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5 AV o'y --------- IANKOV, N.; MITOV, A.; SAVOY, S.; PAWN, I.; T3DDOSIEV, L. A field rodent Apodemus agrarius, the carrier of L. batavias. Savrem. mod.. Sofia 7 no.10:86-87 1956. 1. Iz Katedrata po propedevtlka na vutreshaite bolesti (Zav. katedrata: dots. An. Mitov) i Instituta po biologiia pri THI. I.P. Pavlov - Plovdiv (Zav: prof. Zh. Lambrev). (LJIPTOSPIRA bataviae, transmission by Apodemus agrarius) (RODENTS Apodemas agrarius, carrier of Leptospira bataviae) SAVTfSKAYAj G. I. 1. Tomskiy gosudarstvenW pedagogicheskiy institut. (Kazakhstan--L%d.7blrd&) (Larvae--Insects) SAVOYSFTY A. G. IlTho Driardes of' -c-u,r-.-- and Gl-.vcoc-en U--er 'Tor!-nal and rertai patnclo!'ical Condf tions in Yieldinf- C=s. n Cand -f et Scif, Cna,-'- of Physiologicil Pathojor7,, Voscow "eter-Inary Acacle-my, Yin. Fif.--her rducation USSR, Moscow, 1955. M, !'To 123 ~lar 55) SO: Sum. ITO. 6,10, 29 sep.55--survey of Scientific and 1ecl-inical T) -42, li - Dissertations efended at LISER fli~71,ler r ucation.-al ins' tul-lons (15) -,., AUTHORS: Savoyskiy, E.K., Al't3huler, and Kozyrov, B,M. TITLE: Paramagnetic Resonance (Paramagnitnyy.rezonans) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk, Vol. XX, #11, pp 1199-1206, 1956, USSR, Seriya fizicheakaya ABSTRA.M. The authors describe the history of discovery of paramagnetic resonance and thesubsequent progress of its study in the USSR. The phenomenon of para- magnetic resonance was discovered by Zavoyskiy (1) in 1944. The experimental and theoretical study of this phenomenon has been developed along three main directions: a. Dat,-,rmizip-tion of paranagnetic resonance spectra in v,'--ious substaa.;es, in which connection Zavoyskiy T1-5Tdiscovered.the existence of weak lines cor- responding to 8 M > 1 transition3, where hi is the magnetic quantum number of,the electronic spin. The hyperfine structure of paramagnetic resonance lines has been extensively investigated by many Card 1/4 scientists. TITLE: Paramagnetic Resonance (Paramagnitnyy rezonans) AlItshuler et al. (22) found the effect of the atomic nucleus spin on the shape of the paramagnetic resonance sDectrumz Zaripov (26) developed the theory of hyperfine structure on singular e1ectronic levels. Salikhov (27) discovered the phenomenon also in free organic radicals. Some of the organic substances were found to possess a "hidden" paramagnetism. Paramagnetic dispersion in the resonance region was investigated for the first.timo by Zavoyskiy (32).. b. Determination of the shape of paramagnetic resonance lines. The first theoretical interpretation of experiments on.the shape of the lines was advanced by Frenkoll (36). A generali.ation of the theory was carried out by AlItsh; iler (43), while Shaposhnikov (45) devisod,a phenomenologicIal theory of the problem of the width Card 2/4 of lines. TITLE: Paramagnetic Resonance (~aramagnitnyy rezonans) c. Determination-of the magnitude of spirr-lattice interaction: Shaposhnikov (53) advanced a gen-eral"thermodynamical theory, includin spin-spin relaxation. His formulae .9 were excellently confirmed by experiments. AlItshuler (57) generalized on Waller's theory of spin-lattice relaxation in the case of arbitrary spin. Neprimerov (61) measured.the rotation of th* polarization plane of cm waves under the effect of a constant magnetic field. His results showed that there exists a close con4*ction between the Faraday phenomenon in para- magnetics and the dispersion of susceptibility in the resonance region. AlItshuler (62) developed a theory of resonance absorption of ultra-sound in paramagnetics. AlItshuler's computations showed that both electronic and nuclear acoustic paramagnetic resonances can in Card 3/4 some cases be observed experimentally. PONOKARAY, Ivan Vasillyevich; SAYUK '_TA 0- ROZHKOT. Vadim ka ak RGOLIN, &T-.jr.--,3tv9tstvennyyyy rie ktor Aleksayevich; KA GARUR, T.H., redaktor isdatelletva; ZAZULISKATA, Y.Y., tekhnicheskiy redaktor [Machines for screening and crushing coal; a survey, of foreigh Kashiny dlim grokhochaniia i drobleniia uglia; obzor Inostrannoi takhniki. Moskva, Ugletakhizdat, 1956. 59 p. (MIRA 10:1) (Coal preparation) f W ~11 CITUGAY, Alaksandr Maksimovich. starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; ROZIMIICR Petr.Terentlyevich; BABMIKO, Rkolsy Vasillyevich;i"OZIMTAP, otyetstvennyy red.; BRAILOVSKATA, X., red.; .9 me GIA2YRINA, D.. red.; i0ROKINA, Z., [Economic aspects of read--panel work] Wonomiks knaWshitovogo proirvodstva. 0tvatstvennyi redaktor IU.K.Rozentalt. Alma-Ata, Izd-vo Akad. nauk Kazakhakoi SSR, 1958. 210 P. (MIRA 11-5) 1. Institut ekonomiki Aksdemii nauk Razakhskoy SSR (for Chugay) (Rush work) SOV/ 137-58-7-14063 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya~, 1958, Nr 7, p 12(USSR) AUTHORS: TreygeT, 1. N. Kashcheyeva, N. A. Savranskaya, A. P. TITLE: Determining the Reducibility of the Sinter at. the Zaporozhstall Plant (Opredeleniye vosstanovimosti aglomerate na zavode "Zaporozhstall PERIODICAL: Byul. nauchno-tekhn. inform. Ukr. n. i. in-t metallov, 1957, Nr 2, pp 84-89 ABSTRACT: Improvement in the methods of determining the reducibility of the sinter makes it possible to run 7-0-24 analyses per day- instead of 5. The sinter sample taken is Z00 g in the 8-10 mm fraction at 800::L50C. The gas flow is continued for I hour 25 min, and the rate of gas passage is 3.4 liters/min, the total gas consumption being 290 liters. For better employment of the furnaces, .2 reaction tubes are assigned to each (to permit one tube to be charged while the other is cooling). Their design has been improved: size is reduced by 60 percent, the Fe crucible is replaced by a screen floor, and the method of seal- ing the reaction tube has been changed (bolted flanges have Card 1/2 been replaced by a threaded cover). Three reaction furnaces SOV/137-58-7-1,1063 Determining the Reducibility of the Sinter at the Zapor ozhstal' Works have been installed. Btast-furnace gas may be used instead of producer gas. Blast-furnace gas containing 1070 C02, 0. 50/o 0?, and 30. 50/0 GO acquires the following composition after being passed through a 300~o caustic or pyro- gallol solution: 0. 50/6 C02, no 02, and 3.2. 80~0 Co. G. F. 1. Ores--Processing 2. Sintering rurnaces--Performance 3. Gases--Applicatioris Card 2/2 SOV/133-56-10-30/31 ALTTHORS: Treyger, IN, Kashcheye ~., N.A. and Savranskaya, A.P. TITILE: Tin Recovery from Waste Products of Tin Plating (Izvlecheniye olova. :~_,.otkhodov1luzheniya zhesti) PERIODICAL: Stal', 1958.,Nr 10, Pp 957-9519 (USSR) ABSTRACT: During hot tinning of white tinplate, only 809/0 of tin is actually consumed for tinning-,the remaining 20% is transferred into waste products. A chemical mEthod of recovery of tin from the waste products is proposed. It consists of dissolving waste hydrochloric acid and, after dilution with water, tin is precipi- tated in the form of sponge by zinc. Tin sponge is washed,. pressed into briquettes and smelted under flux. Tin recovered in this way is suitable for the manufacture of, white tin plate. The solution of zinc and ferrous chloride% which remains after the separation of tin sponge, is treated with 30916 hydrogen peroxide to oxidise ferrous iron to ferric iron, which is then precipitated with 25% ;;7nmonia (pH = 2) The precipitated ferric hydroxide- is separated either by settling or centrifuging and the Cardl/2 Course and treatment of periartitular tuberculous foci in dispensaries and hosT)itals. Probl. tub. 35 no.6:81-86 157. (XIIA 12: 1) 1. 1z Moskovskoy gorodskoy tsentrallnoy klinicheskoy tuberkuleznoy bollnitsy (zav. kostnym,otdeleniyem prof. A. Z. Sorkin, glavnyy vrach prof. V. L. Ilynis. (FOCAL INFIXTION tuberc. near joints, in etiol. of oussoustuberc. (Rua)) (TUBIRCULOSIS. OSTEOARTICUIAR, etiol. & pathogen. tuberc. foci near joints (Rus)) rDIA of G(,l SCj_((ji f-,:I;) C()j,jrCC ncri UIIOU~r (I ?`)e. 'A con- J, 'o s 19 ,~_,CIL soi T"T s s In '200 S PC s 1 if6inii; i&Aelg~ of. tht.aittylina OAdation'; ''g6thq-tium, for rhAtIon 9..: DAU,_t_fla with -F. Wk!iii nd ava I ~04 MOT 're diii -,n~ -, Ift- k4 forms of-,tfertw Y,,j --J,- F' fj, 41Y -:1. 61idla-diketori~s IiiiIii-Ist 6 fullo i-M4 ~5rl~ie b viO !bj.T'Zrotd j 4 i i f: 6 i L w i C, a t 6 i'n' ".4 1 ilp b 6 i y I ;P#4 ithil 6L ir at, R16 c 46iu) t6 ~Ipld ind, he bi HO groupt (d.'KttslhUiVai a antsevp wSae 53, Pjik~~sT.-hCdk:f!su~o.,. ,n Ing' list b da --PeoduCtS 0 ~ v=- -~Po Ta f I tainid kv id tioli %0 tfftted Slowly with 1134 ml. at 04' rjtek -.10traflon-al the Mfi0i' 3-51 g;w u ct -`AiOlf~' )H)M, tt ---NaOK -Hv.. jor iic6triltz, k' ~p 41 1. Ac.AcOli, HCO-Jj' It J:j; MeEtco; 1,6 Afeutc(OR r htl)4*Si~d AX' f 0 )CO 2 4 (sifui Av -p 4-ot: yn I a0gi=iihon- "litWI Gof,-~4iylcxO6u -~AWH V pi"a, ..Itm xanol d 8.5 'i war y cftJbhe~bfie, -'ri acetylcydoltataito i-.;spuic and:O~3 k.'idipli 04d,*! ~q- hd HCOzlf~ 0.9 (CO gave:!!, ---Oft, OVA; 0.31--cniobexiiiiOne .19. Itpetycyn', -dhcoiauol, ACOH -,,HCO-11~-'- 0.4'g." (COjH)j;4,xtnd~i. littic rt i I I Tv. Y~. 2- f 27, 7 5 SOV/79-30-3-9/69 AUTHORSi Nikitin, V. I., Savranskaya, S. D., Timofeyeva, I. M.- TITLE: Tertiary Triatomic Acetylenic Alcohols and Their Transformations. XVIII. Oxidation of Acetylenic and Ethylenic.Glycerols-With Potassium Permanganate PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obshchey k-himii,.196o, Vol 30, Nr 3, PP 764-770 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors reported previously this journal,, 1953, Vol 23, P11330; Ibid., 1W, Vol 26, p 2-175) that the oxidation of ethylenic glycerols with KMnOj involves chiefly the cleavage of single bonds h ing themultiple bond and that comparatively adjo large amounts of oxalic Acid are formed in this, reaction. On oxidation of.acetYlenic glycerols, however, the cleavage occurs at the triple bond and is accompanied chiefly by the formation of hydroxy acids. The above was investigated in detail Card 1/3 of four acetylenic in the oxidation with E1V1n04 Tertiary Triatomic Acetylenle Alcohols 78255 and Their Transformations. XVIII. SOV/79-30-3-9/69 (I-IV) and four ethylenic glycerols (v--vIII). Oil oil Oil Oil ~011 Oil c- c c= c cl 1 l 1 c c C 1 1 c (: ( 1 1 C C C - - ,- - - 2 , 4- - -2 - - - ~ 2 , C'13 C113 C113 of, c.If, C113 off Oil Oil oil oi l Oil C-c-=C~-C-cfl, C C=-C Ic (113 c11, cl l, OV) Oil oil oil Oil off Oil G2115-C- C-C'1=01-C-C2115. C'13 %'[13 c1l, C113 ctl3 (VI) M[ 011 off Oil Oil Oil cif, c11, C113 (Vil) .Card 2/3 (Vill) Terti,ary Tc-.11--tt-umic Acetylenic Al-Dilt"'Li 2 5 5 and ThelL, SOV/79-30-3-9/69 The results con'Irmed the above-mentioned course of the reactions which gave, In the -first instance, oxalic acid In preponderant yield, and in the se(=d Instance, preponderant amounts of X -hydroxy acids.. There Is I table. and 6 Soviet references, A(-~tdemy of Sciences Tadzhik AS'SOC I]ATION: ChemL(--al In~~-,tltutc- SSE (ItIOLILLIt 1',1111HII nFaik Tad-zh1kqkoy SSR) SUBMITTED: March 2, 1959 Card:3/3 41369 S 57/'-,9 rj16alB186 AUTEG'L.; - Ask.,irov, 6avranska., a, S. D'f Trubit.s*,ma, S. N. 'TJ T--'--": '~ad'-itive P01Y-Orization of skx~ylonitrile in soli.-I -orr, sus,)ension and emulsion Referativnyy zhurnal... Khimiya no. 16,'In'2, 612, abstract - 1l 1l 1 V r H6 lle ti i i i i tit (i ..s "' n co c on: zovan . nera 5ra m n. x . :3po op 3 o~rr'~'P_ 6redn. Azii. Tasbkent, AN Uz:jSR, 19051, 1118 - 122) TEXT:- Pol ~.% --radiation of erization of strylonitrile under the action ofS Co -At. _'IoF~es of r is more rapid in an e..-.-.,alsion stabilized wit:". ooll,vicyl nlcoliol nndl d1so in,an --~JLWGUG Solution (accompanied 'oy for- mation of a sttsI)enqio-i of the polgmer) than in mnss pol,7rerization ,these dozes m N the rate of mass 'Dolymerization in a medium of '. is hifner 2 'than in air, and the polymer is insoluble in dimethy~formamide whereas s o lu'o 1 e -oly air. Vbstracter's noted; .T.ers form in .9omplete translation Card 1/1. ACCESSION NR: AT4020697 8/0000/63/000/000/0020/0026 AUTHOR: Savranskaya, S. D. Trubitsy*na, S. N. Askarorv,, M. A. TITLE: Polymerization of acrylonitrile in the presence of furan derivatives SOURCE: Karb otsepny*ye vy*sokomolekulyamy*ye,soyedineniya (Carbon-chain macro- molecular compounds); sbornik statey. Moscow, Isd-vo AN SSSR, 1963, 20-25 TOPIC TAGS: acrylonitrile, acrylonitrile polymer, radiation polymerization, furan, furfural, furfuryl alcohol, sylvan, polymerization ABSTRACT: In view of the possible importance of acrylonitrile copolymers'in the manu- facture of synthetic fibers, the radical polymerization of acrylonitrile in aqueous medium in the presence of ammonium persulfate and furan derivatives such as furfural, furfuryl alcohol and sylvan was investigated and the inhibitory effect of furans on the polymerization' process was demonstrated. Furfural was a stronger inhibitor than furfuryl alcohol and sylvan. Similar results were obtained when the radiation-induced polymerization of acrylonitrile was carried out in a nitrogen or air atmosphere in the presence of furan derivatives under the influence of x-rays from Co-60 (27-45 r/sec.). The experimental conditions and data are given and some of the other factors affecting radiation polymeriza- tion are discussed. Orig. art. has: 2 formulas and 2 tables. Card 1/2 ACC NRs Ap7003782 SOURCE COD& UR/029i/66/000/006/0025/0027 AUTHORt Savranskayat So Dal Kravteovao Lo Vol Askarovo M. A. ORGt NI110,TTs TITM Copolymerization of aorylonitrile and n-butyl !Rethacrrylato under the innuonce or organomagnesium catalysts. SOURCEI Utbakskiy khimichaskiy thurnalp no. 6# 19669 25-27 TOPIC TAGS$ aarylonitrilet a0polymerisation, vRethaarylate, Orignard reagent ABSTRACT: In order to determine the influence of the nature of the solvent on the properties of an acry-lonitrile - n-butyl methacrylate copolymer, the copolymerization was carried out at different temperatures with different monomer ratios In ethyl ether and toluene in the-presence of the catalyst n-butylmagnesium bromide (0.4 mole of cat- alyst per mole of acrylonitrile was used). The specific viscosities of the products showed the presence of low-molecular substances. A decrease in reaction temnerature raised the specific viscosity of the copolymer, this being characteristic of an anion- ic mechanism of polymerization of the monomers. Since the Grignard reagents consti- tute a complex equilibrium mixture and because of the presence of (MgX)t' MW or i(Mg)++ ions, the'initiation of the copolymerization may involve a stage of formation of intermediate complexes; in this case,, the nature of the solvent and the conditions of the reaction medium play a considerable part in the inMation process, Origo art, SAVRIIISKIY, Ananiy YefImOvIch,inzh.; UCHVATOV. Pavel Gavrilovich,inzh.; ~ffASNIKOV, Vitaliy Fedorovich; ZAIDI ~ISKIY ~B.T., red.; YEMEL'YANOV, Yu.N., red. izd-va; BELOMR.CVA, I.A., telchn. red. [Work practices in the production of technical notion picture8 at enterprises and in organizations]Opyt sozdaniia tekhnicheskikh kinofillmov na predpriiatiiakh v organiza- tsiiakh. Leningrad, 1962. 14 P. (MIRA 15'.11) (Motion-picture photography) LIMSKIY,Ye.Ya.; SAVRANSKIY,D.Ya.; LYUDSKOV.B.P., redaktor; ROSLGV,G.I., tekbnicheskiy--r-dak 6r [Collection of problems in planning and analyzing the economy of commercial organizations and enterprises] Sbornik zadanii po planirovaniiu i analizu khoziaistvennoi daiatellnosti torgovykh organizateii i predprilatii, Moskva, Gos.izd-vo torgovoi lit-ry, 1955. 146 p. (MIR.A 9:1) (Commerce) MONTTID. A.Z.; SAVRANSKIY, T.A., redaktor; ATTOPOVIGH, M.K., tol-hnicheskiy KUZMSOVA, Lidiya Sorgoyovma; MIKHIl*, Te.l., redaktor; SAVRASKIN, A.G,, redaktor; MOROV, S.S., tokhaichookly radaktor. [Strilre ammpaign of the Petersburg proletariat is 19051 Stachechnaia ber'ba, peterburgskego proletariata. T 1905 godu. Leningrad, Leningrad- skee gazatno-zhuritalluse i kaishmes izdatel'stvs, 1955- 126 p. (Leningrad--Revolution of 1905) (MLRA 9:5) SAVRASKIN, A.G., redaktor; FRDDRQV, B.S., takhnicheakiy rodaktor; [In the struggle for technical progress; from the work practice of party organizations in leningrad enterprises] T bor'be s& tekhni- cheskii progress; Is opyta rabotjr partiinykh organisataii prodpriatii leningrads. leningrad. leningradskoe gazatno-shurnalinoe I Im-yo, 1956. 357 P. (NMA 9:6) (Efficiency, Industrial) ru fcr T,41-'Or- J 'r. r V~;r~-- Oyu 7,rlyy nef, ctegm z ov u-hllo- 3s "eac'm t: I y f;c),-ufjarst,,rer-nyy kcraitt-.~t Z: 4 V Y) USSR Fam Animals. Wild Minals. Q-4 Ab8 Jour 11of Zhur Blol., No 10, 1958, No 45266 - Chet~rkin, V. A.;, Savrasov,, A. S. Author Inst : Not given Title : The Deten:iination of Pregnancy in Silver-Black Foxes. Orig Pub Karakulevodstvo i zverovodstvo, 1956, No. 6, 47-48. Abstract At the Biysk fur sovkhoz a control check of pregnancy of the silver-black foxes (coupled in January and February) is currently practiced. This is effected by means of.palpation. of the abdominal region 24-26 days after coupling the anirials. The method permits to cull barren fe-moles and nte mles and to utilize their pelts. :inadequ- Card 1/1 ADASKINA, Vera lvanovna, -nauchnyy sotr.; VASSELI, Ivan Favlovich, nauchnyy sotr.; RIOR, Ellza Matveyevna, nauclmyy ootr.; SHA'--'KOLISKIY, I.P., kand. iet. nauk, red.; SAWASKIN, A.G., red.; SIKOKOV, S.N., [Vyborg and its environs; concise guidebook]Vyborg i ego ok- restnosti; kratkii putevoditell. Pod red. I.P.Shaskollok6go. Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat, 1961. 162 p. WIRA 15:11) 1. Gosudarstvennyy arkhiv Leningradskoy oblasti v gorode Vyborge (for Adaskina, Vassell). (Vyborg regior-GuiQebooks) USSR/Farni Animals - Fmr Anduals Q) Nos Jaur Ref Zhur Bial, No 15~ 1958, 69374 Alutho-1- Sav 0 Inst Title Experie-lice in the Prevcntic~-..- of Losses --:)f Wild AmiLials fr.-)--,i Far-Chewing Orig Pub : KarakcIevodstvi i zverov.)dstvo, 1957, Nj 4, 51-52 Abstract : N abstract. Card 1/1 LYUBASEN"K(), 5, Ya., prtA.'.; MILYMN, A.G., kand. ~veter'. nauk; HOMIN, A.7. kand. veter. muk; TTILIPANOV, N.B,, kand. vete r. nauk,; AGANINIA, L.A.,, mlads~-iy riauchayy sotriudnik'; KAZEYEV, R.'V. , mladshiy hauabnyy ;sotrudnik; SAVRASOV, A.S,, veterinarnyy,vrach [apceasedj Effectiveness of a polpralent vacc.inia'apifis-b-,- paratyphoid fevar and colibacillosis. Veterirlariia 41 28 Ja -16'~. (MIRA l7s~j3-- GIRKAN, N.Te., inch.; SATRABOT, A.T,p insh,g ZARUBIN, A.G., inch., red.1 STUPIN, A.Z., ~i0d9-Ivd-i*&i'VTAROYA, A.F., [catalog of spare parts for the ZIL-157 three-asle motortruck and the ZIL-157T saddle-tM tractor] Katalog sapasnykh chastei trakhoinogo avtomobilia ZIL-157 L sed*llnogo tiagacha SIL-157T. Moskva, Goo.nauchno-tokhn.ind-vo mashinostroit.lit-ry, 1959. 333 P. (NIRA 13:3) 1. Moskovekly sytomobillayy sayod. (Notortrucke--Catalogs) (Tractors--CatalogO, GERWI, N.Yeinzh~.;__,~AVRASOV,,,-A.-V.,;--ZARUBIN, A.G., inzh.,, red.; ARTYUKHINP T.A., red. izd-va; UVAROVA, A.F.., tekhn. red. (Catalog of parts for the ZIL-164A motortruck, ZIL-&S-585L'and ZIL-M4Z-585M dump trucks., ZIL-164AR tractor., ZIL-157K three-ax-le -motortruck and ZII,1,24Z-164M and ZIL-157KV saddle tractors] Kata- lokdetalei dvukhosnogo avtomobilia ZIL-16/+A, avtomqbilei-samoE~va- lov ZIIMM7,-585L i ZIL-MS-585M, avtoTolilia-tiagacha ZIL-164AR, trekhosnogo avtomobilia ZIL-157K i sedellwjkh tiagachei ZIL-*M- 164MI i ZIL-157KV. Moskra,, Cos. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo mashino- stroit. I!t-ry, 1961. 486 p. (MIRA 15: 1) 1. Moskovskiy avtomobillnyy zavod. (Motortrucks-Catalogs) (Dump trucks-Catalogs) 2 127 6/16 63/000/66'/i ib/ D263 -some information concern ng!~--~'-,. YD307 IN, es the' ialvee'* irigle.weakly ma es J diameters of the ma -5 ..pip p constitute -an exception,--for'I eset increasdd-magnetio-tield -f~- n 'parts: bf: bodies:6. Another, except on a -dnly.the:ce tral'. maris out strongly, magnetic pipes. in-t`-~hl6h, owing to, an~ unasudl:..distributioi~.."','-*,,-,,-- _'A e-p- 1 - of.,-.the.:magne- tiz'ed -body is foun of 'magnetic minerals, ~th 0 e. d-.,-- th above~ method below its,.r' Il is notdd.:that of e ;i.pos: ibiliti6s preliminary assessment 'of-.'-'', 8 oof magheii6, surveying,,--,, a mav be in. s earche s f or anomalies:;.over.~~ kimberlite bodie' a .-to e:probability-of.'a" .6 1 m estimate th isa vering'i a o e anoma ies -this it is necessary:C~61,,`~dmpute the corresponding, nomograms),.--,-,--~- in ':-'f 1 -.objects* ''sph 'dependence on .,the fbrm-!,o ~,,Jgeq ogical e. g.;, ere -6 t tran 1 11 oids f re oluti6n;`;I` '/7-Abstiac e ps 0 v ~7: -latio W T, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pr Card ~.2 /2 14(5) SOV/132-'0-2-9/16 U Z-H 0 R S-v-s,-'Nv L.K. TITLER: Field Tests on the Vibration Drillino- Installation VUL-2 of the LENGIPROTRMTS (Polevy-je ispytaniya vi- broustanovki LENGIPROTRANSA VUL-2) PERIODICAL: Razv-ldka i okhrana nedr, 1959,111r 2, pp 47-48. (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author describes the results of drilling.tests made in 1957 with a vibration drilling installationVUL-2, devised by the LENGIPROTR.ANS. The rig is mounted on a GAZ-63 autobus, has a VPM-1 vibrator alternate: current generator SG-25/6 with n = 1000 rotations per minute. The analysis of its operation showed that drilling itself occupied 21.1% of the working time.. The rest was occupied by erection-dismantuling and other operations. Many parts of the rig were inade- quate and needed further adjustment. After the changes,:,. Card 1/2 the rig could be recommended for drilling prospecting TARANOV, Petr YakovIevic- KHANUKAYEV, A.N., prof., retsenzent;. BUBOK, V.K., rets~nzent; BOROVIKOV, V.A., retsenzent; KARFUVOV, Ye.G., retsenzent; MISNIK, Yu.M., retsenzent; SMIRNOV, N.A., retsenzent; RAZAMAT, V.V... retsenzent; SAVRASQI,-j,,.B., retsenzent; YURIAANOV, Yu.A., retsenzent; BABICHEV, N.S., retsenzent [Blasting operations] Burovzr~-nWe raboty. Izd.2. Mo- skva, Nedra, 1964. 253 p. (MMA 18:7) TMSHCEAGIN, V.N.,; KRASYff, L.I.,; VLASOT, G.M., red.; ZOWTOV, M.G., red.;*ZHMOYDA, A.I., red.; KIPARIBOYA, L..D., red.; KOI)ZALEVSKATA, red.;.0NIXHIMOVSK4~1. T.V., red.; CHEMEKOV, YU.F.; SKVORTSOV, V.P., red.; AV3ffIYZVA. T.A., [Resolutions of the Interdepartmental Conference on the Slaboration of '9tandard Stratigraphic Systems for the Yar last] Resheniia sovqshchaniia Mozhvedomstvannogo soveshchaniia po ro$rabotke unifitsirovannyih stra- tigrafichaskikh skhem dlia Dallnego Vostoka. Moskva, Gos*.nauchno-tekhif.~ izd-vo lit-ry po geol. i akhrane nedr, 1958. 51 P. (MIRA 12:3) 1. Nszhvedomstvonnoye soveshchaniya po rasrabotke unifitairovannykh stratigraficheskikh skhem'dlya Dallnego Vostoka-# Khabarovsk, 1956. 2. Predsedatell Orgkomiteta Neshiedonstvannogo siqvishchaiiyajo raz- rabotke unifitsirovannykh stratikraficheskikh ekhen dlya DalOnego Vostoka (for Krasnyy). (Soviet Par last--Geology, Stratigraphic) L 40776-66 9JT (d) 19,n (m) /1-UP (VI) /11.',IjT kv) /EWT (t) /ET1 T/-PA? (k) Acc 0 SOURCE CODE: ,AUTHOR: _~avra5ov, ;ORG- Kharkov Aviation Institute Mharlkovskiy aviatsionnyy institut) ,TITLE: Field of velocities for some cases of axisymmetric deforrn&tion. of tubular, stock: ;SOURCE: Samole-t-ostroyeniye i tekhnika vozdushnogo flota, no. 4, 1 1965, -116-117 .TOPIC TAGS: shell theory, cylindric shell metal deformation, deformation rate ;ABSTRACT: The author considers the process of a.-isyruretric deformation of a tubular under the effect of an internally applied load to determine the velocity of 1 the narticles of deformed metal as a basis for describing the state of the material at many' moment during the deformnation process. The equation of continuity is given for ..Plastic flow of 'the metal druing deformation assuming that the material is incompres- ,sible. An expression is derived from this equation for the radial velocity field in itexinz of an arbitrary function with respect to the vertical coordinate. Boundary con-- Iditions are used for determining this function. It is found that the radial velocity,, ; I ; 0. the metal particles varies hyperbolically as a function of the radial coordinate 7, ii' there is no axial displacement. The change in radial velocity as a function of the'. ;,rerticall coordinate is determined by distortion of the cylindrical generatrix during ;deformation. Orig. art. has.- I.figure,,9 formulas. SUB CODE: 20/ SLTM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 002 r Card 1 t ACC Rs AH"O.L8614 SOURCE CODE: UR/0420/65/000/001;/02-18/0122 i R: yr AUT-0 V. V. ;ORG; Kharkov Aviation Institute (Khar1kovskiy aviatsionnry institut) n a tube plate ,TITLE. Some characteristics of the process of pipe expansion i ;SOURCE: Samoletontroyeniye i tekhnika vozdushnogo flota, no. 4, 1965, 118-120 7OPIC TAGS: pipe, steam boiler, hermetic seal iABSTRACT: Formulas are given for calculating the tightness between apjp4 and tube 1plate after.expansion. It is assumed that the pipe and the plate are incompressible tthroughout the entire deformation range and may be treated as ideally plastic bodies. lAxial disolacement of the pipe and tube plate during expansion are disregarded and I plate deformation dces not pass the elastic limit. An approximate formula is Lrived I for the outside radius of the pipe-in the permanently deformed state. It is shown thatl ijoint.tightness depends on the mechanical properties.of the pipe material, deformation Iof 'the tube plate, pipe thickness and the initial radial clearance between the y-,- I 1the tube platte- Tightness increases with pipe thickness, pipe deformation and the i 1young modulus of the pipe material. Tightness is also higher for pipe materials with t 'a low elastic limit and for small clearances between pipe and tube plate. Orig. art. Ihas: 3 figures, 23 formula s. .!SUB CODE: 20,L13~ SUBMDATE: none Card A'-'- N11, AP6035902 ~_ffl INVENTOR: Vasil'yev, Yu. N.; Koregin, V. I.; Savrasov, Yu. A.; Ur iov, A. Ya.; Plotnikov, V. A. ORG: none TITLE: Stand for testing tractors. Class 42, No. 187371 (announce, by the Chelyabinsk Branch of the State Union Scientific-Research Tractor I-stitute .(Chelyabinskiy filial gosudarstvennogo soyuznogo nauclino-issledovat,L'skogo traktornogo instituta)) ,SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no 20, 1966, 142 TOPIC TAGS: tracked vehicle, tractor, tractor maintenance, tractor zest stand, test stand,,test method ABSTRACT" An Author Certificate has been issued for a stand for teiting tractors# which includes a frame, braking units, rails, a wheeled carriage wich supports, and tension members. in order to decrease carriage vibration and noise 4uring the tractor tests, the axles of the carriage wheels, which are mounted ~a stirrupso are articulately fastened to the frame; at the other end they are connected by a nut which interacts with the supporting screw. In a variant, an the los.,3r part.of the carriage frame are mounted female guide rails and fixing brackets v.,.'.rh clasping screws. Orig. art. has: 1 figure. SUB CODE: 13/ SUBM DATE: 290ct65/ Card UDC. 629.114'.2: 620.178.^,.051 137-58-5-9456 A-14 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metalluroiya, 1958, Nr 5, p 92 (USSR) AUTHORS: Mitrenin, B.P., Lalykin,, S. P. Savrasov, Yu. P., Radaykin, L.K. TITLE: Employment of Floating-zone Refining to Produce Single Crystals of Silicon (Primeneniye bestigellnoy monnoy plavki dlya polucheniya monokristallov kremniya) PERIODICAL: V sb. Vopr. metallurgii i fiz. poluprovodnikov. Moscow, AN. SSSR, 1957, pp 35-40 ABSTRACT: The melts were made in an apparatus consisting of a vertical quartz tube (d'=22 mm) in which a Si bar was placed vertically on two pins rotating at I to 50 rpm. The inductor (d=25 mm, height 4-6 mm) creating the zone was fed from a 5-kv generator work- ing at 4 mc. The rate of motion of the bar relative to the inductor was 0.5- 10 cm/hr. A vacuum of the, order of 1_ 10-5 mm Hg was created in the quartz tube. The specimen was heated to 7'OOOC by current passing through it. Elongated bars 15-20 cm long and 10- 13 mm in cross section, and specimens of Si iodide in the form of tubes 8-16 mm in diameter, filled with pieces of Si, were, Ca rd 1/2 used for the melts. The quartz tube was replaced after 3 to 5 137-58-5-9456 Employment of Floating-zone (cont) passes due to the growth within it of a film that screened the field. When an asbestos cylinder rv5 cm long was mounted on the tube for purposes of heat insulation,in the vicinity of the inductor, checking and crumbling of the film diminished. The course of the melt was followed visually after the first pass and thereafter by instruments. 'Single crystals were obtained from the super- heated zone after 4 to 7 passes when the rate of motion of the zone was 3-6 cm/hr. The employmentof single-crystal seeding and rotation of the speci- men facilitates production of single crystals. It was. established that 6 to 8 passes of the zone make it possible to purify acid-washed Si until it is spec- trally pure for 60-80% of the total length of the specimen, but the resistivity of the specimen rises little as this occurs, viz. . from 0.05 to.0.08 ohm/cm. Floating zone refining of a s~pecimen of Si with introduction of Ta182 into t~e final zone makes it possible to purify the specimen of Ta to 10-5- 10-8 o after I to 7 passes of the zone. The Ta is concentrated in the final portion of the bar. The concentration of Fe59 after the first pass drops to 10-4%, and the Fe is concentrated in the final zone. Si iodide yielded single crystals that were chiefly of the p type and had a resistivity of 15-40 ohm/Cm. 1. Single crystals --Growth 2. Single crystali--Ro-Is~i~iiy Yu. Sh. 3. Silic an iodide--Applications 4. Tantalum isotopes (Radioactive)--Applications 5. Tron isotopes (Radioactive)--Applications Ca 2/2 SAIJTIATSKIY, YU D 755.5 Kek ya obsluzlaiva.-,-,: mel-hr-nicheskuyu tsentralizatsiyu i S2 poluavtomaticheskuyu bl6kirovk-y (How I Vaintain the Yeehanical. Centralisation and'Semi-Autoriatic Blocking System) Yosk-va, Trnaszheldorizdati 1952. 3 -.p At head of title: S'La),hanovskayn Fhkola zheleznodorozIainka. SOV/137-59-1-505 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Metallurgiya, 1959, Nr 1, p 65 (USSR) AUTHOR: Savrayev, V. P. T[ T 1, E: Tusting a Foam-type,Dust Collector With Dusts of the Ust, - Kamenogorsk Le'ad-zine Konibinat I (Ispytaniye pennogo pyletilovitelya na pylyakh Ust-Kat-nenogorskogo svintsovo-tsinkovogo kombinata) PERIODICAL- Sb. materiatov po pyleulavlivaniyu v tsvetn. metallurgii. Moscow, Metallurgizdat, 1957, pp 343-351 ABSTRACT: An examination of the results of testing of the foam-type dust col- lector (FD) in the recovery of Pb dusts and ZnO. , An FD consisting of a rectangular chamber (cross section of the operating part 0.16 rn?-) with three consecutively placed screens was used in the experi- ments. Gas was fed into the FD through the lowest grid by a 2000 m3/hour ventilator. Efficiency of'recovery of Pb dusts (in sintering and smelting shops) was 48.1 - 81.6%, with an initial dust content of 1.33 - 4.28 g/nm3 of gas delivered, a 1.14 -3.4 m/sec gas velocity in the FD., and a consumption of water of-0.67 - 2.47 liters /nm3 of gas delivered. The hydraulic resistance of the FD amounted on the Card I /Z average to 200 mm water column, A great amount of spray droplets