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-)Ci",' S~tefan; MASIN, J.; REZUCHA, M. Mediastinal bronchogenic cysts. Roghl. chir. 36 n0-11:760-762 Nov 57. 1. Chirurgicke odd. OUNZ v Hichalovciach, prednosta Stefan Kukura. (MEDIASTINUM, cysts bronchogenic, surg. (Cz)) PUNK, J.:_!EZUG4 M.: ROJKOVIG. D. First two diagnosed cases of hemorrhagic napbroso-naphritis in Czechoslovakia; viral nephroao-nephritis of Far last. Cas. lek. cesk. 94 no.40:1078-1084 30 Sept 55. 1. Z patologicko-anatoiickeho odd.. prednosta dr. J. Plank, a z infekeneho odd., prednosta Dr. D. Rojkovic, KM v Presove. (VIDWIC HEMORRHAGIC FEVIR. epidemiology, in Czech., first cases.) KUKURA, S.; ~ ~UCHA,_L4.; JUHAS, S.; PARA, K.; BOZO, S. Some conclusions from the analysis of injuries of the trunk and extremities. Bratisl. Lek. Listy 2 no.11:666-673 161. 1. Z chirurgickeho oddelenia OUNZ v Michaloveiach, prednosta, primar MUDr. S. Kukura. (EXTREMITIES wds & inj) (AGCIDEITTS) .P0 KUKURA, Stefan; RAZUGIIA,.Milau A r t e r i o-g-rap~ h-.v in acute & chronic osteomyelitis. Rozhl. chir. 37 no.4: 273-275 Apr 58. 1. Chirurgicke oddelenie OU.NZ v Michalovciach, prednosta I-Mr. Stefan Kukura. S. K., 14ichalovce, OUNI. (ANGIOGRAPHY, in various dis. arteriography in acute & chronic osteomyelitis (Cz)) (OSTEOMYELITIS, diag. arteriography (Cz)) ANIHIMV, K.P.; VLAD114IROVA, N.I.-, RBZUKHj4A,-A.V.; ZINGEL', M.A.; FINKEL', G.M. Flotation method of isolating yeasts from yeast beer. Gidroliz.i lasokhim.prom. 13 no-3:11-14 160. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Nauchno-issledovatelisiciy institut gij; lizno7 i sullfitno- spirtovoy prouVshlennosti (for Rezukhina). 2. Sukhonskiy sulifitno-spirtovoy zavod (for Fielcell). (Yeast) (Flotation) :TD REZIUKH'INA, T. N. Cand. Uhem. 6ci. Dlssowt~.i Lion: "Equilibrium or the ',Iioll' rains te s and the Molybdates of Certain metals with rilydr.-~,gen." -Mo!icow ~jrder of Lonin 6tate U Imeni M. V. Lomoriosov, 26 Nov 47. SO: Vechernyaye illoskva., NovY 1~;47 (Project h~17836) -ium Equilibi Thermodynamics at rare uWak. 11. Rquillisciam be- tween manpus" b'A T. 'N. Rejuk. hina. Ya. 1. A. b1crozove(Uddutnosev Zkur. Fix. Kkim. IS, "1251).-The ,,juil. const., K - pffvOlpfls, (d I/o MuWO. + If, - IA 110 + 1/8 W + 111011) 1. MMK4 In acirculating system wilbourm*00*1%. Tbavolurs U( -$Do X at WA, Wo. 1018, 101M. Mw 1113* arr, wv.p~' 1.009, O.VW, 0411. 0.833. aed 0.706 and Ot the relatkm (least squam): Ing X - (-12.80/4.673 T) + IMM. An x-ray analyde recogaites three phsacs, vix. MnWOo, Ntno, and W. in Partially reduced MUWO.-. this sbain that the lot Slav (bf the r"fucti-M (OAkMI (1). The valm of K ,It** not detwild an the t"Upa. 01 the MAW phn- dwing (1)~ With these results and literature data Ow K of if, + 9/9 ()~, - lIjO and MnO + fit - Ma + U.0 and for sp. kcats, one finds: 4H;,. - -3lS.S3D&nd4Po.. - -290,570cl./nx* bw NN(a) 4- W + 2 Ch - MnWO4. %fichel lwadart various amts. of 0 is analyzed by x-ray; the phatess de- tected are FeW0j. W, and F"Wo. Thus the reduction of FCWOI occurs in one stage: 1/4 Fewos + III ~ /A Thermodynamics of rate matiels. M. Equillbrium be- Fe'W6 + I/= W + Hj0. This conclusion is confirmed bp tween iron tungststa amal hyda T. N. Resulthina. 1. the constancy of the expel. values of K, at a gives temp. J~r Yat. P. Sitnanov. And Va- 1. Gerasizattv ftlift~bo;ov,-State compass. between FeWO~.# and FeW(3s.s. A straight Lim in I'tiiv.. Zkms,. Fm Kkin. 23, 3(W 1](1951); cf. a diagram (log Kp, 11T) fits the data (kast squares; &r. C.A. 43. !kX)M.--Thc equil. const. Kv between Fe%V0. and de*tion 0.2%). The relation is log Kv = ( - 92N, 11, is measured between 850 and 1150* in an app. used 4.5TT)+1.0413. IV. BqWMbrhm& t aball previously (toc. cit.). The contim. of the solid phase is -mId hj A . Yu. P. Siummov. T. N. R sletti.byx-rayanalysis. First, mists. of FeA and WOs am Moromova, and Ya. 1. Crermaimov. INd. 357-6l.-The reduml its 11 at 8W. then kept in memo at IOOD-1100* equil. coast. KP bet wee= CoWO. and Hs is noessured between M and 1100'. The compn. of the molid phase is detd. by Nor 15-20 hri.; powder photographs show the per nee of F"U'. besides pure Fe or W accot ing to the initial compn. I-My anstlysis- First, mixts- Of COO mud WO' are flelseced of the mixt. Other Fr-W internartAllic Lompils. are not in H at 850% then kept in memo at ]0W-1100' for 6-10 formed under them- conditions; the FerW, phase is that de. hrs.; powder pbotographs show the prearnev of oNly cosw wril~l by Mmenrli anti Weilgren (C.A. 32, 731010). The anti CoWs. Other Co-W Intermetallic compile. am not of the unit evil of FeWO. are dead..a - 4.722. farmed In thew conditions. Complete reduction of Co-- 5.(All. t - 4.051 A. Partially reduced Fewo. conts. WOs at IM and 1103* gives CutWs and W only. as identilled by their x-ray pattern. ftrtimlly reduced CoWO4 deows the same ph- besides the initial CoWO,. Thus. in the temp. Interval Investigated, the reduction of CoW0a orcurs in one stage. as shown abso by the constancy of K, at a given c temp. for compns. between CoWO*.t and COW06.1. The data for the reaction t/, CoWO. + 113 - 1/0 Corwe + '/m, W + HtO we represented by the rclAtion log Kv (-7741/4.67 T) + 1.321. %licbet boud"t UOBR/Chemistry - Wolfram and Cobalt Mar 51 "Thermodynamics of Rare Metals: VI. Equilib- - rium of Cobalt Wolframate With Hydrogen," Yu. P. Simanov, T. N. Rezukhina, V. A. Morozova, Ya. 1. Gerasimov, Moncow State U imeni M. V. Lomonosov "Zhur Fiz Khim" Vol XXV., No 3) PP 357-361 X-ray anal of products of reduction with JL2 Of Coo + W03 mixts with d if ferent Co: W ratios showed at 900-1,1000C 2 intermetallic compdr. C07WO6 (with at excess of W) and C03W (with at excess of Co) are formed. Measured reduction consts 185T13 --- USSR/Chemistry - Wolfram and Cobalt Mar 51 (Contd) of CoWO, with H2 at 900-1,1000.and set up'eq for equil const. Calcd free energy at 900- + 1,1000 and heat effect of reaction: 1/7CO 6 1/TW+20p ----> COW04- I 8L;TI 1, :vu::-. I :-'-% , --~ . "' . , s-uniEv , v . v. Vaporizqtion, Hpats of PreasurR ()C saturatFid vtpor ,)nd heats of vrtporizatiop of carbonyls of chrome, of wolfram !~-.nd of molYbdenup. Vest. Mork-. i~rj. No. 6, 1952. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, December -195P Uncl. REZUKHINIA, T.N. Docent, S alIONOV, Yu. P. Docent, GEI~ZDIOV, YA. 1. PROF. "The Equilibruim of Tungstates of Bivalent Metals with Hydrogen," a paper givenat the All-University Scientific Conference I'Lomonosov Lectures'-, Vest. %sk. Un., No 8, 1953 Translation U-7895, lMar 56 SHARIFOV,K.A.; REZYKHINA,T.N. .. Heats of combustion and heats of formation for chromium, tungsten, and molybdenum hexacarbonyls. tch.zap.Mook.un. no-164:115-121 153. (Thermochemistry) (Carbonyls) (KLRA 8:7) .V -!'Y3_R/FAysica! Cheraist,_7 Thermodyn-amics, Vnermochemist---y., Equiiil~y-ia, Physical-Chemical Analysis, Phase Transitions. B-8 A'-' bs Jour: Referat . Zhurnal Rhimiya, 1T0 3, 1958, 7119 - Avithor I.A. Vazil'yeva, YA.I. Gerasimov, Yu.P. Simancv, T.W. Rezu- last Title Copper Tungstate - Hydrogen Equilibrium and Thermodynamic (Thexacteristics of OaW04. 0-rig Pub: Zh. -P-Z-. khJudi, 1957, 31, No 4, 825-831- Abi;t-act: Me pressure of saturated CuWO4 (I) vapors was measured by Knudsen effusion method (with a tantalum ampoule) in the range from !098 to n8lOK. The obtained data couply vith the eqm- tion log p (mm of mere. col.) = -2714.1/T + o.ak74. The eva- 13oration heat of I is 1'->416 cal per mole. The I - hydrogen equilibrinm was investigated by the circulation roethod in the r -6- a:e_ 1/2 706-10-6/34 AUTHORS: Rezukhina, T.N., Du-acheva, G.M., Simanov, Yu.P. U TITLEs Thermodynamics of Rare Metals. VII. (Termodinamika redkikh metallov. VII.) The Equilibrium of Nickel Tungstate with Hydro- gen (Ravnovesiye vollframata nikel,.;ya s vodorodom) PERIODICALt ZhurnalFizicheskoy Khimii, 1957~- Vol. 31, Nr 10, pp. 22o6-2212 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The investigation of the equilibrium of the nickel tungstate with hydugen was carried out, completed by a radiographic in- vestigation of its reconstruction goducts. The equilibrium constants of the reconstruction of NiTIO 4 by hydrogen were meagured at four temDeratres within the region of from 806 - 990 C. It is shown that the reconstruction of NiWO by hydro- i of the re- gen takes place on three stages. The final product construction are Ni W and W. It is shown that the dependence of the lgK IV on 1~T for the reaction p 1 ~ W + 4 H 0 is like this Ni W + NiWO + 4H 4 2 4 4 2 44 P IgK IV - lg ----- + 7,6789. p P4 T Card 1/2 H 2 76-10-6/34 Thermodynamics of Rare bletals. VII. The Equilibrium of Nickel Tungstate with Hydrogen For the reaction NiWO W + 2 following 4 - 1 11Y + 4 02 equation is obtained: AZ 0 276 o6o - 8,024 T lg T + 0,0 3 T2_ 1 632 000 VI(cal) 3 - 62,363 T. There are 2 figures, 2 tables, 8 Slavic references. ASSOCIATION: Moscow State University imeni M.V. Lomonosov (Moskovskiy Cosudarstvennyy universitet imeni M.V. Lomonosova) S UBMITTED: June 25, 1956 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 AUTHORS: Zharkova, L.A., Rezukhina, T.N. 76-10-15/34 TITLEx Specific Heat of Lead and Cadmium Tun-state at High Temperatures 0 (Teployemkosti vollframatov svintsa i kadmiya pri vysokikh tem- peraturakh) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Fizicheskoy Khimii, 1957, Vol. 31, Nr 10, pp. 2278-2280 (USSR) ABSTRAM Data for the specific heat within the range of from 800 - 20 0C are given here. The specific heat was determined according to the method for mixing in a massive calorimeter. The description of the device is found in M.M. Popov's "Termometriya i kalorimetri- ya", 1954, publishing house IAGU. The mean specific haat of M and KBr was measured as a control of the absolute accuracy of measuring . It amounted 'E to 0,1800, 0,1131 caligram-degree resp. The mean specific heat within the investigated temperature range amounts to: P Cp, PbWO 4 =0,06566 + 1,034 - 10-5 T (accuracy � 0,03 %) Card 1/2 Cp, CdWO 4 m OtO7754 + 1,9041 .10-5 T (accuracy � 0,10 P) --lekseyev, N. V., Rezukhina, T. N., 76-32-3-12/43 SinancivP I Yu. P. The Thermal Dissociation of Calcium Chromate (Termicheskaya dissotsiatsiya khromata kalltsiya) :,)-,,'RTC-7'CAL: Zburnal Fizicheskoy rhimii, 1958, Vol- 32, Nr 3, p1p. 580-584 (USSR) InvestiCation results of 'the dissociation and radiograpiLic analyses of the dissociation products are given, as the results of Indian scientists (refs 1-5) due to the use of an iMDerfect apparatus are inadequate. E N. Vasenin ., (ref 6) and at the same time Ford and Rees (refs 7,8) set up analogous dissociation equations of calcium Phromat.e. From the given method of preparation and work ,and a drawing . of the present paper.',follows that a heatable quartz reactor, connected with a manometer (cathetometer KM-10~- as well as a container.with oxygen electrolytically obtained,were used. The work was performed at 900-10300C in a vacuum, while the analyses were performed accordinF, to Gillebrandt (ref 9) and Petrashen' (ref 10). The values Card 1/3 of the axial parameters of calcium chromate were zlvoe T-ratmea 17AtwoXeLtAork Qf Q%I(A*4 'Chromej.% ji& am WWqJkvmbe4, &A4 %z* Ittv" VitYA 4L I (NQQZ It, **A (t W. &M.IL 0.(Ma 1. %* ULU Q& t&* erratal povka*ter ot ckfto4 a" TOT a" wmtm(Uetw&** tba x*walfts et %*Tom gruf vrf~,, O"aafte.0 (r*r u)"Ama v4p~pff ("t 13) ob". lihis ilm WI&AW" *r tb* ta*--Uat 10ho tot"a"Al MO- t*mv"wtw* rum Or cma.ftz% libms Rare *aal$ tw t" qwt4vA%wkuq Uat %=M*Aqa w bmwaft :im rovA*reck dAmealt. Pfta t?hA lav*Ottestift r*=atmjRvAwn -bat the dissaaatlea takto plact 4 aclArams to Uo rzllQvivg 6chum'.. 4/0 CWQIQ4 - a/lIefto 2/,,3fto-craQ3 + 0t Mkoa* amotbar $'Q'h*nw Is clVeator tb* QW&rM Ot MAO timaectistim la air. ft "tuld tioas at the t?A*Tlkd (kimaNdatlat~& vallao of Ic mam famad, fr= wblch the vallmas of &a4 Malt 2/,",~ The cm2em"tad' im The The,=.m&T- M-sm=iat.--ca of '.'alcium ~hrom&Le 7 6-5 21-5-1 2j4J; Mere-, are 2 fieurea, 2 tablass, ar.,i 5, af. whicil are ~30:vie' ASWCIZATIO-9: ITcalto-we*i.7 go sudars tvennyy univ e rs L z t -:!!I. ?i T-cm,,nc soya. ('7-b-Tanw 7-r.;~versity imerd M. 17. --;CiT-SILCStIV S&CT77-0.: caz(t 3/1, AUT FORS: Zh~irkr,-.-a, L. T. if. 30'1/76-32-10-1/39 TITLE: The Spi_,cific Heat of the Nick-el, Strontium and Zinc Tungstates C) and the Barium and Strontium Molybdates tit High Temperatures (Teployemkostl voll framatolr nikelya, stronts-i-ya i tsinka molibdatov bariya i strontsiyn- pri vysokikh temperaturakh) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, 1958, Vol '32, Nr 10, pp 2233-2234r/5 (USSR) STRACT. The de+er-inations mentioned in the title -..,ere carr-ed cu' in AB --- - -1. L' - the mnolar calorimeter within the temperature rarees of 683,2- 293,20K to 1125,2-2Q3,20K. Tile scheme, the method employed as -ell as other detaJ -is were already described (Ref 1). Data on the technique of preparation and analysis are given. The results obtained are given in a table. In the table the mean values of 'the specific heat are given for each temperature range, and so are the comparative values of parallel experiments. Equations for the calculation of the mean specific heat as rell as the data obtaired using them are mentioned. The mean specific heat ('~p) of all investigated salts varies linearly with the tempera- Card 1/2 ture within the ranges investigated. The specific heat C p was SOV/76-32-10-1/39 The Specific Heat of the Nickel, Strontium and Zinc Tungstates and the Barium and Stcontium Molybdates at High Temperature3 calculated from the mean SpeC-'f4c heat according to the equation C drCP (T - 293,2)] p dT The function Cp(T) is givc-n indiv.1divilly for the chemical com- pounds investigated. The authors thank Professor S. M. Skuratov for his advice. There are 1 table and 2 references, 2 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. MI. V. Lomonosova (Moscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov) SUBMITTED: January 10, 1957 Card 2/2 KISELEVA, Te.V.; KARKNIKOV, G.S.; KUDRYASHOV, I.V.; BOTVINKIN, O.K.. doktor khim.nauk, retsenzent; KAKOLKIN, I.A., doktor takhn.nauk, retsenzent; MISEICHENKO, K.F., doktor khim.nauk. retsenzent; GRTAZNOV, V.M., red.; REZUKHINA, T.N., red.; ZAZULIS&ArA, V.P., LCollection of illustrated physical chemistry problems and exercises] Sbornik primerov i zadach po fizicheskoi khimii. Moskva, Goa. nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo khim.lit-ry, 1960. 264 p. (MIRA 13:7) (Chemistry, Physical and theoretical--Problems, exercises, etc.) PROSHINA, Z.V. ;_REZUKHI.ITA.--2.5.- , ., Determination of heats of formation of manganese and nickel tungstates. Zhur.neorg.khim. 5 no-5:1016-1021 My 16o. (MM 13:7) (Heat of formation) (Manganese tungstate) (Nickel tungstate) S/076/60/034/04/20/042 BOIO/BO09 AUTHORS: Yakovleva, R. A., Rezukhina, T. N. (Moscow) TITLE: The Specific Heatelof Calcium, Manganese, and Cobalt Tungstates at High Temperatures ~-3RIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, 1960, Vol. 34, 110- 4, pp. 819 - 823 TEXT: The present paper is a report\on the continuation of investigations con- cerning the thermodynamic propertiesf~bf the tungstates and molybdates of bivalent metals. The mean specific heats of Ca-, Mn-, and Co-tungstate were determined in a calorimeter at 573 to 10730K. The working method and apparatus have already beek~_ described (Refs. 2 and 5). The measurement values are given in a table. A poly- morphous transformation was found to take place in CoWO 4 within the temperature range of 973-1000 0K1 in this case the heat of transformation was found to be 145 Gal/mole. Equations for the mean and true specific heats of the tungstates under investigation are given. By means of the equation of the true molar specific heat, C. - 26.1o + 0.0126 T, the specific heats of tungstates and solybdates of "he general formulas MeMoO 4 and MeWO 4 can be found for temperatures from 294 Card 1/2 The Specific Heats of Calcium, Manganese, and Cobalt S/076J60/034/04/20/042 Tungstates at High Temperatures B010/BO09 to 10730K, unless polymorphous transformations take place. The authors conclude by thanking Professor S. M. Skuratov for his suggestions. There are 2 figures, 1 table, and 6 Sovie ferences. SUBMITTED: June 30, 1958 Card 2/2 _57 "J7 34/0o8i ~05) 31/0 391/xx j / 0 0 B015/BO63, AUTHORS: Leonidov, V. Ya., Rezukhina, T.-N., and Bereznikova,, I- A~ TITLE: Specific Heat of Calcium and Barium Uranates (VI) at High Tempera tur e s PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, 1960, Vol. 34, No. 8, pp. 1862-1865 TEXT: The present work follows a series of experiments on the thermo- dynamic properties of the chromates, molybdates, and tungstates of di- valent metals (Refs. 1-4). Its principal purpose was to compare the thermo- dynamic properties of these compounds with those of the uranates of di- valent metals. The mixing method was used to measure the specific heat of CaUO and BaUO with a compact calorimeter. The measurements were made betwien 5880 a wid 11340K, the lower temperature being 2930K. A detailed description of measurement and calorimeter is given in M. M. Popov's manual (Ref. 8) and in a paper by L. A. Zharkova and T. N. Rezukhina (Ref. 2), The sample was heated in a Pt ampoule placed in a vertical fur- nace above the calorimeter. The soecific heat was calculated from the Card 1A 862~5 Specific Heat of Calcium and Barium Uranales S/07V~60/034/008/033/039/XX (VI) at High Temperatures 13015/B063 difference of the quantities of h-~at introduced into the calorimeter with a full and with an empty ampoule. The mean values obtained are listed in Table 2. The specific heat of BaUO 4 in the above temperature range was found to be a linear function of temperature. In the case of CaUO this function is linear only up to 1022 0K, changes abruptly between 4 1022 a and 1027 0 K, and becomes again linear. In this range there occurs a phase transition with a heat of 220 cal/mole. Finally, equations are given for the calculation of the mean and the actual specific heat for the temperature range considered: CaUO 4 (1) (below the point of transition): 0.08r,55 +- 1.636-10-5T, 29.27 + 5,60-10-3 cp p T; CaUO 4 (11) (above the point of transition): cp = 0.08435 + 1.839-10 -.5 T, Cp = 28.86 + 6.29-10-3T; BaUO : 6p = 0.06929 + 1.094-10- 5T., -~ = 30-45 + 4.81-10- 3T-, 4 p and CaUO 0.08075 + 3.272,10-5T, Cr = 27.63 + ?1.19-10-5 T, 4 W c- CaUO 4 0.07895 + 3.678-10-5T. C p 27,01 + !2.58*1.0- 3T; Card ~,N i;0 * tjU lj%~i G Z - L 9R Paul) L 0 0 '1 CL:Iia.L 'd-I'mcca vull n r.Lr;t -daiwi Umzd.LLu&jjjj I:di (jala Mril U(I -VlAluon visimADt d ii u,., D1 nauou und m.- n vulpirun noixitudSonost -u-ionicaornai. isinvivarS mnilfad3 '0 'n n 1: 9 v I 'OZ-TOqclaO~C, Cl a UTIL~41ERS UIT -SaDATUfl G~ Pri 2 !.!03cj0f',j ~AOOOUC--:101 -A -4' OA~ SJUP11.902 ~DT,%O(S 13 D3"DaDJD-1 6 PUJ2 G D 2. 3 ZZ 111 a.! -J 34 3 A P a 0 j! fj 0 7, L! 0 1AO"-a,-l-JQ z, C', + -T- f-'31"r 0 /Q nimo-,;o jo a. C t 5n, ~',470D 6" Roq 8425.5 3/076/'60/034/009/?021 //0,-- B0 I 5/B05 6 AUTHORS: Kuznetsov, F. A., Rezukhina, T. N., and Golubenko, A, N~ TITLE. Determination of the Formation HeatVof CeqOAy the Method of Combustion in the Bomb Calorimeter PERIODICAL- Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, 1960~ Vol, 34., No. 9, p., 2129 TEXT-. For the purpose of determining the formation enthalpylof Ce 2039 the reaction heat of the reaction Ce 203 1/2 0 2 = 2 Ceo2 was determined The Ce 203 was obtained by reduction of CeO 2 in a hydrogen current at 12510-13000C. The reaction heat of this reaction was determined by the diathermic method by means of a calorimeter (volume of the bomb, 0,04 1)? and the exDerimental results of Ce 2 03 combustion are given in a table. After the necessary corrections had been made, the value-'H 0 298.2 -85-43 1 0.26 kcal/mole was obtained for the reaction, and, according to (Ref, 3), AHO 260.16 � 0.33 kcal/mole is substituted for the 298~2 UX Card 1/2 84255 Determination of the Formation Heat of Ce 2O~ by S/076./60/034/000/021/022 the Method of Combustion in the Bomb Calorimeter BO15/B056 reaction Ce + 02 = CeO 21 so that for 'The format-ion heat of Ce 20-3 from the elements 2 Ce -t- 3/2 0 = Ce 0 the value .6HO L 0,99 kca~bole 2 2 3 298.~ --434,93 was obtained There are I table and 5 references-. Soviet., 3 US, and 1 German, ASSOCIATION; Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im., At. V. Lorrionosova (Moscow state University imen'. M, V. Lomonoscv) SUBMITTED, may 16., ig6o Card 2/2 S/076/60/034/011/008/024 B004/BO64 AUTHORS: Kuznetsov, F. A. and Rezukhina, T. N, (Moscow) TITLE: Specific Heat of Cerium Dioxide at High Temperatures PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, 196o, Vol. 34, No~ 11, pp. 2467 - 2468 TEXT: The authors report on the calorimetric measurement of the specific 0 heat of CeO 2 in the temperature range 608 - 11720K by the mixing method. A preparation of GIREDMET (State Institute of the Rare Metals Industry) with 99.9% CeO 2 was used. For the average specific heat the experimental data gave -C 0-08895 + 1.42 -10-5 T, and for the true specific heat, 0.0847 .84 -5 CP = 7 + 2 4* 10 T. The calculation was carried out by means of the equation c = -6- + (Tc'7/dT)A T, There are 1 table and 3 Soviet refer- p p p ences. Card 1/2 Specific Heat of Cerium Dioxide at High S/076/60/034/011/008/024 Temperatures BO04/BO64 ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova (Moscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov) SUBMITTED: February 12, 1959 Card 2/2 IAVRENTOYEV, V.I.; GERASIMOV, Ta. T.N. Nquilibrium with hydrogen and thermodynamic characteristics of BaMO04 and BaMoO3. Dokl.AN SSSR 133 no.2:374-376 -Ti '6o. (HIBA 1327) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvenayy universitet imeni K.V.LomDnosova. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Gerasimov). (Barium molybdate) report w to -b~,tto,4 ror 1~~ arA App"ItA Ch"ziat-Y, 3try V. c, -1 - ~f h,'.te by zf resented -I ?uas-la:1, C.2 A- BAZDASMIYKI, a. S., -.d r74:;ZA=, 7. A., 'T;-n Pr,~ Lm.tLt"te L-11 L. ',. - '3~- :f t-11-Y tr--r zl- -"I ,on thami4try' (S*Cti-- A-1, S-!~- 't VCLD,=Kr 1, f~. K., Lnctlt~tc of Z~m-l w;,! -~-.ctry, A-Y -f sciences uks&tI Kie" - "7b. kizetle. or thA tLe I.-- tEtrolylis of Ceizei 3~lEs:, .Pectic= 3,3 LMWSKIY, Yu. X., A:MF.Ta, V. N h-Y 'rIKA, X. K.~, MLSMMIM, G. D., and rAPW','A, 7:,:, ':1D.J.- '; -o Ch..igtry, A..d-y of Sol-.e. V=W ct kith "Ited)tr.t. ad phz.pLet.." (So 3 c, (2", Se- kug 61, co-ing MMIARSIM, Yu. K., PP,!==, 1. D., and SE11=1A, G. V., lan't.~-. -f Ze.e-.j mod locrginic Cheicistry, Acad=y of Scle-3 L4SS~, F-I th~ -nvo--_lnn d1fruston 1. "Ited $&Its" (S.C-11C. 3.3 - 9 A.Z ~:, . I . Gmwmv, Y4 I., Kzscov State Unl-,ersity Imemt H. V. (C--Cr~tm=, S-tLoa A-3va,(2), Session 1(B), U Aug 61, &fte=-ca,- XV, V. I.. VL=Nl-'-~Al, A.., &m.- XoocoV State WITtioLty lzcn-I 14. V. L-4ov tte.--171- of =L-hL- and c.rLum oxide.' (Secti.. Ses-IzL A-,Z 61, -mLng) C&LLDAIISg~j V. 1. Institute of Cb~icsl Fh7si-s, A-&!-,Y zf Szlen~'. MO r.4i sctt~lty Mo. '-d or rullica.ctive !ocay a- uu-iol" (Stoclom AL.4--7 Aue 61, zorcaAe) GOLUBF17F.G. AJAI.; REMMITINA) T.N. 'Ili /f .3 6' 4-6 P Pfr 161. b(O.(3rogtineous 6qtillitirin. Zhijr. noorV. ;,-Am, 4 tzo ;,/ 7, (MIRA 1,4:3) (Chemical equilbrium) (Reduction, Chemical) 7/J I E4 12 1 14) B2 I AUTHORS2 T. i.. irITLE~ H-~at N PERIODICALt Zhurnal !59 9 " I , ',) i-- 6 - ~ ` 'Y Q TEXT2 The mean I-o-a-t of Cici 0_Lr, the temperature rangi~ of 5la-1116K was measuzed by method of mixi-,g in a massive The relo- rimetric appRratus and the mcaeui-_ing method are thoroughly described in the literature (Ref. MI. IM. F-po,r, D:-mometr2.ya J_, kalorimetriya, Iz.-I-vo MG99 19514j Ref. 2~- 1,~ A,, T. Rezaxhina. Zh. fi-. khimii, 316~ ~_278, 1957). The Ce 01 OxAde -;a7 rr-parEw~, !-,T a pr-t~racted reduotion. of 2 " 1~ Ceeg (91.1.9%. purityl a. t*1 C ~n a hydrogen ilc-w had been Oare- fully purifiled_ from (1, are-, S,C. T,~-_-- prc-tuct rLtaiir~-J ir; this --ra7 had a V _1,:. ~ha4 Were mustard-yellow color. 'Th~- lattic-E param"i-r.~ tr;E- found -Pitted dat-_~ -::~ntallnel ir. t'rF 14_terat-a.7c, Al- ready after moderate heatiri-j C. r: burn-i in the ai~ f~=;. P,::r Card I/ I j Heat capacity cf u, i o 6 i ,-,jtj,)a wa-q car-if-U-i y freed pii,,~i- this reason, the pt-epa ca ,or-Aime tric. measurerient s anid zefaied in FL q1ta--tz wampul. T Ih ehe~, t i t of r, e203 resulted from "be difference bct-wetm the head a-mount fed ca, -'Cri-rae ter Witt-). the. oxid-1- by thk~ hr-ated ammp~-`, an-d th~ hi-~-..t ~-onrer-t of the heated ampty amTul, TI--e heat vral'Ae of the -31-~rimcr-ef va-~ !,~t-rxijl~-i electr-; cally (I C-a-,. 4. 12-1f]- -ab.-,o ~z~oulesl, Witt-., a,-. acc-urac:y- Result3 of the cal^-ulation of the Lnean molar *i nc- 0 fr, thi- Of The calorimetri-. det-~rminationa are gi-ven in a tablip (the 2 Thr, regults olbta4neri dre -z,?prod,.iced an Weight of Ca 0 4q 6 ~'7 Wj- t h f accurazy Of 5~o e;! t i,~ , C, - 2 5 7 equation C C' + Todf -4Tq eatabliqhr--ci tht, p ac tual and mea n mo I ar he,~,t s , one ol, t ai ns the f I I cw P-r-ation for -f,~-,C- temperature dependence of t!-~ actual. molar h~-aT. C-f Cc,,J-o Cr . 27.~ki ~- 1.265*10--T. In a prerI,:-m:F paper 34, 1960) the a-uthoi-.z anl A. Card 2/1144 2 2009 Heat capacity of Ce 20, S lc~ "I t: J/ c% ocio ~5 Bic,6./B201 of enthalpy in the react ion vIc- in r.c% H 2,08.16 ~ ~85-43 0 . 2 6 k c a 2. According 4o another indication in the literature (Ref- 5,4 E. Fulbez, Ch. Holieyq T.'Amer. Chem. Soc.9 75, the ~~hange of enthalpy in the ear ~ 5645, 1953) ;tion Ce - 02 - CeO9 amounts tog ARI -60.16 1 0.33 kcal (2). Ons therefrom obtains _289.16 for the reaction 22 Ce 4 312 0, - Cs,0 the formation heat of Cel?o 3 3 Ho 43a.93 t.0.99 kcai '~31. ' compareo the tewperature de- 289.16, , " l I pendence of "he m:)Iar heat of ai found in'the present work, with the t&mperature dependstice of tbs molar heat of Ce!) 2' as e&=lier deter- mined by thf authois (Ref. 'Zh. fiz.. khimii, 14, 2a67s, 1960), and with data contained in the literaturs the molar hczat_~~ of metalii~~ serium (Ref. 7~ Stull, Sinke, lllhermodynami-. pr--:Ppertiei of elements, 1957.) and of oxygen (Ref. 61 TEL. I.. Gerasimo,T, L.N. Kresinikov, A. S. Shakhov. Card 3/e ~A) G9 Heat CaPacitZ Of Ce2 0,... si: B 10- -5 Y B 2 01 Khim-_ic.-.hP5kaya termod-inamiks v tz,-vet-nov metalilurgii, --. 119 Metal-Dir g4 Z.,Jal 1960)~ the following equationx; res~i--t f,:,z- the temperature dependenoe of enthalpy change-2 of reacn.OnB (11 AHO-(!) - -85500 4- 1.'74 T - 1.493,010- 3 0-94-110 5T T I -1 0.31-10-3 2 /~Ho (2) - -259800 0.62 T + T 1.8ealo T T 2 5 T, /~HO (3) - -4 T 34000 O.A9 T - -.1.3-10 FP [Abstracter~a notes esoentially complets tran_;:-Iation._~ There are table and 8 reference3s 5 So-viet-blo~. and 2~ non-Soviet-hico.. 'The two references to English lan6mage publllcation=_ rr-~sd az, F. ffut-er-9 Ch. Holley, J. Airterg Ch6m.-Soc.9 156459 1-5;5:~;; S-allp-S-inke, Thermodynamic proper- ties of elementa, 1957, ASSOCIATIOV? Moskovskiy gosudarstvenay.-, univerAtet im. M. V. L,:~mononrva (Moscow State runiversity imeni M. V. Lomon~scv) SUBMITTEDt October 259 Ilc,460 Card 4/ 20642 L) 1 L) Ll -5, 12 13 1 I S/020/61/i,36/006/018/024 B101/'B203 AUTHORS: Lavrentlyev, AS USSR, and V. I., Gerasimov, Rezu-kh,inal_T,-. N. Ya. I., Corresponding Member TITLE: Thermodynamic (equilibrium characteristics with hydrogen, an of niobium oxides d electrochemical measurements) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, v. 136, no. 6, 1961, 1372-1375 TEXT: As published data concerning the reduction of niobium oxides are insufficient, and the equilibrium of low niobium oxides with hydrogen has not yet beeen studied at all, the authors report on the reduction of Nb205 in equilibrium with H2 to NbO, as well as on the measurement of amf of a galvanic cell of 1FoO and metallic niobium. The equilibrium of niobium oxides with hydrogen between 1200 and 15500C was studied in. a circulation apparatus described in Ref. 8. The samples were placed in a molybdenum furnace on a platinum base in such a manper that they touched the Pt in a few places only, and were reduced in a hydrogen flow. The total com-position of the reaction products was determined from the Card 114 20 2 0/ "/~ / S102 ~ 13 6 '00 6/0 18102 4 Thermodynamic characteristics of niobium... B101/B20[ 3 increase in weight of the sample on annealing in air, the phase composition by means of X-rays. Two stages of reduction Of tTb20q were ascertained : 2.51-ThO +H --*2.51M +H 0 (1), and IThO +H --WbM 0 tii). 2.4 2 2 2 2 2 2 Fig. 1 shows the logarithms of the equilibrium constant K p = PH2 0/ PH2 as a function of composition. Between IThO 2.4 and NbO 2.51'Kp changes so quickly that it could not be measured accurately. For the polytherms of the equilibrium constant of -the two stages, the authors found the equations: log K -15050/4-575T+1.3306 (1480,-16730K); p log KPII -29490/4-575T+1.3334 (1673-18230K), and obtained therefrom: AGO(cal) 15050-6.087T; AG 0 (Cal) = 29490-6.10T. By combination of I II reactions I and II with H 2+0-5)0-02 0gas (III), and with the use of J. Chipman's data (Ref. 9) and the specific heat for Nb02 and NbO (Ref. 10) as well as for 02 (Ref. 11), they found for the reaction Card 2/4 S/020/61/136/006/018/024 Thermodynamic cha-racteristics of niobium... B101/B203 21,TbO +0-50 0 (VI): AGO -65.5 kcal; A 0 = -70.25 kcal; 2 2 2 5 VI LSO = -15-91 entropy units (referred to 298.20K). it was.not possible to VI conduct the reduction to the metal under.equilibrium conditions. Therefore, the thermodynamic functions of NbO were determined by measuring the emf E of the cells.PtIFeje 0-95 01solid electrolytejNb0,NbjPt (A), and PtVjFe3 040 Fe 0.95 01solid electrolyte IFe 0.95 Oje IPt (B) between 841 an :d 10730C. Mixed crystals of the system Th02 - La 203 were used as solid electrolyte. Values in good agreement with published data were obtained for cell B. For cell A, results are given in Fig. 3. The maximum error does not exceed 1.2%. For the reaction Pe 0.950 +Nb :Y0.95Pe+IIb0 (VII), the authors calculated: 6GO Tj = -34500+j.15T; for the redetion VI Y0+0-50 -~,NbO (VIII): 8 Go 92.36 kcal; 6H0 2 VIII ~ - VIII ~ -98-39 kcal; L SO. -20.19 entr.un. By combination of the reactions VIII Y00+0 - 502--,-NbO2 (V), as well as VI and VIII, they calculated for Card'3/4 '20642 S/02 6/ 61113 610061018/02 4 Thermodynamic characteristics of niobium... BIOI/B203 2-'Tb+(5/2)0 ---~,Nb 0 (IX): (at 298.20K) tLHO = -456.9 kcal; 2 5 Ix A GO .9 kcal; 4LS -107.43 e.u., and for the reaction Ix , -424 Ix Nb+0 ->NbO 6H0 = -193.3 kcal; 6GO - -179.*7 kcal; 2 2 (X): x x a So = -45-76 entr.units. There are 3 figures, 2 tables, and 23 x references: 8 Soviet-bloc and 10 non-Soviet-bloc. SUBMITTED: November 30, 1960 CD q70 - x X Fig. 3 465- 0 x I Fig. 1 900 t low Ijb *C Fig. 3 Ca.rd 4/4 D70BYSIIET, v.t,.,,.; REZuKHINA, T.N.; TARASOVA, L.A. (M(.skva) Thermodynamic properties of alloys in the system Co-MO. nur. u fiz. khim. 39 no. 1:141-146 Ja 165 (MIR-A 19:1) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni M.Y. Lomonosova. Subnitted Jur~e 1,1964. L' 16803-66 E'Yrfm)/EWP(t) ACCNR- AP6003372 SOURCECODE: UR/0363/66/002/001/0145/0150 Z/~Y_ A. AUTHOR: Levitskiy, V.A.; Rezukhina,_T. N. Moscow State University im. M. V. Lomonosov ORG: Chemistry Departmen~ (lQimi-cFe-ski-y-Fak-uT't-ef,--ffo-ik-ov-s-Ey -gosudarstvennyy universitet) TITLE: Thermod3MaMic r)rorD)erties of cobalt and nickel aluminates based on emf data at elevated temperatures 7- SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Neorganicheskiye materialy, v. 2, no. 1, 1966, 145-150 TOPIC TAGS: cobalt compound, nickt-I compound, aluminate, thermodynamic calculation ABSTRACT: The emf method employing a solid electrolyte possessing 02- -ionic con-, ductivity in the 1300 - 1500K range was used to obtain thermodynamic data on the reactions of formation of nickel and cobalt aluminates saturated with A1203 from the oxides: NiO + 1.136 A1203 -4- NiA122804,41; AGO(=E:0.05) -0.42 (=EO.23) 10- T, kcal .CoO,-+. 1.235 A1103-+- COA12,4704,70: AG'(:1:0.08) == --A2.12(+0,91~ -t3-4G(=E0.70)_j0-3T,-kcaI;;'-- ard 1/2 UDC. 546.6231132:66 971+5463231742.166-:~971 DROBYSHEVJ, V.N.; REZUKHINA, T.N. Thermodynamic properties of alloys in the system cobalt-riobium. Zhur. fiz. khim. 39 no. 11151-156 Ja 165 (MIRA 19:1) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvenn7y universitet imeni M.V. Lomonosova. Submitted August 7, 1964. 'J-;~-,' IL"NUIAL, T.N.-~ DNEPROVA,, V.G. R bfi-!J-Z.k~O-ament of the E.W. in galvanic calls with a solid electrolvte ,~, temperature above IlUut-C, Thermodynamic proparties of nickel chremite, Elektrokhimiia 1 no.8033-940 Ag !65. (MIRA 18:9) 1. Mookovskiy gosud&rstvenrqy univeraitet imeni M.V.Lomonosava. L 238a3~=66 EWTW/EWP(t) IJP(c) JD/JW/JG ACC NRt AP6007256 SOURCE CODE: UR/0363/66/002/002/0325/0331 AUTHOR: Rezukhina, T.N.; Levitskiy, V.Ai; Frenkel', H.Ya. ORG: Moscow State University im. X.V. LomonOBOr. epartment of Ch (Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet, Khimicheakiy fakul'tet) i TITLE: Thermadynamic'propertiesof barium and calcium-tungstates to W? SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Neorganicheskiye materia~y, V. 2, no. 2, 1966, 325-331 TOPIC TAGS: barium compound, calcium compound, tungsten compound,, thermodynamic property, F-MF ABSTRACT: The article describes the use of the electromotive force method using a solid electrolyte to measure the properties of the above mentioned compounds. The measurements were made on apparatus described elsewhere in the literature (citations given). Most of the measurements were made in an atmosphere of inert gas, and some in a vacuum. The experimental results are shown in graphic and tabular form. The data is used to calculate the thermodynamic properties of mono- and trIcalclum tungstate and tribarium tungstate. In the temperature Interval from 1200-15900K, measurememts were made of the electromotive force of cells with a solid O-electrolyte, containing tribarium and tribarium tungetate.-I 1/2 UDO: 546.41'786 + 546.431'786 L Card L 23803-66 ACC NR' AP6007256 In the temperature interval from 860-10600, measurements were made of ~the electromotive force of a cell with a F-electrolyte, containing GaW04, Wo ~In the temperature interval studied, the reaction 2BaO + BaW04-> C.a3 6 is characterized by significantly negative values of the isobaric potential. At the same time'A GTO for the reaction 2CaO + CaW04---> Ca WO has only a slight negative value. Orig. art. has: 13-formulas, 2 Kg&es, and 6 tables. SUB CODE: 0')?o,')/SUBM DATE: 24jun65/ ORIG REP: 012/ OTH REF: Oll Card 2/2 ACC NR, AP6013370 SOURCE CODE: UR/0370/66/000/002/0156/0162 AUTHOR: Drobyshev, V. N. (Moscow); RezukhIna, T. N. (Moscow) ORG: none TITLE: X-ray diffraction study of alloys of the Nb-Fe system and determination of certain thermodynamic properties of the compound NbFe2 SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. 2ta lly, no. 2, 1966, 156-162 TOPIC TAGS: niobium alloy, iron alloy, free energy, entropy, heat of formation ABST3ACT: Alloys of the Nb-Fe systeri were studied by x-ray diffraction over a wide concentration range. Their thermodynamic properties were Investigated by measuring the enf of the galvanic cell NbO, Nb-Fe solid Pt Fe, FeO.950 Pt, I (alloy) lelectrolyte I I where the solid electrolytelconsisted of solid solutions In the Th02-La2O3 system, and theelectrode Fe, FeO. 950 was the reference electrode. The x-ray data confirmed the existence of the two Intermediate phases 6 (NbFe2) and q (Nb3FO2) in the Nb-Fe system. The region of homogeneity of the rj phase extends from -56.0 to 63.0 at.% 1/2 UDC: 669-971:536.715 ACC NR: AP6013370 Nb, and the lattice spacing of the alloy corresponding to the stoichiometric composi-I is 11.24 M The region of homogeneity of the phase NbFe2 does not ! tion Nb3Fe2 0 1 exceed 30-37 at.% Nb. The emf measurements ~at 128 -139~ K were used to determine I the0thermodynamic functions of the,compound NbFe2: AHY93 - -4.9 kcal/g-atom, 4 G298 - -4.6 kcal/g-atom, and A S 98 - -1.1 cal/deg g-atom. The experimental data are discussed from the standpoint of theelectronic structure of the metallic cam- ponents. orig. art. has: 1 figure, 2 tables, and 8 formulas. SUB CODE: Ill SUM DATE: 22Jan65/ ORIG REF: 006/ OTH REF#. 012 )Y A fy tA. r N rropnrtiea of calnllum wlyt-ig-le del,-ltm:-a-.~:-.!,,i by KhImf f a 1 no, 1,371-137& N 165. (PURA lasll) 1~ ?,:Iz~adanitvarinyy unJIvL;rilt.~r. litenl' 'w., GOLUBENKO, A.N., REZUKHINA, T.H. Thermodynamic propertles of nickel titanate. Zhur. fiz, Ih'm. 39 no.6.1519-1521 is 165. (KRA 18:11) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet :Lmen--' Lomc-noaova. Submitted June 19, 1964. I Y U-~,ZUKIIIIN-A; 'T.N.; LFVrTOK,11, V.A.; ISTOKLN, B.A. Thermodynamic properties of iron chromite determined from electrochemical measurements. Elektrokhimiia 1 no-4:40'7-471 AD 165. (14IRA 18:6) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni Lomonosova. L 00917-66 T,,!T(.M)/~'.3~,IG(m)/T/E-,,[P(t)/D!P(Z)/EI-IP(b) IJP(c) DS /JD/JV1/1*1/MJW/CL~ :ACCESSION NR: AP5020386 UR/0364/65/001/008/0933 940-.- /0 541.135.4 :AUTHOR: Levitskiy, V. A~; Rezukhina, T. N.-, Dneprova, V. G. ITITLE: Measurement of emf of galvanic cells with solid electrol te ove 11000C. 'Thermodynamic propertiep-of nickel chromite 'SOURCE: Elektrokhimiya, v. 1, no. 8, 1965, 933-940 iTOPIC TAGSt thermodynamic function, nickel compound, electrochemistry, galvdnic !cell ':ABSTRACT- A cell was designed for electrochemical measurements in oxide systems at'~ 'high temperatures (see fig. 1 of the Enclosure). The emf of galvanic cells with ;solid electrolyte was me'asured up to 16000K., To check the p erformance of the appa-i ~ratus the emf of cells containing iron oxides, as well as iron and cobalt chro i mites !was used. The emf of the following cell was measured in the 1300-15500K tempera-, iture interval PtjFe0 L Pt .950, FejThO2- a2.031(Ni+ Cr203), N1Cr2041 ion thebasis of these measurements the.Gibbs standard free energy for the reaction was found to 'NiO+ Cr?O3 NiCr204 in the investigated temperature interval be L d0917-66 [ACCESSION NR: AP5020386 AG11(*0.05 Kcal)= -17.55('-0.57)-liO7(*0.41).10-3T. IThe thermodynamic functions for NiCr204 were obtained for the first tire and com- ipared to iron and cobalt chromites. The high negative value of the isobaric poten-!- itial is characteristic for the formation of all three cbromites from oxides. en Ev lat high temperatures (1200-15009C), these chromites are stable with respect to or- dinary reduci ng agents (CO and H2).' Therefore, during reduction melting the pre- sence of chromium in oxidized cobalt-nickel ores would lead to the loss of cobalt and nickel with the-slag. Orig. art. has:. 4 tables and 3 figures. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy'gosudarstvennyy uni versitet im. M. V. Lomonosova,(Moscow State University) _]SUBMITTED: 04Jan65 ENCL: 01 SUB CODE: MM, EM 'NO REFSOV: 012 6THER, 013 Card L 00917-66 ~ACMGSION NR: A115020386 ENCDOSURE: 01 ~Fig- 1. Apparatus for measurement of galvanic cell emf above 11000C. 1--quartz re actor with water cooled walls; 2--quartz clamp for the cell; 3--pellets; 4--beater;~- .5--water cooled current leads; 6--copper bus bars; 7--clamps for attaching heater to- lead wires; 8--insulators; 9--quartz jacket; 10--ground shield; 11--getter (Zr'or Ti.. 'shavings);-12--molybdenum reflector; 13--platinum, cell leads; 14--thermocouple; 15~--'. ~,metallic water-cooled tapered joint; 16 & 17--vacuum insulating seals; 18--tapered Joint of the reactor; 19--metal bracket of the clamp; ,20--steel spring of the clamp M 1. N IW P. o :> 0 r: , Nz- Card rmls '1. hu - f rroper%io~-s cobc I vnarr gr:.;udars-vennyy 1,m-411.~-,r5itonl~ i-nf-nI GO ljj B-71"Kf- 71. L I termodyramdc properties of calcium Lltanate from e-,P-ctro- Chemical measurements ar, elevat-d temperatures. 7*hur. fiz. L-him. 38 no.1-9:2920-2923 D 164. (MIRA 18:2) 1. ',,oskovslkiy g03udarstvennNry universitet imeni i,,.V. Lomonosova, ~Tnmicheskiy faxulltet. REZUKUT!"i" "I,.,;.; y i".V. lkii;~!:-cuxz-~-on of lni6 thermodynamic p-,f--,rrt es of alloy3 Lry r Ll- U tl.e 'ENF Ira lising a Solid olectroly-to having ardori-cv~yWeii C, 0'~du(-Lq.!'c8 Of I - C03W- Zhur. fiz. Mm. )b no.3:637-640 7,!,. 1 &'? . (MIlk 1798) gostidarstvemn.-y universitest imeni LomLo-,ioscyv,-,. KLI71TETSOV, F.A.-, JIT2UKHEIA, T.N. Therudynamin. properties of oxides. fiz. khim. 36 no.6~,136-1-1367 J062 (" M -1 FUI V a 7 ) 1. Moskovskly gosLidarstvennyy imiversitat i-inen-I lfmaonosova. REZUKHMA, T. N.; UNITSHY, V. A.; C)ZH.,.'G(,V, 11. Thermodynamic properties of iron aluminate. Zhur. fiz. khim. 37 no. 3:687-6F8 Mr 163. 17:5) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyv universiLet imenl Lomonosova. REZTTKHINA, T.N.; LEVITSKIY, V.A. Thermodynamic properties of magnesium tungstate. Zhur.fiz.khirA. 37 no.10: 2357-2360 '0 163. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni Lomonogova:. LEVIT'SKIY, V.A.; REZUKHINA, T.N. Thermodynamic properties of strontium tungstate. Zhur. fiz. khim. 37 no.5:1135-1137 My 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni Lomonosova. PROSENAP Z.V. (Moskva); REZUKH'"IA) T.N. (Moskva) Heat capacity of Ni4W at high temperatures. Zhur. fiz khim. 36 no.1:153-155 Ja 162. (MIM 16:8) 1. Moskovskiy aosudarstvennyy universitet im. M.V. Lomonosova a (IntermetaUic compounds) (Heat capacity) 1.10289-63 EWP (q)/EWT (m)/13DS--AM- r,/Aq-n--Tj) ACCESSION NR: AP3000424 S/0076/63/0,W/W5/U35/1137 AUTHOR: Levitskiy, V. A.; Rezukhine., T. N. TITLE: Thermodynamic properties of strontium tungstate. SOURCE: AN SSSR. Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, Vo 4 no* 9, 1963) 3.13-5-1137 37. TOPIC TAGS: thermodynamic properties, strontium tungstate ABSTRACT: "The authors express deep appreciation to Yu. P.-Simanov for a series of valuable instructions in conducting roentgenographic analysi Orig. ext. has: 1 figure and. 12 equ--tiorus. ASSOCIATION: MoskovskJ4 gosuAarstvenny*y.universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova. (Moscow State University) SUBMITTED: 30May62 DATE ACQ-, l9Jun63 ENCL:- (43, SUB CCDE: 00 NR REF SOV: 004 OTM: ~006 Card 10 PROSHINAP Z.V.; _4&:WKHIKA,--T.N- Heat capacity of Co77d6 and F87W6 at high temperatures. Zhur.fiz. khim. 36 no.8:1749-1750 Ag 162. (MIRA 15-8) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni Lomonosova. (Tungstates-Thermal properties) (Intermetallic compounds) s/081/62/000/011/005/057 E073/E192 -RUTH Rezuk-hina T-11- MRS: Kochetkovaj X.j%j., and. TITLE: I-jecIt capicity of gallium, antimony and their intermetallic compound at elevated temperatures. PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Khimiya, no.11, 1962, 4-4, abstract 11 B243. (In the Symposium: Vopr. metallurgii- i fiz. poluprovodnikov ("Problems of Metallurgy and Semiconductor Physics"), Mlosco,.v-, AN SSSR, 1961, 34-37). TE:~T: Applying the method of mixing in a massive calorimeter, the accuracy of which was � 0.2,/o, the enthalpies were measured of gallium and antimony purified by zonal refining and containing 99.99,~70` of the base material, and GaSb produced from them, its monophasic nature being verified by means of X-ray diffraction. -Far Ga(liquid) cp = 2 x 10-4 t cal/deg. g-atom (20-700'); 6.445 - 3.7 Sb(solid) = 5.297 + 5.644 x 10-3 t cal/deg. g-atom (20-5900); GaSb(solid) = 11-313 + 3.042 x lo-3 t cal/deg. mol. (20-7000). Card 1/1 FAb,tractor's note: Complete translation.3 REZUKHINA, T.1-1,; LEVITSKIY, V.A.; KAZIMIROVA, N.I.I. Thermodynamic properties of magnesium molybdate. VI. Zhur fiz. khim. 35 no.11:2639-2642 11 161. 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni Lomonosova. (Magnesium molybdate) 9 S/137/62/000/004/080/201 A052/AIOI AUTHORS: Kochetkova, N. M., Rezukhina, T. N. TITLE- The heat capacities of gallium, antimony and of their intermetallic compound at high temperatures PERIODICAL: ReferativnTj zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 4, 1962, 6 - 7, abstract 4144 (V sb. "Vopr. metallurgii i 'Liz. poluprovodnikov", Moscow, P&I SSSR, 1961, 34 - 37) TEXT: The heat capacities of 99.99% pure Ga and Sb and of GaSb compound were measured by the method of mixing in a massive Cu-calorimeter in the tempera- ture range of 20 - 5900C for Sb 'and of 20 - 7000C for Ga and GaSb with an accuracy L,-11 of +0.2%. The obtained values of mean heat. capacities were recomputed into true specific heat capacities by the formula t cP(t - 200) = ~ cpdt. 20 The temperature dependence of true molar heat capacity is described by the equa- Card 1/2 ' The heat capacities of ... S/137/6P-/O()0/004/080/201 A05P-/A101 4 tions: for Ga c p = 6.445 - 3.72 - 10- t cal/degree-g-atom; for Sb c - 5.297 + + - lo-3 23 5.644 t cal/degree-g-atom; for GaSb cp - 11-313 + 3.o42 . 10 t cal/degree-g-mole. The obtained results agree well with the published data. L. Bystrov [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 2-/2 KUZIa-;TSOV F.A.; BELYY, V.I.; REZUIUIINA T.N.;. GERASIMOV, Ya.I. .9 -- - Thermodwsamic properties of cerium oxides. Dokl. AN SSSR 139 no.60405-1408 Ag 161. (MIRA 14:8) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M.V.Lomonosova. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Gerasimov). (Cerium oxide-7hermal properties) S/C =z 816 2/00CAO 2/028/'15 T. NT. AUI -7 at ca-raoi~~es c,-P ~;a7l4u.-,i, antiriony, and their Interm'etalC -0- Com-11ound -3:t h41`.,, tomperatures T, 2:~RTG-~ I,'-L: 2--forativny-, F 4zilra, no. 2, '(962, 18, 22133 (V sb. fnetallur_--i i-1, f i z . poIu-)ro*,rod,i'_-ov!' -Nosco:'~, fdT SCS-R, 196" 7) T- T'-e -nthalpies of Ga and S'b (of purity de~;ree 9~i.qc~,) and cf GaSb ~ 2 y u - -,.:ore bir the calori;-i',etric method at temperatures up to - 7000C . The fol- T,.,,ere obtained,,Por ~r-ae molar heat, capacities temperature in CC C t cal/G-atom-d~~3; C, . -3 P .3(Sb) = 5.297 + 5.644.iC) t cal/~, atom-deG; CO(G3Sb) = 11-31-31 + 3.042-10 t caV9_mol-de2;. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] D. Belashchenko Card, 1/11 S/576/61/000/000/004/020 E032/E5i4 AUTHORS: Kochetkova. N.M. arid Rezukhina, T~N. TITLEt The specifi-c heat of gallium, antimony and their intermetallic compoundiat high temperatures SOURCE- Soveshchaniye po poluprovodnikovym materialam, 4th. Voprosy metallurgii i fiziki poluprovodnikov; polu- provodnikovyye soyedineniya i tverdyye splavy. Trudy soveshchaniya. Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR. 1961~ Akademiya nauk SSSR, Institut metallurgii imeni A. A. Baykova, Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut, ppa34-37 TEXT; The gallium and antimony employed was 99,99% pure (zonal veerystallization) and the compound GaSb was obtained by heating a stoichiometric combination of Ga and Sb in evacuated quartz ampoules, followed by structural X-ray analysis, It is stated that there is no published information about the specific heat of GaSb, The specific heats of the above substances were measured by the method of mixtures in a massive calorimeter in the following temperature ranges4 20-7000C (Ga and GaSb) and Card 1/4 The specific heat of gallium ... S/576/6i/ooo/ooo/oo4/020 E032/E514 The discrepancy is ascribed to the fact that Schubel did not take into account the cooling of the specimen as it drops from the furnace into the calorimeter. Ifeat losses by evaporation of the calorimetric liquid were not corrected for by Schubel. There are I table and 8 references: 4 Soviet and 4 non-Soviet. Card 3/4 The specific heat of gallium ... S/576/61/000/000/oo4/020 E032/E514 Table Amount of Temperature range, substance OC P Card 4/4 ramijai (Gal I i tim) 315-1-20,01 0,09M 433:1-20,05 0,09120 10,2698 512,2-20,02 0,09099 612,5-20,00 0,09085 712,0-20,02 0,09048 GaSb 312,7-20,Ot 0,0016t 431,2-20,0t 0,06281 8.3604 511,9-20,00 0,06309 611,8-20,02 0,06407 707,2-20,01 0,06481 Cypwa (Anti nony) 313,6-20,01 0,05t08 7,004 433,0-20,00 0,05418 513,2-20,01 0,05600 611.7-20,00 0,058t0 KUMETSOV, F.A.; ICEUIURIA, T.N. Heat capacity of cerium sesquioxide Cex03at high temperatures. Zhur. fiz. khi--.. 35 no~ 4-956-957 Alp 161. (MIMA 14: 5) 1. 1--loskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M.V. Lomonosova. (Cerium oxide-Thermal properties) f~~MKHINA, T.N.; LLVRENTIYEV, V.I.; LEVJTSKIY, V.A.; KUZNETSGV, F.A. Determination of the thermodynamic functions of oxygen- containing salts by the electromotive force method. Zhur.fiz. khim. 35 no.6.-1367-1369 Je 161. (KMA 14:7) 1,24oskovskiy gosudarstve=vv universitet imeni M.V.Lomonosova. .rv (Salts) 4ectromotive force) Y-AKOVIZVA,, R.A.;_4~Zq~~INA, T.N. (Moscow) Heat capacity of calcium, manganese' and cobalt tungstates at - v 1P high temperatures. Zhur. fiz. khim. 34 no.4:819-923 Ap 160. (MIRA'14:5) (Calcium tungstate) (Manganese tungstate) (Cobalt tungstate) LAVRENT'1V V.I.; GERASIMOVy Ya. I.; REZUKHINAY T.N. .9 Thermodynamic characteristics of niobium oxides (equilibrium with hydrogen and electrochemical measurements). Dokl. AN SSSR 136 no.6:1372-1375 F 161. (MIRA 14:3) 1. Ghlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Gerasimov). (Niobium, oxide) 2,9653 S/020/61/139/006/020/022 B103/B101 AUTHORS, Kuznetsov, F. A., Belyy, V. I., Rezukhina, T. --N., and Gerasimov, Ya. I., Corresponding'_Metiib-erAS USSR TITLE: Thermodynamical properties of cerium oxides PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 139 , no. 6, 1961, 1405-1408 TEXT: The authors determined thermodynamical data on cerium which, together with data from Dublications, provide a complete thermodynamical characterization of the system Ce-0 2' In previous papers (Ref. 4: ZhFKh, 34, 2467 (1960); Ref. 5: ibid. 15, No. (1961); Ref. 6: ibid. 34 No. 9 71960)), they measured the high-temperature specific heat of CeO 2 and Ce2OV and obtained the value AHO 298 ~_85.43 kcal. The present paper deals with the thermodynamical properties of cerium oxides in the CeO 2- CeO 1-5 range of compositions. They used the emf method with a solid electrolyte (Ref. 7, see below). In addition, the authors measured the equilibrium constants of cerium oxides with hydrogen. They used a more convenient Card 1/5 28653 S/020/61/139/006/020/022 Thermodynamical properties of... B103/B101 modification of the apparatus described in Ref. 7 (Ref. 8: T. N. Rezukhina et al., ZhFKh, ~J, No. 6 (1961)) for measuring the dmf, namely, the cell CeOx solid electrolyte Fe +w5stite k2> X > 1-5) 0). Mixed crystals of the system ThO 2-La 203with a purely ionic conductivity as electrolytes. The CeO x electrodes were pressed out of a mixture2of corresponding amounts of Ce02 and Ce2o 3 at a pressure of 10 t/cm . The oxygen content of the preparation was determined by measuring the emf by the method of "active oxygen". CeO x was handled in an argon atmosphere. The values of the equilibrium emf of cell correspond 0 to the change of the isobaric potential (05 1 2FE) of the reaction releasing the current: (1/6)Ceox + Fe 0.9470 (1/6)CeO X+6 + 0.947 Fe (I). A combination of &G I with 01 11 of the wastite formation from the elements: Card 2/5 28653 S/020/61/139/006/020/022 Thermodynamical properties olf... B103/BlOl 0.947 Fe +0.5 02 -I,-Fla 0.9470 (11), for which LG II , -63,570 +16.06 T (107.71 - 12700K) according to Ref. 10 (see below) and H. Peters, H. H. M8bius (Ref. !1; Zs. phys. Chem., ?0 J, 298 (1958)), makes it possible to calculate the reaction (&-G 0 1/6) CeO + 112 0 ---i,-(1/6)CeOC+6 (III) III X 2 It was found that E varies linearly with temperature for each composition of CeOX over the entire range of teMDeratures: E -a +bT. The equilibrium constants K eq =PH2O/PH 2 of the reduction of C90 X by hydrogen: (1/6)CeO X-i-6 ,H2 t (1/6)CeOx +H2 0 (IV) were measured in a device described by the authors in ZhFKh, Z2, 93 (1951). Since the intermediate cerium oxides are pyrophoric, only the constants of CeO 2 or Ce20 3 were measured. By a combination of 670 0 - -RT 1n K with AG of the reaction IV eq V of water-vapor formation: (AG' - - 59,000 + 13-38 T) it is also possible to V calculate aG 0 The authors' results agree rell with those obtained by IIV Card 3/5 28653 5/020/61/139/006/020/022 Thermodynamical properties of- B103/B101 G, Brauer et al. (Ref. 14, see below). The thermodynamical values describing the reaction Ce 203 +1/2 0 2 2CeO 2 (VI) were obtained by -0 graphical integration of the AG - II isotherms for the composition of CeO -L be%ween "..5