoy, Kukushkin). 3. Zavod im. Dzerzhinskogo (for Matyna, Lovchanskiy, Kram~rk, Nechesova). 4. Yuzhnyy gornoobogatitellnyy kombinat (for 14artynenko, Kuraksin, Let- yagin). A-P 5 C~(R 13 -~Co TIT-1-71: Turborefrigerator for cabin air conditioning systems in large passengre-,~ aL-craft. Class 62, No. 153845- SOURCE: 9-yu-Iletant izobretaniy i tovarnykh znakov, no. 4, 1965, 121 TOPIC TAGS: passenger aircraft, air conditioning equipment '-!;,3TU.CT: This Author Certificate oresents a turborefrijerallor, consisting of a -~r, --cr :!a ~D --*:-. a s ems n a:- ~e s 3 -;~-Zer tea.--ng--, *-:-,e M4 S provided witb an iii turlunpimp moun,.ed im the end of the ai-r- ',ariK which is located 'below the %uroorefr 'he '.urDopump, by comprosaed air vithdrawn from %ho !nIn!- nczzlo of t~o turborofri#701'rl- 3 ~ r- v ld~3,4 -dli th, '.hr-, -.!. 1 9s c, :; I,:- :]-.W. --;,I zhan-neis *,c -hj .:R ;-:~azof,rs of the bearings. ASSOC I~I ION ; none Cardl/~ .." AP 59 1 ---iFOV-Rtg--COM-.--j-ft7UDT6UUOWM7OU9 X19 9 INVENTOR: Adler, M. V4; Gorbachev, L. M.; Lapavoko Y. S.; Loychevs S. V,; Sokolov, G. I.; Frenk, M. Ts.; Churikov, Ye. P. ORG: none TITLE; Ventilating unit for aircraft. Class 62, No. 187540 SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki','*no.--2O,_l966, 199 TOPIC TAGS: aircraft cabin environment, aircraft cabin equipment, centrifugal blower, air conditioning equipment ABSTRACT: An Author Certificate has been issued for a ventilating unit for aircraft which contains a fan with a drive. To assure the unit's efficient operation in ground-based and airborne applications, the fan is mounted on a separate shaft and is operated by an electric drive through an axial over-riding clutch; a centrifugal (WA-98) clutch is used for operation on turbine drive.. SUB CODE: 01, 13/. SUBM DATE: .1 OFeb64 Card 1/1 UDC: 629.13.01/06 Differential diagnosis of thyrotaxicosis and tbyrotoxicosis- like diseases. Vrache delo no.10:64-68 0 163. (~ff RA 17:2) 1. Kafedra rentgenclogii i radiologii (zav. - dotsent N*N.,Granovskaya), kafedra neyrokhirurgii (zav. - prof. VA. Lennitakaya) Krymskogo meditsinskogo instituta i kafedr7 gistologii (zav. - prof. B.V. Aleshin) KharIkovskogo meditsinskogo instituta. 4- MILITSYN, Konstantin Nikitich. kandidat takhaicheakikh nauk adidat tkahnichaskikh nauk; SUVOR iiihiner-,OSOKIN. N.Te., kandidat tekhaichaskikh nauk:, Kikhay,~Oitclh~.~~ retsenzent; PAVIDTSKIY, P.G., inzhener, retsenzent; AROUSHrm, N.A., inzhener, retsenzent; NOVIKOT, inzhener, rets-snzent; RZHIZIIIKOV, V.S., redaktor; ARKHANGELISKAYA. M.S., redaktor izdatel'stva; BIKKIM, O.G., tekhnicheakiy redaktor (Smelting and founding of nonferrous metals and alloys] Plavka i lit's tavetnykh metallov i splavov. Pod nauchnoi red. X.N.Militsyna. Moskvao Goo. naucbno-tekhn. izd-vo lit-ry po chernai i tevetnoi. inetal- lurgiii 1956. 662 p. WaA 10:2) 1, Kolichuginokiy takhnikum po obrabotke tovetnykh metallov (for Omoklni ftvlotskiy, Aronshtsyn. Novikov) (Younding) (Smelting) (Nonferrous metals--Ketallurgy) Ov c 0 1 F, alloys for sanitary Frai--t-mlitva 1956, No. 2, 2T t alloys contain Afg 10, Cu 2, Zu 0. 1 Si 5, anti Fe 1.0% and Mg4, Cu2.ZnOA,Si5,and Fe I.;)% an([ have. 120 and. 02-~73 Brinell hirdness, 17-22 and 15-19 kg.Aq. vnm~ ten-Mic strength, zip,f (1,11-1.2 Ind 0.9-VUlm' clongation. They are not corrosion rc~L%tant and reqnire catting when a(- k ~M R M. " LOVCHIKOV, G.G.; NAZARENKO, I.I. Welding up defects of iron castings used in crank-bearing supports of the DT-54 engine blocks. Mashinostroenie no.l: 48-50 Ja-F '63. (MIRA 16:7) 1. E~royektno-konstruktorskiy takhnologichaskiy institut Kiyevskogo soveta naradnogo khozyayst7a. (Electrip.weldinO LOVCIIIKOVY G.G., inzh. Correcting defects in cast iron on surfaces to undergo enamelling. Svar. proizv. no.2;3?-38 F 165. Omlw- -18:3, 1) 1. Proyektno-konstruktorskiy teklinol~gicheskiy institut Kiyevskogo soveta narodnogo khozyaystva. 1. LOVCHIKOV, I. S. 2. USSR (6oo) 4. Wheat 7. High-yield varieties of spring wheat. Dost.sellkhoz. no. 11, 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, March 1953, Unclassified. i0vCHIK011) i. S., BORK., V. Irrigation Famiing Best varieties of spring wheat for irriglated lands of the southw-est and central- chernozem belt, Sel. i sem. 19, No. 5, 1952. MonthlyList of_.Ru-~sian Accessions, Library of Congress, July 1952. Unclassified. ------LOI10HIKOV, ___ Barayev, A. I. ~L Greater objectivity in evaluating hard wheat (review of A. I. Barayev's article "Selection of-hard wheat and scientific principles of its cultivation." 1. S. Lovchikov.) Sel. i sem., 19, No. 9, 1952. Monthly List. o'L,Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, December 1952. UnclassifLed. 1. LOVCHIMOV-, 2. USSR (600) 4. Wheat 7. Introduce more rapidly the use of new regionally adapted varieties of hard Spring wheat. Sel.i sem. 19 no.10, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, January -1953. Unclassified. FRUTSKOVAq M.G.p -kand. sellkhoz.- nauk; BOLSUNOVSKAYA, O.V.v agronom; JPYCHIKO~, I.S., agronom; MARINICH9 P.Ye., red.; KONDRATOVA# N.A., red.; PECHENKINy I.V,, tekbn, red* (New strong and durm spring wheat varieties; Saratov 29v Saratov 210p Bezenchuk.98t Kharkov 46y Heldanopus 261 No- vye aorta sillnykh i t~erdykh iarovykh pbhenits;oSaratov- skaia 29, Saratoyekala 210% Bezencbukakaia 98, Kharikovskaia 46, kelianopus 26. Moskvaq Izd-vo M-va sell.khoz. SSSR, 1960, 73,p. (MIRA 14:8) 1. Russia(1923- U.S.S.R.) GosudaretvehWA komiss~7a po sorto- ispytani-yu sellskokhozyaystvenMkh kulltur. 2. Zamestitell pred- sedatelya Gosudarstvennoy komisaii po sor-toispytaniyu sellsko- khozyaystvennykh kulltur (Marinich) (Wheat--Varieties) PRUTSKOVA, M.G., kand. sellkhoz. nauk; UKHANOVA, 0.1.; SAKHAROVA, L.I.; BOLSUNOVSKAYA, O.V.; IVAIiOVA, N.Ye.; LQVUIKOYJ-.S.; ZALKIND, G.N.; ILIIN, M.I.; KOZ','aNA, K.A.; SRIOTI, V.A.; FETROVA, Z.V.; GRIERALOV, G.F.; BUDYUK, V.P.; GOWENYUK, L.I., red. [New highly productive varieties of grain crops] Novye vysoko- produktivrqe sorta zernovykh kulltur. Moskva, Kolos, 1965. 319 p. (MIRA 18:8) ;v " -1 1 -It T-ii LOVGHIKOV, V.A. Affect of chloral-induced sleep on the higher nervouB activity in dogs [with summary in Aniglish]. Fiziol.zhur. CUIcr.] 3 no.3:71-76 vq-Je 157. (MIRA 10:8) (MMVOUS SYSTRK) (SLEIP) (CHIMAL) LOVCIiIKDV, V.A._ Eff4et of chlortetracycline on the conditioned reflex activity of the dog. Eksp. i klin. isol. po antibiot. 2:11A-152 160. 1 A~ vi (MIRA 15:5) (AUREOMYCIN) (CONDITIONED RMPO'NSE) %~4 LOVGHIKOV, V.A. Effect of terramycin on conditioned reflex activit7 of the dog. Eksp. i klin issl. po antibiot. 2:153-157 160. (MM 15:5) iTEMLAMYCIN) (CONDITIONED RESPONSE) LOVCHIKOV, V.A.; ORWVSKAY-A, 7e.V. Change in the filtration ability of the kidneys and the rate of urination vith the use of chlortetracycline,-terramycin and tetracycline. Eksp. i klin. issl. po antibiot. 2:158-162 160. (MIRA 15:5) (KIDNEYS) (URINE--SECRLTION) (ANTIBIOTICS) MMITSKIY) D.N. and LOVCHIKOV, V.A,, Laboratory for Radioelectronics and Gybernetics, Institute of Experimental Medicine, Academy of Medical Sciences USSR, Leningrad - "Experimental study on conditioned probability ccmputing in--a nervous system" (9) Report to be submitted for the 4th Intl. Conf. on Medical Electronics, New Yorkp N.Y. 16-21 July 1961 pi LOVCHIKOV, V.A. (Lovchykov, V.0.11 Effect of chloral hydrhte-induced sleop on tile condifirmed reflex activity of dogs. Fiziol. zhur. [Ukr.] 9 no.L:45P- 464 JI-Ag 164. (FJRA 17-10) 1. T-natituteof Experimental Medicine of the Acader--.y of Medical Sciences of the U.S.S.R., Leningrad, and A.A. Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology of the Acadenrl of Sciences of the Ukrainian "I.S.R., Kiev. z LOVCHIKOV, V. S., LOSKITOV, F. M. and URAZOV, G. G. "Dezbncking Lead by the Chlorine Method," Tsvet. metal., 19, No.6, 1946 hi:, -vt~,~zt -too - LOVCHII~-&v, V. .3. Card. Tech- Sc.,. Dis!-,ertation: "DezinkJnp Tend with Chlorine." f4c.1scow Trist of Nonferrous Xetrils and Gold ime-n-I M. 1. Kalinin, 10 A-,r 47. SO: Vechernyaya Moskvp, Apr, 1947 (Project //17836) .4 LCINCIii*111CIV, 'j. 3. 150? Issledovaniye V11yaniya neYo-torykh faktorov na zetrudnenntrju usadhi pri litlye v 0 postoy,--nnyye formy. M. 1954 10 s..v Klyuch.obl. 21 m. (M-vo vyssh. obrazovaniyn S"sp. Mask. in-t tsvet. metalov 1 zolota im. M. 1. Kalinina). 110 ekz. F. ts.- (54-5211,,7) SO: Knizhaya Letopis', Vol. 1, 1955 A wiuc~ ~i5n,5 o. Naurt anci -NaCl. and t he aollid phasc Ls a mixt, ofantimanatc and ~r,,sfal~ rcr ecinemv -n 7 .)Eli UIC ,~Id NaOti -"i f brancll,i vxv~! ,i rt"- 4 in iY. At rlrp tile nux., an4 bvy0mi, f lie. ;fiIW toy 0~1Zuso-Na'01:11(j) Tll~ the sc,ly. rf Z!10. OW TS URLZOV, G.G.; LOVCHIKOV, V.S.; LIPSHITS, B.M. Zinc removal from Is" by alkalization. TSvet.met.29 no.12:33-35 156. (MM 10:2) (Lead-Astallura) ~~wgg 'R, VN LOVC=OV V. S... LOSKUTOV, F. M., VOL'SKIVY, k. 14. kRACHEVA, R. A., YEGOROV, A. M., an 3. "On Hydrometal-lurgical Treatment" Mintsvetmetzoloto report s%ftitted at a conference an nev metbods of load production tram eoncentz-ates, Gintrwetmet (State Inst. Non-Perrous Neta.UMW), Mosem 22-25 J=* 1956. Cror entire couf . see card for Lmv,, v. P.) URLZOV, G.G. .[deceased]; 14)VCRIWV, V.S.; IIMITSv B.N. Refining lead from arsenic, tin and antimony by liquid molten alksll.~ Izv. vys. ucheb. zav;; tffvet. Wt. w.2t77"84 158. (MM 11:8) rafedra l.'Nookovskly institut timetnykh wtalloy i zolota. tyazhelyi& tevetv7kh metallow, (lead-Metallurgy) AUTHOR:, Urazov, G.G., (Deceased) BOV/149-58-4-13/26 Lovchikov V.S. -MtPB TITLE. Oxidation of Arsenic, Tin, and Antimony in Refining Lead by Alkaline Melts (Okisleniye myshl.yaka,olova i surlmy pri rafinirovanii ovintsa kilichelochnymi plavami) PERIODICAL:Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy Tsvetaaya Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 4, pp 96-102 (NSR) ABSTRACT: Card 1/5 The results obtained by other workers (Ref.1-3) who had studied kinetics of the reactions occurring when fused NaOH and NaNO are used for refining lead, 2 Authors t prompted the presen o investigate the possibility of improving the efficiency of the refining process by separate oxidation of the main impurities (i.e. As, Sn and Sb) present in the crude metal. To this end, the effect of various factors on the rate of oxidation of these elements was studied in the following manner: Oxidising mixtures of various composition were added to impure lead melted in an electrically heated iron crucible and maintained at SOV/149-58-4-13/26 Oxidation.of Arsenic, Tin and-Antimony in Refining Lead by Alkaline Melts constant temperature and i~he whole was continuously stirred with a mechanical stirrer. Samples of metal and the salt were taken at regular intervals and chemically analysed. The results were plott6d in the form of graphs showing how under various experimental conditions the impurity content in the refined metal changed with time. It was found that: In air, the rate of oxidation of As by NaOH is considerably higher at 4500C than at 4000C (Fig.1). In dry nitrogen this reaction occurs at approximately the same rate in the case of arsenic but neither Sn nor Sb are oxidised by NaOH under these conditions (Xig.2). In air, both Sn and Sb react with NaOH but-at a much slower rate than As (Fig.-U,, which at 45000 is almost completely oxidised after-.1. hour's treatment. Complete oxidation of arsenic in 5 minutes can be attained if instead of NaOH a mixture of' ?8% NaOH and.221%, Na SbO4 is employed Card 2/5 (Fig.4). It can be seen from Fig.4 Mt in the course of the reaction with As, sodium antimonate is reduced SOV/149-58-4-13/26 Oxidation of Arsenic, Tin and Antimony in Refining Iead by Alkaline Melts to metallic Sb, so that.oxidation of As takes place according to the followIng reactions: ~3b + Na, so As + Na 3SbO4 3iA 4 2As + 5Na3 SbO4 + 6NaOH = Wa3LB04 + 5Na 3SbO 3 + 3H20 Similar reactions take place between Na3SbO4 and Sn (Fig-5) out in this case 16 hours are necessary completely to oxidise the impurity. According to the law of mass action, it is lead that is 6xidised in-the first place during the refining process. PbO reacts with NaOH forming sodium plumbite which reacts with As, Sn and Sb to yield metallic lead and corresponding arsenates. (Fig.6 shows the rate of oxidation of As, Sn and Sb by a melt consisting of 8076 NaOH and 2011vo NaCl to which a quantity of PbO, 2(Ylo higher than that necessary to oxidise the impurities present in the metal, has been added: Arsenic is almost completely oxidised in Card 3/5 10 minutes, while the content of metallic Sn and Sb is SOV/149-58-4-13/26 Oxidation-of Arsenic, Tin and Antimony in Refining Iead by Alkaline Melts reduced in 3 hrs to 97 and 92% respectively). Although it would be possible to oxidise all these impurities with the aid of sodium plumbite, some lead oxide would remain after refining in the alkaline melt. For this reason it is necessary to oxidise the last traces of the impurities with NaNO (The results of experiments in which the alkaline mali consisted of 8Wo NaOH and 20% NaCl with a quantity of NaNO3 theoretically necessary to oxidise As and Sb hAs been added, are shown on Fig.7.) In the course of the refining process the impurities present in the alkaline melt displace each other in the following order: As, Sn. Sb, Pb. However, it is not possible to obtain melt containing one of these elements only, owing to the fact that the displacement process does not proceed to completion. This has been shown not only by the results of laboratory experiments, but also by a large scale production test, the results of which are reproduced Card 4/5 on Fig.8. It was concluded that separate recovery of SOV/149-58-4-13/26 Oxidation of Arsenic, Tin andAntimony in Refining Iead by A4kaline Melts the impurities under consideration may be expedient when the Sb content in the crude metal is several times higher than the content of the two other impurities (separately and jointly). In such a case, refining should be carried out in two staps: In the first stage As, Sn and a small proportion of Sb is recovered from the metal, while the bulk of the latter impurity is recovered in the second operation. There are 8 diagrams, 2 Soviet and 2 German references. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy Institut Tsvetnykh Metallov i Zolota, Kafedra Metallurgii Tyazhelykh Tsvetnykh Metallov (Moscow Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals and Gold Chair for Metallur&T of Heavy Non-Ferrous Metals~ SUBMITTED; 15th Aprilt 1958. Card 5/5 WVCHIKOV, V.S.; L. HITS, B.M. Preparing antimonv and tin from products of treating molten alkali-refined lead. Izv. -7ys. ucheb. zav.; ts7et. met. 2 no-3:78-81 159. (MIRA 12:9) I.MoskovBki7 institut tsvetnykh metallov i zolota, Kafedra. metallurgii tyazhelykh tsvetnykh metallov. (Nonferrous metals ---Metallurg3r) LOYCHIXQV,_T.S.; LIPSHITS, B.M. Production of tenurium concentrate fluxes produced by the al)mli refining of lead. Izv.vys.uchebozavv; tsvet.met. 2 no.6:93-?8 159. (MIRA 13:4) 1. Krasnoyarskly institut tevetrqkh metallov. Kafedra metallurgil. tyashelykh tsvetzWkh metallov. (Lead-Metallutg7) '(Tellurium) 5 5(4) SOV/78-4-2-29/40 AUTHORS: Urazov, G. G. (Deceased), Lipshits, B. M., Lovchikov, V. S. TITLE: The Solubility Isotherms of the System Na 2 O-H2 O-Si"2U5at 25 and 750 (Izotermy rastvorimosti sistemy Na 20-H 2O-Sb2 05 pri. 25 i 750) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 2, pp 439-444 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The solubility isotherms of the system Na 0-H O-Sb 0. vere in- 2 2 2-, vestigated for the firsk. time at 25 and 750. The synthesis of the compound NaSbO 3,3H 20 is given. The solubility of sodium antimoniate in water, depending on the temperature, was J-n- vestigated and it was found that the solubility increases considerably upon a temperature rise. The isothermal solubility diagram of the system Na 2O-H2 O-Sb205 at 25 and 750 was drawn. The following salts crystallize in the system at 250: NaSbO 3*3.5H2 0; NaSbO 3'1-5H2 0; Na 3SbO 4' 6H20 and Na,Sb04 . The Card 1/2 crystallization zones of these salts depend on the concentration SOV/78-4-2-29/40 The Solubility Isotherms of the System Na 20-H 2O-Sb205at 21 and 750 of caustic soda. The salt NaSbO 3'1-5H2 0 crystallizes dif- ficultly. In this system the following salts crystallize at 750: NaSbO 3* 3H2 01 Na3 SbO 4' 6H20 and Na3SbO 4' The existence of these salts also depends on the concentration of caustic soda. Upon investigation of the solubility of newly produced sodium antimoniate the salt showed comparatively great solubility in the concentration range of caustic soda from 40-49 weight % NaOH at 750. There are 4 figures, 7 tables, and 5 references, 1 of which is Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy institut tsvetnykh metallov -J zolota im. M. I. Ka- linina (Moscow Institute of Nonferrous Metals and Gold --'.meni4 M. I. Kalinin) SUBMITTED: November 22, 1957 Card 2/2 5(2) BOV/78-4-lo-32/40 ._JTHORS: Urazov, G. G. (Deceased), Lipshits, B. M., Lovchikov, V. S. TITLE. Isotherms of Solubility in the System Na 20 - H20 - SnO 2 at 25 and 750 PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, 1959, Vol 4, Nr lo, pp 2380 - 2383 (USSR) AB'3TRACT. On refining lead by means of alkali an oxidation of Alm occurs which passes over into the melt. In order to obtain the tin from the melt, the compo8ition of the sodium salts of stannic acid and their solubility in sodium hydroxide must be known. To ob- tain these data, the system Na 0 - H 0 - sno was investi-ated. 2 2 2 The results are given in tables 1 and 2 and figures 1-3. At 25 0 wt"'- F, and a concentration of NaOH between 10-95 - 36.9 N4n(OH)6]crystallizes. At 750 this salt crystallizes in concentration range of NaOH between 20.74 - 45-88 wt, ',t NaOh _~ I -1 H20 concentrations between 49.98 - 68.88 wtl~' the salt Na 3~ 7J is stable. At both temperatures the increasine NaCH-concentration involves a decreasing solubility of the stannate. The followinj practical conclusions are drawn from the afore-mentioned: The Card 1/2 melts of the alkaline lead refining can be granulated in a solu- Isotherms of Solubility in the System Na 20 - H20 - sno 2 SOV/78-4-lo-32/4o 4t 25-and 750 tion with 35% NaOH. There the tin forms the well filterable salt Na2~sn(oHQ. An increase of the sodium hydroxide concentra- tion must be avoided because of the formation of a viscous pulp. The slime obtained by granulation of the melt can be filtered in hot state since the solubility of the sodium stannate in concentrated sodium lye is practically independent on temperature. The filter cake from sodium stannate must be washed with an alkaline solution, since it hydrolyzes with pure water. If it contains sodium antimonate, the sodium stannate can be separated from it by dissolving it by means of Ca-free water. There are 3 figures, 2 tables, and 4 references, I of which is Soviet. SUBMITTED: July 11, 1958 Card 2/2 - - - - - - - - - - - 5(2) SOV/80-32-5-11/52 AUTHORS- Urazov, G.G., Lipshits, B.M., Lovchikov, V.S. TITLE: The Effect of Table Salt on the Solubility of Sodium Antimonate, Stannate and Arsenate in Aqueous Solutions of Caustic Soda PERIODICAL: Zhurmal prikladnoy khimli, 1959, Vol 32, Nr 5, PP 995-997 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The investigation of the oxidation process of arsenic, tin and antimony has shown that table salt, which is used in the refining of lead, does not take part in the reactions, decreases the chemical activity of alkali melts and increases the time needed for oxidation. Experiments are made here iAsing caustic soda (purified of sodium carbonate), chemically pure sodium chloride and especially prepared sodium antimonate, arsenate and stannate. The solubility of sodium antimonate in water at 250C is 0,10% at 750C - 0.58%. Table salt decreases the solubility. The principal effect being obtained by caustic soda, the presence of table salt in the solution is un- Card 1/2 necessary. At a content of 350 g/l NaOH the effect of sodium SOV/80-32-5-11/52 The Effect of Table Salt on the Solubility of Sodium Antimonate, Stannate and Arsenate in Aqueous Solutions of Caustic. Soda carbonate which reduces the solubility of sodium antimonate, is cancelled. Table salt de~3reases also the solubility of sodium stannate. At the mentioned c-ontent of NaOH the effect is not observed. The same effect is observed with sodium arsenate. The temperature is very important. Or., cooling sodium arsenate does not precipitate, but forms a crystalline structure. "Phere are: 3 tables and 1 Soviet reference. SUMM April 14, 1958 Card 2/2 0~05-N,~-