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ACC NR:Am6005564 Ch.IX. Theory of.finite span wings in supersonic flows 206 Ch.X. Theory of supersonic flows over bodies of revolution 281' Ch.Yd. Principles of:hypersonic aerodynamics 348 Ch.XII. The boundary layer and aerodynamic heating at-high speed 410 Ch.XIII. Certain problems of rarefied gas aerodynamics 491' Ch.XIV. PrInciples of magnetogasdynamics 516 Bibliography 553 SUB CODE; 20/ SUBM DATE: 02Jul65/ ORIG REF: 022/ OTHER REF :.r- 0 0 7 Card IL RM9 KEROFYAN, K.K., prof., doktor tekhn. nauk, red.; PUKHOV, G.Ye., prof., doktor "L-lekhn. nauk, red.; UGODCHIKOV, A.G., 1)rof.,f doktor tekhn. nauk, red.; SAI)ETOV.,.,S.Ya., dots., kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; GUIIKB',, I I., assistent, red.;CHEGOLIN,P.M.,dots.,kand. tekhfi.naukJ,red.(Minskj (Proceedings of the Inter-University Conference on Electric Modeling of Problems of Structural Mechanics, Theory of Elasticity, and Strength of Materials] Trudy l,,ezhvuzov:3koi. nauchno-tekhnicheskoi konferentsii po, plektricheskomu modeli- rovaniiu zadach stroitellnoi mekhaniki, teorii uprugosti i soprotivleniia materialov. Pod red. K.K.Keropiana i A.G. Ugodchikova. Novocherkassk, Rostovskii inzhenerno-stroitel'7 nyi in-t, 1962. 176 p. (MIRA 17:4) Mezhvuzovskaya nauchno-tekhnicheskaya konferentsiya po elektricheskomu. modelirovaniyu. zadach stroitellnoy mekhan4ki, teorii uprugosti i soprotivleniya materialov. 2d, Rostov-na-Donu, 1962- .4 2.- Rostovskiy-na-Donu inzhenerno-stroitellr~~--Jn- stitut (for Keropifan,.Sadetov, tunkin). 3.Chlen-k-orrespondent AN Ukr.SSR i Vychislit~llnyy tsentr AN SSSR (for Fukhov). 4. Gorlkovskiy inzhenerno-stroitellnyy institut (for Ugodchikov). Po/oo82/65/000/0111,/0070/0073 POIJAM AWHOR: Sobieniecki, Wlodzimierz (Commanderg Doctor); Sac5l%d,az.Adam (Lt.CommandergDootor) ORG: none TITLE.- Ergonomics in the navy SOURCE: Prze-lad morski, no. 11, 1965, 70-73 Jc ntress,, TOPIC TAGS: naval psychology, psychophysiologyj psycholo- w,oricing condition, psychometry, behavior pattern, operatlona resoarch M33STRACT: The principle of ergonomics are discussed and the d eni r-, ability of applying this the training of naval per3onnel' Is stressed. The wide range of problems with which con- corned can be profitably!studied aboard ship, Ergonomic research will make it possible to utilize the human factor-in military service, CZECHOSLOVAKIA UDC 616.~633(:547-587-43):616-()03.829-7:616 633, (547-587.21 )-674 KRIZEK, V.; JIRKA, M.; Research Institute~ for Phys-1 iatry, Balneology, and Climatology (VyZk-umny Ustav pro Fyziatrii, Balneologii a Klimatologii), Marianske Lazne, Director.(Reditel) Prof Dr K. PREROVSla; Institute for Investigation of Child Evol- ution, Pediatric clinic, Charles 'University (Ustav VyzIcumu Vyvoje Ditete Fakulty Detskeho Lekarstvi KU), Prague, Director (Reditel), Prof Dr J. HOUSTEK. "Contribution to the Mechanism of Excretion of Homogentisic.and'Gen- tisic Acids by Kidneys." Prague, Casopis Lekaru GesIcych, Vol 105, No 30, 15 Jul 66, np 793 - 79d Abstract A-uthors English suuniiary modified_7: The mechanism was investig ed in 6 patients with al apatonuria. Homogentisic acid is excreted by glomerular filtration and tubular secretion and cor- responds to the clearance Iof p-aminohippuric acid. BeneiAd reduces the excretion. Gentisic acid is reabsorbed by ttie tubules, ttiereby differing from the mechanism shown by honlogentisic acid. Its trans port through the tubular cells proceeds in the opposite direction.- k Figures, 5 Tables, 11 Western, 15 Czech, 3 Japanese.~references.- Mar 66).~ (Ms. rec. SADIKARIO, A.; MUIDENIOVSKI, D.; J,7ARIJL'IA, R.; UR16TOVA, C. Some special aspects of diabetes mellityu-s -in childhood. God. zborn. med. fak. Skopje 11:165-179 164- 1. Klinika, za detski bolestl pri medicinsklot fakultet, Skopje (upravitel:.uruf. d-r., H. Duma). 141A . -I,' GAO-YUA,U' Yj&riY- SADIKOV A.A. Prospects for ths development of river transportation in the Amur Basin,.Rech.transp..16 no.5:9-11 My '57- (MLR9. 10:5) 1.Rukovoditel', transportnykh issledovani7 Khevlunzyanskov ekspeditaii Akademii nauk Kitayakoy Narodnoy Respubliki, direktor Instituta vodnogo transporta (for Gao-Yuan') 2.%challnik transportnogo otryada. nauchny7 sotrudnik Instituta komplakanvkh transportnykh problem Akademii nauk SSSR (for Sadikov) (Amur River--Inland water transportation) 29525 113/062/61/000/011/012/012 2 2 Ll B103/B147 AUTHORS: Gorbunov, N. S., Shishakov, N. A., Sadikov,.G, G., and Babad-Zakhryapin, A. A, -diffraction study of titanium carbide and nitride TITLE. Neutron PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR, Izvestiya, Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk, no. 11, 1961, 2093 2095 TEXT: The composition.of (a) titanium carbide, and (b) titanium nitride was studied at the beginning aud the end of their homogeneity ranges. The neutron-diffraction pictures were taken with a remote-control neutron diffractometer (R. P. Ozerov, S. V. Kiselev et al. Kristallografiya No. 2 (1960)). It was positioned on one of the horizontal channels of the MPT-1000 (IRT-100.0) reactor of the Institut atomnoy energii Aka,demii, nauk SSSR (Institute of Atomic Energy of the Academy of Sciences USSR).' The wavelength of-the neutrons which were monochromatized by reflection from the (111) plane.of a lead single crystal, was 1.06 L. The neutrons, scattered by the specimen were recorded automatically by meansof an 3nn-og (EPP-09) in dependence on the dispersion angle. The relation,of: Card 1 29525 5/062/61/000/011/012/012- Neutron-diffraction study of... ~103/B147 the intensities of the-individual reflexes (Table) was determined from them relation~of the areas below the integral curve of the count intensity with deduction of the background., Fig. ) shows the neutron-diffraction VY pictures. They show only the reflexes satisfying the extinction condition for a face-centered,.cubic lattice, -In such a way, the x-ray data on the symmetry of the unit cell of the compounds studied were confirmed by neutron-diffraction data. The absence of, superstructure reflexes proves that the nonmetal atoms are distributedstatistically in.these compounds. The calculated intensity values were found on the basis of the equation: I calc! F2p(1./sin2�cos-&)A(&), where F is a structure factor; p is the recurrence factor; and 05) is the absorption factor. In the present~case, A(i5) depends only slightly on the.angle and was thus not taken into account. It has been found that the calculated intensity values of TIC, TiC and Tjo..~_N 0,.25 are in good agreement with the experimental data. In TIC the composition of O~25 which is almost stoichiometric, the Ti atoms occupy all possible vacancies- Actually, the nonmetal atoms are In titanium carbide and 29525 S/062/61/000/011/012/012 Neutron-diffraction study of... B103/B147 '-ride in the octa cupied.statistically it hedral. holes, These holes are oc n lum in t,.taniun carbide which shows a deficiency of carbon, In ti' nil.ride, the lattice is deficient as to titaniumi There are 1 figure, table, and 8 references'. 4 Soviet and 4 non-Soviet, The two referencee.~ ~~o English-language publications read as follows; J. Bacon, Difraktsiya neytronov (Neutron diffraction), I1, M., 1957. Tekhnika vysokikh temperatur (High-temperature Engineering), edited by I, E-- Campbell, IL M' !0c9, I n SL; t-0 t e Institut fizicheskoy khimil Akademii nauk SSSR of Physical Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences F-' SUB1.11ITTED May 25, 19061 Table ~xDerimentaland calculated reflex. intensities for titanium carbide and nitrlde- Legend~ titanium nitride; (2) titanium carbide;~O) I,xp; (4) 1 -for Ti r TiC. 0 851'; (5) 'calc fo~ Card 31'h ~The flow of a viscous liquid between D251/D302~ C, M P x (5) is obtain ed in the form, au - a2u q(t) + (8) at 2 ay and~hence, by means of a Laplace transform Ulf (Y' S) - 2v- Tj(y, S) + U (Y 0) + Q(S) 0. (9) Applying the boundary conditions (it being assumed that theinitial-I condition is in the form of a-second degree polynomial), the solu- tion U(Y, s)= +2cv + I Q (S) + _' (cy" + ey + g) S S! S ch Y Ch -h ~Card 2/5 M575 SAWWOOG/009/004/0113 A059/4126 AUTHOR: Sadikov, I.N. ----------- TITLE: The separation of the boundary the nonsteady flow of a viscous incompressible liquid SOURCE: Moscow. Fiziko-tekhnicheskiye,institut. Trudy., no.'g, 1962. Is- sledovaniya po mekhanike i prikladnoy matematike. 27 -,53 TEXT: The boundary-layer separation has been studied on the example of flow in the blade tunnel of,the powergear or in the distributor tunnel of the axial-compressor stage. By it separation" of the boundary:layer,return flow near the wall is understood. A variety of exact solutions~of the Navier-Stokes equa7 tions was obtained for the case of nonsteadyflow of a visoous liquid in a flat tunnel which can beused to show the.main criteria of the similarity determining the emergence and the disappearance of.boundary-layer separation in the given, example. When the pressure gradient is momentarily changed, the dimensionless onset time of separation is clearly defined by the velocity distribution at.the'. moment of onset PO) and.the value of the pressure gradient Pj~ acting at.that M07 Card 1/3 MMM ':L 13153-63. EPA(b)/EWT(I)A~. ~--n--AVMOR- ', Sadik6v, , , nE: io' -.-energ] 'Exaci~~,solut nq o preisibi TERIODICAL: lhzhener hisk y-4hurr :TEXT. -The, author has,Aerived,~eneri and in ~Circulajr',.tube p ace, ~aistribbtion was evoke nstant4neous,A d ar.problezd4or~transient- ow-I., n a- -A simil ha rature> s;sOl c nge.- in wali te~pe i Ved-:a1mv -11 and, J?r much lesa.'thin - SumaTTED: 15 62' Sel ENCL- -Card, 1/ OVI XUTHOR-~r tht ~ea 8l on iTHAM, -,-:SPts ,,fteplopr.ov.-,,- . -jjjunb~ -alonIg .,-I..- - , , , ;, -,- - . 1.-W z ,;If~:~*-Q-;` , ~ -.-A - * , ~ . -, - , ~ I I ::__Z~- - ~ ~ ~,, - ~.'. 7, 7 -'~ .:-- , 20 f 0IM43AS -id~ rd 'PUB r r Z=2 itiva pa it "of -Ine,I ~mi li-,thw chamif V.,. neglecTang .Zed t ... .... .... ~Vnere we-~ TAraum nsioae's's.2 Cod. wh6vi the dirm6 .-iii~'e'"iOns..arWo6 -on, se6~ Fig' ti peraAUre-reg On ASSOCIATION 1; _rAC S/12c/62/0~-100903/006/01.8 E032/EJ14 1.F., Sadikov, I.P., and Chernyshov, A.A. A nuised detector of 0.3 eV resonance neutrons -",2a 1962, 'lGDlCAL: Pribory i tekh-nlka e~~speriwienta, no-3, 43-47 T: TILO detector was designed for measuring the spatlal aizti-ibu'cion of slo%,in----doi-.,n neutrons. It is basically a ?'utonium �onization cha mber located inside a samarium-gadolinium. filter and is shovm. in Fig.!. The Ni collector carries a layer of Pu Oo - The chamber is filled with argon + '72~~ (0-3-0-5 ms m2 5-10-1~ C02) at a -z:otal pressiare of 1 atm. In the absence of filters the efficioncy to 0.3 eV neutrons was 1.5 and 3'io' for total amounts of nlutonium of 1.8 and 3.6 mg, respectivIely. The construction-of the filters is indicated in Fi-,,.3; mixtures of samarium and gadolinium, oxides were employed. There are 6. figures. ASSOCIATION: Institut atomnoy onergxl AN~SSSR (Institute of Atomic Energy AS,USSR) SUB,MITTED: November 9, 1961 ACCESSION NR: 'AP4006630, s/0089/63/015/006/0485/0489 gard I s es ono s-dor I -6i1 a, 6.1; resu ts--" e a seco r t veo ir w c -ar 0 f oe -ato ors- b i -b~ -.-S"O~ra ized-` t auth er % cpy!c~ U e;._. III which-, is- "th Wei gi, 'ehyVi - ies n ~Vdper o'- 16 44 figures _fo L Qh674-67 E.1oIT(rti) ACC NRt AP60 ------- 18360 lt--Abx'AMR: YefanM A. I.;:Konstantincv., L. V.; Postnika;r, V. V.; Sadikovy I. P. Sokolovy M. P. ORG: none TITLE: Installation for. oscillatormeasurements ona'nuclear reacior 0 4 SOURCE: Atomnaya energiya, v. 20, n 5, .1966 37-438 TOPIC.TAGS.- nuclear reactor control equipment.*-reactor transient, nuclear reactor characteristic ABSrL?ACT: The authors report an oscillator installation, intended for physical re- Iner activity measurements in the reactor.of the first block of the _~~.1oy!!rsk_Atq%jg - Station im. 1. V. Kurchatov.~:,,This -insta.2-lation, used in conjunction with the perma- nEE manual-cory,trol system and-with an ionization chamber, was employed,to.measure the differential and integralefficiencies of manual-Control rods, under different oper-' ating conditions, and also to determine the frequency characteristics.of the reactor. The installation could be joined by means of the relay system to the drive of any of the manual-control rodslso that it was very usefulefor large scale measurements of the efficiency of a large number ofrods within 1 7 1.5 hours without disturbing the normal operation.of the reactor.' The apparatus consists of an oscillation generator and a harmonic analyzer, (Fig-, ~ 1) . The oscillation generator contains a frequency divider and a 'two-position relay controlled by the output pulse of the frequency di- Cc d .1/2 ubd: 621.039.5 16.2.- 621.o39.564.11 rM em I SADIKOV, P.P.;,A1UdV1BVA, S.A.; LEBMWA, T.P.; SMIF110V, Ye.K.; FlaGOROVSKIY, V.F.,inzh.,red.; TISHKOV, L.B.-;',XATOLICffl=O,1 V.A.;.PAVI31i A.V.; HOSKOV, Tti.A.; TRIFONOVA.,M.G. I -,MY14ENOV, Ye.I.: BOBROVA, Ye.l;, [Technical equipment for large general-purpose freight,yardel, Tekhnicheskoe osnashchenie krupnvkh gruzovvkh stantsii obshchego pol'zovaniia. Moskva, Gos.transp.zhel-dor izd-vo. 1958-186 p. (Moscow. Moekovskii institnt inzhenerov zheleznodorozhnogo transporta. Trudy, no.161) (MIRA. 12:2) (Railroads-Yards-Equipnent and supplies) LEBFDEVA, T.P.; STRAKOVSKIY, LI.; TISHKOV, L.B., LONMINA, N.N.; ZABELLO, M.L PETRUNENKOV, A.Ye.; BELENOV, V.K.; ARUTYUNOV, ll:,A,.,,, inz1h., retsenzent; PETROVA, V.L., inzh., red.; BOBROVAP Ye.11., [Basic requirements related to the technical equipment of classification yards] Osnovnye trebo-,ranii-a k.tekhhicheskomu osnashaheniiu sortirovochnykh-stantsii. lbskva, Transzheldorizdat 1963. 218 P. (Its TRUDYno.2-70). (MIRA 17-.31 SOLOVIYEV, Icand. khim.,nauk-, DIVROVA, L.P., kand. tekhr'u rvivik,; SADI.KCJVAv I.A..q kand. blol. mt-,k-. KRYLOVk, V.V., istarsh2;.y m-u-chni-y' y" BUSIIKU./A,, LA. 1, star3hiy mucirmyy soLrv-dn:~kf, WzRKUI.OV.A, V.K., mladshiy ng,ucbn7y sotrudmik; POI-ETAIDI., T.VO mladshiy nauohnly sotrudn-IL; KARPOVA, V.P., IAMYEVAp S..A.p tekhnik tudVingy some canditionz providing for cclor inte:nsity and atability in the production of smoked and cooked sausageo Trudy 'MIDIP no.10".-183-201 164. (IMMA .18:3-:1) ,'."TOPIC TAG~:'~.-,~pqlyuy TRANSLATION:~-;. Reg( -,.P.-''. - -_ I_, ***sees 6 0 0 0 0 9 1 4 it is it ju it it 1%)413 it"J5.4 Just v it w b u u w DO It Ij At V. 0 1 41 15014tiou of cydic peptidest from yeast. A, v 1 0 0 _ Compt. rend. a"Id. Irg. t". I?. S. S. 25' ;'0.'9 (wrtMMl (iil -04 1walislit I)akvr-* Yeast in all L111, jurtilic .3 11-. Will. "" Na et, ~411 is"d c%tti. "( th.. , k' 'I" 1 l it -w 0 1"11 6114 fti ". Willi vi I Il 11stillip"i a 11) wlik-li. A(tvv %44tiltts with vitict Asid S- ty'lo, fliall RiM. furium 1 Ile%1111c, sit. and h., islar 1 thr (Inututz C.M.N.O.. lydtwy~. A I vnth 3.% IJCl ' ' sits a walcd lubc at IR) Im ;it , hC4.11 and fractiolull crs,,lst. , 00 l1w COO 'A%.1( 111C fr~1116tilt aillitio 4041% inolis-Mitll shat 00 kiwille. 4411.1 i.wafirlc Weir perwill its I., -r) . n, rills 00 00 coo 00 zoo 00 :1 480 41, 0 O's we* 1 01. ca 'j- 44 4 is Od 0 9 W IV AID 01 14 5 A2 A 1 at Lv x a K St IT ft It it 0 0 0 0,0060 00 40 0 000 0 10,410 00 0 0 0 is 4 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a -0 I -I W W a W a W - V - W - VIA . w I A 4 1 & ? ? 0 a S-ALOALS-e~G~-*- A -rA m 1? 11 j; jFjT-j-T -I, P--Q I X I I OA. 80, J, 1Z 33 14 15 it 37 31 it a 41 a 4j a 41 ~E Is! A219 cc W- UP- J L-L' .......... .4 -E~j- - ... . ... 00 "K91111 AND 00 00 00 11 0 0 Action of sodium carbonate on 11011160118 of Motioantato .00 leg N. V. Sudi- acids at himil temPcf&tufes and Pfess"I Jova. Biolihimiya S. 169-TI(MO).-A cyclic iyfif0t~7 ,i*tae~T;~;lrucyl-1.~vnlyl.i4oleucyl-itucine) had been pre 0 o 0 0 -E ously isolated hy heating yeast protein at 210* and"; atins., with a 20, soln. of Nalcol. Present expts. show that the cyclotetrapeptitic could not have been forturd 00 900 W from hydrolyzed amino acids through the action of %a,CO,, 8 but must be considered us an intermediate decompri. =00 oed Prewfuct of proteins. If. PriestIcy 0 sow =09 001 Zoo q7t 1-.!:: Do =t ---------- A 114 . S L A AITALLURGICAL Ll IRA T TURE CLASUIACATIC, 11VIS11'. 13G., 80-414, .. ........ . U It AV .0 IS a a Y An 1 .43111, d~ a-- A It OP K K it it K K It 1W 0 of a -1 Ir W 2 a 3 is V too 00 0 0 0 0 0. 0 go to 00 & 0 0 0 0 11 sees 44 0 49 0 0 *10 0 o 0 o 0. 0 0 0 00 000 0 a 000 0 ! .0 000 g 0 0 00-0 0 - 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 # 0 sis 0 0 4e-& - a a a ^ . a a a a a Its a 0 'a a a UP 9 9 W W W IF v " W 1 4 5 4 1 1 1 Its It 12 IJ U 11 16 11 4 IF III a A ja A a v BF-b-36 f Is 9p C Is u v I T z M AI I It La IS, WD ..., .1. A I -- T WrIti .Dr. 00 -L-. Wis'fleatle /A) -00 00 11-A I ~-~q lik vl& Will 0 (INFRI. C.Y.,33. 142[l.-Ily the sAIM%,I.Ivc .1,1-tsillpla. 4 yeast pmtciu at 210', cyclic tetrulleptides h4,1 p1c. -00 00 vio"y been obtained, which were rejurtiLli jA,,j jkN%ibly go It preformed in tht PfOtCiII, SiIICC alltOCIAVing a uliXt, of pure amino acids f2iled to yield the cyclic 4tibsuncei. It ha, now been established that the yestit pnitein iftwi; iint Lou- -00 taill 1,eptlel": , the crelic fetrafeptitle-l aft- f4w,284A even when the yvAtt protesn W first hydisslytmi with IIC1 sad 0-11 Illbii-0111 10 A14110AVillf, at '2111'. 11. I'lle.,tivy 0 00 r 90 o0v 0 p moo Wil t, ;too =00 1:- F-SA IETALLURGICAL LITtiI.TURE CLASSIFICATION re 0 still dw al. tit UU AV 00 T--i-f -T-6 11' 1-4-0 v *21 rlj 0 N 5 1 W 14 9 AA03 AS Its (I I 1 1. An AIs 0 It CV44 Kit lqu PlUff It 00 0 0.0,400000100 000 0 0 SO 00* 0 0 0 009 00 000 -Als,0 OT446 61A