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23134 S/181/61/003/005/039/042 Kinetics of Blll/B202 conditions as in Ref. 3 a value of rJ10-12 see was obtained for the time in which a photoelectron passes the region of space charge. In the following, the authors demonstrate that the relaxation time of a photocelllr ) depends on the charging resistance in the following way. with R H -> RBH (itH- charg- ing resistance, RBH ~ external differential resistance of a photocell) T) is independent of R H and equal to R B11 C (C = capacitance between the layer of' space charge and support); with small R H and if RT,4~- RBH (RT resistance of the semiconductor)t,. depends linearly on RH- Photocells Cu - US with a resistivity CdS beifig~~l were measured. The Cu- layer was electrolytically applied from a Cu 2304 solution by N. P. Prikot, student of the LGU (Leningrad State University).1r;. was measured by the meti- od of phase compensation of light which was sinusoidally modulated by a frequency of 1 Me. 240 and 260 were obtained for the capacitance of the space charge. The capacitance of the support was'60 pf. 1 kohm and 440 Card 2/3 23134 S/181/61/003/005/039/042 Kinetics of ... B111/B202 ohms were obtained for for RBH' Photocelln of this type can be used as photosensitive receivers with low inertia for the red and infrared range of the spectrum; also the range of sensitivity can be varied according to the metal and the semiconductor employed. The authors thank F. M. Berkovskiy for measuring the time constants. There are 2 figures and 5 references:4 Soviet-bloc and 1 non-Soviet-bloc. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut imeni A. F. Ioffe AN SSSR Leningrad (Institute of Physics and Technology imeni A. F. Ioffe AS USSR Leninarad) SUBMITTED: November 26, 1960 Card 3/3 0 I I . ASSOCIATION: none .'~b89; S/181/62/004/004/036/042 B102/B104 7 6-0o AUTHORS: Nasledov, D. N., Rogachev, A. A., Ryvkin, S. M., and Tsarenkov, B. TITLE: Recombination radiation of gallium arsenide -iiIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 4, no- 4, 1962, io62-1o65 TD~T. L.:onocrystalline n-type InAs plates with an electron concentration 17 -3 Of 410 cm were used to study the intrinsic recombination radiation. A p-n junction of '_O.I cm2was produced by diffusion -of Zn or Cd in-to the InAs plate. The nonequilibrium carriers were excited by pulsed injection through the junction. The radiation was observed in parallel t.o the p-n junction plane. At 77 OK the emission spectrum has a narrow peak -,.t 1.47 ev (optical self-absorption edge) and two maxima at lower, energies which are in connection with recombination via impurity levels. One of these levels is 0.2 ev distant from the middle of the forbidden b"nd, the other 0.25 ev from a band edge. The relative height of all maxima depends on the current density through the-p-n junction. At less Card 1/2 s/lal/62/004/004/038/C)42 Recombination radiation of gallium B102/B104 than la/cm2only inipurity radiation is observed, then intrinsic radiation 2 arises and increases rapidly, and between 10 and 100 a/cm the relative height of the maxima remains constant. The results can be explained by assuming volume-charge rucombination at weak currents and injection at 2 hish currents. At above 10 a/Cm the emission intensity increases linearly with the current density through the D-n junction and decreaSes 5 2. -dependent only above ~10 a/cm The forbidden band width is temperature - according to the law (1-51-5.6-10-4T) ev. The intrinsic emission line narrowing observed at high current densities can be explained by inverse band filling (production of stbLtes with "negative temp~raturel') Or by a3suming that the injected carriers cause degenerate filling of one band only. The latter possibility is more probable. There are 2 figures. ASSOCIATION: SUBIMITTED: C~ird 2/2 Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut im. A. F. Ioffe AN SSSR, Leningrad (Physicotechnical Institute imeni A. F. loffe AS USSR, Leningrad) January 11, 1962 3 S/181/62/004/005/016/055 B125/B104 a/ AUTHORS: Rogachev, A. A., and Chechurin, S. N. TITLE. Field effect and photoconductivity in lead-sulfide layers PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 4, no. 5, 1962, 1174 - 1179 TE'XT: The field effect of light-sensitive PbS layers condensed on glass and mica in vacuo is studied. An a-c method was used to measure the dependence of conductivity on the field strength under quasi-equilibrium conditions at room temperature. It is assumed that the conductivity of the layer is mainly due to its particles contacting the backing. In the range of 16 - 100 cycles, the oscillograms were independent of,the frequency of the modulating field. Illumination of the layer increases the number of surface holes, shortens the relaxation time T of the f.e. field effect, and sli.-htly increases the h-f value A'hf of the effective mobility. If, in the absence of a field, the surface conductivity is of the p-type, illumination shifts the curve of the field effect slightly to'i the left, whereas a considerable shift occurs with n-type conductivity. Card 1/3 3/181/62/004/005/016/055 Field effect and photoconductivity... 3125/B104 The real part Re p eff = ~le'f of effective mobility changes signs in some specimens, but is always positive at high frequencies. The reduced con- ductivity remained constant for several days when d-G voltages of up to 1500 v -.,,ere applied. Photoelectrons are trapped in the surface layer of the photoresistors investigated. When an inversion layer appears on the surface, the minimum of the curve representing the field effect is shifted. much more. The frequency dependence of the field effect is given by (JAp -I- (A.) C.:- JLpCJ - (3) IL 7i- - : -- P ; . 2- 2. GP -7 Us where is the electron mobility, and ~_L i s the hole mobility; d-4 dQ n P 0 vt and &4, denote the variation in charge in the conduction band, valence 'a -The 1. nd, and-surface states, respectively, and Al is -the surface potential. photoconductivity of the vacuum-condensed PbS layers is mainly due to the! change in concentration of the majority carriers (holes) in the interme-, diate layers on illumination. Experiments on the frequency dependence of the field effect permit a quaftitative evaluation of the effect of barriers on the photoconductivity of the layer in any concrete case. There are Card 2/7 S/181/62/004/005/016/055 Field effect and photoconductivity.... B125/B104 0' fi.:Yures.. The most important English-language reference ist J. N. Zemel a. J. Varela. Phjs. a. Chem. of Solids, 14, 142, 19060. ASSOCIATION; Leningrads'kiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Leningrad State University) S UBY I T T XE DDecember 23, 1961 Card 3/3 1~ ~A' 311811621004100610491051 B108/B138 AUTHOU: Ryvkin, S. M, TITLE: Memperature dependence of the radiative recombination cross section in germanium ~~'RIO-ICAL: Fizi'r'.a tvardoEo tela, v. 4, no. 6, 1962, 1676 - 1678 P .0 TE~'T: The P-tithorst preliminary experiments have shown that at 77 K and 16 I.I.-ith ah4 ~h in -ection level (41P 'Z:10 cm-3) J the time constants of photo- conduction in _c-ermanium are greater than %-,,as concludqd by van Roosbrock and *i't. 5hockley (Phys. Rev., 94, 1558, 1954). They also measured the tem?erature dependence of the radiative recombination cross section in n-type Ge diodes. Only a slight increase in intensity of -the recombination radiation vias observed as the n-p junction was cooled from room temperature to liquid nitzrol-en temoerature: 6- R-1/T. It is stated that the rapid de- crease in with rising temperature, as established by van Hoosbrock and Shockley, is probably due to an error in calculation. It is demonstrated Card 1/2 S/181/62/004/006/049/051 r1em-jerat're denendence ... B108/B138 U conditions cannot decrease more rapidly than in that even under ideal prooortion t M-5/2 o I There is 1 figure., ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut im. A. F. Ioffe AN 33SR Leningrad (Physicotechnical Institute imeni Ai. F. Ioffe AS USSR, Leningrad) SUB:,.ITTED: February 26, 1962 '~&rd 2/2 NA3LEDOV,-D-N.;.RQGACHEV, A.A.,,,RYVKIN, S.M.; KHARTSIYEV, V.Ye.; TSARENKGV, B.V. Structwe of direct recombination spectra of gallium arsenide. Fiz. tvar. tela, 4 no.11:3346-33/+8 N 162. (MIRA 1542) 1. Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy-institut imeni A.F. Ioffe AN SSSR,, Leningrad. (Galliumarsenide-Spectra) RCIS~I, H "-3 ir-,, E~.L. u rad ft f, ve ci!7t "aa t ~ ~~.n tela 6 1-1;-. 0 1 P 3 1 64 z 'J?. o - t e k,'Iri A -'r.3tit, t i . i: ir n f; n, o n. d i n!~ r F d A.F, 101' e 'S~~ -R, -_ &4W awl CC NR' AP5027413 SOURCE CODE: UR/0181/65 -0 VO 7/0.1.1/3339/3343 ~AUTHOR M. Rqgq=q~e A. A.; Ryykin, S. I IORG: Physiciotechnical Institute, All SSSR~ Leningrad (Fiziko-tekhnicheskii 44titiA4 ~16 4m. A. F. Ioffe AN SSSR) GE -Interaction 1TITLE: Long-wave recombination radiation Ingermanium due to the --lc rrent carriers U, SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 7,.no. 11' 1965, 3339-3343 ':.:'!I-iTOPIC TAGS: germanium semiconductor, recombination radiation, s6 imiggnduata- ler, optic transition ABSTRACT: :Experiments are conducted in an attempt to observe recombination 'radia-~ opticAll-tra itio s during the-interaction of--cur tion in germanium associated with ns n cent carriers. Since the intensity ok-fh~se'radiativd ira~nsitions,-'in'creases~~sharply 6:?t2p p2k) I ~ - . high, 1'~ - mug rith carrier concentration (approximately:a a njeictionlevei t )e used for such observations as well as.alairly pure semiconductor, to Avoid tran-'!,' Th, il -bare be- ::Of impuritl~s'i- ese~requ remen a- st, met by 3itions withithe participation --j:ard 1LZ L 6414-66 ACC NR: AP5027413 germanium. Injection,in a p-i-n diode was used for producing A high concentration of non-equilibrium carriers. The method.used in preparation of the' specimens is-,. 6scribed. Square pulses with aAuration of 2 lisee and a prf of.,500,cps were used.:: ~or producing a high injection level., The shape, of the emission spectra remains the, same wfthin a prf range of 200-300 cps. 'This indicates that the injection current 1 aoes not beat the specimens to any great degree. The entire spectrum is.,shifted t6_- 6rd the low-en.ergy side when the current,density. is incr6aseds., The-magnitude of ihis shift depends on the effective reduction in:the width of'the'forblddeh bind'due io Coulomb interaction. An increase in the the long-wave region.. i addition to shiftin- of the emission spectrum generates a new 16ng-wave radiation n g ihe spectrum toward the low-eniergy side.- The relative magnitude of this emission in.',,* qV' with current. The authors tha'n'k:'A0V.-%rinberS' 'and 0.9 .5EKonstantinov: for bsefui consultation, and N..VI~%ablina-,.for_`assIsta cein'.bonducting*L-.tbe,exp!erim~nt,.,~~~- ask-,-. ..i.brig. art. has: 3 figures,"I'-formul -0 REN:-', 00 UB CODE: SS/ SUBM R-E* Jk` L 21157-66 EWT(m)/EWP(t) IJP(c) JD ACC NR: AP6003785 SOURCE CODE: UR/0181/66/008/00:L/.0187/0191 AUTHORS: Rogachev, A. A.;, Sablina,,N. I. ORG:.Pbysicotecbnical Institute im.:A. F. Ioffe AN SSSR, Leningrad (Fiziko-tekbnicheskiy institut AR SSSR TITLE: Vanishing of impurity levels in germanium at high injection levels SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v.1 8, no. 1, 1966, 18,(-1~1 TOPIC TAGS: germanium, impurity "Level, radicktive recombination, semiconductor carrier, pn junction, phonon, conduction band, loniza- tion, forbidden band, carrier density ABSTRACT: The authors investigated the radiative rec6mbination.of 17 -3 ction containing 10 cm of arsenic at different inJe 18 -3 levels up 10 The.injeetion~of tbe*nonequilibrium carriers was effected by passing short current pulses through the pn junction..~ in the forward directions. 'The junctions were preparedby fusingLan Card 1/3 L 21157-66 ~.ACO NR: AP6003785 6) :alloy of indium with gallium into n type germanium. The injection. :current ranged from 0.1 to 200 a. The pulse duration was from 2 to: .10 psec. The spectral instrument was a.mirror monocbromator with LiF prism, and the radiation detector was a cooled lead-sulfide M_ photoresistance. The separation of the phonon radiation from t il bell purity radiation was by comparison with the spectra of-pure germaniumi- obtained at the same temperatures. The concentration, of the inJected carriers was estimated from the shift of the edge of the.pbonon- radiation spectrum towards lower energies, for which an empirical re-,, J 18, 17 lation valid for.the range of concentrations from,10 to 5 x-10 3 cm (at 77K) was obtained. The results indicate.tbat when the In- Jection level is increased the difference between the impurity band- and the conduction band decreases, whereas the distance[between the .valence band and the impurity band remains practically cionstant. By-,.;--,,' checking the temperature dependence of the impurity radiation, it is~i .established that the ionization energy ranges between 0.005 and 0.0081____`_ ev, and that the decrease in the width of the forbidden band is pro- portional to the ionization energy. As applied to arsenic and germanium, this means that the levels'of the arsenic should vanish at Card, 2/3 LJ5476-66 -EWT(1)/EWT(m)/EWP(t) IJP(c) 'JD ACC NR, AP6009676 SOURCE CODE: UR/o18l/66/oO8/OO3/d866/O871. AUTHOR.*,,, A-.; ach~evA~ Sablina~ N. I. ORG: Physicotechnical Institute.4m. A. F.'Ioffe ATI SSSR, Leningraa (riziko- Is tekhnicheskiy institut AN-SSSR) TITLE: Recombination radiation of strongly doped germanium, -SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo-tela,.V. 8, no- 3, 1966,'866-871 TOPIC TAGS: recombination radiation, germanium, semiconductor.impurity, pn junction, semiconductor carrier, optic transition, Coulomb collision ABSTRACT: The authors investigate the recombination radiation of germanium allo3~ed with arsenic at concentrations io3-7-4 x 1o-19 cm-1. The recombination radiation.was" i excited b~, injection in a p-n junction. The experimental setup used to plot the emission spectra was described in an earlier paper (FTT v. T) 3339, 1965). The ratio' of the densities in the n- and p-regions of the diodes was such that the injection o.. at liquid-nitrogen temperature was,possible in all cases only from the p region-,t n the n regionj 66 that only the recombination radiation occurring in the . regionof the diodes wi_s_fi~iestigated in fact. A 16%'-wave Iradiation, whose intensity decrease rapidly with decreasing energy, was observed. Extrapolation of the long-wave se------ of the spectrum to zero energy yielded the value of the energy gap,,the narrowing of -which was determined from the shift of the long-wave edge of the main recombinati,on radiation resulting from the doping. Arg=ents are advanced in favor of the 1Wp- 1/2 Card ROGACHEV, A.A,; ScM~ Effect of shleldi-ng on recombinal[lon r,~ros.3 sections b1 the presence of a CA)ulomb bartVier. Fiz, tver. tela 6 no.2.293742- 371- 5 1) 1814 (MIRA 18t2) 1. FL Z 4 - Lko-,lekhnicheqkiy institut Iment loffe AN SSSR, Lenin- grad. U 0-,-. SUB COPE: LS, ENCL:. 00 Card 2/2 M GUTKINI A.A.; ROGACIIEV, A.A .; SEDOV, V.Ye.; TSARENKOV, B.V. Low-inertia light source from gallium arsenide. Prib. i tekh. eksp. 8 no.4:187-188 Jl-Ag 163. (MM 16:12) 1. Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut, PJI SSSR. ASNIN, V.M.; ROGAGHEY, A.A. Dependence-of the width of the forbidden zone in gemmkum on the curwvfft adrrier concentration. Fiz. tver. tela 5 no.6:1730-1732 Je 163. (MMA 16:7) 1, Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut imeni Ioffe AN SSSR, Leningrud. IN "Palleol iticheski -,ye zhil ii~hcha i poseleniya v Vostochnoy Yevrope. report submitted for -tth Intl Cong, Anthropological & Ethnological Sciences, Moscow, 3-10 Aug 64. ROGACHEV, A. V. 5417. Mratkoys rukoyodstvo po vehobnov gidrometricheakoy praktike. Dl^ stmdentov g1drotokhn. spetsiallixomti. Soot. A. V. Ragaebove AWbyshova 19-549 82 so 14 am. (N-vo vyssh. obrazovanlya SSSR. ftbyabovokly gidratekhn. In-t In. A. 1. Mikoyana). 500 sks. B. to.- (54-5?956) 551-48-018 (076-5) SO: Mdshnaya Letopial, Vol. 1. 1955 ROGACHEV, A. V., Candidate Tech Sci (diss) -- "Investigation of the river runoff within the northern Transvolga region". Moscow, 1959. 20 pp (Ydn Agric USSR, Moscow Inst of Water Economy Engineers im V. R. Villyams), 150 coPies (KL, No 22, 1959, 116) 3 (7) AUTHOR: Sol~/5()_;ZO Rogache-r, A. V. TITLE: On the P_"oblem of Mapping a Rive:- Dischargg PERIODICAL: Meteorologiya J_ gidrologiya, 19159, NIT 9, PP 32 36 (USSR) ABSTRACT: One of the principal methods of detwermining some hyd~clcgical .~,alculation barameters required for pro"ev--tinC hydraullic structil7es is the mapping method which has been widl? use after the publication of the ma-D for the .5.ischar,&e atlanda-_-d by D. I. Kocherin (Ref 3). To d;termine the diseharge atanlard of rivers which are not yet investl4gatued., the map by B. D, Zaykov (Ref 1) is used at present. The outstanding short- comings in the available maps of the isolines of the discharge standard are pointed out here. According to investitat-icns b,j the author, the error in the disciflai-ge standarf- In he map of Zayko,r in the basin of the Bollshoy Irgiz amounts tr-.-82~i.,, az--i-4 under conside--atior- of the usual'. errors In a map t.:~ 101-01. These shortcomings ca-1 be eliminate-i by drawin.- the maps according to hydrological =agions or subregiona. This permits "he map scale to be enlarged 3-4 fold, the Eradierts to be reduced by at least one-half, center of gravity of Card the drainage areas to be determined more ae-.cuzatelyv the On the Problem cf Mapping a River Discharge SOV/50-59-9-7/16 largest possibla number of hydrometrical at&t*ions to be. use0l, the loza-1 charactezistics of the drainage areaa -tc~ be r.,~n- sidezed, and the map aczuracy -.o he increased. This is illi7z- +,~_afed here ':)y the example of the map of isolines for the rilean annual d1scharge over aeveral Yeaa.,s in 'he North Zavolzhly-:,~ 4.1ga-;-J, -he mean annual turbidity is inves,i Next, the map of.t and the prqferene~p of regionall maps of this k--'rtd ia alisvin ty "he example of North Zavol-.10,re. Ariicngr the available ina-ps r) -As kind, D. L. Sokolovskiy and V. G. Andreyarc-: the map by G. I. Shamqv (Ref 5). It 14-s shown that on tb~ls map the error at-tains 11400,-43 in aorae caaes. The inpoTtla:A sY.-7t- r,ou~Angs of a small-acal-I map for the mean aniniul te Creatly sliminated by drawing the regional maps :~-n a la,_~.-Ie scale of relatively small hydrolo81cal ieLians and subreziipals. 'lals The author de7eloped such a map for North Zavolzhly=- or a s of I : %500-000. A comparison of this map with that by Sham-T clearly shown thr advantage _f the forme-r. "In ~.or.,.Iusiork JLP' --S said that it is inconvenient, to draw small-scale maps. !-~ iS pointed out that not 9-4-ery parameter of the river dis-,~harz;~ Card 2/3 can be representel- in the form of correspondinr -isolineE or, On the Problem of Mapping a River Discharge SOV/50-59-9-7/16 geographic map. It is wrong to plot the minimum discharge, the variation parameters of the annual discharge and of the maxi- mum discharge, the distribution of the discharge in the course of a year, if these parameters also depend on the very compli- cated, not yet investigated hydrogeological conditions, the magnitude of the drainage area, etc. There are 2 figures and 5 Soviet references. ROGACEEV, B.; SEDXh'NIKOV, B.; TEMIS, A. Transistorized microvoltmetero Radio no.6:20-22 is 1609 " (MM 13:7) (Voltmeter) S/10' V6 0/000/000/-/005/006/= Vf K 0 00 9~ 9,~ ~6 0j Ela,2~E282 AUTHORS, Ro-acbevB.. Sedel'nikov, E,,, and Temes, A. TITLE1 Microvoltmeter Based on Transistors PERIODICAL. Radio.No. 6, 1960, pp~ 20-22 TEXT. The instrument described is designed primarily for -the prospecting for various useful minerals. The instrument- covers a frequency range extending from 100 - 39000 c/s. It 'IS provided with a number of filters which can easily be changed. At the minimum frequency of 412 c/s the filter has a bandwidth of 40 c/s and the slope of the filter characteristic is 60db per cetave. The instrument has four measuring rangesg 30,100,300,1000, and 3000 microvolts. The sensitivity of the first scale is 0.3 microvol-t-s. The supply voltage for the instrument is 22.5V and the current taken by it is 7mA. The instrument operates at temperat- ures between- -15 and +45'C. It is provided with a calibrator which operates at 3V. The weight of the instrument with its supply baxteries is 3.,Okg A detailed circuit diagram of the instrument with a filter for the f--equency of 412 c/s is shown in Fig. 2. A 'Lerrite core antenna together wi'~-h the condenser C (see Fig. 2) Card 1/~,' 86525 S/107/60/000/006/005/000-/xx E192/E282 Microvoltmeter Based on Transistors forms the irIPUt Circuit Of tile instrument, The signal from the Circuit is I-ipplied 'to tile inpuL of the OmPlifier which is based on 5 germanium tV01IS"isLors which are connected as grounded emitter amplifying stages, The gain of the amplifier is stabilized by means of the resistances R., %A9 R 9 R and R , and also by the self-bias on the bases of e tAnsi3~orso ~2e first stage of the amplifier is provided with a temperature-sensitive resistor R4,which acts as a compensating element. This stage is supplied With a voltao-e of 3V in order to reduce its noise. The signal from the output of the first amplifying stage is applied to a voltage divider which changes the sensitivity of the instrument. The third stage of the amplifier contains a resonant filter con- sisting of the transformer L2 and the condenser C The output of the amplifier is followed by a bridge rect-ifier bLed on semi- conductor diodes~ The 4A.--meter connected into the dia-onal, of the 0 bridge is calibrated in microvolts corresponding to the voltage at the receiving anter-na- The scale of the instrument is linear between 10 and 30 microvolts. The cal-Lbrator. of 'the generator is ,1 4 Gard! 21 - ~x S/107/60/000/006/005/006/x'x E192/E282 Mic-rovoltmetcr Based on Transistors based on 2 transistors and is used for checking the gain stability L3 of the amplifier. The layout of the instrument is illustrated in Figs. 3 and 4. There are four figures. Card.3/3 ACC NR: Al'7003118 SOURCE CODE: UR/0079/66/036/007/1348/1348 AUTHOR: Ponomarev, S. V.; Rogachev, B. G.- Lutsenko I. F. ORG: Moscow State Universi-V-y-Mr~~ ~onosov (Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet TITLE: Synthesis of vinyloxystannanes SOURCE: Zhurnal obshchey khimii, v- 36, no- 7, 1966, 1348 TOPIC TAGS: vinyl compound, organic synthetic process, organotin compound ,ABSTRACT: in the reaction of triallcylalkoxystannanes with enolacetates of _Lsobutyric and isovaleric aldehydes, probably as a result of steric hindrances, I.previously undescribed organotin 0-derivatives of the enol forn. of the aldenydes are formed instead of the expected alpha-stannylated carbonyl compounds. ;'Dropwise addition of trialkylirethoy-jstannane to the enolate of the corresponding" I-aidehyde produced exothermic reactions, yielding vinyloxystannanes: triethyl- (beta,be-ua-dinethyl)-vinylox-jstannane, triethyl(beta-isopropyl)vinylo>-.ystannane.., and tripropyl(beta,beta-diinethyl)vinyloxystannane. The infrared, ultraviolet, and proton magnetic resonance spectra of the compounds obtained are discussei Reaction of triethyl(beta,beta-dimethyl)vinyloxystannane with methanol leada,to-1 ltransesterification of the O-organotin derivative. 1JPRS: 38,9701 ISUB CODE: 07 / SUBM DATE: 08Jan66 / ORIG'REF: 001 OTH REF: 001 Card UDC: 7-15 I ROGA"'IM, Boris Vas-111ye-trich Nanual on a charus method -Alth m-easurement of a magnetic 0 field] Rukovodstvo po metodu zariada s izmereniem magn--t-- nogo polia. Moskva, Nedra, 1965. 100 p. (MEU 18:5) n g. frequ~n,-,- r-anfa; ~n- -eop-yscall sinE7 0l:"!. nedr S 17:12) 51- 4 j nauchno- asledovazel r-j i no t I L I meta` lov, 8/169/61/000/011/019/0655 D228/D304 AUTHOR: Rogachevq B.V. ............... :7 ..................... TITLE: Wave pictures over tectonic dislocations PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, no. 119 19619 22. abstract 11A200 (Tr. Tsentr. n.-i. gorno-razved~ in.-4a no. 33, 19599 4 - 21) TEXT: Examples are quoted for distinguishing tectonic dislocations of the fault-, step-, and graben-type from the seismic prospecting data of the Kt~7~3 (KMPV). Theoretical hodographs of the main waves were computed for different angles of the intersection of the ob- servational Drofile and the line of tectonic disturbance. In addi- tion, methods of determining the location of a fault from the pecu- liarities of the wave picture are indicated. [Abstractor's note,. Complete translation]. Gard 1/1 S/-'-9/62/000/006/042/093 D228/D304 lo:-,achev, B. V. pparatus for electric prospecting by low-frequency current on transistors 2 1'. 10 _D I C 2%. 1RIo_'era-,,_Jvnyy zhurnal, Geo'Lizika, no. 6, 1962, 33-34, abstract 0'-*252 (Tr. Tsentr. n.-JL. gornorazved. in-t, no. 34, 1959, 52-67) Two schemes of loop-run generators and three schemes of re- celvers wi-uh fra.-iie antenna are described. Theapparatus can be used, ,~oo, in operations by the two loop, connected luop, variable mag- I'.e-u_:.c-f_Jeid in-censi-ty measurement, and charged boGy methods, etc. 1) The two-frequarcy receiver can be used to measure the compon- enis and the gradien-~. angle of the variable magnetic field's total voo-vor on frequenC4 es of 480 and 1980 c/s. The receiver is a two- ~_ecuency muit-'Iiml~ microvoltmeter with an inner calibrator. A 6- - U - receiving loop, shielded from the electric field and fastened on a tripod, serves as the pickup. The re'ceiver's size is 255 x 110 x C' a rd 1 / 3 S/I OrY0621000100610421093 ~_ppara-cus -for electric ... D228 D3 04 125 r---, . T"he maximum sensitivity is 0 *3 juv per scale' divisioni the measure,meni error is not more than 2~;of the corresponding upper measurement limit. 2) The microvoltmeter "Aldan-11' is intended for ,frl 1-7- a S U 1, 1 rl 9 magne.tic field components on a frequency of 40 c/s. The device -has an inner calibrator and a filter for suppressing commer- ner~erence. The pickup is a receiving loop witl~ rotary gear. c T-1-le -.,:.c,~iverls dimensions are 255 x 110 x 125 mm; the sensitivity IJ Is 0.3,uv Der scale division. The receiver is characterized by its hil'-,`.- oerformance stability at temperatures varying from -10 to _450C. The measurement error is not more than 1% of the correspond- . -1 in-, uo-oer measurement limit. 3) The phase-amplitude compensator is i-n-Gendad I'or measuring the ratio of the amplitudes and 'U-he shift of -o'aases be-uween two directions. The device works off different an- zenna on a _-:,requency of 480 c/s. For the amplitude ratios the scale -ead'ng is 0.1r,,,; the accuracy amounts to 151 for the precision ,jl-lase scale. The signal level on the loop where this accuracy is realized is 30/uv. The receiver'*s dimensions are 340 x 130 x 146 mn~ - 4) The por-uable miniature generator UN[7-,f (PMG-1 ) runs on a .-loop, which is held in an aluminum. shield, at frequencies of 480 Apparatus for elec-Uric ... S/16 62/000/006/042/093 D228YD304 a-nd 1980 Vs. 5) The portable miniature generator PMG-2 is intended If'or exci a variable electromagnetic field on frequencies of 14 In 450 and 1986 c/s by means of a loop. The generator power-of 7 waz-.s allows assured reception with an "Aldan-111 type receiver at a distance of 80 m from the generator. /-Abstracter's note: Com- .Plete -uranslation.-7 Card '5/3 I-lb ~_' V P_ -L , 11 ~' ft ---- h 5:1 ) Category : USSR/Solid State Physics - Structural Crystallography E-3 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 2, 1957 No 3693 Author : Zaslavskiy, A.I., Rogachey, D.L. Title : Determination of tfi7e-!!iueC~�--and Orientation of an Unfaced Crystal from One Photograph of the Stationary Crystal in Polychromatic Radiation Orig Pub : Kristallografiya, 1956, 1, No 2, 159-164 Abstract The determination of the Iaue class and of the orientation of an unfaced crystal is usually performed by taking three photographs in a flat cassette. This article proposes that this determination be performed for crystals giving a rich interference pattern by using a single photo- graph in a cylindrical cassette. The spherical coordinates of the re- flexes and of the points of intersection of -uhe zonal curves are determined with the aid of a grid of curves =const and P =-const. The data ob- tained are plotted directly on a rcdccrov sphere, thereby simplifying the work and reducing the time of determination. Card 1/1 0 GIMBUIRG, I.V. ;,~, ANTONYUK, Ys.S.; NALIVXIN, A.B. Holmquistite, a mineral of the rbombic ampbibole group. Izv.Kar.1 Kol.fil.AN SSSR no.5:62-76 158. 1 (MIR/, 12:9) ' 1. Gnoloelcheskiy Institut Kollskogo filiala AN SSSR- (ffolsquiatite) U- . , AIMORS: TITH: v A A'B Til A C T: Ginzi)urv, 1. V., R!-,gacpc-v, D. Bondareva, A, M. New Data --n lj,~Mriquist)-te ~N,7vyyf- dArmyye C, g,,--i mvv ricklady M,.--,denji Nq-3ic Ir c-n the Vola the nontafL-z:~ne of Les ani ',be snorth!~s L tes tin d qmphi '~!,-)Tttril It !-Vg mineral. In th4- exe(~on~act pa rflg:tr#-~ w i n m ry hr-rnb -- Liv ra,)t 1 a ri d es il n P n ii: no %. o 4. s i t e coi ar t c ~i rm LAI i r,,i ar., i h I K (I m n e r;~, n th 6. n d L) c on 9 ('. t i L so r, 0? 1. 1 m e q a e :.r. i p 6 nisartz, bioti.te, 5qalAte rind "n e F! r z i t ii, i~ Cho r 1 and ore te are ~f, ol~---",Cred I I tv (I 1 8. t*'p Qi -'s mcr!:~ it ti-it rcc-n-rding, to the pomit h 1 ~7 r, 7. 7- be 7 C Th 1 !43, cer~ 1'i 11 ty C7,f 'T Li (.r. n v H '7~ I ri;; v i i e C. H Tn r t Or:fl.-Ma L e -eri ic 2~..~r t q-,.- 7- we r~= ec~ p d f 0 r -i a(; j st:-u,~Lural 'ty Jrtve:~ for-m two Lypsis: by ra prism a and a pinscai.d.. Tile present i-(-:. cl to is mtj tA i ,jvith ja. tinge. of Pink 1''n the -:,yo.,zs seoLincrt an i A,-rk w] n s tinge of blc~.;e in 'LorigI4. tudinal 4ec t iond. The t i.4, p] eochrri em , and the angle of I he op ca i a xes . opfic.qI orientation f~,.vrre~u-.ndc4 11-r) the rhvmt~~.' 1, n t S S 1; n "ro, S C-!~ p~,a y u r t r tjuist.itt? (by MF Q. g 'i, Fp f,1, NFL, Wn, C"S ('-Peak- 'A. K C T i Z.-A rr~ of lines); hesideq these 0, 11 an 9' wPre 'cv prav'--d. In Oont-vm!t t,? o7her s r,& r- no K9P was detprmined here firid 01" 2 -L11 rv .,7 f-t-rl liquid and gas I t-r the fl rt)f, timig 'E~t ectpd n.~--e. a VaICLI~ aLion (referertcc, C", inta ot' thq crtr- (table 1) 2 ~,rarianle of *.hr: 7 and '17 were., a~'e !n (111 and IV) t~;nmpsrea wi -~n Otip, !knophyl t~e ar.,! Card 2/3 'Imphi-bole New Data on Holmquistite 2C~- I symmetry, the parameter of the unit cell and -17 rhe spat-.a-i group were determined. Fi"re 1 shows the stereograv-~% _~ projection accordIng To vhieh -the crystal. he'~r-ngs ic. th-~ rhombie eyngany of Lauf- of c-1-ass 9 R&dilagl-O.P~,.S vibrations were taken- The investigated amphllbo.~s 710.fth belongs to typl~~a'[ bs:.LmquJ.z%tIt~,.- i% n-~ doubt. !,h*mti:! -qnd monool�nic. Other sT I Ter, (rc-fr-r4,T-.:-gs 4,51 m!1zh', sil P,~ belong t-.-, the rhombio. miner.91[s. The amth'holes iq to be correc-,,rd &~,cord.,rj --y r .3 r. .3 t e a There are fignre, 2 tables, and I refsrenie!~, are zlo-iet. ASSOCIATIONt Kollskiy filial Aksdemli na,.jk SSOP y'o i. a B -anr; ti PRESRNTRD: November 2, !01~7i 1:v D. T. SUBMITTED: N.-~vemher :91;'! CArd DORPMUT, M.D.; ROGACFEEV, D.L.; GOROSHCHENKO, Z.I.; USPEIISY-kYA, Ye.l. - - -1 ~---I Canacite, a new mineral. Trudy Min.muz. no.9:158-166 '59- (14IRk 12:6) (Khibiny Mountaino-Calcium ailicates) ROGACHEV, D.L.; ANTSYSHKINA, A.S.; PORAY-KOSHITS, M.A. Some zirconium igulfatoo, Zhur.struktokhim. 6 no,5091-792 S-0 165, (NM - 18 112) 1. Institut obshchey i neorganichookcy khimii iN*ni N.S, Kurnakova. Submitted April 24, 1965. GORYACIIET, A.L ; IGNATIYEV, O.S.;__ROGAGHLV,_D.L, Synthesis of chlcqlovite. Dok-j. All SSSR 146 -no.5:1179-.1181 0 162. (MRA 15-10) 1. Institut khimii i tekhnologii redkikh elementov i mineralli3ogo syrlya Kollskogo fillala im. S.~LKirova AN SSSR. (Chkalovite) BONDAREIA, A.M., ROGACBEV, D.I., SACEIAROV, A.S. Alkali amphibole containing lithium from the contact zone of the Lovozero massif. Zap. Vses. min. ob-va 88 no.6:710-712 159. (KIRA 13:8) 1. Geologicheskty Institut Kollskogo filiala All SSSR. (Lovozero Tandrae-Amphibole) (Lovozero Tundras-Lithium) SEMA.KGV, P.; POGUDIN, N.; LOSHCHILNIN, D.; ROGACHEV, .; CHATSKIY, P.; MUROVICH, A.; BEKETOV, I.; ROZENFELID., B. BIBIK., N. This is for our beloved country. Sov.protreb.koop. 5 no.8:6-7 Ag 1614 OMU 14:7) (Cooperative societies) (Socialist competition) MELAMEDI V.I., kand. tekhn. nauk, dotsent; ROGACHEV, F.I., inzh. Investigating the process of microgrinding. Vast. mashinostr. 43 no.6:58-60 Je 163- (MIRA 16:7) (Grinding and polishing) MEM4ED,, V.I.; ROGACHEV, F.I. Determining the depth of workhardened metal layer by the method of cutting thin shavings and measuring the thermoelectric power. Trudy Sem.po kach.poverkh. no-5:24"53 '61- . (MIRA 15:10) (Surface hardening-Measurement) FRENKELI, Semen Shmillyevich; PASTUKHOV., V.M., nauchnyy red.I.ROGACIIEV t =-I -:- F.V., red.; SOROKRIA, S.L., red.1 DORODHOVA, L.A., tokbn. red. [Laboratory exercises and problems on milling work] LaboratormV* raboty zadachi po frozernomu delu. Moskva., Vase. uchabno- pedago izd-vo Proftakhizdat, 1961. 180 p. (MIU 1533) fAilling machines). (Technical education) BUNDIN,"4eksandr Tikhonovich; R34EZOV, N.S.,, nauchnyy red.; ROGACHKV,, F.V., red.; DORODNOVA, L.A.., tekhn. red. [Mechanization and automatization of forging processes) Mekhaniza- tsila i avtomatizatsiia protsessov kovki i goriachei shtampovki. Moskva, Vses. uchobno-pedagog. izd-vo Trudrezervizdat, 1959. 150 P. (MIRA 9) (Forging machinery) ABAKWIOV, Mikhail Mitrofanovicli; KUZ'HINY V-V-, nauchbyy red.;, ROGACIMV,..- 'F.V., red.; NESMYSIDVA, L.M.p tekhn. red. (Attachments for lathes) PriMmsoblenila dlia tokwmykh stankov. Moskva, Vses. uchebno-pedagog. izd-vo Proftekhisdatl 1961. 101 p. (MIRA IW) (Lathes.-Attacbments) I I KRYMSKIYP Ivan Ivanovich; SOKOLOV, I.G.,, nauchnyy red.; ~qq~C_R&34 F.V.,, red.; SAZIKOV, M.I., red.; BARANOVA, N.N., tekhn. red. [Guide for the equipment of a training section in forging processes] Rukovodstvo po oborudovaniiu uchebnogo kabineta kuznechnogo proizvodstva. Moskva, Proftekhizdat,, 1962. 54 P. (HIM 15:5) (Forging--Study and teaching) (Visual education-Equipment and supplies) LACHINOV, Nikolay Vladimirovich; MHUM, A.S. nauchnyy red.;-iLG ~CHW- F.V.,__Kqd.; TVAM, A.M., [Installation and repair of heat engineering equipment] Nontazh i remont teplotekhnichaskogo'oborudovenlis. Moskva, Yese.uchabno- pedagog.izd-vo Proftekhizdat, 1960. 478 p. (MIRA 14:3) (Boilers) MIKMYGOV, Sorgey Mikhaylovich; KARGIN, Viktor Sergeyevich; PAbVUHOV, V.M., neuchnyy red.; ROGACILIV, F.V., red.; SU VICH, V.-I., (Operational training of lathe operators in plants; methodological instruction materl-als] Proizvodstvennoe obuchenis tolmrei na prodpriiatiiakh; instraktsionno-mgtodicheakie materialy. Moskva, Vaes.uchebno-pedagog.izd-vo Proftakhizdat, 1960. 101 p. Nru 14:4) (Turning) PBffSffKIN, Aleksandr Vasillyevich; TRSTIYAKOV. Nikolay Petrovich; US-~IXOV, Mikhail Alekseyevich, redaktor; ROGACHN, F.T., redaktor; OSTRIROV, N.S., tokhaicheekly red~~ [Physics] FIzIka. Izd. 2-e, topr. i dop. Hookv&. Tues. uchabno- pedagog. Izd-vo Trudrozervizdat,,1955. 435 P. (MLRA 8:10) (Physics) i ROGACHEY, G.D. womwh"6"~Ie Svibmerged-tYPe electric centrifugal pumps. Yod. i san. tekh. no.7: 17-19 JI 156. NLRk 9:10) (Centrifugal pumps) ROGACHEV, G.N. I Wal) paper of a physics club. Fiz. v shkole 22 no.2:78 Mr-Ap ,62. (MIRA 15:11) 1. 1-ya shkola-internat, g. Suzdal'.. I (Physics--Study and tAaching) ROGAGHEV, Ivan Davydovich (Dodder and its control] Sary chyrmook zhana ag'a ka-rshy kuroshu-Luiun charalary. F~runze, Kyrgyzstan mam-ekettik, basmasy, 1962. 16 p. (In Kirghiz] (MIRA 17:11) I LZ U Vik* A 4~; c4, at. yvv method for W mbig the movement of a M-110"Onan uqwds. Konoid. Zhur. is, a 11411 GUM"Namr, ent vhwosily valun for shearinf dftsm Mve AR4 belm 6 crit. strelp, It btkves as a m xt. 912 Wto w1ble Ilquklo. SqUailans ire deriVW for Its nuAim In S Caftitirk-0 Under c!VN6rY. and afouM a Vpwating le. n n f7 Te-, BODIN, Aleksandr Platonovich; ROGACHE;V, Illya Fedorovi 14 :ch-_KHAVIC , Yefim Abramovich; ZEIMMT A, La., -r-e(1.-,.,-SAYTUJIDI, L.D., tekhn. red. [Organization of the installation of electric equipment in rural electric power systems] Organizatsiia elektromontazhnykh rabot na sellskikh elektroustanovkakh; spravochnoe rukovodstvo. Moskva., Izd-vo M-va sell.khoz.RSFSR, 1961. 210 p. (MIRA 14:12) (Rural electrification) (Electric.power diistribution-Equipment and supplLes) MORGULIS, P.S., dotsent., k&nd.tekhn.nauk;_.ROGAq- .-1. 1. , dotsent, kand. fi2iko-matematicheskikh nauk Programs of technical subjects taught in teachers collegos. Uch. zap.Kol.ped.inst. Politekhsor,)4 no.D87-94 159. (MIA W-4) (Teachers, Training o (Technical education) Ci 48-7-7/21 AUTHORS: Dzhelepov, B.S., Proobrazhenakiy, B.K., Rogachev, I.M., Tishkin, P.A. TITLEs 160 The Spectrum of the Conversion Electrons of (Spektr konversionnykh elektronov g0160) PERIODICALs Izvestiya Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser. Fiz., 1957, Vol. 21, Nr 7, pp. 962 - 965 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The spectra of the conversion electrons of the erbium and hol- by peans of two lensespectro- mium. frac.tions investigated. , , meters.' Thl~se fr4L.bti6ns had-.been woh from- tantalum which was ' irradiated with~ the ~ -energy ~of 660 MeV. 1.) The spectrum of the conversion electrons of a one day iso- tope was investigated in several series as long as the source did not decay. After 24 hours, after the elimination o-f the source, the spectrum manifested itself as shown in figure 1., The half-decay period for the lineswhich are given in table 1 lie in the domain of 25 to 30 hours wb-Ich justifies the assumption teat all lines of table I belong to one isotope. The comparison with Card 1/2 publisheddata shows that the observed activity is probably con- The Spectrum of the Conversion Electrons of Ho 160 160 nected with Er160. It was shown in earlier works that Ho in th T6 6round and isomeric states is obtained from the decay of Er 2.) The holmium fraction was investigated by means of a two- -lense spectrometer. Two prepar4tions were investigateds The first one contained besides Ho160 an admixture of Er160, there- fore the decay curves have a complicated form. The second source was again cleaned; first the erbium fraction was eliminated and after 25 hours the pure holmium H0160; the intensity of all lines agreed with the period 5,3. � 0,2 hours. Moreover 4 series of measurements in energy intervals of 2 - 200 keV were carried out. The total view of the obtained electron spectrum is represented on figure 2. Table 2 records tbe line energies and their id-enti- fication. There are 2 tables, 2 figures and 5 references, 3 of which are Slavic. ASSOCIATION: Leningrad State University imexi A.A.Zhdanov (Leningradskiy gos. universitet imeni A.A.Zhdanova) AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 j-) c ? AUTHORS: D-.helepo,,r, B. S., Preobrazhenskiy, B. K_ 4, 6- 2-2-2-V t Rogachev, I. Tishkin, P. A. TITLE: The Conversion Electron Spectrum of the Dyspro-sium. Frac-cion. (Spektr konversionnykh elektronov disproziyevoy frak-+s_11)j PERIODICAL; Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR,Seriya Fizicheskaya, '19.58-, Vol. 22, Nr 2, pp. 126-134 (USS111/ ABSTRACT: Conversion spectra of the neutron-saturated dysprosi-x"n iso topes were irive3tigated here. The dysprosium fraction was chemically and chromatographically separated from the tantal-am target bombarded with fast protons in the synchr3- cyclotron OPIJ3,4 The irradiation lasted several hours, the separation of the rare earths took place 20-70 hours after the termination of the irradiation. The situation was mo--r-a complicated than was to be assumed according to tha Sibor.- tables. In the conversion spectrum the authors determined lines whose intensity y decreased with half life3 of-, a) 7,5 111 hours, b) 38 hours and 0) 4,7 days. Du~: tc th,~ difficult situation explanations are here given according to groups of half-lifes. The Dy-fraction was in-trestigated Card 1/ 4 in two r__ spectrometers with magnetic lenses (magnetic, .-lens The Conversion Electron Spectrum of the Dysprosium Fracticn 4e--22-2-3-' specurometer). 1.) In the spectrum of the dysprosium- -fraction 15 electron-lines whose intensity decreased with a half-life of 7,5 " 1.1 hours were determined in the range 0 of 3- 1 150 keV. All lines repeated themselves J.r 6 series (perfo~rined with 2 sources). The value of the half-life of 7,5 hours was detorinined a(.cording to the decrea-.ira. in intensity of the lines with 7,4 keV. The electrnn, iine~ with 5,36 and iJ2 keV are L-1-31, K-LLj K-L, an-i M Aager- -electrons, the lines with 1395, 57~5, 64iO, 74~O and 81.0 keV were identified as conversion electrons K, L and Y, of the transitions with 65,5 and 82,5 keV in Tb. The electron lines vrith 48,0, 92,0, 98 and 142 keV apparently a-re K and L conversion. electrons which correspond to the transiti-:~rs with '100 and 150 keV, whereas the line with 132 k----,;' apparen-bly corresponds to the K-electrons of the transitior with 184 keV. All transitions given here were fc--- the first time observed by the authors. - 2.) Beside the line!~: w1th a time of decrease in intensity of about 10 hours 1; weak electron lines with a time of decrease in intensity cf about 38 hours were determined ir. the P-stectromete-7 with single lens. For the time being it was n.3t pogsible to Card 2/ 4 ascribe these lines to a certain iso-t-ope. - 71.) After these 1 ~ The Conversion Electron Spectrum of the Dysprosium Fraction 48-22-2-3/1f I lines (with 10 hours) weaker lines of the conversion electrons, the intensity of which decreased with a half life of (4,5 + 0,2) days became distinctly visible, K-. L- and M-elec7trons of the transitions with 63 and 87 keV, L- and M-electrons of the transit-Lon with 57 keV, K- and L-electrons of the transitions with 149, 163~ 180 and 200 keV, K-electrons of the transitions with 60 and 262 keV were determined, Some of these lines could not be identified, .- It is shown that the activity decreasing vrith a period of 4,5 days can be ascribed to the terbium, isotopes. It seems that at least 4 terbium isotopes with a half-life period of about 5 days exist; 155 (T = r,6 days), Tb157 'T Tb153 (T V days), Tb j k 4~7 days) and Tb 161 (T = 6,8 days). Sumgiarizing thp authors state that it is Possible that Tb has a of about 5 days, that it is accumulated from DyI577 (T 6,2 hours) and that some conversion lines corresponding to the period of rv 5 days might belong to it. The decay- -scheme,was discussed with L. X, Peker,, K, Ya. Gromcv Card 3/4 helped with the organisation of the works. A. Bagdan.~v and The Conversion Electron SDectrum of the Dysprosiu= Frac-1-forn ""5-22~-2-3/17 A. I. Yashchuk, Student-Diplomants (which prepare for their diplomas) helped with the work. There axe 5 figures, 3 tables, and 9 references, 3 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Fizicheskiy institut Leningradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. A. A. Zhdanova (Institute for Physics in. the Leningrad State University imeni A. A. Zhdanov) AVAILABLE: Library of Congress 1. Dysprosium isotopes-Gonversioa spectra 2. Dysprosium isotopes-Irradiation 3. Rare earth elements-Separation Card 4/4 AUTHORS: Dzhelepov, B.. S.., Preobrazhenskiy, B. K.. SOV/48-22-6-5/2o Rogachev, I~ M., Tishkin, P. A. TITLE: Conversion Elecl6ron Spectrum of" the Cerium Fraction (Spektr konversionnykh elektronov tseriyevoy f'raktsii) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSRj Seriya fizicheskaya, 1958, Vol. 22, Nr 6, pp. 93*1 - 934 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The activity of the cerium fraction in all sources obtained by the authors by irradiation at different times was small. At the beginning of the measurements the counting rate of the most intensive conversion line was goo pulses per minute. The spectrum of the conversion electrons is shown in figures I and 2. Table 1 gives the energies of the lines, their possible identification and their relative intensities. The 15 electron lines that are found are classified into 3 groups according to their half-life. The inten-sities of the electron lines with energies of 126,2 and 159;1 keV decreased very slowly. These lines are apparently produced by the K- and (L + M) conversion electrons of the well known -y-transition Card 1/3 hv=165 keV of the Ce139 isotope (T 1/2 IiJO days). The I Conversion Electron Spectrum of the Cerium Fraction SOV/48-22-8-5/20 intensity of the electron lines 212v8 and 248 keV decreased with a half-life of 3-4~ hours. These lines can be identified as F.- and (L + M) conversion lines of' y transition. The value of the ratio K/(L + M) indicate!3 a multifole type E3 (Table 2). An isomeric state with an energy of 256 keV corresponding to IL ~aif-life of 34,5 '-tours (Ref 7) exists in the isotope Ce'31. The authors are of opinion that con- sidering the comparability of the decay energy (half-life energy) and of the multipole order energy of the observed transition with the data of the isomeric transition in Ce137 the activi y with a half--life of 33 hours could be ascribed to Ce13~. Thes,~ data do not contradict the decay scheme suggested by Bro5i anC The intensity of the remaining lines decreased with a narf-life of 17 hours. The evidence obtained by the authors is not sufficient to ascribe the lines with a T 1/2 of IT hours to o-ne definite Ce-isotope or to one of its daughter products, or to set up decay schemes. The authors express.their gratitude to zhe synchrocyclotion sts.ff and to I.A.Yutlandov. There are 2 figures, 2 tables, Card 2//.) and 8 references, 4 of which are Soviet, Converoion Electron Spoctrum of the Cerium Fraction SOV/48-22-8-5/2o ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-issledovatel'skiy fizicheskiy Institut Leningradskogo gos. universiteta im. A.A.Zhdanova (Scientific Research In- stitute of Physics at the Leningrad State University imeni A.A.Zhdanov) Card 3/3 Ill.! 114 fl I~Iwf FO IV fit it'll 0 -f x tic Vw 1. Will 11P. lot me N NY, I p r ACCESSION NR: AP4010294 S/0048/64/028/001/0072/0075 AUTHOR: _Rpg~~phev,., 1,11. ; Kilcitin, M. X. TITLE: Conversion electron spectrum of the Pd fraction /from spallation of silver7 (Low energy region). ffeport, Thirteenth Annual Conferin-ce on Nuclear spectroscopy. held in Kiev 25 Jan to 2 Fab 19627 SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya, Seriya fizicheskaya, v.28, no.1, 1964, 72-75 TOPIC TAGS: conversion eledron, conversion electron spectrum, palladium isotope, palladium 103, palladium 100, rhodium 103, rhodium 100, electrcn spectrm ABSTRICT: The study was concerned with the low-energy part (up to 100 keV) of the conversion electron spectrum of the Pd fraction separated chemically from a silver target bombarded with 660-MeV protons on the synchrocyblotron of the Mal (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research at Dubna). The Pd activity was deposited on a tan- talum plate and then transferred by thermal evaporation under high vacuum onto a lightly aluminized mica,sheet 2 mictons thick. The spectrum was recorded by means of a magnetic lens P-spectrometer with intermediate acceleration. The measurements were started two days after separation of the Pd fraction. The electrons were de- Card 1/2 ACC. im: Ap4olo294 tected by a Geiger counter. In all, 12 lines 'were dbserved; none of these in- creased in intensity with time. The decay periods are grouped about two values: 4,5.2 days and 18 days. The lines with T 1/2 = 18 daYs a" associated Vith the decay of Pdl03 (conversion of the 39.6-keV transition in Rh103). Sme of the other conversim lines are tentatively attributed to the decay of Pd1OO and. RhIOO. 2 tables and 2 figures. ASSOCIATION: none STIMUTM: 00 DaE Acq: loFeb64 ENCL::00 SUB CCIDE: HS NR W SOV: 003 C 002 Ccird 2/2 DZHELEPOV, B.S.~ ROGACITEV, I.M. Determining the multipolarity of transiticns in Ybl7-1 at an energy of 19.3 Kev. Vest. IZU 17 no-4:56-58 162. (KIRA 150) (Ytterbium-.Spectra) DIYAKOV B.B ROGACHEV I.M. Litensities'of g'roup!; on Auger K-electrons from rare earth e.LaRmts. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. fiz. 26 no.2:191-196 F 162,, (MIRA .15:2) 1.~ Ilauchno-issledovatellskiy fizicheskiy institut Leningradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. A.A.Zhdanova. (Auger Effect) f- - .. % 34169 S/048/62/026/002/OOdA/032 B101/B102 JVCZV AUTHORS: Dfyakov, B. B., and Rogachev, I. M. TITLE: Intensities of Auger K-electron groups of rare-earth elements PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheskaya, v~ 26, no. 2, 1962, 191-196 TEXT: The energy of Auger electrons was measured with a magnetic-lens beta-ray spectrometer of the Kafedra yadernoy spektroskopii LGU (Department of Nuclear Spectroscopy of LGU). The electrons were accelerated with an electric field on the section of the flight-path section parallel to the axis of the apparatus between two lenses. The counter, filled with argon and alcohol vapor (ratio 1:1, pressure 26 mm Hg), was sealed by a collodionVK film with a transmission threshold of 3-4 kev. Electrons of more than 27 kev were completely transmitted. The apparatus was calibrated by the A- and F-lines of ThB and the L 58-line of Dy 159. The relative half-width of these lines was 2.0 %. Samples were obtained by chromatographic separation of the rare earths from a tantalum target which was bombarded Card 1/3 34169 3/04 62/020'/002/003//032 Intensities of Auger K-electron... B101~B102 with 660-hlev protons in the synchrocyclotron of OIYaI. Results of measure- ment: Ce139: (K -LL):(K- LX) = 1.0" (0-47 + 0,06). The K -XY group was not separable from the background. Nd140: (K- LL): (K- LX): (K -XY) 1: (0-55 + 0,03): (0-13 + 0.03). Sm 145: (K- LL) K- LX) = 1 : (0-41 0. 1). The K- XY group did not appear. Dy159: (K- LL): (K- LX)- 1: (0,46 + M5). 160* The K- XY group did not appear. Ho : (K - LL) ; (K - LX)= 1 : (0-53 t O~ 15). K.- XY could not be determined owing to the superposition of the L60 and L/ 165 K86 lines, Er (K - LL) : (K - LX) (K - XY) - 1 : (0 - 5 5 1 0 - 05) '. (0-09 +0,03). 166 Tu : (K LL) (K - LX): (K- XY)= 1: (0-59 0.06): (0.24 � 0.07). Further findings: (K - LX) : (K - LL) (K - XY) (K - LL) La 0-44 0.10 Pr 0,55 0.03 0.13 0,02 PM 0.55 0.10 Tb Oz46 0,05 Dy 0,59 + 0.10 Ho 0-55 o.o6 0~09 + Oto, Card 2/3 6759 1 0,06 0,24 � M71 34169 S/048/62/026/002/003/01;2 Intensities of Auger K-electron... B101/B102 The data for (K -LX): (K- LL) fit the experimental curve of M. A. Listengarten (Izv. AN SSSR, Ser. fiz., 24, 1041 (1960)) satisfactorily. M. K. Nikitin, G. S. Kotykhin, and G. S. Novikov are thanked for their chromatographic work. There are 4 figures, 1 table, and 12 references; 9 Soviet arid 13 non-Soviet. The two references to English-language publications read as follows: Gray, P., Phys. Rev., 101, 1306 (1956); Burfordq A. 0., Perkins, J. F., Haynes, S. K., Phys. Rev., 22, 3 (1955). ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-issledovatel'skiy fizicheskiy institut Leningradskogo gos. universiteta im. A. A. Zhdanova (Scientific Research Institute of Physirs of the Leningrad State University imeni A. A. Zhdanov) Card 3/7, ROGACHEVSKIY, I.N., kand.tekhn.nauk, inzhener-podpolkovnik Prospects for improving the flying characteristiCB Of planes; 1' from the foreign press. Vest.protivovozd.obor. no-3:40-43 Mr 161. OCRA 14:7) (Airplanes)