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SYRKIN, Ya.M..- FRRIIELI, M.B.; IiGVOSFL'SKIY,, L.G.; %TLINICW.KO, N.P.; LEVUTOVA , L. I. -- 4-"Wd Industrial mastering of the production of quick-hardening slag portland cement at the Kharkov Cement Plant. Trudy IUzbgiprotsementa n0-4:127-143 163. (KIRA 17:11) /Ave 4-'-CS'r4 AUTHOR: Kaminskiy, L., Novozhilov, V., Novosellskiy, N. 2-1-7/9 TITLE: A Manual on the General Theory of Statistics (Kura obshchey teorii statistiki) by Kozlov, T.I., Ovsiyenko, V.Tp-, Savin- skiy, D. V.., and .8adrhakly, V.I. PERIODICAL: Vestnik Statistiki, 1958, 1, p 66-76 (USSR) ABSTRACTs A team is reviewing a text-book on the theory of statistics published in 1956 by the Moscow University and approved by the Main Administration of Universities and Economical and Juri- didal'Vuzes of the USSR Ministry of Higher Education (Glav- noye upravleniye univeraitetov, ekonomichaskikh I yuridichookikh vuzov Ministerstva vyashego obrazovaniya SSSR) as a va 'Lid text-book for use in economical institutes and faculties. Nevertheless the text-book is criticized negatively. Only a few,subjecinare dealt with In a satisfactory way, but on the whole the work does not.moet the standard of a good text-book. Many essential statistical questions are not mentioned at all, nothing was said about the organization of statistics in people's democracies, in capitalistic countries and about In- ternational statistical organizations. Other statistical pro- blemq are treated either too short or superficially. The-im- Card 1/2 portant role of.the Russian statisticians In the history of 2-1-7/9 A Manual on the General Theory of Statistics by Kozlov, T.I., Ovsiyenko, V.I!&, Savinskiy, D.V.Yand 'OndrnWdy, , V.I. statistics is not pointed out sufficiently. The authors did not comply with the general directions given by the Statistical Conference in 1954. The task of the publishers is to eliminate all these de- ficiencies in the second edition of the text-book. AVAILABLE% Library of Congress Card 2/2 AUTHOR: Novosellskiy, N. S0712-58-11~14118 TITLEs 244namus of - ZA-Minam (NArodno e khozyayst*o gdroda'Leningrada) A Statistical Collection fStatisticheakly abornik) PERIODICALt Vestnik statistiki, 1958, Nr 11, pp 80-84 (USSR) ABSTRACTs This is a book review of the above mentioned work, published by.the Gonstatizdat in 1957. Card 1/1 IOTOWAKU4.,Y.L., liazhener; KUNIV, T.K., iazhoner: DROZOOT, I.fA.,- id .. nauchw redaictor; EMYSHRYA, G.T., redaictor; LYUDKCVS]rArA. N.L., tekhnicheekly redaktor EBQI141zkg slabs made of orputo fibers] Strottel'Ve plity in orpnickmakago.volokna, Moskva, goes I%d-vo Itt-z7 go stroite. ma,tertalam, 1956. 328 p. (mm 9tio) (Buildim mterWo) Otbors) IRATUWT, A.I.; VIMGRAMV,, N.A.; DUBROVA. G.B.; ICTOW, L.K4; ZORN, S.IF4; VASILtYlT. A.A.; TOrMITIN. A.S.; B=VXTSM. A.1.: PZXAMV. IF.S-.; N.J.; UMIOT. M.N.: LLTA M-Ta.: KWCM, AeTe.; UUCBW, T G.; ZATIWVICNI N.A.; Jowminly, LK.-. GITUTS. S4.; REMCMM: H.S.: ND*Z, L.P., ov* CMGOVAMB9 Sh.K.; ffWMM# A.A.; BOCHAIWAg No?*; GAGIOTIVA, ;.A.; Mff=VA, T.B. Rubinshtelne Grigoril leouldovich; 1891-1959. SOT. torg. 33 no.12:56 D 159. (MRA 13:2) (Rmbinxhtsini, GrIgorli Loonidovich, 1891-1959) 4 -65 Pr--4/PA'-k-/Ps-4/P,-4 MD , J'wLCICE-I':)TO!I NF.: AP50020213 S/0170/6'4/0(,'~010:L2/0054/bO59 AIUMORSs Novasellskiy. 0. YU.; U,4010-7 Va Le T TTIT " 11 . Determining optimum dimensions of radiating ffU41- zhurnO., no, 12, 19641 54-59 -C7TC `AGS: heat transfer, radiation heat tram' r, finned surface, heat ~t temperature distribution was .M', A set of differential equations 1-n heat transfer with radi&tiorl-~ for finned tubes wider hotnn~grnnaous boundair7 conditions. The following -=e -ero; 2~ -adlia-ion :;.OrIS Pre Lmis, i, i:~,3tween fin Pan-' is r '-,q va- -15 -,tin and thare .C-Iec!~ed lcllc-,es s(I(D (D - tube diam- -uBjol for the -uba-fiL ~7 and, at the fir ard -v, I -~n yie'ds Oao Fig. (-)-n Znc' -3 c,' a-~~ a 7'~) +,1A I - a,, I t T, TV The third term on'the left side of dxI Cord +j L 211,45-65 ~CCESSIGN NRx AP5002028 eq,,:,ation is then expanded in powers of &t/T-, and two approximate equations UT :b'.,F~iiiod, one for section 0-1 kzig. !) ani~ one for aection 1-21. Th6sID ntegzated once and ther, solvod ly fol- LhIe sol. of boundary dO 0, a.- -0. OLT)); 0). + (HAN d9 dc w'iere T_,,hr I T P p CT, CTY th and wi thr>ut Ifins. e tio for tem- -~T amperature of tube surface vi Th Gqua ns IiLCCESSIOU N-R~ k?50C2028 t',,e radiant heat t.-nnsfP:- -ati-s. ad, 1 to the ad.L r Lz-zaiafar rate from thw fin surface cotai-ned ,~y E. Wilkins (J. Sac. for lndlX- and Appl. Math., 8, 11-lo. 4, 1.960\ and two curves are constructed, q versus heat flow radiated per ur-dt area fror "fl-n-tube surface) to det-eLine optimim. fin dimensiom. Orig, a;-t. has: '01 fo=l:Llas and 4 figures. It-SOCIaTICIINI noae S-I.-3M=,.ED,. 21Jan64 S'll GODL. W NO RL21 S(X. 000 ENCL: 01 OVER s 003 1WOVOSELiSKIY O.Yu.. UKOWV, V.L. A Determining. optIMM. dimensions for radiating fins Thsh.-fiz. shur. 7 no.12t54-59 D '64 imin 180 SOKOWT, LD.. Elevator t inzhener; f ~f P.I., inzhener. I T-143 for bmilding skyscrapers. Kskh,stroi. 10 n0.10-'16-19.0 '53. (NZ" 6:9) (Notating machinery) DAMUSKIT, 0.1., Inzhoner; NOTOSILISKIT, P.I.. inshoner. - M-475 ad =-W6 vibratim tables. ISW~kh.o ol. 23 no.U.-20-23 N -'56. (an 9:12) (Comrste) (Concrete slabs) NOTOSILISKITI r I.; PITRUITtKIN, L.P. Investigating and establishlog basic paramsUre for vibration tables designed by ths All-%tax letentifte Ressoxch Instituto of Mdldlvg and -Road Construction Yachinery. ftrot. L dar, awhinastr. 2 n'o,'6.-21-28 Je 157, MIA 10:6) (Tibmtors) Novomisur. S., daktor, kand.tekhn.nau1c Industrializing major repairs in wooden dwellings. Zhil.-kon. 1dwse 8 no.3:6-7 158. (MIRA 11:4) Milding, Vooden-Ahintenance &Ad repair) ,jiYfo==, S. A. D04=22 PA 19/49T20 110TOGIMISKI so a Alstgandrovich, 187z-1953,; - NWOYp,,A.K. #prof *,rad,: I - I ~ ~ 0 takhne redo Eftoblma. In demographic and health statletice; selected works] Topro'ey demogrefichaskol I sanitarnot statistiki; ftbrannys protswedeatta. Mookwa, Goa. Iz4-vo mad. ILt-ry, 1958. A4 p. I (MMA 11:12) (RUICAL STATISTICS) (VITAL STATISTICS) BAWM#1011.; YSTBOKMOTg A.I.; KIBMWUT, Ta.D#; KONSTAMPINOT, V.I.; Nal..;'ZOR113. A.Tm.; NIOLAUTO ~LPi A*.-. Off"# B.Fw; STUBF, M.x" red 0121M=9 ~LDt takhredo EPractical obstetrics; selected chapten] Praktichaskoo skusherstvo; Isbrannyaglavy. -Kiev, Gov.ued,1zd-voUWR, 1958, 565p, - (MIRA 12:2) 1. Doystvitellnyy chlen Akadsaii awditainskikh nau SSSR (for Nikolayev). (CBSMRICS) NOVOSE L lTal=-i~z I Y; W T- Leveling of gravity anomalies by correlation and transformation of three-dimensional fieldo into two-dimensional fields. Uch. (MIRA 19:1) zap. Perm. gas. un. no.122:55-58 164, VASIVYEV, A.P.; IVANOV, K.I.; DUSHUTIN, L.S.; .110VOSUISKIY, Yu.A. Study of rock breaking in thermal drilling. Vzryv. delo no.46/3: 79-97 261. (MIRA 15:1) (Boring) KOLLEGOVA, N.A.9 inzh.; LARIONOV, V.D., :Lnzh.; iu-A., irzh. 1-1 ...... Measuring rock pressure with the help of dynamomtric supports. Shakht. stroi. 9 no.2,.,22-23 F.165, (mlma'.4) War AM . . . .... ..- USSR/?am AnirnIs - Swine ROf"Okar Biol.6j'So 6. IZ8$ No 26226 Autha~ r' r. Na iel%307.11- Inst C Ilot Won Titlii, Pattenin of Swine Suriaer in c Siberinn Kolldioz (Latniy 9 ot1cora aft Imikhozo) noy v Orig:Pub Kolkho=OYO Proiz-vo, 19570 No 28-29 AbstractIt Zn the fattening of swine for moat by way.of grzzing on the sown'.1re --on Ihm' fields ssesvanC iAkturd~ co i- and-potrIdes' dverag6 dcAlkJoight tho v I k or~ -po.,-hoicd:,at the':6xpense per: g gln,- ACI,the W:e::~of:Itenavnl.-fr&a posture, Aha: enirials w0i WOM -in. a Ccuire &t 85~.50 Icg. good nect:~66nditlonvith of In:" fattening - quai- ` ctbbage with; im car-bined- silogo a sht 9 groin ~raddition'-of-Ii -kg, of'oobbtied--foodsi the overage we 0 AdW 5 'the daily 4)ight:: 9cin-. pdr hdvd~for 4-nhnth6 ws~A30'g*- at go of '.208 - kg ~or--- a antirot A 01 r:;-1 L-g. of w ght gain. According to the author, the expense in sumer fattening Card 1 1/1 was 2 times loss thnn when fattened in hurdles. NOVOSELITSW. Fedor Ivanovich. pilot aviataii spetsiallnogo primenenlya. Dwelopljzg the wIll. Grashd.ay. 16 no*3:22-23 Nr 159. (MA 12:4) 1. 11~uandlr samoleta An-2. (Aeronautics-Pt7cholcg7) Raremmo of penetrating injuries of the abdosinal region. Mdrurgila, n0-11:64 N '55. (KIRA 9:6) 1. Is kblrmgldnskogo otdolonlys 18tolyanskoy rayonnoy,tol.'altor Hostovskoy oblas-ti. (AMC=--VO= AO MJURM) Farm Lite culturb is growing in the collective fam _vil.laee. Kolkh. proiz., 12, No. 6j, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, October 1953. Unclassified. 5~.-3620 78~92 30-3-46/69 SOV/79 - AUTHORS:, Danilova, T. A., Tits-- Skvortsova, I. N.,A4ovoselltsev TITLE: Synthesis and Conversions of ar-/3 - and ac-/3-Tetralyl Phenyl Sulfides Over an Alumina-Silica Catalyst (Symbols ar and ac show that the.sub8t1tu0,nts are in the benzene or in the hexamethylene ring of tet~alin) PERIODICAL:, 30, Nr'3, Zhurnal obshchey khtmil, 1960, Vol . pp 962-966 (USSR) ABSTRACT:' In CGnnection,with previous studies.(I. N. Tits+ Skvortsova, S. Ya. Levina, A. I. Leonova, Ye. A. Karaseva, Uch. Zap., MGU, 132, 254, 1950,and others), two n ew sulfides of tetralin series were synthesized, and their conversions.over an alumina-silica catalyst 0 --at 390 Were-studied. This work was ubdertaken,in order to prove the mutually weakening effect of one tetralin ring on the sulfur bond',In the second tetral-in ring. -C ard 1/4 Synthesis and Conversions of ar- and, .78292 er an ac _Tetralyl Phenyl Sulfides SOV/79-30-3-46/69 ~.Alumina-Stlica Catal~st S-C3 crs-c> (a), ar-)9 -tetralyl phenyl sulfide; (b) ac-/9-tetralyl sulfide; (c) diphenyl sulfide; (d) cyclohexyl sulfide ar-/3 -Tetralyl-phenyl sulft,de (65%), light-yellow liquid, bp 189-190o (5 mm), n20 1.6338, d20 1.1177, D 4 was-obtained as follows: Add ar-43-thlotetralol to alcoholic KOH (at 70-750); then add' by small por- tions phenyldiazonium chloride solution; heat the Card.2/4. mixture.on.a. water bath untUthe evolution of N 2 Synthesis and Conve 'rsions of ar-/3 - and. 78292 Zc-/3 -Tetralyl Phenyl Sulfides Over an SOV/79-30-3-46/69 ~~.Alumlna-Stlica Catalyst cease's extract with ether, and distill over metallic Na under vacuum. ac. -Tetralyl phenyl sulfide 0 20 20 E)p T84.5-185.5 (3 mm), nD 1.6229, d4 1.1263, was obtained by the general meth -bd for mixed sulfides (F-Kru'lger, J. Pr. Ch., (2), 14J 2o6; 18'T6). Analysis of. the,products of catalytic conversion of ar- /3-tetralyl 0 ~.Phenyl sulfide over alumina-silicacatalyst at 300 , show that*the conversion proceeds according -to the assumed ~scheme: S - + C>_S11 It-, was found-that the conversion of ac- tetralyl Po e agsumed :phenyl sulfide also proceeds according. o th scheme: Card '3/4 *nthesis and-Conversions of ar- and 78292 ac- "Tetra,1yl--Phenyl.Su' PVe r. an SOV/79-30-3 46/69 -Alumina-311 lea Catal~ 't ys (2) Thus,~Jt was proved that the tetralin hexamethylene ring.has a weakening effect-on the sulfur bond with 'the-eromatic ring. There are 2 tables; and 13 re- ferences, 2 U.S , 1 U.K., 4 German, 6 Soviet. The U.S. and U.K. r~ferences,are: F. D. Rossini, Selected Valuebof Physical and Thermodynamic Propertie s of :.Hydrocarbons and Related~Compounds (1953); H. I. Waterman, H. H. 0.. Span, Booy H., van Nesk, J. Inst. Petrol---, 36, Nr~3170 281 (1950);! W. Karo, R. L. McLaughlin, H. F. Nipsher,.J., Am. Chem. Soc., M 32,33 (1953). .ASSOCIATION: ',,'Moscow State Univers'Ity (Moskovskly gosudarstvennyy universitet) ,SUBMITTED: 'March 30, 1959 Card 4/4 SUBJECTs USSR/Welding 135-1-7/14 AUTHORSs Orlov, B.D.# CandIdate of Technical ScIenceal Shavyria. T.N., Engine*rl and Novoselfteov, N.A., Engineer. TITLEt X-ray inspection of spot-weld joint* In high-strength aluminum alloys. (Rentgonovskiy kontrolluslov LZ vysokoprocheykh alunini- yevykh splamov, evarivayseykh tochkami). PERIODICAL: "Byarochnoye Proizvodstvo", 1957, # 1, pp 20-24. (USSR). ABSTRACTs The arUdle contains general Information of X-ray Inspecting, and I-ray'photograph reading In aircraft building. As an ad- vaneed welding machine design of Soviet wak* there to mentiuned the mw n-type (ITIP-type) t with stabillsed welding Impulses and considerably stabilized electrode pressureg which Improve@ the quality of welds. The article contains 9 photographs, I drawing, 2 tables, and 8 references - two of which are Russian. INSTITUTIONs Not stated. PRESENT&D By a SUBMITTEN AVAILABLEs At the Library of Congress. card 1/1 AUTHORS: TITLE: SOV-135-58-2-4/18 Orlov, B.D., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Shavyrin, V.Y., and Vovoselltsev, N.A.$ Engineers On the Strength of Spot Welded Joints of D16AT Alloys (0 prochnosti. soyedinaniy iz splava D16AT, vypolnennykh to- chechnoy avarkoy) PERIODICAL.-, Svarochnoye proizvodstvo, 1958, Nr 2, PP 14 - 18 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Tests under different loads were carried out on weld and Card 1/2 riveted joints of duraluminum and the following conclusions were made: a) shearing strength under static load of weld joints is higher than of analogous riveted joints, whereas tearing strength of weld joints is lower; b) shearing strength of profile sections joined to sheets is about 25 % higher than strength of sheets joined to sheets; a) fatigue'resist- ance of weld joints is almost similar to that of riveted joints and is lower under repeated static load; d) equal strength can be obtained by increased number of spots in the joint. Cold hardening wan confirmadby Candidate of I On the Strength of Spot Welded Joints of D16AT Alloys SOV-135-58-2-4/16 Technical Sciences N. Kh.Apdreye-y,to increase strength of -weld joints. There are 4 tables, 3 photos, 9 diagrams, 6 graphs and 4 references, 1 of which is Soviet, 1 German, and 2 English. Card 2/2 1. Welded Joints-PhysicaI properties NOVOSEL'- Al- , N. N. w Cand Red Sci - (diss) "Variability of brucellae and bect-eriolog- ical diagnostics of brucellosis." Rostov-na-Don, 1961. 15 PP; (Ministry of Public Health RSFSR, Rostov-na-Don State Medical Inst); 300 copies; price not given; (KL, 6-61 sup, 239) KANCHUKHt A.A.; LOSEVA, N.L.; NOVOSELITSEV, U.N.; KOLIESNIKOVA, L.I.; I. GUBAREV, Ye.M. [Hubare~vj~,-.Tt']`[&i'~. Distribution of catalase in fractions of soluble plague microbe antigens. Ukr. biokhlim. zhur. 35 no.5,.700-708 163. (MMA 17:5) 1. Rostovskiy-na-Donu nauchno-issledovatellskiy proVvochumnyy inatitut. 5,70-45 9K(1)1ZWA(JVE"(b)-2 RO k~xvssioff NR- u)r>o1e,6o4 n/021 9/64/058/012/0066/0-C-170 AUTHOR, KancbWcb, A.-A.; Noroselltsey, N. N.; Nikolaqeva, V. 1. CPAj- 'ITLE: Resictance to __Rjrqqike tc~~ini caused by repested ino-ulations in white mice R: F, :Byullefen' eksperimental'noy biologii i meditainy, v. 58, no. 12, 1964, 7r; "nl'TC TAGS, immnalogy, taxicoloV, bacterial disease, experiment anitnal 'rhe article treata chang*-n it, the, munceptibility of white ~~i~77 ACT rmice to repeated inocuiation of plftgue ~.oiin it) inct-f--tiaing dosea. Begin- ~ii:,g with a 0.6 LD,50 done, the unice, Wet'41 ITIoculated each day with succen- doubled domea. After five inoculations, the mice were divided into i),. dnilr irnrrn-m r,F innetilation. and tho On A LoLa I a I L V4V UV IF 56570-65 iCCF-SST(W NR: "5018604 mice aurvived the 10th dose. The interyal bet-ween inoculations had no Pa2ential effect on the results, but after the 6th dose, the aecond group 3 days) showed a higher resistance Oan the first group. Blood irc.m the 12 surviving mice w%8 subjected to the pa&aive hemagrlutination I -- I.- A~+.'4 -fihMdiP-'R t-n n1rityup trizin. ~n two micp no antibodipm (Ros-.ov on Don Scientific Research Antiplajpie Institute) sui3?ovrm- o9oct63 M L 00 SUB CODE: LS NR REF BOV: 005 OTR'ER* 007 im 212 M. v GATRILOT. T.H., Inzhensr; NOTOULITS&T. N.V., inzhener. Initial results of working according to continuous work schedule In lumber camps. Kakh.trad.rab.9 no.1:39-41 Jk-r 154. (PT-2A 7:2; (Lumbering) N4NWBLlTSV, N.Y.. Inshener. 1000~~, - ~-- ~ ~-- 1 4-- 1 Methods for lowering labor consumption In tree fslliag.,Kekhtrada~ rab,10 no*10-.30~32 0 156, (NLRA lotl) (UnbarinC-Aaahtneivy) (Tree falling) ROW. L.T.iksnd. teki~z. nauk: inzh. Nothods of Iscrossirg labor productivity In lumbering. Roth, trud., rob. 121so. 7:6-9 JI 958. (KIRA 11:7) (Lumbering) KALUTSKIY, K.K.;.NOVOSELITSEV. N.V., nauchn. red.; KARAVASHKIN, S.I.0 [Planning cutting operations for the conditions of northern Kazakhstan] Skhemy osvoeniia lesosek v usloviiakh Severnogo Kavkaza. Moskva, TSentr. nauchno-issl. in-t informatsii i tekbniko-ekon. isaledovanii po lesnoi# tselliulozno- bumazhnoip derevoobrabatyvaiushchei promyubla i lesnomu khoz., 1963. 18 p. (MIRA 17:10) MROJAYATNIKOV, Sergey Arkadlyt 1,asozagotovk-1; F-soble [Lumbering; L%nual for a foremani d1la mastem, lzd,2., ispr. i parer. Moskvap Lesnaia pvn.- myaldannoBtl, 1964. 245 p (MIRA govosalluv, P.G. lbcbmdeal rejecting machine, Oba. tokho opyt. EMLPI uo,ll: 17-18 136. (MIRA llill) (Textile machinery) TASPSW, R.I., inzh.; NPVOSZLITSN, P.I., iazh. GT- 1 hyAraulle brakes for electric minfj locomotives. Ugoll Mr. 3 no.6:37-38 Je 159. (14M 12:11) (Blectric locomotivas-Brakes) NOVOSF.L'TWU-s-P,L4, L.F.; LIPATGVv N.I.r red.; SMGEMLv K.Lt t~~. redo fam sconoudcal NskotoM vopmiq, ek==M kolWOWT; statei. Garl.kiit Gortk*vffkios knisboas ind-vos 1961a 105,p, (NMA IAIS) (Gork:iy ProTin"-Zollective farms--Fineme) [-ACC Ms-A~~jj8d SOURCE CODE: ~7HjdV1_3f66jAW/6l_ 7 INMEUTORS-. Tiklivinskaya, M. Yu.; Shishkova,, L. F.I_Novoselftsevj, Po M.~ I.; Teponitsina,, Yet P. Farberovs ORG.- j2one 2 TITLE: A method for obtaining synthetic resins. Class 39, No. 182887 fainnounced by All-Union Scientific Research and Construction Engineering Institute for Asbestos Technical Products, and Yaroslavl Technological Institute (Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatollskiy i konstruktorsko-tekhnologichaskiy inatitut asbestovykh tekhnicheskikh izdeliy i Yaroslavskiy tekhnologichaskiy institutF SOURCE: Izobretoniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 12, 1966, 85-86 TOPIC TAGS: resin, synthetic material, phenol, formaldehyde, aster ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate presents a method for obtaining synthetic resin by condensing phenols with chlorinated common aster. , The product is subsequently treated with formaldehyde or its components in the presence of:-a bass. To impart thermal stability, mechanical strength, and elasticity.`to the .#oducts made of this resin, bis-(chlormothyl)-diphanyl aster is used asth4 ester,- SUB CODE.- U/ SM14 MTEs 06Ju164 SHISHKIN# ReFov-doktor tekhn. nauk; 'GORYUNOV, Yu.l.; KAYMAKOV, A.A.; BEZDEIIEZHWfKH,- A.G.- NOVOSE-LITSEV. R.K.: PECHENIN V.S., kand. takhn. nauk Area using penumatic energy In coal mineoi Using electric power In coal mines, Ugoll 46 no.4tl,4-18 Ap 465. (MMA 18:5) 1. Institut gornogo dela im. A.A. Skochinskogo (for Shishkift). 2. Glavnyy energetik kombinata Kuzbassugoll (for Goryunov).r ' 3. Vostachnyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut po bezopasnosti rabot v gornoy provqsblennosti (for Kaymakov, Bezdenezbnykh, Novoselltsev). 4. Kemerovskiy gornyy institut (for Pechenin). MOTOSELITSIT, To; LOPATIN. Go Now type engine ~ Za rul. 1l+ no.5:ZO Ag 156,, (MLRA 10: 1) (Great Britain-Sagin4s) S110316010211051031013 BOO?/Boll AUTHOR: .~Novoselltsev, V. N. (Moscow) TITLE: Optimum Process in a Second-order Pulse Rela~ System PERIODICAL: kvtomatika i telemekbanika, 1960, Vol. 21, No. 5, PP. 569 - 574 TEXT: A sistem of finite-difference equations of the 2nd order is in- vestigated here. It describes the motion of a point in a plane,,and is expressed by formula (5). The behavior of the point is investigated under the limitation = const, formula (6). u is the acceleration jukj of the point (control quantity), k=O, 11 coo The law of controliing u 01 k is determined in this pulse relay system. This law allows the initial point (x0, yo) to coincide within the smallest possible number of steps with theorigin of.coordinates o f the phase space. Time and control value are discrete. The problem, solved here, of optimum control in a system with equations belongs to the simple theoretical numerical Card 1/3 V C Optimum Process in a.Becond-order Pule* 3/103/60/021/05/03/013 Relay System B007/BO11 tasks. It is solved as follows; First, one finds the optimum law for the control.of the initial points of the (n2, 0) type. Results from the pa- per by N. N. Krasovskiy (Ref- 3) are used here. The formulas for the 0 step number e and for the law of control of (U ~ are directly found. The optimum control is then set up for all integral points of the x-axis, x> 0. It is shown in this connection that the optimum trajectories den- bely fill up t he region of the plane (x, y), with this being determined by 0/,-x4l/?- y(y-1), y,O or x