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I .. ; I i ,-, :* - - I : SI ? . I. . j. I ,. FEDOROV, V.I.; SHVETS, I.T.; SHELIMKO, N.N. Experimental investigation of temperature distribution in a rotor of drum design subject to nonsteady heat exchange. Trudy Inst.tepl. AN URSR no.13:53-59 '56. (MIRA 10:5) (Turbines) 3/02 61/000/006/008/009'! D247YD301 At L ~-;' ( ~'-' AUTHORS: Minyaylenko, M.O., ?edorov, V.I., and Shellmenko, N.N. TITLE: Temperature measurement of turbine elements PERIODICAI: Akademiya nauk Ukrayins1koyi RSR, Dopovidi, no. 6, 1961, 759 - 762 TEXT: The authors, after discus,3ing the importance of the te M era- ture conditions in different parts of steam and gas turbine 'pdes- cribe experimental methods at eKact temperature measurements in turbine rotors or housings, worked out Iin the department of ther- mal motors of the Institute of Huat and Power Engineering at the Academy of Sciences UkrSSR. A c'aromel-alumel thermocouple was pre- pared from an 0.5 mm wire, plaited 5with a glass thread impregnated with a silicone fire-proof ceme:at.1 In the tested rotors a central openine_~v-as bored out with radial holes at chosen points, inter- secting the central one. In the holes thermocouples were inserted by means of wires, the former b2ing coated with a glass fabric pre- Card 1/5 15- 25167 S/02 61/000/006/008/009 Temperature measurement of ... D247YD301 serving them from mechanical damage. When the thermocouples were pulled through the holes, they were held fast in their place by a X/ special device and welded to a chosen point; after welding, holes were filled with heat resistant cementl5ind a metallic stopper Was fixed on the top, its object being to withstand the cement pressure during the turbine high speed revolutions, and thus prevent dislo- cation of the thermocouples. A 92hematic drawing of the fixing de- vice is giv,,n. For determining tie exact temperature range in work- ing and stitionary turbine eleme:.,its a special apparatus has been developed, permittino the recording of the variable EMP of thermo- couples in a few seconds, within 2 I%o. The thermocouple DIF was con- ducted through a rotary contact, an automatic switch and through an amplifier to a recording oscillograph. Theri' iocouples from sta- tionary elements were directly connected with the automatic switch. For evaluating the equipment ope::-ation, a method of comparison of the oscillograph readings of the tested thermocouples with those of standard ones vias used, one of the control thermocouples being con- nected with its ends crossed, thus permitting the determintion of Car-d 2/5 S/021/61/000/006/008/009,, Temperature measurement of ... D247/D301 the amplifier background (Hb.g.). The evaluation proceeded as fol- lAs: (1) The difference between the oscillograph readings for two standard thermocouples was taken - H st2 - H0, where Hst2 - reading of the non-crossed standard thermocouple, H 0 - reading of the crossed one. (2) The value of the backgroun(i was determined: H bg Hst22- Ho . (3) The difference H st2 H3 was determined, H 3 being the width of the light-ray tip taken from oscillograph m. (4) To the value Hst2 - H39 the value of the background was added or subtracted, (subtracted when H H = H st2 - H3 � Hf --- HO). The value "Hit st2 > Ho, adled when Hs t2 corresponds to the temperature difference: t hj - tcj that of the Card 3/5 S/021,/61/000/006/008/009 Temperature measurement of ... D247/D301 hot and cold junctions of the standard thermocouples. (5) The cor- rection scale for the oscillograph records was calculated: K th' (6) The temperature of the investigated point was calculated: t = (Ht H3 � Hf ) K + tcjp where Ht is the defle-ction of ;he light ray on the oscillograph un- der the effect of the EMF of the investigated thermocouple. The me- thods and equipment mentioned were used in the Institute of Heat and Power Engineering to determine local temperatures in turbine rotors and housings and for eve.luating thermal stresses in these installations, and were found in practice to be very valuable. This report was presented by I.T. Shvets (Member of the Academy of Scien- ces UkrSSR). There are 3 figures. Card 4/5 25167 S/021/61/000/006/008/009-, Temperature measurement of ... D247/D301 A40CIATION: Instytut teploenergetyky AN URSR (institute of Heat - and Power Engineering, AS U rSSR) SUBMITTED: October 8, 1960 x SEEL'%'Ei, Nikclay Antonovich [t.1lathematics] Matematika. "ioskva, llysshaia shkola. Pt.',.. ~1963. 137 P. (MIFU 17:10) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) lliin:Lsterstvo vysshego i sred- nego spetsiallnogo obrazovan:Lya. sr u SHELNIN) G. The constancy of altitude marks at tho leveling system of the city of Tallinn. p. 198. PUBLIKATSICONID. PUBLTKATSII. (Tartu. Ulikool. Tahetorn.) Tartu, -;~,stonia. Vol. 33, no. 3, 1958. Monthly list of East Evropean Accessions (FEAI) Vol. 9, no. 1, Jan. 1960. Uncl. L-~er.eEal; itS --rac;e_. -.1 neS.. a -jtC~rg-* 7-1'_-~- ?:a '-n' Vne- ! 23 1). 17:81 KILIGINA, M.L. (Kazan'); KRUPIN, V.I. (Kazajn1);.Sqv1_11QxA_ wK. (Kazan'); SHISHKIN, A.V. (Kazan'); KHALYMBADZHA, V.G. (Kazan-) Stratigraph7 of coal deposits in Tatarstan and southern Udmurt A.S.S.R. Uch.zap.Kaz.un. 115 no.10:94-98 '55. (MIRA 10:5) (Tatar A.S.S.R.-Coal geology) (Udmwt A.S.S.R.-Coal geology) I& KRUTIN, V.Il.; YUICT'A, L"-.L.; SFUl''ZV,,l -.K.; V.C. ~-irboniferoijF !:erl'montr of t~e wp,-itern, nortYern, -;nd m-)rt,~eastern T;,tar and Fo,,t~v-rr, Udmurlia. Lch. zap. Eaz. un. 121 no.2,3-94 ',"I. jl~:q) Clatar -S.S.R.-Gpolory, 5trativrap!Ac) (Udrilirt n.S.S.R.-Geolopy, Stratigraphic) POZHER. Viktor Hikhaylovich: KIRINA, Tanara ll'inichna: poRyIRI WI, Glob Sergeyevich. Uchaotvovall: 4PILUDOVA, A.A.; VISSARIONOVA, A.Ta; ZAVAR , M.M.; KILIGIU, K.L; XGYTAZINk, N.M.; LUNITAK, I.A.; MUSIML, K.K.; MLOVA, I.N.; SAVINOVA. S.I.; TAZLOVA. Te.l.; . THRENTIMRA, V.D.; FAEE19VA, H.J.; CEZRNOVA, Ye I.; SHELINOVA, A.K. TIKHIY, V.N.,red.; DAYEVp G.Aeovedereds; GENWIYZVA. [VolgEw-Ural oil-bearing region; Carboniferous sediments] Volgo-Urall- skaia neftenoanaia oblast'. Kamennougol'nya otlozheniias Leningrad, Gos.nauchn.tekhn.izd-vo neft. i gorno-toplivnoi lit-r7, 1957. 287P. (Leningrad. Vaesoiuzrvi neftianoi nauchno-isaledovatell- skii geologorazvedochnyi ir.stitut. Trudy no.112) (MIRA 11:12) (Tolga Valley-Geology. Stratigraphic) (Ural Mountain region--Goolog3r, Stratigraphic) KILIGIM, M.Ij.; bHXL'14UVA, A.L. - Boundary oetween the Devonicn and Carboniferous in the Tatar A.S.S.R. and the age of the tarrigenous formation in the lower Carboniferous. Trudy VNIGNI no.14:97-103 159. (MIRA 12:10) LTSentrallnaya nauchno-issladovatellskaya laboratoriya trasta Tatnaftegazrazvedka. (Tatar A.S.S.R.-Geology, Stratigraphic) GOLIKOV, S,N.; SELIVAIIOVA, A.T.; SHELOKHkNOVA, V.Ye. Pharmacology of 193--aminopropanol derivatives. Faru~i toks. 23 no.1:8-12 Ja-F 160. (MIPLA 14:3) 1. Laboratoriya toksikologii (zav. - doktor med.nauk V.Ye.Shelokhanova) Sanitarno-khimicheakogo instituta AMIT SSSR. (AWOHMS) -rowi. r i is o7 T T, "Ll.,D 1 1.5 0 1 -Iii Acce- ns, Li'.nni C Al. 1 1 - . 3 , - . . I' i. . - I .-!- .- . . I . . re ic.,-, 'ce =T,a 19 L "i -t L no, liybriA y the n .A Jire ;7, f D,.M. +-Ile --Ltcrj-l 4Ve -or trt) e Gf an cla.3s. Tr-idy 1 1 TT~jk 1 '7 �HRLOMANOV,_I. Our support. NTO 2 no.4;?6-27 Ap 160. (MIRA 13:6) 1. Direktor Llvovskoy khlopkopryadillnoy fabriki. (Lvov--Cotton srinning,--Tachnological innovations) ,~'Icers. T--UO'Y 5'.'1 -4,_,74-79 33 z kn f e j -,r go ~- uta 11 n (h ril c-w i ( zav. prof. A. N. Kar ',d :ikD.1 2 rg.) Mr 'n. I r f- og - 9*,Itl.,t njlmga goqudarstienn di 3 k - ~D a ow-L no h 3 h re e c on Ile 2 c u 5 0 f Lh c. t 13 6 3 C faeLhalitv foil--wing a stc:i~ach rezsec i n for -~-Jinical materials )f 0 .1 111 g ry f t.he nak MeA during 194-2-19(,.I.. ildd.z9c!-97 "'51 1 ta 'I .~7 ~ ill. ra rg-*L i (zav. - prof. m~d, ts Inc *J tutca. (-,~.atlonal or ng- 7,.n ! s opprat-.ons DLr,: T~'i4.V4 1:-~~-,riuf-.ctvring and, Eechanical -,Lng:-neer-in..-- in the Soviet Union, ljib-zary of Congres,3, 7101;-' t Tinizatsiia nrotsessov kcjvlrl.-i- Lolenchatyk~ valov. '7estfl- no. -5) ~3'Landar-'-!-ed 3~ez7z,tions of forcin., cr3nkFhafts.) Uk"': TIN4.Vl, SO: and :ecbanical 'Eniineering in the -Soviet Union, 'Lilcra2-,, of Congress, 1~,-'5)3. Mas-1, 11P-51 no.7, p. 15-VN StrPm7th nf varinlis parts of E forgeO c-rankshaft. JL ":ani~,facturinj and ';c~chbrdcal -Encrin~-trii,r in the Solric-t Un-rn, Library of 6HYL j.'-tAY1-'V, YU. V.. Stc-el Forgirips Influence of forEintr oper-tic)nE on the qus-lity of forged ste,1, Vest. mash., 12 no. 1. 1952. Monthly List of Ruszien Accessions, Library of ConEreEs, October 19c2. TrTCIA . J_SSIFIYD. 11 -9 -5 -15/33,f AUTHOR: Shelom;.tyev, Yu. V. (Engineer) TITLE: The Manufacture of LargO Crajakshafts from the Billet by means of Progressive Die Stamping, (Izgotovleniye krupnyk-h kolen- chatyl~h valov iz slitka sposobom posledovatellnoy shtampovIki) PERIODIC.U: Vestnik Mashinostroyeniya, 19579 Nr 5, pp'.33-36 (USSR) ABSTW,CT: Four currently used forZinF, processes for crankshafts are enumerated, none of Thich. ensures the absence of traces of liquation zoning at the finally machined crank pin surfaces. The use of hot die stamping instead of flame cutting and forg- ing has been developed recently. Two new procedures are men- tioned, namely the prog- essive semi-die stamping without flash in special cast dies, doveloped by the Research Institute of the Ministry for the Defence Industry (NII Ministerstva Oboronnoy Promyshlennos',i) and sectional progressive stamp- ing with flash (developed by the "Uralmashzavod" jointly with VPTI MTM). Both methods are briefly described with sketches including the dies. In the first method, after pressing be- tween a V and a flat to a diameter of 500 mm the shaft is necked-in by a pro-ressive die. The cran2~:s are thien dra-mm out and each pair I -s t i an. ,, ea in. a die. The shaft is finished by drawi- out tiie ends and strai--[iteniqr,,,. Compured with the isr forgiiL- the ivei,7ht of the blank is reduced from 6.5 to Card earl - G 127-5-15/35 The Mamifacture of Large Crani-cshtifts fromthe Billet by means of Pror,ressive Die Stamping. 5.5 torls, the for-ir-r I:; ~ time reduced by eight hours (from 15). In the second method, after drawing out the shaft, it is net%ed-in and the crai-2cs are drawn out. After a preparatory die stampin,~; operation of the whole shaft, usii-Z all the sections of the upper part of the die, finish stamping is arplied proLressively to -three sections. Finally, the flash is cut off. The billet waight has been reduced from 9 to ?.5 tons and the forrying weight from 5150 to 1300 kg. The stamping time is 3 hours and the forging press of 30 000 tons capacity has been replaced by a 10 ton ess. The scrap per- centage has been reduced from 35% to W. There are 6 figures. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress. Card ?/? 00 0 0 0 Far 4 04000000*0009000000 oat . j . - . I I . I . 14 11 1. !, 1. t , I L Z L I L L 9 P P 60 U M (L 5 IX -00 -00 -00 -00 -00 - Haierds of pyrophoilk to 40flies of products of bydro- v t F Sh l F 00 . be ulucal , e sulfid comelon. . * 7 U V ,Y-IMPhOrle Pfud"c" .N.- 7, 51-3091 A 23, the WS Lorroioll 'if Fe were recOYMd recently ill A)II fidds ws: a Pp, - flun) a rAvAine coder- a fu`1 & rll '1 '111 09 Iletfle vWve ill a nalufal.gas. rumptes,,dw Iiisr, and j I =00 j fu~,,f lum ) [rum a wvIJ at 710 in. drpl S, Oir nu.t highly pyrophoric 0 ZO 0 elementary F! in divcr,e form. Thr formation of : ut,,t" Fe-FtS.FeO and Fe-FcS-FC,C IIUY CJU~C failure ro 'If parts by fusicn at temp.. of goo, ,rt,I "ert lower. if =00 II~i is ,upplied in suilk-wnt arnt'. A 4-(49r reaction U nimhani~in t, OtItILIM.I. Bruno.C. NICtir.ler. Ze e zoo X*e Z a S e L A MFTALLUI~AAL LITIRATLiKi CLAWPICATICk Ila. I r- j !a I -f- Zv -An-L--s -a --,w o- -.- -iw U -C Ira Ka Orcra (iv 5 ~j -o 3 -q I" u ,omba' ing ,c l3ostoytekhiz~lat and Mined-Fuel) , Fields o' the an,i Tech A~:al Tablished b-f of letroleum SHEW)MTSBV, T. Under favorable industrial conditions. Prom. koop. 14 no.5:32 W 1600' (KIRA 13:12) 1. Predsedat~11 pravlentyu arteli invalidov im. 3-go veresnya, LIvov. (Lvov- Invalide-Occupati one) MINYAYEEV, V.A.; SHELOMENTSEVA, K.A.; DEMIDOV, V.A. Concerning the articles, "Medical care without registration in out- patient institutions of Tashkent" and "Distribution of surgical beds in a city." Zdrav. Ros.'Feder. 5 no-5:39-1,1 My 161. WIRA 14:5) 1. Zaveduyushchiy LeningradEkim gorodskim otdelom zdravookhra--Ieniya (for Minyayev). 2. Glavny-j vrach ob"yedinennoy bollnitsy imeni V.I.Lenina, Leningrad (for 'Shelonentseva). 3. GlavnTy vrach poliki-iniki No.37, (for Demidov). (TASHC-NT-HOSPITAI,S-OUTPATI.~;21T SERVICES) (PENZA-HOSKTAL BEDS) CHMRNOVA, I.V.; KOZLOVA, A.A.; SAGITOVA, R.G.; SHELOKENTSOVA, N.I. . Epidemiologic effectiveness of enteroparenteral vaccination against dysentery. Zhur. mikrobiol. epid. i immun. no-11:58-60 N 154. (MLRA 8:1) 1. Iz Ufimakogo institute. vaktrin i ayvorotok (dir. U.S.Yanikeyeva, nauchnyy rukovoditell prof. N.1 Mel'Akov) (DYSENTBAY, BACILLART, provention and control, vacc., enteroparenteral tech.Tile) L) guolcvc,-razvedocP-naya partlya,-,~a 17- geo1cfj,h gkogo SKLLI, S.I., izhener; SHELOMOV, B.Ye., inzhener. Using trolley wires as a power supply for gantry crane motors. Mekh.stroi. 13 no.10:23-24. 0 '56. (MLRA 9:11) (Cranes, derricks, etc.) (Electric I.ines--Overhead) GOROZHLNINOV, N.Te., inzh.-, SHEW14OV, B.Te., inzh. Submerged-melt welding of crane rails. Nov.tekh.mont.i spets.rab.v strol. 21 no.12:19--22 D '59. (MIRA 13:3) 1. Haucbno-isaledovatellskiy Institut promyshlennykh zdaniy i sooruzheniy Akademii stroitel'stva i arkhitektury SSSR. (Cranes, derricks, etc.) (Electric welding) GALAKTIONOV, A.T.; DENISOV, Yu.A.~; KOPYTOV, G.T.; MASLOV, YU.A.; )ITKOROV, I.P.; PETUVIE, I.V.; KOCH3VA . G.P.; KUZITTSOV, A.P.; IYJM09 N.M.; RAZIKOV, M.I.; SPESHKOV, V.V.; STEPANOV, E.V., STEPAVOV, V.V.i kand. tekhn. naak;,S1T.LaKOV, B.Ye.1 YUNYSHEV, G.P.; YESIKOV, K.A., dots., retsenzent; Bj , O.A.p dots.p retserfzent; BEREZKIR, P.P., dots., retsenzent; PATSKEVICH, I.R.,dots., retsentzent; RUDAKOV, A.S., dots., retsonzent; FIZHBMip N.B., inzh., retsen- .~,ent; KHRUSTALEV, L.Ya., 4jazh., retsenzent; KRUTIKHOVSKIY, V.G., inzh., red. BOBROV, Ye-I., kand. tekhn. nauk. red. DUGIVA, V.A., tekhn. red. ~Welding handbook] Spravoc*anik rabochego-svarshchika. Pod red. V.V.Stepanova. Moskva, gos. nauchno-tekhuizd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry, 1960. 640 D~. (Welding) (MIRA 14:6) SIUM011OV, B.Ye., inzh. Stand for automatic weldingwith stageless regulation of the spend of rotating products. Nov.tekh.oont.i spets.rab.v stroi. 22 no.1:24-25 Ja 160. (14IRk 13:5) 1. Treat Uralstallkonstruktalya. (Blectric welding-Equipment and aipplies) SHELUMOV, 1. K. Chemical Abst- Vol- 48 No. 8 Apr. 25, 1954 General and PhysiCal '?-OT T e rea. ons etween Aj"W and nitrites Of metals the first and second on periodle system in the ( J3 molten state. Vir. T all tion of the I of lithium, potassium, nm 'T I R senko.and 1. ~.e "1,V., v bV,'.923:-l4&3_ i . 43 zhu,. ObAckel I . . ' I-Mi-Relations within the ternary system were invest* i gated by observing the bel ring the in.. r~,. ~7Z~ of various mixts. The bin lias -one tutectle af-132' in! TI, 40',-.In' ,F*n QY.Ogi 1 01 and 29.5% Li'Ma. The ternary 9 ~Sl 183 terns having one common lowest meltin-T% OF which analyzes KNO, 34, LiN(h 33, and RK0.111%. 711NO, behaves Chemistry similarly to nitrate of Li and K and does not react in melts. It forms, however, cutectics In binary and ternary, systems. NI. 0. Holowaty -- p-S /_i OSIPOV, 0. A. ; SHFL%IOV -k-K (Rost ov-na-Donu) I * The relntion between the dipole moment nnd surfPce tension [with summary in English]. Zhur.fiz.]~him.31 no.8:1756-1761 AV, 157. (MIRA 10:12) (Dipole moments) (SurfAce tension) 'X,7 122- 73 T T:-" 1, E jIrCI.,JorL t':(~ Tlydrati-'n, jI ions i- ~~q,,,eous "K voi.roSn o ~i,,Irat a. t S 4 -* ionov v --rodn`-T1 ~'ITR 1 ~) D 1 '7L Do'~: 1 ad - - A 1~ a r] c,-,, i i na - ik S SS R Vol 102, I!r p- '_'~STITV CT D. 11,ernal arul R. Fvuler (Rof 1) till 1 aloo 0. Ya. Sa r.-.O~-Iov (Ref 2) s'l~wed tliat illl ;.c:uecus soll.ii-ion~ AifI*ere.-,' ions act _i- -_ -l_i-_F'ferent ujon the tra-31a'ory _Gtior: o f t,.e :~e3rest -.,.--ter an-.. t'.e small on-ly c a r , c:., ir,nj l i~.Jni 0~ t'i-, ~..otior., Inut the io%s ;_ntensify it, 0i-,: all i on s 'lie 'r if tens ,va e - c if- (A --s in or- en~aticn ct' t' -j t the . - y . . , lar.-,e ir~n~: cau se a le3qa-ienta'ion of 2i',c', This oiencmenon 1" calle.] llo-_-ientatior. it can be .14 :3 C U S 2 ej acco rdin- to V.c eloctrcL-tatic L"Eary of t-2 1 i r:l_: i d state. "rho ant hors eluced an an:,roximate e.-.-rescio n for t`le nternal fiell! E i- Lily -,,,,4-nt of t*,,,c -oi= 1-iri,,,idi. j r~= c r a t,-: r e 9 - - I 10 - C r!S. Il" -)11e -;-, t 0 1. r.-~o I --. c I: 2 , C Carl 1/3 :-,: f, n e I f o r a n -.3 i n t`,e e~-,erl-ly s~ato Of I~je I 4.,11:4d V,'2 o - 12 2 - f0") 1,::-. c., C. I rat4 on ;)" Ton- 4 e So' --. t -' ons cnly in t~ie follow4nE c.-e "ic ~_)rcc- wit` w`ticr :I e c i: 1 e s , i sf'. 1to the .~.e ion acts un.-_,n the si~rroun U1 4 force wi`- wl-ich thf! 311rro-._,n1Jnj 'naturally wit.hout. c`, t`ie -le -ree of tli~Eir orientation) act i~-,~on. I.-ne ion ib:t' i 'IT- C. forc e s in other .vords, -.eans an eqi-i' ~th oaused ion 4n V e ce,,tera of tne t`e fielul stren -urroundin~; -~olecul(?s r::,.st be enual to the internal field otren,_7th E. For Ei0n > E there will 1-.c n :ositive '-,--Iration, onj for E < E, a ne,'mative one. E. rienotes t:,-e field ion ion ,~trerl-tIi of the ion, ~ formula -*.- deluc,--d for tl~-_ critical --alius of the ion wliere tl-e 1-o_~itive IiYiration becoE:es ne- 4 ti.e effective radius An ex-presolon is .-iven also for 1- 1 - - of the water molecu'-e. Finally, the noithors calciiiatue t.e ~I-Iitionai enerf; o~' the orientation which is tran2:7A-tted by ,)Y j t':e ion to tie nearest ::olecules. T'!e values of Au (addi- 44--onal enerjy of t,IE orientation of t"le rrolecule in the field of t*,-'e ion a-ree WE-11 With the experimental dLita. :-"here are llard 2,!3 1 tahle an~ 11, references, 11 o-f which are SDviet. SCVW/2o-1-222-'~ 'n 'he c-' t-e '.Y,jra'~on of ~ors ~n ASSOCIATION: Rostavokiy-na-DomL gimtkdarstvenyy universitet . (Rostov-na-Donu State University) PRESER Df MaY 17,,.1958, by A. N. Rnlmlrin.., Academician SUNGTTED: December 13, 1957 Czird 3/3 SOV/60-59-1-37/114 '.urI',L:e of Li...ui., (J'as Separation (C Erotseszakh, ;,,~neratsii pri razryve puzy-rey na po- C.-,% L 1 tril.3% c., .~him-',-J, 11-5~ pp 2- -22" 2, F of pi,enomana ocQurrin.- betweer. the ii:~uiz. and ga-;s in the czoce--.zes of boilin- ---nd bubblinj nece.~sitated t.~e Cor-si P;~-ati.--n , f tile -,:or::etry of bubbi:--~s in connection with ti-,e problems of tlaeir stability on the seFarati.-n surf,--ce and ''eneraticn of moisture duri-n- their bursts. The ~-uthors in- ve,--'Ui.---.ted tile phenoil-enon theor-2tically and then carried out ~-,xperiments for 1--'etermination of the -neight of drops in 1"-pend- once cii the bubble radius. T'he conclusions dra-.-in are as fol- c7ij : I. T:-.(-, bul.,ble or the z3urface, -which separates li,?uil from rras, consists of two sef-ments, the upper of -ah'~zh can be a I , roximately considered a-- a '-emisphere; 2. The formation of drops from the ourface of liquid can take place only ur to a certain critical value of the bub'--,le radius; 3. TI-ere are relations betvieen the kinetic energy of the formed SOV/60-501-1-37/44 Prcce-;~,,eo Leadin.- to Prop 7(,rrnation -urin~r -i4srupt on of 3,;Ibl.cles on th, e i :ui -t - Gas Separation drops, itz mass, hei.-~---,+. o,' its lift, and the radius of thie I-a b I e 7 of drops alkaline media is n-rer- -~eticall-; less urob-ble t'iar in n--u~-al ones an-er t- za-,e other conditions. '-'here are 4 graphs, 1 set of pl-.ct.os, 1 table, and 5 references, 4 of' are '-)ov-i(!t and 1 En,--Iish. -afedra 'himii Rostovskogo-ria-!~onu instituta inzhenerov zhelez- M no,iorozhno-ro transporta (Che-,.-'-stry Chair of the Rostov-na-Donu Institute of RailrOELd Tfansport En-ineers) STJI T T'-I FE D JulY 1', 1957 5W SOV/156-59-2-8/46 AUTHORS: Osipov, 0. A., Shelomov, 1. K. TITLE: The Determination of the Instability Constant of Complex Compounds by Means of the Polarization Method (Opredeleniye konstanty nestoykosti kompleksnykh soyedineniy metodom polyarizatsii) PERIODICAL: Nauchnyye doklady -,,ysshey shkoly. Khimiya i khimicheskaya tekhnologiya, 1959, Nr 2, pp 253-255 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The quantitative relationship between the degree of dissocia- tion of complex, of electrically nonconductive compounds and their orientation polarization is investigated. The equations for the crientation polarization are derived and found for the instability constant k 1 .. a' [1 - XB(2 - a' (XB = concentration of the component B). The polarization equations and the value of the instability constant were test- ed on binary systems yielding complex compounds by hydrogen Card 1/2 bonds. Table 1 shows the values for chloroform diethyl etherg SOV/156-59-2-8/48 The Determination of the Instab:;lity Cori:itant of Complex Compounds by Means of the Polarization Method table 2 for chloroform - methyl acetate. The calculated in- stability constant amounts to 4.20 + 0.2 for the first system, to 3.92 + 0.12 for the second. There are 2 tables and 7 references, 1~ of which are Soviet. PFESENTED BY: Kafedra fizicheskoy i kolloidnoy khimii Rostovskogo-na-Donu gosudarstvennogo uriversiteta (Chair of Physical and Colloid Chemistry, Rostov-na-Donu State University) SUBMITTED: October 23, 1958 Card 2/2 5W SOV/80-32-4-12/47 AUTHORS: Gleym, V.G., Shelomctv, I.K. TITLE- The Physical Chemis4;ry of Foams (K fiziko-khimii pen) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal prikladnoy 1rhimii, 1959, Vol 32, Nr 4, pp 778-785 (USSR) A.BSTRACT: The effect of tempe:~ature, pressure and physical-chemical properties on the stability and average life of foam films is investigated. It is shown that the rupture energy of the film depends directly on the surface tension and on the square of the film thickness. For solutions the same mechanism is effective, but the connection between the equilibrium values of the coefficient of surface tension and the forces of inter- molecular cohesion is more complicated. The rupture energy of the film is determined by the ratio of adsorption to the value of the surface tenEion of the solutions. The stability of the film in solutions is higher than in pure liquids. Experimental results correspond to the calculated values -as well as to results obtained bl, Venstrem and Rebinder Z Ref 52. The maximum stability of the foam corresponds to the maximum value of the film stabilLty. The length of the hydrocarbon chain increases the film stability to a certain value but surface Card 1/2 activity increases continuously with the length of the hydro- The Physical Chemistry of Foams SOV/80-32-4-12/47 carbon chain. Foam dampers are characterized by a high adsorption potential and low film rupture energy. Trapeznikov, Pozin, D'yakonov, Z,~lldovich, Kornfelld and Yerchikovskiy are mentioned in the tekt. There are 5 graphs, 3 tables and 14 references, 13 of which are Soviet and 1 German, ASSOCIATION: Kafedra khimii Rostovskogo instituta inzhenerov zh.-d. trans- porta (Chair of Chemistry of the Rostov Institute of Engi- neers of Railroad Transportation) SUBMITTED: September 20, 1957 Card 2/2 SOV180-32-5-20152 AUTHORS: Gleym, V.G,, Shelomov !,K., Shidllovskiy, B,R. TITLE: The Stability of ElectroLyte Foam PERIODICAL: Zhur-mal prikladnoy khimii, 1959, Vol 32, Nr 5, pp 1046-1050 (USSR) ABSTRACT The present article !a based aa ZR-efs 1, f. The value of absorptior of diluted solutions of ~lactroiytas is based on Gibbs' equation in the form proposed by Semzr nhenko 7P-ef 37 Ln the surface-inactive field the 3tability of films inc-_,eases in direct proportion with the coefficient of surface 'ension. A metbod has been proposed by Shidlovskiy ensuring the generation of a single bubble at the liquid- gas -interface at a time. 7-te apparatus for the method is shown in Figure 1. The mean time of existence of the bubbles was determLned for NaCl, Na-304, NaOH, Va2CO3 and M9304. The stability of the bubbles increases with tne concentration to a vallue of about 500 mg- equ./l. At this point the decrease of the film thickness starts, which has been establIshed by Deryagin jef LI _g. The highest stability is produced by substances causing an alkaline reaction of the solution, Card 1/2 like NaOH and Na2C03, This is explained by the interaction of the 'he Stability of Electrolyte Foam SUV/80-32-5-20/542 hydrmcyl ionz:, with the mclecules. T'rere are: 4 graphs, 2 t:Lbles, 1 diagram ard 5 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Kafedra kh-Imil Rostovskogo-ra-Donu instituta inzhenerov zh.-d. trans- pcrta (Chair of r-Tiemistry of -I,-heFbsbv-na-Lbnu Institute of Engineers of Railroad Transportation) SU94ITTE): October 7, 1957 Card 2/2 LC!'.-C V , I Car-I Gtlci-i 'Sci -- (-dis6) pro'--le-S in ph,--'sico- che,"isLry of d-J-e- ~-ctrics.ll -'-,"ovochE!rrkla-ss'K, l(ADO. 26 MD; f z Cr-r, :Ic;d -Eann,~r t~., Novoc-.erHass I ai .t Ei-ec-a -c 7, -ic3tielzi ftz, Pol,-.. technic Tr'st im S. C rdzhond kici ze) ; 15u' copirs; price noL given; ~'T ,1~:-'-O, 14'/) -L C t- GIXYNI, V.G., dektor tel-hn.nauk; .31CEL401Y.OV, I.K., inzli.; SHIDLCVSYIY, B.P., inzh. The effect of 3usppndel matter on the sta~ilit.,,r of elementary foam and carry-over of moisture. Teploenergetika. 7 nn-3: 1?-20 Mr 16o. (MIRA 13 :5 ) 1. Rostovskiy institut inzhenprov zheleznodorozhnoro transporta. (Chemicnl enpineeriner) (Foam) (Bubbles ) SHICLOMOV, I.K.; SPICHAX, M.K. Reservoir influence on hyd-rological and hydrochemical con- ditiona in the lower coursq of rivers. Dokl.AN SSSR 133 no.2:457-458 J1 160. KRA 13:7) 1. Azovskiy nauchno-Issledovatel'skiy institut r7bnogo khozyaystva, Roatov-na-Dom. Predetavleno akademikom N.M. Strakhc-7ym. (Don River-Water-Composition) (Don River--Etrdrolog7) (Tsimlyansk Reservoir) OSIPOV) O.A.; PANINA, M.A.; KASE.IRENINOV, O.Ye.; NEMIROV, G.V.; SHELOMOV., I.K. Dielectric constant of bing y components. Zhur.ob.khim. 31 (Systems (Chemistry)) liquid systems consisting of polar no.10:3153-3160 0 161. (MIRA 14:10) (Dielectrics) SHELOMOV3 i.K.1 -OSIPOV, O.A~; KL5-11HEIIINOV, O.Ye. Complex formation in diluted solutions by the method qf molecular polarizations. Zhur.ob.k-aim. 33 no.4:1056-1059 AP I&J. Zhur.ob.- khim. 33 no.,':1056-1059 A? 163. (MIRA 16;5,) 1. Rostovskiyw-na-Donu go3udarstvennyy universitet. (Complex compound3-Dipole moment~b) j.h., L-h"- Y-!,... , 1. ~ ~ F-I )w _ F, bl:~['W~ I " ~- n %~; :,I lz:, !~', -, 1 -; 1(. . T A zlfil I PY.H rio. ~ ~ 7, .-' ~j '63, (m ! 1 7 ~ 8 - F:~: ;~: ` I ~ . , " , -, : I ~ ..4 "; , " *,,' . ~ . i. , ", ~, !, ; ., 1. 10 n ~!, ;" ;~ j~ 1~ ".j ~., I :. t , -,, : " " L , f i z . , : % ~ ~ v I , 11 - -. ~, n.", ". - . f . -4 f ., , P '.. ] 7 , 8 AUTHORS: L6kanov, A.G,, and Shelomov, hi.!, Engineers TITLE: New Design of Roller Support With Independent Drive (No- vaya konstruktsiyEL rolikoopory s nezavisimym pri-7odom) PERIODICAL: Svarochnoye Proiz,rodstvo, 1958, Nr 4, PP 39-40 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In 1957, new i~oller supports came into use at the Podoll- skiy zavod (Podol'sk Plant) for the automatic welding of annular seams on -.arge cylindrical objects. The machine is described and illustrated by a schematic drawing. The device is simple to manufacture and can be applied in all production operatLons. There is 1 fi&ure. AS30CIATION: VPTI tyazhdlogo mashinostroyeniya (VPTI of Heavy Machine- Building) AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 SHELaIlOVA, I.E., red.; ZAYTSEVA, L.A., tekhr. red. (Along tourJst routes; tcurist 'ba-ses and routes of the Moscow Council of Tourismof the !.'osccw City Council of Tracle Unions] Po turists?iv. marsh-rutam; turistskle bazj marohruty Mosk.~,,-Ykogo :3oveta po turizmu MGSFS. Mosk-va Profizdat, 1963. 197 1). (MIRA 17:2~ 1. Moskovskiy sovet. po turizzmu. PJi KFAI: ur j I - i r- - , - A... . I- I SHEICHOVA, N.A. Nature of plants which do no'. shoot during alteration. Uch.z". Len.un. no.165:100-1111 153. (MIRL 7:7) 1. laboratoriya genetiki rasteniy kafedry genstiki i selektaii (zavedayushchiy kafedroy professor N.V.TUrbin) (Botany--Variation) (Plant breading) SHKLOMOVA, N.A. Relation of the progress of alteration of winter wheats to spring varieties to the degree of wintering of the original varie- ties. Uch.zap.len.un. no.165:125-134 '53. (MLRA 7:7) 1. Laboratoiye, genetiki rastenly kafedry genetiki 1 selaktsii (zaveduyushchiy kafedrey professor N.V.Turbin) (wheat) AUTHOU: I;helomov, N.A. S/147/62/000/003/007/007 E199/E488 TITLE: On stresses existing in a thin-walled (single cell) beam in the region of a cut-out or discontinuity IIERI ODI(,'\,'. :Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zaivedeniy. Aviatsionnaya teklinika, no-3, 1962, 122-130 TEXT: The usual thin-walled'structures assumptions are taken. The problem is based on the method of Professor Yu.G.Odinokov (Trudy KAI, no.18, 1946) P a,, Wkp - Ef, Wip where "..' ip (z) - unknown axial.displacement of stringers, np - number of stringers in p bay, E, G - elastic moduli, fi - cross-sectional width of the stringer plus skin. Solution of this equation involves determination of 1) char*acteristic roots ?L(k); 2) multipliers bfk) which reduce it to a standard form; 3) P standard coordinates Ip Card 1/3 s/147/62/000/003/007/007 on stresses existing in ... E199/E488 YM VP Efb(Ip*) IVp (z), P EP b(k). Rip (Z) +P(k 1P (3) 1-1 (E-f.-b(k) 0k) represents some matrix HP) I ip Ip 4) general integral CrI + 7%. yp(k) (Z) ~ C141 . Z + P P P (Z) z --(k) (Z) =f (z - (t) dt yp (4) ,pp(k) (Z) C(k) (k)z + C' kpc h k"" + (Z) sh k, PS (Z) s h X( k) (i) dt km f P, 0, Card 2/3 On stres'.L,-zes existing in ... 5) d (k) _ elements of lip transposed; p 6) generaL integral S/147/62/000/003/007/007 E199/E488 k-nP V 10). M W, .0 A.J CIP IPP W. (5) The method developed by the author can be applied to a single cell of an arbitrary cross-section loaded by any system of forces. It can be seen, from the included examples, that: 1) stringer stresses in a built-in beam,calculated by tHe above method, compare better with the experimen'tal results than the stresses obtained by conventional equations; 2) width of the. cut-out CA and the original number of stringers n have a strong influence on the stress in a beam with a short cut-out. m+l 2-,-, m - number of cut away stringers. n - There are 6 figures and 6 table-s. SUBMITTED: October 19, 1961 Card 3/3 M- S/879/62/000/000/073/088 D234/D304 AUTHOR: Shelomov Khar kov), .TITLE'-. Stressed state of thin-walled systems of variable cross section SOURCE: Teoriya plastin i o*,Dolochek: trudy IlVsesoyuznoy konfe- rentsii, Llvov, 15-21 sentyabrya 1961 g. Kiev, Izd-vo AN USSR, 1962, 404-407 TZX-T: T!,e author describes an approximate method for a system of zero Gauss.curvature, having a plane of symmetry and subject to bending in a plane normal to that of symmetry. He uses the new static hypothesis of coincidence of the planes of action of inter-. nal. and external forces liropc,sed by L. P. Vinokurov. The calcula- tion scheme 3.s as follows: the middle surface is referred to a sy-siemof curvilinear coordinates; differential connection is es- tablished between the forces Ti and S using the condition of, equi- librium of a surface element; T is assumed as a finite series, Card 1/2 S/879/62/00,0/000/073 088 S11-res sed s*ta'Ue of D234/D308' then S is found from the diffe:?ential relation meniioned above, and algebraic equations are formulated for determining the con- stants. A circular conical she-__1 with closed edge, loaded by a force P and a moment M., is taken as an example, the result being Y' T Mz + PV(O'( )COs 0 C sin 2 83 (10) 1 2 2 - Ec i in a + 2 TO( sin 0-cos 9 PVO(I Cos Q* - Mz 02 PO(i Cos B0 S 2sin 9-cos 9 IC B'+ cos 221 + 2-p'b(2sin9 C J; C Cos 2 2 2 0 --There are 3 figures. Card 2/2 t 22503-65 EWT(d)/ElYr(m)/EWP(w)/g%A(d)/gW~(~vL/EW(k~/,W b EM ACCESSION NR: AR4046884. /_64/00 76019W0087M, SOURCE; Ref. zh. Mekhanika, Abs. 9V49 AUTHOR: Shelomov, N. A. TITLE: Basic stressed state of conical shells as caused by. torque applied along the generatrices q:_ CITED SOURCE: Tr. Kharlkovsk. aviats. in-ta, vy*p. Z2, 1963, 87-91 TOPIC TAGS: conical shell, stre~ssed conical shell, shell loading finite - resolution technique TP~NSLATION: The author consideis a zero-spin stressed state of a conical shell,'_'~ when a force N is applied along one of its generatrices. The. normal meridionaL stress resulting in the shell is written in the form of a finite resolution$ While. shear is expressed through this resolution by reference to the balanced state Card 1/Z ACCFSSION NR: AP4040972 S/0147/64/000/002/0057/0067 AUTHOR: Shelomov, N. A. TITLE: Design of closed cylindrical and slightly conical shells of arbitrary cross section SOURCE: IVUZ. AvLatelonnaya takhnika, no. 2, 1964, 57-67 .!TOPIC TAGS: shell, cylindrical shell, conical shell. arbitrary :cross section shell, stress distribution, state of stress, stress computation algorithm ABSTRACTt The stress distribution in cylindrical and slightly conical constructionally orthotropic "semimembrans" shells under an ar*bitrary ,;surface loading is' analyzed by the method of forces using Castiglispo's :1 ---variational principle, and assuming: 1) the validity of the Kirchhoff- ~iLove hypothesis on preservation of normals, 2) a given expression for.--' lispactfic energy of shell deformation. and 3) resistance to noments an y along the circunfaren;e. The state of stress of the shell to treated as the sun of a basic (equilibrium) and-a supplementary Card I ACCESSION NR: AP4040972 (self-balanced) state. The first can be determined by previously developed methods. The analysis.ot' the self-balanced stressba is facilitated by intro-duction of an it-ven, self-conjugate differential operator which pvovidei a denumerable set of eigenvalues with a corresponding complete orthogonal siyotem of chains of eigenfunctions.- An algorithm for computing the eigt!nvalues and eigenfunctLons of the !operator by a method of successive approximations is given, and a !method of applyizig this algorithm to stress analysis of arbitrary- icross-section cylindrical and slightly conical shells by adapting .the previously obtained solutions for circular cylindrical shells :is discussed. A block diagram is presented for a.convenLent pro- 'cess of calculating (with a proscribed accuracy on an electronic computer) the stress distribution In "semimem~raae" shells the .cross section of which can be given In tabular'form.. hass, 3 figures &ad 36 formulas. iASSOCIATION: none V '2/ :ACCESSION NRs AP4040972 00. SUBHITTEDs 03Jan64 ATD Pizsst 3049. INCLs ISUB COM AS NO RRY SOVS 011 OTHERs 000 Card' SHFLOWV, N.A. Stressed state of a thiq-walled beam in the area of the cutout or imperfect joint. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; av.tekh. 5 no.3:122- 130 162. (MIRA 15:9) (Beams and girders) (-i)/T/EWP(k)/E`NA(h) " TC( )-6 IM-C) 27061-66 ENT(d) "E'ST(m) /MqP(W)/: IWP /E M WW/EM AC,C NRt Ap6oo6439 SOURCE CODE: AUTHOR: Shelomovy N. A. ORG: none 0 TITLE: Calculation of the eigenfunctions of semi-momentless cylindircal shells with an electronic digital compit-er SOURCE: Samoletostrcyyeniye i tekhnika vozdushnogo flotal no. 3., 1965, 59-71 TOPIC TAGS: cylindric shell structure, W shear strength, shell1'*kmM a orithm, computer 11, eigenvalue, Green functionlbr-fA&rj~--r-omtu+,&-- A2,144 I. e.*ju,&7_ Xr= ,_7 _Tj & ABSTRAft: The purpose of this study was too facilitate design of cylindrical shells by means of the semi-momentless theory with allowance for shear deformation. The problem reduces to determining a suitable algoritbni:for computer solution of the differential equation for the stress func,,",fo-in---u'n-der--'suitable boundary conditions. It is shown that if certain conditions are satisfied, the problem can be solved by the method of separation of variables. Mie conditions reduce to certain limitations on the variation of the rigidity of the shell and its supports,, and to the fact that the sought eigenfunctions must coincide wlth the eigenfunctions of shells with ab- solutel,v rigid cross-section contour. Pkrsical structures in which such conditions are satisfied are briefly discussed. The algorithm is based on a successive approx- imation method with use of Green's functions. The subprogram for determining the Greenis function is also described. Seve:ml examples of generalized Green's func- 1/2 1 D- *61Q66 Z. -JV .4tv ~C 416M6439 ..tions.for certain sheU structures.are 8180 presented. lRema-ba. Of computer caiculal-_. tions with the. Urai-2 computer are giveii;.for a lindrical BheUj, a rect6up3ar. sheA 1 ,.and for a-ving-type (RAF-34)-- Orige arte".has., fonallas and 3 tables.-_ BID O1Dd(,DM SM., v~ t M.:44. 41" An :J!, A, U's .Mi ;,, ,_1 1-1 .D F~-~ r - - Jj A, -zR q;,e ?A No' `^J~,' ~n 7 nv *i q.4 -7 T &rd _51- 2/2 4 AAl, A H t"', , ' -T u g (q d d 1 L 1 Aq Ap,g Z. -1:v J- --Tq--d Aq I-TP-d * ' "' Hy "' ':'d7 6: l A U ,* q . " .41 JO J- -T-A I-1-0 P-- T -111-5 -14-H -o, d TT/Z P--O~ ; Ju-!; Aq I;VJIJIV UT U--;I -43 0- -Iq St" ....... d-:) J* I 11 A I d J UP --w ::~ . . V y ' 4,W 1-4-1 J.ju.v :.14,.w .1 ... n...w Aq .-1-2 :) , --do , ,4, ,Id n * u1 --!-i r ,d: : , . I'S p u A , , . . ; : S." *j -%ny Ou.L. ; q . ....... zd ml A p.. J..Q..y Ti.12 V~ PAH TT/9 P-3 " 'A WA P T p :31 ;I - A Tt qy 4 I 104 T l --y d : ,-.5,777,i 'd v q I -2.1-Y Aq .1 *:Tl 0 u T Aq 3 1 ~7il 71 L - 1 . Aq S.Tv-q jm.qj . r.. qid lo Ai,p *q.L" 31 . .. .... --d.-j TI.% g J. Tt/9 P-.2 30 I.Pjp..D -1 ....a j~ A-Q.L q3 .0. If J. 4331-46 . ...... ;-D 429T -42 '6961 A-W -1 lj3Vtj99V dd 1~ ~N '6967 "I "I '"Illy I. --u ... J-3 1-11-4 1 rilil 0 rL,/oro/w/0*0/6V,1 KLNOV, K.?I., professor, laureat Stalinskoy premii; SMIRNOV,Ye. professor; KIRILLOV, B.K.. professor, FAYVISHENKO, E.L.. professor, MUKRIN, M.V. professor; BAIL', professor, NDRENBERG-CHARKVIANI, A.Te., doktor me- ditsinskikh nauk; SAKHAROV, M.I., doktor meditienkikh nauk; MAKkROV, II.P., dotsent; BUTIKOVA, N.I.. dotsent; SHEWMOVA, T.P., kandidat meditsinskikh nauk; RAKITINA. L.N., kandid~a-t---m-e~d-i-is-in-skikh nauk; KR-IPELIMAKHER, Ta.A., kandidat meditsinskikh nauk. Forty years of Professor A.T.Lidakii's scientific, medical and pedagogical activities. nirurgiia no.6:32-33 Je '55 (MLROL 8:10) (LIDSKII, MUCADII TIMOIMICH) LIDSKIY, A.T., prof. (Sverdlovsk, BlInkovskiy per.. d.8, kv.31); SHNIA*OVA, T.P., kand.mad.nauk; SHULUT:CO. M.L., Some problems in lung surge--y. Vest.khir. 79 no. 9:110-120 5 '57. (MIRA 10:11) 1. Iz goopitallnoy khirurgiaheskoy kliniki (zBv. - prof. A.T.Lidskly) Sverdlovskogo meditainakogo institute i khirurgicheskogo otdeleniya Smardlovskogo gortubdispansera. (LUNGS, surg. review) SHEIMOVA, T.P., dotsent Experience in the surgical treatment of diseases of the lungs. Khirurgiia 36 no.12210,4-lCP9 t60. (MnU 1411) 1. 1z kliniki gospitallnoy khirurgii (zav. - chlen-korrespon- dent AMN SSSR sasluzhenny cleyatell nauki prof. A.T. Lidskiy) Sverdlovskogo meditainskogo instituta. (LUNGS--STJIWMY) IIAUWOV, Vasiliy Mikhaylovich; Pi"OTAI:SKIY.V V.V., retserzent; SHEWND: A.S., retsenzent; KOROV121, VAT., red.; SVETLAYEVA, A.R., ~redZ.'~iizd- va; SHIBKOVAY R.Ye., tekhn. red. [Forest exploitation] Lesoekspluatatsiia. 2. dop. i perer. izd. Mo- skva., Goslesbumizdat, 1962. LIO p. (MIRA 15:7) (Lumbering) SHEL014: N, V. ; TROMMOV, N - anterna for twelve channels. Radio no.8:44-46 Ag 160. (MMA 1,;:g) (Television--Antennas) SHELONIN, V.; GROHOV, B. Wide-band dipole antenna. Radio no.2:33-34 F 161. (FIRA 14:9) (Antennas (Electronics)) T. W-22-66 MT (1)"IT IECS (k) WR XCC-Rr:- AP5025692 SOURCE CODE: UR/0286/6c,'-DCOI:-ji8/oo4o/oo4o q~ INVENTOR: Knyazev, A. S.: Shelon k.-S4 ORG: none TITLE: Wide-band dummy dipole antenna. Class 21, No. 174676 SOURCE: Byulleten' izobreteniy i tovll~nykh znakov, no. 18, 1965, 40 TOPIC TAGS: dipole antenna, antenna configuration ABSTRACT: The proposed wide-band dumiy dipole antenna consists of a section of coaxial line with a helical inner conductor made of a high-resistance alloy. The external conductor is a screen provided with apertures. This configuration increases the level of the dissipated power and provides for accurate reproduction of dipole antenna input impedance within a wide frequency range. Orig. art. has: 1 figure. (DWI SUB CODE: EC/ SUBM DATE: o4Dec62/ ORIG REF: 000/ OTH REF: 000/ ATD PRESS:AY/1 Card uDc: 621.396 674.3 AN11FOV, Nikolay Ivanovich, kand. biol. ntiuk, dots.; SEFIDNINA, I.M., kand. biol. nauk, otv. za ,ypusk; CI!U%'AKD;, A.I.,, red.; AZOVKDI I D. G. . tekirm, red. [How plants feed and grow]Kak pitaiutsia i rastut ras~eniia. iazanI., Riazanskoe knizhnce izd-vo, 1962. 166 p. R I (MRA 15:12) 1. Hyazanskiy pedagogichesl:iy institut (for Antipov). (Plants-Ilutrition) (Growth (Flants)) , I . 1-1. , Gjnd Bio 1 O"ci -- "lieve lopa,t;,11L Of filycol-viliza 1r, C01.11 11:Aur. Oit" ('011'"i rjl, uhf-- vorofluvll Oula~it ~11 conlit--ction with su!~iu procedures in airr-otecr.-.ics." loroilezh, I~tbu. lc) pp; (Eini,;try of Fj ' a!A Seco,-idarf S-,,,,zci,~Iist Education R.:)FSrPl, Voronez'r. State Undv); !~::O copies; price 1. (P-1. 28-00, 160) not ~--lver, , . . I - C7 SL:~ELOCEA, P.N1.3p feltdsher- Gir e-,per~ence ~-, sanita-Lon vork. Felld i akush. 'JS no.-.' , .1 V- C. 3 (MM' 16:12) ,~,~-37 N ' 631 - i .1 b s"', -. I- Ishoy bollnitey Mogilevskoy iAlp- ~ * SHEL,0?11 YEV, G. I. , starshiy propodavate I I Hydrothermal conditions and the resistance of the roadbed of automobile roads in the southern part of Krasroyarsk Territory. Trudy STI 37:24-33 '64. Drainage of water form the foundationsof road pavements arid the calculations for the d:-aining structi;res flr automobile roads in *the southern part of Krasnoyarsk Territory. Trudy ST-I 37:34-40 (%f-FA 18:9) :,"iJ u -by s talf 3 ia GORBIJNOV,, M.A.; KOSHKIN, N.I.; NOZDREV, V.F.;,,SHELOPUT, D.V. Use of ultra-acoustic methods in studying organic substances in the liquid , polycrystal transition region. Ukr. fiz. zhur. 7 no.8:898-90~ S 162. (KRA 16:1) 1. Moskovskiy oblastnoy pedagogicheskiy institut im. N.K.Krupskov. (Absorption of sound) (Organic matter) KOSHKIN, M.,,. SHELOPOT., D.V. Accoustic and dielectric losses in the melting region of benzene. Prim.ulltraakust.k issl.veshc!h. no.16i9l-95 162. (MIRA 16:4) 4,FIe-.1Ar,i---Ac,Du-qtic properties) (DIelectrIc loss) KGSHKIN, N,I,~ SHELOPLrf, D.V. ITItrasound 4bsorptlon in the nelting region of polycrystalline paraffin. Prim.ulltraakust.k issl.veshch. no.16:97-99 162. (MM 16:4) (Paraffins.-Acoustic properties) (Ultrasonic waves) SOUBCE CODE: UR/C'oC'6/C)') 'oc'G/oll D. V. Koshkin' N. 1, --.f1*j(.:rce of polycrystalline st:.-ucture on acoustic abso!:p~jon ii the region o: of molecular polyerystals SOITICZ: zi'- ~'izika, Abs. 11ZIA36 -u L36'~',iCE: Sb. Primeneniye ul'traak-st. k issled. veshchestva. Vyp. 20. M., 1964, 55-59 T O'~7, I CTAC;S. ulzrasound absorption, melting point, organic crjstal, grain structure, s, n-le growing, relaxation process, resonance absorption 9 twpee~~rw4 I experl-mental. investigaticn was made of the absorption of ultrasound nea3:,,-w1-.0 point of different polycrystalline structures of benzendland pa a ;'- -'* 'YW'fi'g were Obtained on the frequency dependence of m/f in polycrystallifie -6 e ,rain dimensions D = 0.02, 0-03, 0.04, and 0.07 mm at +4C. It is estab- the dimension of the average diameter of the grain determines the positill"I Of 'nal-i'i'.un Of "/1', its width, and As absolute value. A study was made of the infiuence of zhe inter6rain boundaries on the absorption in the region of melting of benzene single crystals. The process of growing of single crystals of benzene in a reft'iGerator and its processing by fusLon is described in detail. The size of the grain has different effects on the abs3rption in benzene and in paraffin: with in- creasin- 6rain, the maximum of Mlf shifts toward the higher frequencies in benzene, Card .t EINP~~)/J~W~b ACC NR: AP502621 EWA(c)/ETC(m) Ijj)(C)SOURCV1COD : UR/ 31f)0 JD/WW AUTHOR: Baranovskiy, S. N.-; Sheloput, D. V.* Berez1kov, D. D. ORG: Novosibirsk Electrical E!! Institute (Novosibirskiy elektrotekhniches- kiy institut) j') TITLE: Study of the inhomogeneity of the crystal structure of Ge and Si from the speed of ultrasound in different portions of the crystal SOURCE: Defektoskopiya, no. 4, 1965., 60-65 TOPIC TAGS: ultrasonic inspection, semiconductor crystal, crystal structure, crystal; defect Vve variations in the ve ABSTRACT: Experimental data from nw!asurements of the relat locity of ultrasound in different parts of single crystalst-bf germanium2Ad silicon ana the e ticstresses 15--The-ff-ifrbeiwitrized to study-Me distribution of struc- tural defects. The procedure for observing small relative variations in the velo- city is based on the probing of different parts of the crystal by a narrow ultra- sonic beam. Such ultrasonic methods of crystal stujy are derived from the dependence L of the modulus of elasticity and -internal frictiori on the real crystal structure. The impulse ultrasonic apparatus used in the experiments consists of the following: modulator and synchronizer (video-impulse generator G5-15); high frequency signal. LCad 1/2 UDC: 620.179.16 : 620.18 .,~-t72-66 - A-- -C-C - N__R generator (generator of standard signals G4-7A); piezoquartz converter-transduce 10 (between which thespecimen is placed, In distilled water); ~!~fijAe~rl(series con- nected of type UZ-3) ,-,Ascillogiaphlo(impulse type Sl-31)1'1 The apparatus, described in detail in the report, was used to conduct measUr-ementslOon three samples of single crystal silicon and two of germanium, with an ultrasonic eam of 2.5 millimeter dia- meter along different crystallographic d1rections (the three mutually perpendicular faces of the rectangular parallelopiped crystals coincided with the planes (111), (110), (211); crystal sizes 20 to 50 millimeters along the long edge). Frequencies used were 21 to 104 megahertz at temperatiavs from 16 to 800C. The silicon (n-type, doped with phosphorus) had specific resistivities from 10 to 45 ohm-cm; the germanium i (n-type, doped with antimony), 26 to 40 ohri-cm. The density of the dislocations varied from 102 to 104 cm-2 The elastic vtresses wer-e studied by means of the po:- lariscopelOPIK-11%,i the Instliu5ie of Crystallography, Academy of Sciences SSSR. The greatest stresses were found to occur in th3se portions adjolning the angles rv-erti- ces, edges). It is concluded that a definite correlation exists between the velo- city of propagation of ultrasound and the internal stresses in a given region or a crystal. Differences in the velocities of ultrasound along different directions amount to a maximum of 10 millipercent, which is sufficient ;o permit the observa- tion of structural inhomogeneities in germanium and silico"ingle crystals. It is recommended that future investigations study crystals with known defect and their distribution. Orig. art. has: 4 figures, 3 tables. It SUB CODE: 14,20/ SUBM DATE: 26May65/ ORIG REF: 003/ OTH REF: 001 al-tras onic-, -inspection /_Y /T ACC '.,R-. SOURCE CODE: UIVOO58/66/OOO/OO3/HO72/H072 AUZIGR: Koshkin, N. I.; Sheloput, D. V. '~';Icoustic properties of molecular crystals near melting lief zh. ~'izilra, Abs. 3Zh5O5 'A-. 1-y j',!ezlivuz. nauchn. konferentsii i~;Glcd. veshchestva i v nar. kh-ve. Tashkent, 1964 ru molekul. akust. k TOPTC molecular crystal, acoustic -property, melting, ultrasound absorption, r-ption coefficient, temperature dependence, frequency characteristic, crystal di~;location phenomenon AESTiViCT: The authors investigated the temperature and frequency dependences of the coefficient of absorption of ultrasound and the dependence of absorption on the linear dimensions of the grains of polycilrstalline structures in the melting region. _LA temperar'y __'o ~ re dependence was investigated in benzene,7paraxylol, benzyl alcohol, naphthalene,'Icyclohexane, carbon tetrachloride, and praffin. It turns out that th~ coefficient of absorption at the maximum ~4.s 2 - 3 orders of magnitude higher than in thle liquid phase near the melting point. The shift of the maximum from the melting point changes from substance to substance. The frequency dependence of the absorp- tion was investigated only in benzene and in paraffin. Analyzing the results of their measurements, the authors arrive at the conclusion that the absorption of ultrasound _-i n - olccular crystals is due essentially to hysteresis losses (the frequency- ii-idependent component of the absorption) and to resonance losses (in benzene) or to _-Card- 1/2 ACC NR: relaxation (in paraffin). From the point of view of dislocation theory, the hy6terej loss arises when the dislocation segments break away from their anchor points, and the resonant lossos occur under induced cscillations of the dislocations. V. Gordeyt [Translation of abstract) SUB CODE: 20 Card 2/2