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v w - v w v v w v 0 0 v w It I) SO Is A 1 -r- a r r r. w& , . a- j -, - a--, ..q.5 7 A as 1 at ttm o1 11 Y!, f 4 , (1937y-Themt" -(h. te~iew- The 111219'w6c Alml '% fid th~ ' It It . . novilm ol Inter"MIlAle states we di~vwil. 1 j wee 90 19 ; s =00 , i fee go* it' AI#O* Ala-SLA MitALLOUCAL UYINAlloill CLASIVIC wee u is Av PC is An A 1 9 fW 0 Of a I III Im. 2 A) a 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o o 0 0 00 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 - ------- -------- : : .4 .1 1 1 k : I- . . lid I 1 11011 111314 flit a -V 'jo sill Uji ids bumire to U0694 00 A So Go S&KItsti A.0 0000141-111 -pis go -00 so 'A go if 000 00 127V Action as a 3pace Coordinate. 1. J30.18444r. 0 Zhur. EkspU. I T#oM. Ft2. 19 U-940949)(in Russian). It is shown that the movement of a point in gravitational and eloctromaignotic fields, considered as a problem of relativistic mechanics (boo in Its classical and quantum 00. aspects), Is equivalent to a problem of optics (both If"- see metrical and wave optics), vii., to the problem of the prop- eo 002 aration of rays In ittemann's 5-space of coordinates, time. Cc and action. Geometrical 5-optics appears as a limiting 1111 form of the wave 5-oplics, which includes. &B a spedal 4;00 case. the relativistic vivo mechanics of Dirac. ee s 200 boo too* wool ACTALLUNGICAL L171RATURT CLASSWICATIVIO ' - _ 11 NJ __ _ ____ ;-=- -, __~__7 via", _ - _._-___ _ view *O.Inv boo S.40.0 .41 QW, Q*C 801131 nor am. ill U 5 A' 10 Ll I SP F, c, a If 9P of K it X It ;C lt tg 1C 4P S a OW 0 of x AM 11 ir r, 0 G 0 010 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 9 0 0 . 0 Ole 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 go 0 0 0 00 We 0 0 *Go Geese MAR== mm m.~~m 0 )A a it U Is or to it A I I mpl ove 4 I m I l F 111 t :.w: 4 Rl llm.P k Stil R. 'No AN 04 14Y!ak T 00 , . .1 --- ~ I . - - -, I ANRJI!~_WVI - I_ I---_ - ~1-_ owtiloo AND .00 -00 .00 1273, Action AN A Space Cuordinsiv. 11. yu. B. Ituotpr. 00 Zhur. Kitsiol. I T rot. ris, it. m 14(1949)(in H ) .00 ".Un . -00 0 The first part of this work appeared in Lhur. KkxpL. I 00 Truett. rit. III, oil -votow. It Is shown to the present .00 so tit paper that x comprehensive theory of gravitation and else- i trictly In rtmtainvd. an 4 spectAl case, in a general theory o. 00 A 4 6 -Ilrld that drierminvat the metric in the 6-aparv of Soo so It ! ~ I McdolAIN'S, time. and Action. It opposes ULA9 me% a goo- re * * of notion "INATIga'- (3) Schwa r h l l d h moo , 00 4sc c is Id a ivi t eory. Including tinxtrln m probta, In the o gravitation. Max- In _WMTv ft &a Itainal MAI, Is the close Ittri evil's i i d hi l d th h h f ld b f e rv ro rs an ,or ynam e t . Is do- eory o I lo g ood Of the mourrr. 1,11 vv I *vWc floW created by a point clilrg, &we o,4 foll,,w nerlbod by Einstein's equations, for the 5-space PAm - %GA, ~ ~ .4 A, tit whlrh QA, In the 5-Irrosor of the sources tit the C-lonab"' law- rmrth*rffwr*, a point charge too I'M*@ 2 X field A(r) . that is noticeable only at 5 -field. Three cases are eumined: (1) The classical case. 00 ' close dutances from the charge. In which there Is no v field And the metrics do to depend on Of -8 1 No: A romprrhenalve field theory to given. comprising gin goo of I attin's OfAVIIAllon And MAXWOVA 01*01'OdyRAMIell 111001`44. zoo so el M The weak 5 field in a vacuum: A livnerallsod thoory of woo ASA ItrAVIIAtIOnAl WAW#% to obtained that embrace* the cases of ravitali nAl le t ti d th I l t 7- o c romagne c an n . e % waves. e genera It o ~ case 4 a field depending on s . the theory becomes one of be 0 os p,,orticir- for which r. "m - c'lr Zw)'i. Th"t particloo, '00 1 by the author, play a port analogotta 04 o that of photons In rivet rutlynamirs. And 11 ran be shown 1100 i'~ that the photon. the grav--on. vul the -field quantuat are boo "IMITIAl CAPPM tit INOWIRAtilln of the IUMUM411111011 In 115 state it* 0 W I M a.. 0 4 " A . A , . , or , , ` I ) ., I , ftj a a IF I . ; T - to n to m 9 Is it It It It It Is . oo : ; - do 0 0 0 0 0 0 so 0060 0 0 00 0 o 0 ~0 . '0 0 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 l 0 . o 0 0 0 go sees 0 0 . 0 0 . 00 0 Rumer Y~.& B Physical content of 5--optics. Akad. Nauk E-k;per Teorei FIz 20, IQ)-205 (1950). 3.2, 4 1 v to it 1, 4 Is 0 u r a 4 It a imp oil go on amax4flea **a 6 00 U, L~4,_ 1, 0 , , o 00 00 s3 06 0 . 1 0 0 0 -00 00 J615. 11rchwk towito kf*nu floor 0*0w* -00 00 P"NwoWky md 11W 04 110w 16111111-6- Vu. .00 kulolfw~";Lellcr in J. C9P. TL%w. PhYs., USSR. Is, a c e- rS' Ye PI I Se 0 J71 fjww. JqXjj ja XpmAww. I - in 0 . j lll"sAb%lr."I%uppklmu%Atmr.4$7(1951)1. list .0 (-I slag A Wilkmily h.. I.k6 &I, IWsw.I .4 u%awaswe .4 Ifter de INA% *aso A40w. IkNj s4ow, A. $low .40410 Of 111C nCIJ 000 00 IV I%,111ft.11 mot, 14-411 1.41 11W lm,#. a Iloo"s W 41-1 '"1 it. goo ku&sAtt I%v Incokbus AtmitaLt). I%Lv Ava %lown. twig. AW(, 19J0 (1939). 1011 (1V50)1. goo 00 04,g =00 goo 00 CIO, +I via. xt): 111410 '00 .09 At* 11 A .11ALLUPSKA0, L1111161441 CLASSWICAtfam 00 to o . 1 u 0 *3 t Of 'S or 4 - An v tow or a v IV it or as v 0 W to or a n it x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 won I its 9 0 0 0 1 111 0 0 0 0 Is 0 a 0 4 0 111 111 0 111 0 * 0 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 RMMI Yu. B. 16ST98 .(CA 110. )LO0 1(*98 UOSA.(l 141466 1~ 1IM9111'.1 4111 vm poliatucri uxup '4 (tilt+ + 4) V1 Tim I "'Ii I j l2jrto~'i~ Ualim -~PJO jj!iV~jQ3EtJJJj41p .,Ii I qi!- 2nq (1) Ail 1111,41, It", Ila quolirl- pa.lrolll.' -njuK'.)Q,q I V I (I , a.* P , t S-TrW till tl6ijulald I., I w aL(I qjlk~ lo sju~40G:) -Vir pum Jbjw'~ w 1111 1 ~1 4 -ajdz.j,Lud Uo' wt P tlu4f~* u1. pjq,~4). IN atp 3"I'm \p; N-rL% punoi-.7ju asv.~ :i q ~ 39va I.-Hilalw" 3tivis; ;)ql 7~ v%Otq am tilollrnw- -nlou )Dvx~ Ul Me. Ill Al),WN : I 410 JAJOG Ol , r4:)Ou 91 4t,8130pa 44) xw limuo3od aqj J1411,01lt -pliq aql I'' r1i,i6 kql L41A.M.-Ij 'Uollptufv'~- "?M(nAQx oto u, letil ul voillf"tJ."i 1-*Ba aq~ aq 111 m I v q % - UC6"sl -UQP!S Imp aq~ AeAx Qum alp Ill it" suopenbooip pm, it,- ;VU 1q.11 ol Uoiqlppv ul IV., i o (61 (,! ~1 ' " 711plocta wm- '13 13. 1 ht pfui,w- 4:7- 256 PIc 11 4- 20 1) a chfiI4 left Vol I No SAle. YU. jjukr Yu 13 Actfun ar. a spate coordinatil. V11. Akwi. Vathematioal Ruvio" ~~~Zijrnal 1'. -sjkur. Troret. Fiz. 23, 35-48 (1952)_ 14 lJo. 7 vol . . Aly August, 1953 This paper is theseventh of it str'cs r ft? pirt V[ rce same I r 1 4 Z 7-75 urnal 22, 7, (1952), dirse. Rev. 14. 606] concerned _q&thematioal Physlos, with the development ofa 5-diptensionil gcnerally covariant quantunt theory. The thenry i9 here applied to derive the , , I wave-equatinn for the'electron interacting with an external efectrninigi!etir field. The wave-equation is derived by ting t pplying the:principle of stationary. action, equa 0 zero the variation of the Lagranginn i*kegrated e ver th 5-dimensional space. T e It resillting eqti6t on is [-ih(61axj)+(e1e)A*] ki, +( A It differs from' the usual Dirac equation by the presence of Paulky' interaction be- the list term, which is a direct pe , tween the electron spin and the electromagnetic field abou strengths Fil. The author says noth*.ng I: the physical conwquencec of Oils equation, The reviewer observps that 0 the additional term represents att anonial ns'tit4lki moment equal to mintis one hilf of tile otdInary'liltnt' , ino ent of tile electron. Therefum in the 'kuthor's theory m 4pi 41- v 7 q the electron will have a gyromagnetic ratio of I histea I of 0 7 4 tile 6saved yditie 2. This tflakra tile theoty tillitt lond- T able, d� it thdoty of teal ph 14 1 clecte(jils. _J~- 7- N 7 n - - - - - - - - - - - U S S R A= Yu. B. The op*41-mech=W ar4ka- UspeW NI-ataA77q2W&jN rs, no. 6(RF, (1953). (Ru*. dan) This is a review artide. tracing the developtnent of the idea of in analogy between optics and dynamics, suxdng with Hamilton and ending with the author's 5-dimerudonal theory [Almd. Nauk SSSRL Zurnal Eksper. Teoret. Fix. 23, 35-48 (1952); these Rev. 14, 706: and earlier papexv them cited]. P. J I~Vsdn (Princeton. N. v s 34. AdM as coordimto of op=. IX. v Zh, okspor'. mor. Br., A No. 3. Pi.*-I I A jcncmf-,dcvu)r~liMloq-~b pmStilled of equiv*nce -of Ae ordfnar~ 5Anwaslonaj tenior; JN r 1, nalogy, the physical content, =banks -'Iwbkh,',Ii not yet AUSR4 by,nwglcm~ quanaun-, U S q, I I - ~ - l i e O betl to, haidc& is nable& the ictknvascr ht ---------- .~-,,Mn int to: be tcrw Aft ~-o a its tional -To - obtain 530 12;'ordinatc V ~ , 9911 pbwcal MW a the 5A[Menslar at: with expe t It inuit be 191 VAD In ag- aniined tut l Yu. D ,Rumm 10"PeP. leor, 'Piz., 24i, The configuation4 5-space - of ft inattrial point M " 17FUTM3"M l . . u an. topolo"Y. clased in the 3thco-ordimto of sctfoa4 WAY Two dfffcmt I kid to S-optles, the Mt of and that the period of tho, 5th w-or4laite hu which Is a developmat, of ML-mcc Plaws, cc dimenslart'ot f6rotal appzritus, of point mechanks Is then fused with the fortnal apparatus of conventionAl optics Into The' second "Yz the' unified apparatus, of. S-optics~,~ Is &'contlauatio irid developmeat of "'S-tiltnew n d tc v sional generalization 61 gravitationd theory atternp in 'Ifie ftilthoeg prrADUS' papC117. [sci-Absw 2M ji, cbraple;,, '(1953)).- RAO'shown'thit both: v;iys: ' fore Itkorrect ~ to!'mmider: -inentary,; lt~ Is them S-6ptics only as one of the "rlaatr'~( 'Itaified field" ' Main content beinj rather. 4 iyntheili 0 dicaryi~ Its th I -ofigavitationmotingla~ a of rnotietii them Lobachrnkil's --with the Ideas qunturn-,~ ; d thi rternen theory an - t 00ty 0 0 ides. itif tAtY pw riodk dependence -oM physical W& (classical as',, PC -ordinate faction.. Ift co Inn as &flcl&) on the 0 SUBJECT USS~MATHEMATICS/Geometry CARD 1/2 PG 343 AUTHOR RUMER Ju-B. TITLE Space, time and action., PERIODICAL Uspechi mat. Nauk 10, 1, 210-2121(19~55.) reviewed 10/1956 This:is a detailed representation of a conference held at the Moscow Mathe- matical Society. Rumer gives a survey on the fruitless triils to set up a' general field theory which has not only a purely formal oombinating character but also a physical substance. The introduction of general non-Riemannian ~spaces is rejected, since there is no physical principleaccording to which a unique selection would be possible out of the large number of possible~ spaces. The introduction of.a fifth coordinate under remaining Riemannian metric and the additional postulate that the metric potentials shall be -independent of the fifth coordinate be very artificial. The five- dimensional space proposed by Einstein and Bergmann which is closed with respect to the fifth coordinate and possesses a microscopical period in it is not satisfying since there is no physical sense of the introduced.fifth coordinate. A possibility of interpreting this fifth coordinate as an action and to interpret its period as the Planck constant is the five-dimensional optics to which the author has dedicated several publications (1952-1953). The problem of the classical relativistic mechanics concerning the motion of USSR/Theoretical Physics Quantun Mechanics. B-4 Abs Jour Ref Zhur Fizika, No 4, 1957, 8407 .Author Pokrovskiy, V.L., Rumer, Yu.B. Inst : Western Siberia ~r~~~chAc~emy of Sciences USSR. Title : Remarks on the Pauli Theorem Concerning the Connection Between the Spin and the Statistics. Orig Pub , Zh. eksperim. i teor. fizihi, 1956, 31, No 1, 337-338-, Abst:7act The proof given by Pauli (Pauli, W. Relativistic Theory of Elementary'Particles, In, 1947, Supplement) for a theorem concerning the connection between the spin and the statistics is based ou a consideration of irreducible representations of the tensor and spinor quantities in transformations of a Lorentz group vith a determinant equal to unity. The authors give a proof of the above theorem in is shown that it is enough to res- trict oneself to a consideration of the transfo tion of the quantities with general inversion (inversion of al! four.coordinate axes). Card 1/1 U t'41 E_ SUBJECT ~USSR / PHYSICS CARD 1 / 2 PA AUTHOR POKROVSKIJ,V.L., RUMER,JU.B. TITLE, On PAULI'S Theorem concerning the Correlation between Spin and Statistics. PERIODICAL gurn.eksp.i teor.fis, 31, fasc. 2, 337-338 (1956) Issued: 10 / 1956 reviewed: 11 / 1956 The proof of this theorem offered here shows that observation of.the transfor- mations of the quantities on the occasion of the inversion of all coordinate axes (general inversion I) is adequate.,Furthermore, this proof stresses the close connection between SMINGERIS ideas and those of PAULI. On.the occasion of thetransformation of.the general inversion for any vector A it is.true that IA:= - A In the case of the general inversion the tensors of Ieven rank T 2n therefore remain invariant ("class,+"), whereas the tensors with odd,rank T 2n+1 change their sign ("class Rere the transformations of spinors on the occasion of a general inversion are azudied. While the,general character is maintained, only spinors ofthe first rank are investigated. On the occasion of.reflection on to a twodimensional sur- face with the normal vector ak,the spinor U is transformed according to the following rule: Ut AU, A U-"~ . Here A2 =akak* a = 'akr5rk ~ A The bilinear quantities which are composed of U and behave on theoccasion of spatial reflections like tensors, but in the case of timereflections they be- have like pseudotensors. The definition of therules of the.reflection of Zurn.eksp.i teor.fis, 31, fasc.2, 337-338 (1956) CARD 2 2 PA 15o6 spinors can, however, be modified in such a manner that the bilinear tensors constructed from them behavelike tensors both in the case of spatial and of timeTtransformations. This may be attained in extending the conception of com- Plex conjugation by causing tyro quantities to correspond to each spinor,U: lluand.U,". For this purpose a "two-leaf spinor space" is introduced, where the transformations which change.or do not change the sign of time correspond to the two leaves:U - UK on the first leaf, *u u* for the second leaf. (The star on the right here means "complexly conjugating"). Next, the transformation rules for the conjugated spinor are given., The transformation of the inversion is a reflection of all four coordinate axes. Therefore the matrix of inversion in our representation is equal to: The eigenspinors of the inversion operator can belong to the, iF5 : IU - iJ5U two classes 11+11 and 11-11. Next, the commutator and anticommutator relations for the tensorial and spinorial,~ quantities are studied. Here A and U are to be dissociated into plane waves. 11ext, the tensors of even and odd rank are constructed which depend quadrati- cally n AM (t) andV(t) 0 A U*(�). The energy density cannot be.positively defined in the case of the.spin.,,or field, but in of the.tensorfield the charge: density cannot be,positively defined. INSTITUTION: Westsibirian Branch of the Academy of Sciencein the USSR. A- 3 AUTHORS. Rumer, Yu. B Doctor, of P4ysico -mathematical 30-10-16126, Sciences, Krivoshchekov, G. V. TITLE: The Siberian Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics (Sibirskiy institut.radiofiziki i elektroniki)A .PERIODICAL: Vestnik AN SSSR, 1957, October, Nr 10, pp.108-11O (USSR) ABSTRACT: Scientific research Is being c6nductedat the Siberian.Institute of Radiophysic6 and Electronics in the_ following, fields: a Theoretical physics (applied electivdyn&nics ) L b Electronic phenomenons, at super-high frequdncies. l c Electronics.of.cathodes. Physics of gas-discharges. Yethods of mathe katical physics were developed and,the folloving problems studiedt Theory of directional antennas. 1 2 Studies of distribution of the currents in aerials with ~ optimum radiation pattern. 3) Theoretical investigatfon of wave guides the cross- section of which changes slowly. Development ofa new theory of the magnetron. 5 Experimental determination of a new inversion process of fl Card 1/2 the conductivity of diodes. *[ organized from the Section of. Ibchnical Physics of the West-Siberian Branch of the AS USSR] The Siberian Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics 30-lo-16/26 6) Focusing by.static magnetic fields is used for achieving a we 11 collimated electron ray. 7 ) Construction of a Inexperimental generator with electronic. tuning in the decimeter range. 8) Determination of the mechanism of the cathod of. distillation with thermoelectronic emission. The experts succeeded in, designing cathods which show a current density of 2a/CM2, at a cathode temperature of no more than 9000C. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress. Card 2/2 AUTHOR POKROTSKIYV.L.t RUMER~Yu.B. %-7-47/66 TITLE On the Problem of d-oneervatioh of Parity in the Theory of Elementary Particles.' (K voprosu o sokhranenii ohetnosti v teorii elementarnykh chastits.- Russian) PERIODICAL Zhurnal Eksperim. i Teoret. Fiziki 1957, Vol 33t Nr 7, pp 277-279 (USSR) ABSTRACT The fivedimensional. optios~suggested by Yu,B. NUMER (Iseledoyaniya Yo 5-OPtike, GTTIt 1956y Usp. mat.nauk, Vol 8, 6,1953) furnishes a natural classification of the phenomena In which parity is either conserved or not. The fivedimensional option in based upon the newly discovered extensive symmetry of the equations of olassioal mechanics and the quantum mechanics in spacep time, and effect. In fivedimensional option the coordinates, time, and the pffects are comprised within a fivedimensional metric space which is closed topologically in the,coordinato of of effoot.with the period h (Plank's constant). In a corresponding manner momentum, energy, and charge are combined to a five- dimensional vector, for which a uniform law of conservation is formulated. Also in,the fiTedimensional theory the CARD 1/2 Lagrangian of interaction must be built up from the wave on the Problem of Conservation of Parity in the Theory. of Elementary Particles. 56-7-47/0 funotions of the interaoting partioles. The authors bar* enumerate all possible produota of spin oomponentag they canbe subdivided into irreduoible groups. Ilso in the five- dimensional spaos a spinor its a quantity with 4 oomponents. In oonoluaion the emission of a boson by a fermion and the deoay of a boson into two fermions is studied inshort. (No Illustrations) ASSOCIATION: *wWibVian Branoh of the koademy of Sciences of the USSR. (zapadno-Sibirakiy filial Akademii nauk SSSR.- Russian) PRESENTED BY; - SUBMITTED: 14 3- 1957 AVAILABLE: Li~rarjv of Congress. CARD 2/2 16(l) PHASE I BOOK EXPEOrrATION SOV12660 Vaegayuza" matematiche4kty 6"Yezd. 3rd, Moscow, 1956 Trudy. t. ki Kratkoye boderahanlya saktalonnykh 4okladov. Doklady inostrannykh uchenykh (Transactions of the 3rd All-Union M3tht"- tical Conference in Moscow. ~ol. 4z Summary or Sectional Reports. Roports or Porelgn Scientists) Moscawo Izd-va AN SSSR, 1959. 247 P. 2v200 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: AkAdomlya nauk SSSR. Matematicheekly tnatttut, Todh. Zd.z. G.N. Shavchanka; Editorial Board: A.A. Abramov, V.0. Baltyanskiy A K Vasiltyev. 5.7, Medvedev, A.D. Ky4hkls. 3.M. lllkoll.kly JR.;p: Ed.), A.G. Postnikov, Yu. V. Prokhorov, X.&. Rybnikor, P. L. Ullyanov, V.A. Uspenskly, N.G. Chetayev, 0. Yo. Shtlov, and A.I. Snirshov. PURMIl 71gla book to intended for mathomatIcisna and physicists. COVIRAGEt 'The book In Volume TV of the Transactions of the Third Aal- Union Mathematical Conferencet held In June and July 1956. The boo a In two main parts. The first part contains sum- nartan of the papers presented by Soviet scientists at the Con- farence that were not included In the first two volumes. The second part contains the text or reports submitted to the editor by rwn-Sovict Ocitnttats. In those caves wnen the non-Sovist sci- *ntist did not submit a copy or his paper to the editor, the tItt* of the paper Is cited and, It the paper was printed In a provious volume* reference is %Ads to the appropriate volume. The Papers, both Soviet and non-Sovlot, cover various topics In number theory. algebra, differential and integral equations, function W%*orr. functional analysis, probability theory, topology, =tftematlcal problems or mechanics and physics, computational mAtnewAtics, imathematIcal logic and the foundations or mathematics, and the history of mathematLes. V.3. Buldyrav (LanInTr441-X-X-- quantita. QvRMUdn (rAnin6r1Ldj, I.A,~~~Uninzrad stu ;Vag from OV the noniYUTOnary diffraction of w " , UrIcal and cylindrical regions mph t20 YS%*rfi=J1Uk--1-Tj1--(XOscow). The turning to xero or rancr~ _ swalzed charges In theories with point Interaction L20 Pive-dimensional optIce Sku 'cow). On the theory or the reflection elastic wave. from & curvilinear boundary L22 Relativistic mechanics and -TW6-*-1iotr*4Yn&mIQ* of continuous media L22 L.Sh. (Stall"Abad). Singular functions of quan- M-04 h j*--T, .h ! tun field te;QrFY-Tn- n-dimenelonal psau4c-gualldean apace L24 Card 23/3 4 PHASE I BONK EXPLOITATION sov/3865 Landau, Lev Davydovich, Academician, and Yuriy Borisovich Rumer, Professor Chto takoye teoriya otnositellnosti .(What is the Theory of Relativity?) Moscow, Izd-vo "Sovetskaya Rossiya,",1959. 61 p. 15,000,copies printed.' Ed.: Yu.E~ Berenson; Tech, Ed.: N.L. Yusifina. PURPOSE: This booklet is intended for the general reader interested in the theory of relativity. 'COVERAGE: Ths booklet is a popular presentation of thebasicconcepts of the theory of ro=lativity and their role in modern physics. Various physical phenom-na.are explained in terms of the theory,of relativity by using exaxples from everyday experience., No personalities are mentioned. There are no references. TABLE.OF CONTEATS: Preface Card 1/4 What is the Theory of Relativity? SOV/3865 Ch. I. Relativity to Which We are Accustomed Does every statement make sense? 5 Right and left 5 What in it now - day or night? 6 Wb,3 is bigger? 6 The re-letive seems absolute 8 The absolute seems relative 8 "Comnon sensen attempts to protest Ch. II. Space is Relative One and the same place or not 11 How dries a body actually move? 12 Are d1l jv)ints of view.of equal value? 13 Position of rest is found 14- The laboratory at a position of rest 15 Is the train moving? 15 Position of rest definitely lost 17 Law of inertia 18 Velocj-ty is also relative 19 'Card 2/4 What Is the Theory of Relat Iivity? 80~/~865 Ch. III, The Dr-a of Light Light Is not propagated instantaneously IsAt possible to change the speed of light? 20 Light and sound Principle of the relativity of movement seems shaky 22 The "cosmic ether" 2k A difficult position is created 25 Ercle-rience must decide 25 Principle of relativity triumphs '>7 L Cat of the frying pan into the fire 27 Ch. IV. Tim is Relative Is there really any contradiction? 30. Let's tale:e the train 51 "Common sense" put to sham 32 7he fate of space befalls time 3k Science tr-;unrphs 35 Speed has a limit 36 Earlier and later Car,! 3/4 - ---- ------- What, to the Tbeory of Relativity? SOV13865 Ch. V. Clocks and Rulers are Capricious lr~~tls take the train once again 40 C-',,:,c!k-- systematically lose time 42 The time machine 43 Jccrney to a star 45 Objects shrink .48 Speeds are capricious 51 Ch. V-T. Work Changes Mass Masa 54 Mass increases 55 How nach does a gram of light cost? 56 SIMUftng up 58 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 4A. JA/cdw/mas 8-10-60 24(5) AUTHOR: R=er,* Yu. B. S(y7/56-36-6-38/66 ----------------- - TITLE: ------- Action as Space Coordinate. X (Deyetviye kak koordinatEL prostra:nstva. X) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimental?noy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1959, Vol 36, Nr 6, pp 1894 1902 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The present paper is a further part of a series of publications begun by the author with his investigations in the field of five- dimensional'optics-(Ref 1).' In this earlier paper a monograph published by GTTI, 1956) conditions, definitions, and methods of thisfive-optics (3 space- I time- I action coordinate) are established. In the-present paper the author discusses the difficulties arising in connection with the formulation of spinor equations in five-optics. It is shown that the requirement of invariance with respect to physically permissible transformations leads to correct spinor equations. The requirement of physical -perm:Lssibility separates subgroups of general transformations in. the four-dimensional space-time and gauge transformations from the general transformation gr6up, of five-dimensional space. Restridtion. of the group of permissible transformations does ly no mqn~ssignify in Card 1/2 principle invalidity of -the five-dimensional conception. 'The most Action as Space Coordinate. X SOV156-36-6-38166 important feature of the five-dimensional theory is the periodic dependence of the fields on the action coordinate with a period of h. This fact and also the consequences from it cannot be reduced to a 'simple unification of the four-coordinate point transformation group and 'the gauge transformation group. An essentially five- dimensional effect is also the existence of the scalar )_(-field whose appearance in the field theory of a charged material point yields formulas which differ from those of the modern theory of gravitation. There are 2 36viet references. ASSOCIATIMI: Institut radiofiziki i elektroniki Sibirskogo otdeleniya Akademii, nauk SSSR (Institute for Hadiophysics and Electronics of the Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) January 20, 1959 Card 2,12 ---------- 24(8) SOV/56-37-2-49/56 'AUTHOR: Rumer, Yu. B. TITLE; A SimpleModelin,the Theory of Superconductivity PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1959, Vol 37, Nr 2(8), PP 578-580 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the present "Letter to the Editor",the author points out that Cooper's phenomenon is the key leading towards understanding superconductivity-This phenomenon is based upon the fact that near the.Fermi boundary two electrons with opposed momenta and spins may form a bound state. Such states occur as bosond, which produce a condensate at low temperatures. It is now pos- sible, like in the theory of-..superfluidity by Bogolyubov, to p build up a theory of superconductivity on the basis of the boson condensate model. First,,the '9'bneral Hamiltonian, describ-, ing production and decay of the bosons is written down, which is simplified under the assumption that the:majority of the bolsons is contained in the condensate. Bogoyubov's theory is then followed. The here developed mathematical model is shown actually to describe superconductivity if W(O) 21~ >,O is Card. 112 ~.the chemical potential). PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOY/4770 Rumer, Yuriy Borisovich, and M.S. Ryvki-n Teoriya otnositellnosti (The Theory of Relativity)'Moscov, Uchpedgiz, 1960. 211 p. 20,000 copies printed., Eds.: A.A. Gobanov, and Yu..N. Drozhzhin,* Tech. Ed.: V.I. Korneyeva, PURPOSE: This book is intended for students of pedagogical institutes, teachers of physics in secondary schoolsland for general readers,interested in modern physics. COVERAGE: The authors discuss the fundamentals of the theory of relativity, and of its most important appli .cations (quantum theory of light, some problem of the theory of accelerators, ener6atics of nuclear reactions, etc.) The contents of the book correspond basically to the program of the course of theoretical physics at pedagogical institutes, except for the problems discussed in Ch. IV (The Theory of the Field) vhich transcend the requirements of that course. NO personalities are mentioned. There are no references. 81676 S/056j6O/O38/06/12/012 B006/BO5.6 AUTHORs Rumer. Yu. B. TITLE: Negativ And Limiting Temperatures PERIODICAL- Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1960, Vol. 38, No. 6, pp. 1899~- 1902 OD TEXT: On the,basis of a at.udy of the state function Z q(E)e-M dE 0 defined on the entire complex plane (where 9(E) is the spectral density of the energy of the system)p it is shown in the present paper that the possibility of the existence of negative and limiting positive tempera- tures in a thermodynamic system is interrelated with the analyticity of the statistical sum as a function oLf the reciprocal temperature in the mathematical apparatus of statistical physics. This result is demon- strated by two examplest 1) by the'example of the Ising model of a linear chain consisting of n nodes, where Z(A) - (2ch j,;L)n holds for a large n; J is theinteraction energy of two neighboring unidirected spins. Card 112 81676 Negative and Limiting Temperatures, ~'3/056/60/038/06/12/012 B006/BO56 it is shown that the existence of positive and negative Curie points (corresponding to transitions into the ferromagnetic and antiferro- .magnetic states) is characteristic also of the Heisenberg model... 2) by the example of a gas of non-interacting particles in an external field with a logarithmic asymototic behavior of the potential. For this system the existence of a limiting temperature is proved, beyond which it cannot be heated. The physical reason for this is the fact that, because of the slow growth,of the potential with an energy increase, the particles part from one another widely, and their kinematic energy is lor-.compared to their potential energy.,There are 2 references:1 Soviet and I Americana. ASSOCIATION.- Institut radiofiziki i elektroniki Sibirskogo otdeleniya Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of RadiOPhYBICs and Elea- tronics of the Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences, USSR), SUBMITTED: February 16, 1960 Card 2/2, '50 46 3 S/05 62/042/002/039/055 AUTHOR: Rumer, Yu. B. TITLED Invariant formulation of the gravitational wave f ield theory PERIODICAL3 Zhurnal.eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy,fiziki, v. 42,. no. 2, 1962~ 577 - 583 TEXT; Einstein's theary of gravitation is re-formulated on the basis c f the gravitation field strength tensor F iklm'~ which vanishes in Euclidean space.' Th-E- Riemann curvature tensor R. Ls split up in two ten-component. tens,:~res klm Such that R M F The tenso-r M of matter can be ex- iklm ik.Lm iklm' iklm pressed by the field source and metric tensors. It vanishes when there are no sources, The field equations have.the form of Bianchi identities Vjhen the sources are given,- F4klm as well as,the mezri.c.tensor.can be ca'!.~' c,,)Iated from the field equa ti 6ns. With the help of this formulationwith -ish a theory of weak gravitational waves in Fiklm it is possible tc.e5tab- which a gravitational wave is described by two five-component ten3ors H'j Card 1/2 3/056/62/042 /002/039,/05c, Invariant formulation BlO8/BlO4 and E,,,~p similarly as an electromagnetic wave Ls described by two thre~!-- component ventors, H and There is I Soviet reference. 'ki Sibirskogo otdeleniya ASSOCIATION: Institut radiofizik4 i elektroni Akademia. nauk SSSR (Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics of the Siberian Depart-ment of the A-ademy of Scizences USSR) SUBMITTEDs September 1, 196! Card 2/2 ACCESSION NR: AR~039897 SOURCE: Ref. zh. Piz., Abs 4BI31 6q AUTHORS: Rumer, Yu. B. TITLE: Invariant formulation of the gravitational wave field theory CITED SOURCE: Uch.. zap. Novosib._gos. ped, In-t. vy*p. 18, 1963, -3-8 TOPIC TAGS: gravitational wave, radidtloln~i wave tbeory,-relativit'" TRANSLATION., The special case of gravitational radiation,is aingle out with the aid of the requirement that no field so-urce6-16-kist in*-.; side the space-time region in question. The role of field equation is played by the Bianchi identities, which assume in the weak-field approximation a form analogous to the Maxwell equations for the electromagnetic field in vacuum. The author proposes tc,regard this analogy as the starting point when studying the nature of gravita- tional radiation. B. Vavilov -4, 1.- - 7 1/2 .,:.Card SOO y T il-13-Y -103ifov'C"i ggltt,41-311; I B. 9 ~nz-nt- NIKILWKEVICH, T,".%, red. MULT4j,-T;SKLY, V.V., retse pro e _-;',.ty vith raphi,- -ifal, LE-ements of the Lheory of r latt 9 Na-liala tearil oulositellnost'l s g-rai*icheSkjj-,~4 drik-azatell.- va, Pr.) sve shc hen!=.,. 196z.. P. stvami~ Mosk ACCESSION NR; AP4042400 S/0056/64/047/001/0278/0293 AUTHOR: Rumer, Yu. B. TITLE., Thermodynamic averages.for an infinite plane Ising lattice SOUT'-'E: Zh. eksper.-i teor. fiz.,. v. 47 no. 1, 1964, 278-293 TOPIC TAGS: statistical function, crystal laftice, magnetic moment, thermodynamic function, spin, correlation techni que ABSTRACT: The investigation is an extension of the work of Kaufman and Onsager (Phys. Rev. v. 76, 1244, 1949) devoted to the calcula- tion of thermodynamic averages for an infinite two-dimensional Ising i lattice. It is shown in the present',paper that an alternate variant of calculation which uses a different matrix for the evaluation of, the partition function, yields the same result. The variant pro- posed in the present article is shown to be more convenient for the derivation of'the Onsagerformula for the spontaneous magnetic 1/2 Xv KANASH, S.S., akademik; MALITSEV, A.M.; VILASOVA, N.A.; PASHCHM&O. %.M.; ROWAROV5XIT, S.Yu.; MAUTBR, P.M.; MOKETRYA, Te.A.; KLTUTEV, G.A,.;, BURYGIN, V.A.; SHLSYXM, A.I.;I-RM.-J~A,;_- ROMOV, I.D.; AVTONOHOV, A.I.,; MUKRAMEDZHANOV, M.V., akademik, glavnyy red.; RTZHOV, S.H., ekBdemik, zamestitell. glavnogo red.; ALIMOV9- R.A.. red.; DABADAUT, A akademik, red.; DZHALILOV, Kh.M., kand. ekon.nauk, red.; YABDaRK0. V.Te., skademik, red.; ZAKIROV, K.Z., akademik, red.; MANNANOV, N.M., skademik, red.; NABIUV, M.N., skademik, red.; SADTIOV, S.S., red.; TOGOTEV, I.N., kand.ekon.nauk. red.; TAKHONTOV, V.V.9 red.; KURANOVAI.L.I., red.izd-va; RAKHKANOVA, M.D., red.izd-va; BARTSETA, V.P., [Cotton] Khlopchatnik. Tashkent. Vol-3- LStructure and deve lop_ ment of cotton] Stroenie ILrazvitie khlopchatnikq. 1960. 402 p. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Akademiya nauk Uzbekskoy.SSR, Tashkent. 2. Akademiki Uz=. (for Kenash. Mukhamd2hanov. Zakirov, Hablyev). 3. VsesoYaznays akedemiya sel'skokhozyaystve=3rkh nank lmeniLV.I.Lellins (for Kanash) , 4. TSen- traltnaya selektsionnayaLstentsip Voesoyuznogo nauchno-is,31edovatell- skogo institute khlopkovodstva Uzbekskoy skademii sel'skokhozysYStven- nykh nauk (for Kanash). 5. Tashkentskiy Sellskokhozyaystvennyy insti- tut (for Kallteev, Shleykher). 6. Institut genetiki i fiZiologiiL rasteniy AN UzSSR (for Vlasova, Kauyer, Klyuyev, Rumi, Romanov). (Continued on next card)L USSR/Cu!tl;.r,,.'l_0. Tccliniccca, 2 Lb s Jour Diol., ITj 7 39 Imt1lor Vlasova, 11.1 Lis t :~3 U,-,SSR Titli-, Lifll.Lmcc o-f t", c cz~OL Qualituy'Of Tl_-~Il 7 and nika i trTv. 1, Ori !Vb V S7,.: Vorr. fi zi.31. I_Ilas-_,-_~i-.,.;, X11 UzSSR, 195-1, 123--!41 i-:l 1951--1053 s'. _vr,J t'--at -,.:ore po-JIL-n 'CU'-~3 arc lObstract L;tLej Z3 7_fte, rrjlr-,l abinflaut of flowcrs by a mix~ur_ s f Cuff -_a! _1-~~t t, --m-1 al All at '0311 ima~ioll wit'l Llaxal 11-:1 a i:a7T0j:a1)1,.; inflU,;!'_C- J-.1 -,';'-L i:ruit fonn'ica; a li..iit,J ou-, causk:s lar uc-~ zle.~ddiui:; of mrar~_I~s. q?uaintity :,f su_Cs was f orn2d. 1:rya I J. C,-.rd 1/2 102 So:, East European Accesslon Vol. 4, No..3, March 10,57 3914-18 S/057/62/032/008/007/01), B104/B102 AUTHORS: Fedorchenko, V. D., B. N.i Muratov, V, I., and Chernyy,,B. W., (Deceased) TITLE: Low-frequency plasma oscillations in a magnetic field PERIODICALs Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fizikil v. 32, no. 8, 19620 958 966 TEXTt The experiments were made in a longitudinal magnetic field of 200 - 300 oersteds (Fig.,l). The diameter of the electron beam.was 2 cm, its length 65 amt the energy 12 kevl,the pressure 5#10 ~-7 - 5~10 -5 E9 ~The relation oj~,GFM.exists between the circular frequency t4, the, osciila- ,tions occurring,in:the collector circuit,(100 kc/sec).of the particle -6 sity n and the ion mass. M. The-oscillations mainly occur at 10 mm Eg. _7 The oscillation stability is increased by reducing the pregsure toll,~ 0_7 -5 mm Hg, and at.2 10 1 mm Rg these oscillations vanish*. i~They are due to a high-frequency noise caused by the electron beam. If-the noise is suppres-sed at the'end 6f the electron beam the oscillation in the' collectorcircuit vanishes. 'The same oscillations are.produced by a weak' Card 1/2 A. RUII~KR, Ordinarius, Departmew for Correction of Defects of Speech, Vofc~ ind Hearing; Kraj Hospital with Polyclinic, Otolaryngology Section, ifead (vadouci) V RAJNFR, MD (Krajska. nemocnice s poliklinikou, otataryngologick; addeleni, Oddeleni pro napravu vad recf, hxAsu a sluchu), Ostrava. "Re-Education of Hearing in Children." Prague, Casopis Lekaru Ceskych, Val 102, No 19, 10 Ma7 63; pp 531-532. Abstract : Brief historical review of the 20th Century development of the concept of deafness; peripheral sound analyzers and cortical ceptive vechantsms. Author advocates preventive efforts by Increasing.screenin.0, among infants; a nursery has been established'for hard-of-hearing chilt- d--Cr,; rransistorized hearing aids~are used at I year of age.and Six Cz~-ch and I VIestern reference. so A "Ifft - 00 046C1IM Aid 011001101111 wall 00 W6 A:r got 0o of lee 00 400 Delp oo -400 coil 4 4 go goo .0 4p 400 see Noe too Aat TAILURGICAL LITFAA?k*t CLASUFKA?ICN woo 2-- E---j via", **.in, VOO -, - i- -- " 1.04450 -a 1010110 -to O-V alit vital F 4 0 IN 9 a a 3 4 0 0,909 9900000.0 0 0-9 0 SA 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 o04 0 N 0 a 0.0 0 0 a', 0 0 0 0 10 11, 10 19 lei 7ot 7 7 W,) 91; 9 0 .- . i I ~ ~ ~ A, 1 -.1, LILLY. A- . 3 -1 -V- 'lia ;-jot pt G A -ROPV~b- P#CCEI*t# AND PAPOPIPI '1$ -919. *WL Catalytic Ilydrottenation of Cyclopentane Ilydrocstba"s AccompmnW by RhW Cleavage. VIL Hy moo Methy1c)-clopentane In the Pr~ce iq4ttlizz, Chwcoml or Nickel on Alumina. (In Russian.) B. A. Kazanakii and Z. A. Rumiantxeya. Bulletin of the 0 Academy of Sciences of U.SX.R.,Sectiort of Chemi- 066 cal Sciences, no. 2, 1947, p. 183-190. :0 4 ago Wei ago VIC Col. Ar" go . A%*,$LA ITALLURrKAL UYINATURE CLASSLOICATION no** Ot# a.. do( 41&111 alsill OK a.. ist gas I I I & " w I 0 U is AI' 'b0 K tr a It a 0 0 0 000 0 & 0 ~'e o lee 00 so 0 : 0 0 0 04 0 0 Z42772 Influence of potassium farricy2nide ca Datura wonwnitim "~L abu'ndanec. of leaves and amount of alkalotds znA some other co-11ponndt. i Re:!er A lZurninska., and Y Karzkow%ki .4cfe 1-~58 ~r -2r-q--=lnst Nochan, 2 it J ~CN per :N g of "n -r- -~j VT -A -;t-*,i ~ucn. In c,