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9HIKLOSH, T. SHIKLOSH, T. -- "On the Theory of Spontaneous Magnetization of Ferromag- netic Semiconductors-as a Function of Temperature in the Low-Temperature Region." Moscow Order of Lenin and Order of Labor Red Banner State U iment M. V. Lomonosov. Moscow, 1955- (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate of-Physicomathematical Sciences.) SO: Knizhnaya letopis'. No. 4, Moscow, 1956 SUBJECT USSR / PHYSICS CkRD 1 / 2 PA - 1471 AUTHOR KONDORSKIJ,E.I., PACHMOV,A.S., S-IKLO9,T. TITLE On the Theory of the Spontaneous Magnetization of Ferromagnetic Semiconductors within the Domain of Low Temperatures. PERIODICAL Dokl.Akad.Nauk, 109, fasc.5, 931-934 (1956) Issued: 10 / 1956 reviewed: 11 / 1956 Here the temperature dependence of spontaneous magnetization is computed by the method of second quantization in the form worked out by N.N.BOGOLJUBOV and Fi.V.TJABLIKOV. On the occasion of an indirect exchange, as e.g. in ferrites, the HAMILTONIAN can be represented by the firtroduction of tho so-called integrals of' indirect exchange in the same manner as in the cuse of direct exchange intor- action. This HAMILTONIAN is explicitly given- The crystal lattice of the ferrite examined on this occasion can be represented as the totality of tyro inversely magnetized not equivalent sub-lattices A and B. For the energy of the ground Level (the lowest level) an expression is given. The energy spectrum of the system, which is necessary for the determination of the temperature dependence of the spontaneous magnetization, is determined in the state near the ground level E0 of energy, i.e. for weakly excited states. The HAMILTONIAN is transformed by transition from spin operators to FERMI operators. The eigenvalues Ek of the H_V;1ILTONIAN are determined from the conditions for the solution of several equations mentioned here and from normalization conditions. The solution results in 2 systems of equations for the determination of the Gceff-icients. The two solution ansatzes for EM and E(2) are written down for k k DoK.Akad.Nauk, 109, fasc.5. 931-934 (1956) CARD 2 / 2 PA - 14 71 the here investi-ated case of two nonequivalent sub-lattices. These solutions lor ferromagnetic lattices differ essentially from the corresponding expressions for the antiferromagnetic lattice mentioned by 1N.N.BOGOLJ-LTBOV and S.V.TJABLIKOV, Zurn.eksp.i teor.fis,1_q, 251,256 (1949). By transition to approximation of the next neighbors the formulae: ,(J)= @ 2 12 (2) = 2 12 Lk / 0+ E1a Ik , Ek Z9a (k are obtained by the development in series of the coefficients according to low values of the wave number k restricted to terms of second order (with respect to k). Here a denotes the distance between 'the next neighbors; 9 and 6 are expressed by tile inteErals of the direct 1 2 exchange among the next neighboring ions. Now the effect produced by an exterior magnetic field on the system of electrons of the ferrite is taken into account, and, after carrying out the usual statistical thermodynamical computations, the expression is obtained for the temperature dependence of the spontaneous ZIaEneti- zation of the ferrite within the range of low temperatures. In the same manner it is possible to deal .-.,ith ferrite, the crystal lattice of which consists of a totality of three nonequivalent sublattices. I1'.,3T1T7j'2!0`: 'Joscow State University "1T.V.LOT,,ONOSOV1' LOSS AUTHOR: KONDORSKIY,E.I., PAKHWV,A.S.,_3HIKLO3H,-T-,, PA - 2595 TITLE: Ion of Perrites. (Teoriya Theory of Spontaneous Magnetizat spontannoy namagnichennosti ferritov, Russian) PFMODICAL- Radioteknike i Blektronika, 1957, Vol 2, Nr 3, pp 334-341 (U.S.S.R.) Received: 5 / 1957 Reviewed: 7 / 1957 A13STRACT: Leoture delivered at the All-Union Conference for Semiconductors in November 1955 at Leningrad. Two possible ferrite models axe investigated. The first is the totality of two inversedly magnetized non-eqmiyalent sublattioes and the second is a totality of three non-equivalent sublattioes, one of which has antiparallel mogn tization with respect to the two others. It is assumed that in each metal ion there in only one electron which participates actively in fe=cmagnetism. The HAMILMIAN for the ferrite lattice is written dovin and the output equations for further computations an derived from this function. Dependence of spontaneous magnetization of the ferrite on taVamture Is in- vestigated for both models. For this purpose the oorresponding shape of the HkVILTCKIAN is first derived and the lowest energy- Card 1/2 3/058/61/000/()07/059/086 2.OZ) A001/A161 AUTHORS: Tyab-likov, S.V., Shiklosh, T. TITLEi Quantum theonj of monoaxial anisotropic ferromagnetics PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Fizika, no. 7, 1961, 285, abstract 7E495 -("Acta phys. Acad. scient. hung.", 1960, v. 12, no. 1, 35 46, Engl-. summary) TEXT: The dependence of magnetization of aniastropic ferromagnetics on temperature and magnetic field was.calculated by the method developed earlier (RZhFiz, 1960, no. 5, 10938) w-'th -,he aid of Green's two-time retarded and -ad- vanced functions. Aniso-.royfy of magnetic properties is considered as a conFe- quence of the angular depende-nee Df electrons exchange interaction in incomplete shells. The results o'citained are valid for -the entire region ofAuemperatures from absolute zero to 0arle point. [Abstracter's not-e. Compls---@e @1-ranslati@@nl Card 1/1 L S10481621026100810161028 B104/B1O2 AUT'-'-;0HS: Veresh, T., Solov'yev, V. G., and Shiklosh, T. TITLE: Study of properties of the transuranic elements PERIODICAL: Akadeniya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya tizicheskeya, v. 26,- no. 8, 1962, 1045 - 1060 TZ"'.T; The properties of nuclei in.the range of 225 100 samples daily. Tables are provided for mak�ng correctf-cms for cbanges in temperature and atmospheric Card 1/1 pressure. SHIKORIAp N.M.; ZOLOTABOVSKIY9 V.S. ..e Possible causes for reduction of economic efficiency of a throttled gaSO14 Trudy Lab.dvig. no.5.127-141+ 160. ine engine, (MIRA 14:3) (Gas and oil engines) --.S.HIKUNIIIA, N.M.; ZOIDTAREVSKIY, V.S., kand.tekhn.nauk; CHJPSUKN B.Ya. Indreasing the economic efficiency of a carburetor engine operating on partial loads. Avt.prom. no,12tg-12 D 160. (MM 13,12) 1. Isboratoriya dvigateley AN SSSR. (Auto mo biles-Shenes SH I KIJN I NA N. M. GAND TECH SCII Ftft-E-eT- -0-N OF THE ECONOMY OF A CARBUPETOR ENGINE THROTTLE-GREQ*T-rD AND "**tI,& ECONOMIC MIXTURE 0-0 MOSCOVI 11 61. (N-IIN OF HIGHER @. [04 J), . AND SEC SPEC ED RSFSR. Moscow 444WOZA-L-E HIGHWAY INST). (KL-DVr 11-61, 223). -196- -- SHIUNOV"-., Oinku). 72=;;- Parts mde of glued shavings. Kx7l. rod. 9 no.2:lnsert:14 F 158. (Airplaneo-Models) (MIRA SHIKUNOV, I., inzh. "Foroizoln for sealing joints in precast howes. Zhil.stroi. no.8:12-13 Ag 161. (MMA 14:8) (BUlding materials) (Precast concrete constructiou) SHIKUNOVY I., inzh. Seams of large-panel buildings. Zhil. stroi@ no.4-.17-18 162. (KRA 15:5) (Architecture-Details) SHISHKIN, A., doktor tekhn-.nauk; ARIYEVICH, E., kand.tekhn.nauk; TOLSTYKH, L., kand.tekhn.nauk; SHIKUNOVQ I., ihzh. - %somm- a & Extending the life of steel braces in the walls of large-:panel buildings. Zhil. stroi. no.l-.6-8 162.- (mm l6a) (gailding-Details) (Corrosion and anticorr;sives) USHKOV, F., kand.tekhnnauk; SHIKUNOV, I., inzh. Device for testing air and water tightness of joints in large-panel buildings. Zhil. stroi. no.9:31 162. (MIRA 16:2) (Testing machines) (Buildings-Details) MOROZOV, N.V., kand. teklin. nauk, MKnUMYAN, A.K.9 kand. tekhn. nauk; ANTIPOV, T.P., aekb,,--KOCHESHKOV, V.G., inzh.; LISAGOR, I.A., inzh.; TSAPLEV, N.N., inzh.; IVASHKOVA, V.K., kana.tekhn. nauk; S 19=0_1 ik 1; insh.; FILIN, Yu.D., inzh.; 1110STAKOV, V.I.; BURLAGOOKO, P.Ye.., kand. khim. nauk(de 'ceased]; PANKRATOV,.V-F., inzh.; RUBANENKO, B.R., glav. red.; ROUNOV, N.P., zam. glav. red.; ONUFRIYEV, I.A., red.; YUDIN, Ye.Ya., red.; NASONOV, V.N., red.; ISIDOROV, Vj., red.; 14AKARICHEVp V.V., red.; POLUBNEVA., V.I., red. [Ways of improving design details for the seams of exterior wall slabs] Puti uluchshenlia konstruktivnykh re- shenii stykov panelei naruzhnykh aten. Moskva, TSentr. biuro tekhn. informatsii i nauchno-issl. in-ta organizatsii, mekhanizatsii i tekhn. pomoshchi stroit., 1962. 78 p. (MIRA 16:8) 1. TSentrallnyy nauchno-issladovateliskiy i proyektno- eksperimental7nyy institut IndustrialInykh zhilykh i mas- sovykh kullturno-bytovykh zdaniy (for.TSaplev). 2. Nauchno- issledovatel'skiy institut betona i zhelezabetona Akademii stroitel'stva. i arkhitektury SSSR, Fer6vo (for Mostakov). 3. Vseso*znyy nauchno-issledovateliskiy institut novykh stroitel1hykh materialov Akademii stroitel'stva. i arlchitek- tury SSSR (for Pankratov). (WaiiQ SHIKUNOVA. L.G.; GURVICH. A.M. Conference devoted to the problem of pathophysiology and therapy of terminal states in the clinic and in emergencies. Vest.AW SM no.4: 53-55 '53. (MLBA 7:1) 1. Iz laboratorii eksperimentallnoy fiziologii po ozhivleniya organizma (zave&iyushchty - professor V.A.Negovskiy) Akadenii meditsinskikh nauk SSSR. (Death (]Biolog7)) SHIKUNOVA. L.G.; NEGOVSKIY. V.A.. professor, zaveduyushchiy New data on the treatment of Datients in terminal states; from data present- ed at a conference on the problem of pathophysiology and therapy of terminal states in the clinic and in the administration of first aid. 17 no.6:23-26 Je 153. (MLHA 6:6) 1. Laboratoriya eksperimentallnoy fiziologii po ozhivIeniyu organizmov Aka- demii meditainskikh nauk SSSR. (Death, Apparent) (First aid in illness and injury) (Medicine--kractice) BAKULEV, A.N., redaktor; GAYEVSKAYA, M.S., radaktor; GORIZONTOV, P.D., redaktor; GULYAYEV, A.V., rodaktor,-DOBRODMV, A.V., redaktor; MILICHnKO, I.T., redaktor; NEWVSKIY, V.A., redaktor; NTROTA, P.F., 'Lak ec -tor; PZTROV, 33.A., redzuktor; SA ISOV, S.A., redaktor; SWEM. r S.Ye., redaktor; gHIKU&NOVA, L.Gr., redaktor; NEYMAN, I.M., redaktor; BOBROVA, Ye.N., t aktor [Transactions of the conference dedicated to problems of pathological pl-qsiology ancl therapy of the terminal states in the clinic and in first aid practice; December 10-12, 19521 Trudy Konferentaii posvia- shchennoi problems patofiziologii i terapii terminalinykh sostoianii v klinike i praktike neotlozhnoi pomoshchi, 10-12 Dekabria 1952 9. Moskva. Gos. izd-vo meditsinskoi lit-ry. 1954. 329 p. (MLRA 8:3) 1. Konferentsiya poavyashchemw7a terminalInykh soatoyanii v klinike Moscow, 1952. (Physiology, Pathological) probleme patofiziologii i terapii i praktike neotlozhnoi pomoshchi. (Death, Apparent) SHI K-I-JHOVA, -- L e G-. Ways for stndving the problem of resuscitation. Veat.AI411 SSSR 11 no-5:80-82 '56. (MIRA 12:10) (RESUSCITATION) SHIKUNOVA, L.G. Use of oxygenated blood in the restoration of the vital functions of the body under experimental conditions [with sirnmary in English]. Biul.ekap.biol. i med. 44 no.9:31-35 S 157. (MIRA 10:12) 1. Iz laboratorli eksperimentallnoy fiziologil po ozhivleniyu organizma (zav. - prof. V-A-Negovskiy) AMN SSSR, Moskva. Predstavle- na doystvitellnym chlenom AMN SSSR S.Ye.Severinym. (RESUSGITATION, experimental, with oxygenated blood (Rus)) (BLOOD, oxygenated in exper. resuscitation (Rus)) Med Bel -- (diss) "Effect of Iffie intra- SHIM .1 on the process of restor&- arterial pressure of oxygenerated bloodi". tion of vital faxzttcwxxxX functions of the organism." mos, 1958, 18 pp. (Acad 1.1ed Bel U55SR),200 copies. (KL, 9-r--18, 124) - 151 - SHIMUMA, L.G. Comparative effectiveness of the action of arterial Pnd venous blood in intra-arterial transfusion [with summary in English 1,* Eksper.khir.' 3 no-5:47-51 S-0 '58 (MMA 11:11) l.' Iz laboratorii eksperimentallnoy fiziologii 7oo ozhivleniyu rganimna (mv' - prof. 0 * V.A. Negovskiy) AMU SSSR* (RW@D TRANSFUSION, exper intra-arterial, com-pIrptive effectiveness of arterial & venous blood in dogs (Rua)) SHIKUHUVA, L.G., Use of oxyge"ted blood for forced intra-arterial injection in treatment -of terminal states [with summary in English]*" Vest.I=L- 81 no,8 24-30 Ag 158 11:9) 1. Iz gospitallnoy khirurgicheskoy kliniki (zav. prof*' A..V. Gulyayev) pediatricheakago fAkuliteta 2-go Moskovskogo meditainsl-ogo institnta khirurgichaskogo otdeleniya (zave' - prof. A.S. Rovnov) 6-y gorodskoy klinicheskoy bollnitsy i laborntorii eksperimentallnoy fiziologii po ozhivleniya orgsnizma (zav; - prof. V.A.''Nevgovskiy) AMU SSSR. Adravavtora: Moskva, ul' 25 Oktyabry-a d; 9, Laboratoriya eksperiventall noy fiziologii po ozhivlenlyu orgnizma AW SSSR&_ (BLOOD TRANSFUSION, oxygIenated, intra-arterinl focp!d admin. of oxygenated blood in agonal states (Rus)) (RESUSCUNATION, same (Rus)) SHIKUNOVAY L.U.; KISELEVA, K.S. Characteristics in the development of the terminal state arising following exclusion of respiration with diplacin and methods of its treatment. Eksper.khir.i anest. 6 no.4:24gO 161. (MIRA 14:10) (DIPT&CIN) (APNOEA) (DEATH) (RESUSCITATION) SHIKUNOVA, L.G., (Moskva) I Basic conclusions and problems in organizing control of terminal states. Sov. zdrav. 21 no.5:62-66 162. (MIRA 15:5) 1. Iz laboratorii eksperimentalinoy fiziologii po ozhivleniyu organizma (zav. - prof. V,A.Negovskiy) AM11 SSSR. (DEATH, APPARENT) I (RESUSCITATION) SHIKUNOVA.L.G., Second All-Union Conferences on the Pathology and Treatment of Terminal States. 26 no-10:150-152 0 62. (MM 15:12) (DEATH, APPARENT-CONGRESSES) SHIKUNOVA) L.G.; FAINERUN, O.D.; GURVICH, A.el. (Moskva) Effect of prolonged cardiac massage on the process of restora- tion of vital body functions. Pat. fiziol. eksp. ter. 7 no.5: 16-21 S-0163 (MDU 17 -2) 1. Iz Iaboratorii eksperimeiitallnoy fiziologii po ozhivleniyu organima ( zave - prof. V.A. Negovski:-) AM SSSR. SH-1011M, L.G., kand. a:ed, nau'!C-, TtIBI@K, V@Ya. First aid management of terminal conJitions. Sov. med, 2? no.8@9?-100 Ag 164. (MIRA 1-50) 1. Laborafori.ya eksperlmentallnoy fiziologli po 0zhivlerdy-u organizma (zav, Prof*, V.A. Ilegovskiy) AMN SSSR i Stantlsiya 31coroy meditsinskoy pomoBhchl (nachallnik L.B. Shapiro) Moskv-y. SIUKUNOVA , L.G. Substitution of the blood in the resforatIve period followlng prolonged fibrillation and conse--utive heart massage, Pat. fiziol. I eksD. terap. 8 no.403-37 .11-Ag 164. (MURA 1832) 1. Laboratoriya eksperimentallnoy ftziologil no ozhivlaniyu organizma (zav.- prof, V.A. Negovskiy) AMN SSSR, Moskva. " -i LOVA, iL. 6H YE. A. 3 nor-:s fcr -om-li--rinq harriless the refuse under conditions of o" Tj .e :-epcrt surrItted at V.,.e 17th All-Union Congress of li@fienists, Epidemiologists t ' 'n'ect-on 4StS, 1-@59. and I - -I . M.G., kand. sellkhoz. nauk; UKHANOVA y FLIUTSKOVA, 1 0.1.; SAKHAROVA L.I.; BOLSUNOVSKAYA, O.V.; IVANOVA, N.Ye.; LOVCHIKOV, I.S.; ZALKIND, G.N.; ILIIN, MI.I.; KOZIMINA, K.A.; SHI@@',,, V.A.; FETROVA, Z.V.; GEUERALOV, G.F.; BUDYUK, V.P.; GOP.ENYUK, L.I., red. [New highly productive varieties of grain crops] Novye vysoko- produktivrVe sorta zernovykh kulltur. Moskva, Kolos, 1965. 319 P. (MIRA 18:8) S,: itUEO c,," A. --nd . i*,. --rror la 115t.,,utor: for tij p. 21,-28 ro:: -3 rlr,. V*-.-,i n G, v a - -?@ .,. nyr@h 5tn-tcy 3, 1?49) U- (Lotoldn SHILII V. Diss@xtation: "The Imuortance of the Paising Capacity of Yeasts of the Fung-us 1,.Ycotoril for the Ixallity of Yeast Used in Breiid and Food." Cand Tech Sci, Yoscow Inst of I.-ational Eccnomiy, lfoscow, 1953. (Referati@myy Zhurnal-Ilixiya, No 5, Kar 54) 6SC: 243, 19 Oct 10,51, 4, .) S. S. SIT M 2V. -T.. VES-LOV, I. Y., POIT,()VS'L',:AYA, it. V., @@:-,d --Y=T flCertair. doll",a concerning the physioloa, of yeast in fermentation of ionL - pes 4, mall must," a paper stibmitted at Internet- A Conference on, RadJoisoto. -n i""Oscarch, Paris, 0-20 SeP 57. L L, el 7.y 7e,: C 1:,) L IG.Y AD - 2,6 TESELOV, I.Ya.; SHILI, V.N. Propagation of yeasts sown in a minute ariount, and their fer- menting power in a long series of transplants with deaersAtion of the wort sattirated with carbonic acid. Trudy VITIIPP no.7:82-89 '59. (14ULk 13:5) (Yeast) ,-- SHILAGYI, Janos, dr.; MES7-AROS, Lajos, dr. I Experience with simultaneous antimicrobial and histamine therapy of tuberculosis. Tuberkulozis 13 no.10:297-300 0 l6o. 1. A Debreceni Orvostudomanyi Egyetem The Klinikajanak (mb.igazgato: Pongor Ferenc dr.) kozlemenye. (HISTAMINE pharmacol) . (ANTITUBERCUILAR AGENTS -Dharmacol) SHILAGYI, Jenone . - @ - - T--. I- ---- - -1111, -. - Child care problems on the eve of the si-mer. Munlka 13 no.6:26-27 Je 163. 1. Danuvia Mavelodesi Haz icrazgatoja. 0 KUFLA, O.K.; GITMAN, Ye.B.; SHILAK, N.S. ---W-@-I-VVW Relation between current density, time, and concentration in electro- precipitation of lead. Ukrain. Khim. Zhur. 16, No.5, 477-83 150.(MLRA 6:4) (CA 47 no.22:12054 153) 1. Inst. Gen. Inorg. Chem.. Aced. Sci. Ukr. S.S.R., Kiev. KUDRA, O.K.; GITMAN, Ye.B; SHILAK, H.S. Relation between concentration, current density, and time in electroprecipi- tation of cobalt. Ukrain. KhIm. Zhur. 16, NO-5, 484-91 '50o (xT.RA 6:4) (CA 47 no.22:12053 '53) 1. Inst. Gen. Inorg. Ghem., Acad. Sci. Ukr. S.S.R., Kiev. SHILAK, V., traktorist More attention to the trade-union organizations in the country. Sov.profsoiuzY 7 no.4:35 Mr '59- (MIRA,12:4) 1. Profgruporg kolkhoza im. Lenina Zaslavskogo rayona, Minskoy oblasti. (Farm mechanization) (Trade unions) S/181/62/004/006/033/051 '7 B108/B138 AUTHORS: Pozhela, Yu. K., and Shilallnikas, V. I. TITLE: Emission of hot electrons from germanium PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo telay V. 4y no. 6p 1962, 16ol-1603 TEXT: Experimental evidence has been found that in a strong electric@' field the carriers in valency semiconductors attain high temperatures. The thermo-emf may then cause emission of hot carriers from the surface of p-type semiconductors. Experiments with germanium, however, failed unless the specimens were treated in cesium vapor to reduce the work function. There is I figure. ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki i matematiki AN Lit. SSR, Villnyu.8 (Institute of Physics and Mathematics AS LithSSR, Villnyus). SUBMITTED: February 12, 1962 Card 1/1 BANIS, T.Ya.; VEBRA, k.I.i POZHEILA, Yu.K.; REPSHAS, K.K. [Repsas, K.]; SH T",ITkft-,-,aj;__[SilalniYas, V.] Heating of the current carriers in semiconductors in strong electric fields. Radiotekh. i elektron. 7 no.9:1519-1522 S 162. (MIRA 15:9) 1. Institut fiziki i mbtematiki AN Litovskoy SSR. (Electric fields) (Semiconductors) L ;0080-65 Z-,%'-T,'m.),,,'EWP,'t)/EWP"b) IJP(C) jD ACCESSION NR: AT5002022 S/2910/64/004/003/0399/0403 ALrrHOR: Shilal'nikas, V. 1. (Silalnikas, V.); Pozhela, Yu. K. (Pozela, j.) TITLE: Hot electron emission from siiicon ,SOURCE: AN LitSSR. Litovskiy fizicheskiy sbornik,.v. 4, no. 3, 1964, 399-403 TOPIC TAGS: silicon, hot electron emission, semiconductor, microwave field, elec- tron temperature ABSTRACT: The theory of hot electron emission predicts that an emission current from silicon must be observed in electric fields on the order of a few kv/cm under the condition that Wi -;;p -)(-I(W is the energy which to necessary for impact ionization; )L is the electron aflinity). Assuming that a (E) To 2 A 770-5 e where @L(E) and g(o) are the mobilities of the current carriers in the electric field 9 and in the absence of the field, respectively, one may predict the emd-asion current of hot electrons from silicon by determining the electron temperature, us- Card 1/3 'Z7:: pin TE 2 L3ooft_65 ACCESSION NR: AT5002022 ing the experimental dependence of their mobility on the electric fie4d intensity. This estimate gives 104 ma/cm2 when the field intensity to 3 kw/cm. In Chia work, the emission of hot electrons from a homogeneous a-type sklicon speclmen was ob- served. The surface oil the crystal was treated wtth cesium to reduce the surface barrier. The hot electron emission current was 0.6 A/cm2. Similar emission was observed in silicon crystals not treated with cesiuma-lhe dependence of the hot electron emission current on the electric field intenafty is shown in Fig. I of the Enclosure.- Orig. art. has: 4 figures and I formula. ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki i matemattki Akademii nauk Litovskoy S:;R (Physics and mathematics institute, Academy of sciences, Lithuanian SSR) SUBMITTED: 30Dec63 ENCL: 01 on CO )E: SS, SC No REF SOV: 003 OTHER: 002 Card 2/3 L 30o8o-65 ACCESSION NR: AT5002022 ENCLOSURE, 01 Figure Hot electron emission current from n-sill icon as 4' idn'ct ion of the field fntenatty. I-Cord 3/3 - - ----- S/18,1/63/005/003/005/046 B102/B180 AUTHORS: Pozhela, Yu. K., and Shil TITLE: The problem of hot electron emission from germanium PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, v- 5, no. 3, 1963, 730-733 TEXT: New experiments were made in order to investigate the recently dis- covered phenomenon of an emission of hot electrons from Si or SiC p-n junctions and from germanium surfaces after treatment in cesium vapors (FTT, 4, 1601, 1962). A sample of n-type germanium was placed in a vacuum waveguide and exposed to intense h-f pulse@ (60 kw, pulse duration 0.5 Asec, repetition frequency 10-50 cps, carrier frequency 10 10 cps, field in the sample 3.5 kv/cm) and, from resistance measurements with and without field, the characteristicsof I the emission current were obtained. As a function of the field amplitude I shows a similar course as for Si, Ge, or SiC D-n junctions; it tends to, but does not reach satui@ation. As a function of the anode voltage I does reach saturation; B = R(E)/R(O) as a function of E increases linearly and Card 1/2 s/181/63/005/003/005/046 The problem of hot electron emission ... B102/B180 I/B = f(1/B 2) shows an exponential decrease.' The results agree with the relation I = b @@ exp(-c/E 2) (FTT, 4, 2015, 1962), which, since B -E and- Te = aB2 can be modified: I = A 'jf@ e exp(- "j,,/k1"e). @ is the electron work function. On the assumption that p2 ev, a (4 -' 9)T01 where T 0 is 1 1/2 the latt-ice temperature; A = 1.6*10';' a/deg There are 6 figures. ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki i matematiki AN Lit.SSR, Villnyus (Institut.e of Physics and Mathematics AS LitSSR, Villnyus) SUBMITTED: September 18, 1962 Card 2/2 27917 s/oq6/61/ooo/ol1/oo2/oo6 //109/0 E194/E155 AUTHORS, Ivanov,, K.I..) Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Vilyanskaya, Ye.D., Candidate of Chemical Sc�ence3l Kazanskiy, K.M., Engineer, 5hilankovq B.-F.) Engineer, and Fedorova, I.V,, Engineer TITLE2 Service test results with fire resistant turbine oil '.'Ivvioll lAll PERIODICAL, Teploenergetikao no. 1.1, 1961, 27-29 TEXT, Work on fire-resistant hydraulic fluids and lubricants for turbines is proceeding in several countries. For example, Pydraul F-9 is suitable as a hydraulic fluid but not as a bearing lubricant. In 1958-59 the Laboratoriya nefti (Petroleum Laboratory) of VT1 developed a fire-resistant substitute for turbine oil, grade I-vvioll lA,, intended for usle both ea hydraulic fluid and lubricant. Laboratory te 'at results were published by two of the present authors (Ref.33 K.I. Iyanov, Ye.D. Vilyanskaya, Teploenergetika no.9, 1959) and then an experimental batch of the material was made for field tests@ The viscosity of the material was 20 centistokes at 50 OC9 the flash point was 21.8 0C9 open cum Card .1/,3 Wt -1917 Service test results with fire ... S/096/61/000/011/002/006 E194/E155 and the fire point in air 740 OC. The specific gravity at 20 OC is 1.17@ The material meets the requirements of the conventional turbine oil specification in respect of stability and neutrality@ Before the charge was put in the turbine certain changes were maide,@ the tylindrisal filters in the oil tank were revlal@ed by, gauze streens which could be cleaned during operation of the turbineq, the design of one of the main Slandz was improved. In the early period of operation with lvvi.oll IA, foaming was observed buT. wa-a @CUred by the addition of a sillconL-_ anti-foam agent to the amount of 0.1% by weight. After tw-c or three months' servite the brass gauze screens in the -oil tank were attacked by - the fluid. During the entire seTvi,ce period the make-up of fire- res-�Btant fluid waa 200 kg,, whereas the amount of oil thal had bean required in a cvrr@esponding period was 8oO kg. The differen.,te- is Presumably due to the lower volatility of the Cir-e- -esistant material. After a pe-xiod of service the viscosity and neutralit- of the fluid were unchangEd and all parts of the turbine, whish, were tarefully examined, in good rendition. The fluid was on test for 5400 hours, duTing which the turbine ran vithout stopping ffor 1-20 dayaq at 18 hours a day fvir 110 days, Card 2/3 !/1% 2?917 Ser-fice test results with fire s/o96/61/000/011/002/Oo6 E194/E155 and at 12 hours per day for 45 days. The water sontent of the fluid ranged from 0.02 to 0.2%. Water is easily removed from the fire-resistant fluid be-cause it a,-.cumulates on the surfa@te of the oil tank from which it readily evaporates, The results -indicate that the oxidation stability of the synthetic fluid is better than that of the usual mineral oil. The fire-resistant fluid darkened in colour because it attacked the protective paint used--in the system, Ivviol' IA is toxic if ingested, but if noKmal hygienic precautions, typical of those used with similar fluids elsewhere, are observed there is no risk on this account, The difficulties with foaming and corrosion of brass can easily be overcome and it is considered that Ivvioll 1A can replace mineral oil in turbine lubricating and hydraulic systems of the type considered. There are I figure, 2 tables and 3 referencas.g 2 Soviet-bloc and I English,, The English language referense reads as follows. Harris Product Engineering, vol. XX, 1954@ ASSOCIATIONg V5esoyuzny,y teplotekhnichaskiy institut - Mosenergo (All-Union Heat Engineering Institute and Mosenergo) Card 3/3 IVANOV, K.I., doktor khim.naukj VILYANSKAYA, Ye.D., kand.khfm-Aa@k; KAZANSKIY, K.M., inzh6,- SHILANKOV, B.F. inzh.; FEDOROVA, I.V.., inzh. Results of the operational tests of "Iv7ioll IAII.nonfl&mmable turbine oil. Teploenergetika 8 no.11:27-29 N @61. (MIRA 14:10) Vsesoyuznyy teplotekhnicheskiy institut i Mookovakoye rayonnoye upravleniye energetiches.kogo khozyay.4tva. (Steam turbines-Lubrication) (Lubrication and lubricanta-Testing) dr.; SHIIAS,, E-lemerne; SZIJJARTO, Gyula TELEGDY-KOVATS, lasZ10j, Storage tests performed with packed foods. Elelm ipar 13 no.8:251-256 Ag 159. 1. Budapesti Muszaki Egyeteui Elelmiszerkemiai Tanszek. IVANOV, K., inzhener; PARAMDNOV, V.-, inzhener; SHILI , I I., inzhener. .@, -4*P,w:7k-- Metal props for thin seams. Mast-ugl- 5 no-7:23-24 Jl '56. (Mine timbering) (KIRA 9:9) 1.4000 AUTHORS% Kolotov, O.S., Lobanov, TITLE: Generator of nanosecond regulation of the pulse PERIODICAL: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, 277o4 S/12o/61/000/003/015/o4i E073/E535 Yu.N. and Shillberskiy, Z. pulses wit]@-@continuous duration 1960, No-3, pp.87-89 TEXT: The authors utilise the well known method of generation of pulses of microsecond du ration with two thyratrons, the instants of triggering of which can be @ontrolled for generating square topped voltage pulses with a maximum amplitude of 1.2 kV. Two thyratrons (Fig.1) feed a common load, the resistance in the cathode of one of the thyratrons A 4 (L 4). If this thyratron is fired, a positive pulse of considerable duration with an amplitude of up to 500 V and a front of 5 nanosec will be generated, depending on the capacitance of the condenser in the anode circuit of this thyratron. After the second thyratron J1 (L ) is fired a very similar pulse of negative polarity wi?l flow through that resistance. A resultant voltage pulse will appear only if there is a time shift of the instants of ignition of the thyratrons. Pre-amplifying istages are Card 1/4 27704 Generator of nanosecond pulses ... S/120/61/000/003/015/041 E073/E535 provided for improving the shape of the pulse and increasing the amplitude of the triggering pulse. The stages wIth the tubes A 2 (L2) and J13 (L3) have the additional function of reducing the mutual influence of the grid circuits of the thyratrons. The surge taken from the cathode load of the thyratrons will have a front with a rise time of 5 to 6 nanoseconds. To improve further the steepness of the front, the formed pulse is fed to the input of a limiter A 6 (L6) in which pulses with front rise times. below 3 nanoseconds and an amplitude of 400 V can be generated using a relatively low anode load (50 Ohm cable). The amplitude of this pulse can be increased to 1200 V by using one amplifier stage, the load of which is a cable having a wave resistance of 75 Ohm. Since the tubes operate under surge conditions, only a negative polarity pulse can be generated in the anode circuits of the tubes under cut-off conditions. For triggering the tubes of the output stage, the negative pulse from the previous stage has to be inverted. This is done by means of a section of coaxial cable which is wound onto a ferrite-core. The oscillator is triggered with pulses of 0.5 jisec and longer and with fronts of Card 2/4 27704 Generator of nanosecond pulses S/12o/61/000/003/015/o4-i, E073/E535 0.25 jLsec of a minimum amplitude of about 40 V. The pulse generator is stable in operation for pulse repetitions with frequencies up to 3 kc/s. The pulse duration can be controlled within the limits of 3 to 300 nanoseconds. Acknowledgments are expressed to A. A. Sanin for advice and comments. There are 3 figures and 2 references: 1 Soviet and 1 English which'reads as follows: R. W. Rochelle. Rev. Scient. Instrum. 1952, 23, 298. ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-issledovatellslciy institut yadernoy fiziki MGU (Scientific Research Institute for Nuclear Physics, Moscow State University) SUBMITTED: july A, 196o Card 3/4 KOLOTOV, O.S.; SANIN, A.A.; SHILIBERSKIYY Z. Device for the adjustment of a pulse equipment in the millimicrosecond range. Frib.i tekh.eksp. 6 no-5:82-86 S-0 161. (MMA 14:10) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut yadernoy fiziki Moskovskogo gosudar.9tvennogo universiteta. (Fase techniques (Electronics)) SHILIDINE-a, L. -.;'. L, Z I,, " "An X:rf)or-b.lcn Lai. 'Jltll,-'y 0@' the Dcma---netizin7. Actu-.17:n cif Ama'ure Reacti--m,', '-'le`ri(,-hestvo, lJo. 6, lr-)49. ;and @ech L;ci. f,. t:. f, "Electrificati-on of -a-i !road '1'_-ans,)ort on 50 cycle Sin-f-7le Pha-se -AirMnt," 11o. C., I'5'r9f ,and of fech Sci Zak-h-r:h@-nIko, D. D. En,- ,r. -cl9,P,-. 7 L I D7',T7@,"i I L. .,. - -Pra q "-I n R c "An Anallytical ::et!@cd of -7-tudyinIc- the Dem-afmetizirr- Act-ion of --- e A- __'uure ea uion ' H -!,, 7@70. 10, 170@0 fe of Teclmilcall Scif2mes '*'oscarT. at @ ea-iry Ove-rloads.," -, , 3andi@--tu USSR/Electricity DC Machines May Inductance "The Effect of Mutual Inductance in DC-Machine Circuits and Determination of the Mutual Induc- tance of the Circuits5" L. M. Shilldiner, Cand Tech Sci, Moscov "F 'lektrichestvo" No 5, pp 48-51 Suggests 2 methods -- one exptl, the other analy- tical -- for detg the mutual inductance of elec circuits of dc machines, and-supplies exptl data. Submitted 1-9 Aug 50, 189T25 SHILIDINNR, L.H., kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk (Moskva); STASTUK, Y-N-, inzhoner. Problems related to the electrification of railroads. Jlektrichestvo no.10:77-80 0 '57. (NnA 10:9) 1. Tyazhpromelektroproyekt (for Stasyulk). (Railroads--Electrification) 110-12-12/19- AUTHOR: Shil'diner, L.M., Candidate of Technical Sciences. TITLE: Compensation of the Transformer e.m.f. of a 50 cls Single- phase Commutator Motor (Kompensatsiya transformatornoy E.D.S. odnofaznogo kollektornogo elektrodvigatelya 50 gts) FERIODICAL: Vestnik Elekill--ropromyshlennosti, 1957, Vol.28 ]No.12, pp. 41 - 43 @USSR . ABSTRACT: The amount of copper required in 50 c/s comm@tator trac- tion motors is much greater than in motors for 16 /3 c/s. Moreover, the currents are higher in the 50 cls motor so that cables and associated equipment require more copper. This is one of the main rea6ons why 50 cls commutator motors are not widely used for main line electrification. French and other European firms are trying to improve their 50 c/s motors but the fundamental disadvantages remain. The author considers a new means of considerably increasing the transformer e.m.f., so improving the 50 cls commutator motor. He has developed this new circuit into a number of variants, one of which is illutrated in rig.l. The advantages of a 50 c/s commutator traction-type motor using the new circuit as compared with ordinary motors, and 2with the commutating conditions allowed for in the latest 16 /3 cls motors on German locomotives are uardl/3as follows: the flux and the transformer e.m.f. are increased 110-12-12/19 Compensation of the Transformer e.m.f. of a 50 c/s Single-phase Commutator Motor. by a factor of 2.3 - 2.5 and the current and number of brushes are reduced by the sarae factors: the control apparatus is lighter and cheaper; the amount of copper required for the loco- motive is reduced by at least a third; the range of sparkless commutation is extended by a factor of 1.5 despite the great increase in the transformer e.m.f., and the locomotive is more reliable; and the efficiency is somewhat higher because of reduced losses in the commutator and interpoles. Fig.2 shows graphs of the remanent transformer e.m.f. of a normal 50 C/S commutator traction motor from the "Dynamo" Works with a transformer e.m.f. of 3 V (Curve 1), and the corresponding value for the new motor (Curve 2). The increase in the zone of sparkless commutation is clearly seen. The effectiveness of the proposed circuit was confirmed by tests made on a 400 kW motor in 1954. Even though the motor was an old one and not specially adapted to the requirements of the new circuit,, the results were very satisfactory. It is concluded that the improved 50 c/s commutator traction motor could be used in the develoDment of a very satisfactory locomotive. There are 2 figures. card2/3