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IIJIUAt-N, A ' . , "E. jjlAll- , A.A. .. 'Gi , % . -s of the worj( Deriad of the 14-k-btaly ~ ~. u 1 .1 td. E:.- ---- :4 *A,)i- . rid-, '~, rzo.l-' -3-13 ~tA 14:10) (;joviet -.ontrad Asia-MeteoroloU) DZHOMIIIG, V.; FEIROSM"I.3, M.; RMANOV, N.; DZHURAYEV, A-; BURKOVA, V.; ITELSHYIN, A. Prognostic weather c,,.ai*ts. Qrazhd. av. 1'.f nc,.4:.-Ii AF '-- . 1%mll"C 1'.., (Metearoiof7y in aeronautics) MOROZOVA, M.I.; PETROSYANITS, M.A.; CFMNYSHEVA, O.N. 14)an wind field above m,.untain afatema of Central Asia. Trudi Inst. mat. AN 'Jz. 33R nn-,~51~,~-44 162. ()CFLA 16;8) (AoI4, Central-Winds) ACCESS WN NR. AT4030523 S/0000/63/000/000/00014/0024 Aij'- HOR.. Burkova, M. V . ; Dzhordzli;o, V. A. Dzhurayev, A. D. Naushki ri, A. I Pet rosyarit s . M. A. ; Ai~manov , N. N. Etw), Z G. F': S,-e roskilts of a study or -,urbkilence experienced by TU-104 aircraft aiong 'ashKerit-mnscow air route .~ .. (.i . (m f v r e n t % . 'i,i Iv t eo ro o,j Mo s r r oine t ef) i d r.i t i qj h - Ti, n. s .1 T o' 01+ a i r c ra t: ~~kj rr (W !~'3 t r rw r ni o,i t t tit- per I a k j L w fill, and ej - W, nt '3-(~ i ain o r n u r, e 2 48 1 (1 h t ~9 The fliost a pa, r i i e iric ion of a s,:,3:e of ntensltv of turbulence for t ne 5 ca 16 1 a morpholo(3; cal classification of turo,) lence for the Tt)- j OL6 as 51.5 , and a genetic classi fication of turbulence for the TU-104 (14 classes, wi *"~ Marly sub-classes). Each of the units of the morphological and genetic classificat;ons er,', de~cj;hed ful ly. it is emphasized that Lhe character of turbuienc~ eA.)er,eOCF_IO ACCESSION NR: AT4030523 is dependent on the type of aircraft; for example, the cnqine~, of the -U-101# jrv C lose together and the enqlnw~ of the IL-18 are far apalt, so (11M 11'1~w 0 t v ( I,]-, ~'I f i ( . I t i f, ( I a 1) 1) r t 11, Yiate for TO-101; turbulence are applicable to tic or oth-r ai rcrai L I t i - stressed that '' lowei'' wrbtj ;ence differs ~1,,)T e 7' 1 j f hi, i onr e "~- 0 -1-1 '1(1~1 'Ibove) [-ovwr t1ir o i, e r, C alw.)Yr) 1" J') 'p, ';f a 5 ~A I'lot t j 'j d I )r rT;l I e nr e r ec n a r t n i n (:c)n(, iLi i on ri n,, 'do r I d A r~ nw~ S t ri S cont rad i c C; ty , 1959) 1 t)at suct) re~j i i)ns jo nijt exi s t . T!ic -.ost, danjerou, 'ny, s ; t u a t i on s are discussed. 7u rbu leccc at tou tropopause i s rarely str,,'~-,; r (?rce under the tropopause is encountered more frequently than above it. Tu rbu 1 ence conditions In various cloud genera and species are described. Orig. art. has: 3 tables. Card 2/3 IA' 'Ie .- I AN" I !, . i . , I ~,, , .` I " I I . I . .- -I.. I 1- -1 ... - - . I MR --a 7- . ; .,,' 17 --) - . , - , - i '' . I . :;, - ~, I , :, , I .; r'.1 , ! , 1~ ,,~ ,, 1, . ACCESSION NR: AT4012397 AUMOR: Pecrosyants, M. A. S/2648/63/000/OIS/0013/0025 T17LE: Variability of the wind over the mountainous regions of Central Asia ~RQURCE: Tashkenc. Srednenziarskiv nauchno-inaledovatel'skiy gidrometeorologi- cheskiy in6titut. Trudy*, no. 15, 1963, 13-25 TOPIC TAGS: wind, wind variability, wind velocity, convection current, atmosphere, free atmosphere, atmospheric circulation, meteorology ABSTRACT: The article describes the results of balloon observations made at a number of stations on three acrological expeditions in 1956-1958. The varia- bility of the wind was considered for the atmospheric layers at 1.5-4, 5-7, and 8-12km above sea level, as well as at 2, 3-6, and 6-10 km over the station. The results characterize all three layers of the atmosphere over mountains: the layer of local circulations, the layer of friction, and the layer of the free mountain atmosphere. Roughly speaking, the 5-6 km altitude above sea level is in the layer of friction, and 7 km is its upper limit, Over the earth's surface, the 6 km altitude is in the free atmosphere. The occurrence of any type of local wind depends on the synoptic process developing over a large area. The velocity Card 1/3 ACCESSION ',IIR: AT4012397 and direction of the winJ, however, are determined to a considerable degree by t"-.e character of the mountain relief. Consequently, closely situated valleys and ravines can have different structural characteristics and different winds. Valleys situated far away from each other can have analogous structures and similar wind regions. The layer of friction occupies the space between the average height of the ridges up to the level where the wind velocity over mountains and valleys remains the same. This layer, passing over mountainous regions, acquires irregularities which are strengthened by convection currents caused by variable warming of differently oriented sides of mountains. It is concluded that the spatial variability of wind velocity differences increases with altitude. 7he character of the variability depends on the peculiarities of the mountain relief at the location of the station. For pairs of stations, located in different orographic conditions, the closest values of the variability of wind velocity differences are observed in the layer of friction. The intensity of local cir- culations depends on the height of mountain ridles above the station. The diminution of vertical sizes of atmosphere over large plateaus and ridges occurs at the expense of intensity of the layer of local circulations and, possibly, of C.,d 213 ACCESSION NR: AT4012397 the layer of friction. In the layer, and in the mountain free atmosphere, the largest values of the horizontal derivative of wind velocity is obser-ved over mountain ridges, particularly between high and low stations. The smallest values are observed over large ravines. Orig. art. has: 5 tables, 6 formulas, and 3 figurea. ASSOCIATION: Sredneaziatakiylnauchno-issiedovatel'skiy gidrometeorologicheskiy inscitut, Tashkent (Central Asian Scienti"ic-Research Hydrometeorological Institute) SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ: 20Feb64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: ES NO REF SOV: 014 OTHER: 000 Card 3/3 ACCE5SION NR: AT4012400 S/2G48/63/000/015/0041/004", AUT11011: Gerasina, S.A.; PeLrosyant.,,, M. A.. Romaiiov, N. N. ; Chany*sn.,%,t, -S. G '"'Fl" -1-': Tho interacLion of mountain-ralley circulat.ion8 of two valleys separated by a Inuunt;IIII pasli ~~T:Rt'E: --Ls. -'ent. i;.suLut. Trudy*, nu. 15, !~jt',3, 41-;-, TO'PIC T,\(,S: meteorology, wind, moti;.Li,n winij, valley wind, mounLain va.,;t-, circu;atio.,, apnospi-,eric t~trbulence, foehn, air carrent ABSTRACT : In ~ug-Gst and Septembor )1 1 ar, oxpedit~on was sent Lo t" .6ass =d Susarny*r v.Llieys by Lhe Instittit niat-eniatiki i nw",, in;ki AIN Uzb&iR jnst,t Ic f Mathematics an d Mec~.a-nics) zuid the Tashkentskaya cdovatel'skaya geolizi, observa- toriya (rashkent Scientific Research Geophysik-.,, t ;.-,t!rvatory) to Study tht m,,kinLain- valley circulaLion and the air currents over mountainous repons. Four observataon points were situated in tI-e Talass valley, and one in the Susamy*r valley. Along with visual obser-va- tions, obser-vations were made by mean8 of balloons and metereological instruments, and at Card 1/4 ACCESSION N4-R: AT,1012400 Lwo points, radio-sounding was Situated in the NVOSLcrn ': ia.11-Snauo -a-,d run more or less from Ea.-,t Lo West. Thv Taiass valley is longer, wider a-nd deeper Lile Susamy*r valley. The ohsvi-vations pr-,,ved Uiat at night and during tht, morning ;.,wr6, t;,,oro a-re autonoinolis ajid -)mj)Io.tCj-y circulations uIllouch,,d ))y processes iv, the upper part.,; of i),Itl, vit"leys. MounLain winds appea-r around 10 11. M., and ~)ot,,ve4-n )-ji) A. M. art. rt.;); iced hy v.k:",-y ,vinds. A', 10A. M. or sometimes It noon, Lricrr- interaction of rcuiations iri tio, upper pai-L.,, A Llit, va'' Practicaliy no tl.c T;Llass va;1ey, mounLLin winds i,it)w at i,i~~ht and in the morning while va-ey kvmds It iov,-. From noor, at 2 P. M. the ilow from the Talass valley is riot strong onough ,o ,;.,n-,, ;,ir tA) the SUsamy*r va~,( After no-a the vdley circulation of thf, pper gio -y. U re 01 Susalily*r Is repIliced by Lnd Win(IS. T110tit' LrV C;Glt i,,Lve thoir peculia-ritics. They ;it a cerLun altitude a-nd Uh,-n drop *t) ,;Lrti., riul)rl and 2 P. M. t1h.-y blow over Iiie vory 1),Atom Of the valley. T~w rnur- lurce ar.11 in',cmLy Uiar) Uiv vailey "ind, i;.d has a g-uhty sLrL.( vk.,oc;ties 6etNvecri 2 and 6 P. M. and disappeaxs aitcr Io P. M. T`W 0, lie W1,116S CILII Oe CNAwned by Uie fullowirg fAcLs: (1) Since Lhe Talass valley is lunger zi-nd wider than the Susamy*r valley, the valley-w-inds of the former should be much, I Card 21/4 ACCESSION XR: AT4012,100 The inass of iur o1 Uw v;i:I.-v (-it-, ulatik)n is much kreater than it-, I n (i s 0 f U I c Ta; as s val, u) I f, r va, (.Y. furc, Uiv AlincLit' L W VOit,, -t~s (A L.w Mount.iiin-pass wind it-re ~~I va',,T Valley. ('-~ I . L!,,c val:cy %%ind at a T,,.is is, apparent.1y, L'-.e ~1 1-e vallw, In I :,,rcekl xllwx C -'e r i% W I f. " I- eas c I; i1' 1Io Ot L" n U. (I I !' In iLX 1111 i. n-, L I ;,In- t~.4- -,h Vi Lht. 11,11"';-, 'A 11, S , -f wir,t often k) I,-, c I, L;, L, 01 *,~o (I,)xi:-U,,t v;1A L.It. According 'o, vitL-j, k11. i('j -~X I',. it-, daytin-o-, U ;n- 1- Od i) It IS I, U,A', 'L;'..6 s',ould bo incrk,,ise%. ~,n,;,.ig I a~ s 6 in ('011.1it,kiUctict', it inurv )I, ,istinct foe~tn el"k--c L I I. -p pe r p 1Lr t o I. c)) Ve:-l"".- Lre i~so -ebt -e ~ur Uie ex- t!"., S"sw-ny'r can bO f'.Xj)ec1,*,1 isLence of mounUdn-pass wincis %virach play a.;, role in Lhe of -,urbidity from lower regions to mountainous terrains. Orig. art.. has: I figure and 2 Libles. Card 3/4 ACCEI,'-~SION N-R: AT4012400 ASSOC~ATION: Sredneazlatskiy instiLut, Tashkent kCunLral Asian Scientific R(!ho;vcii Institute for IlydromeLt-orology) S'~; BMITT E' D. 0 0 DAT E ACQ -. 20 Feb 64 E,'N'Cl,: 00 S~;B CODL-,: ES NO REF SOV: o0o OTHER: u"o ~:Oro .*,"' 8/3068/63/000/003/0168/0189 1102; Dzhordzhio, V. A.; Roleanikova, V. N. ; Patrosy"ta, M. A. TITLE. ToLaperature and huaidity fluctuations on the Fedchenko glacier duria., different wind regimes SOU~'-CE: XN SSSR. Institat geografii. Mwzhduved. -,cofiz. konatet. Issledovaniya le(iaikov i led-aikovy*kh rayoaov, no. 3, 1963, 166-169 TOPIC TAGS: Lieteorology, air temperature, air humidity, wind, glacier, local L~eteorolojical phenomenon, foehn wind, katabatic wind ALIS',"XLCT: The value of hy-,rogams and thermograzs in facilitating synoptic aaalysea oa t~ie ~'edciie._'-u glacier is explained. Auto"tic instrumeats were act up at LedailL FudcLeiko-II station on the lover part of t,ie glacier and Lednik Vitkovskiy statica o" tae upper part of the glL,ier. Part I describes in detail the wind ~;L~rucLurc on the upper part of the gla,~ier; Part II describes the wind structure ua tbe lou-er part of tao -glacier. Uy;,,ro,~ramcs and thermogroas for the period Noveii.ber 1957 - August 1958 were analyzed. Citing a considerable nuzber of parti- cular uy"optic situations, accocipanied by illustrative hygrograw and thermograns, the authors dezzonstrate that the wind on the glacier has a characteristic structure at,~hel~me of tropical and cold intrusions and that mountain-valley and katabatic- La d 2 ACCaSSION NR: A24010959 fochn winds in calm weather similarly possess a typical structure. Mechanis=s in- ducing turaidity and temperature fluctuations and wind development on the glacior are discussed. Orig. axt. has: 13 figures. ASSOCUTION: INSTITUT GEOGRAFII AN SSSR (Institute of Geography k'T SSSR) SM41TTED: 00 DATE ACQ: Mar6li ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: AS NO ILEF SOV: 000 0 : 000 CQrd 212 S F Eli 3 Kr" z -Z.P- I na u A P ro f 13F- USOV S. L kmiL f-'z.-mat. ria"; . .... AVY D(, A A. k JKAYA, A. F A. A. ',A, A. J V' A..'.; A. A::'. , ,' ; El ':~KA A, ,A: b1: A . ; retstinzent; SIDENIO, i-, PT" CV . . . ~ . -7 11 * ..,, k~ j,, , rili J, SAGATOVSKIY L ."v reu. i)r~iATYV0 V.A. ook*,or- p~f- --r- "Ji A 0 Ft.l. I A J. - f , ",A I ;f-. .- r fyi y I., Iv-1 . !: - ; , . V T C 1~ I . . I . . . j i i , t f i j, r!t .I I " , " , - . , It t.:, o.g F,,- I. +~ I I : " . , I- . . : !.!-, I t b , ~- ~ : " - . 1. - I I I . J, . . . I 1 . . . 1, . I . I . . I i-,~ h ::~ * - .*) . . , I I . . i)/i:;T ACC NR, AT6oi'0249 SOURCE COM Ult/5021/64/000/259/0176/Oi79 AUTH3RSt -BilyEklRv, R.; BurkovsL M. V.; Dzhordzhio, V. A.; Dzhurayr-Y, A. D.; Lev-ina, P. Z.; Myalkovokaya, N. id.1 Neushkin? A. I.; Petrooyante, M. A.; F~rvazovaf 1. L.; Romanov, N. N. ORG: none TITLE: Proposal for ',he construction of a map AT 250 to improve the meteorological service for aircraft TU-104, SOURCE: Tashkent. Universitet. Nauchnyye trudy, no. 259, Fizicheskiye nauki, no, 23p 1964. Fizika atmoofery i aviataionnays, meteorologlya (Physics of the atmosphere and aviation meteorology), 176-179 TQPIC TAGSt atmosphere, weather map, weather forecasting, aircraft, meteorology ABSTRAM The necessity for constructing an AT 250 map is pointed out. The author@ note that in the majority of cases, the flight height of the TU-104 aircraft is 10-5 km, a height that corresponds to an absolute topography of 250 millibars. It is argued that very little additional effort would be called for from existing weather forecasting stations for the construction of the AT weather maps since these 250 stations alrea4y routinell broadcast information on AT 200 and ATW ExMples of Card L hI41IjIj-4,o ACC NQi AT6018249 AT 250 maps are given. The maps were conqt-u,tni by interpolating between the data for AT and AT (866 Fig. I). 300 200 0 0 r N It 6 0 T 0 1.. -4 V 0 0 0 0 S4 Lr% 9~4 CIj 4~ V 41 0 A ,,o a, I C'N - W 14 41 L 6 __ _ __ _ ACC NN AT6oie249 From Card 2/3 It is mentioned that the World Meteorological Organization also recomends a regular construction of AT 250 maps. Orig. art. has t 2 graph@. L5UB CODEj 04/ SUBM DATHe none -Card 3/3 1 45512-66 E-,T (d )A ~'a (m)/ENP (h)/T-2/E',VP (w) UP (0 EM ACC NRa AT6018248 "01JAGE, Ult/)O"I/(v./ooo/25",/,-,lj5/0167 AUMCRb: Burkova.. 11-1. V.; 1-jorasina, -~. A.; .-1Z."-r~z'-'iO1-V. A.; D&'Urayrfvp A. A).; 7 I.; Neuahkin, A. Petrunyant.3, ~-'. A.; Ubaydullayova, I.; k-)manov I T. ORG: none 7471"LE: Some statistLcal inta on '-no hir-o-; oC aircraft Scuiic'E' : ~a3hkorit. Univ,.)r:;; tot. iaukl, no. 13, 196.'.. Fizik.-i atmosfcry i ~'otiya kPhysics of tho atmosphere and aviation metoorolof~y), 163-1i)7 "A,],", :aircraft, ~inj .~~ro statirtic ar.;i'l-,,313, moteor- oloCic observation / TU-10/. aircr:ift, 17L-1~ %ircrifi. Aa:'l-.`~A0 -he rosulto or a~,ou% j c -~ -il roi;c-irch w a ircraf t T and a 3ma-Lor number of W';'.ii i~lrc.-aft aro :',,.o rou',as wore ashkent to Novosibirsk, Ta7~,*nkrjn, to ".Lraferopoil. Three roblom,3 are considered: the coririit~',)n.-,s function oil wind velocity, ~ a p of wind direction, and of tho awle between ,,ho fuzolage of %ho aircraft and the wind vactor. It is found that thore is no :;'.atintical confij-ma~y n for tha hyprth- esis that there is a genetic relationship betwoon a !jtrong bump~ind zones of moderate gales. In the zones of winds with a southern component, a strong bump is observed .Card 1/2 L 45512-66 ACC NRi AT6018248 0. approximately five times more froquently %hnn in wind3 vith a northern componont. The popular hypothonis that the probabiLity rf encountering a bump zone i's greater in flights where the angles to the air ntroan are great is refuted krj the data obtained. Orig. art. has: 3 tablea. SUB CODEt 04, Ol/ SUBM DAM none/ ORIG RZT., 001 h9 Card 2/2 L 45507-66. IT (1 GIV ACI- NR. A- 60 5 0 E ur ko va A.; A. A. Petr-osyan s. M._A.; Romanov, N. N. none A proposal for a mu~Li-rou%fj sy3~w-, t.-,e -,150 -)f Lrod:7.3 n,r",u -,0. F4,zichos,4iyo nai,c-, no. 23, 1964. Fiz-.*ka atmosfei-i i aviats.-)nr~iya a P,-iys.cs -,f tno a--.-.osp,*-,ere cind aviation meteorology), 130-1M CL, rcraft, T jet stream, moLeorolo~'.c D~Jsorva~-4-)n, wf3a..-ior =p. a, Isobar 76-104 aircraft R.A,: T : A Z"LL t i -rou L'I S j s '.0.,-, for a w-: tro 1S a ij' , ',-~a:%S proposed on tne bas 13 cf mo'.oor-jI c and o.hor rou~.cjj. "."i a wo r k via -3 T) r')... r) t 'n, C) 7- 0.1 t c a t Streams oi-, tho flyini,, Limo beLvIOIJI. Z.Ion a*~ certatn tl-mes or, va.--~,us propos(is 'ho iso s*-,l,,:,,7: slor, of tho g-round ra iar ne!,work.,i ~',oblac-~ions to the plan and fli.;?h,. 'et 7.ra.= are Card (v GI/ U~~ ., j 0 ~ ~', -.~ : I ACC NR. AT6oia240 SOUR -'E NU~': UR/3021/64/000/259/00 76/0087 AUTHORS: Medvedeva, 1. F.: Pq~tggpZ~n~tsM. A.; Romariov, N. N. ORG: none - TITU: A rare caae of cyclog;,~nesiii over Tyan'-Shan' SOURCE: Tashkent. Univeraitet. Nauf-hziyyp trud~r, no. 21,9. Fizichenkiye no. 23, 1964. Fizika atmonfery i aviatelonnaya meteorolog-tya (FtAyoice of the atmosphere and aviation meteorology), 76-67 TOPi~ TA,35: itmosph-:c, ilz.)! j,,wr!- phPw T- ""r,F, w -,a th e r- rra p PA' p (' I /') -f 1).r ") k ; AB ~-, FA -~ :An linusun J ~,o r, i.- 'Iif~ a i tri,, r 9 t 7-1' 1) - y ~Ionr~ i7li' ti "L-1:1, I a kr'avy ~'n('w fa, low, d '1Y sk irir ra: !i-! devf~lopinent of t r- ;idvu(:t.,,,e 111:tiL :Ii tlw Mt/1.11 !'LI.' v.!~ It ILI,, -v, as mberf, ()f ~i mk, ~.,o; f T y n )~ t:,, n' -Y : i "Ti e i f3 t ru -d r -jul -)n J'Y 4# L w y~ IJI j"!'. IP; !"tjj c,qO C ACC ~JP V I Fig. 1. Collective map for the axea of the chief global high frontal zonen for the period 11-15 MaY 1962. Card 213 ACC NR, AT6ol8240 Corci ' A ' - -A. F 01 M, gas: 99 .41 7_1 i;.: IL X~ ilk k5s ~wg !0f. j~ I lm~ 212 41 .44110 Iv: 'CIA. Ot Duratift, of', n peruodle: Vt Jilt Irtrowt un. MCI let atreent 4rul frontji:~~- pal 'Ximtr: 6- subt, r Noo I.:_ -Anstltft,~; Geritria Asian Sclontific ReBea=h I&Mteoroiggical rnatitute) ?HTH(iSYANIT: , "".A., kar, :. f Aerovis;,al r December -I and 3 Y i, *. e 1- .,1 165. 1. Srednea7latskiy ,~heskiy L 11215-67 Fdr(!)__ GW 'ACC NE-AR6016947 SOURCE CODBI UR/0169/65/000/012,1'00.~-~~-6i~7 AUMIOR: Petrosyants, M,A.; Subbotina, 0 1,; Otaffsheva, S. G, 13 1; t TITLE: The influence of Central Asia orography upon the average temperature field SOURCE: Ref. zh. Geofizika, Abs. 12B163 REP SOURCE: Tr. Sredneaz. n.-i._gid-rometeorol. In-ta, VYp. 2005), IQ65, 158-171 TOPIC TAGS: atmospheric temperature, orography (~j- ii t r A 1 An i a ABSTRACT: The influence of Central Asia or,)f,.raphy upon he Av-ragr trznVeTA*1'.-f- f-ld at various seasons was studied by comparing the averare rr-riclional in,l latitutlitial vertiral sections of the ti-triperaturr fi--Id tor cart_ Apr., '1.L iif,, (-~ ,1 1), 1 "f) ( the crossections of tempe ra ture di f ( e re nces ove r moun t ai ns and ove r j) i ai ns r a the t than the actual temperaturr fiplri are presented). It is nece.,;sary t,,) cjj,~ti"f,,!iqh het- ween large scale influence of the inouritain sy3tvms ut,on the t-inv. lipl t"Ie influences, in the summer, the mountain sy,;tems are large acal,- tie a t S 1) u I and therefore the temp. over the mountAsn-ri tip to a height of ') - 6 km ( 1-?, km 111K~Ier than the ridge level) is warmer than ovf.-i t,he plains. Higher, t,ir to the dyris-Aic i,1- fluence of the mountain systems creating a predominance of %.qcrtxJi-q~ currprt3, ~,-,p IA-1 mosphere over the mountains is cooler. In the winter the mountain 9yitems i nr,~~ent large scale cold sources, but the radiational cooling dops not oxtond In givat ~ir'grit and the temp. over mountains is close to the air temperature a-"r the The dqy. Card XZZ 24 1,4j 55_ A L-11215-67 ACC NR1 AR6016947 namic influence of mountain systems at the ridge level i5 insif-nificant tt,r warm-up in the descending currents and the cooling in the ascending currents nutjal:y sate on the averade, Over 7 km, the predominance of ascending currenta lpadn tn a cooler temp. over mountains relative to the plains. In October, the atmosphere over mountains is warmer than over the plains, but the war= layer is thinner th.7- in the summer. In April the atmosphere over mountains is in general warmer than over the plains. The local influence of mountains on the temperature field depends significan- tly upon the form of the surrounding relief. [Translation of abatractl. StM CODEs 04'f09 jb ,., . I . . 1. 1 ''. . ; f -~- .1 1 . .-I. I. ; " , :,, , '. I . I . . I 11 . I ". ." .. " ! V - " ", - - . .. : , ~ ~~ - .,. I.: .. , ". j. , .., . .,. .-, ('.I. - . I r tyl. * ; 1 S ; ... ~ - - . 1. . : ~ I . . . . 7- ;.-, I . . wl . - ~q , ~ . " : : I - - - ... : . r. . 4. "I - , i I ,r. . - 11 1 Q: -, ~ Y , , I I . j , , , . . I I . . ... * . I I - : I . - . . . . . - . ~ . I . I : - A i , M.A.; `Mli fl . ~%A, ,. ~ . ; HAMSHMA, , f %t-~ .y ", -- r, l.ra , A -- a , - , nf- u& ~: - ~ ~ - ,r. , C. e 1,i. '-,. iv f~rvj. - Al . .ti . ! .- " sr , . j, . - c.- ',.- :-. '.rt; a-1 11 5. . 11 VA, Spore.-po I len xes cm f c.r,~ ~c )I, Maeetrichtian !n P Ku-m and mur Dary,, Va "Y' zv. Ch. i 86-9 3 N I~A. V S e 13 C7 r:ry na Nilf tvanoy lr.Ft M, IT, A . . . . I , I . . . p . . . . I i , , , " j . I . .. I . I . : I . '- , i i . I I . . . . . ~ I ., ~ . . . " ! , .- , 1 - I . I . : ~ .1 I - '.' . I . ,.--L - ~ r, '~ - ! , . . I . ~i . I '.e rr - ': , - , I I . t Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal , (jeolo,;iya, PJ57, Nr 7, p 18 US ~; R ) AU YHOR: Petrus 'Yan t sM. M. , Tem i n , L. S TITLE: Lower Cretaceous Deposits in the Southwestern De- pression of the Caucasus (Nizhnemelovye otiozheniyti seves-ozapadnogo I)o,,Aruzheniya Kavkaza) PERIODICAL- Tr. Vijes. neftegaz. n.-L in-t, 11)56, Nr 9, pp 121-138 ABSTRACT: Almost all the Lower Cretaceuus rocks are clastics. Clays are dominant; sandstones and con4lomer,ites are subordinate. Lower Cretaceous sediments, which are several thousand meters thick, accumulated during intense downwarping of a geosynclinal basiii. Geo- synclinal conditions were preserved in the area uf the present southwestern depression of the Caucitsus until Lower, Paleogene. In the northern part of' the region, sedimentary accumulation was accompanied by Card 1/2 several interruptions before the end of early Cretace- I )- i,)") T- )'-t! Lower Cretaceous Deposits iii the Southwe,3torn Depre.4--,LOII Of IYW Cnuca8us (Cont.) ous time. A systemaLic increase in the Lliickneis of' th., younger horizons in a northwesttrly direction %i,is formed principally at the expense of I pper Aptian-Lower Albian rocks. Card 2/2 N. A. yj~roffjjr, PSTROS"YANTS. M.M.; TWIN. L.S. ---- --- -- Mwer Cretareous dormilto of the northwestern dip of the Gnuena in. Tnjdy VNI1 no.9:121-l"38 '56. (KWIA 10:1) (Caucnaus--Geoloj::-,, Strntlgranhic) i,F!,hcsy,vlTSp P.A. G,qntralized tra:~.qportat'on of petroleum proauc~s. Trar.5p. I khran. nefti I nefteprad. nD.5t27-29 'b4. (Mlc~A l71~) 1. Moskovskoye upravleniye Glav-nogo upravleniya Tc, tranr.--,Crlu 1 snabzheniyu rieft.'y-u I nefteproduktami RSFI-R. h A. PETROSYANTS Ys.A. (Odans*) On the qOth birthday of Irladimir Po~trcvich Filatov. Me4.sestra n0-5:20-23 It '55. (KLRA R:6) (BIOGRAPHIES, Filato,y, Vladimir Petrovich) PETROSYAM. Ye. A., knnd. nod. nauk Tiasue theraDy for keratoconuj3. Uch. za-3. UIIIGB 4:240-247 '58. (NI-U 12:6) 1. LTirrainskiy eksperimentallr*ry institut -Iazr*rkh bolezney I tkanavoy ternpil iment nkademilm V.P. Filatova. (COJVTFA--DISFWSFZ) (-ISSUIC FXTRACTS) PETROSYANTS, Ye*A., it-i4hiy -otmdnlk., KYJTAR, V,N,, mlBdshiy nouchn~ry sotrudn!k Ch-nggs In crrbohv~,rate metpboll7m in kernto,7on-us. Oft.zhur. 1~ no-5:292-295 15" OURA 11:10) 1. 1 z T rkr f,, I n s, ~~ n,- o mr, 1 i - ~. n o- 19 F; I ad o-r;i , f, 11 s Ir ,,, r , .'r, !, - - p r I to e r. t n 11 n c,, o instituta glaznykii bolf-7niiy i tk,npvoy tprn-li imeni nkn~p-lkn V.P. FIlnfovA (direktor nrof. Ti.A. N-~ ~'O',PkPYA). (CARHO[O'DRATF Ifl'-A;A( LLSM) ('70RNFA. starahk* nati,,,hny;, Hotnidmik. TQxO-)IaaDOsii3 if the organ of ai,;ht. uft. zizur. -) nr,.6:)71-372 Ir.,9. (KIRA 12: 1) 1. Iz Ukraintocogo nnuchno-latil. F.-kiiperimentalinwo inatituta ,,Iaznykh bolazney I tkanevay terapli im. Omd. 'i.P. Filatova (dir. - prof. N.A. Puchkovskaya). (T(MOPIASMOSIS) PETROSYANTS.' Ye.A., starshiy nauchn3rj sotrudnik Tissue therapy of' degenerative processes in tne retina. Cft.zhur. 15 no.4!222-227 160. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Iz Ukraln3kogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo eksperimentallnogo Instituta glaznykh bolezney i tkanevoy terapii Imeni akademika V.P.Filatava (direkto- - prof. N.A.Fuchkovskaya) (RETINA--DISEASES) (TISSUE EXTRACTS) PETROSYUK, M.I., Inzh. Automatic control syster. cf the FKP-1 semiautc-,,atic -Achine. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav., tekh.log.prom. no.1!134-L~6 162. WLRA 15:21 1. Ukrainskiy natichno-issledovatelInkly institut promyshlennosti. Rekamendovana kafedroy mashin I apparat~ov Kiyevskogo tekhnolop,icheskowo instituta lepkoy promy5hlennosti. (Shoe machinery)~Automatic control) 1. . . . . - " . ,tf- q_ :~,-) - I ~j I I o, I . t - e t, ~~e . -,d , n t -~ . 7- k , -je . .. 3t -, . SKVARIK. V.P., Inzh.; PZTROSYUK. M.P., inzh. Investigating the performance of cutters used In shoe manufacture. Izv-v7s.ucheb.zav.; tekh.leg.prom. no.2:93-99 '5P. (MIRA 11:6) l.Kiyevskiy tekhnologicheakiy institut lagkoy promyshlennosti (for Skvarik). 2.Ukrainskly nauchno-iseledovatellskly inetitut kozhevenno- obuvnoy promyshlennostl kfor Petrosruk). (Shoe machiner7) AP6010331 ",0URCE rODF: BIJ/ Cf,j AUTHOR: K o n t our k o v ~M M12-1 ORG : Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, BuIr.-krian Aradomy nr Sciences TITLE: Part played by smAll and medium-sizrd lymphocytes in th,~ pnrsive transfer of tuberculin hypersonsitivity SOURCE: Bulgarska akademlya na naukite. Dnklady, v. 18, no. 9, 191,5, 875-WIP3 TOPIC TAGS: tuberculosis, allergic disease, cytoloFy, antibody, cell physiology ABSTRACT: Delayed hypersensitivity Is a cell-conditioned allergic reaction which to independent of humornl nntibodies and plosmic Scand., "e, 1052, 33). The tissues and orrans factors (T. Idesslen, Acto tub. contnininr calls which are carriers of tho allergic factor wore established ;in the course of the lost 20 years. On the b-isis of a variety of studies, certain authors (see, e.6., J. 41. Uhr, ". 3chirff, J. '-'xDtl. Aed., 112, ig6o, 65) assume the lymnhocytes to be the cerriors c" the hypersensitivity Nctor in the delayed type of aller-Ac reactions. The object of the pros int work was to check the ro)e of a-mll and medium-siz.-d lymnhocytes, from an inTunolorically competent organ like the spleen, In the passive transfer of tuberculin hypersensitivity. Hale guinoo-pigs woirhinL, between 350 and 400 groms served .as test animals. The results of the investigations Indicate that anleen lymphocytes from sensitized donors successfully transfer tuberculin .hyp.a.raensitivity to homologous anorric recipients. These data coincide with 71- L20222-66 ACC NRi the results of the earlier investigations by Wesslon. An analysis oeem3 to furnish Crounds for the assumption that the small and medium-sized ,lymphocytes are very probably carriers of the above mentioned belayed reaction supersoneitivity factor. Whether this factor is inherently connected with the living lymphocyte cell or con be separated as a hypothetical *transfer factor' .may be resolved only by further invastipetions which are currently under way; This paper was presented by Academiciwi I. Emanouilov on 2 Jun 1965. Orig. art. has: 2 tables. [JPRSI SUB CODE: 06 / SUEM DATEt none ORIG REF: 001 / OTH REF: 014 4f T_ fb4, NR:~~-AP5003 01M, 360 OMWW00010 -,-.,T Ttv. 9 UZI' -SOURCE:M dhia-tekhm6has hcheityi Simi,- no. 6" 1064, 10-61 ad klys obs TVIT JF UVIty, W a upercobduc* n1oblum. i DdVc .. magne shielda upetw iskidds.,goomic-raPitiont epacearaft shipidin IS off J,~ aUou hm of outer space, are ewimetated. ijklieldintj of OF; lqmdear for wdeaded aa [116ts is not-~ractfqable and- It Inot possible, establish art' ectrostatio field about the craft sufficient to stop cosmic particles. no Afacovery d&MwM&c_Wjtr_at cryogenic temperatures makes magnetic shields theoretically possible but theref area number* of1echnical,difficulties: e.g., thermal-`Z.44 "'Insulation oUtheisolenold conductor; an the.negative effects of awasnetic, field. on a boys have baea.twed to produce field IntensItles 011 the Omer -of thousands 9f oe_=_tsW_w1th coil currents on the order of, hundreds of thatwands of 'amperev/cm4o. Odentists believe auporconductivtty at normal temperature to be thep sible..,'To,pravient buftout resulting from damage to the solenoid, reilon3r Poo solenoid may be divided !nW Indiiidual,,: isolated. secti6as it is PredieW that future,.-. the IETT ..I 4, bb 'i, S 2 1, .1 A C!P NA-4 M Ak 06010061 smog T4 t1a correspondentj 3;4 i gv T:, . . I Iff A 0 tekhnithiAt 7 '1964 60-61 ve obihchestva SM hd ed irapicrAds.. sp,ac'e, -vestib' ar'gppsratu~, ual perce Via pluon, f . . ~ftsfixxbqud6j sittonwida rb 0*~*3, 14, Custu BSTRACT. ~Wdrk it P eff etla so, aima on thet aw6tguileisness on dad persoit i i~ lig~ftlelltlollcia.`*6rk p~ifbimdt~- --43*16iogist Leonid Kitkyev-Shtyk, wW Soviet Ddctql 1~ l . id' ilui rianciing temporary weightles peffor m numarc roons.expe 4186, discussed, He dasefflex,pe us into four rso :.tidss'A&fug parabollo Mirpletne fif t is , - o a.- 1-Ith,604' whoa iuft6r front saW Ite, We 9, those whose psychic func- IM(M . are' dliftrbed; 4-t autonamla! 4. and ps~thlo reactions; hoiit e*pirloud6g both . ' a Dfabitbana" d-Wattal perdepUa ikike Ad-bear up weH und6V weightless Conditionsi . . . 6rdujht on by Weightlessne, a's are also'doicribed'and coWme'utod ASSOCrAtOlf : 1 --4 1W V9 Caim V. w7 t7k --a , "lu 1p. Ab to Ve ~/ , .~ , 1, ,, .1. , !. , I I I. , - 1. 11 11 1 1 '. .. . . . . .. " I : I , , '..' I 't - 1 -T, I ~ - i T ~~ ; - : - . I . . . I - r . - I PETROV, A. Connec tion be tween the blossom.' rig ~iir- lami the shr)ot sPec i'111' z8 * i-,r of --igneous plants. Doklady BAN 17 n~.?:2"I-2% 'k,4. 1. Institli-. o," Fruit, Ciiltiire, Plr)v,!iv. Pred.9tavleno akacl.. N.Stoyanovym Strlanov, N.,'. '17.7-7, ! Nu-:4~- -, .~!- .- , . I n, . 1 , ' - ,', 1. . PETROV, A., renoral-viyor Irizh.voyck : S!~AKIRZANOV, R. , mayor :)rillir4,, wells for vater irid the necesearv ec,,;ipment. Yoen.-inzh. 1"o znur. 102 no. : !3-3P W7 (VIRA 11:~ ) ( 401 In ) GOSPODINOV, G. ; PETROV, A, Gerebral angiow7-inhy, YhIrirgila L,. r-_.j'.96,7-,-j7j - '~ 1. 1. Institut za spotsializatslia I uiriv-urshenstviivane na lekarite, Sofiia Katedrn po rentgenologlia i rndiolop,,Ii!x Lnv. katedrnta, do's. G. Khadzhidekov, Katedra no nev-rologiia 7av. katpdrata: prof. G. Nastev. (CMEDUL ANGIOGItAPHY) PETROV, A. Iceboats. Voon.xnan. 25 D 159. (MIRh 12:12) (Iceboats) PETROV, A., iazh. Automatic control of vantilatinn.,- I s *. no.7:67 JI 159. ~ N .- ~-'A 1 -- : 11 ) (Ventilation) T C.Eird I;AS'"EV, G. ; KHAWHI ',V, D. ; PETAOV, A. oi3clllatory in(lex of brachial arteriet; at t1ifferent Intervals after cerebral a!,.-) pleiqr. 1;uv-reti. aed. , ',)of ia 8 no.9:3-11 1957. 1. 1z Vate,irnut , o perv,il ~)olmiti rut WUL - Sofiin Yr. zavezhda,)h; :)hystol. -illatory index of ~rachlal arterie- at different Intervals after stroi-3) (us'; ILW~WRY os,~illatory Index of bra-,'Aal arteries at different Intervals after -eremil e!.-iorrtuige) (ARTZRI~!;. BILC'HIAL, in varintiq (115. ,w-Matory index tit tifferent intervals after cerobraL rie-norrhj PE7.C-1, A. A ort-wa ve rp d i c -): err, t or s. , . 1, . (~-JIDI( I -ELF,'.'Ii" iA, Vol. ~ , 1, ;ofin, SC: Monthly List of Hast Eurr wn Ac:essir,ns (EhJ.L, IC, yr,'- c, n. '1.1, -,ecemL-,er 1-57 Uncl. PETROV, A. 3ystem for self-control of -,,mtez-r-ni ~ic trrnsmi!ters. : .2-1. (i~A:IC I TELE-"IZIIA, Vol. C), no. 7, '!',70 -;Ofia, 30: Mcnthly List of East i!.uro,.eAn Access! ons (EL;,L) IC, Vol. f , no. I.', Deremter 11)',-/ 'Jncl. NASTICV, (I.; 4KNCHAV, T. ; MAICHLV, D. ; PIUAUV, p . Problem of rerebral ,hrombopa lob it In. ziuvrem. ie(i., bofia 'i ')()-59 1958. 1. 1z Kritedrata po nerVTA bolt-oti pri LSUL Zav. icatedrata: lots. G. MnStPv i NIPI Direktor: .,. N. S. G. Genev. (TTW1C3OPH1Z31'7W, case reports. cranial iiinuses (Bul)) (V~,'Mi, ~,?ANLAL SINMZ, iia. thr,) iho-iii lehit In, caue report (Rul ) ) NASTEV, -1-J.; KCINOV, R.; OVChAROVA, P.; POTROV, A. Neurological complicAt-lons In influer-Lza A2, Suvrem mec, S~:fia n:.-: 36-43 '6C. L. Iz Nevrologichnata klinika pri ISUL (DirektDr na klinikata: riots. G.Ni!stev) (11FLUENZA ASIAN compl) (NFURGLOGIUL WIFESTATIONS) FETRCVj At.: GACHEVA, Ior. Effect of ultrasonics on the arterial tonus In patients with cleeaaes of the peripheral ner-ves. Suvrem med., Sofia no.11:69-79 16C. 1. Iz Katedrata po nevrologiia pri ISUL (Rukov. na katedrata G.Nostev) I Katedrata po fizioterapiia pri ISUL (Rukov. na katedrata: S.Kircheva) (NEURCLOGY) (VASOMOTOR SYSTEM physiol) (ULTRASCNCS) YUDIN, B. (Yaroslavl I); PETR(TJ, A. (Chita); KUTSENKOV, K.; MOKRUSHY, :. (Chelyabinskaya obl.); I-MLYUTA, N.; AREF-f-SCV, 7. , Readers' letters. Pozb.delo 7 no.12132 D 161. (VIMA 14,11) 1. Prodse4atell gorodskogo saveta Dobrovollnogo pozharnogo obshchestvt, g. Orsk (for Kutsen-kov). 2. Nachallnik shtabe, yunosheskoy druzhiny, uchenik 47-y ahkoly, g. Voronezh (for Androsov). (Fire prevention) PSTROV, A., Inshener; DOROGOV. A., inshener. Automatization of an amomia refrigerating Installation with a capacity of 10 million large calortes per hour. Khol.tekh. 13 no-3:11-16 JI-S 153. (KLRA 6:11) (Refrigeration and refrigerating machinery) PWMT, A. , inzh. ".. ~ - AX-73 units in refrigeration plants. Khol.takh. 35 no-5:55 S-0 1.58. (MIRA 11-11) (Refrigeration and refrigerating machinery) FETROV. A. , Insh. Drying compressed air by cooling. Kbol.takh. 35 iLo.5:58-59 6-0 158. (MRA 11111) (Compressed air--Drying) (Refrigeration and refrigerating machinery) A "~TH Olt i 11-~ trfjv , A. 5 " V/ 2 TITD,t Refrigerating Installations for 'Chemical Plants ryye ustancvki d1ya knimicheskikh zavodov) FE110DICAL: Kholodil naya tekhnika, 1959, fir 1 p 61 (USSR) ABST7-.ACT: A number of chemical plants, esTecially synthetic rubber and syntheti,: alcohol plants, use at present refrigerating instal- lations having a capacity of 10 - 40 million normal kgcal/hr Tl~ere Is a growing demand for refrigerators, especially for the economical type equipped with centrifugal compressors. As refrigerating agent frovane with an addition of propylene is used. The capacity of such a unit is 3 million normal kgcal/hr The Moscow Plant "Kompressor" specializes in ammonia refricerat ing units with powerful group compressors 4AG and AGK-73 and synchronous electric motors DSKP-260/24-36. Particular im- portancE is being attached to the utilization of centrifugal ammonia compressors as booster compressors, For obtaining Card 112 low temperatures of -15 to -350C absorber refrigerating units ~,!fr-krerating Irstallat7-ns IDr Fla.-.T, 7-7 . , z - - - ' - i. nr caTacity are te-rg '.'or , f -c . 0 x. , . , 1 ~, n n -- ra . k e; 1, 1, ! s -, .-xpe,rel that row ch(~mical plants wi.- - ~rn e a s c, r: it is, I 1, -Au t )mat',-, ab6 IrLer- !vpe amrr.'~nia 7e., r,-.-,~eratinj; ur. ts Card ', ~ GEORGIEV,G.; PETRCV,A.,- rVAJ?0'1.1,I:.; PROKOPOII,7. Effect of bronchograpiry on respiratory r,~rction. Khirurgila (Sofiia) 16 ro.9iF53-855 1 f)3. PETROVP A.A.; PURFIRIMA, Yu.1. b j ru c t J, j n I I i t I hy,i ge n tud id e s to o nyw cai*buns .~J,lL,itad ii;-4; i-~ncujijal-ti,,ed multiple Do:kla* Zhu.r.ob.khi.--.i. 33 n .10432'-~-3--23 3 3. ( I "L: F-.;% - ( ~ I ~ ) 1. 1A,'11j.'j,~: j IA)I:t L UT ti, P.. A '11, A tY Tc B.'T 'T r F 77 ay PE TROV, A. I In the sky of Lirp., Urals. Kr-rl. mi. ii~ ro.5:31 Ky 165 ,M:P-A -S16) .. Giavnyy suily-a scre7novaniy parashyutistov v Sverdlovske. dot gpnt; PF7sOV , A.; M I A.; 1'~ NKCV, TM Bc. Tv, 4. 9a1 *8 FtT.;,Pnr,.ert r,,, 0,*,4 I rx): n1 ',git M!, nFl!- dr~o* fi Ir gr! zt.n .1 . I i I." '"', 7. :v A , . ~; . ; ~V , . . ,.1,.u' , L"; '- I .m ern - . . . .~ -1 % I I I . . .,' ,' 7-4-1 1 ... . S9LF '. , - , I "T, , . . ; . I.V - .1 . I . ~ ., . ;;c:,k of na *.,eii ir. '.he '76 N 1 17 1/ PETROV, A. 30m6 Per-'l'lllrl*l- nabl~ In t~.e 6pecles . !3-)towe.-Us PrunophorR. !,o4 li f ~,04 1, - ., :6~7-6~)n '~, I. 1. Frult-,,r-)wlr.,! ' 4, . , , i *-j , P 1 av I I v. Siibiail-te,! bj Ach(letairiqri N.Sf )yfinov " I ".'. ; , 4. 1 - PETROVA A. 14t utj put into operntion all the roservea for llncreiLaine Output of fpWht mra. Tranop dolo 6 no.9/10ill-16 '54. 1. Chlan korespondent na ru~ nw.k-ite v SaSR. PUROV, A~ What Lo consider as busic atructural element of tne crown of wood plants. Doklady BAN 16 no.5:541-544 163. 1. Prodatavleno akad. N. Stoyanovyrn (Stoianav, N.] PETROV, A. New procedure for supply-ing standard ~ D~ns, -)el - . 9* T-o' - ' no. 12: 1/, D 'k,2. ~ Y, " KA "~ - - I ) 1. Glavnyy inzh. losprayekta. (Standards, Englne ri!~Pl PETROV, A. (Kuybyz3f,") Initiative of voluntary workers. Tben.znan. 38 ro.1-2:29 D 162. (KIRA 15:12) (Kiuby-;hov Prov-ince-Military education) STEPANOV, L.1 PETROV, A. Work clothes made of petroleum-proof material. Avt.transp. 41 no.1259 Ja 163. (MIRA 16Q) 1. Laboratoriya okhrany truda i 'te~~hniki bezopasnosti Mauchno- isaledovatellskogo instituta artomobillnogo transport&. (Work clothes) PETROV) A. If we stop a motion-picture film. Znan.-sila 3" nc-11:~-7 S 162. (YZRA 16.-1) 1. Zaveduy-ushchiy sektsiyey kinofotodokumentov Institute. mark 91 zma-lani ni zma pri Tgentrallnom kom.1tate Kommunisticheakoy partil Sovetskogo Soy-uza. (Motion pictures, Documentary) (Lenin, Vladimir 11licb, 1870-1924) PEThOVO A. Aid for compulsory educatl5n in f&= mechanization. F*ofe-tekh. obr. 20 no.1:23 Ja 163. (KMA 16:2) I* Zaveduyushchiy sektsiyey metodicheskogo kabineta Tyumenskogo oblastnogo upravleniya profession&llno-tekhnicheskogo obrazovaniya. (Farm mechanization-Study and teachinA PETROV? A., prepodavatfill; STAYINAI , Ilh.; KOMELIKOV, L.; KULINSKIY, V. Editor's m&il. Prof.-tekb-obr. 19 no.10:27 ~ 'b2. ' MaA 'A. 5 1. Uchiliehche mckhanizatsil sel I skogo khozynystva No. 1 Tyumeniskaya oblastl (for Fetrof). 2. Starshiy irtzbener-makhanik Zhitomirakogo oblastnogo upravloniya (for Stavinskiy). 3. Zamestitell direktora po uchebno-proizvodstvonnoy rabote gorodskogo professionallao- tekhnicheakogo uchiligshcha No.27,-Brest (for Komallkov). 4. Ispolnyayushchly obyazannooti direktora gorodskogo uchilishcha makhnnizataii sellskogo khozyaystva No.9 Khmallaitakoy oblasti (for Kullaskiy). (Vocational education) PSTROV A.1 POTAPOV9 N. Let's create exemplar-1 school workshops. Prof.-tekh.obr. 19 no.10:15-16 0 162. (KIRA 15:11) (Vocational education) (Workshops-Equipment and supplies)