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L 12930-66 ACC NR: AP6005639 SOURCY CODE: CZ/0079/65/OC)7/002/01"/0145 AUTHORi Nesnidalova R.; Mtousek, K.; Ronova.. R. ORG t Psyc hia ti 16 Po lyplinic for Chil dren.and-Adolescentat Prague TITLE: Autistic disturbances in children [This paper was presented at the Third Interdisciplinary Conference on Experimental and Clinical Study of Higher Nervous Functions held in Ifarianske,Lazne' from 19 to 23 October 1964-1 BOURCE.1, Activitao nervoca cuperiorp v# 7,, no# 2, 1965p 1"-145 ~:TOPIG TAGSv pE;y6hiatry, brains-EEG, psychopathology ~A.BST.RACT: has probably an organic '6ri-" I gin* Early infantile autism is promoted by a congenital tendency to autistic payebopathy,, and by brain damage of the child. 6 ,children Aged 8 to 151years were studied for periods from 3 to 9 years. Detailed anamnestic and physicalexaminations proved a slight,degree of organic damage to the brainq probably of a prenatal origin, All children bad more or less abnormal'EEG re- cords-with that& and delta waves forming unalearly defined fooi in temporal areas, In 4 cases sharp theta waves were observedc There was &-general izpi~ovement in,the condition of all the in---.- vestigated cae SUB-GOM: ~'060 05 SUEK DATE t none OW RM 005 Cond LJ ACC NRt A-2-60- M0016 SOURCE CODE: CZ/0079/65/007/003/0299, AUTHOR:,,Kaclova, J. (Prague); f!9 2 z ORG: Institute of Dental Research,, Prague TITLE: Potentiated premedication with ataractics prior to stamatologic~~re`atment of children and adolencento with a psychiatric symptcmatology SOURCE: Activitas nervosa superior, v. 7, no- 3, 1965, 299 TOPIC TAGS: psychoneurotic disorder, psychotherapy, drug treatment ABSTRACT: 23 patients were Investigated. The effect of com- lAned ataractics was conspicuous in oligophrenics; neurotics with hysterical manifestation remained restless; neurotics with. :a tendency to depressive reactions were easily treated; two neurotic patients could receive dental treatment without pre- -medication as a r.esult of prio.r psychotherapy. [Orig, atit'b in Eng. [JFHS3 SUB CODE: 06 / SUBM DATE: none Ca,d 1/1 L. 5 USCV. Vladlidr Dift " 1. UTIN, AJ-s, lash,, naudwn red,; SUMTSOVA, ~ '~ _i 1 1: "I'l s -,m; TM. I.KO' takhn. red. [Work or a&zV*ut*r0 and jolners'lu IndIdIng] Plotnichaye I stalla-mys raboty n& strolt*11stva, Maskra, Gba. Isd-va lit-ry po istrolt., arkhIt. I strolt. materialax. 1958. 262 p. (NUA UM (carpentry) (joinery) 'j 1, HESOV, V.Du "Instructions for designing industrial bui2dings withaut monitoreO ON 17c'%-61). Prom. stroie 39 nooll-.52--55 161- WPA W12) (Industrial buildings) in::h., red.; KITAYTSLVa~, i,.'S.. inzb.,. red.; STRASMKH, V.P.p red.izd-va; RODIOhOVA, 7,"., tekhn. red. (Construction specifications and regulations] StroitelInye normy i pravila. Moskva,, Gosstroiizdat. Pt.2. (Specifications for the design of stores] Magazi1w; normy proektirovaniia (SNiP II-L. 7-62). 1962. 21 p. (KRA 16-.12) 1. Ru6sia (1923- U.S.S.R,) GosudarstyemW komitet po de- lam stroitellstva. 2. Gosudarstvenn~y komitet Soveta Mi- nistrov SSSR po delam stroitellstva (for flesov). 3. Gosudar- stvennyy institut po proyektirovaniyu predpriyatiy torgovli, L obshchestvannago pitaniya (for Kitaytseva). (Stores, Retail) W.WV0 V.D. Instructions on lbdtlng the use of fewese Prcas sUvi. 40 no.2:56"-~3 of cover 162. (MIM 35.7) (Fences) lkwatandards for the desUP Of stores, ZhIl. stroi. no.16-7 963. (KM 16:2) '(Stores., Retall-Design and construction) ,,_,Inzh., red.; GIIRNOV, V.P., inzh., red.; KLIYOVA, NF.SOV,j.D G.D., red.izd-va; FULIYJNA, Ye.A.j tekhn. red. [Sanitation specifications for the designirg of industrial enterprises] Sanitarnye normy proektirovaniia proD7shlenmykh predpriiatii (SV 245-63). Moskva,, Gosstrolizdat,01963. 75 P. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Ruesia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Gosudarstvannyy komitet po delam stroftel'stva. NESOV, V.D., inzh.; red.; DEVYATKIN, S.V., inzh., red. (Construction specifications and regulations] Stroiteltrye normy i pravila. Moskva, Gosstroiizdat. Pt.2. Sec.M. ch.2. (Production buildings of industrial plaqts; planning specifica- tions] Proizvodstvenrqe zdaniia prou7shlennykh predpriiatii; norwy proektirovaniia (SNiP 11-41. 2-62). 1963 44 P. 4-TIRA 17:3) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Gosudarstvennyy komitet po, delam stroitellstva. 2. Gosstroy SSSR (for Nesov). 3. TSentral'W7 nauchno-issledovatellakiy i proyewo-eksperimentalIrrTy institut promyshlemykh zdaniy i sooruzheniy (for Devyatkin). inzh... red. ; KULAKOV, D. V. , arkh. , red. ; LELADZE, G.D., arkh., red.; [Construction specifications and regulations] Stroitell- rqe norv7 i pravila. 14oBkvat Struiizdat. Pt.2. Sec.L. ch-4.[Schools of general education and boarding schools; design specifications] Obshcheobrazovatel'rWe shko1v i shkoly-internaty; normy proaktirovaniia (SNiP II L. 4-62). 1964-- 33 P. 11 (KIRA 17:9) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Gosudarstvennyy komitet po de- la.. stroitellstva. 2. Gosstroy S-ASR (for Nesov). 3. Gosu- da-rstvannyy komitet po grazhdanskomu stroitel'stvu i ar- khitekture pri Gosstroye SSSR (for Kulakov). 4. Nauchno- issledovatellskiy institut obshchestvennykh zdaniy i so- oruzheniy Gosudarstvennogo komiteta po grazhdanskomu stroitel'stvu I arkhitektury pri Gosstroye SSSR (for Leladze). DMATURp fmsb.&_WWVp V4.0 Insh. Standards ror desIgnIng productlon buildInp of Industriml caterpilueue Prom* stroi. 41 no.5r,43-0 Vq 064. (Km 18,11) OVSYANKIII, Vasilly Illich, (loktor teklm. nauk; V.D~, nauchn. red. [Reinforced concrete pipes for pressure water conduits) Zlielezobetonnye truby d1la napornykh vodaprovodov. Mo- skva, 1965. 361 p. (141FIA 18.7) i-VE So v I C f, yLUOSLp.VTjt Chemical Technology, Chemical Products and Their ApplIcation. Ceramics. Glasse Binding Materials. Concrete. Abe Tow Ref Zhur - IQIiL-dya, NO 5, 1959, 110o 16277 Author Hesovic B. inst Title Anh5drite CeLent Orig Pub Technika, 1958, 13, No 11 Nase grateveo 12o No lp 10-15 H-13 Abstract Properties and peculiarities of anhydrite cement are describede The results of investigations conducted by Ps P. Budnikov are 1wesented. InformtIon pertaining to the maweacturing teabnology and to applications are given., S. Tipolt Card 1/1 YUGOSLAVIA KENIG, Iven, RALULOVIC, Branko, JANXVIC, Ljubisaj Special Orthopedic Host)ital "Banjica", Belgrade "Discoidal. 41-leniscuso Belgrade, Srpski Arkhiv za Toolol-uprio Lalnratvo, Vol 94, 11o 6, 1966, pp 565-571 Abstracti Authors' English summaryl Discoidal meniscus should not be considered a congenital dafect butan acquired one. It is a question of the meniscus Inadequately affixed to the tibia. In this case the meniscus becomes m3bile and produces unequal pressure of the 1(nea, and thus a discoid meniscus is formed. The clinical sYmPtOmatOlOgY is typical with a stressed knee jump followed by loud crepitetion in action. The absence of former traumatism speaks in favor of this diagnosis. Sometimes there are signs of the rupture of a normally formed meniscus. The authors enum,3rote elements for a differential diagnosis. and give also their opinion that this leaf-on is not as rare as thought. They describe six patients which were operated. There are 9 ~estarn references. (~Ianuscript received, 24 Jul 65.) 1/1 - 61 - AMUR& Sod&zh? V.S. )f#sv*laz A.#. TITLEs The influsuce of flcv of 11tia lh~~Vv4t a fq; oz 1;bt YiN~Xtcrtz tD rotailam of a dta t xl%%&t~qc, sasax :9A PIRIODICALs TeploemorgotiVA, IM, Yo.12- pp. U-ef iAiSik." ABSMACTa Frittion losses in t7x!~A~-4"& art uvqAIIj ds-wminsd fro= Sapirical foriff Us fot a diet rtkatitt 3u. a 'I'lo-otd. 4%,140t~ :a Reny -0-hings Ih4TI 4t a f1s'T at Itakage of wurkka fIvAl thzough ihs gap b6tweem the dLwt &.ad the tavLmj~ ~-2meidc!4Uj affsetdDg *A4 resista&:,* tz rolattan t-f #.~ts ddvt, -Pt& pL-6ati-t #-.1minse thAs 6994,ct in VIF iv.Itar~a* 0! 4. E&~ f2zid de2i--N*r*d vdihor.t. cv~IrUovj~ ~If. 5,.Sd z1ort'ng tb-sx~,� Uvards th+ ris. '10m, cmi it moat, p~-mtu,-al is ttie. of t-Imbulsit f1tv im 10%6 gap, VbLlh Zt~C'A?d (01 cl ka-Imulds na"er grcate;.- a-ra s'bo7l. 2.15, r 11 5~ IrA OrdkL t* tkV flow 't*j-djtAon# Vt.,~Jh '..hj:tG a& fjA)V Of t~X4A, ~Ijt ~R :.I.0j &*fjjejVZt tS d&tSrAIA,* R*YTAOId* MUZh*r OnlY.- La r623AAOr- "-S~ ~It* speed of tb?, Lit, sia;v lba n't fl&,v LIP-1, dopen-48 On "..hv radial vtloeiij- ;t flow An 4.~.* fay. V~ ~".t~jlmsm ~S 7 eonsid*r Itoymolda lkgs~kct v-atk, th* K~, WE.4~~h ~u thG Card 1/4 ratlo of the icloo"ity it ih6 r4,.n 01! 0.4 dplm,,- tl?."& N;Lm radial The Influezzo of flsw of 1.1mid m ftp 9a romistarce to rolallon of a dixe~; -re I 04,A-ty a f *hv fl-V-A tv -0ts WAt D~ 17~~m Wa~p V4, th Jos for3ml* V. Wb&m. 9 is I-owl, 12#w- t4imssr aA ik 17Wf- Reynolds mwbs.-r and ~,vx. votex: in "oke, gay vtb~;b diat 1~ -P ~01T-Ifx W~tb zh* 16AArge 01 12rAd' '. ~Z.& as a rotat'Auc dIRL &2d tL6 W-M are PA~~ttd Ln Fag.l' 14'f4 esrr**poudLY,g :-v-viv ?La ih6 prfcom-.4 oil !-id '*~gs of tb * d A s g i T i n F ru d t~ zr i, st frcm pic~2. ta'st 6--rea !Ox sadi"rat-1. 'TaTta pirRphibral Tel*.4ity in tt.6 gap ckai~a nr~~ CA'? ~Gd ~,'he dlm~ St he rAW'. For srfry big.,, xj6t4a '.f ~111T Ot ~%'v tat. gap, tN'tro, is hard17 azy- sirl.-Hag, Thle r-4-,~..'F#Aly ~Xalutaaes t-%# disa cmd f2i~d 9"ovf.7.C r:n A - zmd zle r,14. I rigs Tore va"d riLu%j- th-v t"~ xv,!'Ou of thg dAct-' *Lf flaw OA, flinid 1~b-ot:zh th# zap, IX,d 011"a'6.- ntt tests with, wator vere mmd6 at, && ijcxialle~:~at vitl !L 11.5 wz &~at rotwled at 2,400 - S,A10 r.~,..u wit.~ a Im ex.4 vr4i,.vr t1rT raU thro rgh tft* j&p o.,' Q.11 part -se-ztjoni'd -e-SW Of '~kg 1~1& AA MA F~I&A, T62tS Vilh air W*tO &&do vAlz~ dz"e-v oj' ?L55 TaA W',, mm d1c&te;.o-- r:.tste-~mg &,. s964ijs of i,iv gap vtAtl rangta f?,.z 3 2~ un ar-.d ths Card 2/4 rat6 of v4 tl'm fx= (1.0! H., M, The influence of flow of flnid tbzough a gap on the SOV/96-58-12-11/18 resistance to rotation of a dizi. The method of delivering air to the disc is sketchsd in FigA. The arrangemints made to deliver current to the imo+.*r throrqft a mercury bath and to measure the frAcMou torqrs by means of a torsion dynamometer are explained. An expression is given for Galileo's criterion of dynania similarity which in astd in the calculation of the rcsults~ The fri-ation torque was determined by formula 5. A combined graph of the results of more them 640 tests made with air and water is given in Fig.5. Fozcml& (7) in written for the increase in frictional tarqu* with flow, &ad conforms to the experimental results within 10%. The -test results with fluids of different physical propert~'ea smah an water and air, obtained on dints of two dimstsrs with various gap widths and speeds, all lie on a straight lime. The crit9ria of similarity are, thereby coafArmed an refletting satisfactorily the physical essente of the phan4msta. Pozzul& (8) is recommended to determine the friztional torq~ms on ons side of the dine in the presence of the flow of liquJid through the gap. The. part of the expression in squaxe bra,,A&ta in Card 3/4 The influence of f low of Li(Emid through a gap a& SOV/96-58-12-11/18 the resistaiL*e to rotation of a diso,, derived from the work of Pantell pmbli4bod in German (Lit.Ref.3.). A simpler formufs, is offered'for use in somo cases. There are 5 figures and 3 1 ifb-'.(.h is Srviet. ASSOCrATIONs KharIkov Polyte,thnical rustituts (Dar4kovakiy fthtAbakcheskiy lnstAtmt) Card 4/4 8(6) SOV/143-59-11-15/19 AMOR; Sedachl V.S., Candidate of Technical Sciences, and &. .. Engineer jLe vela, a* p z j . :. , j "~ TITLE: The Detel-mination of the Amount of Friction on a Rotating Disk if the Liquid Flows Through the Clear- ance and the Flow along Boundary Layers is Laminar PERIODICAL. Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Energetika, 19599 Nr 11, PP 115-122 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This is a continuation of the authors' Drevious stu- 7. The authors deri-ve new for- dies CRef I and 2 _ mulas, based on experiments and calculations, to clarify and determine the effect of the flow of liquid through the clearance between the runner and the walls of the casing upon tde amount of friction on the runner when a laminar flow arises in the boundary layers of the casing's walls and in those of the disk's body, and the core of the flow between boundary layers'shows a trubulent flow. In particu- Card 1/2 lar, their formulas help to find: a) the thickness SOV/143-59-11-15/19 The Determination of the Amount of Friction on a Rotating Disk if the Liquid Flows Through the Clearance and the Flow along Boundary Layers is Laminar of the boundary layer on the disk (formula 27); b) the rotation-resistance moment of the disk; and c) the friction moment both for when the liquid flows through the clearance and when it does not flow. A concrete example of calculations is added. S.M. Targ, who, in 1951, published a work on the fundamental tasks of the theory of laminar flows CRef 3-7, is mentioned several times. There are 1 diagram, 1 set of diagrams, 2 graphs, 1 set of graphs, and 3 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: ]Khar'kovskiy politekhnicheskiy institut imeni V.I. Lenina Kbaqrlk-ov Polytecbnjc.Institute imeni V.T_ Lenin) SUBMITTED: June 26, 1959 Card 2/2 V0921tZKOV, S.I.; ZUjjw, L.S.; ICUZNETSOV. V.I.; MAXEMIN, N.A.; MWIMA, A.N.-- PILISHMO, V.A.; TOWAKOV, A.K.; YILIN, A.M.; imnd.tskhn.nauk~ retuenzent; KOI!LYAR, I.T., kwd.tskhzi.na1mk~ red,; PISAUT, K.S.. insh.-polkavnlk zapasa. red.; MUSNIKOVA, T.F., takha.rad. ETheory or airp%ane engines] Teorlia aviatsionnykh dvigatelai. Pod red. I.T.Kotliara. Koakva. Toen.izd-vo K-va obor.SSSEt. Pt.2. [Theory of Jet engines] Teoriia realctivafth dvlgatelai. 196o. 281 p. (MIRA 13: 7) (Airplanes-Jet propulsion) A, in oil 23555 AUTHORS: Sedach, V.S., Candidate Nespela, A.N., Engineer TITLE: Frictional torque on a iiquid in an axial gap Teploenergetika, 1961, S/096/61/000/007/002/Oo6 E19VE-155 of Technical Sciences, and disc face during the flow of from the periphery to the centre PERIODICAL: No. 7, pp. 32-35 TEXT: Previous work by the present authors on the influence of the rate of flow of liquid through a gap near a rotating disc on the frictional torque was published in No. 12, 1958, of the present journal. The present article describes experimental work with the following conditions: Working Disc Angular speed Gap width Rate of medium radius, I of sec- S, mm liquid flow R mm m3/sec x 1o3 Water 63 70-265 2 - 15 0.5 - 1.9 Air 77.5 250-850 1.6-13 40 - 134 125 21o-69o 2.8-26 44 - 136 Card 1/ 4 23555 s/o96/61/000/007/oo2/oo6 Frictional torque on a disc face F-194/EI55 The experimental apparatus is described in some detail. The disc is driven by an electric motor and appropriate provision is made for adjusting the gap and measuring the torque and the rate of air or water flow. The method of allowing for air friction on the other side of the disc across which the fluid does not flow is explained. A graph of the tangential component of velocity flow in the gap during turbulent flow of air from the pgriphery to the centre is given in Fig.3, in which: Re 9.1k x 10 ; S/R = 0.08; K = 14.4; for curve It r/R 0.7; for curve 2, r/R = 0.71 for curve 5, r/R - 0.8. Here r indicates the radius of measurement. An in the case of flow from the centre to the periphery, the angular 3peed at the egntre of the flow depends mainly on the rate of flow and much less on the disc speed. FigA shows graphs of the distribution of radial component of flow speed in the gap with constant flow of fluid from the periphery to the centre at different disc speeds. A feature of flow in this case is that in different places in the gap it may be in different directions. If the disc is stationary the distribution is an shown in Fig.4a. If the rate of flow is maintained and the disc Card 2/ It 23555 s/o96/61/000/007/002/Oo6 Frictional torque on a disc face E194/EI55 is rotated, the,place of maximum radial component is displaced downwares in the flow, as in Fig.41'q and# finally, as the disc speed rises, the boundary layer near the disc itself may move outwards, as in Fig.46. By working out the experimental data in criterial terms the following generalised formula is obtained: -2 - 0* 3 3-25 x 10 S 6C = R (5) f G0.03 K0.4 a where G. = gR3/-j2 is Galileo's criterion.. (There is an editorial note that this formula is empirical and that the introduction of Galileo's criterion into it is inadequately justified). Here, LCf is the increment in the torque on one side of the disc caused by the flow of fluid, as compared with the corresponding value for one side of the disc rotating in a ~Iosed casing. K is the ratio of the peripheral speed of the disc rim to the mean rad- ial speed of the flow in the gap. K = 21CR2S w/Q. On plotting a large number of experimental results it is found that their mean deviation from the straight line corresponding to Eq.(5) does not exceed 10-12%. There are 5 figures and 5 references: 3 Soviet and Card 3/4 2 non-Soviet. 23555 s/o96/61/000/007/002/oo6 Frictional torque on a disc face ..... E194/El-55 ASSOCIATION: Kharikovskiy politekhnicheskiy institut (Khartkov Polytechnical Institute ,7j Fig. 3 1,, Q ~ :3 T- 0 0z a UU air v Fig. Card 4/4 SCnNCE Biriodicalat KMOS. SERIA A: BIOLOGIA. Vol. 7, no. 16, 1958. NESPIAK, A The need of mycosociologic research in Poland. p. 5M. Kmthly List of East Muropean Accessions (=I) LC Vol. S', no* 4t April 19599 Unclass. KOGOR,, N.; MPIAKp A.; SIEWSKI,, A. "thectum rorldus tode metaboUtes. I.Myrothec" Bul chin PAN 9 no.49207-2n 161. 1. Department of Geneml Cbemixtr7 and Department of Pbytopatholog3r,, College of Agriculture, Wroclaw. Presented by T. Urbanski. (MMtheeium roridum) (Metabolites) NEr3PI,,'iKP A. Observations on the occurense of fungi Infesting the r-nilm of cereals in Lower Silesia. Acts. agrobot 14 no.1,,131-153 163. 1. Department of Phytopatbology,.College of Agr--'ctilture, Wroclxw. 17 V The gastroWe8ftal tnct and the Inttabousm at itIMISIV fAll. The st=ach arid the jmtbllm .1 .41c acid' Evfcn Nitipor (Karlovy Univ., Prigue). . "Zou ragii - c -13(1960).-The inethylene blue ) and di- eh!o phono) methodg have bem compamd , estir, thq~ iris a Lic acid M) III helithy iublem ap wit gastric romes, The I method stem.5 to, t, tellablorrsults. The menit value ofIr (oun4,,f*A4-t* subjects with carcinom mitricull a4 1~, A A'tLr intravenous 4adml~i-,,troio~:RO, with iteld scesehon and Itht-Ariduc-resis 'I I I s ; t_ ; ~ I -.) fl~: (7 V'/,- I~M OA'Case~of Poinaidn by the~%xshrocu P. LM" CESKYCH" Vol. 93j, No. 4/5,, Jan. 1954) Prahav twzechaslovakia SO: Monthly List of Zast Jkropsau Accessions,, Library of Congressp Vol. 39 No. 40 April 1954. Unclassified. VITIM, J.; KUNGOVA. Zd.; NISPCR. S. Botsal zto=pathy In a paroxysmal disease. Cook.pediat. 14 no.22: 1075-1079 D 159. L lakultni poliklirdkm KU v Fraze. (EFUMsr) USPOR,N.; GWA.S. Studies on neuropathiss in children in a conv*lescent home. Gas. lek. cask. 99 n0.23:717-720 3 Je 16o. 1. Yourologicka oddeleni fakultut poliKiniky, pradnosta prof, dr. J. Titak - Statni detaka oxdravomm v Nammalal a. 14 a ST. Uterine. (HWWLOGY in inf. A child) Islarological contribation to the probles of andoaranicsis. Cas. lek.cest.99 no.39:1243-1249 23 S 160. 1. Nemvlociake addel. falmltni polildiniky. prednosta Dr.Sc. MUDr. JIrl Vitak. (MMOSTOSIS IROPPALIS INUM) (IMUROLMICAL MITTISTATIONS) NESPM F --C~ men - Difficulties In expertise in somw traumatic disorders of the bmin, aspeciallr in accident insurance cases. Cesk. neur. 24 no.1:6-13 Ja 161. 1. Neurologicks addeleni fakultni polikUniky,, prednasta prof. -T. Vitek, Dr. Sc. (BRA-W wds & inj) (INSURANCE ACCI M T jurispro On as) NFSPOR, V. "Hardness and brittleness of coMounds of metallic character." HUTNICKE LISTY, Brno, Czechoslovakia, Vol. lit, No. 6, June 1959. Monthly List of East Enrow---an i,,~,cessions (EEAI), LC, Vol. 8j No. 9p Seotember 1959- Unclassified. SKALA, Jaroslav, ins., inz. Czechoslovak molecular generator. Slaboproudy obzor 23 no.6: 349-351 Je 162. 1. Vojenska akademie Antonina Zapatockeho, Brno. HMI, Tiles, KUDr.; MPU VA, Karle. KLMr. Congenital 4eficiancy of factor IX - (Christmas. PM) - hemophilia B. Vnitr. Isk,, Brno I no-3:179-182 Kar 55. 1. Z krijake deteks nemocnice v Brno. Prednosta: Dac. Dr. 0. Saxl, Z ustr, laboratori kre Kin. nanocalce. Pradmosta: KUDr. T. Huls. Brno. Fellicovs. 25. (HINKORRHAGIC DIATUSIS Christmas die, with hemophilia.) (H = Pmu. complications Christmas die.) EXCERM XMICA See 7 Vol 10/10 PedlAtrias Oat 56 2082. HULE V. andNY,,.�_Pl]RKOVA '41. AM. fOr Inn. %led.. Kreiskind. Spit.. Brro. e Ange'baren-e-r-FSRT6r-IK,'AlangeI (Christmas) - Hlmophilie B, Con genital factor IX deficiency- (Christmas', hae;~Ophilia a ANN. PAEDIAT. (Basel) 1956, 1116ff(175-161) Tables I Ilia sym- Description of a case of haemaphilla B in a boy of 6 yr. with hatmophi ptome. The deficient time for prothrombin consumption could he completely cor- rected by the addition of serum. but remained pathological after the addition of glaama absorbed by BaSO4. The patient's blood corrected the deficient prothrom- in consumption time in the other haemaphiliacs who were being Lnve3tigated. 11a thromboplastin generation test showed the absence of a factor which is necessal for ft normal generation of thromboplastin. Both the child's sister and mothe; ka a highly deficient prothrombin consumption time. The family tree which with the help of the relative* was followed up to the year 1623 did not point to haemo- pMU& In the mate'line. Ton of the I I recently examined cases of haemophitia be- Wged to haemophills, A. cme had haemaphilia 0. (VU, 104) 46 P,#,1 C.An MPMOVA, Mmis; SONZKo rolmir Weat"of hormonal crisis of newborn an the development and course of laterus naonatort= Cask. pediat. 16 no.5:447-452 My 161. I, I dataka klinika v Bme,, prednosta doc. MUDr. Zdanek Brunecky 11 Makologia.ko-porodnicM klinika v Brae, prednosta prof. MUDr. Fmitizek Horajok. (JAUNDICE in inf & child) (INFANT NEMRU dis) (HORMONES) MMRSTA, K.; DTORA.GIK~ C.; MUMMA, X. Preliminary experiences with germicidal ultraviolet ra,7s in pne=ocystic pneumonia. Cask. pediat. 14 no.2:31-38 5 Jan 59. 1. Kojenecky ustav v Sumparku, fttol--anatomicky untav a Detska klinika, v Olomouci. M. H.. ZDjenecky us~~v, Sumpark. (PMMOITTA, llfrMTITTAL FIASKA CM, thar. ultraviolet rays (Cz)) (ULTRATIOL3T RAYS, ther. use interstitial plasm cell pneumonia (Cz)) NESRSTA, Vlastimil, mayor -I-_ T~e efficient helpers of party organizations and commanding officers. Komm.Vooruzb.Sil 1 no.2:84-88 0 '60. (KRA 14:8) 1. Chekhoslovatskaya Narodnaya armiya. (Czechoslovakia--Amed forces--Political activity) (Czechoslovakia--Communist jrauth) ALIKHANOV, F.N.; AIWSHAN,)V, N.A.; AKHUNDOV, V.Yu.; iV,IZALE, AZIZEE:KOV, Sh.A.; U-J'~GIROV, M.A.; VEZIROV, S.A.; VOLOBUYEV, V~R, LUILOV, F.M.; r jADZHIYEV, N.M,; GUSEYLTV, D~M.; GUSEfil'Oll, I.A.; DA,-:jAsFFl, E.L.; DADASHZADE, M.A.; DALIN, M.A.; ISFENDEMV, M.A.; Y-AZIYFI, M.A.; YARAYEV, A.I.; KASHYAY, M.S.; KELIDYSH, IA.V.; KERIMOV, A.G.; LEMBEHANSKIY, A.D.; MAMEDOV, G.K.; MEKHTIYEV, M.R.; FURZOYEV, S.A.; NAGIYEV, M.F.; r.-qplltT.Avoi, -U.11;_ ORUDZHEV, A.L.; RADZHA,-OV, R.A.; RUDNEV, R.N.; SADYKFOV, R.N.; SEMENOV, NX.; TJFCl'IYEV, A.V.; TOPCHIBASHEV, M.A.; TAIROVA, T.A.; KFALILOV, Z.1.; l+LNDIYEV, G.Kh.; SHUFYUROVA, Z.Z. IUsif Geidarovich Mamedaliev; obituiry. Wk]- AN Azerb, SSR 17 no.12:1123-1126 161. (MIRA 1~:2) (Mamedaliev, Iusif Geidarovich, 1905-1961) NESRULIAYEITA, G. 11. "Elastotonometric investigations in hypertonic eisease and late toxicosis of pregnant women vith hypertonic symptoms." Azerbaydzhan State Medical inst. Baku 'RUTION For the Degree of Candidate in MEDICAL ,, 1956. (DISSL SCIENCE.) Knizhn2~a letopiso No 33s 1956s Moscow Studying the dyannics of ocular tension during late toxeniss of pregnancy with a hypertension sympt6m, Azerb,medzhur, no*6:97-99 ja 1513 (MIRA 11:7) 1. Is knfedry glasnykh bolezney (sav. - prof. Ue Nusabekova) AserbaVd.zhanskogo gosudRrstvannogo, meditsinskogo, instituta im. 1. Warlmanova. gm) HVERTINSION) (PRZGIFANCY. COMPLICATION CF) HISRULLONA, G.H. Conparative characteristics of the slastotonometric curve in glancom and In hypertension, no.8:62-66 Ag 159. (14IRA 12:11) (GTAUCOtfA.) (HYMTMISION) (TOUOHKTM) ~ NESRULIAYF.VAp G.M. Latent strabismis (heterophoria) in anizometropia. Awrb. med. zhur. no.12:55-59 D 160, (HIRA 13;l'?) (STRABIsmis) (EYE--4WMODATION AND REFRACTION) WISABSYLIt U.Se; BESOLLAIEVAp GaH, Readta of modified iridenclaisis in varims forms of glauccm, Azerb, med. zhur. no. 2:55-59.F.161. (MIM 14:2) (IRIS(M)-SURMY)) (GIAUCOMA) w,SRuLLMA,,,,.G,m.,, kELud. mad. nauk Functional state of the optic analyzer in uveitis. Azerb. medo zhur. 42 no.9--44,51 S 165. (MIRA 18:11) 1. Iz Azerbaydzhanskogo nauchno-issiedovatellskogo instituta oftallmologii (dir. - N.M. Sfendiyov) i laboratoril fiziologii i patologii organov chuvstv InstitutA normallnoy i patologi- cheakoy fiziologii AMN SSSR (zav. - prof. P.G. Snyalcin). Submitted May 29p 1964. ~.40 0 1 00 A gAlli ~ U D- 9- A K Ir SOO T "NOM (Chmm. Otow, goo km of d=* for thm two caqukemule W &wafkd fn 1! Gros glee j so* ;go* LWGW-A4 LITIRATME CLAISVICAMol l1law 111-INIA- dnas-j -6 1 141401 441v maw 0" Q 19 11 10 111 - - - - - - I 1 1 000 0 090 000000000*00 M~~ A CV- z-r. 414w ma"triv d"Atal GK 4.- 4 6 a ad 0 4 0 1 If 0 9 a 0 2 9 r 0*00*0*0000000000 00-0*0000*0*00000 6(6) CZECH/14-59-7-5/50 AUTHOR: Nessel, Vii4m TITLE: Some Remarks on "Kiv-Alk" Oscilloscopes PERIODICAL: Wflovacif Technika, 1959, Mr 7, pp 246-249 (Czecho- slovakia) AUSTRACT: f The Kfivzik oscilloscopes are build to be used in the regulation technique and machinery, they have also given bes, results in the TV technique. The amplifiers built int. zaese oscilloscopes guarantee a great sen- sitivity of the apparatus which can successfully be used to control the voltage of the lowest wave frequen- cies. Due to a special connection, synchronization is easy so that the functioning may be termed as half- automatic. It is possible to extend the range of low frequency up to 0.01 cps, the upper frequency of 30 kc is sufficient for the controlling of voltage with a basic wave frequency of 300 kc and more. Oscillo- scopes are provided with devices for measuring the amplitude of the observed voltage using the compara- Card 1/3 tive method. The Kfizwfk enterprises produce severaVl CZBCH/14-59-7-5/50 Some Remarks on "KYizwfk" Oscilloscopes tges of oscilloscopes. The one- oscilloscope T gun 5 5 has a 10 cm.0 screen under which a measuring in- strument,is placed. The two-gun oscilloscope D 581 is composed of parts of two T 565 oscilloscopes; its screen is 16 cm,0 . This apparatus has two independ- ent~time,banes so that on the screen one voltage can be observed given by two various speeds. The two- channel osailloseope-D 536_is used for the simultane- ous observation of two different voltages on a common time base, The observed voltages are brought to the inlets of two independent symmetrical two-stage ampli- fiers to be amplified as necessary for the presenta- tion on the screen. At the outlet of these*amplifiers an electronic onange-over switen is connected wnien . alternatively.blocks one of the amplifiers. The swit- ching-over in the terminal stage of the amplifiers guarantees a sharp picture. The five-channel oscil- loscope K 552 contains five independent amplifiers with,electronic switching made vrith the help of five Card 2/3 electron tubes of which only one at a time frees the ES ~F- L, V PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION CZECH/4855 Nadler, Xorton~,and Vil4ri Nessel Elektronkovy osciloskop (Cathode-Ray Oscilloscope) 2d ed. enl. Prague, SNTL, 1960. 275 P. (Series: V &dA elektrotechnick; literatury) 2,700 copies printed. Reviever:,, Jindirich Forejt., Doctor of Natural Sciences.Docent; Tech. Ed.: Marie Krdlova; Chief Ed.: Fzwtigek Kapar, Engineer,, Doctor; Reap. Ed.: Ota Karen, Engineer. PURPME: This book is intended for all persons vho use cathode-ray oscilloscopes as measuring instrumentsj.e.o technical personnel in comounications,, electrical and mechanical engineering,, in automation and computer fields, and also for chemists, biologists,, doctors, and others. It may also serve as a useful manual for designers and constructors of oscilloscopes and as a valuable textbook for students in industrial schools and in schools of higher education. COVERUM: The book deals with the problem of dealgn and construction of cathode- ray oscilloscopes. It explains the function of their basic components,, such as cathode-ray tubes, -time basesand ampliriersand examines the equiMent of Carl4l'J'a.", 1 dSts as tec axis in %eeb,06101 j,ltroN~a V C01CLO on tjoveae TbOre (;%tbode-Itsy 0 Tbie lot,-Vro u U 4 Soviet Lal Pu.2-0-ses 'vbgh axe 6 Czee I for GVee te 0,10,13.0scoves I(o Ve SU) OISCL. 00 of COW219 for a ;~~t~tiou. ~erio(uc 8XA diso TOTI&a&e inowus boot SU4L aces (55 & 20 Gerpone are 46 refeve frencup a" 15 gvgU%bL,, 1 C V S, me r . a Ca. 01. lox 01 WIC1992S ray 06, -Uosoove the Oscillogeolpe a SaL Steins Ch. I emtba& a, Imocesse .61sicel 61 use of 06 -'1"- .V,8 of VhIsl 911sis of Cur 2. gatbiellatics2l an *C oijuscove of Im Ose So S, 05 se r & C 2. ture 0: LI sthode- siolL tubes Str'60 11 I Of polles .rel Suve 13106 of C a tion of C as Vro" 15 14 14 15 19 19 19 20 zs,! Toet CoLtbOU eleetrou Of an nectrou" au& cbArV fjeI& Smbstance Of an Ciectrio _e.L-Lah&d by Tf fact The basic cha- t5.Lven. 6 fi-ures and 2 tables. 0 S/194/62/000/006/07;3/232 Unit-ty-.e executicr. of .... D295/D308 ,j [Abst:%----tor!,~ note; Coir.Dlete translation. I Card 2/2 NESSEL,, Vilem Now semiconductor parts at the Hmmover Mr. lutmatizace 6 no.IM Ja 163. a- 0- W-* w a if u is w ts 16 fir a w sitar it'ji-15 iirvm~v:jp it u a w it a u nooda vt$ Or* llrvilff! *i 2 r IS AF A JL I r a t ~ 1-1 -k.-r The dms*d uaiw* Of gfttwwd &Nmonufjmw pkb "d dur GOAL --~NCWL*"ww. &a J, NO. and factm tO be couddcmd in bmt trfttmg are Livets. %. believs 00 that "Umper bcittkmm-im Xj-Cr scetu is dtw to pptu. .00 If. W. Rathmam A* -.00 -00 lot i.l* 00 CAO dkF cot 301 !:If .1~ to's it Am Q a 4 1- IF I -,, -1 0-0 1 -IF94-13 a 3 a 0 it W 9W It 6 it CE It & K UD 4 8 94 f 0 6'# off P F -6- 1- -T"os ~OOA *0 (Asv~&tf. A%vL C. Ak. 19ft 1K aje~-jrn Rwvk" big reviam w0& an 16'1141= 11M wmin am3m "A t6 rMut am&mdau he by Okww (Wei. low. AfA.& IQ"- *4 409M -V R V O'D .00 *Ole got Coe :at* X&O WOO ji, loc., !-Sol 4441100 ;-1- S41114" .49 a- a.4 0 w It a T A 44 p 1r to 46 9 'W a 09 it w x so 00 00040.0900*too 0 0 0 6 & 0 0off 009 sit 0 0*0000000 4~ 0 0 0 0 *;IT T T T r r 7 T T T It T.11 I W 1r W T W T v I r rs. w I R z T. 4 a T. at* "-L -L-t--- lkA -A o, - - - j-,,L - X-A--t-A-AA- -- '. -00 Age Sal -06 ISO, 00 0411 "so Its SO voo v a 49 09 it a it a (C 4K 44 a a a NESSMISHMUS, G. Z., Prof PA 36T68 ZASLATSKlY, M.Ta., laure&t Stalinskar premill INSSILIMIRAUS, G.Z.. radaktor; TMM(K, K.K., takhnicheskir re Fo-;"- [%Ing oxygen in =wol& furnace sueltivg] Plarks, v vagranke a priusnoulaw k1slaroola. Moskva, ltd-ve Ministerstva rechnago flots, SSSR, 1951. 90 p# (Nicrofilul NIBA 7:10) (smelting) (ftol& ftruaces) BUTMV. VA.; ANUUM. V-K.. professor, retsenzent; NMS1IL'SRTRMSLRAZ- prof., kandidat takhnichaskikh nauk; VIDWA. P. * .9 .. or tekh- uIchaskikh nauk, redaktor; TILMON. 1.B. Cdsoeas*41. inzhener, redaktar; KUSUMT.I.L. kandidat takhnichookikh nauk, doteent. redaktor. KI- LiNOT, O.T., Inshenor, redaktor; NIRKIN. I.L., prof.. doktor tekhnichs- skikii nauk. radaktor; IMVISMIKOV. B.S., L=hsner. redaktor; SIAVKII. V.S.. Inchener, radxktor; LZBEMY, A.L. redaktor; KIIHArWYA. V.V.. takhnichookiy redaktor. [Technology of metals] Tokhaologlia netallov. Kosicva, Goo. muohno- takhn. Izd-vo Ilt-rr po chernoi I taystaoi metallurgii, 1952. 471 p. (Microfilul (KLRL 7:12) (Ketals) S/ I 37/50POO/b 12/tog/o 4 1 A0061AOOI Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1960, No. 12, p. 122, # 29031 AUTHOR: ~raus, ~G.Z. TITLE: Some Problems Relating to the Theory and Practice of Heat Treating Metals and Alloys PERIODICAL: Tr. Nauchno-tekhn. o-va chern. metallurgii, 1959, No-15, pp.144-17o TEXT: The article contains theoretical concepts on heat treating Fe-C alloys and the effect of alloying elements (3i. Ni, Cr, etc) on strengthening of ferrite and on structural transformations and properties of Fe-C alloys in con- nection with heat treatment. The author analyzes in detail the purpose and con- ditions of using basic heat treatment operations in machinebuilding; he also treats the problems of dispersion hardening of non-ferrous alloys. There are 8 references. G.L. Translator's note: This is the full translation of the original Russian abstract. Card 1/1 G.I.. kaididat fisike-watonatichaskM nauk; MLSSUM, A.K., latheaer; Istabliehiag quality torus based at tke results of low-sumber sample tests. Staxdartizatsia its.6*-32-37 N-D 455. (an 9:;) LTSextrallmaya. mazzakao-Iseledovatel'skaya, laUratortya Glayleakhlep- Proma. (Te3dile fabrics--quality control) NESSLER, A.M., inzhener. Zrroneausness of Comrade Rybakova's formula for determining the true percentage of size. Tekst.prom. 15 no.2:52 F 155. (Sizing (Textile)) (MM 8:3) - SM, A.K., Inzhener. Determining the stretch of yam during sizing. Takst.pron. 16 ao.3: 32-33 NY '56. (KM 9: 8) (Tarn) (Sixing (Textile)) SMLINX, I#Do, insh.; NESSLIM, A.Ke, Lush.; SOMMY, GeV#, inch, Response WM.N. Malseenko's article 'Changing the structure of mewivg threadO. TaImt. prom. 19 no.9t,60-63 S '59. NM 12:12) (Thread) lZ4-11-13240 Translation from: Referittivriyy Zhurnal, Mckhanika, 1957, Nr 11, to 139 (USSR) AUTHORS: Maslov, N. N. , and Nessler, 1. A. TITLE: The Dynamic Characteristics of Readily Pouring Sands. (Dinamicheakaya kharakteristika khorosho okatantiykh peskov) PERIODICAL: V sb. : 15-ya nauchn. konferentsiya Leningr. inzh.-stroit. in-ta; Leningrad, 1957, pp 82-84 ABSTRACT: Data are offered on the dynamic characteristics of sands having different granulometric compositions and different "pourability". It is established that the presence in a sand of particles smaller than 0.25 mm. and the non-uniformity coefficients alone are not sufficient for the indicated purpose. In particular, of considerable significance in the dynamic stability of sands is the degree of "pourability" of its grains. The indicated circumstances and the absence of any satis- factory indirect criteria make it necessary to determine experimentally the critical accelerations, for a given vibrational frequency, for any type of sand under consideration. Card 1/1 (Z. V. Pil'gunova) DOLGOV, B.H. (deceased]; NIZOVKIUA, T.V.; NFSSLERp K.A.; STROYDIAN, I.M. Disprqmrtionation of hydrogen in the system benzene-ethyl alcohol isopropyl alcohol. Vest. LGU 19 no.IN101-106 164. (MIRA 170) AUTHORSs Malkov, S.I., Nessonov, B.D., SOV/32-24-9-51/53 Ma tveyev, V. A. , I 6_s_sc_n-5-va-,---G. D. T TITLE: A Silicon-Iditol Lacquer for Wire Tensiometers Exposed to High Moisture (Kremneiditolovyy lak dlya, provolochnykh tenzometrov, rabotayushchikh v usloviyakh vysokoy vlazhnosti) PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya Laboratoriya, 1958, Vol 24, lir 9, pp 1166-1166 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Card 1/2 The sensitivity of tensiometers can be redaced by the effeot of moisture. For this reason the tensiometer must be protected against moisture. 1948-1949 a lacquer for the protection against moisture was-deviced at the Moskovskiy khimiko-tekhnologicheskiy institut im. D.I. Kendeleyeva (Moscow Chemical and Technological Institute imeni D.I. Mendeleyev). This lacquer is based on a compound of ortho-silicia eater and iditol and magnesium oxide (lacquer Hr 216), and it meets all requirements. The technique of applica- tion of this lacquer is very simple, i.e. it is just painted on. The lacquer is sufficiently resistive, elastic, and it is also re- sistant to attacks of atmospheric nature and temperature changes. The production of lacquer Hr 216 was started at the "Faneroprodukt" plant (Moscow, 36, Novosimonovskaya sloboda, 2). A Silicon-lditol Lacquer for Wire Tensiometers SOV/32-24-9-51/53 Exposed to High Moisture ASSOCIATION: Zavod "Faneroprodukt" ("Faneroprodukirl" Plant) Card 2/2 112-2-3652 Translation from: Referativnyy Zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika, 1957, Nr 2, p. 265 (USSR) AUTHOR: Nessonov, G. TITLE: Vibro-contact Building-up of Metal (Vibrokontaktnaya naplavka metalla) PERIODICAL: Tankist, 1955, Nr Us PP. 38-43 ABSTRACT: A method proposed by G.F.Klekovkin, engineer, for cold vibro-contact building-up in an electrolyte stream is described. The essentials of the method are presented, and the design and basic electric connection diagrams of the installation are given. The advantages and fields of application of this method are indicated. A.I.K. Card 1/1 7 14 SOV/32-25-1-431/51 AUTHORS: Golovin, V. A., Nessonov, V. D. TITLE: Heat Resistant Wire Tension Cell on G ass Cloth (Termostoykiy provolochnyy tenzodatchik na stekloshpone) PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya Laboratoriya, 1959, Vol 25, Nr 1, PP 117-119 (USSR) ABSTRACT: At present a large number of tension cells for higher tempera- tures are known (Refs 1,2) which do, however, not have the required properties. The tension cells DK on paper basis with the synthetic resin BY can be used up to 150-2000 only as the carbonization of the paper destroys the adhesion of the cell to the metal sample. Experiments showed that glass cloth is a better basis than paper (Ref 3)1 the former is a material which consists of two layers of glass threads glued together with the The production technique and the application of the tension cells ST are described. A polymerized glass cloth of a thickness of 40-60IAis used. The cellular grid is made, as usual, of constantan wire (diameter 30~L) and the glue BF-2 is applied. It is pointed out that the fibers of the cloth should run perpendicularly to the grid wires. After the cell has been produced and fixed the covered with PKE-14 enamel Card 1/2 (Ref 4). To determine the properties of the tension cell some SOV/32-25-1-43/51 Heat Resistant Wire Tension Cell on Glass Cloth investigations were carried out. With an increase in tempera- ture of up to 2000 the sensitivity decreases a little (from 2.01 to 1.93) and remains constant up to 3000. The upper temperature limit is given to be 3500, at which the ST-cells operate only for 1.5-2 hours. There are 4 references; 3 of which are Soviet. Card 2/2 - IF__j_ 3, W~ w _W_ Z irk 9z A L A I k see 44, tit age got elm 10~ L 96 i see Uee use at*I~t~lh %law 49dw 9A.Aio off ~VAON w& oqw Avg trial cW amf All Woot K X W Or It 9.9f, K ifff -44 A 0*4 0, 9, 0 0 0000000 V WA:04-0 0 0-0.0 Jjj A 0 0 000000 0900000 9 0 Ch- sWas. A. P, jw_ Chem. %(160J.-Allmr goes -41111111- 1111 It. lit 0(t,1 NjtWjt.),,. (6, 1411', CASCIF tail tlWJr(FI-. IQ All Aki(I. romp(Wad a teactiocs vrisad hAvide; an Inlet tube (or C(h ancl ecinneded by a side tube to a wash bo(tte~ rM the tatter 0/. full wick 1:1 mixt.of 6% Nao&(h And 0M). %.Inc QM(WI Ihe Walk liattlo by a 2wj sitte tulle t0all almleption (utw duccM with Is ml. ON " 1014al NA41.16 in txvA.At. Actlif 14- whkis 6-7 dma od It. A, me, of elm Cx1miul. walrd to am 4mpul Imitle the CrAction d&4 and add 7-10 cut. of lit. Crush the I Opul with the Ctk ittlet tube. Mae the 9MCGOO dAAk (OR 4() sWro. an a scram bath ad-1 then o& gyverol or 11.1`1% bath A# lW'- :W AM w mitt. foe tbe dociv. or INO Min. (.4, Or tie '"W. 'I'lagc-I've Itivoletcrufaul the 4tworl'alwo out. 11i 2M (C41. UCkflltteTTI &94. AM I- A 9. fit iftY NAOA *Sul ItIO-I'vill, mi. 11.0. 1= C-TAVIA Be writh a to d"itwill 11CMIll.add Rl. &-10 mi. 44del. 11C) awl after a Min.. t1trate I wltik.%U*.qA Sol". lItt.C.Cl. Anti %w an tlev 2 pewed(mg camp4t. aa4 at%a ace diethylth- ctthwtadjtneaoAdipbcayktichkmadane. Totlet.CinNs- JCWH.). and 1%tUC.Jf,). dietest s 40-70-mg. &te with 3~ -2.16 mi. of coacd. Ukkil and 1-1.5 C. of KlOs at 165, CAM out this detts. ick a Ritcwicter antitics.thevol.a(C after beiagingibe wbtAc system to , "'. 1), %= dielkyl- eitul diphenylelichtorn- WAta-4 with . ='T w 64k. 111M, HOW%, Anti K108. l'o del St d1s"t the viattgul., wt fur C.14-114. After exali. ins. t,-. "';Z; Ill., d"ftd Mixt. to is MI-511-Ml. twoket, ittilgli. tki. a* it 4(tacheil to eA. tie the UILUAI MAUtwv. In diethyt- axedl UptintAyse ILI to fcm OMV A(Ct 4W CbIM 410 - &CVUt(MI441iV4llV 09 bV UCIAVIAWA- 34. Itowli preW&dw of nw&yl and athyi Callers of Ordwsificie acid. A. 11. Kr"Uov and G. D. Nessadava. Zkur 06skelAel Kkim. Q. Gen. Chem.) 10 '-W#4(l040)--ne paM ZA and, Roll may be as- X!, ,djield% of (RO),Si ICOM S to the cGintrination of the following cAuies: can- Version of same ROJI to RCI toy IICI, hydrolysis of alk- ozychlorasilan s by tr2ces at HtO =4 PQIYMeri=tion of the urodo.. emad disproportionation an heating of mists. contg. an exce" Of SM, (e.9. (EtO),Si and SX14 yield (Eto),sich, while the action of Sict. an 3(RO),Si gives RCI,ROR,(RO)t$iCl,,attdl(RO)&SiOltSiO). Thetallow- WC proceiture climittatc% most of the previous difficulties. Alm Roll -w %frill( art., u%cd. atut 4.4 moles R011 ,'.kJ[,4t Willi IITV IV.- i, tTC.41~11 Willi I In"Ic Sict.A.Ult.1 .it it. Artmigh 't Apillagy Which hV4 A.Mr th~ *All of the tl.t~k, While ~11~ Air 1. J.$1-1 'IdWIV thTtKigh the Sala. wityj stirring; the usixt. 6 n,A wirmcd but air- Uawing 11 continued itfur the addo. to remove HCI. after which the taixt. is fractiouAttcd im mcme. The av. Fields 1 foe the Me eater axe 67%. for the Et ester 79.3%. MSMT, A*P.,* BM, T.A,; KYSHLYATIVA i~ V.; NISSONOTA, 1-. OMMIASKlY. A.A.. redaktor; LUR;YK: K.--. --- --- -&-irkC1117791-- redaktor (Analysis of silicon organic compoundal Analtz kreantiorgaal- cbeekikh soadinenit. Moskva, Goa. nau.6mo-takhnicheskoe izd-vo khtsicheskoi lit-ry, 1954, 255 P- (HLRA 8:1'j (Sillcou organic compounds) (Chemistry, Analytical) A-4 TMOVSKATA, D. T. Kethode for quantitative determination aof the chloride-Lou. Z&v* lab.,23 no*2:159-161 157o (MM 10: 3) 1e Koskovskly takstil'W Institute (Chlorides-Analysis) (Titration) RKSSOVDVA, G.DO ; TUREDVSKAYA, D.V. Gravity method of determining ollicon In textile materials. Izv. Vs. uchob. tay.; tekh. teksC. pr*=. no-5:109-113 '58. 4 (K12A 11: 12) I.Xisakovaidy takatiliny7 inatitmt. (Textile fabrics-Testing) (Chemistry, Analytical-Quantitative) (Silicon) KOSOLOVA, R.D. Determining the silicon content of textile materials. Takst. pros. 18 no.105 ja 158. (NDA 11.02) (Textile chemistry) ,iTHORS: Nessonova, G. D., Pogocyants, Ye. K. SOV/32-24-8-14/43 'ITLE: The Determination of Alkoxyl Groups in Organic Silicon Compounds (Ob opredeleni:i alkoksillnykh grupp v kremniyorgani- cheskikh soyedineniyakh) PERIODICAL: Zavodakaya Laboratoriya, 1958, Vol. 24, Ur 8, PP- 953 - 953 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The concentration of tetraethoxysilane and its derivatives can be determined according to the number of ethoxyl groups present. Most of the methods for the quantitative determination of ethoxyl groups are based on their reaction with hydriodic acid. In all of these methods a hydriodic acid solution must always be freshly prepared, since it loses its reactivity an standing. In place of hydriodic acid in this reaction this paper suggests the use of an iodized mixture containing hydriodic acid, phenolt propionic acid, and red phosphorus. The preparation of this mixture is described, and the analytical procedure is given. A table comparing results obtained by the two methods is given. There are 1 table and 2 references, 1 of Card 1/2 which is Soviet. The Determination of Alkoxyl Groups in Organic Silicon SOV/32-24-6-14/43 Compounds ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy tekstillnyy institut (Moscow Textile Institute) Card 2/2 AUTHORS% Malkov, S.I., Nessonov, B.D., SOV/32-24-9-51/53 Matveyev, V.A., NesBo TITLEt A Silicon-lditol Lacquer for Wire Tensiometers Exposed to High Moisture (Kremneiditolovyy lak dlya provolochnykh tenzometrov, rabotayushchikh v usloviyakh vysokoy vlazhnosti) PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya Laboratoriya, 1958, Vol 24, Nr 9, pp 1166-1166 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The sensitivity of tensiometers can be reduced by the effei2t of moisture. For this reason the tensiometer must be protected against moisture. 1948-1949 a lacquer for the protection against moisture was devised at the Moskovskiy khimiko-tekhnologicheakiy institut im. D.I. Mendeleyeva (Moscow Chemical and Technological Institute imeni D.I. Mendeleyev). This lacquer is based on a compound of ortho-silicia eater and iditol and magnesium oxide (lacquer Nr 216), and it meets all requirements. The technique of applica- tion of this lacquer is very simple, i.e. it is just painted on. The lacquer is sufficiently resistive, elastic, and it is also re- sistant to attacks of atmospheric nature and temperature changes. The production of lacquer Nr 216 was started at the "Paneroprodukt" plant (Moscow, 38, Novosimonovskaya sloboda, 2). Card 1/2 A Silicon-Iditol Lacquer fc)r Wire Tensiometers SOV/32-24-9-51/53 Exposed to High Moisture ASSOCIATION: Zavod "Faneroprodukt" ("Faneroproduktl* Plant) Card 2/2 5(2) SOV/32-25-7-4/50 AUTHORSs Nessonova, G. D., Pogosyants, Ye. X., Lishevskaya, M. 0~ TITLEt Colorimetric Determination of Cobalt in the Reaction With Glycerin (Kolorimetricheakoye opredeleniye koballta po reaktaii a glitearinom) PERIODICALs Zavodskaya laboratoriya, 1959, Vol 25, Nr 7, PP 786 - 789 (USSR) ABSTRACTs A colorimetric method for the determination of cobalt is described. The method is based on the reaction of the bivalent cobalt ion with glycerin in a strong alkaline medium, thus forming blue colored complex compounds. The following formula is suggesteds Na n-2 [Co(C3H80 3)n-m (OH)MI for the complex compound formed. The method permits determination of cobalt in the pre- sence of larger quantities of nickel and iron without preceding separation. The method suggested was elaborated on pare cobalt salts, mixtures of cobalt- and nickel salts, and was subsequently tested on technical alloy samples (with a cobalt content of 20 to 80%). Optical density of the solution was measured by means Card 1/2 of the photocolorimeter FEK-M in a bulb of 30 mm length. By Colorimetric Determination of Cobalt in the Reaction With SOV/32-25-7-4/10 Glycerin application of a red light filter the optical density of the solution is a direct function of the cobalt concentration in the solution. The stability of the glycerin alkali ccmp1Excaq=dde- pends on the cobalt concentration in the solution (Fig 2). The maximum concentration of the Co should not exceed 0.3 mg1ml Co in the solution to be colorimetried. One course of analysis is givens in order to test the accuracy of the results of analysis, duplicate determinations of Co~according to the gravimetric method(a.s potassium cobalt ,nitrite)were carried out (Table). There are 3 figures, 1 table, and 2 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy tekstilfnyy institut (Moscow Textile Institute) Card 2/2 V-A-I*,-V. Ali Hans ar NI * *0 -A tri CO 81% 1 oil -2 J. NJ Id a lei it-so f 3 lit; IRS st 3 Iva 3 9 eZ -4 24 H ;'s 4 11'a j"-d CCI a sa-.! fl I*d ram 04 ? Fla v* 5 w . i"sn .j 15r I ! -*~ :33 N 04 9/191J62/000/001/004/006 B145/B110 AUTHORS: -yeasonova G D Pogoayants, Ye. K., Markovat G. B.9 TITLE: Sodium-ethyl and sodium-methyl siliconates and their applica- tion in the textile industry PERIODICAL: Plasticheskiye massy, no. 1, 1962, 20-24 TEXT: The suitability of the hydrophobic organosilicon liquidsTK'K10 (GKZh 10) andTKYC11 (GKZh 11) for the impregnation of cotton fabrics was tested. GKZh 10 and GKZh 11 are strongly alkaline, aqueous-alcoholic solutions of ethyl and methyl siliconatesp containing about 30~ dry substance. According to the formula [R-Si(OH)2ONall-50 the siliconates are present as a monomer-dimer. Coarse cotton cloth, interlock fabrics and serge were used for the investigation. The impregnation time was 5 min, and the optimum concentration of the siliconate solutions amounted to 2-4$ of the weight of dry substance. Impregnation increases water- proofness and its stability against the effect of weather, light and perspiration; the mechanical strength increases (breaking strength of the Card 1/2 S/191162/000/001/004/006 Sodium-ethyl and sodium-methyl - B145/B11O interlock fabric increases from 27.3 to 33.0 kg), water absorption decreases, and the fabrics become soft, silky, and pleasant to the touch. A 10-min thermal treatment at 1350C after drying in air proved most suitable with respect to waterproofness stability against repeated washing with soap and soda. If the fabrics are first treated with 0-5-2.0% solu- tions of Cup Sn, Zn, Hip Pbj Up Ca, and other salts which form scarcely soluble compounds with siliconates in water, and afterward with 3% solu- tion of GKZh 10 or GKZh 11, the adhesiveness of organosilicon compounds to the fabric surface is increased. In this case, the fabrics are dried at 70--800C for 10-15 min after impregnation, Best results were obtained with Ni and Cu salts (water resistance 170-180 am water after triple washing at 1000C). The type of the anion used is of no effect. There are 3 figures, 11 tables~ and 4 Soviet referenues. Card 2/2 ACC MRs AP6034032 (AT io-6-116F. CODE: UR/0342/~6-j6ddk 6/0052/0054 AUTHOR: ffessonov&,.gjpA_ (Docent); Gulinkina, r. R. (Assistant); Karkava, G. B. (DocentTz,-Cftnevich, K. P. (Chief of laboratori) ORG: (Yessonova and Gulinkinal Moscow Textile Institute (Mmkovskiy tekstL1'nyy institut) TITIZ: Hydrophoiing properties of, polyalkyl- or polyaryl-siloxanes SOURCE: Tekstollnaya proqrshlennost', no. 10, 1966, 52-54 TOPIC TAGS: hydropholing, silicone, cotton fabric, silicone emulsion, water repellency, F-AdWIC- cojr-,Na , -rFtr//-e -AJ611VE--,e,,JG - ABSTRACT: A stu4 has been made of the hydropholing of cotton rabr~ce with kqueous emulsions of polymethyl-, polyethyl- or polyphenysiloxane LqLt24HPGKzh94 or Wzhthr, respectively) stabilized with such emulsifiers as Sollvar (poly(vinyl alcohol) containing 10-15% acetate groups]. Alkamon )K-2, OP7-type compounds or gelatin. The silicones were used in the form of aqueous emulsions because their solutions in toxic and InMmTfible organkc solvents cannot be used in the textile industry. The 211-lengtpaf cotton%!Nbric impregnated with silicone emulsions was equal wajSL-re to that of fabrics impregnated with silicone solutions. The best results were obtained In sklaine baths containing about 3% silicone. At 140-150C Impregnation proceeded rapidly regardless of the nature of the radical. The -1-nn water- ACC NRt AP6034032 repellency of fabrics impregnated at 18--20C with polymethyl- or polyethylsiloxanes was obtained after T--10 days, but that of fabrics impregnated with polyphenyl- siloxane was attained after 50-60 days. Treatment of Ispreguated.fabrics with Aoap and nod& lowered their water-repellency. However, this process van shown to be reversible, and the initial properties were recovered by heating the treated fabrics to 130--150C for 10-20 dda oi by Irouing for 2-."3 odn. 'Orig. art, has.: 3 figures and I table. SUB COM ll/ BUSH DATE: none/ ORIG R9F: 002/ OM. RUF:I. 001/ ~A i t J& 1!J th alkyl J5, n--,. 65. HA 18 8 -zzk iv i RLUJILh/General Probleiis of Patl,31o,-7 - Tumurs. Hiukn-i Tumors. U. Abs J,-.,ur Ref Mur - Bi~A., N; 2, 1959, 8889 A v. t,,. :) rNestase, G., Sperantse, G., KaruiDl, M., Lazer, M., i~~ ~116 d-.-Imerkalescu, D. Inst Title Roucarc!i in Certnin SOr 1.1 Anti-11yalur niidaucs in Ski,.i Cancer. Ori (I- Pub Runpisk. i.icd. )bozreAyc, 1957, 1, No 2, 81-86 Abstract 11, -abstract. Card 1/1 - 51 - NESTASED Me [Nastasetmel cz: ------- ~ On the experimntal stuc~y of the delaying of self-ignition in diesel engines* Rev electrotechn energet 3 no.2t381-400 160. (EUX 10:5) (Diesel engine) TJSSlV!lun-,.-n inC. Kurphology (Nonrial 1,.nd S-3 Pathological). Circulatory SystcTi. 1'.bs Jour: Rof Zhur-Biol., No 16$ 1950', 7434-4 Lut ho r : Nosta-vlco. V Inst : Ukraini-in Scientific Renol-Tel'i Institutc., of Clinic-~l Ilodicino. T itl : Patho;-.orphologic Ch.-ing -,s in th,~ Nurvous ,.p,).-ratus of Carotid NoC..vlos by HyDertonic Disoaso. Or4,- Pub: 1-1-:itorialy pG obrionu n-tuchn inforri. Ulcr. n.-i. in-t klinich. :-,--ditsiny, 19572 vY'i-) 11 30-32 ,,'.bj'U-ract In a stuOy of c-'rotiOt nodulos (CNI) in Males alle. 3- fui.a1c.,s iiho Ctiod fror.,, hyperten- sion discaso, intonsivo sclorotic atrophy of C"Irei 1/3