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5-_5700 78090 sov/6r- -6o- i - 5o/7-y AUT11ORS - Nesmeyanov, A. N., Bopisov, A. Ye., Novilcova,-.. V. TITLE: Letter to the Editov. Geometrical isomera of' Propenyl Compounds oi' Tri- and Pentavalent Antimony PERIODICAL: 1,Zvestlya AlcadeinLt nauk SSSR, otdeleniye. khImIcheskilch nauk, 1900, NV 1, P ill'( (USSR) ABS'Flit%CT: The authors veport that dLlrlr)[,' tile Study Of' SteVe0- chenitstry of organometail1c,,, , seri-es Of geometrIcal a :1 isomers of' propenyl compouncis of tri- and pentavaient ,antimony were synthesized, and that cis- and tt,atv_;- propyllithium react w1th ant1monv trichlorlde to Al'orm corresponding cis- and trans- propylantimony. The reaction between these Ujomers an(] 1-ialogen lead to the formation of a series of' Isomers ol' pentavalent antimony: ((7113CI I - "Al').,Mv + Xi- I n-('1D3SbXz, X-Cf, fir, 1. cls- isomers, containing C1 and Br, are crystailine and Ca-.-c! 112 Letter to the Editor. Geometrical 1somers ybogo 01' PL'openyl Compound.-, of Tri- and Penta- SOV/b2-bO-i-3b/15f valent Antimony the trans-isomeps are itq~_tt(js. bi(jutd goometrica-1, Isomevs ol' pen tap vopenylant imony were synthesized from cis- and tvans-laomers of tripropenylanttmon, dictiloride and the corresponding tsomers of' DropenyL- lithium: q-!C113(_,1 I ~ (7111.i - (Cl I.,(-[ f~-(711),Sb+ 21-Wr. These Isomers have different refractive Indices and' ansorption spectra. They react witti bromine, fo-ming two tetrapropenylantIrriony bromidezi: (Ct 13(,11 L, t. 11 h ! Br: ((A 1,C. I I -- cI 1) sf!f;r I- (',I I (" I II Theve is I Soviet refopenoe. ASSOCL~ITLON: Institute oC Eie-ment-Orr-anic~ Gorw,,ounds, A Sc'ences, lj.~SR element soyedtnenty Akadem-11 natak SSSR) SUB1-,,1TTE!): October 29, 1959 Card 2/2 USMANOT. A.S.; BORISOV. A-To.; NOTIXDTA. N.Y. Vinyl caftmutda of tri- and ptntavalent satimovy. lsvJX SM otdobalmeamk 0003*52 IV 160. (=A 13:6) 1. Institut elmentoorgauichesklkh sayedinenly Akadenii naut GSM* (Antimony compounds) (VlzWl compounds) . I BRE$TKIN# A.P.; NOVIKOVA, N.V. Klmties of hydrogen perazide decomposition by catalase. Biokhlmila .25 uo.4sO4-592J2-Ag 160o (Km 13: n) L" Chair of Inorganic Chemletry, Sanitary-HygienLe Nedical lnstivte,, L~nlngrm4 tiMROGEN PERCKIDE) (CLTAUSE) NZSMZTAIIOV. A.U., akad.; BORISOV, A*Ys.; NOVIKOVA, N.V. Atomic refraction of antimony. Dokl.AN SSSR 134 no.1:100-101 S 160. (MIRA 13:8) 1. Institut elementoorganicheakikh soyedinenly Akademii nauk SSSR. (Antimony compounds) (Mercury compourds) (Arsenic compounds) NOVIKOVA N V., -BRESTKIN, A.P., PROKOFYEW, YE. G., RaW-INA, NI (USSR) "Kinetics of Enzymic Hydrolysis of Phenyl Phosphate." Report presented at the 5th Int'l. Biochemistry Congress,. Moscow, 10-16 Aug 1961. NESIEYAMV9 L.K.; BORISOV, A.Ye.; XOVIMVL,~ N.V. 'Propenyl Ao-re-01-some- a 0 tri- and pentavalent antimony* Izv~AN WOR 0td.Tr'%,f-.nsuT- no44:612-,617 Ap f6le (IWA 24:4) Is Institut elowntoorganicheakikh soyedinenLy AN SSSR. (Antimony conmda) I A.11*; BORISOVp; HqVIKOVA, H.V* CoiPMAS of the tRw (RCN CR-1)3Sb 02902. Izv*AU SSSIR Otdokh4- dmuk W.4-.730 Ap (KWA 24:4) U. jwtitut olowntoorgamlobAskikh soyedinenly AN SSSR,, 27486 8/062 /61/000/009/001/014 BI I 7/B1 01 AUTHORS: ffeemeyanov, A. If., Bori7sov, A. Ye., and Novikova, N. V. TITLE: Isopropenyl and vinyl compounds of tri- and pentavalent antimony PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Otdeleniye khimicheakikh nauk, no. 9, 1961, 1578-1582 TEXT: Isopropenyl and vinyl derilvatives of antimony of the types R Sbo R Sb, R SbX, R SbX where RuCH I CH =CH-; X a 01, Br, I, were 3 5 4 3 2; 2-9- 2 CH3 synthesized in the present work. The authors had previously prepared cis- and trans propenyl derivatives of tri- and peatavalent antimony (Ref. 1: Izv. AN SSSR. Otd. khim. n., 1960, 147) and pentavinyl antimony (Ref. 2; Izv. AN SSSR. altd. khim. n., 1960, 952). Triisopropenyl antimony (C 9a 15 Sb) and trivinyl antimony (C6H 9Sb) were obtained by reaction of antimony trichloride with isopropenyl lithium, or vinyl magnesium bromide, Card 1/3 27486 5/062J61/000/009/001/014 Isopropenyl and vinyl compounds ... BIITIBIOI respectively. The compounds thus obtained react readily with halogens,- forming derivatives of pentavalent antimony: R 3Sb + X2 ---P R3SbX2' Tri- isopropenyl antimony dibromide (C 9H15 SbBr 2)1 a white crystalline subatance, mop. 138PG$ reacts with isopropenyl lithium to give pentainopropenyl antimony (C 15 H25 Sb)o a white amorphous substancep mop. 60PC. Treatment of trivinyl Antimony dibromide (C SbBr n20 1.6480) with vinyl magnesium 09 2# D bromide leads to pentavinyl antimony (C 10"15 Sb), a slightly greenish liquid. quantitative analysis showed that both pentaalkenyl antimony compounds were sufficiently pure. By treating these compounds dissolved in CHC1 3 with equimolecular quantities of bromine at -5'c, the authors obtained totraisopropenyl stibonium, bromide (C12H2OSbBr, leaf-shaped shiny crystals, mop- 125-1350C) and tetravinyl stibonium bromide (CO11,25bBrl needle-shaped crystals, m-P- 53-540C), respectively. Treatment with equimolar qu"tities of iodine at room temperature tetraisopropenyl stibonium iodine (C12H208bI, mop. 163-16400) and, respectively, tetravinyl Card 2/3 27h8 6 0/0 1/000/009/001/014 7YB'1 Isopropenyl and vinyl compounds ... B117 B101 stibonium iodine (a 8a1201. m-P- 68-TOOO) in crystalline form. On heating on-an oil bath at 1900C, p*ntaisopropenyl and pentavinyl antimony form triisopropefiyl antimony and trivinyl antimony, respectively. This was confirmed by bromination of the triisopropenyl antimony obtAined, respec- tively distillation of the trivinyl antimony, which in the former case yielded trilsopropenyl antimony dibromids, m.p. 137-1380C, and in the latter a colorless liquid, 20 1-5595o which was identical with trivinyl 9 antimony. Trivinyl and triisopropenyl antimony react with thallium trichloride to give trivinyl antimony dichloride (06H 9SbC120 liquid) and triisopropenyl antimony dichloride (0 9H 15 SbC12, white crystals, m.p. 102-10300- In-this reaction thallium is transformed to the monochloride. There are 3 references: 2 Soviet and I non-Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut elementoorganichookikh soyedineniy Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Elemental Organic Compounds of the Academy of Sciences USSR) SUBMITTED: February 15, 1961 Card 3 3 BIWTUN2 A.P.; NOVIKOVA,.N.V PROKOFIMU, Ye.G.; RZHFMIIA, N.I. Kinetics of 'sodim phenyl phosphate h*olysis by alkaline -phoapbstase. Biokhlallm 26 no.2:266-275.Hv-Ap ~~161. (MIFA 14-5) Is Chair of Inorganic ChemLatr7i SaziltaryQHygienic Medical Institute Leningimd' ZPHOSPUTASE) (SODIUMPHEM F%SPHATE) 8M5 5/020/61/136/001,/027/037 113 o 11Y.3 B0041B056 AUTHORS: Borisov, A. Ye., Novikovap N. V., and Chumayevskiy, N. A. TITLE: Infrared Absorptionspectra of Organometallic Compounds of the Ethylene Series. On Cis- and Trans-configurations of Propylene-antimony Compounds (Sb'II and SbV) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1961, Vol. 136, No. 1, Pp. 129-139 vestigations of the infrared TEXT: The present paper is an account on in absorption spectra of cis- and trans-isomeric propylene compounds with tri- and pentavalent antimony. Synthesis of these substances was describedin an earlier paper (Ref. 1). investigation was made with a OVIK(_ M-3 (VIKS M-3) spectrometer and an NaCl prism within the range of 700-1800 am and with an qKC-12 (IKS-12) spectrometer and KBr prism within 400-700 am- Figs. 1-3 show the spectra of (CH 3g 3SbBr2 1 (CH 3~ .~)3SbBr.; of the aorresponding Card 1/4 as -ty Infrared Absorptionspectra of Organcoetallic 3/020 61/136/0W/027/037 Compounds of the Ethylene Series. On Cis- and B004YB05'6 Trans-configurtlions ofVPropylene-antimany Compounds (Sbi and Sb chlorides and iodides, moreover of (CH,9 -~) Sb; (CH - Sb; Ij H 3 3~_ ~) 3 (CH 3g= 9)5Sbj (CH 3r 9)5Sbj (CH 3g= 6)4SbBr; CH 3P_ ~)4 SbBrj and, for H H comparison, sketches bf CH 3-0-b-Br and CH 3_9=X-Br spectra. Frequencies arelisted in Table 1. All trans-configurations exhibit intense absorption at 945-970 am- . The frequencies of the CH-group uneven oscillations %re at 971 cm-1 for tri- and pentapropenyl antimony, at 945 am T for dihalogen derivatives, and at 967 cm-1 for tetrapropenyl stilbonium bromide. The trans-configurations are distinguished by bands at 18-726 cm- which do not exist in the cis-configuration. The 920-940 am- absorption bands of the cis-configuration are considerably less Intense than the 945-970 cm-1 absorption bands of the trans-configuration. Only cis-tripropenyl antimony and cis-pentapropenyl antimony turned out to have bands at 970 cm-1, but their intensity amounts to only one third of the trans-oonfiguration Card 2/4 Infrared Absorptionspectra of Organometallic 5/020/61/136/001/027/037 Com ounds,of the-.Ethylene - and B p Series. On Cis 00413056 Trans-sconfiguritions of-Propylene-antimony Fi. ..~Gom ounds .(SbI,II,'.and Sb V) p -Th intensity. asame holds for propenylbromide: Intensity of the 930 am-1 on band of the cis-configuration only one third of the trans-configurati band. The bands at 655-660 am-1 of the cis-configuration.are 2 - 2.5 times more intense+:than.those of the tran -configuration. Cis-configurations of the halogeii.,derivatives and of tetrapropenyl stilboniumbromide showed 1ntensebands at.452 cm which were.not observed in the case of trans i as 'And ci - and trans-tr and peatapropenyl antimony. The configurat, a a plane~vibrations'at the:double bonds -are more intense at 1200 cm-1 in the case of'.trans- .isomers and at 1300 am -lin the case of cia-isomera. Yeameyanov is mentioned The authorg+,thank Academician, V.-Obreimov for his interest,in the investigation and R. A. Isayeva Ye.'D. Vlasov for their collaboration. There are 3 figures, 2 tables, 1 US, and 2 British. and 8 references: 5 Soviet, ASSOCIATION.-:1natitut elementoorganichaskikh soyedineniy Akademii nauk rbunds of,the SSBR.(Instituts of SlementalOrganic Comp -Academy of Sciences. USSA) ~Pard3 p Infrared Ababrptionspectra of Organometallic S/020/60WOO1/027/037 Compounds.of the Ethylene Seri es, On Cis- and BOO4/BO56 Trans-configurtlions of Propylene-antimony V I . Compounds (Sb and Sb ) PRESENTEDC July- 18, 1960, by I. ~ V. -Obreimov, Academic ian ~~SUBMITTM.~ June 16, 196o -Legend to table 1 . Frequencies i of the SbIll and Sby propenyls. 1) Cis, 't ani, :3) b r s oiling point, 4) elting *Point. clfl~i l;CH)e (11lf,CH_CH)G- (Cff.CH-CH) .l- ll_CH),. ~&f ~ (MCH-Cli), (CH.CH~Cjlj. 5b . . s -SKIS vp (C-, J JIL I 1 . J . IGO- . Wl~j G&- 'i22 V. na. 140- . X19" V TP . T. 1(11n.)/ 7V tG7!14 1 3 2 .1431 a , (kw. 4 IGO. 1600 loor. 1607 16" W5 040 1508 16W NO tGoo IGO 1 4M 1442 1444 1440 1 3~ 2 W4 1 .14 25 8 H37 - 13' 3 1445 M 143? N7 1 1 140: %) .1437 IM t i ra 3w : I Ig His fus jr .6 M 1 1365 134A M . 07 13(a , YJS 34A I 1 . 321 1368 1 193 1199- 1201 1191 190 Ifto- It IG 1195. 1195 1223 I M0 1190 ills Ills - 105 1065 110 105 -11 00 106 1 04Z 1109 104S 1165 1062' Ills 1110 f062 1039 1000 10.10 1047 M2 1041 1040 1030 1043 W35 V90 970 971 0140 957 !M9 251 . 037 s 1A5 w0 92A 967 w 070 M va 935 M C45 u 025 - 1 72 u - 718 700 726 E ou 722 710 No 720 -655 6:,.5 667 W . 03~ '660 6GO 660 3 0 GQ, ' qard 4/4 610 620, .610 613 M 6 ! ON . - ,,: IAZ W . ...... .3/06:?/63/000/001/024/025 101/B166 A AUTHORSs Noomeyanov, A. K., borinov, A. Ye., anA Novikova, N. V. TITLE: Diphenyl stibine PERIODICALs Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izventiya. Otdoloniyo khimicheskikh nauk, no. 1, 19639 194 TEXT: Reaction of diphenyl antimony chloride with lithium aluminum hydride in anhydrous ether under an atmosphere of argon, produced the hitherto un- known diphenyl stibine ' (C 6H5),Sbfz, in 500A yield, colorless liquid, b.R. 20 115-1200C/0'.5 mm Hg, n 1.6882, which quickly.decomposes in air with for- D mation of a precipitate. AS 5 0 C I A TIO!i-:-_.- e- me -t'6'-6 rg-a-n-1-c heskikh soyedineniy Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Elemental Organic Coopounds of the Academy' of Cciences USSR) SUBMITTED: November 27, 1962 1 Card 1/1 BMISOV, A.Ye.; VaULZI -.9- tESMIANN, A.M. Trial lylatibins. Izv.ANWM.5er.khix. no.&1506-1507 Ag 163. (=A 16s9) 110- Inistitut elementoorgwdehaskikh soyedlmnLy AN SM. (Stibins) .:,/C120/63/148/006/015/023 B117/~186 'AT A. ff., Academician., Borisov, A. Ye., Novikova, N. V., JTROSSs Nesmoyanov, Chu=yavskiy# N. A. ftMs Infia-roid absorption spectra-of stereo-isomers of propenyl- -lithium tPERIODICALs Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 148, no. 6, 1963, 1312 1313' TEXT s Infra-red absorption spectra-of cis- and trans-isomers of propenyl- lithium were,, studied- - more -accurately. in compariuou with the results ob-. in a 20% other solution) earlier (DAN, 119j, 712 (1958)) by the same authors and with those of N. L. Allinger and-R. B. Hermann (J. Org. hea.9 26, -1040 C1961)). In order to eliminate the misleading frequencies C by which the other is characterized, the spectra mentioned were taken both other solution and in paraffin oil. A comparison of the spectra taken .~An this* media showed the following-frequencies-to be consistents 625~ a 1540 and.1300 ca- n spectra of the din-isomer; 1635 ca- a -ca 550 the spactrum, of the trans-isomer. Hence the higher frequencies th*-. lnfra~-r dspectrum of propenyllithium of the C-C oscillations NESMEYANOV,, A.N.; BORISOV,, A.Ye.; NOVIKOVA, N.V. Trialkanyldialkyl and trialkenyldiaryl compounds of antimony. Izv, AN SSSR Ser. khim. no.7:1197-1202 Jl 164. (MIFIA 17:8) 1. Institut elementooreanicheskikh soyedineniy AN SSSR. ~L~~- EWT(M)/EPF(C)/EPR/FWP(J)/1T P,, - 4//,D r - 4/P S - 4.3 S D/.kE DC ( a ~ /A 3 D ( p3 A"-(' 7ESSION NR- AP4042870 W/R IV, S/0062/64/000/00'71/1262j'12(19- AUTHOR: Nesmeyanov, -A.--N. ; '.~3orisov, A. Ye. ; Novikova, N. V. TITLE: Pentaalkenyl compounds.of antimony SOTIMM, AN SSSR. Izvestlya. Serlya khimicheskaya, no. 7, 1964, 1202- 1209 TOPIC TAGS: organoantimony compound, pentaaken yl antimony, pentacovalent ;.;numony compound, synthesis, penta~sopropen '-vlanumony. pentavinylantimony, ',~er-nai stability, halogentation, brominat4on, lodination, trialkenylantinionydi- bromide, pent ana phthy !ant i mony, exchange reaction ABSTRACT: Cis-propenyllithfum, trans- propenyllithium, isopropenyllithium and viry1fragnesium bromide were reacted with SbC15 to form the pentacova1ent __&_ I-&-- -dTl ACCESSION NR: AP4042870 moted gas evolution and formation of the tri(cis- or trans- p:-openyl) antimony, 16--h-,"~ th- fi~~iiii~ed m - . -,,.- . , -, . :-- I- I ..~ ; , -w-ii- 6 ant w1i 6 the trimis-propenyl) imony dibromide (V) or tri(trans-propenyl)antimony dibromide M). Reaction of I or 11 with an equiva- lent amount of iodine gave the tetra (cis- or trans-propeny0stibonium iodide. AA four initial compounds reacted with 2 moles of iodine to form the correspond- ~n2~ Deriodides: R,.S'f)l. 19. Reaction of the I e ~raalkenvl sti Finn iiirn hrnmiri,-q with L 14335-65 ACCESSION -NP,.: AP4042870 ASSOCLATION- Institut elementoorganicheskikh soved"nenly Akademii nauk SSSR ir tute of Org metaUic Compounds Academy of Sciences SSSR) ano --------- SUBTvUTTED- MovU ENCL: 00 Card 3/3 NOVIKOVA, N.V.; PROKOFIYEVA, Ye.G. (Imningrad) Comparative evaluation of vwious methods for determining the activity of alcalins phosphatase. !Ab. delo no. l2s713-716 164. (MIRA 1811) L .27093-65 M1(m)/EPF(c)/EWP(j)/T Pc-4/Pr-4 RM ACGMSSIOW-Mi AP5022459 UR f0W /65/000/004/Cr/63 /0763 542.957 AMCPSi Neameyanov. A. N.; E~qrisov ikcva, N. V. ~qr A. Ye. Nov TITU:-, Organometallic derivatives of -~hu-ien, Seriya khimicheskaya, no' 4, 1965, 763 TOPIC TAGS: organo metallic compound;. ethylene, organic synthesis, antimony LIRSTRACT: The authors have synthesized dimetallic derivatives of antimorq and 9'hylene by combining organometallic A.-rdrides with or-ganometallic monoacetylides af~ccrding to the schemei CA 1 '1 7' A )I CIX 161 -~- (n.C,jj,~2 S.1 nils at 1001-10W (2.5-10-3 the -e3uiting 1,2-bio(n-dibu".ylantimoriyl)ethylenel-.~ L 5?093-65 Measized aQWsjtjcn,(Jn %) gave 42.49 and 42.23 C) 7.51 and 7.68 H, and 48.33 and 18H3SSb2. Computed percentages were 43.41 Gy I 3b; C 7.60 111, and 48.90 Sb. simllar fashion (C h )2SbCB=ClBb(C if n) vas obtained from dipheny) antimo- 6 5 4 9- 2 nous an~Tdride and di-n-butyletbMl rantimcny. Boiling point is 147-150C r"lo-3 n20 % mm): D 1.5960. Measured compos4tion "in %) -ave 48.66 and 48.83 CP b.Z6 and 6.23 H, and 44.06 and 43.89 Sb; C2-2H 3(P32, Compute-i composition gave 49-09 G, 5.62 H, and 45.27 Sb. Orig. art. has: 1 forw-la. ASSOGIMONS Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyedinenly, Akadem'ii nauk SSSR (Institute of Organoelewental Compounds, Acade-Wof-ScienceslSiSSR) -T-ED: 2LFeb65 IBM - EjNGL- 00 SUB GCDE: OC, G C NO REF SOVt 001 OTHERs 004 XMYAIW,g A*Nt akitdso&; BMISQVt A.Tool _KCffXq*,O. 5.V. Goometzle - Sm plu"Im aMmayl -eampouWas Dekl. AN SWR 165 20,21333-336 5 f6se (KMA its 11) 1e limotilat elan - a AIM se7edliardy AN SSSR,, NOVIKOVA, N.V.; YEVSTIGNEYEV, V.B. conditions for photophosphorylation in extracts from the anaerobic sulfur bacterium Chromatioum. Biokhimiia 30 no.6: 1245-1250 14-D 165. OATMA 19: 1) 1. Institut fotosinteza i Institut biokhimii imeni A.N. Bakha AN SSSR, Moskva. Submitted March 29, 1965. S4DURCF. CODEt URI OZ 16[66[G3 L/0031046310461- AUTHOR: _j~;otip_ya N. __FrokoEfeva, E. G. ..... . _*_._._Y~jjrokof tyeva,, Yee G. ON: Sanitary-Hygienic Medical Institute, Lenkrgrad (Sant tarno-S 16iyant cheskly TITLE: Kinetics of stmiltaneous hydrolysis of phenylphospliate and glycolphasphate.;. under the action oUalkailna phosphatase, SOURCE Blokht Iyat v. 31g no. 31, 1966, 463-467 A TOPIC UGS: hydrolysis phosphatase, organic phosphate SUB CODE: 06,07 ABSTRACT: In view of an earlier Investigation by Yu. G. Zhukovskly dealing with the simultaneous hydrolysis of phenyLphosphate and glycolphosphate under the Action of acid phosphatase, the authors considered it of interest to conduct an analogous investigation with alkaline phosphatase. It was found that under the very some conditions (370, 0.075 H carbonate buffer, pH 10, concenLrat-lon alkaline phosphatase preparation 0.004 mg/ml and substrate concentration 2 mtILIntoles) the rate of enzymic hy~rolysia of sodium gXycolphosphate is alnost 32-fold less than that of sodium phenylphosphate, 1. e. much less than for acid phosphatas 6 and V are deter a according to.Zhukovsktyts data. The quantities V mined Co both_st&stratesi:-.It was found that when both''So 3 3 ;cwd., 112 ACC NR.- AM124U der Edentical conditions,phanylphosphate displays strong Inhibitor action In to glycolpftasphateq, ~rkl to th* latter h&$, practicat ly no such effect -a~vls ON"w1phosphato. r mittfng cmvutation of th*: -*Wtims ire doriveo po 'Li.ratwof iftw*l6lydmIysIs wg-eacb:of the, esters'mhen'.etthe, r or both are r*s'" ifil the zeactlimi 2'f -CJFRSu~ 40*42b Yn' ~!4 zil f - T Y 1-4 ti ,GLADKOVAg A.I.; MOVIKOVAI, N.V. Use of omid in h)pertension of endocrine origln. Pat. Ifitiol. i eksp. terep, 9 uo.N60-61 My-Je 165. (IWJRA 18A 9) 1, Mel fisiologli (xav.- prof. B.A. Vartopetov) Ukralnokago instituta eksperlsentallnor andokrinologil, Kharlkov. BLYUG?;Rs AQF9 $- WSHaLVICH, ru V - KOVSH, G.T4L 2- GLUDYNISIII.E.P.1 NOVIKOVA, O.A.; FAVLOVSKAYA, A.I.-;.fZRAMT, LX; U=, B.A. Bicillizb.-3 and its clinical use, Sav.wd. 25 no.7-. o6i. 15:2) 1. Institut orgwddhssjWgo~L)9inteff& AN I#W fMz4wkfiy T infIt Rishakaya g~co4"yadot*k&ya Til-InIcheskaym MOCUtaiiWki. AtUt JL bollnitsa. (BIGI 0 # 0 fee G* 0 so 00 00 e-9 f'0 a * 0 4 fff~O (#&I;;u gu.& XajL1q;r-1t tra wis it a a Q (I MIT itaeg It, j_A A 4.0 moctl4s Aq(S frl!y V4" ,-00 4 V4d W..ftad ift.6.1 -9-d lot., ift - 1, stad Ce W" kwd Pmd*MW-Odiy NJ St 144 J; .~i, - Tam. it 00610.11,0VID ion in 014d On aftef*4 am bY C* &Wwg tmPmf 00 (wim (MWWIM C4% did Wt 00 ag. a - Tbe ed's Mr. Ca hmpamd 00 WEI tf ber&WO. 111C on"- d jaggagaw pasibly, Joe (4rMpCriV c (mm ~Wbm w4b-PQ td wm*,bmFvdmwd t-pd. -00 tMp.: CA Ow stabMir cc askelitc 08 clud- a Joe and N'kpwnd wmAwW the budaM Of b-demA ragrAmica (d a bad, W" dkp-td PM__ if the bardmew owd md' see bwmw- the Wittie- bl. it -I- W--d britdcam JrKnowd with tW (it C4. lamej hWAId to amuld be takm ta pm-t it ugh temp, too Los floo p "o 0 #MOON* get*", Nik'"T 04C V 7r-4r--V- a rida "it-vassais 9 v P.:'A a WE 19 1 go .f-WO 0 0_A_ 0 wo ,0.0-0 0 0 w0 & 0 4 4 0 0,0 wo 4i 6 09 I .'. .0 0 0 0 0 41- 0,6 we'.6416.64'Ce wo 0 0-0 0 04 of * 0 0 0 a 0 a * ao a & a 0 a 0 a 6, a &,& a a fj _UzX2W?X*=A I =ddy Mad 1137R., 19661" -(In Russian], f 11 co"Olvit re- INIT W2111y. "&are 1QM I atinumady cooled ram low-17W (I"Stsome optimum rate (single beat-ti tmont), then the value of the coercive force (,He) obtained is greater than the value obtained by rapid quenching followed b anneWing (double heat-treatment). To investigate tb~ phenotntmn, L. K, iuA N. prepared specimens in the form of iods (3 mm.-in d1&*r W-100 mm. leng) of two series of alloys . (1) c6ntg. 90-20 at..% Fe in the Fe-WLAJ section, and (H) n1g. 11 32-14,aV A1L"%tt.-,O/.,,,For, each alley, e~l ere Z. ed I C.. half the the '= C '. A, NNW ENRON= I Cally. For the A-NiAl series of alloj% H, lncre~wi I a a ly as the Fe content fell below 80 at..%, rising to a max.. . at -45 at..% Fe rqr single heatkreatment, and of 540 Oe 7250e" at 20 at *.O/c Fe for double heat-treatment. Various reasons are given w9y this difference cannot be due to in- complete fleeomposition of the initial supersaturated Soln. 4nI~ vari~a linearly ~%-ith compn. (and fins the same magnitude for fptimum single and dotible tnatments for any given alloy), falling to zero at 6 Fe (the ~j phase), For the second RenOR of alloys, single heat-treat-Vant gave greater values of H, than did double treatment, &W the mm values occurred at -24-28 at-% A]. The curres of W. for einglo-treat. men& alloys con9g. 18-24 at.-% Al were somewhat lower than those for the double-treatment materials. Themobservations are explained in terms of the theories of Kittel' (Uspdhi FiL Nauk, 1950, 41, 452) and Kondorsky (Doklady Abad. NwA 1950, 70, 215; 1950, 74, 213; M.A., 1& 600; 20, 683). H, falls below the max. valus if the d ofp"ai of the particles of phan V. E. T. Nd Vt N,* v.4,0.A . ITAKOT, O*Se.; MOVIKOVA9 O.A.P; RTABOVA, G.G. Study of the system 1ron - cobalt - nickel - aluminum, based on the section with 50 f. 1ron. Izv,5~kt,fIx.-khIn.aml. 22:ln-139 153* (HERA 7:3) 1. tustitut obehebey I neorgwdchoskoy khiaii ln..N.S.Kurnakova Akademil. nauk SSM. (Iron.. cobalt - nickel - aluminum alloys) NQTIXDVA, G,A.; RUDNITSXIY# AwAs Irmstigating the slIver-pUtinum system. 7.hmr. noorg. khIv. 2 noo8:18406-IM7 19 057. (KMA 11:3) (511"r) (PUtimm) (Chemical equilibrium) 78-3-3-35/47 AUTHORSs Novikovag 0. A. dnitakiy, A. A. Investigations of the System Gold-Si-lver-Platinum (Ionledovaniye sistemy zoloto-serebro-platina) PIERIODICALt Zhurnal Neorganicheskoy Khim-4i, 1958,Vol-3g Ur 3,PP-729-749 (USSR) ABSTRAM By the thermal analysis in the system gold-silver-platinuo an m-solid solution,.enriahed with gold and silv*r,, and an -solid solution of silver gold In platinum was do- tormined..TheAomains of the oC- and ~-Bolid solution in the phase diagram were determined.~The alloys were also determined by determinations-of the microstructure, the hrmnesso the strengtho the specific weighto the electric resistance-as well: at the temperature coefficient of the electric rsaistance for three-isothernal Aections at 9000 600 and 20.C0 By the6titmination of the thermoelectric force the solubility of platinum in the ckl,-aolid solution was determined. In alloys with 10 % silver the thermoelec- card 1/3 tric force on addition of platinum and gold increases. On Investigations of the System Gold-Silver-Platinum 78-3-3-35/47 further increase of the quantity of gold the thermoelectric force further increases and at 60 % it attains its-maximun. In alloys with 20 % silver -in an heterogeneous domain the thermoelectric force decreases with am increase in the gold contentg as the concentration of platinum in the vc-solid solution decreaseso In the case,of a. constant platinum content-and with an increase of the gold and silver content the thermoelectric force decreases. ror the construction of the ternary diagram binary sections with a constant silver content were produced which stand in parallel with the gold- -platinum side. The limit between the*4g-phase iz determined on the basis of the analyais, of the composition diagram and ''by the nicrostracture analysis. It was found that the un- limited solubility of gold in silver is limited by the introduction ofthe third component, platinum. On addition .,-of 10 % platinum the 1Z-phase-ooours in the structure of the alloyaq enriched with gold and silver. On the basis of the performed investigations the phase diagram of the systems silver-gold-platinum was constructed and the properties of the occurring phases in dependence on temperature'and com- position were investigated. There are 23 figures, 5 tableag Card 2/3 and 28 references, 8 of which are Soviet. T8-3 - 3- 35/47 Investigations of the System Gold-Silver-Platinum ASSOCIATIONt Institut metallurgii in* A. A. Baykova Akademii nauk SSSR .(Uetallurgical Institute imeni A. A. BaykovAS USSR) SUMITTEDs June 189 1957 Card 3/3 5(2), 18(7) SOV/78-4-7-21/44 AUTHORS. Rudnitaki-y, A. A*, Novikovat 0o A. TITLE: Investigation of the Alloys of Silver With Ruthenium (Issledo- vaniye splavov serebra, s ruteniyem) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii., 1959, Vol 4, Hr 7, PP 1596-1600 (USSR) ABSTRACT: 'In the present paper alloys are investigated which are rich in silver* The production of alloys having a high ruthenium content is difficult because of the diverging melting points. Ruthenium melts only at 24450, ise. above theboiling point of 3ilver. Alloys containing Oe59 1, 2, 3 and 5% ruthenium were investi- gated,s All alloys crystallize by forming an eutectic at 9200, the maximum of which is near 3% rutheniumo In the crystallizaton of the phases with a higher ruthenium content destratification into ~*o liquid phases occurs. First, the 0-phase, which is richer in ruthenium, solidifies..Beoauae of the more rapid cooling afid the inclination towards undercoolingt crystal- lization does not develop according to the phase diagram. Orystallizati6nLof the P-phase is not complete, and the liquid phase solidifies with a higher ruthenium content than cor- Card 1/2 responds to the diagram. The eutectic is formed at the end and Investigation of the Alloys.of Silver With Ruthenium SOY/78-4--7-21/44 fills the gapabetween the grains of the metastablo phases. During thermal treatment the metastable phase decays, separat- ing the P-phase. Separation takes place very sl,owly. Figure I shows the microstruature ef the eastj and figure 3 that of the annealed alloys* Figure 2 shows the phase diagrams of the alloys. Table 1 gives the data of the thermal ahalysis, table 2 shows -the mechanical properties and the electric resistance of the alloys, and table 3 the e.n.f. of the thermocouples Ag-Pt and alloy-Pt. There are 3 figures, 3 tables, and 4 references, 1 of which is Soviet. SUBMITTED: April 2, 1958 Card 2/2 5(2)r 16M AUTHORS: TITLE: PERIODICAL: SOV/TB-4-7-22/44 Rudnitskiyj A. A., Novikova, 0. A. Investigation of the Alloys of Gold With Ruthenium (Issledo- vaniye splavoy zolota s ruteniyem) Zhurnal neorgenicheakoy khimii* 1959, Vol 4, Nr 7, pp'1601-1605 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The subject mentioned in the title is refened to only once in publication,- -L' tthe statement made by J. 0. Linde (Ref 1) that the solubility of ruthenium in gold is negligibly lows In the present paper gold alloys with 0-5, 1, 2 and 3~ ruthenium were investigated. In order to facilitate a crystallization in phase equilibrium, the alloys were kept at a temperature slightly above the point of solidification for a considerable time, were mixed several times, after which they were cooled as slowly as permitted by experimental conditions. .111 alloys were found to be biphase, the quantity of the second phase in- creasing with an increasing concentration of the ruthenium. Signs of non-miscibility of the two-phases have already been detected in alloys with ig ruthenium. Figure I show3 the micro- structure of the alloys with from 0-5 to 2% Ru. The bright Card 1/3 phases of Rug which are not etchable by means of aqua regia, Investigation of the Alloys,o:r Gold Vith Ruthenium SOT/78-4-7-22/44 are irregularly distributed upon the background of the funda- inental structure. Its distribution, shape, and dimensions show that they have been formed in the liquid phase and that their growth has not been hampered by anything except by the rate of cooling, The primary secretions of the ruthenium-rich P-phase form no crystallizatiom.centers. The melt more rich in gold solidifies by building polymers of the solid solution, the con- centration of which varies with temperature. Figure 2 shows the phase diagram and ,the physical properties of Au-Ru alloys. The results obtaineq by thermal analysis and the microstructures lead to the conclusion.that in the system-Au - Ru the solid a-solution of ruthenium, In gold is formed as the result of a peritectic reaction developing at 10660. The alloy with 0-5% Rug which is hardened at 10000 and chilled with ice water, remains diphase (Fig 3). The electric resistance of pure Au is hardly changed by the addition of Hu. Table I gives the res of the alloys, figure 4 shows crystallization temperatu the microstructures of the annealed alloys, ani table 2 gives ;iese A consilerable part of the ruthenium phase is their proper", Card 2/3 separated aIt the boundaries of the laree Crains of the solid SOV/78-4-7-22/44 Investigation of the-Alloys of Cold With-Ruthenium a-solution in form of long; thin polyhedrons. The thermo- electric properties of the alloys with 0-5 and 1% Ru are given !a Bale 3. They prove the low degree of solubility of gold. The addition of 0-5~~ Ru deteriorates the plasticity of gold, reduces tensile strength, and does not influence hardness to any considerable extent. There are 5 figures, 3 tables, and 1 reference. SUBMITTED: April 2, 19531 Ab3tractor'3 Note: Misprint: should read 1956 Card 3/3 00/011/011/01 9 Z021 P Inpo-le ongat'd resistance ion. E Co M RU: 2-9- 100 *C -21 5 ~-20 5:*~~ 22.7 7 23 7- 7 a r d w5og/62/000/011/012/019 w: - Th a': iiiflue"ne a;-. of: nxth eniuxn a 0, no grain- i~nd 1#-oduc ed fi - t _ -'t at-ur es.- theaium Ru s ru - ,_ and ins'. fi--the.-. alloys but -d- ~iho ~hardness . decreased their 1 P-1 ist -a- n' -electr dal- conductivity. Them results- are tabulated.,. er ~:T gu 1 tab e* i roes, and;. 16 t_j ard ss' -Blimgation Cdmpos-i ng Olectrical m resistanc-e, ,cm olith ,RU Pd Au 0 0 25 C 10i -7c; j6 16. 2'- -3.8. 4 87' 62.0 -22 2 1710 19 2 0:2 85 79 - 1 .0 . 2 18-5 80,7::: -a Ip O~ 18.6 16.5 :x-%~ 7' 'Investightion"'Of sis -Bleo rica :resistancef t ki/aim 110hraf Cm 25 C- 100 c 00 5 -14-05- 11 .70: -16#0 18 ob - 19-75 ........ 10T 4 .--15*10 17455 My 17 cO 30 8o-0 L 466oa-66 YdT(m,, /V-,!P( R14 'j Z'-P IJP' ACC NR: Ap6oi6482 (A) SOURCE CODE: UR/0021/66/000/005/062T/0628 AUTHOR: Novikova, 0. A.; Kuznyetsova, V. N.-Kuznetsova, V. P.; Kornyev, K. A. - Kornev, K._A-.TWrFF-esjWAding member AN Ukr6SRJ__ ORG: Institute of Chemistry of Macromolecular Compounds,,Aff UkrSSR (In stit ut khimii visokomolekulyarnikh spoluk AN URSR) TITLE: Polymerizat-1 riet~)rle qnJof t thynylsilane~in the presence of (C2H,)3Al.T'C'4 as catalystri SOURCE: AN UkrRSR.: Dopovidi, no. 5, 1966, 627-628 TOPIC TAGS: polymer, polymerization catalyst, conjugated polymer, triple bond system, triethylethynylsilane ABSTRACT: The article deals with the polymerization of triethylethynylsilane in the presence of (c2H5)3 Al.TiCl4as catalyst. The resulting polymers have molecular weight of the order of 1000, and are orange oil-like products. The infrared spectra confirm that polymerization is effected along the triple bond system, resulting In the formation of conjugated double bonds products. (Translation of authors' abstrac (AM) SUB CODE: OV SUBM DATE: 13Nay651 ORIG REF: 005/ OTH REF: 003 Card 111 mjs LYUBIMVA, W.V. doktor skon. nai*,- -KOMMITA,~afis-kand. ekon. nauk; A.G... kand. skon. nauk; IVANDV,, X.P.,, kand. istor. -nmik; OBDRMi G.A.,, kand. ekon.-nam4_KHLYXOV, V.M., kwA. MAp daktorsken. nauk; POKATAUTAI T.S. j kqdC ekoho nauki USOV, G.A. 04and. _ ist. im4; SALf KOVSKIYj~ 0. V. t, kand. . geogr, nauk, Prinimali achastlyst MORIMS..IY,.. V V. , kand. ist. nauk; PIWWVA, I.M.; PROMIN, S"V.--USVYATSOV. A Yea; MAKABOVq,V.F,r4d.,; DAROMN, K~I, I V ~ ~ ~4 ;;Xhly teC; ULMVAq L.1, tekhn. red.- lReal.wages during-the period general crisis of capt- talism]Rmalinals, sarabotnaia plata v period obshch6go krizisa kapita lisma. Moskya, Sotsekgis, 1962. 559 P. (MIRA 16:3) 1. Akad nauk SSSR. Institut mirovoy ekonomiki i mxhdu- body. (Wages) NOVIKOT&ON&IWelelfthly umchnyy sotrudgLik Calou2stica Of TOUCHY pOtentials MA flow veloolties about annular cascrAss. with high volIdIties. ITMAYI TSUI no*-27:52-58 154. (Gas f low) (mm 8:12) ZHUROMIt-M.I., doktor tekhn.nau-k; SINARI, N.A.#, kand.t4khn.nauk; GWLASOVAj, TeA., inah.; MIKHAILOYA, V.A., iizh.; NOVIKOVA, 0.1., inzh. Aerodynamic -characteristics of blade profile lattices of"the terminal stages of X-300-240-IM turbines. 'Energow hinostr;onis 8 no.10:29-33 0 162. (MM 15:21) (Steam turbines) ZRUKOVSKIY, K.I.,, dektor tekhn.nauk; NOVIKOVA, 0.1., inzh.; qKNARI,, N.A., kand.tekhn,nauk Dmaing method mid experimental de"lopment, of a group of guide blade profiles with incres"d values of the moments of resistance. Thploonargetika 9 no.10852-55 0 162. OIRA 15:9) L. T.Sentral-layy ketloturbinnyy institut. (Turbines--Blades) DURAKOVv N.I., Inzb.; NOVIKOVA, O.r.,, inzb. Calculations of an axleymetriial flow In tho blad-Ing of to axial-flow blover using electrmic calculating maehIns3. Teploonergetna 10 noelOt35-38 Ot63 (MIRA 1797) 1. TSentrallnyy kotloturbirmn Instituto A~-""EZIUN XR1 AP5005264 3/0291/64/000/t)06/0061/0066 I- IL) .~JTHDRS: Novikova 0. S.; Rassonekaya, 1. 3.; Rya4ova, ii. D. 1-3 TITLEi Thermographic investigation of SOMC. Syrnthebic Mat." WUFCL. Uzbekskiy khImicheskiy zhiirnal, no. 6, 1964, 61-66 TOP:.-C TADS: themographic ariaj-yais, x raq analyLls, zoo"lite/ Kurnakov pyrometer AMMACTs This paper Is concerned witch rhenria--, treatatent, thermal stability, and aen~j-d.~~-atiDn of zeolites. A large series of zeolibes vere examined by being first e2h hours. at constant weigbt in a desiccator over a I -!CJ'U' 3olution of H2304 for Vhe-:-nal cuxves were obtained c-a a Kurnakov p-:-romet.r.,r '-seecLmen wei&ht of 0.6 g). All thermograms shwed a AC(;K-MON NRI AP5oo5264 de!izIration of zoolites ma7 be reached by heating to 500C. The most rapid ~-~i.mination of water takes place in tha ;Interval Greatest capacity IUX w;~~ obrw-vod in 'Nal (29%). CaY (29.2%). 1.44 (29.03%), and 14 (29.3%) . Thf3 iaLlqvt capacity was f ouW in CaA Orig. art. has t It f lgitrea and 2 t "'ab 1 e 8 A-SS(XLATION: Institut khimii W4 Uz-53P (Institute of Chemi-st I - 1-1 _4 ~1- K7 Q A~AO.Dakrr-, NolrmovA, O.m.; SATTAROV, I.S.; BELYAYEV, L.A. Epidemiological and clinical characteristics of pertussis-like dix-eases caused by Bordetella, parapertussis. Zhur.mikrobiol..' epid. i immuno 42 no*4:1.26-131 Ap 165. (MIRA 18:5) 1. Ministerstva zdravookhranenlya SSSR i Institut epidemiologii i mlkrobiolog~i imeni Gamalei AMN SSSA NOVIKOVA-C.S.; RASSONSKAYA, 1.3,; RYABOVA, N.D. Thermographic investigation of some synthetic zerlitee. Uzb, khim. zhL,--. 8 no.6361-66 t64. (MIRA 18:4) 1. Institut khimii AN UzSSR i InaUtut obshchey i neorganicheskoy lehijali Imeni Kurriakova AN SSSR. RASSOIISKAYA, I.S.; NOVIKOVA, O.S. Dehydmtion of crystal hydrates of disubstituted ragnesium phosphate. Zhur. neorg. khim. 10 no.6:1423-W6 Je 165. (14IRA 18:6) 1. Institut obshchey i neorganicheskoy khimil imeni Kurnakova AN SSSR. NOVIKOVA, O.Si,; ADYLOVA, T.T.; IffABOVA, N.D. Using the differential thermal analysio data for the ebaracteri- zation, of mineral adsorbents. Uzb.khim.zhur. 8 no.4s43-46 t64. (MIRA 18:12) GOLUSHKO, N.A.; ALE&UNDROVA, T.A.; FROKHOROVA, I.Ya.; NOVIKOVA,, O.V. __.- ... Graphite-containing cruciblas. Ogneupory 29 no.1:5-U 164. 04IRA 17:3) 1. Luzbakiy zavod "Krasnyy Tigell" (for Golushko). 2. Vsesoyuznyy institut ogneuporov (for Aleksandrovap Prokhorova,, Novikova). A I I-.- I I 0 0 0 0 0 0 L: ja jr E_J~ AL A -,g- 4--c-L, S6--A-J-- t _IE~ L~ L_L_4_~71 k jo ls~.40,p ms 00 - A On Ow'hr AN dw CqOn Id dw llppmlllllkl~ Ind U. V. Savestpu4m. 0_0 -atign); cum. zc,*. low. 0, WA-S.-CAMCOWS. FOOD a" und as a fifter for dw Wrored. The bw cvmdts mtre obtained with an FcO -4 min. of 0.33% of lk glam ol.1 Tfw imusparrmy to radiations 44 various rt-Siom at the Spectrum =d the undtiflicyof the titter were teled with both natural &W xnWK4&1 sunkht. It. G. Mwcc 1. 10 OCTAWW' OCAI, WIEWIMV CLAINMCATICO -a -1.1" 40 eel$ #&&lairw 4mv All a U 9S..&W ID is[, It 0 0 Iv IV 10 9 K 9 41,19 X.All too Goo moo goo GOO dG* see see live P. I lit 19 ~A Rai 'low Im triag.111 ILI 41 it I tic t P lit Millitt fill AC%; A-17002121,. ~AUTHORS; Novikovai-q:'V.; Hozanov, N. S. OIRG: none -TIM; A study of'the stressed state of hydrotechnical pressure tunnels SOMCE: VsesoyUZnaya konferentsiya: po polyarizatsionno-optichesk6ma metodu i5sledovaniya nap :azheniy- 5th, Leningrad, 1964- Polyarizatsionno-opticheskiy metod ry issledovaniya napryazheniy (Polarizing-optical method of investigating stresses); trudy konferentsii, Leningrad, Izd-vo Leningr. univ., 1966, 433-444 TOPIC TAGS: hy, draulics, material strength, dam, stress analysis, concrete ABSTRACT: The results of an experimental study of Ithe stressed state of the jacketing! in underwater tunnels of the Aswan Dam (United Arab Republic) are presented. The studies viere conducted with the use of the polarization-optical method. The '.,I=els have different outlines at various sections, and are strengthened by concrete jacket- ine 1-4 m thick. In certain instaLces the surrounding mass of the dam is cement- strengthened to a depth of 7 m. The stiffness of the materials at various sections is characterized by their deformation modulus Eg taken to be equal to 2.0-10-2.4-10 k,-,/cm2 for concrete jacketing, and 0.25-1o5-1-5-io5 k,-,/cm2 for respective parts or the dam. During use$ the tunnels undergo hydrostatic supply water pressure heads up. to 100 m. Such presoure may also occur in the clearances between the Jackoting and PETROV.. 7.A.; 9SIPOV, I.S.; FIVANOVA, P.S.; MOVIKOVAj R.K. Relation-of the surface qose distribution in -off :9", T 1640 to~-,th*4tate of collimation. Med. rad. 9 no 2., 17:9) 1e TSentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatel'skly institut'.6odiiiinskoy radioloei-(dir. Ye.I. Voroblyev) Mini sterstva %drm"okhraneniya ,NOVk~G.VA, ~ppirantu . ...... Clinical symptoms in experimental trichomoniasis of swine. Vaterirarila 41 no.9s62-64 9 164. (IaRA 18-.4) 1. Vitebakiy veterinarnyy institut. NOVI KOVAAalw; - - --- Anesthesia in thymectow( for malignant myasthenia. Eksper. kbir. i anest. 9 no.1:73-74 Ja-F 164. (MIRA 17:12) 1. Kafedra fakulftetakoy khirurgii (zave - pror. KeT.Ovnatanyan) Donetskago meditsinskogo Instituta (dir, - dotsent A.MoGanichkin) na baze oblastnoy bollnitsy (glavnyy vrach M.Zubko). M V~ 'ACCESS= NRI AP4032638 A/0903/dh/WWd02/0333/03U ~AUMORS; Bobrovj, He S.; KGr*lWft# N. F.) No*fJkCV&p He He ~TXTLZZ Properties of the solar wind dwordiag to pacmasat gempetia astubsA44 on days with v*x7 law 11P SMUEs Gsomagnatl= L asronomiyas v. 4* no. 28 1964j, 333-341 TOPIC TAGS: solar windp geomapetic disturbance, coryuscular stresm, polar caps Mariner 20 F)? ;ABSTRACT.- Initial data for this study were the hmwly amplitudes of the H ,component of magnetic disturbances recorded at observatories on the northern and !southera polar caps during days of very 2aw planetar7 magnetic wtivity. The .investigated interval waa from July 195T to D4cember 1962,, Days ot law activity .were considered to be those in wh4ch Kp and the daily total 11~ did not exceed 20 'and 100 respective2ye The authors have shown that the disturbances were due to tho. :solar wind, An analysis of the disturbances indicated that for the parind Investi. -gated the solar wind was permawt with respect to tims, It repress&W an card 1/2 .... ..... BOBROV, M.S.;JIIT~IKOVA, R.T. Relationship between the solar corpusd%Ur wind intensity and the phase of the solar oycle. Astron.tsir. no.242:1-2 Yq 164. (MIFA 17:4) 1. Astronmicheskiy sovet AN SSM. -4 14, /E 7C t W -4 h ~-6 A A F 7' 7: Z. W F A-11CUSION MRi "4038682 SOMONs Rat, Sho Astron, ft4- TrPes Abu, 3#51-420 A117110M Bo TITIM Dependence of the intensity of the Fjolar aorpusoAlar q jz4 or t. a of e')lrlr nativity qq pbs" - ---- -- --- S.OMU-A~~cku* tairkulyar, no, 242(MV& 4),, 1963j, 1-2 TOPIC TAGSt astrophysics,, volar antivity, aol,3r aorpu9oular wdnd, roomagnetio N-31d, gemAgmstio disturbwice '100SLAT1014i Using ths period frm July 057 w-ithorti ha" -.he mean lossraal -ftdul~~ .-~f th~-N ho~2r;y ~-he horilmmt4l oum- c n (I n t n r t h ~ 27 e emn gm a ti n f 1 6 14, 'A i r n ~n, An'3 Yl q I :-A, 7 77- :DM IJCQI liripvka SM CODIs M, AA VCLs 00 (A ARKRUGHLI~~.'KePe, kmdldat takhnicheskikh nauk;NCWIMA. S.A.. P.r., imzhe"T. $pal" method of determining - lrrqp2arit Is@ In dyeing wisce" rayon. Idmt.prm. ii no.n:40-41 1 155. (KZU 9:1) (Dyes and 4yolmg-layou) - NOVIKOTA,# 8,L; VOROBOIRVAP V*l* lacroscopic studies of dyed cross sections of viscose fibers. Rhimovolok. no*3951-53 -64, (MIRA 17:8) L VeasoyuzMy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy inatitut iskasstvannogo voloknas DWINA, Natallya Vasillyevna; NICTORINA, Aleksandra Vasillyevna; IIOVIKOV, Nikolay Alekseyevich., kand.tekhn.nauk; NIOVIKOVA, Sofiya Aleksardrovna; LEYCh-E-11KO, Eleonora e dW'."--W-AI9!V'~?ABFILOVA Mariya, MMaylovna; ROGOVINA, Alias. Aleksandrovna, kand. tekhn. nauk; RWIAIIOVA, Lyubov' Stepanovna; TALYZIN, M.D., kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; VERBITSKAYA, Ye.M., red. (Methods of physicomechanical testing of synthetic fibers, threads and films] Metody fiziko-mekhanicheskikh ispytanii khimicheskikh volokon, nitei i plenok, Moskvaq Lagkaia industriia., 1964. 352 p. (MIRA 18:1) 1. Vsesoj-uznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut iskus- stvennykh volokon (for all except Talyzin, VerVtskaya). ROGOVINA, A.A.; NOVIKOVA, S.A.; GILIMAN, I.S.; VASILIYEV, Yu.V. .Some structural changes in polymmide fibers ocmwr.'Jr;g dwing heating and dynamic fatigueo Khim, volok, no,4:56-60 164. (MIRA 18%4) 1, Vsesoyusnyy nauchno-issladovatellskiy inatitut takusshrennogo volckna (for Rogovina, Novikova). 2. Moskovskiy tekstilinyy institut (for Giltman, Vasillyev.). ,lit vVOCII t MOW O IA "dVSWM me dw ca an on ad PIPPEffIck W141, ehl*a 0 membogm to 111160de Now d VION fe" cadew uldw isimil Eww'sifer Max. (600C Is bow iot 'low" in "amolim- d uslade dcap 6 Alias k-611. fAwe Abcoqe so sum- -9.4 6e am cinifitim of SM(ex"m SW Av. lm (bdr be- andcambokidilice cme&bulimm the ~to& cesmbk 4&A- 45W(U(in kaminst Jbid &i fil 1(06 U . gr vnilvo. . . , 7o; in FiftVAl: 4;jw_-jj_To w%vuuc (or cbw amus63ml ' t w 4rviuioss in tbe cipis., amit to dA%u 6fitAL else cc- sb di t tb a n & j (s m a i c e ts s, e too UuK u gl a . Am.. (corn MAL The cspb. Welt duCC4 to &16 cc. X oOtt MOM dtimke OW .4mcut. LActic acm ill d" Mmd, filvr "A fumide at Man. Snumd fatigue io " ilk U; town t% Smut In W. Tlwcv ('s amm t1wk*. &CA kilm Uvct StIriv" im 11 cwto vvith prAfer witit. 4 wrimik, Adult A 4219ALA Ott is 914M om deg 7V 0 __r_T Ir *"$&All Asqq T YA a am T T ~7fw 11 r:4 ;: Z411 V, it L 41, a CK p .A still ow CP. Ali 0 a I: a mr: I a As I Too to ~40 01000 41,04 **too* 000 0 flp 40 6-6-- *90 7-fli kd4w pmlmi~ te4kulivi Sk ad P4 go's Ll 14 out al I (lam-(* wond a d& AnimAh. A rAk"Gatfic. tcmb 10 4MP wMh Wmik madw both (mu, I chap is bmigrimm fi- c4favis of (1K ft= d low. 6 1* wwk the Llti, - 4rkl CCaUgh" 44OMW7 OF ilKM SM CAB W GWnk'F_ 04 o'O 00 goo, it fts, too fts :L!fA6.jt! ZfAT&t%~4L LAMAUNK CLAWWAVM_~ labd4o Ott 4" age 444481 do am 444 tIt'" 0 P-6 4 0 0, * 0 0 1 !1 ~lr s*q_ors 0 04: 0 O's, 0. 09000,00 AVO 0 0 *.e 41 0 *C9--ole 0 0 044 0 0 $'q 01:04 #.0l OF 9 IWO 11-0.0 W W W 0- 0 010,44*04 MVINS'rA. L. Yu.;, NOVIKOVA, S. 1. Serological proportion of secondary phagorasistaat cultures of Str. lactim. Mikroblol. shur. 16 no.l-.48-53 154 CHM 8-4) 1. Z Institutu m1krobiologil AN MM. (STIVTOCOCCUS. lactis, serol. properties of phago-resist. strains) MEDVINSUrA, L.Tu.; MOVIKOVA. S.I. ftes of lactLo acid stmptococal bacterLophap. Report K*.3L: ObtalnUW *as of lactic acid streptacceeL bacterLophegs and their chareqteri stices Mrobiolexhur. 16 no.4:52-57 f54. (MM 10:1) le 2 Institutu nikrobiologii Akedenii nank URM. (BACUSIOMO) (IACTIC ACID HACTUIA) thL, ini cy~j~ iur, i n i n va r, 1. Nov ova. AY47gbridif. Zktjr.. 't Mouk im. D. X~ ZU646marg 11, No. 2, 41-hMuvslan wtumary, 401,0W).-Ruh6a Sud Novikava (Cl. fou"ing abstr.) Showied !hat .3. laclis Vown in aft in the presence of luietwe uoizeA ititrg. P A#, ANO the frW" at enoy k5l4tolylt'i P t"3 incrtas"I It vM WAumed that thz 6witastj Ir. Oi~ fmatinn ucv.'r.'ril t the exqma of the faruiagtwi 4 S-gw'uvt%Ke T and at-glucattim-p"pluift 6N, lmlicacing thut thr-e -iiUS men jp~gtdiaxy pmPxeto of tit, procega of jact.3c fdr- S. ilactir. An attempt was maile to check Ou d*=00itnem of this as.!,umptiun. I and H were sui>- 1=04*1t4e actiou of-wasbcd culturts of S. iocttu and of azu. eeiW. Neither the livin Nwtelial nor Unit Ii attacked 1, ve r1 -hich i--; the pro uct oi dh x( phi:5- w0f. ltwto-e - I t was c"(1clud ed tha t I "U I'll Out be phosj&t- reprdj4jW it produv if lactiAc (ei-rnentafian by S. lactm that 3~ kulu dt.,es vijt ihril-oiyze kicnric by wt~y dirtct phtephorylatloij. 1-he witsbed cells -,,i 3 ~ricnj actively ferml-"Itcd 11, hydrolyxif'4 in lia-tw ci:!. ..U It"ta. cil" -.'ertcd 11 Into ~;'w hydri,syzed P eatem gluc"'~*" 5~phospiratfi.' that ul these exl~- ph-Phomutuse was pre.,-evt. It Eq Conelit';t"I th-at glu- ,ose phosphate ~,-vd Kluui~r jzitvr- mediary prod"ts of tit,- J lnrt-~ u) S, l4clij. 1-vine