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KI)L,r,S'.'V,, Andrey Aleksanarnvicn,, GOEbRICV, Yu,,iy lvanovj@.,h; N7i!j,v.,(,lV. Yurly LUKLN F.V., ciokror teRhri. naur@-. ren.5enzent; E0'7HZ`zf!-:_! nauk. re-wqenzencu-, Aa-rBFRG, li.Ya., --Pd. -)14d -state ye dye skl:fmr@. Vcok@ra. 503 .LUKIN, G., kand.tekhn.nauk Economic efficiency of seawater softening on ships. Mr. flat 23 no.3:29-31 Mr 163. (MIRA 160) 1. Nachallnik kafedry "Sudovyye parosilovyye ustanovikill Vysshego voye=o-inzhenernogo morskogo uchilishcha. (Feed-water purification) LORIN, G,Ya,, kandgtekhn.nauk E a " ,'! I A. i ch=bor adiabat Ic continuous flaw evapor- I*.'S!i&atroeni9 29 no.9t2O-23 5 163* OCRA 160-1) LUKIN9,0. YA, Lukin., G. Ya. -- "Investigation of the Load Capacity of Thrust Bearings with Immobile Pillow Blocks for Ship Turbines." Leningrad Shipbuilding Inst. Leningrad, 1955 (Disseration -for the Degree of Candidate in Technical Sciences)- - SO: Knizhnaya Letopis'. No. 23,, Moscowt Jun 55, PP 87-104 LUKU, Gariy Yakovlevich; LAPP, M.I., dotsent, retsenzent; OGLOBLIN, G.A., Wrred;; ALEKSA L.A., ied.izd-va; TIKHONOTA, Te.A., (Steam turbines on modern seagoing vessels; an atlas] Farovye turbiny sovremennykh morskikh sudov atlas. Koskva, Izd-vo 'Norskoi transportgg 1960. 64 p. L_,pescription, to the atlas] -Opisanie k atlesu. 94 p. (MM 13:7) 1. Spetsiallnoye konstraktorskoye byuro Kirovskogo zavoda (for Ogloblin). (Steam turaines) LUKIN. G&,,Akand.tekhn.nauk "Marine 01-aambDilpra" by B.Lubocilk-in. 4viewed by G.Lukin. Mor. flot 20 no-1:14-45 Ja '60. (141U 13:5) 1. Rachallnik kafedry Vysahego voyenno-i=henernogo morskogo uchilishcha. (Boilers, Marine) IUKIN Qjrjy-yakov2,evjc@SMfEKA, V.A.., kand. tekhn. nauk., retsenzent; LUBOCHKIII, B.L., red.; MUGLOVA, Ye.I.I., red. izd-va; LAVM,'OVA, N.B.., tekbn. red. [Steam turbines on modern seagoing ships]Paroturbinnye usta- novki so-vTemenrqkh morskM sudov. Yoslcva, "Morskoi transport.," 1962. 229 p. OaRA 15:9) (Steam turbines, Marine) MAGUIA, Valentin Emmanuilovich, kand. tekhn. nauk; DRUZ', Boris Ivanovich, kand. tekbn. nauk; KUIAGIN, Vitaliy Dmitriyevich, kand. tekhn. nauk; Prinimal ucbgwtiye LUKIN, G.Ya., kand. tekhn. nauk; GORYANSKIY, Yu.V., dots., -?9fs-e'8-i`Mnt-7j`GULIYEV, Yu.M., dots., retsenzent; KOKHANOVSKIY, K.V., dots., retsenzent; LEBEDEV, A.M.., dots., reteenzent; SPITKOVSKIY, M.I., dots., retsenzent; VASILIYEV, I.V., dots., retsenzent; SERKO, G.S., red.; TIKHONOVA, Ye.A., (Theory and the structural arrangement of ships] Teoriia i ustroistvo sudov. Moskva, Izd-vo I'Morskoi transport," 1963. 494 P. (MIRA 17:3) KOVALIIIKO, V.F.,, kand. tekhn. nauk; LUFM, G.Ya..' kand. tekhn. !ARMM'lOWi, I.Ya., red. nauk; IROGALEV, B.M., inzh.; 11 [Water-softening equipment on seagoing ships] Vodo- opresnitellnye ustanovki morskikil andov. Floskva Transport, 1964. 302 p. (MIRA 18:1@ DW.Z, G.Ya. p kaml. 4,okhri. muk Evapcirator-eznnomizer fcr rhipa. SuJcs-t:.c-erz6 YD .1. 1, F r.c,7."3-'-33 -TI 1646 (mup-@ LUKIN G.,, kand. tekhn. nauk.. dotsent I.- --.- - - Use of ferric chInride as a scale preventing additi7a in seavater waporators, More flot. 24 no.8t24-25 Ag 164. (MUtA 18-.9) 1. Naliningradakiy tekhnicheakiy institut rybnoy promyshlennosti i khozyaystva. e- LUKIN, I* (Sochi) In a health resort city. Pozh.delo 8 no.2:8-9 F '62. (YIRA 15s2) (Sochi-Fires and fire prevention) LUKIN, I. Drying and processing of tobacco. Pozh. delo 9 no.9:12 S 1610 1. Nachaltnik pozhamogo otryada, Sochi. (MIRA 16:10) (Tobacco Industry--Fires and fire prevention) LUKIN, 1. Nd fires caused by welding. Pozh.delo 9 no.W4 Ag 16-3. (MIRA 16:9) 1. Nachallnik gorodskogo otryada pozharnay, okbrany, Sochi. (Welding-Safety,measures) LUKIIT@ 4, P,,- LUMT, T, S,; GIURVIGH) 1. 8,; _ PSMIMI-IOV3 'k. V.; SOITIMMR) 01. K. Automobiles - Motors Determination of optimal conditions for breaking in motors. Avt.trakt.prom. No. 8, 1952. List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, November 1952. Unclassified. txm AUTHOR. Lukin, I. I. 32-2-34/60 TITLE: A New Photometric Colorimeter q5 3K-56 (Novyy fotoelektricheskiy kolorimetr (p-3K-56) PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya Laboratoriya, 1956, Vol. 24, 1Tr 2, pp. 214 - 215 (USSR) ABSTRACT: An improved colorimeter of the type 4)3 K-M is described. The principal advanta.-e of the new apparatus cons-43-ts in its wide ran-e of measurement reachin, from 313 to 630 m/a. The lay- -out of the optical and of the electric part of the apparatus is giren schematically. It should be noticedg that a parallel light ray is used, and that the measurable spectral range can be divided into correspording wave lengths by means of various light filters, that for the ultraviolet range an optical system consisting of 'CC-Class and a mercury lamp aBA-12 Oa is employed, as well as a set of cuvettes for a varying layer thickness. The apparatus can be used for nephelometric mea- Card 1/2 surements apart from its utilization as colorimoter. The con- A New Photometric Colorimeter @ @K-56 32-2-34160 siatancy of mcaaurin,3 values amounts to 0,1 - 0,2 absolute lit. There are 2 fieuras. AVAILABLE: Library of Congroaa 1. Colorimetry-Equipment Card 2/2 S/024/60/ooo/o4/olo /013 E140/Z463 82213 AUTHORt Lukin, I.1 (Riga) TITLE: C_o_m_U-1n_ea-R-e-gu-TbLtion in Systems with I:wo Interdependent Coordinates with Partial Invariance )V PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Otdelenlye tekhnicheskikh nauk, Energetika i avtomatikag 1960, No.4, PP-171-178 TEXTi The transfer functions with respect to the basic perturbations for invariance of the regulated coordinates are found. The paper considers a special case in which the object and regulator are described by first order differential equations, while the stabilization circuit is an isodromic feedback around the regulator. The case of partial invariance is then considered. A specific example is studied concerning frequency and voltage regulation of a single-phase synchronous generator and a rotary converter. It is found that the introduction of regulation with respect to the perturbation and its first derivative permits making a static system for stabilizing frequency and voltage astatic with respect to the given perturbation and substantially improves the dynamic properties of the stabilization system. The method of representing the solutions of the differential equations Card 1/2 S/024/6o/ooo/o4/oio-/ol3 B14o/z463 822' 13 Combined Regulation in Systems with Two Interdependent Coordinates with Partial Invariance employed here gives the possibility of a qualitative evaluation of the regulation process for each of the coordinates in a partially invariant system without actual solution of the eauations. A numerical example is given. Certain conclusions regarding the properties of the structure considered here are given, indicating the advantage of regulation with respect to perturbations over regulation with respect to deviations and of the use of the principle of partial invariance. There are 9 figures, 1 table and 3 Soviet references. SUBMITirEDs October 15* 1959 V< Card 2/2 SIAVIN, S.V.0 doktor ekon. nauk; GRANIK, G.I., kand. ekon. nauk; LOGINOV, V.P.j MIKHAYLOV, S.V.; SHAPALInt B.F.p kand. geogr. nauk; AVAKYAN, M.I.,, nauchrWy sotr.,- ZAKHAROV, G.A., nauchnyy sotr.; KAMITSERP L.S.p naucbzWy sotr.; TITOVA, N.Lp nauchryy sotr.; TYURDENEV, A.P., nauchM7 sotr.; CHUGUNOV, B.I.,, starshiy nauchnyy sotr.; KOGAN, I.L.j MESHKOVSKAYA, L.V,,,, starshiy inzh.; LUKINL !.Ij-,FAYERS11TEYN, R.I.; Prinimali uchastiye: Agranat, G.A., kand. geogr. nauk, red.; PUZANOVA9 V.F., kand. geogr. nauk, red.; KUPRIYANOV, A.B., nauchmyy sotr.,, red.; SOBOLEV, Yu.A.,, red. izd-va; TIKH(IIIROVA,, S.G.., tekbn, red. [Problem's in developin Ig the productive forces of 1-11agadan Province] ProblenV razvitiia proizvoditellyWich sil Magadanskoi oblasti. Mo- --kva,, Izd-vo Akad. nauk- SSSR, 1961. 301 p. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Sovet po izacheniyu proizvoditellrykh sil. 2. Glavnyye inshenera proyekta "Dalistroyproyekt" (for Kogan, Fayershteyn). 3. Institut ekonomiki Akademii nauk SSSR (for Chugunov). 4. Energoupravleniye Magadanskogo Soveta narodnogo khozyaystva, (for Meshkovskaya). 5. Nachaltnik Oblastnogo otdela po delam stroitell- stva. i arkhitektury Magadanskoy oblasti (for Wkin). (Magadan Province-Industries) (Magadan Province-Economic policy) GORODFIISKIY, SON.; KATETSKAYA, A.P.; KRYLOV, V.I.; LUKIN, I.I.; LYUBIMOV V.V.,-, KMIMOV, N.V.; , L A.V.,- p SAVVIN v ; p SHEVELEVO PON* Professor G.l. Shturman; on his 60th birthday. Elektri- chestvo no.11:87 N 163. (MIRA :L6:il) BLESHINSKIY, S.V.; KHARAKOZ, A.Ye.; L@IKINL I,,N,; BABENKO, V.G.; CHAWVAI Ye.P.; Prinimali uchastiye: AEPAWVA, V.F.; VINMUMV, V.P.; USUBAKUNOV, M.; GORBUNOV, V.D.; OSIPGVA, T.P.; NAGAYEVA, A.G.; MEDVEDEVA, V.A.; ALTYNNIKOVAI P.M. Fluosilicic metho,. for separating rare-earth elements. Izv. AN Kir. SSR. Ser. est. i tekh. nauk 5 no.4:23-24 163. (MIRA 16:10) vf@=V. S.P., inzhener; LMIK, A.L., dotsent; SHIPRIII. D.M., inzhener; TAI"V, Y.K., professor, doktor takhnichaskikh nauk, redaktor; EMMYOM, H.K., kandidat takhatcheakikh nauk, reteenzent; =19. I.P., Imndidat takhnicheskM nauk, retsenzent;--NELIS094961iy@ professor, laureat Stalinskoy premiTT-ff-bWor tekbnicheakikh nauk. rodaktor; PCPOVA. S.M., tekhnichookiy redaktor [study of machinery] Kashinovedenie, Pod red. V.M.Taraeva. Moskva. Goo. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo mashinostroit. !it-ry, 1954. 463 Pe (Mechanical engineering) (MLRA 8:4) LUKIN, I.U. Urgent'needo of repair and construction trusts. Gor.khoz.mosk." J'l 162. (KM 16:1) I 1. Glavnyy inzhenpr remontp@-ptroitellnogo trest;a Kiyevskolgo rayons. Moskvy,' (Moscow-Construction indust17) 83160 S/115/60/000/008/010/013 Boig/Bo63 AUTHORS: Simkin, G. S., Naberezhnykh, V. P., Lukin, I. V. 1 410 TITLE: High-frequency Light Modulationl(lo cps) PERIODICAL: IzmeritelInaya tekhnika, 196o, No. 8, pp@ 41-43 TEXT: The authors of the present paper give a report on an investigation carried out at the Kharikovskiy gosudarstvennyy institut mer i izmeritell- nykh priborov (Kharikov State Institute of Measures and'Measuring Ifistru- ELents) for the purpose of studying the possibility of light modulation with a frequency of 1010 cps by means of a Kerr cell filled with nitro- benzene. The Kerr condenser in the experimental arrangement (Fig. 1) is a piece of a special right-angled waveguide. The high-frequency field is transferred to the Kerr condenser by means of two waveguides flanged to the Kerr cell. The high-frequency field was applied to the Kerr dell-in the form of pulses with a pulse-recurrence frequency of 1200 cps. The pulses were generated by a magnetron oscillator. These high-frequency pulses led to the propagation of sound waves in the nitrobenzeneg which- entailed a change in the refractive index of the nitrobenzene. The change Card 112 83160 High-frequency Light Modulation (1010 cps) S/115/60/000/008/010/013 B019/BO63 in the refractive index with pulse-recurrence fr.4Uency led to an addi- tional undesired light modulation which was eliminated with the help of the experimental arrangement reproduced in Fig. 2. Assuming that the pulses observed with the experimental arrangement described here are actually caused by the Kerr effect, it is noted that the voltage depend- ence of the amplitudes ofthese pulses is the same as in the case of low- frequency light modulations, and that the pulses exhibit different polari- zation for parallel- and crossed Nicole prisms. The relaxation time of the nitrobenzene molecules is estimated to be 3-10-11 3ec, and a depth of modulation of about 1@- was determined for the capacity of the oscillator (50 kw). This small modulation effect is ascribed to the fact that the phase of the high-frequency field changes considerably during the passage of light through the Kerr cell. There are 2 figures, 1 table, and 3 references: 2 Soviet and 1 German. Card 2/2 30313 1@5fjoo S/115/61/000/010/002/005 E198/E135 AUTHORS: Simkin, G.S., Lukin, I.V., and Biryukov, L.I. TITLE: Radio interferometer for measuring large lengths PERIODICAL: Izmeritel9naya tekhnika, no,,10, 1961, 8-io TEXT,? The KhGIMIP has elaborated a method using a two-beam radio interferometer on centimetre waves, designed for checking large inside gauges and fixed mark measures. The interferometer is based on Froome's apparatus for measuring the velocity of light. The operational principle of the instrument is illustrated in the diagram. The generator (2) radiates energy on centimetre waves along the wave guide to A, where it is divided; one beam goes outside through a lens mounted in a conical outlet (7), the other is directed in the opposite way to a closed limb (8) containing an interference attenuator. Both beams are reflected back to A, the outer one having met a plane mirror (5) placed at a variable distance, 6 to 20 m, and mounted on a carriage (4) which moves along the rails (6) in the direction of the beam. The two beams interfere at A and the corresponding effect is observed by means of an oscilloscope, which is the essential part of a detecting Card 1/6 30313 Radio interferometer for measuring ... S/115/61/000/010/002/005 E198/EI35 system (9) shown surrounded by a dotted line. The frequency of the generator is stabili3ed in part (3) containing a volume resonator of high quality and checked in the measuring system (1) consisting of a highly stable quartz generator, operation on 100 kc/B, a frequency multiplier and a counter. As the instrument operates at two different distances between the outlet lens and the mirror (the difference being the distance measured), the amplitudes of the two reflected signals must be made equal without change of phase, which is ensured by the attenuator. The measuring carriage (4) moving along the axis of displacement is equipped with three microscopes, two of which serve to maintain the mirror in the required direction and the third being used for observing the marks on fixed mark measures. The measure tested is fixed along the rails on special blocks below the carriage. For measuring interior gauges two stays and a reading device are fixed to the rails. The principle of the instrument resembles very much that of an optical interferometer; it must however be mentioned that, as the frequency stability cannot be obtained as high as in the case of the latter, the frequency should be calculated depending on the Card 2/6 30313 Radio interferometer for measuring ... S/115/61/000/olo/002/oo4 E198/E135 prevailing conditions, from the formula % = C (1) nf wheret c - velocity of light; X - wavelength, f - frequency; n - refractive index of air. The correct value of the length measured, L-.9 reduced to normal conditions, can be obtained from the formula: L L + A M--X- -A! AL tc +6 (2) X N 2 t n where: L nominal or approximate value of the length; AM-2 computed fraction of the length in mm; A - readings of the reading device; &Lt - correction for the linear expansion of the measure; cn correction for the refractive index of air and water vapour; 6 correction for diffraction. Values of the refractive indexes, corrected for temperature and pressure, and diffraction have been taken from tables or worked out according to known formulae and nomographs were prepared and uded for quick calculation of 6Lt, cn and 6. A series of Card 3/ 6 30313 Radio interferometer for measuring ... S/115/61/000/010/002/005 E198/E135 measurements have been carried out with success, although the conditions in which the work proceeded were difficult in some respects, e.g. the lack of a thermostatic installation which necessitated a number of additional precautions and supplementary calculations. However, the method proved to be reliable for the lengths up to about 30-40 M. To minimize tha influence of the waves' reflection from the walls and other objects, adsorbers of wooden planks and shields were used, so placed as to disperse the incident energy as much as possible. Moreover, each measurement was made twice with a displacement equal to X/4. The mean square error fo.,5 all the results obtained amounted to 1.6 - 2.o x lo-10. Further improvement in the accuracy of measurement can be obtained by carrying out the process in thermostatic surroundings, improving the determination of the refractive index of water vapou-r and of the diffraction error, as well as further improvements in the construction of the particular parts of the radio interferometer. All these tasks are being currently worked on in the USSR. The aim is to achieve an accuracy not lower than 2 x 10-7. Card 4/6 30313 Radio interferometer for measuring .. S/115/61/000/010/002/005 E198/EI35 [Abstractor's note: Condensed translation.) There are I figure, 3 tables and 7 references: 4 Soviet-bloc and 3 non-Soviet-bloc. The English language re@erences read: Ref.2: K.D. Froome, Proceedings of the Royal Society, 1952, ser. A. v.213, No.1112 Ref-3: K.D. Froome, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, 1954, v.223. Ref.6: L. Essen and K.D. Froome, Naturej 1951t v.167, NO-4248- Card 5/6 30313 Radio interferometer for measuring .... S/115/61/U00/010/0v--/O(! E198/EI3.5 Fig. Card 6/6 ,LUKIN, I.V., inzhener-konstruktor Increasing the durability of the grating of SY4874 gyratory screens. Stek. i ker. 20 no.5:41-42 My 163. (MM 16:7) 1. Kopeyskiy mashinostroitellnyy zavod imeni Kirova. (sieves) ACCESSION NR: AT4042611 S/0000/64/000/000/0357/0359 AUTHOR: Simkin, G. S., Luldn, 1. V. TITLE: Measurement of large lengths by radlointerferometry in the centimeter range SOURCE: Soveshchaniye tochnosti, vzaimozamenyayemosti I tekhniche0im izmereniyarn v mashinostroyeiiii, 2d, 1962. Tochnost', vzalmozamenyayemost' i tekhnicheskiye izmereniya v mashinostroyenli (Precision, lntcrchangeability and technical measurements in machine building); trudy* soveshchai-dya. Moscow, Izd-vo Nauka, 1964, 357-359 TOPIC TAGS: measuring Instrument, length measurement, radiointerferometry ABSTRACT: The centimeter-band electromagnetic wave sources developed during the last 20 years are now permitting the use of interference for the measurement of lengths attaining several tens of meters. Ile authors describe the two-bearn radlointerferometer. with one closed arm, worldng in the centimeter wave band, developed at the Khar1kovskly Gosudarstvenny*y Institut Mer I Izmeritellny*kh Priborov (State Institute of Measures and Measuring Devices in Khar1kov). The schematic arrangement of the interferometer and a photograph of its transmitting part are shown. After stabilization, the electro- magnetic energy to split Into two parts, one of which Is used for exact measurement of @'Car 1/2 d, ACCESSION NR: AT4042611 the source frequency (accuracy not less than 2.5 x 10-7), while the other is divided into two parts again. One of these parts p. asses a diffuser with a tens, leaves the instrument and Jg reflected by a mirror, while the second part enters the constant arm, is re- flect6d by the interference attenuator and comes back to the center where it Interferes with the reflected beam from the mirror. On moving the mirror with the aid of a calibrated measuring carriage on guide rails, interference maxima and minima are created; after detection and amplification, these maxima and minima are observed on an oscillograph. With the aid of this interferometer, length measurements of a 12- meter geodetic wire, a Class 1 calibrated tape, and an 8-meter pin gauge have been performed. The minimum accuracy of single measurements over lengths of 10 m and more was 2 x 10-6. Under favorable conditions, this accuracy can be increased to 5 x 10-7. Orig. art. has: 2 figures. ASSQCLATION: none SUBMITTED: 17Jan64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: IE NO REF SOV: 000 OTHER: 000 6 s s I I w 10 to 1) is is 1) to it to AD H bi 26 A 'As I IU U Ia a 0 V a N 41 IS at CAP tt A d 0 y @v A I IPA a (A A a L J% 9 R I I v L,f .1 me Nuld tobat is"fil and petfilaned Hquids. 'rhc= to bt purifird is trvAted wids 1frifily plitd. M(0104 tO %Cft(C ((K 4' 3 11AY.. of.*: S L 4 ltALLbJtGKAL LIURAILlit CLASUFSCAtIGN U IS j *0 1j, 1, K K it of w it it 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 00 * 0 0;0 000 0 9 0 go 9 0 0 0 0 0 41 64 7 -00 Afee =00 00 zoo too 110 0 woo F-Tj- W 13 a 4 u An L s v aw a W14 4 n 1 1 its 0 0 IS 0 111 0 0 0: 0 0 010 0 0 4 *go 0 0 0 so OIA "1909609969 pbc,-Arc llf@ a a a 0 W IN w ;If* 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 If it 11 11IN Ads livuxotf4i In 0 alletif a Arall V? AA 4 1'& W' M^ f" ')' a 4 a Ii i I Ill a" O-V lipmol of liquw Will $"Pa. K. I'llkin. 00 IWO 10. NO. " 111. 11. 111.' 4); Cbmw tv, ma(miltie 34. 411 J Tlx- -up li,&- cimig. -'W 3!,@-, I.t w-id. W dia-Jvt,I in VA% a)%*. and ix treated vvilb N'A,- 00 S41.4rcc OEM), 11"Jily ppid. lmov AIW;4).i, by u-,,. *0 I** akaom 'rite a,him. of AVOII)s mitba rapid sirdinicula- i lim of impurilirs. When "howtualima it roanvIrw Ilir -00 Aap it devalued. dall j fr#..h 141103 64 .."p f. "11.1t4l Ill- .00 etwily to #he rt-idur iwithiml further addis. *4 MIMI),. 99 Alert 12 -14 irrallutill. the AIM11), I% tivor, red lions Ow .00 it tvmdur at AhN)ds by firman-vin vvills wilb *0 j tativouslilwaikin ol the [at acminconimintil fit file ri-sidur. see 0 0 T'he residue truly alwy fie used for the prepti. tA hard amp so 00 13 by trealf"rat with Neoll, the X stat'l In-ing Lonveford into Na -Ka" and The Al(OID8 into aluminates which 1:41 0 Zee 00 Ifivo Into file Wwh Witter%. A. 1%apinvini-Couture 9 0 2free 0 'a 949 es Fit, 11.11"! 1x-%q its@@ A PITALLUNGICAL U11RAIM CLAIMCATION 0 log.. too t 114A"Ops -1 oat %a AQA4 .10 Cv 11111130.t. U a AV to W a it I I IF IM 5 A 4 3 8 1 Ow Oft 0" lic off tm: Og on J, I a 4^4 : : : :& :4 as**** 000 4 0 0000 0 ei golot - 0 10000000 000 0 0 a 0 0 * 0 0 0 @ MYTIR, Vladimir Mikhaylovich; V , redektor; BABINTSIV,,U.I.. t 0 --Y TILIlLtIN tekhnicheskiy redaktor redaktor 12datelistya; (HIROVA. - @@t (Structural features of ore fields and deposits] Struktury, rudzwkh polei i mestorothdanil. Moskva, Goo. nauchno-takhn, izd-vo lit-ry po geol. i okhrans necIr, 1956. 270 P- (MicrofiW (KLRA 10:3) (Petroleum geology,) (ore deposits) LUX-IN, A-. Nothern grape; practical advice on the cultivation of unprotected varieties of northern gra pe Moskva, 1953, 90 p. IIJIQN, Lev Ivanovich. OSMO%!(YV., Valentin Sergeyevich; RYABUSHKIN, T.V., doktor e on V nauk.. prof., red.; GRYAZNOV, V.I., red.; VOLCHEK, V.L., tekhn: red. (Organization of statistics in foreign cauntries) Organizatsiia sta- tistiki v zarubezhn7kh stranakh. Pod red. T.V.Riabusbldna. Moskva, Gosstatizdat, TsSU SSSR, 1961. 245 P. (MIRA 14:12) ($tat,istics) LUXIN, L. I, USSR/Geological Prospecting Ore Deposits Tectonics Jan/Feb 1948 "Some Results of the Study of the Structure of Ore Deposits of the USSR," F. I. Vollfson, L. I. Lukin, 2* pp "Izv Akad Nauk SSSR, Ser Geol" No 1 Gives some aspects of studies conducted on the structure of endogenous ore deposits in the USSR. Authors present some concrete examples of ore deposit structures. In addition, discuss the localization of ore formation in connection with the development of structuresq as well as the methods used in their study of the various structures. PA 4IT44 LUXIN, L. I. PA 241T50 USSR/Geopbysics' - Cleavage Nov/Dec 52 ' M .',he Term 'Cleavage", L. 1. Lukin and I. P. Kushnarev "Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Ser Geol" No 6, pp 118-121 .A brief report on the order of a discussion -of the term "cleavage". Cleavage is classified as primary and secondary as determined from meanings given the term by such prominent geologists as M. P, Billings, Ch. K. Lizs., B. Willis, M. A. Usov, C. K. Leith and S. K. Van-Hise. 241T5o IUKIN,L.I.; KUSHNARZV,I.P.; CHEMSEMV,V.F. P.W-@ Frequency of the course of differently aged interstitial systems. Trudy Inst.geol.nauk no.162:25-35 155. (KI2A 8:11) (Ore deposits) LUKIM. L. I Application of microstructuml aualysis in the study of ore deposits. Trudy I,nst.gool.neuk no.162:55-68 '55- (MLRA 8:11) (ore deposits) AUTHOR: Vollfson, F.I., Kreyter, V.M. and Lukin, L.I. 11-11-6/9 -TITLE: Ha1A@CCnc2QA10X CC-the StUA yof the Structures of Ore Fields and Ore Deposits in the USSR (Osnovnyye itogi izucheniya struktur rud- nykh poley i mestorozhdeniy v SSSR) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Geologicheskaya, 1957, # 11, P 58-81 (USSR) ABSTRACT: When studying geologic structures of ore deposits, Soviet geo- logists endeavored to establish regularity of ore fields within metallogen areas. In addition, conformities to established rules were examined in detail as well as the texture of all genetic types of mineral deposits. All mineral districts were studied by Soviet geologists in order to establish the existing relation between endogen mineralization and regional tectonic dislocations. The basic peculiarity of mineral zones which can be shown for many folded areas on small-scale maps, is manifested by the fact that mineralization takes place only within the limits of separate fields or belts, segregated by ore-free intervals of considerable expanse. Examinations have disclosed that intrusive rocks form relatively long-stretched massifs consisting either of narrow belts located alongside Card 1/4 broken disturbances, or of separate mountain rafiges of varying 11-11-6/9 Mgdn Cmc3nnim cetheftUdyCe the Structures of Ore Fields and Ore Deposits in 'the USSR dimensions. Separate large alkaline and basic rock fields located on the fringes of shields and plateaus generally con- tain magmatic deposits of titanilim, niobium, zirconium, rare earths as well as sulfides of copper-nickel ores. Separate intrusive mountain ranges in geosyncline regions of minor di- mensions often contain ore fields of magmatic and pegmatite composition. Especially in the Urals, individual gabbroic intrusions, deposited in ancient crystalline layers and marble, are genetically associated with ore fields of titanomagnetites. Pegmatite fields of rare metals are generally found in zones of external contact, on slanting contact areas of intrusive bodies. In deeply eroded intrusions these minerals are often found in residual top layers. Interesting statements were made by Soviet geologists concerning the regularity of deposits of rare metals associated with quartz veins, found in conjunction with gneissenization of surrounding rocks. It has been established that such rocks are mainly associated with cupola- shaped ultra-acid hypabyseal deposits. The structural-geo- Card 2/4 logic conditions for the formation of magmatic and pegmatic 11-11-6/9 Mdn'Ccw_Iudd06_oCthe Study ce the Structures of Ore Fields and Ore Deposits in the USSR deposits have been studied to a relatively small extent. For this reason the data submitted by V.K. Kotullskiy and other geo- logists concerning the structure of sulfide copper-nickel de- posits are of special interest. Thorough geologic investigat- ions in the Monchegorsk area and other districts have shown that the forming process was accomplished in five consecutive stages. The latest structural examination conducted by B.A. Yudin have disclosed that the Tsaginsk titanomagnetite deposits on the Kola peninsula were formed in three stages. Gneiss formations containing tin, tungsten, molybdenum and other metals were studied by Soviet geologists. The authDr gives a brief description of the Bukukinsk deposits, with two schematic drawings. Examinations of the Turlinek copper skarn deposits revealed a great structural variety of skarn deposits. Ac- cording to V.P. Petrov and other geologists, the Turlinsk group of deposits consists of effusive rocks and limestones, folded into a sloping syncline fold. Concentrated ores are associated with places of intersecting pyroxenic skarn zones of near-contact schistosity, formed in casings of breaks. The Card 3/4 author subdivided hydrothermal depositsq containing zink, copper, 11-11-6/9 MedrLOaribiAiwa Ce the SbAy CC the Structures of Ore Fields and Ore Deposits in the USSR gold, antimony, mercury and other metals into the following groups: a. folded structures; b. structures of pyrite deposits; C. structures of metasomatic deposits in limestones and dolomites; d. crevice structures. The basic material for the study of structures of ore deposits are geologic maps, from which the location of fields and thq regularity of individual deposits within each ore field can be learned. Special attention is given to underground mapping. Additional methods employed are: micro-structural analysis, geo-chemical methods and the aerophotographic method. There are 8 figures and 112 references, of which 111 are Slavic (Russian). AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 4/4 All @- IT, AUTHORSs Lukin, L.I., Sonyushkin, Ye.P. 11-58-3-1/14 TITLEs Structures of Hydrothermal Uranium Deposits and Some Problems of Their Study (Struktury gidrotermal'nykh uranovykh mestorozh- deniy i nekotoryye voprony ikh izuchoniya) PERIODICALs Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Geologicheskaya, 1958, # 3t pp 3-15 (USSR) ABSTRAM This article deals with questions of the connection existing between hydrothermal uranium deposits and local tectonic struc- tures. As the exploration and search for new uranium deposits was intensified during the past years, several regularities of their distribution and location were observed, although not sufficient enough to draw any decisive conclusions. In general, a superficial study shows that main deposits are usually found in the zones of passage of shields and plateaus into geosynclines, and also where the sagging of plateaus is observed. Numerous regional breaks are characteristic for uranium ore deposits. A lack of information does not permit an average depth of these deposits to be established. Some indications, such as hypabis- sal appearance of intrusions and textural peculiarities of the ore, show that they were formed in relatively shallow geological Card 1/4 layers. This applies especially to deposits found in Canada, 11-58-3-1/14 Sttuctures of Hydrothermal Uranium Deposits and Some Problems of Their Study the Belgian Congo and in Cornwall. A certain structural rela- tion between uranium deposits and volcanic craters has been observed, and this circumstance must always be taken into con- oideration when prospecting for ouch deposits. Generally speaking, uranium deposits are situated irreLrular- ly along the breaks. They can be divided in 2 groups: 1.) found at locations of large breaks and 2.) located in fissures radiating from the main break. The structures of the hydrothermal uranium deposits are defined by folded and disjunctive breaches, with a preponder- ence of the latter. The article enumerates seven main groups and gives their characteristics. The authors further stress the importance of cillecting more informations on the structural changes in uranium depositsq occuring when the exploitation reaches a certain depth, because structural conditions of their formations and the importance Card. 2,/4 of the deposits can thus be determined. 11-58-3-1/14 Structures of Hydrothermal Uranium Deposits and Some Problems of Their Study Finallyp study of structural conditions of uranium in hydrothermal deposits gives the following prin- eipal types of ore-bodiest 1@ conformable ore-bodies in extreme steep folds; 2 ore-bodies in the zones of stratified breaks; 3j ore-bodies in folds of ore-bearing crevices; 4 ore-bodies in places of intersection and junction of tec- tonic zones and crevices; 5) ore-bodies in places of interlinking main crevices; 6@ ore-bodies underlying tectonic dislocations and dikes; 7 ore-bodies in places of intersection of ore-bearing crevices with dikes, older veins and rocks favorable for ore-forming; 8) ore-bodies in sections of development of small crevices. Of the many questions needing further elaboration, the most important aret 1) a more accurate definition of the depth of formation of hydrothermal uranium deposits, and of the vertical inter- vals of the development of their mineralization; 2) Determining the role of folded structures in the distri- Card 3/4 bution of uranium fields and deposits; 1 11-58-5-1/14 St:"ructurea of Hydrothermal Uranium Deposits and Some Problems of Their Study 3) further study of the structural relations of deposits and large breaks; 4) specification of the role of disruptions and folds of different genetic types in locating uranium deposits and ore-bodies; 5) study of regularity of structural changes of uranium depo- sits in relation to their depth; 6) further investigation@of causes of preferential deposition of ore-bodies in rocks, favoring such formation, and studyiag the role of metasomatosis in the formation of uranium ores. There are 12 drawings. SUBMITTED: September 5, 1957 AVAILABLEs Library of Congress Card 4/4 LvKiN.)U.T_ AUTHORS VolIfFon, Y. I.v @';.jutor of Geclogjcal and ',@0-58-4-6/44 Mineralogical Scienceq, ukin Candidate of UeolofJosa and Ninekilo-ji-a-d-I Sciences T! T Structure Research of !-:t'Ldojrerv;uz; III:eposits (Izucheniye struktur endogennykh rudnykq poley i mestorozhdeniy) ERI 0 IDI C..,,, LVestnik Akademii Nauk 1958, Nr 4, PP- 42-47 (USSR) ABSTRACT: 11ndogenous deposits are formed as a result of the oi magmatic processes and include the development preponderant part of metallic-ores and non-metallic fossils. ,imongst thtmone can differentiate between magmatic and pegmatite deposits which are Cormed by cristallization processes of magiratic masses, as well as hydrothermic ones which are formed by hot water-solutions. The essential magma'tic depntiLs contain the main share of the following ores: nickel, cobalt, chrome, titanium,platinum, osmium, tridium, phosphorus, and rare earths. The pet.-aatite deposits: mica, feldspars, berylliunt, lithium, tantalum, Card 1 /4 columbium, thorium, rubidium, cesium, and otherg. Ambng Structurp Research of Endogenous Ore-Fields and 3.:)- 5&4-61,!A Deoosits the hydrothermic deposits one differentiates between: such of high, middle, and low temperatures. The fLrst contain mainly.@: iton, tin, tungsten, molybdenum, d-', lead, zinc and other metals. partially gol The deposits of middle temperatures; copper, leady zincp gold, 3ilverg arsenic, bismut, sometimes cobalt, nickelv indium, cadmium, gallium, and others deposits of low temporatures: mercury, ant imor, arsenic, gold, silver, partly, lead, zinc, copper, uranium, radium, thalliurn, and others. The dresaing of' ore increases annually which demands the discovering of new deposits especially in territories which are close to those where wofxs are in progress now, as well as in now territories. For the solution of there tasks it is of great importance to know the mathematicall interrelationship of these deposits which depend on the geologic structure of ore-containing fields. The determination of the particulars of' the geologic structure which influence the localization and the form of the deposits is the most importent work. ')irthermore,these researches and all factors which influence Card 2/4 them are described in detail. It is emphazised that the Structure Research of Endogenous Ore-Fields and 30-56-4-6/44 Deposits tasks of the structure research of endogenous deposits exist in reconstructing the history of the geological development of orb-containing fields and in the determination of the influence of tectonic perturbations and of the composition of rock upon the spatial distribution and form of the ore-fields in ore-containing territories, fields and deposits. The main research method exists in compiling detailed geological maps of ore- containing territories at a scale of 1:50000 - 1:100000, ore-fields 1:5000 - 1:10000, and single deposits 1:1000 - 1:2000 with great use of subterranean data (1:200 - 1:500) and detailed sketches (1-25 - 1:100)- The author points out that at present ore-fields of great deposits do not have detailed geologic maps. The works on the field of modelling.tectonic processes are at present still in an early stage. The researches want greater application of geologists, operating- and eoonomioS:.. experts. In the next years all remainders in this fields should be worked up by considering geophysical research Card 3/4 methods as far as possible. The research works in the Structure Research of Endogenous Ore-Fields and 30-58-4-6/44 DepositB field of the modelling of teotonio deformations should be organized in the geological institutes of the Academy of Sciences of '"i well as in the Academy of Sciences of th4 Unioi, lepublics. These researches systematically carried L, allow to rationalize the search- and prosbecting works and to increase their effectivity. 1'*"ftopbyvicaI prospecting-USSR Card 4/4 VOLIPSON, F.I.; KUSHNARDV, I.P.; LUKIN. L.I.; KHOROSHILOV, L.V. Age relation betveen diabase-porphyry dikes and ore-bearing veins; reply to I.K. 14irkhodzhaevts article. Zap. Uz. Otd. Yses. m1n. ob-va no.12-.115-120 158. i_ (MIRA 11:10) (laramazar Mountaino-nbre deposits) VOLIFSON9 F.I,,; LUKIN, L.I.9 red.; SERGEMA9 N.A.9 red. izd-va; BYKOVAI V.V. 0 tbkhu-.-red-.- [What are ore depositst where And how should prospecting be conducted3 Chto takoe rudnye mestorozhdeniiap gde i kak ikh iskat'. Izd.2. Moskva, Gos.'nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo geol. i okhrane nedrq 1959 70 po (MIRA 14:8r (ore deposits) Will" i All ls@ .41 JAI ID71 E gal a 10 All May ig 12 n it a -T r studying stractures of endogenouO ore leposits. Geol. rud. mesto- rozh. no.4:3-30 Jl-Ag 160. (KIRA 13:8) 1. InBtitut geologii rudnykh mestorozhdeniy, petrografii, i mineralogii geokhimii AN SSSEL, Moskva. (Ore deposits) BAYMUKHOMOV, Kh.N.; VOLIFS011, F-I-; ZAKIROV, T.Z.; KOROLEV, V.A.; UETTER, V.M-; KUSHMAREV, NEVSKIY. V.L-; UIKIFOROV, N.A.; PICK, A.K.; RUSANOVA, O.D.; SOMMSHKIN, Te.P.; CHMMSHEV, V.P.; SHFMTHO, P.A. Alekeel. Vasillevich Korolev; obituary. Geol. rud. mestorozh. no.4:134-135 JI-Ag 160. (KIRA 13:8) (Korolev, Aleksei Vasillevich. 1897-1960) KRAVCHOKO, Grigoriy Gavrjlovich;; SHLEPOV, V.K., red-.Izd-va; ULIYANOIJA, O.G., te] (Geological and structural characteristics of the Kan lead and zinc deposit] Geologostrukturnye osobennosti Kanskogo 8vintsovo- tsinkovogo mestorozhdoniia. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 1961. U9 p. (Akademiia nauk-SSSR. Institut geologii rudnykh mestorozhdenii, petrografil., mineralogii i gQokhimii. Trudy, no.57) (MIIIA 14:11) (Alay Range-Lead ores) (Alay Range-Zinc ores) SOKOLOVO G.A., doktor geole-mino nauk) otva red. Prininali uchastiyess VIASO- VA, D.K.; GLAGOLEV, A.A.; ZHARIKOV, V.A.; LOGINOV, V.P@ j LUKIN, L#1 WAKELYA, R.O.; 014ELOYAIIENKO, B.I.; OSTROVSKIY I.A.; MT-SEV, N.N., .1 ip PODDIZSSKIYp N.V.; RUSDIUVI L.V.; SOFIANO,, T.A.; TIMOFEUVA, L,K.; SHABYNIII, L.I.; SHADLO, T.N.; IAPIN, V.V., red. izd-vaj FAMII, Ye.V.p tekhn. red. (Pbysicochomical problems in connection with the formaiion of rocks and ores] Fiziko-khimichaskic problemy formirovaniia gornykh porod i rud. Moskvap Vol.l. 1961. 658 p. (MIRA 14:10) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut geologii rudrqkh mestorozhdenii, pet- rografii, mineralogii i geokhimii. 2. Institut goulogii rudnykh mesto- rozhdonly, petrografiip mineralogii i geokhimii AN SSSR, Moskva (for Vlauova, Glagolov, Zharikov, Omellyanenko, Op+rovskiy, Pertsov, Sha- bynin). 3. Moskovskiy goologo-razvedoebiVy institut im.B.Ordzhonikidze (for Shabynin., Pertsev.) (Petrology) VOLIFSON, F.I.; LUKIN, L,,I.,. ZALESSYIY, B.V.; ROZUGV, Yu.A. Role of the study of the structures of ore deposits and of the physicomechanical properties of irocks in the determination of covAitions of localization of endogenic orb deposits. Trudy IG124 no*41.1,;-14 141, OMA 14:8) 1. Iaboratoriya struktur rudnykh poley i mestoi-ozhdeniy Iastituta geologii rudnjk@\mestorozhdeniy-, petrografii, mineralogii i geofiziki J Laboratoriya fiziko-mekhanicheakikh issledovanly gornykh porod Instituta geologii rudnykh mestorozhdeniy., petrografti, mineralogii i geofiziki. (Ore deposits) S/081/62/000/010/03V085 .316 8/'2 18 0 AUTHORS: ,ol If q on, F. I. , Kushnarev, 1. P. F),Porc'-,,1mv, i. Ye. , Sonyushkin, Ye. P., ,,in, A. Tisbi T' I T L B' Some problems concerning the formation offlijkdrothermal uranium deposits PERIODTCA!,: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 10, 1962, 117, abstract 1OC111 (Izv. vyssh. uchebn. zaveden'iy. Geol. i razvedka,Yno. 9, 1961 1 12-24) eolo@ical study of samples from hYlrothermal uraniurr, der)osits -ron, various provinces shows that they have many -,ere'6ic.@eatures in common. T*ie urar.4Lur-bearin-r, prov-inces are characteriLed '@y many stages of man-matism. Uranium mineralization is due to plutonic bockets of granite niag.-ma in tile final stage of development. Lar-e-spale chemica' analyses for one of the provinces showed the mean untnitim- content o' ,he Barl,,)r lilercynian ma-ma complex to be 2.2-10-411a, that uf the ;@'.iddle I - -4;t lercynian 4.6-10 7.3 and that of the Late 'Hercynian 6.3-10 In each- separate intrusive complex the quantity of uranium is greater in the Card 1/2 3/081/62/000/01D/039/0851 Some problems concernint, the B16a/-bin youn-er roc!,:s. Uranium mineralization occurs duriu- one of t'he final ota.ges of.the hydrothermal process, The principal paragenetic associations of Ditchblenrle'are pitch-sulfide, p-tch-carbonate, pitch- L -;t;h-quartz-pyrites. The first two associations ar'e fluorite and @y- L - pical of uranium deposits properly speakiap,. Uranium can be transported in hydrothernal solutions in tetrava-lent and hexavalent forms, pasoin,- throu,-h the stacer, of true and colloidal solutions. conditions for the formation of 'he u er part of uran'uzi 7 'ts are found a' 500-700 r, from the former surface of the earth a e:@I - nossible vertical mineralization ranre of up to MOD m. D e @.) o 0 it o n of t@ ccominnied b ,"Ae ores is a - y silicification, chloritization, albi'ization and sericillization of the enclosin- rocks. Albitization is t,7pical of .,.e upper parts of uranium ore-bodies. The temperature at which 'he ores form-, is found to be 150-nooc. Abstracter's note: Comnnlete trans- lation.: Card 2/2 VOLIFSON, F.I.,- LUIS@tl_, Lj.- IU';VSKIY, V.A.; PEK, A.V.; SIIEIUITWN, P.A. "Prospecting for mineral. deposits" by T.M. Kreiter, Feviewed by F.I. Vollfson and others. Sov-0016' 4 no.12.133-137 D 161. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Inotitut geologii rudnykh mestorozhdeniy, petrografii, mineralogii i geokhimii. (Prospecting) (Kreiter2 VJQ PEK, Arnolld Villgellmovich- LUKIN L T otv. red.; FIN'KOJ, V.I., red. izd-va3 YEGOROVA, [Geology of the Tyrny-Auz ore deposit] Geolo.gicheskoe stroenier rudnogo polia i mestcjrozhdeniia Tyrnyauz. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1962. 167 p. (AA'ademiia naulk SSSR. Institut geologii rudnykh mestorozhdenii pe-trografii mineralogii i geokhimii. Trudy, no.56.). (MIRA 15:6) (Tyrny-Aiz region-Gre deposits) VOLIFSON, Fedor losifovich; LUKIN - Leonid Ivanovich; SERGETEVA, N.A., red. izd-va; BYKOVA' V.V.., tekhn. red. [What are ore deposits, where and how to search for them]Chto takoe rudEye mestorozhdoniia, gde i kak ikh Iskat'. Izd.3., perer. Foskva, Gosgeoltekhizdat, 1962. 77 p. (MIRA 15:12) (Ore deposits) (Prospecting) VOLIFSON, Fedor Iosifovich; LUKIN. Leonid Ivanovich; SERGEYEVA, N.A., red. izd-va; BYKOVA, V.V., tekhn. red. (What are ore deposits, where and hoy to search for them]Chto takoe rudnye mestoroohdeniia, gde i Icak ikh iskat'. Izd.3., perer. 14oskva, Gosgeoltekhizdat, 1962. 77 p. (MIRk 15:12) (Ore deposits) (Prospecting) VOLIFSONI F.I.; LUKIN, L.I.; SOKOLOV, G.A. ft@- In memory of AcMemician Sergei Sergeevich Smirnov. Geol.*ud. mestorozh. no,6:114-3-16 N-D 162. (MIRA 15:12) (Smirnov,v Airgei Ser'g'eevich, 1895-1947) LUKIN, L.I. "Ccmip2ex metal deposits and metal2ogeny of eastern Transbaikaliaw by S.S. Smirnov (akademik]. Reviewed by L.I. Lukin. Vest. AN SSSR 32 no.11:143-144 N t62. (MIRA 15:11) (Tranabaikalia--Ore deposits) (Smirncyv, S.S.) LUKIN, L.I,..,; MPKHIN, S.S., red.izd-va,- ULOYANOVA, talchnerede; ULURAP V.I., (Study of the s"ture of ore zones deposits] V4p*v7 lzadheniia straktwx z*LVO polei i mestorozMenii. Moskva, 12d-vo Akad. na* SSSR.,'- 1962. Ul p. (Akademiia nauk SSSH. Institut geQlag"m rmdnykh wxtorozhdenU,,f.atwgrafii. almmloeii i geokbimii. Trudy, no.82) (HM 15tlO) (Ore deposits) ORLOVA, A.V.; TOMSON, 1.1,1.; F.I.; LUKIN, L.I.; SHATALOV, Ye.T., red. [LitholoFical and structural factors @n tba dist-ibution of mineralization in ore regiopa; baoJ..c principles of metallogenotic research and the-compilation of metallo- genetic and forecasting inaps of ore regions] Litologiche- ekle i otrukturn- faktory razmeshcheniia orudeneniia v rudnykh raionakh; osnovnye printsipy rietallogenicheskikh issledovanii i sostavleniia metallogenicheakikh i prognoz- nykh kart rudrWkh raionav. Moskva., Nedra, 1964. 212 p. (MIRA 17:12) VIASOV, K.A.; BELOV, N.V.; VOLIFSON, F.I.; GENKIN, A.D.; GINZBURGJ. A.I.; -JAKjIJ,_Lj_jt; KORZHINSKIY, D.S.; SALTYKOVA, V.S.; SAUKOV, A.A.; SOKOLOVI G.A.; SHCHERBAKOV, D.I.; SHADLUX, T.N. Konstantin Avtonomovich Nenadkevich, 1830-1963; obituary. Geol. rud. mestorozh. 6 no.1:123-125 Ja-F 164. (MIRA 17:11) WIINOVSKIY, Yevgeniy Pavlovich; LUMIN, L. I., karid. gool.-miner. naul, otv. red.; KRISTALINYT, B.V.P-,red.-" [Structural conditions for the formation of vein volframite deposits] Strukturnye u5lovila formirovaniia zhilinykh vollframitovykh mestorozYdenii. Moskva, llaul@a, 1965. 1965. 162 p. (MIPA 18:9) 102 inieralo tyi i ri c, SHCHERBAKOV, DII.,, akademik; CRUKHROV, F.V.; VOL'i.,OON, F.L. doktor geol.-min. nauk; jRKI4,,,.Lj. _ Scientific vork of Academician losif Fedcrovich Grigarlev. f 12v. AN SSSR. Ser.F-reol. 30 no.IlilIO-114 N-165. (bYRA 18:12) le Chien-korreflpondent AN SSSR (for Chukhrov). VOLIFSON, F.I.; LUKIN, L.I. Prospecting for hidden endogenetic mineralization. Razved. i okh. nedr 31 no.7il-6 J1 165. (MIRA 18-M) 1. Institut geologii rudnyk-b mestorozhdoniy, petrografii, mineralogii i geokhimii AN SSSR. VINOGRADOV, A.P,; KORZIII.4,-YIY'D.S.; SMIRNOV, V.I.; SHCHERBAKOV, D.I.; AYDIN-YAN, N.Kh.; VINOGRADOV, V.I.; VOLIFSON, F.I.; GENKIN, A.D.; DANCHEV@ V.I.; LUKIN, L.I.; OZEROVA, N.A.; PlLEL'PL4N, A.I.; REHARSHY, V.I.; K.,',,.; SHOLU11, T.N.; spiPnim, F.K. Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Saukov, 1902-1964; obituary. Geol. rud. mestorozh. 7 no.lil24-125 Ja-F 165. (MIRA 1814) LUKIN, Leonid Ivanovich; CHERNYSHEV, Vadim Fedorovich; KIJSHIIAREV, ------_Tv_an_Ta=vovTc-H,- PEK, A.V., otv. red. (Microstructural analysis; methodological textbook for geologists studying ore deposits] Mikrostrukturnyi ana- liz; metodicheskoe posobie dlia geologov, izuehaiu3hchikh rudnye mestorozhdeniia. Moskva@ Nauka, 1965. 123 p. -[Supplement) Prilozhenie I-XIT. diagra. (in folder) (MIRA 19;1) /* 3/058/60oo/bio/oWioo AO011A1O1 AUTHORS: Lomsadze, Yu. M., Lend'yel, V. I.. Krivskiy, 1. Yu., Puahchich, Kh.1mich, I'. V., Lukl:n, L. P., Ernst, B. M, TITLEt On applying modified parturbation method to interpretation of nu-31acn scattering PERrODICALs Referativnyy zhurnal. FIzIka, no. 10, 1961, 25, abstract 1OA257 (V ab. "Probl. sovrem. teorii elementarn. chastits", no. 2. Uzh- sorod, 1959, 211-216 E ngl. summary) TEM Differential effective arose sections for all types Of M-3catter- Ing have been determined In the first non-vanishing approximation of the modified perturbation method (consisting in a special summation over all simplest barion loops inserted into internal t-meaon lines of the Feynman 2nd-order graph assumptions are made an existence of scalar T-manons and violation of charge Independence of nuclear forces at high energies. The cro@s sections calculated ge 100 for the ran - 600 May agree.sufficiently well with experimental data. Thereby the results of the preceding study (abstract 1OA2!56) are additionally substantiated. An interesting possibility is discussed that at sufficiently Card 1/2 S/058/6i/ooo/oio/oo6hoo On applying modified perturbation AOOI1AIOl great coupling constant, the scattering cross seation may be completely in- dependent of its value. [Abstricterla notet Complete translation] Card 2/2 IUM., L.P.; SMEBRYAKOV, V.V.; KOBKOVA, V.I., red. [Solutions to integral equations describing low-energy pion-pion scattering] Resheniia integrallnykh uravnenii nizkoenergeticheskogo pion-pionnogo rasseianiia. Novo- sibirsk, In-t rat@em. s -rTchislitel1riym tsentrom, 1962. 10, xix P. (MIRA 17:6) LUKIN, L.P.; -SHEBRYAKOV, V.V. Solution of a system of nonlinear sinjKalar integral Sib. mat. zhur. 5 no.6:1422-1424 N-D 164. (YUTF-@ 17@12) KESELIMAN, G.; LUKIN, M. Tower substation of precast reinforced concrete. Sell. stroi. 15 no. 2:12-13 F 161. (MIIRA 14:5) 1. Nachallnik proizvodstvenno-tekhnicheskogo otd6ja Moskavskogo tresta "Sellelektrostroy" (for Keseltman). 2. Starshiy inzh. Moskovskogo, tresta "Sellelektrostroy" (for Lukin). (Precast concrete nonstruction) (Electric substations) KONDRATIYEV., A., inzh.; LUKIN, M., inzh. Television system for wellso Radio no,1230-32 J& 164,, - (NDU 17 t 8) LTVII-11 t". A. "Supports for Electrie.-al Trannrission ldvr@s or joirtIcan Ster.1 pij-e.11 SO: P"I'lek. Stan., no, 5, 191.8. Enfir. ACC NRt AP6026423 M SonCE CODE: URA@7@/66/Vic)/OOV0064/0065 :AUTHOR: Lukin, X. G. (Captain 2d Rank Reserve) ORG: None iTITLE: A simplified method for evaluating the accuracy of observations ISOURCE: Morskoy sbornik, no. 5, 1966, 64-65 1TOPIC TAGS: ship navigation, mathematic method, radio compass, ranging ABSTRACT: Calculating a ship's position using the mean square error for the position observation obtained by taking three bearings (or radio compass bearings) is a long and complicated procedure using known methods. A method is described Whereby average ranges, rather than the ranges to known objects, are used in a simplified form. A table, included in the discussion, is provided for obtaining average readings, which are then used to find the mean square error. Examples of the use of the method are included. Orig. art. has: 3 formulas and 1 table. SUB CODE: 17/SUBM DATE: None Cord 1/1 S/194/61/000/011/066/070 D271./D302 AUTHORS: Kondratlyev, A.G., Lukin, M.I. and Minenko, Yu.G. TITLE: Objective measurements of quality indices of tele- vision signa70 PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Avtomatika. i radioelektronika, no. 11, 1961, 26, abstract 11 K195 (Tr. nauchno- tekhn, konferentsii Leningr. elektrotelthn. in-ta sv#azi, no. 2, L.1 19611 3-6) TEXT: Report on the equipment for objective evaluation of picture quality which was developed in 1960 by the Television Depart ment of the Leningrad Elel' trotechnical Telecommunications Institute. The equipment includes instruments for measuring the definition, signal-to-noise ratio. horizontal trailing, reflected signals, levels and non-linearilty of the display. instruments are in devel- opment for measurin the depth of the picture and contrast comnres- sion distortions. @_Iustracter's note: Complete translation Card 1/1 U k / h"" "Pl. le AUTHOR: Nikolayev, K-Ye. and Lukin, M.R. 94-3-5/26 TITLE: An Apparatus for "Burning-out" HiEh-voltage Power Cables (Apparat dlya prozhiga kabeley vysokogo napryazhe'niya) PERIODICAL: Promyshlennnya Energetika, 1958, Vol 13 N0.3' k pp- 10 - il NSSR). ABSTRACT: This device is used in faultlocation to develop a partial fault by applying a steadily rising d.c. voltage to a cable until metallic short-circuit occurs between the cable core and sheath. In the half-wave rectifier form, the apparatus can be used to test 3 - 6 kV cables at high voltage; a micro- ammeter measures the leakage current. The circuit of the equipment, given in Fig.1, includes a power transformer, voltage regulator, valve filament transformer, rectifying valves and measuring equipment. The high-voltage winding of the transformer is illustrated diagrammatically in Fig.2 and the construction is described. The half-wave,..,rectifier circuit shown in Fig.1 has two paralleled valves, type KPM-110, in series with a limiting resistance of 30 to 40 Q and gives up to 40 kV. With the full-wave rectifier circuit of Fig.3, the apparatus can give 3.5 A at 15 kV. These values are always Cardl/l sufficient for cables of 3 - 10 kv. There are 3 figures. AVAILABIR: Library of Congress PJ@IN, M.V. (Roskva) Morphine test in cholangisgrapby. 39 no.3:91-91* Nr 161, (KMA 340) la Iz kafedry rentgenologii i radiologii (zav. - zasluihennyy dayatel nauki. prof& S,Ae Heynberg) TSentrallnogo instituta usovershenst7ovaniya vraoheyo (BILIARY TRACT-RDIOGRAPHY) IUKIN, IT. -- ------ 0 Cooperation with a factory. Prof.-tekh.obr. 1? no.3:4-6 Mr 160. (MIFA 13:6) 1. Direktor remeslennogo uchilishcha No.3, g.Gorlkiy. (3ducation, Cooperative) LUKIN, N. F. Cand Agr Sci -- "Forest-improvement characteristics of terraces a- of Laade by NOW D-20A grader7'. Taslikent)1960, (State Co=ittee of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education of the Council of Ministers UzSSR. Washkent AAr Iust). (KL, 1-61, 201) -301- LUKIN Crimean pine (Pinus Pallasiana) in Aman-Katan. Uzb. blol. zhur. no.3:22-26 '59. (MInk 12:11) 1.1notitut lesnogo khozya3rstva Uzbeksko7 Akademil sel'skokho- zyayetvannykh nauk. (Aman-Kutan--Pine) LUKINP N. G. "The idle stopping device of the welding transformer," Industrial Energetics, 1951. LUKINP N.I.- - Fxperimental investigation of burners with periphery feed of natural gas. Gaz. prom. 7 no.6zl7-23 162. (yjF-A 1.7.6j" AUTHOR: 149-58-4-9/15 TITLE: The OptimL Photoelectric Photometer FM -58 ( Vizual'no- fotoelektricheakiy fotometr FV-58) PERIODICAL: Priborostroyeniye, 1958, Nr 4, pp. 20-21 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The new device can be uaed both for oliti&aand photoelectric photometry. A description of the "OptimZ"part is given. The latter i,- essentially a Pulfrich-photometer. If a double prism is introduced into the course of beams, each of the two beams of light are directed by means of a mirror onto a ground-glass plate, where the image of the illuminating lamp becomes visible. The light reflected from the ground-glass plate impinges upon an Sb-Cs-photoelement (STsV 6). The latter is then switched into a differ@ential scheme circuit. The differ- ence of the photocurrents originating from both photoelements is amplified and recorded by means of,a zero-galvanometer. The Card 1/2 gal7anometer has a sensiti-4ity of 10-b A/scale graduation. The OPtie&l Photoelectric Photometer -58 119-58-4-9/15 Photoelectric photometrization takes about three to five timF,-,s less time than the apticalmethod. At the sam-@ t@jne, however, ac,T-aacy is increasea by the two-fola. Them are 3 figures, and 1 tablti. Cara 2/2 MWMMIO G.A., dottor takhno prof.; BOGATYRW, N.A.. inzh.; Kethode of determining the heat-produoing capacity of gas fuels and. o6apaiative awaysis of these methods. Isy. vys. ucheb. zav.; enork,.no,'4:98-103 AP 1580' (MIRA, 110) 1, LIvoyekly politekhnichookiy institut. (Gases)' (Calorimetry)