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of phosphoria s-id f3 114pobW. Zhao., Akod. Na.4 iw-. n. 7, zibiowzo 18. Ns~ cf. CA 51, 2W45r.---A by 'Strepiococcus lactis S. 1~ S.N. M' n4~ , r 3, 37 -Wkwaimi suai-' study w*AUladv. ~,.,d i,; the tract cm of~ qqPW IcroU019sy. qcnoral 1,11--robioloGy. Phy a i o 1 og, y F-I Rof Zhur No 14, 1958, Fio 62261 Abs,.Jour Author Novikova go.I* Inst _T itlo InvIa st i3A,t-Ion of 'tho. Activity: of. Lactaso -of Stroptocoedim-Lao-tiso Rop6 ~2 Orig Pub 'Millr'robiolo -th, ~-1957 19 No 2 j -29-33. Abstr~.ct Foraontation oxtracts woro Invastigatod from coils of 3. lactis, in strains disti%uished by tho activity of acid foriation. A dircet con- nection was established In tho Liajority of cultures botwoon tho activity of acid formation and the activity of lacta30. Sinilarly, in the activo acid Gonorator (atrain L4), tho lactaso is not dotectablo-in any of tho scasons of the year, Thoso facts aro ovidonao against tho oxistinr, point of vlow, that tho lactaso So lactis :,Oard 1/2 6 NOVIKOVA, s.r. (Novykova, s.r.]. ---- -o-amon.- Yormation of Iftaspherle eaters by Streptocaccus lactise Klkroblol*zhur. 20 no*3$31-36 158 (KMA lltll) 16* Is lustituta m1kroblologil An USSRO' (PHOSPHORIC ACID) (STR9FTOCOCWS LACTIS) HOVIKOVAq S.I. Method of producing the all-loid nupharins. Kikrobiol. zhur. 2. 2 DO 0 1 '.67 s.6o, (KM 13:10) . I -(Al"WIDS) (WAM LILIES) IfOVIKOVAt $.I. (Rovykovap ';.T.] e Effect of enviromental conditions on nome aspects of carbohy- drate metabolism in Streptococcus lactis. qLkrobiol. zhur. 27 no.1:71-76 t65. (HIRA 18:7) 1. Institut mikrobiologii i virusologii AN UkrSSR. 'roc,'-Dtirin 4n pure fom alnJ St~-TdY' Of tnP fTY2-tjtiO,-) of Ot-rept-'rcoccue, -a~-tfs. 65 2 15-1 ~7 1. inalultut mikrobiolsgii virusrj'logf` AN Oki-SSR. 0-'- Navimv-~"-, Sal- LNovykova, 3.1.1 -. Holle of hydrolytic and tranagalactosidase procouses in the course of lactic acid fermentation under the influence of Streptococcus lactis, Mikrobiol. zhur. 27 no-4:3-10 165. (MIBA 18:8) 1. Institut mikrobiologii i virusologii AN Uk--SSR. 11,6 U' (1, 17"! STUMOT, PA.; NOVIKOVA, 8.1. oIWr,~r4--umdJh'-i~w temperat=vs. 1, goat sxpansfan of copper aid almdaus. PrIb. I tekh. eksp. no,5:105-110 5-0 157. (KML 1002) 1. Vasnoymnyy muchno-imalsdamtel'skly lustItut fixlko-tekhnlcbe*lkh I radlotekbidaheskikh Ixuarenly. (Dilatomtery (Notala at low te"ratm-66) LUSINA, 1-ye.; MVIKOVA, S-1- ftermal expansion of fluereplast IT.-(polytetraflueroothylone) between -190 and 325*0. Fix. tvero te-la I ne.3:504-5U Mr, 959. (MM 32t5) (Ithylone-Therml properties) a BDVnDVA. S.I.; BrRW*OV, P.G. ------- Thermal *Xyan~lon Of 511100n At low teneratures. Fiz.tvar.tela I ' no.12:1841-1843 D 159. WU 13:5) 1. Vessoymuff luxtitat fisiko-takhnichaskikh i radlotekhnichaskikh IssereMy. (Silicon-Thermal properties) S1181160 02 01/08/055 BOOG/Bol 1 -00, AUTHOR: loTIkoT&' 0. 1. IT He at: -ZzpanIan of Gorn&nl Low Temperatures LE un T PMMODICAL: Mike. tv*rdogo tol&9, 1960, Vol. 2, No. 1, PP- 43 44 TZKT: The Author lavestIgMed-the-texperature dependence of the coof- nciont 6 f -thormal expansion 6.~:The nessurenents wore sado with an in- pr .oted,qutrts~dilatonotor:-o&rliordo .scilbe Ref* 0 m'was baloulatod froa *xpokinental4atao' The teamorMu're ranges did not exceed 4110K In *.he 2-4"ureaent. Two aor*ani"ryst&lsg sufficiently pure for the re- _:.quIr4xeMk:Qf the, sealconduotor technique, wore, Investigated. The one had -the -form of a P&r&l -lolopLps'dong the other had.-an irregular form. Theisoats of. Wsirlovof X64suroments "t given,- (Fig. 1). Figo 2 oomw*s'theio~resultm with the averaged curve z.=~f(T)Q This corres- -.panda to. exporluental. data In Fig*; 1. It was ascertained that gormanitsm has &,negative coefficient of thormal expansion ct 2 < 480K. The author .thanks.Profsssor,P. G. Strolkov forhis interest In this investigation. Card 1/2 Roat:Expansion of Low Temperatures 5/181,/60/002/01/08/035 BOOs/Boll -There are 9 figures and 5 references: 2 Soviet. SURMTED; N&Y 49 1959 0m Thermal of Diamond-Pr Expan -sio'n /181,/60/002/007/644/047/Xx 0 25 to'750 K B W/Ba67 in a dIa4Tam;' seen tha,t.:the.effect is very low. Finally, the ._ .;-&uthorth&nks:Professor P. G. Stralkoy for his interest and advice. `De6bovikaya . -is mentioned, There-arel figu e~ r and 9 referencess 2 Soviet, 4-_US 3. Germa d nt an V` SSOCIATI04s:_- sesoyuznyy nauchno-ispledov te l'skiy institut fiziko- Ukhnicheskikh:i ia i tekhn d o icheskikh-izmereniy Moskva, Un4nion Scientific- Reseirch lnstitute~of Physics -Ti;hnology,,and,Radio.Enginserin g.,Neao,, IC gementsi 11oE :SUBVI 5 Line" coeff Cri , ~-,therxal *xpanal o f "Of diamond I Vf - ; (experim. ' , LZ_ V -. &W, V .& &W 7W Rv r. ~ 0. so W sin ~'~!W AV .77~ 7., ar HOVIKOVA 3 1 Therml expmsion of some engineering materialc, at, irw temperatures. Prib. i tekh. eksp. no-3:147 4IRA 14-.10) 1. Vsao zW nauchno-issladovatellakly institut, fiziko-takhnich- OYU eqUIch i radiotakhnichaskikh imareniy. (Metals at low temperatures) 5/181/61/003/001/022/042- B006JB056 AUTHORt Novikova, S. I. TITLEt Study of the thermal expansion of GaAs and ZnSe PERIODICAM. Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 3, no. 1, 1961, 178-179 TEXT:: Thepresent paper is a continuation of those papers (Refs- 1-4), in which the thermal expansion ofelements and compounds has been studied$ which crystallize with a diamond structure. The investigationa., whose results are given-here, were carried out by means of a quartz dilatometer described in Ref-. 5. The GaAs specimens were molten from spectrally pure components Ir and consisted of several irregular, intergrown. crystals having a maximim.dimension of lo -9-46 mm. Fig. I shows A(T) for GaAs, determined in the course of 5 series of measurement. As may be seen,ok decreases with decreasing Tp passes through zero at Tft550K, and then continues having negative values. The lowest ok-value was measured at Tn!400K and amounted 6 1 to -0.5-10- deg- . The ZnSe specimens were pressed in a nitrogen atmos- phere in the form of 4-78 mm long cylinders and were tempered at 13500C. Card 1/4 S/1 BIJ61/003/001/02 21/04 2 Study of the thermal expansion.. B006/BO56 These specimens were prepared at the problemnaya laboratoriya chistykh metallov, metalli.oheskikh soyedineniy i.poluprovodnikov Krasnoyarskogo instituta tsvetnykh metallov in. X. I. Kalinina (Laboratory for Problems of Pure hetal's-1 Metal Compounds, and Semiconductors of the Krasnoyarsk Institute of Nonferrous Metals imeni M. I. Kalinin) by assistant E,.-Kruchean. The purity of the initial components was 99.9996% (Zn) and 99,99z%-'(Se). Pig.. 2 shows o((T) (6 series of measurement). dL passes through iero at T,( 640K, and attains the lowest value at 36"'A', where -30 0.104 deg A comparison between the0k(T) curves for GaAs, min ZnSe, and Ge shows that they coincide for Ge and GaAs,and that the curve of Ge is somewhat higher only in the negative. A comparison of the numerical values in the table shows that in the isoelectronic series of Ge-NZnSe.the.ion component in the binding forces increases. An analogous result was obtained for the isoalectronic series ofak-Sn. The author thanks Professor P. G. Strelkov for interest and discussions. Card 2/4 u:6e' ' z t~J 01 ,61/dd3/9 /022/04 . 0 6 bans 40 _-05W_ 10 1- 17 FT. 1, ~7 1.~ 41 I t 7 77 .U-00 ACC NR, AP6018342 SOURCE CODE: GE/0030/66/013/001/kMA02 AUTHOR: Zhdanovas V4'_ V,; Lukinas V, I.; Novikovat S. 1. ..ORa: Institute or Seadoonductors, Acadawr of Sojenges 91 the UkrSSR lenlngra~, TITLE: Thermal expansion or the HgLe_in the 50-500-K temperature -,range. SOURCE,., Physica,status solldlp-v. 13, no. 1,, 1966,, ag-m ~TOPIC TAGS: thermal expansion,, polyarystal, thermal acoustic effect,, ~~mercury compound,, mercury selenide, -thermal expansion coefficient of mercury selenide which ABSTRACTst The crystallizes in the ziiw-blende lattice has been measured in the W-500-K,temperature range. A quartz dilatometerp an OP-I type recorder (V..V, ZhdanovA,9 Piz. tverd. Tele 5, 3341,, 1963Y, and Stralkov's dilatometor (P. G. Strelkov and S. I. Novikova,, Prib. .-Tekhn, Eksper**.No.5j, 105# 1957).have been used. The results obtained ~viththese devices wore In.good agreement within the limits of experi- ..Mental, erro ...-Measurements have,been carried out on two polyarystallin 1/2 I-Cc ACC Nks AP6018342 two monoorystalllne BgSe samples, The concentrations of free the polycrystals and one monocrystal were determined from Hall Igeasuremants 4t the room temperature and were found to be ." M~,~j 4X101-7- 1Xl5P;m-j.- The second monocryst alline sample was doped :'with Al.-and Its, concentration of free carriers was 4-8xlol9cm-3. ,I: .-.The temperature dependence of the thermal-expansion coefficient of -_.1 .18.6haracteristle for all substances having.a diamond-type ..lattice, The transition temperature of the thermal-expansion coef- ~flclent 6f ftse to negative values was found to be very high, Negative oi,thet .-.values-. hermal-expansion,coofficient.are caused by the Increased ibration's at low temperatureti. The behav- role~of~,trafisverse acoustic v ior of~.the thermal expansion,coefficlent must be taken Into considera- '.tion when Investigating semiconductor characteristics of USSe, The authors think, S :Aliev and S,_S. Shalyt for providing monocrystalline saml Aes Orig., IF [NT] 20/;,~-_-'~smw DATics 26Kov65/ ORIG REF:~ 005/ OTH REP: 002 SU-13 CODM~ rb~ -2)2 Card i SELE221EV,, Sergey Ivanovich; NOVIKOVA, S.N.,, red. [Accounting in industry] Bukbgalterskii uchet v prc- myshlennosti. 3. perer. izd. Moskva, Statistikap 1965. 206 p. (MIRA 18:6) ABANIVA, Anna Vasillyevna, dots.,* dots.; SHCHZDRIN, Nikolay S.N., red. FEDOROVA, Galina Sergeyevna., Ivanovicho dots.; NOVIIIOVA, [Problems and exercises in the organization of machine accounting] Sbornik zadach i uprazhnenii po organizatsli mekhanizirovannogo ucheta. Moskva,, Statistikap 1965. 154 p - (MIRA 18:7) BAKLANOV., Gleb Ivanovich, prof.; IVANOV, Aleksandr Ivanovich, dots.; USTINOV, A.N.j, dots.1 SHL-014MI, A*G~,# dots.; NOVINOVA, S.N., red. ~ (Industrial statistics] Statistika prou7shlonnosti. Ha- skvat Statistikap 1965. 358 p. (MIRA 18:6) RAPOPORT, Mikhail moiseyevich; r,ed. (Machine accounting in agriculturel Nekhanizatsiia ucheta Y sellskom khoziaistve. 2*j parer. izd. Moskva# Statisti- kas 1965. 97 P. (MIRA 18:4) SAVOSTIYANIOV, Dmitriy Dmitriyevich; NOVI-KOVAt red* 1, W-~- . .1 .~ .-'Z,.",--., [construction and repair of KEL (VMP-2), KMR, KELRS, SAR (VW-2) and SARS calculating machines] Konstraktsiia i re- mont vychislitelInykh mashin modelei KEL (WIP-2),, KELRt KEIRSj, SAR (VM-2) i SARS. Izd.3., perer. i dop. Moskvap Statistikap 1964. 242 p. (MIRA 18:6) YEGER, Yekaterian Ivanovw; LEBEM, Aleksandr Vasillyevich; ISMAP Dim Llpovm; red.; UPRALOVA, A'..A,,.tokbn. red. [Principles of statiatic:j UAW* for trainiM accountants of industrial enterprise 'Osnovy statistiki, ucbebnoe poso- d3la podgotovki bukhgalterov proqshlennykh predpriiatii. IM.2-ii perer. i dop. Moskva# Goestatizdat, 1963. 223 P, (MIRA 17:1) KWEIZV, Nikolay Nikolayevich; TSMMSKAYA, Ye.S., red.; LOWXGV41 red.; PYATAKOVA, H.D.,o tokhn. red. Wcounting on cal2active farms].Bukhgalterskii uchot v kolkhozakh. mosWap Gosstatizdat, 1963. 23-1 p. (MIRA 17.-2) 13AYV(Jvy Vaslliy ;vanovie-h; NIUVIKUIV:i 1; N. 9 refl. [Meohanl%ation of ecaouriting wtt!ataral aw, comp.,ting wirk) Hekbauizatoila iiche-L-no-itaTi!itichti!3ki'Kh i vychlali- tollnykh raboto Movkvap 51tatistika2 1965. 360 p. (MIM 1&~12'01 KOZIDV, Leonid 14ikbaylovich; BUMISTROV, Vasiliy Ivanovich; NOVIKOVAP S.S.2 prof.,p red. [Nitrated alcoh-619 and their derivatives) Nitrospirty i ikh, proiz_vodr7e. Kazan'., Kazanskil, khimiko-tekbnologiche- skil. in-t-im. S.M.Kirova, 1960. 1?9 p. (MIRA 17:4) VdIRM. t:ll 2-66- 9WT (m) /EVIP -ALL NK AF SOURCE GODEt UR/0190/65/007/012/2160/2163 4-111, 4,7~-' AUTHORS:; Kolssnitl,_ G*_ S.; levll~i,. A, S.; Novikova *T*;~' -T6 chnol gi MoscowChemi6al 0 cal-InstitiAe im. Do I. 2;rev (Mosko-0347 kh-imiko-t9khnolog'1`cWe_sW in .aitut) TITLE; snDalymeri za b3l, CY, -phe~~lpliosphonio acid:. with acrylicacid and gcr_vjgnitrile.'I 58th communication in the series carbocyMc Polymers and lymers SOURCE YysPk6moleku1yk-Mye soyedineniya, v*.7., not 12~ 1965j 2160-2163 TOPIC TAGS.t. .'polymer,, -.:Polymerization, cid, acrylic plastic copolymer 6opolymerization, acrylic a ABSTRAM. The copolymbrization -of CK -pherqIvirWIphosphonic,-.Acid with acrylic acid..- and. acrylonitrUe w-ai'studied as an extension -of -previous3,v published-work-onthe CK -phanylvinylphosphdnic. acid by- G, S. Kolesnikov '-'~A. S. "T'evlina.,- and A*-.B. Alovitdinov~.(Vysokomolek.' soredep.7j. .1913,,-1965).. The copolymerization- -was carried out in- evacuated -glass -tube.~--Ln the presence-of ~ malq~,1% benzoylper6xide, at-70G. The--experimental results are presented intables and gPaphe (see Fig., 1). -The copolymsrization:constantm,, r for_ the . system -s' p( -phezWl- ~vinylphosph6nic'__acid - acrylic acid# and cKe-~enylvirqlphosphonic acid and acrylo- nitrile, were calculated and were found to bei rl-= 0." 0.03, r2 =..0,9s-� 0,08t e~rd~ 1/2-- M ~'_66 0 M5,2&~678.744+67&74"8.86 L 10339-67 UP(c) WDS SWPOVEA ;CC-HR: AF60?9006 CA) -'-SOUR"CE COM UR/0413/66/0W/O15/0086/0",'- INVENTORS: Koleanikov? G. S.; Tev-1inay As S.; Novikovat Be Pa; Loving B. B.; Chernoz*-rdina; L,'F.- Abramovat T, D. ORG: none r TITIX-: A metbod for obtaining heA-resiatant and chemically stable cationite- Laembranes-i\ C,ase 39, No- 164427 VCannounced by Moscow Institute of Chemical. i Technology ljm~ D. I. Mendeleyev (Moskovskiy khimiko-tekhnicheakiy institu, tY SOURCE: Izobret prom obraz tov zn, no. 15, 1966, 86' TOPIC TAGS: Jon exchange membraneg monomerg polymer, graft copolymer, fluorine, acr7lio acid ABSTRACTs This Author Certificate presents a method for obtaining heat-resistant and chemically stable cationito membranes by grafting monomer compounds containin~g ionogenic groups to fluorine-containing c2pqjLmera.A To obtain membranes characterized by a selectivity in separating the ions of polyvalent metals, a mixture of cx-phenylvinyl phosphinic. acid and acrylic acid or'acrylonitryl is used as the aonome;L compound. L -PAT4.- 13~Vhy6 UMCs 661.10,1123 car4 5.. 2~~ 7�44 VNYSBFF,-2G. T.R.; HOTIKOVA, ?.A. I Medical service for workers of th3 Orshm Linen Combine. Zdmv. 3e2or. 5 no.1:38-39 Ja 159. (KEHL 12:7) .WMA-TUTUA InM?RY--EITGIMIC ASPAM) GAMLOVt B.G.; GUINI Ye.I.; LESNIKOV, A.?.; WRIKOVA, T.A. Chemical principles of the thelcoforcing- of a diesel engine. Zhur. prikl. khim. 36 no.ll'.2498-2502 N 163. (MRA 17: 1 MITKALF.Vp B.A.; LZBEM, Ye.P*; NOVIKOVAO T.Ae Purification of phenol waste waters by adsorption on activated carbons, Nefteper. i neftekhim. nooll:13-15. *64 (MIRA 18s2) 1. Wauchno-issledovatellakiy institut neftekhimicheakikh proit- vodat,v,, Ufa. sov/18o-59-2-8/31+ AUTHORS; Baranov A I Bystroval K.A., Novikoval T.A.v and Funke, f.F: *'(Moscow) TITLE: The Influence of Molybdenum, Chromium and Aluminium on the Strength of Hard Alloys on a Nickel or Cobalt Base (Vliyaniye molibdenal khroma i alyuminiya na prochnost' tverdykh splavov na nikelevoy i koba2tovoy osnove) PERIODICAL:-Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSRq Otdeleniye Tekhnicheskikh . Nank, Metallurgiya i Toplivol 19599 Nr 29 PP 43-47 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The influence of the alloying additions on the strength of WC-Co and WC-Ni alloys was investigated. Alloys contain- ing 8, 107 12 and 15% Co and 8% Ni were used. Various additions of Crq Kol and Al were added to the Co or Ni. (Cr Mo and Al form wide ranges of solid solution with Co and Ni). Alloys were prepared by sintering at 1400 to 1600 OC in a hydrogen atmosphere. X-ray analysis showed that Co in all the alloys had a cubic structure. The distribution of the alloying addition between WC and Co or Ni was determined by chemical analysis after extract- ing Go or Ki with HC1 at 100 OC. The results are given Card 1/3 in the table. Cr in WC-Co-Cr alloys is in solid solution with Co almost completely, but in WC-Ni-Cr SOV/180-59-2-8/3)+ Thelrifluence of Molybdenum, Chromium and Aluminium on the Stronglth of Hard Alloys on a Nickel or Cobalt Base alloys it is In the carbide phase. Mechanical strength was determined:from bond tests and results showed that at~room temperature the binary WC-Co and WC-Hi alloys have the highest .strength. Addition of 20% Cr to the cementing phase results in a fall in strength of WC-Co alloys from 170 to 85 kg/mmz and of WC-Xi alloys from 140 to 110 kg/mm~-. At elevated temperatures the maxiimin, strength is obtained by an alloying addition, the highest increase being shown by a Cr addition and the lowest by an Al addition. The highest strength is shounn by alloys containing relatively small amounts of alloying addition 13-70r, 3-70, 1- 2%Cr) - Further increases in alloying additions lead to decrease in Card 2/3 strength and a large decrease in plasticity of the Go phase even at 600 - 800 OC. The effect of Cr, Mo and -SOV/180-59-2-8/31(- The-Influence of Nolybdem=9 Chromium and Ahiminium, on the Strength of Hard Alloys on a Nickel or Cobalt Aase Al,additions increases with total content of cementing hase. ere are 5 figures.1 table and 9 references, 5 of C "WhAch.are English, two German and two Soviet. SUBMITTED: November 27, 1958 Card 3/3 0432 s/i2lj6l/000/006/009/012 '73 ot D040/D112 AUTHORS8 Fdnke, T.F., Romanov, K.F.# Novikovap T#A* , Guseva, AsNes and Bystrova, K.A. TITLE% Wear resistance of W-Co hard-alloy cutter tips in machining E1437 alloy PERIODICAL: Stanki i instrument, no. 6, 1961, 32-33 TEXT: Results ate kiveft of'aft experimental investigAtibn with W-Co alloy- tipped cutters in turning cj-lindricallsmooth and gkobved-blanks of3H 437 (E1437) heat-residtAnt'alloy. 'The ekperlu6nts *6rd_'pdrformed-bn a Gustlow Werke lathe, using a cutting speed v-30 m/mih--6tittint depth t=1.0 mm and feed rates s of 0.6-and 0-3 mm/kev for contiftizoui cutting (oil smooth blanks) intermittent cutting (grooved blanks) was'don4**ith'v=lO rh/mizr, t-1.0 mm and; s=0.2 mm/revolution, and with v=6 m/~in, t - 1-*0 mml And J_-O.6 mm/rev. Wear on the rear face of the tips was used as'A. crit6rion dil' the wear. The re- sults are illustrated in four graphs (Fig. 1~4)0- It wds-established that 8% Co gave the maximum wearredistance and hardness. A Co content lower than 8% gave lower wear resistance on account of insufficient alloy strength (the cutting edge crumbled), and higher than 6% also resulted in lower wear resis- Card 1/4 23432 S1121J611000100610091012 Wear resistance of W-Co D040/D112 tance on account of insufficient hardness. A lower feed rate facilitated cutting and rai~edwear resistance. It was concluded that the-cutter tips used for machining E1437 alloy must ha-id higher strength than'those used fo- cutting cast iron or ste6l. -The maximum wear r66istance for continuous cut- ting of E1437 is shown by cutter tips with 8% Co; for'intetmitt6nt cutting of cast iron and steel-the Go content in W-Co alloy cutting tips must be lower. There are 4 figures and 2 Soviet-bloc references. Card 2/4 Wear resistance of W-Co r Fig.l: Wear resistance of tips during continuous turning. 1 - Feed 0.6 mm/Yev; 2 - Feed 0.3 mm/rev. Card 3/4 23432 S/12IJ61/000/006/(309/012 D040/DI12 r 7 $Cos RZ.2: Wear resistance of tips during intermittent turning. 1 - V-10 M/min, t-1.0 ma, feed s-0;2. mm/rev; 2 v- 6 m/min, t-1.0 =0 feed swo.6 mm/rev. 23432 Wear resistance of W-Co av 'W Fig-3: Dependence of ultimate bending Fig-4: Depend .ence of hardr*w (HT strength ~d ear) kgf/MM2 and kg f/mm2) of W-Co and EI437 hardness H71 kgf/mm2 on the Cc alloys.on temperature: contents- 1 - !5'wear at 20OC; 2 - 1 - alloy with 4~ Co at 800C; 3 - KV at 2000. 2 - alloy with 15% Co Wear 3 - E1437 Card, 4/4 S/ 1.80/61 17 P07VE53% ~141WRS, Tumanov, V.T., Funke, V.F.,. Raskin, M-.L: and Aw- , A (NIOSCOW) T IT i, F Physical proint!rties of the alloys ttang~wtrfn c-,iri;--d- cobalt vEIII00)CA[,- Akadewiva nauk SiSlf, l-/.A,eqtiva. Otrielenive tokiinicheskikh nank, Motallurrt-a i tonlivo, No.61 ig6j, i44-t48 Systematic data on the physicat prnve.i-fit,~- of lo-(,",., therefore, the t4oithorv 118vu- ,111ovs h.-we not. been ntiblished and, )"Vil"IA.Vited the Canecific resistance, tile yotivig modfillis, th., vot-f*f'ici.etkt of linear expitnsioti nnd tho hardnesm oU t*'C-k..o --atit-ei"ing variotis, of thf- hinder phn.-ge with vartiMSS ~lizes of' the tiangmten carbide, grnins. For the tesEs, specimeiv.-~ Covitailling 0 to 1.00% Co find gperimeiiq Containing b wt,,i; Co Wert? investigated, differtng as regards the size oC the tione-sten --rhtde grat". The alloys were prodiieed accorefingr to 0 (be It"O I C, WIV. The main series of IIlovq variotis contents ot hinder had a practically equal average diameter of' the Itt"ptten t,hvsical nronerties of ... S/ 1.80/6 1 /wo/Ooh/o 17/(1'--1) E073/F515 carbide grain of 2.5 1,~ The pha~;--e composition ot the nltriv- thron,rtioot the entirfb range of Changes of the Co content rr?nl~j 1;14.(j constant phase WC pi.xis -,olift solution of tongsten and carhovi i" cohaLt, The porozity of the altoys did vv)t exceed 0.2 val rioe tvingsten carbidp had a of The sintered snecimeyi-4 were quenched and annealed; th(i (ptenchitig consi.4ied of' heating in a hydrogen atmosphere at 10000C for 1.2 hofirs tind voulitig in the water-cooled cooler of the furnace, 'rile atill'-'allng w-rif- at 10000C for 12 hotircs in a hydrogen ntmosvherp fotlowed by 7-noling to 8000C and holding at that tomrverature for 24 hotars t,iod~.jhen cooling to room temperature at avi average rate ot' I 'c/nOn. The specific resi,4tance 0. the modivISS-4; of (-la4ticity E, the coefficient of' ti.near exItallsinn (I IATO the fi;~.rdrles- ffvwere determined on qatenched and annealed -he specific electric resistance was determined hv tile rolapell-4it- tio" method using a potentiometer, the maximom error beiipit4 21 W.. the coefficient of linear expansion was determined with a quartz rod ditatometer in the range 18 to 4200C with an ery.ov ot, 2.5%; the Young modislos was determined by a dvnami.c inethod %ritto Card 2/4 Physical properties of ... S/180/61/000/oo6/017/020 E073/9535 an error of 1%...Fig.1 shows the dependence on the cobalt content, wt.% or, the following& 800cifig resistance.0 .I&ohm-cm (a); modulus of 414sticity, 9, ~ kg/am and the coqfficient of linear L vmm4 (6). Curves I and 3 expansion as 1/deg ("J; hardne a HV, k after. quenching,-. curves 2 4nd k after annealing. The obtained exper -that the ap ecific elec ,tric resistance imental-results a a i - , -characterititic of WC-Co alloys which a.the mbet'senettiv& a phy Ical provideW an indication- of th a state and the composition of the ~hio~ding,stidithe,cii~bi~de,phai4a and of the structure. The modulus of Athd t 4 -coo c ent*oflinear.ex ansion indicate predominantly the -quantitative -relations between the tungsten carbide-:ahd- the-cobalt in the Alloy and depend little an heat treatment and.coosposition f the. binding phase. ~ The modulus of 411asticity:, changes -considerably with the.. grain e.ize'of the tungsten cirbtdC ...Thii.~resttltw_ coniflrw~ the,. view of the existende of I a continuous ~cobalt phase' iris, ~alloyia of this type. L. G GrIgorenko and''A0 Ae Cheredinov participated in the 'experiments, There are figures and..4'roterencest 2 Soviet-bloc and 2 non-Soviet-b.loc. %The: Rnglish-lan&Ago references read as follows: Ref.It Dawihl W. and.-Hinnuber.40,- The* structure of hard metal alloys. Kolloid-Z., ard.:. 3/~k' i Card if/it q Fig. I I w, FUM[Es V.P.4 ROMIOVp K.F.; NOVIKOVAt T.A.; GUSEVA, A.H.; BYSTROVA, K.L* Durability o~ tips-made of tungeten-eabalt hard &nay used In the mach4id" of the 91437 alloy, StanA instr. 32 no*602-33 Js 161. (MM 24:6) (Ho-tal-cutting tool tedbalt-twigaten alloys) Ftar0rom; FIALKOV, A.S.,, red.; t-iisHARIIIA, KOD.,, red. izd-VA; ISLENTIMAy P.Q.,q,tekhn. red. lCopper powders] Meduye proaWd. tlookva, Kstallurgizdittj 19620 63 a (KEPA 15:7) (copper5 (Powder metallurgy) 37732. s/l8o/62/ooo/0o2/o11/ol8 4P. lls~2 E040/E135 AUTHORS. Funke, V.F., Ndvikovas T.A*, and Tumanovg VvIs 0108cow) TITLE. Structure and propertiek of tungsten-carbon-cobalt-a~Dlybdenum alloys PERIODICAL: Akademiya-nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Otdeleniye tekhnicheskikh nauk. Metallurgiya i toplivo, no.2, 1962, IL13-118 TZXT: The results are reported of an investigation of the phase composition, chemical composition and structure of the W-C-Co-Mo alloys with 80 and '47% W contents. Special-attention was paid to the changes in the alloy properties as a result of variation in their Mo and C contents. Alloys wiih 80% W (remainder carbon and cobalt) were found to be suitable for many industrial-purposes and those with 47% V find application in X-ray structural analysis of the cobalt-base solid solutions. The test specimens were prepared by powder metallurgy techniques, starting with powders of W, Co and No, Card l/ 4 Structure and properties of ... S/180/62/000/002/011/018 E040/E135 by prgssing and sintering at 1450 OC (for alloys with 80% V) and 123011; C (for alloys with 47% W). The above sintering conditions were., ~found to give alloy specimens with the highest density and the,best ultimate bending strength. The specimens were theh anne'kled at 1200 and 1000'*C for 2 hours and at 600 OC for 24 and allowed to cool, together with the iurnace, at the rate of about 1.5 OC/min. The ultimate bendkng strength was measured at .20 and'800 OC and the hardness of the test alloys was le Let~ermined at temperatures in the'range of 20 to 1000 OC. In addi:tion,._.determination.of the phase composition of the alloys wa's made by*.means of X-ray structural and chemical analyses. S .~ecial 4i.ia:~ysis was made.of,the cobalt and carbide phases. An Increase _tin~Zthe Mo content of the.test.alloys~, while the tungsten an'd ccarbo4i'40ntent are*kept constant, was found to produce a C~ange composition of, the alloys. According to metallogri"a"PAC analysis, the two-phase structure is retained by alloyr,44iWU% W when the molybdenihm content in raised from 0 to 1. 5% ,two phases being tuhgs,,ten carbide and a cobalt-base ten 'solid so U i"O'.3i. At a molybdenum qp.4 t of 3% or higher, a 1.. 4. ~L, ; ij-.. 31 Card Structure and properties of s/18o/62/000/002/011/018 E040/E135 third phase was found to appear. The structure of this phase was found to be identical with that of the ql-phase present in the W-C-Co system (double carbide of tungsten and cobalt). The quantity of this third phase was found to rise with increasing molybdenum concentration. In the alloys with 47% W, the third phase appears at molybdenum contents-exceeding 101't but an increase in the carbon content at a.constant molybdenum concentration leads to a reduction in the quantity of the third phase. At the carbon content of 5.36% or mores the test alloys with 800. W and about 3..% Mo were found to have two phases only: WC phase and the cobalt phase. In the alloys with 47% W content and 10~i Mo: the third phase does not form if the carbon content 3.8 increased to 4.319. Phase composition analysis of the test alloys showed that if molybdenum is at concentrations up to 10%, a twoi hase structure can exist in the alloy with 47% We This is ta'On as an indication-of the presence of a solid solution regior-of molybdenum and carbon in the tungsten carbide phase. It was-found that the introduction of molybdenum in the alloys of the W-C-Co system, the raising of molybdenum content Up to Card 3/16 s/i8o/62,j?000/002/011/018 Structure and properties of E040/E135 M2 and the resultant appearance of the double carbide (ql-phase), as well as a change in the composition of thiD WC and Co-phases, are ace6mpanied by some reduction of strength at room temperature and some' increase of the strength at 800 OC. The hardness of the W-C-Co-Mo alloys is greater than that of the W-C-Co alloys of equal strength. There are 7 figures and 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: Voesoyuznyy nauchno-inaledovateltakiy institut tverdykh splavov (All-Union Scientific Research Institute for Hard Alloys) SUBMITTED; September 18, 1961 Card 4/4 TUKAXOV, V.I.-; Iful , V.P.; PAVLO%, Z.I.;_XOV3X0VAt T.A.; MMVAO K.A. ........... .... areat or the awwasition ind structure of anap In the "atm we Go and, TLC - 10 - 00 6w-tto strength lisit dwMmg eco, p"mislon. Fix. =to I SWUM"& 15 no.2s285-289 F 163.- (MM 1634) ap3a"v. (TwVtsu-aab~4f, ancys-4%tanagmpby) TitiudmAwwton-cabalt anay#-J%t&ncg2VbCr) Mformatia"(Weebanics)) -;`_ACCZSS19N - NR:, AP402,9208" x AUTPR: Tbamov, Funke V. F.; Trukhanova, Z. so A.; KUM- as to-ova IKO' Fe.: Beat treat"Ut of tungsten carbide-cobalt alloys Poroahkovaya'metallurgiya. nod 2, 1964, 57-60 TOPIC. TAGS:. :tunIgaten carbide cob,alt,-heat treatment carbon, tungsten, tungsten :,Carbide based alloy,.cobalt cc;ntaining alloy, binding phase iJiABSTRACT: In this. apertheauthors prosent the results of studies of the effect of p cooling rate an'the composition of Lhe binding phase and the beading strength of ,"turissten d4vbide-c6balt alloys. The-effect of the cobalt concent4s plotted in graphs. -The authdrs:draw the following conclusions:. 1) the composition of the ~bindin phase does.imot, In practice, depend on thevoolingrate within the investi- gated temperature range# and 2) in the exanination, of the.,dependence of the bending _.'~trengtfi on the.composition of tungsten carbide-cobalt alloys, It is also necessary ,to consider-thi-ch evf:ths AW figures. !ang rmal. stresses (kig.. t. hast .3, ASSOCICION; Mass eovateloskiy Institut twordyfth spalvov Scientific Research Ivatitute of Solid Alloys) &d1 U"od s~ 61 ~:7 q NOTMOVA, T.D. -Effectiveneso of antibacterial therapy for patients with pmuonary tuberculosis under dispensary conditions. Probltub* no.8:23-28 161* (KMA 15t5) lo I% Voromesbakogo gorodskogo, protivotaberkulemogo dispansera (glavn7y wr h Z-ole Ye1;yutIn&j. (TU CUU)SIS) NOTIKOVAIIII. Upper 911urUs doloultes In the contra.1 part or the north*m slops of the Gleam SaW. DokI. AN Tadsh. ~=R no.19.,13-16 156,,, (KM4 10:4) 1. Institat geoldgil All Tafishikskqr SSR. Predstavlow chlenam-korresponp. denton All Tadshikskmq SSR R. B. Barat*vyv6 (Gleam FAMe~-Doloults) T IIOVIKOTA, T. I Wall rock.choftes-In one of the mercut7-antimay dopoelts of central T&JIkIstan. Trady AN.TiLdzh. SSR 58-0,5-.106 i~6. (TaJilelstan-Ore deposits) (Antlmny ores) (ImaA 10-6) (Hercury ores) I,, ~10 Mineralegy.of antimony ocher* in the Ikhithikrut marcury-antimaiw deposit. Trudy AN ladsh. SSR 77.o283-298 157. %1 (NINA 11: 9) I (Glaaar ileags-CervantIte) IDTIKOVA, T. 1. zV oxIde alnerals from the Dshidblicmt mercury- antI46rW deposit. Isv.Otd.*st.zwuk AN 21adsh.SSR no.2: IL3-!27 158, (MIA 13:4) 1. Institut geolool Air ftfthikalwy SSIL (Doblshlkurt r~Oo*--,A4tlwrq orex) NOVIKOVA,q T. I., Cand of Geologo-Mineral-Sai --- (diss) 111,1ineralogy of. the Mercuric-AntImony Deposits of D2hlzhlkruto (Central Tadzblklstan); Tashkent, 19599 15 pp (Ministry of Higher Education., Central Asiatic State UnIvAmeni Ve Ie Lenin) (KL, 6-609 121) Colloform antlisoulte f rom the Dzhirhlkrut marcur7-antimorq deposlt -Toklv&XT&dvh~SSR 2 nool:15-18 159. (MIR& 13:4) 1. Inatitut goologii AR.Tadshikskay SSI. Prodstavlano chianDeb.. korrespondenton AN Tadshikiskoy SSR 16B.Bamtovym. (Dzhishlkrv--t region-Stibnita) .- NDTIZOTA, W. Dlscavez7 of gumWeasarlto In T*Jlidstan. VOklAX Tadsh.5fit 2 =0121-24 159. (KIRk 13:4) 1* InstItut goologli AN 2Mshlkakoy SSR. Prodstaylano chlanam- lorrespondonten AN ladshikskoy SSR I.B.BantaVa, (Dehishlkrut regIdn-1kadalcamarlte) I NOVIKOVAV TI. Sulfatoo of. the oddation sow of Dzbizhikmt. Izv. Otd. est. nauk All Tadab. SSR no.3:87-105 159. (MM 15:5) 1. 1 natitut geologii AN Tadshikskoy SSR. (Dzbizhikmt--Sulfates) MOVIKOVA19 T.1, Mlmr&U of the kw3in group in the Bahizhlkrat wrc=7-antim=V dep-baLts. Tru4 AN Tadzh.,SSR 104 no.1:61-75 1599 (KIRA 15:4) 1. Iwtitut goologil All WOW SSR (TajlkfAtan-KaomT Sme data on antizonites from the deposits of central Tajikistan. Trudy Inst.geol. AN Tadzh.SSR,6sl8O-19l,'62. (KEU 16 5) (TajUdsta"tibuite) BARATOV, R.B., otv. red.; KUUTIKOV, M.Mop zari, otv, red.; BABAKHOURLYW., red.; BABKOV, K.V.j, red.; DZHALILOV, 14.R., red.; ZAKIIAROV, 5.A., red.1-VOVINUVA T.I., red.; PANKRATOV, P.A.y red.; REYNAN, rea. [Problems of the geology of Tajikistan; festachrift for the 23d Session of the Geological Congress in Delhi] Problemy geologii Tadzhikistana; sborrtkp posviashchennyi XXII sessii, Mezhdunarodnogo geologicheskogo kongressa v Deli. Dushanbe,, AN Tadzhik SSR, 1964. 290 p. (MIRA 18:3) 1. Akademiya nauk Tadzhikskoy SSR, Dushanbe. Institut geologii. BABAKHODZHAYEV, S.M.; BARATOV, R.B.; 110ROZOV, S.A.; NOVIYOVA, T.I. In memory of M.Irn. Damidov; with a supplementary list of works by M.Kh. Khamidov. Trudy Inst. geol. AN Tadzh. SSR 8:5-12 164. (MIRA V -. 11) GURVICH, G.A.; ZDRODOVSKIY, P.F.; SHUMAKOVA, G.V.; NOVIKOVA T.K. Endotoolno as ncnopecific blootimulanto of antibody formation. Vast. A141 S,','SR 11) noA50-61 f64- (mlrui :",.~tcl) 1. Institut epidemiologii i mikrob-iologil Jmeni N.F, Gamalei AMN SSSR, Moskva. NOVIKOVA, T.K.- ~ ~ . ~, .. 1-numbIogical reactivity in early postnatal period. Zhur, xUrabLolor spid. L immm. 42 mo.?tI23-129 il 165. (MIRA 18:11) 1. Institut spideniologii I mikrobiologii imeni Gamalsi AHN SMRO Moskva. V-A - hydrogetra ~0* of rge oil i5y Zfutrs~.ijl T. M. NoviL T. ~E. Romanova, S. D~ Kopylen P. 1, KinlinAmW 1. GlallLava. 'Itaslobamo-Zhirevaya A. Vm. Zakrand T. 'o. 7, u*,--,,*(m3).---:Ttc oil ivas, washed with 18, N MS04 (d. 1.82). neutrali/."I. isith 111"0% lye boited. witli An. NaCl, ntid setticd SAO grq. 'The fat bt k1l bleacitedat'llAM70' witil active Cand ftiller'searth(O.7-1 flydrogena- tion is %vith Ni fomate catatystaml at 21:Y-231)* toa m.p. af 32-0 hm)~ Vladimir IN. Krukovsky --------------- I 1,1 OV t K 0 11 R T-- 1-11 - 0 MMIMIRL, 1UP.. takhnik; TrQVL- T-M., inzhener. Improving the qua2ltr of milkless margarine. Vaal.-zhir.prow. 20 noll:32 155. (KERA 80) 1e .1harikovskir zhirkambinat. (oleomargarine) -I Vlk I -I ~. ~ N 0- oVA 1-E - /V - I